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145 P4 s2.0 S0141029618327810 Main
Engineering Structures
journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/engstruct
Review article
Department for Technical Mechanics, Faculty of Civil Engineering Osijek, Vladimira Preloga 3, Osijek, Croatia
Department for Materials and Structures, Faculty of Civil Engineering Osijek, Vladimira Preloga 3, Osijek, Croatia
Keywords: Utilization and reuse of waste rubber tires in concrete leads to sustainable construction. There are number of
Rubber studies that have been conducted on concrete with rubber as aggregate in order to maintain mechanical
Aggregate properties and durability of material. Contrary, only several studies have been conducted on usage of waste
Concrete rubber tires as aggregate in reinforced concrete elements and systems. These review paper summaries and
Structural elements
compare independent research works and justifies weather these aggregates are possible to utilize improved
behavior of concrete elements or not.
According to general conclusions on fundamental properties of rubberized elements it is evident that the
waste rubber tire aggregates can be used as partial replacement of both coarse aggregates and fine aggregates.
Previous research on structural elements shows that replacement of the natural aggregate with recycled tire
aggregate in concrete, will produce structural elements with improved behavior: increased capacity for de-
formations (ductility), better dissipation of energy, and higher damping, in comparison with standard concrete
made with conventional aggregates. However, the increased content of rubber in concrete also has negative
effects, for example reduction of compressive and tensile as well as reduction of Young's modulus of elasticity.
The results of these experimental studies are not sufficient to reach a general consensus on the application of
recycled rubber in concrete and its effect on the behavior of structural elements. Inconsistency of the effects of
recycled rubber in the concrete on the static and dynamic properties of reinforced-concrete structures indicate
that there is uttered need for further research.
1. Introduction only 5% of recycled waste tires are used in construction [4], even
though the potential is much greater.
Unrecycled tire waste is an enormous global problem because of One of the research directions in recent years is the use of waste
their non-biodegradability, their flammability and their chemical tires in technologies for the production of concrete which is the most
composition which lead to another problems such as landfilling, health, used material in construction and consumes large amount of natural
and environmental challenges. According to report of European Tyre & resources. Thus, waste tire rubber finds its use in concrete as a sub-
Rubber manufacturers’ association (ETRMA) [1]. 1.4 billion tires are stitute to natural aggregate or as a substitute to cement. However, it
annually made to meet the needs of the global industry, and the annual must be first reduced in size and then recycled. Mechanical recycling
amount of tire waste created in the European Union member states process includes ripping of tires to larger pieces or shreds, and from
alone is 3.5 million tones. According to the Directive 1999/31/EC [2], those using technology of multiple mechanical fragmentation of waste
starting from 2006, disposal of waste tires in the environment is com- tires, tire rubber granulates or tire rubber powder is produced.
pletely forbidden, and when taking that fact into account, the amount Difference in shredded, granulated or powder tire rubber is in their size
of tire waste has increased significantly. which can be 20–30 mm, 1–10 mm, and less than 1 mm, respectively
The inability of landfills to properly deal with the disposal of tires [5].
has spurred the research into ways to successfully recycle tires into From the literature review presented in this study one can conclude
commodities and resources, such as concrete, asphalt, playground that the advantages of the use of recycled rubber in concrete, when
surfaces, sports field, various coverings and other tires [3]. Currently compared to standard concrete, are: increased hardness, increased
Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (K. Strukar), [email protected] (T. Kalman Šipoš), [email protected] (I. Miličević), [email protected] (R. Bušić).
Received 24 August 2018; Received in revised form 1 February 2019; Accepted 11 March 2019
Available online 21 March 2019
0141-0296/ © 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
K. Strukar, et al. Engineering Structures 188 (2019) 452–468
ductility [6,7] enhanced dynamic properties including damping ratio poor strength of the interfacial transition zone between the rubber
[8–10], increased resistance to cracks in the concrete [11,12] increased particles and surrounding cement matrix, and the significant difference
resistance to freezing and thawing [13,14] and increased resistance to between the modulus of elasticity of the rubber and the aggregate,
HCl [15,16]. Disadvantages are manifested in the following aspects: hence rubber acts as large pores and do not significantly contribute to
reduced resistance to carbonation [17,18] increased water absorption the resistance to externally applied loads [24,28]. Moreover, rubber
and permeability [19–23] increased resistance to abrasion [16–18] and particles act as air voids for crack initiation followed by crack propa-
reduced compressive strength and modulus of elasticity of the material gation which may also have a negative effect on the compressive
[24,25]. strength [29].
According to the stated deficiencies and advantages of concrete with In an attempt to improve mechanical properties, several different
recycled rubber, it can be conclude that use rubber particles can po- parameters were investigated which will be reviewed in next few
tentially be used for the production of light-aggregate concrete and self- chapters: content of rubber in concrete, type of discarded rubber de-
consolidating concrete in structural elements, with the goal to reduce pending on particles size (shredded, crumb or powder rubber), re-
the risk of spalling of the concrete surface and concrete cover, in placement of aggregate or cement with rubber, replacement of fine or
structural elements resistant to earthquake actions [26,27]. coarse or both fine and coarse aggregate with rubber, water cement
The review of literature showed that many studies have been con- ratio in rubberized concrete and influence of treated rubber particles.
ducted on small scale models to investigate the performance of concrete Steel fibers and some supplementary cementing materials can also be
with different levels of rubber replacement. However, experimental added in mixtures to improve mechanical properties [12,30,31].
testing to study the applicability of this type of concrete for structural
applications (columns, beams, and frames) is significantly lacking and 2.1. Compressive strength and modulus of elasticity
must be extended to detailed studies.
Motivation for this manuscript is based on directions for future Khaloo et al. [8] reported that substitution of fine aggregate (FA)
experimental and numerical investigations that can be defined after the with smaller rubber particles caused the lowest reduction of com-
review of multiple level performance of rubberized concrete based on pressive strength and modulus of elasticity, while the greatest was
material mechanical and dynamic properties, durability, fatigue and with substitution of coarse aggregate (CA). Ganjian et al. [22] sub-
bond-slip behavior and structural behavior of rubberized beams, col- stituted 5–10% of cement in concrete with rubber powder (RP) what
umns and their connections under different load types. resulted with decrease in both compressive strength and modulus of
elasticity. Gupta et al. [25] in their study utilized up to 20% waste
2. Mechanical properties rubber as partial replacement of fine aggregate in the form of rubber
powder and combined form of rubber powder and rubber fibers in
According to number of experimental studies adding rubber into the conventional concrete mixes of three different w/b ratios and the re-
concrete mixtures in the most cases reduces its compressive strength sults of compressive strength and modulus of elasticity are presented
and modulus of elasticity. This phenomenon is mostly attributed to the in Fig. 1.
a) b)
28-day Compressive
70 70
Strength [MPa]
28-day Compressive
Strength [MPa]
50 40
40 30
0% 5% 10% 15% 20%
Replacement of fine aggregate with RP in % Rubber powder 10% + Rubber fibers
w/c 0.35 w/c 0.45 w/c 0.55 w/c 0.35 w/c 0.45 w/c 0.55
c) d)
35000 30000
Modulus of elasticity [MPa]
25000 15000
0% 5% 10% 15% 20%
Replacement of fine aggregate with RP in % Rubber powder 10% +Rubber fibers
w/c 0.35 w/c 0.45 w/c 0.55
w/c 0.35 w/c 0.45 w/c 0.55
Fig. 1. Compressive strength of concrete with (a) RP, and (b) 10% RP and varied rubber fibers; modulus of elasticity of concrete with (c) RP, and (d) 10% RP and
varied rubber fibers [25].
K. Strukar, et al. Engineering Structures 188 (2019) 452–468
a) b)
Compressive strength
Compressive strength
60 60
30 40
20 30
0% 0.25% 0.5% 0.75% 1%
Fiber content
Fig. 2. (a) Compressive strength of self-consolidating rubberized conrete influenced with the addition of 0–0.75% SFs (left) [33]; (b) Influence of MK and CR content
on CS [7].
Su et al. [23] developed rubberized concrete (RC) mixes by adding improvement of compressive strength or modulus of elasticity, and that
20% rubber particles of 3 mm, 0.5 mm, and 0.3 mm size individually is also observed in investigation conducted by Ismail and Hassan [12]
and finally with continuously grading rubber particles. It was observed who added up to 1% of steel fibers (SFs) in self-consolidating concrete
that compressive strength increased modestly with a decrease in the and vibrated concrete mixtures with up to 35% of CR, while splitting
rubber particle size. Thomas et al. [17] concluded that compressive tensile strength and flexural strength were improved with the addition
strength is decreased with both increased w/c ratio and rubber content. of SFs.
Strukar et al. [32] studied general influence of CR content up to 40% As bonding between cement paste, which is hydrophilic material,
and two different cement amounts with constant w/b ratio on com- and rubber, which is hydrophobic material, the adhesion between
pressive strength and modulus of elasticity of rubberized concrete. It crumb rubber and cement paste is poor. In order to enhance the per-
was reported that compressive strength and modulus of elasticity are formance of rubberized concrete, experimental work has been done on
decreased with increased rubber amount, while greater cement amount surface treatment of crumb rubber by He et al. [37] and Emam and
slightly increased them. Yehia [30] which resulted with increased adhesion strength of the
In order to improve mechanical properties of self-consolidating rubber and cement. He et al.’s [37] investigation resulted with in-
concrete (SCC) mixtures Ganesan et al. [33] added steel fibers (SFs) in creased adhesion strength of the rubber and cement by 41.1%. Com-
concrete mix what resulted with slight increase in compressive strength pared to control mix, compressive strength of the concrete with 4%
as shown in Fig. 2(a). Najim and Hall [34] reported that replacement of modified rubber powder was decreased by 28.7%. However, for the
combined fine and coarse aggregate with crumb rubber offered the concrete with 4% untreated rubber, compressive strength decreased
lowest reduction, whereas replacement of fine aggregate with crumb by 52% compared to control mix. Emam and Yehia [30] treated crumb
rubber showed the reduction in homogeneity and thus the greatest rubber with carbon disulphide CS2 chemical agent to confirm bond
reduction of compressive strength. between rubber particles and mortar. By increasing treated crumb
Ismail et al. [35] investigated influence of supplementary cementing rubber in crumb rubber concrete (CRC) up to 6%, 7-day compressive
materials (SCMs) including fly ash, slag, and metakaolin (MK) on strength increased up to 22% for up to 6% rubber content, respec-
compressive strength of SCC with up to 40% rubber content and it was tively. To obtain a better insight regarding influence of rubber parti-
observed that metakaolin offered the greatest enhancement. Ismail cles on compressive strength and modulus of elasticity, some of the
et al. [7] concluded from results presented in Fig. 2(b) that higher results of previously presented investigations are summarized in
binder content and metakaolin improved compressive strength, and air Table 1.
entrainment (MA) can enable development of mixture with higher It can be concluded that higher replacement of mineral aggregate
rubber content. It was also noticed that the mechanical properties of or cement with rubber particles and greater w/b ratio reduce both
vibrated rubberized concrete are slightly improved compared to self- compressive strength and modulus of elasticity. Particles size of
compacting rubberized concrete mixtures at the same crumb rubber rubber or mineral aggregate also have influence on reduction, thus
(CR) content due to the reduction in the air content. Hilal [28] also replacement up to 20% of fine aggregate with smaller rubber particles
reported negative influence of replacing natural fine aggregate and is recommended incase of concrete without any supplementary ce-
coarse aggregate with three different sizes of crumb rubber in SCC in menting materials. In order to allow higher replacement of mineral
which 30% of cement weight was replaced by fly ash. From the in- aggregate with rubber particles addition of silica fume and/or meta-
vestigation conducted by AbdelAleem et al. [36] results indicated that kaolin, air entrainment or vibrations of concrete should be con-
both silica fume and metakaolin exhibited superior behavior among sidered. However, addition of steel fibers in the rubberized concrete
other SCMs in terms of strength. Vibrated rubberized concrete with will not cause any significant improvement regarding compressive
silica fume in this investigation again showed slightly better perfor- strength, while it will improve splitting tensile strength and flexural
mance, while addition of steel fibers did not show any significant strength.
K. Strukar, et al.
Table 1
Influence of rubber content on compressive strength and modulus of elasticity.
Author Ref. w/b ratio Type of Rubber content Size of rubber Supplementary cementing Steel fibers Influence of rubber particle on compressive Influence of ruber particles on modulus
replaced [%] particles [mm] materials [%] strength of elasticity
Conventional concrete
Ganjian et al. (2009) [22] 0.5 CA, cement 5, 7.5, 10 < 10, < 1.2 – – Reduced by 6.3%, 15.6%, 37.5% regarding rubber Reduced by 17%, 24%, 36% regarding
content rubber content
Su et al. (2014) [23] 0.37 FA 20 3, 0.5, 0.3, – – Reduced by 10.6%, 9.6%, 9.5%, 9.8% regarding –
combined size of rubber particles
Thomas et al. (2015) [17] 0.4, 0.45, FA 2.5, 5, 7.5, 10, <4 – – Reduced by 53%, 48% and 53% regarding w/b ratio –
0.5 12.5, 15, 17.5, 20
Strukar et al. (2018) [32] 0.45 FA, CA 0, 10, 20, 30, 40 <4 – – Reduced by 16%, 44%, 67%, and 76% regarding Reduced by 25%, 38%, 54%, and 77%
rubber content regarding rubber content
Self-consolidating concrete
Ganesan et al. [33] Varied FA 15 < 4.75 – 0.25, 0.5, Reduced by 23% regarding rubber content, while –
(2012) 0.75, 1 increased by 3.6%, 9.5% and 6.6% and decreased
by 16% regarding steel fibers content
Ismail et al. (2015) [35] 0.4 FA 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, < 4.75 Fly ash, Slag, – Reduced by 59.25% regarding rubber content, Reduced by 46.1% regarding rubber
40 Metakaolin while increased by around 50% regarding content, while increased by around 25%
metakaolin regarding metakaolin
Hilal (2017) [28] 0.35 FA, CA 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 < 1, 1–4, Fly ash – Reduced by 31%, 46% and 32% regarding 25% Reduced by 33%, 39% and 35%
combined rubber content and three different rubber particles regarding 25% rubber content and three
sizes different rubber particles sizes
Sofi (2017) [38] 5, 7.5, 10 <4 Silica fume
Ismail and Hassan [12] 0.4 FA 5, 15, 25, 35 < 4.75 Metakaolin, Fly ash 0.35 Reduced by 41.5% regarding 15% rubber content, Reduced by 33% regarding 25% rubber
(2017) while increased by 1.76% regarding steel fibers content, while increased by 3.7%
content regarding steel fibers content
AbdelAleem et al. [36] 0.4 FA 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 < 4.75 Metakaolin, Silica fume, 0.35 Reduced by 58% regarding highest rubber content, –
(2018) Fly ash, Slag while increased by 3.0.39% regarding MK,
Vibrated concrete
Ismail and Hassan [12] 0.4 FA 25, 35 < 4.75 Metakaolin, Fly ash 0.35, 1 Reduced by 52% regarding 35% rubber content, Reduced by 43% regarding 35% rubber
(2017) while increased by 6% regarding 1% steel fibers content, while increased by 2.5%
regarding 1% steel fibers
AbdelAleem et al. [36] 0.4 FA 20, 25, 40 < 4.75 Metakaolin, Silica fume, 0, 1 Reduced by 65% regarding 40% rubber content, –
(2018) Fly ash, Slag metakaolin and 1% SFs
High-strength concrete
Rameswari et al. [29] 0.38 FA 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 < 2.36 Silica fume, Metakaolin – Reduced by 6.5%, 21.5%, 44.4%, 53.4% and 68.3% –
(2017) regarding rubber content
Engineering Structures 188 (2019) 452–468
K. Strukar, et al. Engineering Structures 188 (2019) 452–468
2.2. Stress-strain behavior and ductility of rubberized concrete usage in concrete results in concrete failure with larger deformations
and higher energy dissipation.
Structural concrete is a non-linear material both at ultimate strength
limit states and service loads. It is a complex composite material and is 2.3. Bond-slip behavior of rebars in rubberized concrete
usually considered to be a brittle material that tends to fracture without
significant deformations, which is associated to its low ductility. In order For proper application of rubberized concrete in structural re-
to improve ductility of reinforced concrete elements, influence of re- inforced concrete members bond-slip behavior between concrete and
cycled tire rubber aggregate as a replacement of mineral aggregates was reinforcement bars should be investigated. The bond behavior can be
investigated. Concrete’s constitutive stress-strain relationship depends on examined by pull-out tests [42,43]. Bond-slip behavior in normal con-
its mix design, material composition, and internal microscopic structure, crete depends on the mechanical strength of concrete, its micro-
and this curve describes the relationship between the stress and strain of structure, rebar configuration, concrete thickness and level of confine-
particular material. It is unique for each material and reveal one of the ment [44,45]and can be evaluated by maximum bond strength b, max
most important material properties – ductility of material. and bond coefficient b .
Khaloo et al. [8] investigated the influence of replacing up to 50% There is a small number of studies of rubberized concrete bond-slip
fine and coarse aggregate with crumb and chipped rubber, respectively. behavior. Hall and Najim [46] tested pull-out resistance of 20 mm rebar
Decrease in strength and stiffness with increased rubber content was on plain and self-compacting rubberized concrete samples with 18%
reported, while the stress-strain curves indicated nonlinear behavior of and 14% replacement ratio, respectively. Results showed lower bond
rubberized concrete compared to that of conventional concrete. It was strength but higher bond coefficient which was inversely proportional
also observed that the ultimate stress of the rubberized concrete is de- to rubber content. Gesoglu et al. [47] performed bond-slip testing on 18
pendent on the fine aggregate concentration, while the shape of the samples of rubberized concrete with up to 30% replacement ratio with
curve depends on the coarse aggregate concentration. Li et al. [39] 16 mm rebars. Bond strength was decreased by 40% for concrete with
performed an investigation on low-volume rubberized concrete. It is highest rubber replacement. Bompa and Elghazouli [44] tested 54
observed that rubber incorporation improved the ductility and energy specimens of normal and rubberized concrete with up to 60% of rubber
absorption ability of concrete and that 18% of rubber content improved replacement with different rebar’s diameters: 16 mm and 20 mm and
the toughness index by 11.8% compared with conventional concrete. Xie different confinement. According to their results, rubber-rebar inter-
et al. [40] substituted up to 16% of volume of sand with crumb rubber action has a beneficial influence on bond-slip behavior [44].
and added steel fibers (SFs) in concrete mixes. It was also investigated The bond coefficient b which represents the ratio between bond
influence of replacement of natural coarse aggregate with recycled strength and square root of compressive strength for values larger than
coarse aggregate (RCA). It was observed that both rubber particles and 2.5 can indicate good bond conditions, according to Model Code 2010
RCA exhibited greater ductility, while strength and stiffness were re- [48]. In [44] bond coefficients were in range of 3.9–5.1, in [49] higher
duced. Noaman et al. [41] conducted a similar investigation on the than 2.5 and in [47] 1.5 approximately.
compression toughness of rubberized concrete with up to 15% crumb From the presented investigations it is observed that bond-slip be-
rubber, and rubberized steel fiber concrete which resulted in improved havior in rubberized concrete is directly contributed with rubber size
ductility and strain capacity. Bompa et al. [31] investigated the com- and content, and according to previous studies presented here bond
pressive stress-strain response of a conventional concrete compared to coefficients as a measure of good bond conditions are increased.
the response of concretes with up to 60% of rubberized aggregate, while
Strukar et al. [32] investigated stress-strain curves for concrete with up 3. Durability properties
to 40% of mineral aggregate replacement with rubber particles. In both
cases pre-peak behavior of the concrete was strongly influenced by the To ensure the reliability of usage of rubberized concrete in ag-
rubber replacement of the mineral aggregates what can be seen in Fig. 3, gressive environments, previous investigation studied the durability
and so was crack development in specimens. properties such as water permeability depth, water absorption, abra-
Summarizing previous investigations, it can be concluded that the sion, chloride penetration and carbonation depth. The durability of a
stress-strain behavior of rubberized concrete is generally more non- concrete element is greatly dependent on the capacity of a fluid to
linear compared to that of conventional concrete and the greatest in- penetrate the concrete’s microstructure allowing the introduction of
fluence of rubber particles in concrete is on pre-peak behavior of the molecules that react ad destroy its chemical stability [50].
concrete. Comparison of strain peak corresponding to peak strength and
ultimate strain lead to a conclusion that the ultimate strain of rubber- 3.1. Water absorption
ized concrete increases for larger rubber content and smaller rubber
particle size, and that the capability of crack prevention and plastic Ganjian et al. [22] in their study reported that replacement of coarse
deformation is higher for smaller rubber particles rather than the larger aggregate by chipped rubber up to 10% in conventional concrete
ones. Hence, obtained curves support the assertion that rubber particle caused increase in water absorption, while replacement of cement by
Fig. 3. Compressive stress-strain curves of conventional concrete with (a) 0%, 20%, 40% and 60% rubber content [31]; (b) 0%, 10%, 20%, 30% and 40% rubber
content [32].
K. Strukar, et al. Engineering Structures 188 (2019) 452–468
Increased up to 154% and 16% regarding rubber content and w/b of 0.35 and
Reduced up to 14.3% and 11% regarding rubber content and w/b of 0.35 and
influence water absorption as shown in Table 2. It was concluded that
water absorption increased with increase of both w/b ratio and rubber
Fly ash
Size of rubber particles
with rubber, carbonation depth was increased by 56%. They also con-
10, 15, 20, 25, 30,
4, 4.5, 5, 5.5
5, 7.5, 10
cedure of rubber does not have any significant influence to the carbo-
5, 15, 25
nation resistance. Gupta et al. [25] also reported that carbonation depth
nation depth increases with the increase of CO2 exposure duration for
CA, cement
all selected w/b ratios at any replacement level. It is also noticed that
Influence of rubber content on water absorption.
sistance increased with rubber content. They also observed that SLF can
improve abrasion resistance of concrete, however effect of both rubber
Bisht and Ramana. (2017)
Self-consolidating concrete
and SLF was not investigated. Gupta et al. [25] developed concrete
Gesoglu and Güneyisi
Ganjian et al. (2009)
Conventional concrete
specimens with varied w/b ratio and varied type of rubber particles
Gupta et al. (2014)
which were tested for abrasion resistance. From results is observed that
abrasion resistance is reduced for replacement of fine aggregates with
rubber powder and for higher w/b ratio. However, for bigger rubber
Table 2
Table 3
Influence of rubber content on water permeability.
Author Ref. w/b ratio Type of replaced material Rubber content [%] Size of rubber particles [mm] Influence of rubber particles on water permeability
K. Strukar, et al.
Conventional concrete
Ganjian et al. (2009) [22] 0.50 CA, cement 0, 5, 7.5, 10 < 10 (RF), < 1.2 (RP) Increased by 150% and 114% regarding size of rubber particles
Thomas et al. (2014) [21] 0.4, 0.45, 0.5 FA 0, 2.5, 5, 7.5, 10, 12.5, 15, 17.5, 20 < 4 (CR) Increased up to 310%, 275% and 163% regarding w/b ratio
Su et al. (2014) [23] 0.37 FA 0, 20 3, 0.5, 0.3, combined Increased by 209%, 42%, 38% and 25% regarding size of rubber particles
Self-consolidating concrete
Bisht and Ramana. (2017) [14] 0.40 FA 0, 4, 4.5, 5, 5.5 0.6 (CR) Increased up to 33% regarding rubber content
Table 4
Influence of rubber content on abrasion resistance.
Author Ref. w/b ratio Type of replaced material Rubber content [%] Size of rubber particles [mm] Influence of rubber particles on abrasion resistance
Conventional concrete
Kang et al. (2012) [18] 0.4 FA 5, 7.5, 10, 15 < 2.36 Increased by 35%, 47%, 94% and 116% regarding rubber content
9, 12, 15, 18 2.36 Increased by 160%, 183%, 225% and 333% regarding rubber content
6, 9 1 Increased by 171% and 306% regarding rubber content
Gupta et al. (2014) [25] 0.35, 0.45, 0.55 FA 5, 10, 15, 20 < 1.9 Reduced by 20%, 15% and 21% regrading 20% rubber content and w/b ratio
10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 < 1.9 and < 20 Increased by 7%, 29% and 25% regrading 35% rubber content and w/b ratio
Self-consolidating concrete
Bisht and Ramana. (2017) [14] 0.40 FA 4, 4.5, 5, 5.5 0.6 Reduced up to 15% regarding rubber content
Engineering Structures 188 (2019) 452–468
K. Strukar, et al. Engineering Structures 188 (2019) 452–468
for concrete with rubber particles depth of wear increased with in- and resistance to chloride ion penetration due to better adherence of
creased rubber content and that was attributed to low adhesion be- rubber and cement paste, with increase of the curing period and with
tween crumb rubber and cement paste. the addition of fly ash, while higher w/b ratio can reduce it.
Bravo and de Brito [19] found that higher content of rubber parti- High rigidity and brittleness are the most important properties of
cles led to a higher chloride diffusion coefficient and that grinding the cement-based concrete. Previous researchers found that adding
procedure of rubber influenced resistance to chloride ion penetration rubber to concrete, except reducing its strength, increases the deform-
what is related to surface of processed rubber which can be rough and ability and ductility of the concrete members [52]. Thus, rubberized
provides better adherence of rubber and cement paste. It was also re- concrete could be applied in places where deformability and toughness
ported that increase of the curing period of rubberized concrete de- are more important than strength, i.e. in seismic areas. In that case, it is
creased chloride ion penetration. Thomas et al. [21] obtained the re- necessary to know dynamic properties, including three primary para-
sults for the chloride ion penetration for the concrete mixes with water meters: dynamic modulus of elasticity, natural frequency and vibration
to different binder ratios, and crumb rubber replacement up to 20%. damping.
The results showed that chloride ion penetration increased for higher One of the first dynamic tests on rubberized concrete was performed
w/b ratio and with respect to age. The same was reported by Sofi [38]. by Hernandez-Olivares et al. [9] to calculate the capacity to dissipate
However, regarding rubber content, chloride ion penetration did not elastic energy under low-frequency dynamic actions. Volumetric con-
have a certain trend. Gesolu and Güneyisi [20] investigated influence of tent of rubber was very low, 3.5% and 5%, however the high percen-
up to 25% rubber replacement of fine mineral aggregate and substitu- tage of the specific energy was dissipated, 23–30%. In another experi-
tion of 20% to 60% of cement with fly ash on chloride ion penetration mental study performed by Zheng et al. [10] coarse aggregate in
of self-consolidating rubberized. Test results indicated that chloride ion concrete was replaced for ground rubber in first set and crushed rubber
penetration progressively increased with the increased rubber content, in the other set. In both set replacement was up to 45%. It was reported
especially for the concretes without fly ash. It was also reported that for that crushed rubber had more effect than ground rubber on both static
longer curing period, incorporation of the fly ash into the self-com- and dynamic modulus of elasticity, and damping ratio of rubberized
pacting rubberized concrete mixtures significantly enhanced the re- concrete. Damping ratio was improved by 75% and 144% for crushed
sistance of the concretes against the chloride ion ingress. and ground rubber, respectively. Moustafa and ElGawady [11] in-
vestigated dynamic properties for high strength concrete with re-
3.6. Drying shrinkage placement of fine aggregate with scrap rubber ranging from 0 to 30%.
The dynamic properties were investigated on large scale beams using
From the investigation made by Bravo and de Brito [19] was con- three different methods: hysteresis analysis, free vibration tests with
cluded that drying shrinkage is increased by 43% with incorporation of impact hammer on simply supported beams, and drop weight tests. It
15% rubber particles. It is also reported that grinding process of fine was observed from the results that hysteresis and viscous damping are
rubber and shape of rubber aggregate in this test did not influence increased with increased rubber content. It was also observed that
drying shrinkage, while the size of rubber aggregate did by increasing rubberized concrete is more sensitive on induced energy than conven-
it. Yung et al. [51] tested specimens made of SCC with rubber powder tional concrete and that damping ratio is increased with the increase of
particles of different sizes replaced by up to 20% fine mineral ag- the induced energy. Natural frequency decreases with the addition of
gregates. It was reported that shrinkage increased with the addition of rubber, however it is not significantly affected by the rubber content.
rubber particles, thus 5% of addition led to an increase of 35% in From the results it can be seen that both dynamic and static modulus of
length, while for 20% of addition led to an increase of 95%. elasticity decreased with the increase in rubber content and that dy-
namic modulus of elasticity is more influenced by the replacement of
3.7. Freezing – thawing resistance rubber. Feng et al. [53] conducted static and dynamic split tensile tests
on concrete with 10%-50% rubber content. It was observed that the
Si et al. [15] concluded that rubber aggregate improves the freeze- ultimate displacement, energy dissipation ratio, absorption energy and
thaw deterioration resistance of concrete since the loss of mass and absorption time were improved for rubberized concrete in which rubber
decrease of dynamic modulus reduced in rubberized concrete after 246 particles can provide additional deformation ability.
freeze-thaw cycles. The effect was more pronounced in the NaOH It can be summarized that addition of rubber particles have high
treated rubber samples. With the increase in rubber content in concrete, influence on dynamic properties of concrete. They improve hysteresis
the resistance to freeze-thaw damage slightly decreased. and viscous damping, ultimate displacement, energy dissipation ratio,
According to presented investigations regarding durability proper- absorption energy and absorption time, while natural frequency and
ties of rubberized concrete, it is obvious that they are affected with the dynamic modulus of elasticity decreases. However, further investiga-
addition of rubber particle due to the low adhesion between rubber tion on dynamic properties of rubberized concrete should be provided.
particles and cement paste. Higher rubber content and w/b ratio in-
crease water absorption and water permeability, and that increase is 4.1. Fatigue in rubberized concrete
even more evident in case of bigger rubber particles, while it can be
reduced by filling the voids with the addition of fly ash. Bigger rubber Importance of fatigue strength is evident in any structure that can be
particles also have higher influence on the carbonations resistance by subjected to repeated or cyclic loads. For concrete structure design in
increasing carbonation depth, and so does improper compaction of practice fatigue stress level (S) must be less than 0.50. The number of
concrete. Size of rubber particles also have influence on drying cycles needed to failure of specimen is fatigue life N. For the normal
shrinkage by increasing it. In contrary, abrasion resistance showed good plain concrete, the fatigue life could be more than 2 million cycles at
performance with the addition of bigger rubber particles, and possible fatigue stress level of 0.55 [54]. Fatigue behavior can be characterized
improvement can be possible with the addition of silica fume. Rubber by applied stress level to the number of cycles (S-N curve of Wöhler
particles also have positive impact to the freezing-thawing resistance curve). It the fatigue life is longer, toughness is higher.
K. Strukar, et al. Engineering Structures 188 (2019) 452–468
Chen et al. [55] tested four samples of conventional and rubberized post-crack stage were reported what was attributed to the low modulus
concrete with different combinations of mixtures of rubber particles of rubber particles.
and rubber powder. According to their results rubberized concrete with
rubber particles and powder only have had acceptable fatigue life of
5.2. Shear behavior of rubberized concrete beams
over 2 million cycles. Murugan et al. [56] tested conventional and
rubberized concrete with 5–25% of rubber content. The fatigue life was
Mendis et al. [13] investigated flexural shear behavior of reinforced
increased for rubber content from range 5–10%. Liu et al. [57] tested
beams made from different crumb rubber concrete mixes having similar
fatigue performance of 60 concrete specimens with various rubber
compressive strength, varied w/b ratio and different crumb rubber
content up to 15% with different stress levels (0.6–0.9). S-N curve,
proportions, with and without stirrups as a sequel to previously de-
according to their results, shows linear correlation and tendency, where
scribed research [64]. It is reported that shear capacity increased with
fatigue strength is directly increased with rubber content percentage.
increased rubber content in concrete, while w/b ratio did not influence
Ganesan et al. [58] performed testing of self-compacting rubberized
shear capacity. Stirrups, however, influenced the failure mode, thus in
concrete (15 and 20% rubber content) with and without steel fibers
beams with stirrups typical flexural failure occurred, while beams
(0.5% and 0.75%) with different stress levels (0.6–0.9). Specimens that
without stirrups failed after reaching shear capacity when cracks were
were subjected to S = 0.9 had short fatigue life (70 cycles). Best per-
at 45°. It was also reported that predicted shear capacities obtained
formance was obtained for specimens with combined mixture of 15% of
from existing design guidelines were higher compared to experimen-
rubber and 0.75% of steel fibers. Fatigue performance of concrete can
tally obtained values.
be also tested by analysis of acoustic emission (AE) signals. Wang et al.
Influence of both rubber particles and steel fibers on shear behavior
[59] and Zhang and Zhao [60] used AE for evaluation of fatigue
and cracking of self-consolidating and vibrated rubberized concrete
strength and live in rubberized concrete specimens. In [59,61] was
beams with no shear reinforcement was investigated by Ismail and
concluded that inclusion of 60 kg of rubber particles in 1 m3 of concrete
Hassan [12]. Decrease of maximum crack width and slight increase in
can increase the fatigue life up to 10 times.
the cracks number with increase of rubber content was reported and it
It can be generally concluded that rubber particles in concrete
was attributed to the low modulus and high Poisson’s ratio of crumb
mixture can improve fatigue strength up to 15%, where fatigue strength
rubber compared to the hardened mortar. It is also observed that steel
can be increased by higher rubber content.
fibers had no influence on shear failure mode as it did on reduction of
the cracks openings by 53% due to the stitching action what caused
5. Performance of rubberized concrete beams
increase on beams stiffness. Higher percentage of steel fibers, however,
did caused flexural failure mode and thus makes it possible to reduce
When it comes to the application of rubberized concrete in struc-
the amount of shear stirrups. Regarding vibrated rubberized concrete
tural elements, there is not so many available studies. Only few re-
beams, much higher toughness and greater energy absorption were
searchers investigated performance of beams, columns and beam-
column elements according to available literature which is presented
Sandeep et al. [65] investigated behavior of two-span continuous
steel fiber reinforced rubberized deep beams designed to fail in shear.
Aim of this research was to find optimum combination of crumb rubber
5.1. Flexural behavior of rubberized concrete beams
and steel fiber content that will result in better performance and ulti-
mate load carrying capacity. Decrease of ultimate load capacity was
To understand the behavior of rubberized concrete at the structural
observed for increase of rubber content, but addition of steel fibers
application level, Ismail and Hassan [7,62] developed twelve full-scale
caused improvement. Authors recommended that optimal rubber and
self-consolidated rubberized concrete and vibrated rubberized concrete
steel fibers content is 10% and 0.75%, respectively.
beams with up to 50% of crumb rubber content and with shear and
flexural reinforcement to investigate the effect of crumb rubber on
flexural behavior, stiffness, ductility and cracking characteristics under 5.3. Behavior of rubberized concrete beams under cyclic loading
flexural load. It was reported that crack width decreased from 5 mm to
2 mm and that crumb rubber content improved the deformation capa- An experimental study was carried out by Hassanli et al. [47,67] to
city of beams causing more ductile failure. In another investigation understand behavior of rubberized concrete beams under cyclic
Ismail and Hassan [63] compared the experimental ultimate moments loading. Sand volume of concrete was replaced by up to 18% rubber
and the theoretical design moments predicted by existing guidelines particles which were previously treated with NaOH solution. Typical
and it was concluded that experimental ultimate moments were ap- ductile flexural failure was observed, characterized by yielding of the
proximately 5–23% higher than the predicted values. bottom reinforcing bars accompanied by crushing of concrete at the top
Mendis et al. [64] performed research to investigate the flexural of the beam and without any diagonal cracks. From the results obtained
behavior of reinforced rubberized concrete beams with up to 21% in this investigation can be concluded that with crumb rubber increase,
rubber content and to evaluate the compatibility of using available number of cracks increases, but their width and size decrease. Also,
design guidelines. It was reported that rubber content had little effect deflection capacity, maximum and residual compressive strain and
on the ultimate flexural capacity of the beams and that existing design damping ratio increased while the ultimate moment capacity decreases
guidelines can be used to predict ultimate flexural capacity and at highest crumb rubber content.
cracking moment of the rubberized concrete with the same level of From the previously presented investigations and results presented
accuracy of a normal concrete beam. In study carried out by Hall and in Table 5 different influences of rubber particles in concrete were
Najim [49] aim was to determine the compatibility of optimized mixes observed on performance of rubberized concrete such as improved
for structural applications using steel reinforced beams by assessing deformation capacity, ultimate shear load, toughness and energy ab-
mechanical properties, monotonic and cyclic flexural loading. Beams sorption and exhibited. Rubberized concrete allows development of
were casted out of conventional rubberized concrete and self-con- greatest number and narrower crack and thus more ductile failure. Steel
solidating rubberized concrete mixtures in which both fine and coarse fibers also can reduce crack opening and they are recommended for
aggregate (FACA) were replaced in order to compare their flexural concrete with higher content of rubber particles in order to provide
behavior with non-rubberized concrete where crumb rubber particles flexural failure of beams. Design guidelines, however, need to be
were previously pre-coated by mortar to improve mechanical properties adapted due to the lower values of experimental results compared to
and toughness. Better strain capacity and exhibited higher energy in the those obtained by guidelines.
Table 5
Behavior of beams under different loads.
Author Ref. w/b ratio Type of Rubber Size of rubber Supplementary Steel Treatment of Beam dimensions Type of load Reinforcement Observations on behavior of rubberized
K. Strukar, et al.
replaced content particles cementing materials fibers rubber surface w × d × l [mm] concrete beams under applied load
material [%] [mm]
Conventional concrete
Hall and Najim [49] Varied FACA 18 2–6 – – Mortar pre- 100 × 200 × 1700 Flexural Flexural, shear • Lower maximum bond shear strength
(2014) coated • The first crack deflection increased for
rubberized content
• Lower energy absorption
• Decreased flexural stiffness
• Damage in the compression zone visually
more apparent
Mendis et al. [64] Varied FA 5–21 <4 – – – 100 × 200 × 2200 Flexural Flexural, shear • Beams made of rubberized concrete of
(2017) similar compressive strength have
similar cracking moment and ultimate
flexural capacities regardless of rubber
content and other mix proportions
Sandeep (2017) [65] 0.45 FA 10, 15 <4 – 0, 0.50, Poly Vinyl 75 × 350 × 1500 Flexural Flexural, shear • Shear failure
0.75, 1 Alcohol • Ductile behavior of rubberized concrete
solution beams
• Ultimate load carrying capacity reduced
by 33% and 4% with the addition of 10%
and 15% of rubber
• The addition of 0.75% steel fibers
increased ultimate capacity of rubberized
concrete by 17% for 10% rubber
Hassanli et al. [66,67] 0.50 FA 6, 12, 18 1.16–1.20 – – 10% NaOH 130 × 225 × 2800 Flexural Flexural, shear Compressive strain capacity increased
(2017) solution
• with the increased rubber content
• Increased deflection capacity
• Increased damping ratio and kinetic
energy, while dissipated hysteretic
energy is decreased
• Lower reduction in flexural strength then
the reduction in compressive strength
Mendis et al. [13] Varied FA 5–21 <4 – – – 100 × 200 × 2200 Flexural Flexural • 10–15% variation in flexural shear
(2018) capacities between the beams of similar
compressive strength
• Shear capacity increased with the
increase in the rubber content
• Shear fail giving 45° shear cracks
• Shear capacity increased wut tge rubber
Flexural, shear • Shear capacity increased with the
increase in the rubber content
• Typical failure pattern of a normal
reinforced concrete, compression failure
at the top of the beam
Self-consolidating concrete
Hall and Najim [49] Varied FACA 14 2–6 – – Mortar pre- 100 × 200 × 1700 Flexural Flexural, shear • The first crack deflection slightly
(2014) coated rubber increased
particles • Increased strain capacity and energy
• Higher energy absorption in post-crack
• Increased flexural toughness
(continued on next page)
Engineering Structures 188 (2019) 452–468
Table 5 (continued)
Author Ref. w/b ratio Type of Rubber Size of rubber Supplementary Steel Treatment of Beam dimensions Type of load Reinforcement Observations on behavior of rubberized
replaced content particles cementing materials fibers rubber surface w × d × l [mm] concrete beams under applied load
K. Strukar, et al.
Ismah and [7,62] 0.4 FA 5, 10, 15, < 4.75 Metakaolin, Air – – 250 × 250 × 2440 Flexural Flexural, shear • The first crack load, concrete's stiffness,
Hassan 20, 30 entrainment beams' flexural stiffness reduced
(2016, • The deformation capacity, ductility, and
2018) toughness improved for up to 20% rubber
• Decreased crack width and increased
number of cracks
Ismail and [12] 0.4 5, 15 < 4.75 Metakaolin, Fly ash 0, 0.35, – 250 × 250 × 1500 Flexural Flexural • Shear fail after the formation of a single
Hassan 1 major diagonal crack
(2017) • Maximum crack width decreased and
number of cracks increased with
increased crumb rubber content
• Steel fibers additionally decreased crack
widths and crack spacing
• Increased ultimate shear load od self-
consolidated rubberized concrete with
the addition of steel fibers
• Post-diagonal cracking resistance and
toughness decreased with the addition of
crumb rubber, however increased with
the addition of steel fibers
Vibrated concrete
Ismah and [7,62] 0.4 FA 40, 50 < 4.75 – – – 250 × 250 × 2440 Flexura Flexural, shear • The first crack load, concrete's stiffness,
Hassan beams' flexural stiffness reduced
(2016, • The deformation capacity, ductility, and
2018) toughness improved
• Possible higher crumb rubber
replacement (30–50%)
Ismail and [10] 0.4 25, 35 < 4.75 Metakaolin, Fly ash 0, 0.35, – 250 × 250 × 1500 Flexural Flexural • Shear fail after the formation of a single
Hassan 1 major diagonal crack
(2017) • Maximum crack width decreased and
number of cracks increased with
increased crumb rubber content
• Flexure fail of beams with 1% of 35 mm
steel fibers
• Flexure-shear failure of beams with 1% of
60 mm steel fibers
• Increased ultimate shear load od vibrated
rubberized concrete with the addition of
steel fibers
• Post-diagonal cracking resistance and
toughness decreased with the addition of
crumb rubber, however increased with
the addition of steel fibers
Engineering Structures 188 (2019) 452–468
K. Strukar, et al. Engineering Structures 188 (2019) 452–468
6. Performance of rubberized concrete columns the better performance by enhancing ductility and improving me-
chanical properties. Li and Li [73] investigated seismic performance of
6.1. Behavior of rubberized concrete columns under axial loading column made of rubberized concrete with steel fibers compared to
conventional concrete column. Seismic performance was tested by low
To investigate the effect of rubberized concrete on reinforced col- cyclic loading with an axial compression ratio and it was reported that
umns buckling behavior, Son et al. [68] developed twelve columns with flexural and compressive toughness were increased, hysteretic curve,
six different concrete mixes of which two were conventional concrete ductility and energy dissipation capacity are significantly enhanced.
mixes and the rest were concrete mixes with rubber content 2.7–5.4% Hassanli et al. [74] conducted experimental study on segmental self-
of fine aggregate volume. Columns were tested under pure axial load. centering rubberized concrete columns with pre-tensioned bars which
Test results indicated that with an increase in the rubber content, the were tested under reversed-cyclic lateral loading under different di-
compressive load-carrying capacity of column specimens decreases. It is rections and compared to behavior of conventional concrete column.
observed that rubberized concrete columns are capable of undergoing Except direction of loading and concrete material, shear reinforcement
more than two times lateral deformation before buckling failure com- presence or absence was also a variable. It is reported that direction of
pared to the normal concrete columns. This implied that rubberized loading had a significant effect on the behavior of tested columns.
concrete columns were capable of absorbing higher amount of energy Hassanli et al. [67] also presented an experimental and numerical study
before failure. Results also indicated that utilizing rubber particles in performed on crumb rubber concrete columns to better understand the
the concrete mix can result in improvement in curvature ductility of structural behavior under axial eccentrically monotonic load. Another
column specimens. These conclusions are very important for seismic investigation performed by Hassanli et al. [75] was focused on seismic
design where structures should be capable of sustaining large de- performance of precast post-tensioned segmental FRP-confined and
formations without collapse. unconfined crumb rubber concrete which were tested under in-
crementally increasing reverse cyclic load. FRP-confinement showed
good influence peak load, ultimate drift and ductile behavior without
6.2. Behavior of rubberized concrete columns under cyclic and monotonic noticeable damage throughout the cyclic test.
An experimental investigation on the performance of rubberized 6.3. Behavior of rubberized concrete columns under seismic loading
concrete in structural application was performed by Youssf et al. [26]
on circular reinforced concrete columns, with longitudinal, shear and Study performed by Xue and Shinozuka [76] investigated damping,
confining reinforcement. Columns were tested under axial compression dynamic, and seismic behaviors of rubberized concrete for its potential
load and incrementally increasing reversed cycling load. Crumb rubber application as structural material. Small scale rubberized concrete
particles were treated with NaOH solution to increase the rubber/ce- columns were fabricated and tested under free vibration to identify
ment interface adhesion. In order to estimate the structural damping damping ratios, and on seismic shaking table tests to investigate the
ratio, natural frequency and stiffness, snap back tests were carried out structural responses to earthquake ground motion. Increase of damping
on each column specimen. From the cyclic test results it was observed ratio and reduction of seismic response of concrete structures was re-
that the hysteretic damping ratio and energy dissipation were increased ported. Moustafa et al. [27] performed first shake-table tests on two
in CRC column. Regarding damping ratio, results showed that for large scale cantilever reinforced concrete columns. One column was
rubberized concrete was 49% less than that for conventional concrete. casted with conventional concrete and second with rubberized concrete
Youssf et al. [69] conducted investigation on the same rubberized in which 20% of fine aggregate volume was replaced with crumb
concrete columns, but this time including fiber reinforced polymer rubber. Columns were subjected to a sequence of ground motions scaled
(FRP) confinement as a means of overcoming the material deficiencies to the certain design spectrum. Results are compared for both types of
such as compressive strength. Previous investigation conducted by the columns and presented in Table 6. It was reported that in rubberized
same authors [66,70] showed that the use of FRP to confine rubberized concrete column lateral drift capacity and dissipated energy were in-
concrete effectively negates the decrease in strength, and retains the creased.
advantages of increased ductility that arise from rubberized concrete. Hassanli et al. [66,67] made four reinforced columns out of rub-
Elghazouli et al. [71] and Bompa et al. [72] conducted an experimental berized concrete mixtures with crumb rubber which were previously
study on three large-scale circular reinforced concrete columns in- treated with NaOH solution which were tested under eccentrically
corporating significant proportion of rubber particles as replacement monotonic axial load. This study reported that compressive strain ca-
for mineral aggregate and external confinement through three layer of pacity, viscous damping ratio and kinetic energy increased with in-
FRP sheets. Columns were subjected to lateral cyclic displacements and creased rubber content, however adverse impact on the dissipated
co-existing axial loads. Results of investigation showed improved duc- hysteretic energy was observed.
tility and energy dissipation of rubberized concrete. FRP contributed to
Table 6
Test results indicating general behavior of columns under seismic loading [27].
Conventional concrete column Rubberized concrete column
Table 7
Behavior of columns under different loads.
Author Ref. w/b Type of Rubber Size of Supplementary Steel fibers/ Treatment of Column dimensions Type of load Reinforcement Observations on behavior of rubberized
K. Strukar, et al.
ratio replaced content rubber cementing FRP rubber w × d × l [mm] concrete columns under applied load
material [%] particles materials surface
Conventional concrete
Son et al. (2011) [68] 0.5 FA 2.7, 5.4 0.6–1 – – – 200 × 300 × 1600 Axial load Flexural, shear • Capability of undergoing larger lateral
deformations before buckling failure
• Improvement in the curvature ductility
by 45%-90% regarding rubber content
• Better energy dissipation and ductility
Xue and [76] – CA 15 6 Silica fume – – 40 × 40 × 500 Free vibrations, – • Increased damping ratio by 62%
Shinozuka shaking table • Enhanced energy dissipation capability
(2013) • Reduction of seismic response
acceleration by 27%
Youssf et al. [26] 0.5 FA 20 1.18–2.36 – – – ϕ240 × 1500 Axial compression Flexural, shear, • Significantly increased hysteretic
(2015) load, incrementally confining damping ratio and energy dissipation
increasing reversed by 13% and 150%, respectively
cyclic load • No significant effect on their ultimate
lateral strength and deformability even
though it has lower axial compressive
• Delayed and reduced damage amount
occurring under seismic loading
• Ultimate strength increased and
ultimate drift decreased by 1.7% and
22.6%, respectively, with increased
axial load on a column subjected to
cyclic load
• Concrete cover spalling of rubberized
concrete column delayed and the
concrete cracking minimized
Youssf et al. [69] 0.5 FA 6, 12, 18 1.16–2.0 – FRP-confined – ϕ240 × 1500 Axial compression Flexural, shear, • Peak strength increased and the
(2016) laod, incrementally confining ultimate drift decreased by 11.5% and
increasing reversed 54%, respectively, in the case of FRP
cyclic load confined column
• Insignificant effect of rubber particles on
concrete energy dissipation and viscous
• Maximum tensile and compressive rebar
strains increased
• Increased column plastic hinge length
with increased FRP thickness
Moustafa et al. [27] 0.67 FA 20 0.59–2.38 Fly ash – – ϕ300 × 1900 Sequence of scaled Flexural • Rebar yielding delayed
(2017) historical ground • Energy dissipation and lateral drift
motion record capacity increased by 16.5% and 12.5%
• Lesser cover spalling of rubberized
• Gradual increase in the residual drifts
• Fundamental period increased by 10%
• Reduction of microcracks
• Higher average hysteresis damping
before the rebar fracture
• Higher viscous damping
(continued on next page)
Engineering Structures 188 (2019) 452–468
Table 7 (continued)
Author Ref. w/b Type of Rubber Size of Supplementary Steel fibers/ Treatment of Column dimensions Type of load Reinforcement Observations on behavior of rubberized
ratio replaced content rubber cementing FRP rubber w × d × l [mm] concrete columns under applied load
K. Strukar, et al.
Hassanli et al. [66,67] 0.5 FA 6, 12, 18 1.16–2.0 – – 10% NaOH 80 × 80 × 1420 Monotonic eccentric Flexural, shear • Lower reduction of ultimate capacity
(2017) solution load (12%) compared to reduction of
compressive strength (31%) on
material level
• Increased number and decreased width
of the cracks
• Increased viscous damping ratio and
kinetic energy
• Reduced dissipated hysteretic energy
Hassanli et al. [75] 0.5 FA 18 1.18 – FRP-confined – ϕ150 × 1425 Reverse cyclic load Flexural, shear • Post-tensioned force increased peak
(2017) load and decreased ultimate drifts by
32% and 69%, respectively
• Ductile behavior of FRP-confined
columns without noticeable damage
through the cyclic test
• No significant effect of rubberized
concrete in segmental column
• Increase of ultimate compressive strain
in FRP-confined rubberized columns
Li and Li (2017) [73] 0.4 FA 5 2–4 – 0.9 – ϕ300 × 1150 Low cyclic loading Flexural, shear • Flexural strength increased by 9.5%
regarding rubber content and by
35.8% regarding steel fibers
Both rubber particles and steel fibers
• can improve the compressive toughness
of concrete by 139%
• Ductile fracture with multiple cracks
• Energy dissipation capacity and
ductility are significantly enhanced, by
67% and 29%, respectively
Hassanli et al. [74] 0.5 FA 18 1.18 – – – 120 × 300 × 1425 Reverse lateral Flexural, shear, • Higher load capacity of in-plane
(2018) cyclic loading, in without shear loaded columns
plane and out of • Higher ductility, lower level of damage
plane and lower pre-stressing loss of out-of-
• Dissipated higher level of energy in in-
plane loaded rubberized concrete
Elghazouli et al. [72] 0.35 FA, CA 60 0–10, 10–20 Silica fume, fly ash FRP-confined – ϕ250 × 1000 Lateral cyclic Flexural, shear • Externally confined rubberized
(2018) displacements, co- concrete member exhibited the
existing axial load highest level of energy dissipation,
lowest cyclic degradation, significant
enhancement of capacity
• Higher lateral deformation before
• Good balance between bending capacity
and ductility
Engineering Structures 188 (2019) 452–468
K. Strukar, et al. Engineering Structures 188 (2019) 452–468
6.4. Behavior of beam-column elements under monotonic and cyclic loading The remarks can be summarized as follows:
The behavior of beam-column joints under monotonic and cycling • The replacement natural aggregate with rubber content will reduce
loads was investigated by Ganesan et al. [77]. Specimens were casted its compressive strength and modulus of elasticity (up to 60% of
with ordinary self-consolidating concrete (SCC), self-consolidating reduction for rubber content of 40%). Accordingly, rubber content
rubberized concrete (SCRC) with 15% rubber and steel fibers self-con- must be limited to maximum of 20–30%, however mechanical
solidating rubberized concrete (SFSCRC) with 15% rubber and 0.5% properties can be improved with higher cement content, lower w/b
steel fibers. Monotonic, repeated and reverse cyclic loads were applied ratio, adding supplementary cementing materials like metakaolin
to the beam while column was subjected to an axial compressive load. (increased compressive strength up to 20%) of fly ash and using
SCRC and SFRCSRC specimens indicated enhanced elastic deformation surface modification method to enhance adhesion between crumb
and energy absorption capacity rather than SCC specimens, while ul- rubber and cement paste. Contrary, steel fibers do not greatly affect
timate capacity was lower. However, ultimate capacity was increased compressive strength.
with addition of steel fibers. Overall, this study indicates that SCRS and • From the stress-strain curves it is indicated that the behavior of
SFRSCRC exhibit high ductile characteristics that are more desirable for rubberized concrete is more nonlinear in comparison to conven-
earthquake-resistant structures. tional concrete. It was observed that the ultimate stress of the rub-
An investigation on self-consolidating rubberized concrete beam- berized concrete is dependent on the fine aggregate concentration,
column joints under reverse cyclic loading had been conducted by while the shape of the curve depends on the coarse aggregate con-
AbdelAleem et al. [78] to evaluate their performance with different centration. The effect of rubber addition on the peak concrete
percentage of crumb rubber up to 25%. It was observed that with up to compressive strain depends on both the improved deformation and
15% of crumb rubber the tip deflection at ultimate load, the displace- the decreased compressive strength.
ment ductility and energy dissipation were increased by 12.5%, 19% • Rubber incorporation improved the ductility and energy absorption
and 21%, respectively, while brittleness index was decreased by 21% ability of concrete. Concrete with 18% crumb rubber improved the
which highlight improved ductility. Higher content of rubber particles toughness index by 11.8% in regard to traditional concrete.
caused greater number of disadvantages such as decreased maximum • Water absorption and water penetration increased with the increase
crack width, great reduction of the initial stiffness by 37%, displace- of rubber content. Addition of fly ash showed beneficial effect in
ment ductility, compressive strength by 51% and beam-column joint reducing the water absorption. It was concluded that water per-
stiffness, while increase of the brittleness index which indicated low meability had better performance for concretes with finer rubber
ductility. Elghazouli et al. [72] in their paper examined the inelastic particles than those with the larger rubber particles. Experimental
cyclic behavior of large-scale circular rubberized reinforced concrete results showed that carbonation depth increases with the increase of
beam-columns subjected to lateral cyclic deformations and co-existing CO2 exposure duration for all selected w/b ratios and any replace-
axial loads. It is reported that rubber particles provide improved duc- ment level. The size of rubber significantly affected abrasion re-
tility and energy dissipation characteristics in comparison with con- sistance.
ventional concrete. • Dynamic test results showed that the hysteresis damping increases
Results regarding testing of rubberized concrete columns are pre- with the increase of rubber content. It was also observed that rub-
sented in Table 7. Overall behavior of rubberized concrete columns in berized concrete is more sensitive on induced energy than conven-
these investigations was more preferable than the behavior of con- tional concrete and that damping ratio is increased with the increase
ventional concrete column due to the higher ductility and greater en- of the induced energy. Natural frequency decreases with the addi-
ergy dissipation as a result of viscoelastic nature of the rubber particles. tion of rubber, however it is not significantly affected by the rubber
Addition of rubber particles in concrete affects load-carrying capacity of content. Bond-slip behavior and fatigue are enhanced with rubber
column, while improves higher absorption of energy and thus higher content increasement.
lateral deformation capacity which can occur before failure. Rubber • Rubberized concrete beams under the flexural behavior of rubber-
content also offers good balance between bending capacity and ducti- ized concrete showed decrease of crack width by increase of rubber
lity, damping, residual drift and fundamental period due to the higher content. The crumb rubber content 0–20% improved the deforma-
initial stiffness, while impact of rubberized concrete on ultimate tion capacity of beams.
bearing capacity is generally lower on structural level compared to • By increasing rubber content shear capacity of rubberized beams
strength capacity on material level. Addition of steel fibers in rubber- was increased, maximum crack width decreased as the percentage of
ized concrete can significantly enhance flexural toughness, ductility crumb rubber increased, but with a slight increase in the cracks
and energy dissipation capacity, while FRP can improve the peak number. It was concluded that toughness is decreasing with the
strength and helo to exhibit the highest level of energy dissipation and addition of crumb rubber, but adding SFs increased it.
lowest cyclic degradation. These conclusions are very important for • From the results of rubberized beams influenced by cyclic loading it
seismic design where structures should be capable of sustaining large was concluded that with increase of crumb rubber content, number
deformations without collapse. of cracks increased, but their width and size decreased. Also, de-
flection capacity, maximum and residual compressive strain and
7. Conclusion damping ratio increased while the ultimate moment capacity de-
creased at highest crumb rubber content by 6%.
The current paper aims to review the previous studies of the influ- • Test results of columns loaded with axial compression indicated that
ence of rubber aggregate on the mechanical properties: compressive with an increase in the rubber content, the compressive load-car-
strength, modulus of elasticity, stress-strain response, ductility, dur- rying capacity of column specimens decreases. It is indicated that
ability properties: water absorption, water permeability, carbonation rubberized concrete columns were capable of undergoing more than
resistance, abrasion resistance, chloride ion penetration, drying two times lateral deformation before buckling failure compared to
shrinkage, freezing-thawing resistance, dynamic properties: toughness the normal concrete columns. This implied that rubberized concrete
and damping ratio. columns were capable of absorbing higher amount of energy before
Performance of rubberized concrete elements is summarized by failure.
their flexural and shear behavior of beams, behavior of beams under the • Better performance of rubberized column under the cyclic loading,
cyclic loading, behavior of columns under axial, cyclic and seismic compared to conventional concrete specimens, was attributed to the
loading and performance of beam-column joints. higher ductility, greater energy dissipation of the rubberized
K. Strukar, et al. Engineering Structures 188 (2019) 452–468
Table 8
Recommendations and directions for future investigations for rubberized concrete in structural applications.
concrete due to viscoelastic nature of the rubber particles, higher [21] Thomas BS, Gupta RC, Panicker VJ. Recycling of waste tire rubber as aggregate in
hysteretic damping ratio and higher initial stiffness. Overall, rub- concrete: durability-related performance. J Clean Prod 2016;112:504–13.
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