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G Quiz

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Name: ________________________________________________________ 24.

According to the 1987 Philippine Constitution, what is the minimum age requirement
Grade & Section: _____________ Score: ____________ Date: _________ (at the day of the election) to become a member of the House of Representatives in
Parent’s Signature: __________________ Philippine Congress?
A. 20 years C. 35 years
Directions: Read and understand the following questions carefully. Shade the letter that B. 25 years D. 40 years
correspond to your answer. 25. The members of Philippine Senate are elected through ___________________.
A. Nationwide popular vote C. Party list system
1. It is the process whereby information, commodities and images that have been B. Provincial popular vote D. Plebiscite
produced in one part of the world enters into a global flow that tends to ‘flatten out’ 26. It is a political community that has sovereign jurisdiction over a clearly defined
cultural differences between nations, regions and individuals. territory and exercises authority through several institutions including the government.
A. Economic Globalization C. Religious Globalization A. Globalization C. Sovereignty
B. Political Globalization D. Socio-cultural Globalization B. Nation D. State
2. It is a process of interaction and integration among the people, companies, and 27. It is an agency to which the political ideology of the state is expressed and carried
governments of different nations, a process driven by international trade and investment out.
and aided by information technology. A. Government C. Sovereignty
A. Globalization C. State B. People D. Territory
B. Nation D. Territory 28. It is a large body of people united by common descent, history, culture, or language,
3. It includes all the land, sea and airspace the state exercises jurisdiction on. inhabiting a particular country or territory.
A. Government C. Sovereignty A. Globalization C. People
B. People D. Territory B. Nation D. State
4. Refers to the interconnectedness of economies through trade and the exchange of 29. It is the power of the state to enforce the law over its subjects within its jurisdiction
resources. and demand obedience from them
A. Economic Globalization C. Religious Globalization A. Government C. Sovereignty
B. Political Globalization D. Cultural Globalization B. People D. Territory
5. Globalization is the process of interaction and integration among people companies 30. 1. It refers to the exercise of control within society through the making and
and governments worldwide. The following statements are advantages of globalization enforcement of collective decisions.
to one state or nation except one, which is this? A. Civil Society C. Government
A. Development of trade systems B. Governance D. Politics
B. Interpenetration of cultures 31. Indicator of good governance wherein the most vulnerable ones are taken into
C. Growing influence of international organizations. consideration.
D. Globalization is a threat to our environment A. Accountability C. Participatory
6. What do you call the formal institution through which a group of people is ruled or B. Equity and inclusiveness D. Transparency
governed? 32. How did Aristotle view politics?
A. Civil Society C. Government A. Politics as compromise is preferable to violence.
B. Governance D. Politics B. Politics is closely associated with the activities of politicians.
7. According to this characteristic of good governance, every person or group is C. Politics does not infringe upon ‘personal’ affairs and institutions.
responsible for their actions most especially when their acts affect public interest. D. Politics allows human beings to have an attempt in improving their lives and
A. Accountability C. Rule of Law create the Good Society.
B. Responsiveness D. Transparency 33. What view about politics stresses the statement: Conflict resolution is at the heart of
8. Which among the choices below refers to the importance of government? politics?
A. building alliances C. promotion of war A. Politics as power C. Politics as art of government
B. maintenance of peace and order D. winning elections B. Politics as public affairs D. Politics as compromise and
9. What do you call the exercise of power or authority by political leaders for the well- consensus
being of their country’s citizens or inhabitants and is also based on the realization that 34. If you are studying politics, you are studying the government. Two aspects are under
the government alone cannot do everything for the people? this setting: one is on the personnel of the government, while the other aspect is on
A. Authority C. Corruption what?
B. Basic rights D. Governance A. Civil Society C. Machinery of government
10. What characteristic of good governance requires that people are open to information B. Government policies D. Officials of government
regarding decision-making process and the implementation of decisions? 35. Which of the following is good example of cultural globalization?
A. Accountability C. Transparency A. The rise of a global financial market
B. Responsiveness D. Zeal B. Transportation and flying made so easy and affordable.
11. It refers to a system of belief about how society should function, behave, and C. The power of the digital world via platforms such as Facebook
operate. D. Food has been promoted by fast food giants such as McDonald's
A. Ideology C. Psychology 36. He established an authoritarian regime in the Philippines that came under criticism
B. Philosophy D. Theology for corruption and for suppression of democratic processes.
12. Which of the following is NOT a function of political ideology? A. Jose P. Laurel C. Jorge B. Vargas
A. It creates laws in order to achieve a perfect society. B. Ferdinand Marcos D. Corazon Aquino
B. It offers an account of existing order by examining what works and what does 37. Manuel L. Quezon won as the President of the Philippine Commonwealth.
not work. A. The statement is correct. C. Maybe
C. It outlines how political changed or the desired social order can be achieved. B. The statement is not correct. D. None of the above
D. It provides a model of a desired social order, a vision of Good Society 38. The two types of local government units created by the Spaniards were the alcadia
13. It is the set of political beliefs emphasizing individual rights and liberties. and the corregimiento.
A. Conservatism C. Socialism A. The statement is correct. C. Maybe
B. Liberalism D. None of the above B. The statement is not correct. D. None of the above
14. What set of political beliefs emphasizes preservation of customs and traditions that 39. Fidel Ramos served the longest time as President of the Philippines
define the character of a society? A. The statement is correct. C. Maybe
A. Conservatism C. Socialism B. The statement is not correct. D. None of the above
B. Liberalism D. None of the above 40. Joseph Estrada gained support in the election for his promise to begin a pro-poor
15. Which of the following describes a set of political beliefs emphasizing community administration.
and social equality? A. The statement is correct. C. Maybe
A. Conservatism C. Socialism B. The statement is not correct. D. None of the above
B. Liberalism D. None of the above 41 Where is the official residence and office of the Philippines chief executive?
16. Which of the following is NOT a key idea of Liberalism? A. Batasang Pambansa C. Malacañang Palace
A. Fraternity C. Individualism B. Korte Suprema D. Manila City Hall
B. Freedom D. Reason 42. What is the primary role of the Executive Branch of Philippine government?
17. It is the core principle of Liberalism. A. Adjudication of laws C. Interpretation of laws
A. Fraternity C. Individualism B. Implementation of laws D. Making of laws
B. Freedom D. Reason 43. What branch of the Philippine Government is authorized to make laws?
18. What key idea of Liberalism is being described in the statement below? It is a desire A. Executive Branch C. Legislative Branch
to ensure that each person is able to act as he or she pleases or chooses. B. Judicial Branch D. Supreme Court
A. Fraternity C. Individualism 44. The President can call out the Armed Forces of the Philippines to prevent or
B. Freedom D. Reason suppress lawless violence, invasion or rebellion exercised through the Department of
19. Which is true about the key ideas of Conservatism? National Defense. This is a manifestation of what presidential power?
A. Authority, Consent, Human imperfection, Pragmatism, Tradition A. Diplomatic Power C. Military Power
B. Authority, Equality, Human imperfection, Pragmatism, Tradition B. Executive Power D. Power of Appointment
C. Authority, Human imperfection, Pragmatism, Property, Tradition 45. The official title of our country’s chief executive.
D. Consent, Human imperfection, Pragmatism, Tradition, Toleration A. Chief Justice of the Philippines C. Philippine Senate President
20. What belief states that action should be shaped by practical circumstances and B. President of the Philippines D. Speaker of the House
practical goals, or simply by “what works”? 46. It is the ability to achieve a desired outcome or ability to influence the behavior of
A. Authority C. Individualism others.
B. Freedom D. Pragmatism A. Commitment C. Power
21. What is the primary role of the Legislative Branch of Philippine government? B. Compliance D. Resistance
A. Adjudication of laws C. Interpretation of laws 47. This consequence of power refers to readiness or act of agreeing to do something.
B. Implementation of laws D. Making of laws A. Commitment C. Referent Power
22. As a bicameral legislature, what are the two chambers that comprise the Philippine B. Compliance D. Resistance
Congress? 48. This face of power is the ability to influence the desires of another person.
A. Philippine President and House of Representatives A. Power as thought control C. Power as decision-making
B. House of Representatives and Supreme Court B. Power as agenda setting D. Power as necessity
C. Senate and House of Representatives
D. Senate and Supreme Court 49. Commitment is most likely to be the consequence when the type of powers
23. A Senator of the Philippines shall serve a term of ___________________. employed are ____________ and ____________.
A. 3 years C. 9 years A. legitimate and referent C. expert and legitimate
B. 6 years D. 12 years B. reward and legitimate D. referent and expert
50. Through legitimate power, compliance with the order may occur if it is perceived to
be within the leader’s scope of what?
A. authority C. expertise
B. close relationship D. reward

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