Modified Lesson Plan One Read 520

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READ520: Modified Lesson Plan #1

Teacher: Donna Moore Grade Level: Kindergarten

Subject: Reading Unit or Chapter: Zoo Animals

Acquisition stages of the ELs in my class:

● 1 student - Starting (Level 1)
● 2 students - Developing (Level 3)

1. What are the ELL or content area standards?

Standard 2: English language learners communicate information, ideas, and concepts

necessary for academic success in the area of language arts.

2. What key concepts will students learn, and what strategies will be used to
teach them?
The students will learn the key concepts of listening and speaking. The strategies that
will be used are to go over what a good listener looks like, show them a diagram of a
good listener. Preteach vocabulary words that are most difficult and show pictures.
After reading lesson we will work with partners and have EL students with native
speakers repeating sentences or words for review.
Provide sentence stems for students to utilize as they share their thinking
Allow students to share what they recall/ know about zoos.

3. What background knowledge will students need? All students will need
background knowledge for this lesson. They will need background knowledge on what
a zoo is and the animals in the zoo.

4. List terms, words, idioms, and phrases (TWIPs) to be pretaught. Include

simple student-friendly definitions. Identify words that are likely to be used
outside of class as well as academic words that are content-specific.
Bring out some zoo animal figures and a "zoo" (basket). Place one of the animals in
the zoo. Words: giraffe, zebra, hippopotamus and alligator. “I see the giraffe with a
long neck.” I see the zebra with black and white stripes.” I see the hippopotamus in
READ520: Modified Lesson Plan #1

the water.”

5. Design one or more of the following activities for TWIP instruction:

(This is not an exhaustive list, and you may include additional activities as appropriate
for your lesson.)
 Matching vocabulary with definitions
 Drawing and labeling animals
 Group vocabulary activities and games

6. List the strategies you will use to scaffold instruction for your lesson.
(This is not an exhaustive list, and you may include additional strategies as appropriate
for your lesson.)

_X__ 1. Buddies
___ 2. Cooperative Groups
__X_ 3. Graphs, charts, photos, drawings
___ 4. Graphic organizers
___ 5. Hands-on activities
___ 6. Taping explanations and photocopying notes
___ 7. Highlighting, sticky notes, Wikki sticks
__x_ 8. Using body language, skits, storytelling, music, videos
___ 9. Vocabulary box wherever possible

7. How will you modify text for beginning learners of English?

Ask students to brainstorm what they know about zoos and zoo animals. You can
show some pictures or non-fiction books about zoos to stimulate prior knowledge.
Preteach challenging vocabulary and use pictures and label the pictures.

Adapted from:
Haynes, J., & Zacarian, D. (2010). Teaching English language learners across the content areas.
Alexandria, Va: ASCD.

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