STUP Consultants PVT LTD - PS Srijan Tech Park, 8 Floor, DN-52, Sector-V, Salt Lake, Kolkata - 700091
STUP Consultants PVT LTD - PS Srijan Tech Park, 8 Floor, DN-52, Sector-V, Salt Lake, Kolkata - 700091
STUP Consultants PVT LTD - PS Srijan Tech Park, 8 Floor, DN-52, Sector-V, Salt Lake, Kolkata - 700091
Design of Hanging Platform for Rehabilitation Work of 2nd Hooghly Bridge.
08/06/2022 R0 1 + 32 = 33 8384-E-DN-01
This note is the property of STUP Consultants Pvt. Ltd. It should not be used, copied or reproduced without
their written permission
Date : 08/06/2022 NOTE NO.: 8384-E-DN-01
By : VJB Checked: YGW Approved: ASG Rev: R0
Typical arrangement and cross section is as shown in the below figure.
CL of Symmetry
Date : 08/06/2022 NOTE NO.: 8384-E-DN-01
By : VJB Checked: YGW Approved: ASG Rev: R0
As per IS 800:2007, the analysis is carried out considering
1 . All member are friction less pin jointed
2 . All members are straight and free to rotate at the joints.
3 . No off joint loading on member
The capacity of the each member is determined as tension and as compression member
(i) For determining the "Compression Capacity" following procedure is adopted
(a) Section is Classified as per IS 800:2007 Table 2.
And if member is classified as "Slender" as per given criteria the equivalent section property is used for determining member capacity as specified in IS 800:2007
(b) Design is carried out in accordance with Cl. 7.2 of IS 800:2007
(c) The Buckling class of member is considered as 'C' and respective a value of 0.49 and 0.21 is used as specified
in table 2 of IS 800:2007
(d) The Effective length of member is taken as 0.8 times c/c distance as per Table-11 of IS 800:2007
(ii) For determining the "Tension Capacity" following procedure is adopted
(a) The capacity of member under tension is considered as min of following three
Design strength governed by yielding of gross section
Design strength governed by rupture of net section
Design strength governed by Block shear failure
(b) The design is carried out in accordance with Cl. 6.2 of IRC 800:2007.
(iii) For determine the "Moment Capacity" following procedure is adopted
(a) The plastic modulus is calculated considering the member to be thin walled section
(b) The member is designed as laterally un-supported beam and in accordance with section 8.2.2 of IS 800:2007
(c) The effective length is calculated as per table 11 of IS 800:2007
Structural Steel of grade E250, weldable grade shall be used conforming to IS 2062.
Grade of Steel = E 250 (Fe 410W) B
Material Partial safety factor :
Governed by Ultimate Stress = 1.25
Governed by Yielding Stress = 1.1
The forces for basic load cases are extracted from STAAD analysis result and summarised for each member. Load combinations are made using these basic load cases.
Members are grouped together and each group has same member properties. Member properties are summarised for each group.
Each member is checked against its capacity and summarised in tables. Later connection design is carried out for each joint locations.
Date : 08/06/2022 NOTE NO.: 8384-E-DN-01
By : VJB Checked: YGW Approved: ASG Rev: R0
Dead load consists of Self weight of members, floor load of walking platform and equipment load.
In STAAD analysis SELFWEIGHT command is used which accounts for the self weight of the members, weight of walking platform and equipment has been added as floor load.
To account for weights of connections to the steel members, the density of steel is increased by 30%.
Construction live load on the walking platform, inclusive of workmen and equipment is considered to be = 0.150 T/sq.m.
Above discussed basic load cases will act on structure with the below mentioned combination.
All the combinations are applied with partial load factors in ULS condition to check its strength and equilibrium.
i) 1.35DL + 1.5LL
ii) 1.35DL + 1.5WL
iii) 1.35DL + 1.5LL (Lead) + 0.9WL
iv) 1.35DL + 1.15LL + 1.5WL (Lead) TOP LATERAL
Fx = Axial Force
FY = Shear in Y direction (Vertical)
FZ = Shear in Z direction (Transverese)
DIAGONAL BRACING (DB) MY = Out plane bending
Mz = In Plane Bending
Fig: Working Platform
Overall Overall Unsupported
Top Flange per item Web per item Bot Flange per item Extra Web Plate b/w Gross Area
Group width depth Length
Section Flange
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) m2 (m)
bf1 tf1 bw tw bf2 tf2 bw1 tw1 B D b Agross L
VB 2MC300 F/F 82.4 13.6 300 7.6 82.4 13.6 0 0 180 300 0 0.0091 4.500
TPB 2MC300 F/F 82.4 13.6 300 7.6 82.4 13.6 0 0 180 300 0 0.0091 0.900
BPB 2MC300 F/F 82.4 13.6 300 7.6 82.4 13.6 0 0 180 300 0 0.0091 0.900
WT ISMC 150 69.6 9 150 5.4 69.6 9.0 0 0 75 150 0 0.0021 0.900
WB ISMB 200 100 10 200 5.7 100.0 10.0 0 0 100 200 0 0.00308 2.650
TLT ISMC 300 90 13.6 300 7.6 90.0 13.6 0 0 90 300 0 0.00463 4.000
BLT ISMC 300 90 13.6 300 7.6 90.0 13.6 0 0 90 300 0 0.00463 4.000
TT ISMC 200 75 11.4 200 6.1 75.0 11.4 0 0 75 200 0 0.002821 2.650
BT ISMB 200 100 10 200 5.7 100.0 10.0 0 0 100 200 0 0.00308 2.650
DB ISA 65x65x6 65 6 65 6.0 65.0 6.0 0 0 130 65 0 0.001488 3.204
Gross Section Properties:
Leff X= Leff Y =
Group Agross. CGyy CGzz It Izz Iyy rzz ryy Zzz Zyy Max.
0.85 L 0.85 L
(m2) (m) (m) (m4) (m4) (m4) (m) (m) (m3) (m3) Leff / rzz Leff / ryy Leff / r
VB 0.0091 0.090 0.149 3.642E-07 1.26E-04 4.40E-05 0.118 0.07 0.000847 0.0004889 32.416 54.643 54.643
TPB 0.0091 0.090 0.149 3.642E-07 1.26E-04 4.40E-05 0.118 0.07 0.000847 0.0004889 6.484 10.929 10.929
BPB 0.0091 0.090 0.149 3.642E-07 1.26E-04 4.40E-05 0.118 0.07 0.000847 0.0004889 6.484 10.929 10.929
WT 0.0021 0.035 0.075 4.60E-08 7.79E-06 1.02E-06 0.061 0.022 0.0001039 0.0000292 12.541 34.773 34.773
WB 0.00308 0.080 0.125 3.70E-07 7.63E-05 9.13E-06 0.157 0.054 0.0006107 0.0001141 14.348 41.713 41.713
TLT 0.00463 0.045 0.150 2.00E-07 6.36E-05 3.11E-06 0.117 0.026 0.0004242 0.0000691 29.060 130.77 130.77
BLT 0.00463 0.045 0.150 2.00E-07 6.36E-05 3.11E-06 0.117 0.026 0.0004242 0.0000691 29.060 130.77 130.77
TT 0.002821 0.038 0.100 9.20E-08 1.82E-05 1.40E-06 0.08 0.022 0.0001819 0.0000374 28.157 102.387 102.387
BT 0.00308 0.050 0.100 9.26E-08 2.11E-05 1.37E-06 0.083 0.021 0.0002115 0.0000274 27.139 107.262 107.262
DB 0.001488 0.065 0.033 1.92E-08 1.04E-06 5.67E-07 0.026 0.02 0.000032 0.0000087 104.747 136.17 136.17
Web -clasification :
Group fcc χ*fy/γm0 fy/γm0 fcd
KL/r λ α φ χ
Name (N/mm ) 2
(N/mm )2 2
(N/mm ) (N/mm2)
VB 54.643 661.09 0.615 0.49 0.791 0.776 176.364 227.273 176.364
TPB 10.929 16526.043 0.123 0.49 0.489 1.039 236.136 227.273 227.273
BPB 10.929 16526.043 0.123 0.49 0.489 1.039 236.136 227.273 227.273
WT 34.773 1632.471 0.391 0.49 0.623 0.903 205.227 227.273 205.227
WB 41.713 1134.454 0.469 0.49 0.676 0.860 195.455 227.273 195.455
TLT 130.770 115.429 1.472 0.49 1.894 0.324 73.636 227.273 73.636
BLT 130.770 115.429 1.472 0.49 1.894 0.324 73.636 227.273 73.636
TT 102.387 188.296 1.152 0.49 1.397 0.457 103.864 227.273 103.864
BT 107.262 171.569 1.207 0.21 1.334 0.526 119.545 227.273 119.545
DB 136.170 106.455 1.532 0.49 2.001 0.304 69.091 227.273 69.091
Flange Classification :
Group Top Flange Bot Flange
Flange Class
Name b/tf 8.4ε 9.4ε 13.6ε Class b/tf 8.4ε 9.4ε 13.6ε Class
VB 6.1 8.400 9.400 13.600 Plastic 6.1 8.400 9.400 13.600 Plastic Plastic
TPB 6.1 8.400 9.400 13.600 Plastic 6.1 8.400 9.400 13.600 Plastic Plastic
BPB 6.1 8.400 9.400 13.600 Plastic 6.1 8.400 9.400 13.600 Plastic Plastic
WT 7.7 8.400 9.400 13.600 Plastic 7.7 8.400 9.400 13.600 Plastic Plastic
Semi- Semi-
WB 10.0 8.400 9.400 13.600 10.0 8.400 9.400 13.600 Semi-compact
Compact Compact
TLT 6.6 8.400 9.400 13.600 Plastic 6.6 8.400 9.400 13.600 Plastic Plastic
BLT 6.6 8.400 9.400 13.600 Plastic 6.6 8.400 9.400 13.600 Plastic Plastic
TT 6.6 8.400 9.400 13.600 Plastic 6.6 8.400 9.400 13.600 Plastic Plastic
Semi- Semi-
BT 10.0 8.400 9.400 13.600 10.0 8.400 9.400 13.600 Semi-compact
Compact Compact
Semi- Semi-
DB 10.8 8.400 9.400 13.600 10.8 8.400 9.400 13.600 Semi-compact
Compact Compact
VB Plastic
TPB Plastic
BPB Plastic
WT Plastic
WB Semi-Compact
TLT Plastic
BLT Plastic
TT Plastic
BT Semi-Compact
DB Semi-Compact
Top falnge per item Web per item Bottom falnge per item
Allowable Allowable Allowable
Group Actual Dimension Actual Dimension Actual Dimension
Width Depth Width
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
bf1 tf1 ballow. bw tw ballow. bf2 tf2 ballow.
VB 82.4 13.6 82.4 300 8 300 82 14 82.4
TPB 82.4 13.6 82.4 300 8 300 82 14 82.4
BPB 82.4 13.6 82.4 300 8 300 82 14 82.4
WT 69.6 9 69.6 150 5 150 70 9 69.6
WB 100 10 100 200 6 200 100 10 100
TLT 90 13.6 90 300 8 300 90 14 90
BLT 90 13.6 90 300 8 300 90 14 90
TT 75 11.4 75 200 6 200 75 11 75
BT 100 10 100 200 6 200 100 10 100
DB 65 6 65 65 6 65 65 6 65
Leff X= Leff Y =
Group Agross. CGyy CGzz It Izz Iyy rzz ryy Zzz Zyy Max.
0.85 L 0.85 L
(m2) (m) (m) (m4) (m4) (m4) (m) (m) (m3) (m3) Leff / rzz Leff / ryy Leff / r
VB 0.009 0.090 0.164 3.642E-07 0.000128 0.000044 0.119 0.07 0.0007805 0.0004889 32.143 54.643 54.643
TPB 0.009 0.090 0.164 3.642E-07 0.000128 0.000044 0.119 0.07 0.0007805 0.0004889 6.429 10.929 10.929
BPB 0.009 0.090 0.164 3.642E-07 0.000128 0.000044 0.119 0.07 0.0007805 0.0004889 6.429 10.929 10.929
WT 0.0041 0.075 0.085 8.34E-08 0.0000159 0.0000125 0.062 0.055 0.0001871 0.0001667 12.339 13.91 13.91
WB 0.0063 0.106 0.110 1.58E-07 0.0000444 0.0000377 0.084 0.077 0.0004036 0.0003557 26.816 29.254 29.254
TLT 0.0095 0.098 0.163 3.896E-07 0.0001363 0.0000539 0.12 0.075 0.0008362 0.00055 28.334 45.334 45.334
BLT 0.0095 0.098 0.163 3.896E-07 0.0001363 0.0000539 0.12 0.075 0.0008362 0.00055 28.334 45.334 45.334
TT 0.0059 0.081 0.111 1.784E-07 0.0000393 0.0000212 0.082 0.06 0.0003541 0.0002617 27.470 37.542 37.542
BT 0.0063 0.106 0.110 1.58E-07 0.0000444 0.0000377 0.084 0.077 0.0004036 0.0003557 26.816 29.254 29.254
DB 0.0016 0.071 0.056 2.808E-08 0.0000029 0.0000058 0.043 0.06 0.0000518 0.0000817 63.335 45.39 63.335
Bending Capacity of members: Ref cl. No.8.2.2 of IS 800:2007 Considering the member is Laterally Unsupported
Design (Mz)
βb LLT Iw Mcr λLT ΦLT χLT fbd Capacity obtained
VB 1.000 4.500 0.000351 587.38 0.763 0.93 0.685 155.682 212.506 8.305
TPB 1.000 0.900 0.000351 2979.60 0.339 0.592 0.929 211.136 288.202 47
BPB 1.000 0.900 0.000351 2979.60 0.339 0.592 0.929 211.136 288.202 1
WT 1.000 0.900 0.000087 266.90 0.385 0.594 0.956 217.273 34.221 1.565
WB 1.983 2.650 0.000478 783.31 0.442 0.624 0.94 213.636 130.482 14.86
TLT 1.000 4.000 0.000177 347.76 0.707 0.804 0.843 191.591 133.060 1.25
BLT 1.000 4.000 0.000177 347.76 0.707 0.804 0.843 191.591 133.060 1.00
TT 1.000 2.650 0.000114 190.67 0.609 0.729 0.886 201.364 56.805 0.337
BT 0.687 2.650 0.000133 206.33 0.507 0.661 0.922 209.545 44.339 3.5
DB 0.662 3.204 0.000062 17.26 0.681 0.783 0.856 194.545 6.229 0
Design (My)
βb LLT Iw Mcr λLT ΦLT χLT fbd Capacity obtained
VB 0.597 4.500 0.000123 346.694 0.594 0.773 0.789 179.318 87.677 12.9
TPB 0.597 0.900 0.000123 1742.346 0.265 0.552 0.966 219.545 107.346 2.2
BPB 0.597 0.900 0.000123 1742.346 0.265 0.552 0.966 219.545 107.346 0.025
WT 0.371 0.900 0.000012 94.310 0.279 0.559 0.959 217.955 6.368 0
WB 0.741 2.650 0.000058 270.364 0.325 0.584 0.936 212.727 24.276 0.01
TLT 0.332 4.000 0.000009 76.808 0.475 0.681 0.856 194.545 13.458 0
BLT 0.332 4.000 0.000009 76.808 0.475 0.681 0.856 194.545 13.458 0.027
TT 0.354 2.650 0.000009 52.857 0.421 0.643 0.886 201.364 7.541 0
BT 0.178 2.650 0.000009 52.384 0.362 0.606 0.916 208.182 5.707 0.08
DB 0.09 3.204 0.000034 12.718 0.414 0.639 0.889 202.045 1.759 0
N = Comp. My Mz Pdz Pdy Mdz Mdy Nd Pz/Pdz Py/Pdy Mz/Mdz My/Mdy Mdz+My/Md Check
VB 16.990 12.900 8.305 1605.10 1893.7 212.506 87.677 3190.91 0.011 0.009 0.040 0.148 0.194 O.K.
TPB 0.020 2.200 47.000 2068.19 2068.19 288.202 107.346 3190.91 0.001 0.001 0.164 0.021 0.186 O.K.
BPB 0.010 0.025 1.000 2068.19 2068.19 288.202 107.346 3190.91 0.001 0.001 0.004 0.001 0.006 O.K.
WT 3.600 0.000 1.565 859.93 954.55 34.221 6.368 1453.64 0.005 0.004 0.046 0.000 0.049 O.K.
WB 149.500 0.010 14.860 1229.23 1431.82 130.482 24.276 1229.23 0.122 0.105 0.114 0.001 0.237 O.K.
TLT 1.250 0.000 1.250 699.01 2017.76 133.060 13.458 3368.19 0.002 0.001 0.010 0.000 0.011 O.K.
BLT 0.000 0.027 1.000 699.01 2017.76 133.060 13.458 3368.19 0.000 0.000 0.008 0.003 0.011 O.K.
TT 2.500 0.000 0.337 612.39 1260.74 56.805 7.541 2091.82 0.005 0.002 0.006 0.000 0.008 O.K.
BT 29.600 0.080 3.500 615.74 1353.57 44.339 5.707 2233.64 0.049 0.022 0.079 0.015 0.108 O.K.
DB 57.900 0.000 0.000 102.87 150.09 6.229 1.759 567.28 0.563 0.386 0.000 0.000 0.103 O.K.
Ψ ΨTZz/A Mz Meff z Ψ Z ΨTZY/A My Meff y
Name T/A U.R. T/A U.R.
kN m3 kNm kNm kNm kN m3 kNm kNm kNm
VB 1 0.0008 13626.40 10.765 8.305 0.000 0.00 1 0.0005 13626.40 6.746 12.900 6.154 0.07
TPB 1 0.0008 296.80 0.235 47.000 46.765 0.22 1 0.0005 296.80 0.147 2.200 2.053 0.02
BPB 1 0.0008 197.90 0.157 1.000 0.843 0.00 1 0.0005 197.90 0.098 0.025 0.000 0.00
WT 1 0.0001 2.40 0.001 1.565 1.564 0.01 1 0.0001 2.40 0.001 0.000 0.000 0.00
WB 1 0.0002 3174.70 0.632 14.860 14.228 0.07 1 0.0002 3174.70 0.559 0.010 0.000 0.00
TLT 1 0.0004 0.00 0.000 1.250 1.250 0.01 1 0.0003 0.00 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.00
BLT 1 0.0004 157.90 0.066 1.000 0.934 0.01 1 0.0003 157.90 0.044 0.027 0.000 0.00
TT 1 0.0002 2118.70 0.422 0.337 0.000 0.00 1 0.0002 2118.70 0.373 0.000 0.000 0.00
BT 1 0.0002 23206.40 4.619 3.500 0.000 0.00 1 0.0002 23206.40 4.085 0.080 0.000 0.00
DB 1 0.0000 38911.30 1.907 0.000 0.000 0.00 1 0.0001 38911.30 2.997 0.000 0.000 0.00
As per Cl. of IS 800:2007 (P / Pdy) + {Ky x (Cmy x My / Mdy)} + {KLT x Mz / Mdz} ≤ 1.0
(P / Pdy) + {Ky x (Cmy x My / Mdy)} + {KLT x Mz / Mdz} ≤ 1.0
Overall Overall Unsupported
Top Flange per item Web per item Bot Flange per item Extra Web Plate b/w Gross Area
Group width depth Length
Section Flange
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) m2 (m)
bf1 tf1 bw tw bf2 tf2 bw1 tw1 B D b Agross L
BB ISMB 400 140 16 400 8.9 140.0 16.0 0 0 140 400 0 0.00784 1.500
BS ISMB 400 140 16 400 8.9 140.0 16.0 0 0 140 400 0 0.00784 1.450
Flange Classification :
Group Top Flange Bot Flange
Flange Class
Name b/tf 8.4ε 9.4ε 13.6ε Class b/tf 8.4ε 9.4ε 13.6ε Class
BB 8.8 8.400 9.400 13.600 Compact 8.8 8.400 9.400 13.600 Compact Compact
BS 8.8 8.400 9.400 13.600 Compact 8.8 8.400 9.400 13.600 Compact Compact
BB Compact
BS Compact
Top falnge per item Web per item Bottom falnge per item
Allowable Allowable Allowable
Group Actual Dimension Actual Dimension Actual Dimension
Width Depth Width
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
bf1 tf1 ballow. bw tw ballow. bf2 tf2 ballow.
BB 140 16 140 400 9 400 140 16 140
BS 140 16 140 400 9 400 140 16 140
Leff X= Leff Y =
Group Agross. CGyy CGzz It Izz Iyy rzz ryy Zzz Zyy Max.
0.85 L 0.85 L
(m2) (m) (m) (m4) (m4) (m4) (m) (m) (m3) (m3) Leff / rzz Leff / ryy Leff / r
BB 0.0161 0.149 0.216 9.526E-07 0.0004295 0.0002075 0.163 0.114 0.0019884 0.0013926 18.405 11.185 18.405
BS 0.0161 0.149 0.216 9.526E-07 0.0004295 0.0002075 0.163 0.114 0.0019884 0.0013926 17.792 10.812 17.792
Bending Capacity of members: Ref cl. No.8.2.2 of IS 800:2007 Considering the member is Laterally Unsupported
Design (Mz)
βb LLT Iw Mcr λLT ΦLT χLT fbd Capacity obtained
BB 1.000 1.500 0.000321 1593.17 0.497 0.697 0.844 191.818 300.771 196.89
BS 1.000 1.450 0.000321 1649.26 0.488 0.69 0.85 193.182 302.910 103.7
Design (My)
βb LLT Iw Mcr λLT ΦLT χLT fbd Capacity obtained
BB 0.162 1.500 0.000010 274.816 0.285 0.562 0.956 217.273 19.317 0
BS 0.162 1.450 0.000010 284.299 0.28 0.559 0.959 217.955 19.378 0
BB 0.000 0.000 196.890 1575.98 3641.72 300.771 19.317 5708.19 0.000 0.000 0.655 0.000 0.655 O.K.
BS 648.900 0.000 103.700 3485.98 3659.1 302.910 19.378 5708.19 0.187 0.178 0.343 0.000 0.457 O.K.
As per Cl. of IS 800:2007 (P / Pdy) + {Ky x (Cmy x My / Mdy)} + {KLT x Mz / Mdz} ≤ 1.0
(P / Pdy) + {Ky x (Cmy x My / Mdy)} + {KLT x Mz / Mdz} ≤ 1.0
0.6 ky
Group kz CMZ Interactio ky Cmy Interactio
P/Pdz Cmy P/Pdy kLT Mz/Mdz
Name Mz/Mdz n Ratio My/Mdy n Ratio
BB 0.00 0.00 0.66 0.66 0.00 0.00 0.66 0.66
BS 0.19 0.00 0.40 0.58 0.18 0.00 0.26 0.44
Bracket and Cable
Date : 08/06/2022 NOTE NO.: 8384-E-DN-01
By : VJB Checked: YGW Approved: ASG Rev: R0
Maximum axial tension on the wire rope, calculated from staad model = 245.71 kN
No. of ropes = 2 Nos.
Assuming type of wire rope = Spiral strand with 1x37 Construction, as per USHA MARTIN Brochure
Nominal dia. of wire rope = 29 mm
Breaking Force = 676 kN
Total capacity = 1352 kN > 245.71 kN (Hence O.K.)
Maximum axial tension on the wire rope, calculated from staad model = 18.7 kN
No. of ropes = 2 Nos.
Assuming type of wire rope = 28 Dia. Wire rope with steel core of garde 1570 Mpa as per IS:2266
Nominal dia. of wire rope = 28 mm
Breaking Force = 439 kN
Total capacity = 878 kN > 18.7 kN (Hence O.K.)
1 -0.35 0 0.400001; 2 2.1 0 0.400001; 3 4.75 0 0.400001; 5 10.05 0 0.400001;
6 12.7 0 0.400001; 7 15.35 0 0.400001; 8 18 0 0.400001; 9 20.65 0 0.400001;
10 23.3 0 0.400001; 11 25.95 0 0.400001; 13 31.25 0 0.400001;
14 33.9 0 0.400001; 15 36.35 0 0.400001; 16 5.95 0 0.400001;
17 30.05 0 0.400001; 20 4.75 -1.8 0.400001; 21 7.4 -1.8 0.400001;
22 10.05 -1.8 0.400001; 23 12.7 -1.8 0.400001; 24 15.35 -1.8 0.400001;
25 18 -1.8 0.400001; 26 20.65 -1.8 0.400001; 27 23.3 -1.8 0.400001;
28 25.95 -1.8 0.400001; 29 28.6 -1.8 0.400001; 30 31.25 -1.8 0.400001;
33 -0.35 0 1.3; 34 2.1 0 1.3; 35 4.75 0 1.3; 36 7.4 0 1.3; 37 10.05 0 1.3;
38 12.7 0 1.3; 39 15.35 0 1.3; 40 18 0 1.3; 41 20.65 0 1.3; 42 23.3 0 1.3;
43 25.95 0 1.3; 44 28.6 0 1.3; 45 31.25 0 1.3; 46 33.9 0 1.3; 47 36.35 0 1.3;
48 -2.8 0 0.400001; 50 -2.8 0 1.3; 51 38.8 0 0.400001; 53 38.8 0 1.3;
54 5.95 0 1.3; 55 30.05 0 1.3; 58 4.75 -1.8 1.3; 59 7.4 -1.8 1.3;
60 10.05 -1.8 1.3; 61 12.7 -1.8 1.3; 62 15.35 -1.8 1.3; 63 18 -1.8 1.3;
64 20.65 -1.8 1.3; 65 23.3 -1.8 1.3; 66 25.95 -1.8 1.3; 67 28.6 -1.8 1.3;
68 31.25 -1.8 1.3; 145 7.4 0 0.400001; 146 27.7 0 0.400001; 148 27.7 0 -4;
149 8.3 0 0.400001; 150 28.6 0 0.400001; 151 8.3 0 -4; 152 28.6 0 -4;
155 4.75 4.5 0.400001; 156 7.4 4.5 0.400001; 157 10.05 4.5 0.400001;
158 12.7 4.5 0.400001; 159 15.35 4.5 0.400001; 160 18 4.5 0.400001;
161 20.65 4.5 0.400001; 162 23.3 4.5 0.400001; 163 25.95 4.5 0.400001;
164 28.6 4.5 0.400001; 165 31.25 4.5 0.400001; 189 4.75 4.5 1.3;
190 7.4 4.5 1.3; 191 10.05 4.5 1.3; 192 12.7 4.5 1.3; 193 15.35 4.5 1.3;
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By : VJB Checked: YGW Approved: ASG Rev: R0
194 18 4.5 1.3; 195 20.65 4.5 1.3; 196 23.3 4.5 1.3; 197 25.95 4.5 1.3;
198 28.6 4.5 1.3; 199 31.25 4.5 1.3; 212 3.9 0 0.400001; 213 3.9 0 1.3;
214 32.1 0 0.400001; 215 32.1 0 1.3; 216 7.4 4.5 0.850001;
217 28.6 4.5 0.850001; 222 12.7 0 -4; 223 18 0 -4; 224 23.3 0 -4;
236 12.7 -1.8 -4; 238 18 -1.8 -4; 240 23.3 -1.8 -4; 241 -0.35 0 -4;
242 2.1 0 -4; 243 4.75 0 -4; 244 7.4 0 -4; 245 10.05 0 -4; 246 15.35 0 -4;
247 20.65 0 -4; 248 25.95 0 -4; 250 31.25 0 -4; 251 33.9 0 -4; 252 36.35 0 -4;
253 5.95 0 -4; 254 30.05 0 -4; 255 4.75 -1.8 -4; 256 7.4 -1.8 -4;
257 10.05 -1.8 -4; 258 15.35 -1.8 -4; 259 20.65 -1.8 -4; 260 25.95 -1.8 -4;
261 28.6 -1.8 -4; 262 31.25 -1.8 -4; 263 -0.35 0 -4.9; 264 2.1 0 -4.9;
265 4.75 0 -4.9; 266 7.4 0 -4.9; 267 10.05 0 -4.9; 268 12.7 0 -4.9;
269 15.35 0 -4.9; 270 18 0 -4.9; 271 20.65 0 -4.9; 272 23.3 0 -4.9;
273 25.95 0 -4.9; 274 28.6 0 -4.9; 275 31.25 0 -4.9; 276 33.9 0 -4.9;
277 36.35 0 -4.9; 278 -2.8 0 -4; 279 -2.8 0 -4.9; 280 38.8 0 -4;
281 38.8 0 -4.9; 282 5.95 0 -4.9; 283 30.05 0 -4.9; 284 4.75 -1.8 -4.9;
285 7.4 -1.8 -4.9; 286 10.05 -1.8 -4.9; 287 12.7 -1.8 -4.9;
288 15.35 -1.8 -4.9; 289 18 -1.8 -4.9; 290 20.65 -1.8 -4.9; 291 23.3 -1.8 -4.9;
292 25.95 -1.8 -4.9; 293 28.6 -1.8 -4.9; 294 31.25 -1.8 -4.9; 295 4.75 4.5 -4;
296 7.4 4.5 -4; 297 10.05 4.5 -4; 298 12.7 4.5 -4; 299 15.35 4.5 -4;
300 18 4.5 -4; 301 20.65 4.5 -4; 302 23.3 4.5 -4; 303 25.95 4.5 -4;
304 28.6 4.5 -4; 305 31.25 4.5 -4; 306 4.75 4.5 -4.9; 307 7.4 4.5 -4.9;
308 10.05 4.5 -4.9; 309 12.7 4.5 -4.9; 310 15.35 4.5 -4.9; 311 18 4.5 -4.9;
312 20.65 4.5 -4.9; 313 23.3 4.5 -4.9; 314 25.95 4.5 -4.9; 315 28.6 4.5 -4.9;
316 31.25 4.5 -4.9; 317 3.9 0 -4; 318 3.9 0 -4.9; 319 32.1 0 -4;
320 32.1 0 -4.9; 321 7.4 4.5 -4.45; 322 28.6 4.5 -4.45;
1 1 2; 2 2 212; 3 3 16; 5 5 6; 6 6 7; 7 7 8; 8 8 9; 9 9 10; 10 10 11;
11 11 146; 12 150 17; 13 13 214; 14 14 15; 15 16 145; 16 17 13; 19 3 20;
20 145 21; 21 5 22; 22 6 23; 23 7 24; 24 8 25; 25 9 26; 26 10 27; 27 11 28;
28 150 29; 29 13 30; 36 20 21; 37 21 22; 38 22 23; 39 23 24; 40 24 25;
41 25 26; 42 26 27; 43 27 28; 44 28 29; 45 29 30; 50 3 21; 51 145 20;
52 145 22; 53 5 21; 54 5 23; 55 6 22; 56 6 24; 57 7 23; 58 7 25; 59 8 24;
60 8 26; 61 9 25; 62 9 27; 63 10 26; 64 10 28; 65 11 27; 66 11 29; 67 150 28;
68 150 30; 69 13 29; 72 1 33; 73 2 34; 74 3 35; 75 145 36; 76 5 37; 77 6 38;
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Date : 08/06/2022 NOTE NO.: 8384-E-DN-01
By : VJB Checked: YGW Approved: ASG Rev: R0
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Date : 08/06/2022 NOTE NO.: 8384-E-DN-01
By : VJB Checked: YGW Approved: ASG Rev: R0
1241 247 238; 1242 247 240; 1243 224 259; 1244 224 260; 1245 248 240;
1246 248 261; 1247 152 260; 1248 152 262; 1249 250 261; 1250 241 263;
1251 242 264; 1252 243 265; 1253 244 266; 1254 245 267; 1255 222 268;
1256 246 269; 1257 223 270; 1258 247 271; 1259 224 272; 1260 248 273;
1261 152 274; 1262 250 275; 1263 251 276; 1264 252 277; 1265 263 264;
1266 264 318; 1267 265 282; 1268 266 267; 1269 267 268; 1270 268 269;
1271 269 270; 1272 270 271; 1273 271 272; 1274 272 273; 1275 273 274;
1276 274 283; 1277 275 320; 1278 276 277; 1279 278 241; 1280 278 279;
1281 279 263; 1282 252 280; 1283 280 281; 1284 277 281; 1285 282 266;
1286 253 282; 1287 283 275; 1288 254 283; 1289 265 284; 1290 266 285;
1291 267 286; 1292 268 287; 1293 269 288; 1294 270 289; 1295 271 290;
1296 272 291; 1297 273 292; 1298 274 293; 1299 275 294; 1300 284 285;
1301 285 286; 1302 286 287; 1303 287 288; 1304 288 289; 1305 289 290;
1306 290 291; 1307 291 292; 1308 292 293; 1309 293 294; 1310 265 285;
1311 266 284; 1312 266 286; 1313 267 285; 1314 267 287; 1315 268 286;
1316 268 288; 1317 269 287; 1318 269 289; 1319 270 288; 1320 270 290;
1321 271 289; 1322 271 291; 1323 272 290; 1324 272 292; 1325 273 291;
1326 273 293; 1327 274 292; 1328 274 294; 1329 275 293; 1330 255 284;
1331 256 285; 1332 257 286; 1333 236 287; 1334 258 288; 1335 238 289;
1336 259 290; 1337 240 291; 1338 260 292; 1339 261 293; 1340 262 294;
1341 244 151; 1342 148 152; 1343 151 245; 1345 243 295; 1346 244 296;
1347 245 297; 1348 222 298; 1349 246 299; 1350 223 300; 1351 247 301;
1352 224 302; 1353 248 303; 1354 152 304; 1355 250 305; 1356 265 306;
1357 266 307; 1358 267 308; 1359 268 309; 1360 269 310; 1361 270 311;
1362 271 312; 1363 272 313; 1364 273 314; 1365 274 315; 1366 275 316;
1367 295 296; 1368 296 297; 1369 297 298; 1370 298 299; 1371 299 300;
1372 300 301; 1373 301 302; 1374 302 303; 1375 303 304; 1376 304 305;
1377 306 307; 1378 307 308; 1379 308 309; 1380 309 310; 1381 310 311;
1382 311 312; 1383 312 313; 1384 313 314; 1385 314 315; 1386 315 316;
1387 317 243; 1388 318 265; 1389 319 251; 1390 320 276; 1391 295 306;
1392 296 321; 1393 297 308; 1394 298 309; 1395 299 310; 1396 300 311;
1397 301 312; 1398 302 313; 1399 303 314; 1400 304 322; 1401 305 316;
1402 321 307; 1403 322 315; 1404 295 278; 1405 305 280; 1406 306 279;
1407 316 281;
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Date : 08/06/2022 NOTE NO.: 8384-E-DN-01
By : VJB Checked: YGW Approved: ASG Rev: R0
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Date : 08/06/2022 NOTE NO.: 8384-E-DN-01
By : VJB Checked: YGW Approved: ASG Rev: R0
BETA 90 MEMB 19 TO 29 155 TO 165 445 TO 455 536 TO 546 1209 TO 1219 -
1289 TO 1299 1345 TO 1366
*16 17 88 89 204 207 PINNED
*54 55 PINNED
427 TO 430 END MX MY MZ
1179 TO 1181 START MX MY MZ
1179 TO 1181 END MX MY MZ
553 TO 562 584 TO 593 1367 TO 1386 START MX MY MZ
553 TO 562 584 TO 593 1367 TO 1386 END MX MY MZ
74 TO 84 150 152 1252 TO 1262 1286 1288 START MX MY MZ
74 TO 84 150 152 1252 TO 1262 1286 1288 END MX MY MZ
2 5 TO 10 15 16 105 107 109 TO 114 149 423 1194 1197 TO 1202 1207 1208 1266 -
1268 1270 TO 1275 1285 1343 END MY MZ
3 5 TO 11 106 TO 115 612 613 1195 1197 TO 1203 1267 TO 1276 1389 -
151 1287 END MY MZ
*72 TO 86 138 146 150 152 212 TO 228 296 TO 310 330 337 340 342 402 TO 417 -
*72 TO 86 138 146 150 152 212 TO 228 296 TO 310 330 337 340 342 402 TO 417 -
50 52 TO 69 182 TO 201 1230 1232 TO 1249 1310 TO 1329
216 217 321 322 PINNED
912 913 918 919 1404 TO 1407
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By : VJB Checked: YGW Approved: ASG Rev: R0
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Date : 08/06/2022 NOTE NO.: 8384-E-DN-01
By : VJB Checked: YGW Approved: ASG Rev: R0
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Date : 08/06/2022 NOTE NO.: 8384-E-DN-01
By : VJB Checked: YGW Approved: ASG Rev: R0
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Date : 08/06/2022 NOTE NO.: 8384-E-DN-01
By : VJB Checked: YGW Approved: ASG Rev: R0
584 TO 593 610 TO 613 616 TO 626 631 632 1179 TO 1181 1190 TO 1195 -
1197 TO 1230 1232 TO 1340 1342 1343 1345 TO 1403
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Date : 08/06/2022 NOTE NO.: 8384-E-DN-01
By : VJB Checked: YGW Approved: ASG Rev: R0
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