Cse Sem V & Sem Vi

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Program: B.TECH.

(Computer Science and Engineering) Semester – V CBCS 2021 Course

Sr. No. Course Name of Course Teaching Examination Scheme (Marks) Credits
Code Scheme

L P T ESE IA TW OR PR Total L P T Total

1 Software Testing and Quality 3 2 - 60 40 25 25 - 150 3 1 - 4

Assurance (RK)

2 Big Data Analytics (PAJ) 4 - - 60 40 - - - 100 4 - - 4

3 Human Machine Interaction (AK, 4 - - 60 40 - - - 100 4 - - 4


4 Computer Networks (TS) 4 2 - 60 40 25 - 25 150 4 1 - 5

5 Artificial Intelligence* (MK) 4 2 - 60 40 25 - 25 150 4 1 - 5

6 CSE Skill Lab –II (PK, TS) - 4 - - - 25 - 25 50 - 2 - 2

7 Vocational Course-III - 2 - - - 25 25 - 50 - 1 - 1

Total 19 12 - 300 200 125 50 75 750 19 6 - 25

Social Activity-II - - - - - - - - - - - - 2

Environmental Studies** 2 - - 50 - - - - - - - - -
* Industry Taught Course – III

** Mandatory Audit Course - 50 Marks Theory Examination

List of Vocational Courses will be published by the department before the commencement of respective semester.

Program: B.TECH. (Computer Science and Engineering) Semester – VI CBCS 2021 Course

Sr. No. Course Name of Course Teaching Examination Scheme (Marks) Credits
Code Scheme

L P T ESE IA TW OR PR Total L P T Total

1 Business Intelligence System* (BG) 3 2 - 60 40 25 - 25 150 3 1 - 4

2 Cryptography and Network Security (AKK) 4 2 - 60 40 25 - 25 150 4 1 - 5

3 Natural Language Processing (MK, PAJ) 4 2 - 60 40 25 25 - 150 4 1 - 5

4 Quantitative Techniques, Communication and 4 - 60 40 - - - 100 4 - - 4

Values (Bonsale, Suryawanshi)

5 Design Thinking (PK) 4 - 60 40 - - - 100 4 - 4

6 CSE Skill Lab –III (PK, TS) - 4 - - - 25 - 25 50 - 2 - 2

7 Vocational Course-IV - 2 - - - 25 25 - 50 - 1 - 1

Total 19 12 - 300 200 125 50 75 750 19 06 - 25

MOOC - II # - - - - - - - - - - - - 2

*Industry Taught Course- IV

Add-on Course - List of MOOC and Vocational Courses will be published by the department before the commencement of
respective semester.
Software Testing and Quality Assurance
Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme Credit Scheme
Hours/Week Marks Credits
Lecture: 03 Hours/Week University Examination: 60 Marks
Practical: 02 Hours/Week Internal Assessment: 40 Marks Lecture 03
Term Work 25 Marks Practical 01
Oral 25 Marks
Total 150 Marks Total 04
Course Objective:
To study the basics of testing ,various types of test in the life cycle of the software product.
To build design concepts for system testing and execution
To learn the software quality assurance ,metrics, defect prevention techniques
To learn the techniques for quality assurance and applying for applications.

1. Software Engineering.
Course Outcomes: On completion of the course, students will have the ability to:
1. Perform functional and non functional tests in the life cycle of the software product.
2. Understand system testing and test execution process.
3. Identify defect prevention techniques and software quality assurance metrics.
4. Apply techniques of quality assurance for typical applications.
5. Choose appropriate quality assurance models and develop quality.
6. Ability to conduct formal inspections, record and evaluate results of inspections.
Quality Revolution, Verification and Validation, Failure, Error, Fault, and Defect,
Objectives of Testing, Testing Activities, Test Case Selection White-Box and Black
,test Planning and design, Test Tools and Automation, . Power of Test. Test Team
Organization and Management-Test Groups, Software Quality Assurance Group
,System Test Team Hierarchy, Team Building.
System Testing - System Integration Techniques-Incremental, Top Down Bottom Up
Sandwich and Big Bang, Software and Hardware Integration, Hardware Design
Verification Tests, Hardware and Software Compatibility Matrix Test Plan for System
Integration. Built- in Testing. functional testing - Testing a Function in Context.
Boundary Value Analysis, Decision Tables. acceptance testing - Selection of
Acceptance Criteria, Acceptance Test Plan, Test Execution Test. software reliability -
Fault and Failure, Factors Influencing Software, Reliability Models


System test categories Taxonomy of System Tests, Interface Tests Functionality Tests.
GUI Tests, Security Tests Feature Tests, Robustness Tests, Boundary Value Tests
Power Cycling Tests Interoperability Tests, Scalability Tests, Stress Tests, Load and
Stability Tests, Reliability Tests, Regression Tests, Regulatory Tests.
Test Generation from FSM models- State-Oriented Model. Finite-State Machine
Transition Tour Method, Testing with State Verification. Test Architectures-Local,
distributed, Coordinated, Remote. system test design- Test Design Factors
Requirement Identification, modeling a Test Design Process Test Design Preparedness,
Metrics, Test Case Design Effectiveness. system test execution- Modeling Defects,
Metrics for Monitoring Test Execution .Defect Reports, Defect Causal Analysis, Beta
testing, measuring Test Effectiveness.
Software quality - People‘s Quality Expectations, Frameworks and ISO-9126,
McCall‘s Quality Factors and Criteria – Relationship. Quality Metrics. Quality
Characteristics ISO 9000:2000 Software Quality Standard. Maturity models- Test
Process Improvement ,Testing Maturity Model.


Quality Assurance - Root Cause Analysis, modeling, technologies, standards and
methodologies for defect prevention. Fault Tolerance and Failure Containment - Safety
Assurance and Damage Control, Hazard analysis using fault-trees and event-trees.
Comparing Quality Assurance Techniques and Activities. QA Monitoring and
Measurement, Risk Identification for Quantifiable Quality Improvement. Case Study:
FSM-Based Testing of Web-Based Applications.
Software test automation – skills needed for automation – scope of automation – design
and architecture for automation – requirements for a test tool – challenges in
automation – Test metrics and measurements – project, progress and productivity
metrics. TestNG Testing Framework for Selenium.
1. Software Testing And Quality Assurance-Theory and Practice, Kshirasagar Nak Priyadarshi
Tripathy, John Wiley & Sons Inc,2008
2. Software Quality Engineering: Testing, Quality Assurance, and Quantifiable Improvement,
Jeff Tian, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey. 2005.
Reference Books
1. Software Quality Assurance - From Theory to Implementation, Daniel Galin, Pearson
Education Ltd UK, 2004
2. Software Quality Assurance, Milind Limaye, TMH ,New Delhi, 2011
List of Assignments Commented [SN1]: May consider Security testing as one
• To Prepare Test Plan for the implemented system under test. The Test Plan shall be of the aspect
based on System Requirement Specification. The Test plan consists of following
issues. a. Purpose of the test. /Location and schedule of the test. b. Test descriptions.
/Pass and Fail Criteria
• To identify and narrate Test cases, Test scripts/procedures and Test incident Report
identifier for the system under test. Refer Use case analysis document to prepare
mentioned/ identified test documents. The expected specifications/ behaviors can be
stated with the help of Test Oracle
• To perform Unit testing especially indicating the traced Independent data paths,
Control paths and Error handling paths. Prepare control flow graphs for the unit under
test. Compute the Cyclomatic complexity of the unit.
• 4. To perform Data Flow testing for the Program Segments by identifying the
Definition-Use chain and type of data flow anomaly.
• To perform Mutation Analysis of the Program Segments along with mutant history,
mutation score and type of mutation by using any Code analysis Tool / Mutation
Testing Tool (JUNIT, MuJava).
• To perform Black-Box Testing for all the units contained in the architectural
segments using Equivalence Partitioning, Boundary Value Analysis and Orthogonal
Array testing methods. To study exploratory Testing for the Module under Test and
merits/demerits of this technique.
• To perform Regression Testing / GUI Testing of the System under construction
with Unit and Integration profiles by using any Functional Testing Tool.
• To perform Automated Testing using suitable CASE tool addressing Higher-Order
testing strategies.
• To perform Web Based Testing for Web Application incorporating any Open
Source Tool. To study Performance Testing, Load Testing, Security Testing,
Stress Testing, Demonstrate on link Test expectation.
• To perform Software Audit (Checklist and Template-based) for the software
developed and improve the Code Quality.
Project Based Learning
1. Every Student should select different websites/Applications and perform the each phase of

Syllabus for Unit Tests:

Unit Test -1 Unit – I, Unit – II, Unit - III
Unit Test -2 Unit – IV, Unit – V, Unit - VI
Big Data Analytics
Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme Credit Scheme
Hours/Week Marks Credits
Lecture: 04 University 60 Marks
Hours/Week Examination:
Practica 00 40 Marks Lecture 04
Internal Assessment:
l: Hours/Week
Term Work 0 Marks Practical 00

Total 100 Marks Total 04

Course Objective:
To know the fundamental concepts of big data and analytics.
To explore tools and practices for working with big data
To learn about stream computing.
To know about the research that requires the integration of large amounts of data.

a Big Data Analyst needs to be very comfortable with coding, Data Warehousing, Data
Visualisation, Business Knowledge etc.

Course Outcomes: On completion of the course, students will have the ability to:

1. Understand how to leverage the insights from big data analytics

2. Analyze data by utilizing various statistical and data mining approaches
3. Perform analytics on real-time streaming data
4. Understand the various NoSql alternative database models
5. Understand the Stream Data Model and Real Time Sentiment Analysis.
6. Understand the pig Data Model and Aggregated data model.


Big Data – Definition, Characteristic Features – Big Data Applications - Big
Data vs Traditional Data - Risks of Big Data - Structure of Big Data -
Challenges of Conventional Systems - Web Data – Evolution of Analytic
Scalability - Evolution of Analytic Processes, Tools and methods - Analysis vs
Reporting - Modern Data Analytic Tools.


Distributed File Systems - Large-Scale FileSystem Organization – HDFS
concepts - MapReduce Execution, Algorithms using MapReduce, Matrix-
Vector Multiplication – Hadoop YARN
Statistical Methods:Regression modelling, Multivariate Analysis -
Classification: SVM & Kernel Methods - Rule Mining - Cluster Analysis,
Types of Data in Cluster Analysis, Partitioning Methods,Hierarchical Methods,
Density Based Methods, Grid Based Methods, Model Based Clustering
Methods, Clustering High Dimensional Data - Predictive Analytics – Data
analysis using R.


Streams: Concepts – Stream Data Model and Architecture - Sampling data in a
stream - Mining Data Streams and Mining Time-series data - Real Time
Analytics Platform (RTAP) Applications - Case Studies - Real Time Sentiment
Analysis, Stock Market Predictions.


Advanced Analytical Theory and Methods: Overview of Clustering – K-means
– Use Cases – Overview of the Method – Determining the Number of Clusters
– Diagnostics – Reasons to Choose and Cautions .- Classification: Decision
Trees – Overview of a Decision Tree – The General Algorithm – Decision Tree
Algorithms – Evaluating a Decision Tree – Decision Trees in R – Naïve Bayes
– Bayes‘ Theorem – Naïve Bayes Classifier.


Introduction to NoSQL – Aggregate Data Models – Hbase: Data Model and
Implementations – Hbase Clients – Examples – .Cassandra: Data Model –
Examples – Cassandra Clients – Hadoop Integration. Pig – Grunt – Pig Data
Model – Pig Latin – developing and testing Pig Latin scripts. Hive – Data Types
and File Formats – HiveQL Data Definition – HiveQL Data Manipulation –
HiveQL Queries

1. Anand Rajaraman and Jeffrey David Ullman, “Mining of Massive Datasets”,
Cambridge University Press, 2012.

Reference Books
1. .Bill Franks, ―Taming the Big Data Tidal Wave: Finding Opportunities in Huge
Data Streams with Advanced Analytics‖, Wiley and SAS Business Series, 2012.

2. David Loshin, "Big Data Analytics: From Strategic Planning to Enterprise

Integration with Tools, Techniques, NoSQL, and Graph", 2013.

List of Assignments
• List the main characteristics of big data architecture with a neat schematic diagram.
• Explain in detail about the challenges of conventional system
• How would you show your understanding of the tools, trends and
technology in big data
• What are the best practices in Big Data analytics? Explain the techniques used in Big
Data Analytics
• Discuss the following features of Apache Hadoop in detail with diagram as
• Describe briefly about Hadoop input and output and write a note on data integrity
• Explain clustering and classifications in detail.
Project Based Learning:
1. Market Basket Analysis
2. Airline Dataset Analysis
3. Data Analysis using Clustering
Syllabus for Unit Tests:
Unit Test -1 Unit – I, Unit – II, Unit - III
Unit Test -2 Unit – IV, Unit – V, Unit - VI
Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme Credit Scheme
Hours/Week Marks Credits
Lecture: 04 Hours/Week University Examination: 60 Marks
Practical: 00 Hours/Week Internal Assessment: 40 Marks Lecture 04
Term Work&Practical 00 Marks Practical 00

Total 100 Marks Total 04

Course Objective:
1. To introduce the need for human- Machine -interaction study or human-entered
software design.
2. To gain an understanding of the human part of human- Machine -interactions.
3. Develop meaningful user interface.
4. Design and implement useful, usable, and engaging graphical Machine interfaces.
5. To apply HMI to real life use cases.
6. To familiarize information, interaction and GUI design process for enhancing user-

Basic knowledge of designing tools and languages like HTML, Java, etc

Course Outcomes: On completion of the course, students will have the ability to:
1. Identify User Interface (UI) design principles.
2. Apply Interactive Design process in real world applications
3. To develop understanding of human factors in HMI design.
4. To design effective user-interfaces
5. To apply cognitive models for predicting human-Machine-interactions.
6. To develop understanding of models, paradigms and context of interactions

Unit I 08 Hours
Introduction to HMI, Importance of user Interface - definition, importance of
good design. Benefits of good design. A brief history of Screen design, The
graphical user interface - popularity of graphics, the concept of direct
manipulation, graphical system, Web user - Interface popularity, characteristics-
Principles of user interface.

Unit II 08 Hours
Basics – process – scenarios – navigation – screen design Iteration and prototyping.
HMI in software process: Software life cycle – usability engineering – Prototyping in
practice – design rationale. Design rules: principles, standards, guidelines, rules.
Evaluation Techniques – Universal Design.

Unit III 08 Hours

Design goals, Screen planning and purpose, organizing screen elements,
ordering of screen data and content, screen navigation and flow, visually
pleasing composition, amount of information, focus and emphasis, presentation
information simply and meaningfully, information retrieval on web, statistical
graphics, Technological consideration in interface design.

Unit IV 08 Hours
Mobile Ecosystem: Platforms, Application frameworks: Types of Mobile Applications:
Widgets, Applications, Games, Mobile Information Architecture, Mobile 2.0, Mobile
Design: Elements of Mobile Design, Tools

Unit V 08 Hours

Goal and task hierarchy model, Linguistic model, Physical and device
models, Cognitive models: Socio-Organizational issues and
stakeholder requirements –Communication and collaboration models-
Hypertext, Multimedia and WWW. Cognitive architectures,
Hierarchical task analysis (HTA), Uses of task analysis, Diagrammatic
dialog design notations, Computer mediated communication,
Ubiquitous Computing, Finding things on web Future of HMI
Unit VI 08 Hours

Keyboard and Function Keys - Pointing Devices - Speech Recognition

Digitization and Generation -Image and Video Displays -Drivers.

1. Alan Dix, Janet Finlay, Gregory Abowd, Russell Beale, Human Computer
Interaction, 3rdEdition, Pearson Education, 2004.
3. Wilbert O. Galitz , The Essential Guide to User Interface Design, Wiley
4. Alan Cooper, Robert Reimann, David Cronin, About Face3: Essentials of Interaction
design, Wiley publication.
5. Jeff Johnson, Designing with the mind in mind, Morgan Kaufmann Publication.
6. Donald A. Normann, Design of everyday things, Basic Books; Reprint edition 2002.
7. Brian Fling, Mobile Design and Development, First Edition , OReilly Media Inc., 2009

Reference Books
1. Rogers Sharp Preece Interaction Design: Beyond Human Computer Interaction,
2. Guy A. Boy the Handbook of Human Machine Interaction, Ashgate publishing Ltd
3. Kalbande, Kanade, Iyer , Galitzs Human Machine Interaction, Wiley Publications.
List of Assignments
• Explain the characteristics of GUI.
• Compare and contrast GUI and web interface design.
• Explain contrast between printed pages versus web pages.
• Explain the general principles of UID.
• Mention the advantages & disadvantages of GUI in detail
• Explain the concept of direct and indirect manipulation and when it leads to infeasible
• Write short notes on human characteristics in interface design
• Explain the direct and indirect methods for determining business requirements
analysis on user interface design

Project Based Learning Commented [SN2]: May consider : (a) AR/VR/MR based
1. Project Web Site and Brainstorming Interactive interfaces (b) ICT Accessibility and UI based on
Haptics tec.
2. UI Critique
3. Ethnography
4. Protoyping
5. Heuristic Evaluation

Syllabus for Unit Tests:

Unit Test -1 Unit – I, Unit – II, Unit - III
Unit Test -2 Unit – IV, Unit – V, Unit - VI
Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme Credit Scheme
Hours/Week Marks Credits
Lecture: 04 Hours/Week University Examination: 60 Marks
Practical: 02 Hours/Week Internal Assessment: 40 Marks Lecture 04
Term Work 25 Marks Practical 01
Practical 25 Marks
Total 150 Marks Total 05
Course Objective:
1. To understand the fundamental concepts of networking and technologies
2. To learn different techniques for framing, error control, flow control and routing
3. To learn different layer protocols in the Network layer
4. To understand modern network architectures with respect to design and
Computer Systems Workshop Technology

Course Outcomes: On completion of the course, students will have the ability to:
1. Summarize fundamental concepts of Computer Networks, architectures, protocols
and technologies
2. Illustrate the working and functions of data link layer
3. Analyze the working of different routing protocols and mechanisms
4. Implement client-server applications using sockets
5. Illustrate role of application layer with its protocols, client-server architectures
6. Illustrate the different multiplexing techniques

Unit I : Basics of Computer Networks 08 Hours

Introduction to computer network, Types of computer network,Ad-hoc
Network, Network Architectures: Client-Server; Peer To Peer; Distributed and
SDN, OSI Model, TCP/IP Model, Topologies: Star and Hierarchical; Design
issues for Layers, Transmission Mediums: CAT5, 5e, 6, OFC and Radio
Spectrum, Network Devices: Bridge, Switch, Router, Brouter and Access Point.

Unit II : Data Link Layer 08 Hours

Design issues, error detection and correction, elementary data link protocols,
sliding window protocols, example data link protocols - HDLC, the data link
layer in the internet. THE MEDIUM ACCESS SUBLAYER: Channel
allocations problem, multiple access protocols, Ethernet, Data Link Layer
switching, Wireless LAN, Broadband Wireless, Bluetooth

Unit III : Network Layer 08 Hours

Switching techniques, IP Protocol, IPv4 and IPv6 addressing schemes,
Subnetting, Address mapping – ARP, RARP, BOOTP and DHCP–Delivery
,Routing Protocols: Distance Vector, Link State, Path Vector, Routing in
Internet: RIP ,OSPF, BGP.

Unit IV : Transport Layer 08 Hours

Transport Service, transport layer protocols for flow control, Elements of
Transport Protocols, Multiplexing, Congestion Control, Example protocols:

Unit V : Application Layer 08 Hours

Domain Name System (DNS), Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP), Email:
SMTP, MIME, POP3, Webmail, FTP, TELNET, Dynamic Host Control
Protocol (DHCP), WWW, HTTP, SNMP, Bluetooth, Firewalls.

Unit VI: Network Security 08 Hours

Network Security: Electronic mail, directory services and network
management, Basic concepts of Cryptography.

1. Fourauzan B.,"Data Communications and Networking", 5 th Edition, Tata McGraw-
Hill, Publications, ISBN:0–07 – 058408 – 7
2. Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Computer Networks, 5th Edition, Pearson India, 2012.

Reference Books
1. Kurose, Ross, “Computer Networking a Top Down Approach Featuring the
Internet”, Pearson, ISBN-10: 0132856204
2. L. Peterson and B. Davie, “Computer Networks: A Systems Approach”, 5th
Edition, Morgan-Kaufmann, 2012.
3. Douglas E. Comer & M.S Narayanan,”Computer Network & Internet”, Pearson

List of Assignments

• Study of LAN environment.

• Explain OSI Model in detail.
• Explain error detection and correction methods with example.
• Study the concept of subnetting at network layer.
• Discuss switching techniques in detail.
• Explain multiplexing methods in detail.
• Assignment on Application Layer
• Assignment on Bandwidth utilization techniques.

List of Laboratory Exercises

1. Setup a wired LAN using Switch, Router and then IP switch of minimum four computers,
configuration machine using IP addresses, testing using PING utility using Network
Simulation tool Cisco Packet Tracer.
2. Write a program for error detection and correction for 7/8 bits ASCII codes using Hamming
Codes and CRC.
3. Write a program to simulate Go back N and Selective Repeat Modes of Sliding Window
Protocol in peer to peer mode.
4. Write a program to demonstrate subnetting and find the subnet masks
5. Configure RIP/OSPF/BGP using packet Tracer
6. Write a program for DNS lookup. Given an IP address input, it should return URL and vice-
7. Write a program using TCP socket for wired network.
8. Write a program using UDP Sockets to enable file transfer (Script, Text, Audio and Video
one file each) between two machines
9. Use network simulator NS2 to implement: Monitoring traffic for the given topology
10. Study of Installation and configuration of DHCP server

Project Based Learning Commented [SN3]: Usage of Network Simulators (NS) and
1. Chat Application Open source framework for 5G
2. Multiuser Chat Application
3. Network monitoring System
4. Intruder Detection System
5. Computing shortest path between nodes
6. Client-Server based Instant Messenger
7. File Transfer Protocol
8. Network Security Protocol with Cryptography
9. Peer to peer resource monitoring system
10. Distance-Vector-Routing-and-Flow-Control-Simulator
11. Link state routing protocol to find suitable path for transmission.
12. analyse following packet formats captured through Wireshark for wired network

Syllabus for Unit Tests:

Unit Test -1 Unit – I, Unit – II, Unit - III
Unit Test -2 Unit – IV, Unit – V, Unit - VI
Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme Credit Scheme
Hours/Week Marks Credits
Lecture: 04 Hours/Week University Examination: 60 Marks
Practical: 02 Hours/Week Internal Assessment: 40 Marks Lecture 04
Term Work 25 Marks Practical 01
Practical 25 Marks
Total 150 Marks Total 05
Course Objective:
1 To impart artificial intelligence principles, techniques, and it’s history
2. To assess the applicability, strengths, and weaknesses of the basic knowledge
representation, problem solving, and learning methods in solving engineering
3. To develop intelligent systems by assembling solutions to concrete computational
Discrete mathematics, Data structures
Course Outcomes: On completion of the course, students will have the ability to:
1. Describe the concept of Artificial Intelligence, Intelligent agents and Learning
2. Identify issues in problem solving and apply the appropriate search methods
3. Use the appropriate search method and identify the constraints
4. Describe and select the different knowledge representation methods
5. Identify the components of planning for a particular System
6. Use appropriate domain knowledge and develop an Expert system

Unit I 08 Hours
Introduction to Artificial intelligence and Agents: Introduction–Human
Intelligence, comparison between Man and Machine, Definition -The Turing Test,
Definitions - Importance of AI, Evolution of AI - Applications of AI, Problems of AI,
AI technique, Tic - Tac - Toe problem. Intelligent Agents, Agents &
environment, nature of environment, structure of agents, goal-based agents,
utility-based agents, learning agents. Introduction to Basic concept of Machine
Learning (ML), Deep Learning (DL)and Data Science. (DS). AI vs ML vs DL
vs DS,
Case Study- 1 : AI for everyone/ Building AI Projects
Case Study- 2 : AI and Society / Ethics for AI

Unit II 08 Hours
Problem Solving, Problems, Problem Space & search: Defining the problem as state
space search, production system, problem characteristics, issues in the design of search
Search techniques: Problem solving agents, searching for solutions; uniform search
strategies: breadth first search, depth first search, depth limited search, bidirectional
search, comparing uniform search strategies. Heuristic search strategies Greedy best-
first search, A* search, AO* search, memory bounded heuristic search: local search
algorithms & optimization problems: Hill climbing search, simulated annealing search,
local beam search
Unit III 08 Hours
Constraint satisfaction problems: Local search for constraints Satisfaction problems.
Adversarial search, Games, optimal decisions & strategies in games, the minimax
search procedure, alpha-beta pruning, additional refinements, iterative deepening.
Case Study - 3 : State of Art Game Programs and Analysis

Unit IV 08 Hours
Knowledge & reasoning: Knowledge representation issues, representation &
mapping, approaches to knowledge representation. Using predicate logic, representing
simple fact in logic, representing instant & ISA relationship, computable functions &
predicates, resolution, natural deduction. Representing knowledge using rules,
Procedural verses declarative knowledge, logic programming, forward verses
backward reasoning, matching, control knowledge.

Unit V 08 Hours
Knowledge Inference and Planning: Production based system; Frame based system.
Inference - Backward chaining, Forward chaining, Rule value approach, Fuzzy
reasoning - Certainty factors, Bayesian Theory-Bayesian Network-Dempster – Shafer
Planning – Block world problem, components of a planning systems, Goal stack
planning, Non-linear planning, Hierarchical planning, least commitment strategy

Unit VI 08 Hours
Learning And Expert System: Definition of learning, Forms of learning, Rote
learning, learning by taking advice, learning in problem solving, Induction leaning,
Explanation based learning, Formal learning theory. Connectionist models- learning in
Neural network
Expert systems - Intelligent System Vs Expert system, Architecture of expert systems,
Roles of expert systems - Knowledge Acquisition –Meta Expert systems shells, Typical
expert systems - MYCIN, DART, XOON, RI,.

1. Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach by Peter and Norvig, Reference Books:
2. Artificial Intelligence by Elaine Rich, Kevin Knight and Nair, TMH
3. Artificial Intelligence by Patrick Henry Winston, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company

Reference Books
1. Prolog Programming for A.I. by Bratko, TMH 3. Artificial Intelligence by Saroj
2. Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Systems by Padhy, Oxforfd University Press
3. Deepak Khemani, “A First Course in Artificial Intelligence”, McGraw Hill Education(India)
4. Expert Systems, Giarranto, VIKAS

List of Assignments

• What is AI and what are the problems associated with AI

• Describe in detail Techniques of AI
• What is Agent and Intelligent Agent. Also explain the Agent and environment in detail.
• Discuss the concept of AO* algorithm with suitable example
• Define Memory bound search? Explain working of IDA* and SMA* algorithm with suitable
• Define the Constraint Satisfaction Problems. Describe the elements in the
• Explain Iterative Deeping search method with suitable example
• . Prove given examples using natural deduction rules
1. p → q ⊢ (q → r) → ((r → s) → (¬s → ¬p))
2. p ∧ q ⊢ (p → q) ∧ (q → p)
• Describe Dempster-Shafer theory using suitable example
• Describe Goal stack planning with example.
• Explain Architecture of Expert system? Give its 3 application areas.
• Discuss the expert system in domain of medicine using suitable case study.

List of Laboratory Exercises

1.Implement Tic-Tac-Toe game for 3×3 grid.
1. Implement Water jug problem
2. Implement concept of Breadth First Search Technique
3. Implement concept of Depth First Search Technique
4. Implement Best first search for given Problem
5. Implementation of A* algorithm (Always gives optimal solution) for solving Puzzle
6. To solve Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP) using Hill climbing Algorithm
7. To implement graph colouring algorithm using Constraint Satisfaction problem.
Implementation of Constraint Satisfaction Problem for solving Crypt-arithmetic Problem
8. Implementation of MinMax Search Procedure with alpha beta pruning for finding the
solutions of games.
9. To design a simple expert system using decision trees.

Project Based Learning Commented [SN4]: Trusted AI (like Deepfake detection )

1. Expert system
2. Game development
3. NLP
4. Solving problem with AI
5. Voice-based Virtual Assistant for Windows
6. Heart Disease Prediction Project
7. Stock Price Prediction
8. Predict Housing Price
9. Facial Emotion Recognition and Detection
10. Banking Bot

Syllabus for Unit Tests:

Unit Test -1 Unit – I, Unit – II, Unit - III
Unit Test -2 Unit – IV, Unit – V, Unit - VI

CSE Skill Lab –II

Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme Credit Scheme
Hours/Week Marks Credits
Lecture: 00 Hours/Week University Examination: -
Practical: 04 Hours/Week Internal Assessment: - Lecture 00
Term Work 25 Marks Practical 02
Practical 25 Marks
Total 50 Marks Total 02
Course Objective:
1. To learn basics, features and future of Python programming.
2. To acquaint with data types, input output statements, decision making, looping and
functions in Python
3. To learn features of Object Oriented Programming using Python
4. To acquaint with the use and benefits of files handling in Python
Students are expected to have a good understanding of basic computer programming.

Course Outcomes: On completion of the course, students will have the ability to:
1. Exhibit the programming skills for the problems those require the writing of well
documented programs including use of the logical constructs of language, Python
2. Demonstrate experience with the Python program development environment by
implementing various functions and libraries
3. Understand file handling in Python.
4. Understand Introductory R language fundamentals, basic syntax and how to use R;
what R is and how it’s used to perform data analysis.
5. Understand and practically demonstrate the working in Data using R.
6. Understand file handling in R.

Unit I: Python Programming Basics 08 Hours

Introduction: Features of Python, history, writing and executing Python
program, literal constants, variables and identifiers, data types (set, tuple,
dictionary and list) operators and expressions
Decision Control Statement: branching statements, loops, break, continue, pass.

Unit II: Functions and Libraries in Python 08 Hours

Functions and Libraries: definition, call, variable scope and lifetime, the return
statement. Defining functions, Lambda or anonymous function.
Libraries: Various useful libraries (Pandas, Numpy, Pytorch, Matplotlib, Scipy

Unit III: File Handling in Python 08 Hours

Files: Introduction, File path, Types of files, Opening and Closing files, Reading
and Writing files

Unit IV: Basics of R programming 08 Hours

Introduction: advantages of R over other programming language, handling and
installing packages, R variables, R data types, R decision making, R loops
Unit V: Working with Data using R 08 Hours
Working with Data: R Vectors, R matrices, R factors, R Lists, R Datasets

Unit VI: File handling in R 08 Hours

File handling: Loading and handling Data in R: Getting and Setting the Working
Directory – getwd(), setwd(), dir() - R-CSV Files - Input as a CSV file, Reading
a CSV File, Analyzing the CSV File: summary(), min(), max(), range(), mean(),
median(), apply() - Writing into a CSV File – R -Excel File – Reading the Excel

1. Reema Thareja, “Python Programming Using Problem Solving Approach”, Oxford
University Press, ISBN 13: 978-0-19-948017-6
2. Sandip Rakshit, R Programming for Beginners, McGraw Hill Education (India),
2017, ISBN: 978-93-5260-455-5.
Reference Books
1. Martin C. Brown, “Python: The Complete Reference”, McGraw Hill Education,
ISBN-10: 9789387572942, ISBN-13: 978-9387572942, ASIN: 9387572943
2. Python 3 for Absolute Beginners, Tim Hall and J-P Stacey.
3. Hands-on Programming with R - Garrett Grolemund
4. Seema Acharya, Data Analytics using R, McGraw Hill Education (India), 2018,
ISBN: 978-93-5260-524-8
List of Laboratory Exercises
1. Study and implement data structures in Python
2. Write a Python program to implement decision control statements: if, if-else, nested if, if-
elif-else statements
3. Write Python Program to implement various looping structures.
4. Write Python program to demonstrate implementation of functions.
5. Demonstrate data visualization using various packages and libraries in Python.
6. Implement various conditional statements in R.
7. Write a R program to implement looping structures
8. Write a R program to demonstrate use of vectors and matrices in R.
9. Demonstrate reading of a file in R and implement various functions on a file.
Project Based Learning
1. Implement rock paper scissors game.
2. Develop an email slicer
3. Implement an Alarm clock
4. Develop a tic tac toe game
5. Develop a Phonebook.
6. Design a Sentiment Analysis System
7. Develop a system to detect credit card fraud
8. Design a Music recommendation system
Syllabus for Unit Tests:
Unit Test -1 Unit – I, Unit – II, Unit - III
Unit Test -2 Unit – IV, Unit – V, Unit - VI


Business Intelligence System

Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme Credit Scheme
Hours/Week Marks Credits
Lecture: 03 Hours/Week University Examination: 60 Marks
Practical: 02 Hours/Week Internal Assessment: 40 Marks Lecture 03
Term Work 25 Marks Practical 01
Practical 25 Marks
Total 150 Marks Total 04
Course Objective:
1. Learn Business Intelligence.
Basic information about the business, its model and structure of business administrative policies
Course Outcomes: On completion of the course, students will have the ability to:
1. To gain knowledge of Business Intelligence
2. To do BI Deployment, Administration & Security.
3. To analyse the BI building process
4. To generate and manage BI reports
5. To build business projects
6. To deploy and administer BI in the real-life scenario

Unit I: Introduction to Business Intelligence 06 Hours

Understanding the scope of today’s BI solutions and how they fit into existing
infrastructure Assessing new options such as SaaS and cloud-based technology. Describe
BI, its components & architecture, previewing the future of BI Crafting a better
experience for all business users, End User Assumptions, Setting up Data for BI, The
Functional Area of BI Tools, Query Tools and Reporting, OLAP and Advanced
Analytics, Supporting the requirements of senior executives, including performance

Unit II: Elements of Business Intelligence Solutions 04 Hours

Reports & ad hoc queries; Analyse OLAP data; Dashboards & Scorecards development,
Metadata Models; Automated tasks & events; Mobile & disconnected BI; Collaboration
capabilities; Real time monitoring capabilities; Software development kit; Consume BI
through portals, web applications, Desktop applications.

Unit III: Building the BI Project 06 Hours

Planning the BI project, Project Resources; Project Tasks, Risk Management and
Mitigation, Cost-justifying BI solutions and measuring success

Unit IV: BI building Process 06 Hours

Collecting User Requirements, Requirements-Gathering Techniques; Prioritizing &
Validating BI Requirements, Changing Requirements; BI Design and Development,
Best Practices for BI Design; Post-Implementation Evaluations, Maintaining Your BI

Unit V Reporting authoring 06 Hours

Building reports with relational vs Multidimensional data models; Types of Reports –
List, crosstabs, Statistics, Chart, map, financial etc; Data Grouping & Sorting, Filtering
Reports, Adding Calculations to Reports, Conditional formatting, Adding Summary
Lines to Reports. Drill up, drill- down, drill-through capabilities. Run or schedule report,
different output forms – PDF, excel, csv, xml etc.

Unit VI Deployment, Administration & Security 06 Hours

Centralized Versus Decentralized Architecture, BI Architecture Alternatives, phased &
incremental BI roadmap, System Sizing, Measurements and Dependencies, System
Sizing, Measurements, and Dependencies. Setting Early Expectations and Measuring the
Results. End-User Provisos. OLAP Implementations. Expanding BI Authentication
Authorization, Access Permissions, Groups and Roles, Single-sign on Server
Administration, Manage Status & Monitoring, Audit, Mail server & Portal integration,
Back Up and Restore.
1. Business Intelligence (IBM ICE Publication).
Reference Books
1. Business Management “Derrick Foresight · Tom Hendrix · Gerard
Howles · Nathan Sides
2. Dec 2020 · Efalon Acies · Narrated by Aaron Miller, Doug Greene, Chloe
Jacobson and Wes Grant”
List of Assignments
• Define the structure, scope and importance of BI in the business.
• Explain the different elements of BI and prepare an authenticate model of the same.
• Elaborate the importance of BI modelling and prepare one in the real time scenario.
• What are different types of reports? State the importance of each of them.
• Explain the different requirements of BI and how do they help in preparing a model.
• State the significance of the decentralized structure of the BI.

List of Laboratory Exercises

1. Introduction to BI tools, their pros and cons and limitations.
2. Demonstration of BI techniques ETL on Application Financial Analysis.
3. Demonstration of BI techniques ETL on Application Student result pattern and
ranking analysis
4. Demonstration of BI modelling preparation and its analysis
5. Demonstration of measuring techniques and their analysis
6. Demonstration of BI various BI reports
7. Demonstration of Sorting and modelling techniques
8. Demonstration of Exploring Excel Modelling capabilities to solve business problems
9. Demonstration of decision tree
10. Demonstration of BI authentication, mail server and portal integration

Project Based Learning

1. Problem definition, identifying which data sorting task is needed.
2. Identify and use a standard methods of data sorting and measuring available for the
3. Prepare a case study on the significance of the BI in light of any business
4. Prepare a case study on the process of building a BI
5. Prepare a case study on the requirement of BI
6. Prepare a case study on the authorising different reports in the Business setting

Syllabus for Unit Tests:

Unit Test -1 Unit – I, Unit – II, Unit - III
Unit Test -2 Unit – IV, Unit – V, Unit - VI
Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme Credit Scheme
Hours/Week Marks Credits
Lecture: 04 Hours/Week University Examination: 60 Marks
Practical: 02 Hours/Week Internal Assessment: 40 Marks Lecture 04
Term Work 25 Marks Practical 02
Oral 25 Marks
Total 150 Marks Total 06
Course Objective:
1. To understand basics of cryptography, how it has evolved, and some key encryption
2. To understand necessary Approaches and Techniques to build protection mechanisms in
order to secure computer networks.
Basic knowledge of computer network.

Course Outcomes: On completion of the course, students will have the ability to:
1. To understand basics of Cryptography and Network Security
2. Use symmetric and asymmetric key algorithms for cryptography
3. To learn about how to maintain the Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability of a
4. To understand various protocols for network security to protect against the threats
in the networks.
5. Be able to configure simple firewall architectures
6. Apply knowledge of network security and cryptography in real life

Unit I 08 Hours
Security Concepts:
Introduction, The need for security, Security approaches, Principles of security, Types
of Security attacks, Security services, Security Mechanisms, A model for Network
Cryptography Concepts and Techniques: Introduction, plain text and cipher text,
substitution techniques, transposition techniques, encryption and decryption,
symmetric and asymmetric key cryptography, steganography, key range and key size,
possible types of attacks.

Unit II 08 Hours
Symmetric and Asymmetric key Ciphers: Block Cipher principles &
Algorithms(DES, AES, Blowfish), Block cipher modes of operation, Stream ciphers,
RC4, Location and placement of encryption
function, Key distribution. Principles of public key cryptosystems, Algorithms (RSA,
Diffie-Hellman, ECC), Key Distribution.

Unit III 08 Hours

Hash and MAC Algorithms : Authentication Requirement, Functions, Message
Authentication Code, Hash Functions, Security Of Hash Functions And Macs, MD5
Message Digest Algorithm, Secure Hash Algorithm, Digital Signatures
Unit IV 08 Hours
System Security:
Secure Socket Layer, Secure Electronic Transaction, 3‐D Secure protocol, Secure
HTTP, Time stamping protocol, Email Security, SMTP, PEM, PGP, Wireless
Application protocol, Authentication applications‐ X.509, Kerberos. Key Distribution
Centre, Single Sign ON approaches, Security in GSM and 3G.

Unit V 08 Hours
Web Security:
Requirements, Secure Socket Layer (SSL) and Transport Layer Security (TLS), Secure
Electronic Transaction (SET), Intruders, Viruses and related threats. FIREWALL:
Firewall Design principles, Trusted Systems.

Unit VI 08 Hours
Case Studies on Cryptography and Security:
Internet Key Exchange Case Studies on Cryptography and security: Secure Multiparty
Calculation, Virtual Elections, Single sign On, Secure Inter-branch Payment
Transactions, Cross site Scripting Vulnerability.

1. Atul Kahate, “Cryptography and Network Security”, 2nd Edition, Tata McGrawHill
2. William Stallings, “Cryptography and Network Security”, Pearson Education.

Reference Books
1. Bruce Schneier ,“Applied Cryptography‐Protocols, Algorithms, and Source Code in C”.
2. William R. Cheswick. Steven M. Bellovin, Aviel D. Rubin, Addison‐Wesley. “Firewalls and
Internet Security, Repelling the Wily Hacker”.
3. J.W. Rittiaghouse and William M.Hancok – Elseviers. “Cyber Security Operations Handbook”.
4. Menezes, van Oorschot and Vanstone, “Handbook of Applied Cryptography”.

List of Assignments

1. Introduction to security and types of attacks.

2. Discuss Security approaches and policies.
3. Study of any one Symmetric key cryptography algorithm.
4. Explain any one Asymmetric key cryptography algorithm.
5. Explain the concept of digital certificates.
6. Explain email security and it’s security protocols.
7. Study of Key agreement protocols
8. Discuss system level security
9. Study of various protocols in network security
10. Study of network security practices

List of Laboratory Exercises

1. Introduction to Cryptography based Security Tools Key Distribution and
2. Write a Program in C/Java to implement symmetric encryption.
3. Write a Program in C/Java to implement asymmetric encryption.
4. Introduction to GnuPG encryption system.
5. Implementation of Decryption techniques using secret key in GnuPG.
6. Implementation of various cryptographic algorithms using HashCalc.
7. Study of how Firewall works in computing.
8. Study of how Antivirus works according to offline or online mode.
9. Implement mini project to develop antivirus application.
10. Case study on cyber security.

Project Based Learning Commented [SN5]: PKI applications using Crypto library -
1. Keylogger projects Digital Signing application
2. Build your own encryption software
3. Network traffic analysis
4. Caesar Cipher Decoder
5. Antivirus

Syllabus for Unit Tests:

Unit Test -1 Unit – I, Unit – II, Unit - III
Unit Test -2 Unit – IV, Unit – V, Unit - VI
Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme Credit Scheme
Hours/Week Marks Credits
Lecture: 04 Hours/Week University Examination: 60 Marks
Practical: 02 Hours/Week Internal Assessment: 40 Marks Lecture 04
Term Work 25 Marks Practical 01
Oral 25 Marks

Total 150 Marks Total 05

Course Objective:
1. To understand the concepts of morphology, syntax, semantics and pragmatics of the language
2. To give introduction of knowledge acquisition, information retrieval and machine translation.
3. To relate mathematical foundations, Probability theory with Linguistic essentials such
as syntactic and semantic analysis of text.

Students should have knowledge of:
Probabilities and statistics, Algorithms and programming experience.

Course Outcomes: On completion of the course, students will have the ability to:
1. Understand the models, methods, and algorithms of statistical Natural Language
Processing (NLP)
2. Understand the basic NLP techniques, including syntactic parsing, semantic
interpretation, lexical and morphological analysis.
3. Apply machine learning techniques used in NLP, including hidden Markov models and
probabilistic context-free grammars.
4. Choose appropriate solutions for solving typical NLP sub problems (tokenizing,
tagging, parsing)
5. Understand basics of knowledge representation.
6. Understand resources of natural language data – corpora.

Unit I 08 Hours
Introduction of NLP: Knowledge in Speech and Language processing, Various stages
of NLP-ambiguity, and models and algorithm, language and understanding, brief history,
Why NLP Is Difficult Parts of Speech: Nouns and Pronouns, Words: Determiners and
adjectives, verbs, Phrase Structure. Statistics Essential Information Theory: Entropy,
perplexity, The relation to language, Cross Entropy NLP-Language and Grammar-
Processing: Origins and challenges, Language models: Uni-gram, N-gram –Statistical
Language Model, NLP Applications.

Unit II 08 Hours
Natural Language and Formal Language: Text Pre-processing, Regular Expressions,
patterns, FA, Formal Language, NFSA, Regular Language and FSAs, Raw Text
Extraction and Tokenization, Extracting Terms from Tokens, Vector Space
Representation and Normalization, Similarity Computation in Text, lexicon. Phrases and
idioms, word order, agreement, tense, aspect and mood and agreement, Context Free
Grammar, spoken language syntax.
Unit III 08 Hours
Part-of-Speech Tagging, Speech recognition and Hidden Markov Models: Speech
Recognition Architecture The concept of parts-of-speech, Tagging, Tagsets, and
Morphology, The Penn Treebank and Brown Corpus. Probabilistic (weighted) finite state
automata. Overview of Hidden Markov models (HMMs). The Viterbi Algorithms
Revisited, Advanced Methods for Decoding, Acoustic Processing of Speech, Computing
Acoustic Probabilities, Training a Speech Recognizer, Waveform Generation for Speech
Synthesis, Human Speech Recognition

Unit IV 08 Hours
Grammars & Parsing Algorithms: Context-free Grammars, Context-Free Rules and
Trees, Sentence-Level Constructions, The Noun Phrase, Coordination, Agreement and
The Verb Phrase and Subcategorization, Auxiliaries, Spoken Language Syntax, Parsing
Regular Grammars, Parsing Context Free Grammars, Example Toy NL Grammar, Shift-
Reduce Parsers, Probabilistic Parsing: Introduction, Grammars & Human Processing

Unit V 08 Hours
Matrix Factorization and Topic Modeling: Vector space model, Matrix
factorization, Singular Value Decomposition, Nonnegative Matrix Factorization,
Probabilistic Latent Semantic Analysis, Latent Dirichlet Allocation, Word2Vec and
Doc2Vec, Word-character and sentence embedding, Topic modelling term weighting,
homonymy, polysemy, synonymy, Improving user queries. Machine Translation–
Overview, Applications of NLP- Spell-checking, Summarization.

Unit VI 08 Hours
Linguistics resources: Introduction to corpus, elements in balanced corpus, TreeBank,
PropBank, WordNet, VerbNet etc. Resource management with XML, Management of
linguistic data with the help of GATE, The Semantic Web technologies, ontologies,

1. Allen, J. “Natural Language Understanding”, The Benajmins/Cummings Publishing
Company ,Inc. 1994. ISBN 0-8053-0334-0.
2. Daniel Jurafsky and James H Martin. “Speech and Language Processing”, 2e, Pearson
Education, 2009

Reference Books
1. James A, “Natural language Understanding” 2e, Pearson Education, 1994
2. Bharati A., Sangal R., Chaitanya V.”Natural language processing: a Paninian
perspective”, PHI, 2000.
3. Siddiqui T., Tiwary U. S. “Natural language processing and Information retrieval”,
OUP, 2008 NLTK – Natural Language Tool Kit - http://www.nltk.org/
4. Journals: Computational Linguistics, Natural Language Engineering, Machine
Learning, Machine Translation, Artificial Intelligence.

List of Assignments

• Write note on word normalization and stemming. Explain case folding with suitable example.
• What is significance of decision tree in sentence segmentation also give implementation of
decision tree for suitable example.
• Discuss challenges of Machine translation. What are classical approaches of machine
• Case study on IBM translation model.
• Case study on WordVET and VerbNet
• Study of Hidden Markov Model and POS tagging
• Study assignment on Python—Analysing Text with the Natural Language.
• Research paper reading, analysing and demonstrating.
• Research paper reading, analysing and demonstrating.
• Describe different techniques for removal of ambiguity.

List of Laboratory Exercises

1. Implement bottom-up parser for any given grammar.
2. Analysis of natural language using lexical analysis.
3. Case study of any parsing algorithm.
4. Study of clustering algorithm in NLP.
5. Case study: NLP in web mining or text mining
6. Case study of Viterbi Algorithm.
7. Study of Python features used in NLP
8. Study assignment of information retrieval techniques
9. Installation of NTLK Toolkit.
10. Implement program in Python to calculate frequency distribution.

Project Based Learning Commented [SN6]: Screen Reader solution for Differently
1. Question Answering abled
2. Text Classification
3. Text Summarization
4. Sentiment Analysis
5. Sentence Similarity
6. Speech Recognition
7. Neural Machine Translation
8. Document Summarization
9. Conversational Bots: ChatBots
10. Grammar Autocorrector
11. Summary Writer
12. Image-Caption Generator

Syllabus for Unit Tests:

Unit Test -1 Unit – I, Unit – II, Unit - III
Unit Test -2 Unit – IV, Unit – V, Unit - VI
COURSE: Quantitative Techniques, Communication and Values


Theory: 04Hours / Week Semester End Examination: 60 Marks Credits:4
Tutorial: 00Hour / Week Internal Assessment: 40 Marks

Course Pre-requisites: The students should have knowledge of

1 Basic math’s and reasoning, and comprehensive ability
2 Basic knowledge of communication process, soft skills
3 Basic knowledge and idea about leaders and leadership qualities, ethics, etiquettes and values
Course Objective:
The Quantitative Techniques, Communication and Value saims to augment students to face
the campus recruitment test and train them on applying short techniques/ tricks to solve questions
of Maths, reasoning and English in very less amount of time. The communication and values
section focuses on the aspects of communication and soft skills such as grooming personality
for leading team, presentation, business communication which would enable graduates to project
themselves as a professionals in the corporate sector and/or otherwise.
Course Outcomes: The student will be able to
1 Solve the aptitude test in the recruitment and competitive exam by applying short techniques
and solve the question in less amount of time
2 Apply the short mnemonics and techniques to solve the questions of logical reasoning in the
placement and competitive exam in lesser time.
3 Develop the verbal ability to communicate effectively using suitable vocabulary and proper
sentence pattern
4 Understand the concept of soft skills and its implication at workplace
5 Build up the ability to study employment business correspondences and its proper implications
6 Understand business ethics, etiquettes and values and apply them in the professional ventures.

Course Content:
Unit-I QUANTITATIVE APTITUDE :Number system, Percentage, profit and loss, (8 Hrs)
Simple Interest and Compound Interest, Ratio, Proportion and Average,
Mixture and Allegation, Time, Speed & Distance, Time & Work , Permutation
& Combination, Probability, Pipes and Cisterns
Unit-II NON-VERBAL REASONING : Coding, Decoding, Number series, Blood (8 Hrs)
relation Directions, cubes & dices , Data Interpretation, Data Sufficiency, Set
Theory & Syllogisms, Matching, Selection & Arrangement, Clocks &
Calendars, Visual Reasoning, Input, Output & Flow Chart.
Unit-III VERBAL REASONING: Sentence Patterns, Sentence correction and spotting (8 Hrs)
errors, Vocabulary, antonyms and synonyms and analogy, Phrasal Verbs,
idiomatic expressions, reading comprehension, closest, sentence rearrangement
and theme detection
Concept of SWOT, Importance of SWOT, Individual & Organizational SWOT
Analysis, Soft skills, meaning, need and importance, difference between soft
skills and hard skills, life skills and personal skills, Leadership skills,-
Importance ,Types, Attributes of good leader Motivational theories and
leadership ,Emotional intelligence in personal and professional lives its
importance need and application, Team Building and conflict resolution Skills
,Problem solving skills, Time Management and Stress Management Skills
Pareto Principle(80/20) Rule in time management, Time management matrix,
creativity and result orientation, working under pressure, stress management
Communication process, Non-verbal codes in communication, importance of
LSRW in communication, Barriers to communication, Principles of effective
Technical writing, Email writing and Netiquettes, Letter writing – formal
letters, job application letter, cover letter, structure of technical report writing,
Building Resume and CV, Tips to build an effective Resume Group discussion,
Skills required for Group Discussion Interview skills, Ways of handling
telephonic interviews, Importance of body language, grooming &etiquettes for
getting right impression in PI&GD , Extempore, Introduction to PowerPoint
presentation, ,Structure & flow of presentation,
The Importance of Ethics and Values in Business World, Respect for
Individuality and diversity at workplace values of a good manager Key features
of corporate etiquette, Corporate grooming & dressing, etiquettes in social &
office Setting-Understand the importanceof professional behaviour at the work
place, Corporate social responsibility (CSR) its importance and need.

Reference Books:
1 Quantitative Aptitude by R. S. Agarwal published by S. Chand
2 The Book of Numbers by Shakuntala Devi
3 A Modern Approach To Logical Reasoning by R. S. Agarwal published by S. Chand
4 A New Approach to Reasoning Verbal & Non-Verbal by Indu Sijwali
5 Business Communication by Meenakshi Raman, Prakash Singh published by Oxford University
press, second edition
6 Communication Skills by Sanjay Kumar, Pushp Lata, published by Oxford University press,
second edition
7 Technical Communication by Meenakshi Raman, Sangeeta Sharma published by Oxford
University press
8 Developing Communication Skills by Krishna Mohan, Meera Banerji published by Macmillan
India Pvt Ltd
9 Soft Skills by Meenkashi Raman, published by Cengage publishers
10 Soft Skills by Dr. K Alex published by Oxford University press
11 Soft skills for Managers by Dr. T. Kalyana Chakravarthi and Dr. T. Latha Chakravarthi
published by biztantra
Project Based Learning Topics:
1 Prepare mock Tests on Unit –I and solve it in given time( use of PSD lab manual)
2 Prepare mock Tests on Unit –I and solve it in given time( use of PSD lab manual)

3 Prepare online model test based on Unit-II and solve it in specific time( use of PSD lab manual)
4 Prepare online model test based on Unit-II and solve it in specific time( use of PSD lab manual)
5 Form a model for spoken and written communication skills which avoid grammar mistakes and
common errors
6 Develop various activity models for enriching and developing vocabulary
7 Preparing strategies by using SWOT and TWOS analysis
8 Analysing differences between Soft Skills, Hard skills, and Personal skills
9 Develop Bruce Tuchman’s Team Building Models with classmates/Teammates
10 To study different personalities of Leaders from various sectors and find out their attributes and
success stories
11 Preparing a model for Time Management Skills and Stress Management and conduct activities
for effective implementation of it.
12 Form a model to develop LSRW and communication Skills
13 Conduct mock interview and practice GD activities to build competencies for actual selection
14 Preparing a model for evaluating Values and Ethics of Good Managers
15 Preparing a model of dress codes and attire for different professional situations Corporate
etiquettes and its implications
16 Develop some good activities to understand the importance and need of Corporate social
responsibility (CSR)
Syllabus for Unit Tests:
Unit Test -1 Unit – I, Unit – II, Unit - III
Unit Test -2 Unit – IV, Unit – V, Unit - VI

Design Thinking
Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme Credit Scheme
Hours/Week Marks Credits
Lecture: 04 Hours/Week University Examination: 60 Marks
Practical: - Internal Assessment: 40 Marks Lecture 04
Total 100 Marks Total 04
Course Objective:
1. Recognize the importance of DT
2. Explain the phases in the DT process
3. Apply each phase in the DT process
4. Create value proposition statements as part of their presentations

Prerequisite: Students should be well versed Completion of all units from Semesters 1, 2, 3 and 4

Course Outcomes: On completion of the course, students will have the ability to:
1. Implement the Phases in the DT process
2. Identify the steps required to conduct an immersion activity
3. Design personas to create problem statements in the define phase of DT
4. Apply the steps in the ideate phase of DT
5. Design a prototype to create a value proposition statement
6. Test a prototype created through a DT process

Unit I 08 Hours
Introduction: Recognize the importance of Design Thinking why is Design Thinking
important for business, Why is Design Thinking important for you, Identify the steps
in the DT process What is DT? Empathize (search for rich stories and find some love),
Define (user need and insights – their POV), Ideate (ideas, ideas, ideas), Prototype
(build to learn), Test (show, don’t tell)

Unit II 08 Hours
Empathy Phase: Recognize the steps in the empathize phase of DT, What is empathy?
Ask What? How? Why? Different types to developing Empathy towards People
Identify the steps required to conduct an immersion activity, How to empathize?, Intro
to Immersion Activity, Conduct an immersion activity and fill up the DT question
template, Immersion activity

Unit III 08 Hours

Define Phase: Creating personas: Recognize the steps to create personas in the define
phase of DT, What is a persona and how do I create one? Four Different Perspectives
on Personas 1) Goal-directed Personas 2) Role-Based Personas 3) Engaging Personas
4) Fictional Personas, 10 steps to Creating Your Engaging Personas and Scenarios
Recognize the steps to create problem statements in the define phase of DT, Problem
statements, Defining problem statements, Define the problem statements in the define
phase of DT

Unit IV 08 Hours
Ideate Phase: How to Ideate?, Recognize the steps in the ideate phase of DT, Apply
the steps in the ideate phase of DT, Ideation games: Game 1: Six Thinking Hats, Game
2: Million-dollar idea, Ideate to find solutions, Characteristics Required for Successful
Ideation, Recognize how doodling can help to express ideas, Recognize the importance
storytelling in presenting ideas and prototypes, What is Storytelling in DT?

Unit V 08 Hours
Prototype Phase: Recognize the importance of the prototype phase in DT, Prototype
your idea, Create a prototype: Types of Prototyping 1)Low-Fidelity Prototyping 2)
High-Fidelity Prototyping , Guidelines for Prototyping, Recognize the importance of
service value proposition, Create a value proposition statement

Unit VI 08 Hours
Testing Phase: Testing in Design Thinking, Test the Prototype, Role of DT in your
work, discuss How DT can help me to become a better coder?, Agile and DT
complement each other to deliver customer satisfaction, Share your Satori.

1. “Designing for growth: A design thinking tool kit for managers”, by Jeanne Liedtka
and Tim Ogilvie., 2011, ISBN 978-0-231-15838-1
2. “Design Thinking: New Product Development Essentials from the PDMA”, by
Abbie Griffin, Michael G. Luchs, Scott Swan, Wiley Publications

Reference Books
1. Hooked by Nir Eyal
2. The Art of Creative Thinking by Rod Judkins
3. Start Up nation by Dan Senor and Saul singer
4. Start with Why by Simon Sinek

List of Assignments

• Identify problem using DT.

• Use thinking tool for development of the idea.
• Use DT to develop the solution.
• Develop a prototype using DT
• Study the challenges faced during implementing DT in an Organization

Project Based Learning

1. Use of DT to improve classroom education.
2. Use of DT to improve cab services.
3. Use of DT to improve banking system.
4. Use of DT to identify and give solution to a society related problem
5. Use of DT to improve medical services

Syllabus for Unit Tests:

Unit Test -1 Unit – I, Unit – II, Unit - III
Unit Test -2 Unit – IV, Unit – V, Unit - VI

CSE Skill Lab –III

Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme Credit Scheme
Hours/Week Marks Credits
Lecture: 00 Hours/Week University Examination: -
Practical: 04 Hours/Week Internal Assessment: - Lecture 00
Term Work 25 Marks Practical 02
Practical 25 Marks
Total 50 Marks Total 02
Course Objective:
To develop analytical skills among the students using data analysis methods and Python.

The Students should have knowledge of basics of statistics and python programming.

Course Outcomes: On completion of the course, students will have the ability to:
1. Understand and demonstrate fundaments of Python programming
2. Demonstrate visualization in Python.
3. Understand basics of normal distribution and linear regression model
4. Design various clusters.
5. Understand basics H plots.
6. Understand basics clustering and segmentations.

Unit I : Introduction to Python Programming 08 Hours

Python programming environment, statements, Expressions, Flow Controls,
Functions, Numeric Types, Sequences and Class Definition, Constructors, Text
& Binary Files- Reading and Writing.
Visualization in Python: Matplotlib package, Plotting Graphs, Controlling
Graph, Adding Text, More Graph Types, Getting and setting values, Patches.
Unit II : Descriptive Statistics: 08 Hours
Type of data- univariate bivariate and multivariate. Descriptive measures -
central tendency and dispersion.
Bivariate data-Summarization, marginal and conditional frequency distribution.
Regression and correlation. Least squares method. Rank correlation. Graphical
representation, Frequency curves, Scatter diagram.
Unit III: Probability Theory 08 Hours
Probability Theory: concept of experiments, sample space, event. Definition
of Combinatorial Probability. Conditional Probability, Bayes Theorem.
Probability distribution: Type of data, Bernoulli Distribution, Uniform
Distribution, Binomial Distribution, Normal Distribution, Poisson Distribution,
Exponential Distribution. Visualization of distribution
Unit IV: Regression 08 Hours
Linear regression: Linear regression model, Model assumptions, Validation
of model and model assumptions.
Multiple regression: Multiple linear regression model, Model assumptions,
Validation of model and model assumptions
Unit V : Principal Component Analysis:
Principal Component Analysis: Principal components, Algorithm for 08 Hours
conducting principal component analysis, deciding on how many principal
components to retain, H-plot.
Unit VI: Clustering and Segmentation Analysis: 08 Hours
Clustering and Segmentation Analysis: Introduction, Types of clustering,
Correlations and distances, clustering by partitioning methods, hierarchical
clustering, overlapping clustering, K-Means Clustering, Profiling and
Interpreting Cluster

1. Tim Hall and J-P Stacey “Python 3 for Absolute Beginners”, A press.
2. Wes Mc Kinney. “Python for Data Analysis”,O'Reilly Media, Inc.

Reference Books
1. Jake Vander Plas, “Python Data Science Handbook: Essential Tools for Working
with Data”O'Reilly Media
2. David Spiegel halter “The Art of Statistics”Pelican

List of Laboratory Exercises

• Introduction to python programming (String operation, Mathematical operation,
loops, branching)
• Write a program to perform basic operations using Python Functions.
• Write a program to perform to read, write and modify text file data using OO Python.
• . Implement various pre-defined libraries in Python like Panda, NumPy, Cbor
(Drawing of statistical graph)
• Exercise different functionalities of Matplotlib package.
• Write a program to measure central tendency and dispersion of given data.
• Write a program to visualize different types of distributions.
• Write a program to develop linear and multiple regression model.
• Implementation of clustering and segmentation

Project Based Learning:

Syllabus for Unit Tests:

Unit Test -1 Unit – I, Unit – II, Unit - III
Unit Test -2 Unit – IV, Unit – V, Unit - VI

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