Final Hickok Et Al
Final Hickok Et Al
Final Hickok Et Al
Pathologies of the shoulder complex are the third most prevalent condition seen in
orthopedic clinical settings. An estimated 26% of individuals will experience shoulder pain and
dysfunction during their lifetimes, and the incidence has only increased in recent years post-Covid
with diagnoses such as adhesive capsulitis increasing by 39.7%4, 14. Other common shoulder
at addressing glenohumeral (GH) capsular restriction are a key feature of clinical management of
these common shoulder pathologies. One frequently implemented treatment strategy for patients
presenting with GH hypomobility is joint mobilization. Manual joint mobilizations (MJM) make
a significant difference in range of motion compared to exercise alone when applied to shoulder
pathologies involving the GH joint and therefore have become a standard in shoulder treatment 14,
a rhythmic oscillatory pattern or sustained hold, often prescribed with the intent of pain modulation
or increasing joint range of motion (ROM) 5, 14. Due to the shallow concavity of the glenoid fossa,
the GH joint has a relatively large amount of translational glide. However, patients with shoulder
pathology and hypomobility may exhibit a significant decrease in accessory movement and limited
joint ROM 8. According to Cyriax’s capsular pattern of restriction, the GH joint loses ROM in the
order of external rotation, abduction, then internal rotation 9. Theoretically, these osteokinematic
motions can improve by mobilizing the joint into the motion’s corresponding translational glide.
For example, to improve the osteokinematic motion of shoulder abduction, an inferior translational
joint glide would be indicated. Due to the effectiveness of GH joint mobilizations, clinical
intervention strategies often incorporate clinician applied MJM and self-joint mobilizations (SJM)
to address shoulder mobility restrictions. In fact, patients are commonly prescribed SJM of the GH
joint, which are described in various clinical resources including textbooks utilized in physical
therapy education and exam preparation materials for the national physical therapy licensure exam
. Additionally, SJM techniques are found on websites frequently used by clinicians for exercise
and home exercise prescription such as and SJMs are meant to
mimic MJM administered by physical therapists, but the effectiveness is questionable. Indeed,
gripping activities cause involuntary activation of proximal upper extremity and rotator cuff
2, 6, 13
muscles . This involuntary proximal muscle activation improves dynamic stability of the
shoulder complex, however, also brings into question the effectiveness of inferiorly directed self-
significantly greater translatory joint gliding and increase acromiohumeral distance (AHD) when
compared to a SJM technique in healthy participants. Moreover, since inferior GH SJM requires
gripping leading to involuntary rotator cuff muscle activation, we suspected that minimal to no
inferior GH accessory gliding would be detected. Our research aim is to measure the change in
AHD by comparing baseline with MJM and SJM distances utilizing ultrasound imaging to
Nineteen healthy college students (12 females, 7 males; Mean Age: 22.9 ± 1.2) with no
previous or current shoulder pathology volunteered for this study. Participants between 18-28
years old were recruited by posted flyers on campus and word-of-mouth. Subjects completed an
intake questionnaire and were medically screened for shoulder pathology by a licensed, orthopedic
physical therapist (JA) with 20 years of clinical experience to determine eligibility for
participation. Information obtained from the participant included name, age, hand dominance,
weight, past medical history, and history of shoulder injury. Testing was completed at the Carls
Center Physical Therapy Clinic on the campus of Central Michigan University. This study was
approved through the Institutional Review Board at Central Michigan University and informed
Participants warmed up on an upper body ergometer (Schwinn Fitness Inc, Louisville, CO)
for three minutes at 50 revolutions per minute. Testing order for arm and mobilization technique
was randomized by a coin flip. Participants sat in a firm wooden chair for both the MJM (FIGURE
1A) and SJM (FIGURE 1B). techniques. The three testing conditions consisted of baseline testing
(BT), MJM, and SJM. Two trials were taken of each condition bilaterally, for 6 trials per arm or
12 per participant. During the MJM testing condition, a Velcro strap was firmly attached to the
participant’s distal humerus just proximal to the epicondyles. A digital handheld dynamometer
(SF-500, ELEOPTION, Beijing) was attached via hook to the strap and the interventionist slowly
applied increasing inferiorly directed traction force to the dynamometer until 15% BW was
reached (FIGURE ID). The patient was instructed to relax to limit muscle contraction in the tested
upper extremity. During the SJM testing condition, the patient gripped the pull dynamometer,
which was secured to a wooden board on the floor (FIGURE 1E). This set up was intended to
simulate the typically prescribed seated, inferior self-mobilization, where the patient would grip
the seat surface. The participant was instructed to relax their involved shoulder as much as possible
while leaning their trunk to the contralateral side until reaching the same 15% BW traction force.
The interventionist and verbal cueing were consistent between trials and participants. Each
mobilization was held for 30-second which allowed ample time for imaging and mobilization force
was consistently 15% of body weight measured by digitized pull dynamometer for consistency.
Boston, MA) measured AHD during the two trials of each testing condition (BT, MJM, SJM). The
transducer was placed at the anterolateral border of the acromion for each image. AHD was
measured by identifying the most superior point on the lateral acromion, then extending a line 30⁰
from vertical to the superior aspect of the humeral head (FIGURE 2). Still images for each of the
three testing conditions were saved (FIGURE 3), and AHD was later measured by a one blinded
Data Analysis
Redmond, Washington) and was reported as mean ± standard error (SE) in millimeters (mm). The
remaining data analyses were completed with SPSS Version 29.0 (IBM, Armonk, New York.).
Intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) and minimal detectable change (MDC) at 95% confidence
interval were calculated to determine reliability of our AHD measurement methodology while
paired t-tests with p < 0.05 were utilized to compare AHD between testing conditions.
Nineteen individuals (12 females, 7 males) with a mean age of 22.9 ± 1.2 years, and weight
of 163.97 ± 36.5 pounds participated. Hand dominance was 17 right-handed and 2 left-handed
Reliability of Acromiohumeral Distance (AHD) Measurements
The ICC for test-retest reliability for all test conditions was deemed excellent with the ICC
values ranging from 0.876-0.963. MDC at 95% confidence interval ranged from 0.8-2.3 mm when
Overall, when comparing changes in AHD measurements during MJM and SJM, a
statistically significant difference was identified. The mean change in AHD during MJM (3.90 ±
0.51 mm) was significantly greater than the change in SJM (1.68 ± 0.49 mm, p < 0.001). Moreover,
the increase in AHD during MJM exceeded MDC95, indicating a true change, unlike changes in
A statistically significant difference was identified when comparing right shoulder MJM
(4.40 ± 0.90 mm) compared to the SJM (1.96 ± 0.64 mm, p = 0.004). Similarly, AHD on the left
shoulder during MJM (3.39 ± 0.49 mm) was significantly greater than during SJM (1.40 ± 0.75, p
Results varied when examining the differences in AHD between male and female
participants. When comparing AHD during MJM in females (3.16 ± 0.58 mm) to ADH in males
during MJM (5.15 ± 0.90 mm, p = 0.060), no significant difference was the identified. However,
AHD in females during SJM (0.88 ± 0.51mm) was compared to AHD in males during SJM (3.05
± 0.90 mm, p = 0.029), males demonstrated a greater statistically significant change in AHD.
Interestingly, AHD during SJM in males was over three times greater than in the females
The aim of this study was to compare the effectiveness of clinician-applied and self-applied
hypothesized that MJM would be substantially more effective when compared to SJM techniques
commonly depicted in clinical resources and advocated in clinical settings. For example, inferior
GH joint mobilizations are frequently prescribed to treat hypomobility associated with adhesive
capsulitis and to increase AHD to address pain associated with subacromial impingement
syndrome (Do Moon G, Lim JY, Kim DY, Kim TH). As expected, MJM resulted in significantly
greater AHD than SJM when comparing all AHD measurements (FIGURE 4). In fact, not only
were clinician-applied MJM more effective, approximately 30% of participants performing SJM
demonstrated no change or a decrease in AHD (FIGURE 3). While this study did not investigate
specific reasons for this finding, we suspect that the significantly decreased inferior translatory
glide and the nearly one-third of participants who demonstrated a reduced AHD during SJM force
application was likely due to involuntary proximal musculature and rotator cuff activation
associated with gripping. Indeed, several studies have reported increased proximal muscle activity
associated with fine motor and gripping activities 2, 6, 13. Anticipatory postural control, a concept
of motor control that describes muscle activation as a result of anticipated change in body position,
may also play a role 11. Our results are clinically meaningful since inferior SJM are commonly
to increase GH capsular tissue extensibility. According to our findings, self-mobilization may not
be in the best interest of patients and may not sufficiently meet the goal of improving capsular
Despite the multiple aspects of measuring AHD described in our methodology, the
reliability of AHD measurements utilizing ultrasound imaging for this study was overall found to
be excellent. Multiple aspects of our methodology including consistent clinician and self-
mobilization force over multiple trials, US imaging proficiency, and collecting linear AHD
measurements, had the potential to introduce error (TABLE). Moreover, following extensive
training, all aspects of data collection, including ultrasound imaging and AHD measurements were
completed by 3rd year student physical therapists, which makes our excellent reliability findings
even more noteworthy. Test-retest reliability (ICC) comparing repeat trials of right and left BT,
MJM, and SJM ranged from 0.876-0.963 (TABLE). Several aspects of our methodology
standardized to 15% body weight and continually monitored with a digital dynamometer.
Considering connective tissue viscoelasticity, mobilization force hold time was 30-seconds with
US image capture typically occurring at the greatest capsular stretch achieved. During SJM, an
assessor monitored the dynamometer and gave constant feedback to participants to increase,
decrease, or maintain force levels while US imaging was completed. Likewise, the interventionist
continuously monitored the dynamometer during traction force application. Additionally, AHD
was clearly defined. AHD was measured by identifying the most superior point on the lateral
acromion, then extending a line 30⁰ from vertical to the superior aspect of the humeral head. This
well-defined operational definition allowed the blinded assessor to consistently measure AHD at
rest (BT) and during the two testing conditions (SJM & MJM). Considering the above attributes,
We were also interested in comparing changes in AHD during MJM and SJM between
genders. Interestingly, males demonstrated a significantly greater AHD compared to their female
counterparts during both MJM and SJM. These results were unexpected because females typically
present clinically with increased capsuloligamentous laxity and joint mobility when compared to
male counterparts. In a literature review performed by Wright et al 15, the authors emphasized that
young female athletes are more likely to experience shoulder pathology due to shoulder
hormonal and estrogen levels associated with menstruation that attempt to explain decreased tissue
stiffness in females 1, 12. Thus, this research begs the question, are there differences in females as
compared to males that also leads to increased involuntary muscle guarding during mobilizations?
The results of this study demonstrating decreased AHD in females during MJM and SJM could be
anatomical differences were identified in the glenoid when looking at males versus females, which
supports the idea that the decrease in subacromial space seen in this research may have been due
to the variability in glenoid shape and anatomy present in females. The origins of gender-based
Several other strengths of our methodology are worth noting. Testing order of shoulder
(Right vs. Left) and mobilization technique (MJM vs. SJM) were randomized by coin flip to
minimize “order effect” associated with repeated measures. Moreover, still images of the
subacromial space were taken at rest and during mobilization force application. The assessor
responsible for quantifying AHD measured at a later date and was blinded to participant, order,
shoulder and mobilization technique. Finally, the study sample was homogenous which improves
internal validity, while admittedly decreasing generalizability. Participants were healthy, young
adults with no current or history of shoulder pathology, who were similar in age (22.9 ± 1.2 years),
somatotype and body weight (163.9 ± 36.6 pounds). In addition, we chose to compare the change
in AHD during SJM and SJM compared to baseline AHD, rather than simply comparing AHD
during joint mobilization techniques. This approach intended to account for the likely variability
in resting humeral head position and AHD, resulting in a more accurate assessment of humeral
translation during mobilization force application. While limitations exist in any research design,
we feel that multiple aspects of our methodology and data collection were appropriate, thoughtful,
This research study has potential limitations that should be identified. Although the digital
mobilizations was not possible. Thus, the force applied by the interventionist during MJM or the
participant during SJM varied slightly. However, given the excellent reliability reported, this may
be a moot point. Moreover, we theorize that involuntary rotator cuff activation and proximal joint
stabilization due to gripping during the SJM contributed to its lack of effectiveness (FIGURE 3).
This could have been confirmed with surface EMG of the supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor
and deltoid muscles, however this technology was not available to us as clinical researchers.
Another limitation present in this research was the use of healthy, young subjects. All participants
were free of shoulder pathology and hypomobility. This may be perceived as limiting applicability
to clinical practice and pathological populations. However, the opposite could be deduced. Perhaps
testing on painful, pathological shoulders would increase involuntary proximal muscle guarding,
especially during SJM, further lessening the effectiveness of this mobilization technique. Indeed,
this is speculation on our part, but our methodology and findings in healthy subjects should serve
Future research should include incorporating EMG to measure and compare rotator cuff
and proximal muscle activation during MJM and SJM. Moreover, we believe it would be beneficial
to explore the impact of varying mobilization force on AHD to determine if an “optimal” force
level can be identified to maximize effectiveness of MJM and especially SJM. Lastly, considering
that SJM are commonly prescribed for various joints and evidence of involuntary proximal muscle
activation, we would be intrigued to measure joint accessory motion using ultrasound imaging in
In conclusion, clinician applied MJM was a significantly more effective method of creating
inferior humeral accessory translation when compared to a commonly prescribed SJM technique.
In fact, during SJM AHD was unchanged or less than resting baseline measurements in almost one
third of participants. Although EMG data was not collected, this is likely due to the involuntary
rotator cuff activation that occurs with gripping during SJMs. In addition, our AHD measurement
methodology was found to have excellent reliability, strengthening interpretation of our findings.
Although commonly described in physical therapy educational and clinical resources, our findings