70ziv 2 (Exp D&R) (93208 00661)

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April 2019



Service Standard
Disassembly & Reassembly
General Information
Disassembly & Reassembly
93208-00661 Service Standard

Powered by ISUZU A-6BG1T Engine

Serial No. 70J1-1001 and up

©2019 Hitachi Construction Machinery Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Printed in Japan (k) 70J1-7101 and up
( 輸出一般用 )
April 2019

To ensure good machine performance, reduce failures or problems, and prolong the service life of each component,
it is necessary to operate the machine as is directed in the Operator and Maintenance Manual.

To effectively diagnose and repair the machine, it is important to follow the guidelines laid out in this Shop Manual.

Disassembly & Reassembly

Service Standard

For Troubleshooting and Measurement for Performance Check, refer to the 70ZIV-2 Shop Manual (93208-
For General Information and Function & Structure, refer to the 70ZIV-2 Shop Manual (93208-00651).
For the engine, refer to the engine Shop Manual provided by the engine manufacturer.

The purpose of this manual is to provide information on the product and the correct maintenance and repair meth-
ods. Please read this manual to ensure correct troubleshooting and good repair service.

This manual will be periodically reviewed and revised for more satisfactory content. If you have any opinion or
requests, please inform us.
Safety precautions
- Always store the tools in good condition, and use
The most important point in providing repair service is them properly.
safety. To ensure safety, observe the general cautions
described below. - Keep the work area clean. Clean up spills immedi-
- This manual is intended for properly trained and
equipped service technicians. - Avoid the use of flammable solvents and cleaners.

- Any work on the machine must be performed by the - When working outdoors keep work areas, ladders,
trained personnel only. steps, decks and work platforms clear of snow, ice,
and mud.
- Carefully read this manual to thoroughly understand
the operation method before you operate or repair - Use safe work platforms to reach higher areas of the
the machine. machine.

- Be sure to wear appropriate clothes and protectors, - Any technician that operates a refrigerant recovery
such as safety boots, hard hat and goggles. and recycling machine must first be certified through
an EPA approved testing program.
- Place the machine on level and solid ground, and
place chocks against the wheels to prevent move-

- Remove the cable from the battery before starting

the service work, and attach a "DO NOT OPERATE!"
tag to the steering wheel.

- Be sure to release the internal pressure before you

remove a pipe, such as the hydraulic oil, air, or
engine coolant pipe.

- Be sure to apply the articulation stopper before start-

ing work.

- While supporting the bottom of the chassis using a

jack, be sure to support the chassis using the blocks.

- When the boom or bucket is raised or when a unit is

lifted by a crane, be sure to place a stand or ade-
quate cribbing under the unit to prevent unexpected

- Do not start to work in an enclosed area if adequate

ventilation is not provided.

- To remove a heavy unit (20 kg (40 lbs) or more), be

sure to use a crane or other lifting device.

- Just after stopping operation, be careful not to

directly touch a hot component. You may get burned.

- Contact tire manufacturer's local dealer for tire ser-

vicing and changing.
Safety Symbols
An accident may occur if you disregard safety rules.
In this manual, several expressions are used according to levels of danger for inspection and repair work as shown
below. Read the work procedures and cautions described in this manual, and take preventive measures against
possible problems before starting service work.

This danger symbol identifies special warnings or
procedures which, if not strictly observed, will result
in death or serious injury.

This warning symbol identifies special warnings or
procedures which, if not strictly observed, could result
in death or serious injury.

This caution symbol identifies special instructions or
procedures which, if not strictly observed, may result
in minor or moderate injury.

This important symbol identifies special instructions
or procedures which, if not correctly followed, may
result in serious machine damage.

We cannot predict all possible accidents or incidents that may occur during service work. Therefore, an accident that
is not specifically mentioned in this manual may occur. To protect yourself from all accidents, be careful when doing
service work.
70ZIV-2 General Information ................................................................................................................................. 00-1
Symbols ............................................................................................................................................................ 00-2
Weight of Main Components ............................................................................................................................. 00-3
Bolt Tightening Torque ...................................................................................................................................... 00-4
Hose Band Tightening Torque ........................................................................................................................... 00-8
Liquid Gasket and Screw Lock Agent ............................................................................................................... 00-9
Cautions regarding parts removal ............................................................................................................... 00-9
Cautions regarding reassembly .................................................................................................................. 00-9
Screw lock agent application procedure ................................................................................................... 00-10
How to wind a seal tape ............................................................................................................................ 00-10
Cautions Regarding Welding Repair Service ...................................................................................................00-11
Applying and Storing Articulation Stopper ....................................................................................................... 00-13
Applying articulation stopper ..................................................................................................................... 00-13
Storing articulation stopper ....................................................................................................................... 00-13

70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Chassis Group ........................................................................................... 14-1

Deck .................................................................................................................................................................. 14-2
Deck removing and installing ...................................................................................................................... 14-2
Fuel Tank .......................................................................................................................................................... 14-3
Fuel tank removing and installing ............................................................................................................... 14-3
Hydraulic Tank .................................................................................................................................................. 14-4
Hydraulic tank removing and installing ....................................................................................................... 14-4
Hydraulic tank return filter removing and installing ..................................................................................... 14-6
Hydraulic tank breather valve disassembling and assembling ................................................................... 14-7
Engine Room .................................................................................................................................................... 14-9
Engine room removing and installing .......................................................................................................... 14-9
Cab ................................................................................................................................................................. 14-12
Cab removing and installing ...................................................................................................................... 14-12
Floor Board ..................................................................................................................................................... 14-14
Floor board removing and installing .......................................................................................................... 14-14
Boom ............................................................................................................................................................... 14-16
Boom removing and installing ................................................................................................................... 14-16
Dust Seal ........................................................................................................................................................ 14-19
Dust seal removing and installing ............................................................................................................. 14-19
Bushing ........................................................................................................................................................... 14-20
Bushing removing and installing ............................................................................................................... 14-20
Center Pin ....................................................................................................................................................... 14-21
Upper center pin ........................................................................................................................................ 14-21
Lower center pin ........................................................................................................................................ 14-22
Center pin removing and installing ............................................................................................................ 14-23

70ZIV-2 Service Standard Chassis Group ............................................................................................................ 15-1

Linkage .............................................................................................................................................................. 15-2
Linkage Pin Standard Clearance Values ........................................................................................................... 15-3
Liner clearance adjustment ......................................................................................................................... 15-4
Center Pin ......................................................................................................................................................... 15-5
Center pin shim adjustment ........................................................................................................................ 15-5
Grease nipple installing ............................................................................................................................... 15-5
Lower center pin bearing outer ring installing ............................................................................................. 15-6
Bucket ............................................................................................................................................................... 15-7
Bucket Positioner and Boom Kick-Out (Option) ................................................................................................ 15-8
Bucket positioner ......................................................................................................................................... 15-9
Boom kick-out (option) .............................................................................................................................. 15-10

70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Power Group .............................................................................................. 24-1

Power Line ........................................................................................................................................................ 24-2
Power line tightening torque ........................................................................................................................ 24-2
Radiator ............................................................................................................................................................. 24-3
Radiator tightening torque ........................................................................................................................... 24-3
Radiator removing and installing ................................................................................................................. 24-4
Engine ............................................................................................................................................................... 24-7
Engine removing and installing ................................................................................................................... 24-7
Propeller Shaft .................................................................................................................................................. 24-9
Propeller shaft removing and installing ....................................................................................................... 24-9
Air Cleaner ...................................................................................................................................................... 24-11
Air cleaner removing and installing ........................................................................................................... 24-11
Muffler ............................................................................................................................................................. 24-13
Muffler removing and installing ................................................................................................................. 24-13
Front Axle Assembly ....................................................................................................................................... 24-14
Front axle assembly tightening torque ...................................................................................................... 24-14
Front axle assembly removing and installing ............................................................................................ 24-16
Planetary assy disassembling and assembling ........................................................................................ 24-19
Floating Seal (S/N 1201~, 7201~) .................................................................................................................. 24-25
Floating seal installation ............................................................................................................................ 24-25
Floating seal assembling .......................................................................................................................... 24-26
Internal Gear Hub ........................................................................................................................................... 24-27
Internal gear hub disassembling and assembling ..................................................................................... 24-27
Spider Assembly ............................................................................................................................................. 24-29
Spider assy disassembling and assembling ............................................................................................. 24-29
Special Tool ..................................................................................................................................................... 24-31
Special tool for axle ................................................................................................................................... 24-31
Rear Axle Assembly ........................................................................................................................................ 24-36
Rear axle assembly tightening torque ....................................................................................................... 24-36
Rear axle assembly removing and installing ............................................................................................. 24-38
Axle Support ................................................................................................................................................... 24-41
Axle support tightening torque .................................................................................................................. 24-41
Axle support disassembling and assembling ............................................................................................ 24-43
Differential Assembly ...................................................................................................................................... 24-47
Differential assembly removing and installing ........................................................................................... 24-47
Differential assembly disassembling and assembling ............................................................................... 24-49
Front Differential ............................................................................................................................................. 24-62
Front differential removing and installing .................................................................................................. 24-62

70ZIV-2 Service Standard Power Group ............................................................................................................... 25-1

Propeller Shaft Service Standard ...................................................................................................................... 25-2
Axle and Differential Service Standard .............................................................................................................. 25-3
Axle group ................................................................................................................................................... 25-3
Differential ................................................................................................................................................... 25-4
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Torque Converter and Transmission Group .............................................. 34-1
Torque Converter and Transmission Assembly ................................................................................................. 34-2
Torque converter and transmission assembly tightening torque ................................................................. 34-2
Torque converter and transmission assembly removing and installing ....................................................... 34-3
Transmission assembly bolt tightening torque ............................................................................................ 34-8
Transmission Assembly .................................................................................................................................. 34-10
Transmission assembly disassembling and assembling ........................................................................... 34-10
Torque Converter ............................................................................................................................................ 34-16
Torque converter assembly disassembling and assembling ..................................................................... 34-16
Transmission Clutch Pack ............................................................................................................................... 34-18
Forward/reverse clutch pack disassembling and assembling ................................................................... 34-18
Control Valve Assembly .................................................................................................................................. 34-23
Control valve removing and installing ....................................................................................................... 34-23
Control valve disassembling and assembling ........................................................................................... 34-26

70ZIV-2 Service Standard Torque Converter and Transmission Group ............................................................... 35-1
Torque Converter and Transmission Assembly ................................................................................................. 35-2

70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Hydraulic Group ......................................................................................... 44-1

Hydraulic Parts Removal and Installation Warning ........................................................................................... 44-2
Hydraulic Parts Disassembly and Assembly Cautions ...................................................................................... 44-3
Hydraulic parts disassembly cautions ......................................................................................................... 44-3
Hydraulic parts assembly cautions .............................................................................................................. 44-3
Gear Pump ........................................................................................................................................................ 44-4
Gear pump tightening torque ...................................................................................................................... 44-5
Gear pump assembly removing and installing ............................................................................................ 44-6
Gear pump assembly disassembling and assembling ................................................................................ 44-8
Steering Valve (S/N ~2200, ~8250) ................................................................................................................. 44-12
Steering valve removing and installing ...................................................................................................... 44-13
Steering valve disassembling and assembling ......................................................................................... 44-15
Multiple Control Valve ...................................................................................................................................... 44-18
Multiple control valve removing and installing ........................................................................................... 44-18
Multiple control valve disassembling and assembling (S/N ~1481) .......................................................... 44-20
Multiple control valve disassembling and assembling (S/N 1482~) .......................................................... 44-29
Hydraulic Cylinder ........................................................................................................................................... 44-33
Boom cylinder removing and installing ..................................................................................................... 44-33
Bucket cylinder removing and installing .................................................................................................... 44-35
Steering cylinder removing and installing .................................................................................................. 44-37
Hydraulic cylinder disassembling and assembling .................................................................................... 44-39
Pilot Valve ....................................................................................................................................................... 44-51
Pilot valve removing and installing ............................................................................................................ 44-53
Pilot valve disassembling and assembling ................................................................................................ 44-55

Orbitrol® (S/N 2201~, 8251~) .......................................................................................................................... 44-60

Orbitrol® removing and installing ............................................................................................................... 44-60

Orbitrol® disassembling and assembling .................................................................................................. 44-62

Priority Valve (S/N 2201~, 8251~) ................................................................................................................... 44-72
Priority valve removing and installing ........................................................................................................ 44-72
Priority valve disassembling and assembling ........................................................................................... 44-73
Accumulator (S/N 2201~, 8251~) ................................................................................................................... 44-74
Accumulator removing and installing ........................................................................................................ 44-74

70ZIV-2 Service Standard Hydraulic Group .......................................................................................................... 45-1

Steering Linkage (S/N ~2200, ~8250) ............................................................................................................... 45-2
Steering linkage tightening torque .............................................................................................................. 45-3
Gear Pump ........................................................................................................................................................ 45-4
Hydraulic Cylinder ............................................................................................................................................. 45-5
Pilot Valve ......................................................................................................................................................... 45-6

70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Brake Group .............................................................................................. 54-1

Brake Valve Assembly ...................................................................................................................................... 54-2
Brake valve removing and installing ........................................................................................................... 54-2
Brake valve disassembling and assembling ............................................................................................... 54-3
Air Master Assembly ......................................................................................................................................... 54-6
Air master removing and installing .............................................................................................................. 54-6
Air master disassembling and assembling .................................................................................................. 54-7
Service Brake ...................................................................................................................................................54-11
Service brake disassembling and assembling ...........................................................................................54-11
Air Cylinder for Parking Brake ......................................................................................................................... 54-12
Parking brake air cylinder removing and installing .................................................................................... 54-12
Parking brake air cylinder disassembling and assembling ........................................................................ 54-14
Parking Brake .................................................................................................................................................. 54-17
Parking brake removing and installing ...................................................................................................... 54-17
Air Tank ........................................................................................................................................................... 54-19
Air tank removing and installing ................................................................................................................ 54-19

70ZIV-2 Service Standard Brake Group ................................................................................................................ 55-1

Brake Valve ....................................................................................................................................................... 55-2
Air Master .......................................................................................................................................................... 55-4
Service Brake .................................................................................................................................................... 55-5
Parking Brake .................................................................................................................................................... 55-6

70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Electrical Group ......................................................................................... 64-1

Wiper Motor ....................................................................................................................................................... 64-2
Front wiper motor removing and installing .................................................................................................. 64-2
Rear wiper motor removing and installing ................................................................................................... 64-4
Controller ........................................................................................................................................................... 64-5
Controller removing and installing ............................................................................................................... 64-5
Fuse Box ........................................................................................................................................................... 64-6
Fuse box removing and installing ................................................................................................................ 64-6

70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Operator Station Group .............................................................................. 74-1

Air Conditioner .................................................................................................................................................. 74-2
Air conditioner removing and installing ....................................................................................................... 74-3
A/C condenser removing and installing ....................................................................................................... 74-5
A/C compressor removing and installing ..................................................................................................... 74-6

70ZIV-2 Service Standard Operator Station Group ............................................................................................... 75-1

Air Conditioner .................................................................................................................................................. 75-2
Periodical inspection/servicing .................................................................................................................... 75-2
Tightening torque ........................................................................................................................................ 75-2
Compressor adjustment standard ............................................................................................................... 75-3
70ZIV-2 General Information

70ZIV-2 General Information

Symbols .................................................................. 00-2

Weight of Main Components ................................... 00-3
Bolt Tightening Torque ............................................ 00-4
Hose Band Tightening Torque................................. 00-8
Liquid Gasket and Screw Lock Agent ..................... 00-9
Cautions Regarding Welding Repair Service .......... 00-11
Applying and Storing Articulation Stopper ............... 00-13
70ZIV-2 General Information

For safe and effective service work, the following sym-
bols are used for notes and useful information in this

Symbol Item Description

Shows the condition or procedure that will be useful

or efficient in doing service work.

Shows the weight of a part or unit. The weight

should be considered in selecting wire rope or cable
for slinging work or determining the working pos-

Tightening Shows the tightening torque of a section that should

torque be carefully tightened during assembly work.

Shows the type of coating or adhesive and the coat-

ing section.

Oil or
Shows the oil or water supply port and the refill

Shows the oil or water drain port and the drain


If the specified conditions are not satisfied or the specified procedure is not
observed, there is a strong possibility that the product will be damaged or the per-
formance of the product will be reduced.
The message shows the preventive measures.

To save space, abbreviations are used in sentences. To understand the contents of this manual, refer to the follow-
ing abbreviation list.

E/G ........... Engine RH ........... Right hand side 3rd ............3rd speed
T/C ........... Torque converter LH ........... Left hand side 4th ............4th speed
T/M ........... Transmission H ........... High M/C ............Machine
SOL ........... Solenoid valve L ........... Low min-1 ............RPM
SW ........... Switch GND ........... Ground
F ........... Front or Forward OPT ........... Option
A/M ........... Auto/Manual Assy ........... Assembly
B ........... Battery 1st ........... 1st speed
R ........... Rear or Reverse 2nd ........... 2nd speed
70ZIV-2 General Information
Weight of Main Components

Weight of Main Components

Item Approx. Approx.

weight weight Remarks
Unit name Part name (kg) (lb)
Bucket 1,065 2,340 GSN bucket
Boom 810 1,780
"Z" -Lever 255/pc 565/pc
Link (Bucket to Lever) 45/pc 95/pc
Engine room assembly 260 570
Hydraulic tank 145 320 Excluding oil
Chassis Fuel tank 155 340 Excluding fuel
Floor board 150 330
Cab (ROPS) 560 1,230
Deck 45 100 With handrail
Front chassis 1,130 2,490
Rear chassis 1,010 2,220
Counter weight 670 1,480
Engine 515 1,130 Excluding oil
(S/N ~2550) 130 290
Radiator assembly Excluding water and oil
(S/N 2551~) 90 200
Transmission 515 1,130 Excluding oil
Cooling unit (S/N 2551~) 7.5 16.5 Torque converter oil cooler
Second propeller shaft 50 110
Power line
Third propeller shaft 7 15
Air cleaner 7 15
Muffler 7 15
Front axle assembly 840 1,850 Excluding tires and oil
Rear axle assembly 940 2,070 Excluding tires and oil (Including axle support)
Differential 130 290
Multiple control valve 55 120
Steering valve 35 80
Orbitrol (S/N 2201~, 8251~) 7 15
(S/N ~1200, ~7200) 45 100
Hydraulic system Gear pump
(S/N 1201~, 7201~) 30 66
Boom cylinder 145/pc 320/pc Excluding oil
Bucket cylinder 140/pc 310/pc Excluding oil
Steering cylinder 25/pc 55/pc Excluding oil
Tire 275/pc 610/pc With rim (20.5-25-16PR)
Other Battery 35/pc 80/pc
Air conditioner unit 40 88 In CAB
70ZIV-2 General Information
Bolt Tightening Torque

Bolt Tightening Torque

Hexagon bolt
1. Thread type
Metric thread, Unified thread
2. Bolt strength
8.8 (8T) ~ 10.9 (11T)
3. Thread pitch
Metric thread: Coarse pitch thread (C), fine pitch thread (F)
Unified thread: Coarse pitch thread (UNC), fine pitch thread (UNF)
Bolt size Bolt strength
Type Nominal Nominal
Pitch 8.8 (8T) 10.9 (11T)
dimension dia.
M8 8 (C) 1.25 26 38
(C) 1.5 53 76
M10 10
(F) 1.25 55 80
(C) 1.75 90 132
M12 12
(F) 1.25 96 142
(C) 2.0 142 206
M14 14
(F) 1.5 152 221
(C) 2.0 216 314
M16 16
(F) 1.5 226 330
(C) 2.5 299 436
M18 18
(F) 1.5 324 476
Metric thread (C) 2.5 417 608
M20 20
(F) 1.5 451 662
(C) 2.5 559 814
M22 22
(F) 1.5 598 878
(C) 3.0 721 1,030
M24 24
(F) 2.0 770 1,128
(C) 3.0 1,030 1,520
M27 27
(F) 2.0 1,128 1,618
(C) 3.5 1,422 2,109
M30 30
(F) 2.0 1,569 2,256
(C) 3.5 1,912 2,844
M33 33
(F) 2.0 2,059 3,040
5/16 05 18 UNC 25 35
3/8 06 16 UNC 44 65
7/16 07 14 UNC 71 103
1/2 08 13 UNC 103 147
Unified thread 9/16 09 12 UNC 147 216
5/8 10 11 UNC 201 294
3/4 12 10 UNC 358 525
7/8 14 9 UNC 554 809
1 16 8 UNC 868 1,275

Note: Tighten the bolts according to the above list, unless otherwise specified.
70ZIV-2 General Information
Bolt Tightening Torque

Bolt size Bolt strength
Type Nominal Nominal
Pitch 8.8 (8T) 10.9 (11T)
dimension dia.
M8 8 (C) 1.25 2.7 3.9
(C) 1.5 5.4 7.8
M10 10
(F) 1.25 5.6 8.2
(C) 1.75 9.2 13.5
M12 12
(F) 1.25 9.8 14.5
(C) 2.0 14.5 21.0
M14 14
(F) 1.5 15.5 22.5
(C) 2.0 22.0 32.0
M16 16
(F) 1.5 23.0 33.7
(C) 2.5 30.5 44.5
M18 18
(F) 1.5 33.0 48.5
Metric thread (C) 2.5 42.5 62.0
M20 20
(F) 1.5 46.0 67.5
(C) 2.5 57.0 83.0
M22 22
(F) 1.5 61.0 89.5
(C) 3.0 73.5 105.0
M24 24
(F) 2.0 78.5 115.0
(C) 3.0 105.0 155.0
M27 27
(F) 2.0 115.0 165.0
(C) 3.5 145.0 215.0
M30 30
(F) 2.0 160.0 230.0
(C) 3.5 195.0 290.0
M33 33
(F) 2.0 210.0 310.0
5/16 05 18 UNC 2.5 3.6
3/8 06 16 UNC 4.5 6.6
7/16 07 14 UNC 7.2 10.5
1/2 08 13 UNC 10.5 15.0
Unified thread 9/16 09 12 UNC 15.0 22.0
5/8 10 11 UNC 20.5 30.0
3/4 12 10 UNC 36.5 53.5
7/8 14 9 UNC 56.5 82.5
1 16 8 UNC 88.5 130.0

Note: Tighten the bolts according to the above list, unless otherwise specified.
70ZIV-2 General Information
Bolt Tightening Torque

Bolt size Bolt strength
Type Nominal Nominal
Pitch 8.8 (8T) 10.9 (11T)
dimension dia.
M8 8 (C) 1.25 19.5 28
(C) 1.5 39 56
M10 10
(F) 1.25 40 59
(C) 1.75 66 97
M12 12
(F) 1.25 70 105
(C) 2.0 105 150
M14 14
(F) 1.5 110 160
(C) 2.0 160 230
M16 16
(F) 1.5 165 245
(C) 2.5 220 320
M18 18
(F) 1.5 235 350
Metric thread (C) 2.5 305 450
M20 20
(F) 1.5 330 490
(C) 2.5 410 600
M22 22
(F) 1.5 440 650
(C) 3.0 530 760
M24 24
(F) 2.0 565 830
(C) 3.0 760 1,120
M27 27
(F) 2.0 830 1,190
(C) 3.5 1,050 1,550
M30 30
(F) 2.0 1,160 1,660
(C) 3.5 1,410 2,100
M33 33
(F) 2.0 1,520 2,240
5/16 05 18 UNC 18.0 26
3/8 06 16 UNC 32 47
7/16 07 14 UNC 52 76
1/2 08 13 UNC 76 105
Unified thread 9/16 09 12 UNC 110 160
5/8 10 11 UNC 150 215
3/4 12 10 UNC 265 385
7/8 14 9 UNC 410 595
1 16 8 UNC 640 940

Note: Tighten the bolts according to the above list, unless otherwise specified.
70ZIV-2 General Information
Bolt Tightening Torque

Flanged hexagon bolt

1. Bolt type: Metric thread

2. Bolt strength: 8.8 (8T)

3. Thread pitch: Coarse pitch thread (C)

Bolt size Bolt strength
Type Nominal
Pitch 8.8 (8T)
M5 0.8 7
M6 1 12
M8 1.25 28
M10 1.5 53
Metric thread
M12 1.75 94
M16 2 231
M20 2.5 441
M24 3 765

Bolt size Bolt strength
Type Nominal
Pitch 8.8 (8T)
M5 0.8 0.7
M6 1 1.2
M8 1.25 2.9
M10 1.5 5.4
Metric thread
M12 1.75 9.6
M16 2 23.5
M20 2.5 45.0
M24 3 78.0

Bolt size Bolt strength
Type Nominal
Pitch 8.8 (8T)
M5 0.8 5.0
M6 1 8.6
M8 1.25 20.9
M10 1.5 38.9
Metric thread
M12 1.75 69.1
M16 2 169.2
M20 2.5 324.0
M24 3 561.6
70ZIV-2 General Information
Hose Band Tightening Torque

Hose Band Tightening Torque

Low pressure hose

(heat resisting hose) Tightening torque Tightening torque Tightening torque
Hose band
(N-m) (kgf-cm) (lb-ft)
Inner dia. (mm) Outer dia. (mm)
6.3 16.5
7.9 18.5 69002-02200 1.6 16 1.2
9.5 20.5
12.7 24.5 69002-02700
15.9 29.9
19.0 30.0
25.4 38.0 69002-04400
31.8 45.8 69002-05200 4 40 2.9
38.1 52.1 69002-05700
50.8 67.8 69002-07100
60.5 76.0 69002-08200
75.5 93.0 69002-09500

Low pressure hose Tightening torque Tightening torque Tightening torque

Hose band
Inner dia. (mm) Outer dia. (mm) (N-m) (kgf-cm) (lb-ft)

6 16.5
8 18.5 69002-02200 1.6 16 1.2
9 20.5
9 22.0 69002-02300
12 24.5
12 26.0
15 29.0
15 30.5
19 32.0
19 34.0
4 40 2.9
25 39.5
25 41.5
32 46.0
32 48.0
38 54.0 69002-05700
50 70.5
50 73.0

To connect the hose to the pipe, tighten the hose band Hose
at the following position: Pipe

Hose band
Center of pipe
10~20 mm 70ZV00003
70ZIV-2 General Information
Liquid Gasket and Screw Lock Agent

Liquid Gasket and Screw Lock Agent

To reassemble the disassembled parts, be sure to use Cautions regarding reassembly
the specified liquid gasket or screw lock agent or the
equivalent according to the following lists: To reassemble a screw

Code Manufacturer Product name Completely remove the hardened lock agent from the
AA01 ®
Loctite Plastic Gasket 568 screw and the threaded hole before reassembling the
AA02 Loctite Hydraulic sealant
AA03 Three Bond Three Bond 1215 Note
AB01 ®
Loctite ®
Loctite 262 A piece of hardened lock agent may be peeled off and
remain in the component. The remaining piece may
Screw lock
AB02 Three Bond Three Bond 1327 cause malfunction during fastener installation.
AB03 Three Bond Three Bond 1374
To bond a plane or to fit a shaft

Remove the hardened lock agent using a wire brush or

the like, and polish the surface using sand paper. Use of
Cautions regarding parts removal a Loctite® primer like Locquic ® Primer T prepares
metal surface of the threads and speeds curing time.
If a screw or shaft to be removed has been locked by
one of the above agents, remove the screw or shaft Antiseize Agent
using a general tool, such as a wrench or puller.
Code Manufacturer Product name
If it is difficult to remove the screw or shaft, heat the bolt Loctite® 767
AC01 Loctite®
to soften the agent (200~250°C) using a soldering iron (Paste or spray)
or gas torch.


If there is a seal near the screw or shaft to be removed,

carefully use the heating method for removal, to avoid
damage to the seal.

If heat has been used to remove the bolt a new bolt

should be used during reassembly.
70ZIV-2 General Information
Liquid Gasket and Screw Lock Agent

Screw lock agent application pro- How to wind a seal tape


Apply screw lock agent one or two lines on the male

Seal tape

Screw lock agent Leave 1~2 screw


As the screw is tightened by turning clockwise, seal

tape must be wound up clockwise direction as shown
65ZV00002 above. If not, the tape will be loosened or removed
while tightening the screw, resulting in oil leakage.

To avoid a piece of seal tape left in the circuit, leave 1 or

2 screws from the end of the thread and start threading
it clockwise.

Slightly stretch the tape when cutting it out, and press to

fit the tape onto the screw thread.
70ZIV-2 General Information
Cautions Regarding Welding Repair Service

Cautions Regarding Welding Repair Service

If welding is needed to repair the chassis, observe the
following precautions to protect the hydraulic cylinders,
hydraulic units, gear sets, and electrical units from pos-
sible damage.


1. Turn the starter switch OFF. 4. To ground the welder, check that the electric cur-
rent will not flow through the cylinders.
2. Remove the battery terminals both positive and Cylinder head covers for some models have a low
negative sides from the battery. conductive metal that will cause spark if the welding
current flows. The spark may damage the cylinder
3. Ground the welder near the section to be welded. rod.

Example 1

Section to be welded

Do not ground this section.

Electric current may flow
through the cylinders.
Ground this section.
(correct grounding)


Example 2

Do not ground this section.

Electric current may flow Section to be welded Ground this section.
through the cylinders. (correct grounding)


5. The weld spattered on the hydraulic cylinders and

on the plated sections of pins will damage the cylin-
ders and pins. There are other parts that may be
damaged by the spatter; hydraulic units, har-
nesses, hydraulic hoses, and nylon tubes.
Be sure to mask these units and parts before weld-
70ZIV-2 General Information
Cautions Regarding Welding Repair Service

Hydraulic cylinder


Section to
Plated section (Mask this section.) Hydraulic hose be welded
Nylon tube Remove
Harness and if
Pin section with pin Chassis
temporarily inserted

Pin 35A00005

(c) Hydraulic hoses, nylon tubes, or harnesses are

Plated section (Mask this section.) easily damaged by the heat during welding. To pro-
35C00003 tect them from the heat, remove them from the sec-
(a) Plated section tion to be welded to make enough clearance.

Cover the plated sections with heat-resistant cloth,

such as glass wool or canvas.

The weld spattered on the plated sections causes corro-

Scrap material, etc.

1m or more

Section to
be welded

1m or more

(b) Cover the hydraulic units, electrical units, har-

nesses, hydraulic hoses, nylon tubes, etc. with
heat-resistant cloth (glass wool or canvas) or scrap
material to protect them from spatter.
70ZIV-2 General Information
Applying and Storing Articulation Stopper

Applying and Storing Articulation Stopper

Applying articulation stopper


Locked position


2. Turn rod (2) (articulation stopper) until it comes in
contact with pin (3). Insert the pin (3) into the rod to
lock the front chassis to the rear chassis.
Unexpected movement of machine could cause seri- WARNING
ous injury or death. There is a possibility that a ser- To align the pin with the pin hole, start the engine and
vice man could be crushed in the articulation area if slightly turn the steering wheel. Be careful! Your body
the machine unexpectedly turns during repair work. or finger could be crushed in the machine when the
To prevent such an accident, be sure to apply the machine turns.
articulation stopper before starting work. Stay out of the articulation area while aligning the
When inspecting or servicing machine in articulation
area, do not start the engine without applying the
articulation stopper and place "DO NOT START" or
"DO NOT OPERATE" tag on steering wheel.

Storing articulation stopper


1. Park the machine so that the frame is straight

ahead. Using a 17 mm wrench remove bolt (1) from
the articulation stopper on the front chassis.

Stored position

Store rod (2) and pin (3) as shown.

70ZIV-2 General Information

70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Chassis Group

70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly

Chassis Group

Deck ........................................................................ 14-2

Fuel Tank................................................................. 14-3
Hydraulic Tank......................................................... 14-4
Engine Room .......................................................... 14-9
Cab.......................................................................... 14-12
Floor Board ............................................................. 14-14
Boom ....................................................................... 14-16
Dust Seal................................................................. 14-19
Bushing ................................................................... 14-20
Center Pin ............................................................... 14-21
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Chassis Group


Deck removing and installing Deck installing

Deck removing For reinstallation, follow the above procedure in reverse


Unexpected movement of the machine could cause
an accident resulting in injury or death. Be sure to
observe the following items before starting deck
- Position the machine on level ground, and apply
the parking brake.
- Lower the attachment onto the ground, and block
the tires with chocks, etc. to prevent them from
- Remove the engine key, and hang a "DO NOT
START ENGINE!" tag on the steering wheel.

1. Apply a sling to handrail (1) and remove bolts


2. Remove deck (5) with the handrail considering the


: Deck (5) including handrail: 50 kg

70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Chassis Group
Fuel Tank

Fuel Tank

Fuel tank removing and installing

Fuel tank removing

Unexpected movement of the machine could cause
an accident resulting in injury or death. Be sure to
observe the following items before starting fuel tank
- Position the machine on level ground, and apply
the parking brake.
- Lower the attachment onto the ground, and block
the tires with chocks, etc. to prevent them from
moving. 2. Disconnect level sensor electrical line coupler (3).
- Remove the engine key, and hang a "DO NOT Put matchmarks on fuel hoses (4) and disconnect
START ENGINE!" tag on the steering wheel. them.

Before starting work: Cover the disconnected hoses with vinyl to protect them
- Drain fuel from the fuel tank. from dust and dirt.
(Fuel tank capacity: 220 L)
- Remove the engine room. 3. Fix eye bolt (5) (M16) to the fuel tank and attach
- Remove the radiator. (Refer to Section 22) sling fuel tank. Then remove bolt (6) and slowly
lower the fuel tank.

: Bolt (6): 417 N-m (42.5 kgf-m)

: Fuel tank: 145 kg (when empty)

Fuel tank installing

For reinstallation, follow the above procedure in reverse


Fuel tank installation cautions

1. Disconnect engine oil drain hose clamp (1) and
radiator drain hose (2). After reinstallation, be sure to completely bleed air in the
fuel line.
Cover the disconnected hoses with vinyl to protect them
from dust and dirt.
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Chassis Group
Hydraulic Tank

Hydraulic Tank

Hydraulic tank removing and Hydraulic tank

Hydraulic tank removing

Unexpected movement of the machine could cause
an accident resulting in injury or death. Be sure to
observe the following items before starting hydraulic
tank removal:
- Position the machine on level ground, and apply
the parking brake.
- Lower the attachment onto the ground, and block
2. Remove hose (2) from the hydraulic tank.
the tires with chocks, etc. to prevent them from
- Remove the engine key, and hang a "DO NOT
Cover the disconnected hoses with vinyl to protect them
START ENGINE!" tag on the steering wheel.
from dust and dirt.

Before starting work:

- Drain hydraulic oil from the hydraulic tank.
(Hydraulic tank capacity: 130 L)
- Remove the deck.
- Clean the area around the tank.

From hydraulic tank

3. Disconnect hoses (3)(4) from the hydraulic tank.

Cover the disconnected hoses with vinyl to protect them
from dust and dirt.

1. Disconnect vinyl tube (1) for the optional window

washer liquid tank, when installed.
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Chassis Group
Hydraulic Tank

Hydraulic tank installing

Accumulator assy For reinstallation, follow the above procedure in reverse


5 Hydraulic tank installation cautions

After reinstallation, be sure to check the pipes for leak-

age, and also check the oil level of the hydraulic tank.
Run the engine idle for five minutes to allow the pumps
to become fully lubricated.

4. Temporarily attach sling to hydraulic tank (5) and

remove bolts (6).
Carefully remove the tank.

: Hydraulic tank: 145 kg (when empty)

: Bolt (6): 216 N-m (22.0 kgf-m)

The accumulators are mounted on the hydraulic tank as
shown on machines S/N 2201/8251 and thereafter.
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Chassis Group
Hydraulic Tank

Hydraulic tank return filter remov- 1

ing and installing 3
Hydraulic tank return filter removing

Unexpected movement of the machine could cause
an accident resulting in injury or death. Therefore, to
provide repair service with the engine running, be (S/N 1214~1269)
sure to observe the following items: (S/N 7208~7236)
- Position the machine on level ground, and apply 65K44005a
the parking brake.
- Lower the attachment onto the ground, and block 1. Remove bolt (1) of cover (2).
the tires with chocks, etc. to prevent them from Using these bolts as remover, remove cover (2).
- Let the hydraulic oil become cool. 2. Remove O-ring (3), spring (4), relief valve (5) and
- Release the internal pressure from the piping and return filter (6).
the hydraulic tank.
Remove the hose and packing on machines S/Ns
Releasing the residual pressure from piping 1214~1269, 7208~7236.

(a) Keep the bottom surface of the bucket horizontal,

and stop the engine when the bucket is approxi-
mately 30 cm above the ground. Hydraulic tank return filter installing
(b) Tilt down the bucket until it comes in contact with
the ground, and then lower the boom.
(c) Move the bucket and boom levers back and forth For reinstallation, follow the above procedure in reverse
fully to relive the pressure. order.
(d) Press the tank cap to release the residual pressure
from the tank.

Before starting work: Hydraulic tank return filter installation cau-

- Drain the hydraulic oil from the tank. tions

Be sure to replace the O-ring with new one.

70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Chassis Group
Hydraulic Tank

Hydraulic tank breather valve dis-

assembling and assembling 3

Hydraulic tank breather valve disassem- 4

(S/N ~2550) (S/N 2551~)
Breather valve 6
Breather valve


2. Remove bolts (2) and then remove body (3) and

packing (4).

3. Remove filter (6) by removing stop ring (5).

K70ZIV1401 Note
- After removing the parts, cover the tank port with
Note vinyl to protect it from dust and dirt.
The breather valve is changed as shown on machines - Stop ring (5) is attached on machines S/N
S/N 2551 and thereafter. 1001~1495, 7101~7316 only.


Starter keyhole 8



4. Remove stop ring (7), then remove valve assembly

Before starting work: (8).

- Insert the starter key and turn the key 180º counter- 5. Remove filter element (10) and spring (9) from
clockwise to unlock the cap key. (S/N 1001~1600, cover (1).
7101~7350 only)
Do not disassemble valve assembly (8) further since the
1. Remove cap (1) by turning it counterclockwise valve is being setting 1 kPa (0.01 kgf/cm2) for the inlet
while pressing. pressure and 78 kPa (0.8 kgf/cm2) for the exhaust pres-
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Chassis Group
Hydraulic Tank

Hydraulic tank breather valve assembling

To reassemble the breather valve, follow the above pro-
cedure in reverse order.

Filter element


The breather valve on machines S/N 2551 and thereaf-
ter is configured as shown.

: Nut: 7.06 N-m (0.72 kgf-m)

: With lubricating oil (engine oil or gear oil)
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Chassis Group
Engine Room

Engine Room

Engine room removing and install-

Engine room removing

Unexpected movement of the machine could cause
an accident resulting in injury or death. Be sure to
observe the following items before starting engine
room removal:
- Position the machine on level ground, and apply
the parking brake.
- Lower the attachment onto the ground, and block
2. Remove exhaust pipe (3).
the tires with chocks, etc. to prevent them from
- Remove the engine key, and hang a "DO NOT
START ENGINE!" tag on the steering wheel.
Before starting work:
- Recover/recycle refrigerant on machine with optional
air conditioner, if required.
(When the optional quick coupler is attached, no
recovery/recycling will be needed.)
- Remove the deck with the handrail both the right and
left side.


3. Disconnect sub tank hose (4) for the radiator.

Cover the disconnected hoses with vinyl to protect them
from dust and dirt.

1. Remove screen board covers (1) on both right and

left sides.
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Chassis Group
Engine Room

4. Disconnect hose (5) between the air cleaner and 6. Disconnect electrical line coupler (8) for the con-
engine at the engine side. denser and the brake oil tank level sensor.
Remove the clamp for rear axle breather tube (9).
Cover the disconnected hose and port of the turbo-
charger to protect the turbocharger from dust and dirt.



7. Disconnect hose (11) from the optional air condi-

tioner condenser, if equipped.

5. Remove band (7) of brake oil tank (6). Note

Temporarily clamp the brake oil tank to the line fil- - Before hose disconnection, be sure to recover/recy-
ter. cle the refrigerant.
- When the optional quick coupler is attached, no
Note recovery/recycling will be needed.
You don’t have to drain the brake oil tank. - Cover the disconnected hoses with vinyl to protect
them from dust and dirt.
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Chassis Group
Engine Room

10. Slowly lift the engine room together with the air
cleaner while checking that there are no obstacles.

: Engine room: 260 kg

(Including air cleaner and condenser)

Engine room installing

For reinstallation, follow the above procedure in reverse


8. Open the radiator grill.

Disconnect electrical line coupler (12). Engine room installation cautions
Remove bolts (13).
After reinstallation, be sure to check the air conditioner
: Bolt (M12): 98 N-m (10.0 kgf-m) for refrigerant leakage.
: Bolt (M16): 216 N-m (22.0 kgf-m) Also check that the air cleaner rubber hose connection
band is properly positioned and tightened with proper


(S/N 1244~)

(S/N 1244~)

(S/N 1244~)
M16 70K14007a

9. Remove hose band (14).

Remove bolt (13).

: Bolt (M12)(4 each): 98 N-m (10.0 kgf-m)

: Bolt (M16)(10 each): 216 N-m (22.0 kgf-m)
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Chassis Group


Cab removing and installing

Cab removing

Unexpected movement of the machine could cause
an accident resulting in injury or death.
- Position the machine on level ground, and block
the tires with chocks, etc. to prevent them from
- Lower the attachment onto the ground, and apply 65ZV14014J
the parking brake.
- Remove the engine key, and hang a "DO NOT
START ENGINE!" tag on the steering wheel. Note
When installing the filter into the cab, be sure to align
the air flow arrow on the filter to point toward the cab.
Before starting work:
- Remove the deck both right and left side.

2. Remove cover (3).

1. Cover (1) for the outer filter is located at the right

rear side of the cab.
Turn the rings counterclockwise and then remove
cover (1).
Remove outer filter (2) from the cab.

3. Disconnect vinyl tube (4) for the window washer liq-

70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Chassis Group


Floor board 13

4. Disconnect electrical line coupler (5) and ground 7. Remove bolt (13).
cable (6).
: Bolt (13): 721 N-m (73.5 kgf-m)



5. Remove nut (7) and lever (8).

Then remove cover (9). 8. Remove bolt (14) and seal washer (15).
Install the eye bolt (M16 x 2.0) on cab.
: Nut (7): 34 N-m (3.5 kgf-m) Attach sling and remove the cab.

: Cab: 560 kg

Cab installing

11 For reinstallation, follow the above procedure in reverse


Cab installation cautions


- Check the movement of the wiper and adjust the

6. Remove pin (11) for arm (10). moving angle, if necessary.
Move steering shaft (12) backward. - Tune the clock and the radio.
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Chassis Group
Floor Board

Floor Board

Floor board removing and install-

Floor board removing

Unexpected movement of the machine could cause
an accident resulting in injury or death.
- Position the machine on level ground, and block
the tires with chocks, etc. to prevent them from
- Lower the attachment onto the ground, and
release the residual pressure from the hydraulic
1. Disconnect rod (1) from drop arm (2).
tank and lines.
- Disconnect the (-) side of the battery.
- Disconnect the (+) side of the battery.

Before starting work:

- Remove the decks on both right and left sides of the
- Remove the cab.
- Disconnect the hoses and the electrical couplers
between the floor board and the chassis.
- Disconnect the pipes from the optional air condi-
tioner at the self seal couplings, when equipped.
- Collect the air conditioner refrigerant (option) using
the proper recovery method.

2. Put matchmarks on hoses (3)(4) and disconnect
- Before disconnecting the electrical couplers, hoses
and pipes between the floor board and the chassis,
put match marks on them to help during reassembly.
: Hydraulic oil: Approx. 0.5 L
- Prepare a drain pan for the oil.
- Cover the disconnected hoses with vinyl to protect
them from dust and dirt.
Cover the disconnected hoses with vinyl to protect them
from dust and dirt.
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Chassis Group
Floor Board


5. Remove floor board retaining nut (9).

WARNING Install the eye bolt (M16 × 2.0) to floor board (8) at
Spray from hot coolant could cause burns. Prevent 4 places.
injury by relieving pressure in the radiator. Work on Attach sling then gradually lift floor board (8) while
the system only when cool. checking that there are no obstacles and that all the
pipes, cables, pins, etc. are disconnected.
3. Remove clamp (5) and then disconnect heater
hoses (option) (6) at the intermediate joints. : Floor board: 340 kg
Plug the hose ends to prevent the coolant from run- (including ope. board, air conditioner, seat, etc.)
ning out. : Nut (9): 417 N-m (42.5 kgf-m)

Floor board installing

For reinstallation, follow the above procedure in reverse


Floor board installation cautions

After reinstallation, start the engine, and then check the

refrigerant, and oil lines for leakage. Also check opera-
tion of the electrical equipment.
4. Disconnect accelerator control cable (7) from the
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Chassis Group


Boom removing and installing 1

Boom removing

Unexpected movement of the machine could cause
an accident resulting in injury or death. 2
- Position the machine on level ground, and block
the tires with chocks, etc. to prevent them from
- Lower the attachment onto the ground, and 65ZV14020J
release the residual pressure from the hydraulic
tank and lines.
- Apply the parking brake and remove the starter 1. Remove pins (2)(3) to remove bucket (1).
: Bucket: 1,065 kg

There are shims in the pin sections. Carefully store the
Hitting the parts quenched such as bearing, shaft, pin
removed shims, and correctly reinsert the shims when
and tooth by a steel-hammer could cause a breakage
reinstalling the bucket.
resulting in injury or death.
- Keep persons away from working area.
- Use a support plate in case a steel hammer is
- Use a copper-hammer or a plastic hammer.
- Always wear protection goggles.


2. Remove connection pin (6) from rod (4) and lever


: Link: 42 kg
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Chassis Group



70ZV14003J 65ZV14024J

3. Attach sling to bucket cylinder (7), and then remove 5. Attach sling to lever (5), and then remove lever pin
connection pin (8) from lever (5) and bucket cylin- (9).
der (7).
: Lever: 225 kg
: Bucket cylinder: 140 kg

Before removing the connecting pin, hold the lever
with a rope not to tilt the end of the lever.



6. Start the engine. Lift boom (10) until it is horizontal,

and then place stand (A) to support the bottom of
7 the boom.
Temporarily sling boom cylinders (11), and then
70ZV14004J remove pins (12) from the cylinder rods on both the
right and left sides of the boom.
4. Lift bucket cylinder (7) on the rod side. Apply a
cable from the cab hoisting point to the bucket cyl- CAUTION
inder, and then temporarily turn up the cylinder.
Stop the engine when the boom is approximately 30
cm above the stand (A). Set the boom lever to the
CAUTION boom down position to lower the boom onto the stand
- To temporarily turn up the bucket cylinder, check (A).
that the cylinder angle is 90º or less. Further tilting Open the hydraulic oil tank to release the internal
may cause the cylinder to overturn onto the cab. pressure.
- You have to work on the machine to turn up the
bucket cylinder. Carefully check your step on the
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Chassis Group

Boom installing

For reinstallation, follow the above procedure in reverse

10 order.

Boom installation cautions

13 - Be sure to adjust the clearance of the retainer pin

sections using the liners.
- After reinstallation, grease the boom, and then oper-
ate it. During operation, check the boom for abnor-
7. Attach sling to torque tube of boom (10), and then mal noise.
remove pins (13) from the boom on both the right
and left side of the boom.

The pin sections are adjusted (to 1.2 mm or less clear-
ance) using liners. Do not lose the liners during the ser-
vice work.

8. Slowly lift boom (10) to remove it from the machine.

: Boom: 810 kg

Losing control of the boom structure during removal
or installation could result in injury or death.
When you sling the boom, be sure to check that the
boom is horizontal. If the boom is inclined, it may
unexpectedly tilt the end of the boom resulting in loss
of control. Stay clear of the boom.
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Chassis Group
Dust Seal

Dust Seal

Dust seal removing and installing Dust seal installing

Dust seal removing


Use tool and install the seal.

K70ZIV1402.tif Make sure that the direction of the seal lip is as
Remove the seal using a screw driver as illustrated.
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Chassis Group


Bushing removing and installing Bushing installing

Bushing removing

New bushing

Pulling direction


K70ZIV1404.tif Put clean grease on the bushings then use a hydraulic

jack (A) and adapter (1). Install them from each side.
Use a hydraulic jack (A), adapter (1) and (2). Remove Make sure to prepare the space for dust seal.
two bushings at once.
Adapter (1) Adapter (2) If there is a grease hole or groove on the bushing,
make sure to align the hole or groove before installing
the bushing.

Inspection hole


Adapter specifications

Adapter (1) Adapter (2)

Material SS41 SS41
Dimension (A) Bushing outer diameter
Bushing outer diameter - 2
(mm) + 20
Dimension (B) Bushing inner diameter
Bushing inner diameter - 1
(mm) +5
Dimension (C)
Jack rod diameter +2 —
Length (L)
— Bushing length x 2
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Chassis Group
Center Pin

Center Pin

Upper center pin

8 4




Front chassis
12 Rear chassis
9 Upper


T2 L1


T1: Bolt (10): 216 N-m (22.0 kgf-m)
T2: Bolt (9): 422 N-m (43.0 kgf-m)

L1: Bolt (9): With lubrication oil

(Engine oil or gear oil)

Center pin shim adjustment

Adjust the clearance to 0.1±0.05 mm using the shim.

After that, tighten bolt (T1).
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Chassis Group
Center Pin

Lower center pin

(S/N ~1204)


Front chassis

Rear chassis




Front Rear

Split of outer bearing


Grease nipple
installation direction 70ZV15004
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Chassis Group
Center Pin

Center pin removing and installing 2 4

Center pin removing

Unexpected movement of the machine could cause
an accident resulting in injury or death. Be sure to
observe the following items before starting center pin
- Place the machine on level and paved ground.
- Lower the attachment onto the ground, and block 3 70ZV14008J
the front tires with chocks, etc. to prevent them
from moving.
- Apply the stopper to the rear wheel oscillation sec- 2. Disconnect brake hose (2) and high pressure
tion to prevent the machine from oscillation. hoses (3), and disconnect electrical line (4) from
- Release the residual pressure from the hydraulic the coupler.
line, and also release the internal pressure from
the hydraulic tank. : Brake oil: Approx. 3 L
- Cover the steering cylinder rod to prevent it from : Hydraulic oil: Approx. 5 L
being scratched.
Plug or cover the disconnected hoses to protect them
from dust and dirt.




1. Remove bolts (1) and disconnect the second pro-

peller shaft. 3. Remove right and left steering cylinder retainer pins
(5) and shims (6).
: Bolt (1): 142 N-m (14.5 kgf-m)
: Screw lock agent (Three Bond 1327) Note
Wrap the steering cylinder rods to prevent accidental
Note damage to the chrome rods.
- If the retainer bolt is too tight due to the screw lock
agent, heat the bolt head to about 235ºC (450ºF)
using slow flame of a gas burner.
- Keep the flame away from the seals of the coupling.
- Do not reuse the bolts, always replace with new
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Chassis Group
Center Pin


Jack screw

Remover bolt: M12 (Pitch 1.75), totally threaded

Steering valve M12 x 1.75




4. The upper center pin will come in contact with the

steering rod (7) as the upper center pin is removed.
6. Screw the M12 (Pitch 1.75) bolt of approximately
To smoothly remove the upper center pin, remove
70 mm length into the center of bushing (14) to
steering rod (7), arm (8), steering rod (9) and
push out the bushing. This bolt is used as a jack
bracket (10).
: Castle nut (11): 191 N-m (19.5 kgf-m)
: Bolt (12): 216 N-m (22.0 kgf-m)
: With lubrication oil (Engine oil or gear oil)



7. Before disconnecting front chassis (15) from the

70ZV14011J rear chassis, be sure to support front chassis (15)
using the jack and blocks so that the front chassis
will not fall backward.
5. Remove upper center pin retainer bolt (13).

: Bolt (13): 422 N-m (43.0 kgf-m)

70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Chassis Group
Center Pin


70K14019 70K14021

8. Before disconnecting the front chassis from the 10. Support the bottom of hydraulic tank (18) using a
rear chassis, be sure to sling the rear chassis using rolling floor jack.
a crane (apply sling to pin (16)) so that the rear
chassis will not fall backward.

When using a crane, insufficient signal and sling
could cause an accident resulting in injury or death. 19
To prevent such an accident, observe the following
- Check the sling before using it and do not use
improper sling.
- Use the signals as agreed upon before starting
- Stay out of the working area while using a crane. 70K14022

11. Remove the lock bolt from the lower center pin.
Push out lower center pin (19) using another jack to
remove the pin.

17 Chassis separation is dangerous work. To ensure
your safety, be careful in doing this work.



9. Push out upper center pin (17) using a jack.

70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Chassis Group
Center Pin




70ZV14018 70K14024

12. Slowly turn the rear tires both the right and the left 14. Remove shim (23).
sides using a bar to separate the rear chassis.
Note If taper roller bearing (24) is replaced, be sure to adjust
While turning the rear tires, check that the rolling floor the clearance using shims.
jack under the hydraulic tank is rolling backward Thickness of shim: 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.5, and 1.0 mm
together with the rear chassis.
In addition, adjust the height using the rear crane when-
ever height adjustment is necessary.


15. Replace dust seals (24) in the upper center pin and
the lower center pin with new ones.

13. Remove ring (20) and remove bolts (22) from plate

: Bolt (22): 216 N-m (22.0 kgf-m)

70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Chassis Group
Center Pin

Center pin installing

For reinstallation, follow the above procedure in reverse


Center pin
Center pin installation cautions

- After reinstallation, grease the center pins, and oper-

ate them. During operation, check the pins for abnor-
mal noise and looseness.
- Check each section for oil leakage.
- No oil leakage should be found in any part.
Note - Be sure to completely bleed the brake of air.
Take care of the correct direction of dust seals as For air bleeding procedure, refer to the "Service
shown above. brake air bleeding procedure" page 24-18.

Insufficient air bleeding in brake oil line could cause
an accident resulting in injury or death be sure to
completely bleed the brake of air.



16. Check and replace dust seal (25) of the lower cen-
ter pin in the same way as step 15.
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Chassis Group

70ZIV-2 Service Standard Chassis Group

70ZIV-2 Service Standard

Chassis Group

Linkage.................................................................... 15-2
Linkage Pin Standard Clearance Values ................. 15-3
Center Pin ............................................................... 15-5
Bucket ..................................................................... 15-7
Bucket Positioner and Boom Kick-Out (Option) ...... 15-8
70ZIV-2 Service Standard Chassis Group

mm (in)
1. Attachment - Boom 2. Boom - Lever 3. Boom - Boom cylinder

4. Front chassis - Boom 5. Attachment - Link 6. Lever - Link

7. Lever - Bucket cylinder 8. Bucket cylinder - 9. Boom cylinder -

Front chassis Front chassis

10. Front chassis - 11. Steering cylinder -

Steering cylinder Rear chassis

8 4


5 11

1 70V2E12001
70ZIV-2 Service Standard Chassis Group
Linkage Pin Standard Clearance Values

Linkage Pin Standard Clearance Values

Unit: mm (in)

Judgment standard

No. Item Solution

Pin standard
Standard clearance Tolerance

ø70 0.100~0.250 1.0

* 1 Joint section between attachment and boom
(ø2.7559) (0.0039~0.0098) (0.0393)

ø110 0.120~0.295 1.0

2 Joint section between boom and lever Replacement
(ø4.3307) (0.0047~0.0116) (0.0393)

ø80 0.120~0.295 1.0

3 Joint section between boom and boom cylinder Replacement
(ø3.1496) (0.0047~0.0116) (0.0393)

ø90 0.120~0.295 1.0

4 Joint section between front chassis and boom Replacement
(ø3.5433) (0.0047~0.0116) (0.0393)

ø80 0.120~0.295 1.0

* 5 Joint section between attachment and link
(ø3.1496) (0.0047~0.0116) (0.0393)

ø80 0.120~0.295 1.0

* 6 Joint section between lever and link
(ø3.1496) (0.0047~0.0116) (0.0393)

ø90 0.120~0.295 1.0

7 Joint section between lever and bucket cylinder Replacement
(ø3.5433) (0.0047~0.0116) (0.0393)

ø90 0.120~0.295 1.0

8 Joint section between bucket cylinder and front chassis Replacement
(ø3.5433) (0.0047~0.0116) (0.0393)

ø80 0.120~0.295 1.0

9 Joint section between boom cylinder and front chassis Replacement
(ø3.1496) (0.0047~0.0116) (0.0393)

ø45 0.080~0.205 1.0

* 10 Joint section between front chassis and steering cylinder
(ø1.7716) (0.0031~0.0080) (0.0393)

ø45 0.080~0.205 1.0

* 11 Joint section between steering cylinder and rear chassis
(ø1.7716) (0.0031~0.0080) (0.0393)
70ZIV-2 Service Standard Chassis Group
Linkage Pin Standard Clearance Values

Liner clearance adjustment


Adjustment procedure (for adjustment of liner clear-

ance marked with asterisk):

Adjust the liner clearance (marked with "*") between the

bosses to 1.2 mm (0.0472 in) or less using liner of 1 mm
(0.0393 in) thickness.

For the steering cylinder, adjust the liner clearance on

the rear chassis side first, and then adjust the liner
clearance on the front chassis side while checking that
the cylinder is not inclined. Liners should be placed on
both sides of the linkage as much as possible.

Wear then occurs on the liners and reduces wear on the

chassis. Excessive vertical free play in the steering cyl-
inders can result in loud knocking noises when the
steering wheel is turned.
70ZIV-2 Service Standard Chassis Group
Center Pin

Center Pin

Center pin shim adjustment Grease nipple installing

1 [Upper]
8 4

3 Front

Front chassis
6 22.5

Grease nipple
installation direction 70ZV15003

Front chassis
2 Install bearing cover (3) so that the grease nipple
12 Rear chassis
9 Upper mounting hole is positioned at the specified angle as
70ZA1208 shown in the figure above.

The clearance between the front chassis and bearing

cover (3) is 0.75±0.5 mm (0.0295±0.0197 in) before
shim adjustment.
Add shims so that the clearance is 0.1±0.05 mm
(0.0039±0.0020 in).

Bolt (10): 216 N-m (22.0 kgf-m) (159 lb-ft)
Bolt (9): 422 N-m (43.0 kgf-m) (311 lb-ft)
(with lubrication oil (engine oil or gear oil))
70ZIV-2 Service Standard Chassis Group
Center Pin

Lower center pin bearing outer

ring installing

5 3
4 Front Rear

Split of outer bearing


Front chassis
Grease nipple
installation direction 70ZV15004

Rear chassis
Install bearing outer ring (3) so that the split is perpen-
1 dicular to the front-rear line of the machine.
70ZIV-2 Service Standard Chassis Group

(Tooth mounting section)


Tooth mounting bolt (5): 834N-m (85.0 kgf-m)

(Wear edge mounting section) (Wear plate mounting section)


Center 28
Side 32

Wear edge Wear plate (option)

: :
Wear edge mounting bolt (6): 834N-m (85.0 kgf-m) Wear plate mounting bolt (7): 834N-m (85.0 kgf-m)
70ZIV-2 Service Standard Chassis Group
Bucket Positioner and Boom Kick-Out (Option)

Bucket Positioner and Boom Kick-Out (Option)

Kick-out adjusting plate

Bucket positioner
70ZIV-2 Service Standard Chassis Group
Bucket Positioner and Boom Kick-Out (Option)

Bucket positioner

Adjusting plate
Indicator lamp
Proximity switch
5 2

1 K70ZIV1501

Bucket positioner adjustable angle

-7º 0 +15º

Adjusting distance (5): 6 mm 46 mm 134 mm


No. Item Judgment standard Solution

1 Clearance of bucket positioner switch 5±2 mm Adjustment

3 Adjusting plate mounting bolt tightening torque 94 N-m (9.6 kgf-m) Tightening

4 Switch mounting nut tightening torque 20 N-m (2.0 kgf-m) Tightening

5 Bucket positioner adjustable angle (distance (5)) -7º ~ +15º (6 ~ 134 mm) Adjustment
70ZIV-2 Service Standard Chassis Group
Bucket Positioner and Boom Kick-Out (Option)

Boom kick-out (option)

Boom highest position

Adjusting plate


switch Direction of
indicator lamp

Boom kick-out hoist angle

70ZIV-2 Service Standard Chassis Group
Bucket Positioner and Boom Kick-Out (Option)

No. Item Judgment standard Solution

2 Clearance of boom kick-out switch 5 ± 1 mm Adjustment

3 Adjusting plate mounting bolt tightening torque 53 N-m (5.4 kgf-m) Tightening

4 Switch mounting nut tightening torque 20 N-m (2.0 kgf-m) Tightening

6 Boom kick-out adjustable angle 8 ~ 43º Adjustment

70ZIV-2 Service Standard Chassis Group

70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Power Group

70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly

Power Group

Power Line .............................................................. 24-2

Radiator................................................................... 24-3
Engine ..................................................................... 24-7
Propeller Shaft......................................................... 24-9
Air Cleaner .............................................................. 24-11
Muffler ..................................................................... 24-13
Front Axle Assembly ............................................... 24-14
Floating Seal (S/N 1201~, 7201~)........................... 24-25
Internal Gear Hub.................................................... 24-27
Spider Assembly ..................................................... 24-29
Special Tool ............................................................. 24-31
Rear Axle Assembly ................................................ 24-36
Axle Support............................................................ 24-41
Differential Assembly............................................... 24-47
Front Differential...................................................... 24-62
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Power Group
Power Line

Power Line

Power line tightening torque

Radiator assy

T2 L3

T3 L1

T2 L3

T2 L3
T4 L1 T1 L3

Oil pump
T3 L1

Rear differential
3rd propeller shaft (S/N 1973~, 7772~)
(S/N ~1023, ~7107) T4 L2
(S/N 1024~, 7108~) T7 L2
3rd propeller shaft
T6 L2 (S/N 1001~1972, 7101~7771)
(S/N 1001~1023,
T5 L2 T2 L3

T5 L2

(S/N 1001~1023,
7101~7107) T6 L2
T4 L1
2nd propeller shaft
Front differential

T1: 53 N-m (5.4 kgf-m) L1: Screw lock agent (Loctite® 262)
T2: 417 N-m (42.5 kgf-m) L2: Screw lock agent (Three Bond 1327)
T3: 55 N-m (5.6 kgf-m) L3: With lubrication oil (Engine oil or gear oil)
T4: 230 N-m (23.5 kgf-m)
T5: 142 N-m (14.5 kgf-m) Note
T6: 80 N-m (8.2 kgf-m) Always replace drive shaft bolts with new ones - never
T7: 441 N-m (45 kgf-m) reuse them.
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Power Group


Radiator tightening torque

(S/N 1001~1600)
(S/N 7101~7350) Radiator assy

T1 L2

Fan guard T1 L2

T2 L1



T1: 94 N-m (9.5 kgf-m)
T2: 90 N-m (9.2 kgf-m)

L1: Screw lock agent (Loctite® 262)

L2: With lubrication oil (Engine oil or gear oil)
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Power Group

Radiator removing and installing

Radiator removing

Unexpected movement of the machine could cause
an accident resulting in injury or death. To prevent
such an accident, observe the following items:
- Park the machine on level ground.
- Apply the articulation stopper.
- Block the front wheels with chocks or the like to
prevent the wheels from moving.
- Before starting work, be sure to remove the engine
key, and hang a "DO NOT START!" tag on the 2. Disconnect coolant hose (2) from the radiator.
steering wheel, or disconnect the negative side of
the battery. Note
Cover the disconnected hoses with vinyl to protect the
hoses from dust and dirt.
Before starting work:
- Remove the engine room (Refer to Section 14).

3. Remove plate (3) for both right and left sides.

: Retainer bolt (a): 94 N-m (9.6 kgf-m)

: With lubrication oil (Engine oil or gear oil)
1. Remove drain plug (1) to drain the coolant.
: Retainer bolt (b): 90 N-m (9.2 kgf-m)
: Coolant in system: 35 L : Screw lock agent (Loctite® 262)
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Power Group

4. Disconnect coolant hose (4) and remove fan guard


Cover the disconnected hoses with caps to protect them
from dust and dirt.

6. Disconnect hoses (8)(9) from the hydraulic oil


: Hydraulic oil: 2 L

Cover the disconnected hoses with plastic caps to pro-
5. Remove covers (6)(7). tect them from dust and dirt.
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Power Group

7. Temporarily sling radiator (10). 9. Disconnect transmission cooler hose (13) and radi-
Remove the right and left retainer bolts (11). ator drain hose (14).

: Bolt (11): 94 N-m (9.6 kgf-m) Note

: With lubrication oil (Engine oil or gear oil) Cover the disconnected hoses with plastic caps to pro-
tect them from dust and dirt.

10. Lift the radiator to remove it from the rear chassis.

: Radiator: 135 kg

Radiator installing

For reinstallation, follow the above procedure in reverse


8. Lift the radiator about 10 cm and disconnect trans- Radiator installation cautions
mission cooler hose (12).
Reinstall the radiator while checking that the right and
Note left clearances between the fan and the radiator guard
Cover the disconnected hoses with plastic caps to pro- are equal at both sides.
tect them from dust and dirt.
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Power Group


Engine removing and installing 3. Disconnect the fuel hose, and then remove the
heater hose and cooler hose. Disconnect the pipe
from the air compressor, and then remove the drain
Engine removing

Cover the disconnected hoses with caps to protect them
Unexpected movement of the machine could cause from dust and dirt.
an accident resulting in injury or death. To prevent
such an accident, observe the following items: 4. Disconnect the accelerator control cable.
- Park the machine on level ground.
- Apply the articulation stopper.
- Block the front wheels with chocks or the like to
2 Engine
prevent the wheels from moving.
- Before starting work, be sure to remove the engine
key, and hang a "DO NOT START!" tag on the
steering wheel.
- Select correct tooling to remove the engine and the

Before starting work:

- Remove the engine room (Refer to Section 14).
- Remove the fan and radiator, if necessary.
Note 70K24004

After removing the cooling fan, the engine maybe

removed without removing the radiator. 5. Temporarily sling the engine and the transmission,
- Collect the air conditioner refrigerant (option) using and then remove engine assembly mounting bolts
the proper recovery method. (2).

: Bolt (2): 417 N-m (42.5 kgf-m)

: With lubricating oil (Engine oil or gear oil)

Negative side
: Engine assy: Approx. 600 kg (excluding oil)

1. Disconnect the negative side of the battery cable.

Then remove the positive cable.

2. Remove the wiring from the alternator, each sen-

sor, preheat, air conditioner and engine stop motor.
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Power Group

Engine installing
For reinstallation, follow the above procedure in reverse

Engine installation cautions

- Refill the engine with the proper quantity and type of

the engine oil.
Refill the radiator with the properly premixed coolant.

- After reinstalling the engine, completely bleed the

6. Slowly lift the engine while checking that there are fuel line of air.
no obstacles and that all the pipes, cables, pins,
etc. are disconnected, and then remove bolt (3). - Set the starter key to ON, and then check the moni-
tor lamps of electrical equipment.
: Bolt (3): 53 N-m (5.3 kgf-m)
: With lubricating oil (Engine oil or gear oil) - Operate the engine at the idling speed for 5 minutes.
After that, check the amount of the coolant.
- Place a support, like a wooden block, under the - While gradually increasing the engine speed, check
transmission case. operation of the electrical equipment, and check for
- There is an O-ring in the housing between the leakage.
engine and torque converter. Be sure to replace the
O-ring with a new one. When the ring gear interlock-
ing is hard, open the flywheel cover and slowly rotate
the transmission ring gear.

7. Separate the engine and the transmission from

each other, and then lift the engine.

Lift the engine approximately 100 mm.
Insert wooden piece of approximately 200 mm thick-
ness into the clearance between the flywheel bottom
and the rear axle to separate the engine and the trans-
mission. Repeat this two to three times to completely
separate the engine and the transmission from each
Carefully lift the engine while checking that there are no
obstacles around it.
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Power Group
Propeller Shaft

Propeller Shaft

Propeller shaft removing and

installing 5

Second propeller shaft removing
Unexpected movement of the machine could cause 1
an accident resulting in injury or death. To prevent 2nd propeller shaft
such an accident, observe the following items:
- Park the machine on level ground. Front differential
- Apply the articulation stopper. 70V24011
- Block the front wheels with chocks or the like to
prevent the wheels from moving.
1. Remove bolt (2) from the transmission side of sec-
- Before starting work, be sure to remove the engine
ond propeller shaft (1).
key, and hang a "DO NOT START!" tag on the
steering wheel, or disconnect the negative side of
: Bolt (2): 142 N-m (14.5 kgf-m)
the battery.
: Screw lock agent (Three Bond 1327)

2. Disconnect the grease pipe, and remove bolt (5)

from pillow unit bearing (4).

: Bolt (5) with washer (S/N ~1023):

230 N-m (23.5 kgf-m)
: Bolt (5) (S/N 1024~): 441 N-m (45.0 kgf-m)
: Screw lock agent (Three Bond 1327)

3. Remove bolt (6) to disconnect the propeller shaft

from the front differential.
Support the shaft by cable or garage jack. Take out
the second propeller shaft to the front.

: Bolt (6): 142 N-m (14.5 kgf-m)

: Screw lock agent (Three Bond 1327)

: Second propeller shaft: 50 kg

- If the retainer bolt is too tight due to the screw lock
agent, heat the bolt head to about 235ºC using slow
flame of a gas burner.
- Keep the flame away from the seals of the coupling.
- Do not reuse the bolts, always replace with new
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Power Group
Propeller Shaft

Third propeller shaft removing Propeller shaft installing

For reinstallation, follow the above procedure in reverse

(S/N ~1972, ~7771)

Propeller shaft installation cautions

- During reinstallation, align the direction of the flange

yokes on the second and third propeller shaft sides
of the transmission. (Refer to Section 22.)
Rear differential
[Difference in the yoke phase (direction) will cause
the propeller shaft damage and "knocking" during a
7 70V24012

- Adjust the shafts so that the grease nipples on them

(S/N 1973~, 7772~) come to the same direction.

Rear differential

7 70V24012a

1. Remove bolt (7).

: Bolt (7): 80 N-m (8.2 kgf-m)

: Screw lock agent (Three Bond 1327)

2. Remove the third propeller shaft.

: Third propeller shaft: 7.6 kg

70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Power Group
Air Cleaner

Air Cleaner

Air cleaner removing and install-

ing 5
Air cleaner removing


Unexpected movement of the machine could cause 2

an accident resulting in injury or death. To prevent
such an accident, observe the following items:
- Park the machine on level ground.
- Apply the articulation stopper. 70K24007
- Block the front wheels with chocks or the like to
prevent the wheels from moving.
1. Release cap nut (1), and then remove cover (2).
- Before starting work, be sure to remove the engine
key, and hang a "DO NOT START!" tag on the
2. Release wing nut (3), and then remove outer ele-
steering wheel, or disconnect the negative side of
ment (4).
the battery.
3. Release wing nut (5), and then remove inner ele-
ment (6).

Removing inside elements reduces the weight and
makes air cleaner case removal work easier.

4. Remove the rubber valve on the bottom of the air

cleaner case, and inspect it for any damage.
Replace it if necessary.

5. Disconnect air duct (7).

Disconnect indicator wire coupler (8).
Inspect duct (7) for damage or wear. Replace if
there is any damage or wear.
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Power Group
Air Cleaner

Air cleaner installing

For reinstallation, follow the above procedure in reverse


Air cleaner installation cautions

If the bands of the air duct are not properly positioned or

tightened, the duct will draw in dust that will cause an
engine problem. Carefully reinstall the air duct.

6. Remove cover (10) from the top of engine room (9).

7. While supporting air cleaner case (11) with your

hand, remove band retainer nuts (12).
Lower the air cleaner case.

8. Take out air cleaner case (13) from the opening.

70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Power Group


Muffler removing and installing 4

(S/N ~1204,
Muffler removing (S/N ~1600,
6 ~7350)

You may get burned if you remove the muffler before
the engine is cold enough. To prevent such an inci-
dent, be sure to stop the engine, and open the
access panels.
Start the muffler removal work when the engine is
cold enough.

Engine 70K24014a

2. Disconnect drain pipe (3), remove band (4) and nut


: Nut (5): 55 N-m (5.6 kgf-m)

3. Remove nuts (7)(8), and then remove muffler (6).

: Nut (7): 53 N-m (5.4 kgf-m)

: Nut (8): 10 N-m (1.0 kgf-m)

: Muffler: 7 kg
1. Remove clamp (1), and then remove exhaust pipe
(2). Note
After disconnection, cover the pipe and the turbo-
charger side with vinyl, plugs or the like to protect the
turbocharger from dust and dirt.

Muffler installing

For reinstallation, follow the above procedure in reverse


Muffler installation cautions

After reinstallation, check all the joints for gas leakage

and vibration.
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Power Group
Front Axle Assembly

Front Axle Assembly

Front axle assembly tightening torque

T1 L3 T2 L1

(S/N ~1200, ~7200)

Front differential
T7 L1
(S/N 1601~1919)
T7 L2 (S/N 7351~7615)

(S/N 1201~, 7201~)

T6 L1

T4 L1



T4 L1
(S/N ~1009)


T1: 687 N-m (70.0 kgf-m) (S/N ~1684, ~7417) L1: Screw lock agent (Three Bond 1327)
T1: 721 N-m (73.5 kgf-m) (S/N 1685~, 7418~) L2: Liquid gasket (Three Bond 1215)
T2: 132 N-m (13.5 kgf-m) L3: With lubrication oil (Engine oil or gear oil)
T3: 892 N-m (91.0 kgf-m)
T4: 90 N-m (9.2 kgf-m)
T5: 86 N-m (8.8 kgf-m)
T6: 53 N-m (5.4 kgf-m)
T7: 10 N-m (1.0 kgf-m)
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Power Group
Front Axle Assembly

Axle nut tightening procedure

1. Tighten axle nut (A) with 1,177 N-m (120 kgf-m)

tightening torque to install the taper roller bearing.

2. Loosen axle nut (A).

3. Tighten axle nut (A) again with the same tightening

torque as above 1.

4. Turn the wheel hub 2~3 turns back and forth, and
measure the preload applied to the bolt screw hole
in housing (B).

Preload at housing (B): 206~245 N (21~25 kgf)

This is "breakaway" force, which is required to start the
wheel turning.
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Power Group
Front Axle Assembly

Front axle assembly removing and

Front axle assembly removing

Unexpected movement of the machine could cause
an accident resulting in injury or death. To prevent
such an accident, observe the following items:
- Park the machine on level ground.
- Apply the parking brake and the articulation stop- 70ZV24018J
- The stands must be able to support the gross
3. Disconnect air bleeder tube (1) from the upper part
weight of the front chassis, boom and the attach-
of the axle housing. Install plastic caps on hose and

Clean the nylon breather tube before reinstalling.



1. Lift the front wheel using the attachment, and then
place a stand under the front chassis to support the
chassis. 4. Remove second propeller shaft retainer bolt (2).
Lift the boom until it is horizontal, and place a stand
under the boom to support it or install a boom cylin- : Bolt (2): 142 N-m (14.5 kgf-m)
der lock collar. : Screw lock agent (Three Bond 1327)

2. Press the hydraulic tank oil filler cap to release the

trapped tank pressure.
Release the accumulator pressure, by slowly and
fully depressing and releasing the brake pedal
many times until it feels light.
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Power Group
Front Axle Assembly

90ZV24033 90ZV24035

5. Remove right and left wheel and tire assemblies 7. Temporarily sling axle assembly (5), and then
(3). remove retainer bolts (6).

: Retainer bolt: 892 N-m (91.0 kgf-m) : Bolt (6):

: 1 tire: 275 kg 687 N-m (70.0 kgf-m) (S/N ~1684, ~7417)
721 N-m (73.5 kgf-m) (S/N 1685~, 7418~)
: Axle assembly: 840 kg

During reassembly be sure both mating surfaces are
clean and free of paint.

8. Place axle assembly (5) on a carrier or garage jack

with special adapter to smoothly pull out the

70ZV24021J Front axle assembly installing

6. Disconnect brake pipes (4). For reinstallation, follow the above procedure in reverse
: Brake oil: 3 L

Install plastic caps to avoid the dirt from entering the fit-
tings or pipes.
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Power Group
Front Axle Assembly

Front axle assembly installation cautions Service brake air bleeding procedure

After reinstallation, completely bleed air in the service

and parking brake lines.
Before bleeding the service brakes, it is important to
remove all air from the brake valve manifold block,
and all related valves.
These include the reducing valve and park brake
valve. Failure to do this correctly will result in unsatis-
factory brake modulation.

Spider Air bleeder nipple

Socket bolt


Before air bleeding in the brake oil line, be sure that Vinyl tube
the wheel and tire assemblies are installed on the
wheel hub. If fail to do, the bolts (4 pcs) temporarily 70ZV52019

tighten the spider and the wheel hub may be broken

by the brake piston.
1. Start and run the engine to build brake accumulator
Finally the spider and the cover may fall off.
pressure. Shut "off" the engine. Rebuild brake
accumulator pressure as often as needed.

2. Turn the parking brake solenoid valve release knob

counterclockwise, then back to neutral five times at
5-second interval between each turn. Position this
back to the normal position when finished.

3. Connect a clean vinyl tube to the air bleeder nipple,

and place an oil can to receive the oil.

4. Slightly loosen the air bleeder nipple, and then

press the brake pedal several times. When the oil
flows from the air bleeder nipple, close the nipple.
After that, each time you press the pedal, open the
air bleeder nipple to slightly discharge oil, and then
immediately close the nipple.
Repeat this for all wheels until there is no air in the

: Air bleeder nipple: 10 N-m (0.9 kgf-m)

70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Power Group
Front Axle Assembly

Planetary assy disassembling and

assembling 1

Planetary assy disassembling

Unexpected movement of the machine or compo-
nents could cause an accident resulting in injury or
death. To prevent such an accident, observe the fol-
lowing items:
- Park the machine on level ground, and then apply 90ZV24052
the parking brake.
- Apply the articulation stopper.
3. Remove the wheel and tire assembly (1) from the
- Block the rear wheels with chocks or the like to
side to be disassembled (example: left side).
prevent the wheels from moving.
- The stands must be able to support the gross
: Retainer bolt: 892 N-m (91.0 kgf-m)
weight of the front chassis, boom, and the attach-
: Tire: 275 kg / each

Differential section

Stand 2

4. Remove drain plug (2) from the differential section

1. Lower the attachment onto the ground. Lift the front to drain oil.
wheels while supporting the machine with the
attachment. Place a stand under the front chassis : Gear oil: Approx. 30 L
to support it. Check that the tires are off the ground.

2. Lift the boom until it is horizontal. Place a stand

under the boom to support it.
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Power Group
Front Axle Assembly


5. Turn drain plug (4) to the bottom of wheel hub (3) to 6. Temporarily sling the spider using hoisting tool (A).
drain oil. and (E).
Remove four spider retainer bolts (6) to remove spi-
: Gear oil: Approx. 32 L der assembly (7).

Note : Bolt (6): 86 N-m (8.8 kgf-m)

To replace the oil, refer to the oil amount described : Spider assembly: 60 kg

Wheel hub section:

10 L for left side, 10 L for right side

Differential section (front): 30 L

Total oil amount for front axle: 50 L

Differential section (rear): 34 L
Total oil amount for rear axle: 52 L

7. Remove snap ring (8), and then remove sun gear

8. Remove friction plate (10).


Remove cover (5).

: Retainer bolt: 90 N-m (9.2 kgf-m)

: Screw lock agent (Three Bond 1327)
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Power Group
Front Axle Assembly



9. Remove steel plate (11) and disc gear (12). 11. Turn wheel hub (3) until the drain plug is positioned
on the top.
Note Connect the turnbuckle to eye bolt (E) to lock the
Clean the brake plates, and then check the plates for wheel hub, and then place a wooden block under
distortion, discoloration and wear. the wheel hub to support it.
Refer to Section 52 and for additional information.
Be sure to lock the wheel hub, or the hub will drop when
the axle nut is removed and the internal gear hub is

10. Remove axle shaft (13) and wear ring (14).

Remove retainer bolts (15), and then remove lock
plate (16).

: Bolt (15): 53 N-m (5.4 kgf-m) 12. Remove axle nut (17).
: Screw lock agent (Three Bond 1327)
: Nut (17): 1,177 N-m (120 kgf-m)
Note Axle nut width across flat: 120 mm
When reassembling axle shaft (13) into the axle hous-
ing, applying the principle of leverage, insert axle shaft
(13) making sure the toothing between the side gear of
the differential and shaft (13).
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Power Group
Front Axle Assembly

Extension D

Jig (B)

18 19
Wooden block
80ZV24027 Wooden block 80ZV24029

13. Pull out internal gear hub (18) to the extension end 15. Install wheel hub hoisting tools (D) and (E) and
face using internal gear hub puller (B). remove the turn buckle.
Then remove wheel hub (3).

14. Sling internal gear hub (18) using internal gear hub
hoisting tool (C), and remove hub (18). 16. Remove taper roller bearing (19).
Also remove the sleeve from the axle on machines
S/N 1001~1200, 7101~7200.

For easy removal, heat the inner race using a gas
burner with slow flame.
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Power Group
Front Axle Assembly

Planetary assy assembling Internal gear hub installation

To reassemble the front axle, follow the above proce- Internal gear
dure in reverse order. Brake oil

Brake oil holes at

2 locations
Planetary assy assembly cautions

- Replace all the O-rings and seals with new ones.
- Clean and check all the parts. If a part is damaged, Axle housing
replace it. extension

Before reinstalling the internal gear hub assembly, align

Oil seal installation (S/N ~1200, ~7200) the brake oil holes of the axle housing extension with
that of the internal gear hub assembly.

Oil seal
Grease Axle nut tightening


Use wheel hub oil seal press-in jig (F) to insert the oil
seal into the wheel hub.

Fill the clearance between the oil seal and sleeve with
grease. 1. Tighten axle nut (17) with 1,177 N-m (120 kgf-m)
tightening torque to install the taper roller bearing,
and then loosen axle nut (17).

2. Again tighten axle nut (17) so that the preload of

the tire mounting hole section becomes 206~245 N
(21~25 kgf).

This is the force to start the wheel hub moving or
"breakaway" force. Before measuring the preload, turn
the wheel hub 2~3 turns back and forth.
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Power Group
Front Axle Assembly

Brake adjustment

Wheel hub

Spider "TOP" mark Brake oil line

(at top)

Drain plug
(at bottom)

Brake oil
inlet port
3. Check that the wheel hub drain plug is at the bot-
tom when the spider "TOP" mark is at top.

4. After reinstalling the tires, be sure to completely

bleed the brake of air.

Shut off valve Note

After reinstalling tires, check that manual rotation of the
tires is possible. Also check the wheels for oil leakage.
Air supply

PT 1/4
Air pressure gauge

Jig (G)

1. Disconnect the brake pipe and the elbow from the

brake oil inlet port on the axle housing, and attach
jig (G) to the port.

2. Apply 588 kPa (6 kgf/cm2) air pressure for approxi-

mately 1 minute. Shut off the valve. Check that the
pressure does not fall.

If the pressure falls, air is leaking from the brake piston
O-rings or the internal gear hub O-rings. Disassemble
the internal gear hub again to repair the leakage.
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Power Group
Floating Seal (S/N 1201~, 7201~)

Floating Seal (S/N 1201~, 7201~)

Floating seal installation


1. Checking before floating seal installation.

Wheel hub

Axle Remove oil


Put thin gear oil

(Do not use grease)

Seal ring
Ring 90ZV24065

(a) Checking seal Do not touch

- Check the seal ring for distortion and scratches. (It may cause rusting)
- Check the O-ring for scratches.

(b) Check the wheel hub and the ring for burr. If any (c) Clean the O-ring installation part on the wheel hub
remove it by sand paper etc. and the seal ring, and remove oil on them.

The rotating ring and the fixing ring are exactly the
same. They can be used on either side.
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Power Group
Floating Seal (S/N 1201~, 7201~)

Floating seal assembling

Guide jig
1. In case no jig is used

- Install the O-ring on the seal ring.

- Put thin gear oil on the O-ring.
- Insert the O-ring and seal ring into the ring and the
wheel hub pushing the O-ring by fingers. (Make sub-
- Check if the seal ring is correctly positioned or the O-
ring is not twisted.
- Clean the surface and put thin gear oil on it.
- Install the ring, bearing and the wheel hub to the axle
Before installation
2. In case jig is used

1 2
Guide jig Installation jig


1. Wheel hub After installation

2. Guide jig
3. Installation jig
4. Floating seal

- Install the guide jig to the wheel hub and / or the ring. 3. Caution before operation
- Put thin gear oil on the O-ring.
- Insert the floating seal into the guide jig. - After assembling, turn the wheel hub 2~3 turns by
- Fix the installation jig to the floating seal, and push it hands.
until it reaches to the guide jig. (Make sub assembly) - Check if it turns lightly by hands. If it is tight to turn
- Remove the guide jig and the installation jig from the the wheel hub, the O-ring may be twisted. In this
floating seal. case it is necessary to disassemble the floating seal.
- Clean the surface and put thin gear oil on it.
- Install the ring and the wheel hub to the axle hous-
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Power Group
Internal Gear Hub

Internal Gear Hub

Internal gear hub disassembling

and assembling 1

Internal gear hub disassembling


2. Temporarily sling internal gear (1) to remove gear

: Internal gear: 25 kg


Bend slightly



3. Remove O-rings (4).

1. Put the internal gear hub assembly on a platform or
a level place.
There is snap ring (A) that connects internal gear
(1) to internal gear hub (2).
Shift the snap ring to the inside using a screwdriver
or the like.
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Power Group
Internal Gear Hub

Internal gear hub assembly cautions

- Replace all the O-rings with new ones.
- Clean and check all the parts. If a part is damaged,
replace it with a new one.

- Check that the snap ring is properly inserted into the

groove of internal gear.

4. Remove taper roller bearing (5).

For easy removal, heat the inner race using a gas
burner with slow flame.

5. Remove the brake piston from the internal gear



Internal gear hub assembling

- Before reinstallation of taper roller bearing (5), be
sure to heat the bearing to 120~150ºC in oil.
To reassemble the internal gear hub, follow the proce-
dure described in reverse order. - Apply grease to the O-rings.

- For disassembling and reassembling the brake pis-

ton, refer to Section 54.
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Power Group
Spider Assembly

Spider Assembly

Spider assy disassembling and

assembling 5
Spider assy disassembling


3. Remove thrust washers (7) and bearing (5)(6) from
1 planetary gear (4).
- Install the bearings so that bearing (5) comes out-
1. Remove lock bolts (1), and then remove plate (2). side (cover side) and bearing (6) inside (brake
retainer side).
: Lock bolt (1): 90 N-m (9.2 kgf-m)
: Screw lock agent (Three Bond 1327) Bearing (5) width: 20 mm
Bearing (6) width: 25 mm
: Spider assy: 95 kg





4. Turn spider (8) upside down. Using a plastic ham-

2. Insert lock bolt (1) into planetary pin (3), and mer, tap brake retainer (9) off the spider.
remove the pin. Remove planetary gear (4) with
thrust washers and bearings as a unit.
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Power Group
Spider Assembly

Spider assy assembling Spider assy assembly cautions

To reassemble the spider assembly, follow the above - To reinstall the brake retainer, check that there is no
procedure in reverse order. clearance between the spider and the brake retainer.

Before starting work: - The brake retainer may only be installed as it was
- Clean all the parts. removed. It may not be flipped over due to the roll
- Check the brake retainer, pins, bearings, planetary pin hole design.
gears, wear ring, for distortion and wear.
- Replace the O-ring and defective parts with new
- Inspect the internal bores of the spider for wear. 1


- To insert planetary pin (3), align the core holes of the

planetary gear with that of the wear ring.

- The lock bolt (1) hole of planetary pin (3) is shifted

from the center. Check that the bolt hole is shifted to
the inside.

- Manually turn planetary gear (4) to check that the

gear smoothly rotates.
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Power Group
Special Tool

Special Tool

Special tool for axle

(A) Spider hoisting tool
mm (in)
(Material: SS41)

ø6 mm (0.2 in) dia. round steel


4(0.2) 30

(0 10


(0.5) 3(0.1)


10 6 t6 t6 6
(0.4) (0.2) (0.2) (0.2) (0.2)

C2 m ril led
(0.08) 5m )d
ø2 . 0 i n

C 2(0.08) C 2(0.08)



(B) Internal gear hub puller & Brake piston remover

mm (in) (Material: SS41)


M12x1.75 4x 12(0.5)

156(6.1) 80(3.1)



70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Power Group
Special Tool

(C) Internal gear hub hoisting tool

mm (in) (Material: SS41)


75 (3.0) t12(0.5)
ø13 mm (0.5 in) drilled

R .8)
t12 (0.5)
0 (

R .8)

6 ) 0
0. 35 (

235(9.3) (
345(14) (1.4)


235 (9.3)

(0 35
345 (14) (1.4)
107 (4.2)

25 155(6.1)

R1 .6) (0
25 155 (6.1)

5 R .6)

(1.4) (0.5)


R2 .8) (0

0 R .8)

R2 .8) (0
0 R .8)
452 (17.8)



288 (11.3)

215 (8.5)
310 (12.2)


0(2 R

t9 56(2.2)
(0.6)10 (0.4)


.4) 60

(0.4) t9(0.4)
t9 56 (2.2)
(0.1) (0.6) (0.3)


25 (1.0)



R1 .4) (0


0 R .4)

27.5 35(1.4) 27.5

R1 .6) (0


(1.1) (1.1)

5 R .6)



27.5 35 (1.4) 27.5


A (1.1) (1.1)

A 90
- A(3.5)

A A-A 90ZV24087

70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Power Group
Special Tool

(D) Wheel hub hoisting tool

mm (in) (Material: SS41)

Cut the threaded area off the M10 eye bolt before use.

10(0.4) 4(0.2)
C 2(0.08)

The inside of this area

should not be welded
(0 20

(for both sides).


4(0.2) 3 t6 t6 3

20(0.8) 10 (0.1) (0.2) (0.2) (0.1)







.0 m
(1 5-m


C2 C2
(0.08) C2


(E) Eye bolt

mm (in)


30(1.2) Cut the threaded area off the M10 eye bolt before use.

70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Power Group
Special Tool

(F) Wheel hub oil seal press-in tool

mm (in) (Material: SS41)


5 Welded



4 230



(G) Floating seal jig

1. For wheel hub
[ P/N for tool set: 99202-01790 ] mm (in)

1. 2. ( )
15(0.6) 20(0.8)

3(0.1) 8–0.2
(0.31–0.008) 3(0.1)
+0.05 (8.4 +0.002 )
+0.3 (8.8 +0.012 )




209.6 +0 (8.2–0.004)
214.6 +00.1 (8.4 0.004)
214 +0.1


223 +0.25


5(0.2) (0.4–0.01)

70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Power Group
Special Tool

2. For ring
[ P/N for tool set: 99202-01760 ] mm (in)

1. 2. ( )
13(0.5) 20(0.8)
3(0.1) (0.43–0.008)

0.05 (8.9 0.014 )

0.35 (8.9 0.014 )




209.6 +0 (8.2–0.004)
214.6 +00.1 (8.4 0.004)
226 0.30

214.8 0.1






70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Power Group
Rear Axle Assembly

Rear Axle Assembly

Rear axle assembly tightening torque

T4 L1

(S/N ~1200, ~7200)


T4 L1

T6 L1

(S/N ~1009)

(S/N ~1919, ~7615)

T7 L1
(S/N 1601~1919)
T7 L2 (S/N 7351~7615)
(S/N 1201~, 7201~)

C Rear differential

T2 L1

T2: 314 N-m (32.0 kgf-m) L1: Screw lock agent (Three Bond 1327)
T3: 892 N-m (91.0 kgf-m) L2: Liquid gasket (Three Bond 1215)
T4: 90 N-m (9.2 kgf-m)
T5: 86 N-m (8.8 kgf-m)
T6: 53 N-m (5.4 kgf-m)
T7: 10 N-m (1.0 kgf-m)
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Power Group
Rear Axle Assembly

Axle nut tightening procedure

1. Tighten axle nut (A) with 1,177 N-m (120 kgf-m)

tightening torque to install the taper roller bearing.

2. Loosen axle nut (A).

3. Tighten axle nut (A) again with the same tightening

torque as 1 above.

4. Turn the wheel hub 2~3 turns back and forth, and
measure the preload applied to the bolt screw hole
in housing (B).

Preload at housing (B): 206~245 N (21~25 kgf)

This is "breakaway" force, which is required to start the
wheel turning.
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Power Group
Rear Axle Assembly

Rear axle assembly removing and

Rear axle assembly removing

Unexpected movement of the machine may cause an
accident resulting in injury or death. To prevent such
an accident, observe the following items: B
- Park the machine on level ground.
- Apply the articulation stopper. 70ZV24054J
- Block the front wheels with chocks or the like to
prevent the wheels from moving.
2. Lift the boom, and then roll the attachment back to
level. Check that the rear wheels are off the
ground. Place stand (B) under the counter weight to
support it.

Wooden blocks



3. Insert wooden blocks into the swing stopper section

to prevent the axle from swinging. Block both sides.

The axle will not be balanced when a tire is removed.
If wooden blocks are not inserted, your fingers or
body may be caught in the machine.


1. Lower the attachment onto the ground. Lift the front

wheels while supporting the machine with the
attachment. Place stand (A) under the rear chassis
(behind the center pin) to support the chassis.
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Power Group
Rear Axle Assembly


4. Remove right and left wheel and tire assemblies 6. Disconnect air bleeder hose (3).
: Tire of 1 wheel: 275 kg - Before disconnecting the hose, press the oil filler cap
: Retainer bolt: 892 N-m (91.0 kgf-m) of the hydraulic tank to release the tank pressure.
- Release the accumulator pressure by slowly and
fully depressing and releasing the brake pedal many
times until it feels light.
- Remove and clean hose (3) before reinstalling.
- Install plastic cap on the breather fitting.

5. Remove retainer bolts to remove third propeller

shaft (2).

: Bolt (2): 80 N-m (8.2 kgf-m)

: Screw lock agent (Loctite® 262)
: Third propeller shaft: 10 kg (25 lbs) 7. Disconnect front and rear grease pipes (4) and
brake hose (5).
Replace propeller shaft retainer bolts (2) with new ones. : Brake oil: Approx. 3 L
Do not reuse them when reassembling.
Clean all threads with a thread lock primer to assure a Note
fast strong bond. Cover and plug the hose and fittings to prevent dirt
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Power Group
Rear Axle Assembly

Wooden block The axle assembly could fall off the carrier causing
injury. Before pulling out the rear axle, carefully posi-
tion the axle onto the carrier using a strap so that the
axle will not fall from the carrier.

Rear axle assembly installing

For reinstallation, follow the above procedure in reverse

Refer to "Service brake air bleeding procedure" page
24-18 for air bleeding in the service brake.

Rear axle disassembling and assembling

For disassembling and reassembling the rear axle

assembly, refer to the front axle disassembling and
reassembling procedures.

8. Temporarily sling rear axle (6), and remove right

and left retainer bolts (7) from the rear axle front
Remove right and left retainer bolts (8) from the
rear axle rear support.

: Bolt (7)(8):
687 N-m (70.0 kgf-m) (S/N ~1684, ~7417)
721 N-m (73.5 kgf-m) (S/N 1685~, 7418~)

: Rear axle: 940 kg

9. Lower rear axle assembly (6) on the carrier, and

then pull out the rear axle.

- The rear support is locked by not only the bolts but
also dowel pins. Carefully remove or reinstall the
support while checking the dowel pins.
- Be careful not to bend or damage the oil pipes.
- Do not reuse the retainer bolts. Replace them with
new ones.
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Power Group
Axle Support

Axle Support

Axle support tightening torque

(S/N 1001~1919, 7101~7615)

(S/N ~1841, ~7582)

Rear axle assembly

(S/N 1842~, 7583~)

T3 L1
T1 L2

T2 L1

Front axle support

T1 L2

Rear axle support


T1: 687 N-m (70.0 kgf-m) (S/N ~1684, ~7417) L1: Screw lock agent (Three Bond 1327)
T1: 721 N-m (73.5 kgf-m) (S/N 1685~, 7418~) L2: With lubricating oil (Engine oil or gear oil)
T2: 231 N-m (23.5 kgf-m) (S/N ~1919, ~7615)
T2: 314 N-m (32.0 kgf-m) (S/N 1920~, 7616~)
T3: 53 N-m (5.4 kgf-m) (39 lb-ft)
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Power Group
Axle Support

(S/N 1920~, 7616~)

Rear axle assembly

(S/N ~1935)
(S/N ~7881)

T1 L2

(S/N ~1935)
(S/N ~7881)
Front axle support

T3 L1

T2 L1

T1 L2

T2 L1

Rear axle support


T1: 721 N-m (73.5 kgf-m) L1: Screw lock agent (Three Bond 1327)
T2: 314 N-m (32.0 kgf-m) L2: With lubricating oil (Engine oil or gear oil)
T3: 53 N-m (5.4 kgf-m)
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Power Group
Axle Support

Axle support disassembling and 4. Remove bushing (7), O-ring (8) and packing (9).
Remove ring (10) (S/N 1842~, 7583~ only).
Breather (A)
Axle support disassembling
(S/N 1001~1919, 7101~7615)
Before starting work 12
- Remove the rear axle assembly from the rear chas-
sis. 13
17 15
18 14
(S/N 1001~1841)
(S/N 7101~7582)
20 70K24033

6 5. Temporarily sling rear axle support (11) and

5 Rear axle assy
Snap ring
9 remove bolt (12).
: Bolt (12): 231 N-m (23.5 kgf-m)
: Screw lock agent (Three Bond 1327)
FRONT 70V24017
6. Remove plate (13), packing (14), wear ring (15),
and O-ring (16) from rear axle support (11).
(S/N 1842~1919)
(S/N 7583~7615) 6 7. Remove and clean breather fitting (A).
4 Note
When the fitting is reinstalled, apply Liquid gasket AA03
(Three Bond 1215) on the threads.
7 Lubricate after reassembly to be sure grease comes out
of the breather.

8. Remove rear axle support (11) from the rear axle

Rear axle
2 1
10 assy assembly.
70V24017a : Axle support (rear) (11): 51 kg

9. Remove packing (17) and wear ring (18).

1. Temporarily sling front axle support (1) and remove
by sliding it off the rear axle assembly. 10. Remove bushing (19), ring (20), and O-ring (21)
from the rear axle support.
: Axle support (front) (1): 50 kg

2. (S/N 1001~1841, 7101~7582)

Remove snap ring (9).

(S/N 1842~1919, 7583~7615)

Remove bolt (2), plate (3) and ring (4).

: Bolt (2): 53 N-m (5.4 kgf-m) (40 lb-ft)

3. Remove packing (5) and O-ring (6).

70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Power Group
Axle Support

Axle support disassembling

(S/N 1920~, 7616~) 8
Rear support
Before starting work
- Remove the rear axle assembly from the rear chas- 12

Rear axle
Front support

2 5. Temporarily sling the rear axle rear support.
1 Remove bolt (6).
5 Remove plate (7) and wear ring (8). Remove bolt
(9), plate (10) and wear ring (11).
70ZIV2406 : Bolt (6)(9): 314 N-m (32.0 kgf-m)
: Screw lock agent (Three Bond 1327)
1. Remove bolt (1) and attach sling to the rear axle
: Axle support (rear): 60 kg
front support.
6. Remove the rear axle rear support from the rear
: Bolt (1): 53 N-m (5.4 kgf-m)
: Screw lock agent (Three Bond 1327)
7. Remove bushing (12) and packing (13) from the
: Axle support (front): 55 kg
rear support.
2. Remove ring (2). Remove the rear axle front sup-
port from the rear axle.

3. Remove packing (3) from ring (2). Axle support assembling

4. Remove bushing (4) and packing (5) from the front To reassemble the axle support, follow the above pro-
support. cedure in reverse order.

Axle support assembly cautions

- Replace all the O-rings and seals with new ones.
- Clean and check all the parts. If a part is damaged,
replace it.
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Power Group
Axle Support

Bushing installation

Front support (S/N ~1919, ~7615) Front support (S/N 1920~, 7616~)

Axle support
Axle support
Bushing 1

Swing shaft

Swing shaft
4 70ZV24029

1. Before installing, put the bushing into hot water to 1. Before installing, put bushing (2) into dry ice.
heat it to 80ºC.
2. Install lip seal packing (1) on the axle support.
2. Install packing (1) and O-ring (2) on the swing
shaft. 3. Install cooled bushing (2) to the front axle support
as shown in the illustration.
3. Install the heated bushing onto the swing shaft as After installing, be sure to press bushing (2) until
shown in the illustration. stopped by the stopper of the axle support.

4. Carefully install the axle support onto the swing

When installing the bushing onto the differential
swing shaft, make sure no oil is left on the outer sur-
CAUTION face of the bushing or the swing shaft surface.
When installing the bushing onto the differential If oil is left on them, the bushing may turn alone caus-
swing shaft, make sure no oil is left on the inner sur- ing the bushing wear.
face of the bushing or the swing shaft surface. If oil is
left on them, the bushing may turn alone causing the
4. Carefully install the axle support onto the swing
bushing wear.
Avoid damage to lip seal packings (1)(8).
Avoid damage to lip seal packings (1)(4).

5. After installing the axle support, install O-ring (7), 5. Install ring (3) and lip seal packing (4).
packing (8) and snap ring (9).
6. Tighten bolts (5).

: Bolt: 53 N-m (5.4 kgf-m)

: Screw lock agent (Three Bond 1327)
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Power Group
Axle Support

Rear support (S/N ~1919, ~7615) Rear support (S/N 1920~, 7616~)

Axle support [Rear support] Rear

Axle support


shaft 13 12 10 11

1. Before installing, put the bushing into hot water to 1. Before installing, put bushing (10) into dry ice.
heat it to 80ºC.
2. Install cooled bushing (10) to the rear axle support
2. Install packing (3), wear ring (4), ring (5), O-ring (6) as shown in the illustration.
on the swing shaft. After installing, be sure to press bushing (10) until
stopped by the stopper of the axle support.
3. Install the heated bushing onto the swing shaft as
shown in the illustration. Note
The side with a groove on bushing (10) should come to
4. Carefully install the axle support onto the swing the rear side.
3. Install lip seal packing (11) onto the axle support
and install snap ring (12).
When installing the bushing onto the differential 4. Carefully install the axle support onto the swing
swing shaft, make sure no oil is left on the inner sur- shaft. Avoid damage to packing (11).
face of the bushing or the swing shaft surface. If oil is
left on them, the bushing may turn alone causing the
bushing wear.
Avoid damage to lip seal packings (3)(13). When installing the bushing onto the differential
swing shaft, make sure no oil is left on the outer sur-
5. After installing the axle support, install O-ring (10), face of the bushing or the swing shaft surface.
wear ring (11), and then install packing (13) to plate If oil is left on them, the bushing may turn alone caus-
(12). ing the bushing wear.

When installing the axle support, fill enough grease
between the packing and the axle support as shown in
the illustration (shaded area).

- When installing the axle support, fill enough grease
between the packing and the axle support as shown
in the illustration.
- The side with a groove on bushing (13) should come
to the rear side.
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Power Group
Differential Assembly

Differential Assembly

Differential assembly removing

and installing Spider assembly

Differential assembly removing

Cover bolt

1. Temporarily sling the spider using hoisting tool (A).

Remove the cover bolts and cover (1).
Remove retainer bolts (2) to remove the spider

: Bolt (2): 86 N-m (8.8 kgf-m)

Before starting work: : Spider assembly: 60 kg (132 lbs)

- Drain oil from the axle assembly.

- Remove the axle from the machine.

Refer to "Front Differential" page 24-62 when removing
the front differential without removing the front axle from
the machine.

- For the rear axle, remove the axle supports.

Refer to "Rear axle assembly removing and install-
ing" page 24-38.

- Place the axle assembly on work benches.

: Axle assembly (Front): 840 kg
2. Pull out right and left axle shafts (3) by approxi-
: Axle assembly (Rear): 940 kg
mately 30 cm.
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Power Group
Differential Assembly

90ZV24081 90ZV24084

3. Remove bolts (5) from differential (4). 5. Lift the differential using the sling, and then remove
O-ring (7).
: Front differential retainer bolts:
132 N-m (13.5 kgf-m)
Rear differential retainer bolts:
314 N-m (32.0 kgf-m) Differential assembly installing
: Screw lock agent (Three Bond 1327)
For reinstallation, follow the above procedure in reverse

Differential assembly installation cautions

- After reinstallation, refill with the specified oil until the

4 oil level reaches the level check plug.
- Refill the oil in each planetary assy.
- Manually turn the flange yoke of the differential to
6 check that the right and left wheel hubs turn
- Check the differential for oil leakage.

4. Temporarily sling differential (4), and insert bolts

into remover tap (Jack Screw) holes (6) to slightly
lift the differential.

: Differential: 130 kg

Carefully sling the differential so that it is balanced and
is lifted straight up.
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Power Group
Differential Assembly

Differential assembly disassembling and assembling

Front differential tightening torque

T2 L1
T5 L1

T3 L1
T7 L1

E Shim
B (T=16.70~16.98)

T6 L1

T1 L1
T4 L1


: Note
T1: 883 N-m (90.0 kgf-m) - To tighten nut (T1), measure the preload at the bolt
T2: 515 N-m (52.5 kgf-m) screw hole in flange (A).
T3: 231 N-m (23.5 kgf-m)
T4: 314 N-m (32.0 kgf-m) Preload at flange (A): 57~66 N (5.8~6.7 kgf)
T5: 132 N-m (13.5 kgf-m)
T6: 330 N-m (33.7 kgf-m) Use spacer (B) to adjust the preload.
T7: 55 N-m (5.6 kgf-m)
- Use shim (E) to adjust the tooth contact of spiral
bevel gears (C) and (D).
L1: Screw lock agent (Three Bond 1327) Adjust the backlash by nut (F).
L2: Liquid gasket (Three Bond 1215, or a locally
procured RTV that does not contain acetic acid.)

: Differential: 130 kg
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Power Group
Differential Assembly

Rear differential tightening torque (S/N 1001~1919, 7101~7615)

T6 L1
D T3 L1

T2 L1

T7 L1

A T5 L1


B T4 L1
T1 L1 (T=16.70~16.98)

: Note
T1: 883 N-m (90.0 kgf-m) - To tighten nut (T1), measure the preload at the bolt
T2: 515 N-m (52.5 kgf-m) screw hole in flange (A).
T3: 230 N-m (23.5 kgf-m)
T4: 314 N-m (32.0 kgf-m) Preload at flange (A): 57~66 N (5.8~6.7 kgf)
T5: 132 N-m (13.5 kgf-m)
T6: 330 N-m (33.7 kgf-m) Use spacer (B) to adjust the preload.
T7: 55 N-m (5.6 kgf-m)
- Use shim (E) to adjust the tooth contact of spiral
bevel gears (C) and (D).
L1: Screw lock agent (Three Bond 1327) Adjust the backlash by nut (F).
L2: Liquid gasket (Three Bond 1215, or a locally
procured RTV that does not contain acetic acid.)

: Differential: 130 kg
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Power Group
Differential Assembly

Rear differential tightening torque (S/N 1920~, 7616~)

T6 L1

T3 L1

F T2 L1

T7 L1

E Shim T5 L1

16.98) F


T4 L1
T1 L1

: Note
T1: 883 N-m (90.0 kgf-m) - To tighten nut (T1), measure the preload at the bolt
T2: 515 N-m (52.5 kgf-m) screw hole in flange (A).
T3: 230 N-m (23.5 kgf-m)
T4: 314 N-m (32.0 kgf-m) Preload at flange (A): 57~66 N (5.8~6.7 kgf)
T5: 132 N-m (13.5 kgf-m)
T6: 330 N-m (33.7 kgf-m) Use spacer (B) to adjust the preload.
T7: 55 N-m (5.6 kgf-m)
- Use shim (E) to adjust the tooth contact of spiral
bevel gears (C) and (D).
L1: Screw lock agent (Three Bond 1327) Adjust the backlash by nut (F).
L2: Liquid gasket (Three Bond 1215, or a locally
procured RTV that does not contain acetic acid.)

: Differential: 130 kg
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Power Group
Differential Assembly

Differential assembly disassembling 3

Adjust nut Shim 3


Bevel gear 4

Pinion 2 90V2E24038

Adjust nut
70ZV24031 2. Remove bolts (3), bearing cap (4), and adjustment
nut (2).
Before starting work:
- Fix the differential assembly onto the disassembly : Bolt (3, L.H with bushing):
workbench. 230 N-m (23.5 kgf-m)
- Insert a straight-end screwdriver or the like into the : Bolt (3, R.H without bushing):
clearance between the pinion and the bevel gear to 515 N-m (52.5 kgf-m)
prevent the gear from rotating. : Screw lock agent (Three Bond 1327)
Loosen the pinion nut.
: Pinion nut: 883 N-m (90 kgf-m)
: Nut width across flat: 57.1 mm


3. Remove bearing outer race (5). Lift differential cage

assembly (6) to remove it.

1. Remove right and left lock plates (1) from adjust-

ment nut (2).
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Power Group
Differential Assembly


Matchmark 11
90ZV24107 13 90ZV24109

4. Put a matchmark on the alignment point of differen- 6. Remove spider (11) with pinion gears (12) and
tial cage (7). Remove bolts (8), and then separate thrust washers (13) as a unit.
the differential cage.

: Bolt (8): 132 N-m (13.5 kgf-m)

: Screw lock agent (Three Bond 1327)



7. Remove side gear (14).

5. Remove thrust washer (9) and side gear (10). 15


8. Remove thrust washer (15).

70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Power Group
Differential Assembly



90ZV24112 90ZV24114

9. Turn the differential upside down. 11. Remove nut (20) and O-ring (21).
Remove bolts (17) from bevel gear (16) to separate
the gear. : Nut (20): 883 N-m (90.0 kgf-m)
: Nut width across flat: 57.1 mm
: Bolt (17): 330 N-m (33.7 kgf-m) : Screw lock agent (Three Bond 1327)
: Screw lock agent (Three Bond 1327)




18 90ZV24115

12. Remove flange yoke (22).

10. Remove bolts (18) to remove pinion (19).
At the same time, remove the shim.
: Bolt (18): 314 N-m (32.0 kgf-m)
: Screw lock agent (Three Bond 1327)

The rear differential assembly (S/N 1920~, 7616~) has
the trunnion installed with bolts (18) as shown.


13. Remove pinion (23) from cage (24).

70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Power Group
Differential Assembly



14. Remove taper roller bearing (25).



15. Remove spacer (26).

70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Power Group
Differential Assembly

Differential assy assembling (d) Install yoke (22) on pinion (23) and tighten nut (20).

IMPORTANT Do not install the oil seal and O-ring of the nut.
- Clean and check all the parts. If a part is worn or
damaged, replace it. : Nut (20): 883 N-m (90.0 kgf-m)
- Be sure to replace O-rings and seals with new

1. Check the preload of the pinion section by following

the procedure below:

26 24
0 A


20 (e) Measure the preload at section (A) (bolt hole).

25 : Standard preload∗: 57~66 N (5.8~6.7 kgf)

23 28 A
∗Preload here is the force required to start the cage
moving-breakaway force (not a rolling force).

(a) Install new roller bearing (27) on pinion (23) if (f) If the preload is out of the above range, replace
replacement is needed. spacer ring (26) to adjust the preload to the speci-
fied range.

Pinion There are 15 types of spacers (16.70~16.98 mm) in
increments of 0.02 mm. Thicker spacers reduce pre-
load; thinner spacers increase preload.
(g) Remove nut (20) and flange yoke (22).
at 3 points


After attachment, stake the bearing at three points as
shown in the right figure.

(b) Install new taper roller bearing (28) and spacer (26)
on pinion (23) if replacement is needed.

(c) Install cage (24) and taper roller bearing (25).

70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Power Group
Differential Assembly

Front Rear
Shim Shim
18 18

Check direction
of the lips


Apply liquid gasket

(AA03) to these 30 30
31 31 70V2E24043

2. Install oil seal (29) to cage (24). 4. Install O-ring (30) and the shims (those removed
during disassembly) to the cage.
Note Insert the cage into differential case (31), and
Before installing oil seal (29), be sure to apply grease to tighten retainer bolt (18).
the lip, and also apply liquid gasket to the outside of the
seal. Note
Install the trunnion to the rear differential assembly.

: Bolt (18): 314 N-m (32.0 kgf-m)

: Screw lock agent (Three Bond 1327)



3. Install flange yoke (22), and O-ring (21).

Apply liquid gasket to nut (20), and then tighten the

: Nut (20): 883 N-m (90.0 kgf-m) 5. Install thrust washer and side gear (14) to differen-
: Nut width across flat: 57.1 mm tial cage (32).
: Liquid gasket (Three Bond 1215)
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Power Group
Differential Assembly

11 16
13 17

90ZV24145 90ZV24148

6. Attach spider (11) with side gears (12) and thrust 9. Tighten bolts (17) in bevel gear (16).
washers (13) as a unit.
: Bolt (17): 330 N-m (33.7 kgf-m)
: Screw lock agent (Three Bond 1327)

7. Install side gear (10) and thrust washer (9).

10. Install differential cage assembly (6) in the carrier




Adjust nut

8. Align differential cage (7) with the matchmark, and

then tighten bolts (8).

: Retainer bolt (8): 132 N-m (13.5 kgf-m) 11. Reinstall bearing cap (4), and then temporarily
: Screw lock agent (Three Bond 1327) tighten bolts (3). Reinstall the adjustment nut.
(For both the right and left sides)
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Power Group
Differential Assembly


Dial gauge (A)


70ZV24032 90ZV24133

12. Adjust the backlash as follows: 13. Tighten bolts (3) of bearing cap (4).

(a) Tighten adjustment nut (33) on the bevel gear side : Bolt (3, Bevel gear side):
until the backlash is "0". Then back off the adjust- 231 N-m (23.5 kgf-m)
ment nut 2 to 3 notches. : Bolt (3, Opposite side (without bushing)):
515 N-m (52.5 kgf-m)
(b) Tighten opposite side adjustment nut (1). After you : Screw lock agent (Three Bond 1327)
feel that the nut is tight, turn it one more notch.
14. Mount lock plate (2), and then tighten bolts (34) to
(c) Attach the dial gauge stand to the carrier. Attach fix the lock plate.
dial gauge (A) to a tooth of bevel gear (16).
Read the backlash value indicated on the dial : Bolt (34): 53 N-m (5.35 kgf-m)
gauge. : Screw lock agent (Three Bond 1327)

(d) Adjust the backlash.

Standard backlash: 0.25~0.33 mm

- Tighten adjustment nut (33) on the bevel gear side

or loosen adjustment nut (1) on the opposite side to
reduce the backlash.

- Loosen adjustment nut (33) on the bevel gear side or

tighten adjustment nut (1) on the opposite side to
increase the backlash.
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Power Group
Differential Assembly

Adjusting tooth contact

Tooth contact Possible cause Adjusting method

A Correct

Loosen the bearing adjuster on the rear

side of ring gear, and tighten the adjuster of 2
Ring gear is too close to the tooth side at the same quantity as
drive pinion loosening, so that the ring gear is far apart
from the drive pinion. Check again the
backlash and tooth contact.

Ring gear is too far from the
C Do the reverse adjusting as B.
drive pinion

Increase the thickness of shim at the part

of bearing cage being installed and makes 2
Drive pinion is too close to the
D drive pinion apart from the ring gear.
ring gear.
Check again the backlash and tooth

Decrease the thickness of shim reverse as

D, and makes drive pinion approach the
Drive pinion is too far from the
E ring gear.
ring gear.
Check again the backlash and tooth

After adjusting the backlash to the standard value,

check that manual rotation of the gear is possible. After
that, paint blue or red on the tooth surface of ring gear,
and check the tooth contact. To adjust the tooth contact,
adjust the thickness of the shim between the pinion and
cage, and turn the adjustment nut.
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Power Group
Differential Assembly

Three types of tooth contact shown below are accept-

able as the best tooth contact.

Tooth contact position and length (rate)


1 5 4
Pattern TOP HEEL
Pitch line 4~5 10
2 4 4
Pattern TOP HEEL
B Pitch line 4~5 10
3 4 3
Pattern TOP HEEL
C TOE 4~5 10
Pitch line

Service parts

After adjusting the tooth contact and backlash in our

factory, we will wrap the bevel gear and drive pinion as
a unit. Therefore, replace the bevel gear and drive pin-
ion as a unit.

Single sale of the bevel gear or the drive pinion is not
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Power Group
Front Differential

Front Differential

Front differential removing and

(Without removing the front axle assembly)

WARNING Differential section

Unexpected movement of the machine or compo-
nents could cause an accident resulting in injury or
death. To prevent such an accident, observe the fol-
lowing items:
- Park the machine on level ground, and then apply 2
the parking brake. 70ZV24025J

- Apply the articulation stopper.

- Block the rear wheels with chocks or the like to 3. Remove drain plug (2) from the differential section
prevent the wheels from moving. to drain oil.
- The stands must be able to support the gross
weight of the front chassis, boom, and the attach- : Gear oil: Approx. 30 L


4. Remove grease pipe (3) and bolts (4).

1. Lower the attachment onto the ground. Lift the front

wheels while supporting the machine with the
attachment. Place a stand under the front chassis
to support it. Check that the tires are off the ground.

2. Lift the boom until it is horizontal. Place a stand

under the boom to support it.
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Power Group
Front Differential


5. Disconnect brake pipe (5) and remove bolts (7). 7. Holding sun gear (A), pull out left axle shaft (9)
Then disconnect 2nd propeller shaft (6) from the about 300 mm.
: Bolt (7): 132 N-m (13.5 kgf-m) If shaft (9) is pulled out with sun gear (A), the plate and
: Screw lock agent (Three Bond 1327) the disc also come out.
To prevent it, holding the sun gear.

8. Pull out the right axle shaft about 300 mm.

70K24059 11

6. Remove cover (8).


9. Remove all the bolts from the differential except

bolt (11) to prevent the differential falls down.
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Power Group
Front Differential

Front differential removing and installing tool

Thickness: t15 mm
Material: SS41


10. Attach a special jig (12) installed on a jack to the

differential by using bolts (13).

11. Remove bolt (11).

12. Remove the differential assy (1) from the axle

70ZIV-2 Service Standard Power Group

70ZIV-2 Service Standard

Power Group

Propeller Shaft Service Standard ............................ 25-2

Axle and Differential Service Standard.................... 25-3
70ZIV-2 Service Standard Power Group
Propeller Shaft Service Standard

Propeller Shaft Service Standard

Bearing play
Third propeller shaft

2: Circumferential play 6

3: Transverse play Second propeller shaft


Unit: mm (in)

No. Item Tolerance Solution

Second, third
1 Spider bearing play 0.25 Replacement
propeller shaft

Second propeller
2 Spline circumferential play 0.8 Replacement

Second propeller
3 Spline transverse play 1.0 Replacement

4 Bolt tightening torque 69 N-m (7.0 kgf-m) Tightening

5 Bolt tightening torque 155 N-m (15.8 kgf-m) Tightening

6 Clearance 7.34 ± 3 —
70ZIV-2 Service Standard Power Group
Axle and Differential Service Standard

Axle and Differential Service Standard

Axle group

2,3 4



Unit: mm

Judgment standard
No. Item Solution
Standard dimension Tolerance

1 Backlash between sun gear and planetary gear 0.196~0.564 0.196~0.564 Replacement

2 Backlash between planetary gear and internal gear 0.216~0.604 0.216~0.604 Replacement

3 Tooth contact of gear No abnormality Replacement

4 Bushing and wear ring wear Oil groove 1.0 No oil groove Replacement
70ZIV-2 Service Standard Power Group
Axle and Differential Service Standard


5, 6
5, 6


Unit: mm

Judgment standard
No. Item Solution
Standard valve Tolerance

1 Backlash between ring gear and drive pinion 0.25~0.33 0.25~0.33 Adjustment

2 Backlash between side gear and pinion gear 0.23~0.45 0.23~0.45 Adjustment

3 Clearance between pinion gear and spider 0.102~0.153 0.102~0.153 Replacement

Adjustment or
4 Runout of ring gear rear surface (when assembled) 0.076 0.076

5 Tooth surface wear (each gear) Abnormal wear or missing Replacement

6 Tooth contact No abnormality Replacement

70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Torque Converter and Transmission Group

70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly

Torque Converter and Transmission Group

Torque Converter and Transmission Assembly....... 34-2

Transmission Assembly .......................................... 34-10
Torque Converter .................................................... 34-16
Transmission Clutch Pack ....................................... 34-18
Control Valve Assembly .......................................... 34-23
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Torque Converter and Transmission Group
Torque Converter and Transmission Assembly

Torque Converter and Transmission Assembly

Torque converter and transmission assembly tightening torque

Radiator assy

T2 L3

T3 L1

T2 L3

T2 L3
T4 L1 T1 L3

Oil pump
T3 L1

Rear differential
3rd propeller shaft (S/N 1973~, 7772~)
(S/N ~1023, ~7107) T4 L2
(S/N 1024~, 7108~) T7 L2
3rd propeller shaft
T6 L2 (S/N 1001~1972, 7101~7771)
(S/N 1001~1023,
T5 L2 T2 L3

T5 L2

(S/N 1001~1023,
7101~7107) T6 L2
T4 L1
2nd propeller shaft
Front differential

T1: 53 N-m (5.4 kgf-m) L1: Screw lock agent (Loctite® 262)
T2: 417 N-m (42.5 kgf-m) L2: Screw lock agent (Three Bond 1327)
T3: 55 N-m (5.6 kgf-m) L3: With lubrication oil (Engine oil or gear oil)
T4: 230 N-m (23.5 kgf-m)
T5: 142 N-m (14.5 kgf-m) Note
T6: 80 N-m (8.2 kgf-m) Always replace drive shaft bolts with new ones - never
T7: 441 N-m (45 kgf-m) reuse them.
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Torque Converter and Transmission Group
Torque Converter and Transmission Assembly

Torque converter and transmission assembly removing and installing

Torque converter and transmission assem-
bly removing

Unexpected movement of machine could cause an
accident resulting in injury or death. To prevent such
an accident, observe the following items:
- Park the machine on level ground.
- Lower the attachment onto the ground, and then
block the tires with chocks to prevent the wheels
from moving.
- Disconnect the ground cable from the negative
side of the battery.
1. Remove drain plug (1) to drain the transmission oil.
Before starting work:
: Transmission oil: 22 L
- Stop the engine. Depress the brake pedal many
times until there is no brake pressure.
2. Disconnect hose (2) for the transmission oil level
- Press the hydraulic tank cap, and relieve the internal
pressure from the hydraulic tank.
- Remove the cab and the floor board (Refer to Sec-
tion 14).
Cover the disconnected hose with vinyl to protect the
- Remove the engine room (Refer to Section 14).
hose from dust and dirt.
- Remove the steering valve (Refer to Section 44).
- Remove the air cylinder and bracket for the parking
brake (Refer to Section 54).

3. Remove multiple control valve return pipe (3).

Cover the disconnected pipe with vinyl to protect the
pipe from dust and dirt.
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Torque Converter and Transmission Group
Torque Converter and Transmission Assembly

Hydraulic pump

4. Remove pipe (4) and hoses (5) (at the hidden end 6. Disconnect hoses (9)(10) between the torque con-
in the above illustration). verter and the oil cooler.

Note Note
After removing the pipes and hose, plug or cover the Cover the disconnected hose with vinyl to protect the
disconnected parts with clean vinyl to protect from dust hose from dust and dirt.
and dirt.

Remove bolts (6) and remove the hydraulic pump


: Bolt (6): 142 N-m (14.5 kgf-m)

: Pump: 45 kg

Be sure to replace the gasket of the hydraulic pump
flange with a new one.

7. Disconnect speed meter sensor coupler (11), the

electric wire coupler for speed sensor (auto shift)
(13) and clutch pressure measuring hose (12).

- Cover the disconnected hose with vinyl to protect the
hose from dust and dirt.
- Speed meter sensor coupler (11) is for the machine
S/Ns 1001~1600, 7101~7350.

5. Disconnect hose (7) between the torque converter

pump and the line filter.
Disconnect hose (8) between the line filter and the
control valve.

Cover the disconnected hose with vinyl to protect the
hose from dust and dirt.
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Torque Converter and Transmission Group
Torque Converter and Transmission Assembly

8. Disconnect electric wire coupler (14) for the sole- 10. Disconnect bolts (15) from the third propeller shaft
noid valve on the control valve. on the transmission side.

: Bolt: 80 N-m (8.2 kgf-m)

: Screw lock agent (Three Bond 1327)

- If the retainer bolt is too tight due to the screw lock
agent, heat the bolt head using slow flame of a gas
- Keep the flame away from the seals of the coupling.
- Do not reuse the bolt once heated.

9. Remove bolts (14) from the second propeller shaft

on the transmission side only.

: Bolt: 142 N-m (14.5 kgf-m)

: Screw lock agent (Three Bond 1327)

11. Temporarily sling the transmission assembly and

then remove bolts (16).

: Bolt (16): 417 N-m (42.5 kgf-m)

: With lubrication oil (Engine oil or gear oil)
: Transmission assembly: 515 kg
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Torque Converter and Transmission Group
Torque Converter and Transmission Assembly

Torque converter and transmission assem-

bly installing

To reinstall the torque converter and transmission

assembly, follow the above removal procedure in
reverse order.

Transmission assembly installation cau-


Rotate the engine flywheel to align the ring gear.

12. Insert wooden pieces (17) into the clearance
Transmission assembly operation check
between the bottom of the engine flywheel housing
and the rear axle housing.
After reinstallation, check operation of the transmission
assembly by the following procedure.

Unexpected movement of the machine could cause
an accident resulting in injury or death.
To prevent such an accident, be sure to stop the
engine, and block to the tires with chocks before you
start service work. During the service work clearly
communicate with the person in the operator seat
using signals as agreed upon before hand.

1. At the completion of reinstallation, start the engine,

and check that the shift lever properly functions at
all the positions.
13. Remove 12 bolts (18) connecting the transmission
housing and the engine flywheel.
2. Check each section for oil leakage.
: Bolt (18): 53 N-m (5.4 kgf-m)
3. Adjust the transmission oil level to the specified
: With lubrication oil (Engine oil or gear oil)
point with the level gauge.
14. Pull the transmission assembly straight out approx-
4. Perform the start-up tests as shown on the
imately 30 mm to the front then slowly lift it.
attached sheet.

Slowly lift the transmission assembly while checking
that there are no obstacles.
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Torque Converter and Transmission Group
Torque Converter and Transmission Assembly












F1 MPa (kgf/cm ) (psi) N1 MPa (kgf/cm2) (psi) R1 MPa (kgf/cm2) (psi)
F2 MPa (kgf/cm2) (psi) N2 MPa (kgf/cm2) (psi) R2 MPa (kgf/cm2) (psi)
F3 MPa (kgf/cm2) (psi) N3 MPa (kgf/cm2) (psi) R3 MPa (kgf/cm2) (psi)
F4 MPa (kgf/cm2) (psi) N4 MPa (kgf/cm2) (psi) R4 MPa (kgf/cm2) (psi)


F1 MPa (kgf/cm ) (psi) N1 MPa (kgf/cm2) (psi) R1 MPa (kgf/cm2) (psi)
F2 MPa (kgf/cm2) (psi) N2 MPa (kgf/cm2) (psi) R2 MPa (kgf/cm2) (psi)
F3 MPa (kgf/cm2) (psi) N3 MPa (kgf/cm2) (psi) R3 MPa (kgf/cm2) (psi)
F4 MPa (kgf/cm2) (psi) N4 MPa (kgf/cm2) (psi) R4 MPa (kgf/cm2) (psi)


Serviceman’s Signature

Copy as required. Make attachments if needed.

70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Torque Converter and Transmission Group
Torque Converter and Transmission Assembly

Transmission assembly bolt tightening torque

9 T8

2 3 1


7 12 14 15

T5 53T
Hydraulic pump installation
T6 T1


17 21 29T
4 28T



22 Idler shaft
16 32T

48T 43T


34 35





T1 36
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Torque Converter and Transmission Group
Torque Converter and Transmission Assembly

1. Pump impeller 21. Counter gear B

2. Turbine impeller 22. Counter shaft A
3. Stator 23. Idle shaft
4. Turbine shaft 24. Idle gear
5. Stator shaft (Fixed) 25. 4th speed clutch
6. Ring gear 26. 4th speed clutch gear
7. Drive cover 27. 3rd speed clutch
8. P.T.O. drive gear 28. 3rd speed clutch gear
9. T/C pump drive gear 29. Counter gear C
10. Hydraulic pump drive gear 30. Counter shaft B
11. T/C pump 31. Counter gear D
12. Reverse clutch 32. Counter gear E
13. Reverse clutch gear 33. Output shaft
14. Forward clutch 34. Output shaft gear
15. Forward clutch gear 35. Parking brake
16. Counter gear A 36. Speed sensor drive (S/N 1001~1600, 7101~7350)
17. 2nd speed clutch 37. Suction strainer
18. 2nd speed clutch gear
19. 1st speed clutch
20. 1st speed clutch gear

Transmission type:
CT160A01 (S/N ~70J1-1972, ~70J1-7771)
CT160A02 (S/N 70J1-1973~, 70J1-7772~)

T1: 68.6 N-m (7.0 kgf-m)
T2: 108 N-m (11.0 kgf-m)
T3: 26.0 N-m (2.65 kgf-m)
T4: 255 N-m (26.0 kgf-m)
T5: 53 N-m (5.4 kgf-m)
T6: 66 N-m (6.7 kgf-m)
T7: 28 N-m (2.85 kgf-m)
T8: 46 N-m (4.7 kgf-m)

Control valve assy: 34.3 N-m (3.5 kgf-m)

Solenoid body (F, R, 1st, 2nd):
32.3 N-m (3.3 kgf-m)
Solenoid body (3rd, 4th): 33 N-m (3.4 kgf-m)
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Torque Converter and Transmission Group
Transmission Assembly

Transmission Assembly

Transmission assembly disassembling and assembling

Transmission assembly disassembling

Before starting work:

- Clean the transmission assembly.
- Remove the torque converter assembly.

Suction pipe

3. Remove pump retainer bolt (3), and remove the


: Bolt (3): 46 N-m (4.7 kgf-m)

4. Remove the retainer bolt and remove the suction


: Bolt: 38 N-m (3.9 kgf-m)

1. Remove the bolt and disconnect pipe (1).

Remove the strainer inside.

: Bolt: 68.6 N-m (7.0 kgf-m)

2. Remove suction hose (2). 5. Remove retainer bolt (4) for the transmission hous-
: Hose band: 43 N-m (4.4 kgf-m)
: Bolt (4): 68.6 N-m (7.0 kgf-m)
Cover the disconnected pipe and hose with vinyl to pro- Use a jacking bolt (M10x1.5) to separate the torque
tect the hose from dust and dirt. converter housing and the transmission housing.
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Torque Converter and Transmission Group
Transmission Assembly

T/M oil
PTO gear pump pump

6. Remove snap ring (5) for hydraulic pump drive gear 8. Remove snap ring (10) from the torque converter
(6). charge pump side, then remove adapter (11).

9. Remove bolt (13) then remove gear (12), shaft (14),

bearing (15) and snap ring (16) as an assembly.

: Bolt (13): 73.6 N-m (7.5 kgf-m)

: Screw lock agent (Loctite® 262)

7. Remove snap ring (7) from the hydraulic pump

Remove shaft (8) with bearings (9) as an assembly.

When removing shaft (8), support pump drive gear (6)
by hand. 10. Remove plug (17) for the clutch oil regulator valve,
then remove springs (19)(20) and piston (21).
Also remove plug (18) for the torque converter inlet
pressure regulator valve, then remove spring (22)
and piston (23).

: Plug (17)(18): 73 N-m (7.4 kgf-m)

70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Torque Converter and Transmission Group
Transmission Assembly

11. Remove plug (24) for the torque converter outlet 13. Remove bolt (29) and plate (30) from the torque
pressure regulator valve, then remove spring (25) converter housing.
and piston (26).
: Bolt (29): 25.5 N-m (2.6 kgf-m)
: Plug (24): 73 N-m (7.4 kgf-m)




14. Remove forward/reverse clutch pack (31) using a

12. Remove cover (27) for the 1st speed pressure 16mm eye bolt.
detection valve and cover (28) for the 2nd speed
pressure detection valve.

: Bolt for covers: 15.7 N-m (1.6 kgf-m) Special tool

The spring and stopper for the 1st speed pressure
detection valve and the 2nd speed pressure detec-
tion valve are not the same.
Carefully install them when assembling.


15. Remove 1st/2nd speed clutch pack (32) and 3rd/

4th speed clutch pack (33) at the same time using a
special tool.
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Torque Converter and Transmission Group
Transmission Assembly

Special tool for removing speed range clutch

(Tool No. KL03-200-1 for North American dealer)

5 2

4 1
1. Plate
15 250

20 7 7
R 13 R 28
24 25 24

65 180
35.4 35.4
6 9

2. Lock

7 7 10
R 13
39 R 31


6 13

1. Plate
2. Lock
3. Eye bolt
4. Nut (M12)
5. Bolt (M6)
6. Nut (M6)
7. Split pin
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Torque Converter and Transmission Group
Transmission Assembly

3rd propeller shaft




18. Remove speedometer drive gear (41).
2nd propeller shaft 65K34015

16. Remove bolt (34), then remove drum (35) and

flange (36).
Remove bolt (37) and brake assy (38).

: Bolt (34)(37): 255 N-m (26 kgf-m)

: Screw lock agent (Loctite® 262)

42 Bolt
Socket bolt

19. Remove shroud (42) in the housing.

: Bolt for shroud: 25 N-m (2.5 kgf-m)

: Screw lock agent (Loctite® 262)

39 65K34016a

17. Remove bolt (39).

Using a jack bolt (M10x1.5), remove meter drive 43
case (40).

: Bolt (39): 68.6 N-m (7.0 kgf-m)

: Socket bolt: 15.7 N-m (1.6 kgf-m)


20. Remove output shaft (43) using a 16mm eye bolt.

70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Torque Converter and Transmission Group
Transmission Assembly

Transmission assy assembly cautions

(a) When installing oil seal apply grease to inner lip

and liquid gasket (AA03) to outside seal.
(b) When installing O-ring, apply lithium grease to O-
Abutment joint


Remove snap ring (44) and the bolt for idle gear shaft
Remove idle gear shaft (45) from the housing.
Seal ring When installed
: Bolt: 68.6 N-m (7.0 kgf-m)

When removing the shaft, support the gear by hand.
Tightening torque for assembly (c) When installing seal ring to the shaft, install it as
shown in the figure.
Do not open the abutment joint wider before install-
Transmission assembly assembling Apply grease to the shaft before installing seal ring.

To reassemble the transmission assembly, follow the

above procedure in reverse order.
Make sure to rotate the shaft by hand during assem-
- Clean and check all the parts. If a part is damaged, bly and after assembly.
replace it with a new one. Refer to Section 35 for If it is hard to rotate the shaft by hand, disassemble
wear limits. and check the cause.
- When assembling, apply transmission oil to the
- Replace all the seals and packings with new ones.
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Torque Converter and Transmission Group
Torque Converter

Torque Converter

Torque converter assembly disassembling and assembling

Torque converter assembly disassembling

Before starting work:

- Clean the transmission assembly.
Stator shaft
- Prepare a can for oil.

3. Remove snap ring (3) and lock nut (4) and then
remove stator (5).

: Lock nut (7): 66 N-m (6.7 kgf-m)

1. Remove 2 each of plug (1) from drive cover and
drain oil from the transmission and the torque con- If stator (5) is installed upside down, the stator will not
verter. properly function.
Correctly install stator (5) as shown in the figure.
: Plug (1): 10 N-m (1.0 kgf-m)

: Transmission oil: 0.5 L

2. Remove bolt (2).

Using a jacking bolt (M10x1.5), remove the drive
cover. Stator shaft

: Bolt (2): 31 N-m (3.1 kgf-m)

4. Remove pump impeller assy (6) from the stator

shaft. Then remove gear (7) and bearings (8) from
the pump impeller assy.
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Torque Converter and Transmission Group
Torque Converter

Torque converter assembly assembling

Stator shaft
To reassemble the torque converter assembly, follow
the procedure in the reversed direction.

Before starting work:

- Clean and check all the parts. If a part is worn or
damaged, replace it with a new one.
- Before reassembly, apply transmission oil to the
- Be sure to replace O-rings and seals with new ones.
- Install new bearing if replacement is needed.

After reassembling, make sure to rotate the drive cover

5. Remove stator shaft retainer bolt (9), then remove by hand.
the stator shaft retainer shaft.

: Bolt (9): 53 N-m (5.4 kgf-m)

70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Torque Converter and Transmission Group
Transmission Clutch Pack

Transmission Clutch Pack

The disassembling procedure for the forward/reverse
clutch pack is described below.
For the other clutch pack, refer to the following proce-

Forward/reverse clutch pack disassembling and assembling

Forward/reverse clutch pack disassem-


T/C side 8
10 65K34021

2. Remove snap ring (5), then remove plate (6), back

plate (7), friction disc (clutch plate) (8), separation
2 disc (steel plate) (9), and plate (10).


1. Remove seal ring (1) from the turbine shaft. 12

Remove bearing (2), washer (3) and gear (4) with 11
bearings. 13


3. Pressing washer (11) using a special tool, then

remove snap ring (12).
Remove washer (11) and spring (13).
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Torque Converter and Transmission Group
Transmission Clutch Pack

Special tool to remove snap ring

For forward/reverse clutch pack For other speed clutch pack

100 (mm)

80 0.5

72 0.5





79 0.5

92 0.5


4. Feed air and remove clutch piston (14).


Do not remove the clutch drum from the shaft.

70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Torque Converter and Transmission Group
Transmission Clutch Pack

Air inlet port

WARNING Forward/reverse clutch pack assembling

If the air pressure is applied suddenly, the piston may
jump out from the clutch. Feed air slowly. For reassembling, follow the above procedure in
reverse order.



5. Remove seal rings (15) from the shaft and the pis-

6. Follow the same steps for the forward clutch

70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Torque Converter and Transmission Group
Transmission Clutch Pack

Clutch pack assembly cautions

Thrust washer press-fit for 1st speed clutch

Clutch pack assembling direction
1st speed clutch
Be careful of the direction when assembling the indi-
Thrust washer press-fit cated parts in each clutch pack.

Transmission output gear

Output gear

1st speed clutch cross section

Boss side
This thrust washer is press-fitted to the shaft. Carefully
remove it when disassembling.

Forward/Reverse clutch pack

Back plate (convex part faces to outside)


Grooved side

Grooved side
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Torque Converter and Transmission Group
Transmission Clutch Pack

1st/2nd speed clutch pack

Back plate
Thrust washer
(inner diameter Ø52)


Chamfered side

Grooved side

Thrust washer
(inner diameter Ø50)

3rd/4th speed clutch pack

Back plate


Chamfered side

Grooved side Grooved side

70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Torque Converter and Transmission Group
Control Valve Assembly

Control Valve Assembly

Control valve removing and

Control valve removing

Unexpected movement of machine could cause an
accident resulting in injury or death. To prevent such
an accident, observe the following items:
- Park the machine on level ground, and then lower
the attachment onto the ground.
- Apply the parking brake, and block the tires with
chocks to prevent the wheels from moving.
2. Put match mark on each coupler and remove elec-
- Remove the starter key, and hang a "DO NOT
tric wiring coupler (1) for each solenoid valve.
START!" tag on the steering wheel.

Control valve


3. Remove main clutch pressure measuring hose (2).

1. Remove the cover for the control valve. Note

Cover the disconnected hoses with vinyl to protect the
: Bolt: 37 N-m (3.8 kgf-m) hoses from dust and dirt.

The cover is fixed with the valve block using this bolt.
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Torque Converter and Transmission Group
Control Valve Assembly

Control valve
for 3rd & 4th

Control valve
for F, R, 1st & 2nd

4. Remove bolts (5)(6) and the control valve. 5. If necessary, remove sub plate (7) and plate (8).

: Bolt (5)(6): 34.3 N-m (3.5 kgf-m) : Bolt (9): 25.5 N-m (2.6 kgf-m)
: Bolt (10): 29 N-m (2.85 kgf-m)
: Control valve (F, R, 1st, 2nd): 15 kg
: Control valve (3rd, 4th): 5 kg

After removing or while reinstalling the control valve,
take care not to allow any foreign material into the
main body or the control valve. Carefully remove or
reinstall the control valve and the gasket.
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Torque Converter and Transmission Group
Control Valve Assembly

Control valve installation Control valve installation cautions

For reinstallation, follow the removing procedure in - Be sure to replace all the O-rings and gaskets with
reverse order. new ones.

- Sequentially tighten the bolts in the order from the

center to the outside. Apply equal (specified) torque
to all the bolts.

- Align the matchmarks of the electric wire couplers,

and then connect the couplers while checking that
the electric wires are not tangled with each other.

- Install the cover while checking that the emergency

operation bolts are positioned over the center of the
solenoid valves.

- During installation, be careful not to damage the gas-


Unexpected movement of the machine could cause
an accident resulting in injury or death.
To prevent such an accident, be sure to stop the
engine, and block the tires with chocks before you
start service work. During the service work, clearly
communicate with the person in the cab using signals
as agreed upon before hand.

- At the completion of installation, start the engine,

and check that the shift lever properly functions at all
the positions.

- Check oil leakage.

- Adjust the transmission oil level to the specified point

with the dipstick.
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Torque Converter and Transmission Group
Control Valve Assembly

Control valve disassembling and

Control valve disassembling

Clean the control valve.

[ Tool A ]

Heat treated (HB 212~253)

and press fit.


1. Remove nut (1).

(Tool number for North America: KL03-102-2)

: Nut: 9.8 N-m (1.0 kgf-m)

2. Remove solenoid valve (2) using tool (A).

: Solenoid valve: 29.4 N-m (3.0 kgf-m)

Valve width across flat: 30 mm
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Torque Converter and Transmission Group
Control Valve Assembly

Control valve assembling

To reassemble the control valve, follow the disassem-

bling procedure in reverse order.

Control valve assembly cautions

- Before you insert the regulator valve, apply transmis-

sion oil to the valve. After insertion, check that the
valve operates smoothly.

- Check the operation of the solenoid valves.

(Also check movement by pressing the manual
plunger. The plunger should move freely and
smoothly in both directions (spring return).)

- Replace all seals, O-rings and gaskets.

3. Remove covers (3)(4) by removing bolts (a).

Remove the spools and springs.

: Bolt for covers (a): 9.8 N-m (1.0 kgf-m)

When removing the cover, the spring may jump out.
Slowly loosen the bolt for the cover.

Do not loosen set screw and nut (5) when disassem-
bling the control valve unless necessary.
If fail to do, screw adjustment is necessary. Mis-
adjustment may cause shift shock or clutch plate slip-
ping. Refer to the procedure described in the follow-
ing “Control valve assembly cautions”.

4. Follow the same steps for the 3rd/4th speed control

70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Torque Converter and Transmission Group
Control Valve Assembly

Screw adjustment procedure

If the adjusting screw is loosen, follow the procedure

below to re-adjust it.

See the enlarged

figure below. 65V34006

A 1
2 65V34007

(a) Loosen nut (1).

: Nut (1): 10.8 N-m (1.1 kgf-m)

(b) Loosen set screw (2) until it comes out 20 mm (A).

(c) Screw in set screw (2) until the tip of the screw con-
tacts to spring retainer (3).

(d) From this position, turn the screw clockwise 5 turns.

(e) Tighten nut (1) to lock set screw (2).

(f) After the adjustment, confirm that "A" is 12 mm.

70ZIV-2 Service Standard Torque Converter and Transmission Group

70ZIV-2 Service Standard

Torque Converter and Transmission Group

Torque Converter and Transmission Assembly....... 35-2

70ZIV-2 Service Standard Torque Converter and Transmission Group
Torque Converter and Transmission Assembly

Torque Converter and Transmission Assembly

Piston or spool-housing clearance

Standard value (A - B) Allowable limit

(mm) (mm)

Clearance between clutch oil regulator piston and housing 0.015~0.049 0.070

Clearance between torque converter oil inlet regulator piston and

0.020~0.071 0.090
Clearance between torque converter oil outlet regulator piston
0.020~0.061 0.080
and housing

Clearance between accumulator (1st,2nd) piston and housing 0.020~0.062 0.080

Clearance between pressure detection valve (1st,2nd) spool and

0.020~0.059 0.080

Clearance between control valve detection valve spool and body 0.020~0.058 0.080

Clearance between control valve 1st,2nd speed shift spool and

0.020~0.062 0.080
A: Housing inner diameter
B: Piston outer diameter Clearance between control valve accumulator piston and body 0.020~0.075 0.095
Clearance between control valve 3rd, 4th speed shift spool and
0.020~0.061 0.080

Spring free length and installed load

Item Standard value Allowable limit

C mm 107.96 106.5
Clutch oil regulator spring (S) D mm 94.0
E N (kgf) 314 (32) 282 (28.8)
C mm 98.58 95.9
Clutch oil regulator spring (L) D mm 72.0
E N (kgf) 294 (30) 265 (27.0)
C mm 99.75 97.5
Torque converter oil inlet regulator spring D mm 75.0
E N (kgf) 287 (29.26) 258 (26.3)
C mm 91.2 89.1
Torque converter oil outlet regulator spring D mm 71.0
E N (kgf) 49 (5) 45 (4.5)
C mm 111 105.3
Accumulator (1st) spring D mm 52.8
E N (kgf) 201 (20.5) 181 (18.5)
C: Free length (reference) C mm 50.5 49.7
D: Installed length
E: Installed load Pressure detection valve (1st) spring D D mm 42.9
E N (kgf) 104 (10.6) 93 (9.5)
C mm 134.8 127.9
Pressure detection valve (2nd) spring (S) D mm 77.8
E N (kgf) 191 (19.5) 173 (17.6)
70ZIV-2 Service Standard Torque Converter and Transmission Group
Torque Converter and Transmission Assembly

Item Standard value Allowable limit

C mm 111 105.3
Pressure detection valve (2nd) spring (L) D mm 52.8
E N (kgf) 201 (20.5) 181 (18.5)
C mm 50.5 49.7
Pressure detection valve (2nd) spool spring D mm 42.9
E N (kgf) 104 (10.6) 93 (9.5)
C mm 72.5 62.4
F/R clutch return spring D mm 32
E N (kgf) 1765 (180) 1324 (135)
C mm 60.32 59.5
1,2,3,4 speed clutch return spring D mm 30.5
E N (kgf) 1451 (148.0) 1306 (133.2)
C mm 127.57 125.84
Control valve accumulator spring (S) D mm 99.0
E N (kgf) 588 (60.0) 530 (54.0)
C mm 132.44 130.65
Control valve accumulator spring (M) D mm 99.0
E N (kgf) 881 (89.8) 793 (80.82)
C mm 100.31 98.95
C: Free length (reference)
D: Installed length Control valve accumulator spring (L) D mm 64.0
E: Installed load E N (kgf) 245 (25.0) 221 (22.5)
C mm 43.19 42.6
Control valve pressure detection valve spool spring (L) D mm 30.2
E N (kgf) 134 (13.7) 121 (12.33)
C mm 44.56 43.96
Control valve pressure detection valve spool spring (S) D mm 30.2
E N (kgf) 62 (6.3) 56 (5.67)
C mm 43.13 42.6
Control valve D mm 38.0
E N (kgf) 62 (6.3) 56 (5.67)
C mm 40.47 40.0
3/4 speed control valve detent spring D mm 22.0
E N (kgf) 29 (3.0) 26 (2.7)

Oil seal lip and shaft diameter

Item Standard value Allowable limit

F Ø mm — 129
Torque converter impeller hub seal
G Ø mm 129.9~130.00 129.22

F Ø mm — 80
Output flange seal
G Ø mm 79.92~80.00 79.80

F Ø mm — 9.7
F: Inner diameter Speedometer driven gear seal
G: Outer diameter G Ø mm 9.96 ~10.00 9.91
70ZIV-2 Service Standard Torque Converter and Transmission Group
Torque Converter and Transmission Assembly

Seal ring (Piston ring)

Item Standard value Allowable limit

I mm 2.30~2.35 2.10
J mm 3.1~3.3 2.9
Stator shaft ring
K Ø mm 76.00~76.03 76.20
L mm 2.44~2.49 2.65
I mm 2.36~2.41 2.16
I F/R Clutch J mm 3.25~3.55 3.05
Piston ring (L) K Ø mm 92.00~92.03 92.15
L mm 2.51~2.58 2.70

I: Width I mm 2.87~2.92 2.67

J: Thickness F/R Clutch J mm 3.0~3.2 2.8
Piston ring (S) K Ø mm 80.00~80.04 80.15
L mm 3.10~3.15 3.30
I mm 2.35~2.40 2.15
F/R Clutch J mm 2.0~2.2 1.8
Shaft seal ring K Ø mm 55.20~55.25 55.45
L mm 2.50~2.51 2.65
I mm 2.82~2.92 2.62
K: Seal contact face diameter 1,2,3,4 speed clutch J mm 3.85~4.15 3.65
L: Groove width Piston ring (L) K Ø mm 155.08~155.13 155.33
L mm 3.025~3.125 3.175
I mm 2.28~2.33 2.08
1,2,3,4 speed clutch J mm 3.4~3.6 3.2
Piston ring (S) K Ø mm 70.00~70.05 70.15
L mm 2.49~2.50 2.65
I mm 2.93~2.98 2.73
1,2,3,4 speed clutch J mm 1.6~1.8 1.4
Shaft seal ring K Ø mm 40.20~40.25 40.35
L mm 3.07~3.15 3.30

Clutch thrust washer

Item Standard value Allowable limit

1st clutch (a) M mm 3.92~4.00 3.57

1st clutch (b) M mm 3.92~4.00 3.57

M: Thickness

70ZA3509 1st clutch (c) M mm 1.92~2.00 1.75

70ZIV-2 Service Standard Torque Converter and Transmission Group
Torque Converter and Transmission Assembly

Clutch plate, Steel plate, Clutch clearance

Item Standard value Allowable limit

F/R clutch
N mm 2.9~3.1 2.5
Clutch plate
F/R clutch
O mm 1.92~2.08 1.80
Steel plate
F/R clutch
P mm 2.8~3.2 4.0
Clutch clearance
1,2,3,4 speed clutch
N mm 2.6~2.8 2.3
Clutch plate
1,2,3,4 speed clutch
O mm 1.92~2.08 1.80
Steel plate
1,2 speed clutch
P mm 2.2~2.6 4.5
Clutch clearance
3 speed clutch
N: Clutch plate thickness P mm 2.3~2.5 4.5
Clutch clearance
O: Steel plate thickness
P: Clutch clearance 4 speed clutch
P mm 1.7~1.9 4.5
Clutch clearance

Clutch conical plate

Item Standard value Allowable limit

F/R clutch
Q mm 3.35~3.65 3.15
Conical drive plate
F/R clutch
Q mm 6.10~6.30 5.75
Conical plate
1,2,3,4 speed clutch
Q mm 4.15~4.45 3.85
Q: Free height Conical plate
70ZIV-2 Service Standard Torque Converter and Transmission Group

70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Hydraulic Group

70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly

Hydraulic Group

Hydraulic Parts Removal and Installation Warning ........44-2

Hydraulic Parts Disassembly and Assembly Cautions...44-3
Gear Pump .....................................................................44-4
Steering Valve (S/N ~2200, ~8250)................................44-12
Multiple Control Valve.....................................................44-18
Hydraulic Cylinder ..........................................................44-33
Pilot Valve.......................................................................44-51
Orbitrol® (S/N 2201~, 8251~) .........................................44-60
Priority Valve (S/N 2201~, 8251~)..................................44-72
Accumulator (S/N 2201~, 8251~)...................................44-74
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Hydraulic Group
Hydraulic Parts Removal and Installation Warning

Hydraulic Parts Removal and Installation Warning

Disassembly and reassembly work of hydraulic parts
greatly depends on the working area and working condi-
tion (soon after operation or not).
Understand the following items well and work safely.

Unexpected movement of the machine could cause
serious injury or death. To prevent such an accident,
observe the following items:
- Park the machine on level and solid ground.
- Apply the parking brake and block tires with
chocks to prevent wheels from moving.
- Be sure to remove the engine key, and hang a "DO
NOT START!" tag on the steering wheel or the
operator's seat.
- Relieve the internal pressure from the hydraulic
line and hydraulic tank.
- Use signals as agreed upon before starting work.
- Do not enter the hazardous area.
- When removing a heavy load over 20 kg (44 lbs),
use a crane or a lift device.
- Stay out of the working area while using a crane.
- While working with the boom raised, put safety
blocks or supports to prevent it from dropping sud-
- The temperature at each part may be high soon
after the engine is stopped. Be careful not to get
- When removing pipes, place a container to catch
the drained oil.

- Cover the disconnected hoses and pipes with plas-
tic caps or plugs to protect them from dust, water
and dirt.
- Apply the specified torque to tighten each part.
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Hydraulic Group
Hydraulic Parts Disassembly and Assembly Cautions

Hydraulic Parts Disassembly and Assembly Cautions

Hydraulic parts may be very delicate. When disassem- Hydraulic parts disassembly cau-
bling or reassembling, handle with care.
Understand the following well to perform disassembly tions
and reassembly work.
- Completely drain hydraulic oil from parts. Clean unit
before disassembly. Plug each open ports.
- Work in a well ventilated area.
- Before disassembling, put a matchmark on each
alignment point.
- When clamping the part in a vice, use a copper plate
so as not to damage it.
- Because hydraulic parts may be delicate, do not
drop or scratch them.
- When disassembling, do not hit or pry the parts by
force. The parts may be burred and scored, which
may cause oil leakage or poor performance.
- Do not disassemble adjusting screws unless
- When work is stopped, protect removed parts from
dirt and debris.
- Preserve disassembled parts with oil. After cleaning,
do not dry with compressed air. It may cause rust
due to condensation.
- Carefully place removed parts in the order it was
removed so as to see how they came apart.

Hydraulic parts assembly cautions

- Check the surface and inside of the parts for burrs,
scores, dirt, or rust.
- Replace O-rings and seals with new ones.
- Before reassembly, apply a thin coat of hydraulic oil
or grease to the O-rings and seals.
- Apply the specified torque to tighten parts.
- After reassembly, plug the ports so as not to allow
foreign material to enter.
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Hydraulic Group
Gear Pump

Gear Pump
Triple pump

Center (for loading) Rear (for loading)

Front (for steering)

1. Oil seals : Gear pump: 44 kg

2. Driven gear
3. Drive gear
4. Pressure plates
5. Plate seal
6. Coupling
7. Coupling
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Hydraulic Group
Gear Pump

Gear pump tightening torque

T1: 34 N-m (3.5 kgf-m)
T2: 69 N-m (7.0 kgf-m)
T3: 118 N-m (12.0 kgf-m)
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Hydraulic Group
Gear Pump

Gear pump assembly removing

and installing
Gear pump assembly removing

Unexpected movement of the machine could cause
serious injury or death. To prevent such an accident,
observe the following items:
- Park the machine on level ground, and apply the
parking brake. In addition, block tires with chocks
to prevent wheels from moving.
- Disconnect the negative side of the battery cable.
3. Disconnect gear pump (1) from the torque con-
- Relieve the internal pressure from the loading line,
verter using a bar, and then remove gear pump (1).
and also relieve the internal pressure from the
hydraulic tank to prevent the oil from spouting out.
: Gear pump: 44 kg

Before starting work:

- Remove the deck by referring to Section 14.
- Clean the area around the hydraulic pump. Gear pump assembly installing

To reinstall the gear pump assembly, follow the above

removal procedure in reverse order.

Replace all gaskets and O-rings during reinstallation.

1. Disconnect outlet hoses (2) and suction hoses (3)

from gear pump (1).

Cover the disconnected hoses with plastic, plugs or
caps to protect from dust and dirt.

2. Remove gear pump retainer bolts (4).

: Bolt: 245 N-m (25.0 kgf-m)

70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Hydraulic Group
Gear Pump

Gear pump installation cautions

When replacing gear pump or when draining hydraulic - Fill the inlet port of the hydraulic pump with clean
oil for extended periods, it is important to prime the hydraulic oil and rotate the pump shaft by hand
hydraulic system properly. Air will be in the lines that go prior to installing the pump. It should rotate
to and come from the pump. After a pump has been smoothly.
installed, or when the hydraulic oil has been drained for Prior to installing pump and plumbing to pump,
extended time periods, air will not purge easily from the remove all caps, plugs, and covers from pump and
lines, and this could lead to pump damage. piping.
- While reinstalling the gear pump, take care not to
allow dust, dirt, or foreign material into the case.
WARNING - Check the oil level of the hydraulic tank.
Oil injection hazard! - Close the cap of the hydraulic tank, and remove
Hydraulic oil can penetrate skin. When performing the plugs of the pump suction pipe. Pour hydraulic
this procedure: oil into the plug port until the oil overflows from the
- Release all trapped circuit pressure prior to start- port (approx. 4 L).
ing any procedure involving hydraulic oil. - Run the engine at low-idling speed for 5 minutes or
- Wear protective gloves. more. Do not operate any hydraulic functions dur-
- Wear eye and face protection. ing this period.
- Stay clear of areas where air may be purged. Note
- Route oil into a receiving canister [such as a 5 gal- If the engine speed is set to high-idling just after
lon bucket] by use of an additional hose. starting, the pump may be seized.
- Rotate pump at a low RPM. - Actuate cylinders 5 to10 times to almost full stroke,
but do not fully extend or retract any of the cylin-
ders at this time.
- Confirm that there is no abnormal noise or opera-
tion, and be sure that there is no excessive heat.
Inspect the hydraulic oil at the sight gauge to be
sure that there are no bubbles which may indicate
air being drawn in at the suction side of the pump.
If there are any bubbles, correct the cause prior to
using the machine, as this may contribute to pre-
mature pump failure.

Oil filling port

70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Hydraulic Group
Gear Pump

Gear pump assembly disassem-

bling and assembling

Before disassembly or reassembly, read and under-
stand the aforementioned "Hydraulic Parts Disas-
sembly and Assembly Cautions" page 44-3.

- Handle pumps carefully.
- In case hydraulic system breaks down, do not dis-
assemble the pump first.
Check the whole hydraulic circuit and find its
cause. Confirm the cause, then repair.
- When the pump is broken down, not only fix or
replace it but also inspect the failure cause to pre-
vent recurrence.

If a pump must be repaired, be sure no pieces of dam-

aged pump material has scatted through hydraulic sys-
tem. New parts must be "broken in" and performance
must be checked.
Do not disassemble the pump except when necessary
to replace oil seals and O-rings between the double and
triple pumps which are able to be separated.
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Hydraulic Group
Gear Pump

Gear pump disassembling


1. Clean the pump and put match marks on the con-

necting sections of the pump.

2. Remove bolts (1)(2) to separate the pump sections.

- Front pump (3)
- Center pump (4)
- Rear pump (5)

: Bolt (1)(2): 34 N-m (3.5 kgf-m)

70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Hydraulic Group
Gear Pump

1. Disassembling front pump

Front cover

Rear cover

4. Remove dust seal (14) from the mounting flange

using screw driver or the like and remove snap ring
1. Remove coupling (6), and then remove retainer (15) and oil seal (16).
bolts (7).
: Bolt (7): 118 N-m (12.0 kgf-m) Do not remove the oil seal unless absolutely necessary
(unless it was damaged).
2. Remove the rear cover.

2. Disassembling center pump

3. Put matchmarks and remove bearing box (8), wear

plate (9), drive shaft (10), driven shaft (11), wear
plate (12) and bearing box (13) in order. 1. Remove bolt (17) and front cover (18).
Remove bolt (19) and rear cover (20).
- Before removing the gears, put matchmarks on both : Bolt (17)(19): 69 N-m (7.0 kgf-m)
sides ends of the gears using oil stone or the like.
When reassembling the gears, align the matchmarks 2. Put matchmarks and remove bearing box (21),
so that the gears will be smoothly engaged. wear plate (22), drive shaft (23), driven shaft (24),
- Correctly insert the wear plate so that the inlet and wear plate (25) and bearing box (26) in order.
outlet sides of the plate are properly positioned when
assembling. Note
Before removing the gears, put matchmarks on both
sides ends of the gears using oil stone or the like. When
reassembling the gears, align the matchmarks so that
the gears will be smoothly engaged.
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Hydraulic Group
Gear Pump

3. Disassembling rear pump Gear pump assembling

To reassemble the gear pump assembly, follow the

above procedure in reverse order.

Gear pump assembly cautions

- Replace the O-ring with new one.

1. Remove coupling (27), bolts (28) and front cover

Remove bolt (30) and rear cover (31).

: Bolt (28)(30): 69 N-m (7.0 kgf-m)

2. Put matchmarks and remove bearing box (32),

wear plate (33), drive shaft (34), driven shaft (35),
wear plate (36) and bering box (37) in order.
- Assemble the center pump and the rear pump to the
front pump so that the matchmarks (1)(2) are
Before removing gears, put match marks on both sides
ends of the gears using oil stone or the like. When reas-
sembling the gears, align the match marks so that the
- Pour hydraulic oil into the oil port until the oil over-
gears will be smoothly engaged.
flows from the port and turn the drive shaft by hand.
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Hydraulic Group
Steering Valve (S/N ~2200, ~8250)

Steering Valve (S/N ~2200, ~8250)

1. Steering plunger :
2. Flow control plunger T1: 59 N-m (6.0 kgf-m)
3. Main relief valve T2: 25 N-m (2.5 kgf-m)
4. Overload relief valve T3: 63 N-m (6.4 kgf-m)
5. Check valve T4: 98 N-m (10.0 kgf-m)
6. Cover
7. Cap : 35kg
8. Spring guide
9. Spring
10. Retainer
11. Wiper
12. Oil seal
13. O-ring
14. Valve body
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Hydraulic Group
Steering Valve (S/N ~2200, ~8250)

Steering valve removing and

Steering valve removing

Unexpected movement of the machine, attachment,
or boom during service work could cause serious
injury or death. To prevent such an accident, observe
the following items:
- Park the machine on level ground.
- Apply the parking brake. In addition, block the tires
with chocks to prevent the wheels from moving.
1. Remove pipe (3) from the steering valve.
- Relieve the internal pressure from the loading line,
and also relieve the internal pressure from the
: Hydraulic oil: 1 L
hydraulic tank to prevent the oil from spouting out.
- Spilled oil on the parking brake shoe section may
cause malfunction. To prevent such a problem,
Cover the disconnected pipe with vinyl, plugs or caps to
cover the shoe section with vinyl before removing
protect them from dust and dirt.
the valve.

Before starting work:

- Remove the seat and seat bracket in the cab.

1. Remove hoses (4)(5).

Cover the disconnected hoses with vinyl, plugs or caps
to protect them from dust and dirt.
1. Disconnect hoses (2) from steering valve (1).

Cover the disconnected hoses with vinyl, plugs or caps
to protect them from dust and dirt.
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Hydraulic Group
Steering Valve (S/N ~2200, ~8250)

Steering valve installing

To reinstall the steering valve, follow the above proce-

dure in reversed order.

Steering valve installation cautions

Entering the articulation area while engine is running
could cause serious injury or death.
When entering the area, stop the engine and place
1. Remove split pin (6), castle nut (7) and pin (8). "DO NOT START" or "DO NOT OPERATE" tag on
steering wheel.
: Castle nut (7): 255 N-m (26.0 kgf-m)

2. Remove steering valve retainer bolt (9), and then At the completion of reinstallation, check operation of
remove the valve. the steering valve by following the procedure below:

: Bolt (9): 88 N-m (9.0 kgf-m) Drop arm

: Steering valve: 35 kg
Drop arm stopper bolt

(a) Start the engine and confirm that the drop arm
comes in contact with the stoppers by turning the
steering wheel clockwise and counterclockwise.
(b) Check around the valve for oil leakage.
(c) Measure various values for performance check.
Measure the time required for full steering.
Measure the relief valve setting pressure.
(Refer to the Section 03 Measurement for Perfor-
mance Check).
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Hydraulic Group
Steering Valve (S/N ~2200, ~8250)

Steering valve disassembling and


Before disassembly or reassembly, read and under- 6 5 4
stand the aforementioned "Hydraulic Parts Disas-
sembly and Assembly Cautions" page 44-3.

Steering valve disassembling 70ZIV44022

Before starting work:

- Clean the valve body.



3. Remove bolts (4) and cover (5).


: Bolt (4): 25 N-m (2.5 kgf-m)

1. Remove plugs (1) and overload relief valves (23).
4. Remove plunger assembly (6).
: Plug (1): 63 N-m (6.4 kgf-m)


Plunger assembly
2 70ZIV44023


5. Remove front and rear wipers (7) and seals (8).

2. Remove bolts (2) and plate (3).

: Bolt (2): 25 N-m (2.5 kgf-m)

70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Hydraulic Group
Steering Valve (S/N ~2200, ~8250)

Shim 12
10 20
14 13
11 22
10 21

15 13 14
17 Plunger assembly 19
70ZIV44024 70ZIV44025

6. Gently clamp the two flats of the plunger assembly 7. Remove cap (19) and the spring.
using wooden blocks in a vice, and then loosen
screws (9) and (17). : Cap (19): 98 N-m (10.0 kgf-m)
Remove spring seat (10), spring (11), plate (12),
spring (13), poppet (14), O-ring (15) and back-up 8. Remove cap (20) and flow control plunger (21).
ring (16) from plunger (18).
: Cap (20): 98 N-m (10.0 kgf-m)
: Screw (9)(17): 59 N-m (6.0 kgf-m)
: Screw lock agent (Loctite® 262) 9. Remove main relief valve (22).

Note : Valve (22): 63 N-m (6.4 kgf-m)

- Cover the spool to protect it from being scratched.
- A thread adhesive is applied to the threaded section
of the spool end. To disassemble the spool, heat the
adhesive of the threaded section using an industrial Steering valve assembling
drier (heat gun) or the equivalent. Do not heat the
threaded section to 200ºC or more. If overheated, To reassemble the steering valve, follow the above dis-
replace the spring with a new one. assembly procedure in reverse order.
- All seals should be replaced with new ones because
they were heated. Before starting work:
- Clean and check all the parts. Replace all O-rings
and seals.
- Before reassembly, apply a coating of hydraulic oil to
all the parts.
- Be sure to apply the specified torque to tighten each
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Hydraulic Group
Steering Valve (S/N ~2200, ~8250)

Steering valve assembly cautions Main Relief and Overload Inspection

[Example of defective valve]

Foreign matters
Valve body
Adjusting screw
Clogged orifice
Broken spring

Adjusting screw

Worn-out poppet
Seal Wiper
Adjusting screw

Attach the seal and wiper to the valve body as shown

During disassembly and inspection of the main relief
Note valve and overload relief valves be sure to check the
Carefully insert the plunger so that the seals are not pilot valve, valve seat, and orifices as shown above.
scratched or cut.

Ball joint

Rod Steering valve

To insert the ball joint, adjust the distance as shown

70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Hydraulic Group
Multiple Control Valve

Multiple Control Valve

Multiple control valve removing

and installing
Multiple control valve removing

Unexpected movement of the machine, attachment,
or boom during service work could cause serious
injury or death. To prevent such an accident, observe
the following items:
- Park the machine on level ground.
- Apply the parking brake. In addition, block the tires
with chocks to prevent the wheels from moving.
1. Put match marks on hoses (1) of the pilot line, and
- Remove the engine key, and hang a "DO
then disconnect them.
NOT START!" tag on the steering wheel or the
operator's seat.
Cover the disconnected hose with plastic, cap or plug to
Before starting work: protect them from dust, water and dirt.
- If possible carefully clean the area around the multi-
ple control valve, dirt or water entering the hydraulic
system can cause many future problems.
- Relieve the internal pressure from the loading line,
and also relieve the internal pressure from the
hydraulic tank to prevent the oil from spouting out.

Releasing residual pressure from pipe

Keep the bottom surface of the bucket horizontal, and

stop the engine when the bucket is approximately 30 cm
above the ground.
Tilt down the bucket until it comes in contact with the
ground, and then lower the boom.
Press the hydraulic tank breather valve cap or open the
tank cap. 2. Put match marks on hoses (2)(3) then disconnect

: Hydraulic oil: Approx. 5 L

Cover the disconnected hoses with plastic, cap or plug
to protect them from dust, water and dirt.
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Hydraulic Group
Multiple Control Valve

Multiple control valve installation cautions

Unexpected movement of the machine may cause
serious injury or death.
To prevent such an accident, be sure to stop the
engine before you start working. In addition, block
tires with chocks to prevent wheels from moving.
While working, carefully keep contact with the person
in the cab by giving signals to each other.

- Replace all the O-rings with new ones.

3. Remove return pipe (4). - Wash the multiple control valve mounting area.

- Attach the pressure gauge, and then start the

engine. Measure the pressure, and adjust it to the
specified value. For a detailed description of pres-
sure adjustment, refer to the 70ZIV-2 Shop Manual
Function & Structure, Section 03.

- Operate the bucket and the boom, and check that

they operate correctly.

- Check each section for oil leakage.

- Add hydraulic oil to the tank until the oil level rises to
the specified point.

4. Use a hoist and strap to support control valve (6)

and remove control valve (6) by removing bolts (5).

: Bolt: 90 N-m (9.2 kgf-m)

: Multiple control valve: 55 kg

Multiple control valve installing

To reinstall the multiple control valve, follow the above

removal procedure in reverse order.
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Hydraulic Group
Multiple Control Valve

Multiple control valve disassembling and assembling (S/N ~1481)

Multiple control valve cross section and tightening torque

1. Valve housing 11. Cap 21. O-ring

2. Spool (Bucket) 12. O-ring 22. Plug assembly
3. Spool (Boom) 13. Socket head bolt 23. Plug
4. Spring seat 14. O-ring 24. Plug
5. Spring (Bucket) 15. Cover 25. Main relief valve
6. Spring (Boom) 16. O-ring 26. Overload relief valve
7. Spool end (Bucket) 17. Socket head bolt (with make-up function)
8. Spool end (Boom) 18. Plug 27. Make-up valve
9. Cap (Bucket) 19. Spring 28. Cap
10. Cap (Boom) 20. Poppet

T1: 98 N-m (10.0 kgf-m)
T2: 42 N-m (4.3 kgf-m)
T3: 132 N-m (13.5 kgf-m) Before disassembly or reassembly, read and under-
T4: 157 N-m (16.0 kgf-m) stand the aforementioned "Hydraulic Parts Disas-
T5: 83 N-m (8.5 kgf-m) sembly and Assembly Cautions" page 44-3.
T6: 103 N-m (10.5 kgf-m)
T7: 12 N-m (1.2 kgf-m)

: 55 kg
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Hydraulic Group
Multiple Control Valve

Multiple control valve disassembling (S/N ~1481)

3. Remove make-up valve (3).

1. Remove main relief valve (1).
: Valve (3): 83 N-m (8.5 kgf-m)
: Valve (1): 103 N-m (10.5 kgf-m) Hexagon width across flat: 32 mm
Hexagon width across flat: 38 mm

4. Remove socket head bolt (4) from the bucket side

2. Remove right and left overload relief valve (2). of the cap.

: Valve (2): 83 N-m (8.5 kgf-m) : Bolt (4): 42 N-m (4.3 kgf-m)
Hexagon width across flat: 32 mm Hexagon width across flat: 8 mm
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Hydraulic Group
Multiple Control Valve

5. Remove cap (5) with the O-ring of the flange as a


8. Slowly pull out spool (8) from the bucket side, and
spool (9) from the boom side as an assembly.

6. Remove socket head bolt (6) from the boom side of Note
the cap. Carefully pull out the spool so that it is not forced out or
distorted. Handle the spool with extreme care. Even a
: Bolt (6): 42 N-m (4.3 kgf-m) small nick, dent, or scratch could ruin the spool, result-
Hexagon width across flat: 8 mm ing in replacement of the entire valve.

7. Remove cap (7) with the O-ring of the flange as a

70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Hydraulic Group
Multiple Control Valve

9. Remove socket head bolt (10) to remove cap (11). 11. Remove plugs (15), and remove spring (16) and
Also remove the O-ring of the flange from the cap. poppet (17) inside.
Also remove the O-ring from the plug.
: Bolt (10): 42 N-m (4.3 kgf-m)
Hexagon width across flat: 8 mm : Plug (15): 132 N-m (13.5 kgf-m)
Hexagon width across flat: 19 mm

10. Remove socket head bolt (12) to remove cover

(13). Also remove O-ring (14) of the flange from 12. Remove the hexagon bolts and remove cap kit
the cap. (18).

: Bolt (12): 157 N-m (16.0 kgf-m) : Bolt: 42 N-m (4.3 kgf-m)
Hexagon width across flat: 12 mm Hexagon width across flat: 14 mm
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Hydraulic Group
Multiple Control Valve

20 21




Heat Spool


13. Remove plug assembly (19) and remove the O- 14. Gently clamp the spool assembly using wooden
ring. blocks in a vice.
After that loosen spool end (20) to remove it.
: Plug (19): 98 N-m (10.0 kgf-m)
Hexagon width across flat: 17 mm : Spool end (20): 12 N-m (1.2 kgf-m)
Hexagon width across flat: 22 mm

15. Remove spring seat (21) and spring (22) from each
spool (there are two spools).

- Cover the spool to protect it from being scratched.
- A thread adhesive is applied to the threaded section
of the spool end.
To disassemble the spool, heat the adhesive of the
threaded section using an industrial drier (heat gun)
or the equivalent.
Do not heat the threaded section to 200ºC or more.
If it is overheated, replace the spring with a new one.
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Hydraulic Group
Multiple Control Valve

Multiple control valve assembling (S/N


3. Reinstall cap kit (5).

: Bolt: 42 N-m (4.3 kgf-m)

Hexagon width across flat: 14 mm
1. Attach spring seats (1) and spring (2) to the spool,
and then tighten bolt head at spool end (3).
Carefully tighten the bolts so that the O-ring of the
: Spool end (3): 12 N-m (1.2 kgf-m)
flange is not caught and damaged.
Hexagon width across flat: 22 mm
Thread lock agent (Loctite® 262)

Carefully clean all threads of any oil film using a non-oil
based solvent or locquic primer.

4. Sequentially insert poppet (6) and then spring (7)

into the housing seat section. After that, attach a
new O-ring (8) to plug (9), and then reinstall the

: Plug (9): 132 N-m (13.5 kgf-m)

2. Reinsert plug assembly (4).
Hexagon width across flat: 19 mm
: Plug (4): 98 N-m (10.0 kgf-m)
Hexagon width across flat: 17 mm
Excessive torque on these plugs can cause the body to
crack or the poppets to stick.
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Hydraulic Group
Multiple Control Valve


5. Attach a new O-ring to the groove of the cover (10), 7. Slowly and carefully insert the spool assembly of
and then reinstall the cover on the valve housing. the bucket side into the valve housing.
Tighten socket head bolts (11). Apply hydraulic oil to the spool.

: Bolt (11): 157 N-m (16.0 kgf-m)

Hexagon width across flat: 12 mm

Before reinstalling the cover, be sure to check the mat-
ing faces of the valve housing and the cover for foreign Spool
material or sharp pointed material.

8. Slowly and carefully insert the spool assembly of

the boom side into the valve housing in the same
Apply hydraulic oil to the spool.

6. Insert the O-rings to caps (12), and then reinstall

the caps on the valve housing.
Tighten socket head bolts (13).

: Bolt (13): 42 N-m (4.3 kgf-m)

Hexagon width across flat: 8 mm
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Hydraulic Group
Multiple Control Valve

9. Insert a new O-ring to cap (14), and then reinstall 12. Tighten socket head bolts (17).
the cap on the spool of the bucket side.
Do not confuse the spools or caps since they are : Bolt (17): 42 N-m (4.3 kgf-m)
similar but different. Hexagon width across flat: 8 mm

10. Tighten socket head bolts (15). 13. Reinstall make-up valve (18).

: Bolt (15): 42 N-m (4.3 kgf-m) : Valve (18): 83 N-m (8.5 kgf-m)
Hexagon width across flat: 8 mm Hexagon width across flat: 32 mm

11. Attach a new O-ring to cap (16), and then install the
cap on the spool of the boom side.
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Hydraulic Group
Multiple Control Valve

Multiple control valve assembly cautions

- Clean and check all the parts. If a part is defective,

replace or repair it.
- Replace all the O-rings with new ones.
- Apply a thin coat of hydraulic oil or grease to each
part before reassembly.
- Apply the specified torque to tighten each main part.

14. Reinstall the right and left overload relief valves


: Valve (19): 83 N-m (8.5 kgf-m)

Hexagon width across flat: 32 mm

If the overload relief valves or main relief valve have
been disassembled back the adjusting screws out and
readjust after start up.

15. Reinstall the main relief valve (20).

: Valve (20): 103 N-m (10.5 kgf-m)

Hexagon width across flat: 38 mm
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Hydraulic Group
Multiple Control Valve

Multiple control valve disassembling and assembling (S/N 1482~)

Overload relief valve

with make-up function T7
T9 nut
T3 T8
Lock nut
T9 Main relief
T3 valve


Bucket spool
Lock nut

Make-up valve Lock
T9 nut

Overload relief valve
with make-up function


T4 L1

Boom spool L1


T1: 180 N-m (18.4 kgf-m) L1: Screw lock agent (Loctite® 262) application
T2: 39 N-m (4.0 kgf-m)
T3: 78 N-m (8.0 kgf-m) : 55 kg
T4: 18 N-m (1.8 kgf-m)
T5: 34 N-m (3.5 kgf-m)
T6: 410 N-m (41.8 kgf-m)
T7: 260 N-m (26.5 kgf-m) Before disassembly or reassembly, read and under-
T8: 65 N-m (6.6 kgf-m) stand the aforementioned "Hydraulic Parts Disas-
T9: 31 N-m (3.2 kgf-m) (Lock nut) sembly and Assembly Cautions" page 44-3.
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Hydraulic Group
Multiple Control Valve

Multiple control valve disassembling (S/N


Before disassembly or reassembly, read and under-
stand the aforementioned "Hydraulic Parts Disas- 3
sembly and Assembly Cautions" page 44-3.


1 3. Loosen the lock nut and remove make-up valve (3).

: Lock nut: 31 N-m (3.2 kgf-m)

: Valve: 78 N-m (8.0 kgf-m)
Hexagon width across flat: 32 mm


1. Loosen the lock nut and remove main relief valve 4

5 6
: Lock nut: 31 N-m (3.2 kgf-m)
: Valve: 78 N-m (8.0 kgf-m)
Hexagon width across flat: 30 mm

7 70ZV44012J

4. Remove socket head bolt (4)(5) from the bucket

and boom side of the cap. Then remove cap (6)(7).

2 : Bolt (4)(5): 34 N-m (3.5 kgf-m)

Hexagon width across flat: 6 mm


2. Loosen the lock nut and remove right and left over-
load relief valves (2).

: Lock nut: 31 N-m (3.2 kgf-m)

: Valve: 78 N-m (8.0 kgf-m)
Hexagon width across flat: 32 mm
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Hydraulic Group
Multiple Control Valve


8 O-ring


70ZV44013J 85ZV44023

5. Slowly pull out spool (8) from the bucket side, and 7. Remove four socket head bolts (14), and remove
spool (9) from the boom side as an assembly. cover (15). Also remove the O-ring from the mating
Carefully pull out the spool so that it is not forced out or : Bolt (14): 180 N-m (18.4 kgf-m)
distorted. Hexagon width across flat: 12 mm

13 17



70ZV44014J 70ZV44016J

6. Remove socket head bolt (10)(11) to remove caps 8. Remove plug (16) from the bucket side to remove
(12)(13). Also remove the O-ring of the flange from spring (17) and poppet (18). Also remove plug (19)
the cap. from the boom side.
Remove the O-ring from the plug.
: Bolt (10)(11): 34 N-m (3.5 kgf-m)
Hexagon width across flat: 6 mm : Plug (16)(19): 260 N-m (26.5 kgf-m)
Hexagon width across flat: 12 mm
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Hydraulic Group
Multiple Control Valve

22 23





70ZV44017J 85ZV44024

9. Remove the hexagon bolts and remove cap (20). 11. Set the spool assembly in a rise, and then loosen
bolt (22) to remove.
: Bolt (20): 65 N-m (6.6 kgf-m)
Hexagon width across flat: 8 mm : Bolt (22): 18 N-m (1.8 kgf-m)
Hexagon width across flat: 10 mm
: Screw lock agent (Loctite® 262) application

12. Remove spring seat (23), spring (24), stopper (25)

from each spool (there are two spools).
Cover the spool to protect it from being scratched.

Multiple control valve assembling

To reassemble the multiple control valve, follow the
above procedure in reverse order.
10. Remove plug assembly (21) and remove the O-

: Plug (21): 410 N-m (41.8 kgf-m) Multiple control valve assembly cautions
Hexagon width across flat: 17 mm
- Clean and check all the parts. If a part is defective,
replace or repair it.
- Replace all the O-rings with new ones.
- Apply a thin coat of hydraulic oil or grease to each
part before reassembly.
- Apply the specified torque to tighten each main part.
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Hydraulic Group
Hydraulic Cylinder

Hydraulic Cylinder

Boom cylinder removing and

Boom cylinder removing
(The illustration shows the left side of the machine.)

Unexpected movement of the machine, attachment,
or boom during service work could cause serious
injury or death. To prevent such an accident, observe
the following items:
- Park the machine on level ground, and apply the
parking brake. In addition, block tires with chocks
1. Attach sling to boom cylinder (1).
to prevent wheels from moving.
- Raise the boom until it is horizontal, and then place
: Boom cylinder: 145 kg
stand (A) under the boom to support it.
- Relieve the internal pressure from the loading line,
2. Disconnect hoses (2) (3).
and also relieve the internal pressure from the
hydraulic tank to prevent the oil from spouting out.
: Oil: Approx. 10 L
- Use a stepladder or work platform, and do not
stand on the machine.
Cover the disconnected hoses and pipes with plastic,
Before starting work: plugs, or caps to protect them from dust, water and dirt.
- Clean the area around the cylinder and piping.



3. Remove lock bolt (4) and pin (5).

Relieving residual pressure from pipe
(a) Raise the boom. When the boom is approximately 4. Remove lock bolt (6) on the bottom side and
30 cm above the stand, stop the engine. remove retainer pin (7)
(b) Tilt the bucket all the way down, and then lower the
boom onto the stand. Move the bucket and boom 5. Sling boom cylinder (1) and lower it onto the
levers back and forth to fully relieve the pressure. ground.
(c) First press down on the hydraulic tank cap to vent
residual pressure, then open the cap of the hydrau- For the detailed description of cylinder disassembly and
lic tank. Leave hydraulic tank cap loosely on top of reassembly, refer to "Hydraulic cylinder disassembling
tank opening. and assembling" page 44-39.
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Hydraulic Group
Hydraulic Cylinder

Boom cylinder installing

To reinstall the boom cylinder, follow the above removal

procedure in reverse order.

Boom cylinder installation cautions

Be sure the pins accept grease after installation.

Cylinder air bleeding procedure

After repairing or replacing a cylinder, be sure to
bleed the cylinder of air, or the piston seal or back-up
ring may be seized.

(a) While operating the engine at low-idling speed,

operate the cylinder piston for 4 to 5 strokes.

Stop the piston about 100 mm before stroking fully.

(b) After that, stroke the cylinder piston fully to both

ends 4 to 5 times.

(c) Add hydraulic oil to the tank, and check the cylinder
and its piping for oil leakage.
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Hydraulic Group
Hydraulic Cylinder

Bucket cylinder removing and

Bucket cylinder removing

Unexpected movement of machine, bucket, or boom
during service work could cause serious injury or
death. To prevent such an accident, observe the fol-
lowing items:
- Park the machine on level ground, and apply the
parking brake. In addition, block tires with chocks
to prevent wheels from moving.
2. Disconnect hoses (4)(5).
- Place the boom and the bucket onto the ground.
- Relieve the internal pressure from the loading line,
and also relieve the internal pressure from the
Cover the disconnected hose and the cylinder with plas-
hydraulic tank to prevent the oil from spouting out.
tic, caps or plugs to protect them from dust, water and
- Use a step, and do not stand on the machine.

Before starting work:

- Clean the area around the cylinder and piping.

Relieving residual pressure from pipe

(a) Lower the boom and the bucket onto the ground.
(b) Stop the engine and move the bucket and boom
levers back and forth.
(c) Open the cap of the hydraulic tank to relieve the
residual pressure.

3. Attach sling to bucket cylinder (6).

After that, remove lock bolt (7) and pin (8).

: Bucket cylinder: 141 kg

1. Remove the coupler of bucket positioner switch (1),

and then remove bracket (2).
Remove rod (3) for the bucket positioner.
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Hydraulic Group
Hydraulic Cylinder

Bucket cylinder installation cautions

During service work, do not stand on the machine.
Standing on tire, boom or linkage may cause acci-
dents and serious injury or death. Use a stepladder,
ladder, or work platform, and do not stand on the

- Be sure the pins accept grease after installation.

- Adjust the bucket leveler so that the clearance

between the switch and the rod is 5±2 mm.
4. Disconnect grease pipe (9). Refer to "Bucket positioner" page 15-9.

Cylinder air bleeding procedure

After repairing or replacing a cylinder, be sure to
bleed the cylinder of air, or the piston seal or back-up
ring may be seized.

(a) While operating the engine at low-idling speed,

operate the cylinder piston for 4 to 5 strokes.

5. Remove lock bolt (10) and pin (11). Stop the piston about 100 mm before stroking fully.

6. Slowly lift up bucket cylinder (6) and remove the (b) After that, stroke the cylinder piston fully to both
shim. ends 4 to 5 times.
Lower the bucket cylinder onto the ground.
(c) Add hydraulic oil to the tank, and check the cylinder
For the detailed description of cylinder disassembly and its piping for oil leakage.
and reassembly, refer to "Hydraulic cylinder disas-
sembling and assembling" page 44-39.

Bucket cylinder installing

To reinstall the bucket cylinder, follow the above

removal procedure in reverse order.
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Hydraulic Group
Hydraulic Cylinder

Steering cylinder removing and

Steering cylinder removing

Unexpected movement of machine could cause seri-
ous injury or death. To prevent such an accident,
observe the following items:
- Park the machine on level ground, and apply the
parking brake. In addition, block the tires with
chocks to prevent the wheels from moving.
- Place the boom and the attachment onto the
2. There is a pin (5) between front chassis (3) and
steering cylinder (4).
- Stop the engine, and turn the steering wheel clock-
Remove pin (5), and then push rod (6) into the cyl-
wise and counterclockwise to relieve the pressure
inder to shorten the length of the cylinder.
from the line.
- Press cap downward to vent, then open the cap of
: Approx. 2 L
the hydraulic tank to relieve the internal pressure
Oil will be drained from the oil port of the cylinder.
from the tank.
Place a container at the oil port to catch the drained
- Place a "DO NOT START!" tag on the steering
wheel or the operator's seat.

Before starting work:

- Clean the area around the cylinder to be removed.

3. Disconnect grease pipe (6).

1. Disconnect hoses (1)(2).

Cover the disconnected hoses with plastic, caps, or
plugs to protect them from dust, water, and dirt.
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Hydraulic Group
Hydraulic Cylinder

Steering cylinder installation cautions

Pin installation

Be sure the pins accept grease after installation.

Insert shims so that the clearance between the chas-
sis and the cylinder is 1.2 mm or less.
Place approximately the same number of shims
under the cylinder as on top of the cylinder. Refer to
"Linkage Pin Standard Clearance Values" page 15-3.
4. Remove bolt (7) and pin (8).
5. Remove steering cylinder assembly (4).
Note that two persons are needed to remove and Articulation area is a crush zone. Moving the machine
lift the assembly. with a person in this area can cause injury or death.
When turning the steering wheel while engine is run-
: Steering cylinder: 26 kg ning, do not enter the articulation area of the
Note If a person is in the articulation area, do not start the
For detailed description of cylinder disassembly and engine.
reassembly, refer to "Hydraulic cylinder disassembling
and assembling" page 44-39.
Cylinder air bleeding procedure

Steering cylinder installing IMPORTANT

After repairing or replacing a cylinder, be sure to
To reinstall the steering cylinder, follow the above bleed the cylinder of air, or the piston seal or back-up
removal procedure in reverse order. ring may be seized.

(a) While operating the engine at low-idling speed,

operate the cylinder piston for 4 to 5 strokes.

Stop the piston about 100 mm before stroking fully.

(b) After that, stroke the cylinder piston fully to both

ends 4 to 5 times.

(c) Add hydraulic oil to the tank, and check the cylinder
and its piping for oil leakage.
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Hydraulic Group
Hydraulic Cylinder

Hydraulic cylinder disassembling and assembling

Before disassembly or reassembly, read and under-
stand the aforementioned "Hydraulic Parts Disas-
sembly and Assembly Cautions" page 44-3.

Hydraulic cylinder cross section and tightening torque

Boom cylinder

T1 T2


(S/N 1001~1056, 7101~7128) : Boom cylinder: 145 kg

T1: 2,648 N-m (270 kgf-m)
T2: 588 N-m (60 kgf-m)

(S/N 1057~1200, 7129~7200)

T1: 2,648 N-m (270 kgf-m)
T2: 471 N-m (48 kgf-m)

(S/N 1201~, 7201~)

T1: 3,040 N-m (310 kgf-m)
T2: 471 N-m (48 kgf-m)

T1: Piston nut width across flats: 80 mm

70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Hydraulic Group
Hydraulic Cylinder

(S/N ~1200, ~7200)


7 12

14 11
18 3

(S/N 1227~, 21
7224~) 25

(S/N ~1056,


1. Cylinder tube 16. O-ring

2. Rod 17. Back-up ring
3. Piston 18. U-packing
4. Rod cover 19. Back-up ring
5. Bushing 20. Buffer ring
6. Bushing 21. Scraper ring
7. Piston nut 22. Dust seal
8. Stop ring 23. Stop ring
9. Bolt 24. —
10. Spring washer 25. Stop ring
11. Wear ring
12. Square ring
13. Slipper ring
14. O-ring
15. Wear ring
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Hydraulic Group
Hydraulic Cylinder

Bucket cylinder (S/N ~1964, ~7775)

T1 T2


T1: Piston nut width across flats: 90 mm

T1: 4,217 N-m (430 kgf-m)
T2: 880 N-m (90 kgf-m) : Bucket cylinder: 141 kg

(S/N ~1226, ~7223)

1 22

8 14
7 (S/N 1048~,
7126~) 15


10 22
9 6
26 22
(S/N 1048~, 7126~) 70K44027a

1. Cylinder tube 10. Spring washer 19. U-packing

2. Rod 11. Wear ring 20. Back-up ring
3. Piston 12. Square ring 21. Scraper ring
4. Rod cover 13. Slipper ring 22. Dust seal
5. Bushing 14. Wear ring 23. Stop ring
6. Bushing 15. O-ring 24. Plug
7. Piston nut 16. O-ring 25. O-ring
8. Stop ring 17. Back-up ring 26. Plug
9. Bolt 18. Buffer ring
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Hydraulic Group
Hydraulic Cylinder

Bucket cylinder (S/N 1965~, 7776~)

T1 T2


(S/N 1965~2550, 7776~) (S/N 2551~)

T1: 5,900±300 N-m (602±31 kgf-m) T1: 5,900±300 N-m (602±31 kgf-m)
T2: 880±90 N-m (90±9 kgf-m) T2: 500±65 N-m (56±6.6 kgf-m) (S/N 2551~)

: Bucket cylinder: 135 kg

880±90 N-m 500±65 N-m

(90±9 kgf-m) (56±6.6 kgf-m)

Cylinder bolt (20) tightening torque


Number of cylinder fixing bolt (T2) has increased on S/N
70J1-2551 and thereafter.
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Hydraulic Group
Hydraulic Cylinder


1 6
22 11

24 25 8
24 14

22 2
21 6


1. Cylinder tube 10. — 19. U-packing

2. Rod 11. Wear ring 20. Back-up ring
3. Piston 12. — 21. Scraper ring
4. Rod cover 13. — 22. Dust seal
5. Bushing 14. Wear ring 23. Stop ring
6. Bushing 15. O-ring 24. Plug
7. Piston nut 16. — 25. O-ring
8. — 17. Back-up ring
9. Bolt 18. Buffer ring
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Hydraulic Group
Hydraulic Cylinder

Steering cylinder (S/N 1001~1972, 7101~7771)


T1: Piston nut width across flats: 50 mm

T1: 1,471 N-m (150 kgf-m)
T2: 1,569 N-m (160 kgf-m) : Steering cylinder: 26 kg

(S/N ~1226, ~7223)

1 6



16 15

8 17 12

(S/N 1227~, 7224~) 18

(S/N ~1226,
22 21 (S/N 1048~, 7126~)

19 (S/N ~1047, ~7125) 2


5 11

1. Cylinder tube 10. O-ring 19. Back-up ring

2. Rod 11. Dust seal 20. Back-up ring
3. Piston 12. Wear ring 21. Buffer ring
4. Rod cover 13. Square ring 22. Screw
5. Bushing 14. Slipper ring
6. Bushing 15. O-ring
7. Scraper ring 16. O-ring
8. Piston nut 17. Back-up ring
9. Stop ring 18. U-packing
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Hydraulic Group
Hydraulic Cylinder

Steering cylinder (S/N 1973~, 7772~)

T1 T2


T1: 930±50 N-m (95±5 kgf-m)

T2: 300±30 N-m (31±3 kgf-m)

(S/N 1973~1982, 7772~7852)



12 12

13 2

6 11

1. Cylinder tube 9. Clip 17. Back-up ring

2. Rod 10. — 18. O-ring
3. Piston 11. Dust seal 19. Buffer ring
4. Rod cover (case) 12. Wear ring
5. Bushing 13. Packing
6. Bushing 14. Back-up ring
7. Packing 15. Dust seal
8. Piston nut 16. O-ring
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Hydraulic Group
Hydraulic Cylinder

(S/N 1983~, 7853~)



8 9
18 14




1. Cylinder tube
2. Rod : Steering cylinder: 24 kg
3. Piston
4. Rod cover (case)
5. Bushing
6. Bushing
7. Packing
8. Piston nut
9. Clip
10. —
11. Dust seal
12. Wear ring
13. Packing
14. Back-up ring
15. Dust seal
16. O-ring
17. Back-up ring
18. O-ring
19. Buffer ring
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Hydraulic Group
Hydraulic Cylinder

Hydraulic cylinder disassembling

The boom cylinder disassembling procedure is 4
described below. For other cylinders, follow the same


3. Remove piston rod assembly (4) from the cylinder


: Hydraulic oil will be drained, so place a

Repair stand container to receive the drain oil.

1. Install the bottom side of the cylinder to the repair

stand. Repair stand


Wooden block

4. Remove the cylinder tube from the repair stand and
1 install rod assembly (4) to the repair stand and sup-
95ZV44005 port the rod as shown in the figure.

2. Put the matchmarks on rod cover (1) and cylinder

tube (2). Remove rod cover bolt (3).

: Bolt (3):
(Boom cylinder)
471 N-m (48.0 kgf-m)
(Bucket cylinder) (S/N ~2550)
880 N-m (90 kgf-m)
(Bucket cylinder) (S/N 2551~)
500 N-m (56 kgf-m)

: Rod cover (1):

(Steering cylinder) (S/N ~1972, ~7771)
1,569 N-m (160 kgf-m)
(Steering cylinder) (S/N 1973~, 7772~)
300 N-m (31kgf-m)
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Hydraulic Group
Hydraulic Cylinder

5 Matchmark
6 7 4

95ZV44008 95ZV44010

5. Remove stop ring (5) and put matchmarks on rod 7. Remove piston nut (6), and then remove piston (7)
(4) and piston nut (6) for alignment with the stop from piston rod (4).
ring holes.
8. Remove wear ring (8), square ring (9), slipper ring
(10), O-ring (11), wear ring (12) and piston packing
6 (19).
(There is no square ring (9), slipper ring (10) and O-
C ring (11) for the bucket cylinder and the steering

Hydraulic jack Refer to "Boom cylinder" page 44-39 through "Steering
cylinder (S/N 1973~, 7772~)" page 44-45 for each parts.

Hydraulic cylinder

6. Use a hydraulic jack or hydraulic cylinder to loosen

piston nut (6).

Piston nut width

Tightening torque
across flats
(S/N ~1200, ~7200) 4
2,648 N-m (270 kgf-m)
Boom cylinder 80 mm
(S/N 1201~, 7201~)
3,040 N-m (310) kgf-m)
(S/N ~1964, ~7775)
4,217 N-m (430 kgf-m)
Bucket cylinder 90 mm
(S/N 1965~, 7776~)
5,900 N-m (602 kgf-m)
9. Remove rod cover (1) from piston rod (4).
(S/N ~1972, ~7771)
1,471 N-m (150 kgf-m) 10. Remove scraper ring (13), back-up ring (14), U-
Steering cylinder 50 mm
(S/N 1973~, 7772~) packing (15), buffer ring (18), back-up ring (16), O-
930 N-m (95 kgf-m) ring (17), stop ring (20) and dust seal (21) from rod
cover (1).

Refer to "Boom cylinder" page 44-39 through "Steering
cylinder (S/N 1973~, 7772~)" page 44-45 for each parts.
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Hydraulic Group
Hydraulic Cylinder

Hydraulic cylinder assembling Hydraulic cylinder assembly cautions

To reassembling the hydraulic cylinders, follow the Before starting work:

above removal procedure in reverse order. - Be sure to replace all the seals and packings.
- Clean and check all the parts. If a part is damaged,
replace it.
- Before reassembling the parts, apply a coat of
hydraulic oil to the parts.

Hot oil can cause injury or burns.
Avoid contact with hot oil.

Slipper ring installation

Slipper ring
Piston nut

Example of boom cylinder K70ZIV4406

Put the slipper ring into hot oil to heat the ring to

- This is because the inner diameter of the slipper ring
is smaller than the outer diameter of the piston.
Therefore, heat the slipper ring to expand its inner
diameter for easy attachment.
- Attach the slipper ring while taking care not to dam-
age the ring by over expansion.
- After attaching the slipper ring, cool the slipper ring
so that it is contracted to the original size.
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Hydraulic Group
Hydraulic Cylinder

Back-up ring installation Rod cover installation

95ZV44017 K65V2E44013

Before installing back-up ring (2) and O-ring (3), heat When installing the rod cover of the steering cylinder,
the back-up ring. screw the rod cover using a spanner wrench.
Screw in and tighten the set screw.
Note Stake the set screw.
This is because the inner diameter of the back-up ring is
smaller than the outer diameter of the rod cover. To :
easily attach the back-up ring to the rod cover, heat the 1,569 N-m (160 kgf-m) (S/N ~1972, ~7771)
ring to soften it. The soft ring can be easily expanded. 300 N-m (31 kgf-m) (S/N 1973~, 7772~)

Be careful not to over expand the back-up ring. After

installation, wait until the back-up ring is cooled, and
then insert the rod cover into the cylinder tube.



Caulk rod cover (1) at four points to prevent scraper ring

(13) from coming out.
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Hydraulic Group
Pilot Valve

Pilot Valve
For bucket control

Neutral For bucket For boom

1 control control
Roll back Dump


To tank port

5 P
From pump port

Bucket Boom
spool in spool in
To / from MCV oil packs MCV MCV

View from the rear side


1. Lever
2. Disc
3. Push rod
4. Spring seat
5. Spring for secondary pressure
6. Return spring
7. Spool
8. Detent magnet solenoid
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Hydraulic Group
Pilot Valve

For boom control

Raise Neutral Down Float

(Detent) (Detent)

To tank port

70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Hydraulic Group
Pilot Valve

Pilot valve removing and installing PUS switch

Pilot valve

Pilot valve removing


Unexpected movement of the machine could cause
serious injury or death. To prevent such an accident,
observe the following items: 7
- Park the machine on level ground, and then block
tires with chocks to prevent wheels from moving.
- Apply the parking brake. 70N44008
- Lower the attachment onto the ground, and then
relieve the internal pressure from the line.
- Relieve the internal pressure from the hydraulic 3. Separate the PUS switch.
tank. Disconnect electrical line (6) of the PUS switch.

4. Disconnect electrical line (7) from the pilot valve.

Cover mount Before disconnecting the electrical couplers, be sure to
put matchmarks on them.

Pilot valve

Control box

1. Open the cab door (the right hand side).

Remove cover (1) from the control box.

Pilot valve
5. Disconnect hoses (8)(9)(10) from the pilot valve.

: Drain oil: Approx. 1 L

Before disconnecting the hoses, be sure to put
matchmarks on them.
Cover the disconnected hoses with plastic, caps, or
plugs to protect them from dust and dirt.

2. Remove the knobs, boot (2), and covers (3)(4)(5).

70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Hydraulic Group
Pilot Valve

Pilot valve installing

To reinstall the pilot valve, follow the removal procedure

in reverse order.

Pilot valve
Pilot valve installation cautions

After reinstallation, check operation of the pilot valve. In

addition, check the pilot valve for oil leakage.
If the oil level is too low, add hydraulic oil to the tank.

6. Loosen nut (11) and disconnect the rod from the

pilot valve.
Remove bolt (12) (4 pcs) and pull up the pilot valve
to remove it.

: Bolt (12): 28 N-m (2.9 kgf-m)

: Pilot valve: 9.5 kg
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Hydraulic Group
Pilot Valve

Pilot valve disassembling and assembling

Before disassembly or reassembly, read and under-
stand the aforementioned "Hydraulic Parts Disas-
sembly and Assembly Cautions" page 44-3.

Pilot valve tightening torque

For boom
Bucket side Boom side

For bucket

T1 T1

T3 L1 T3 L1
T5 T5
T4 T4

T1 T1 T4

T1 T1

T1: 29 N-m (3.0 kgf-m)
T2: 36 N-m (3.7 kgf-m)
T3: 17 N-m (1.7 kgf-m)
T4: 42 N-m (4.3 kgf-m)
T5: 12 N-m (1.2 kgf-m) T1 T1 95ZV44021

: L1: Screw lock agent (Three Bond 1327) : Pilot valve: 9.5 kg
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Hydraulic Group
Pilot Valve

Pilot valve disassembling 3. Loosen the lock nut for solenoid (3), and then
remove solenoid from cover (2).

IMPORTANT : Solenoid: 42 N-m (4.3 kgf-m)

- Place the removed parts, in order, on a clean
paper or cloth. 4. Be sure to carefully store ball (4).
- Carefully disassemble the pilot valve so that the
parts are not scratched.

(Illustrated on the boom side. Disassemble the bucket 6
side in the same manner.)

1. Plug all ports of the pilot valve and rinse it with illu-
minating kerosene.


5. Loosen socket bolt (5).
Put a matchmark on lever (6) and disc (7) and
remove lever (6) from disc (7).
: Bolt (5): 29 N-m (3.0 kgf-m)


2. Clamp the pilot valve in a vise.

Pull up boot (1) to remove it from cover (2).

Lock nut


6. Loosen socket bolt (8).

Remove cam shaft (9).

: Bolt (8): 17 N-m (1.7 kgf-m)

: Screw lock agent (Three Bond 1327)

Note In case the cam shaft cannot be pulled out, use the
Before removing solenoid (3), measure the distance (A) hexagon wrench to push it out.
between solenoid (3) and cover (2).
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Hydraulic Group
Pilot Valve

7 10

97ZV44026 97ZV44028

7. Temporarily tighten socket bolt (5). 10. Put matchmark on plug (11), push rod (12) and
Put matchmark on disc (7) and cover (2). case assembly (14).
Pull up socket bolt (5) with disc (7) to remove it. Remove plug (11) together with push rod (12).

8. Loosen socket bolt (10). Note

- Carefully store the spring and spring seat in the push
: Bolt (10): 12 N-m (1.2 kgf-m) rod.
- Carefully remove plug (11) as it may spring out by
Note the spring force. Be careful so that the parts are not
In case the spring force for the return spring is strong, damaged.
alternately loosen the socket bolts so that cover (2) can - In case plug (11) does not come out, use a screw-
be level. driver to remove it.

11. Put matchmark on reducing valve assembly and

A case assembly. Remove reducing valve assembly
(13) from case assembly (14).




9. Put matchmark on cover (2) and the case assem-
Remove cover (2) from the case assembly.

12. Disassemble plug (11).

- Remove spring (19) and spring seat (20) from
push rod (12), when mounted.
- Remove push rod (12) from plug (11).

Keep the disassembled parts per each port.
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Hydraulic Group
Pilot Valve


25 Carefully install the

spool into the case.


97ZV44033 95ZV44022

13. Disassemble reducing valve (13). Note

- Push down spring seat (23). When installing, carefully install the spool assembly so
- Remove plain washer (24). that the end of the spool does not hit the hole corner in
- Remove spring (25) and shim (26), if any, the case assembly.
from spool (22).

Note 17
- Carefully remove plain washer so that the spool is 18
not damaged.
- Do not push down spring seat (23) 4 mm or more.
- Shim is for the secondary pressure adjustment.



15 15. Clamp case assembly (14) in a vise up side down.

Put matchmark on plate (18) and case assembly
Loosen socket bolt (17) and remove plate (18) from
the case assembly.

: Bolt (17): 29 N-m (3.0 kgf-m)

14. Put matchmark on return springs (15)(16) and case
assembly (14).
Remove return springs (15)(16) from case assem-
bly (14).
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Hydraulic Group
Pilot Valve

Pilot valve assembling Pilot valve assembly cautions

To reassemble the pilot valve, follow the above disas- - Clean and check all the parts. If any part is defective,
sembly procedure in reverse order. replace or repair it.

- Replace all the O-rings and seals with new ones.

- Apply the specified torque to tighten each main part.

- Apply a thin coat of hydraulic oil or grease to each

part before reassembly.

- Measure the resistance of each coil magnet assem-

bly. The resistance should be 138 Ω at normal room
temperature (20ºC). If measured in extremely low
temperatures the resistance will be less, and at oper-
ating temperature the resistance will be higher.


Sharp edge



- Install plain washer (24) so that the plain washer

sharp edge side comes to the top.

- Do not push spring seat (23) 4 mm or more.

70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Hydraulic Group
Orbitrol® (S/N 2201~, 8251~)

Orbitrol® (S/N 2201~, 8251~)

Orbitrol® removing and installing

Orbitrol® removing

Unexpected movement of machine could cause seri-
ous injury or death. To prevent such an accident,
observe the following items: 1
- Park the machine on level ground, and lower the 2
attachment onto the ground.
- Block tires with chocks to prevent wheels from K70IV2EX44001
- Apply the articulation stopper.
- Before starting work, be sure to remove the engine 1. Remove cover (1).
key, and hang a "DO NOT START!" tag on the
steering wheel or the operator's seat. 2. Remove floor mat (2).
- Relieve the internal pressure from the steering
hydraulic line by turning the steering wheel left and
- Relieve the internal pressure from the hydraulic

This work should be done by two persons. One person
should support the Orbitrol® under the machine. The
person in the cab should remove the retainer bolt. Orbitrol®


3. Put matchmarks on hoses (3), and then disconnect

them from Orbitrol® (4).
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Hydraulic Group
Orbitrol® (S/N 2201~, 8251~)

Orbitrol® installation cautions

At the completion of reinstallation, check operation of

the Orbitrol® by following the procedure below:

5 Entering the articulation area while engine is running
may cause serious injury or death.
So, when entering the area, stop the engine and
place "DO NOT START" or "DO NOT OPERATE" tag
on steering wheel or the operator's seat.

Start the engine and check around the Orbitrol® for oil
4. Remove bolts (4) (5), and then remove the leakage.

: Bolt (4)(5): 53 N-m (5.4 kgf-m)

: Orbitrol®: 7.3 kg

Orbitrol® installing

To reinstall the Orbitrol®, follow the above removal pro-

cedure in reverse order.
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Hydraulic Group
Orbitrol® (S/N 2201~, 8251~)

Orbitrol® disassembling and


Before disassembly or reassembly, read and under-
stand the aforementioned "Hydraulic Parts Disas-
sembly and Assembly Cautions" page 44-3.

Orbitrol® cross section and tightening torque

Centering springs

Push spool O-ring

Check value
Sleeve O-ring

Make-up valve T1

Needle bearing Ball

Seal unit

Spacer End cap

Overload relief

Rotor assembly
Drive shaft


: : 7.3 kg
T1: 28 N-m (2.9 kgf-m)
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Hydraulic Group
Orbitrol® (S/N 2201~, 8251~)

Orbitrol® disassembling

[ Disassembling rotor ]

Make matchmarks
before disassembling
unit. 25 A
(1 m m


Copper plate

1. Set the Orbitrol in a vise so that the rotor side
comes to the top position.
Use a copper plates on a vise and do not tighten
the vise too strong.


2. Remove seven bolts (1), end cap (3), O-ring (4)

and spacer (5).

The make-up valve installed in the housing is tightened
with bolts (A).
When removing the bolts, take care not to drop the
make-up valve.
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Hydraulic Group
Orbitrol® (S/N 2201~, 8251~)


8 6 15

60ZV44081 70V2E44017

3. Remove rotor assembly (6) and O-ring (7). 5. Remove the housing from the vise.
Remove adapter screw (12), Spring pin (14) and
Note ball (13) of the emergency check valve by a screw
Keep star (8) in rotor assembly (6). driver.
Also remove pin (15) and ball (16) of the make-up




4. Remove drive shaft (9), spacer plate (10) and O-

ring (11).
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Hydraulic Group
Orbitrol® (S/N 2201~, 8251~)

[ Disassembling valve ]

18 19


8. Remove Y-packing seal (19) and dust seal (20)
from seal retainer (18).
6. Remove retainer ring (17) with a screw driver.
Note Take care not to damage seal retainer (18).
Carefully remove the retainer ring so that it does not
spring out.




9. Remove races (21), needle bearing (22), and O-
ring (23).
7. Place the housing horizontally on clean cloth.
Rotate the spool and sleeve so that the pin can be
in a horizontal position. Remove seal retainer (18)
by pressing the spool and sleeve from behind with
your fingers.
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Hydraulic Group
Orbitrol® (S/N 2201~, 8251~)



Spool / sleeve

60ZV44088 60ZV44090

10. Pull the spool and sleeve assembly out slowly, turn- 12. Push spool (25) slightly out of sleeve (26), and
ing it clockwise and counterclockwise from the remove centering springs (27).

Take care so that the spool and sleeve assembly do not
damage the housing.

Spool / sleeve 26
assembly 25


13. Pull spool (25) from sleeve (26) while slowly turning
the spool clockwise and counterclockwise.

11. Pull out pin (24) from the spool and sleeve assem-

Before pulling out pin (24), put matchmarks on spool 31
(25) and sleeve (26) for reassembly. 29

Overload relief valve units


14. Remove plug (27) to remove O-ring (28) from the

plug using a hexagon (allen) wrench (width across
flat: 5 mm).
Take out spring (29), poppet (30) and seat (31) (2
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Hydraulic Group
Orbitrol® (S/N 2201~, 8251~)

Orbitrol® assembling

32 [ Reassembling valve ]

Spring groove


Spring groove


Inlet check valve (32) built in port P is connected with Matchmark
the housing and cannot be removed. 60ZV44094

1. Assemble spool (25) and sleeve (26) so that the

spring grooves in them are lined up. Use light oil for
assembly of parts

- Confirm that the spool can be turned easily in the
- Align the matchmarks on the spool and sleeve.




2. Install centering springs (27) through the spring

grooves in spool (25) and sleeve (26) using a
spring insertion jig.

Assemble two sets of 2 springs each, back to back, with
the flat plate in between the sets, and install with the
notches at the ends facing downward.
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Hydraulic Group
Orbitrol® (S/N 2201~, 8251~)

22 21


60ZV44096 60ZV44098

3. Insert pin (24) in the holes in spool (25) and sleeve 5. Install O-ring (23), races (21), and needle bearing
(26) until the end of the pin is flush with the surface (22).
of the sleeve.

18 19
Housing 20

Spool / sleeve

6. Insert dust seal (20) and Y-packing seal (19) in seal

4. Insert the spool and sleeve assembly squarely retainer (18).
inward from the back of housing.

- Take care not to tilt the assembly and cause damage 17
during insertion.
- Insert the assembly until the back end of the assem-
bly is flush with the back end of the housing. 18
- Confirm that the assembly can be turned easily in
the housing. 25


7. Insert seal retainer (18) onto spool (25), and then

tap it gently into position with a plastic-faced ham-
mer. Then install retainer ring (17).
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Hydraulic Group
Orbitrol® (S/N 2201~, 8251~)

[ Reassembling rotor ]
Screw driver
Dust seal
Retainer ring

Seal retainer 25
(1 m m
Y-packing seal



Be sure that the position and direction of the seals are
placed correctly. 9. Set the Orbitrol® in a vise so that the rotor side
comes to the top position.
Use a copper plates on a vise and do not tighten
27 the vise too strong.
Overload relief 29
valve units 30
31 10

11 12
16 13


8. Insert O-ring (28) in plug (27). Apply grease to ball

holder (30) and install ball (31).
Insert ball holder (30) and spring (29) into the hous-
ing, and then insert plug (27) using the hexagon 10. Insert ball (16) and pin (15) of the make-up valve to
wrench (width across flat: 5 mm). the housing.
Insert ball (13) and spring pin (14) of the emer-
gency check valve and tighten adapter screw (12)
by a screw driver.
Then install O-ring (11) to the housing and put on
spacer plate (10).
Align the bolt holes in the plate with those in the
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Hydraulic Group
Orbitrol® (S/N 2201~, 8251~)

Grooves in rotor bore A

Port face
Drive shaft
Parallelize with
port face D

Port face
24 95ZV44029

11. Insert drive shaft (9) to mate its yoke with pin (24). 13. Holding the rotor assembly with the O-ring side fac-
Rotate the spool and sleeve so that the pin (24) can ing the spacer plate, install the assembly so that
be parallel with the port face. the grooves in the star-shaped bore mesh with the
drive shaft.
Put a matchmark on the end face of the drive shaft par- Note
allel with the pin. - Align the bolt holes in the rotor assembly with those
in the housing without disengaging the drive shaft
from the rotor assembly's star-shaped bore.
- Confirm that lines A, B, C and D are all parallel.


7 1


12. Put O-ring (7) in rotor assembly (6).


14. Install spacer (4), O-ring (3) and end cap (2).
Provisionally tighten bolt (1).

: Provisional tightening torque:

15 N-m (1.5 kgf-m)
Tightening torque: 28 N-m (2.9 kgf-m)
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Hydraulic Group
Orbitrol® (S/N 2201~, 8251~)

6 4

1 2

3 7


15. Evenly tighten the seven bolts in the order shown

70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Hydraulic Group
Priority Valve (S/N 2201~, 8251~)

Priority Valve (S/N 2201~, 8251~)

Priority valve removing and

installing 8
Priority valve removing

Unexpected movement of machine could cause seri-
ous injury or death. To prevent such an accident,
observe the following items: 7
- Park the machine on level ground, and lower the
attachment onto the ground. K70IV2EX44005
- Block tires with chocks to prevent wheels from
2. Disconnect hoses (5)(6) to the Orbitrol® and drain
- Apply the articulation stopper.
hose (7).
- Before starting work, be sure to remove the engine
key, and hang a "DO NOT START!" tag on the
steering wheel or the operator's seat.
- Approximately 1 L of hydraulic oil will be drained
- Relieve the internal pressure from the steering
from the disconnected hoses. Place a container to
hydraulic line by turning the steering wheel left and
receive the drained oil.
- Cover the disconnected hoses with vinyl, plugs or
- Relieve the internal pressure from the hydraulic
caps to protect them from dust and dirt.
3. Loosen bolt (8) to remove priority valve (1).
Before starting work:
- Release residual pressure in the loading and steer- : Priority valve: Approx. 6 kg
ing lines.

Priority valve installing


To reinstall the priority valve, follow the above removal

procedure in reverse order.


1. Disconnect hoses (2)(3) from the pump, hose (4) to

the multiple control valve.

Cover the disconnected hoses with vinyl, plugs or caps
to protect them from dust and dirt.
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Hydraulic Group
Priority Valve (S/N 2201~, 8251~)

Priority valve disassembling and assembling

Before disassembly or reassembly, read and under-
stand the aforementioned "Hydraulic Parts Disas-
sembly and Assembly Cautions" page 44-3.

Priority valve cross section and tightening torque

T2 T2



:(S/N ~2429) Priority valve disassembly cautions

T1: 25 N-m (2.5 kgf-m)
T2: 54 N-m (5.5 kgf-m) Carefully remove plug (1) or (2). It may spring out by the
spring force. Alternately loosen plug (1)(2) to reduce the
:(S/N 2430~) spring force and remove them.
T1: 21 N-m (2.1 kgf-m)
T2: 44 N-m (4.5 kgf-m)
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Hydraulic Group
Accumulator (S/N 2201~, 8251~)

Accumulator (S/N 2201~, 8251~)

Accumulator removing and install-

Accumulator removing

Unexpected movement of machine could cause seri-
ous injury or death. To prevent such an accident,
observe the following items:
- Park the machine on level ground, and lower the
attachment onto the ground.
- Block tires with chocks to prevent wheels from
- Before starting work, be sure to remove the engine
key, and hang a "DO NOT START!" tag on the
steering wheel or the operator's seat, or discon-
nect the negative side of the battery. 1

Before starting work:
- Press the hydraulic oil tank cap, and relieve the 4
internal pressure from the hydraulic tank.


1. Remove cover (1) from the hydraulic oil tank.

2. Remove hose (2).

3. Remove nut (3) and then remove band (4).

4. Remove accumulator.

: Accumulator: 2.7 kg/pc

Accumulator installing

To reinstall the accumulator, follow the above removal

procedure in reverse order.

Accumulator installation cautions

- Replace all O-rings and seals during reinstallation.

- After reinstallation, completely bleed the brake line
of air, and check performance of the accumulator.
70ZIV-2 Service Standard Hydraulic Group

70ZIV-2 Service Standard

Hydraulic Group

Steering Linkage (S/N ~2200, ~8250) ..................... 45-2

Gear Pump .............................................................. 45-4
Hydraulic Cylinder ................................................... 45-5
Pilot Valve................................................................ 45-6
70ZIV-2 Service Standard Hydraulic Group
Steering Linkage (S/N ~2200, ~8250)

Steering Linkage (S/N ~2200, ~8250)

Center of
center pin

Drop arm
Left-turn position
70ZIV-2 Service Standard Hydraulic Group
Steering Linkage (S/N ~2200, ~8250)

Steering linkage tightening torque

No. Item Standard value Solution

1 Steering valve retainer bolt tightening torque 52.5 N-m (5.35 kgf-m)

2 Link bracket retainer bolt tightening torque 216 N-m (22.0 kgf-m)

3 Ball joint retainer nut tightening torque 191 N-m (19.5 kgf-m)

4 Ball joint lock nut tightening torque 113 N-m (11.5 kgf-m) Tightening

5 Steering valve bracket retainer bolt tightening torque 216 N-m (22.0 kgf-m)

6 Overload relief valve tightening torque 83 N-m (8.5 kgf-m)

7 Main relief valve tightening torque 103 N-m (10.5 kgf-m)

70ZIV-2 Service Standard Hydraulic Group
Gear Pump

Gear Pump

Front (for steering) Center (for loading) Rear (for loading)

No. Item Standard value Solution

1 Deviation of the gear width 0.01 mm or less Replacement of pump assy

2 Deviation of the drive and the driven shaft outer diameter 0.01 mm or less Replacement of pump assy

3 Deviation of the inner diameter of the bushing 0.02 mm or less Replacement of pump assy

4 Roughness of the pressure plate surface 0.02 mm or less Replacement of pump assy

5 Pump connection bolt tightening torque 34 N-m (3.5 kgf-m) Tightening

6 Pump connection bolt tightening torque 34 N-m (3.5 kgf-m) Tightening

70ZIV-2 Service Standard Hydraulic Group
Hydraulic Cylinder

Hydraulic Cylinder

Boom cylinder

Steering cylinder

Unit: mm
Judgment standard
No. Item Standard rod Standard value Standard Limit Solution
diameter Rod Bushing clearance Bushing Clearance
Boom cylinder ø75 -0.030~-0.076 +0.195~+0.060 0.090~0.271 +0.295 0.371 Replacement
1 Bucket cylinder ø80 -0.030~-0.076 +0.190~+0.060 0.090~0.266 +0.290 0.366 Replacement
Steering cylinder ø45 -0.025~-0.064 +0.105~0 0.025~0.169 +0.205 0.269 Replacement

No. Item Boom cylinder Bucket cylinder Steering cylinder

(S/N ~1200, ~7200) (S/N ~1964, ~7775) (S/N ~1972, ~7771)
2,648 N-m (270 kgf-m) 4,217 N-m (430 kgf-m) 1,471 N-m (150 kgf-m)
Piston nut tightening torque
(S/N 1201~, 7201~) (S/N 1965~, 7776~) (S/N 1973~, 7772~)
2 3,040 N-m (310 kgf-m) 5,900 N-m (602 kgf-m) 930 N-m (95 kgf-m)
Piston nut size (mm) M52 x 2 M62 x 2 M33 x 3
Piston nut width across flat (mm) 80 90 50
(S/N 1001~2550, 7101~) (S/N ~1972, ~7771)
880 N-m (90 kgf-m) 1,569 N-m (160 kgf-m)
Rod cover bolt tightening torque 471 N-m (48 kgf-m)
3 (S/N 2551~) (S/N 1973~, 7772~)
500 N-m (56 kgf-m) 300 N-m (31 kgf-m)
Bolt size (mm) M20 M24 (Rod cover)
4 Piston stroke (mm) 754 502 380
70ZIV-2 Service Standard Hydraulic Group
Pilot Valve

Pilot Valve


Judgment standard
No. Item Solution
Standard valve Allowable limit

1 mm
2 Push rod 36 mm 35 mm Replacement

85V2E45003 Ø 7 mm
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Brake Group

70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly

Brake Group

Brake Valve Assembly............................................. 54-2

Air Master Assembly ............................................... 54-6
Service Brake .......................................................... 54-11
Air Cylinder for Parking Brake ................................. 54-12
Parking Brake.......................................................... 54-17
Air Tank ................................................................... 54-19
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Brake Group
Brake Valve Assembly

Brake Valve Assembly

Brake valve removing and install-

Brake valve removing

Unexpected movement of the machine could cause
an accident resulting in injury or death. To prevent
such an accident, observe the following items:
- Park the machine on level ground.
- Block the front wheels with chocks to prevent the
wheels from moving.
- Relieve the air pressure from the air tank.
3. The person in the cab should remove three connec-
tion bolts (5) from brake pedal (4), and the person
Before starting work: under the machine should remove the brake valve.
- Stop the engine. Depress the brake pedal many Remove pedal assembly (4) from the top side.
times until there is no brake pressure.
- Clean the area around the brake valve.

Brake valve installing

To reinstall the brake valve, follow the above removal

procedure in reverse order.

Brake valve installation cautions

After reinstallation, completely bleed the brake line of

air, and check all the pipe-joints for oil leakage.
To check or adjust the brake valve, refer to the 70ZIV-2
Shop Manual, Function & Structure, Section 53.

1. Disconnect air pipes (1), tee (2), and then discon-

nect air hose (3).

Cover the disconnected hoses and pipes with plastic,
plugs or caps to protect them from dust and dirt.

2. One person should support the brake valve under

the machine, and another person should enter the
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Brake Group
Brake Valve Assembly

Brake valve disassembling and assembling

Brake valve cross section and tightening torque (main valve)

T1: 12 N-m (1.2 kgf-m)
T2: 6 N-m (0.6 kgf-m)
T3: 34 N-m (3.5 kgf-m)

L1: Liquid gasket
(Loctite® gasket 568)
L2: Anti-seize compound

1. Diaphragm
2. Cover
3. Inlet / exhaust valve
4. Body
5. Piston
6. Relay piston assembly
7. Valve assembly
8. Body
9. Upper piston assembly
10. Spring seat
11. Boot
12. Plunger
13. Roller
14. .Spring
15. Pin
16. Pedal
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Brake Group
Brake Valve Assembly

Brake valve disassembling

Before starting work:

- Clean the outer surface of the valve.

4. Remove retainer ring (4), spring seat (5), O-rings

(6)(7), retainer (8), valve spring (9), and inlet
exhaust valve (10).
Also remove body retainer bolt (11).

1. Remove diaphragm (1) and cover (2).

5. Separate the body into two sections (12)(13).

2. Remove inlet exhaust valve assembly (3).

6. Loosen and remove nut (14), and then remove

spring set (15), piston assemblies (16)(17), rubber
3. Disassemble inlet exhaust valve assembly (3). spring (18), and piston return springs (19)(20).
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Brake Group
Brake Valve Assembly

Brake valve assembling

To reassemble the brake valve, follow the above disas-

sembly procedure in reverse order.

Brake valve assembly cautions

- Clean and check all the parts. If a part is defective,

replace or repair the part.

- Replace all the O-rings and seals with new ones.

- Apply lithium-based grease to all the sliding surfaces

of the body, O-rings, and O-ring grooves.

Certain cleaners and solvents can damage rubber
parts, use only approved cleaners and solvents.

- Apply the specified torque to tighten each main


- After reassembly, reinstall the brake valve on the

machine, and check that no air is leaking.
Also check operation of the brake valve referring to
"Checking Brake Valve" in Section 53.
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Brake Group
Air Master Assembly

Air Master Assembly

Air master removing and installing

Air master removing

Unexpected movement of the machine could cause
an accident resulting in injury or death. To prevent
such an accident, observe the following items:
- Park the machine on level ground.
- Block the front wheels with chocks to prevent the
wheels from moving.
- Relieve the air pressure from the air tank.

Before starting work:

- Remove the left side deck (refer to Section 14).
2. Disconnect stroke indicator connectors (4), and
remove brake pipe (3).

1. Disconnect air hoses (1) and brake hose (2).

3. Remove bolts (5) and then remove air master (6).
- Cover the disconnected hoses and pipes with plas-
tic, plugs or caps to protect them from dust and dirt.
- The brake oil will be drained. Place a container to Air master installing
catch the drained oil.
To reinstall the air master, follow the above removal
: Brake oil: 1.5 L procedure in reverse order.
Replace all O-rings and seals during reinstallation.

- After reinstallation, completely bleed the brake line
of air, and check performance of the air master.
- To bleed the brake line of air, refer to the 70ZIV-2
Shop Manual, Function and Structure, Section 53.
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Brake Group
Air Master Assembly

Air master disassembling and assembling

Air master tightening torque

1. Pressure plate 21. Gasket

2. Non-pressure plate 22. Piston stopper plate
3. Diaphragm 23. C-ring
4. Return spring 24. Spring guide
5. Push rod assembly 25. Gasket
6. Clamp ring 26. Stroke indicator
7. Bolt 27. Bolt
8. Nut 28. Ball
9. Push nut 29. Bleeder screw
10. Nut 30. Cap
11. Spring nut
12. Nut
13. Cylinder :
14. Return spring T1: 20 N-m (2.0 kgf-m)
15. O-ring T2: 64 N-m (6.5 kgf-m)
16. ST seal T3: 88 N-m (9.0 kgf-m)
17. SKY seal T4: 10 N-m (1.0 kgf-m)
18. O-ring T5: 29 N-m (3.0 kgf-m)
19. Piston
20. Valve assembly
L1: Screw lock agent (Three Bond 1327) application
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Brake Group
Air Master Assembly

Air master disassembling

- Clean the outer surface of the air master.
- Put match marks on the parts before disassembly.
- Sequentially place the removed parts in the disas-
sembly order.
- Carefully remove each part so that it is not
scratched or dented.

3. Remove bleeder screw (8) and then remove the


: Bleeder screw (8): 10 N-m (1.0 kgf-m)

Press machine

1. Put match marks on the air master body to show

Snap ring
the direction of the fittings (1)(2)(3) for reassem-

4. Disassemble the cylinder.

Press the spring as shown, and remove the snap

The inner spring may spring out causing injury.
To prevent this, be sure to press the spring using a
press until the spring loses the spring force, and then
remove the snap ring.
When reducing the pressure of the press, be sure to
reduce it slowly.
2. Remove stroke indicator (4) and nut (5), and then
separate chamber (6) and cylinder (7).
: Nut (5): 88 N-m (9.0 kgf-m)
: Stroke indicator (4): 29 N-m (3.0 kgf-m) When compressing the spring with the press, press
: Screw lock agent (Three Bond 1327) the center of the cylinder with the press to prevent the
cylinder from being inclined.
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Brake Group
Air Master Assembly

Press machine

Match mark

5. Remove snap ring (9) and piston (10). 8. Press the spring as shown, and disassemble the
Put match marks on the section and remove bolts
(14), and then remove clamp (15).

: Bolt (14): 20 N-m (2.0 kgf-m)

The inner spring may spring out causing injury.
To prevent this, be sure to press the spring using a
press until the spring loses the spring force, and then
remove the bolts.
When reducing the pressure of the press, be sure to
reduce it slowly.

6. Remove piston stopper plate (11) and return spring


9. Slowly reduce the pressure of the press and then

remove the inner parts.

7. Do not disassemble valve assembly (13) in piston

70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Brake Group
Air Master Assembly

Air master assembly cautions

- Clean the metal parts using approved brake cleaning

solvent, and then blow the compressed air to dry

- After cleaning, check the parts for damage and wear.

If a part is defective, replace it with a new one.

- Replace all the O-rings and seals with new ones.

- Use brake oil (engine oil SAE 5W or equivalent).

- Use lithium grease.

10. Remove pressure plate (16), diaphragm (17), push
rod (18) and return spring (19).

Air master assembling

To reassemble the air master, follow the above disas-

sembly procedure in reverse order.
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Brake Group
Service Brake

Service Brake

Service brake disassembling and assembling

Refer to "Planetary assy disassembling and assem-
bling" page 24-19 for the procedures.

Service brake installation cautions

Air bleeding procedure
- After reinstalling tires, check that manual rotation of
the tires is possible. (a) Connect a vinyl tube to the air bleeder nipple, and
- Check the wheels for oil leakage. place an oil can to receive the oil.
(b) Fill the brake oil tank.
(c) Slightly loosen the air bleeder nipple, and then
press the brake pedal several times. When the oil
flows from the air bleeder nipple, close the nipple.
(d) After that, each time you press the pedal, open the
air bleeder nipple to slightly discharge oil, and then
immediately close the nipple.
(e) Repeat this until there is no air in the oil.
(f) Completely bleed each wheel of air.

When the oil level in the reservoir is low, add oil to the
Socket bolt tank.
Spider 95ZV54024

WARNING Brake disc installation cautions

Before air bleeding in the brake oil line, be sure that
the wheel and tire assemblies are installed on the CAUTION
wheel hub. If fail to do, the bolts (4 pcs) temporarily
tighten the spider and the wheel hub may be broken When only the friction plates or the steel plates are to
by the brake piston. Finally the spider and the cover be replaced, if the brake piston and brake stroke
may fall off and it could cause serious injury or death. adjusting mechanism are installed as they are, the
brake may drag and the brake discs may seize.
After reinstalling tires, check that manual rotation of
the tires is possible.
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Brake Group
Air Cylinder for Parking Brake

Air Cylinder for Parking Brake

Parking brake air cylinder remov- From brake line

ing and installing
Parking brake air cylinder removing

Unexpected movement of the machine could cause Air cylinder
serious injury or death. To prevent such an accident,
observe the following items:
- When removing the parking brake air cylinder, the
machine may move. To prevent the machine from
moving, park the machine on level ground, and
lower the attachment onto the ground.
Brake assy
- Block the tires with chocks to prevent the wheels
from moving.

1. If there is an oil source, release the parking brake,

and then remove split pin (1) and pin (2).

If there is no oil source, apply a cable to the link, and
pull it down using a bar to overcome the spring force,
and then remove the pin.

2. Release the residual air pressure. Disconnect the

air hose.

Cover the disconnected hoses with plastic, plugs or
caps to protect them from dust and dirt.

3. Loosen lock nut (3) to remove joint (4).

Remove retainer bolts (5) to remove parking brake
air cylinder (6).

: Bolt (5): 59 N-m (6.0 kgf-m)

: Parking brake air cylinder: 8 kg
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Brake Group
Air Cylinder for Parking Brake

Parking brake air cylinder installing Parking brake air cylinder installation cau-
To reinstall the parking brake air cylinder, follow the
above removal procedure in reverse order. To insert the connection pin to connect the parking
brake air cylinder to the parking brake, observe the fol-
lowing items:

- Start the engine to build oil pressure in the accumu-


- Release the parking brake.

- Slightly raise the parking brake lever by hand, and

adjust the position of the joint hole between the park-
ing brake air cylinder and the parking brake. After
that, insert the connection pin into the joint hole.
To check performance of the parking brake, refer to
the 70ZIV-2 Shop Manual, Function & Structure,
Section 53.
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Brake Group
Air Cylinder for Parking Brake

Parking brake air cylinder disassembling and assembling

Before disassembly or reassembly, read and under-
stand the aforementioned "Hydraulic Parts Disas-
sembly and Assembly Cautions" page 44-3.

1. Cylinder tube : Air cylinder: 8.0 kg

2. Piston rod
3. Rod cover
4. Rod cap
5. Piston
6. U-nut
7. Spring
8. Bushing
9. U-packing
10. Dust seal
11. O-ring
12. O-ring
13. Filter
14. Set screw
15. Retainer bolt
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Brake Group
Air Cylinder for Parking Brake

Parking brake air cylinder disassembling

The inner spring may spring out causing injury.
To prevent this, be sure to press the spring using a
press until the spring loses the spring force, and then
remove the rod cap.
When reducing the pressure of the press, be sure to
reduce it slowly.

3. Press down the rod cover with a pipe (outer diame-

ter: 50 mm or less, inner diameter: 30 mm or more,
length: 80 mm).
Loosen the rod cap with hand and remove the rod

: Piston nut: 245 N-m (25.0 kgf-m)

1. Put a matchmark on the rod cap and cylinder tube.

Cut off the punched area of the set screw with a
drill of 15~20 mm diameter, and remove the rod

- Set screw is locked by punching.
- Be sure to install the set screw at the same position
during reassembly.

4. Disassemble the cylinder.

< Component parts >

1. Cylinder tube
2. Rod Cap
3. Spring
4. Piston
5. Piston rod
6. Rod cover
7. Piston nut

2. Using the threaded hole of the rod cap, slightly

loosen the rod cap about 1/8 turn.
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Brake Group
Air Cylinder for Parking Brake

Parking brake air cylinder assembling Air cylinder linkage adjustment

To reassemble the air cylinder, follow the above disas-

sembly procedure in reverse order.

Parking brake air cylinder assembly cau-


- Tighten the rod cap to the position until the

matchmarks are aligned, tighten the screw, and
punch it for locking.

When compressing the spring with the press, press
the center of the cylinder with the press to prevent the
cylinder from being inclined.

1. Air cylinder
2. Lock nut
3. Link
4. Bracket
5. Pin
6. Split pin
7. Washer

1. Release parking brake (OFF).

2. Measure dimension "A".

3. If the dimension “A” is not 97 mm, remove pin (5),

split pin (6), and washer (7) and loosen lock nut (2).
And adjust the linkage length by turning link (3) so
that dimension "A" becomes 97 mm.

4. Tighten lock nut (2) and reinstall pin (5), split pin (6)
and washer (7).

5. Confirm the parking brake performance referring to

Section 53.
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Brake Group
Parking Brake

Parking Brake

Parking brake removing and installing

Parking brake removing and disassem-

When removing the parking brake, the machine may
move and it could cause serious injury or death. To
prevent such an accident, observe the following item:
- Park the machine on level ground.
- Lower the attachment onto the ground.
- Apply the articulation stopper.
- Block the tires with chocks to prevent the wheels
from moving.

3. Release the parking brake, and then remove con-

nection pin (2) from the air cylinder.
1. Drain the transmission oil.

: Transmission oil: 20 L

4. Remove retainer bolt (3) and remove lock plate (4)

and the O-ring.
Remove flange yoke (5).
2. Disconnect second propeller shaft (1) at the trans-
mission end.
: Bolt (3): 29 N-m (3.0 kgf-m)
: Bolt: 137 N-m (14.0 kgf-m)
: Screw lock agent (Three Bond 1327)
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Brake Group
Parking Brake




5. Remove brake drum (6). 9. Remove shoe hold pins (11) by turning 90 degree.
Remove brake shoes (12).



6. Remove retainer bolt (7) and remove brake assem-

bly (8). 10. Remove spring (13), and then remove adjusting
screw (14).
: Bolt (7): 157 N-m (16.0 kgf-m)
: Screw lock agent (Three Bond 1327) Note
Measure the wear of the brake shoes. If the shoes are
extremely worn, replace them.
Refer to Section 53 or Section 55 inspection standards.
9 9

Parking brake installing and assembling

To reinstall and reassemble the parking brake, follow

the above removal and disassembly procedure in
reverse order.

To adjust and check performance of the parking brake,
refer to the 70ZIV-2 Shop Manual, Function & Structure,
7. Remove spring (9) using pliers. Section 53.

8. Remove plate (10).

70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Brake Group
Air Tank

Air Tank

Air tank removing and installing

Air tank removing

Unexpected movement of the machine could cause
an accident resulting in injury or death. To prevent
such an accident, observe the following items:
- Park the machine on level ground.
- Block the front wheels with chocks to prevent the
wheels from moving.
- Relieve the air pressure from the air tank.

3. Temporarily sling cover (3), and remove retainer

Before starting work: bolts (4) and then remove cover (3).
- Remove the left side deck (refer to Section 14).

4. Disconnect wire (5) for the wet air tank and piping
1. Remove cover (1).
5. Remove retainer bolts (7) and then remove wet air
tank (8).

2. Disconnect wire (2) for drain.

70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Brake Group
Air Tank

6. Disconnect pipes (9) from dry air tank (10).

7. Remove the retainer bolts, and then remove dry air

tank (10).

Air tank installing

To reinstall the air tank, follow the above removal proce-

dure in reverse order.
70ZIV-2 Service Standard Brake Group

70ZIV-2 Service Standard

Brake Group

Brake Valve ............................................................. 55-2

Air Master ................................................................ 55-4
Service Brake .......................................................... 55-5
Parking Brake.......................................................... 55-6
70ZIV-2 Service Standard Brake Group
Brake Valve

Brake Valve

No. Item Standard value Solution

1 Mounting plate retainer bolt tightening torque 12 N-m (1.2 kgf-m)

2 Rubber spring setting nut tightening torque 6 N-m (0.6 kgf-m)

3 Lower body retainer bolt tightening torque 6 N-m (0.6 kgf-m)

4 Plug tightening torque 34 N-m (3.5 kgf-m)

70ZIV-2 Service Standard Brake Group
Brake Valve

Unit: mm

No. Item Nominal Service standard Wear limit Note

5 Pedal pin hole diameter 10 10.25

Outer diameter of pin (pins for both roller and mounting

6 10 9.85

Inner diameter 10 10.1

7 Roller
Outer diameter 23.2 23

Inner diameter or pin bushing 10 10.25

8 Mounting plate
Inner diameter or plunger bushing 26.5 26.65

9 Outer diameter or plunger 26.5 26.16

10 Free height of rubber spring 14 12

Free length 71.4

(Piston return) When spring is
Load 113 N (11.5 kgf)
14.6 mm long

Free length 41.3

(Upper valve) When spring is
Load 44 N (4.5 kgf)
14.3 mm long

Free length 35.6

(Inner valve) When spring is
Load 28 N (2.8 kgf)
16.0 mm long

Free length 41.0

(Outer stem) When spring is
Load 39 N (4.0 kgf)
16.0 mm long

Free length 39.5

(Relay piston) When spring is
Load 46 N (4.7 kgf)
12.1 mm long

Free length 16.5

(Lower valve) When spring is
Load 29 N (3.0 kgf)
16.0 mm long

Free angle 131º

(Pedal return) When the pedal
Load 115º
is returned
70ZIV-2 Service Standard Brake Group
Air Master

Air Master

No. Item Standard value Solution

1 Clearance between push nut and piston 1.0 mm Replacement

2 Stroke of air chamber push rod 45 ± 1.5 mm —

3 Stroke to overstroke switch 40 mm —

4 Hydraulic cylinder retainer nut tightening torque 88 N-m (9.0 kgf-m) —

5 Clamp ring retainer nut tightening torque 20 N-m (2.0 kgf-m) Tightening

6 Locknut tightening torque 64 N-m (6.5 kgf-m) Tightening

7 Overstroke switch tightening torque 29 N-m (3.0 kgf-m) Tightening

8 Air bleeder nipple tightening torque 10 N-m (1.0 kgf-m) Tightening

70ZIV-2 Service Standard Brake Group
Service Brake

Service Brake

Unit: mm
Judgment standard
No. Item Solution
Standard dimension Tolerance Wear limit
Thickness 5.0 4.4
- 0.2
1 Steel plate
Distortion 0.3 or less 0.3 —
2 Thickness of friction plate 7.4 ± 0.1 5.9

Thickness of brake disc when measured

3 17.4 ± 0.2 15.1
by calipers (with brake applied)

Outer diameter 355 - 0.22 ~ - 0.29 —

4 Piston —
Inner diameter 285 0.05 ~ 0.15 —
70ZIV-2 Service Standard Brake Group
Parking Brake

Parking Brake



Spring (4) released



No. Item Judgment standard Solution

Standard dimension Wear limit

1 Wear of lining (mm)
5.45 4.0

2 Deflection of drum (mm) 0.38 or more

3 Lining inspection Grease or oil on the lining

4 Expansion of adjuster spring There is clearance between the coils when the spring
is released.
5 Expansion of return spring
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Electrical Group

70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly

Electrical Group

Wiper Motor............................................................. 64-2

Controller................................................................. 64-5
Fuse Box ................................................................. 64-6
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Electrical Group
Wiper Motor

Wiper Motor

Front wiper motor removing and

Front wiper motor removing

3. Remove nut (4) and bolt (5).

After that, remove wiper arm (3).

1. Remove cover (1).

4. Remove cover (6) and cover (7).

2. Remove nut (2) and then remove wiper arm (3).

5. Remove defroster hose (8).

Disconnect electrical line coupler (9) from the wiper
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Electrical Group
Wiper Motor

Front wiper motor installing

To reinstall the front wiper motor, follow the above

removal procedure in reverse order.

When reinstalling the wiper arm, adjust the operation
angle by nut (2).

6. Remove motor retainer bolt (10), and remove

ground cable (11).

7. Disconnect coupler (12) for the relay.

8. Remove wiper motor (13).

70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Electrical Group
Wiper Motor

Rear wiper motor removing and

Rear wiper motor removing

4. Remove cover (5).

1. Remove cover (1).

5. Disconnect coupler (6) for wiper motor (8).

6. Remove motor retainer bolts (7).

7. Remove wiper motor (8).

2. Remove nut (2), and then remove wiper arm (3).

Rear wiper motor installing

To reinstall the rear wiper motor, follow the above

removal procedure in reverse order.

When reinstalling the wiper arm, adjust the operation
angle by nut (2).

3. Remove nut (4) and then remove wiper arm (3).

70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Electrical Group


Controller removing and installing

Controller removing

Before removing the controller, be sure to stop the
engine, remove the engine key, and hang a "DO NOT
START!" tag on the steering wheel.

3. Remove bolt (4) (4 pcs), and then remove controller


Controller installing

To reinstall the controller, follow the above removal pro-

cedure in reverse order.

1. Remove catch (1), and then remove cover (2).

Controller installation cautions

- After reinstallation, set the starter key to the ON

position, and check the function of the LED indicator.

- Run the machine, and check operation of the


- The following items may have caused the controller

to fail. Test and correct any problems before install-
ing a new controller.

1. Shortcircuit in the output circuit

2. Defective diode allowing voltage surges.
Identify and test each diode by referring to the pro-
2. Disconnect electrical coupler (3). cedures written in the 70ZIV-2 Shop Manual Func-
tion & Structure, Section 63,
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Electrical Group
Fuse Box

Fuse Box

Fuse box removing and installing Fuse No.

capacity Protective circuit
Fuse box removing (inside control box) Lighting
1 20A
Head light
2 10A Rear working light Spare
WARNING Boom kickout
3 10A 20A
Before removing a fuse box, be sure to turn off the Bucket leveler
starter key or disconnect the negative side of the bat- Back lamp
4 15A Spare
Stop lamp
Parking brake
5 10A 15A
6 5A Spare
7 15A Spare
8 15A Spare
9 15A Spare Spare
Turn signal
10 15A 5A
11 15A Preheat
12 5A Spare
13 5A Engine stop motor
14 5A Neutral relay
15 5A Battery relay

Fuse No. capacity Protective circuit
1. Remove catch (1), and then open cover (2). (A)
2 persons cab front wiper (LH)
16 5A
2 persons cab front wiper (RH)
17 5A Spare
18 5A Rear wiper
19 10A Front wiper
20 10A Cigar lighter Spare
21 10A Front working light
22 3A Radio
23 10A Spare Spare
24 10A Spare
25 5A Spare
26 5A Spare Spare
27 5A Air conditioner (option)
28 20A Air conditioner (option)
2. Remove covers (3)(4), and remove the fuse boxes
29 20A Air conditioner (option)
30 20A Spare

Fuse box installing (inside control box)

To reinstall the fuse box, follow the above removal pro-

cedure in reverse order.
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Operator Station Group

70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly

Operator Station Group

Air Conditioner ........................................................ 74-2

70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Operator Station Group
Air Conditioner

Air Conditioner

Cover unit

Air damper unit

Air conditioner unit

Floor board
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Operator Station Group
Air Conditioner

Air conditioner removing and

Air conditioner removing

Unexpected movement of the machine could cause
an accident resulting in injury or death. To prevent
such an accident, observe the following items:
- Park the machine on level ground.
- Lower the attachment onto the ground and block
the front wheels with chocks to prevent the wheels
from moving.
1. Remove covers (1) ~ (5).
- Be sure to remove the engine key, and hang a "DO
NOT START!" tag on the steering wheel or the
operator's seat.

Before starting work:

- Remove the floor mat in the cab.
- Remover the seat and the seat stand in the cab.
- Collect the air conditioner refrigerant using the
proper recovery method.
- Disconnect the air conditioner pipes at the self-seal-
ing coupling.

2. Disconnect wiring (7) of air conditioner (6) and wir-

ing (9) of air damper (8) at each coupler.

Air conditioner

3. Disconnect refrigerant piping (10) and heater hose

70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Operator Station Group
Air Conditioner

Air conditioner installing

To reinstall the air conditioner, follow the above removal

procedure in reverse order.

After reinstalling the air conditioner, charge the refriger-
ant, confirm the operation, confirm the gas pressure,
then check for gas leaks.

4. Remove air conditioner mounting bolts (12) and air

damper mounting bolts (13).
Remove air conditioner (6) and air damper (8).
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Operator Station Group
Air Conditioner

A/C condenser removing and

A/C condenser removing

Unexpected movement of the machine could cause
an accident resulting in injury or death. To prevent
such an accident, observe the following items:
- Park the machine on level ground. Condenser
- Lower the attachment onto the ground and block
the front wheels with chocks to prevent the wheels
from moving.
1. Disconnect condenser hose (1).
- Be sure to remove the engine key, and hang a "DO
NOT START!" tag on the steering wheel or the
Receiver dryer
operator's seat.
Before starting work:
- Collect the air conditioner refrigerant using the
proper recovery method.
- Remove the air cleaner, etc. for easier removal.

2. Disconnect the condenser wiring at coupler (2).

Remove condenser mounting nut (3), and remove
the condensers.

A/C condenser installing

To reinstall the condenser, follow the above removal

procedure in reverse order.

After reinstalling the condenser, charge the refrigerant,
confirm the operation, confirm the gas pressure, then
check for gas leaks.
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Operator Station Group
Air Conditioner

A/C compressor removing and installing


1. Compressor A/C compressor removing

2. Bracket
3. Idler pulley shaft
4. Tension pulley WARNING
5. V belt Unexpected movement of the machine could cause
6. Compressor mounting bolt an accident resulting in injury or death. To prevent
7. Compressor mounting nut such an accident, observe the following items:
8. Adjustment bolt - Park the machine on level ground.
- Lower the attachment onto the ground and block
: the front wheels with chocks to prevent the wheels
T1: 31 N-m (3.2 kgf-m) from moving.
T2: 29 N-m (3.0 kgf-m) - Be sure to remove the engine key, and hang a "DO
NOT START!" tag on the steering wheel or the
operator's seat.

Before starting work:

- Collect the air conditioner refrigerant using the
proper recovery method.
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Operator Station Group
Air Conditioner

A/C condenser installing

To reinstall the compressor, follow the above removal

procedure in reverse order.

A/C condenser installation cautions

- After installing the compressor, adjust the tension of

Engine the V-belt. Refer to the 70ZIV-2 Shop Manual, Func-
tion and Structure, Section 72 for the adjustment

1. Loosen tension pulley (1) lock nut and lock bolt (2).

: Pulley (1) lock nut: 31 N-m (3.2 kgf-m)

2. Turn adjustment bolt (3) to make V-belt (4) slack,

then remove the V-belt from the compressor.

3. Disconnect the compressor wiring and the cooler

piping (5).

4. Remove compressor mounting nut (6), and remove

compressor (7). Belt tension at A: 637 ± 98 N (65 ± 10 kgf)

: Nut (6): 28 N-m (2.9 kgf-m) - Charge the refrigerant, confirm the operation, con-
firm the gas pressure, then check for gas leak.

- The quantity of the compressor lubricating oil (ND-

O1L2) is 180 cm3. Never use or mix any other oil.
70ZIV-2 Disassembly & Reassembly Operator Station Group

70ZIV-2 Service Standard Operator Station Group

70ZIV-2 Service Standard

Operator Station Group

Air Conditioner ........................................................ 75-2

70ZIV-2 Service Standard Operator Station Group
Air Conditioner

Air Conditioner

Periodical inspection/servicing

Inspection/maintenance item Criteria Solution

Refrigerant Charge quantity Air bubbles should not be seen through sight glass. Inspection/adjustment

Condenser Blockage in fins Blockage should not be detected. Clean

Magnetic clutch should operate. Abnormal sounds
Compressor Operating status adjustment/
should not be detected.

Abnormal sounds and backlash should not be Inspection/

Belt tension pulley Operating status
detected. replacement

V belt Damage and tension Damages should not be detected. Replacement

Blower motor and fan Operating status Abnormal sounds or vibration should not be detected.

Each part should operate in accordance with switch Inspection/

Control mechanism Operating status
operations. replacement

Air quantity should not be so small as to hinder air con-

Air filter for inside/outside air Clogging Cleaning/replacement

Each mounting area and pip- Looseness, gas leak and Looseness, gas leak and damages should not be
ing damages detected.

Tightening torque
Tightening torque for hose and pipes Tightening torque for screws and bolts in
special control regions
Pipe size
Connection torque
Connection area or Tightening
type N-m
bolt size torque
(kgf-m) Special control area Bolt size
Condenser- 15 (kgf-m)
ø8 piping
expansion valve (1.50)
Head bolt of magnetic clutch M6
Compressor- 25
Nut type D1/2 piping
condenser (2.50)
Mounting bolt for servo motor for 0.5
inside/outside air selection (0.05)
Evaporator- 34
D5/8 piping
compressor (3.50)
Fixing nut of blower motor and con- 5
denser fan (0.55)
M6 bolt 7
in receiver (4T) (0.70)
Fixing bolt of blower motor and con- 3
Block joint M5
Any M6 bolt denser motor (0.30)
Evaporator- 12
(6T) other than
compressor (1.20)
70ZIV-2 Service Standard Operator Station Group
Air Conditioner

Compressor adjustment standard

Fan pulley

Crank pulley

No. Item Standard value Solution

1 V-Belt tension 637±98 N (65±10 kgf) Adjustment

2 Tension pulley mounting nut tightening torque 31 N-m (3.2 kgf-m) Tightening

3 Compressor mounting bolt tightening torque 29 N-m (3.0 kgf-m) Tightening

4 Compressor lubricating oil amount 180 cm3 Adjustment

- Use a tension gauge to measure the belt tension.
- Refer to Section 72 in the 70ZIV-2 Shop Manual,
Function and Structure for the adjustment.
- Use ND-OIL8 or equivalent to lubricate the compres-
sor. Never mix any other oil.
70ZIV-2 Service Standard Operator Station Group

A Boom cylinder removing and installing ........................... 44-33
A/C compressor removing ................................................74-6 Boom installation cautions .............................................. 14-18
A/C compressor removing and installing ..........................74-6 Boom installing ............................................................... 14-18
A/C condenser installation cautions ..................................74-7 Boom kick-out (option) ................................................... 15-10
A/C condenser installing ......................................... 74-5, 74-7 Boom kick-out hoist angle .............................................. 15-10
A/C condenser removing ..................................................74-5 Boom removing .............................................................. 14-16
A/C condensor removing and installing ............................74-5 Boom removing and installing ........................................ 14-16
Accumulator (S/N 2201~, 8251~) ...................................44-74 Brake disc installation cautions ...................................... 54-11
Accumulator installation cautions ...................................44-74 Brake Valve ...................................................................... 55-2
Accumulator installing .....................................................44-74 Brake valve assembling ................................................... 54-5
Accumulator removing ....................................................44-74 Brake Valve Assembly ..................................................... 54-2
Accumulator removing and installing ..............................44-74 Brake valve assembly cautions ........................................ 54-5
Air Cleaner ......................................................................24-11 Brake valve cross section and tightening torque
Air cleaner installation cautions ......................................24-12 (main valve) .................................................................. 54-3
Air cleaner installing ........................................................24-12 Brake valve disassembling ............................................... 54-4
Air cleaner removing .......................................................24-11 Brake valve disassembling and assembling ..................... 54-3
Air cleaner removing and installing .................................24-11 Brake valve installation cautions ...................................... 54-2
Air Conditioner ........................................................ 74-2, 75-2 Brake valve installing ........................................................ 54-2
Air conditioner installing ....................................................74-4 Brake valve removing ....................................................... 54-2
Air conditioner removing ...................................................74-3 Brake valve removing and installing ................................. 54-2
Air conditioner removing and installing .............................74-3 Bucket .............................................................................. 15-7
Air Cylinder for Parking Brake ........................................54-12 Bucket cylinder installation cautions ............................... 44-36
Air Master .........................................................................55-4 Bucket cylinder installing ................................................ 44-36
Air master assembling ....................................................54-10 Bucket cylinder removing ............................................... 44-35
Air Master Assembly .........................................................54-6 Bucket cylinder removing and installing ......................... 44-35
Air master assembly cautions .........................................54-10 Bucket positioner .............................................................. 15-9
Air master disassembling ..................................................54-8 Bucket positioner adjustable angle ................................... 15-9
Air master disassembling and assembling .......................54-7 Bucket Positioner and Boom Kick-Out (Option) ............... 15-8
Air master installing ..........................................................54-6 Bushing .......................................................................... 14-20
Air master removing ..........................................................54-6 Bushing installing ........................................................... 14-20
Air master removing and installing ....................................54-6 Bushing removing ........................................................... 14-20
Air master tightening torque ..............................................54-7 Bushing removing and installing ..................................... 14-20
Air Tank ..........................................................................54-19
Air tank installing .............................................................54-20 C
Air tank removing ............................................................54-19 Cab ................................................................................. 14-12
Air tank removing and installing ......................................54-19 Cab installation cautions ................................................ 14-13
Applying and Storing Articulation Stopper ......................00-13 Cab installing .................................................................. 14-13
Applying articulation stopper ...........................................00-13 Cab removing ................................................................. 14-12
Axle and Differential Service Standard .............................25-3 Cab removing and installing ........................................... 14-12
Axle group .........................................................................25-3 Cautions regarding parts removal .................................... 00-9
Axle nut tightening procedure ............................. 24-15, 24-37 Cautions regarding reassembly ........................................ 00-9
Axle Support ...................................................................24-41 Cautions Regarding Welding Repair Service ................. 00-11
Axle support assembling .................................................24-44 Center Pin ............................................................. 14-21, 15-5
Axle support assembly cautions .....................................24-44 Center pin installation cautions ...................................... 14-27
Axle support disassembling Center pin installing ........................................................ 14-27
(S/N 1001~1919, 7101~7615) .....................................24-43 Center pin removing ....................................................... 14-23
Axle support disassembling (S/N 1920~, 7616~) ...........24-44 Center pin removing and installing ................................. 14-23
Axle support disassembling and assembling ..................24-43 Center pin shim adjustment ................................... 14-21, 15-5
Axle support tightening torque ........................................24-41 Clutch pack assembly cautions ...................................... 34-21
Compressor adjustment standard .................................... 75-3
B Control valve assembling ............................................... 34-27
Bolt Tightening Torque .....................................................00-4 Control Valve Assembly ................................................. 34-23
Boom ..............................................................................14-16 Control valve assembly cautions .................................... 34-27
Boom cylinder installation cautions .................................44-34 Control valve disassembling ........................................... 34-26
Boom cylinder installing ..................................................44-34 Control valve disassembling and assembling ................ 34-26
Boom cylinder removing .................................................44-33 Control valve installation ................................................ 34-25
Control valve installation cautions .................................. 34-25 Front Differential .............................................................24-62
Control valve removing .................................................. 34-23 Front differential removing and installing ........................24-62
Control valve removing and installing ............................ 34-23 Front differential tightening torque ..................................24-49
Controller installation cautions ......................................... 64-5 Front wiper motor installing ..............................................64-3
Controller installing ........................................................... 64-5 Front wiper motor removing ..............................................64-2
Controller removing .......................................................... 64-5 Front wiper motor removing and installing ........................64-2
Controller removing and installing .................................... 64-5 Fuel Tank ..........................................................................14-3
Fuel tank installation cautions ..........................................14-3
Fuel tank installing ............................................................14-3
Fuel tank removing ...........................................................14-3
Deck ................................................................................. 14-2
Fuel tank removing and installing .....................................14-3
Deck installing .................................................................. 14-2
Fuse Box ..........................................................................64-6
Deck removing ................................................................. 14-2
Fuse box installing (inside control box) ............................ 64-6
Deck removing and installing ........................................... 14-2
Fuse box removing (inside control box) ............................ 64-6
Differential ........................................................................ 25-4
Fuse box removing and installing .....................................64-6
Differential Assembly ..................................................... 24-47
Differential assembly disassembling .............................. 24-52
Differential assembly disassembling and assembling G
.................................................................................... 24-49 Gear Pump .......................................................................44-4
Differential assembly installation cautions ..................... 24-48 Gear pump assembling ..................................................44-11
Differential assembly installing ....................................... 24-48 Gear pump assembly cautions .......................................44-11
Differential assembly removing ...................................... 24-47 Gear pump assembly disassembling and assembling
Differential assembly removing and installing ................ 24-47 ......................................................................................44-8
Differential assy assembling .......................................... 24-56 Gear pump assembly installing ........................................44-6
Dust Seal ........................................................................ 14-19 Gear pump assembly removing ........................................44-6
Dust seal installing ......................................................... 14-19 Gear pump assembly removing and installing ..................44-6
Dust seal removing ........................................................ 14-19 Gear pump disassembling ................................................44-9
Dust seal removing and installing .................................. 14-19 Gear pump installation cautions ....................................... 44-7
Gear pump tightening torque ............................................ 44-5
Grease nipple installing ....................................................15-5
Engine .............................................................................. 24-7
Engine installation cautions .............................................. 24-8 H
Engine installing ............................................................... 24-8 Hose Band Tightening Torque ..........................................00-8
Engine removing .............................................................. 24-7 How to wind a seal tape .................................................00-10
Engine removing and installing ........................................ 24-7 Hydraulic Cylinder .................................................44-33, 45-5
Engine Room ................................................................... 14-9 Hydraulic cylinder assembling ........................................44-49
Engine room installation cautions .................................. 14-11 Hydraulic cylinder assembly cautions .............................44-49
Engine room installing .................................................... 14-11 Hydraulic cylinder cross section and tightening torque
Engine room removing ..................................................... 14-9 ....................................................................................44-39
Engine room removing and installing ............................... 14-9 Hydraulic cylinder disassembling ...................................44-47
Hydraulic cylinder disassembling and assembling ......... 44-39
Hydraulic parts assembly cautions ...................................44-3
Hydraulic Parts Disassembly and Assembly Cautions
Floating Seal (S/N 1201~, 7201~) .................................. 24-25
Floating seal assembling ................................................ 24-26
Hydraulic parts disassembly cautions ..............................44-3
Floating seal installation ................................................. 24-25
Hydraulic Parts Removal and Installation Warning ..........44-2
Floor Board .................................................................... 14-14
Hydraulic Tank ..................................................................14-4
Floor board installation cautions .................................... 14-15
Hydraulic tank breather valve assembling ........................14-8
Floor board installing ...................................................... 14-15
Hydraulic tank breather valve disassembling ...................14-7
Floor board removing ..................................................... 14-14
Hydraulic tank breather valve
Floor board removing and installing ............................... 14-14
disassembling and assembling .....................................14-7
Forward/reverse clutch pack assembling ....................... 34-20
Hydraulic tank installation cautions ..................................14-5
Forward/reverse clutch pack disassembling .................. 34-18
Hydraulic tank installing ....................................................14-5
Forward/reverse clutch pack
Hydraulic tank removing ...................................................14-4
disassembling and assembling ................................... 34-18
Hydraulic tank removing and installing .............................14-4
Front Axle Assembly ...................................................... 24-14
Hydraulic tank return filter installation cautions ................ 14-6
Front axle assembly installation cautions ....................... 24-18
Hydraulic tank return filter installing ..................................14-6
Front axle assembly installing ........................................ 24-17
Hydraulic tank return filter removing ................................. 14-6
Front axle assembly removing ....................................... 24-16
Hydraulic tank return filter removing and installing ........... 14-6
Front axle assembly removing and installing ................. 24-16
Front axle assembly tightening torque ........................... 24-14
I Parking brake air cylinder removing ............................... 54-12
Internal Gear Hub ...........................................................24-27 Parking brake air cylinder removing and installing ......... 54-12
Internal gear hub assembling .........................................24-28 Parking brake installing and assembling ........................ 54-18
Internal gear hub assembly cautions ..............................24-28 Parking brake removing and disassembling ................... 54-17
Internal gear hub disassembling .....................................24-27 Parking brake removing and installing ........................... 54-17
Internal gear hub disassembling and assembling ...........24-27 Periodical Inspection/Servicing ........................................ 75-2
Pilot Valve ............................................................. 44-51, 45-6
Pilot valve assembling .................................................... 44-59
L Pilot valve assembly cautions ........................................ 44-59
Liner clearance adjustment ...............................................15-4 Pilot valve cross section and tightening torque .............. 44-55
Linkage .............................................................................15-2 Pilot valve disassembling ............................................... 44-56
Linkage Pin Standard Clearance Values ..........................15-3 Pilot valve disassembling and assembling ..................... 44-55
Liquid Gasket and Screw Lock Agent ...............................00-9 Pilot valve installation cautions ....................................... 44-54
Lower center pin .............................................................14-22 Pilot valve installing ........................................................ 44-54
Lower center pin bearing outer ring installing ...................15-6 Pilot valve removing ....................................................... 44-53
Pilot valve removing and installing ................................. 44-53
M Planetary assy assembling ............................................. 24-23
Muffler .............................................................................24-13 Planetary assy assembly cautions ................................. 24-23
Muffler installation cautions ............................................24-13 Planetary assy disassembling ........................................ 24-19
Muffler installing ..............................................................24-13 Planetary assy disassembling and assembling .............. 24-19
Muffler removing .............................................................24-13 Power Line ....................................................................... 24-2
Muffler removing and installing .......................................24-13 Power line tightening torque ............................................. 24-2
Multiple Control Valve .....................................................44-18 Priority Valve (S/N 2201~, 8251~) .................................. 44-72
Multiple control valve assembling ...................................44-32 Priority valve cross section and tightening torque .......... 44-73
Multiple control valve assembling (S/N ~1481) ...............44-25 Priority valve disassembling and assembling ................. 44-73
Multiple control valve assembly cautions ............ 44-28, 44-32 Priority valve disassembly cautions ................................ 44-73
Multiple control valve Priority valve installing .................................................... 44-72
cross section and tightening torque .............................44-20 Priority valve removing ................................................... 44-72
Multiple control valve disassembling (S/N ~1481) ..........44-21 Priority valve removing and installing ............................. 44-72
Multiple control valve disassembling (S/N 1482~) ..........44-30 Propeller Shaft .................................................................. 24-9
Multiple control valve Propeller shaft installation cautions ................................ 24-10
disassembling and assembling (S/N ~1481) ...............44-20 Propeller shaft installing ................................................. 24-10
Multiple control valve Propeller shaft removing and installing ............................ 24-9
disassembling and assembling (S/N 1482~) ...............44-29 Propeller Shaft Service Standard ..................................... 25-2
Multiple control valve installation cautions ......................44-19
Multiple control valve installing .......................................44-19 R
Multiple control valve removing ......................................44-18 Radiator ............................................................................ 24-3
Multiple control valve removing and installing ................44-18 Radiator installation cautions ........................................... 24-6
Radiator installing ............................................................. 24-6
O Radiator removing ............................................................ 24-4
Orbitrol® (S/N 2201~, 8251~) ...................................................44-60 Radiator removing and installing ...................................... 24-4
Orbitrol® assembling .......................................................44-67 Radiator tightening torque ................................................ 24-3
Orbitrol® cross section and tightening torque .................44-62 Rear Axle Assembly ....................................................... 24-36
Orbitrol® disassembling ..................................................44-63 Rear axle assembly installing ......................................... 24-40
Orbitrol® disassembling and assembling ........................44-62 Rear axle assembly removing ........................................ 24-38
Orbitrol® installation cautions ..........................................44-61 Rear axle assembly removing and installing .................. 24-38
Orbitrol® installing ...........................................................44-61 Rear axle assembly tightening torque ............................ 24-36
Orbitrol® removing ..........................................................44-60 Rear axle disassembling and assembling ...................... 24-40
Orbitrol® removing and installing ....................................44-60 Rear differential tightening torque
(S/N 1001~1919, 7101~7615) .................................... 24-50
Rear differential tightening torque (S/N 1920~, 7616~)
P .................................................................................... 24-51
Parking Brake ....................................................... 54-17, 55-6 Rear wiper motor installing ............................................... 64-4
Parking brake air cylinder assembling ............................54-16 Rear wiper motor removing .............................................. 64-4
Parking brake air cylinder assembly cautions .................54-16 Rear wiper motor removing and installing ........................ 64-4
Parking brake air cylinder disassembling .......................54-15
Parking brake air cylinder
disassembling and assembling ...................................54-14
Parking brake air cylinder installation cautions ...............54-13
Parking brake air cylinder installing ................................54-13
Screw lock agent application procedure ........................ 00-10 Upper center pin .............................................................14-21
Second propeller shaft removing ..................................... 24-9
Service Brake ........................................................ 54-11, 55-5
Service brake air bleeding procedure ............................ 24-18
Weight of Main Components ............................................ 00-3
Service brake disassembling and assembling ............... 54-11
Wiper Motor ......................................................................64-2
Service brake installation cautions ................................. 54-11
Special Tool ................................................................... 24-31
Special tool for axle ........................................................ 24-31
Spider Assembly ............................................................ 24-29
Spider assy assembling ................................................. 24-30
Spider assy assembly cautions ...................................... 24-30
Spider assy disassembling ............................................. 24-29
Spider assy disassembling and assembling .................. 24-29
Steering cylinder installation cautions ............................ 44-38
Steering cylinder installing ............................................. 44-38
Steering cylinder removing ............................................. 44-37
Steering cylinder removing and installing ....................... 44-37
Steering Linkage (S/N ~2200, ~8250) .............................. 45-2
Steering Valve (S/N ~2200, ~8250) ............................... 44-12
Steering valve assembling ............................................. 44-16
Steering valve assembly cautions .................................. 44-17
Steering valve disassembling ......................................... 44-15
Steering valve disassembling and assembling .............. 44-15
Steering valve installation cautions ................................ 44-14
Steering valve installing ................................................. 44-14
Steering valve removing ................................................. 44-13
Steering valve removing and installing ........................... 44-13
Storing articulation stopper ............................................ 00-13
Symbols ........................................................................... 00-2

Third propeller shaft removing ....................................... 24-10
Tightening torque for hose and pipes ............................... 75-2
Tightening torque for screws and bolts
in special control regions .............................................. 75-2
Torque Converter ........................................................... 34-16
Torque Converter and Transmission Assembly ...... 34-2, 35-2
Torque converter and transmission assembly
installing ........................................................................ 34-6
Torque converter and transmission assembly
removing ....................................................................... 34-3
Torque converter and transmission assembly
removing and installing ................................................. 34-3
Torque converter and transmission assembly
tightening torque ........................................................... 34-2
Torque converter assembly assembling ........................ 34-17
Torque converter assembly disassembling .................... 34-16
Torque converter assembly
disassembling and assembling ................................... 34-16
Transmission Assembly ................................................. 34-10
Transmission assembly assembling .............................. 34-15
Transmission assembly bolt tightening torque ................. 34-8
Transmission assembly disassembling .......................... 34-10
Transmission assembly
disassembling and assembling ................................... 34-10
Transmission assembly installation cautions ................... 34-6
Transmission assy assembling ...................................... 34-15
Maintenance Log

Date Machine hours Service performed

Date Machine hours Service performed
Date Machine hours Service performed
Date Machine hours Service performed

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