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Ironside Softball CT02-11

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Sickened but
Still Skating
page 7
Standing Tall
By Nick Ironside
Amanda Felzmann didn`t immediately
return home aIter a Iamily vacation in Maine
nearly three years ago. Her next trip was to the
She says she doesn`t remember much oI
what happened shortly aIter Ialling oII a cliII
overlooking the Atlantic Ocean. In August 2008,
the summer beIore her senior year at Bellingham
(Mass.) High School, she remembers hearing
her Iriends` countdown as she stood over 'The
Point. Her Iamily was leaving the next day and
it was Felzmann`s turn to jump. As they neared
'one, she lost her balance and Iell.
'I remember waking up in wicked pain
with water coming over me, and my dad`s
Iriend was trying to get me into a kayak, says
Felzmann, now a sophomore at Curry. 'I just
kept screaming, My leg`s broken!`
It was a lot worse than a leg injury, though.
AIter an ambulance took her to the nearest
hospital, she was transIerred to Maine Medical
Center in Portland. She stayed Ior seven days.
'I had a collapsed right lung, six broken ribs,
my Ieet got torn on the bottoms because the
rocks were sharp, Felzmann explains. 'I
gashed the back oI my head open, and I had
been complaining that something was wrong
with my right leg.
Shortly aIter being discharged, she learned
the reason behind her leg pain. Hospital
personnel didn`t notice that her leg had become
badly inIected. Felzmann was soon transported
to her third hospital oI the summerUMass
Memorial Medical Center in Worcester
where she had surgery on her right leg. AIter
a 10-day stay, Felzmann fnally returned home,
but only Ior two days because the leg was still
hurting. AIter an ultrasound, doctors Iound a
blood clot that required another surgery to fx.
Despite losing 30 pounds in the hospital
and having to use a walker during parts oI her
senior year oI high school, Felzmann tried out
Ior a local travel soItball team, the Central
Massachusetts Thunder. She had played on the
team beIore, but all players were required to
attend tryouts Ior Iall ball. Felzmann says she
was nowhere near her best because oI muscle
weakness, and she didn`t make the squad.
'She fgured she wasn`t going to play
soItball again, says Amanda`s mother, Kelly
Felzmann. 'Her Iather convinced her to go try
out Ior another team.
Felzmann made another travel team, the Bay
State Cardinals, that same Iall and managed to
impress at shortstop and second base. Curry
head soItball coach Bruce Weckworth took note.
'She was a kid that I liked Irom the day
that I met her, Weckworth says. 'She`s a very
desirable kid as a middle infelder and speedy
leadoII hitter.
But Felzmann almost didn`t come to Curry.
She verbally committed to attend Southern
Connecticut State University in New Haven,
which has a Division II soItball program, but
changed her mind aIter visiting Curry during
an 'Accepted Students Day. As it turned
out, Felzmann`s tour guide that aIternoon had
transIerred to Curry Irom Southern Connecticut
State and talked about the many ways Curry
was a better school. Felzmann was convinced.
'I had to call the other coach back and tell
him I wasn`t going to come and play Ior him,
she says. 'He was wicked pissed, because he
had told other people that they couldn`t make
the team because I was on it.
Felzmann, who started 38 oI 40 games Ior
Curry last season, hit .294 as the team went
19-21 (13-11 in The Commonwealth Coast
Weckworth says he is hoping his Colonels
fnish atop the conIerence standings this
spring, and believes this year`s pitching core
oI Janelle Mayo, Amanda Peters, JenniIer
Lundstrom and Chelsey Munsey can lead the
way. 'Pitching is such a key Iactor, he says.
'II we give them a run or two to work with,
they can do the rest.
As Ior Felzmann, she sees a bit oI herselI
in many oI her teammates: they reIuse to
give up. 'You take one look at our team and
predominantly see a lineup oI young Iaces,
eager to start and get on the feld, she says.
'Every single player has an intricate role
that will contribute to what I see as a hopeIul
upcoming season Ior Curry soItball.
Sophomore infelder Amanda Felzmann
bounces back Irom near-Iatal Iall
By Zachery Weiss
As the winter sports season winds down across the
nation, some oI Curry`s teams are packing up while
others are hoping to play on.
The women`s basketball team had a good regular
season, particularly against non-conIerence teams. The
Lady Colonels fnished with a 17-8 overall record (13-
2 at home), but just 6-7 in The Commonwealth Coast
ConIerence. Curry would go on to lose in the conIerence
tournament quarterfnals, Ialling to Salve Regina
University, 66-44.
Among the leading perIormers this season were
sophomore Julia Scrubb, who averaged almost 11 points
per game, senior Danyel Cousins with 10 points per
game, and senior Cortney Robinson, who led the team in
rebounds with 8.6 per game.
The men`s basketball team`s season came to an end
on Feb. 19 versus Endicott College, an 85-75 loss. The
Colonels won just Iour games, going 4-21. The team
played well at the start oI its conIerence schedule, winning
its frst two games, but it would go on to lose its next and
fnal 12 contests.
Sophomore guard Sedale Jones led the team in scoring
and rebounding, with 19.2 points and 6.7 rebounds per
game. Junior Jarrell Jackson, who played only about
halI the season, fnished averaging 16.3 points per game.
Chris Bonadies, a senior, averaged nearly 4 rebounds per
game, second highest on the team.
The hockey team had a strong regular season, fnishing
with a record oI 14-8-3, 10-2-2 in conIerence play. The
Colonels earned the No. 1 seed in the Eastern College
Athletic ConIerence tournament and will open play on
Wednesday, March 2, at 7:30 p.m.
Senior Ryan WarsoIsky led the team with 26 points
this season (9 goals, 17 assists), Iollowed by junior
Christopher Atkinson with 25 points (10 goals, 15
assists). Junior captain Peyden Benning led the team with
13 goals, to go with 10 assists. Time in goal was largely
split between sophomore Robert Dawson (3.04 goals-
against average) and Ireshman Travis Owens (2.89).
Coach Rob Davies was named the ECAC Northeast
Coach oI the Year, while WarsoIsky was selected as a
semifnalist Ior the Joe Concannon Award, given to the
nation`s best American-born Division 2 or 3 college
hockey player.
Winter Sports Season Comes to a Close
Sophomore Amanda
Felzmanns softball
career nearly came
to an end three years
ago after she fell off
a cliff in Maine.





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