Word 2003 Quikref
Word 2003 Quikref
Word 2003 Quikref
Word 2003
Quick Reference Card
The Word 2003 Screen Shortcuts
Title Bar Standard Toolbar Formatting Toolbar
Open a Document <Ctrl> + <O>
Menu Bar
Save a Document <Ctrl> + <S>
Ruler Print a Document <Ctrl> + <P>
End of Vertical Task pane Close a Document <Ctrl> + <W>
Document Split Bar
Marker Undo <Ctrl> + <Z>
Redo or Repeat <Ctrl> + <Y>
Scroll Bar Help <F1>
Switch Between <Alt> + <Tab>
Font List Bold Center Border Eraser tool Line Insert Split Table AutoSum
Styles and Numbering Add
Formatting Underline Justify Decrease Font Width Borders Table Cells Distribute AutoFormat Sort
Indent Color Rows Evenly Ascending
• To Format Selected Text: Change the style of text by clicking the • To Create a Table: Click the Insert Table button on the
Bold button, Italics button, or Underline button on the Standard toolbar and select the number of columns and rows from the grid.
Formatting toolbar. • To Adjust Column Width or Row Height: Drag the right border of
Change the font type by selecting a font from the Font list the column, or drag the bottom border of the row. Right-click the border to
on the Formatting toolbar. AutoFit the column or row according to its contents.
Change the font size by selecting the pt. size from the Font Size list. • To Delete a Column or Row: Select the column or row, click the
• To Copy Formatting with the Format Painter: Select the text with right mouse button and select Delete Columns or Delete Rows
the formatting you want to copy. Click the Format Painter button on from the shortcut menu, or select Table → Delete → Columns or
the Standard toolbar and drag the Format Painter pointer across the text to Rows from the menu.
which you want to apply the formatting. Double-click the Format Painter • To Insert a Column or Row: Select the column or row where you want
button to apply the formatting multiple times. the new column or row to be inserted. Click the right mouse button and
• To Change Paragraph Alignment: Select the paragraph(s) and click select Insert Columns or Insert Rows from the shortcut menu, or
the appropriate alignment button ( Left, Center, Right, or select Table → Insert → Columns or Rows from the menu.
Justify) on the Formatting toolbar.
• To Indent a Paragraph: Click the Increase Indent button on
Drawing and Graphics
the Formatting toolbar, or click and drag the Left Indent marker on the The Drawing Toolbar Insert Font
Clip Art
ruler. Shadow
Draw Draw Draw Text Fill Object Dash
Draw Menu
• To Decrease an Indent: Click the Decrease Indent button on Line Rectangle Box Color Style
• To Add a Border: Select the paragraph and select a border from the • To Resize an Object: Click the object to select it and drag the object’s
Border button arrow on the Formatting toolbar. sizing handles until the shape reaches the desired size.
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