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NSX vSphere API Guide

NSX 6.0 for vSphere

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NSX vSphere API Guide

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2 VMware, Inc.

About This Book 19

1 Overview of NSX 21
NSX Capabilities 22
Logical Switches 22
Logical Routers 22
Logical Firewall 22
Logical Virtual Private Networks (VPN)s 22
Logical Load Balancer 22
Service Composer 23
Extensibility 23
NSX Components 23
NSX Manager 23
NSX vSwitch 23
NSX Controller 23
NSX Edge 24
An Introduction to REST API for NSX Users 24
How REST Works 24
About the REST API 24
RESTful Workflow Patterns 25
For More Information About REST 25
Using the NSX REST API 25
Ports Required for NSX REST API 26

2 User Management 27
Configuring SSO on NSX Manager 27
Query SSO Details 28
Query SSO Configuration Status 28
Delete SSO Configuration 28
User Management 28
Get Information About a User 28
Enable or Disable a User Account 29
Remove Role Assignment 29
Role Management 30
Get Role for a User 30
Get Role for a NSX Manager User 30
Add Role and Resources for a User 31
Change User Role 31
Get List of Possible Roles 32
Get List of Scoping Objects 32
Delete User Role 33

3 Managing the NSX Manager Appliance 35

Upgrading the Appliance Manager 35
Upload Upgrade Bundle 35
Query Upgrade Information 35
Begin Upgrade 36
Query Upgrade Status 37

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vShield API Programming Guide

Configuring NSX Manager with vCenter Server 37

Configure vCenter Server with NSX Manager 37
Query Configuration Details 37
Certificate Management 38
Generate CSR Certificate 38
Download CSR Certificate 38
Upload Certificate Chain 38
Query Certificates 39
Upload Keystore File 39
Resource Management 39
Query Global Appliance Manager Information 39
Query Summary Appliance Manager Information 40
Query Component Information 40
Reboot Appliance Manager 41
Query Appliance Manager CPU 41
Query Appliance Manager Uptime 42
Query Appliance Manager Memory 42
Query Appliance Manager Storage 42
Query Appliance Manager CPU 42
Working with Network Settings 43
Query Network Information 43
Configure DNS Servers 43
Delete DNS Servers 43
Working with Time Settings 44
Configure Time Settings 44
Query Time Settings 44
Delete Time Settings 44
Working with Locale Settings 44
Configure Locale 44
Query Locale 45
Working with Syslog Servers 45
Configure Syslog Servers 45
Query Syslog Servers 45
Retrieves syslog servers. 45
Delete Syslog Servers 46
Deletes syslog servers. 46
Components Management 46
Query Components 46
Query Specific Component 47
Query Component Dependencies 47
Query Specific Component Dependents 47
Query Component Status 48
Toggle Specific Component Status 48
Working with Backup and Restore 48
Configure Backup Settings 48
Configure On-Demand Backup 49
Query Backup Settings 49
Delete Backup Configuration 50
Query Available Backups 50
Restore Data 50
Working with Tech Support Logs 51
Generate Tech Support Logs 51
Download Tech Support Logs 51
Querying NSX Manager Logs 51
Get NSX Manager System Events 51

4 VMware, Inc.

Get NSX Manager Audit Logs 51

Working with Support Notifications 52
Query Notifications 52
Delete all Notifications 52
Acknowledge Notifications 52

4 Grouping Objects 53
Working with Security Groups 53
Create Security Group 53
Query Security Groups 55
Query Members for a Scope 57
Query Security Group Objects 58
Query Security Groups that contain a Virtual Machine 58
Modify a Security Group 58
Delete a Security Group 58
Working with Tags 59
Create Security Tag 59
Query Security Tags 59
Apply Tag to Virtual Machine 59
Detach Tag from Virtual Machine 59
Delete Tag from Virtual Machine 60
Working with IPsets 60
Create an IPset 60
Query IPsets 60
Query Details of an IPset 61
Modify an IPset 61
Delete an IPset 61
Working with MACsets 61
Create a MACset on a Scope 61
List MACsets Created on a Scope 62
Get Details of a MACset 62
Modify an Existing MACset 62
Delete a MACset 63
Working with Services 63
List Services on a Scope 63
Add Service to a Scope 63
Get Details of a Service 64
Modify Service Details 65
Delete Service 65
Working with Service Groups 66
Add Service Group 66
Query Service Groups 66
Query Details of a Service Group 67
Modify Service Group Details 67
Delete Service Group from Scope 68
Working with the Members of a Service Group 68
Query Service Group Members 68
Add a Member to the Service Group 69
Delete a Member from the Service Group 69
Working with IP Pools 69
Add an IP Pool 69
Query IP Pool Details 70
Modify an IP Pool 70
Allocating a New IP Address 70
Allocating a Specific IP Address 71

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Query Allocated IP Addresses 71

Release an IP Address 72
Delete an IP Pool 72
Querying Object IDs 72
Query Datacenter MOID 72
Query Datacenter ID 72
Query Host ID 72
Query Portgroup ID 73

5 Installing NSX Components 75

Installing Licenses 75
Working with Network Virtualization Components 76
Install Network Virtualization Components 76
Upgrade Network Virtualization Components 76
Delete Network Virtualization Components 77
Working with VXLAN for Logical Switches 77
Working with Controllers 78
Add Controller 78
Query Controllers 78
Query Controller Addition or Deletion Details 79
Query Controller Tech Support Logs 79
Delete Controller 79
Query Cluster Information 79
Modify Cluster Configuration 79
Add Controller Syslog Exporter 80
Query Controller Syslog Exporter 80
Delete Controller Syslog Exporter 80
Working with Segment IDs 81
Add a new Segment ID Range 81
Query all Segment ID Ranges 81
Query a Specific Segment ID Range 81
Update a Segment ID Range 82
Delete a Segment ID Range 82
Configure VXLAN 82
Install VXLAN 83
Delete VXLAN 83
Delete VXLAN with vdsContext 83
Working with Network Scopes 84
Create a Network Scope 84
Edit a Network Scope 84
Update Attributes on a Network Scope 84
Query existing Network Scopes 85
Query a Specific Network Scope 85
Delete a Network Scope 86
Reset Communication 86
Query Features on Cluster 86
Query Status of Specific Resources 86
Query Status of Child Resources 87
Query Status of Resources by Criterion 88
Working with Services 90
Install Security Fabric 91
Service Dependency 91
Deploying a Service with a Dependency 91
Identify Service Dependency 91

6 VMware, Inc.

Uninstall Service Dependency 92

Query Installed Services 92
Query Details about a Service 93
Query Clusters 93
Upgrade Service 93
Query Agents on Host 94
Query Agent Information 95
Query Agents for Deployment 95
Working with Conflicting Agencies 96
Query Conflicts 96
Restore Conflicting Agencies 97
Delete Conflicting Agencies 97
Delete Deployment Units 97
Uninstalling Services 98

6 Working with Logical Switches 99

Preparing for Logical Switches 100
Configuring Switches 100
Prepare Switch 100
Query Configured Switches 100
Query Configured Switches on Datacenter 101
Query Specific Switch 101
Delete Switch 101
Working with Segment IDs 102
Add a new Segment ID Range 102
Query all Segment ID Ranges 102
Query a Specific Segment ID Range 103
Update a Segment ID Range 103
Delete a Segment ID Range 103
Working with Multicast Address Ranges 103
Add a new Multicast Address Range 103
Query all Multicast Address Ranges 104
Get a Specific Multicast Address Range 104
Update a Multicast Address Range 105
Delete a Multicast Address Range 105
Working with Network Scopes 105
Create a Network Scope 105
Edit a Network Scope 105
Update Attributes on a Network Scope 106
Query existing Network Scopes 106
Query a Specific Network Scope 107
Delete a Network Scope 107
Working with Virtualized Networks 107
Create a VXLAN Virtual Wire 107
Query all VXLAN Virtual Wires on a Network Scope 108
Query all VXLAN Virtual Wires on all Network Scopes 108
Query a Specific VXLAN Virtual Wire 109
Modify Control Plane Mode 109
Delete a VXLAN Virtual Wire 110
Managing the VXLAN Virtual Wire UDP Port 110
Get UDP Port 110
Update UDP Port 110
Querying Allocated Resources 110
Testing Multicast Group Connectivity 111
Test Multicast Group Connectivity in a Network Scope 111
Test Multicast Group Connectivity in a VXLAN Virtual Wire 111

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vShield API Programming Guide

Performing Ping Test 112

7 NSX Edge Logical Router Installation and Management 113

Installing a Logical Router 113
Query a Logical Router 114
Modify a Router 116
Deleting a Router 116
Working with Interfaces 116
Working with Management Interfaces 116
Configure Management Interfaces 116
Query Management Interfaces 117
Working with all Interfaces 117
Add Interfaces 117
Query Interfaces for a NSX Edge Router 118
Delete Interfaces 119
Delete all Interfaces 119
Manage an NSX Edge Router Interface 120
Retrieve Interface with Specific Index 120
Modify an Interface 120
Delete Interface Configuration 120
Configure Routes 121
Query Routes 123
Delete Routes 126
Manage Global Routing Configuration 126
Specify Global Configuration 126
Query Global Route 126
Manage Static Routing 127
Configure Static Routes 127
Query Static Routes 127
Delete Static Routes 128
Manage OSPF Routes for NSX Edge 128
Configure OSPF 128
Query OSPF 129
Delete OSPF 130
Manage ISIS Routes for NSX Edge 130
Configure ISIS 130
Query ISIS 131
Delete ISIS 132
Manage BGP Routes for NSX Edge 133
Configure BGP 133
Query BGP 134
Delete BGP 135
Working with Bridging 135
Configure a Bridge 135
Query Bridge Configuration 136
Query BGP 136
Delete Bridge Configuration 136

8 NSX Edge Services Gateway Installation, Upgrade, and Management 137

Installing NSX Edge Services Gateway 138
Upgrading vShield Edge 5.1.x or 5.5 to NSX Edge 140
Query Installed Edges 140
Modifying NSX Edge Configuration 144

8 VMware, Inc.

Deleting NSX Edge 148

Configuring Edge Services in Async Mode 148
Query Async Job Status 148
Query all Jobs 149
Query active Jobs 149
Working with NSX Edge Firewall 150
Configure Firewall 150
Query Firewall Configuration 151
Append Firewall Rules 153
Add a Firewall Rule Above a Specific Rule 154
Query Specific Rule 154
Modify Firewall Rule 155
Delete a Firewall Rule 155
Delete Firewall Configuration 155
Manage Global Firewall Configuration 155
Query Global Firewall Configuration 156
Modify Global Configuration 156
Manage Default Firewall Policy 156
Query Default Firewall Policy 157
Modify Default Firewall Policy 157
Query Firewall Statistics 157
Query Firewall Statistics for Rule 158
Disable Firewall 158
Working with NAT 158
Configure NAT 158
Query NAT Rules for a Edge Edge 159
Delete all NAT Rules 160
Add a NAT Rule above a Specific Rule 160
Append NAT Rules 160
Modify a NAT Rule 161
Delete a NAT Rule 161
Working with Routing 161
Configure Routes 161
Query Routes 165
Delete Routes 165
Manage Global Routing Configuration 165
Specify Global Configuration 166
Query Global Route 166
Manage Static Routing 166
Configure Static Routes 166
Query Static Routes 167
Delete Static Routes 167
Manage OSPF Routes for NSX Edge 168
Configure OSPF 168
Query OSPF 169
Delete OSPF 170
Manage ISIS Routes for NSX Edge 170
Configure ISIS 170
Query ISIS 171
Delete ISIS 172
Manage BGP Routes for NSX Edge 172
Configure BGP 172
Query BGP 173
Delete BGP 174

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vShield API Programming Guide

Working with Load Balancer 175

Configure Load Balancer 175
Query Load Balancer Configuration 181
Delete Load Balancer Configuration 181
Manage Application profiles 182
Append Application Profile 182
Modify Application Profile 182
Query Application Profile 182
Query all Application Profiles 183
Delete Application Profile 183
Delete all Application Profiles 184
Manage Application Rules 184
Append Application Rule 184
Modify Application Rule 184
Query Application Rule 184
Query all Application Rules 184
Delete Application Rule 185
Delete all Application Rules 185
Manage Load Balancer Monitors 185
Append Monitor 185
Modify Monitor 185
Query Monitor 186
Query all Monitors 186
Delete Monitor 187
Delete all Monitors 187
Manage Virtual Servers 187
Append Virtual Server 187
Query a Virtual Server 188
Query all Virtual Servers 188
Delete a Virtual Server 189
Delete all Virtual Server 189
Manage Backend Pools 189
Append Backend Pool 189
Modify a Backend Pool 190
Query Backend Pool Details 190
Query all Backend Pools 191
Delete a Backend Pool 193
Delete all Backend Pools 193
Query Statistics 193
Update LoadBalancer Acceleration Mode 195
Update Load Balancer Member Condition 195
Working with DHCP 195
Configure DHCP 196
Query DHCP Configuration 197
Delete DHCP Configuration 197
Retrieve DHCP Lease Information 198
Append IP Pool to DHCP Configuration 198
Append Static Binding to DHCP Configuration 198
Delete DHCP Pool 199
Delete DHCP Static Binding 199
Working with High Availability (HA) 199
Retrieve High Availability Configuration 200
Delete High Availability Configuration 200
Working with Syslog 200

10 VMware, Inc.

Configure Syslog 200

Query Syslog 200
Delete Syslog 201
Managing SSL VPN 201
Enable or Disable SSL VPN 201
Query SSL VPN Details 201
Manage Server Settings 201
Apply Server Settings 201
Query Server Settings 202
Configure Private Networks 202
Add Private Network 202
Modify Private Network 203
Query Specific Private Network 203
Delete Private Network 204
Delete all Private Networks 204
Apply All Private Networks 204
Configure Web Resource 204
Add Portal Web Resource 204
Modify Portal Web Resource 205
Query Portal Web Resource 205
Query all Web Resources 205
Delete Portal Web Resource 206
Deletes all Web Resources 206
Apply All Web Resources 206
Configure Users 206
Add User 206
Modify User 207
Query User Details 207
Delete User 208
Delete all Users 208
Apply all Users 208
Configure IP Pool 208
Add IP Pool 209
Modify IP Pool 209
Query IP Pool 209
Query all IP Pools 210
Delete IP Pool 210
Deletes all IP Pools 210
Apply all IP Pools 210
Configure Network Extension Client Parameters 211
Apply Client Configuration 211
Get Client Configuration 211
Configure Network Extension Client Installation Package 212
Add Client Installation Package 212
Modify Client Installation Package 212
Modify Client Installation Package 213
Query Client Installation Package 213
Query all Client Installation Packages 214
Delete Client Installation Package 215
Delete all Client Installation Packages 215
Apply all Installation Packages 215
Configure Portal Layouts 216
Upload Portal Logo 216

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Upload Phat Banner 216

Upload Client Connected Icon 216
Upload Client Disconnected Icon 216
Upload Client Desktop Icon 216
Upload Error Connected Icon 216
Apply Layout Configuration 217
Query Portal Layout 217
Configure Authentication Parameters 217
Upload RSA Config File 218
Apply Authentication Configuration 218
Query Authentication Configuration 219
Configure SSL VPN Advanced Configuration 220
Apply advanced configuration 220
Query Advanced Configuration 220
Working with Active Clients 221
Query Active Clients 221
Disconnect Active Client 221
Manage Logon and Logoff scripts 221
Upload Script 221
Configure Script Parameters 222
Modify Script Configuration 222
Query Script Configuration 222
Query All Script Configurations 223
Delete Script Configuration 223
Delete All Script Configuragtions 223
Apply All Script Configurations 223
Reconfigure SSL VPN 224
Query SSL VPN Configuration 227
Delete SSL VPN Configuration 230
Query SSL VPN Statistics 230
Working with L2 VPN 231
Configure L2VPN 231
Query L2VPN 232
Query L2VPN Statistics 233
Enable L2VPN 233
Delete L2VPN 234
Working with IPSEC VPN 234
Retrieve IPSec Configuration 235
Retrieve IPSec Statistics 236
Query Tunnel Traffic Statistics 237
Delete IPSec Configuration 238
Managing an NSX Edge 238
Force Sync Edge 238
Redeploy Edge 238
Update DNS Settings 238
Modify AESNI Setting 239
Modify Edge Appliance Core Dump Setting 239
Modify FIPs Setting 239
Modify Log Setting 239
Query Edge Summary 240
Query Edge Status 242
Query Edge Tech Support Logs 243
Manage CLI Credentials and Access 244
You can modify the CLI credentials and enable or disable SSH services for a Edge Edge. 244

12 VMware, Inc.

Modify CLI Credentials 244

Change CLI Remote Access 244
Manage Auto Configuration Settings 244
Modify Auto Configuration Settings 245
Query Auto Configuration Settings 245
Working with Appliances 245
Query Appliance Configuration 245
Modify Appliance Configuration 246
Change Appliance Size 246
Manage an Appliance 247
Working with Interfaces 248
Add Interfaces 248
Retrieve Interfaces for a Edge Edge 249
Delete Interfaces 250
Manage a Edge Interface 250
Retrieve Interface with Specific Index 250
Modify an Interface 251
Delete Interface Configuration 252
Query Interface Statistics 252
Query Statistics for all Interfaces 252
Query Statistics for Uplink Interfaces 253
Query Statistics for Internal Interfaces 253
Query Dashboard Statistics 254

9 Distributed Firewall Management 255

Configuring Distributed Firewall 256
Query Firewall Configuration 256
Modify Firewall Configuration 257
Delete Firewall Configuration 258
Working with Firewall Sections 258
Query Firewall Sections 258
Add Firewall Section 259
Modify Firewall Section 259
Delete Firewall Section 260
Working with Firewall Rules 260
Query Firewall Rule 260
Add Firewall Rule 261
Modify Firewall Rule 261
Query Status 262
Query Firewall Configuration Status 262
Query Layer3 Section Status 262
Query Layer2 Section Status 263
Synchronizing and Enabling Firewall 263
Force Sync Host 263
Force Sync Cluster 264
Enable or Disable APIs for a Cluster 264
Importing and Exporting Firewall Configurations 264
Save a Configuration 264
Modify a Saved Configuration 265
Query a Saved Configuration 266
Query all Saved Configurations 266
Delete a Saved Configuration 267
Export a Saved Configuration 267
Import a Saved Configuration 268
Firewall Migration Switch 268

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Configuring Fail-Safe Mode for vShield App Firewall 269

Configure Fail-Safe Mode for vShield App Firewall 269
Query Fail-Safe Mode Configuration for vShield App Firewall 269
Working with SpoofGuard 269
Create SpoofGuard Policy 269
Modify SpoofGuard Policy 270
Query SpoofGuard Policy 270
Query all SpoofGuard Policies 271
Delete SpoofGuard Policy 272
Getting Flow Statistic Details 272
Get Flow Statistics 272
Get Flow Meta-Data 274
Query Flow Summary 275
Query Flow Table 275
Query Flow Details 276
Query Paged Flow Details 276
Query Flow Details Application 277
Query Paged Flow Details Application 277
Flow Exclusion 278
Exclude Flows 278
Query Excluded Flows 279
Excluding Virtual Machines from vShield App Protection 279
Add a Virtual Machine to the Exclusion List 279
Get Virtual Machine Exclusion List 279
Delete a Virtual Machine from Exclusion List 280

10 Service Composer Management 281

Working with Security Policies 282
Creating a Security Policy 282
Description of Tags 284
Querying Security Policies 285
Edit a Security Policy 288
Delete a Security Policy 288
Export a Security Policy Configuration 289
Import a Security Policy Configuration 289
Query Security Actions for a Security Policy 290
Working with Security Actions 290
Query Virtual Machines for a Security Action 290
Query Security Actions Applicable on a Security Group 290
Query Security Action Applicable on A Virtual Machine 295
Query Security Policies Mapped to a Security Group 295
Query Service Provider Data 295
Query Security Group Effective Membership 296
Query Security Groups to which a VM Belongs 296

11 Data Security Configuration 297

Data Security User Roles 297
Defining a Data Security Policy 298
Query Regulations 298
Enable a Regulation 298
Query Classification Value 299
Configure a Customized Regex as a Classification Value 299
View the List of Excludable Areas 299
Exclude Areas from Policy Inspection 300
Specify Security Groups to be Scanned 301

14 VMware, Inc.

Query Security Groups Being Scanned 301

Configure File Filters 302
Saving and Publishing Policies 303
Query Saved Policy 303
Query Published Policy 304
Publish the Updated Policy 304
Data Security Scanning 304
Start, Pause, Resume, or Stop a Scan Operation 305
Query Status for a Scan Operation 305
Querying Scan Results 305
Get List of Virtual Machines Being Scanned 305
Get Number of Virtual Machines Being Scanned 306
Get Summary Information about the Last Five Scans 306
Get Information for Virtual Machines Scanned During Previous Scan 307
Retrieve Information About Previous Scan Results 307
Get XML Representation of Policy Used for Previous Scan 307
Querying Violation Details 309
Get List of Violation Counts 309
Get List of Violating Files 310
Get List of Violating Files in CSV Format 311
Get Violations in Entire Inventory 311

12 Activity Monitoring 313

Data Collection 313
Enable Data Collection on a Single Virtual Machine 314
Disable Data Collection on a Single Virtual Machine 314
Override Data Collection 314
Turn On Kill Switch 314
Turn Off Kill Switch 315
Query Per Virtual Machine Data Collection 315
Query Resources 316
Prerequisites 316
View Outbound Activity 316
Parameter Values 316
View Inbound Activity 317
Parameter Values 317
View Interaction between Inventory Containers 318
Parameter Values 318
View Outbound AD Group Activity 318
Parameter Values 318
Query User Details 319
View Outbound Activity 319
Parameter Values 319
View Inbound Activity 320
Parameter Values 320
View Interaction between Inventory Containers 320
Parameter Values 321
View Outbound AD Group Activity 321
Parameter Values 321
View Virtual Machine Activity Report 322
Parameter Values 322
Query Discovered User Details 323
Working with Domains 324
Register a Domain with NSX Manager 324

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Parameter Values for Register/Update Domain 325

Query Domains 325
Delete Domain 326
Working with LDAP Servers 326
Working with EventLog Servers 326
Working with Mapping Lists 327
Working with Activity Monitoring Syslog Support 327

13 Task Framework Management 329

About Task Framework 329
Query Job Instances for Job ID 330
Query Latest Job Instances for Job ID 331
Block REST Thread 331
Query Job Instances by Criterion 331

14 Object IDs 333

Query Datacenter MOID 333
Query Datacenter ID 333
Query Host ID 333
Query Portgroup ID 334
Query VMID 334

15 vShield Endpoint Management 335

Overview of Solution Registration 335
Registering a Solution with vShield Endpoint Service 336
Register a Vendor 336
Register a Solution 336
Altitude of a Solution 336
IP Address and Port for a Solution 336
Activate a Solution 337
Querying Registration Status of vShield Endpoint 337
Get Vendor Registration 337
Get Solution Registration 337
Get IP Address of a Solution 338
Get Activation Status of a Solution 338
Querying Activated Security Virtual Machines for a Solution 338
Query Activated Security Virtual Machines 338
Query Activation Information 339
Unregistering a Solution with vShield Endpoint 339
Unregister a Vendor 339
Unregister a Solution 339
Unset IP Address 340
Deactivate a Solution 340
Status Codes and Error Schema 340
Return Status Codes 340
Error Schema 341

16 Deprecated APIs 343

Appendix A: Schemas 345

Firewall Schemas 345
Firewall Configuration Schema 345
Firewall Section Schema 346
Firewall Sections Schema 347

16 VMware, Inc.

Deprecated: vShield Manager Global Configuration Schema 347

Deprecated: ESX Host Preparation and Uninstallation Schema 352
Deprecated: vShield App Schemas 353
vShield App Configuration Schema 353
vShield App Firewall Schema 353
vShield App SpoofGuard Schema 356
vShield App Namespace Schema 358
Error Message Schema 359

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vShield API Programming Guide

18 VMware, Inc.
About This Book

This manual, the NSX for vSphere API Guide, describes how to install, configure, monitor, and maintain the
VMware® NSX system by using REST API requests. .

Intended Audience
This manual is intended for anyone who wants to use REST API to programmatically control NSX in a
VMware vSphere environment. The information in this manual is written for experienced developers who are
familiar with virtual machine technology, virtualized datacenter operations, and REST APIs. This manual also
assumes familiarity with vShield.

VMware Technical Publications Glossary

VMware Technical Publications provides a glossary of terms that might be unfamiliar to you. For definitions
of terms as they are used in VMware technical documentation go to http://www.vmware.com/support/pubs.

Document Feedback
VMware welcomes your suggestions for improving our documentation. If you have comments, send your
feedback to [email protected].

NSX Documentation
The following documents comprise the vShield documentation set:

 NSX for vSphere Administration Guide

 NSX for vSphere Installation and Upgrade

 NSX API Programming Guide, this guide

Technical Support and Education Resources

The following sections describe the technical support resources available to you. To access the current version
of this book and other books, go to http://www.vmware.com/support/pubs.

Online and Telephone Support

To use online support to submit technical support requests, view your product and contract information, and
register your products, go to http://www.vmware.com/support.

Customers with appropriate support contracts should use telephone support for the fastest response on
priority 1 issues. Go to http://www.vmware.com/support/phone_support.

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VMware Professional Services

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designed to be used as on-the-job reference tools. Courses are available onsite, in the classroom, and live
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education classes, certification programs, and consulting services, go to http://www.vmware.com/services.

20 VMware, Inc.

Overview of NSX 1
VMware NSX® is a software networking and security virtualization platform that delivers the operational
model of a virtual machine for the network. Virtual networks reproduce the Layer2 - Layer7 network model
in software, allowing complex multi-tier network topologies to be created and provisioned programmatically
in seconds. NSX also provides a new model for network security. Security profiles are distributed to and
enforced by virtual ports and move with virtual machines.

NSX supports VMware's software-defined data center strategy. By extending the virtualization capabilities of
abstraction, pooling and automation across all data center resources and services, the software-defined data
center architecture simplifies and speeds the provisioning and management of compute, storage and
networking resources through policy-driven automation. By virtualizing the network, NSX delivers a new
operational model for networking that breaks through current physical network barriers and enables data
center operators to achieve better speed and agility with reduced costs.

NSX includes a library of logical networking services - logical switches, logical routers, logical firewalls, logical
load balancers, logical VPN, and distributed security. You can create custom combinations of these services in
isolated software-based virtual networks that support existing applications without modification, or deliver
unique requirements for new application workloads. Virtual networks are programmatically provisioned and
managed independent of networking hardware. This decoupling from hardware introduces agility, speed,
and operational efficiency that can transform datacenter operations.

Examples of NSX use cases include:

 Data center automation

 Speed up network provisioning

 Simplify service insertion - virtual and physical

 Streamline DMZ changes

 Self-Service Enterprise IT

 Rapid application deployment with automated network and service provisioning for private clouds
and test/dev environments

 Isolated dev, test, and production environments on the same physical infrastructure

 Multi-tenant clouds

 Automate network provisioning for tenants with customization and complete isolation

 Maximize hardware sharing across tenants

NSX can be configured through the vSphere Web Client, a command line interface (CLI), and REST API.

This chapter includes the following topics:

 “NSX Capabilities” on page 22

 “NSX Components” on page 23

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vShield API Programming Guide

 “Ports Required for NSX REST API” on page 26

 “An Introduction to REST API for NSX Users” on page 24

NSX Capabilities

Logical Switches
A cloud deployment or a virtual data center has a variety of applications across multiple tenants. These
applications and tenants require isolation from each other for security, fault isolation, and avoiding
overlapping IP addressing issues. The NSX logical switch creates logical broadcast domains or segments to
which an application or tenant virtual machine can be logically wired. This allows for flexibility and speed of
deployment while still providing all the characteristics of a physical network's broadcast domains (VLANs)
without physical Layer 2 sprawl or spanning tree issues. A logical switch is distributed and can span
arbitrarily large compute clusters. This allows for virtual machine mobility (vMotion) within the datacenter
without limitations of the physical Layer 2 (VLAN) boundary. The physical infrastructure does not have to
deal with MAC/FIB table limits since the logical switch contains the broadcast domain in software.

Logical Routers
Dynamic routing provides the necessary forwarding information between layer 2 broadcast domains, thereby
allowing you to decrease layer 2 broadcast domains and improve network efficiency and scale. NSX extends
this intelligence to where the workloads reside for doing East-West routing. This allows more direct virtual
machine to virtual machine communication without the costly or timely need to extend hops. At the same
time, NSX also provides North-South connectivity, thereby enabling tenants to access public networks.

Logical Firewall
Logical Firewall provides security mechanisms for dynamic virtual data centers. The Distributed Firewall
component of Logical Firewall allows you to segment virtual datacenter entities like virtual machines based
on VM names and attributes, user identity, vCenter objects like datacenters, and hosts as well as traditional
networking attributes like IP addresses, VLANs, etc. The Edge Firewall component helps you achieve key
perimeter security needs such as building DMZs based on IP/VLAN constructs, tenant to tenant isolation in
multi-tenant virtual data centers, Network Address Translation (NAT), partner (extranet) VPNs, and User
based SSL VPNs.

The Flow Monitoring feature displays network activity between virtual machines at the application protocol
level. You can use this information to audit network traffic, define and refine firewall policies, and identify
threats to your network.

Logical Virtual Private Networks (VPN)s

SSL VPN-Plus allows remote users to access private corporate applications. IPSec VPN offers site-to-site
connectivity between an NSX Edge instance and remote sites. L2 VPN allows you to extend your datacenter
by allowing virtual machines to retain network connectivity across geographical boundaries.

Logical Load Balancer

The NSX Edge load balancer enables network traffic to follow multiple paths to a specific destination. It
distributes incoming service requests evenly among multiple servers in such a way that the load distribution
is transparent to users. Load balancing thus helps in achieving optimal resource utilization, maximizing
throughput, minimizing response time, and avoiding overload. NSX Edge provides load balancing up to
Layer 7.

22 VMware, Inc.
Chapter 1 Overview of NSX

Service Composer
Service Composer helps you provision and assign network and security services to applications in a virtual
infrastructure. You map these services to a security group, and the services are applied to the virtual machines
in the security group.

Data Security provides visibility into sensitive data stored within your organization's virtualized and cloud
environments. Based on the violations reported by NSX Data Security, you can ensure that sensitive data is
adequately protected and assess compliance with regulations around the world.

VMware partners can integrate their solutions with the NSX platform, which enables customers to have an
integrated experience across VMware products and partner solutions. Data center operators can provision
complex, multi-tier virtual networks in seconds, independent of the underlying network topology or

NSX Components
This section describes NSX components. NSX can be configured through the vSphere Web Client, a command line
interface (CLI), and REST API.

NSX Manager
The NSX Manager is the centralized network management component of NSX, and is installed as a virtual
appliance on any ESX™ host in your vCenter Server environment. It provides an aggregated system view.

One NSX Manager maps to a single vCenter Server environment and multiple NSX Edge, vShield Endpoint,
and NSX Data Security instances.

NSX vSwitch
NSX vSwitch is the software that operates in server hypervisors to form a software abstraction layerbetween
servers and the physical network.

As the demands on datacenters continue to grow and accelerate, requirements related to speed and access to
the data itself continue to grow as well. In most infrastructures, virtual machine access and mobility usually
depend on physical networking infrastructure and the physical networking environments they reside in. This
can force virtual workloads into less than ideal environments due to potential layer 2 or layer boundaries, such
as being tied to specific VLANs.

NSX vSwitch allows you to place these virtual workloads on any available infrastructure in the datacenter
regardless of the underlying physical network infrastructure. This not only allows increased flexibility and
mobility, but increased availability and resilience.

NSX Controller
NSX controller is an advanced distributed state management system that controls virtual networks and
overlay transport tunnels.

NSX controller is the central control point for all logical switches within a network and maintains information
of all virtual machines, hosts, logical switches, and VXLANs. The controller supports two new logical switch
control plane modes, Unicast and Hybrid. These modes decouple NSX from the physical network. VXLANs
no longer require the physical network to support multicast in order to handle the Broadcast, Unknown
unicast, and Multicast (BUM) traffic within a logical switch. The unicast mode replicates all the BUM traffic
locally on the host and requires no physical network configuration. In the hybrid mode, some of the BUM
traffic replication is offloaded to the first hop physical switch to achieve better performance.

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NSX Edge
NSX Edge provides network edge security and gateway services to isolate a virtualized network. You can
install an NSX Edge either as a logical (distributed) router or as a services gateway.

The NSX Edge logical (distributed) router provides East-West distributed routing with tenant IP address space
and data path isolation. Virtual machines or workloads that reside on the same host on different subnets can
communicate with one another without having to traverse a traditional routing interface.

The NSX Edge gateway connects isolated, stub networks to shared (uplink) networks by providing common
gateway services such as DHCP, VPN, NAT, dynamic routing, and Load Balancing. Common deployments of
NSX Edge include in the DMZ, VPN Extranets, and multi-tenant Cloud environments where the NSX Edge
creates virtual boundaries for each tenant.

An Introduction to REST API for NSX Users

REST, an acronym for REpresentational State Transfer, is a term that has been widely employed to describe an
architectural style characteristic of programs that rely on the inherent properties of hypermedia to create and
modify the state of an object that is accessible at a URL.

How REST Works

Once a URL of such an object is known to a client, the client can use an HTTP GET request to discover the
properties of the object. These properties are typically communicated in a structured document with an HTTP
Content-Type of XML that provides a representation of the state of the object. In a RESTful workflow,
documents (representations of object state) are passed back and forth (transferred) between a client and a
service with the explicit assumption that neither party need know anything about an entity other than what is
presented in a single request or response. The URLs at which these documents are available are often “sticky,”
in that they persist beyond the lifetime of the request or response that includes them. The other content of the
documents is nominally valid until the expiration date noted in the HTTP Expires header.

IMPORTANT All NSX REST requests require authentication. The default NSX Manager login credentials are
user admin password default. Unless you changed these, you can use the following basic authentication, where
YWRtaW46ZGVmYXVsdA== is the Base 64 encoding of the default credentials admin:default.
Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46ZGVmYXVsdA==

About the REST API

REST APIs use HTTP requests (often sent by script or high-level language) as a way of making idempotent
remote procedure calls that create, modify, or delete objects defined by the API. A REST API is defined by a
collection of XML documents that represent the objects on which the API operates. The HTTP operations
themselves are generic to all HTTP clients. To write a RESTful client, you should understand HTTP protocol
and the semantics of standard HTML markup. For NSX REST API, you must know three things:

 The set of objects that the API supports, and what they represent. For example, what are vDC and Org?

 How the API represents these objects. For instance, what is the XML schema for the NSX Edge firewall
rule set? What do the individual elements and attributes represent?

 How the client refers to an object on which it wants to operate. For example, what is a managed object ID?

To answer these questions, you look at NSX API resource schemas. These schemas define a number of XML
types, many of which are extended by other types. The XML elements defined in these schemas, along with
their attributes and composition rules (minimum and maximum number of elements or attributes, or the
prescribed hierarchy with which elements can be nested) represent the data structures of NSX objects. A client
can “read” an object by making an HTTP GET request to the object’s resource URL. A client can “write” (create
or modify) an object with an HTTP PUT or POST request that includes a new or changed XML body document
for the object. Usually a client can delete an object with an HTTP DELETE request.

24 VMware, Inc.
Chapter 1 Overview of NSX

This document presents example requests and responses, and provides reference information on the XML
schemas that define the request and response bodies.

RESTful Workflow Patterns

All RESTful workflows fall into a pattern that includes only two fundamental operations, which you repeat in
this order for as long as necessary.

 Make an HTTP request (GET, PUT, POST, or DELETE). The target of this request is either a well-known
URL (such as NSX Manager) or a link obtained from the response to a previous request. For example, a
GET request to an Org URL returns links to vDC objects contained by the Org.

 Examine the response, which can be an XML document or an HTTP response code. If the response is an
XML document, it may contain links or other information about the state of an object. If the response is
an HTTP response code, it indicates whether the request succeeded or failed, and may be accompanied
by a URL that points to a location from which additional information can be retrieved.

For More Information About REST

For a comprehensive discussion of REST from both client and server perspectives, see RESTful Web Services by
Leonard Richardson and Sam Ruby, published 2007 by O'Reilly Media.

There are also many sources of information about REST on the Web, including:

 http://www.infoq.com/articles/rest-introduction

 http://www.infoq.com/articles/subbu-allamaraju-rest

 http://www.stucharlton.com/blog/archives/000141.html

Using the NSX REST API

You have several choices for programming the NSX REST API: using Firefox, Chrome, or cURL. To make XML
responses more legible, you can copy and paste them into an XML friendly editor such as xmlcopyeditor or

To use the REST API in Firefox

1 Locate the RESTClient Mozilla add-on, and add it to Firefox.

2 Click Tools > REST Client to start the add-on.

3 Click Login and enter the NSX login credentials, which then appear encoded in the Request Header.

4 Select a method such as GET, POST, or PUT, and type the URL of a REST API. You might be asked to accept
or ignore the lack of SSL certificate. Click Send.

Response Header, Response Body, and Rendered HTML appear in the bottom window.

To use the REST API in Chrome

1 Search the Web to find the Simple REST Client, and add it to Chrome.

2 Click its globe-like icon to start it in a tab.

3 The Simple REST Client provides no certificate-checking interface, so use another Chrome tab to accept
or ignore the lack of SSL certificate.

4 Type the URL of a REST API, and select a method such as GET, POST, or PUT.

5 In the Headers field, type the basic authorization line, as in the Important note above. Click Send.

Status, Headers, and Data appear in the Response window.

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To use the REST API in curl

1 Install curl if not already installed.

2 In front of the REST URL, the -k option avoids certificate checking, and the -u option specifies credentials.
curl -k -u admin:default https://<vsm-ip>/api/2.0/services/usermgmt/user/admin

Ports Required for NSX REST API

The NSX Manager requires port 443/TCP for REST API requests.

26 VMware, Inc.

User Management 2
In many organizations, networking and security operations are handled by different teams or members. Such
organizations may require a way to limit certain operations to specific users. This topic describes the options
provided by NSX to configure such access control. NSX also supports Single Sign On (SSO), which enables
NSX to authenticate users from other identity services such as Active Directory, NIS, and LDAP.

User management in the vSphere Web Client is separate from user management in the CLI of any NSX

The chapter includes the following topics:

 “Configuring SSO on NSX Manager” on page 27

 “User Management” on page 28

 “User Management” on page 28

 “Role Management” on page 30

IMPORTANT All NSX REST requests require authentication. See “Using the NSX REST API” on page 25 for
details about basic authorization.

Configuring SSO on NSX Manager

Integrating the single sign on (SSO) service with NSX improves the security of user authentication for vCenter
users and enables NSX to authenticate users from other identity services such as AD, NIS, and LDAP.

With SSO, NSX supports Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) tokens from a trusted source to
authenticate REST API calls. NSX Manager can also acquire authentication SAML tokens for use with other
VMware solutions.

Example 2-1. Configure SSO

POST https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/services/ssoconfig

Request Body:

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Query SSO Details

Example 2-2. Get SSO details

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/services/ssoconfig

Response Body:

Query SSO Configuration Status

Example 2-3. Get SSO configuration status

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/services/ssoconfig/status

Response Body:

Delete SSO Configuration

Example 2-4. Delete SSO configuration

DELETE https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/services/ssoconfig/

User Management
The authentication and authorization APIs include methods to manage users and roles.

Get Information About a User

You can retrieve information about a user.

Example 2-5. Get information about a user

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/services/usermgmt/user/<userId>

Request Body:

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Chapter 2 User Management


User information includes user name, full name, email address, whether local or not, whether enabled,
resource objects, roles, and scope.

Enable or Disable a User Account

You can disable or enable a user account, either local user or vCenter user. When a user account is created, the
account is enabled by default.

Example 2-6. Enable or disable a user account

PUT https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/services/usermgmt/user/<userId>/enablestate/<value>

The <value> can be 0 (zero) to disable the account, or 1 (one) to enable the account.

This API returns “204 No Content” if successful.

Remove Role Assignment

The first API removes the NSX role assignment for a vCenter user, without affecting the vCenter account. The
second API removes a vCenter user’s roles.

Example 2-7. Remove role assignment

DELETE https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/services/usermgmt/user/<userId>

Example 2-8. Delete a user role

DELETE https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/services/usermgmt/role/<userId>

Both APIs return “204 No Content” if successful.7

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Role Management
When assigning or retrieving the role for a user, you cannot use a backslash (\) in the user name (userID
parameter). Instead of specifying Domain\user1 as the user name, say user1@Domain.

Get Role for a User

You can retrieve information about the role assigned to this user.

Example 2-9. Get user role

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/services/usermgmt/role/<userId>

Request Body:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Possible roles are super_user, vshield_admin, enterprise_admin, security_admin, and auditor.

Get Role for a NSX Manager User

You can retrieve information about users who have been assigned a NSX Manager role (local users as well as
vCenter users with the NSX Manager role).

Example 2-10. Get user role

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/services/usermgmt/users/vsm

Response Body:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

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Chapter 2 User Management


Possible roles are super_user, vshield_admin, enterprise_admin, security_admin, and auditor.

Add Role and Resources for a User

You can add role and accessible resources for the specified user. It affects only vCenter users, not local users.

You cannot use a backslash (\) in the user name (userID parameter). Instead of specifying Domain\user1 as the
user name, say user1@Domain.

Set isGroup=true to assign a role to a group and isGroup=false to assign a role to a user.

Example 2-11. Update user role

Request Header:
POST https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/usermgmt/role/userId??isGroup=true|false

Request Body:

This API returns “204 No Content” if successful.

Change User Role

You can update the role assignment for a given user. The API returns an output representation specifying a
new <accessControlEntry> for the user.

Example 2-12. Change user role

Request Header:

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PUT https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/services/usermgmt/role/<userId>

Request Body:

Possible roles are super_user, vshield_admin, enterprise_admin, security_admin, and auditor.

Get List of Possible Roles

You can retrieve the possible roles in NSX Manager.

Example 2-13. Get possible roles

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/services/usermgmt/roles

Response Body:

Get List of Scoping Objects

You can retrieve a list of objects that can be used to define a user’s access scope.

Example 2-14. Get scoping objects

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/services/usermgmt/scopingobjects

Response Body:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

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Chapter 2 User Management


The scoping objects are usually managed object references or vCenter Server names of datacenters and folders.

Delete User Role

You can delete the role assignment for the specified vCenter user. Once this role is deleted, the user is removed
from NSX Manager.

You cannot delete the role for a local user.

Example 2-15. Delete role

DELETE https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/usermgmt/role/<user Id>

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vShield API Programming Guide

34 VMware, Inc.

Managing the NSX Manager

Appliance 3
With the appliance management tool, you can manage:

 System configurations like network configuration, syslog, time settings, and certificate management etc.

 Components of appliance such as NSX Manager, Postgres, SSH component, Rabbitmq service etc.

 Overall support related features such as tech support logs, backup restore, status, and summary reports
of appliance health.

The chapter includes the following topics:

 “Upgrading the Appliance Manager” on page 35

 “Configuring NSX Manager with vCenter Server” on page 37

 “Certificate Management” on page 38

 “Resource Management” on page 39

 “Components Management” on page 46

 “Working with Backup and Restore” on page 48

 “Working with Tech Support Logs” on page 51

 “Working with Support Notifications” on page 52

IMPORTANT All NSX REST requests require authentication. See “Using the NSX REST API” on page 25 for
details about basic authorization.

Upgrading the Appliance Manager

You can upgrade NSX Manager to a later version.

Upload Upgrade Bundle

Example 3-1. Upload upgrade bundle

POST https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/1.0/appliance-management/upgrade/uploadbundle/<component-id>

Query Upgrade Information

After the upgrade bundle is uploaded, you can query upgrade details such as pre-upgrade validation warning
or error messages along with pre-upgrade questions.

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Example 3-2. Query upgrade information

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/1.0/appliance-management/upgrade/uploadbundle/<component-id>

Response Body:

Begin Upgrade
Starts upgrade process.

Example 3-3. Start upgrade

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/1.0/appliance-management/upgrade/start/<component-id>

Response Body:

36 VMware, Inc.
Chapter 3 Managing the NSX Manager Appliance

Query Upgrade Status

Retrieves upgrade status.

Example 3-4. Query upgrade status

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/1.0/appliance-management/status/<component-id>

Response Body:

Configuring NSX Manager with vCenter Server

You can synchronize NSX Manager with a vCenter Server, which enables the Networking and Security tab in
the vCenter Web Client to display your VMware Infrastructure inventory.

Configure vCenter Server with NSX Manager

Example 3-5. Synchronize NSX Manager with vCenter server

PUT https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/services/vcconfig

Request Body:

Query Configuration Details

Example 3-6. Get vCenter Server configuration details on NSX Manager

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/services/vcconfig

Response Body:

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Example 3-7. Get default vCenter Server connection status

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/services/vcconfig/status

Response Body:

Certificate Management

Generate CSR Certificate

Generates CSR. Response header contains created file location.

Example 3-8. Generate CSR

PUT https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/1.0/appliance-management/certificatemanager/csr/nsx

Request Body:

Download CSR Certificate

Downloads generated CSR from appliance.

Example 3-9. Download CSR

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/1.0/appliance-management/certificatemanager/csr/nsx

Upload Certificate Chain

Input is certificate chain file which is a PEM encoded chain of certificates received from the CA after signing
a CSR.

38 VMware, Inc.
Chapter 3 Managing the NSX Manager Appliance

Example 3-10. Upload certificate chain

PUT https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/1.0/appliance-management/certificatemanager/uploadchain/nsx

Query Certificates
Retrieves certificates.

Example 3-11. Query certificates

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/1.0/appliance-management/certificatemanager/certificates/nsx

Response Body:

Upload Keystore File

Input is PKCS#12 formatted NSX file along with password.

Example 3-12. Upload file

POST https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/1.0/appliance-management/certificatemanager/pkcs12keystore/nsx?password="123"

Resource Management

Query Global Appliance Manager Information

Retrieves global information containing version information as well as current logged in user.

Example 3-13. Query global information


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GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/1.0/appliance-management/global/info

Response Body

Query Summary Appliance Manager Information

Retrieves system summary information such as address, dns name, version, CPU, memory, and storage.

Example 3-14. Query summary

GET https://<nsx-ip>/api/1.0/appliance-management/summary/system

Response Body:

Query Component Information

Retrieves summary of all available components available and their status information.

40 VMware, Inc.
Chapter 3 Managing the NSX Manager Appliance

Example 3-15. Query global information

GET https://<nsx-ip>/api/1.0/appliance-management/summary/components

Response Body
<componentsByGroup class="tree-map">

Reboot Appliance Manager

Reboots the appliance manager.

Example 3-16. Reboot appliance

POST https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/1.0/appliance-management/system/restart

Query Appliance Manager CPU

Example 3-17. Query CPU

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/1.0/appliance-management/system/cpuinfo

Response Body

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Query Appliance Manager Uptime

Example 3-18. Query uptime

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/1.0/appliance-management/system/uptime

Response Body
<> days, <> hours, <> minutes

Query Appliance Manager Memory

Example 3-19. Query memory

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/1.0/appliance-management/system/meminfo

Response Body
<totalMemory>11996 MB</totalMemory>
<usedMemory>6524 MB</usedMemory>
<freeMemory>5471 MB</freeMemory>

Query Appliance Manager Storage

Example 3-20. Query storage

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/1.0/appliance-management/system/storageinfo

Response Body

Query Appliance Manager CPU

Example 3-21. Query CPU

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/1.0/appliance-management/system/cpuinfo

Response Body

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Working with Network Settings

Query Network Information

Retrieves network information such as configured host name, IP address, and DNS settings.

Example 3-22. Query network details

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/1.0/appliance-management/system/network

Response Body

Configure DNS Servers

Configures DNS servers.

Example 3-23. Configure DNS

PUT https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/1.0/appliance-management/system/network/dns

Request Body

Delete DNS Servers

Deletes DNS servers.

Example 3-24. Configure DNS


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DELETE https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/1.0/appliance-management/system/network/dns

Working with Time Settings

Configure Time Settings

You can either configure time or specify the NTP server to be used for time synchronization.

Example 3-25. Configure time

PUT https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/1.0/appliance-management/system/timesettings

Response Body

Query Time Settings

Retrieves time settings like timezone or current date and time with NTP server, if configured.

Example 3-26. Query time settings

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/1.0/appliance-management/system/timesettings

Response Body

Delete Time Settings

Deletes NTP server.

Example 3-27. Delete NTP

DELETE https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/1.0/appliance-management/system/timesettings/ntp

Working with Locale Settings

Configure Locale
Configures locale.

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Chapter 3 Managing the NSX Manager Appliance

Example 3-28. Configure locale

PUT https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/1.0/appliance-management/system/locale

Request Body

Query Locale
Retrieves locale information.

Example 3-29. Query locale

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/1.0/appliance-management/system/locale

Response Body

Working with Syslog Servers

If you specify a syslog server, NSX Manager sends all audit logs and system events from NSX Manager to the
syslog server.

Configure Syslog Servers

Configures syslog servers.

Example 3-30. Configure syslog

PUT https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/1.0/appliance-management/system/syslogserver

Request Body

Query Syslog Servers

Retrieves syslog servers.

Example 3-31. Query syslog

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/1.0/appliance-management/system/syslogserver

Response Body

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Delete Syslog Servers

Deletes syslog servers.

Example 3-32. Delete syslog

DELETE https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/1.0/appliance-management/system/syslogserver

Components Management

Query Components
Retrieves all Appliance Manager components.

Example 3-33. Query components

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/1.0/appliance-management/components

Response Body

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Chapter 3 Managing the NSX Manager Appliance

Query Specific Component

Retrieves details for the specified component ID.

Example 3-34. Query component

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/1.0/appliance-management/components/componentID

Response Body
<description> Manager</description>

Query Component Dependencies

Retrieves dependency details for the specified component ID.

Example 3-35. Query component dependency details

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/1.0/appliance-management/components/componentID/dependencies

Response Body

Query Specific Component Dependents

Retrieves dependents for the specified component ID.

Example 3-36. Query component dependents

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/1.0/appliance-management/components/componentID/dependents

Response Body

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Query Component Status

Retrieves current status for the specified component ID.

Example 3-37. Query component status

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/1.0/appliance-management/components/componentID/status

Response Body
<result class="status"></result>

Toggle Specific Component Status

Toggles component status.

Example 3-38. Toggle status

POST https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/1.0/appliance-management/components/componentID/toggleStatus/command

Working with Backup and Restore

You can back up and restore your NSX Manager data, which can include system configuration, events, and
audit log tables. Configuration tables are included in every backup. Backups are saved to a remote location
that must be accessible by the NSX Manager.

Configure Backup Settings

Configures backup on the Appliance Manager.

Example 3-39. Configure backup

PUT https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/1.0/appliance-management/backuprestore/backupsettings

Request Body

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Chapter 3 Managing the NSX Manager Appliance



 transferProtocol: FTP, SFTP

 frequency: weekly, daily, hourly


 Hour of Day: [0 - 24 [
 Minute of hour: [0 - 60 [


The tables specified in the excludeTables parameter are not backed up.

If you set up scheduled backups, the output is:


You can use the following commands individually to configure a specific setting:

 Configure FTP:
PUT https://<nsxmgr-ip>/1.0/appliance-management/backuprestore/backupsettings/ftpsettings

 Specify tables that need not be backed up:

PUT https://<nsxmgr-ip>/1.0/appliance-management/backuprestore/backupsettings/excludedata

 Set backup schedule:

PUT https://<nsxmgr-ip>/1.0/appliance-management/backuprestore/backupsettings/schedule

 Delete backup schedule

DELETE https://<nsxmgr-ip>/1.0/appliance-management/backuprestore/backupsettings/schedule

Configure On-Demand Backup

You can take a backup NSX data at any given time.

Example 3-40. On-demand backup

POST https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/1.0/appliance-management/backuprestore/backup

Query Backup Settings

Retrieves backup settings.

Example 3-41. Query backup

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/1.0/appliance-management/backuprestore/backupsettings

Response Body

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Delete Backup Configuration

Deletes Appliance Manager backup configuration.

Example 3-42. Delete backup settings

DELETE https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/1.0/appliance-management/backuprestore/backupsettings

Query Available Backups

Retrieves list of all backups available at configured backup location.

Example 3-43. Query backup

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/1.0/appliance-management/backuprestore/backups

Response Body:

Restore Data
Restores backup from specified file.

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Chapter 3 Managing the NSX Manager Appliance

Example 3-44. Restore data

POST https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/1.0/appliance-management/backuprestore/restore?restoreFile=filename

Working with Tech Support Logs

Generate Tech Support Logs

Generates tech support logs. Response header contains the location of the created tech support file.

Example 3-45. Generate tech support log

POST https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/1.0/appliance-management/techsupportlogs/componentID

Download Tech Support Logs

Downloads tech support logs. Response header contains the location of the created tech support file.

Example 3-46. Generate tech support log

POST https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/1.0/appliance-management/techsupportlogs/filename

Querying NSX Manager Logs

You can retrieve NSX Manager system event and audit logs.

Get NSX Manager System Events

You can retrieve NSX Manager system events.

Example 3-47. Get NSX Manager system events

GET https://<vsm-ip>/api/2.0/systemevent?startIndex=0\&pageSize=10


 start index is an optional parameter which specifies the starting point for retrieving the logs. If this
parameter is not specified, logs are retrieved from the beginning.

 page size is an optional parameter that limits the maximum number of entries returned by the API. The
default value for this parameter is 256 and the valid range is 1-1024.

Get NSX Manager Audit Logs

You can get NSX Manager audit logs.

Example 3-48. Get NSX Manager audit logs


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GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/logging/auditlog?startIndex=0\&pageSize=10


 start index is an optional parameter which specifies the starting point for retrieving the logs. If this
parameter is not specified, logs are retrieved from the beginning.

 page size is an optional parameter that limits the maximum number of entries returned by the API. The
default value for this parameter is 256 and the valid range is 1-1024.

Working with Support Notifications

Query Notifications
Retrieves all system generated notifications.

Example 3-49. Query notifications

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/1.0/appliance-management/notifications

Response Body:

Delete all Notifications

Deletes all system generated notifications regardless of whether they have been ackowledged.

Example 3-50. Delete notifications

DELETE https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/1.0/appliance-management/notifications

Acknowledge Notifications
Acknowledges a notification. The notification is then deleted from the system.

Example 3-51. Ackonwledge notification

POST https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/1.0/appliance-management/notifications/NotificationId/acknowledge

52 VMware, Inc.

Grouping Objects 4
The Grouping feature enables you to create custom containers to which you can assign resources.

The chapter includes the following topics:

 “Working with Security Groups” on page 53

 “Working with Tags” on page 59

 “Working with IPsets” on page 60

 “Working with MACsets” on page 61

 “Working with Services” on page 63

 “Working with Service Groups” on page 66

 “Working with IP Pools” on page 69

 “Querying Object IDs” on page 72

IMPORTANT All NSX REST requests require authentication. See “Using the NSX REST API” on page 25 for
details about basic authorization.

Working with Security Groups

A security group is a collection of assets or grouping objects from your vSphere inventory.

Create Security Group

You can create a new security group on a global scope. Inheritance is not allowed.

The response of the call has 'Location' header populated with the URI using which the created object can be

Example 4-1. Create new security group

POST https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/services/securitygroup//bulk/<scopeID>

Request Body:

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where dynamicMemberDefinition incudes the following:

 dynamicSet represents a rule set as represented on the UI. There can be multiple dynamic sets inside
dynamic member definition.

 operator : specifies how to combine the results of two dynamic sets. The operator present in this dynamic
set is used to combine the result of the dynamic set(s) evaluted previously with the result of this dynamic
The combining takes place serially. Consider three dynamic sets DS1, DS2 and DS3
The possible values for this field are "AND" and "OR".

 dynamicCriteria defines the actual criteria for the membership. There can be multiple dynamicCriteria
inside a dynamicSet.
All the dynamicCriteria in a dynamicSet must have the same operator.

 key specifies the object and the attribute on which the condition has to be applied. Eg: "VM.name". The
key can be any object attribute that is supported by the DynamicMember API.

 criteria specifies the condition that has to applied to the key with respect to the value. Different conditions
are defined for different datatypes. For string datatype, the condition can be "=", "!=", "contains", "does not
contain", etc. For numerical datatypes, condition can be "=", "!=", "<", etc.

 value is a string to which key has to compared using the criteria.

Query Security Groups

You can retrieve all the security groups that have been created on a specific scope.

Example 4-2. Query all security groups on NSX Manager

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/services/securitygroup/scope/<scopeID>

Response Body
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


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where <scopeID> is the NSX Manager ID.

The following command retrieves details for the specified security group:
GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/services/securitygroup/<securityGroupID>

The following commad retrieves all internal security groups on the NSX Manager. Internal security groups are
used internally by the system and are not created or managed by end users. You should not modify these.
GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/services/securitygroup/internal/scope/<scopeID>

Query Members for a Scope

You can retrieve a list of applicable member elements that can be added to security groups created on a
particular scope. Because security group allows only specific type of container elements to be added, this list
helps you determine all possible valid elements that can be added.

Example 4-3. Get members for a security group scope

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/services/securitygroup/scope/<scopeID>/memberTypes

Response Body:
<clientHandle />
<extendedAttributes />

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Note that this API command requires a slash (/) at the end.

Use the following command to retrieve members of a specific type under a scope:
GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/services/securitygroup/scope/<scopeID>/members/memberType

Query Security Group Objects

Retrieves list of entities (IpNodes, MacNodes, VmNodes, or VnicNodes) that belong to a specific security

Example 4-4. Query security group members

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/services/securitygroup/{securityGroupId}/translation/virtualmachines
GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api//2.0/services/securitygroup/{securityGroupId}/translation/ipaddresses
GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api//2.0/services/securitygroup/{securityGroupId}/translation/macaddresses
GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api//2.0/services/securitygroup/{securityGroupId}/translation/vnics

Query Security Groups that contain a Virtual Machine

Retrieves list of security groups to which the specified virtual machine belongs to.

Example 4-5. Query Security Groups that contain a Virtual Machine

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/services/securitygroup/lookup/virtualmachine/<virtualMachineId>

Modify a Security Group

To modify a security group, you must query it first and then modify the output. The modified output can then
be specified as the request body.

Example 4-6. Modify a security group

PUT https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/services/securitygroup/bulk/<securitygroup-id>

Request Body:

See Example 4-1.

Delete a Security Group

You can delete an existing security group.

Example 4-7. Delete a security group

DELETE https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/services/securitygroup/<securitygroup-id>

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Working with Tags

You can view security tags applied on a virtual machine or create a user defined security tag.

Create Security Tag

Creates a new security tag.

Example 4-8. Create tag

POST https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/services/securitytags/tag

Request Body:
<description>description of the tag</description>

Query Security Tags

Retrieves security tags.

Example 4-9. Query tag

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/services/securitytags/tag

Response Body:
<description>description of the tag</description>

Apply Tag to Virtual Machine

Applies security tag to virtual machine.

Example 4-10. Apply tag

PUT https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/services/securitytags/tag/{TagIdentifierString}/vm/{vmMoid}

Detach Tag from Virtual Machine

Detaches security tag from virtual machine.

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Example 4-11. Detach tag

DELETE https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/services/securitytags/tag/{TagIdentifierString}/vm/{vmMoid}

Delete Tag from Virtual Machine

Deletes tags.

Example 4-12. Delete tag

DELETE https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/services/securitytags/tag/{TagIdentifierString}

Working with IPsets

You can group a set of IP addresses into an IPSet.

Create an IPset
All IPsets are created on the global scope.

Example 4-13. Create IPset

POST hnsxmgrttps://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/services/ipset/<scope-moref>

Request Body Example:

<objectId />
<typeName />
New Description
<objectTypeName />

where <scope-moref> is globalroot-0.

In the request body example, a range of IP addresses on the 10.112 net is specified (201.8 to 201.14).

Query IPsets
You can retrieve all the IPsets.

Example 4-14. List IPsets on a scope

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/services/ipset/scope/<scope-moref>

where <scope-moref> is globalroot-0.

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Query Details of an IPset

You can retrieve details about an IPset.

Example 4-15. Get details of an IPset

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/services/ipset/<ipset-id>

The <ipset-id> is as returned by listing the IPset on a scope.

Modify an IPset
You can modify an existing IPset and retrieve details about the modified IPset.

Example 4-16. Modify an IPset

PUT https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/services/ipset/<ipset-id>

Request Body Example:

<objectId />
<typeName />
New Description
<objectTypeName />

The <ipset-id> is as returned by listing the IPset on a scope. In the request body example, the IP address range
is doubled.

Delete an IPset
You can delete an IPset. The trailing boolean flag indicates forced or unforced delete. With forced delete, the
object is deleted even if used in other places such as firewall rules, causing invalid referrals. For unforced
delete, the object is deleted only if it is not used by other configuration; otherwise the delete fails.

Example 4-17. Delete an IPset

DELETE https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/services/ipset/<ipset-id>?force=<true|false>

Working with MACsets

Create a MACset on a Scope

You can create a MACset on the specified scope. On success, the API returns a string identifier for the new

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Example 4-18. Create MACset on a scope

POST https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/services/macset/scope/<scope-moref>

Request Body Example:

<objectId />
<typeName />
<description>Some description</description>
<objectTypeName />

where <scope-moref> is globalroot-0. In the request body example, a comma-separated list of MAC addresses
is specified.

List MACsets Created on a Scope

You can retrieve all the MACsets that were created on the specified scope.

Example 4-19. List MACsets on a scope

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/services/macset/<scope-moref>

where <scope-moref> is globalroot-0.

Get Details of a MACset

You can retrieve details about a MACset.

Example 4-20. Get details of a MACset

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/services/macset/<macset-id>

The <MACset-id> is as returned by listing the MACset on a scope.

Modify an Existing MACset

You can modify an existing MACset and retrieve details about the modified MACset.

Example 4-21. Modify details of a MACsets

PUT https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/services/MACset/<MACset-id>

Request Body:
<objectId />
<typeName />

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<description>Some description</description>
<objectTypeName />

The <MACset-id> is as returned by listing the MACset on a scope. In the request body example, one MAC
address fewer is specified.

Delete a MACset
You can delete a MACset. The trailing boolean flag indicates forced or unforced delete. With forced delete, the
object is deleted even if used in other places such as firewall rules, causing invalid referrals. For unforced
delete, the object is deleted only if it is not used by other configuration; otherwise the delete fails.

Example 4-22. Delete a MACset

DELETE https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/services/macset/<macset-id>

Working with Services

List Services on a Scope

You can retrieve a list of services that have been created on the scope specified by managed object reference

Example 4-23. List services on a given scope

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/services/application/scope/<moref>

A non-existent scope results in a 400 Bad Request error.

Add Service to a Scope

You can create a new service on the specified scope.

Example 4-24. Add a service to a scope

POST https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/services/application/<moref>

Request Body:
<description>Some description</description>

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For applicationProtocol, possible values are:


Only TCP and UDP support comma separated port numbers and dash separated port ranges. Other protocols
support a single port number only.

On success, this call returns a string identifier for the newly created application, for instance Application-1. The
location header in the reply contains the relative path of the created Application and can be used for further
GET, PUT, and DELETE calls.

Get Details of a Service

You can retrieve details about the service specified by <applicationgroup-id> as returned by the call shown in
Example 4-24.

Example 4-25. Retrieve details about a service

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/services/application/<application-id>

Response Body:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

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A non-existent application ID results in a 404 Not Found error.

Modify Service Details

You can modify the name, description, applicationProtocol, or port value of a service.

Example 4-26. Modify application

PUT https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/services/application/<application-id>

Request Body:
<description>Some description</description>

The call returns XML describing the modified service.

Delete Service
You can delete a service by specifying its <applicationgroup-id>. The force= flag indicates if the delete should be
forced or unforced. For forced deletes, the object is deleted irrespective of its use in other places such as firewall
rules, which invalidates other configurations referring to the deleted object. For unforced deletes, the object is
deleted only if it is not being used by any other configuration. The default is unforced (false).

Example 4-27. Delete service

DELETE https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/services/application/<application-id>?force=<true|false>

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Working with Service Groups

Add Service Group

You can create a new service group on the specified scope.

Example 4-28. Add a service group to a scope

POST https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/services/applicationgroup/<scope-moref>

Request Body:
<description>Some description</description>

Query Service Groups

You can retrieve a list of service groups that have been created on the scope specified by managed object
reference <moref>.

Example 4-29. List service groups on a given scope

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/services/applicationgroup/<scope-moref>

Response Body:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<extendedAttributes />
<extendedAttributes />

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A non-existent scope results in a 400 Bad Request error.

Query Details of a Service Group

You can retrieve details about the service group specified by <applicationgroup-id> as returned by the call shown
in Example 4-24.

Example 4-30. Retrieve details about a service group

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/services/applicationgroup/<applicationgroup-id>

A non-existent application ID results in a 404 Not Found error.

Modify Service Group Details

You can modify the name, description, applicationProtocol, or port value of a service group.

Example 4-31. Modify service group

PUT https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/services/applicationgroup/<applicationgroup-id>

Request Body:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<description>Updated with description</description>
<extendedAttributes />
<extendedAttributes />

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The call returns XML describing the modified service.

Delete Service Group from Scope

You can delete a service group by specifying its <applicationgroup-id>. The force= flag indicates if the delete
should be forced or unforced. For forced deletes, the object is deleted irrespective of its use in other places such
as firewall rules, which invalidates other configurations referring to the deleted object. For unforced deletes,
the object is deleted only if it is not being used by any other configuration. The default is unforced (false).

Example 4-32. Delete service group

DELETE https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/services/applicationgroup/<applicationgroup-id>?force=<true|false>

Working with the Members of a Service Group

Query Service Group Members

You can get a list of member elements that can be added to the service groups created on a particular scope.
Since service group allows only either services or other service groups as members to be added, this helps you
get a list of all possible valid elements that can be added to the service.

Example 4-33. Retrieve member elements

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/services/applicationgroup/scope/<scope-moref>/members

Response Body:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<description>AG created in DC</description>
<extendedAttributes />

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Chapter 4 Grouping Objects

<extendedAttributes />
<extendedAttributes />

Add a Member to the Service Group

You can add a member to the service group.

Example 4-34. Add member

PUT https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/services/applicationgroup/<applicationgroup-id>/members/

Delete a Member from the Service Group

You can delete a member from the service group.

Example 4-35. Delete member

DELETE https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/services/applicationgroup/<applicationgroup-id>/members/

Working with IP Pools

You can create a pool of IP addresses.

Add an IP Pool
Example 4-36. Add IP pool

POST https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/services/ipam/pools/scope/<scopeId>

Request Body:

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where scop id is globalroot-0.

Query IP Pool Details

Retrieves details about the specified IP pool.

Example 4-37. Query IP Pool

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/services/ipam/pools/<pool-ID>

Response Body:

See Example 4-36.

Modify an IP Pool
To modify an IP pool, query the IP pool first. Then modify the output and send it back as the request body.

Example 4-38. Query IP Pool

PUT https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/services/ipam/pools/<pool-ID>

Response Body:

See Example 4-36.

Allocating a New IP Address

Allocates a new IP address from the specified pool.

Example 4-39. Allocate new address

POST https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/services/ipam/pools/<pool-ID>/ipaddresses

Request Body:
Response Body:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

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<allocationNote/>sample note</allocationNote>

Allocating a Specific IP Address

Allocates a specific IP address from the specified pool.

Example 4-40. Allocate new address

POST https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/services/ipam/pools/<pool-ID>/ipaddresses

Request Body:

Response Body:

See Example 4-39.

Query Allocated IP Addresses

Retrieves all allocated IP addresses from the specified pool.

Example 4-41. Query allocated addresses

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/services/ipam/pools/<pool-ID>/ipaddresses

Response Body:
<allocationNote>sample note</allocationNote>
<allocationNote>sample note</allocationNote>

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Release an IP Address
Example 4-42. Release IP address

DELETE https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/services/ipam/pools/<pool-ID>/ipaddresses/<allocated-ip-address>

Delete an IP Pool
Example 4-43. Delete IP Pool

DELETE https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/services/ipam/pools/<pool-ID>

Querying Object IDs

This section describes how to retrieve the IDs for the objects in your virtual inventory.

Query Datacenter MOID

1 In a web browser, type the following:


2 Click content.

3 Click on the rootFolder value.

4 Click on the childEntity value.

The datacenter MOID is displayed on top of the window.

Query Datacenter ID
1 In a web browser, type the following:


2 Click content.

3 Click on the rootFolder value.

4 Click on the childEntity value.

The datacenter value is the datacenter ID.

Query Host ID
1 In a web browser, type the following:


2 Click content.

3 Click on the rootFolder value.

4 Click on the childEntity value.

1 Click on the datacenter value.

The host value is the host ID.

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Query Portgroup ID
1 In a web browser, type the following:


2 Click content.

3 Click on the rootFolder value.

4 Click on the childEntity value.

5 Click on the datacenter value.

6 Click on the host value.

The network property value is the portgroup ID.

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Installing NSX Components 5

After the installation of NSX Manager, you can install other components as required..

This chapter includes the following topics:

 “Installing Licenses” on page 75

 “Working with Network Virtualization Components” on page 76

 “Working with VXLAN for Logical Switches” on page 77

 “Working with Services” on page 90

 “Working with Conflicting Agencies” on page 96

 “Uninstalling Services” on page 98

IMPORTANT All NSX REST requests require authentication. See “Using the NSX REST API” on page 25 for
details about basic authorization.

Installing Licenses
You can install and assign an NSX for vSphere license after NSX Manager installation is complete by using the vSphere
Web Client.
Before purchasing and activating an NSX for vSphere license, you can install and run the software in
evaluation mode. When run in evaluation mode, intended for demonstration and evaluation purposes, NSX
components are completely operational immediately after installation, do not require any licensing
configuration, and provide full functionality for 60 days from the time you first activate them.

1 Log in to the vSphere Web Client.

2 Click Administration and then click Licenses.

3 Click the Solutions tab.

4 From the drop-down menu at the top, select Assign a new license key.

5 Type the license key and an optional label for the new key.

6 Click Decode.
Decode the license key to verify that it is in the correct format, and that it has enough capacity to license
the assets.

7 Click OK.

What to do next
Obtain and install an NSX for vSphere license within the evaluation period.

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Working with Network Virtualization Components

As the demands on datacenters continue to grow and accelerate, requirements related to speed and access to
the data itself continue to grow as well. In most infrastructures, virtual machine access and mobility usually
depend on physical networking infrastructure and the physical networking environments they reside in. This
can force virtual workloads into less than ideal environments due to potential layer 2 or layer 3 boundaries,
such as being tied to specific VLAN's.

Network virtualization allows you to place these virtual workloads on any available infrastructure in the
datacenter regardless of the underlying physical network infrastructure. This not only allows increased
flexibility and mobility, but increased availability and resilience.

Feature configuration is managed at a cluster level. Cluster preparation can be broken down into the

 Install vib and non-vib related action: Before any per-host config a vib must be installed on the host. The
feature can use this time to perform other bootstrapping tasks which do not depend on vib-installation.
e.g. vxlan creates the vmknicpg and sets up some opaque data.

 Post-vib install: Prepare each host for the feature. In the case of vxlan, create vmknics.

Install Network Virtualization Components

You install the network infrastructure components in your virtual environment on a per-cluster level for each
vCenter server, which deploys the required software on all hosts in the cluster. This software is also referred
to as an NSX vSwitch. When a new host is added to this cluster, the required software is automatically installed
on the newly added host. After the network infrastructure is installed on a cluster, Logical Firewall is enabled
on that cluster.

Example 5-1. Install network virtualization

POST https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/nwfabric/configure

Request Body

<resourceId>{CLUSTER MOID}</resourceId>

Upgrade Network Virtualization Components

After NSX Manager is upgraded to NSX Manager, previously prepared clusters must have the 6.0 network
virtualization components installed.

Example 5-2. Upgrade network virtualization

PUT https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/nwfabric/configure

Request Body

See Example 5-1.

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Chapter 5 Installing NSX Components

Delete Network Virtualization Components

Remove previously installed vibs, tears down NSX manager to ESX messaging, and remove any other network
fabric dependent features like logical wires etc. If a feature like logical wire is being used in your environment,
this call fails.

Example 5-3. Delete network virtualization

DELETE https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/nwfabric/configure

Working with VXLAN for Logical Switches

Configuring logical switches is a multi-step process. You must follow these steps in order to complete logical switch
configuration. In lieu of multicast routing on the physical fabric, you can add NSX controllers in your environment. You
can later associate one of these traffic forwarding mechanisms with a transport zone.

 You must have the Super Administrator or Enterprise Administrator role permissions to configure and
manage logical switches.

 Install network virtualization components on the clusters that are to be part of the logical switch. See
“Install Network Virtualization Components” on page 76.

 Ensure that you have the following software versions.

 VMware vCenter Server 5.5 or later

 VMware ESX 5.1 or later on each server

 vSphere Distributed Switch 5.1 or later

 Physical infrastructure MTU must be at least 50 bytes more than the MTU of the virtual machine vNIC.

 Set Managed IP address for each vCenter server in the vCenter Server Runtime Settings. For more
information, see vCenter Server and Host Management.

 If using DHCP for IP assignment for VMKNics, verify that DHCP is available on VXLAN transport

If using an IP pool for static IP assignment, selecting a gateway other than the default gateway of the ESX
management network leverages a dedicated TCP stack (applies to VMware ESXi™ 5.5 or later).

 For Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP), it is recommended hat you enable 5- tuple hash

 You must use a consistent distributed virtual switch type (vendor etc.) and version across a given network
scope. Inconsistent switch types can lead to undefined behavior in your logical switch.

The control plane that manages logical networks and overlay transport can be set as one of the following:

 Multicast: Multicast IP addresses on physical network is used for the control plane. This mode is
recommended only when you are upgrading from older VXLAN deployments. Requires
PIM/IGMP on physical network.

 Unicast : The control plane is handled by an NSX controller. All traffic replication is handled
locally by the hypervisor. No multicast IP addresses or special network configuration is

 Hybrid : The optimized unicast mode. Offloads local traffic replication to physical network. This
requires IGMP snooping on the first-hop switch, but does not require PIM. First-hop switch
handles traffic replication for the subnet.

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Working with Controllers

For the unicast or hybrid control plane mode, you must add an NSX controller to manage overlay transport and provide
East-West routing. The controller optimizes virtual machine broadcast (ARP only) traffic, and the learning is stored on
the host and the controller.

Add Controller
Adds a new NSX controller on the specified given cluster. The hostId parameter is optional. The
resourcePoolId can be either the cluster Id or resourcePool Id.

The IP address of the controller node will be allocated from the specified IP pool. deployType determines the
controller node memory size and can be small, medium, or large.

Example 5-4. Add controller

POST https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/vdn/controller

Request Body:

Query Controllers
Retrieves details and runtime status for controller. Runtime status can be one of the following:

 Deploying - controller is being deployed and the procedure has not completed yet.

 Removing - controller is being removed and the procedure has not completed yet.
 Running - controller has been deployed and can respond to API invocation.

 Unknown - controller has been deployed but fails to respond to API invocation.

Example 5-5. Query controllers

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/vdn/controller

Response Body:

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Query Controller Addition or Deletion Details

Retrieves status of controller creation or removal. The progress gives a percentage indication of current deploy
/ remove procedure.

Example 5-6. Query controller addition or deletion details

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/vdn/controller/progress/<job_id>

Response Body:

Query Controller Tech Support Logs

Retrieves controller logs. Response content type is application/octet-stream and response header is filename.

This streams a fairly large bundle back (possibly hundreds of MB).

Example 5-7. Query controller logs

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/vdn/controller/{controllerId}/techsupportlogs

Delete Controller
Deletes NSX controller. When deleting the last controller from a cluster, the parameter forceRemovalForLast
must be set to true.

Example 5-8. Delete controller

DELETE https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/vdn/controller/<controller-id>? forceRemoval=<true/false>

Query Cluster Information

Retrieves cluster wise configuration information for controller.

Example 5-9. Query cluster details

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/vdn/controller/cluster

Response Body:

Modify Cluster Configuration

Modifies cluster wise configuration information for controller.

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Example 5-10. Modify cluster configuration

PUT https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/vdn/controller/cluster

Request Body:

Add Controller Syslog Exporter

Configures a syslog exporter on the specified controller node.

Example 5-11. Query controller syslog exporter

POST https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/vdn/controller/{controller-id}/syslog

Request Body:

Query Controller Syslog Exporter

Retrieves details about the configured syslog exporter on the specified controller node.

Example 5-12. Query controller syslog exporter

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/vdn/controller/{controller-id}/syslog

Response Body:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Delete Controller Syslog Exporter

Deletes syslog exporter on the specified controller node.

Example 5-13. Delete controller syslog exporter

DELETE https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/vdn/controller/{controller-id}/syslog

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Working with Segment IDs

You must specify a segment ID pool for each NSX Manager to isolate your network traffic. If an NSX controller
is not deployed in your environment, you must add a multicast address range to help in spreading traffic
across your network and avoid overloading a single multicast address.

Add a new Segment ID Range

You can add a segment ID range, from which an ID is automatically assigned to the logical switch.

Example 5-14. Add a segment ID range

POST https://<vsm-ip>/api/2.0/vdn/config/segments

Request Body:

The segment range is inclusive – the beginning and ending IDs are included.

Query all Segment ID Ranges

You can retrieve all segment ID ranges.

Example 5-15. Get all Segment ID Ranges

GET https://<vsm-ip>/api/2.0/vdn/config/segments

Response Body:

Query a Specific Segment ID Range

You can retrieve a segment ID range by specifying the segment ID.

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Example 5-16. Get a specific Segment ID Range

GET https://<vsm-ip>/api/2.0/vdn/config/segments/SegmentID

Response Body:

Update a Segment ID Range

You can update the name, description, or end of a segment ID range.

Example 5-17. Update a Segment ID Range

PUT https://<vsm-ip>/api/2.0/vdn/config/segments/SegmentID
Request Body:

Delete a Segment ID Range

You can delete a segment ID range.

Example 5-18. Delete a Segment ID Range

DELETE https://<vsm-ip>/api/2.0/vdn/config/segments/SegmentID

Configure VXLAN
Example 5-19. Install VXLAN

POST https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/nwfabric/configure

Request Body:
<resourceId>{CLUSTER MOID}</resourceId>
<configSpec class="clusterMappingSpec">
<switch><objectId>{DVS MOID}</objectId></switch>
<!-- ipPoolId is optional and if none is specified will assume DHCP for VTEP address assignment.-->
<ipPoolId>{IPADDRESSPOOL ID}</ipPoolId>

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<resourceId>{DVS MOID}</resourceId>
<configSpec class="vdsContext">
<switch><objectId>{DVS MOID}</objectId></switch>
<!-- teaming value can be one of

Install VXLAN
Example 5-20. Install VXLAN with LACPv2

POST https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/nwfabric/configure

Request Body:
<resourceId>{CLUSTER MOID}</resourceId>
<configSpec class="clusterMappingSpec">
<switch><objectId>{DVS MOID}</objectId></switch>
<resourceId>{DVS MOID}</resourceId>
<configSpec class="vdsContext">
<switch><objectId>{DVS MOID}</objectId></switch>
<!-- uplinkPortName should be as specified in vCenter. -->
<uplinkPortName>{LAG NAME}</uplinkPortName>

Delete VXLAN
Deletes VXLAN from the specified cluster. This does not delete the network virtualization components from
the cluster.

Example 5-21. Delete VXLAN

DELETE https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/nwfabric/configure

Delete VXLAN with vdsContext

Deletes VXLAN from the specified cluster and also removes the vdsContext.

Example 5-22. Delete VXLAN


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DELETE https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/nwfabric/configure

Working with Network Scopes

A network scope is the networking infrastructure within provider virtual datacenters.

Create a Network Scope

You must specify the clusters that are to be part of the network scope. You must have the VLAN ID, UUID of
the vCenter Server, and vDS ID.

Example 5-23. Create a network scope

POST https://<vsm-ip>/api/2.0/vdn/scopes

Request Body:

Edit a Network Scope

You can add a cluster to or delete a cluster from a network scope.

Example 5-24. Create a network scope

POST https://<vsm-ip>/api/2.0/vdn/scopes/scopeID?action=patch

Request Body:

Update Attributes on a Network Scope

You can update the attributes of a network scope.

Example 5-25. Update attributes of a network scope

PUT https://<vsm-ip>/api/2.0/vdn/scopes/scopeID/attributes

Request Body:
<name>new name</name>
<description>new description</description>

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Query existing Network Scopes

You can retrieve all existing network scopes.

Example 5-26. Get all network scopes

GET https://<vsm-ip>/api/2.0/vdn/scopes

Response Body:
<name>My Name</name>
<description>My Description</description>

Query a Specific Network Scope

You can retrieve a specific network scope.

Example 5-27. Get a network scope

GET https://<vsm-ip>/api/2.0/vdn/scopes/scopeID

Response Body:
<name>My Name</name>
<description>My description</description>

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Delete a Network Scope

You can delete a network scope.

Example 5-28. Delete network scope

DELETE https://<vsm-ip>/api/2.0/vdn/scopes/scopeID

Reset Communication
Resets communication between NSX Manager and a host or cluster.

Example 5-29. Reset communication

POST https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/nwfabric/configure?action=synchronize

Query Features on Cluster

Retrieves all features available on the cluster.

Example 5-30. Query features

POST https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/nwfabric/features

Response Body:
<!-- Contains multiple featureInfo -->
<name>{FEATURE NAME}</name>
<featureId>{FEATURE ID}</featureId>
<version>{FEATURE VERSION}</version>

Query Status of Specific Resources

Example 5-31. Query status

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/nwfabric/status?resource=<RESOURCE ID>

Response Body:

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<objectId>{resource id}</objectId>

Query Status of Child Resources

Example 5-32. Query status

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/nwfabric/status/child/<PARENT RESOURCE ID>

Response Body:

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Query Status of Resources by Criterion

Example 5-33. Query status

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/nwfabric/status/alleligible/<RESOURCE TYPE>

Response Body:

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Working with Services

The security fabric simplifies and automates deployment of security services and provide a platform for
configuration of the elements that are required to provide security to workloads. These elements include:

 Internal components:


 Endpoint Mux

 Data Security

 Logical Firewall

 External components

 Partner OVFs / Vibs

 Partner vendor policy templates

For partner services, the overall workflow begins with registration of services by partner consoles, followed
by deployment of the services by the administrator.

Subsequent workflow is as follows:

1 Select the clusters on which to deploy the security fabric (Mux, Traffic filter, USVM).

2 Specify an IP pool to be used with the SVMs (available only if the partner registration indicates
requirement of static IPs)

3 Select portgroup (DVPG) to be used for each cluster (a default is pre-populated for the user).

4 Select datastore to be used for each cluster (a default is pre-populated for the user).

5 NSX Manager deploys the components on all hosts of the selected clusters.

Once you deploy the security fabric, an agency defines the configuration needed to deploy agents (host
components and appliances). An agency is created per cluster per deployment spec associated with services.
Agents are deployed on the selected clusters, and events / hooks for all the relevant actions are generated.

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Install Security Fabric

Example 5-34. Install service

POST https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/si/deploy?startTime=<time>

Request Body
<datastore>ds-id</datastore> <!-- Used only in POST. Should be empty in PUT -->


 dataStore - Needs to be specified only in POST call. In PUT call, it should be left empty otherwise the call
will fail.

 dvPortGroup - This is optional. If not specified, then user will set the Agent using vCenter Server.

 ipPool - This is optional. if not specified, IP address is assigned through DHCP.

 startTime - Time when the deployment task(s) are scheduled for. If this is not specified then deployment
will happen immediately.

Service Dependency
Services installed through the security fabric may be dependent on other services. When an internal service is
registered, a dependencyMap is maintained with the service-id and implementation type of the internal service.

When partner registers a new service, the security fabric looks up its implementation type in the dependencyMap to
identify the service it depends on, if any. Accordingly, a new field in Service object called dependsOn-service-id is

Deploying a Service with a Dependency

Example 5-35. Deploy service

POST https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/si/deploy

Identify Service Dependency

Lists the service on which the specified service depends on.

Example 5-36. Identify service dependency

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/si/deploy/service/<service-id>/dependsOn

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Uninstall Service Dependency

Lists the service on which the specified service depends on.

Example 5-37. Uninstall service dependency

DELETE https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/si/deploy/clutser/<cluster-id>

If you try to remove a service on which a service depends on and it is already installed, the un-installation fails.

In order to uninstall services in any order, set parameter ignoreDependency true.

Query Installed Services

Retrieves all services currently deployed on the cluster along with their status.

Example 5-38. Query services

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/si/deploy/cluster/<cluster-id>

Response Body

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Query Details about a Service

Retrieves detailed information about the service.

Example 5-39. Query service

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/si/deploy/cluster/<cluster-id>/service/<service-id>

Response Body

See Example 5-38.

Query Clusters
Retrieves all clusters on which the specified service is installed.

Example 5-40. Query clusters

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/si/deploy/service/<service-id>

Response Body

See Example 5-38.

Upgrade Service
Upgrades service to recent version.

Example 5-41. Query clusters

PUT https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/si/deploy/?startTime=<time>

Request Body
<dvPortGroup>{dvpg ID}</dvPortGroup>

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The datastore, dvPortGroup, and ipPool variables should either not be specified or have same value as
provided at time of deployment.

Query Agents on Host

Retrieves all agents on the specified host. The response body contains agent IDs for each agent, which you can
use to retrieve details about that agent.

Example 5-42. Query agents on host

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/si/host/<host-id>/agents

Response Body
<agentName>agent name if present</agentName>
<initialData>partner data if present</initialData>

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Query Agent Information

Retrieves agent (agents (host components and appliances)) details.

Example 5-43. Query agent details

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/si/agent/<agent-id>

Response Body
<agentName>agent name if present</agentName>
<initialData>partner data if present</initialData>

Query Agents for Deployment

Retrieves all agents for the specified deployment.

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Example 5-44. Query agents for deployment

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/si/deployment/<deploymentunit-id>/agents

Response Body
<agentName>agent name if present</agentName>
<initialData>partner data if present</initialData>

Working with Conflicting Agencies

When the NSX Manager database backup is restored to an older point in time, it is possible that deployment
units for some EAM Agencies are missing. These APIs help the administrator identify such EAM Agencies and
take appropriate action.

Query Conflicts
Retrieves conflicting Deployment Units and EAM Agencies, if any, and the allowed operations on them.

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Example 5-45. Query conflicts

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/si//fabric/sync/conflicts

Response Body
<agencyName>_VCNS_264_nasingh-cluster1_VMware Endpoint</agencyName>

Restore Conflicting Agencies

Creates Deployment Units for conflicting EAM Agencies.

Example 5-46. Query conflicts

PUT https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/si/fabric/sync/conflicts

Request Body

Delete Conflicting Agencies

Deletes conflicting EAM Agencies.

Example 5-47. Delete conflicts

PUT https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/si/fabric/sync/conflicts

Request Body

Delete Deployment Units

Deletes Deployment Units for conflictingEAM Agencies.

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Example 5-48. Query conflicts

PUT https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/si/fabric/sync/conflicts

Request Body

Uninstalling Services
Uninstalls the specified services from the specified lusters.

Example 5-49. Uninstall services from a cluster

DELETE https://<vsm-ip>/api/2.0/si/deploy/cluster/<cluster-id>?services=service-id1,service-id2&startTime=<time>


 services - list of service id's that needs to be uninstalled from the cluster. If this is not specified then all the
services will be uninstalled.

 startTime - time when the uninstall will be scheduled for. If this is not specified then uninstall will happen

Example 5-50. Uninstall specified service from specified clusters



 clusters - list of cluster id's that service needs to be uninstalled from.

 startTime - time when the uninstall will be scheduled for. If this is not specified then uninstall will happen

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Working with Logical Switches 6

A cloud deployment or a virtual data center has a variety of applications across multiple tenants. These
applications and tenants require isolation from each other for security, fault isolation, and avoiding
overlapping IP addressing issues. The NSX logical switch creates logical broadcast domains or segments to
which an application or tenant virtual machine can be logically wired. This allows for flexibility and speed of
deployment while still providing all the characteristics of a physical network's broadcast domains (VLANs)
without physical Layer 2 sprawl or spanning tree issues.

A logical switch is distributed and can span arbitrarily large compute clusters. This allows for virtual machine
mobility (vMotion) within the datacenter without limitations of the physical Layer 2 (VLAN) boundary. The
physical infrastructure does not have to deal with MAC/FIB table limits since the logical switch contains the
broadcast domain in software.

A logical switch is mapped to a unique VXLAN, which encapsulates the virtual machine traffic and carries it
over the physical IP network.

The NSX controller is the central control point for all logical switches within a network and maintains
information of all virtual machines, hosts, logical switches, and VXLANs. The controller supports two new
logical switch control plane modes, Unicast and Hybrid, These modes decouple NSX from the physical
network. VXLANs no longer require the physical network to support multicast in order to handle the
Broadcast, Unknown unicast, and Multicast (BUM) traffic within a logical switch. The unicast mode replicates
all the BUM traffic locally on the host and requires no physical network configuration. In the hybrid mode,
some of the BUM traffic replication is offloaded to the first hop physical switch to achieve better performance.
This mode requires IGMP snooping to be turned on the first hop physical switch. Virtual machines within a
logical switch can use and send any type of traffic including IPv6 and multicast.

You must be a Security Administrator in order to create VXLAN networks.

IMPORTANT All NSX REST requests require authentication. See “Using the NSX REST API” on page 25 for
details about basic authorization.

This chapter includes the following topics:

 “Preparing for Logical Switches” on page 100

 “Configuring Switches” on page 100

 “Working with Segment IDs” on page 102

 “Working with Multicast Address Ranges” on page 103

 “Working with Network Scopes” on page 105

 “Working with Virtualized Networks” on page 107

 “Managing the VXLAN Virtual Wire UDP Port” on page 110

 “Querying Allocated Resources” on page 110

 “Testing Multicast Group Connectivity” on page 111

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 “Performing Ping Test” on page 112

Preparing for Logical Switches

Before creating a logical switch, ensure that:

 you have installed the network virtualization components on the appropriate clusters
 you have configured VXLAN on the appropriate clusters

Configuring Switches
You must prepare each vDS by specifying the VLAN for your L2 domain and the MTU for each vDS.

Prepare Switch
The MTU is the maximum amount of data that can be transmitted in one packet before it is divided into
smaller packets. The frames are slightly larger in size because of the traffic encapsulation, so the MTU required
is higher than the standard MTU. You must set the MTU for each switch to 1600 or higher.

Example 6-1. Prepare switch

POST https://<vsm-ip>/api/2.0/vdn/switches

Request Body:
<name>My Name</name>

Query Configured Switches

You can retrieve all configured switches.

Example 6-2. Get all configured switches

GET https://<vsm-ip>/api/2.0/vdn/switches

Response Body:
<name>My Name</name>

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Query Configured Switches on Datacenter

You can retrieve all configured switches on a datacenter.

Example 6-3. Get configured switches on a datacenter

GET https://<vsm-ip>/api/2.0/vdn/switches/datacenter/datacenterID

Response Body:
<name>My Name</name>

Query Specific Switch

You can retrieve a specific switch by specifying its ID.

Example 6-4. Get specific switch

GET https://<vsm-ip>/api/2.0/vdn/switches/switchID

Response Body:
<name>My Name</name>

Delete Switch
You can delete a switch.

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Example 6-5. Delete switch

DELETE https://<vsm-ip>/api/2.0/vdn/switches/switchID

Working with Segment IDs

You can specify a segment ID pool to isolate your network traffic.

Add a new Segment ID Range

You can add a segment ID range, from which an ID is automatically assigned to the VXLAN virtual wire.

Example 6-6. Add a segment ID range

POST https://<vsm-ip>/api/2.0/vdn/config/segments

Request Body:

The segment range is inclusive – the beginning and ending IDs are included.

Query all Segment ID Ranges

You can retrieve all segment ID ranges.

Example 6-7. Get all Segment ID Ranges

GET https://<vsm-ip>/api/2.0/vdn/config/segments

Response Body:

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Query a Specific Segment ID Range

You can retrieve a segment ID range by specifying the segment ID.

Example 6-8. Get a specific Segment ID Range

GET https://<vsm-ip>/api/2.0/vdn/config/segments/SegmentID

Response Body:

Update a Segment ID Range

You can update the name, description, or end of a segment ID range.

Example 6-9. Update a Segment ID Range

PUT https://<vsm-ip>/api/2.0/vdn/config/segments/SegmentID
Request Body:

Delete a Segment ID Range

You can delete a segment ID range.

Example 6-10. Delete a Segment ID Range

DELETE https://<vsm-ip>/api/2.0/vdn/config/segments/SegmentID

Working with Multicast Address Ranges

Specifying a multicast address range helps in spreading traffic across your network to avoid overloading a
single multicast address.A virtualized network-ready host is assigned an IP address from this range.

Add a new Multicast Address Range

You can add a new multicast address range.

Example 6-11. Add a multicast address range

POST https://<vsm-ip>/api/2.0/vdn/config/multicasts

Request Body:

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The address range is inclusive – the beginning and ending addresses are included.

Query all Multicast Address Ranges

You can retrieve all multicast address ranges.

Example 6-12. Get all multicast ranges

GET https://<vsm-ip>/api/2.0/vdn/config/multicasts

Response Body:

Get a Specific Multicast Address Range

You can retrieve a specific multicast address range.

Example 6-13. Get a multicast range

GET https://<vsm-ip>/api/2.0/vdn/config/multicasts/multicastAddressRangeID

Response Body:

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Update a Multicast Address Range

You can update the name, description, or end address of a multicast address range.

Example 6-14. Update a multicast range

Request Header:
PUT https://<vsm-ip>/api/2.0/vdn/config/multicasts/multicastAddressRangeID
Request Body:

Delete a Multicast Address Range

You can delete a multicast address range.

Example 6-15. Delete multicast address range

DELETE https://<vsm-ip>/api/2.0/vdn/config/multicasts/<multicasts/multicasts/

Working with Network Scopes

A network scope is the networking infrastructure within provider virtual datacenters.

Create a Network Scope

You must specify the clusters that are to be part of the network scope. You must have the VLAN ID, UUID of
the vCenter Server, and vDS ID.

Example 6-16. Create a network scope

POST https://<vsm-ip>/api/2.0/vdn/scopes

Request Body:

Edit a Network Scope

You can add a cluster to or delete a cluster from a network scope.

Example 6-17. Create a network scope

POST https://<vsm-ip>/api/2.0/vdn/scopes/scopeID?action=patch

Request Body:

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Update Attributes on a Network Scope

You can update the attributes of a network scope.

Example 6-18. Update attributes of a network scope

PUT https://<vsm-ip>/api/2.0/vdn/scopes/scopeID/attributes

Request Body:
<name>new name</name>
<description>new description</description>

Query existing Network Scopes

You can retrieve all existing network scopes.

Example 6-19. Get all network scopes

GET https://<vsm-ip>/api/2.0/vdn/scopes

Response Body:
<name>My Name</name>
<description>My Description</description>

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Query a Specific Network Scope

You can retrieve a specific network scope.

Example 6-20. Get a network scope

GET https://<vsm-ip>/api/2.0/vdn/scopes/scopeID

Response Body:
<name>My Name</name>
<description>My description</description>

Delete a Network Scope

You can delete a network scope.

Example 6-21. Delete network scope

DELETE https://<vsm-ip>/api/2.0/vdn/scopes/scopeID

Working with Virtualized Networks

A VXLAN virtual wire is a collection of vDS port groups across multiple virtual distributes switches (vDS)
within a network scope.

Create a VXLAN Virtual Wire

You can create a new VXLAN virtual wire on the specified network scope. You must have defined a segment
ID range and a multicast address range before creating a VXLAN virtual wire.

Example 6-22. Create a VXLAN virtual wire


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POST https://<vsm-ip>/api/2.0/vdn/scopes/scopeID/virtualwires

Request Body:
<name>virtual wire name</name>
<description>virtual wire description</description>
<tenantId>virtual wire tenant</tenantId>

Query all VXLAN Virtual Wires on a Network Scope

You can retrieve all VXLAN virtual wires on the specified network scope.

Example 6-23. Get all VXLAN virtual wires

GET https://<vsm-ip>/api/2.0/vdn/scopes/scopeID/virtualwires
Response Body:
<datapart class="virtualWire">
<description>virtual wire 1</description>
<tenantId>virtual wire tenant</tenantId>
<datapart class="virtualWire">

Query all VXLAN Virtual Wires on all Network Scopes

You can retrieve all VXLAN virtual wires across all network scopes.

Example 6-24. Get all VXLAN virtual wires on all network scopes

GET https://<vsm-ip>/api/2.0/vdn/virtualwires

Response Body:

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Chapter 6 Working with Logical Switches

<datapart class="virtualWire">
<description>virtual wire 1</description>
<tenantId>virtual wire tenant</tenantId>
</datapart> ....
<datapart class="virtualWire"> ....

Query a Specific VXLAN Virtual Wire

You can retrieve the definition for a VXLAN virtual wire.

Example 6-25. Get a VXLAN virtual wire definition

GET https://<vsm-ip>/api/2.0/vdn/virtualwires/virtualWireID

Response Body:
<name>Test Virtual Wire</name>
<description>Test Virtual Wire Description</description>

Modify Control Plane Mode

You can modify the control plane mode of a logical switch. The possible options are:

 Multicast: Multicast IP addresses on physical network is used for the control plane. This mode is

 recommended only when you are upgrading from older VXLAN deployments. Requires

 PIM/IGMP on physical network.

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 n Unicast : The control plane is handled by an NSX controller. All unicast traffic leverages headend

 replication. No multicast IP addresses or special network configuration is required.

 n Hybrid : The optimized unicast mode. Offloads local traffic replication to physical network (L2

 multicast). This requires IGMP snooping on the first-hop switch, but does not require PIM. Firsthop

 switch handles traffic replication for the subnet.

Delete a VXLAN Virtual Wire

You can delete a VXLAN virtual Wire.

Example 6-26. Delete virtual wire

DELETE https://<vsm-ip>/api/2.0/vdn/virtualwires/virtualWireID

Managing the VXLAN Virtual Wire UDP Port

You can retrieve or update the UDP port.

Get UDP Port

You can retrieve the UDP port for the VXLAN virtual wire.

Example 6-27. Get UDP port

Get https://<vsm-ip>/api/2.0/vdn/config/vxlan/udp/port

Update UDP Port

You can change the UDP port for the VXLAN virtual wire. If not set, the port defaults to port 8472.

Example 6-28. Change UDP port

PUT https://<vsm-ip>/api/2.0/vdn/config/vxlan/udp/port/port

Querying Allocated Resources

You can retrieve a list of resources allocated to VXLAN virtual wires in your network.

Example 6-29. Get resources

Get segment IDs allocated to VXLAN virtual wires:

GET https://<vsm-ip>/api/2.0/vdn/config/resources/allocated?type=segmentId&pagesize={pageSize}&startindex={startIndex}

Get multicast address range allocated to VXLAN virtual wires:

GET https://<vsm-ip>/api/2.0/vdn/config/resources/allocated?type=multicastAddress&pagesize={pageSize}&startindex={startIndex}


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 start index is an optional parameter which specifies the starting point for retrieving the resources. If this
parameter is not specified, resources are retrieved from the beginning.

 page size is an optional parameter that limits the maximum number of entries returned by the API. The
default value for this parameter is 256 and the valid range is 1-1024.

Testing Multicast Group Connectivity

You can perform a multicast group connectivity test in a network scope or VXLAN virtual wire.

Test Multicast Group Connectivity in a Network Scope

Example 6-30. Test multicast group connectivity in network scope

PUT https://<vsm-ip>/api/2.0/vdn/scopes/ScopeID/conn-check/multicast

Request Body:

Test Multicast Group Connectivity in a VXLAN Virtual Wire

Example 6-31. Test multicast group connectivity in virtual wire

PUT https://<vsm-ip>/api/2.0/vdn/scopes/virtualWireID/conn-check/multicast

Request Body:

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Performing Ping Test

You can perform a point to point connectivity test between two hosts across which a VXLAN virtual wire

Example 6-32. Perform point to point test

PUT https://<vsm-ip>/api/2.0/vdn/virtualwires/virtualWireID/conn-check/p2p

Request Body:

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NSX Edge Logical Router Installation

and Management 7
NSX Edge Logical Router provides East-West distributed routing with tenant IP address space and data path
isolation. Virtual machines or workloads that reside on the same host on different subnets can communicate
with one another without having to traverse a traditional routing interface. A logical router can have eight
uplink interfaces and up to a thousand internal interfaces.

For information on retrieving objects IDs, see “” on page 33.

This chapter includes the following topics:

 “Installing a Logical Router” on page 113

 “Query a Logical Router” on page 114

 “Modify a Router” on page 116

 “Deleting a Router” on page 116

IMPORTANT All NSX REST requests require authentication. See “Using the NSX REST API” on page 25 for
details about basic authorization.

Installing a Logical Router

Before installing a logical router, you must prepare the hosts on the appropriate clusters. For more
information, see “Working with Network Virtualization Components” on page 76.

A logical router can have eight uplink interfaces and up to a thousand internal interfaces.

The user specified configuration is stored in the database and Edge identifier is returned to the user. This
identifier must be used for future configurations on the given Edge.

If any appliance(s) are specified and at-least one connected interface/vnic is specified, then the appliance(s) are
deployed and configuration is applied to them.

Example 7-1. Install a logical router

POST https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/edges

Request Body:
<type>distributedRouter</type> <!-- Mandatory to create "distributedRouter" edge. When absent, defaults to
"gatewayServices" -->
<appliances> <!-- Mandatory for "distributedRouter" edge. Atleast one appliance needs to be configured -->

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<mgmtInterface> <!-- Mandatory for "distributedRouter" edge -->
<interfaces> <!-- Optional. Can be added later using modular APIs. Upto 999 interfaces supported. -->
<addressGroups> <!-- Supports one or more addressGroups -->
<addressGroup> <!-- AddressGroup on "distributedRouter" edge can have only primary ipAddresses. Secondary addresses
not supported -->
<primaryAddress></primaryAddress> <!-- "distributedRouter" edge only supports IPv4 addresses -->
<connectedToId>dvportgroup-39</connectedToId> <!-- "distributedRouter" edge does not support legacy portGroups -->

IMPORTANT The location header returns the edgeId of the installed router. You must use this ID to configure
and manage this NSX Edge instance.

Query a Logical Router

Retrieves information about the specified router.

Example 7-2. Query a router

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/edges/{edgeId}

Response Body:

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Modify a Router
Replaces the configuration of the specified router.

Example 7-3. Modify router

PUT https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/edges/{edgeId}

Request Body:

See Example 7-1.

Deleting a Router
You can delete a logical router instance. Appliances associated with the router instance are deleted as well.

Example 7-4. Delete a router

DELETE https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>

Working with Interfaces

An NSX Edge router can have eight uplink interfaces and up to a thousand internal interfaces. It must have at
least one internal interface before it can be deployed.

Working with Management Interfaces

Configure Management Interfaces

Configure management interfaces for an NSX Edge router.

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Example 7-5. Configure management interfaces

PUT https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/edges/{edgeId/mgmtinterface

Request Body:

Query Management Interfaces

Retrieves all management interfaces for the specified NSX Edge router.

Example 7-6. Query interfaces

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/edges/{edgeId/mgmtinterface

Response Body:

Working with all Interfaces

An NSX Edge router can have up to 8 uplink interfaces.

Add Interfaces
Configures one or more interface for an NSX Edge Router. The specified configuration is stored in the
database. If any appliance(s) is associated with this Edge Edge instance, the specified configuration is applied
to the appliance as well.

You should not define a index for the new addition of interfaces. The indexes are system-generated To update
the existing interfaces, include them in the XML with the system-generated indexes (can be obtained by a GET

Example 7-7. Add an interface

POST https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/interfaces/?action=patch

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Request Body:

Query Interfaces for a NSX Edge Router

Retrieves all interfaces for the specified Edge router.

Example 7-8. Retrieve all interfaces

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/interfaces

Response Body:

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Delete Interfaces
Deletes one or more interfaces for an NSX Edge Router. Stores the specified configuration in database. If any
appliance(s) are associated with this edge, disconnects and deletes the interface.

Example 7-9. Delete interface

DELETE https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/interfaces/?index=<index1>&index=<index2>

Delete all Interfaces

Deletes all interfaces for an NSX Edge Router. Stores the specified configuration in database. If any
appliance(s) are associated with this edge, disconnects and deletes the interface.

Example 7-10. Delete all interfaces

DELETE https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/interfaces

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Manage an NSX Edge Router Interface

You can manage a specific NSX Edge router interface.

Retrieve Interface with Specific Index

Retrieves the interface with specified index for a Edge Edge.

Example 7-11. Get interface with specific index

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/interfaces/index

Response Body:

Modify an Interface
Modifies the specified interface.

Example 7-12. Modify interface

PUT https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/interfaces/<index>

Response Body:

Delete Interface Configuration

Deletes the interface configuration and resets it to the factory default.

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Example 7-13. Delete interface configuration

DELETE https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/interfaces/index

Configure Routes
Configures globalConfig, staticRouting, OSPG, BGP, and IS-IS routes.

Example 7-14. Configure routes

PUT https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/routing/config

Request Body:
<routerId></routerId> <!-- Required when dynamic routing protocols like OSPF, BGP, IS-IS is configured -->
<logging> <!-- Optional. When absent, enable=false and logLevel=INFO -->
<ipPrefixes> <!-- Optional. Required only if user wants to define redistribution rules in dynamic routing protocols like ospf, isis,
bgp -->
<name>a</name> <!-- All the defined ipPrefix must have unique names -->
<staticRoutes> <!-- Optional, if no static routes needs to be configured -->
<mtu>1500</mtu> <!-- Optional. Valid value:smaller than the MTU set on the interface. Default will be the MTU of the
interface on which this route is configured -->
<mtu>1500</mtu> <!-- Optional. Valid value:smaller than the MTU set on the interface. Default will be the MTU of the
interface on which this route is configured -->
<defaultRoute> <!-- Optional, if no default routes needs to be configured -->
<mtu>1500</mtu> <!-- Optional. Valid value:smaller than the MTU set on the interface. Default will be the MTU of the interface
on which this route is configured -->
<ospf> <!-- Optional, if no OSPF needs to be configured -->
<enabled>true</enabled> <!-- Optional. Defaults to true -->

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<forwardingAddress></forwardingAddress> <!-- ipAddress on one of the uplink interfaces -->

<protocolAddress></protocolAddress> <!-- ipAddress on the same subnet as the forwardingAddress -->
<areaId>100</areaId> <!-- Mandatory and unique. Valid values are 0-4294967295 -->
<type>normal</type> <!-- Optional. Default is normal. Valid inputs are normal, stub -->
<authentication> <!-- Optional. When not specified, its "none" authentication. -->
<type>password</type> <!-- Valid values are none, password , md5 -->
<value>vmware123</value> <!-- Value as per the type of authentication -->
<helloInterval>10</helloInterval> <!-- Optional. Default 10 sec. Valid values are 1-255-->
<deadInterval>40</deadInterval> <!-- Optional. Default 40 sec. Valid values are 1-65535 -->
<priority>128</priority> <!-- Optional. Default 128. Valid values are 0-255 -->
<cost>10</cost> <!-- Optional. Auto based on interface speed. Valid values are 1-65535 -->
<enabled>true</enabled> <!-- Optional. Defaults to false. -->
<prefixName>a</prefixName> <!-- Optional. Default is "any". prefixName used here should be defined in the
routingGlobalConfig->ipPrefixes -->
<isis>true</isis> <!-- Optional. Defaults to false -->
<ospf>false</ospf> <!-- Optional. Defaults to false -->
<bgp>false</bgp> <!-- Optional. Defaults to false -->
<static>false</static> <!-- Optional. Defaults to false -->
<connected>true</connected> <!-- Optional. Defaults to false -->
<action>deny</action> <!-- Mandatory. Valid values are deny|permit -->
<prefixName>b</prefixName> <!-- Optional. Default is "any". prefixName used here should be defined in the
routingGlobalConfig->ipPrefixes -->
<isis>false</isis> <!-- Optional. Defaults to false -->
<ospf>false</ospf> <!-- Optional. Defaults to false -->
<bgp>true</bgp> <!-- Optional. Defaults to false -->
<static>false</static> <!-- Optional. Defaults to false -->
<connected>false</connected> <!-- Optional. Defaults to false -->
<action>permit</action> <!-- Mandatory. Valid values are deny|permit -->
<bgp> <!-- Optional, if no BGP needs to be configured -->
<enabled>true</enabled> <!-- Optional. Default is true -->
<localAS>65535</localAS> <!-- Valid values are : 0-65535 -->
<ipAddress></ipAddress> <!-- Peer's IP. IPv4 only. Should not be same as any of interfaces's
IPs,forwardingAddress,protocolAddress -->
<forwardingAddress></forwardingAddress> <!-- Address defined on one of the uplink interfaces's -->
<protocolAddress></protocolAddress> <!-- Address in the above same subnet as the forwardingAddress -->
<remoteAS>65500</remoteAS> <!-- Valid values are 1-65534 -->
<weight>60</weight> <!-- Optional. Default is 60. Valid values are 0-65535 -->
<holdDownTimer>180</holdDownTimer> <!-- Optional. Default is 180 seconds. Valid values are : 2-65535. -->
<keepAliveTimer>60</keepAliveTimer> <!-- Optional. Default is 60 seconds. Valid values are : 1-65534. -->
<password>vmware123</password> <!-- Optional -->
<bgpFilters> <!-- Optional -->

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Chapter 7 NSX Edge Logical Router Installation and Management

<direction>in</direction> <!-- Valid values are in/out -->

<action>permit</action> <!-- Valid values are permit/deny -->
<network></network> <!-- Valid values are CIDR networks. IPv4 only. IPv6 support not supported -->
<ipPrefixGe>17</ipPrefixGe> <!-- Optional. "Greater than or equal to" & used for filtering based on prefix length. Valid
IPv4 prefixes -->
<ipPrefixLe>32</ipPrefixLe> <!-- Optional. "Less than or equal to" & used for filtering based on prefix length. Valid IPv4
prefixes -->
<enabled>true</enabled> <!-- Optional. Defaults to false. -->
<prefixName>a</prefixName> <!-- Optional. Default is "any". prefixName used here should be defined in the
routingGlobalConfig->ipPrefixes -->
<isis>true</isis> <!-- Optional. Defaults to false -->
<ospf>true</ospf> <!-- Optional. Defaults to false -->
<bgp>false</bgp> <!-- Optional. Defaults to false -->
<static>true</static> <!-- Optional. Defaults to false -->
<connected>false</connected> <!-- Optional. Defaults to false -->
<action>deny</action> <!-- Mandatory. Valid values are deny|permit -->
<isis>false</isis> <!-- Optional. Defaults to false -->
<ospf>false</ospf> <!-- Optional. Defaults to false -->
<bgp>false</bgp> <!-- Optional. Defaults to false -->
<static>false</static> <!-- Optional. Defaults to false -->
<connected>true</connected> <!-- Optional. Defaults to false -->
<action>permit</action> <!-- Mandatory. Valid values are deny|permit -->

Query Routes
Retrieves global, static, OSPF, BGP, and ISIS configurations.

Example 7-15. Retrieve routes

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/routing/config

Response Body:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

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Delete Routes
Deletes the routing configuration stored in the NSX Manager database and the default routes from the
specified NSX Edge router.

Example 7-16. Delete routing

DELETE https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/routing/config

Manage Global Routing Configuration

Configures the default gateway for static routes and dynamic routing details.

Specify Global Configuration

Example 7-17. Configure global route

PUT https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/routing/config/global

Request Body:
<routerId></routerId> <!-- Required when dynamic routing protocols like OSPF, BGP, IS-IS is configured -->
<logging> <!-- Optional. When absent, enable=false and logLevel=INFO -->
<ipPrefixes> <!-- Optional. Required only if user wants to define redistribution rules in dynamic routing protocols like ospf, isis,
bgp -->
<name>a</name> <!-- All the defined ipPrefix must have unique names -->

Query Global Route

Retrieves routing information from the NSX Manager database for an edge which includes the following:

 Default route settings

 Static route configurations

Example 7-18. Query global route

PUT https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/routing/config/global

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Manage Static Routing

Add or query static and default routes for secified Edge.

Configure Static Routes

Configures static and default routes.

Example 7-19. Configure static routes

PUT https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/routing/config/static

Request Body:
<mtu>1500</mtu> <!-- Optional. Valid value:smaller than the MTU set on the interface. Default will be the MTU of the
interface on which this route is configured -->
<mtu>1500</mtu> <!-- Optional. Valid value:smaller than the MTU set on the interface. Default will be the MTU of the
interface on which this route is configured -->
<mtu>1500</mtu> <!-- Optional. Valid value:smaller than the MTU set on the interface. Default will be the MTU of the interface
on which this route is configured -->

Query Static Routes

Retrieves static and default routes.

Example 7-20. Configure static routes

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/routing/config/static

Response Body:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

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Delete Static Routes

Deletes both static and default routing configuration stored in the NSX Manager database.

Example 7-21. Delete static routes

DELETE https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/routing/config/static

Manage OSPF Routes for NSX Edge

NSX Edge supports OSPF, an interior gateway protocol that routes IP packets only within a single routing
domain. It gathers link state information from available routers and constructs a topology map of the network.
The topology determines the routing table presented to the Internet Layer, which makes routing decisions
based on the destination IP address found in IP packets.

OSPF routing policies provide a dynamic process of traffic load balancing between routes of equal cost. An
OSPF network is divided into routing areas to optimize traffic. An area is a logical collection of OSPF networks,
routers, and links that have the same area identification.

Areas are identified by an Area ID.

Configure OSPF
Example 7-22. Configure OSPF


PUT https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/routing/config/ospf

Request Body:
<enabled>true</enabled> <!-- When not specified, it will be treated as false, When false, it will delete the existing config -->
<areaId>100</areaId> <!-- Mandatory and unique. Valid values are 0-4294967295 -->
<type>normal</type> <!-- Optional. Default is normal. Valid inputs are normal, nssa -->
<authentication> <!-- Optional. When not specified, its "none" authentication. -->
<type>password</type> <!-- Valid values are none, password , md5 -->
<value>vmware123</value> <!-- Value as per the type of authentication -->

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<helloInterval>10</helloInterval> <!-- Optional. Default 10 sec. Valid values are 1-255-->
<deadInterval>40</deadInterval> <!-- Optional. Default 40 sec. Valid values are 1-65535 -->
<priority>128</priority> <!-- Optional. Default 128. Valid values are 0-255 -->
<cost>10</cost> <!-- Optional. Auto based on interface speed. Valid values are 1-65535 -->
<enabled>true</enabled> <!-- Optional. Defaults to false. -->
<prefixName>a</prefixName> <!-- Optional. Default is "any". prefixName used here should be defined in the
routingGlobalConfig->ipPrefixes -->
<isis>true</isis> <!-- Optional. Defaults to false -->
<ospf>false</ospf> <!-- Optional. Defaults to false -->
<bgp>false</bgp> <!-- Optional. Defaults to false -->
<static>false</static> <!-- Optional. Defaults to false -->
<connected>true</connected> <!-- Optional. Defaults to false -->
<action>deny</action> <!-- Mandatory. Valid values are deny|permit -->
<prefixName>b</prefixName> <!-- Optional. Default is "any". prefixName used here should be defined in the
routingGlobalConfig->ipPrefixes -->
<isis>false</isis> <!-- Optional. Defaults to false -->
<ospf>false</ospf> <!-- Optional. Defaults to false -->
<bgp>true</bgp> <!-- Optional. Defaults to false -->
<static>false</static> <!-- Optional. Defaults to false -->
<connected>false</connected> <!-- Optional. Defaults to false -->
<action>permit</action> <!-- Mandatory. Valid values are deny|permit -->

Query OSPF
Example 7-23. Query OSPF


GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/routing/config/ospf

Response Body:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

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Delete OSPF
Deletes OSPF routing.

Example 7-24. Delete OSPF

DELETE https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/routing/config/ospf

Manage ISIS Routes for NSX Edge

Intermediate System to Intermediate System (IS-IS) is a routing protocol designed to move information by
determining the best route for datagrams through a packet-switched network. A two-level hierarchy is used
to support large routing domains. A large domain may be divided into areas. Routing within an area is
referred to as Level 1 routing. Routing between areas is referred to as Level 2 routing. A Level 2 Intermediate
System (IS) keeps track of the paths to destination areas. A Level 1 IS keeps track of the routing within its own
area. For a packet going to another area, a Level 1 IS sends the packet to the nearest Level 2 IS in its own area,
regardless of what the destination area is. Then the packet travels via Level 2 routing to the destination area,
where it may travel via Level 1 routing to the destination. This is referred to as Level-1-2.

Configure ISIS
Example 7-25. Configure ISIS


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PUT https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/routing/config/isis

Request Body:
<systemId>0004.c150.f1c0</systemId> <!-- Optional. 6 byte length & specified in HEX. When not specified, derived
routingGlobalConfig.routerId -->
<areaIds> <!-- Atleast one is required. Max supported is 3 -->
<areaId>49.0005.8000.ab7c.0000.ffe9.0002</areaId> <!-- Variable length between 1 and 13 bytes & specified in HEX. -->
<isType>level-1-2</isType> <!-- Optional. Default is 'level-1-2'. Valid values are level-1, level-2, level-1-2 -->
<domainPassword>vshield</domainPassword> <!-- Optional. Domain level authentication. Used when type is level-2 -->
<areaPassword>edge</areaPassword> <!-- Optional. Area level authentication. Used when type is level-1 -->
<meshGroup>10</meshGroup> <!-- Optional. Valid values are : 0-4294967295 -->
<helloInterval>10000</helloInterval> <!-- Optional. Default is 10000 millisecond . Valid values are : 10-600000 -->
<helloMultiplier>3</helloMultiplier> <!-- Optional. Default is 3. Valid values are : 2-100 -->
<lspInterval>33</lspInterval> <!-- Optional. Default is 33 milliseconds. Valid values are : 1-65535 -->
<metric>10</metric> <!-- Optional. Default is 10. Valid values are : 1-16777215 -->
<priority>64</priority> <!-- Optional. Default is 64. Valid values are : 0-127 -->
<circuitType>level-1-2</circuitType> <!-- Optional. Valid values are level-1, level-2, level-1-2. If absent, 'type' from above is
used -->
<password>msr</password> <!-- Optional. Per interface authentication -->
<enabled>true</enabled> <!-- Optional. Defaults to false. -->
<prefixName>a</prefixName> <!-- Optional. Default is "any". prefixName used here should be defined in the
routingGlobalConfig->ipPrefixes -->
<isis>false</isis> <!-- Optional. Defaults to false -->
<ospf>true</ospf> <!-- Optional. Defaults to false -->
<bgp>false</bgp> <!-- Optional. Defaults to false -->
<static>true</static> <!-- Optional. Defaults to false -->
<connected>false</connected> <!-- Optional. Defaults to false -->
<action>deny</action> <!-- Mandatory. Valid values are deny|permit -->
<prefixName>b</prefixName> <!-- Optional. Default is "any". prefixName used here should be defined in the
routingGlobalConfig->ipPrefixes -->
<isis>false</isis> <!-- Optional. Defaults to false -->
<ospf>false</ospf> <!-- Optional. Defaults to false -->
<bgp>true</bgp> <!-- Optional. Defaults to false -->
<static>false</static> <!-- Optional. Defaults to false -->
<connected>true</connected> <!-- Optional. Defaults to false -->
<action>permit</action> <!-- Mandatory. Valid values are deny|permit -->

Query ISIS
Example 7-26. Query ISIS


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GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/routing/config/isis

Response Body:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Delete ISIS
Deletes ISIS routing.

Example 7-27. Delete ISIS


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DELETE https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/routing/config/isis

Manage BGP Routes for NSX Edge

Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) makes core routing decisions. It includes a table of IP networks or prefixes
which designate network reachability among autonomous systems. An underlying connection between two
BGP speakers is established before any routing information is exchanged. Keep alive messages are sent out by
the BGP speakers in order to keep this relationship alive. Once the connection is established, the BGP speakers
exchange routes and synchronize their tables.

Configure BGP
Example 7-28. Configure BGP


PUT https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/routing/config/bgp

Request Body:
<enabled>true</enabled> <!-- Optional. Default is false -->
<localAS>65534</localAS> <!-- Valid values are : 1-65534 -->
<ipAddress></ipAddress> <!-- IPv4 only. IPv6 support not supported -->
<remoteAS>65500</remoteAS> <!-- Valid values are 0-65535 -->
<weight>60</weight> <!-- Optional. Default is 60. Valid values are 0-65535 -->
<holdDownTimer>180</holdDownTimer> <!-- Optional. Default is 180 seconds. Valid values are : 2-65535. -->
<keepAliveTimer>60</keepAliveTimer> <!-- Optional. Default is 60 seconds. Valid values are : 1-65534. -->
<password>vmware123</password> <!-- Optional -->
<bgpFilters> <!-- Optional -->
<direction>in</direction> <!-- Valid values are in/out -->
<action>permit</action> <!-- Valid values are permit/deny -->
<network></network> <!-- Valid values are CIDR networks. IPv4 only. IPv6 support not supported -->
<ipPrefixGe>17</ipPrefixGe> <!-- Optional. "Greater than or equal to" & used for filtering based on prefix length. Valid
IPv4 prefixes -->
<ipPrefixLe>32</ipPrefixLe> <!-- Optional. "Less than or equal to" & used for filtering based on prefix length. Valid IPv4
prefixes -->
<enabled>true</enabled> <!-- Optional. Defaults to false. -->
<prefixName>a</prefixName> <!-- Optional. Default is "any". prefixName used here should be defined in the
routingGlobalConfig->ipPrefixes -->
<isis>true</isis> <!-- Optional. Defaults to false -->
<ospf>true</ospf> <!-- Optional. Defaults to false -->
<bgp>false</bgp> <!-- Optional. Defaults to false -->
<static>true</static> <!-- Optional. Defaults to false -->
<connected>false</connected> <!-- Optional. Defaults to false -->
<action>deny</action> <!-- Mandatory. Valid values are deny|permit -->
<isis>false</isis> <!-- Optional. Defaults to false -->
<ospf>false</ospf> <!-- Optional. Defaults to false -->
<bgp>false</bgp> <!-- Optional. Defaults to false -->
<static>false</static> <!-- Optional. Defaults to false -->

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<connected>true</connected> <!-- Optional. Defaults to false -->

<action>permit</action> <!-- Mandatory. Valid values are deny|permit -->

Query BGP
Example 7-29. Query BGP


GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/routing/config/bgp

Response Body:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

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Delete BGP
Deletes BGP routing.

Example 7-30. Delete BGP

DELETE https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/routing/config/bgp

Working with Bridging

You can create an L2 bridge between a logical switch and a VLAN, which enables you to migrate virtual
workloads to physical devices with no impact on IP addresses. A logical network can leverage a physical
gateway and access existing physical network and security resources by bridging the logical switch broadcast
domain to the VLAN broadcast domain.

The L2 bridge runs on the host that has the NSX Edge logical router virtual machine. An L2 bridge instance
maps to a single VLAN, but there can be multiple bridge instances. The logical router cannot be used as a
gateway for devices connected to a bridge.

If High Availability is enabled on the Logical Router and the primary NSX Edge virtual machine goes down,
the bridge is automatically moved over to the host with the secondary virtual machine. For this seamless
migration to happen, VLAN must have been configured on the host that has the secondary NSX Edge virtual

Configure a Bridge
Configures a bridge.

Example 7-31. Configure bridge


PUT https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/bridging/config
Request Body:

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Query Bridge Configuration

Retrieves bridge configuration.

Query BGP
Example 7-32. Query bridges


GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/bridging/config

Response Body:

Delete Bridge Configuration

Deletes bridges.

Example 7-33. Delete bridges

DELETE https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/routing/bridging/config

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NSX Edge Services Gateway

Installation, Upgrade, and
Management 8
NSX Edge Services Gateway gives you access to all NSX Edge services such as firewall, NAT, DHCP, VPN, load
balancing, and high availability. You can install multiple NSX Edge services gateway virtual appliances in a
datacenter. Each NSX Edge virtual appliance can have a total of ten uplink and internal network interfaces.

The internal interfaces connect to secured port groups and act as the gateway for all protected virtual machines
in the port group. The subnet assigned to the internal interface can be a publicly routed IP space or a
NATed/routed RFC 1918 private space. Firewall rules and other NSX Edge services are enforced on traffic
between network interfaces.

Uplink interfaces of NSX Edge connect to uplink port groups that have access to a shared corporate network
or a service that provides access layer networking. Multiple external IP addresses can be configured for load
balancer, site-to-site VPN, and NAT services.

After you install network virtualization components and one or more logical switches in your environment,
you can secure internal networks by installing a Edge Edge Services gateway.

This chapter includes the following topics:

 “Installing NSX Edge Services Gateway” on page 138

 “Upgrading vShield Edge 5.1.x or 5.5 to NSX Edge” on page 140

 “Query Installed Edges” on page 140

 “Modifying NSX Edge Configuration” on page 144

 “Deleting NSX Edge” on page 148

 “Configuring Edge Services in Async Mode” on page 148

 “Working with NSX Edge Firewall” on page 150

 “Working with NAT” on page 158

 “Working with Routing” on page 161

 “Working with Load Balancer” on page 175

 “Managing SSL VPN” on page 201

 “Working with L2 VPN” on page 231

 “Working with IPSEC VPN” on page 234

 “Managing an NSX Edge” on page 238

IMPORTANT All NSX REST requests require authentication. See “Using the NSX REST API” on page 25 for
details about basic authorization.

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Installing NSX Edge Services Gateway

The NSX Edge installation API copies the NSX Edge OVF from the Edge Manager to the specified datastore
and deploys an NSXd Edge on the given datacenter. After the NSX Edge is installed, the virtual machine
powers on and initializes according to the given network configuration. If an appliance is added, it is deployed
with the specified configuration.

Installing an NSX Edge instance adds a virtual machine to the vCenter Server inventory, You must specify an
IP address for the management interface, and you may name the NSX Edge instance.

The configuration you specify when you install an NSX Edge is stored in the database. If an appliance is added,
the configuration is applied to it and it is deployed.

NOTE Do not use hidden/system resource pool IDs as they are not supported on the UI.

Example 8-1. Install Services Gateway

POST https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/edges/

Request Body
<name>org1-edge</name> <!-- optional. Default is vShield-<edgeId>. Used as a vm name on VC appended by "-<haIndex>" -->
<description>Description for the edge gateway</description> <!-- optional -->
<tenant>org1</tenant> <!-- optional. Will be used in syslog messages -->
<fqdn>org1edge1</fqdn> <!-- optional. Default is vShield-<edgeId>. Used to set hostanme on the vm. Appended by "-<haIndex>" -->
<vseLogLevel>info</vseLogLevel> <!-- optional. Default is info. Other possible values are EMERGENCY, ALERT, CRITICAL,
<enableAesni>false</enableAesni> <!-- optional. Default is true -->
<enableFips>true</enableFips> <!-- optional. Default is false -->
<appliances> <!-- maximum 2 appliances can be configured. Until one appliance is configured, none of the configured features
configured will serve the network -->
<applianceSize>compact</applianceSize> <!-- optional. Default is compact. Other possible values are large|xlarge|quadlarge -->
<enableCoreDump>true</enableCoreDump> <!-- optional. default is false. Enabling core-dump will deploy an extra disk for
core-dump files, which will consume 1GB for COMPACT, LARGE, and QUADLARGE, and 8G for XLARGE
<hostId>host-28</hostId> <!-- optional -->
<vmFolderId>group-v38</vmFolderId> <!-- optional -->
<customField> <!-- optional -->
<cpuReservation> <!-- optional -->
<memoryReservation> <!-- optional -->
<vnics> <!-- mamimum 10 interfaces index:0-9 can be configured. Until one connected vnic is configured, none of the configured
features will serve the network -->
<name>internal0</name> <!-- optional. System has default Names. format vNic0 ... vNic7 -->
<type>internal</type> <!-- optional. Default is internal. Other possible value is "uplink" -->
<portgroupId>dvportgroup-114</portgroupId> <!-- Possible values here are portgroupIds or virtualWire-id. portgroupId needs to be
defined if isConnected=true -->

138 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 8 NSX Edge Services Gateway Installation, Upgrade, and Management

<addressGroup> <!-- Vnic can be configured to have more than one addressGroup/subnets -->
<primaryAddress></primaryAddress> <!-- This is mandatory for an addressGroup -->
<secondaryAddresses> <!-- Optional. Should be used to add/defined other IPs used for NAT, LB, VPN, etc -->
<ipAddress></ipAddress> <!-- Optional. This way multiple IP Addresses can be assigned to a vnic/interface -->
<subnetMask></subnetMask> <!-- either subnetMask or subnetPrefixLength should be provided. If both then
subnetprefixLength is ignored -->
<addressGroup> <!-- Vnic can be configured to have more than one addressGroup/subnets -->
<primaryAddress></primaryAddress> <!-- This is mandatory for an addressGroup -->
<secondaryAddresses> <!-- Optional. Should be used to add/defined other IPs used for NAT, LB, VPN, etc -->
<ipAddress></ipAddress> <!-- Optional. This way multiple IP Addresses can be assigned to a vnic/interface -->
<addressGroup> <!-- ipv6 addressGroup -->
<primaryAddress>ffff::1</primaryAddress> <!-- This is mandatory for an addressGroup -->
<secondaryAddresses> <!-- Optional. Should be used to add/defined other IPs used for NAT, LB, VPN, etc -->
<subnetPrefixLength>64</subnetPrefixLength> <!-- prefixLength valid values 1-128 -->
<macAddress> <!-- optional. When not specified, macAddresses will be managed by VC -->
<value>00:50:56:01:03:23</value> <!-- optional. User must ensure that macAddresses provided are unique withing the given layer 2
domain. -->
<fenceParameter> <!-- optional -->
<mtu>1500</mtu> <!-- optional. Default is 1500 -->
<enableProxyArp>false</enableProxyArp> <!-- optional. Default is false -->
<enableSendRedirects>true</enableSendRedirects> <!-- optional. Default is true -->
<isConnected>true</isConnected> <!-- optional. Default is false -->
<inShapingPolicy> <!-- optional -->
<outShapingPolicy> <!-- optional -->
<cliSettings> <!-- optional. Default user/pass is admin/default, and remoteAccess is false (i.e. disabled) -->
<userName>test</userName> <!-- When you change the userName, you are overwriting the current userName. -->
<password>test123!</password> <!-- The password should be atleast 12 characters long, must be a mix of alphabets, digits and
special characters. Must contain at-least 1 uppercase, 1 lowercase, 1 special character and 1 digit. In addition, a
character cannot be repeated 3 or more times consectively.-->
<remoteAccess>false</remoteAccess> <!-- remote Access specifies whether cli console access over ssh must be enabled. Relevant
firewall rules to allow traffic on port 22 must be opened by user/client. Please note: it is advisable to restrict ssh
access to Edge cli to only a limited ip addresses - so firewall rules must be opened cautiously. -->
<autoConfiguration> <!-- optional -->
<enabled>true</enabled> <!-- Optional. Default:true. If set to false, user should add the nat,firewall,routing config to control plane
work for LB, VPN, etc -->
<rulePriority>high</rulePriority> <!-- Optional. Default is high. Other possible value is low -->

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<dnsClient> <!-- optional. if the primary/secondary are specified and the DNS service not, the primary/secondary will to used as
the default of the DNS service. -->
<queryDaemon> <!-- optional. defined for the sake of communication between SLB VM and edge vm for GSLB feature. -->
<enabled>true</enabled> <!-- default to false-->
<port>5666</port> <!-- default to 5666 -->

Upgrading vShield Edge 5.1.x or 5.5 to NSX Edge

Upgrades vShield Edge 5.1.x or 5.5 to NSX Edge. The appliances are upgraded and feature configurations are
retained and upgraded

Example 8-2. Upgrade vShield Edge

POST https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api//4.0/edges/{edgeId}?action=upgrade

IMPORTANT The location header returns the edgeId of the upgraded NSX Edge. You must use this ID to
configure and manage this Edge instance.

If vShield Edge in the previous release was installed using hidden/system resource pool IDs, the UI may show
unusual behavior.

Query Installed Edges

You can retrieve a list of NSX Edges in your inventory or filter the results by datacenter or port group.

Example 8-3. Retrieve Edges

Retrieve all Edges Request:

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/edges/

Retrieve Edges by datacenter:

GET /api/4.0/edges/?datacenter=<datacenterMoid>

Retrieve Edges on specified tenant:

GET /api/4.0/edges/?tenant=<tenantId>

Retrieve Edges with one interface on specified port group:

GET /api/4.0/edges/?pg=<pgMoId>

Retrieve Edges with specified tenant and port group:

GET /api/4.0/edges/?tenant=<tenant>&pg=<pgMoId>

Example 8-4. Retrieve Edge details

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>

Response Body

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Chapter 8 NSX Edge Services Gateway Installation, Upgrade, and Management

<subnetMask></subnetMask> <!-- GET will always have subnetMask field for ipv4 and subnetPrefixLength for ipv6

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<description>defaultGw on the external interface</description>

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Modifying NSX Edge Configuration

Replaces current NSX Edge configuration.

Example 8-5. Modify Edge configuration

PUT https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api//4.0/edges/{edgeId}

Request Body:

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Chapter 8 NSX Edge Services Gateway Installation, Upgrade, and Management

<addressGroup> <!-- Vnic can be configured to have more than one addressGroup/subnets -->
<primaryAddress></primaryAddress> <!-- This is mandatory for an addressGroup -->
<secondaryAddresses> <!-- Optional. Should be used to add/defined other IPs used for NAT, LB, VPN, etc -->
<ipAddress></ipAddress> <!-- Optional. This way multiple IP Addresses can be assigned to a vnic/interface -->
<subnetMask></subnetMask> <!-- either subnetMask or subnetPrefixLength should be provided. If both then
subnetprefixLength is ignored -->
<addressGroup> <!-- Vnic can be configured to have more than one addressGroup/subnets -->
<primaryAddress></primaryAddress> <!-- This is mandatory for an addressGroup -->
<secondaryAddresses> <!-- Optional. Should be used to add/defined other IPs used for NAT, LB, VPN, etc -->
<ipAddress></ipAddress> <!-- Optional. This way multiple IP Addresses can be assigned to a vnic/interface -->
<subnetPrefixLength>24</subnetPrefixLength> <!-- subnetPrefixLength valid values for ipv4 1-32 -->
<addressGroup> <!-- ipv6 addressGroup -->
<primaryAddress>ffff::1</primaryAddress> <!-- This is mandatory for an addressGroup -->
<secondaryAddresses> <!-- Optional. Should be used to add/defined other IPs used for NAT, LB, VPN, etc -->
<subnetPrefixLength>64</subnetPrefixLength> <!-- subnetPrefixLength valid values 1-128 -->
<inShapingPolicy> <!-- optional -->
<outShapingPolicy> <!-- optional -->

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<description>defaultGw on the external interface</description>

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where groupingObjectId can be cluster, network, etc.

Deleting NSX Edge

Deletes specified Edge from database. Associated appliances are also deleted.

Example 8-6. Delete Edge

DELETE https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/edges/{edgeId}

Configuring Edge Services in Async Mode

You can configure Edge to work in async mode. In the async mode, accepted commands return an Accepted status
and a taskId. To know the status of the task, you can check the status of that taskId.

The advantage of the async mode is that APIs are returned very fast and actions like vm deployment, reboots,
publish to Edge appliance, etc are done behind the scene under the taskId .

To configure async mode, ?async=true at the end of any 4.0 service configuration URL for POST, PUT, and
DELETE calls. Without async mode, the location header in HTTP response has the resource ID whereas in
async mode, location header has the job ID.

Query Async Job Status

Retrieves job status (SUCCESS/FAILED/QUEUED/RUNNING/ROLLBACK), URI of the resource, and ID of
the resource as shown in output representation.

Example 8-7. Query job status

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/edges/jobs/<jobId>

Response Body:
<message>Deploying vShield Edge Virtual Machine TestEdge11-0</message>

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Query all Jobs

Example 8-8. Query all jobs

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/edges/{edgeid}/jobs?status=all

Request Body:

Query active Jobs

Example 8-9. Query active jobs

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/edges/{edgeid}/jobs?status=active

Request Body:
<message>Publishing configurations on vShield Edge Virtual Machine vm-65</message>

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Working with NSX Edge Firewall

Edge Firewall provides perimeter security functionality including firewall, Network Address Translation
(NAT) as well as Site to site IPSec and SSL VPN functionality. This solution is available in the virtual machine
form factor and can be deployed in a High Availability mode.

Configure Firewall
Configures firewall for an Edge and stores the specified configuration in database. If any appliance(s) are
associated with this edge, applies the configuration to these. While using this API, the user should send the
globalConfig, defaultPolicy and the rules. If either of them are not sent, the previous config if any on those
fields will be removed and will be changed to the system defaults.

Example 8-10. Configure firewall

PUT https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/edges/{edgeId}/firewall/config

Request Body:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<defaultPolicy> <-- Optional. default is deny -->
<loggingEnabled>false</loggingEnabled> <!-- Optional. Defaults to false -->
<globalConfig> <!-- Optional -->
<tcpPickOngoingConnections>false</tcpPickOngoingConnections> <!-- Optional. Defaults to false -->
<tcpAllowOutOfWindowPackets>false</tcpAllowOutOfWindowPackets> <!-- Optional. Defaults to false -->
<tcpSendResetForClosedVsePorts>true</tcpSendResetForClosedVsePorts> <!-- Optional. Defaults to true -->
<dropInvalidTraffic>true</dropInvalidTraffic> <!-- Optional. Defaults to true -->
<logInvalidTraffic>false</logInvalidTraffic> <!-- Optional. Defaults to false -->
<tcpTimeoutOpen>30</tcpTimeoutOpen> <!-- Optional. Defaults to 30 -->
<tcpTimeoutEstablished>3600</tcpTimeoutEstablished> <!-- Optional. Defaults to 3600 -->
<tcpTimeoutClose>30</tcpTimeoutClose> <!-- Optional. Defaults to 30 -->
<udpTimeout>60</udpTimeout> <!-- Optional. Defaults to 60 -->
<icmpTimeout>10</icmpTimeout> <!-- Optional. Defaults to 10 -->
<icmp6Timeout>10</icmp6Timeout> <!-- Optional. Defaults to 10 -->
<ipGenericTimeout>120</ipGenericTimeout> <!-- Optional. Defaults to 120 -->
<ruleTag>1</ruleTag> <!-- Optional. This can be used to specify user controlled ids on VSE. The inputs here should be
1-65536. If not specified, VSM will generate ruleId -->
<name>rule1</name> <!-- Optional -->
<source> <!-- Optional. Default behaviour is like "any". ipsetId or predefined-vnicGroupIds can be used -->
<vnicGroupId>vnic-index-5</vnicGroupId> <!-- Possible values are "vnic-index-[0-9]", "vse", "external" or "internal". Can define
multiple of these -->
<groupingObjectId>ipset-128</groupingObjectId> <!-- Id of IPAddresses grouping Objects available to the edge. Can define multiple
of these -->
<ipAddress></ipAddress> <!-- Possible formats are IP, IP1-IPn, CIDR. Can define multiple of these -->
<destination> <!-- Optional. Default behaviour is like "any". ipsetId or predefined-vnicGroupIds can be used -->
<groupingObjectId>ipset-126</groupingObjectId> <!-- Id of IPAddresses grouping Objects available to the edge. Can define multiple
of these -->
<vnicGroupId>vnic-index-5</vnicGroupId> <!-- Possible values are "vnic-index-[0-9]", "vse", "external" or "internal". Can define
multiple of these -->
<groupingObjectId>ipset-128</groupingObjectId> <!-- Id of IPAddresses grouping Objects available to the edge. Can define multiple
of these -->
<ipAddress></ipAddress> <!-- Possible formats are IP, IP1-IPn, CIDR. Can define multiple of these -->
<application> <!-- Optional. Default behaviour is like "any". applicationsetId or applicationgroupId can be used -->
<applicationId>application-155</applicationId> <!-- Id of Service available to the edge. Can define multiple of these -->
<service> <!-- Can define multiple of these -->
<port>80</port> <!-- Default is "any". Can define multiple of these -->

150 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 8 NSX Edge Services Gateway Installation, Upgrade, and Management

<sourcePort>1500</sourcePort> <!-- Default is "any". Can define multiple of these -->

<matchTranslated>true</matchTranslated> <!-- Optional. Default behaviour is like "false" -->
<direction>in</direction> <!-- Optional. Default behaviour is like "any". Possible values are in|out -->
<action>accept</action> <!-- Mandatory. Possible values are accept|deny -->
<enabled>true</enabled> <!-- Optional. Defaults to true -->
<loggingEnabled>true</loggingEnabled> <!-- Optional. Defaults to false -->
<description>comments</description> <!-- Optional -->

where ruleId uniquely identifies a rule and should be specified only for rules that are being updated.

If ruleTag is specified, the rules on Edge are configured using this user input. Otherwise, Edge is configured
using ruleIds generated by NSX Manager.

Query Firewall Configuration

Retrieves firewall configuration on specified Edge.

Example 8-11. Query firewall

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/edges/{edgeId}/firewall/config

Response Body:


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<ipAddress></ipAddress> <!-- IP -->

<ipAddress></ipAddress> <!-- CIDR -->
<ipAddress></ipAddress> <!-- IP Range -->

<application> <!-- Optional. Default behaviour is "any:any". Can define multiple of these -->

<service> <!-- Optional. Can define multiple of these -->


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Chapter 8 NSX Edge Services Gateway Installation, Upgrade, and Management

<name>default rule for ingress traffic</name>
<description>default rule for ingress traffic</description>

Append Firewall Rules

Adds one or more rules below the existing rules in the rules table.

Example 8-12. Add firewall rule

POST https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/firewall/config/rules

Request Body:
<ruleTag>1</ruleTag> <!-- Optional. This can be used to specify user controlled ids on VSE. The inputs here should be
1-65536. If not specified, VSM will generate ruleId -->
<name>rule1</name> <!-- Optional -->
<source> <!-- Optional. Default behaviour is like "any". ipsetId or predefined-vnicGroupIds can be used -->
<vnicGroupId>vnic-index-5</vnicGroupId> <!-- Possible values are "vnic-index-[0-9]", "vse", "external" or "internal". Can define
multiple of these -->
<groupingObjectId>ipset-128</groupingObjectId> <!-- Id of IPAddresses grouping Objects available to the edge. Can define multiple
of these -->
<destination> <!-- Optional. Default behaviour is like "any". ipsetId or predefined-vnicGroupIds can be used -->
<groupingObjectId>ipset-126</groupingObjectId> <!-- Id of IPAddresses grouping Objects available to the edge. Can define multiple
of these -->
<vnicGroupId>vnic-index-5</vnicGroupId> <!-- Possible values are "vnic-index-[0-9]", "vse", "external" or "internal". Can define
multiple of these -->
<groupingObjectId>ipset-128</groupingObjectId> <!-- Id of IPAddresses grouping Objects available to the edge. Can define multiple
of these -->
<application> <!-- Optional. Default behaviour is like "any". applicationsetId or applicationgroupId can be used -->
<applicationId>application-155</applicationId> <!-- Id of Service available to the edge. Can define multiple of these -->
<matchTranslated>true</matchTranslated> <!-- Optional. Default behaviour is like "false" -->
<direction>in</direction> <!-- Optional. Default behaviour is like "any". Possible values are in|out -->
<action>accept</action> <!-- Mandatory. Possible values are accept|deny -->
<enabled>true</enabled> <!-- Optional. Defaults to true -->
<loggingEnabled>true</loggingEnabled> <!-- Optional. Defaults to false -->
<description>comments</description> <!-- Optional -->

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Add a Firewall Rule Above a Specific Rule

You can add a rule above a specific rule by indicating its ruleID. If no user-rules exist in t he firewall rules table,
you can specify ruleId=0. If you do not specify a ruleID or the specified ruleID does not exist, Edge Manager
displays an error.

Example 8-13. Add a rule above a specific rule

POST https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/firewall/config/rules?aboveRuleId=<ruleId>

Request Body:
<ruleTag>1</ruleTag> <!-- Optional. This can be used to specify user controlled ids on VSE. The inputs here should be
1-65536. If not specified, VSM will generate ruleId -->
<name>rule1</name> <!-- Optional -->
<source> <!-- Optional. Default behaviour is like "any". ipsetId or predefined-vnicGroupIds can be used -->
<vnicGroupId>vnic-index-5</vnicGroupId> <!-- Possible values are "vnic-index-[0-9]", "vse", "external" or "internal". Can define
multiple of these -->
<groupingObjectId>ipset-128</groupingObjectId> <!-- Id of IPAddresses grouping Objects available to the edge. Can define multiple
of these -->
<destination> <!-- Optional. Default behaviour is like "any". ipsetId or predefined-vnicGroupIds can be used -->
<groupingObjectId>ipset-126</groupingObjectId> <!-- Id of IPAddresses grouping Objects available to the edge. Can define multiple
of these -->
<vnicGroupId>vnic-index-5</vnicGroupId> <!-- Possible values are "vnic-index-[0-9]", "vse", "external" or "internal". Can define
multiple of these -->
<groupingObjectId>ipset-128</groupingObjectId> <!-- Id of IPAddresses grouping Objects available to the edge. Can define multiple
of these -->
<application> <!-- Optional. Default behaviour is like "any". applicationsetId or applicationgroupId can be used -->
<applicationId>application-155</applicationId> <!-- Id of Service available to the edge. Can define multiple of these -->
<matchTranslated>true</matchTranslated> <!-- Optional. Default behaviour is like "false" -->
<direction>in</direction> <!-- Optional. Default behaviour is like "any". Possible values are in|out -->
<action>accept</action> <!-- Mandatory. Possible values are accept|deny -->
<enabled>true</enabled> <!-- Optional. Defaults to true -->
<loggingEnabled>true</loggingEnabled> <!-- Optional. Defaults to false -->
<description>comments</description> <!-- Optional -->

Query Specific Rule

Example 8-14. Retrieve specific rule
GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/firewall/config/rules/<ruleId>

Response Body:
<name>new rule</name>

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Chapter 8 NSX Edge Services Gateway Installation, Upgrade, and Management

Modify Firewall Rule

You can modify a rule by specifying its rule ID.

Example 8-15. .Update specific rule

PUT https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/firewall/config/rules/<ruleId>

Response Body:
<ruleTag>1</ruleTag> <!-- Optional. This can be used to specify user controlled ids on VSE. The inputs here should be
1-65536. If not specified, VSM will generate ruleId -->
<name>rule1</name> <!-- Optional -->
<source> <!-- Optional. Default behaviour is like "any". ipsetId or predefined-vnicGroupIds can be used -->
<vnicGroupId>vnic-index-5</vnicGroupId> <!-- Possible values are "vnic-index-[0-9]", "vse", "external" or "internal". Can define
multiple of these -->
<groupingObjectId>ipset-128</groupingObjectId> <!-- Id of IPAddresses grouping Objects available to the edge. Can define multiple
of these -->
<destination> <!-- Optional. Default behaviour is like "any". ipsetId or predefined-vnicGroupIds can be used -->
<groupingObjectId>ipset-126</groupingObjectId> <!-- Id of IPAddresses grouping Objects available to the edge. Can define multiple
of these -->
<vnicGroupId>vnic-index-5</vnicGroupId> <!-- Possible values are "vnic-index-[0-9]", "vse", "external" or "internal". Can define
multiple of these -->
<groupingObjectId>ipset-128</groupingObjectId> <!-- Id of IPAddresses grouping Objects available to the edge. Can define multiple
of these -->
<application> <!-- Optional. Default behaviour is like "any". applicationsetId or applicationgroupId can be used -->
<applicationId>application-155</applicationId> <!-- Id of Service available to the edge. Can define multiple of these -->
<matchTranslated>true</matchTranslated> <!-- Optional. Default behaviour is like "false" -->
<direction>in</direction> <!-- Optional. Default behaviour is like "any". Possible values are in|out -->
<action>accept</action> <!-- Mandatory. Possible values are accept|deny -->
<enabled>true</enabled> <!-- Optional. Defaults to true -->
<loggingEnabled>true</loggingEnabled> <!-- Optional. Defaults to false -->
<description>comments</description> <!-- Optional -->

Delete a Firewall Rule

Deletes the rule with the specified rule ID.

Example 8-16. Delete firewall rule

Request Body;
DELETE https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/firewall/config/rules/<ruleId>

Delete Firewall Configuration

Deletes firewall configuration for Edge.

Example 8-17. Delete firewall configuration

DELETE https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/edges/{edgeId}/firewall/config

Manage Global Firewall Configuration

Global firewall configuration allows fine grained tuning of firewall behavior and its stateful session timeouts.

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The default settings of these parameters are set for normal stateful firewall operation. Administrators are not
expected to modify these default settings unless to support a specific custom scenario.

Query Global Firewall Configuration

Retrieves the firewall default policy for an edge.

Example 8-18. Query global firewall configuration

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/edges/{edgeId}/firewall/config/global

Response Body:

Modify Global Configuration

Configures firewall global config for an edge. Stores the specified configuration in database. If any
appliance(s) are associated with this edge, applies the configuration to these. Does not change the
defaultPolicy and rules.

Example 8-19. Modify global firewall configuration

PUT https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/edges/{edgeId}/firewall/config/global

Response Body:
<globalConfig> <!-- Optional -->
<tcpPickOngoingConnections>false</tcpPickOngoingConnections> <!-- Optional. Defaults to false -->
<tcpAllowOutOfWindowPackets>false</tcpAllowOutOfWindowPackets> <!-- Optional. Defaults to false -->
<tcpSendResetForClosedVsePorts>true</tcpSendResetForClosedVsePorts> <!-- Optional. Defaults to true -->
<dropInvalidTraffic>true</dropInvalidTraffic> <!-- Optional. Defaults to true -->
<logInvalidTraffic>false</logInvalidTraffic> <!-- Optional. Defaults to false -->
<tcpTimeoutOpen>30</tcpTimeoutOpen> <!-- Optional. Defaults to 30 -->
<tcpTimeoutEstablished>3600</tcpTimeoutEstablished> <!-- Optional. Defaults to 3600 -->
<tcpTimeoutClose>30</tcpTimeoutClose> <!-- Optional. Defaults to 30 -->
<udpTimeout>60</udpTimeout> <!-- Optional. Defaults to 60 -->
<icmpTimeout>10</icmpTimeout> <!-- Optional. Defaults to 10 -->
<icmp6Timeout>10</icmp6Timeout> <!-- Optional. Defaults to 10 -->
<ipGenericTimeout>120</ipGenericTimeout> <!-- Optional. Defaults to 120 -->

Manage Default Firewall Policy

Default firewall settings apply to traffic that does not match any of the user-defined firewall rules. The default
Edge firewall policy blocks all incoming traffic.

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Chapter 8 NSX Edge Services Gateway Installation, Upgrade, and Management

Query Default Firewall Policy

Retrieves default firewall policy for the specified Edge.

Example 8-20. Query default firewall configuration

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/edges/{edgeId}/firewall/config/defaultpolicy

Response Body:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Modify Default Firewall Policy

Configures default firewall policy for the specified Edge.

Example 8-21. Modify default firewall configuration

PUT https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/edges/{edgeId}/firewall/config/defaultpolicy

Response Body:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Query Firewall Statistics

Retrieves number of ongoing connections for the firewall configuration.

Example 8-22. Query firewall statistics

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/edges/{edgeId}/firewall/statistics/dashboard/firewall?interval=<range>

Response Body:
<startTime>1336068000</startTime> <!-- in seconds -->
<endTime>1336100700</endTime> <!-- in seconds -->



where input range can be given in query parameter:

Default (when not specified): 60 mins (One hour)

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This input is either 1 - 60 minutes or oneDay|oneWeek|oneMonth|oneYear'

Query Firewall Statistics for Rule

Retrieves statistics for a rule.

Example 8-23. Query statistics for a rule

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/edges/{edgeId}/firewall/statistics/{ruleId}

Response Body:

Disable Firewall
Firewall can be disabled only on an xlarge Edge.

Example 8-24. Disable Firewall

PUT https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/edges/{edgeId}/firewall/config

Request Body:

Working with NAT

Configure NAT
NSX Edge provides network address translation (NAT) service to protect the IP addresses of internal (private)
networks from the public network. You can configure NAT rules to provide access to services running on
privately addressed virtual machines. There are two types of NAT rules that can be configured: SNAT and
DNAT. When you post a NAT configuration, all the rules (both SNAT and DNAT) must be posted together.
Otherwise, only the posted rules are retained, and unposted rules are deleted.

All SNAT and DNAT rules configured by using REST requests appear under the NAT tab for the appropriate
Edge Edge in the Edge Manager user interface and in the vSphere Client plug-in.

Example 8-25. Configure SNAT and DNAT rules for a Edge Edge
PUT https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/nat/config

<ruleTag>65537</ruleTag> <!-- Optional. Can be used to specify user-controlled ids on VSE. Valid inputs
65537-131072. If not specified, vShield manager will generate ruleId -->
<loggingEnabled>true</loggingEnabled> <!-- Optional. Default is false -->
<enabled>true</enabled> <!-- Optional. Default is true -->

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<description>my comments</description> <!-- Optional -->

<protocol>tcp</protocol> <!-- Optional. Default is "any". This tag is not supported for SNAT rule -->
<translatedPort>3389</translatedPort> <!-- Optional. Default is "any". This tag is not supported for SNAT rule -->
<originalPort>3389</originalPort> <!-- Optional. Default is "any". This tag is not supported for SNAT rule -->
<ruleTag>65538</ruleTag> <!-- Optional. Can be used to specify user-controlled ids on VSE. Valid inputs
65537-131072. If not specified, VSM will generate ruleId -->
<loggingEnabled>false</loggingEnabled> <!-- Optional. Default is "false" -->
<enabled>true</enabled> <!-- Optional. Default is "true" -->
<description>no comments</description> <!-- Optional. Default is "any" -->

For the data path to work, you need to add firewall rules to allow the required traffic for IP addresses and port
per the NAT rules.


 You must add <icmpType> if you configure icmp as the protocol.

 The originalAddress and translatedAddress elements can be entered in either of these methods:

 <ipAddress> specified as a single IP address, a hyphen-separated IP address range (for example, or a subnet in CIDR notation (

 the keyword any

 The originalPort and translatedPort parameters can be entered in one of the following formats: the keyword
any, the port number as an integer, or a range of port number, for example portX-portY.

 You can add multiple SNAT rules by entering multiple <type>snat</type> sections in the body.

 SNAT does not support port or protocol parameters.

 Logging is disabled by default. To enable logging, add an <enableLog> element set to true.

Query NAT Rules for a Edge Edge

Example 8-26. Query SNAT and DNAT rules for a Edge Edge
GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/nat/config

Response Body:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<description>my comments</description>

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<description>no comments</description>


Delete all NAT Rules

Deletes all SNAT and DNAT rules for a Edge Edge. The auto plumbed rules continue to exist.

Example 8-27. Delete NAT rules

DELETE https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/nat/config

Add a NAT Rule above a Specific Rule

Adds a NAT rule above the specified rule ID. If no NAT rules exist in t he NAT rules table, you can specify
ruleId=0. If you do not specify a ruleID or the specified ruleID does not exist, Edge Manager displays an error.

Example 8-28. Add a NAT rule above a specific rule

POST https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/nat/config/rules?aboveRuleId=<ruleId>

Request Body:
<description>my comments</description>

Append NAT Rules

Appends one or more rules to the bottom of the NAT rules table.

Example 8-29. Add NAT rules to the bottom of the rules table
POST https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/nat/config/rules

Response Body:

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<description>my comments</description>

where vnic is the internal or uplink interface of the Edge Edge (0-9).

Modify a NAT Rule

Replaces the NAT rule with the specified rule ID.

Example 8-30. Replaces a NAT rule

PUT https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/nat/config/rules/ruleID

Response Body:
<description>my comments</description>

where vnic is the internal or uplink interface of the Edge Edge (0-9).

Delete a NAT Rule

Deletes the rule with the specified rule ID.

Example 8-31. Delete NAT rule

DELETE https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/nat/config/rules/ruleID

Working with Routing

You can specify static and dynamic routing for each NSX Edge.

Dynamic routing provides the necessary forwarding information between layer 2 broadcast domains, thereby
allowing you to decrease layer 2 broadcast domains and improve network efficiency and scale. NSX extends
this intelligence to where the workloads reside for doing East-West routing. This allows more direct virtual
machine to virtual machine communication without the costly or timely need to extend hops. At the same
time, NSX also provides North-South connectivity, thereby enabling tenants to access public networks.

Configure Routes
Configures globalConfig, staticRouting, OSPG, BGP, and IS-IS.

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Example 8-32. Configure routes

PUT https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/routing/config
<routerId></routerId> <!-- Required when dynamic routing protocols like OSPF, BGP, IS-IS is configured -->
<logging> <!-- Optional. When absent, enable=false and logLevel=INFO -->
<ipPrefixes> <!-- Optional. Required only if user wants to define redistribution rules in dynamic routing protocols like ospf, isis,
bgp -->
<name>a</name> <!-- All the defined ipPrefix must have unique names -->
<staticRoutes> <!-- Optional, if no static routes needs to be configured -->
<mtu>1500</mtu> <!-- Optional. Valid value:smaller than the MTU set on the interface. Default will be the MTU of the
interface on which this route is configured -->
<mtu>1500</mtu> <!-- Optional. Valid value:smaller than the MTU set on the interface. Default will be the MTU of the
interface on which this route is configured -->
<defaultRoute> <!-- Optional, if no default routes needs to be configured -->
<mtu>1500</mtu> <!-- Optional. Valid value:smaller than the MTU set on the interface. Default will be the MTU of the interface
on which this route is configured -->
<ospf> <!-- Optional, if no OSPF needs to be configured -->
<enabled>true</enabled> <!-- Optional. Defaults to true -->
<areaId>100</areaId> <!-- Mandatory and unique. Valid values are 0-4294967295 -->
<type>normal</type> <!-- Optional. Default is normal. Valid inputs are normal, nssa -->
<authentication> <!-- Optional. When not specified, its "none" authentication. -->
<type>password</type> <!-- Valid values are none, password , md5 -->
<value>vmware123</value> <!-- Value as per the type of authentication -->
<helloInterval>10</helloInterval> <!-- Optional. Default 10 sec. Valid values are 1-255-->
<deadInterval>40</deadInterval> <!-- Optional. Default 40 sec. Valid values are 1-65535 -->
<priority>128</priority> <!-- Optional. Default 128. Valid values are 0-255 -->

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<cost>10</cost> <!-- Optional. Auto based on interface speed. Valid values are 1-65535 -->
<enabled>true</enabled> <!-- Optional. Defaults to false. -->
<prefixName>a</prefixName> <!-- Optional. Default is "any". prefixName used here should be defined in the
routingGlobalConfig->ipPrefixes -->
<isis>true</isis> <!-- Optional. Defaults to false -->
<ospf>false</ospf> <!-- Optional. Defaults to false -->
<bgp>false</bgp> <!-- Optional. Defaults to false -->
<static>false</static> <!-- Optional. Defaults to false -->
<connected>true</connected> <!-- Optional. Defaults to false -->
<action>deny</action> <!-- Mandatory. Valid values are deny|permit -->
<prefixName>b</prefixName> <!-- Optional. Default is "any". prefixName used here should be defined in the
routingGlobalConfig->ipPrefixes -->
<isis>false</isis> <!-- Optional. Defaults to false -->
<ospf>false</ospf> <!-- Optional. Defaults to false -->
<bgp>true</bgp> <!-- Optional. Defaults to false -->
<static>false</static> <!-- Optional. Defaults to false -->
<connected>false</connected> <!-- Optional. Defaults to false -->
<action>permit</action> <!-- Mandatory. Valid values are deny|permit -->
<isis> <!-- Optional, if no ISIS needs to be configured -->
<enabled>true</enabled> <!-- Optional. Defaults to true -->
<systemId>0004.c150.f1c0</systemId> <!-- Optional. 6 byte length & specified in HEX. When not specified, derived
routingGlobalConfig.routerId -->
<areaIds> <!-- Atleast one is required. Max supported is 3 -->
<areaId>49.0005.8000.ab7c.0000.ffe9.0002</areaId> <!-- Variable length between 1 and 13 bytes & specified in HEX. -->
<isType>level-1-2</isType> <!-- Optional. Default is 'level-1-2'. Valid values are level-1, level-2, level-1-2 -->
<domainPassword>vshield</domainPassword> <!-- Optional. Domain level authentication. Used when type is level-2 -->
<areaPassword>edge</areaPassword> <!-- Optional. Area level authentication. Used when type is level-1 -->
<meshGroup>10</meshGroup> <!-- Optional. Valid values are : 0-4294967295 -->
<helloInterval>10000</helloInterval> <!-- Optional. Default is 10000 millisecond . Valid values are : 10-600000 -->
<helloMultiplier>3</helloMultiplier> <!-- Optional. Default is 3. Valid values are : 2-100 -->
<lspInterval>33</lspInterval> <!-- Optional. Default is 33 milliseconds. Valid values are : 1-65535 -->
<metric>10</metric> <!-- Optional. Default is 10. Valid values are : 1-16777215 -->
<priority>64</priority> <!-- Optional. Default is 64. Valid values are : 0-127 -->
<circuitType>level-1-2</circuitType> <!-- Optional. Valid values are level-1, level-2, level-1-2. If absent, 'type' from above is
used -->
<password>msr</password> <!-- Optional. Per interface authentication -->
<enabled>true</enabled> <!-- Optional. Defaults to false. -->
<prefixName>a</prefixName> <!-- Optional. Default is "any". prefixName used here should be defined in the
routingGlobalConfig->ipPrefixes -->
<isis>false</isis> <!-- Optional. Defaults to false -->
<ospf>true</ospf> <!-- Optional. Defaults to false -->

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<bgp>false</bgp> <!-- Optional. Defaults to false -->

<static>true</static> <!-- Optional. Defaults to false -->
<connected>false</connected> <!-- Optional. Defaults to false -->
<action>deny</action> <!-- Mandatory. Valid values are deny|permit -->
<prefixName>b</prefixName> <!-- Optional. Default is "any". prefixName used here should be defined in the
routingGlobalConfig->ipPrefixes -->
<isis>false</isis> <!-- Optional. Defaults to false -->
<ospf>false</ospf> <!-- Optional. Defaults to false -->
<bgp>true</bgp> <!-- Optional. Defaults to false -->
<static>false</static> <!-- Optional. Defaults to false -->
<connected>true</connected> <!-- Optional. Defaults to false -->
<action>permit</action> <!-- Mandatory. Valid values are deny|permit -->
<bgp> <!-- Optional, if no BGP needs to be configured -->
<enabled>true</enabled> <!-- Optional. Default is true -->
<localAS>1</localAS> <!-- Valid values are : 0-65535 -->
<ipAddress></ipAddress> <!-- IPv4 only. IPv6 support not supported -->
<remoteAS>65500</remoteAS> <!-- Valid values are 0-65535 -->
<weight>60</weight> <!-- Optional. Default is 60. Valid values are 0-65535 -->
<holdDownTimer>180</holdDownTimer> <!-- Optional. Default is 180 seconds. Valid values are : 2-65535 . -->
<keepAliveTimer>60</keepAliveTimer> <!-- Optional. Default is 60 seconds. Valid values are : 1-65534 . -->
<password>vmware123</password> <!-- Optional -->
<bgpFilters> <!-- Optional -->
<direction>in</direction> <!-- Valid values are in/out -->
<action>permit</action> <!-- Valid values are permit/deny -->
<network></network> <!-- Valid values are CIDR networks. IPv4 only. IPv6 support not supported -->
<ipPrefixGe>17</ipPrefixGe> <!-- Optional. "Greater than or equal to" & used for filtering based on prefix length. Valid
IPv4 prefixes -->
<ipPrefixLe>32</ipPrefixLe> <!-- Optional. "Less than or equal to" & used for filtering based on prefix length. Valid IPv4
prefixes -->
<enabled>true</enabled> <!-- Optional. Defaults to false. -->
<prefixName>a</prefixName> <!-- Optional. Default is "any". prefixName used here should be defined in the
routingGlobalConfig->ipPrefixes -->
<isis>true</isis> <!-- Optional. Defaults to false -->
<ospf>true</ospf> <!-- Optional. Defaults to false -->
<bgp>false</bgp> <!-- Optional. Defaults to false -->
<static>true</static> <!-- Optional. Defaults to false -->
<connected>false</connected> <!-- Optional. Defaults to false -->
<action>deny</action> <!-- Mandatory. Valid values are deny|permit -->
<isis>false</isis> <!-- Optional. Defaults to false -->
<ospf>false</ospf> <!-- Optional. Defaults to false -->
<bgp>false</bgp> <!-- Optional. Defaults to false -->
<static>false</static> <!-- Optional. Defaults to false -->
<connected>true</connected> <!-- Optional. Defaults to false -->

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Chapter 8 NSX Edge Services Gateway Installation, Upgrade, and Management

<action>permit</action> <!-- Mandatory. Valid values are deny|permit -->


Query Routes
Example 8-33. Retrieve routes
GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/routing/config

Response Body:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<mtu>1500</mtu> <!-- Optional. Valid value:smaller than the MTU set on the interface. Default is MTU of the
interface on which this route is configured -->
<mtu>1500</mtu> <!-- Optional. Valid value:smaller than the MTU set on the interface. Default is MTU of the
interface on which this route is configured -->
<mtu>1500</mtu> <!-- Optional. Valid value:smaller than the MTU set on the interface. Default is MTU of the interface
on which this route is configured -->

Delete Routes
Deletes the routing configuration stored in the NSX Manager database and the default routes from the
specified NSX Edge appliance.

Example 8-34. Delete routing

DELETE https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/routing/config

Manage Global Routing Configuration

Configures the default gateway for static routes and dynamic routing details.

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Specify Global Configuration

Example 8-35. Configure global route

PUT https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/routing/config/global

Request Body:
<routerId></routerId> <!-- Required when dynamic routing protocols like OSPF, BGP, IS-IS is configured -->
<logging> <!-- Optional. When absent, enable=false and logLevel=INFO -->
<ipPrefixes> <!-- Optional. Required only if user wants to define redistribution rules in dynamic routing protocols like ospf, isis,
bgp -->
<name>a</name> <!-- All the defined ipPrefix must have unique names -->

Query Global Route

Retrieves routing information from the NSX Manager database for an edge which includes the following:

 Default route settings

 Static route configurations

Example 8-36. Query global route

Request Body:
PUT https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/routing/config/global

Manage Static Routing

Add or query static and default routes for secified Edge.

Configure Static Routes

Configures static and default routes.

Example 8-37. Configure static routes

PUT https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/routing/config/static

Request Body:

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<mtu>1500</mtu> <!-- Optional. Valid value:smaller than the MTU set on the interface. Default will be the MTU of the
interface on which this route is configured -->
<mtu>1500</mtu> <!-- Optional. Valid value:smaller than the MTU set on the interface. Default will be the MTU of the
interface on which this route is configured -->
<mtu>1500</mtu> <!-- Optional. Valid value:smaller than the MTU set on the interface. Default will be the MTU of the interface
on which this route is configured -->

Query Static Routes

Retrieves static and default routes.

Example 8-38. Query static routes

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/routing/config/static

Response Body:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Delete Static Routes

Deletes both static and default routing configuration stored in the NSX Manager database.

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Example 8-39. Delete static routes

DELETE https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/routing/config/static

Manage OSPF Routes for NSX Edge

NSX Edge supports OSPF, an interior gateway protocol that routes IP packets only within a single routing
domain. It gathers link state information from available routers and constructs a topology map of the network.
The topology determines the routing table presented to the Internet Layer, which makes routing decisions
based on the destination IP address found in IP packets.

OSPF routing policies provide a dynamic process of traffic load balancing between routes of equal cost. An
OSPF network is divided into routing areas to optimize traffic. An area is a logical collection of OSPF networks,
routers, and links that have the same area identification.

Areas are identified by an Area ID.

Configure OSPF
Example 8-40. Configure OSPF

PUT https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/routing/config/ospf
Request Body:
<enabled>true</enabled> <!-- When not specified, it will be treated as false, When false, it will delete the existing config -->
<areaId>100</areaId> <!-- Mandatory and unique. Valid values are 0-4294967295 -->
<type>normal</type> <!-- Optional. Default is normal. Valid inputs are normal, nssa -->
<authentication> <!-- Optional. When not specified, its "none" authentication. -->
<type>password</type> <!-- Valid values are none, password , md5 -->
<value>vmware123</value> <!-- Value as per the type of authentication -->
<helloInterval>10</helloInterval> <!-- Optional. Default 10 sec. Valid values are 1-255-->
<deadInterval>40</deadInterval> <!-- Optional. Default 40 sec. Valid values are 1-65535 -->
<priority>128</priority> <!-- Optional. Default 128. Valid values are 0-255 -->
<cost>10</cost> <!-- Optional. Auto based on interface speed. Valid values are 1-65535 -->
<enabled>true</enabled> <!-- Optional. Defaults to false. -->
<prefixName>a</prefixName> <!-- Optional. Default is "any". prefixName used here should be defined in the
routingGlobalConfig->ipPrefixes -->
<isis>true</isis> <!-- Optional. Defaults to false -->
<ospf>false</ospf> <!-- Optional. Defaults to false -->
<bgp>false</bgp> <!-- Optional. Defaults to false -->
<static>false</static> <!-- Optional. Defaults to false -->
<connected>true</connected> <!-- Optional. Defaults to false -->
<action>deny</action> <!-- Mandatory. Valid values are deny|permit -->

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<prefixName>b</prefixName> <!-- Optional. Default is "any". prefixName used here should be defined in the
routingGlobalConfig->ipPrefixes -->
<isis>false</isis> <!-- Optional. Defaults to false -->
<ospf>false</ospf> <!-- Optional. Defaults to false -->
<bgp>true</bgp> <!-- Optional. Defaults to false -->
<static>false</static> <!-- Optional. Defaults to false -->
<connected>false</connected> <!-- Optional. Defaults to false -->
<action>permit</action> <!-- Mandatory. Valid values are deny|permit -->

Query OSPF
Example 8-41. Query OSPF


GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/routing/config/ospf

Request Body:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

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Delete OSPF
Deletes OSPF routing.

Example 8-42. Delete OSPF

DELETE https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/routing/config/ospf

Manage ISIS Routes for NSX Edge

Intermediate System to Intermediate System (IS-IS) is a routing protocol designed to move information by
determining the best route for datagrams through a packet-switched network. A two-level hierarchy is used
to support large routing domains. A large domain may be divided into areas. Routing within an area is
referred to as Level 1 routing. Routing between areas is referred to as Level 2 routing. A Level 2 Intermediate
System (IS) keeps track of the paths to destination areas. A Level 1 IS keeps track of the routing within its own
area. For a packet going to another area, a Level 1 IS sends the packet to the nearest Level 2 IS in its own area,
regardless of what the destination area is. Then the packet travels via Level 2 routing to the destination area,
where it may travel via Level 1 routing to the destination. This is referred to as Level-1-2.

Configure ISIS
Example 8-43. Configure ISIS


PUT https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/routing/config/isis

Request Body:
<systemId>0004.c150.f1c0</systemId> <!-- Optional. 6 byte length & specified in HEX. When not specified, derived
routingGlobalConfig.routerId -->
<areaIds> <!-- Atleast one is required. Max supported is 3 -->
<areaId>49.0005.8000.ab7c.0000.ffe9.0002</areaId> <!-- Variable length between 1 and 13 bytes & specified in HEX. -->
<isType>level-1-2</isType> <!-- Optional. Default is 'level-1-2'. Valid values are level-1, level-2, level-1-2 -->
<domainPassword>vshield</domainPassword> <!-- Optional. Domain level authentication. Used when type is level-2 -->
<areaPassword>edge</areaPassword> <!-- Optional. Area level authentication. Used when type is level-1 -->
<meshGroup>10</meshGroup> <!-- Optional. Valid values are : 0-4294967295 -->
<helloInterval>10000</helloInterval> <!-- Optional. Default is 10000 millisecond . Valid values are : 10-600000 -->
<helloMultiplier>3</helloMultiplier> <!-- Optional. Default is 3. Valid values are : 2-100 -->

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Chapter 8 NSX Edge Services Gateway Installation, Upgrade, and Management

<lspInterval>33</lspInterval> <!-- Optional. Default is 33 milliseconds. Valid values are : 1-65535 -->
<metric>10</metric> <!-- Optional. Default is 10. Valid values are : 1-16777215 -->
<priority>64</priority> <!-- Optional. Default is 64. Valid values are : 0-127 -->
<circuitType>level-1-2</circuitType> <!-- Optional. Valid values are level-1, level-2, level-1-2. If absent, 'type' from above is
used -->
<password>msr</password> <!-- Optional. Per interface authentication -->
<enabled>true</enabled> <!-- Optional. Defaults to false. -->
<prefixName>a</prefixName> <!-- Optional. Default is "any". prefixName used here should be defined in the
routingGlobalConfig->ipPrefixes -->
<isis>false</isis> <!-- Optional. Defaults to false -->
<ospf>true</ospf> <!-- Optional. Defaults to false -->
<bgp>false</bgp> <!-- Optional. Defaults to false -->
<static>true</static> <!-- Optional. Defaults to false -->
<connected>false</connected> <!-- Optional. Defaults to false -->
<action>deny</action> <!-- Mandatory. Valid values are deny|permit -->
<prefixName>b</prefixName> <!-- Optional. Default is "any". prefixName used here should be defined in the
routingGlobalConfig->ipPrefixes -->
<isis>false</isis> <!-- Optional. Defaults to false -->
<ospf>false</ospf> <!-- Optional. Defaults to false -->
<bgp>true</bgp> <!-- Optional. Defaults to false -->
<static>false</static> <!-- Optional. Defaults to false -->
<connected>true</connected> <!-- Optional. Defaults to false -->
<action>permit</action> <!-- Mandatory. Valid values are deny|permit -->

Query ISIS
Example 8-44. Query ISIS


GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/routing/config/isis

Request Body:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

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Delete ISIS
Deletes ISIS routing.

Example 8-45. Delete ISIS

DELETE https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/routing/config/isis

Manage BGP Routes for NSX Edge

Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) makes core routing decisions. It includes a table of IP networks or prefixes
which designate network reachability among autonomous systems. An underlying connection between two
BGP speakers is established before any routing information is exchanged. Keep alive messages are sent out by
the BGP speakers in order to keep this relationship alive. Once the connection is established, the BGP speakers
exchange routes and synchronize their tables.

Configure BGP
Example 8-46. Configure BGP


PUT https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/routing/config/bgp

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Request Body:
<enabled>true</enabled> <!-- Optional. Default is false -->
<localAS>65534</localAS> <!-- Valid values are : 1-65534 -->
<ipAddress></ipAddress> <!-- IPv4 only. IPv6 support not supported -->
<remoteAS>65500</remoteAS> <!-- Valid values are 0-65535 -->
<weight>60</weight> <!-- Optional. Default is 60. Valid values are 0-65535 -->
<holdDownTimer>180</holdDownTimer> <!-- Optional. Default is 180 seconds. Valid values are : 2-65535. -->
<keepAliveTimer>60</keepAliveTimer> <!-- Optional. Default is 60 seconds. Valid values are : 1-65534. -->
<password>vmware123</password> <!-- Optional -->
<bgpFilters> <!-- Optional -->
<direction>in</direction> <!-- Valid values are in/out -->
<action>permit</action> <!-- Valid values are permit/deny -->
<network></network> <!-- Valid values are CIDR networks. IPv4 only. IPv6 support not supported -->
<ipPrefixGe>17</ipPrefixGe> <!-- Optional. "Greater than or equal to" & used for filtering based on prefix length. Valid
IPv4 prefixes -->
<ipPrefixLe>32</ipPrefixLe> <!-- Optional. "Less than or equal to" & used for filtering based on prefix length. Valid IPv4
prefixes -->
<enabled>true</enabled> <!-- Optional. Defaults to false. -->
<prefixName>a</prefixName> <!-- Optional. Default is "any". prefixName used here should be defined in the
routingGlobalConfig->ipPrefixes -->
<isis>true</isis> <!-- Optional. Defaults to false -->
<ospf>true</ospf> <!-- Optional. Defaults to false -->
<bgp>false</bgp> <!-- Optional. Defaults to false -->
<static>true</static> <!-- Optional. Defaults to false -->
<connected>false</connected> <!-- Optional. Defaults to false -->
<action>deny</action> <!-- Mandatory. Valid values are deny|permit -->
<isis>false</isis> <!-- Optional. Defaults to false -->
<ospf>false</ospf> <!-- Optional. Defaults to false -->
<bgp>false</bgp> <!-- Optional. Defaults to false -->
<static>false</static> <!-- Optional. Defaults to false -->
<connected>true</connected> <!-- Optional. Defaults to false -->
<action>permit</action> <!-- Mandatory. Valid values are deny|permit -->

Query BGP
Example 8-47. Query BGP


GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/routing/config/bgp
Request Body:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

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Delete BGP
Deletes BGP routing.

Example 8-48. Delete BGP

DELETE https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/routing/config/bgp

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Working with Load Balancer

The NSX Edge load balancer enables network traffic to follow multiple paths to a specific destination. It
distributes incoming service requests evenly among multiple servers in such a way that the load distribution
is transparent to users. Load balancing thus helps in achieving optimal resource utilization, maximizing
throughput, minimizing response time, and avoiding overload. NSX Edge provides load balancing up to
Layer 7.

You map an external, or public, IP address to a set of internal servers for load balancing. The load balancer
accepts TCP, HTTP, or HTTPS requests on the external IP address and decides which internal server to use.
Port 8090 is the default listening port for TCP, port 80 is the default port for HTTP, and port 443 is the default
port for HTTPs.

Configure Load Balancer

The input contains five parts: application profile, virtual server, pool, monitor and application rule.

Example 8-49. Configure load balancer

PUT https://<vsm-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/loadbalancer/config

Request Body:
<enabled>true</enabled> <!-- optional, default is true -->
<enableServiceInsertion>false</enableServiceInsertion> <!-- optional, default is false-->
<accelerationEnabled>true</accelerationEnabled> <!-- optional, default is false-->
<logging> <!-- optional, default is false/INFO -->
<logLevel>debug</logLevel> <!-- valid values include: emergency, alert, critical, error, warning, notice, info, debug
<virtualServer> <!-- 0-64 virtualServer items could be added -->
<virtualServerId>virtualServer-1</virtualServerId> <!-- optional, virtualServerId should match virtualServer-X pattern -->
<name>http_vip</name> <!-- required, unique virtualServer name per edge -->
<description>http virtualServer</description> <!-- optional -->
<enabled>true</enabled> <!-- optional, default is true -->
<ipAddress></ipAddress> <!-- required, a valid Edge vNic ip address(ipv4/ipv6) -->
<protocol>http</protocol> <!-- required, valid values are http/https/tcp -->
<port>80</port> <!-- required, 1~65535 -->
<connectionLimit>123</connectionLimit> <!-- optional, default is 0 -->
<connectionRateLimit>123</connectionRateLimit> <!-- optional, default is null -->
<applicationProfileId>applicationProfile-1</applicationProfileId> <!-- required, a valid applicationProfileId -->
<defaultPoolId>pool-1</defaultPoolId> <!-- optional, a valid poolId -->
<enableServiceInsertion>false</enableServiceInsertion> <!-- optional, default is false -->
<accelerationEnabled>true</accelerationEnabled> <!-- optional, default is false -->
<!-- <vendorProfile> -->
<!-- <vendorTemplateId>577</vendorTemplateId> --> <!-- required, a valid vendorTemplateId -->
<!-- <vendorTemplateName>F5</vendorTemplateName> --> <!-- optional -->
<!-- <profileAttributes> --> <!-- optional -->
<!-- <attribute> -->
<!-- <key>abcd</key> -->
<!-- <name>abcd</name> -->
<!-- <value>1234</value> -->
<!-- </attribute> -->
<!-- </profileAttributes> -->
<!-- </vendorProfile> --> <!-- optional, it is required when per virtualServer enableServiceInsertion flag
and global enabledServiceInsertion flag are set to true, the VIP would be offloaded to vendor devices instead of
Edge -->
<description>https virtualServer</description>

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<description>tcp virtualServer</description>
<description>tcp snat virtualServer</description>
<method>cookie</method> <!-- required, cookie is used for http protocol, ssl_sessionid for https -->
<cookieName>JSESSIONID</cookieName> <!-- optional, required when method is cookie -->
<cookieMode>insert</cookieMode> <!-- optional, valid values are insert/prefix/app, required when method is
cookie -->
<applicationProfileId>applicationProfile-2</applicationProfileId> <!-- optional, it should match "applicationProfile-X" patter and
required when it is referenced -->
<name>https_application_profile</name> <!-- required -->
<insertXForwardedFor>true</insertXForwardedFor> <!-- optional, default is false -->
<sslPassthrough>true</sslPassthrough> <!-- optional, default is false -->
<persistence> <!-- optional -->
<method>ssl_sessionid</method> <!-- required, valid values are ssl_sessionid, cookie, sourceip, msrdp -->
<pool> <!-- 0-64 pool items could be added -->
<poolId>pool-1</poolId> <!-- optional, it should match "pool-X" pattern, this item is required when it
has reference -->
<name>pool-http</name> <!-- required, unique pool name per edge -->

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<description>pool-http</description> <!-- optional -->

<transparent>false</transparent> <!-- optional, default is false -->
<algorithm>round-robin</algorithm> <!-- optional, valid values are round-robin, ip-hash, uri, leastconn, default
is round-robin -->
<monitorId>monitor-1</monitorId> <!-- optional, it should be a valid monitorId, it is an array -->
<member> <!-- 0-32 pool member items could be added -->
<memberId>member-1</memberId> <!-- optional, it should match "member-X" pattern, this item is required
when it has reference -->
<ipAddress></ipAddress> <!-- optional, a valid ip address(ipv4/ipv6), it is required when
groupingObjectId is not specified -->
<!-- <groupingObjectId>vm-24</groupingObjectId> --> <!-- optional, groupingObject id such as vm-24, network-25,
dvportgroup-26 -->
<weight>1</weight> <!-- optional, default is 1 -->
<port>80</port> <!-- required -->
<minConn>10</minConn> <!-- optional, default is 0 -->
<maxConn>100</maxConn> <!-- optional, default is 0 -->
<name>m1</name> <!-- optional, it is required when it is used in ACL rule -->
<condition>enabled</condition> <!-- optional, default is enabled, valid values are enabled/disabled -->

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<monitorId>monitor-1</monitorId> <!-- optional, this item should follow "monitor-X" pattern, it is required
when it is referenced -->
<type>http</type> <!-- required, valid values are http/https/tcp -->
<interval>5</interval> <!-- optional, default is 5 -->
<timeout>15</timeout> <!-- optional, default is 15 -->
<maxRetries>3</maxRetries> <!-- optional, default is 3 -->
<method>GET</method> <!-- optional, valid value is
<url>/</url> <!-- optional -->
<name>http-monitor</name> <!-- required -->
<!-- <expected>HTTP/1</expected> --> <!-- optional, Expected response string. Default is "HTTP/1" for http(s)
protocol -->
<!-- <send>hello</send> --> <!-- optional, URL encoded http POST data for http(s) protocol -->
<!-- <receive>ok</received> --> <!-- optional, String to expect in the content for http(s) protocol -->
<!-- <extension>no-body
content-type=Application/xml</extension> --> <!-- optional, advanced setting for monitor to fill more customized
parameters -->


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</loadBalancer>configuration example2 to show HTTP/HTTPS Redirection, SSL Offloading, Content Switching, HTTP

<applicationRuleId>applicationRule-1</applicationRuleId> <!-- optional, it should follow "applicationRule-X" pattern,
required when it is referenced -->
<name>traffic_ctrl_rule</name> <!-- required, unique applicationRule name per Edge -->
<script>acl srv1_full srv_conn(pool-http/m1) gt 50
acl srv2_full srv_conn(pool-http/m2) gt 50
use_backend pool-backup if srv1_full or srv2_full</script> <!-- required, one ACL rule -->
<script>acl google_page url_beg /google
redirect location https://www.google.com/ if google_page</script>
<script>acl backup_page url_beg /backup
use_backend pool-backup if backup_page</script>
<description>http redirection virtualServer</description>
<description>https virtualServer</description>

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<applicationRuleId>applicationRule-1</applicationRuleId> <!-- optional, it is applicationRuleId list, each item should be a
valid applicationRuleId -->
<httpRedirect> <!-- optional -->
<to>https://</to> <!-- required, a uri -->
<!-- <serverSslEnabled>true</serverSslEnabled> --> <!-- optional, default is true, it is a switch flag to enable/disable
serverSsl offloading -->
<clientSsl> <!-- optional -->
<clientAuth>ignore</clientAuth> <!-- optional, valid values are ignore/required -->
<ciphers>AES:ALL:!aNULL:!eNULL:+RC4:@STRENGTH</ciphers> <!-- required, ciphers -->
<serviceCertificate>certificate-4</serviceCertificate> <!-- required, a serviceCertificate List -->
<caCertificate>certificate-3</caCertificate> <!-- required, a ca list -->
<crlCertificate>crl-1</crlCertificate> <!-- optional, a crl list -->

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<description>pool backup</description>

For the data path to work, you need to add firewall rules to allow required traffic as per the loadbalancer

Query Load Balancer Configuration

Gets current load balancer configuration.

Example 8-50. Retrieve load balancer configuration

GET https://<vsm-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/loadbalancer/config

Response Body:

See Example 8-49.

Delete Load Balancer Configuration

Example 8-51. Delete load balancer configuration

DELETE https://<vsm-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/loadbalancer/config

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Manage Application profiles

You create an application profile to define the behavior of a particular type of network traffic. After
configuring a profile, you associate the profile with a virtual server. The virtual server then processes traffic
according to the values specified in the profile. Using profiles enhances your control over managing network
traffic, and makes traffic-management tasks easier and more efficient.

Append Application Profile

Adds an application profile.

Example 8-52. Append profile

POST https://<vsm-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/loadbalancer/config/applicationprofiles

Request Body:

Modify Application Profile

Modifies an application profile.

Example 8-53. Modify profile

PUT https://<vsm-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/loadbalancer/config/applicationprofiles/{applicationProfileId}

Request Body:

Query Application Profile

Retrieves an application profile.

Example 8-54. Query profile

GET https://<vsm-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/loadbalancer/config/applicationprofiles/{applicationProfileId}

Request Body:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

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Query all Application Profiles

Retrieves all application profiles on Edge.

Example 8-55. Query profiles

GET https://<vsm-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/loadbalancer/config/applicationprofiles/

Response Body:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Delete Application Profile

Deletes an application profile.

Example 8-56. Delete profile

DELETE https://<vsm-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/loadbalancer/config/applicationprofiles/{applicationProfileId}

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Delete all Application Profiles

Deletes all application profile.

Example 8-57. Delete profiles

DELETE https://<vsm-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/loadbalancer/config/applicationprofiles

Manage Application Rules

You can write an application rule to directly manipulate and manage IP application traffic.

Append Application Rule

Adds an application rule.

Example 8-58. Append rule

POST https://<vsm-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/loadbalancer/config/applicationrules

Request Body:
<script>acl vmware_page url_beg /vmware
redirect location https://www.vmware.com/ if vmware_page</script>

Modify Application Rule

Modifies an application rule.

Example 8-59. Modify rule

PUT https://<vsm-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/loadbalancer/config/applicationrules/{applicationruleId}

Request Body:
See Example 8-58.

Query Application Rule

Retrieves an application rule.

Example 8-60. Query rule

GET https://<vsm-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/loadbalancer/config/applicationrules/{applicationruleId}

Response Body:
See Example 8-58.

Query all Application Rules

Retrieves all application rules on Edge.

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Example 8-61. Query rules

GET https://<vsm-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/loadbalancer/config/applicationrules/{applicationruleId}

Delete Application Rule

Deletes an application rule.

Example 8-62. Delete rule

DELETE https://<vsm-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/loadbalancer/config/applicationrules/{applicationruleId}

Delete all Application Rules

Deletes all application rules.

Example 8-63. Delete rules

DELETE https://<vsm-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/loadbalancer/config/applicationrules

Manage Load Balancer Monitors

You create a service monitor to define health check parameters for a particular type of network traffic. When
you associate a service monitor with a pool, the pool members are monitored according to the service monitor

Append Monitor
Adds a load balancer monitor.

Example 8-64. Append monitor

POST https://<vsm-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/loadbalancer/config/monitors

Request Body:

Modify Monitor
Modifies a load balancer monitor.

Example 8-65. Modify monitor


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PUT https://<vsm-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/loadbalancer/config/monitors/{monitorId}

Request Body:

Query Monitor
Retrieves a load balancer monitor.

Example 8-66. Query monitor

GET https://<vsm-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/loadbalancer/config/monitors{monitorId}

Response Body:

Query all Monitors

Retrieves all load balancer monitors.

Example 8-67. Query monitors

POST https://<vsm-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/loadbalancer/config/monitors

Request Body:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

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Delete Monitor
Deletes a load balancer monitor.

Example 8-68. Delete monitor

DELETE https://<vsm-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/loadbalancer/config/monitors/{monitorId}

Delete all Monitors

Deletes all load balancer monitors.

Example 8-69. Delete monitors

DELETE https://<vsm-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/loadbalancer/config/monitors

Manage Virtual Servers

You can add an NSX Edge internal or uplink interface as a virtual server.

Append Virtual Server

Adds a virtual server.

Example 8-70. Append virtual server

POST https://<vsm-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/loadbalancer/config/virtualservers

Request Body:
<description>http virtualServer 2</description>

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Query a Virtual Server

Retrieves specified virtual server details.

Example 8-71. Query virtual server

GET https://<vsm-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/loadbalancer/config/virtualservers/virtualserverID

Response Body:

See Example 8-70.

Query all Virtual Servers

Retrieves all virtual servers.

Example 8-72. Query virtual servers

GET https://<vsm-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/loadbalancer/config/virtualservers/

Response Body:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<description>http virtualServer</description>
<description>https virtualServer</description>
<description>tcp virtualServer</description>

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<description>tcp snat virtualServer</description>

Delete a Virtual Server

Deletes specified virtual server.

Example 8-73. Delete virtual server

DELETE https://<vsm-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/loadbalancer/config/virtualservers/virtualserverID

Delete all Virtual Server

Deletes all virtual servers.

Example 8-74. Delete all virtual server

DELETE https://<vsm-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/loadbalancer/config/virtualservers

Manage Backend Pools

You can add a server pool to manage and share backend servers flexibly and efficiently. A pool manages load
balancer distribution methods and has a service monitor attached to it for health check parameters.

Append Backend Pool

Adds a load balancer server pool to the specified NSX Edge.

Example 8-75. Append backend pool

POST https://<vsm-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/loadbalancer/config/pools

Request Body:

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Modify a Backend Pool

Updates the specified pool.

Example 8-76. Modify backend pool

PUT https://<vsm-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/loadbalancer/config/pools/poolID

Request Body:

Query Backend Pool Details

Retrieves information about the specified pool.

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Example 8-77. Get backend pool details

GET https://<vsm-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/loadbalancer/config/pools/poolID

Response Body:
See Example Example 8-76.

Query all Backend Pools

Gets all backend pools configured for the specified NSX Edge.

Example 8-78. Query all backend pools

GET https://<vsm-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/loadbalancer/config/pools

Response Body:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

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Delete a Backend Pool

Deletes the specified pool.

Example 8-79. Delete backend pool

DELETE https://<vsm-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/loadbalancer/config/pools/poolID

Delete all Backend Pools

Deletes all backend pools configured for the specified NSX Edge.

Example 8-80. Delete backend pool

DELETE https://<vsm-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/loadbalancer/config/pools

Query Statistics
Retrieves load balancer statistics.

Example 8-81. Retrieve load balancer statistics

GET https://<vsm-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/statistics/dashboard/loadbalancer/statistics

Response Body:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

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<name>BJ site</name>

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Update LoadBalancer Acceleration Mode

Example 8-82. Update acceleration mode

POST https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/edges/{edgeId/loadbalancer/acceleration?enable=true/false

Update Load Balancer Member Condition

Example 8-83. Update member condition

POST https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/edges/{edgeId/loadbalancer/config/members/{memberId}?enable=true/false

Working with DHCP

NSX Edge provides DHCP service to bind assigned IP addresses to MAC addresses, helping to prevent MAC
spoofing attacks. All virtual machines protected by a NSX Edge can obtain IP addresses dynamically from the
NSX Edge DHCP service.

NSX Edge supports IP address pooling and one-to-one static IP address allocation based on the vCenter
managed object ID (vmId) and interface ID (interfaceId) of the requesting client.

If either bindings or pools are not included in the PUT call, existing bindings or pools are deleted.

All DHCP settings configured by REST requests appear under the NSX Edge > DHCP tab for the appropriate
NSX Edge in the NSX Manager user interface and in vSphere Client plug-in.

NSX Edge DHCP service adheres to the following rules:

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 Listens on the NSX Edge internal interface (non-uplink interface) for DHCP discovery.

 As stated above, vmId specifies the vc-moref-id of the virtual machine, and vnicId specifies the index of the
vNic for the requesting client. The hostname is an identification of the binding being created. This hostName
is not pushed as the specified host name of the virtual machine.

 By default, all clients use the IP address of the internal interface of the NSX Edge as the default gateway
address. To override it, specify defaultGateway per binding or per pool. The client’s broadcast and
subnetMask values are from the internal interface for the container network.

 leaseTime can be infinite, or a number of seconds. If not specified, the default lease time is 1 day.

 Logging is disabled by default.

 Setting the parameter enable=true starts the DHCP service while enable=false stops the service.

 Both staticBinding and ipPools must be part of the request body. Else, they will be deleted if configured

Configure DHCP
Example 8-84. Configure DHCP service
PUT https://<vsm-ip>/api/4.0/<edgeId>/dhcp/config

Request Body:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<enabled>true</enabled> <!-- optional, default is "true". -->
<!-- NOTE: user can either specify macAddress directly, or specify vmId and vnicId.
In case both are specified, only macAddress will be used; vmId and vnicId
will be ignored.-->
<macAddress>12:34:56:78:90:AB</macAddress> <!-- optional. -->
<vmId>vm-111</vmId> <!-- optional. the vm must be connected to the given vNic below. -->
<vnicId>1</vnicId> <!-- optional. possible values 0 to 9 -->
<hostname>abcd</hostname> <!-- optional. disallow duplicate. the -->
<ipAddress></ipAddress> <!-- required. the IP must belongs to one subnet of edge vNics,
but must NOT overlap any primary/secondary ips of defined explicitly in vNic. -->
<defaultGateway></defaultGateway> <!-- optional. default is the primary ip of the belonging vNic.-->
<domainName>eng.vmware.com</domainName> <!-- optional. -->
<primaryNameServer></primaryNameServer> <!-- optional. if autoConfigDNS=true, the DNS
primary/secondary ips will be generated from DNS service(if configured). -->
<secondaryNameServer></secondaryNameServer> <!-- ditto. -->
<leaseTime>infinite</leaseTime> <!-- optional. in second, default is "86400". valid leaseTime
is a valid digit, or "infinite". -->
<autoConfigDNS>true</autpConfigDNS> <!-- optional. default is true. -->
<ipRange></ipRange> <!-- required. the ipRange must belongs to one of
a subnet of Edge vNics. And can NOT contains any ip that defined explicitly as vNic
primary ip or secondary ip. -->
<defaultGateway></defaultGateway> <!-- optional. default is the primary ip of the belonging vNic.-->
<domainName>eng.vmware.com</domainName> <!-- optional. -->
<primaryNameServer></primaryNameServer> <!-- optional. if autoConfigDNS=true, the dns
primary/secondary ips will be generated from DNS service(if configured). -->
<secondaryNameServer></secondaryNameServer> <!-- ditto. -->
<leaseTime>3600</leaseTime> <!-- optional. in second, default is "86400". valid leaseTime is a valid
digit, or "infinite". -->
<autoConfigDNS>true</autoConfigDNS> <!-- optional. default is true. -->
<logging> <!-- optional. logging is disable by default. -->
<enable>false</enable> <!-- optional, default is false. -->

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<logLevel>info</logLevel> <!-- optional, default is "info". -->


NOTE If the NSX Edge autoConfiguration flag and autoConfigureDNS is true, and the primaryNameServer or
secondaryNameServer parameters are not specified, NSX Manager applies the DNS settings to the DHCP

Query DHCP Configuration

Gets the DHCP configuration on a NSX Edge including IP pool and static binding assignments.

Example 8-85. Get DHCP configuration

GET https://<vsm-ip>/api/4.0/<edgeId>/dhcp/config

Response Body:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Delete DHCP Configuration

Deletes the DHCP configuration and reverse the configuration back to factory defaults.

Example 8-86. Delete DHCP configuration

DELETE https://<vsm-ip>/api/4.0/<edgeId>/dhcp/config

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Retrieve DHCP Lease Information

Example 8-87. Get DHCP lease information
GET https://<vsm-ip>/api/4.0/<edgeId>/dhcp/leaseinfo

Response Body:
<cltt>4 2012/01/19 05:24:50</cltt>
<starts>4 2012/01/19 05:24:50</starts>
<ends>4 2012/01/19 17:24:50</ends>

Append IP Pool to DHCP Configuration

Appends an IP pool to the DHCP configuration. Returns a pool ID within a Location HTTP header.

Example 8-88. Add IP pool

POST https://<vsm-ip>/api/4.0/<edgeId>/dhcp/config/ippools

Response Body:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Append Static Binding to DHCP Configuration

Appends a static-binding to the DHCP configuration. A static-binding ID is returned within a Location HTTP

Example 8-89. Add static binding

POST https://<vsm-ip>/api/4.0/<edgeId>/dhcp/config/bindings

Response Body:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<vnicId>3</vnicId> <!-- possible values 0 to 9 -->

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Delete DHCP Pool

Deletes a pool specified by pool-id.

Example 8-90. Delete DHCP pool

DELETE https://<vsm-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/dhcp/config/ippools/<poolId>

Delete DHCP Static Binding

Deletes the static-binding specified by binding-id.

Example 8-91. Delete DHCP static binding

DELETE https://<vsm-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/dhcp/config/bindings/<bindingId>

Working with High Availability (HA)

High Availability (HA) ensures that a NSX Edge appliance is always available on your virtualized network.
You can enable HA either when installing NSX Edge or on an installed NSX Edge instance.

If a single appliance is associated with NSX Edge, the appliance configuration is cloned for the standby
appliance. If two appliances are associated with NSX Edge and one of them is deployed, this REST call deploys
the remaining appliance and push HA configuration to both.

HA relies on an internal interface. If an internal interface does not exist, this call will not deploy the secondary
appliance, or push HA config to appliance. The enabling of HA will be done once an available internal
interface is added.

If the PUT call includes an empty xml <highAvailability /> or enabled=false, it acts as a DELETE call.

Example 8-92. Configure high availability

PUT https://<vsm-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/highavailability/config

Request Body:
<vnic>1</vnic> <!-- Optional. User can provide the vNic Index. If not provided, the first internal-connected vnic will be used as
the vnic -->
<ipAddresses> <!-- Optional. It is a pair of ipAddresses with /30 subnet mandatory, one for each appliance. If provided, they
must NOT overlap with any subnet defined on the Edge vNics. If not specified, a pair of ips will be picked
up from reserved subnet -->
<declareDeadTime>6</declareDeadTime> <!-- Optional. Default is 6 seconds -->
<enabled>true<enabled> <!-- optional, defaults to true. The enabled flag will cause the HA appliance be deployed or
destroyed. -->

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Retrieve High Availability Configuration

Example 8-93. Get high availability configuration

GET https://<vsm-ip>/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/highavailability/config

Request Body:
<declareDeadTime>6</declareDeadTime> <!-- Optional. Default is 6 seconds -->

Delete High Availability Configuration

NSX Manager deletes the standby appliance and removes the HA config from the active appliance.

You can also delete the HA configuration by using a PUT call with empty xml <highAvailability /> or with

Example 8-94. Delete high availability configuration

DELETE https://<vsm-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/highavailability/config

Working with Syslog

You can configure one or two remote syslog servers. NSX Edge events and logs related to firewall events that
flow from NSX Edge appliances are sent to the syslog servers.

Configure Syslog
Configures syslog servers.

Example 8-95. Configure syslog servers

PUT https://<vsm-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/syslog/config

Request Body:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<protocol>udp</protocol> <!-- Optional. Default is "udp". Valid values : tcp|udp -->
<serverAddresses> <!-- Maximum 2 remote IPs can be configured. -->

Query Syslog
Retrieves syslog server information.

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Chapter 8 NSX Edge Services Gateway Installation, Upgrade, and Management

Example 8-96. Query syslog servers

GET https://<vsm-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/syslog/config

Response Body:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<protocol>udp</protocol> <!-- Optional. Default is "udp". Valid values : tcp|udp -->
<serverAddresses> <!-- Maximum 2 remote IPs can be configured. -->

Delete Syslog
Deletes syslog servers.

Example 8-97. Delete syslog servers

DELETE https://<vsm-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/syslog/config

Managing SSL VPN

With SSL VPN-Plus, remote users can connect securely to private networks behind a NSX Edge gateway.
Remote users can access servers and applications in the private networks.

Enable or Disable SSL VPN

Enables or disables SSL VPN on the NSX Edge appliance.

Example 8-98. Enable or disable SSL VPN

POST https://<vsm-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/sslvpn/config/?enableService=true|False

Query SSL VPN Details

Retrieves SSL VPN details.

Example 8-99. Get SSL VPN details

GET https://<vsm-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/sslvpn/config

Manage Server Settings

Apply Server Settings

Configures SSL VPN server on port 443 using the certificate named server-cert that is already uploaded on the
NSX Edge appliance and the specified cipher.

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Example 8-100. Apply server settings

PUT https://<vsm-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/sslvpn/config/server

Request Body:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding=”UTF-8”?>
<ipAddress></ipAddress> <!-- Ipv4 or IPV6 address of any of the external vnic. ipv4 and ipv6 both can not
configured. -->
<port>443</port> <!--optional. Default is 60003 -->
<!-- Certificate has to be generated using certificate REST API and id returned should be mentioned here-->
<!-- <certificateId>certificate-1</certificateId> --> <!-- optional. -->
<!-- any one or more of the following ciphers can be part of configuration -->

Query Server Settings

Gets server settings.

Example 8-101. Apply server settings

GET https://<vsm-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/sslvpn/config/server

Request Body:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Configure Private Networks

Add Private Network

Configures a private network that the administrator wants to expose to remote users over the SSL VPN tunnel.

Example 8-102. Add private network

POST https://<vsm-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/sslvpn/config/client/networkextension/privatenetworks/

Request Body:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding=”UTF-8”?>

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<description>This is a private network for UI-team</description>
<sendOverTunnel> <!--optional. -->
<ports>20-40</ports> <!-- optional. Default is 0-0 -->
<optimize>false</optimize> <!--optional. Default is true -->
<enabled>true</enabled> <!--optional. Default is true-->

Modify Private Network

Modifies the specified private network in the SSL VPN service on NSX Edge.

Example 8-103. Add private network

PUT https://<vsm-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/sslvpn/config/client/networkextension/privatenetworks/privateNetworkID

Request Body:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding=”UTF-8”?>
<description>This is a private network for UI-team</description>

Query Specific Private Network

Gets the specified private network profile in the SSL VPN instance on NSX Edge.

Example 8-104. Query private network

GET https://<vsm-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/sslvpn/config/client/networkextension/privatenetworks/privateNetworkID

Request Body:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding=”UTF-8”?>
<description>This is a private network for UI-team</description>

Query all Private Networks

Gets all private network profiles in the SSL VPN instance on NSX Edge.

Example 8-105. Query private network

GET https://<vsm-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/sslvpn/config/client/networkextension/privatenetworks

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Request Body:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding=”UTF-8”?>
<description>This is a private network for pune-qa-team</description>

Delete Private Network

Deletes the specified dynamic IP address configuration from the SSL VPN instance on NSX Edge.

Example 8-106. Delete private network

DELETE https://<vsm-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/sslvpn/config/client/networkextension/

Delete all Private Networks

Deletes all dynamic IP address configurations from the SSL VPN instance on NSX Edge.

Example 8-107. Delete private network

DELETE https://<vsm-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/sslvpn/config/client/networkextension/

Apply All Private Networks

Updates all private network configurations of NSX Edge with the given list of private network configurations.
If the configuration is present, it is updated; if it is not present, a new private network configuration is created.
Existing configurations not included in the REST call are deleted.

Example 8-108. Apply all private networks

PUT https://<vsm-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/sslvpn/config/client/networkextension/

Configure Web Resource

Add Portal Web Resource

Adds a web access server that the remote user can connect to via a web browser.

Example 8-109. Add portal web resource


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POST https://<vsm-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/sslvpn/config/webresources/

Request Body:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding=”UTF-8”?>
<method name="POST">
<data>username=stalin </data>
<description>Click here to visit the corporate intranet Homepage </description>
<enabled>true</enabled> <!--optional. Default is true-->

Modify Portal Web Resource

Modifies the specified web access server.

Example 8-110. Modify portal web resource

PUT https://<vsm-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/sslvpn/config/webresources/ID

Request Body:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding=”UTF-8”?>
<method name="POST">
<data>username=stalin </data>
<description>Click here to visit the corporate intranet Homepage </description>
<enabled>true</enabled> <!--optional. Default is true-->

Query Portal Web Resource

Gets the specified web access server.

Example 8-111. Get specific portal web resource

GET https://<vsm-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/sslvpn/config/webresources/ID

Response Body:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding=”UTF-8”?>
<method name="POST">
<data>username=stalin </data>
<description>Click here to visit the corporate intranet Homepage </description>
<enabled>true</enabled> <!--optional. Default is true-->

Query all Web Resources

Gets all web resources on the SSL VPN instance.

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Example 8-112. Get portal web resource

GET https://<vsm-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/sslvpn/config/webresources/

Response Body:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding=”UTF-8”?>
<method name="POST">
<data>username=stalin </data>
<description>Click here to visit the corporate intranet Homepage </description>

Delete Portal Web Resource

Deletes the specified web access server.

Example 8-113. Delete specific portal web resource

DELETE https://<vsm-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/sslvpn/config/webresources/ID

Deletes all Web Resources

Deletes all web resources on the SSL VPN instance.

Example 8-114. Deletes all portal web resources

DELETE https://<vsm-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/sslvpn/config/webresources/

Apply All Web Resources

Updates web resource configurations of NSX Edge with the given list of web resource configurations. If the
configuration is present, it is updated; if it is not present, a new web resource configuration is created. Existing
configurations not included in the REST call are deleted.

Example 8-115. Apply all private networks

PUT https://<vsm-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/sslvpn/config/client/networkextension/

Configure Users

Add User
Adds a new portal user.

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Example 8-116. Add a user

POST https://<vsm-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/sslvpn/config/auth/localserver/users/

Request Body:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<description>This user belong to vsm team</description>
<disableUserAccount>false</disableUserAccount> <!--optional. Default is false-->
<passwordNeverExpires>true</passwordNeverExpires> <!--optional. Default is false-->
<changePasswordOnNextLogin>false</changePasswordOnNextLogin> <!--optional. Default is false-->

Modify User
Modifies the specified portal user.

Example 8-117. Modify user

PUT https://<vsm-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/sslvpn/config/auth/localserver/users/

Request Body:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<description>This user belong to vsm team</description>
<disableUserAccount>false</disableUserAccount> <!--optional. Default is false-->
<passwordNeverExpires>true</passwordNeverExpires> <!--optional. Default is false-->
<changePasswordOnNextLogin>false</changePasswordOnNextLogin> <!--optional. Default is false-->

Query User Details

Gets information about the specified user.

Example 8-118. Query user

GET https://<vsm-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/sslvpn/config/auth/localserver/users/userID

Response Body:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

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<disableUserAccount>false</disableUserAccount> <!--optional. Default is false-->

<passwordNeverExpires>true</passwordNeverExpires> <!--optional. Default is false-->
<changePasswordOnNextLogin>false</changePasswordOnNextLogin> <!--optional. Default is false-->

Delete User
Deletes specified user.

Example 8-119. Delete user

DELETE https://<vsm-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/sslvpn/config/auth/localserver/users/userID

Delete all Users

Deletes all users on the specified SSL VPN instance.

Example 8-120. Delete all user

DELETE https://<vsm-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/sslvpn/config/auth/localserver/users/

Apply all Users

Updates all users of NSX Edge with the given list of users. If the user is present, it is updated; if it is not present,
a new user is created. Existing users not included in the REST call are deleted.

Example 8-121. Apply all users

PUT https://<vsm-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/sslvpn/auth/localusers/users

Request Body:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<description>This user belong to vsm team</description>

Configure IP Pool
You can add, edit, or delete an IP pool.

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Add IP Pool
Creates an IP pool that will be used to assign IP address to remote users.

Example 8-122. Add IP pool

POST https://<vsm-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/sslvpn/config/client/networkextension/ippools/

Request Body:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<primaryDns></primaryDns <!--optional. -->
<secondaryDns></secondaryDns> <!--optional. -->
<enabled>true</enabled> <!--optional. Default is true-->

Modify IP Pool
Modifies the specified IP pool.

Example 8-123. Modify IP pool

PUT https://<vsm-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/sslvpn/config/client/networkextension/ippools/ippoolID

Request Body:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Query IP Pool
Gets details of the IP pool.

Example 8-124. Get IP pool

GET https://<vsm-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/sslvpn/config/client/networkextension/ippools/ippoolID

Response Body:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

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<primaryDns></primaryDns <!--optional. -->
<secondaryDns></secondaryDns> <!--optional. -->
<enabled>true</enabled> <!--optional. Default is true-->

Query all IP Pools

Gets all IP pools configured on the SSL VPN instance.

Example 8-125. Gets all IP pools

GET https://<vsm-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/sslvpn/config/client/networkextension/ippools/

Response Body:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<primaryDns></primaryDns <!--optional. -->
<secondaryDns></secondaryDns> <!--optional. -->
<enabled>true</enabled> <!--optional. Default is true-->

Delete IP Pool
Deletes the specified IP pool.

Example 8-126. Delete IP pool

DELETE https://<vsm-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/sslvpn/config/client/networkextension/

Deletes all IP Pools

Deletes all IP pools on the SSL VPN instance.

Example 8-127. Deletes all IP pools

DELETE https://<vsm-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/sslvpn/config/client/networkextension/

Apply all IP Pools

Updates all IP pools of NSX Edge with the given list of users. If the IP pool is present, it is updated; if it is not
present, a new IP pool is created. Existing pools not included in the REST call are deleted.

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Example 8-128. Apply IP pools

PUT https://<vsm-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/sslvpn/config/client/networkextension/ippools/

Request Body:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Configure Network Extension Client Parameters

Apply Client Configuration

Sets advanced parameters for full access client configurations – such as whether client should auto-reconnect
in case of network failures or network unavailability, or whether the client should be uninstalled after logout.

Example 8-129. Apply IP pools

PUT https://<vsm-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/sslvpn/config/client/networkextension/clientconfig/

Request Body:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<autoReconnect>true</autoReconnect> <!--optional. Default is false-->
<fullTunnel> <!--optional. Default Tunnel mode is SPLIT-->
<excludeLocalSubnets>true</excludeLocalSubnets> <!--optional. Default is false-->
<upgradeNotification>false</upgradeNotification> <!--optional. Default is false-->

Get Client Configuration

Gets information about the specified client.

Example 8-130. Get client configuration

GET https://<vsm-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/sslvpn/config/client/networkextension/clientconfig/

Response Body:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<autoReconnect>true</autoReconnect> <!--optional. Default is false-->
<excludeLocalSubnets>true</excludeLocalSubnets> <!--optional. Default is false-->

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<upgradeNotification>false</upgradeNotification> <!--optional. Default is false-->


Configure Network Extension Client Installation Package

You can add, delete, or edit an installation package for the SSL client.

Add Client Installation Package

Creates setup executables (installers) for full access network clients. These setup binaries are later downloaded
by remote clients and installed on their systems. The primary parameters needed to configure this setup are -
hostname of the gateway, and its port and a profile name which is shown to the user to identify this connection.
Administrator can also set few other parameters such as whether to automatically start the application on
windows login, hide the system tray icon etc.

Example 8-131. Add installation package

POST https://<vsm-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/sslvpn/config/client/networkextension/installpackages/

Request Body:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<port>443</port> <!--optional. Default is 443-->
<startClientOnLogon>false</startClientOnLogon> <!--optional. Default is false-->
<hideSystrayIcon>true</hideSystrayIcon> <!--optional. Default is false-->
<rememberPassword>true</rememberPassword> <!--optional. Default is false-->
<silentModeOperation>true</silentModeOperation> !--optional. Default is false-->
<silentModeInstallation>false</silentModeInstallation> <!--optional. Default is false-->
<hideNetworkAdaptor>false</hideNetworkAdaptor> <!--optional. Default is false-->
<createDesktopIcon>true</createDesktopIcon> <!--optional. Default is true-->
<enforceServerSecurityCertValidation>false</enforceServerSecurityCertValidation> <!--optional. Default is true-->
<createLinuxClient>false</createLinuxClient> <!--optional. Default is false-->
<createMacClient>false</createMacClient> <!--optional. Default is false-->
<description>windows client</description>
<enabled>true</enabled> <!--optional. Default is true-->

Modify Client Installation Package

Modifies the specified installation package.

Example 8-132. Modify installation package

PUT https://<vsm-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/sslvpn/config/client/networkextension/

Response Body:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

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<port>443</port> <!--optional. Default is 443-->

<startClientOnLogon>false</startClientOnLogon> <!--optional. Default is false-->
<hideSystrayIcon>true</hideSystrayIcon> <!--optional. Default is false-->
<rememberPassword>true</rememberPassword> <!--optional. Default is false-->
<silentModeOperation>true</silentModeOperation> <!--optional. Default is false-->
<silentModeInstallation>false</silentModeInstallation> <!--optional. Default is false-->
<hideNetworkAdaptor>false</hideNetworkAdaptor> <!--optional. Default is false-->
<createDesktopIcon>true</createDesktopIcon> <!--optional. Default is true-->
<enforceServerSecurityCertValidation>false</enforceServerSecurityCertValidation> <!--optional.
Default is true-->
<createLinuxClient>false</createLinuxClient> <!--optional. Default is false-->
<createMacClient>false</createMacClient> <!--optional. Default is false-->
<description>windows client</description>
<enabled>true</enabled> <!--optional. Default is true-->

Modify Client Installation Package

Modifies the specified installation package.

Example 8-133. Modify installation package

PUT https://<vsm-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/sslvpn/config/client/networkextension/

Request Body:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<port>443</port> <!--optional. Default is 443-->
<startClientOnLogon>false</startClientOnLogon> <!--optional. Default is false-->
<hideSystrayIcon>true</hideSystrayIcon> <!--optional. Default is false-->
<rememberPassword>true</rememberPassword> <!--optional. Default is false-->
<silentModeOperation>true</silentModeOperation> <!--optional. Default is false-->
<silentModeInstallation>false</silentModeInstallation> <!--optional. Default is false-->
<hideNetworkAdaptor>false</hideNetworkAdaptor> <!--optional. Default is false-->
<createDesktopIcon>true</createDesktopIcon> <!--optional. Default is true-->
<enforceServerSecurityCertValidation>false</enforceServerSecurityCertValidation> <!--optional.
Default is true-->
<createLinuxClient>false</createLinuxClient> <!--optional. Default is false-->
<createMacClient>false</createMacClient> <!--optional. Default is false-->
<description>windows client</description>
<enabled>true</enabled> <!--optional. Default is true-->

Query Client Installation Package

Gets information about the specified installation package.

Example 8-134. Query installation package

GET https://<vsm-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/sslvpn/config/client/networkextension/

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Response Body:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<profileName>client</profileName> <gatewayList>
<port>443</port> <!--optional. Default is 443-->
<description>windows client</description>

Query all Client Installation Packages

Gets information about all installation packages.

Example 8-135. Query all installation package

GET https://<vsm-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/sslvpn/config/client/networkextension/

Response Body:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<profileName>client</profileName> <gatewayList>
<description>windows client</description>

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Delete Client Installation Package

Deletes the specified installation package.

Example 8-136. Delete installation package

DELETE https://<vsm-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/sslvpn/config/client/networkextension/

Delete all Client Installation Packages

Deletes all installation packages.

Example 8-137. Delete all installation packages

DELETE https://<vsm-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/sslvpn/config/client/networkextension/

Apply all Installation Packages

Updates all installation packages on NSX Edge with the given list of installation packages. If the installation
package is present, it is updated; if it is not present, a new installation package is created. Existing installation
packages not included in the REST call are deleted.

Example 8-138. Apply installation packages

PUT https://<vsm-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/sslvpn/config/client/networkextension/

Request Body:
<profileName>client</profileName> <gatewayList>
<description>windows client</description>

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Configure Portal Layouts

You can configure the web layout bound to the SSL VPN client.

Upload Portal Logo

Uploads the portal logo from the given local path.

Example 8-139. Upload portal logo

POST https://<vsm-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/sslvpn/config/layout/images/portallogo

Upload Phat Banner

Uploads the phat client banner from the given local path. The phat banner image must in the bmp format.

Example 8-140. Upload phat banner

POST https://<vsm-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/sslvpn/config/layout/images/phatbanner

Upload Client Connected Icon

Uploads the client connected icon from the given local path. The icon image must be of type ico.

Example 8-141. Upload client connected icon

POST https://<vsm-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/sslvpn/config/layout/images/connecticon

Upload Client Disconnected Icon

Uploads the client disconnected icon from the given local path. The icon image must be of type ico.

Example 8-142. Upload client disconnected icon

POST https://<vsm-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/sslvpn/config/layout/images/disconnecticon

Upload Client Desktop Icon

Uploads the client desktop icon from the given local path. The icon image must be of type ico.

Example 8-143. Upload client desktop icon

POST https://<vsm-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/sslvpn/config/layout/images/desktopicon

Upload Error Connected Icon

Uploads the client error connected icon from the given local path. The icon image must be of type ico.

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Example 8-144. Upload client desktop icon

POST https://<vsm-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/sslvpn/config/layout/images/erroricon

Apply Layout Configuration

Sets the portal layout.

Example 8-145. Apply layout configuration

PUT https://<vsm-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/sslvpn/config/layout/images/

Request Body:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- portal layout configuration-->
<portalTitle>Pepsi Remote Access</portalTitle><!--optional. Default value is VMware -->
<companyName>pepsi, Inc.</companyName><!--optional. Default value is VMware -->
<!-- Portal Color Configuration-->
<logoBackgroundColor>FFFFFF</logoBackgroundColor><!--optional. Default value is FFFFFF -->
<titleColor>996600</titleColor><!--optional. Default value is 996600 -->
<topFrameColor>000000</topFrameColor><!--optional. Default value is 000000 -->
<menuBarColor>999999</menuBarColor><!--optional. Default value is 999999 -->
<rowAlternativeColor>FFFFFF</rowAlternativeColor><!--optional. Default value is FFFFFF -->
<bodyColor>FFFFFF</bodyColor><!--optional. Default value is FFFFFF -->
<rowColor>F5F5F5</rowColor><!--optional. Default value is F5F5F5 -->

Query Portal Layout

gets the portal layout configuration.

Example 8-146. Query layout configuration

GET https://<vsm-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/sslvpn/config/layout/

Response Body:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- portal layout configuration-->
<portalTitle>Pepsi Remote Access</portalTitle><!--optional. Default value is VMware -->
<companyName>pepsi, Inc.</companyName><!--optional. Default value is VMware -->
<!-- Portal Color Configuration-->
<logoBackgroundColor>FFFFFF</logoBackgroundColor><!--optional. Default value is FFFFFF -->
<titleColor>996600</titleColor><!--optional. Default value is 996600 -->
<topFrameColor>000000</topFrameColor><!--optional. Default value is 000000 -->
<menuBarColor>999999</menuBarColor><!--optional. Default value is 999999 -->
<rowAlternativeColor>FFFFFF</rowAlternativeColor><!--optional. Default value is FFFFFF -->
<bodyColor>FFFFFF</bodyColor><!--optional. Default value is FFFFFF -->
<rowColor>F5F5F5</rowColor><!--optional. Default value is F5F5F5 -->

Configure Authentication Parameters

You can add an external authentication server (AD, LDAP, Radius, or RSA) which is bound to the SSL gateway.
All users in the bounded authenticated server will be authenticated.

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Upload RSA Config File

Uploads the RSA configuration file to NSX Manager.

Example 8-147. Upload RSA config file

POST https://<vsm-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/sslvpn/config/auth/settings/rsaconfigfile/

Apply Authentication Configuration

Sets authentication process for remote users. The administrator specifies whether username password based
authentication should be enabled and the list and details of authentication servers such as active directory,
ldap, radius etc. The administrator can also enable client certificate based authentication.

Example 8-148. Apply Authentication Configuration

PUT https://<vsm-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/sslvpn/config/auth/settings/

Request Body:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<authenticationTimeout>1</authenticationTimeout> <!--optional. Default value is 1 mins-->
<!-- Only four auth servers can be part of authentication configuration including secondary auth server and can be of type
<port>90</port> <!--optional. Default value is 639 if ssl enabled or 389 for normal cfg-->
<timeOut>20</timeOut> <!--optional. Default value is 10 secs-->
<enableSsl>false</enableSsl> <!--optional. Default is false-->
<bindPassword>password</bindPassword> <!--optional.-->
<loginAttributeName>cain</loginAttributeName> <!--optional. Default is sAMAccountName -->
<searchFilter>found</searchFilter> <!--optional. Default is 'objectClass=*'-->
<enabled>true</enabled> <!--optional. Default is ture-->
<port>90</port> <!--optional. Default value is 1812-->
<timeOut>20</timeOut> <!--optional. Default value is 10 secs-->
<nasIp></nasIp> <!--optional. Default value is>
<retryCount>10</retryCount> <!--optional. Default value is 3-->
<!--Only one Local auth server can be part of authentication configuration -->
<passwordPolicy> <!-- optional. -->
<minLength>1</minLength> <!--optional. Default value is 1-->
<maxLength>1</maxLength> <!--optional. Default value is 63-->
<minAlphabets>0</minAlphabets> <!--optional -->
<minDigits>0</minDigits> <!--optional -->
<minSpecialChar>1</minSpecialChar> <!--optional -->
<allowUserIdWithinPassword>false</allowUserIdWithinPassword> <!-- optional. Default value is false
<passwordLifeTime>20</passwordLifeTime> <!--optional. Default value is 30 days-->
<expiryNotification>1</expiryNotification> <!--optional. Default value is 25 days-->
<accountLockoutPolicy> <!--optional -->
<retryCount>3</retryCount> <!--optional. Default value is 3-->

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Chapter 8 NSX Edge Services Gateway Installation, Upgrade, and Management

<retryDuration>3</retryDuration> <!--optional. Default value is 2 days -->

<lockoutDuration>3</lockoutDuration> <!--optional. Default value is 2 days -->
<!-- Only one RSA auth server can be configured. RSA configuration file has to be uploaded prior to config RSA
auth server RSA timeOut is optional. Default value is 60 secs-->
</com.vmware.vshield.edge.sslvpn.dto.RsaAuthServerDto> -->
<!--Any of one of the auth server AD, LDAP, RSA, LOCAL or RADIUS can be sec auth server -->
<port>90</port> <!--optional. Default value is 639 if ssl enabled or 389 for normal cfg-->
<timeOut>20</timeOut> <!--optional. Default value is 10 secs-->
<enableSsl>false</enableSsl> <!--optional. Default is false-->
<bindPassword>password</bindPassword> <!--optional. -->
<loginAttributeName>cain</loginAttributeName> <!--optional. Default is sAMAccountName -->
<searchFilter>found</searchFilter> <!--optional. Default is 'objectClass=*'-->
<terminateSessionOnAuthFails>false</terminateSessionOnAuthFails> <!--optional. Default is false-->

Query Authentication Configuration

Gets information about the specified authentication server.

Example 8-149. Query Authentication Configuration

GET https://<vsm-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/sslvpn/config/auth/settings/

Response Body:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

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Configure SSL VPN Advanced Configuration

Apply advanced configuration

Applies advanced configuration.

Example 8-150. Apply advanced configuration

PUT https://<vsm-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/sslvpn/config/advancedconfig/

Request Body:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<enableCompression>false</enableCompression> <!--optional. Default is false-->
<forceVirtualKeyboard>false</forceVirtualKeyboard> <!--optional. Default is false-->
<preventMultipleLogon>true</preventMultipleLogon> <!--optional. Default is false-->
<randomizeVirtualkeys>false</randomizeVirtualkeys> <!--optional. Default is false-->
<timeout> <!--optional. -->
<forcedTimeout>16</forcedTimeout> <!--optional. Value is in minute(s)-->
<sessionIdleTimeout>10</sessionIdleTimeout> <!--optional. Default is 10 mins-->
<enablePublicUrlAccess>false</enablePublicUrlAccess> <!--optional. Default is false-->
<enableLogging>false</enableLogging> <!--optional. Default is false-->

Query Advanced Configuration

Retrieves SSL VPN advanced configuration.

Example 8-151. Query advanced configuration

GET https://<vsm-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/sslvpn/config/advancedconfig/

Response Body:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<enableCompression>false</enableCompression> <!--optional. Default is false-->
<forceVirtualKeyboard>false</forceVirtualKeyboard> <!--optional. Default is false-->
<preventMultipleLogon>true</preventMultipleLogon> <!--optional. Default is false-->
<randomizeVirtualkeys>false</randomizeVirtualkeys> <!--optional. Default is false-->
<timeout> <!--optional. -->
<forcedTimeout>16</forcedTimeout> <!--optional. Value is in minute(s)-->
<sessionIdleTimeout>10</sessionIdleTimeout> <!--optional. Default is 10 mins-->
<enablePublicUrlAccess>false</enablePublicUrlAccess> <!--optional. Default is false-->
<enableLogging>false</enableLogging> <!--optional. Default is false-->

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Working with Active Clients

You can retrieve a list of active clients for the SSL VPN session and disconnect a specific client.

Query Active Clients

Retrieves a list of active clients for the SSL VPN session.

Example 8-152. Query active clients

GET https://<vsm-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/sslvpn/activesessions/

Response Body:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Disconnect Active Client

Disconnects an active client.

Example 8-153. Disconnect active client

DELETE https://<vsm-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/sslvpn/activesessions/sessionId

Manage Logon and Logoff scripts

You can bind a login or logoff script to the NSX Edge gateway.

Upload Script
You can add multiple login or logoff scripts. For example, you can bind a login script for starting Internet
Explorer with gmail.com. When the remote user logs in to the SSL client, Internet Explorer opens up

The upload script returns a script file ID which is used to configure the file parameters.

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Example 8-154. Upload script

POST https://<vsm-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/sslvpn/config/script/file/

Configure Script Parameters

Configures parameters associated with the uploaded script file.

Example 8-155. Add script parameters

POST https://<vsm-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/sslvpn/config/script/

Request Body:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<scriptFileId>logonlogoffscriptfile-12</scriptFileId> <!-- Script file id generated using upload script file REST API-->
<description>Testing modify script</description>
<enabled>false</enabled> <!--optional. Default is true -->

Modify Script Configuration

Modifies the parameters associated with the specified script file ID.

Example 8-156. Modify script parameters

PUT https://<vsm-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/sslvpn/config/script/scriptFileId

Request Body:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<description>Testing modify sscript</description>

Query Script Configuration

Retrieves parameters associated with the specified script file ID.

Example 8-157. Get script parameters

GET https://<vsm-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/sslvpn/config/script/scriptFileId

Response Body:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<description>Testing modify script</description>

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Query All Script Configurations

Retrieves all script configurations for the specified NSX Edge.

Example 8-158. Get all script parameters

GET https://<vsm-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/sslvpn/config/script/

Response Body:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<description>Testing modify sscript</description>

Delete Script Configuration

Deletes the parameters associated with the specified script file ID.

Example 8-159. Delete script parameters

DELETE https://<vsm-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/sslvpn/config/script/scriptFileId

Delete All Script Configuragtions

Deletes all script configurations for the specified NSX Edge.

Example 8-160. Delete script parameters

DELETE https://<vsm-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/sslvpn/config/script/

Apply All Script Configurations

Updates all script configurations on the specified NSX Edge with the given list of configurations. If the
configuration is present, it is updated; if it is not present, a new configuration is created. Existing
configurations not included in the REST call are deleted.

Example 8-161. Apply script configurations

PUT https://<vsm-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/sslvpn/config/script/

Request Body:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

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<description>This script will run on both login and logoff of phat client</description>

Reconfigure SSL VPN

Pushes the entire SSL VPN configuration to the specified NSX Edge in a single call.

Example 8-162. Reconfigure SSL VPN

PUT https://<vsm-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/sslvpn/config/

Request Body:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<logging> <!-- optional . -->
<port>443</port> <!--optional. Default is 443 -->
<!-- Certificate has to be generated using certificate REST API and id returned should be mentioned here-->
<!--<certificateId>certificate-1</certificateId> --> <!-- optional -->
<cipherList> <!-- any one or more of the following ciphers can be part of configuration -->
<description>This is a private network for UI-team</description>
<ports>20-40</ports> <!-- optional. Default is 0-0 -->
<optimize>false</optimize> <!--optional. Default is true -->
<enabled>true</enabled> <!--optional. Default is true-->
<description>This user belong to vsm team</description>
<disableUserAccount>false</disableUserAccount> <!--optional. Default is false-->
<passwordNeverExpires>true</passwordNeverExpires> <!--optional. Default is false-->
<changePasswordOnNextLogin>false</changePasswordOnNextLogin> <!--optional. Default is false-->

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<enabled>true</enabled> <!--optional. Default is true-->
<port>443</port> <!--optional. Default is 443-->
<!-- Optional Parameters-->
<startClientOnLogon>false</startClientOnLogon> <!--optional. Default is false-->
<hideSystrayIcon>true</hideSystrayIcon> <!--optional. Default is false-->
<rememberPassword>true</rememberPassword> <!--optional. Default is false-->
<silentModeOperation>true</silentModeOperation> <!--optional. Default is false-->
<silentModeInstallation>false</silentModeInstallation> <!--optional. Default is false-->
<hideNetworkAdaptor>false</hideNetworkAdaptor> <!--optional. Default is false-->
<createDesktopIcon>true</createDesktopIcon> <!--optional. Default is true-->
<!--optional. Default is true-->
<createLinuxClient>false</createLinuxClient> <!--optional. Default is false-->
<createMacClient>false</createMacClient> <!--optional. Default is false-->
<description>windows client</description>
<enabled>true</enabled> <!--optional. Default is true-->
<method name="POST">
<data>username=stalin </data>
<description>Click here to visit the corporate intranet Homepage </description>
<enabled>true</enabled> <!--optional. Default is true-->
<autoReconnect>true</autoReconnect> <!--optional. Default is false-->
<fullTunnel><!--optional. Default Tunnel mode is SPLIT-->
<excludeLocalSubnets>true</excludeLocalSubnets> <!--optional. Default is false-->
<upgradeNotification>false</upgradeNotification> <!--optional. Default is false-->
<enableCompression>false</enableCompression> <!--optional. Default is false-->
<forceVirtualKeyboard>false</forceVirtualKeyboard> <!--optional. Default is false-->
<preventMultipleLogon>true</preventMultipleLogon> <!--optional. Default is false-->
<randomizeVirtualkeys>false</randomizeVirtualkeys> <!--optional. Default is false-->
<timeout><!--optional. -->
<forcedTimeout>16</forcedTimeout> <!--optional. -->
<sessionIdleTimeout>10</sessionIdleTimeout> <!--optional. Default value is 10 mins-->
<enablePublicUrlAccess>false</enablePublicUrlAccess> <!--optional. Default is false-->
<enableLogging>false</enableLogging> <!--optional. Default is false-->

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<authenticationTimeout>1</authenticationTimeout> <!--optional. Default value is 1 mins-->

<!-- Only four auth servers can be part of authentication configuration including secondary auth server
and can be of
<port>90</port> <!--optional. Default value is 639 if ssl enabled or 389 for
normal cfg-->
<timeOut>20</timeOut> <!--optional. Default value is 10 secs-->
<enableSsl>false</enableSsl> <!--optional. Default is false-->
<bindPassword>password</bindPassword> <!--optional.-->
<loginAttributeName>cain</loginAttributeName> <!--optional. Default is sAMAccountName
<searchFilter>found</searchFilter> <!--optional. Default is 'objectClass=*'-->
<enabled>true</enabled> <!--optional. Default is ture-->
<port>90</port> <!--optional. Default value is 1812-->
<timeOut>20</timeOut> <!--optional. Default value is 10 secs-->
<nasIp></nasIp> <!--optional. Default value is>
<retryCount>10</retryCount> <!--optional. Default value is 3-->
<!--Only one Local auth server can be part of authentication configuration
<passwordPolicy> <!-- optional. -->
<minLength>1</minLength> <!--optional. Default value is 1-->
<maxLength>63</maxLength> <!--optional. Default value is 63-->
<minAlphabets>0</minAlphabets> <!--optional -->
<minDigits>0</minDigits> <!--optional -->
<minSpecialChar>1</minSpecialChar> <!--optional -->
<allowUserIdWithinPassword>false</allowUserIdWithinPassword> <!-- optional. Default value is false
<passwordLifeTime>20</passwordLifeTime> <!--optional. Default value is 30 days-->
<expiryNotification>1</expiryNotification> <!--optional. Default value is 25 days-->
<accountLockoutPolicy> <!--optional -->
<retryCount>3</retryCount> <!--optional. Default value is 3-->
<retryDuration>3</retryDuration> <!--optional. Default value is 2 days -->
<lockoutDuration>3</lockoutDuration> <!--optional. Default value is 2 days -->
<!-- Only one RSA auth server can be configured.RSA configuration file
has to be uploaded prior to config RSA auth server RSA timeOut is optional. Default value is 60
secs -->
</com.vmware.vshield.edge.sslvpn.dto.RsaAuthServerDto> -->
<!--Any of one of the auth server AD, LDAP, RSA, LOCAL or RADIUS can be sec auth server -->
<port>90</port> <!--optional. Default value is 639 if ssl enabled or 389 for
normal cfg-->
<timeOut>20</timeOut> <!--optional. Default value is 10 secs-->
<enableSsl>false</enableSsl> <!--optional. Default is false-->
<bindPassword>password</bindPassword> <!--optional. -->

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<loginAttributeName>cain</loginAttributeName> <!--optional. Default is sAMAccountName

<searchFilter>found</searchFilter> <!--optional. Default is 'objectClass=*'-->
<!--optional. Default is false-->

Query SSL VPN Configuration

Retrieves the SSL VPN configurations of the specified NSX Edge.

Example 8-163. Query SSL VPN Configuration

GET https://<vsm-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/sslvpn/config/

Response Body:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<logging> <!-- optional . -->
<certificateId>certificate-1</certificateId> -->
<description>This is a private network for UI-team</description>
<description>This user belong to vsm team</description>

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<!-- Optional Parameters-->
<description>windows client</description>
<method name="POST">
<data>username=stalin </data>
<description>Click here to visit the corporate intranet Homepage </description>

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Delete SSL VPN Configuration

Deletes the SSL VPN configurations on the specified NSX Edge.

Example 8-164. Delete SSL VPN Configuration

DELETE https://<vsm-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/sslvpn/config/

Query SSL VPN Statistics

Retrieves SSL VPN statistics on the specified NSX Edge.

Example 8-165. Get SSL VPN statistics

GET https://<vsm-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/statistics/dashboard/sslvpn?interval=<range> <!--range can be 1 - 60 minutes or
oneDay|oneWeek|oneMonth|oneYear. Default is 60 minutes -->

Response Body:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<startTime>1344809160</startTime> <!-- in seconds -->
<endTime>1344809460</endTime> <!-- in seconds -->

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Working with L2 VPN

L2 VPN allows you to configure a tunnel between two sites. Virtual machines remain on the same subnet in
spite of being moved between these sites, which enables you to extend your datacenter. An NSX Edge at one
site can provide all services to virtual machines on the other site.

In order to create the L2 VPN tunnel, you configure an L2 VPN server and L2 VPN client.

Configure L2VPN
You first enable the L2 VPN service on the NSX Edge instance and then configure a server and a client.

Example 8-166. Configure L2VPN

PUT https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/edges/{edgeId}/l2vpn/config/

Request Body:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<enabled>true</enabled> <!-- Optional, true by default -->
<logging> <!-- optional. Disable by default. -->
<logLevel>debug</logLevel> <!-- optional, default is INFO. -->
<enable>true</enable> <!-- optional, false by default. -->

<enabled>true</enabled> <!-- Optional, true by default -->
<name></name> <!-- Optional -->
<description></description> <!-- Optional -->

<server> <!-- optional. Either server or client should be configured-->


<listenerIp></listenerIp> <!-- Required. IP of external interface onwhich L2VPN service to listen on -->
<listenerPort>443</listenerPort> <!-- optional. 443 by default. Port onwhich L2VPN service to listen on -->

<encryptionAlgorithm>AES256-SHA</encryptionAlgorithm> <!-- Optional, aes256 by default.-->

<serverCertificate>certificate-4</serverCertificate> <!-- Optional. If not specified server will use its default(selfsigned) certificate-->

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<vnic>0</vnic> <!-- Required. Traffic from this internal vnic interface will be forwarded to L2VPN tunnel -->


<l2VpnUsers> <!-- Required. List of users will be added in server's local database and will authenticate client when connects with
these credentials-->

<client> <!-- optional. Either server or client should be configured-->

<serverAddress></serverAddress> <!-- Required. IP/Hostname to connect -->
<serverPort>443</serverPort> <!-- optional. 443 by default. Port to connect on -->

<caCertificate>certificate-4</caCertificate> <!-- Optional. Validate server certificate sent from server againt this cerficate-->
<vnic>0</vnic> <!-- Required. Traffic from this internal vnic interface will be forwarded to L2VPN tunnel -->

<proxySetting> <!-- Optional, List of proxy configurations -->

<l2VpnUser> <!-- Required. these credentials will be used to get authenticated by server-->



Query L2VPN
Retrieves the current L2VPN configuration for NSX Edge.

Example 8-167. Query L2VPN

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/edges/{edgeId}/l2vpn/config/

Response Body:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>



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Query L2VPN Statistics

Retrieves L2VPN statistics which has information such as tunnel status, sent bytes , recieved bytes etc. for the
given edge.

Example 8-168. Query L2VPN statistics

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/edges/{edgeId}/l2vpn/config/statistics

Response Body:

Enable L2VPN
Enables or disables the L2VPN service on edge appliance according to the value of the query parameter

Example 8-169. Enable L2VPN

POST https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/edges/{edgeId}/l2vpn/config/?enableService=true

Result Codes:

On Success : 204 No Content

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On Failure:

 400 Bad Request

 403 Forbidden if the user is not having appropriate role and scope

 404 Not found

Delete L2VPN
Example 8-170. Delete L2VPN

DELETE https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/edges/{edgeId}/l2vpn/config/

Working with IPSEC VPN

NSX Edge supports site-to-site IPSec VPN between an NSX Edge instance and remote sites. NSX Edge
supports certificate authentication, preshared key mode, IP unicast traffic, and no dynamic routing protocol
between theNSX Edge instance and remote VPN routers. Behind each remote VPN router, you can configure
multiple subnets to connect to the internal network behind an NSX Edge through IPSec tunnels. These subnets
and the internal network behind aNSX Edge must have address ranges that do not overlap.

You can deploy an NSX Edge agent behind a NAT device. In this deployment, the NAT device translates the
VPN address of an NSX Edge instance to a publicly accessible address facing the Internet. Remote VPN routers
use this public address to access theNSX Edge instance.

You can place remote VPN routers behind a NAT device as well. You must provide the VPN native address
and the VPN Gateway ID to set up the tunnel. On both ends, static one-to-one NAT is required for the VPN

You can have a maximum of 64 tunnels across a maximum of 10 sites.

Example 8-171. Configure IPSEC VPN

PUT https://<vsm-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/ipsec/config

Request Body:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<enabled>true</enabled> <!-- Optional, true by default -->
<logging> <!-- optional. logging is disable by default. -->
<logLevel>debug</logLevel> <!-- optional, default is info. -->
<enable>true</enable> <!-- optional, default is false. -->
<psk>hello123</psk> <!-- Required only when peerIp is specified as any in siteConfig -->
<serviceCertificate>certificate-4</serviceCertificate> <!-- Required when x.509 certificate mode is selected -->
<caCertificates> <!-- Optional, CA list -->
<crlCertificates> <!-- Optional, CRL list -->
<enabled>true</enabled> <!-- Optional, true by default -->
<name>VPN to edge-pa-1</name> <!-- Optional -->
<description>psk VPN to edge-pa-1 ==</description>
<!-- Optional -->

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<peerIp>any</peerIp> <!-- Can be a Ipv4Address such as -->
<encryptionAlgorithm>aes256</encryptionAlgorithm> <!-- Optional, default aes256-->
<authenticationMode>psk</authenticationMode> <!-- Possible values are psk and x.509 -->
<!-- <psk>hello123</psk> --> <!-- Required if peerIp is not any -->
<enablePfs>true</enablePfs> <!-- Optional, true by default -->
<dhGroup>dh2</dhGroup> <!-- Optional, dh2 by default -->
<name>VPN to edge-right</name>
<description>certificate VPN to edge-right ==</description>
<peerId>C=CN, ST=BJ, L=BJ, O=VMware, OU=DEV, CN=Right</peerId> <!-- Should be a DN if
authenticationMode is x.509 -->

Retrieve IPSec Configuration

Example 8-172. Get IPSec Configuration

GET https://<vsm-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/ipsec/config

Response Body when IPSec is not configured:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<sites/> <!-- No site to site config present -->

Response Body when IPSec is configured for site-to-site:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

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<caCertificates> <!-- Optional, CA list -->
<name>VPN to edge-pa-1</name>
<description>psk VPN to edge-pa-1 ==</description>
<name>VPN to edge-right</name>
<description>certificate VPN to edge-right ==</description>
<peerId>C=CN, ST=BJ, L=BJ, O=VMware, OU=DEV, CN=Right</peerId>

Retrieve IPSec Statistics

Example 8-173. Get IPSEC statistics

GET https://<vsm-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/ipsec/statistics

Response Body:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

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<channelState>STATE_MAIN_I4 (ISAKMP SA established)</channelState>

<tunnelState>STATE_QUICK_I2 (sent QI2, IPsec SA established)</tunnelState>
<channelState>STATE_MAIN_I4 (ISAKMP SA established)</channelState>
<tunnelState>STATE_QUICK_I2 (sent QI2, IPsec SA established)</tunnelState>

Query Tunnel Traffic Statistics

Retrieves tunnel traffic statistics for the specified time interval. Default interval is 1 hour. Other possible values
are 1-60 minutes|one day|one week|one month|one year.

Example 8-174. Get tunnel traffic statistics

GET https://<vsm-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/statistics/dashboard/ipsec?interval=<range>

Response Body:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<startTime>1344809160</startTime> <!-- in seconds -->
<endTime>1344809460</endTime> <!-- in seconds -->

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Delete IPSec Configuration

Deletes the IPSEC configuration for the specified NSX Edge.

Example 8-175. Delete IPSec

DELETE https://<vsm-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/ipsec/config/

Managing an NSX Edge

Force Sync Edge

Re-synchronizes the NSX Edge virtual machines.

Example 8-176. Force sync Edge

POST https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/edges/{edgeId}?action=forcesync

Redeploy Edge
Redeploys NSX Edge virtual machines.

Example 8-177. Redeploy Edge

POST https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/edges/{edgeId}?action=redeploy

Update DNS Settings

Update dns settings (primary/secondary and search domain) of an Edge.

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Example 8-178. Update DNS

PUT https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/edges/{edgeId}/dnsClient

Request Body:


Modify AESNI Setting

Redeploys NSX Edge virtual machines.

Example 8-179. Modify AESNI

POST https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/edges/{edgeId}/aesni?enable=true|false

Modify Edge Appliance Core Dump Setting

Enabling Edge appliance core-dump feature results in deployment of an inbuilt extra disk to save the
core-dump files. The extra disk consumes 1GB for compact edge and 8GB for other edge types. Disabling this
feature detaches the disk.

Example 8-180. Modify core dump setting

POST https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/edges/{edgeId}/coredump?enable=true|false

Modify FIPs Setting

Example 8-181. Modify FIPs

POST https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/edges/{edgeId}/fips?enable=true|false

Modify Log Setting

Example 8-182. Modify log setting

POST https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/edges/{edgeId}/logging?level=<logLevel>

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Query Edge Summary

Retrieves details about the specified Edge.

Example 8-183. Retrieve Edge details

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/edges/{edgeId}/summary

Request Body:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

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Query Edge Status

Retrieves the status of the specified Edge.

Example 8-184. Query status

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/edges/{edgeId}/status

Request Body:
<!-- {GREY,RED,YELLOW,GREEN}. GREY => unknown status. RED => None of appliance in serving state. YELLOW =>
Intermittent health check failures.
If health check fails for 5 consecutive times for all appliance (2 for HA else 1) then status will turn to RED. GREEN => Good
<publishStatus>APPLIED</publishStatus> <!-- Applied or persisted i.e., not applied to vse yet-->
<version>8</version> <!-- Current configuration version -->
<edgeVMStatus>GREEN</edgeVMStatus> <!-- individual vm status -->
<haState>active</haState> <!-- active / standy -->

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Chapter 8 NSX Edge Services Gateway Installation, Upgrade, and Management


This call can be used with the following query parameters:

 getlatest: fetches the status live from NSX Edge when set to true (default). When false, fetches the latest
available status from database.

 detailed: fetches the detailed status per feature when set to true. When false (default), gives an aggregated
summary of the status per feature.

Sample calls include:

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/edges/{edgeId}/status?getlatest=false&detailed=true
GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/edges/{edgeId}/status?getlatest=true&detailed=true
GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/edges/{edgeId}/status?getlatest=false&detailed=false
GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/edges/{edgeId}/status?detailed=true
GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/edges/{edgeId}/status?getlatest=false

Query Edge Tech Support Logs

Retrieves the tech support logs for the specified Edge.

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Example 8-185. Query tech support logs

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/edges/{edgeId}/techsupportlogs

Manage CLI Credentials and Access

You can modify the CLI credentials and enable or disable SSH services for a Edge Edge.

Modify CLI Credentials

You can use this API to:

 Modify the password and password expiry for an existing CLI user.

 Change the CLI login (ssh) banner text.

 Modify both the username and password for Edge CLI User. This results in:

 deletion of the old user.

 creation of the new user with specified username and password.

Example 8-186. Modify CLI credentials

PUT https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/edges/{edgeId}/clisettings

Request Body:
<cliSettings> <!-- optional. Default user/pass is admin/default, and remoteAccess is false (i.e. disabled) -->
<passwordExpiry>30</passwordExpiry> <!-- optional. in days. defaults to 90.-->
<sshLoginBannerText> <!-- optional. pre-formatted text. default to system default banner text. -->
Hello, VshieldEdge Administrator

Change CLI Remote Access

Enables or disables the SSH service on the specified Edge Edge.

Example 8-187. Change CLI remote access

POST https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/cliremoteaccess?enable=true|false

Manage Auto Configuration Settings

Auto configuration default setting is enabled by default and the priority is high.

If you disable auto configuration settings, you must add the required NAT, firewall, routing rules to enable
control-channel traffic for other services such as load balancing, VPN, etc.

If you change the priority of the auto configuration settings to low, the internal/auto configured rules are
placed in lower precedence than the rules you create. With this, you can again control special allow/deny rules
for these services too. For example, you can block specific IP addresses from accessing the VPN services.

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Chapter 8 NSX Edge Services Gateway Installation, Upgrade, and Management

Modify Auto Configuration Settings

Changes the auto configuration settings for the NSX Edge.

Example 8-188. Modify auto configuration settings

PUT https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/autoconfiguration

Request Body:

Query Auto Configuration Settings

Retrieves auto configuration settings for the NSX Edge.

Example 8-189. Retrieve auto configuration settings

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/autoconfiguration

Response Body:

Working with Appliances

You can manage the Edge Edge appliances with these REST calls.

NOTE Do not use hidden/system resource pool IDs as they are not supported on the UI.

Query Appliance Configuration

Retrieves configuration of both appliances.

Example 8-190. Get appliance configuration

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/appliances

Response Body:

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Modify Appliance Configuration

You can retrieve the configuration of both appliances by using the GET call in Example 8-190 and replace the
size, resource pool, datastore, and custom parameters of the appliances by using a PUT call. If there were two
appliances earlier you PUT only one appliance, the other appliance is deleted.

Example 8-191. Modify appliance configuration

PUT https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/appliances

Request Body:

Change Appliance Size

Changes the size of both appliances.

Example 8-192. Change appliance size

POST https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/appliances/?size=compact|large|xlarge

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Manage an Appliance
You can manage an appliance by specifying its HA index.

Query Appliance
Retrieves the configuration of the appliance with the specified haIndex.

Example 8-193. Get configuration of appliance with specified haIndex

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/appliances/haIndex

Response Body:

Modify Appliance
Modifies the configuration of the appliance with the specified haIndex.

Example 8-194. Modify configuration of appliance with specified haIndex

PUT https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/appliances/haIndex

Request Body:

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Delete Appliance
Deletes the appliance with the specified haIndex.

Example 8-195. Delete appliance configuration

DELETE https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/appliances/haIndex

Working with Interfaces

You can add up to ten internal or uplink interfaces to each Edge Edge instance. A Edge Edge must have at least
one internal interface before it can be deployed.

Add Interfaces
You can configure one or more interface for an NSX Edge. The specified configuration is stored in the database.
If any appliance(s) is associated with this Edge Edge instance, the specified configuration is applied to the
appliance as well.

Example 8-196. Add an interface

POST https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/vnics/?action=patch

Request Body:
<vnics> <!-- mamimum 10 interfaces index:0-9 can be configured. Until one connected vnic is configured, none of the configured
features will serve the network -->
<name>internal0</name> <!-- optional. System has default Names. format vNic0 ... vNic7 -->
<type>internal</type> <!-- optional. Default is internal. Other possible value is "uplink" -->
<portgroupId>dvportgroup-114</portgroupId> <!-- Possible values here are portgroupIds or virtualWire-id. portgroupId needs to be
defined if isConnected=true -->
<addressGroup> <!-- Vnic can be configured to have more than one addressGroup/subnets -->
<primaryAddress></primaryAddress> <!-- This is mandatory for an addressGroup -->
<secondaryAddresses> <!-- Optional. Should be used to add/defined other IPs used for NAT, LB, VPN, etc -->
<ipAddress></ipAddress> <!-- Optional. This way multiple IP Addresses can be assigned to a vnic/interface -->
<subnetMask></subnetMask> <!-- either subnetMask or subnetPrefixLength should be provided. If both then
subnetprefixLength is ignored -->
<addressGroup> <!-- Vnic can be configured to have more than one addressGroup/subnets -->
<primaryAddress></primaryAddress> <!-- This is mandatory for an addressGroup -->
<secondaryAddresses> <!-- Optional. Should be used to add/defined other IPs used for NAT, LB, VPN, etc -->
<ipAddress></ipAddress> <!-- Optional. This way multiple IP Addresses can be assigned to a vnic/interface -->
<addressGroup> <!-- ipv6 addressGroup -->
<primaryAddress>ffff::1</primaryAddress> <!-- This is mandatory for an addressGroup -->
<secondaryAddresses> <!-- Optional. Should be used to add/defined other IPs used for NAT, LB, VPN, etc -->
<subnetPrefixLength>64</subnetPrefixLength> <!-- prefixLength valid values 1-128 -->

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<macAddress> <!-- optional. When not specified, macAddresses will be managed by VC -->
<edgeVmHaIndex>0</edgeVmHaIndex> <!-- possible values 0 or 1 when HA is enabled -->
<value>00:50:56:01:03:23</value> <!-- optional. User must ensure that macAddresses provided are unique within the given layer 2
domain. -->
<fenceParameter> <!-- optional -->
<mtu>1500</mtu> <!-- optional. Default is 1500 -->
<enableProxyArp>false</enableProxyArp> <!-- optional. Default is false -->
<enableSendRedirects>true</enableSendRedirects> <!-- optional. Default is true -->
<enableBridgeMode>false</enableBridgeMode> <!-- optional. Default is false -->
<isConnected>true</isConnected> <!-- optional. Default is false -->
<inShapingPolicy> <!-- optional -->
<outShapingPolicy> <!-- optional -->


 inShapingPolicy, outShapingPolicy are optional. Can only be specified for a vnic connected to a
distributed portgroup.

 averageBandwidth is a required field. Other fields are optional. If not specified, peakBandwidth is
defaulted to averageBandwidth, burstSize is defaulted to '0', enabled is defaulted to 'true', inherited is
defaulted to 'false'. averageBandwidth, peakBandwidth and burstSize values are in 'bits per second'.

 addressGroups contains IP addresses for the interface with each addressGroup representing the IP addresses
within the same subnet. For each subnet, you can specify a primaryAddress (required), secondaryAddress
(optional), and the subnetMask (required).

Retrieve Interfaces for a Edge Edge

Retrieves all interfaces for the specified Edge Edge.

Example 8-197. Retrieve all interfaces

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/vnics

Response Body:

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Delete Interfaces
Deletes one or more interfaces for a Edge Edge. Stores the specified configuration in database. If any
appliance(s) are associated with this edge, disconnects and deletes the interface.

Example 8-198. Delete interface

DELETE https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/vnics/?index=<vnicIndexId1>&index=<vnicIndexId2>

Manage a Edge Interface

You can manage a specific Edge interface.

Retrieve Interface with Specific Index

Retrieves the interface with specified index for a Edge Edge.

Example 8-199. Get interface with specific index

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/vnics/index

Response Body:

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<subnetMask></subnetMask> <!-- GET will always have subnetMask field for ipv4 and subnetPrefixLength for ipv6

Modify an Interface
Modifies the specified interface.

Example 8-200. Modify interface

PUT https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/vnics/<index>

Response Body:
<index>0</index> <!-- optional. System has default Names. format vNic0 ... vNic7 -->
<name>uplink-vnic-network-2581</name> <!-- optional. Default is internal>
<portgroupId>network-2581</portgroupId> <!-- Possible values are portgroupIds or virtualWire-id. portgroupId
needs to be defined if isConnected=true -->
<addressGroup> <!-- Vnic can be configured to have more than one addressGroup/subnets -->
<primaryAddress></primaryAddress> <!-- This is mandatory for an addressGroup -->
<secondaryAddresses><!-- Optional. Should be used to add/defined other IPs used for NAT, LB, VPN, etc -->
<macAddress> <!-- optional. When not specified, macAddresses will be managed by VC -->
<fenceParameter> <!-- optional -->
<mtu>1500</mtu> <!-- Default is 1500.-->
<enableProxyArp>false</enableProxyArp> <!--Default is false.-->
<enableSendRedirects>true</enableSendRedirects> <!--Default is true.-->

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<isConnected>true</isConnected> <!--Default is false.-->

<inShapingPolicy> <!-- optional -->
<outShapingPolicy> <!-- optional -->

Delete Interface Configuration

Deletes the interface configuration and resets it to the factory default.

Example 8-201. Delete interface configuration

DELETE https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/vnics/index

Query Interface Statistics

Query Statistics for all Interfaces

Retrieves statistics for all configured interfaces between the specified start and end times. When start and end
time are not specified, all statistics since the Edge Edge deployed are displayed. When no end time is specified,
the current Edge Manager time is set as endTime. Each record has the stats of 5 minutes granularity.

Example 8-202. Get interface statistics

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/statistics/interfaces

Response Body:
<startTime>1336068000</startTime> <!-- in seconds -->
<endTime>1336100700</endTime> <!-- in seconds -->
<interval>300</interval> <!-- 5 mins interval -->
<in>9.1914285714e+02</in> <!-- Rx rate ( Kilobits per second - kbps ) -->
<out>5.1402857143e+02</out> <!-- Tx rate ( Kilobits per second - kbps ) -->



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Query Statistics for Uplink Interfaces

Retrieves statistics for all uplink interfaces between the specified start and end times. When start and end time
are not specified, all statistics since the Edge Edge deployed are displayed. When no end time is specified, the
current Edge Manager time is set as endTime. Each record has the stats of 5 minutes granularity.

Example 8-203. Get uplink interface statistics

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/statistics/interfaces/uplink

Response Body:
<startTime>1336068000</startTime> <!-- in seconds -->
<endTime>1336100700</endTime> <!-- in seconds -->
<interval>300</interval> <!-- 5 mins interval -->
<in>9.1914285714e+02</in> <!-- Rx rate ( Kilobits per second - kbps ) -->
<out>5.1402857143e+02</out> <!-- Tx rate ( Kilobits per second - kbps ) -->



Query Statistics for Internal Interfaces

Retrieves statistics for all internal interfaces between the specified start and end times. When start and end
time are not specified, all statistics since the Edge Edge deployed are displayed. When no end time is specified,
the current Edge Manager time is set as endTime. Each record has the stats of 5 minutes granularity.

Example 8-204. Get internal interface statistics

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/statistics/interfaces/internal

Response Body:
<startTime>1336068000</startTime> <!-- in seconds -->
<endTime>1336100700</endTime> <!-- in seconds -->
<interval>300</interval> <!-- 5 mins interval -->

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<in>9.1914285714e+02</in> <!-- Rx rate ( Kilobits per second - kbps ) -->
<out>5.1402857143e+02</out> <!-- Tx rate ( Kilobits per second - kbps ) -->



Query Dashboard Statistics

Retrieves dashboard statistics between the specified start and end times. When start and end time are not
specified, all statistics since the Edge Edge deployed are displayed. When no end time is specified, the current
Edge Manager time is set as endTime. Each record has the stats of 5 minutes granularity.

Example 8-205. Get interface statistics

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/edges/<edgeId>/statistics/dashboard/interface?interval=<range>

Response Body:
<startTime>1336068000</startTime> <!-- in seconds -->
<endTime>1336100700</endTime> <!-- in seconds -->
<interval>300</interval> <!-- 5 mins interval -->

254 VMware, Inc.


Distributed Firewall Management 9

Distributed Firewall is a hypervisor kernel-embedded firewall that provides visibility and control for
virtualized workloads and networks. You can create access control policies based on VMware vCenter objects
like datacenters and clusters, virtual machine names and tags, network constructs like IP/VLAN/VXLAN
addresses, as well as user group identity from Active Directory. Firewall rules are enforced at the vNIC level
of each virtual machine to provide consistent access control even when the virtual machine gets vMotioned.
The hypervisor-embedded nature of the firewall delivers close to line rate throughput to enable higher
workload consolidation on physical servers. The distributed nature of the firewall provides a scale-out
architecture that automatically extends firewall capacity when additional hosts are added to a datacenter.

Distributed Firewall offers multiple sets of configurable rules: Layer 3 (L3) rules (General tab) and Layer 2 (L2)
rules (Ethernet tab). Layer 2 firewall rules are processed before Layer 3 rules. The default firewall rule allows
all L3 and L2 traffic to pass through all clusters in your infrastructure. The default rule is always at the bottom
of the rules table and cannot be deleted or added to. However, you can change the Action element of the rule
from Allow to Block, add comments for the rule, and indicate whether traffic for that rule should be logged.

User defined firewall rules are enforced in top-to-bottom ordering, with a per-virtual NIC level precedence.
Each traffic session is checked against the top rule in the Firewall table before moving down the subsequent
rules in the table. The first rule in the table that matches the traffic parameters is enforced.

A firewall rule can have one or more of the following entities as the source or destination:

 Datacenter

 Cluster
 Network

 Virtual app

 Resource pool

 Virtual machine

 vNIC

 Logical switch

 IPSet. Both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses are supported. For information on creating an IPSet, see “Working
with IPsets” on page 60.

 Security group. For information on creating a security group, see “Working with Security Groups” on
page 53.

Distributed firewall can help in creating identity-based rules as well. Administrators can enforce access control
based on the user's group membership as defined in the enterprise Active Directory. Here are some scenarios
where identity-based firewall rules can be used:

 User accessing virtual applications using a laptop/mobile device where AD is used for user authentication

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 User accessing virtual applications using VDI infrastructure where the virtual machines are Microsoft
Windows based

This chapter includes the following topics:

 “Configuring Distributed Firewall” on page 256

 “Working with Firewall Sections” on page 258

 “Working with Firewall Rules” on page 260

 “Query Status” on page 262

 “Excluding Virtual Machines from vShield App Protection” on page 279

 “Firewall Migration Switch” on page 268

 “Working with SpoofGuard” on page 269

 “Getting Flow Statistic Details” on page 272

 “Flow Exclusion” on page 278

IMPORTANT All NSX REST requests require authentication. See “Using the NSX REST API” on page 25 for
details about basic authorization.

Configuring Distributed Firewall

The firewall table includes one section by default that contains the default rule. You can add additional
sections to segregate firewall rules

Firewall rules are enforced in top-to-bottom ordering. Distributed Firewall checks each traffic session against
the top rule in the firewall table before moving down the subsequent rules in the table. The first rule in the
table that matches the traffic parameters is enforced. See the NSX Administration Guide for more information
about the hierarchy of Distributed Firewall rules.

Query Firewall Configuration

You can retrieve the the full firewall configuration consisting of all rules that has been defined on the NSX

Example 9-1. Get firewall configuration for NSX Manager

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/firewall/<contextID>/config

Response Body:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Cache-Control: private
Expires: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT
Cache-Control: no-cache
Set-Cookie: JSESSIONID=4CAE025C868939C35245B2553079807A; Path=/
ETag: 1380747467905
Date: Wed, 02 Oct 2013 20:58:39 GMT
Server: vShield Manager
Content-Type: application/xml
Transfer-Encoding: chunked

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<firewallConfiguration timestamp="1360144793284">
<section id="2" name="defaultSectionLayer3" generationNumber="1360144793284" timestamp="1360144793284">
<rule id="2" disabled="false" logged="false">
<name>Default Rule</name>

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Chapter 9 Distributed Firewall Management

<section id="1" name="defaultSectionLayer2" generationNumber="1360144793284" timestamp="1360144793284">
<rule id="1" disabled="false" logged="false">
<name>Default Rule</name>

Modify Firewall Configuration

Follow the procedure below to modify the firewall configuration.

1 Run a GET call for the firewall configuration.

2 Extract the XML from the response body of the GET call and modify it as required.
 Not all fields are required while sending the request. Refer to the optional field in the schema
definition of various objects. All the optional fields are safe to be ignored while sending the
configuration to server. For example, if an IP Set is referenced in the rule only IPSet and Type is
needed in the Source/Destination objects and not Name and isValid tags.

 IDs for new objects ( rule/section) should be removed or set to zero.

 If new entities (sections/rules) have been sent in the request, the response will contain the
system-generated ids, which are assigned to these new entities. These ID identifies the resource and
can be used in the urls if you want to operate on these entities using those URLs.

3 Extract the value of the generation number from the Etag header of the response in Step 1, and add it as
the if-match header in the PUT call.

For example, the generation number in the GET response for the firewall configuration in
Example 9-1 is 1380747467905. You must now specify the following header in the Request Body of a
PUT command for changing the firewall configuration:
If-Match: "1380747467905"

4 Pass the modified XML as the Request Body in a PUT call.

Example 9-2. Modify firewall configuration

PUT https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/firewall/globalroot-0/config
--header 'Content-Type:text/xml' --header 'if-match:"1380747467905"

Request Body:
<firewallConfiguration timestamp="1359979620727"><contextId>globalroot-0</contextId><layer3Sections><section id="2"
name="defaultSectionLayer3" generationNumber="1359979620727" timestamp="1359979620727"><rule
disabled="false" logged="true"><name>okn-1</name><action>ALLOW</action><sources
e></appliedTo></appliedToList></rule><rule disabled="true"

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id="2" disabled="true" logged="false"><name>Default
ions><section id="1" name="defaultSectionLayer2" generationNumber="1359979620727"
timestamp="1359979620727"><rule id="1" disabled="false" logged="false"><name>Default

Delete Firewall Configuration

Restores default configuration, which means one defaultLayer3 section with default allow rule and one
defaultLayer2Section with default allow rule.

Example 9-3. Delete firewall configuration

DELETE https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/firewall/globalroot-0/config

Working with Firewall Sections

You can use sections in the firewall table to group logical rules based on AppliedTo or for a tenant use case.A
firewall section is the smallest unit of configuration which can be updated independently. There are two kinds
of sections

 Layer3Section contains layer3 rules

 Layer2Section contains layer2 rules

Query Firewall Sections

Retrieves section configuration either by section ID or section name.

Example 9-4. Get section configuration

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/app/firewall/globalroot-0/config/layer3sections|layer2sections/<sectionId> |<sectionName>

Response Body:
<section id="4" name="TestSection" generationNumber="1360149234572" timestamp="1360149234572"><rule id="16"
logged="true"><name>okn-2</name><action>ALLOW</action><appliedToList><appliedTo><name>vm1 -
Network adapter
iedToList><sectionId>4</sectionId><sources excluded="false"><source><name>5.1
Valid>true</isValid></service></services></rule><rule id="15" disabled="true"
id="14" disabled="true"
logged="true"><name>test-3</name><action>ALLOW</action><sectionId>4</sectionId></rule><rule id="13"

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Chapter 9 Distributed Firewall Management

logged="true"><name>test-2</name><action>ALLOW</action><sectionId>4</sectionId></rule><rule id="12"

Add Firewall Section

Adds a section at the top of the firewall table.

Example 9-5. Add section

POST https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/app/firewall/globalroot-0/config/layer3sections|layer2sections/<sectionId> |<sectionName>

Request Body:
<section name="TestSection"><rule disabled="false"
logged="true"><name>okn-2</name><action>ALLOW</action><appliedToList><appliedTo><name>vm1 -
Network adapter
iedToList><sectionId>2</sectionId><sources excluded="false"><source><name>5.1
Valid>true</isValid></service></services></rule><rule disabled="true"
logged="true"><name>Matru-3</name><action>ALLOW</action></rule><rule disabled="true"
logged="true"><name>test-3</name><action>ALLOW</action></rule><rule disabled="true"
logged="true"><name>test-2</name><action>ALLOW</action></rule><rule disabled="true"

Location Header in the response body contains the resource url for the newly created rule resource. This URL
can be used to identify this resource.

Modify Firewall Section

Follow the procedure below to modify the firewall configuration.

1 Run a GET call for the section configuration.

2 Extract the XML from the response body of the GET call and modify it as required.
 Not all fields are required while sending the request. Refer to the optional field in the schema
definition of various objects. All the optional fields are safe to be ignored while sending the
configuration to server. For example, if an IP Set is referenced in the rule only IPSet and Type is
needed in the Source/Destination objects and not Name and isValid tags.

 IDs for new objects ( rule/section) should be removed or set to zero.

 If new entities (sections/rules) have been sent in the request, the response will contain the
system-generated ids, which are assigned to these new entities. These ID identifies the resource and
can be used in the urls if you want to operate on these entities using those URLs.

3 Extract the value of the generation number from the Etag header of the response in Step 1, and add it as
the if-match header in the PUT call.

For example, the generation number in the GET response for the section configuration in Example 9-1
is 1360149234572. You must now specify the following header in the Request Body of a PUT command
for changing the firewall configuration:
If-Match: "1360149234572"

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4 Pass the modified XML as the Request Body in a POST call.

Example 9-6. Modify section

PUT https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/app/firewall/globalroot-0/config/layer3sections|layer2sections/<sectionId> |<sectionName>
--header 'Content-Type:text/xml' --header 'if-match:"1360149234572"

Request Body:
<section id="4" name="TestSectionRenamed" generationNumber="1360149234572" timestamp="1360149234572"><rule id="16"
logged="false"><name>okn-2</name><action>ALLOW</action><appliedToList><appliedTo><name>vm1 -
Network adapter
iedToList><sectionId>4</sectionId><sources excluded="false"><source><name>5.1
Valid>true</isValid></service></services></rule><rule id="15" disabled="true"
logged="true"><name>Matru-3</name><action>DENY</action><sectionId>4</sectionId></rule><rule id="14"
logged="true"><name>test-3</name><action>ALLOW</action><sectionId>4</sectionId></rule><rule id="13"
logged="true"><name>test-2</name><action>ALLOW</action><sectionId>4</sectionId></rule><rule id="12"

Delete Firewall Section

Deletes the specified section. If the section contains a default rule, the section is not deleted but all rules except
for the default rule are removed from that section.

If the section does not contain a default rule, the section and all its rules are deleted.

Example 9-7. Delete section

DELETE https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/app/firewall/globalroot-0/config/layer3sections|layer2sections/<sectionId> |<sectionName>

Working with Firewall Rules

You add firewall rules at the global scope. You can then narrow down the scope (datacenter, cluster,
distributed virtual port group, network, virtual machine, vNIC, or virtual wire) at which you want to apply
the rule. Firewall allows you to add multiple objects at the source and destination levels for each rule, which
helps reduce the total number of firewall rules to be added.

To add a identity based firewall rule, first create a security group based on Directory Group objects. Then
create a firewall rule with the security group as the source or destination.

Query Firewall Rule

Retrieves rule details from either a Layer3 or Layer2 section.

Example 9-8. Get firewall rule


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Chapter 9 Distributed Firewall Management

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/firewall//globalroot-0/config/layer3sections|layer3sections/<sectionNumber>/rules/<ruleNumber>

Response Body:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Cache-Control: private
Expires: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT
Cache-Control: no-cache
Set-Cookie: JSESSIONID=FED4857DF7A2A5CCD7F818A87F463629; Path=/
ETag: 1380747467905
Date: Wed, 02 Oct 2013 21:04:29 GMT
Server: vShield Manager
Content-Type: application/xml
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <firewallRule id="1807" disabled="false"
logged="true"><name>Section-2-Rule-1</name><action>allow</action><notes>Example with multile sources
and any appliedTo with source containing vnics and raw-ips</notes><sources
Valid></source><source><name>2-rhel53-srv-32-local-129-fa110b77-c303-4113-ab66-88c5ed9a5177 -
Network adapter

Add Firewall Rule

Adds a rule at the top of the existing configuration in a Layer2 or Layer3 section.

Example 9-9. Add firewall rule

POST https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/firewall//globalroot-0/config/layer3sections|layer3sections/<sectionNumber>/rules -d

Request Body:
<firewallRule disabled="enabled"

Location Header in the response body contains the resource url for the newly created rule resource. This URL
can be used to identify this resource.

Modify Firewall Rule

Modifies a rule in the Layer2 or Layer3 section. Follow the procedure below to modify the rule configuration.

1 Run a GET call for the rule configuration.

2 Extract the XML from the response body of the GET call and modify it as required.

 Not all fields are required while sending the request. Refer to the optional field in the schema
definition of various objects. All the optional fields are safe to be ignored while sending the
configuration to server. For example, if an IP Set is referenced in the rule only IPSet and Type is
needed in the Source/Destination objects and not Name and isValid tags.

 IDs for new objects ( rule/section) should be removed or set to zero.

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3 Extract the value of the generation number from the Etag header of the response in Step 1, and add it as
the if-match header in the PUT call.

For example, the generation number in the GET response for the section configuration in Example 9-1
is 1380747467905. You must now specify the following header in the Request Body of a PUT command
for changing the firewall configuration:
If-Match: "1380747467905"

4 Pass the modified XML as the Request Body in a POST call.

Example 9-10. Add firewall rule

PUT https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/firewall//globalroot-0/config/layer3sections|layer3sections/<sectionNumber>/rules -d
--header 'Content-Type:text/xml' --header 'if-match:"1380747467905"'

Request Body:
<firewallRule id="23" disabled="enabled"

Location Header in the response body contains the resource url for the newly created rule resource. This URL
can be used to identify this resource.

Query Status
Retrieves status of the entire firewall configuration or individual sections.

Query Firewall Configuration Status

Example 9-11. Get firewall configuration status

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/firewall//globalroot-0/status

Response Body:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Query Layer3 Section Status

Example 9-12. Get Layer3 status

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/firewall//globalroot-0/status/layer3sections/<sectionNumber>

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Chapter 9 Distributed Firewall Management

Response Body:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Query Layer2 Section Status

Example 9-13. Get layer2 status

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/firewall//globalroot-0/status/layer2sections/<sectionNumber>

Response Body:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Synchronizing and Enabling Firewall

You can force hosts and clusters to synchronize with the last good configuration in the NSX Manager database.

Force Sync Host

Example 9-14. Force sync host

POST https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/firewall/forceSync/<hostID>

Response Body:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Cache-Control: no-cache
Set-Cookie: JSESSIONID=EADEDB6AC7323C3FE42E43B8739FBB1F; Path=/
Location: /api/2.0/services/taskservice/job/jobdata-658
Date: Wed, 02 Oct 2013 21:08:52 GMT
Server: vShield Manager
Content-Length: 0

The location header contains the task URL, which can be used to monitor the overall task status.

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Force Sync Cluster

Example 9-15. Force sync cluster

POST https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/firewall/forceSync/<clusterID>

Response Body:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Cache-Control: no-cache
Set-Cookie: JSESSIONID=EADEDB6AC7323C3FE42E43B8739FBB1F; Path=/
Location: /api/2.0/services/taskservice/job/jobdata-659
Date: Wed, 02 Oct 2013 21:08:52 GMT
Server: vShield Manager
Content-Length: 0

The location header contains the task URL, which can be used to monitor the overall task status.

Enable or Disable APIs for a Cluster

Example 9-16. Enable or disable API

POST https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/firewall/<domainID>/enable/true|false

Importing and Exporting Firewall Configurations

You may make changes to a firewall configuration and save a draft copy for future use. A copy of every
published configuration is also saved as a draft. A maximum of 100 configurations can be saved at a time. 90
out of these 100 can be auto saved configurations from a publish operation. When the limit is reached, the
oldest configuration that is not marked for preserve is purged to make way for a new one.

You can also import and export firewall configurations in XML format.

Save a Configuration
Example 9-17. Save a firewall configuration

POST https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/firewall/globalroot-0/drafts

Request Body:
<firewallDraft name="TestDraft">
<description>Test draft</description> <!-- optional -->
<preserve>true</preserve> <!-- optional, default = true -->
<section name="Default Section Layer3" >
<rule id="1001" disabled="false" logged="false">
<name>Default Rule</name>

264 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 9 Distributed Firewall Management

<section name="Default Section Layer2">

<rule id="1003" disabled="false" logged="false">
<name>Default Rule</name>

Response Body:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
<firewallDraft id="23" name="TestDraft" timestamp="1377631752553"> <description>Test draft</description>
<preserve>true</preserve> <user>localadmin</user> <mode>userdefined</mode> </firewallDraft>

Modify a Saved Configuration

Example 9-18. Update a saved firewall configuration

PUT https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/firewall/globalroot-0/drafts/<draftID>

Request Body:
<f<firewallDraft name="TestDraft">
<description>Test draft</description> <!-- optional -->
<preserve>true</preserve> <!-- optional, default = true -->
<section name="Default Section Layer3" >
<rule id="1001" disabled="false" logged="false">
<name>Default Rule</name>
<section name="Default Section Layer2">
<rule id="1003" disabled="false" logged="false">
<name>Default Rule</name>

Response Body:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
<firewallDraft id="23" name="TestDraft" timestamp="1377631752553">
<description>Test draft</description>

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Query a Saved Configuration

Example 9-19. Get a saved firewall configuration

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/firewall/globalroot-0/drafts/<draftID>

Request Body:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<firewallDraft id="1" name="AutoSaved_2013-Aug-22 15:42:36" timestamp="1377186156947">
<description>Auto saved draft</description>
<config timestamp="1377186104244">
<section id="1002" name="Default Section Layer3" generationNumber="1377186104244" timestamp="1377186104244">
<rule disabled="false" logged="false">
<name>Default Rule NDP - Edit</name>
<name>IPv6-ICMP Neighbor Solicitation</name>
<rule id="1002" disabled="false" logged="false">
<name>Default Rule</name>
<section id="1001" name="Default Section Layer2" generationNumber="1377186104244" timestamp="1377186104244">
<rule id="1001" disabled="false" logged="false">
<name>Default Rule</name>

Query all Saved Configurations

Example 9-20. Get all saved firewall configurations

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/firewall/globalroot-0/drafts/

Request Body:
<firewallDraft id="3" name="AutoSaved_2013-Aug-22 17:13:08" timestamp="1377191588887">

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<description>Auto saved draft</description>

<firewallDraft id="2" name="AutoSaved_2013-Aug-22 15:46:40" timestamp="1377186400472">
<description>Auto saved draft</description>
<firewallDraft id="1" name="AutoSaved_2013-Aug-22 15:42:36" timestamp="1377186156947">
<description>Auto saved draft</description>

Delete a Saved Configuration

Example 9-21. Delete a saved firewall configuration

DELETE https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/firewall/globalroot-0/drafts/<draftID>

Export a Saved Configuration

Example 9-22. Export a saved firewall configuration

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/firewall/globalroot-0/drafts/<draftID>/action/export

Response Body:
<firewallDraft id="23" name="TestDraft" timestamp="1377631752553">
<description>Test draft Edit</description>
<config timestamp="0">
<section name="Default Section Layer3" timestamp="0">
<rule id="1002" disabled="false" logged="false">
<name>Default Rule</name>
<section name="Default Section Layer2" timestamp="0">
<rule id="1001" disabled="false" logged="false">
<name>Default Rule</name>

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Import a Saved Configuration

Example 9-23. Import a saved firewall configuration

PUT https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/firewall/globalroot-0/drafts/<draftID>/action/import

Response Body:
<firewallDraft id="23" name="TestDraft" timestamp="1377631752553">
<description>Test draft Edit</description>
<config timestamp="0">
<section name="Default Section Layer3" timestamp="0">
<rule id="1002" disabled="false" logged="false">
<name>Default Rule</name>
<section name="Default Section Layer2" timestamp="0">
<rule id="1001" disabled="false" logged="false">
<name>Default Rule</name>

Response Body:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
<firewallDraft id="24" name="TestDraft" timestamp="1377632629140">
<description>Test draft Edit</description>

Firewall Migration Switch

Example 9-24. Firewall migration

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/firewall/globalroot-0/state

Response Body:

268 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 9 Distributed Firewall Management

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <firewallRule id="1807" disabled="false"

logged="true"><name>Section-2-Rule-1</name><action>allow</action><notes>Example with multile sources
and any appliedTo with source containing vnics and raw-ips</notes><sources
Valid></source><source><name>2-rhel53-srv-32-local-129-fa110b77-c303-4113-ab66-88c5ed9a5177 -
Network adapter

Configuring Fail-Safe Mode for vShield App Firewall

By default, failure or unavailability of the vShield App appliance results in traffic being blocked (fail close).
You can change this to allow traffic (fail open).

Configure Fail-Safe Mode for vShield App Firewall

Example 9-25. Configure fail-safe mode

PUT https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.1/app/failsafemode

Request Body

Query Fail-Safe Mode Configuration for vShield App Firewall

Example 9-26. Get fail-safe mode configuration

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.1/app/failsafemode

Working with SpoofGuard

After synchronizing with the vCenter Server, NSX Manager collects the IP addresses of all vCenter guest
virtual machines from VMware Tools on each virtual machine. If a virtual machine has been compromised,
the IP address can be spoofed and malicious transmissions can bypass firewall policies.

You create a SpoofGuard policy for specific networks that allows you to authorize the IP addresses reported
by VMware Tools and alter them if necessary to prevent spoofing. SpoofGuard inherently trusts the MAC
addresses of virtual machines collected from the VMX files and vSphere SDK. Operating separately from
Firewall rules, you can use SpoofGuard to block traffic determined to be spoofed.

Create SpoofGuard Policy

You can create a SpoofGuard policy to specify the operation mode for specific networks. The system generated
policy applies to port groups and logical switches not covered by existing SpoofGuard policies.

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Example 9-27. Create SpoofGuard policy

POST https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/services/spoofguard/policies/

Request Body:
<description>Test description</description>
<name>network 1</name>
<name>network 2</name>

Response Body:
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Location: /api/4.0/services/spoofguard/policy/spoofguardpolicy-2

Modify SpoofGuard Policy

Updates a SpoofGuard policy.

Example 9-28. Create SpoofGuard policy

PUT https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/services/spoofguard/policies/<policy-id>

Request Body:
<description>Test description changed</description>
<name>network 1</name>
<name>network 2</name>

Query SpoofGuard Policy

Retrieves a SpoofGuard policy.

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Chapter 9 Distributed Firewall Management

Example 9-29. Query SpoofGuard policy

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/services/spoofguard/policies/<policy-id>

Request Body:
<description>Test description changed</description>
<name>network 1</name>
<name>network 2</name>
<publishedOn>2011-10-28 16:12:20.0</publishedOn>

Query all SpoofGuard Policies

Retrieves all SpoofGuard policies.

Example 9-30. Query SpoofGuard policies

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/services/spoofguard/policies/

Request Body:
<description>Test description</description>
<publishedOn>2011-10-28 16:12:20.0</publishedOn>
<description>Test description changed</description>

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<name>network 1</name>
<name>network 2</name>
<publishedOn>2011-10-28 16:12:20.0</publishedOn>

Delete SpoofGuard Policy

Deletes a SpoofGuard policy.

Example 9-31. Delete SpoofGuard policy

DELETE https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/4.0/services/spoofguard/policies/<policy-id>

Getting Flow Statistic Details

You can retrieve a detailed view of the traffic on your virtual network that passed through Distributed

Get Flow Statistics

You can retrieve flow statistics for a datacenter, port group, virtual machine, or vNIC.

Example 9-32. Retrieve flow statistics

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.1/app/flow/flowstats?contextId=datacenter-21&flowType=TCP_UDP

Request Body:

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Chapter 9 Distributed Firewall Management


Query parameters are described in the table below.

Table 9-1. Query parameters for retrieving flow statistics call

Parameter Description
flowStats Type of the flow to be retrieved. Possible values are TCP_UDP, LAYER2, and LAYER3
contextId vc-moref-id of the datacenter, port group, virtual machine, or UUID of the vNIC for
which traffic flow is to be retrieved.
startTime Flows with start time greater than the specified time are to be retrieved.
endTime Flows with start time lower than the specified time are to be retrieved.
startIndex Optional parameter that specifies the starting point for retrieving the flows. If this parameter is
not specified, flows are retrieved from the beginning.

pageSize Optional parameter that limits the maximum number of entries returned by the API. The default
value for this parameter is 256 and the valid range is 1-1024.

Table 9-2. Response values for retrieving flow statistics call

Value Description

startTime Start time for current flow.

endTime End time for current flow.
ruleId rule Id for current flow.
blocked Indicates whether traffic is blocked – 0:Flow allowed, 1:Flow blocked, 2:Flow
blocked by Spoofguard.

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Table 9-2. Response values for retrieving flow statistics call

Value Description

protocol protocol in flow – 0:TCP, 1:UDP, 2:ICMP.

direction Direction of flow – 0:To virtual machine, 1:From virtual machine.
sessions Number of sessions in current flow.
sourcePackets Count of Packets from Source to Destination in current flow.
destinationPackets Count of Packets from Destination to Source in current flow.
sourceBytes Count of Bytes transferred from Source to Destination in current flow.
destinationBytes Count of Bytes transferred from Destination to Source in current flow.
sourceIp Source IP of current flow.
destinationIp Destination IP of current flow.
sourceMac Source Mac of current flow.
destinationMac Destination Mac of current flow.
subtype Identifies the sub type of current flow.
destinationPort Port number of Destination for TCP/UDP traffic.
controlProtocol Control protocol for dynamic TCP traffic.
controlSourceIp Control source IP for dynamic TCP traffic.
controlDestinationIp Control destination IP for dynamic TCP traffic.
controlDestinationPort Control destination port for dynamic TCP traffic.
controlDirection Control direction for dynamic TCP traffic – 0: Source->Destination,

Get Flow Meta-Data

You can retrieve the following information for each flow type:

 minimum stats time

 maximum end time

 total flow count

Example 9-33. Get flow meta-data for flow type

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.1/app/flow/flowstats?contextId=datacenter-2538\&flowType=TCP_UDP\

Response Body:

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Chapter 9 Distributed Firewall Management


Query Flow Summary

Retrieves flow summary for given context.

Example 9-34. Get flow summary



 contextId: vc-moref-id of the datacenter, port group, virtual machine, or uuid in case vNIC for which the
traffic flow is to be retrieved.

 startTime: Flows with start time greater than this will be fetched.

 endTime: Flows with end time lesser than this will be fetched.

Query Flow Table

Retrieves top rows for given context and table type.

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Example 9-35. Get flow table



 contextId: vc-moref-id of the datacenter, port group, virtual machine, or uuid in case vNIC for which the
traffic flow is to be retrieved.

 startTime: Flows with start time greater than this will be fetched.

 endTime: Flows with end time lesser than this will be fetched.

 tableType: This parameter indicates the type of the flow to be fetched. Possible values are: Source,
Application, Destination.

 maxRows: (optional) Maximum number of rows to be returned (default value : 5).

Query Flow Details

Retrieves flow details for given context.

Example 9-36. Get flow details



 contextId: vc-moref-id of the datacenter, port group, virtual machine, or uuid in case vNIC for which the
traffic flow is to be retrieved.

 flowType: This parameter indicates the type of the flow to be fetched. Possible values for flowType
parameter are: Allowed or Blocked.

 startTime: Flows with start time greater than this will be fetched.

 endTime: Flows with end time lesser than this will be fetched.

Query Paged Flow Details

Retrieves a page of flow details for given context.

Example 9-37. Get flow details

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.1/app/internal/flow/pagedflowdetails?contextId=datacenter-2538&&&


 contextId: vc-moref-id of the datacenter, port group, virtual machine, or uuid in case vNIC for which the
traffic flow is to be retrieved.

 flowType: This parameter indicates the type of the flow to be fetched. Possible values for flowType
parameter are: Allowed or Blocked.

276 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 9 Distributed Firewall Management

 startTime: Flows with start time greater than this will be fetched.

 endTime: Flows with end time lesser than this will be fetched.

 startIndex: (optional) This is the start index of the flows to be returned (default value : 0).

 pageSize: (optional) This is the maximum number of flows to be returned in a single get call (default value
is 256).

Query Flow Details Application

Retrieves flow details for given context by application. If available, the source and destination names are

Example 9-38. Get flow details by application



 contextId: vc-moref-id of the datacenter, port group, virtual machine, or uuid in case vNIC for which the
traffic flow is to be retrieved.

 flowType: This parameter indicates the type of the flow to be fetched. Possible values for flowType
parameter are: Allowed or Blocked.

 startTime: Flows with start time greater than this will be fetched.

 endTime: Flows with end time lesser than this will be fetched.

 serviceId: The service identifier of the application to be queried.

Query Paged Flow Details Application

Retrieves a page of flow details for given context by application. If available, the source and destination names
are returned.

Example 9-39. Get paged flow details by application



 contextId: vc-moref-id of the datacenter, port group, virtual machine, or uuid in case vNIC for which the
traffic flow is to be retrieved.

 flowType: This parameter indicates the type of the flow to be fetched. Possible values for flowType
parameter are: Allowed or Blocked.

 startTime: Flows with start time greater than this will be fetched.

 endTime: Flows with end time lesser than this will be fetched.

 serviceId: The service identifier of the application to be queried.

 startIndex: (optional) This is the start index of the flows to be returned (default value : 0).

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 pageSize: (optional) This is the maximum number of flows to be returned in a single get call (default value
is 256).

Flow Exclusion
Firewalling is done by a kernel module present on each host. This kernel module on each host generates flow
records for network activity happening on protected on VMs. These flow records generated on each host are
sent to NSX Manager, which consumes the records from all hosts and displays aggregated meaningful
information. Due to the vast amount of flow records which can be generated on a host, capability has been
provided to exclude generation of flow records by the kernel module as per criteria chosen by administrator.
Following knobs are provided to control flow exclusion. All exclusion parameters are applied globally on all

 Disable Flows completely at a global level

 Ignore allowed flows

 Ignore blocked flows

 Ignore layer 2 flows

 Source IPs to ignore. Ex:,,\24

 Source containers to ignore. Container can contain Vm, vNic, IP Set, MAC Set

 Destination IPs to ignore.

 Destination containers to ignore. Container can contain Vm, vNic, IP Set, MAC Set

 Destination ports

 Service containers to ignore. Container can contain Application or Application group

Flow exclusion happens at the source of generation of flow records i.e. host itself. The following flows are
discarded by default:

 Broadcast IP (

 Local multicast group (

 Broadcast MAC address (FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF)

Exclude Flows
Excludes specified flows.

Example 9-40. Exclude flows

POST https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.1/app/flow/config

Request Body:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<sourceContainer><name>vm1 - Network adapter 1</name>
<sourceContainer><name>Large XP-1</name><id>vm-126</id><type>VirtualMachine</type></sourceContainer>
<destinationContainer><name>vm2 - Network adapter 2</name>
<destinationContainer><name>Small XP-2</name><id>vm-226</id><type>VirtualMachine</type></destinationContainer>
<destinationPorts>22, 40-50, 60</destinationPorts>

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Chapter 9 Distributed Firewall Management


Query Excluded Flows

Retrieves excluded flow details.

Example 9-41. Get excluded flows

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.1/app/flow/config

Response Body:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<sourceContainer><name>vm1 - Network adapter 1</name>
<sourceContainer><name>Large XP-1</name><id>vm-126</id><type>VirtualMachine</type></sourceContainer>
<destinationContainer><name>vm2 - Network adapter 2</name>
<destinationContainer><name>Small XP-2</name><id>vm-226</id><type>VirtualMachine</type></destinationContainer>
<destinationPorts>22, 40-50, 60</destinationPorts>

Excluding Virtual Machines from vShield App Protection

You can exclude a set of virtual machines from being protected. This exclusion list is applied across Firewall
rules within the specified NSX Manager. If a virtual machine has multiple vNICs, all of them are excluded
from protection.

Add a Virtual Machine to the Exclusion List

You can add a virtual machine to the exclusion list.

Example 9-42. Add a virtual machine to exclusion list

PUT https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.1/app/excludelist/<memberId>

Where memberId is the vc-moref-id of a virtual machine.

Get Virtual Machine Exclusion List

You can retrieve the set of virtual machines in the exclusion list.

Example 9-43. Get exclusion list

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.1/app/excludelist/

Response Body:

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Delete a Virtual Machine from Exclusion List

You can delete a virtual machines from the exclusion list.

Example 9-44. Delete virtual machine from exclusion list

DELETE https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.1/app/excludelist/<memberID>

Where memberId is the vc-moref-id of a virtual machine.

280 VMware, Inc.


Service Composer Management 10

Service Composer helps you provision and assign network and security services to applications in a virtual infrastruc-
ture. You map these services to a security group, and the services are applied to the virtual machines in the security

Security Group

You begin by creating a security group to define assets that you want to protect. Security groups may be static (including
specific virtual machines) or dynamic where membership may be defined in one or more of the following ways:

 vCenter containers (clusters, port groups, or datacenters)

 Security tags, IPset, MACset, or even other security groups. For example, you may include a criteria to
add all members tagged with the specified security tag (such as AntiVirus.virusFound) to the security

 Directory Groups (if NSX Manager is registered with Active Directory)

 Regular expressions such as virtual machines with name VM1

Note that security group membership changes constantly. For example, a virtual machine tagged with the AntiVi-
rus.virusFound tag is moved into the Quarantine security group. When the virus is cleaned and this tag is removed from
the virtual machine, it again moves out of the Quarantine security group.

Security Policy
A security policy is a collection of the following service configurations.
Table 10-1. Security services contained in a security policy
Service Description Applies to
Firewall rules Rules that define the traffic to be allowed to, from, or within the security vNIC

Endpoint service Data Security or third party solution provider services such as anti-virus or virtual machines
vulnerability management services.

Network Services that monitor your network such as IPS. virtual machines

Mapping Security Policy to Security Group

You map a security policy (say SP1) to a security group (say SG1). The services configured for SP1 are applied
to all virtual machines that are members of SG1.

If a virtual machine belongs to more than one security group, the services that are applied to the virtual
machine depends on the precedence of the security policy mapped to the security groups.

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vShield API Programming Guide

authenticationService Composer profiles can be exported and imported as backups or for use in other
environments. This approach to managing network and security services helps you with actionable and
repeatable security policy management.

This chapter includes the following topics:

 Working with Security Policies

 Working with Security Actions

 Query Security Policies Mapped to a Security Group

 Query Service Provider Data

 Query Security Group Effective Membership

 Query Security Groups to which a VM Belongs

IMPORTANT All NSX vSphere REST requests require authentication. See “Using the NSX REST API” on
page 25 for details about basic authentication.

Working with Security Policies

A security policy is a set of Endpoint, firewall, and network introspection services that can be applied to a
security group.

For information on creating a security group, see “Working with Security Groups” on page 53.

Creating a Security Policy

When creating a security policy, a parent security policy can be specified if required. The security policy
inherits services from the parent security policy. Security group bindings and actions can also be specified while
creating the policy. Note that execution order of actions in a category is implied by their order in the list. The
response of the call has Location header populated with the URI using which the created object can be fetched.

Ensure that:

 the required VMware built in services (such as Distributed Firewall, Data Security, and Endpoint) are installed. See
NSX Installation and Upgrade Guide.

 the required partner services have been registered with NSX Manager.

 the required security groups have been created.

Example 10-1. Create security policy

POST https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/services/policy/securitypolicy

Request Body:

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Chapter 10 Service Composer Management

<action class="firewallSecurityAction">
<action class="endpointSecurityAction">
<action class="trafficSteeringSecurityAction">

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Description of Tags
This section describes the tags specific to Service Composer management.

Common Tags
 executionOrderCategory - Category to which the action belongs to (endpoint, firewall or traffic_steering)

 actionType - Defines the type of action belonging to a given executionOrderCategory

 isEnabled - Indicates whether an action is enabled

 isActionEnforced - Enforces an action of a parent policy on its child policies for a given actionType and
executionOrderCategory. Note that in a policy hierarchy, for a given actionType and
executionOrderCategory, there can be only one action which can be marked as enforced.

 isActive - In a security policy hierarchy, an action within a policy may or may not be active based on the
precedence of the policy or usage of isActionEnforced flag in that hierarchy

 securityPolicy - Parent policy in an action

 secondarySecurityGroup - Applicable for actions which need secondary security groups, say a
source-destination firewall rule

Output only Tags

 executionOrder - Defines the sequence in which actions belonging to an executionOrderCategory are
executed. Note that this is not an input parameter and its value is implied by the index in the list.

Firewall Category Tags

 applications - Applications / application groups on which the rules areto be applied
 logged - Flag to enable logging of the traffic that is hit by this rule

 action - Allow or block the traffic

 direction - Direction of traffic towards primary security group. Possible values: inbound, outbound, intra

 outsideSecondaryContainer - Flag to specify outside i.e. outside securitygroup-3

Endpoint Category Tags

 serviceId - ID of the service(as registered with the service insertion module). If this tag is null, the
functionality type (as defined in actionType tag) is not applied which will also result in blocking the
actions(of given functionality type) that are inherited from the parent seicrity policy. This is true if there
is no action of enfore type.

 vendorTemplateId - ID of specific vendor configuration.

 invalidServiceId - Flag to indicate that the service that was referenced in this rule is deleted, which make
the rule ineffective(or deviate from the original intent that existed while configuring the rule). You must
either modify this rule by adding correct Service or delete this rule.

284 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 10 Service Composer Management

 invalidVendorTemplateId - Flag to indicate that the vendor template that was referenced in this rule is
deleted, which make the rule ineffective(or deviate from the original intent that existed while configuring
the rule). You must either fix this rule by adding correct Service or delete this rule.

 serviceName -Name of the service

 vendorTemplateName - Name of vendor template

TrafficSteering/NetX Category Tags

 redirect - Flag to indicate whether to redirect the traffic or not

 serviceProfile - Service profile for which redirection is being configured

 logged - Flag to enable logging of the traffic that is hit by this rule

Querying Security Policies

You can retrieve a specific security policy by specifying its ID or all security policies.

Example 10-2. Query security policies

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/services/policy/securitypolicy/securitypolicyID | all

Response Body:
<action class="firewallSecurityAction">


VMware, Inc. 285

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<action class="endpointSecurityAction">


<action class="trafficSteeringSecurityAction">




286 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 10 Service Composer Management

<action class="firewallSecurityAction">
<action class="endpointSecurityAction">

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<action class="trafficSteeringSecurityAction">



Edit a Security Policy

To update a security policy, you must first fetch it. For more information, see Querying Security Policies.

You then edit the received XML and pass it back as the input. The specified configuration replaces the current

Security group mappings provided in the PUT call replaces the security group mappings for the security
policy. To remove all mappings, delete the securityGroupBindings parameter.

You can add or update actions for the security policy by editing the actionsByCategory parameter. To remove
all actions (belonging to all categories), delete the actionsByCategory parameter. To remove actions belonging
to a specific category, delete the block for that category.

Example 10-3. Edit a security policy

PUT https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/services/policy/securitypolicy/securitypolicyID

Response Body:

See Example 10-2.

Delete a Security Policy

When you delete a security policy, its child security policies and all the actions in it are deleted as well.

Example 10-4. Delete a security policy

DELETE https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/services/policy/securitypolicy/securitypolicyID?force=<true/false>

If you set the force parameter to true, the security policy is deleted even if it is being used somewhere.

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Chapter 10 Service Composer Management

Export a Security Policy Configuration

You can export a Service Composer configuration (along with the security groups to which the security
policies are mapped) and save it to your desktop. The saved configuration can be used as a backup for
situations where you may accidentally delete a policy configuration, or it can be exported for use in another
NSX Manager environment.

Example 10-5. Export a security policy

Request for selective export:


Request for exporting all policies:

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/services/policy/hierarchy?prefix=optional_some_prefix_before_names

Response Body:

If a prefix is specified, it is added before the names of the security policy, security action, and security group
objects in the exported XML. The prefix can thus be used to indicate the remote source from where the
hierarchy was exported.

Import a Security Policy Configuration

You can create multiple security policies and parent-child hierarchies using the data fetched through export.
All objects including security policies, security groups and security actions are created on a global scope.

Example 10-6. Import a security policy

Request for selective export:

POST https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/services/policy/securitypolicy/hierarchy?suffix=optional_suffix_to_be_added_after_names

Request Body:

See Example 10-5.

If a suffix is specified, it is added after the names of the security policy, security action, and security group
objects in the exported XML. The suffix can thus be used to differentiate locally created objects from imported

Location of the newly created security policy objects (multiple locations are separated by commas) is
populated in the Location header of the response.

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Query Security Actions for a Security Policy

You can retrieve all security actions applicable on a security policy. This list includes security actions from
associated parent security policies, if any. Security actions per Execution Order Category are sorted based on
the weight of security actions in descending order.

Example 10-7. Query security actions for a security policy

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/services/policy/securitypolicy/securitypolicyId/securityactions

Response Body:

Working with Security Actions

Query Virtual Machines for a Security Action

You can fetch all VirtualMachine objects on which security action of a given category and attribute has been

Example 10-8. Query virtual machines for security action


Response Body:

Query Security Actions Applicable on a Security Group

You can fetch all security actions applicable on a security group for all ExecutionOrderCategories. The list is
sorted based on the weight of security actions in descending order. The isActive tag indicates if a securityaction
will be applied (by the enforcement engine) on the security group.

290 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 10 Service Composer Management

Example 10-9. Query security actions for security group

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/services/policy/securitygroup/securitygroupID/securityactions

Response Body:
<action class="firewallSecurityAction">

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<action class="endpointSecurityAction">


292 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 10 Service Composer Management

<action class="trafficSteeringSecurityAction">


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Chapter 10 Service Composer Management


Query Security Action Applicable on A Virtual Machine

You can fetch the security actions applicable on a virtual machine for all ExecutionOrderCategories. The list
of SecurityActions per ExecutionOrderCategory is sorted based on the weight of security actions in
descending order. The isActive tag indicates whether a security action will be applied (by the enforcement
engine) on the virtual machine.

Example 10-10. Query security actions on a virtual machine

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/services/policy/virtualmachine/VM_ID//securityactions

Response Body:

Query Security Policies Mapped to a Security Group

You can retrieve the security policies mapped to a security group. The list is sorted based on the precedence
of security policy precedence in descending order. The security policy with the highest precedence (highest
numeric value) is the first entry (index = 0) in the list.

Example 10-11. Query security policies mapped to a security group

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/services/policy/securitygroup/securitygroupID/securitypolicies

Response Body:

Query Service Provider Data

You can query the service provider of a given category to fetch an object containing provider specific data
based on the requested property/value pairs.

Example 10-12. Query service provider data

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/services/policy/serviceprovider/category

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Request Body:

Query Security Group Effective Membership

Retrieves effective membership of a security group in terms of virtual machines. The effective membership is
calculated using all the three membership components of a security group - static include, static exclude, and
dynamic using the following formula:

Effective membership virtual machines = [ (VMs resulting from static include component + VMs resulting from
dynamic component) - (VMs resulting from static exclude component) ]

Example 10-13. Query virtual machines in a security group

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/services/securitygroup/{securityGroupId}/translation/virtualmachines

Query Security Groups to which a VM Belongs

Retrieves the collection of security groups to which a virtual machine is a direct or indirect member. Indirect
membership involves nesting of security groups.

Example 10-14. Query security groups to which a virtual machine belongs

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/services/securitygroup/lookup/virtualmachine/<virtualMachineId>

296 VMware, Inc.


Data Security Configuration 11

Data Security provides visibility into sensitive data stored within your organization’s virtualized and cloud
environments. Based on the violations reported by Data Security, you can ensure that sensitive data is
adequately protected and assess compliance with regulations around the world.

This chapter includes the following topics:

 “Data Security User Roles” on page 297

 “Defining a Data Security Policy” on page 298

 “Saving and Publishing Policies” on page 303

 “Data Security Scanning” on page 304

 “Querying Scan Results” on page 305

 “Querying Violation Details” on page 309

To begin using Data Security, you create a policy that defines the regulations that apply to data security in your
organization and specifies the areas of your environment and files to be scanned. When you start a Data
Security scan, analyzes the data on the virtual machines in your vSphere inventory and reports the number of
violations detected and the files that violated your policy.

After you analyze the results of the scan, you can edit your policy as required. When you edit a policy, you
must enable it by publishing the changes.

Note that you cannot install Data Security using a REST API. For information on installing Data Security, see
the NSX Installation and Upgrade Guide.
To deploy Data Security, you must install the latest version of VMware Tools on each virtual machine that you
want to scan. This installs a Thin Agent, which allows the SVM to scan the virtual machines.

Data Security User Roles

A user’s role determines the actions that the user can perform. A user can only have one role. You cannot add
a role to a user, or remove an assigned role from a user, but you can change the assigned role for a user.
Table 11-1. Data Security User Roles
Role Actions Allowed

Enterprise administrator All operations and security.

vShield administrator NSX operations only: for example, install virtual appliances, and configure port groups.

Security administrator Create and publish policies, view violation reports. Cannot start or stop data security scans.

Auditor View configured policies and violation reports. Read-only.

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Defining a Data Security Policy

In order to detect sensitive data in your environment, you must create a data security policy. You must be a
Security Administrator to create policies.

To define a policy, you must specify the following:

 Regulations

A regulation is a data privacy law for protecting PCI (Payment Card Industry), PHI (Protected Health
Information) and PII (Personally Identifiable Information) information. You can select the regulations that
your company needs to comply to. When you run a scan, Data Security identifies data that violates the
regulations in your policy, and is hence sensitive for your organization.

 Participating areas

By default, your entire vCenter inventory is scanned. To scan a subset of your inventory, you can specify
the security groups that you want to include or exclude.

 File filters

You can create filters to limit the data being scanned and exclude the file types unlikely to contain
sensitive data from the scan.

In the data security APIs, dlp in the pathname stands for data loss prevention (DLP).

Query Regulations
You can retrieve the list of available regulations for a policy. The output includes regulation IDs and the
embedded classifications for each regulation.

Example 11-1. Get all SDD policy regulations

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/dlp/regulation


<id>66</id> Regulation ID
<name>California AB-1298</name>
<description>Identifies documents and transmissions that contain protected health information (ePHI) and personally
identifiable information (PII) as regulated by California AB-1298 (Civil Code 56, 1785 and 1798)...
Classification ID
<name>Credit Card Track Data</name>
<providerName>Credit Card Track Data</providerName>
<description>Credit Card Track Data</description>

Enable a Regulation
You can enable one or more regulations by putting the regulation IDs into the policy. You can get the
appropriate regulation IDs from the output of the retrieve regulations API (see Example 11-1). In the example
request body, regulation 66 is California AB-1298, and regulations 67 and 68 originate elsewhere.

Example 11-2. Enable a regulation


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Chapter 11 Data Security Configuration

PUT https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/dlp/policy/regulations

Request Body:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Query Classification Value

You can retrieve the classification values associated with regulations that monitor Group Insurance Numbers,
Health Plan Beneficiary Numbers, Medical Record Numbers, or Patient Identification Numbers. The output
includes the classification ID.

Example 11-3. Get all classification values associated with customizable classifications

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/dlp/classificationvalue

Configure a Customized Regex as a Classification Value

You can configure a ClassificationValue with a customized regex that must be matched during violation
inspection. You must include the appropriate classification ID, which you can get from the output of the
retrieve classification value API.

Example 11-4. Configure a customized regex as a classification value

PUT https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/dlp/policy/classificationvalues

Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46ZGVmYXVsdA==

Classification ID
<name>Health Plan Beneficiary Numbers</name>
<providerName>Health Plan Beneficiary Numbers</providerName>
<description>Health Plan Beneficiary Numbers</description>

View the List of Excludable Areas

You can retrieve the list of datacenters, clusters, and resource pools in your inventory to help you determine
the areas you might want to exclude from policy inspection.

Example 11-5. View the list of excludable areas


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GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/dlp/excludableareas


Exclude Areas from Policy Inspection

This API is deprecated as of 5.0.1. Instead, use the API for excluding security groups from a scan. For more
information, see Example 11-8, “Exclude a security group from the scan,” on page 301.

You can exclude one or more datacenters, resource pools or clusters from policy inspection by including the
object ID of each area to exclude. You can get the object ID from the output of the View the list of excludable
areas API (see Example 11-5).

Example 11-6. Exclude areas from policy inspection

PUT https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/dlp/policy/excludedareas

Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46ZGVmYXVsdA==


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Chapter 11 Data Security Configuration

Specify Security Groups to be Scanned

To scan a subset of your inventory, you can specify the security groups that you want to include or exclude in
the data security scan.

Example 11-7. Include a security group in the scan

PUT https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/dlp/policy/includedsecuritygroups/

Request Body:

Example 11-8. Exclude a security group from the scan

PUT https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/dlp/policy/excludedsecuritygroups/

Request Body:

Query Security Groups Being Scanned

You can retrieve the security groups that have been included or excluded from data security scans.

Example 11-9. Get included security groups

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/dlp/policy/includedsecuritygroups


Example 11-10. Get excluded security groups

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/dlp/policy/excludedsecuritygroups/

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Configure File Filters

You can restrict the files you want to scan based on size, last modified date, or file extensions.

The following file filters are available:

 sizeLessThanBytes – scan only files with a byte size less than the specified number.

 lastModifiedBefore – scan only files modified before the specified date. The date must be specified in

 lastModifiedAfter – scan only files modified after the specified date. The date must be specified in GMT
format (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS).

 extensionsIncluded – Boolean value as in Table 11-1.

Table 11-2. Included extensions parameter
Value of the extensionsIncluded parameter Result
true followed by the extensions parameter Only files with the specified extensions are scanned
containing one or more extensions

false followed by the extensions parameter All files are scanned except those with the specified extensions.
containing one or more extensions

The scanAllFiles parameter determines if all files should be inspected during a scan operation. This parameter
overrides all other parameters, so set this parameter to false if you are configuring a filter.

Example 11-11. Scan only PDF and XLXS files modified after 10/19/2011

PUT https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/dlp/policy/FileFilters
<lastModifiedAfter>2011-10-19 15:16:04.0 EST</lastModifiedAfter>

Example 11-12. Scan all files except PDF and XLXS files

PUT https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/dlp/policy/FileFilters

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Chapter 11 Data Security Configuration


Example 11-13. Scan PDF and XLXS files that are less than 100 MB in size

PUT https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/dlp/policy/FileFilters

Saving and Publishing Policies

After you have defined a data security policy, you can edit it by changing the regulations selected, areas
excluded from the scan, or the file filters. To apply the edited policy, you must publish it.

Query Saved Policy

As a best practice, you should retrieve and review the last saved policy before publishing it. Each policy
contains a revision value that can be used to track version history.

Example 11-14. Get saved SDD policy

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/dlp/policy/saved
Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46ZGVmYXVsdA==

Response: the following response contains a policy with a single regulation, Indiana HB-1101.
<name>Indiana HB-1101</name>
<description>Indiana HB-1101</description>
<name>US National Provider Identifier</name>
<providerName>US National Provider Identifier</providerName>
<description>US National Provider Identifier</description>
<string>North America</string>

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<name>Patient Identification Numbers</name>
<providerName>Patient Identification Numbers</providerName>
<description>Patient Identification Numbers</description>
<lastUpdatedOn class="sql-timestamp">2012-01-04 21:25:08.0</lastUpdatedOn>

Query Published Policy

You can retrieve the currently published SDD policy that is active on all vShield Endpoint SVMs.

Example 11-15. Get published SDD policy

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/dlp/policy/published
Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46ZGVmYXVsdA==

Publish the Updated Policy

After updating a policy with added regulations, excluded areas, or customized regex values publish the policy
to enforce the new parameters.

Example 11-16. Publish the updated policy

PUT https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/dlp/policy/publish

Data Security Scanning

Running a data security scan identifies data in your virtual environment that violates your policy.

All virtual machines in your datacenter are scanned once during a scan. If the policy is edited and published
while a scan is running, the scan restarts. This rescan ensures that all virtual machines comply with the edited
policy. A rescan is triggered by publishing an edited policy, not by data updates on your virtual machines.
After you start a scan, it continues to run until you pause or stop it.

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Chapter 11 Data Security Configuration

If new virtual machines are added to your inventory while a scan is in progress, those machines will also be
scanned. If a virtual machine is moved to an excluded cluster or resource pool while the data security scan is
in progress, the files on that virtual machine are not scanned. In case a virtual machine is moved via vMotion
to another host, the scan continues on the second host (files that were scanned while the virtual machine was
on the previous host are not scanned again).

Data Security scans one virtual machine on a host at a time to minimize impact on performance. VMware
recommends that you pause the scan during normal business hours to avoid any performance overhead.

Start, Pause, Resume, or Stop a Scan Operation

You can start or stop a scan operation. The scan operation options are as follows:

 START: Start a new scan.

 PAUSE: Pause a started scan.
 RESUME: Resume a paused scan.
 STOP: Stop any scan.

Example 11-17. Start, pause, resume, or stop a scan operation

PUT https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/dlp/scanop


Query Status for a Scan Operation

You can retrieve the status of the scan operation to determine if a scan is STARTED (that is, in progress),
PAUSED, or STOPPED. The nextScanOps parameter indicates the scan operations possible from your current
state. In the following example, the current scan state is Stopped and the only action you can perform is Start
the scan.

Example 11-18. Get scan status

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/dlp/scanstatus


Querying Scan Results

You can retrieve detailed results of the current data security scan as well as summary results for the previous
five scans.

Get List of Virtual Machines Being Scanned

You can retrieve information about the virtual machines being scanned by a scan.

Example 11-19. Get list of virtual machines being scanned


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GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/dlp/scan/current/vms/<id>

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


 id is an optional parameter which limits the filter results by the VC MOID of a datacenter, cluster, or
resource pool.

 scanstatus specifies the scan status of the virtual machines to be retrieved. Possible value s are all, notstarted,
started, and completed. This limits the results to virtual machines that have the specified scan state.

 pagesize limits the maximum number of entries returned by the API. The default value for this parameter
is256 and the valid range is 1-1024.

 startindex specifies the starting point for retrieving the logs. If this parameter is not specified, logs are
retrieved from the beginning.

Get Number of Virtual Machines Being Scanned

You can retrieve the number of virtual machines being scanned.

Example 11-20. Get number of virtual machines being scanned

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/dlp/scan/current/vms/count/<id>?scanstatus=COMPLETED


 scanstatus is an optional parameter that specifies the scan status of the virtual machines to be retrieved.
Possible value s are all, notstarted, started, and completed. This limits the results to virtual machines that have
the specified scan state.

 id is an optional parameter which limits the filter results by the VC MOID of a datacenter, cluster, or
resource pool.

Get Summary Information about the Last Five Scans

You can retrieve the start and end time, total number of virtual machines scanned, and total number of
violations for the last five completed data security scans.

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Chapter 11 Data Security Configuration

Example 11-21. Get summary information about last five scans

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/dlp/completedscansummaries

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<startTime class="sql-timestamp">2011-11-09 17:02:48.0</startTime>
<endTime class="sql-timestamp">2011-11-09 17:02:55.0</endTime>

Scan ID
Get Information for Virtual Machines Scanned During Previous Scan
You can retrieve the following information about the virtual machines scanned during the previous data
security scan:

 ID

 Name

 Scan status

 Violation count

Example 11-22. Get Information for virtual machines scanned during last scan

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/dlp/scan/<scan_ID>/detailsascsv

Retrieve Information About Previous Scan Results

You can retrieve a detailed report about the results of the previous scan in a CSV format.

Example 11-23. Retrieves Information for virtual machines scanned during last scan

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/dlp/scan/<scan_ID>/violatingfilesascsv

Get XML Representation of Policy Used for Previous Scan

You can retrieve the XML representation of the policy used in the previous scan.

Example 11-24. Get XML representation of policy used in previous scan

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/dlp/scan/<scan_ID>/policyasxml


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<name>Published Policy</name>
<type reference="../../../excludedSecurityGroups/basicinfo/type"/>
<name>Custom Accounts</name>
<providerName>Custom Accounts</providerName>
<description>Custom Accounts</description>
<lastUpdatedOn class="sql-timestamp">2011-11-09 16:59:01.0</lastUpdatedOn>

308 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 11 Data Security Configuration


Querying Violation Details

Once you start a data security scan, NSX reports the regulations that are being violated by the files in your
inventory, and the violating files. If you fix a violating file (by deleting the sensitive information from the file,
deleting or encrypting the file, or editing the policy), the file will continue to be displayed in the Violating files
section until the current scan completes, and a new scan starts and completes.

You must be a Security Administrator or Auditor to view reports.

Get List of Violation Counts

You can view a report that displays the violated regulations with the number of violations for each regulation.
The violating files report requires filtering by node ID.

Example 11-25. Get violation count for entire inventory

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/dlp/violations/

Example 11-26. Get violation count for specific resource

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/dlp/violations/<context_ID>

Response Body
<name>California AB-1298</name>
<description>Identifies documents and transmissions that contain protected health information (ePHI) and personally
identifiable information (PII) as regulated by California AB-1298 (Civil Code 56, 1785 and
1798). California residents medical and health insurance information, when combined with
personally identifiable information must be protected from unauthorized access, destruction, use,
modification, or disclosure. Any business that operates in California and owns or licenses
computerized ePHI and PII data for California residents, regardless of the physical location of
the business, is required to comply with this law. This policy detects US Social Security
Numbers, credit card numbers, California drivers license numbers, US National Provider
Numbers, group insurance numbers, health plan beneficiary numbers, medical record numbers,
patient identifiers, birth and death certificates and Healthcare Dictionaries.
<name>Health Plan Beneficiary Numbers</name>
<providerName>Health Plan Beneficiary Numbers</providerName>
<description>Health Plan Beneficiary Numbers</description> <customizable>true</customizable>

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Where context_ID is the MOID of a datacenter, cluster, folder, resource pool, or virtual machine.

Get List of Violating Files

You can view a report that displays the violating files and the regulations each file violated. This API requires
filtering by context node ID, and returns a formatted XML report showing violating files.

Example 11-27. Get violating files for entire inventory

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/dlp/violatingfiles?pagesize=<i>&startindex=<j>


 pagesize is the number of results to view.

 startindex is the page number from which the results should be displayed.

Example 11-28. Get violating files for a resource

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/dlp/violatingfiles/<context_ID>?pagesize=<i>&startindex=<j>

Response Body:
<fileExtension />
<fileLastModifiedTime class="sql-timestamp">2011-02-01 15:02:00.0</fileLastModifiedTime>
</cluster> \

310 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 11 Data Security Configuration

<name>California SB-1386</name>
<description>Identifies documents and transmissions that contain personally identifiable information
(PII) as regulated by California SB-1386 (Civil Code 1798). Businesses that
own or license computerized PII about California residents are required to
maintain security procedures and practices to protect it from unauthorized
access, destruction, use, modification, or disclosure. Any business that operates
in California and owns or licenses computerized PII data for California
residents, regardless of the physical location of the business, is required to
comply with this law. This policy detects US Social Security numbers, credit
card numbers and California drivers license numbers. This regulation has been
amended to protect health and medical information that can be found in
California AB-1298. </description>
<revision>0</revision> </regulation>
<firstViolationReportedTime class="sql-timestamp">2012-01-26
<lastViolationReportedTime class="sql-timestamp">2012-01-26


 context_ID is the MOID of a datacenter, cluster, folder, resource pool, or virtual machine..

 pagesize is the number of results to view.

 startindex is the page number from which the results should be displayed.

Get List of Violating Files in CSV Format

You can view a report that displays the violating files and the regulations each file violated in a CSV format.

Example 11-29. Get list of violating files in CSV format

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/dlp/violatingfilesascsv

Get Violations in Entire Inventory

You can view a report of the violated regulations and the violating files for the entire inventory in CSV (comma
separated variable) format.

Example 11-30. Get list of violated regulations

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/dlp/violatingfilescsv/<context_ID>

Where context_ID is the MOID of a datacenter, cluster, folder, resource pool, or virtual machine.

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312 VMware, Inc.


Activity Monitoring 12
Activity Monitoring provides visibility into your virtual network to ensure that security policies at your
organization are being enforced correctly.

A Security policy may mandate who is allowed access to what applications. The Cloud administrator can
generate Activity Monitoring reports to see if the IP based firewall rule that they set is doing the intended
work. By providing user and application level detail, Activity Monitoring translates high level security policies
to low level IP address and network based implementation.

Once you enable data collection for Activity Monitoring, you can run reports to view inbound traffic (such as
virtual machines being accessed by users) as well as outbound traffic (resource utilization, interaction between
inventory containers, and AD groups that accessed a server).

The chapter includes the following topics:

 “Data Collection” on page 313

 “Query Resources” on page 316

 “Query User Details” on page 319

 “Query Discovered User Details” on page 323

 “Working with Domains” on page 324

 “Working with Activity Monitoring Syslog Support” on page 327

IMPORTANT All NSX REST requests require authentication. See “Using the NSX REST API” on page 25 for
details about basic authorization.

Data Collection
You must enable data collection for one or more virtual machines on a vCenter Server before running an
Activity Monitoring report. Before running a report, ensure that the enabled virtual machines are active and
are generating network traffic.

You should also register NSX Manager with the AD Domain Controller. See “Working with Domains” on
page 324.

Note that only active connections are tracked by Activity Monitoring. Virtual machine traffic blocked by
firewall rules at the vNIC level is not reflected in reports.

In case of an emergency such as a network overload, you can turn off data collection at a global level. This
overrides all other data collection settings.

Some API calls may require the VMID, which is the MOID of the guest virtual machine. You can retrieve this
by queying the vCenter mob structure (https:<vc-ip>/mob). The VMID is listed under host structure.

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vShield API Programming Guide

Enable Data Collection on a Single Virtual Machine

You must enable data collection at least five minutes before running an Activity Monitoring report.

Example 12-1. Enable data collection on a virtual machine

POST https://<nsxmgr_ip>/api/1.0/eventcontrol/vm/<vmID>/request

Request Body:

Disable Data Collection on a Single Virtual Machine

Example 12-2. Disable data collection on a virtual machine

POST https://<nsxmgr_ip>/api/1.0/eventcontrol/vm/<vmID>/request

Request Body:

Override Data Collection

In case of an emergency such as a network overload, you can turn off data collection at a global level (jill
switch). This overrides all other data collection settings.

Turn On Kill Switch

Example 12-3. Turn on kill switch

POST https://<nsxmgr_ip>/api/1.0/eventcontrol/eventcontrol-root/request

Request Body:

314 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 12 Activity Monitoring

Turn Off Kill Switch

Example 12-4. Turn off kill switch

POST https://<nsxmgr_ip>/api/1.0/eventcontrol/eventcontrol-root/request

Request Body:

Query Per Virtual Machine Data Collection

When reporting per virtual machine configuration, current kill switch status is also reported too. The effective
configuration of a virtual machine is determined by both kill switch config and per virtual machine
configuration. If kill switch is on, event collection is effectively disabled regardless of what its per virtual
machine configuration is; if kill switch is off, per virtual machine configuration determines whether event
collection should be performed for this virtual machine.

Example 12-5. Retrieve per virtual machine configuration when kill switch is on and when per virtual machine
configuration is enabled for specified virtual machine

GET https://<nsxmgr_ip>/api/1.0/eventcontrol/eventcontrol/config/vm/<vm-id>

Response Body:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Example 12-6. Retrieve per virtual machine configuration when kill switch is off and when per virtual machine
configuration is enabled for specified virtual machine

GET https://<nsxmgr_ip>/api/1.0/eventcontrol/eventcontrol/config/vm/<vm-id>

Response Body:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

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Query Resources
This method allow you to get the aggregated user activity (action records) for the given set of parameters. The
same API is used for all reports.

 vShield Endpoint must be installed in your environment. See NSX Installation and Upgrade Guide.

 NSX Manager must be registered with Active Directory.

 Data collection must be enabled on one or more virtual machines.

Table 12-1. Parameters for GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/3.0/ai/records

Name Description Mandatory? Valid Values Default Value Example

query Name of report Yes resource,adg,containers, query=resource None


interval Relative time to Yes number followed by either interval=60m, 60m

current time of m,h,d, or s interval=1h
stime Start time for query No. Interval is yyyy-mm-ddTh24:mi:ss stime=2012-02-28T21:00 None
used if stime and :00
etime are not

etime End time for query No. Interval is yyyy-mm-ddTh24:mi:ss etime=2012-02-29T21:00 None
used if stime and :00
etime are not

param Parameter to be Depends on format, param:src:SECURITY_ None

applied to query query <param-name>:<param-typ GROUP:1:INCLUDE
pagesize Number of records to No Any number pagesize=1000 1024
be retrieved (recommended is between

startindex Start record number No number for the next page startindex=100 0
(used for pagination) you want to retrieve

View Outbound Activity

You can view what applications are being run by a security group or desktop pool and then drill down into
the report to find out which client applications are making outbound connections by a particular group of
users. You can also discover all user groups and users who are accessing a particular application, which can
help you determine if you need to adjust identity firewall in your environment.

Parameter Values
 query = resource

 param = <param-name>:<param-type>:<comma-separated-values>:<operator>

316 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 12 Activity Monitoring

 possible values for "resource" query type,

 <param-name>

 src

 dest

 app
 required parameters = src, dest

 <param-type>


 for dest - VIRTUAL_MACHINE

 for app - SRC_APP

 Parameter Values - comma-separated numbers (optional). If none specified then no filter is applied.

 <operator> - INCLUDE, EXCLUDE (default is INCLUDE)

Example 12-7. View user activities to VM id 1 originating from application id 1


View Inbound Activity

You can view all inbound activity to a server by desktop pool, security group, or AD group.

Parameter Values
 query = sam

 param = <param-name>:<param-type>:<comma-separated-values>:<operator>

 <param-name>
 src
 dest

 app

 required parameters = src, dest

 <param-type>


 for dest - VIRTUAL_MACHINE

 for app - DEST_APP

 Parameter Values - comma-separated numbers (optional). If none specified then no filter is applied.

 <operator> - INCLUDE, EXCLUDE, NOT (default is INCLUDE)

Example 12-8. View user activities to VM id 1 originating from application id 1


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GET https://<nsxmgr_ip>/api/3.0/ai/records?query=containers&interval=60m&

View Interaction between Inventory Containers

You can view the traffic passing between defined containers such as AD groups, security groups and/or
desktop pools. This can help you identify and configure access to shared services and to resolve misconfigured
relationships between Inventory container definitions, desktop pools and AD groups.

Parameter Values
 query = containers

 param = <param-name>:<param-type>:<comma-separated-values>:<operator>

 <param-name>

 src

 dest
 required parameters = src, dest

 <param-type>



 Parameter Values - comma-separated numbers (optional). If none specified then no filter is applied.

 <operator> - INCLUDE, EXCLUDE, NOT (default is INCLUDE)

Example 12-9. View interaction between inventory containers

GET https://<nsxmgr_ip>/api/3.0/ai/records?query=containers&interval=60m&

View Outbound AD Group Activity

You can view the traffic between members of defined Active Directory groups and can use this data to fine
tune your firewall rules.

Parameter Values
 query = adg

 param = <param-name>:<param-type>:<comma-separated-values>:<operator>

 <param-name>

 src

 adg

 required parameters = src

 <param-type>


 adg- USER

 Parameter Values - comma-separated numbers (optional). If none specified then no filter is applied.

318 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 12 Activity Monitoring

 <operator> - INCLUDE, EXCLUDE (default is INCLUDE)

Example 12-10. View interaction between inventory containers

GET https://<nsxmgr_ip>/api/3.0/ai/records?query=adg&interval=24h&

Query User Details

This method allows you to retrieve user detail records for the given set of parameters.

Table 12-2. Parameters for GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/3.0/ai/userdetails

r Name Description Mandatory? Valid Values Default Value Example

query Name of report Yes resource,adg,contain query=resource None

interval Relative time to Yes number followed by interval=60m, interval=1h 60m
current time either of m,h,d, or s

stime Start time for query No. Interval is used if yyyy-mm-ddTh24:mi stime=2012-02-28T21:00:00 None
stime and etime are :ss
not specified.

etime End time for query No. Interval is used if yyyy-mm-ddTh24:mi etime=2012-02-29T21:00:00 None
stime and etime are :ss
not specified.

param Parameter to be Depends on query format, param:src:SECURITY_GRO None

applied to query <param-name>:<para UP:1:INCLUDE
pagesize Number of records to No Any number pagesize=1000 1024
be retrieved (recommended is
between 100-2000)
startindex Start record number No number for the next startindex=100 0
(used for pagination) page you want to

View Outbound Activity

You can view what applications are being run by a security group or desktop pool and then drill down into
the report to find out which client applications are making outbound connections by a particular group of
users. You can also discover all user groups and users who are accessing a particular application, which can
help you determine if you need to adjust identity firewall in your environment.

Parameter Values
 query = resource

 param = <param-name>:<param-type>:<comma-separated-values>:<operator>

 possible values for "resource" query type,

 <param-name>

 src

 dest

VMware, Inc. 319

vShield API Programming Guide

 required parameters = src, dest

 <param-type>


 for dest - IP (this has to be a valid IP address in the dot notation, xx.xx.xx.xx)

 for app - SRC_APP

 <operator> - INCLUDE, EXCLUDE (default is INCLUDE)

Example 12-11. View user activities to VM id1 originating from application id1


View Inbound Activity

You can view all inbound activity to a server by desktop pool, security group, or AD group.

Parameter Values
 query = sam

 param = <param-name>:<param-type>:<comma-separated-values>:<operator>

 <param-name>

 src

 dest

 app

 required parameters = src, dest, app

 <param-type>


 for dest - VIRTUAL_MACHINE
 for app - DEST_APP

 Parameter Values - comma-separated numbers (optional). If none specified then no filter is applied.

 <operator> - INCLUDE, EXCLUDE, NOT(default is INCLUDE)

Example 12-12. View user activities to VM id 1 originating from application id 1


View Interaction between Inventory Containers

You can view the traffic passing between defined conatiners such as AD groups, security groups and/or
desktop pools. This can help you identify and configure access to shared services and to resolve misconfigured
relationships between Inventory container definitions, desktop pools and AD groups.

320 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 12 Activity Monitoring

Parameter Values
 query = containers

 param = <param-name>:<param-type>:<comma-separated-values>:<operator>

 <param-name>

 src
 dest

 required parameters = src, dest

 <param-type>



 Parameter Values - comma-separated numbers (optional). If none specified then no filter is applied.

 <operator> - INCLUDE, EXCLUDE, NOT (default is INCLUDE)

Example 12-13. View interaction between inventory containers


View Outbound AD Group Activity

You can view the traffic between members of defined Active Directory groups and can use this data to fine
tune your firewall rules.

Parameter Values
 query = adg

 param = <param-name>:<param-type>:<comma-separated-values>:<operator>

 <param-name>
 src

 adg

 required parameters = src

 <param-type>


 adg- USER

 Parameter Values - comma-separated numbers (optional). If none specified then no filter is applied.

 <operator> - INCLUDE, EXCLUDE (default is INCLUDE)

Example 12-14. View interaction between inventory containers


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View Virtual Machine Activity Report

You can view traffic to or from a virtual machine or a set of virtual machines in your environment.

Parameter Values
 query = vma

 param = <param-name>:<param-type>:<comma-separated-values>:<operator>

 <param-name>

 src (for outbound traffic)

 dest(for inbound traffic)

 required parameters = none (if no parameter passed then this would show all SAM activities)

 <param-type>



 adg- USER

 Parameter Values - comma-separated numbers (optional). If none specified then no filter is applied.

 <operator> - INCLUDE, EXCLUDE (default is INCLUDE)

Example 12-15. View inbound vm activities to a VM id1 for a specific service used (app=16)


Response Body:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

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Chapter 12 Activity Monitoring


Query Discovered User Details

This method retrieves the list of all discovered users (both by agent introspection and LDAP Sync) and their

Example 12-16. Retrieve user details

Retrieve user details for a specific user:

GET https://<nsxmgr_ip>/api/3.0/ai/user/<userID>

Retrieve app details:

GET https://<nsxmgr_ip>/api/3.0/ai/app

Retrieve application details for a specific application:

GET https://<nsxmgr_ip>/api/3.0/ai/app/<appID>

Retrieve list of all discovered hosts (both by agent introspection and LDAP Sync) and their detail:
GET https://<nsxmgr_ip>/api/3.0/ai/host

Retrieve host details:

GET https://<nsxmgr_ip>/api/3.0/ai/host/<hostID>

Retrieve list of all discovered desktop pools by agent introspection:

GET https://<nsxmgr_ip>/api/3.0/ai/desktoppool

Retrieve details specific desktop pool:

GET https://<nsxmgr_ip>/api/3.0/ai/desktoppool/<desktoppoolID>

Retrieve list of all discovered virtual machines:

GET https://<nsxmgr_ip>/api/3.0/ai/vm

Retrieve details about a specific virtual machine:

GET https://<nsxmgr_ip>/api/3.0/ai/vm/<vmID>

Retrieve list of all the discovered (and configured) LDAP directory groups:
GET https://<nsxmgr_ip>/api/3.0/ai/directorygroup

Retrieve details about a specific directory groups:

GET https://<nsxmgr_ip>/api/3.0/ai/directorygroup/<directorygroupID>

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Retrieve list of AD groups a user belongs to:

GET https://<nsxmgr_ip>/api/3.0/ai/directorygroup/user/<userID>

Retrieve list of all the observed security groups. Observed entities are the ones that are reported by the agents.
For ex, if a host activity is reported by an agent and if that host belongs to a security group then that security
group would reported as observed in SAM database:
GET https://<nsxmgr_ip>/api/3.0/ai/securitygroup

Retrieve details about specific security group:

GET https://<nsxmgr_ip>/api/3.0/ai/securitygroup/<securitygroupID>

Working with Domains

After you create a domain, you can apply a security policy to it and run queries to view the applications and
virtual machines being accessed by the users of a domain.

Register a Domain with NSX Manager

You can a register one or more Windows domains with an NSX Manager and associated vCenter server.

NSX Manager gets group and user information as well as the relationship between them from each domain
that it is registered with. NSX Manager also retrieves Active Directory credentials.

You can apply security policies on an Active Directory domain and run queries to get information on virtual
machines and applications accessed by users within an Active Directory domain.

Example 12-17. Register or update domain

POST https://<nsxmgr_ip>/api/3.0/directory/updateDomain

Request Body:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Response Body:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

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Chapter 12 Activity Monitoring

Parameter Values for Register/Update Domain

Parameter Name Description Mandatory?

ID Domain id. true if

If you want to create a new domain, do not provide this value. Otherwise, system will find an update
existing domain object by this ID and update it. existing
name Domain name. true if creating a
This should be domain's full qualified name. In case agent discovered, this will be NetBIOS new domain
name, so you need to update it to FQN in order to support LDAP sync and event log reader.
description Domain description false

type Domain type. true if creating a

Valid value include: AGENT_DISCOVERED, ActiveDirectory, SPECIAL new domain
Do NOT modify SPECIAL domain (we will put guard later). For LDAP sync and event log
reader work, this need to be sent to ActiveDirectory.

netbiosName NetBIOS name of domain. false

This is Domain's NetBIOS name. Check windows domain setting, for value of it. Normally
Agent report domain name is NetBIOS name. But confirm from Windows domain setting.

baseDn Domain's Base DN (for LDAP sync). false

Base DN is REQUIRED for LDAP Sync. If you have a domain like: w2k3.vshield.vmware.com,
the base DN is very likely to be: DC=w2k3,DC=vshield,DC=vmware,DC=com. Another
example is: domain name is: vs4.net, the base DN should be: DC=vs4,DC=net. If you don't
know what is this, use a LDAP client and connect to domain controller, that will give you
domain's base DN.

rootDn LDAP Sync root DN. false

Specify where should LDAP sync start from LDAP tree. This could be absolute path, for
example: OU=Engineer,DC=vs4,DC=net, or relative path (relate to Base DN), for example:
OU=Engineer. Don't use this column in most cases.

securityId Domain's Security ID (SID). false

This should be filled by LDAP sync process, just don't use this column unless you know what
you are doing.

username Domain's User name (Used for LDAP Sync and/or Event Log reader) false
password User password false

eventLogUsernam Domain's event log reader username (will use above username if this is NULL) false

eventLogPassword Domain's event log reader password false

Query Domains
Retrieves all agent discovered (or configured) LDAP domains.

Example 12-18. Query domains

GET https://<nsxmgr_ip>/api/1.0/directory/listDomains

Response Body:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

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Delete Domain
Deletes domain.

Example 12-19. Delete domain

DELETE https://<nsxmgr_ip>/api/1.0/directory/deleteDomain/<Domain Id>

Working with LDAP Servers

Example 12-20. Create LDAP server

POST https://<nsxmgr_ip>/api/1.0/directory/updateLdapServer

Request Body:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

If the Response Body is not 200 for OK, log in to your NSX Manager and try to ping the hostname.

Example 12-21. LDAP server calls

Query LDAP servers for a domain:

GET https://<nsxmgr_ip>/api/1.0/directory/listLdapServersForDomain/<domain id>

Start LDAP full sync:

PUT https://<nsxmgr_ip>/api/1.0/directory/fullSync/<domain id>

Start LDAP delta sync:

PUT https://<nsxmgr_ip>/api/1.0/directory/deltaSync/<domain id>

Delete LDAP server:

DELETE https://<nsxmgr_ip>/api/1.0/directory/deleteLdapServer/<LdapServerID>

Working with EventLog Servers

Example 12-22. Create EventLog server

POST https://<nsxmgr_ip>/api/1.0/directory/updateEventLogServer

Request Body:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

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Chapter 12 Activity Monitoring


Example 12-23. EventLog server calls

Query EventLog servers for a domain:

GET https://<nsxmgr_ip>/api/1.0/directory/listEventLogServersForDomain/<EventLogServer id>

Delete EventLog server:

DELETE https://<nsxmgr_ip>/api/1.0/directory/deleteEventLogServer/<EventLogServerID>

Working with Mapping Lists

Example 12-24. Query mapping lists

Query user-to-ip mapping list from database:

GET https://<nsxmgr_ip>/api/1.0/identity/userIpMapping

Query host-to-ip mapping list from database:

GET https://<nsxmgr_ip>/api/1.0/identity/hostIpMapping

Query set of users associated with a given set of IP addresses during a specified time period. Since more than
one user can be associated with a single IP address during the specified time period, each IP address can be
associated with zero or more (i.e a SET of) users:
GET https://<nsxmgr_ip>/api/1.0/identity/ipToUserMapping

Query set of Windows Domain Groups (AD Groups) to which the specified user belongs:
GET https://<nsxmgr_ip>/api/1.0/identity/directoryGroupsForUser

Create static user IP mapping:

POST https://<nsxmgr_ip>/api/1.0/identity/staticUserMapping/<userID>/<IP>

Query static user IP mapping list:

GET https://<nsxmgr_ip>/api/1.0/identity/staticUserMappings

Query static user IP mapping for specified user:

GET https://<nsxmgr_ip>/api/1.0/identity/staticUserMappingsbyUser/<userID>

Query static user IP mapping for specified IP:

GET https://<nsxmgr_ip>/api/1.0/identity/staticUserMappingsbyIP/<userID>

Delete static user IP mapping for specified user:

DELETE https://<nsxmgr_ip>/api/1.0/identity/staticUserMappingsbyUser/<userID>

Delete static user IP mapping for specified IP:

DELETE https://<nsxmgr_ip>/api/1.0/identity/staticUserMappingsbyIP/<userID>

Working with Activity Monitoring Syslog Support

Example 12-25. Enable Activity Monitoring syslog support


VMware, Inc. 327

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POST https://<vsm_ip>/api/1.0/sam/syslog/enable

Example 12-26. Disable Activity Monitoring syslog support

POST https://<vsm_ip>/api/1.0/sam/syslog/disable

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Task Framework Management 13

The NSX Manager requires communication with your vCenter Server and services such as DNS and NTP to
provide details on your VMware Infrastructure inventory.

The chapter includes the following topics:

 “About Task Framework” on page 329

 “Query Job Instances for Job ID” on page 330

 “Query Latest Job Instances for Job ID” on page 331

 “Block REST Thread” on page 331

 “Query Job Instances by Criterion” on page 331

IMPORTANT All REST requests require authentication. See “Using the NSX REST API” on page 25 for details
about basic authorization.

About Task Framework

The task framework provides the abstraction needed to execute asynchronous tasks using a global thread pool.

A Job is identified by a Job ID. A job has a set of tasks within it. These tasks are executed either synchronously
or in parallel based on their dependencies with other tasks in the Job. The Job is the primary interface to
interact with the Task Framework to get the details of the job and the tasks within it. This could be the status
of the job, the status of the tasks within it, etc.
When a Job is scheduled for execution, it is put into a queued state. This is true for a job that has to execute
immediately or a job that is scheduled for later execution.

At the scheduled time when the task runs it is put into executing state. Once the task finishes its execution, it
is considered as completed. The task framework then queries the task to check if the execution was successful
or not. Based on this status, the task is marked as completed or failed. If the task is successful, the next task in
the Job is executed. If the task fails, the appropriate fault policy action is taken.

The fault policy specifies the type of action to be taken as one of the following:

 Retry: Framework attempts to retry the task. Job data / data populated during the earlier run is supplied
to the task before execution.

 Rollback: Framework rolls back the task.

 Rollback Retry: Framework rolls back the task and retries it.

 Abort: Framework aborts the task (and the Job).

 Ignore: Framework ignores the failure / timeout and proceeds with execution of subsequent tasks, if any,
in the job.

VMware, Inc. 329

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Every task can define a timeout value which indicates the maximum esitmated time for the task to complete.
Beyond this time, the task is considered to have timed out and an appropriate fault policy action is taken on
the task. The task framework monitors the executing tasks at periodic intervals of time to check whether they
have timed out. If the fault policy indicates that a retry has to be done in case of a time out, the task framework
retries the task.

Query Job Instances for Job ID

Retrieves all job instances for the specified job ID. If a job is a one-time job, a single job instance is returned. If
a job is a recurring job, all instances for the given job ID are returned.

Example 13-1. Query job instances

Request Body:
GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/services/taskservice/job/<jobID>

Response Body:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<name>SVM Updater</name>
<name>SVM Updater</name>
<taskOutput />
<taskData />
<name>SVM Updater</name>
<description>Updating all sdd SVMs at startup.</description>
<name>SVM Updater</name>
<description>Updating all sdd SVMs at startup.

330 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 13 Task Framework Management

<jobOutput />

Query Latest Job Instances for Job ID

In case of cron jobs or fixed-delay jobs, there can be multiple job instances for the same job depending upon
the number of times the job was executed. This call fetches the latest job instance for a given job id.

Example 13-2. Query job instances

Request Body:
GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/services/taskservice/job/<jobID>

Response Body:

See Example 13-1

Block REST Thread

This is a blocking call where a service has scheduled a job and a REST thread needs to be blocked till the job
gets completed. If the job was already completed, then the job instance is returned immediately. If the job is
still executing then the REST thread is blocked and returns after the job completes.

Example 13-3. Query job instances

Request Body:
GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/services/taskservice/job/<jobID>

Response Body:

See Example 13-1.

Query Job Instances by Criterion

You can specify filtering criteria and paging information and query the task framework.

Example 13-4. Query job instances by criterion

Request Body:

Response Body:

VMware, Inc. 331

vShield API Programming Guide

See Example 13-1.

332 VMware, Inc.


Object IDs 14
This section describes how to retrieve the IDs for the objects in your virtual inventory.

The chapter includes the following topics:

 “Query Datacenter MOID” on page 333

 “Query Datacenter ID” on page 333

 “Query Host ID” on page 333authentication

 “Query Portgroup ID” on page 334

 “Query VMID” on page 334

IMPORTANT All NSX REST requests require authentication. See “Using the NSX REST API” on page 25 for
details about basic authorization.

Query Datacenter MOID

1 In a web browser, type the following:


2 Click content.

3 Click on the rootFolder value.

4 Click on the childEntity value.

The datacenter MOID is displayed on top of the window.

Query Datacenter ID
1 In a web browser, type the following:


2 Click content.

3 Click on the rootFolder value.

4 Click on the childEntity value.

The datacenter value is the datacenter ID.

Query Host ID
1 In a web browser, type the following:


VMware, Inc. 333

vShield API Programming Guide

2 Click content.

3 Click on the rootFolder value.

4 Click on the childEntity value.

1 Click on the datacenter value.

The host value is the host ID.

Query Portgroup ID
1 In a web browser, type the following:


2 Click content.

3 Click on the rootFolder value.

4 Click on the childEntity value.

5 Click on the datacenter value.

6 Click on the host value.

The network property value is the portgroup ID.

Query VMID
In a web browser, type the following:


The VMID is listed under host structure.

334 VMware, Inc.


vShield Endpoint Management 15

these with newer
API listed
are tocould
be used
loss vShield
of features.
Partner solutions that were developed with EPSec Partner Program 3.0 or earlier – (for vShield 5.5 or earlier). These partner solutions are also supported on NSX 6.0 and need the APIs listed below. These API should not be used with partner solutions developed specifically for NSX 6.0 or later, as these newer solutions automate the registration and deployment process by using the new features introduced in NSX.

A vShield Endpoint appliance delivers an introspection-based antivirus solution that uses the hypervisor to
scan guest virtual machines from the outside with only a thin agent on each guest virtual machine.

This chapter includes the following topics:

 “Overview of Solution Registration” on page 335

 “Registering a Solution with vShield Endpoint Service” on page 336

 “Querying Registration Status of vShield Endpoint” on page 337

 “Querying Activated Security Virtual Machines for a Solution” on page 338

 “Unregistering a Solution with vShield Endpoint” on page 339

 “Status Codes and Error Schema” on page 340

IMPORTANT All vShield REST requests require authentication. See “Using the NSX REST API” on page 25 for
details about basic authorization.

Overview of Solution Registration

To register a third-party solution with vShield Endpoint, clients can use four REST calls to do the following:

1 Register the vendor.

2 Register one or more solutions.

3 Set the solution IP address and port (for all hosts).

4 Activate registered solutions per host.

NOTE Steps 1 through 3 need to be performed once per solution, while step 4 needs to be performed for each

To unregister a solution, clients essentially perform these steps in reverse:

5 Deactivate solutions per host.

6 Unset a solution’s IP address and port.

7 Unregister solutions.

8 Unregister the vendor.

To update registration information for a vendor or solution, clients must first unregister that entity and then
reregister. The following sections detail the specific REST calls to perform registration and unregistration.

VMware, Inc. 335

vShield API Programming Guide

Registering a Solution with vShield Endpoint Service

The APIs described in this section register a vendor, solutions, set network address, and activate solutions.

For a list of return status codes, see “Return Status Codes” on page 340.

Register a Vendor
You can register the vendor of an antivirus solution.

Example 15-1. Register a vendor

POST https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/endpointsecurity/registration

Request Body:

In the request body, vendor_id is the VMware-assigned ID for the vendor, while vendor_title and
vendor_description are vendor provided strings.

Register a Solution
You can register an antivirus solution.

Example 15-2. Register a solution

POST https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/endpointsecurity/registration/<vendor_id>

Request Body:

In the request, <vendor_id> is the previously registered ID for the vendor.

In the request body, solution_altitude is the VMware-assigned altitude for the solution, solution_title and
solution_description are vendor provided strings. See “Altitude of a Solution” on page 336.

Altitude of a Solution
Altitude is a number that VMware assigns to uniquely identify the solution. The altitude describes the type of
solution and the order in which the solution receives events relative to other solutions on the same host.

IP Address and Port for a Solution

You can set a solution’s IP address and port on the vNIC host.

Example 15-3. Set IP address and port

POST https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/endpointsecurity/registration/<vendor_id>/<altitude>/location

336 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 15 vShield Endpoint Management

Request Body:

In the request, <vendor_id> is the previously registered ID for the vendor, and <altitude> for the altitude.

In the request body, solution_ip_address is the solution’s IPv4 address for the vNIC that is connected to the
VMkernel port group (for example, This address must be within the range of VMware-assigned
IP addresses for the solution. The solution_port is the port on which the solution accepts connections.

If you want to change the location of a solution, deactivate all security virtual machines, change the location,
and then reactivate all security virtual machines.

Activate a Solution
You can activate a solution that has been registered and located.

Example 15-4. Activate solution

POST https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/endpointsecurity/activation/<vendor_id>/<altitude>

Request Body:

In the request, <vendor_id> is the previously registered ID for the vendor, and <altitude> for the altitude.

In the request body, svm_moid is the managed object ID of the activated solution’s virtual machine.

Querying Registration Status of vShield Endpoint

You can use the same URLs shown in the previous section with the GET method to retrieve vendor registration
information, solution registration information, location information, and solution activation status.

Get Vendor Registration

You can retrieve vendor registration information.

Example 15-5. Get list of all registered vendors

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/endpointsecurity/registration/vendors

Example 15-6. Get vendor registration information

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/endpointsecurity/registration/<vendor_id>

Get Solution Registration

You can retrieve solution registration information.

VMware, Inc. 337

vShield API Programming Guide

Example 15-7. Get all registered solutions for a vendor

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/endpointsecurity/registration/<vendor_id>/solutions

Example 15-8. Get solution registration information

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/endpointsecurity/registration/<vendor_id>/<altitude>

Get IP Address of a Solution

This call retrieves the IP address and port associated with a solution.

Example 15-9. Get IP address and port of a solution

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/endpointsecurity/registration/<vendor_id>/<altitude>/location

Get Activation Status of a Solution

This call retrieves solution activation status, given the managed object reference <moid> of its virtual machine.

Example 15-10. Get activation status of a solution

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/endpointsecurity/activation/<vendor_id>/<altitude>/<moid>

Status can be false (not activated) or true (activated).

Querying Activated Security Virtual Machines for a Solution

You can retrieve a list of activated security virtual machines for a solution, as well as the activation information
for all activated security virtual machines on a host.

Query Activated Security Virtual Machines

You can retrieve a list of activated security virtual machines for the specified solution.

Example 15-11. Get activated security virtual machines

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/endpointsecurity/activation/<vendor_id>/<solution_id>

Response Body:
<vmName>VMWARE-Data Security-</vmName>

338 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 15 vShield Endpoint Management


In the request, vendor_id is the VMware-assigned ID for the vendor, while solution_id is the solution ID.

Query Activation Information

You can retrieve activation information for all activated security virtual machines on the specified host.

Example 15-12. Get activation information

GET https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/endpointsecurity/activation?hostId=<hostID>

Response Body:
<vmName>VMWARE-Data Security-</vmName>

Unregistering a Solution with vShield Endpoint

You can use the same URIs shown in the first section with the DELETE method to unregister a vendor,
unregister a solution, unset location information, or deactivate a solution.

Unregister a Vendor
This call unregisters a vendor.

Example 15-13. Unregister a vendor

DELETE https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/endpointsecurity/registration/<vendor_id>

Unregister a Solution
This call unregisters a solution.

Example 15-14. Unregister a vendor

DELETE https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/endpointsecurity/registration/<vendor_id>/<altitude>

VMware, Inc. 339

vShield API Programming Guide

Unset IP Address
This call unsets a solution’s IP address and port.

Example 15-15. Unset IP address and port

DELETE https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/endpointsecurity/registration/<vendor_id>/<altitude>/location

Deactivate a Solution
This call deactivates a solution on a host.

Example 15-16. Deactivate a solution

DELETE https://<nsxmgr-ip>/api/2.0/endpointsecurity/activation/<vendor_id>/<altitude>/<moid>

Status Codes and Error Schema

This section lists various status codes returned from the REST API, and shows the error schema.

Return Status Codes

The 200 codes indicate success, the 400 codes indicate some failure, and the 600 codes are call specific.

 200 OK operation successful

 201 Created: Entity successfully altered.
 400 Bad Request: Internal error codes. Please refer to the Error Schema for more details.
 401 Unauthorized: Incorrect user name or password.
 600 Unrecognized vendor ID.
 601 Vendor is already registered.
 602 Unrecognized altitude.
 603 Solution is already registered.
 604 Invalid IPv4 address.
 605 Invalid port.
 606 Port out of range.
 607 Unrecognized moid.
 608 Location information is already set.
 609 Location not set.
 612 Solutions still registered.
 613 Solution location information still set.
 614 Solution still activated.
 615 Solution not activated.
 616 Solution is already activated.
 617 IP:Port already in use.
 618 Bad solution ID.
 619 vShield Endpoint is not licensed.
 620 Internal error.

340 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 15 vShield Endpoint Management

Error Schema
Here is the XML schema for vShield Endpoint registration errors.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><xs:schema xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
<xs:element name="Error">
<xs:element name="code" type="xs:unsignedInt"/>
<xs:element name="description" type="xs:string"/>

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vShield API Programming Guide

342 VMware, Inc.

16 Appendix B:

Deprecated APIs 16
The following APIs have been deprecated in the NSX 6.0 release.

Table 16-1. Deprecated APIs

Deprecated API Alternate API(s)

Local user management

/api/2.0/global/heartbeat /api/1.0/appliance-management/global/info

/api/2.0/global/config /api/2.0/services/vcconfig
/api/2.0/global/vcInfo /api/2.0/services/vcconfig

/api/2.0/global/techsupportlogs /api/1.0/appliance-management/techsupportlogs/NSX


VMware, Inc. 343

vShield API Programming Guide

344 VMware, Inc.

Appendix A: Schemas

The REST API configuration of the vShield Edge and vShield App virtual machines supports schemas for
installation and service management.

This appendix covers the following topics:

 “Firewall Schemas” on page 345

 “Deprecated: vShield Manager Global Configuration Schema” on page 347

 “Deprecated: ESX Host Preparation and Uninstallation Schema” on page 352

 “Deprecated: vShield App Schemas” on page 353

 “Error Message Schema” on page 359

Firewall Schemas

Firewall Configuration Schema

VMware, Inc. 345

vShield API Programming Guide

Firewall Section Schema

346 VMware, Inc.

Appendix A: Schemas

Firewall Sections Schema

Deprecated: vShield Manager Global Configuration Schema

The following schema shows vShield Manager REST configuration.

This replaces the 1.0 API schema items for vCenter synchronization, DNS service, virtual machine
information, and security groups.
<xs:schema xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"

<xs:element name="nsxmgrGlobalConfig">
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="vshieldEdgeReleaseInfo" type="vse:ReleaseInfoType"/> <!-- In response
from server -->
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="vcInfo" type="vse:VcInfoType" />
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="hostInfo" type="vse:HostInfoType" />
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="techSupportLogsTarFilePath" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="auditLogs" type="vse:AuditLogsType" />
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="dnsInfo" type="vse:DnsInfoType" />
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="versionInfo" type="xs:string" /> <!-- only in response -->
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="vpnLicensed" type="xs:boolean" /> <!-- only in response -->
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="ipsecVpnTunnels" type="vse:IpsecVpnTunnels" /> <!-- only in response -->
<xs:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="nsxmgrCapability" type="vse:nsxmgrCapabilityType"/>
<!-- only in response -->
<xs:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="timeInfo" type="vse:TimeInfoType"/>


<xs:complexType name="ReleaseInfoType"> <!-- can be re-used for release information of vshield, vShield
Manager, or vShield Edge-->
<xs:element name="buildNumber" type="xs:NMTOKEN" /> <!-- add fields as required -->

VMware, Inc. 347

vShield API Programming Guide

<xs:element minOccurs ="0" name="vseLocationOnnsxmgr" type="xs:string" />


<xs:complexType name="SSOInfoType">
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="nsxmgrSolutionName">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:minLength value="1"/>
<xs:element name="lookupServiceUrl">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:minLength value="1"/>
<xs:element name="ssoAdminUserName">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:minLength value="1"/>
<xs:element name="ssoAdminPassword">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:minLength value="1"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="certificateThumbprint">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">

<xs:complexType name="VcInfoType">
<xs:element name="ipAddress">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:minLength value="1"/>
<xs:element name="userName">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:minLength value="1"/>
<xs:element name="password">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:minLength value="1"/>

348 VMware, Inc.

Appendix A: Schemas

<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="token">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:minLength value="1"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="certificateThumbprint">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:pattern value="[a-fA-F0-9]{2}:[a-fA-F0-9]{2}:[a-fA-F0-9]{2}:[a-fA-F0-9]{2}:[a-fA-F0-9]{2}:[a-fA-F0-9]{2}:[a-fA-F0-9]{2}:[a-fA-F0-9]{
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="pluginDownloadServer">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:minLength value="1"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="pluginDownloadPort">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:minLength value="1"/>

<xs:complexType name="HostInfoType">
<xs:element name="hostId" type="xs:string" />
<xs:element name="ipAddress" type="xs:string" />
<xs:element name="userName" type="xs:string" />
<xs:element name="password" type="xs:string" />

<xs:complexType name="SecurityGroups">
<xs:element name="securityGroup" type="vse:SecurityGroup" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
<xs:element name="securityGroupIdList" type="vse:SecurityGroupIdList" />

<xs:complexType name="SecurityGroup">
<xs:element name="securityGroupBaseNode" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:element name="securityGroupName" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:element name="securityGroupId" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="securityGroupNodeList" type="vse:NodeList" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="securityGroupIpList" type="vse:IpList" minOccurs="0" />
</xs:complexType >

<xs:complexType name="SecurityGroupIdList">
<xs:element name="securityGroupId" type="xs:string" maxOccurs="unbounded" />

VMware, Inc. 349

vShield API Programming Guide

<xs:complexType name="IpList">
<xs:element name="ip" type="xs:string" maxOccurs="unbounded" />

<xs:complexType name="NodeList">
<xs:element name="node" type="vse:SecurityGroupNode" maxOccurs="unbounded" />

<xs:complexType name="SecurityGroupNode">
<xs:element name="id" type="xs:string" />
<xs:element name="name" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="ipList" type="vse:IpList" minOccurs="0" />

<xs:complexType name="VnicsType">
<xs:element name="vnic" type="vse:VnicType" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>

<xs:complexType name="VnicType">
<xs:element name="id" type="xs:string" />
<xs:element name="name" type="xs:string" />
<xs:element name="ipList" type="vse:IpList" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
<!-- Will be good if we can also send this information
<xs:element name="VLAN" type="xs:int" />
<xs:element name="PortGroup" type="xs:string" />
<xs:element name="Protected" type="xs:boolean"/> -->

<xs:complexType name="AuditLogsType">
<xs:element name="auditLog" type="vse:AuditLogType" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:complexType name="DnsInfoType">
<xs:element name="primaryDns" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="secondaryDns" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="tertiaryDns" type="xs:string"/>

<xs:complexType name="AuditLogType">
<xs:element name="id" type="xs:string" />
<xs:element name="userName" type="xs:string" />
<xs:element name="accessInterface" type="xs:string" />
<xs:element name="module" type="xs:string" />
<xs:element name="operation" type="xs:string" />
<xs:element name="status" type="xs:string" />
<xs:element name="operationSpan" type="xs:string" />
<xs:element name="resource" type="xs:string" />
<xs:element name="timestamp" type="xs:string" />
<xs:element name="notes" type="xs:string" />

<xs:complexType name="IpsecVpnTunnels">

350 VMware, Inc.

Appendix A: Schemas

<xs:element name="lastEventId" type="xs:unsignedInt" />

<xs:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" name="ipsecVpnTunnelStatusList"
type="vse:IpsecVpnTunnelStatus" />

<xs:complexType name="IpsecVpnTunnelStatus">
<xs:element name="networkId" type="xs:string" />
<xs:element name="ipsecVpnTunnelConfig" type="vse:IpsecVpnTunnelConfigType" />

<xs:complexType name="IpsecVpnTunnelConfigType"> <!--only in response -->

<xs:element name="peerName">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:minLength value="1"/>
<xs:maxLength value="256"/>
<xs:element name="peerId" type="xs:string" />
<xs:element name="peerIpAddress" type="xs:string" />
<xs:element maxOccurs="64" name="localSubnet" type="xs:string" /> <!-- localSubnet * peerSubnet * noOfSites
should not be more than 64 -->
<xs:element maxOccurs="64" name="peerSubnet" type="xs:string" /> <!-- localSubnet * peerSubnet * noOfSites should
not be more than 64 -->
<xs:element name="authenticationMode" >
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:pattern value="((psk)|(x.509))"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="preSharedKey" type="xs:string" />
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="encryptionAlgorithm" type="xs:string" />
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="mtu" type="xs:unsignedInt" />
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="status" type="xs:string" />
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="stateChangeReason" type="xs:string" />

<xs:complexType name="nsxmgrCapabilityType">
<xs:element name="ipsecVpnCapability" type="xs:boolean"/>
<xs:element name="webLoadBalancerCapability" type="xs:boolean"/>
<xs:element name="natCapability" type="xs:boolean"/>
<xs:element name="firewallCapability" type="xs:boolean"/>
<xs:element name="dhcpCapability" type="xs:boolean"/>
<xs:element name="staticRoutingCapability" type="xs:boolean"/>
<xs:element name="nsxmgrVersion" type="xs:string"/>

<xs:complexType name="TimeInfoType">
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="clock" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="ntpServer" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="zone" type="xs:string"/>


VMware, Inc. 351

vShield API Programming Guide

Deprecated: ESX Host Preparation and Uninstallation Schema

This schema can be used to install or uninstall vShield App and vShield Endpoint services on an ESX host.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xs:schema xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" elementFormDefault="qualified">

<xs:element name="VshieldConfiguration">
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="VszInstallParams" type="VszInstallParams"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="EpsecInstallParams" type="xs:boolean"/>
<xs:element name="InstallAction" type="InstallAction"/> <!-- InstallAction to be taken on appliance -
install/upgrade -->
<xs:element name="InstallStatus" type="InstallStatus"/> <!-- only in response -->

<xs:complexType name="InstallStatus">
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="ProgressState" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="ProgressSubState" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="InstalledServices" type="InstalledServices"/>

<xs:complexType name="InstalledServices">
<xs:element name="VszInstalled" type="xs:boolean"/>
<xs:element name="EpsecInstalled" type="xs:boolean"/>

<!-- Install parameters -->

<xs:complexType name="VszInstallParams">
<xs:element name="DatastoreId" type="Moid"/>
<xs:element name="ManagementPortSwitchId" type="xs:string"/> <!-- contains the networkId of the mgmt
portgroup -->
<xs:element name="MgmtInterface" type="MgmtInterfaceType"/>

<xs:complexType name="MgmtInterfaceType">
<xs:element name="IpAddress" type="IP"/>
<xs:element name="NetworkMask" type="IP"/>
<xs:element name="DefaultGw" type="IP"/>

<xs:simpleType name="InstallAction">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:enumeration value="install"/>
<xs:enumeration value="upgrade"/>

<xs:simpleType name="IP">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:pattern value=

352 VMware, Inc.

Appendix A: Schemas

<xs:simpleType name="Moid">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:pattern value="[a-zA-Z0-9\-]+"/>


Deprecated: vShield App Schemas

The following schemas detail vShield App configuration via REST API.

vShield App Configuration Schema

This schema configures a vShield App after installation.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xs:schema xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" elementFormDefault="qualified">

<xs:element name="ZonesConfiguration">
<xs:element name="VszInstallParams" type="VszInstallParams" minOccurs="0"/>

<!-- Install parameters -->

<xs:complexType name="VszInstallParamsType">
<xs:element name="NodeId" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:element name="DatacenterId" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:element name="DatastoreId" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:element name="NameForZones" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:element name="VswitchForMgmt" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:element name="MgmtInterface" type="InterfaceType"/>

<xs:complexType name="InterfaceType">
<xs:element name="IpAddress" type="xs:NMTOKEN"/>
<xs:element name="NetworkMask" type="xs:NMTOKEN"/>
<xs:element name="DefaultGw" type="xs:NMTOKEN"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="VlanTag" type="xs:string"/>


vShield App Firewall Schema

This schema configures the firewall rules enforced by a vShield App.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xs:schema xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" elementFormDefault="qualified" >

<xs:element name="VshieldAppConfiguration">
<xs:element name="firewallConfiguration" type="FirewallConfigurationDto" />
<xs:element name="firewallConfigurationHistoryList" type="FirewallConfigHistoryInfoListDto" />
<xs:element name="consolidatedConfiguration" type="FirewallConfigurationDto" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
<xs:element name="status" type="StatusDto" />
<xs:element name="datacenterState" type="DatacenterStateDto" />
<xs:element name="protocolsList" type="ProtocolListDto" />
<xs:element name="protocolTypes" type="ProtocolsTypeEnum" maxOccurs="4" />

VMware, Inc. 353

vShield API Programming Guide


<xs:complexType name="FirewallConfigHistoryInfoListDto">
<xs:element name="contextId" type="xs:string" />
<xs:element name="firewallConfigHistoryInfo" type="FirewallConfigHistoryInfoDto"maxOccurs="unbounded" />

<xs:complexType name="FirewallConfigHistoryInfoDto">
<xs:element name="configId" type="xs:long" />
<xs:element name="userId" type="xs:string" />
<xs:element name="timestamp" type="xs:long" />
<xs:element name="status" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" />

<xs:complexType name="DatacenterStateDto">
<xs:element name="datacenterId" type="xs:string" />
<xs:element name="userId" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="timestamp" type="xs:long" minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="status" type="DatacenterStatusEnum" />

<xs:complexType name="StatusDto">
<xs:element name="currentState" type="ConfigStateEnum" />
<xs:element name="failedPublishInfo" type="FailedPublishInfoDto" maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" />
<xs:attribute name="contextId" type="xs:string" use="required" />
<xs:attribute name="generationNumber" type="xs:long" />

<xs:complexType name="FailedPublishInfoDto">
<xs:element name="applianceIp" type="xs:string" />
<xs:element name="timestamp" type="xs:long" />
<xs:element name="errorDescription" type="xs:string" />

<xs:complexType name="FirewallConfigurationDto">
<xs:element name="layer3FirewallRule" type="Layer3FirewallRuleDto" maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0"
<xs:element name="layer2FirewallRule" type="Layer2FirewallRuleDto" maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0"
<xs:attribute name="provisioned" type="xs:boolean" use="optional" />
<xs:attribute name="contextId" type="xs:string" use="required" />
<xs:attribute name="timestamp" type="xs:long" use="optional" />
<xs:attribute name="generationNumber" type="xs:long" use="optional" />

<xs:complexType name="ApplicationDto">
<xs:element name="applicationSetId" type="xs:string" />

<xs:complexType name="DestinationDto" abstract="true">

<xs:element name="address" type="AddressDto" minOccurs="0" />

354 VMware, Inc.

Appendix A: Schemas

<!-- Only in response, not considered in request -->


<xs:complexType name="Layer2DestinationDto">
<xs:extension base="DestinationDto">
<xs:element name="application" type="ApplicationDto" minOccurs="0" />

<xs:complexType name="Layer3DestinationDto">
<xs:element name="address" type="AddressDto" minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="application" type="ApplicationDto" minOccurs="0" />

<xs:complexType name="Layer3SourceAddressDto">
<xs:element name="address" type="AddressDto" minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="portInfo" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" />

<xs:complexType name="FirewallRuleDto" abstract="true">

<xs:element name="action" type="ActionEnum" />
<xs:element name="logged" type="xs:boolean" />
<xs:element name="notes" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" />
<xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:long" use="required" />
<xs:attribute name="precedence" type="PrecedenceEnum" use="optional" />
<xs:attribute name="disabled" type="xs:boolean" use="optional" />

<xs:complexType name="Layer2FirewallRuleDto">
<xs:extension base="FirewallRuleDto">
<xs:element name="source" type="AddressDto" minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="destination" type="Layer2DestinationDto" />

<xs:complexType name="Layer3FirewallRuleDto">
<xs:extension base="FirewallRuleDto">
<xs:element name="source" type="Layer3SourceAddressDto" minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="destination" type="Layer3DestinationDto" minOccurs="0" />

<xs:complexType name="AddressDto">
<xs:element name="containerId" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
<xs:attribute name="exclude" type="xs:boolean" use="optional" default="false" />

VMware, Inc. 355

vShield API Programming Guide

<xs:simpleType name="ActionEnum">
<xs:restriction base="xs:NCName">
<xs:enumeration value="allow" />
<xs:enumeration value="deny" />

<xs:simpleType name="PrecedenceEnum">
<xs:restriction base="xs:NCName">
<xs:enumeration value="default" />
<xs:enumeration value="none" />

<xs:simpleType name="ConfigStateEnum">
<xs:restriction base="xs:NCName">
<!-- <xs:enumeration value="saved" /> -->
<xs:enumeration value="published" />
<xs:enumeration value="inprogress" />
<xs:enumeration value="publishFailed" />
<xs:enumeration value="Deleted" />

<xs:simpleType name="DatacenterStatusEnum">
<xs:restriction base="xs:NCName">
<xs:enumeration value="upgrading" />
<xs:enumeration value="backwardCompatible" />
<xs:enumeration value="backwardCompatibleReadyForSwitch" />
<xs:enumeration value="migrating" />
<xs:enumeration value="regular" />

<xs:simpleType name="ProtocolsTypeEnum">
<xs:restriction base="xs:NCName">
<xs:enumeration value="application" />
<xs:enumeration value="ipv4" />
<xs:enumeration value="icmp" />
<xs:enumeration value="ethernet" />


vShield App SpoofGuard Schema

The following schema details SpoofGuard configuration.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xs:schema xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"elementFormDefault="qualified">

<xs:element name="VshieldConfiguration">
<xs:element name="globalSettings" type="GlobalSettingsDto" />
<xs:element name="ipAssignmentStatistic" type="IpAssignmentStatisticDto" />
<xs:element name="vnicIdList" type="VnicIdListDto" />
<xs:element name="ipAssignmentDetailsList" type="IpAssignmentDetailsListDto" />
<xs:element name="pagedIpAssignmentDetailsList" type="PagedIpAssignmentDetailsListDto" />
<xs:element name="approveIpInfo" type="VnicInfoDto" />

<xs:complexType name="PagedIpAssignmentDetailsListDto">

356 VMware, Inc.

Appendix A: Schemas

<xs:element name="ipAssignmentDetails" type="IpAssignmentDetailsDto" maxOccurs="unbounded" />

<xs:element name="pagingDetails" type="PagingInfoDto" />

<xs:complexType name="PagingInfoDto">
<xs:element name="pageSize" type="xs:int" />
<xs:element name="startIndex" type="xs:int" />
<xs:element name="totalCount" type="xs:int" />
<xs:element name="sortOrderAscending" type="xs:boolean" />
<xs:element name="sortBy" type="PagingSortByEnum" />

<xs:complexType name="IpAssignmentDetailsListDto">
<xs:element name="ipAssignmentDetails" type="IpAssignmentDetailsDto"maxOccurs="unbounded" />

<xs:complexType name="IpAssignmentDetailsDto">
<xs:element name="vnicId" type="xs:string" />
<xs:element name="macAddress" type="xs:string" />
<xs:element name="ipAddress" type="xs:string" />
<xs:element name="vnicName" type="xs:string" />
<xs:element name="networkId" type="xs:string" />
<xs:element name="vmId" type="xs:string" />
<xs:element name="vmName" type="xs:string" />
<xs:element name="approvedIpAddress" type="xs:string" />
<xs:element name="approvedBy" type="xs:string" />
<xs:element name="approvedOn" type="xs:long" />
<xs:element name="publishedIpAddress" type="xs:string" />
<xs:element name="publishedBy" type="xs:string" />
<xs:element name="publishedOn" type="xs:long" />
<xs:element name="reviewRequired" type="xs:boolean" />
<xs:element name="duplicateCount" type="xs:int" />

<xs:complexType name="IpAssignmentStatisticDto">
<xs:element name="contextId" type="xs:string" />
<xs:element name="inSync" type="xs:boolean" />
<xs:element name="activeCount" type="xs:long" />
<xs:element name="inactiveCount" type="xs:long" />
<xs:element name="activeSinceLastPublishedCount" type="xs:long" />
<xs:element name="requireReviewCount" type="xs:long" />
<xs:element name="duplicateCount" type="xs:long" />
<xs:element name="unpublishedCount" type="xs:long" />

<xs:complexType name="VnicIdListDto">
<xs:element name="vnicId" type="xs:string" maxOccurs="unbounded" />

<xs:complexType name="VnicInfoDto">
<xs:element name="vnicId" type="xs:string" />
<xs:element name="ipAddress" type="xs:string" />

<xs:complexType name="GlobalSettingsDto">

VMware, Inc. 357

vShield API Programming Guide

<xs:element name="status" type="OperationStatusEnum" />
<xs:element name="mode" type="OperationModeEnum" />
<!-- optional parameters will be part of response only -->
<xs:element name="timestamp" type="xs:long" minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="publishedBy" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" />

<xs:simpleType name="OperationStatusEnum">
<xs:restriction base="xs:NCName">
<xs:enumeration value="enabled" />
<xs:enumeration value="disabled" />

<xs:simpleType name="OperationModeEnum">
<xs:restriction base="xs:NCName">
<xs:enumeration value="trustOnFirstUse" />
<xs:enumeration value="manual" />

<xs:simpleType name="PagingSortByEnum">
<xs:restriction base="xs:NCName">
<xs:enumeration value="VM_NAME" />
<xs:enumeration value="MAC" />
<xs:enumeration value="APPROVED_IP" />
<xs:enumeration value="CURRENT_IP" />


vShield App Namespace Schema

The following schema details namespace configuration.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xs:schema xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" targetNamespace="vmware.vshield.global.20.namespace"
xmlns:vsns="vmware.vshield.global.20.namespace" elementFormDefault="qualified">

<xs:element name="VshieldConfiguration">
<xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" name="namespace" type="vsns:NamespaceDto" />
<xs:element maxOccurs="3" name="namespacesType" type="vsns:NamespacesTypeEnum" />

<xs:complexType name="NamespaceDto">
<xs:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" name="namespacePortGroup" type="vsns:PortGroupDto" />
<xs:attribute name="type" use="required" type="vsns:NamespacesTypeEnum" />
<xs:attribute name="id" use="optional" type="xs:long" />

<xs:complexType name="PortGroupDto">
<xs:element maxOccurs="1" name="Id" type="xs:string" />

<xs:simpleType name="NamespacesTypeEnum">
<xs:restriction base="xs:NCName">
<xs:enumeration value="DEFAULT" />

358 VMware, Inc.

Appendix A: Schemas

<xs:enumeration value="PORTGROUP" />

<xs:enumeration value="NONE" />

</xs:schema>Retrieved from "https://wiki.eng.vmware.com/NS_DEV/vShieldManager/nsxmgr30/App/ipad/xsd"

Error Message Schema

This schema details error messages.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xs:schema xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" elementFormDefault="qualified">

<xs:element name="Errors">
<xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" name="Error" type="ErrorType"/>

<xs:complexType name="ErrorType">
<xs:element name="code" type="xs:unsignedInt"/>
<xs:element name="description" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="detailedDescription" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="index" type="xs:int"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="resource" type="xs:NMTOKEN"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="requestId" type="xs:NMTOKEN"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="module" type="xs:NMTOKEN"/>


If a REST API call results in an error, the HTTP reply contains the following information.

 An XML error document as the response body

 Content-Type: application/xml

 An appropriate 2xx, 4xx, or 5xx HTTP status code

Table 17-1. Error Message Status Codes

Code Description

200 OK The request was valid and has been completed. Generally, this response is accompanied
by a body document (XML).

201 Created The request was completed and new resource was created. The Location header of the
response contains the URI of newly created resource.

204 No Content Same as 200 OK, but the response body is empty (No XML).

400 Bad Request The request body contains an invalid representation or the representation of the entity is
missing information. The response is accompanied by Error Object (XML).

401 Unauthorized An authorization header was expected. Request with invalid or no vShield Manager

403 Forbidden The user does not have enough privileges to access the resource.

404 Not Found The resource was not found. The response is accompanied by Error Object (XML).
500 Internal Server Error Unexpected error with the server. The response is accompanied by Error Object (XML).

503 Service Unavailable Cannot proceed with the request, because some of the services are unavailable. Example:
vShield Edge is Unreachable. The response is accompanied by Error Object (XML).

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