18th April, 2024

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SUBJECT: Mathematics
STRAND (TOPIC): Numbers 1-20 explore to a 100
DATE:18th April, 2024
TIME: 08:15-09:15hrs
Objective (ELO): Learners will recognize, represent and compare quantitative information and develop quantitative reasoning including additives and
multiplicative thinking to make meaningful connection and solve problems.

What are the Specific Curriculum Outcomes?

Knowledge: Skills: Values:
 represent the ● Work respectfully and cooperatively with others.
● Saying numbers
numbers and actions
presented in a given meaningful, counting .
story problem by and skip counting.
using manipulatives,
and record them
using number
 ● create a word
problem for a given
number sentence.
Planning for the diverse learner(s) in this lesson.
● Visual Learners: Use of objects

● Auditory Learners:use of video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Di9tjBUixs0

How can OBSERVATION or CONVERSION or PRODUCTS be used to informally assess the learning in this lesson and to inform
the planning of the next lesson?
● Conversation: Discussion on the video.
State how video is related to topic.
Components of the lesson:
Prompter/ Hook/Anchor (3-5 minutes)
 Teacher introduces the lesson by engaging pupils to recite poem on addition with regrouping

Time to teach (10-15 minutes, depending on subject’s scheduled time)

Teacher recap concept of addition with regrouping step by step

Time to practice (15-45 minutes, depending on subject’s scheduled time)

Time to reflect and share-Learners (3-5 minutes)
 Can you tell me what you have learnt from our lesson today?
 Expected response: how to add by regrouping simple two digit sums
How does the lesson integrate with other subjects?
● Language- Vocabulary (meaning of words)
● HFLE- Cooperate by working in groups.

Resource used in the lesson Technology used in the lesson

 Books  Computer
 Pencil  Speaker
 counters  Video/song

How does the lesson include student contexts?

● Pupils know how to count and they know numbers
What is your final reflection on the lesson? (Reflective practice.

GRADE: one
SUBJECT: Reading
STRAND (TOPIC): Reading and Viewing ( The Rainbow) My friend
TIME: 12:10-12:30 hrs
What is the purpose of the lesson?

● Observe pictures displayed

● Listening to reading of text

● Answering oral questions

What are the Specific Curriculum Outcomes?
Knowledge: Skills: Values:
 4.9 be aware of ● Answer questions ● Learners will express an appreciation for different celebrations
how culture is effectively and in
described in text complete sentences. ● Willingly complete tasks given.
and images ● Listen attentively. .
 4.2 develop a
positive attitude
towards reading
and increase

Planning for the diverse learner(s) in this lesson.

● Kinetic learners: A short story will be used.

● Auditory Learners: Use of audio ‘ the rainbow song’

● Visual Learners: pictures will be used during story time

How can OBSERVATION or CONVERSION or PRODUCTS be used to informally assess the learning in this lesson and to inform
the planning of the next lesson?

● Conversation- conduct oral discussion based on the story

Components of the lesson:

Prompter/ Hook/Anchor (3-5 minutes)
Teacher will introduce a lesson with a song
Song- Daddy finger where are you….
Time to teach (10-15 minutes, depending on subject’s scheduled time)

● Learners will be guided to listen attentively.

● Expose learners to a story using pictures.

● Encourage pupils to read using the M.O.Y method.

Time to practice (15-45 minutes, depending on subject’s scheduled time)

Target words sits family table

Time to reflect and share – Learners (3-5 minutes)

What did you hear from the song and learnt from the story?

How does the lesson integrate with other subjects?

● Language- Vocabulary (meaning of words)

● HFLE- Cooperate by working in groups.

● Music- Song and video.

● Social Studies: family

Resource used in the lesson Technology used in the lesson
 Books  Computer
 Pencil  Speaker
 Story  Video/song
 Pictures
How does the lesson include student contexts?

● Learners have witnessed the rainbow

What is your final reflection on the lesson? (Reflective practice)

Draw a picture of his/her best friend
SUBJECT: Literacy Hour
STRAND (TOPIC): Speaking and Listening, Reading and Viewing, Writing and Representing
DATE:18th April, 2024
TIME: 09:40-10:30 hrs
What is the purpose of the lesson?
ELO 1- Learners will listen to and use target sounds to create word.
ELO 4- Learners will demonstrate a variety of ways to select and engage critically.
ELO 7- Learners will organize thoughts to explore, clarify and reflect as they write or represent words.
1.2Develop more comfort with one to one, small group and large group conversation.
2.0 Develop respectful speaking behavior to use in a variety of classroom situations such as paired sharing and small and large group discussions.
3.2 Identify the position of sounds in words.
4.2 Develop a positive attitude towards reading and increase confidence.
4.4 Ask questions of text and share information from texts that are culturally interesting.
What are the Specific Curriculum Outcomes?
Students will be able to identify an generate words from the an and am families.
Knowledge: Skills: Values:
 1.3 Begin to develop listening  Willingly participate in repeating target ● Caring for others.
 3.5 Identify similarities and sound.
differences in letter sounds.  Identifying target sound in words. ● Show respect for other people speaking different langua
 5.14 Identify and use initial letters
to decode unknown words.
2.0 Develop an understanding of
how to speak and listen
respectfully and politely in
cooperative groups and play.
Planning for the diverse learner(s) in this lesson.
● Visual aids for visual learners

● Hands on activities for kinesthetic learners

● Verbal prompts and discussion for auditory learners

How can OBSERVATION or CONVERSION or PRODUCTS be used to informally assess the learning in this lesson and to inform the planning of the
(Formative Assessment)
● Observations during whole class and small group activities

● Conversations with individual students

● Student created word lists components of the lesson

Components of the lesson:

Prompter/ Hook/Anchor (3-5 minutes)
Begin the lesson by showing a short video showing ai and ay sounds.

Time to teach (10-15 minutes, depending on subject’s scheduled time)

Review the video content an emphasize the sound patterns and common words with ai and ay.

Phonemic Awareness: pupil will decode words with ‘ai’ and ‘ay’ /p/ /ay/ /d/ /ay/ /r/ /ai/ /n/ /m/ /ai/ /l/
 Learners will be guided to listen to and create words with the target sounds /ai/ and /ay/
Time to practice (15-45 minutes, depending on subject’s scheduled time)
Fluency: ( read aloud)
Pain day rain say
Snail tray drain may
Paint play pail stay
Time to Reflect and share – Learners (3-5 minutes)
Bring class together and have each group share some of the words they created.

How does the lesson integrate with other subjects?

 Music: song/ video on target sound.
 Art: drawing
 Grammar –Sentences, punctuation marks
 Spelling:

Resource used in the lesson Technology used in the lesson

 Books  Computer
 Pencil  Speaker
 Flash cards  Video/song

How does the lesson include student contexts?

Use examples and words that are familiar to the students everyday experiences
Encourage students to share words they encounter in their own lives that belongs to the ai and ay
GRADE: one

SUBJECT: Social- Studies

STRAND (TOPIC) Dynamic relationship
DATE:18 April, 2024
TIME: 12:00
What -12:50
is your hrs.reflection on the lesson? (Reflective practice)

What is the purpose of the lesson?

E.LO- to analyze the dynamic relationship of people with land , environment , events , and ideas as they have affected the past , shape the
present and influence the future.

What are the Specific Curriculum Outcomes?

Knowledge: 1.1 Skills: Values:
 Identify the weather Identifying the
● Work respectfully and cooperatively with others.
conditions and weather conditions
examine the effects and examining the ● Show appreciation for peers.
of weather effects of weather
conditions on the conditions on the
lives of humans. lives of human.

Planning for the diverse learner(s) in this lesson.
● Visual Learners: Use of picture

● Auditory Learners: listen and interact in discussion

How can OBSERVATION or CONVERSION or PRODUCTS be used to informally assess the learning in this lesson and to inform
the planning of the next lesson?
● Product: Use a video to a target attention

● Conversation: Discussion on pictures.

Components of the lesson:

Prompter/ Hook/Anchor (3-5 minutes)
Teacher will introduce lesson with a poem based on weather.

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