Management of Bell's Palsy and Ramsay Hunt Syndrome - ClinicalKey
Management of Bell's Palsy and Ramsay Hunt Syndrome - ClinicalKey
Management of Bell's Palsy and Ramsay Hunt Syndrome - ClinicalKey
Bell’S Palsy
Bell (1774–1842) first described a patient with facial paralysis in 1818;
subsequently, all patients with facial palsy of unknown etiology have
come to bear his name. The etiology of this “idiopathic” disorder has
become much clearer in recent years. Although first proposed in 1972
by McCormick, herpes simplex virus (HSV) has only recently been
identified as the disease vector, and an animal model has been
designed. Murakami et al. identified HSV type 1 (HSV-1) DNA
fragments in the perineural fluid in 11 of 14 patients undergoing facial
nerve decompression. In this study, no control subjects had HSV-1 DNA
in the perineural fluid. Using polymerase chain reaction to analyze the
saliva of patients with Bell’s palsy, Furuta et al. identified HSV-1 DNA in
50% of patients, which was significantly more often than controls, a
finding confirmed by other groups. Polymerase chain reaction has also
been used to isolate HSV-1 genomic DNA from the geniculate ganglion
of a temporal bone in a patient dying during the acute phase of Bell’s
Sugita et al. proposed an animal model of BP. Six days after the
inoculation of HSV-1 into the auricle or tongue of mice, a temporary
ipsilateral facial paralysis was identified that recovered spontaneously
within 3 to 7 days. Histopathologically, neural edema, vacuolar
degeneration, and inflammatory cell infiltration with associated
demyelination or axonal degeneration were observed in the affected
facial nerve and nucleus. HSV-1 antigens were identified within the
facial nerve, geniculate ganglion, and facial nucleus 6 to 20 days after
inoculation. Similar pathological findings have been shown in rabbits
after HSV-1 inoculation, but without the associated facial paralysis.
Bell’s palsy accounts for nearly three-quarters of all acute facial palsies.
The incidence of Bell’s palsy is 20 to 30 cases per 100,000 per year.
The median age is 40 years, but it can occur at any age. The incidence
is highest in patients older than 70 years and lowest in children younger
than 10 years. The left and right sides are equally affected. Men and
women are equally affected, but there is a higher incidence of Bell’s
palsy in pregnant women (45 cases per 100,000).
Fig. 26.1
Algorithm for the management of Bell’s palsy. ENoG , Electroneuronography; MCF , middle
cranial fossa.
The use of steroids in Bell’s palsy has been the subject of much debate.
Numerous studies of varying designs in adults have shown better
outcomes in patients treated with steroids, , , especially when initiated
early in the course of the disease. Other randomized studies and meta-
analyses, including many studies in children, have concluded that
steroids did not affect the ultimate facial function outcomes in Bell’s
palsy. Grogan and Gronseth, in a comprehensive, evidence-based
review, concluded that there appeared to be a beneficial effect from
the use of steroids in Bell’s palsy. Ramsey et al. performed a meta-
analysis of 47 trials of steroid therapy for Bell’s palsy and concluded
that there seemed to be improved odds of recovery in patients treated
with steroids (49% to 97%) compared with untreated controls (23% to
64%). We use prednisone in a dose of 1 mg/kg daily for 7 days in all
cases in which it is not medically contraindicated, in anticipation of
speeding recovery, reducing the number of degenerating axons, and
reducing the number of patients needing decompression.
Fig. 26.2
Preoperative preparation
The risks of middle fossa decompression of the facial nerve are
discussed with the patient, which include cerebrospinal fluid leak (4%
to 6%), infection (1%), hearing loss (1%), dizziness (1%), intracranial
hemorrhage (<1%), and aphasia (<1%). When the decision is made to
proceed with surgical decompression, the procedure should be
performed as soon as possible. Appropriate preoperative laboratory
and imaging studies are obtained, along with a Stenvers projection
plain radiograph of the temporal bone to identify the floor of the middle
cranial fossa and superior semicircular canal. Cefazolin, mannitol, and
dexamethasone are given before the skin incision and are continued for
48 hours postoperatively.
Fig. 26.3
Fig. 26.4
(A) Electrode placement for intraoperative electromyography. (B) Draping with exposure of
half the face for visual monitoring of facial movement.
Surgical Technique
The skin incision is marked as shown in Fig. 26.5 and carried down to
the level of the temporalis fascia. Meanwhile, mannitol (0.5 g/kg body
weight) and hyperventilation (partial pressure of CO 2 of <30 mm Hg)
are initiated by the anesthesiologist to relax the brain. After the
posteriorly based skin flap is elevated, a 4 × 6 cm piece of temporalis
fascia is harvested and set aside in a moist gauze for use at the time of
closure. An anteriorly based, inferiorly staggered muscle flap is
elevated down to the level of the linea temporalis and reflected forward
with an Adson cerebellar retractor. Staggering the incisions prevents
dural exposure if wound dehiscence occurs. The zygomatic root
identifies the floor of the middle cranial fossa and is the central
landmark of the craniotomy. The skin and muscle flaps should be
wrapped with moist sponges and secured with temporary retraction
Fig. 26.5
Skin incision for middle cranial fossa approach. Mastoid exposure can be obtained by
extending incision postauricularly. The incision of the anteriorly based temporalis muscle
flap is offset to keep suture lines from being directly in line.
Fig. 26.6
(A) Craniotomy for middle cranial fossa exposure. Inferior expansion of the craniotomy
allows more exposure during dural elevation. The vertical margins must be parallel for
stability of the retractor. The craniotomy should be centered on the temporal root of the
zygoma (dashed line) . (B) The placement of the House-Urban middle cranial fossa
Before the bony exposure of the facial nerve, the Stenvers projection
radiograph or coronal CT scan is reexamined to determine the depth of
the superior semicircular canal in the temporal bone. The superior
semicircular canal is the first structure to be located. When its blue line
is identified, the remaining intratemporal structures have consistent
anatomical locations. The landmarks of the middle cranial fossa floor
can be quite subtle. The arcuate eminence may not be apparent and, in
many instances, is not parallel with the superior semicircular canal. One
consistent anatomical feature to remember is that the plane of the
superior semicircular canal is almost always perpendicular to the
petrous ridge ( Fig. 26.7 ). If the arcuate eminence is not initially
apparent, drilling is begun posterior to the semicircular canal, slowly
removing the tegmen mastoideum with a moderate-sized diamond bur.
The whitish color of the membranous temporal bone can be
distinguished from the yellow, dense otic capsule bone of the superior
canal. When the superior canal is identified, drilling in a parallel
direction with the canal gradually exposes the blue line.
Fig. 26.7
Exposure of the superior semicircular canal blue line and position of internal auditory canal
(IAC) 60 degrees anterior to a line through the blue line. The superior canal blue line is
almost always perpendicular to the petrous ridge.
Fig. 26.8
(A to D) Middle cranial fossa exposure of CN VII and surrounding anatomy. Bone is removed
from the tegmen tympani to expose the tympanic segment of CN VII. Note the edema of the
internal auditory canal segment of CN VII, frequently found in Bell’s palsy. SSC , Superior
semicircular canal.
Fig. 26.9
Intraoperative evoked electromyography to identify the site of the nerve conduction block.
If the conduction block is medial to the geniculate ganglions, stimulation of the tympanic
segment results in motor unit potential (1); stimulation of internal canal segment (3) results
in no response. The conduction block is usually at the meatal foramen (MF). LSC , Lateral
semicircular canal; SSC , superior semicircular canal; SVN , superior vestibular nerve.
Postoperative Care
Postoperative care includes observation in the intensive care unit
overnight, limitation of fluids (1500 to 1800 mL/day), dexamethasone
(8 mg every 8 hours for 48 hours), cefazolin (2 g every 12 hours for 48
hours), routine neural checks, and limitation of analgesia to codeine.
There is little postoperative pain, and narcotics stronger than codeine
may mask intracranial complications. The patient is transferred to a
routine postoperative floor the next morning, encouraged to begin
ambulation, and started on a diet as tolerated. On postoperative day 3,
and daily thereafter, observations for cerebrospinal fluid rhinorrhea are
made by asking the patient to lean forward with the head between the
knees. If cerebrospinal fluid rhinorrhea occurs, a spinal drain must be
placed for 4 to 5 days. Following this regimen, only very rarely has a
patient required surgical closure of the leak. Patients are usually
discharged from the hospital on postoperative days 3 to 5. No
intracranial complications, including intracranial hemorrhage, aphasia,
or seizures, occurred in the Iowa series.
Bell’s palsy is a clinical entity encountered with relative frequency by
practitioners of many specialties. Before making the diagnosis of Bell’s
palsy, other causes of facial paralysis must be excluded through
thorough history-taking and physical examination. Bell’s palsy and
Ramsay Hunt syndrome seem to be due to viral etiologies and seem to
benefit from medical therapy with steroids and antiherpetic
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