Lesson 2 - ITL
Lesson 2 - ITL
Lesson 2 - ITL
to Linguistics
Today’s • What is Linguistics?
Phonetics Phonetics is interested in physical,
‘superficial' properties of speech.
• Phonetics: the science of speech sound or the
study of sound in human language
• For instance, in the description of • In any given language, certain • For example, there is a very
the phonology of English we can combinations of sounds are general rule of English phonology
say that it lacks a particular allowed, but other combinations which dictates that the plural
vowel that is present in other are systematically impossible. For suffix on nouns will be
languages such as French, example, in English, while there pronounced as [z], represented in
German and Norwegian > /œ/ are words that begin with sn- like spelling as es, when the
snake, snip and snort, there are preceding consonant is one of a
no words beginning with bn. certain set of consonants
Thus, bnick, bnark, bniddle are including [ʃ] (spelled sh) as in
not words of English. bushes, [ʧ] (spelled as ch) as in
churches, and [ʤ] (spelled j, ge,
dge) as in cages.
• Phonetics, on the other hand, is about the concrete,
instrumentally measurable physical properties and production
of these cognitive speech sounds.
• Three basic aspects of speech sounds that are studied in
phonetics are:
• Acoustics, which is the study of the properties of the
physical sound wave that we hear,
• Auditory, which is the study of the way sounds are perceived
• Articulation, which is the study of how to modify the shape of
the vocal tract, thereby producing a certain acoustic output
Articulatory phonetics
• It describes how sounds are made or articulated.
• It is concerned with the movements made by the tongue and lips and a certain
amount about the anatomy of the inside of the mouth and throat – the vocal tract.
• We are familiar with this, but we haven't paid attention to it or don't know the
right words to refer to it.
1. Pharynx
2. Soft palate or velum
3. Hard palate
4. Alveolar ridge
5. Tongue
6. Teeth
7. Lips
ØE.g. θ and ð
• Example: /θ/ and /ð/
Ø They are important in speech.
Ø They can be pressed together
Ø When we produce the sound /p/, /b/, /m/
Ø brought into contact with the teeth
Ø As in /f/, /v/
Ø Rounded to produce the lip-shape for vowels
like /u:/.
Lips and teeth