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B.A B.ed Syllabus 1366-1381

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(23lapril/Adp./io )

concemed that the vice-chancellor, in

It is hereby notified for the infonnation of all
anticipation ofthe approval of the Academic Council, is pleased to authorize the adoption ofthe
Syllabi and Courses of Study of B.A.B.Ed Four Year Integrated I)egree Programme for
Semester Vth for the examinations to be hetd in the years indicated against each semester as

Subject Semester for the examinations to be

held in the year

B.A.B.Ed Semester-V December 2022,2023 artd 2024


No. F. Acd/IIi23l I
j66-i38 \
Dated: t8l 5l1i
Copy for information and necessary action to:

l) Dean, Faculty ofEducation

2) HoD/Convener, Board of Studies in Teacher Education | $+r ' f ' A hc.o.e
3) All members of the Board of Studies
4) C.A. to the Controller of Examinations
5) Director, Computer Centre, University of Jammd
6) Asst. Registrar (Conf. /Exams. B.Ed/CDCAiG/Exam. Prof.)
University Website for necessary action please

,L lG\ot"'
N\ la
'i 1:

niversity of Jammu
B.A. B.Ed lntegrated
Semester- V
(For the examination to be held in the year 202.*,2021& 2O2l)

Paper: Foundation and Preparator"v Stage Course No :BABED501

Credit4 Total Marks:100
Dur'ation of Erarnination: 3 hours Maximum Marks (External): 60
Maximum Marks (lnternal): 40

Learning Outcornes: On completion of the course, pupil teacher will be able to:

l. Understand the new slructure of educational System in India as per National Education
policy 2020
2. Develop the expertise of teaching strategies so that tlte) can handle small students
comfortably and very easily.
i. [Jnderstand the importance of lbundation and prepararory stage for good citizenship


Foundation Stege: 5 r,ears (age 3-8, pre-school * cl:rss 1-2)

Conc.'pt of Ltlucatiot.t- .[trirndation Si:rge: Historical l'elsp;ctir c- linport:ince ol iioundation

Educatir.rn. Foundation stage in Indian Context. Inclusion o!'Early Childhood liducation,
Learning as an afi of institutionalised education in the lighr of NEP 1020. National
Cuniculu:r Frarneu ork tbl Foundatioiral Sta{2t l0l2

t',,i,-l f

Child-Centric Dducation

Child-Centric Education: Concept and Characteristics, Non-Scholastic Actir,itics: Concept

and Types. Non-Scholastic Activities in Foundation Stage, Activity based leaming, Play
based learning, discovery leaming. and Interactive leaming: importance and Irnplications

/z &e t/ v
Y o
University of Jammu
BA B.Ed lntegrated
Semester- V
(For the examination to be held in the year 202:,202'' & 2O2' I

Paper: Foundation and Preparatory Stage Course No :BABED501

Credit 4 Total Marks: 100
Duration of Examination:3 hours Maximum Marks (External): 60
Maximum Marks (lnternal): 40


Preparatory Stage: 3 years (age 8-11, class 3-5)

Preparatory Stage: Background, lnlportance of Pleparator) Stage as per NEP 2020,

Preparatory stage in lndian Contexl, Education as a Fur.rdan.rental Right

Unit: IV

Cognitil e Dcvelopmcnt

Holistic developrnent olthe child and Role ofthe Teacher

Development of language and numeracy skills in pleparatory stage.

Thr'--e i.ii:,:,1::e.. 'i., :r,,r'i | -,',r .:. 11..-i 1t::l i-,t::'ttttt,.:

\,[iniltiLrrn lercls ol lear-niug- [.inklgc b!-t.,\een FoLlirdatiorr Stag,-- ainal I)repariik)]1 st;tce

Sessional \Yorl<

Pupil teacher r.rill perfbrrn aI least one activitl'out of tuo actir ities

r\r:tivit)' l: I)r'a1er. Celebratiirn of National Dal s. Organise .jYellts on Birth :rnil Death
Annirersirrv of Greirt Person;. f-olk Songs

Activity 2: Drama, Role Piaying. Dancing and Drawing on Road safety, and Disaster

Modes of 'Iransaction

Lecture-cum-discussion, Material revierv and presentation


/z M t',,/ lt
University of Jammu
BA B.Ed lntegrated
Semester- V
(For the examination to be held in the year 2O2' ,2O2' &2O2 |
Paper: !'oundation and Preparatorv Stage Course No :BABED501
Credit 4 Total Marks: 100
Duration of Examination: 3 hours Maximum Marks (External): 60
Maximum Marks (lnternal): 40

Essential Readings :

Aggarwal, J.C. (2003) Elementory Educotion ond Teocher Functions. New Delhi, Shipra

Aggarwal, .1.C. & Gupta S (2013) Eorty Chitdhood Core ond Educotion. New Delhi, Shipra

Charyulu V K (2018) Moving Towords {Jniversolisotion of Elementory Educotion. Hyderabad,

Neelkamal Pu blications Pvt. Ltd.

Suggested Readings :

Krish nam ach ryulu, V (2006) Elementorv €ducation. Hyderabao, t'ieclkamal Publications PW. Ltd.

tu4HRD i2020). i,iationoi Ecitcotion Paticy 2020. Govt. cf Inoia

Mohanty Jagnnath I2OOZ) Primory ond Elementory Educotion. New Delhi, DEEP and DEEP
Pu blication Pvt Ltd

Nayak, A.K. & Rao V.K. 12002]l Primory Education. New Delhi,;\PH Publishing Corporation.

NCERT (2022) National Curriculum Framework for Foundational Stage, New Delhi.

Sahoo, Amarresh Chandra, {2018) Eorly Childhood Care ond Educotion: Low Policy, Proctice.
New Delhi, Delta Book World.

Sing, thoodev (1997) Pre School Education' New Delhi, APH Publishing Corporation

Venktachary, p, Reddy K. S, Sridevi, K (2018) Early Childhood Care and Education. Hyderabad,
Neelkamal Publications Pvt. Ltd.

Note for Paper Setters

The Question paper consists of 9 questions having Q no I as Compulsory having four parts
spread over the entire Syllabus, with a weightage of 12 marks .The rest of Question paper is
divided into four Unirs and the studpts arc to attend four Questions f'rom these units with the

4W V?Y' t\ \

University of JammuBA B.Ed lntegrated
Semester- V
(For the examination to be held in the year 202:' ,202.. & 202' )

Paper: l'oundation and Preparatory Stage Course No :BABED501

Credit 4 Total Marks: 100
Duration of Examination: 3 hours Maximum Marks (External): 60
Maximum Marks (lnternal): 40

internal choice. The essay type Question carries l2 marks each. Unit IV having the sessional
work/field work (section) could also be a part of the theory paper. Intemship/field work Unit [V
having the components/activities of the intemship is to be developed in the form of the
Reflective Joumal. All the activities under the sessional work are to be evaluated for credits
andhence all the activities are to be showcased by the trainee and are to be tirlly recorded with
the complete certification of its genuineness. The Theory paper is to have 60 marks (external)
and 40marks are for the In House activities.

/YS' V Yz


University of Jammu
B.A. B.Ed lntegrated
Semester- V
(For the examination to be held in the year 202: ,2O2t &2O2: I

Paper: Middle Education Course No. :BABED502

Credit 4 Total Marks: 100
Duration of Examination: 3 hours Maximum Marks (External): 60
Maximum Marks (lnternal): 40

Learning Outcomes: On completion of the course, pupil teacher will be able to';-
r understand the meaning of primary and basic education.
o know the problems and issues of Middle school education.
o know about various polices & prograrnmes for the upliftment ofMiddle school education
r understand the best practices ofthe middle school education.
. know the various educational research action of Middle School Education .

Unit I
Concept Objectives & Rationalism Middle Education
. Meaning of lvliddle Education, Historical perspectives. Aims & objectives of Middle
school education, changing Scope ofMiddle School Education.
r Rationale of I'{iddle School Education.
. [)rr)blems and i'euredial r']rL'rsLrres of uo n -ett tolt'ttc'r11 atrC t.ton-retention of Niiddie
L.ducatiol S) stem.

Unit II
Policies and Programmes
. Middle Education Prograrnmes -Bharat Shiksha kosh Sana Shiksha Abhiyan. National
programmes of Nutritional Supporl (rnid-day mea[) District Primar.v Education
programlne, Minimunr Level of t-eaming, Continuous and Comprehensive evaluation of
middle level
. National policy on Education (1986, revised 1992 and2020) their implications for middle
Education, Yashpal committee Report (1993). Y.N. Chaturvedi report, Report of Rama
Krishna Rao.

"w VV

University of Jammu
BA B.Ed lntegrated
Semester- V
(For the examination to be held in the year 2O2. 202' & 202' I
Paper: Middle Education Course No. :BABED502
Credit 4 Total Marks: 100
Duration of Examination: 3 hours Maximum Marks (External): 60
Maximum Marks (lnternal): 40

Unit III
Educational practices & Evaluation Procedures

o Best Practices at the middle level ofEducation :-

I. Activity method
II. Heuristic method
ilI. Project method
IV. Programmed leaming
V. Inductive method
VI. Deductive method
. Audio - Visual aids for leaming.
. MultimedialnstructionalPackages.
. Basic techniques of Evaluation and use of Evaluation results.

{.rnit IV

Educational Research in Middle School Education

. The Goals of Education for all (EFA) in research activities with special reference to
structure of MSE, Problem of MSE wastage and Stagnation, Integrated approach,
vocationalisation of MSE.
. Development of MSE (class VI to VII| in India.

Modes of Transaction
Lecture-cum-discussion, Material review and presentation

Sessional Work
l:Prepare a timeline chart reflecting growth of middle education in India.
2: Visit to middle schools and prepare report on mid day meal.
3: Prepare and present the seminar on best practices in middle schools.
4: Prepare a PowerPoint presentation on problems of MSE.
Essential Readings:
o Report of Bharat Shiksha kook
. V.R. Taneja - Elementary Education. Vikas Publication.
o Sarv Shiksha Abhiyan refer.
. NPE,2020 Report.

University of Jammu
BA B.Ed lntegrated
Semester- V
(For the examination to be held in the year 202'.,202, &20211
Paper: Middle Education Course No. :BABED502
Gredit 4 Total Marks: 100
Duration of Examination: 3 hours Maximum Marks (External): 60
Maximum Marks (lnternal): 40

Suggested Readings:


https://u.wrv.uni cef'.orp/india./rvhat-*e-do,/education

httos:iTwrrrv.shiksha.com/teachin g-education/middl e-school-chp

Note for Paper Setters

The Question paper consists of 9 questions having Q no I as Compulsory having four parts
spread over thc entire Syllabus. r,,'ith a *'eightage of l2 marks .The rest of Question paper is
dii.ided into fbur Units and the students are to attend four Questions from these units with the
intemal choice. The essay type Question carries 12 marks each. Unit IV having the sessional
worl</field u,ork (section) could also be a part ofthe theory paper. Internship/field work Unit IV
having thc c<.inrp.:onents'/activities of the internship is to be der,eloleC iu the fonn of the
Reilective .ioir;r[Li. .\ii iire .ieii,, ities irr'ti.ier' tiie 5essiorial ',"'oiii a|e Lo oc c', L.i;aieii iiri cledits and
hence all the activities ale to be shorvcased by the trainee aud are to be lirlly recorded with the
complete certitication of its genuineness. The Theory paper is to have 60 r.narks (extemal) and 40
marks are fbr the ln Hor.rse actir ities.
.k^h,, \V Y-
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4/ ,i ,rr{

University of Jammu
B.A. B.Ed lntegrated
Semester- V Dr{-
(For the examination to be held in the year^202\ 2029&202q

Paper: SecondaryEducation Course No. :BABED503

Credit 4 Total Marks: 100
Duration of Examination: 3 hours Maximum Marks (External): 60
Maximum Marks (lnternal): 40

Learning outcomes: On completion of the course, pupil teacher will be able to:

I . analyze and evaluate the policy programmes for the development of secondary education.
2. understand the role ofsecondary school studen! teacher and principal.

3. develop understanding of universal secondary education, gender equaliry and challenges in

secondary education.

4. focus attention on curricular structure and course offerings at secondary education level.

t. nit- I

Second:rry' lirlucation Policl & Programmes lbr its Development

Secondary Education: Concept. Need and Importance.

Policy and programmes for development of secondary education, RN4SA, ICT at school and
Rashtriya Avishkar Abhiyan, Role of various agencies in secondary education - CBSE, SCERT,

Issues of quality in secondary education and strategies, Vocationalization of Secondary


z"&I" VV



University of Jammu
B.A. B.Ed lntegrated
Semester- V Dr-
(For the examination to be held in the yeal 202L 2023& 202Y
Paper: SecondaryEducation Course No. :BABED503
Credit 4 Total lJlarks: 100
Duration of Examination: 3 hours l..'laximum Marks (External): 60
f,llaximum Marks (lnternal): 40

Unit II
Role of Secondan, School Student, 'l'eaeher & Principal

Secondary School Student: Phy'sical characteristics, typical drivcs & interests, mental
development. emotional attitudes. social adjustments, influenccs ou adoi':s':l'tc.' d':r'elopment.

Secondary School Teacher: Role of Secondary School teacher, Person:rl erralillcations, teacher
preparation, certification of secondary school teachers, professiorral rel::li.nsltips of secondary
school teachers, salaries, teacher tenure. pension & retirement, teaclrer seltlevaltration.

Secondary school Principal: Principal as administrator, Quelilicetir,,, 1'.r adntinistrative and

supervisory leadership, administrative duties of a secondary' sclttro, 1-.iiicip.ii, supervisory
functions. evaluation ol administrative and supervisory skills.


Liniyers:rl Seeon{urr l,ltluc:rtion. Ceailer Iqualitl and Ci;,,:ie :;g!. ::l .:i.:;iiil:ii'"i'iiducatiOn

Concept. nature. scope and guidinq pr-irtciples ol Ltniversal s.:c .-,- '

Education fbr ntLrltiple intelligence, problems and educatic;r oi' il:-r i:.r.l .::r:::. guidance in
secondarv schools and development of behavior contlols.

Gender equalitV in secOndary education and gills' edltcatiott ir;,-i Sl-i:,i::;:':r' :.' , ici'c leplitel}t.

Unit Il'
Curricular Structure & Course offerings

Work and education- common school system, three language lottlllt!a irl siltlcl iclla[ processes,
student assessment, el'aluation and schooling facilitl'.

Challenges and future of secondary education, out o1'class aciiviiics, r"".:-ui:;':al aids, text
books and libralies

1'#) v
Technologt itt secottJary ctrrilulum. advent of nerv technoiogv fi Iloi,: ,'i l(i-i in secondary

\ q
University of Jammu
B.A. B.Ed lntegrated
Semester- V W!
(Forthe examination to be held in the yeaq202V2l29&2O2t
Paper: Secondary Education Course No, :BABED503
Credit 4 Total Marks: 100
Duration of Examination: 3 hours Maximum Marks (External): 60
Maximum Marks (lnternal): 40

Modes of Transaction

Lecture-cum-discussion,' Material review and presentation

Sessional Work
I : Prepare and present the seminar on problems of vocationalization of Secondary Education.
Prepare a timeline chart reflecting growlh of middle education in India.
2: Visit to secondary schools and prepare report on functioning ofschool.
3: Case study of guidance services in a secondary school.

4: Prepare a PowerPoint presentation on role oflCT in secondary education.

Essential Readings:

Cro'rv. L-D., Ritchie, H.E., & Crorv. A. (1961). Education in the secondary school. Kolkata:
Eurasia Publishing House.

S:.i,.::srryr. D.q. & i'c:rar. \ I i.nllil \4r-q;116;y.y :lltrculic;t. India.: Ish:. BO,:ks.

Urrilal, G.K., & Sengupta, P. (2011). Secondary ethrcalion systent- New Delhi: Common Wealth

Suggested Rcadings:

Irttps:r'r'indianculture.gor'.in repons-proceedings/repon-secondan education-cornnrission-

october-1952-iune- I 953

https:lr'eg-yankosh.ac.ir--'bitstrean 1 23456789/8526i I /Unit%205.pdf

https :, /r.wvrv.education. sov. i rlleruTashtriya-avishkar-abhivan

irttps:llwlrv.education.gov.ir/sites,/upload fileymhd./files/raalordeU idelines.pdf

htrps:/iw$,rr.india.eov.in/sootlight/rashtriva-madhyamik-shiksha-abhiyan#tab=ab- l

hups:/l*"wrx.education. gov. in /er/msa

https :/i ncert.nic.ir/

tl lnt ,z

1e;/ v?
hnp://scenik.on line/* eb/ U


University of Jammu
B.A. B.Ed lntegrated
Semester- V S,l:
(For the examination to be held intheyeail12u2-o?rl?O:2:!
Paper: Secondary Education Course Nol :BABED503
Credit 4 Total Marks: 100
Duration of Examination: 3 hours Maximum Marks (External): 60
Maximum Marks (lnterna!): 40

Note for Paper Setters

The Question paper consists of 9 questions having Q no 1 as Compulsory having four parts
spread over t]re entire Syllabus, with a weightage of 12 marks .The rest of Question paper is
divided into four Units and the students are to attend four Questions from these units with the
intemal choice. The essay type Question carries 12 marks each. Unit IV having the sessional
work/field work (section) could also be a part of the theory paper. Intemship/field work Unit IV
having the componentdactivities of the intemship is to be developed in the fonn of the
Reflective Joumal. All the activities rmder the sessional work are to be evaluated for credits and
hence all the activities are to be showcased by the trainee and are to be firlly recorded with the
complete certification of its genuineness. The Theory paper is to have 60 marks (extemal) and 40
pnarks are for the ln House activities,
4 &&- V Y''*/

University of Jammu
B.A. B.Ed lntegrated
Semester- V D.t
(For the examination to be held in the yeagi202*2029A 2O2Y

Paper: HigherEducation Course No. :BABED504

Credit 4 Total Marks: 100
Duration of Examination: 3 hours Maximum Marks (External): 60
Maximum Marks (lnternal): 40

Learning Outcomes: On completion ofthe course, pupil teacher will be able to:
.t Know about the development ofHigher Education in hdia
* Familiarize themselves with recommendations made by the various committees and their
use in present daY.
* Acquire knowledge about higber education and suggest the remedial measures to
overcome the problem of higher education.
* Leam the role and benefit of various agencies of higher education programme at state and
national level.
* Understand the s[ucture and types of institution in higher education.
.3. Leam about research activities and current issues in higher education.

Development of Iligher Education in India
i. Higher Edtication - Concept, Aims, Need and Scope
2. Higher Education in India before independence:
a) Indian University Commission (1902),
b) Calcuna University Commission (i917)
3. Higher Education in lndia after Independence:
a. Radha Krishan Commission (1948-49),
b. National Policy on Education (1968, 1986 and 1992),
c. Knowledge Commission (2005)
d. NEP (2020)

Agencies for Higher Education
l. Problems conceming Higher Education in India and suggestions to overcome them.
2. Ministry of Education: Major initiatives, Policies related to Higher Education
3. Role of UGC, NCTE, NIEPA, ICSSR, CSI& NAAC for promotion of Higher Education

4"d*, V?
University of Jammu
B.A. B.Ed lntegrated
Semester- V D.r
(For the examination to be held in the yea1202L2023& 202\
Paper: TeacherEducation Course No. :BABED505
Credit 4 Total Marks: 100
Duration of Examination: 3 hours Maximum Marks (External): 60
Maximum Marks (lnternal): 40

Learning Outcomes: On the completion of the course, pupil teacher will be able to:
* Grasp knowledge about Teacher Education in lndia with special reference lo
Ancient period, medieval period, and British era.
* Familiarize themselves with recommendations made by the various committees
and their use in present day.
* Acquire knowledge about teacher education and suggest the remedial measures
to overcome the problem of teacher education at different level of education
.!. Leam the role and benefit of various agencies of teacher education programme
at state, national and international level.
* Apply various methods of teaching for hansacting the curriculum in school
{. Become aware of various programmes for professional growth of teachers.
* Assess the purpose of research in Teacher Education.

Growth of reacher Education in lndi"
Teacher Education - Concept, Aims, Need and Scope
Teacher Education in lndia with Special Reference-
a) Ancient period
b) Medieval period
c) British period
Teacher Education in lndia after lndependence:
a) University Education Commission (1948-49),
b) Kothari commission (1964-66),
c) Chattopadhyaya Committee Report (1983-85)(Recommendations)
o*""0v^"yr'"Ynion renitory of JammuKashmir

4 &r-

University of Jammu
B.A. B.Ed lntegrated
Semester- V D,-t-
(For the examination to be held in the yean20?lr2023&202L1
Paper: Teacher Education Course No. :BABED505
Credit 4 Total Marks: 100
Duration of Examination: 3 hours Maximum Marks (External): 60
Maximum Marks (lnternal): 40

Agencies for Teacher Education
Problems concerning Teacher Education in lndia and suggestions to overcome
Agencies for ln-service and Pre-service Teacher Education and Training:
National Council of Teacher Education (NCTE) and National lnstitute of Open
Schooling (NIOS): current issues & shortcomings in teacher education.

lnnovations and lnstructional Techniques
Instructional Methods in Teacher Education: Lecture method, Group discussion and
Brain storming
lnnovations in Teacher Education: Constructivist and Reflective Teacher Education.

Student Teaching/ Practice Teaching: Objectives, structures, organisation and


Professionalism and Research in Teacher Education
Professionalism in teacher education, Professional Ethics and Professional
Code of Ethics for Teacher Educators
Programmes for professional groMh of Teachers: Orientation cum Refresher
courses and Action research
Research in Teacher Education: Nature, scope and trends

Modes of Transaction:
. Lecture and organised planned discussions.
. Power point presentation
o Visits to different agencies.
Sessional Work
1: Prepare a timeline chart reflecting groMh of teacher education.
2: Visit to different agencies like DIET and SCERT & list out their role and responsibly.
3: Prepare and present the seminar on various instructional methods used in teacher
4: fake any problem of school related to children and conduct a comparative study of

any two methods of teaching, through action research and compile a report.
University of Jammu
B.A. B.Ed lntegrated
Semester- V 0r.
(For the examination to be held in the yearr202)2023 & 202q
Paper: Teacher Education Course No. :BABED505
Credit 4 Total Marks: 100
Duration of Examination: 3 hours Maximum Marks (External): 60
Maximum Marks (lnternal): 40

Essential Readings:
. Saxena, N. R., Mishra, 8.K., & Mohanty, R.K. (1999-2000).Teacher Education.
Surya publications: Meerut.
o Sharma, S.P. (2009).Teacher Education, principles, theories and practices.
Kanishka Publishers: New Delhi
. Garg, B,R. (2000). lssues in Teacher Education. The lndian Publications:
Ambala Cant- 133001(lndia)
o Verma, M.(2006). Teacher Education. Murari Lal &Sons: New Delhi-1 10002
. Singh, L. C. & Sharma, P. C. (1995) Teacher Education and the Teacher, New
Delhi: Vikas Publishing House
. Singh, R. P. (1990).Studies in Teacher Education, New Delhi: Bahri Publication
. Mangla, Sheela (2010).Teacher Education: Trends & Strategies, Radha Publishing,
New Delhi.
Suggested Readings:
. Ministry of Education (1964$6).Education and National Development Report of
lndian Education Commission, Govt. of lndia, New Delhi.
. MHRD (1986).National Policy on Education and Programme of Action. Govt. of
lndia, Neur Deihi.
. MHRD (1990): Rama Murti Committee Report, Department of Education, Govt. of
lndia, New Delhi.
. MHRD (1992): Programme of Action, Department of Education, Govt. of lndia, New
. Nayar, D.P. (1989). Towards a National System of Education, Mital Publishing, New
r NCERT ('1987): ln service Training Package for Secondary Teachers MHR, New
. NCTE (1998): Curriculum Framework for Quality Teacher Education, NCTE,
Publishing, New Delhi.
o Sikula, J. (Ed.) (1985). Handbook of Research on Teacher Education, New
York, MacMillan Publishing.
. MHRD (1990): Towards and Enlightened and Humane Society; (Rama Murti
Committee Report), Department of Education, Govt. of lndia, New Delhi.
. Singh, L.C. et al. (1990).Teacher Education in lndia, New Delhi, NCERT.
. Singh, T.(1978).Diffusion of lnnovationi among Training Colleges of lndia,
Varanasi, Bharat Bharati

,4?, &).a
University of Jammu
B.A. B.Ed lntegrated
Semester- V grr.
(For the examination to be held in the yearn202r-2029&20214

Paper: TeacherEducation Course No. :BABED505

Credit 4 Total Marks: 100
Duration of Examination: 3 hours Maximum Marks (External): 60
Maximum Marks (lnternal): 40

www.britishcouncil. in/sites/britishcou ncil.inZfi ledncfte'201 0.pdf
www.oryd iane. neUl MG/pdf/OCSE-DIVERSITA. pdf.

Note for Paper Setters

The Question paper consists of 9 questions having Q no I as Compulsory having four pa(s
spread over the entire Syllabus, with a weightage of 12 marks .The rest of Question paper is
divided into four Units and the students arc to attend four Questions from these units with the
intemal choice. The essay rype Question carries 12 marks each. Unit IV having the sessional
work/field r.vork (section) could also be a part of the theory paper. Intemship/field work Unit IV
having the cotnponenrs.'acti r ities tlf rhe inrernship is lo be cleveioped ln the lorm of the
Reflective Journal, AII the activities under the sessional work are to be evaluated for credits and
hence all the activities are to be showcased by the trainee and are to be fully recorded with the

complete certification of its genuineness. The Theory paper is to have 60 marks (extemal) and 40

marks are for the In House activities. //

University of Jammu
B.A./ B.Ed lntegrated
Semester- V Vu
(For the examination to be held in the yea;'202L 202)& 2021

Paper: School lnternship Course No. :BABED506

Credit 4 Total Marks:100
Maximum Marks lnternal: 50

Maximum Marks External: 50

Sr Activities Internal External Total Marks

No. Marks Marks
1. Time table 05 05 r0
(For Teacher,
7 School record and attendance 05 05 l0

J. Conduct of morning assembly l0 10 20

rvith different activities
4. School report l0 10 20
Organisation of co-curricular 10 10 20
activities (Anyfive)
6. Cumulative record of 10 10 20
students(Any five)


University of Jammu
B.A. B.Ed lntegrated
Semester- V
(For the examination to be held in the year 204 2O2g& 2O2q
Paper: lligher Education Gourse No. :BABED504
Gredit 4 Total Marks:100
Duration of Examination: 3 hours Maximum Marks (External): 60
Maximum Marks (lnternal): 40


Structure and Types of Institutions in Higher Education

1. The existing structure of Graduation, Post-graduation and Research Studies
2. Structure of Graduation, Post-gaduation and Research Studies as per NEP 2020
3. Types of lnstitutions: Aims, Structure and Role;
a) Central Universities
b) State Universities
c) Private Universities
d) Deemed Universities

Instructional Strategies and Innovations in Higher Education
1. Instructional Strategies in Higher Education: Meaning, Objectives and Importance;
i) Conference technique ii) Seminar Technique iii) Workshop Technique iv) Collaborative
2. Innovarions i1 Higher Eilucariol: Concept, Objecrives and {mportance; S-IVA-{AM,
iv{OOC, Google Meet, Zoom App, Google Classroom and e-pg- Pathshala
3. Research Activities in Higher Education with reference to: i) Constructivist Approach ii)
Blended Learning iii) NEP 2020

4. Current issues in Higher Education

Modes of Transaction:
I. Lecture and organised planned discussions
II. Power Point Presentation
UI. Visits to different agencies.
Sessional Work
I : Prepare a timeline chart reflecting growth of Higher Education.
2: Visit to different agencies like NCTE and UGC and list out their role and responsibilities.
3: Prepare and present the seminar on various instructional strategies used in higher education.
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University of Jammu
B.A. B.Ed lntegrated
Semester- V D4
(For the examination to be held in the yeaq202a. 2029&202
Paper: Higher Education Course No. :BABED504
Gredit 4 Total Marks: 100
Duration of Examination:3 hours Maximum Marks (External): 60
Maximum Marks (lnternal): 40

Essential Readings:

. Bhushan, S. (2019). The Future of Higher Education in Indi4 Spring Nature Publication
. Dek4 B. (2000). Higher Education in India: Development and Problems, Atlantic
Publishers & Dist
. Jandhyalq B .G. Q02l). Education in India: Policy and Practice, SAGE Publication India
o Saranya, P.L,, Gedala S.N.R. (2021). Assessment, Accreditation and Ranking Methods for
Higher Education Institutes in India: Current Findings and Future Challenges, Bentham
Science Publication
. Varghese, N.V., & Malik, G. (2020). Govemance and Management of Higher Education in
India, SAGE Publishing India
Suggested Readings:

o MHRD (1992): Programme ol Action, Department of Education, Govt. of India, New

o MHRD (1990): Rama Murti Committee Report, Department of Education, Govt. of
India, New Delhi.
r -\IHBJ (1990): Tcr, rds and Enlightened and Humane Society: (Rama ivlurti Committee
Report). Department of Education, Gor.t. of India, New Delhi.
. MHRD (1986).National Policy on Education and Programme of Action, Govt. of Indi4
Nerv Delhi.
. Ministry of Education (1964-66).Education and National Development Report of hrdian
Education Commission, Govt. of India, New Delhi.
o Nayar, D.P. (1989). Towards a National System of Education, Mital Publishing, New
o NCTE (1998): Curriculum Framework for Quality Higher Education" NCTE,
Publishing, New Delhi.
Note for Paper Setters
The Question paper consists of 9 questions having Q no 1 as Compulsory having four
parts spread over the entire Syllabus, with a weightage of 12 marks .The rest of Question
paper is divided into four Units and the students are to attend four Questions from these
units with the intemal choice. The essay type Question carries 12 marks each- Unit IV
having the sessional work/field work (section) could also be a part of t-he theory paper.
Intemship/field work Unit IV having the componentVactivities of the intemship is to be
developed in the form of the Reflective Joumal. All the activities under the sessional
work are to be evaluated for credits and hence all the activities are to be showcased by
the trainee and are to be fully recorded with the complete certification of its genuineness.
The Theory ,^*, r"yr 40 marks are for the rn House

4 N, activities.

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