18th April, 2024
18th April, 2024
18th April, 2024
SUBJECT: Mathematics
STRAND (TOPIC): Numbers 1-20 explore to a 100
DATE:18th April, 2024
TIME: 08:15-09:15hrs
Objective (ELO): Learners will recognize, represent and compare quantitative information and develop quantitative reasoning including additives and
multiplicative thinking to make meaningful connection and solve problems.
How can OBSERVATION or CONVERSION or PRODUCTS be used to informally assess the learning in this lesson and to inform
the planning of the next lesson?
● Conversation: Discussion on the video.
State how video is related to topic.
Components of the lesson:
Prompter/ Hook/Anchor (3-5 minutes)
Teacher introduces the lesson by engaging pupils to recite poem on addition with regrouping
GRADE: one
SUBJECT: Reading
STRAND (TOPIC): Reading and Viewing ( The Rainbow) My friend
TIME: 12:10-12:30 hrs
What is the purpose of the lesson?
What did you hear from the song and learnt from the story?
Phonemic Awareness: pupil will decode words with ‘ai’ and ‘ay’ /p/ /ay/ /d/ /ay/ /r/ /ai/ /n/ /m/ /ai/ /l/
Learners will be guided to listen to and create words with the target sounds /ai/ and /ay/
Time to practice (15-45 minutes, depending on subject’s scheduled time)
Fluency: ( read aloud)
Pain day rain say
Snail tray drain may
Paint play pail stay
Time to Reflect and share – Learners (3-5 minutes)
Bring class together and have each group share some of the words they created.
How can OBSERVATION or CONVERSION or PRODUCTS be used to informally assess the learning in this lesson and to inform
the planning of the next lesson?
● Product: Use a video to a target attention