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Word 2003 Quikref

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Word 2003
Quick Reference Card
The Word 2003 Screen Shortcuts
Title Bar Standard Toolbar Formatting Toolbar
Open a Document <Ctrl> + <O>
Menu Bar
Save a Document <Ctrl> + <S>
Ruler Print a Document <Ctrl> + <P>
End of Vertical Task pane Close a Document <Ctrl> + <W>
Document Split Bar
Marker Undo <Ctrl> + <Z>
Redo or Repeat <Ctrl> + <Y>
Scroll Bar Help <F1>
Switch Between <Alt> + <Tab>

View Navigation—To Go:

Buttons Up One Screen <Page Up>
Down One Screen <Page Down>
Status Bar
Beginning of a Line <Home>
Horizontal Scroll Bar
End of a Line <End>
The Fundamentals Beginning of <Ctrl> + <Home>
The Standard Toolbar Insert Document
End of Document <Ctrl> + <End>
New Blank Spell Insert Table Map Reading
Document Print Check Hyperlink Columns Zoom View Open the Go To <F5>
Cut Paste Undo
Dialog Box

Open Print Research Copy Format Redo

Insert Drawing
Tables Worksheet
Show/ Help Editing
E-mail Preview Hide
Painter and Borders Cut <Ctrl> + <X>
• To Create a New Document: Click • To Show Toolbars on Two Rows: Click Copy <Ctrl> + <C>
the New Blank Document button, or the Toolbar Options button at the end of
the toolbar and select Show Buttons on Two Paste <Ctrl> + <V>
press <Ctrl> + <N>.
Rows. Overtype Mode <Insert>
• To Open a Document: Click the Open
button on the Standard toolbar, or select File → • To Get Help: Press <F1> to open the Help task
pane, type your question and press <Enter>. Formatting
Open from the menu, or press <Ctrl> + <O>.
• To Cut or Copy: Select the text and click the Bold <Ctrl> + <B>
• To Save a Document: Click the Save
button on the Standard toolbar, or select File → Cut button or Copy button on the Italics <Ctrl> + <I>
Save from the menu, or press <Ctrl> + <S>. Standard toolbar, or press <Ctrl> + <X> (cut) or Underline <Ctrl> + <U>
<Ctrl> + <C> (copy).
• To Save a Document with a Different Align Left <Ctrl> + <L>
Name: Select File → Save As from the menu • To Paste: Place the insertion point where you
Center <Ctrl> + <E>
and enter a different name for the document. want to paste the text, click the Paste button
on the Standard toolbar, or press <Ctrl> + <V>. Align Right <Ctrl> + <R>
• To Preview a Document: Click the Print
Preview button on the Standard toolbar or • To Move Text using Drag and Drop: Justify <Ctrl> + <J>
select File → Print Preview from the menu. Select the text you want to move, drag the text to
the destination, and release the mouse button. Text Selection
• To Print a Document: Click the Print To Select: Do This:
button on the Standard toolbar, or select File → • To Undo: Click the Undo button on the
Standard toolbar or press <Ctrl> + <Z>. A Word Double-click the word
Print from the menu, or press <Ctrl> + <P>.
• To Use the Thesaurus: Right-click the word A Sentence Press and hold <Ctrl> and
• For Advanced Print Options: Select File
you want to look up, select Synonyms from the click anywhere in the
→ Print from the menu. sentence
shortcut menu, and select a synonym from the list.
• To Correct a Spelling Error: Right-click the A Line Click in the selection bar next
error to bring up a suggestion menu. • To Find Text: Select Edit → Find from the
menu or press <Ctrl> + <F>. to the line
• To View or Hide a Toolbar: Select View → A Paragraph Triple-click the paragraph
Toolbars from the menu, or right-click a toolbar, • To Find and Replace Text: Select Edit →
Replace from the menu, or press <Ctrl> + <H>. Everything <Ctrl> + <A>
and select the toolbar you want to view or hide.
© 2004 CustomGuide, Inc. All rights reserved. Tel. (888) 903-2432 • www.customguide.com
Formatting Tables
Right Distribute
The Formatting Toolbar Align Bullets The Tables and Borders Toolbar Columns Sort
Left Line Increase Highlight Draw Line Border Merge Align Evenly
Cell Shading Text
Style List Font Size Italic Align Spacing Indent Table Style Color Cells button
Color Direction

Font List Bold Center Border Eraser tool Line Insert Split Table AutoSum
Styles and Numbering Add
Formatting Underline Justify Decrease Font Width Borders Table Cells Distribute AutoFormat Sort
Indent Color Rows Evenly Ascending

• To Format Selected Text: Change the style of text by clicking the • To Create a Table: Click the Insert Table button on the
Bold button, Italics button, or Underline button on the Standard toolbar and select the number of columns and rows from the grid.
Formatting toolbar. • To Adjust Column Width or Row Height: Drag the right border of
Change the font type by selecting a font from the Font list the column, or drag the bottom border of the row. Right-click the border to
on the Formatting toolbar. AutoFit the column or row according to its contents.
Change the font size by selecting the pt. size from the Font Size list. • To Delete a Column or Row: Select the column or row, click the
• To Copy Formatting with the Format Painter: Select the text with right mouse button and select Delete Columns or Delete Rows
the formatting you want to copy. Click the Format Painter button on from the shortcut menu, or select Table → Delete → Columns or
the Standard toolbar and drag the Format Painter pointer across the text to Rows from the menu.
which you want to apply the formatting. Double-click the Format Painter • To Insert a Column or Row: Select the column or row where you want
button to apply the formatting multiple times. the new column or row to be inserted. Click the right mouse button and
• To Change Paragraph Alignment: Select the paragraph(s) and click select Insert Columns or Insert Rows from the shortcut menu, or
the appropriate alignment button ( Left, Center, Right, or select Table → Insert → Columns or Rows from the menu.
Justify) on the Formatting toolbar.
• To Indent a Paragraph: Click the Increase Indent button on
Drawing and Graphics
the Formatting toolbar, or click and drag the Left Indent marker on the The Drawing Toolbar Insert Font
Clip Art
ruler. Shadow
Draw Draw Draw Text Fill Object Dash
Draw Menu
• To Decrease an Indent: Click the Decrease Indent button on Line Rectangle Box Color Style

the Formatting toolbar.

• To Add a Tab Stop: Choose the type of tab you want to insert from the Select Insert Draw Draw Insert Org Line Arrow
Tab selector box and click on the ruler to add the tab. Or select Objects AutoShape Arrow Circle Chart
Line Style
Style 3-D
Format → Tabs from the menu and create tabs in the Tabs dialog box. WordArt
• To View the Drawing Toolbar: Click the Drawing button on
• To Adjust a Tab Stop: Click and drag the tab stop to the new position
the Standard toolbar, or select View → Toolbars → Drawing.
on the ruler. For exact measurements, select Format → Tabs from the
menu and modify the tabs in the Tabs dialog box. • To Insert a Clip Art Graphic: Select Insert → Picture → Clip
Art, search by keyword, click the graphic’s list arrow, and select Insert.
• To Remove a Tab Stop: Drag the tab stop from the ruler to remove it.
• To Insert a Picture: Select Insert → Picture → From File from
• To Change Paragraph Line Spacing: Select Format →
the menu, navigate to and select the file, and click Insert.
Paragraph from the menu, click the Line Spacing list arrow, and
select the spacing option. • To Draw an Object: Click the type of object you want to draw on the
Drawing toolbar. Draw the shape by clicking on the document with the
• To Create a Bulleted or Numbered List: Select the paragraph(s)
pointer and dragging until the shape reaches the desired size.
you want to bullet or number, and click the Bullets button or the
Numbering button on the Formatting toolbar. • To Move an Object: Click and drag the object using the mouse.

• To Add a Border: Select the paragraph and select a border from the • To Resize an Object: Click the object to select it and drag the object’s
Border button arrow on the Formatting toolbar. sizing handles until the shape reaches the desired size.

• To Change a Document’s Margins: Select File → Page Setup

from the menu, click the Margins tab, and adjust the margins.
Mail Merge
• To Change a Page’s Orientation: Select File → Page Setup 1. Select the document type: Select Tools → Letters and
from the menu, click the Margins tab and select the orientation. Mailings → Mail Merge Wizard from the menu, select the type of
main document type you want to use, and click Next.
• To Add or View a Document Header or Footer: Select View →
Header and Footer from the menu. 2. Select the starting document: Specify how you want to set up your
letters and click Next.
• To Switch Between the Header and Footer: Click the
3. Select recipients: Specify the list of recipients you want to use (and
Switch Between Header and Footer button on the Header and
enter the recipients if necessary) and click Next.
Footer toolbar.
4. Write your letter: Place the insertion point where you want to insert the
• To Insert a Manual Page Break: Place the insertion point where you mail merge information in the Main Document and click the appropriate
want to insert the page break and press <Ctrl> + <Enter>. item(s) in the mail merge task pane. Click Next when you’re finished.
• To Insert a Section Break: Select Insert → Break from the menu 5. Preview your letters: Browse the merged letters and click Exclude
and select the type of section break you want to insert. to exclude a letter. Click Next when you’re finished.
• To Create Newspaper Columns: Click the Columns button 6. Complete the Merge: Specify where you want to send the merged
on the Standard toolbar and drag to select the number of columns you want. letters.

© 2004 CustomGuide, Inc. All rights reserved. Tel. (888) 903-2432 • www.customguide.com

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