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Unit Lesson

Setting is:_________________________________________

Theme is:__________________________________________________________________

Word bank:

hospital cover enters leg again reality starts How master destiny

Scotland, 1875. A poet rests alone in a _______________. Blue sheets ____________ his

bed. A nurse ____________. She checks on his amputated _________ and then she leaves.

He’s left alone ____________ to face his harsh new ___________. The poet turns to the only

thing he knows to ease his pain: he ___________ putting pen to paper. _________ does one

man faced with the unthinkable become a _____________ of his own _____________? Find

out. Read “Invictus” by William Ernest Henley.

Building Background:

1. What challenges did Henley face?


2. How did Henley deal with these challenges?


3. What successes did he experience?


4. How is he described by others?


5. How might his life experiences have motivated him to write a poem about being the
master of one's own destiny?


Vocab words: (day 2)

Term Form Definition Sample Sentence

bludgeoning noun ____________________ The players

____________________ endured the
____________________ bludgeonings of
____________________ their coach’s
____________________ words during
____________________ halftime.
____________________ The young man
____________________ was stricken by a
fell adjective ____________________ fell disease.

loom verb ____________________ The assignment’s

____________________ deadline looms,
____________________ only two days
____________________ away.

shade noun ____________________ In the dark, she

____________________ could just make
____________________ out the shade of
____________________ her dead ancestor.
strait adjective ____________________ The spelunker
____________________ squeezed her way
____________________ through the strait
____________________ passageway
____________________ between the rocks.

Day 2:

Stanza Setting or Plot Information Speaker's Actions or Reactions

Day 3

Summarizing is an important tool that will help us understand the theme of a story.

Summarizing is __________________________________________________________

As we listen to this poem sketch images or write words or phrases to summarize each stanza.

In the first stanza:

In the second stanza:

In the third stanza:

In the first stanza:





In the second stanza:





In the third stanza:






In conclusion the central theme of this poem



Setting Review (Adapted)

Word bank

gods, unwillingness, fear, soul

hell, beaten, death, punishments

Stanza Setting or Plot Information Speaker's Actions or Reactions

1 Thanks _________ for unbeatable soul

dark night; _______

2 __________ by circumstances of life bloody but __________ to give up

3 shows no _______
____________; hell

4 controls fate and ________

path of life filled with _______________

Summarizing is an important tool that will help us understand the theme of a story.

Summarizing is __________________________________________________________

As we listen to this poem sketch images or write words or phrases to summarize each stanza.

In the first stanza:

In the second stanza:

In the third stanza:


Word bank
difficult, night, darkness,death, hopeless,resilient, unconquerable
clutches, winced, bad,bludgeonings,injured,giving,unbowed

beyond, looming, spite, getting, menace, unafraid

In the first stanza:

the first stanza, the speaker is in _____________ circumstances. He is enfolded in "_________"

and its association with ______________ and/or the foreshadowing of ____________. Despite

being in this __________________ state, he remains _____________ and thankful to the gods for

giving him an ____________ soul.

In the second stanza:

the second stanza, he adds that despite being in the ____________ of poor circumstances, he has

not "_______________ nor cried aloud." Despite this ________________ luck, which he refers to as

the ______________________ of chance, he may be _____________________ but he is not

_______________ up. His head is "______________."

In the third stanza:
In the third stanza, he adds that ________________ his horrible state, death is ______________. In

_______________ of this and in spite of ________________ older ("the _____________ of the

years"), he remains _______________.

In conclusion the central theme of this poem




Day 4:

Main Idea is a one sentence summary. It Theme is the message or lesson of a

tells you what the story is mainly about. story.

EX: The Three Little Pigs EX: The Three Little Pigs
The three little pigs escape the wolves
from disaster. Hard work always pays off in the end

Amari finds a book that she likes and Everybody needs help
learns to love reading. sometimes

How does the poem "Invictus" relate to Henley's life?

What does Henley's willingness to try new medical techniques to save one leg
say about him?

What is the theme of Invictus? Cite evidence from the poem.

What is the theme in the Pixar Short Birds?


What is the main idea in the Pixar Short Birds?


What is the theme in the Pixar Short Lava?


What is the main idea in the Pixar Short Lava?


What is the theme in the Pixar Short Partly Cloudy?


What is the main idea in the Pixar Short Partly Cloudy?

What is the theme in the Pixar Short Boundin’?


Day 5:

Think Questions

1. How does the author feel about his circumstances?

a. What evidence shows us how the author feels?

b. How does the Author approach his situation?

2. What is the rhyme scheme of this poem?

a. The regular rhyme scheme mimics two marching ___________. This effect creates a
hopeful tone.

b. How does the rhyme scheme add to the tone of the poem?

3. Think about the Essential Question -- How much of what happens in our lives do we actually
control? -- as you read “Invictus.” In what ways does the poem address this question?
Support your answer with evidence from the text.
a. The speaker suggests that he controls his fate by continuing his


maintaining hope for his future.

4. Use context clues and your own prior knowledge to determine the meaning of the word
bludgeonings in the second stanza of the poem. Explain how context helped you to determine
the meaning of the word.





5. Based on the context words “horror” and “menace” and descriptive phrases in the first stanza
indicating darkness, such as “out of the night” and “black as the pit,” what might be another word
for a shade?

Hint: If "Black as the pit" refers to a world after death, then a shade may be …



Day 6: Escape room


Escape Room - 30 minutes

To receive the bag students must answer this

Students will receive the bag with the theme maze paper (round 1)

Once completed students will receive theme and main idea sort which answers to lock one
(round 2)

Once students complete this sort students will receive this

This will have the code for the second lock

Once students have received this code they will receive the theme short story to complete.

Once completed students will get the code to unlock number three. They will receive last last
paper and blank tool to unlock the entire bag.

Theme Maze:
The sentences below are possible themes or main ideas for reading passages. Color or
circle the boxes that have a theme. Do not color the boxes that are possible main ideas. It
must lead you across to the finish line.

Everybody Every family is Amari finds a Writing in a Dirk babysits his
needs help unique. book that she journal helps younger siblings
sometimes likes and learns Fran overcome when his mom Is
to love her fear of flying sick

A cat and a Choose your Home is Jasmine sells Bella steals a

mouse from a friends wisely wherever you lemonade in bracelet and
special feel most order to buy a is caught
friendship loved pair of shoes

Jay’s Fundraiser Axel was getting Money can't buy When Calvin A crocodile
is a failure until picked on by a true breaks his leg, learns that he
his class gets bully. When his friends he realizes that can't keep his
involved. friends stood up he can't do teeth clean
Together they for him, the bully much without a bird's
raised a lot of finally stopped. without other help.
money. People helping.

Bella steals a Jasmine sells We will lose our Be willing to Jeff’s

bracelet and lemonade in freedom if listen to advice team learns to
is caught order to buy a nobody is willing from work together to
pair of shoes to others win a football
defend it game
Mona sings a À tornado Brandon When Evie Sometimes
solo at school destroys borrows his breaks her leg, life is not fair
despite her everything Cade brother's toy she makes a
nervousness owns and forgets new
and he is sad to return it friend

A visit to the A giraffe hates A student is Ben Joses the Be willing to

doctor changes living in a cage disappointed game when he listen to advice
Ed's and escapes when he makes refuses to pass from
life from a C on the ball to any of others
the 200 a math test his teammates


Theme and main idea sort

You will receive three main ideas and three themes. Sort these in two columns
labeled theme and main idea.

What is the theme of this short story ?

people who are not true to their friends will end up
What are the questions? Once you figured them out, Answer them on the bottom of the

Day 7

Setting is: ________________________________________________________________

Tone is: _________________________________________________________________

Theme is: ________________________________________________________________

Summarizing is: ___________________________________________________________

Is this an example of Theme?

1. Treat people the way you want to be treated.

a. This is an example of theme
b. This is not an example of theme
c. This is possibly the main idea
2. Go on a road trip for fun.
a. This is an example of theme
b. This is not an example of theme
c. This is possibly the main idea
3. A person should learn how to trust themselves and others
a. This is an example of theme
b. This is not an example of theme
c. This is possibly the main idea
4. Love can make you care more about others than you do about your own life when put to
the test.
a. This is an example of theme
b. This is not an example of theme
c. This is possibly the main idea
5. A family supports you even when the rest of the world doubts you
a. This is an example of theme
b. This is not an example of theme
c. This is possibly the main idea
6. Teamwork makes a dream work
a. This is an example of theme
b. This is not an example of theme
c. This is possibly the main idea

7. What is the theme of Invictus?



8. Circle the possible themes and mark an x on the main ideas

Amari finds a book We will lose our A cat and a mouse Money can't buy true
that she likes and freedom if nobody is from a special friends
learns to love willing to friendship
reading. defend it

A crocodile learns Every family is Choose your Writing in a

that he can't keep his unique. friends wisely journal helps Fran
teeth clean without a overcome her fear of
bird's flying

Everybody needs À tornado destroys Be willing to listen to Brandon borrows his

help everything Cade advice from brother's toy and
sometimes owns others forgets
and he is sad to return it

Short story: Read the short story and answer the questions below

A Hare was making fun of the Tortoise one day for being so slow.
"Do you ever get anywhere?" he asked with a mocking laugh.
"Yes," replied the Tortoise, "and I get there sooner than you think. I'll run you a race and prove
The Hare was much amused at the idea of running a race with the Tortoise, but for the fun of the
thing he agreed. So the Fox, who had consented to act as judge, marked the distance and
started the runners off.
The Hare was soon far out of sight, and to make the Tortoise feel very deeply how ridiculous it
was for him to try a race with a Hare, he lay down beside the course to take a nap until the
Tortoise should catch up.

The Tortoise meanwhile kept going slowly but steadily, and, after a time, passed the place
where the Hare was sleeping. But the Hare slept on very peacefully; and when at last he did
wake up, the Tortoise was near the goal. The Hare now ran his swiftest, but he could not
overtake the Tortoise in time.
The race is not always to the swift.

9. What is the theme: _______________________________________________

10. What is the theme of the passage below?

Tim hated his old baseball glove. He wanted to play with a new glove, but he didn't have any
money, so he decided to steal it. But when Tim got caught stealing the glove, his parents said
he couldn't play baseball all summer.

a. Tim wanted a new glove.

b. Stealing is a good idea.
c. If you want something, you should work for it.
d. Tim lost his privilege of playing baseball

11. Where can you find the theme of a story?

a. The title of the story

b. Important images or symbols in the story
c. General observations made by the author, narrator, or characters in the story
d. It will not be in the story but a message we can gather from the overall story.

12. Which of the following sentences might be the theme of a story?

a. Pesticides are used less often today than they once were.
b. Dublin, Ireland, makes an interesting setting for a story.
c. Honesty is the essential foundation of a relationship.
d. In 1998, Winnie was in her first year of college.

13. Which of the following would make the best theme for a short story?
a. Some types of snakes can be poisonous.
b. It is easy to prepare a quick, healthful meal.
c. Kindness, in the long run, will be rewarded.
d. Many tall buildings sway a little in the wind.

14. What is the definition of theme?

a. the broad idea, message or lesson of a story
b. the ending of a story
c. the lesson you learn in a story
d. none of the above

15. Which of the following would make the best theme for a short story?
a. Some types of snakes can be poisonous.
b. It is easy to prepare a quick, healthful meal.
c. Kindness, in the long run, will be rewarded.
d. Many tall buildings sway a little in the wind.

The Flies and the Honey Pot

A number of flies were attracted to a jar of honey which had been overturned in a housekeeper's
room, and placing their feet in it, ate greedily. Their feet, however, became so smeared with the
honey that they could not use their wings, nor release themselves, and were suffocated.

16. What is the theme of this story?

a. There is a price for greed.
b. Honey is very sticky.
c. Don't be a follower.
d. Sweets are not good for you.

17 . What is the name of the poem we have been reading this past week?


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