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Access 2003 Quikref

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Access 2003
Quick Reference Card
The Database Window Keyboard Shortcuts
The Standard Toolbar OfficeLinks Code Properties New Object General
New Save Print Preview Cut Paste

Open a Database <Ctrl> + <O>

Open File Print Spell Copy Undo Analyze Script Relationships Help
Close a Database <Ctrl> + <W>
Search Check Editor
Print Current View <Ctrl> + <P>
Database Objects • To Cut or Copy an Object: Select the object Delete <Delete>
Create a new object by …or by using a Wizard. and click the Cut button or Copy
clicking the New button…
button on the toolbar, or press <Ctrl> + <X> Undo <Ctrl> + <Z>
(cut) or <Ctrl> + <C> (copy). Help <F1>
• To Paste an Object: Click the Paste New Record <Ctrl> + < + >
Objects button on the toolbar or press <Ctrl> + <V>.
Delete Record <Ctrl> + < - >
Select the • To Import an Object from Another File:
type of Right-click any empty area of the Database window Save Record <Shift> + <Enter>
object you and select Import from the shortcut menu. Select Cancel Changes <Esc>
want to
the database that contains the object(s) you want to
view. Insert Date <Ctrl> + < ; >
import, click Import, select the objects, and click
OK. Insert Time <Shift> + <Ctrl> + <:>
Database objects appear • To Export a Table: Click Tables on the Insert Value from <Ctrl> + < ’ >
in this area.
Objects bar, right-click the table you want to export, Same Field in (Apostrophe)
Tables store related data in rows (records) and and select Export from the shortcut menu. Enter a Previous Record
columns (fields). file name and select the file format from the Save
Check Spelling <F7>
Queries view, filter, calculate, change, sort, and as type list. Click Export and follow the
examine the data stored in tables. onscreen instructions. Switch Between <Alt> + <Tab>
Linking Tables tells Access how two tables are Applications
Forms are custom screens that provide an easy
way to enter and maintain data in a table or query. related to each other. The fields that you use to link
two tables must contain the same concept in two Navigation—Go To:
Reports present data from a table or query in a different tables. A primary key field from one table is Next Field <Tab>
printed format—no data entry. often used when linking two different tables.
Pages are forms saved as Web pages so that the Previous Field <Shift> + <Tab>
database can be accessed over the Internet. • To Link Tables:
Next Screen <Page Down>
1. Click the Relationships button on the
Macros automate common tasks and can be Previous Screen <Page Up>
invoked by clicking a button or pressing a shortcut key.
2. If necessary, open the Show Tables window by First Record <Ctrl> + < ↑ >
Modules are groups of procedures that are
written in Visual Basic and used to automate tasks. clicking the Show Table button. Then Last Record <Ctrl> + < ↓ >
select the table, click the Add button, and repeat
• To Open an Object: Double-click the object. for each table. Click Close when finished. Editing
• To Create a New Object: Click the object type 3. Find the related table fields. Drag the field from one
you want to create on the Objects bar. Click the table and drop it on the related field in the second Cut <Ctrl> + <X>
New button on the toolbar to create the table. Make sure that the field names are correct. Copy <Ctrl> + <C>
object from scratch or double-click a Wizard Paste <Ctrl> + <V>
icon to create an object step by step.
Find <Ctrl> + <F>
• To Modify an Object: Select the object and
click the Design button on the toolbar. Replace <Ctrl> + <H>

• To Delete an Object: Select the object and Select All <Ctrl> + <A>
press <Delete>.
Design View
• To Rename an Object: Right-click the object,
select Rename from the shortcut menu, enter the Properties <Alt> + <Enter>
4. (Optional) Check the Enforce Referential
new name, and press <Enter>. Integrity box to avoid creating “orphan” data. If you Open object in <Ctrl> + <Enter>
• To View the Database Window: Select want to change the “join type” between the tables, Design View
Window and the database name from the menu. click the Join Type button, select the type of
Shift focus to a <Ctrl> + <Tab>
join and click OK.
• To Repair/Compress a Database: Select subsection
Tools → Database Utilities → Compact 5. Click Create to create the relationship, then close
the Relationships window and save your changes. Save Object <Ctrl> + <S>
and Repair Database from the menu.

© 2004 CustomGuide. All rights reserved. Tel. (888) 903-2432 • www.customguide.com

Working with Data Creating and Designing Tables
• To Create a New Table Using a Wizard: Click Tables in the
The Datasheet Toolbar Filter
Print Insert Filter By New Database Objects bar and double-click the Create table by using wizard
View Search Preview Cut Paste Hyperlink Selection Record Window Help
icon. Follow the onscreen instructions.
• To Create a New Table from Scratch: Click Tables in the Objects
Save Print Spell Copy Undo Filter Find Delete New bar and double-click the Create table in Design view icon. Type a
Check Sort Ascending/ By Form
Record Object field name for the first column you want to create in the Field Name
The Navigation Bar column, press <Tab>, click the Data Type drop-down arrow, and
(Found on the horizontal scrollbar near the bottom of most windows.) select the data type for the field. Repeat as necessary to add new fields to the
table. Close the table window, click Yes to save the table, enter a table
First Current Record Last Total Number of Records in
Record Number Record the Table, Query, or Filter name, and click OK.
Data Types
Previous Next New Filter Data Type Description
Record Record Record Indicator Text (Default) Stores text, numbers, or a combination of both, up to 255
• Database information can be directly added and modified from tables and characters long.
some queries and forms. Memo Stores long text entries—up to 64,000 characters long.
• To Add a New Record: Click the New Record button on the Number Stores numbers that can be used in calculations.
Navigation bar. Date/Time Stores dates, times, or both.
Currency Stores numbers and symbols that represent money.
• To Select a Record: Click the Record selector to the left of the AutoNumber Automatically fills in a unique number for each record.
record or select Edit → Select Record from the menu. Yes/No Stores only one of two values, such as Yes or No.
• To Delete a Record: Select the record and click the Delete OLE Object Stores objects created in other programs, such as a
Record button on the toolbar, or select Edit → Delete Record from graphic, Excel spreadsheet, or Word document.
the menu. Hyperlink Stores clickable links to Web pages on the Internet or files
on a network.
• To Spell Check: Click the Spelling button on the toolbar. Lookup Wizard A wizard that helps you create a field whose values are
• To Find Information in a Table: Place the cursor in the field that selected from another table, query, or list of values.
contains the value you want to search for, then click the Find button on
the toolbar or press <Ctrl> + <F>. Type the value you want to search for in Queries
the Find What box and click Find Next. Click Find Next until you’ve
found what you’re looking for. The Design Query Window
• To Replace Information in a Table: Place the cursor in the field that To add a field to
contains the value you want to replace, then select Edit → Replace from the query, click The queried tables
and drag it from
the menu or press <Ctrl> + <H>. Then type the value you want to search the table…
appear here. You
can also link tables.
for in the Find What box and the new value in the Replace With box. …down to the
Click Find Next until you’ve found what you’re looking for, and then click QBE grid.

Replace or Replace All to replace every instance of the value. Sort order
• To Sort Information: Place the cursor in the field that you want to sort by Show results QBE Grid
and click either the Sort Ascending or Sort Descending Criteria rows
button on the toolbar.
• To Filter by Selection: Place the cursor in the record and field that • To Create a Select Query: Click Queries in the Objects bar and
matches the selection criterion and click the Filter By Selection double-click Create query in Design view icon. Select the table
button on the toolbar. you want to query and click Add. Repeat for all the tables you want to add to
the query. Click Close when you’re finished. Find the field you want to query
• To Filter by Form: Click the Filter by Form button on the
(use the scroll bars) and drag the field down to the QBE grid. Repeat until you
toolbar. Click the down arrow next to the field that contains the selection
have added all the fields you want to include in the query. If you want to filter
criterion and select the value you want the filtered records to match. You can
records, enter the criteria in the Criteria row. Close the query window, click
use more than one field to filter data.
Yes to save the query, enter a query name, and click OK.
• To Remove a Filter: Click the Remove Filter button on the
• To Switch Views: Click the View button on the toolbar.
• To Calculate Total Values: Open the Query in Design View, select
View → Totals from the menu, find the query field you want to calculate or
Forms and Reports group by, and select a calculation from the field’s drop-down list.
• To Create a Form Using a Wizard: Click Forms in the Objects bar Criteria Example Description
and double-click the Create form by using wizard icon. Follow the “London” Displays records where the field equals “London.”
onscreen instructions. Between 1/1/00 and Displays records where the date is between 1/1/00 and
12/31/00 12/31/00.
• To Create a Report Using a Wizard: Click Reports in the Objects NOT "USA" or Displays records where the field does not contain the
bar and double-click the Create report by using wizard icon. <> "" text "USA" and is not blank.
Follow the onscreen instructions. Like “S*” Displays records where the field text starts with an “S.”
• To Toggle between Form/Report and Design View: Click the IS NULL Displays records where the field is blank.
View button on the toolbar. IS NOT NULL Displays records where the field is not blank.
>100 Displays records whose field value is less than 100.
© 2004 CustomGuide. All rights reserved. Tel. (888) 903-2432 • www.customguide.com

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