UTS - Bahasa Inggris Untuk Guru SD

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Name: Wardah Salsabilah 202320630113099

PGSD 006

Ujian Tengah Semester (UTS):

1. Portofolio kumpulan tugas dari topik 1 sampai 4.

2. Menulis refleksi terhadap tugas yang sudah dilakukan dengan menggunakan panduan
pertanyaan berikut ini.

o Apa hal penting yang Saudara kemukakan di dalam teks?/ What are the important things
that you pointed out in the text?

Topic 1
In topic 1, I learned how to do self-introduction and family to other people. I also learned to
construct a descriptive text about the introduction.

Topic 2
In topic 2, I learned about hobbies and jobs including how to give information about them in
a clear expression and gestures to other people. I also learned to write a procedure text about
how to do my hobby.

Topic 3
In topic 3, I learned to write a recount text about my friend’s first-time experience in
elementary school.

Topic 4
In topic 4, I learned about environmental issues around us and how to deal with them by
finding solutions that we can do simply throughout our daily lives. Then, I learned to
construct a persuasive text from someone else’s opinion about saving the environment for the
future and I also wrote another on my own opinion about saving water.

o Mengapa hal tersebut penting untuk dibahas di dalam teks?/ Why is this important to be
discussed in the text?

Topic 1

It is important to be discussed because by learning to do self-introduction, I will gain

confidence in new places and it makes people easier to get to know me. I also learned to ask
others about their identity so I will know what should be asked and what shouldn’t during the

Topic 2

By learning about hobbies and jobs, I can understand various hobbies and jobs people usually
do and ask them about them. Learning to write a procedure text also made me know how to
construct a great procedure text.
Topic 3

By learning to write a recount text, I was able to write my friend’s first-time experience in
elementary school well and understand the structure of a recount text.

Topic 4

By learning about environmental issues, I became more aware of them and learned a lot about
what things I can do to save the environment. Learning to write a persuasive text about
saving the environment has made me easier to write a persuasive text from my friend’s
opinion about that topic.

o Dampak apa yang ingin Saudara hasilkan dari tulisan tersebut?/ What impact do you want
your writing to have?

Topic 1

From what I’ve learned in topic 1, I want to write a great introduction to new people so they
will understand the information I delivered easily.

Topic 2

From what I’ve learned in topic 2, I want to write a good procedure text about meditation so
people can understand how to do it in order so people will not get confused and do it easily.

Topic 3

From what I’ve learned in topic 3, I want to share my friend’s experience with others so it
will be a good memory that not only me and my friend know, but also other people.

Topic 4

From what I’ve learned in topic 4, I want to write a well-structured and understandable
persuasive text about saving the environment so people will be aware of the issues, be
motivated and take an action to save the environment.

o Apa yang akan Saudara lakukan untuk meningkatkan kualitas tulisan tersebut?/ What will
you do to improve the quality of your writing?

I will keep improving my writing qualities by continue writing and asking for feedback from
peers or lecturers.

3. Presentasikan hasil refleksi di kelas/ atau dalam bentuk rekaman, lalu dikumpulkan pada
aktivitas Unggah Rekaman Refleksi

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