Grand-Demo-Dlp - Engay - Nursery

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School Year 2023-2024 Teacher Alexandra Francine Engay

Nursery - Literacy
Quarter and Week No. 4TH Quarter – 2nd week Level and Subject

I. AIM / Goals: Clarify the outcomes of every lesson so that students know beforehand what they will learn.

A. Content Standards ● The child demonstrates an understanding of different types of weather and changes that occur in the environment.

B. Performance Standards
● The child shall be able to talk about adapting to the different kinds of weather and caring for the environment.

C. Learning Competencies
(Write the LC code for ● Tell and describe the different kinds of weather (sunny, rainy, cloudy, stormy, windy) .
each.) - MELCS

D. Learning Objectives At the end of the lesson, the pupils are expected to:
1. Name different objects that can be moved by the wind.
2. Understand that wind move things
3. Demonstrate how the wind works by blowing the paint.
D. Topic/s
Weather: Windy

E. Integration of Biblical
Principles to the Lesson “He causes the sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous” (Matthew 5:45)
F. Learning Resources XSEED Foundation for Life. (2019). XSEED Preschool Program. XSEED Education Pte Ltd. 978-981-31-9025-2

Reference XSEED Foundation for Life. (2019). Strand: Our Environment. In the XSEED Preschool Program (p. 7). XSEED Education Pte Ltd.

1. Textbook Pages XSEED Foundation for Life. (2019). Strand: Our Environment. In the XSEED Young Explorer (p. 13). XSEED Education Pte Ltd.

2. Teacher’s Guide Pages
XSEED Foundation for Life. (2019). Strand: Our Environment. In the XSEED Preschool Program (p. 7). XSEED Education Pte Ltd.

3. Learners’ Materials

Other Learning Resources Windy day song:

II. ACTION / Explore: Perform an action or an activity to experience concepts firsthand. (Kindly include the time allotted for each activity)

A. Preliminaries: Circle Time (12:15 – 12:30)

(Meng Hsin will go in front.)
A. Initial Classroom Let us start our day with a prayer.
Routines (Include Meng Hsin, can you please lead the prayer?
Homework given) Classmates, are you ready to pray?
Ask your classmates if they’re ready to pray. Yes we are.
“My hands praying, praying, praying
My hands are praying just like this.” Students will follow.
Thank you God, for this new day. In my school, to work, and play. Please Thank you Lord, for this day. In my school, to work, and play. Please be
be with me all day long, In every story, game and song. May all the with me all day long, In every story, game and song. May all the happy
happy things we do, make you, our father, happy too. Amen. things we do, make you, our father, happy too. Amen.

When we sing the national anthem, where do we put our right hand? On our chests.
(Students will put their right hand on their chest.)
Now, to sing our school hymn.

Students will sing along with the teacher

It’s time for Freeze Dance! Students will dance along with the song.


Go back to your seats now.

Let us greet each other first. The students will repeat the sentence.
Good afternoon, T. Pat. Good morning, T. Pat
Good afternoon, T. CJ. Good morning, T. CJ
Good afternoon, T. Alex Good morning, T. Alex
Good afternoon, classmates. Good morning, classmates.

Let’s see who is present here today. Raise your right hand when the
teacher calls your name.

(The teacher will call the names of the children)

(The teacher will count the total number of students)

(The teacher will identify the student who’s not present.)

We have _ girls and _ boys.

Now, where are your looking eyes?

(Teacher will demonstrate)

Looking eyes.

Where are your gentle hands?

(Teacher will extend her hands to the students)
Gentle hands

When do we use our gentle hands?

Do we use our hands to hit our classmates?

Where are your walking feet?

(Teacher will demonstrate walking in front)

When going to the library, do we use our running feet or walking feet?

Do we use our running feet or walking feet inside the classroom?

Where is your quiet mouth?

(Teacher will do the shush gesture)

Where are your listening ears?.

(Teacher will demonstrate.)

Listening ears


B. Lesson Proper
Review of previous

What activities can the (Teacher will sing along with the song)
students do for them to do
Before we learn a new lesson today, what letter did we learn about Students will raise their hands.
the competency?
Students will say a different letter.
Can anyone remember?
Students will raise their hands.

Letter W!
That is correct. What is the sound of letter W

The letter W sounds like this /wo/

Can you do the sound of the letter W?

(Students will follow)
/wo/ /wo/.
/wo/ /wo/

Where is your pointer finger?

(Teacher will raise her pointer finger) Students will raise their pointer fingers.

Let us try to write the letter W using our pointer finger. (Students will follow)

(Start from the top. Up, down, up,down and up)

What are the words that start with the letter W?

Students will raise their hands.






Now, there’s a kind of weather where we can fly our kite. This weather
also starts with the letter Ww. Windy!

Very good. It is windy weather.

Now, teacher will read a story entitiled “The wind blew by Pat Hutchins”

When we have a story, we use our looking eyes, quiet mouth and
listening ears.

Based on the story, what happened to the objects that the people were

What were the objects that were blown away by the wind based on the



Good job everyone. Hanky/handkerchief

From our story, can you tell the teacher what kind of weather is windy?

That is correct. It is a kind of weather with strong winds. (Teacher will It has a strong wind!
show a video of a windy weather)

Try blowing your hands, can you feel the wind?

Students will answer.

Did you see the wind when you tried to blow your hand?
Students will answer.

We can feel the wind but we cannot see it.

Now, let’s try to feel the wind using a fan.

(Teacher will stand in front of the students, and hold the fan in front of

(Teacher will set the fan on high speed)

Now, what are the other things that can be blown away by the wind?

We are going to do a short activity.

I have paper, and cotton, let’s see if they can easily be blown away by
the wind.

(Teacher, first places the paper on top of the students’ table)

Students will blow the paper on the table.
Now I want you to try blowing the paper on your table.

What happened to the paper?

It fell on the floor.
That is correct. Can we say that a paper is easily blown away by the
wind? Yes!

Now, let’s try the cotton balls.

(Teacher, places the cotton balls on top of the students’ table)

Now I want you to try blowing the cotton balls on your table. Students will blow the cotton on the table.

What happened to the cotton balls? It fell on the floor.

Can we also say that cotton is easily blown away by the wind? Yes!

Very good.

There are also things that cannot easily be blown by the wind.

(Teacher will show examples, such as rocks or pebbles)

Let’s try to blow the rocks using a fan.

(Teacher will set the rocks on the table and place the fan in front)

Are the rocks moving? No!

Why are the rocks not moving? Because it’s heavy!

That is correct. Objects that are heavy cannot easily be blown away by
the wind.

Now, let’s talk about the different activities you can do on a windy day.

(Teacher shows videos of, flying a kite, a paper airplane, and blowing of
Now, do you want to try to blow bubbles?


(Teacher will demonstrate: holding the wand, dipping and blowing)

I have bubbles here, and I will call you one by one to try blowing the

Remember that you have to wait for your turn okay.

(Students will be the one to hold the dip and wand)
Are you ready?

(Teacher will call the students to go in front)

(Teacher gives praises to students who are waiting patiently)

Great job everyone!

III. ANALYZE / Explain: Reflect on the experience and ask probing questions to understand the concept better.


Before doing our worksheet, let us first have a recall on the things we
learned today.
Generalized discussion.
What weather did we learn about today?
Higher order thinking Windy weather!
questions (HOTS) Very good!

How will you elicit the What are the different things that can be blown away by the wind?
students’ learning from the Paper!

How will the discussion
proceed? Hats!

That is correct. Good job everyone!

Can anyone tell me the different activities we can do on a windy day?

Flying a kite!
Blowing bubbles!

Flying a paper airplane!

Very good everyone!

Let’s now proceed to our worksheet activity for today.

IV. APPLY / Elaborate: Practice solving real-world problems either in the workbook or through group activities to reinforce understanding and build relevant skills.


Activities for application

(formative assessments,
group/individual tasks)

Describe the assessments


Worksheet Brown / black paint


A. Summative Assessments

B. Self-assessment

For Teachers:
Reflection and Self-evaluation

What worked well?

What can be improved?

Evaluator’s Remarks:

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