Roy's raffle ticket was selected as the second winning Cash reward (whichever is lower)
ticket in the raffle draw of ZFT Mall for P10,000 dubbed Less: 10% final withholding tax
as "2nd Prize". Net amount to be released to the tax informer
Since raffle draw results is not based on effort but on TAX-FREE CORPORATE COVENANT BONDS
chance, the P10,000 payment is a winning which is Interest income of non-resident aliens, citizens or
subject to 20% final tax. The same shall be withheld by residents of the Philippines on bonds, mortgages,
ZFT Mall. Note that the P10,000 threshold applies only on deeds of trust, or other similar obligations of
prizes, not on winnings. domestic or resident foreign corporations with tax-
free or tax-reduction provision where the obligor
Illustration 3 shoulders in whole or in part any tax on the interest
Mr. Dante Paya made three bets to the PCSO lotto draws. shall be subject to a final withholding tax of 30%.
All tickets won. The details of the winnings were: Bond investor
- EZ2 - P 4,000 Individuals Corporations
- 6/42 - P10,000 (3-digit winning numbers) Tax on interest income 30% final tax Regular income
- 6/45 - P20,000,000 Grand prize (sole winner) on tax-free corporate tax
covenant bonds
The 6/42 and EZ2 winnings are exempt since they did not
exceed P10,000 in amount. PCSO shall withhold 20% final
1. The final tax applies to all individuals,
tax on the entire P2OM amount of the winnings.
regardless of classification.
TAX INFORMER'S REWARD 2. There is no similar final tax provision for
A cash reward may be given to any person corporate recipients of "tax-free" interest;
instrumental in the discovery of violations of the hence, the regular income tax shall apply.
National Internal Revenue Code or discovery and EXCEPTIONS TO THE GENERAL FINAL TAX ON NON-
The tax informer's reward is subject to 10% final tax. BUSINESS IN THE PHILIPPINES
Requisites of Tax Informer's Reward: NRA-NERTB NRFC
1. Definite sworn information which is not yet in the General Final Tax Rate 25% 30%
possession of the BIR
1. Capital gain on sale 15% Capital gains 15% Capital
2. The information furnished lead to the discovery of of domestic stocks tax gains tax
fraud upon internal revenue laws or provisions directly to buyer
thereof. 2. Rentals on 25% of rentals 25% of
cinematographic rentals
3. Enforcement results in recovery of revenues,
films and similar
surcharges, and fees and/or conviction of the guilty works
party or imposition of any fine or penalty. 3. Rentals of vessels 25% of rentals 4.5% of
4. The informer must not be a: rentals
4. Rentals of aircrafts, 25% of rentals 25% of
a. BIR official or employee
machineries, and rentals
b. Other public official or employee other equipments
5. Interest income Exempt Exempt In applying the tax sparing rule, the Supreme Court ruled
under the foreign that NIRC does not require that the foreign law of non-
currency deposit
resident corporation must give deemed paid tax credit for
6. Interest on foreign N/A dividend equivalent to the percentage points waived by
loans the Philippines pointing that the NIRC merely require the
7. Dividend income 25% 15% if tax country of the NFRC to a deemed paid tax equivalent to
sparing rule
is applicable
that waived by the Philippines. (CIR vs. Procter & Gamble
8. Tax on corporate 30% 30% Philippines Manufacturing Corporation and the CTA (G.R.
bonds 66836)
Capital gains tax Illustration: The Tax Sparing Rule with NRRCs
As a rule, NRA-ETBs and NRFCs do not file income tax An NFRC is due to receive a dividend of P1,000,000 from
returns. a domestic corporation. The final tax to be imposed by
Exceptionally, NRA-NETBs and NRFCs are required to the Philippines which shall be withheld by the domestic
file income tax returns to report their gain from corporation shall be 15%, not 30%, if the country of
dealings in domestic stocks directly to buyers. domicile of the NRFC also reduces its income tax upon
Ownership of the stocks shall not be transferred to the P1,000,000 dividend by at least 15%, the dividend tax
the assignee without the required return and tax percentage waived by the Philippines from the 30%
clearance (Certificate Authorizing Registration or general final tax rate. If the country of the NFRC does not
CAR) from the BIR that the tax on the transfer has reduce its tax on the dividend by at least 15%, the
been paid. Philippines shall Impose the 30% final tax.
In 2020, Mr. Tih Wong, an NRA-NETB, was hired by Raha 1. Fringe benefits of managerial or supervisory
Humabon Company (RHC), a domestic manufacturer, to employees
install his invention in RHC's factory. RHC pays him royalty 2. 2. Income payments of residents other than
and the installation fees. Mr. Wong also agreed to design depositary banks under the expanded foreign
RHC's website which he designed and completed abroad. currency deposit system (EFCDS) to offshore
During Mr. Wong's visit, he purchased shares of RHMC banking units (OBUs) and expanded foreign
and subsequently sold them directly to a buyer. currency deposit units (EFCDUs)
Royalties from invention P 300,000 3. Income payments to oil exploration service
Installation fees 1,000,000 contractors or sub-contractors
Website development fees 500,000 FRINGE BENEFITS TAX
Gain on sale of domestic stocks directly to a buyer 40,000 Fringe benefits include all remunerations under a
employee-employee relationship that do not form
RHC shall withhold the following final taxes:
part of o compensation income. The fringe benefits
Royalties from invention P 300,000
of managerial and supervisory employees are
Professional fees 1,000,000
subject to a final fringe benefits tax.
Total gross income P 1,300,000
Multiply by: final tax on NRA-NETB 25%
Total final withholding tax P 325 000
1. The final tax applies on gross income, whether Residents, other than depositary banks under the
active or passive. The same rule applies with NRFC expanded foreign currency deposit system, shall
except that the final tax rate is 30%. withhold 10% final tax on income payments such as
2. The website development fee is not subject to final interest income on loans from offshore banking
tax since the same is earned abroad. Note that the units (OBUs) and expanded foreign currency deposit
service is rendered abroad, not in the Philippines. units (FCDUs).
3. Mr. Wong shall file a capital gains tax return for the INCOME PAYMENTS TO SUB-CONTRACTORS OF
gain on the sale of domestic stocks. PETROLEUM SERVICE CONTRACTORS
The Tax Sparing Mile Under PD 1354, every subcontractor, whether
NFRCs shall be subject to a 15% final tax dividend income domestic or foreign, entering into a contract with a
instead of the 30% general final tax if the country of service contractor engaged in petroleum
domicile of the NFRC credits against the tax due of such operations in the Philippines shall be liable to a
NFRC taxes presumed to have been paid by such NFRC final income tax equivalent to eight percent (8%) of
from the Philippines equivalent 15% of the dividends. its gross income derived from such contract, such
tax to be in lieu of any and all taxes, whether c. The authorized city or municipality treasurer
national or local. within the revenue district where the
Provided, however, that any income received from withholding agent's place of business is located
all other sources within and without the Philippines Monthly deadline for eFPS filing
in the case of domestic subcontractors and within In accordance with the schedule set forth in RR No.
the Philippines in the case of foreign 26-2002, the deadline for filing of returns is as
subcontractors shall be subject to the regular follows:
income tax under the NIRC. Group A - Fifteen (15) days following the end of
The term "gross income" means all income earned the month
or received as a result of the contract entered into Group B - Fourteen (14) days following the end of
by the subcontractor with a service contractor the month
engaged in petroleum operations in the Philippines Group C - Thirteen (13) days following the end of
under Presidential Decree No. 87. the month
Note that the 8% final tax applies only to Group D - Twelve (12) days following the end of
subcontractors, whether individuals or the month
corporations, resident or non-resident. Group E- Eleven (11) days following the end of
Petroleum service contractors are subject to the the month
regular income tax. Note: Please check the groupings of taxpayers under eFPS
Persons or entities contracted by a petroleum in Chapter 4
service contractor to locally supply goods and Quarterly filing
materials that are required by and in, or that are The withholding agent shall file (BIR Form 1601-FQ),
inherently necessary or incidental to, its Quarterly Remittance Return of Final Income Taxes
exploration and development of petroleum mineral Withheld, on or before the last day of the month
resources and are entitled to the preferential 8% after each quarter.
final tax on their gross income derived from such Penalties for Late Filing or Remittance of Final
contracts. (BIR Ruling No. 024-2001, June 13, 2001) Income Taxes Withheld
Note on Special Aliens The same penalties for late payment of income taxes
Under the old law, employees of offshore banking as discussed in Chapter4 apply for non-withholding
units, regional operating or regional administrative or non-remittance of final taxes.
headquarters of multinational companies, referred ENTITIES EXEMPT FROM FINAL INCOME TAX
to as special aliens, are previously subject to 15% 1. Foreign governments and foreign government-
final tax on gross compensation income. The special owned and controlled corporations
alien classification is now abolished by virtue of a 2. International missions or organizations with tax
presidential veto to the TRAIN law. immunity
As such, these employees are now subject to regular 3. General professional partnership
income tax if they are residents and 25% final tax if 4. Qualified employee trust fund
they are non-residents. The first two categories are exempt on grounds of
FINAL WITHOLDING TAX RETURN international comity. General professional
The final withholding tax return (BIR Form 0619-F), partnerships and qualified employee trust funds are
Monthly Remittance Return of Final Income Taxes expressly exempt from any income tax imposed
Withheld, shall be filed in triplicate by every under the NIRC.
withholding agent or payor who is either an These entities are exempt not only to final tax but
individual or corporation for the first two months of also to capital gains tax and regular income tax.
the quarter.
Deadline and place for monthly manual filing
The return shall be filed and the tax shall be paid or
before the 10th day of the month following the
month in which withholding was made with:
a. The authorized agent bank of the revenue
district office having jurisdiction over the
withholding agent's place of business
b. In places where there are no authorized agent
banks, to the revenue collection officer