Effect of Extracts From Several Sponges of Yucatan Coast On Giardia Lamblia and Preliminary Chemical Investigation of The Bioactive Extract of Haliclo
Effect of Extracts From Several Sponges of Yucatan Coast On Giardia Lamblia and Preliminary Chemical Investigation of The Bioactive Extract of Haliclo
Effect of Extracts From Several Sponges of Yucatan Coast On Giardia Lamblia and Preliminary Chemical Investigation of The Bioactive Extract of Haliclo
To cite this article: Juan Chalé-Dzul, Lorena V. León-Deniz, Sara Medina-Gómez, Rosa E. Moo-
Puc, Gumersindo Mirón-López, Patricia Gómez-López & Gonzalo J. Mena-Rejón (2023) Effect of
extracts from several sponges of Yucatan Coast on Giardia lamblia and preliminary chemical
investigation of the bioactive extract of Haliclona (Reinera) tubifera, Natural Product Research,
37:23, 4023-4027, DOI: 10.1080/14786419.2022.2161540
Unidad de Investigacion Medica Yucatan, Unidad Medica de Alta Especialidad, Centro Medico
“Ignacio Garcıa Tellez”, IMSS, Merida, Yucatan, Mexico; bDepto. de Biologıa Marina, Facultad de
Medicina de Veterinaria y Zootecnia, Universidad Autonoma de Yucatan, Yucatan, CP, Mexico;
Facultad de Quımica, Universidad Autonoma de Yucatan, Merida, Yucatan, Mexico; dInstituto de
Ciencias del Mar y Limnologıa, Unidad Academica de Ecologıa y Biodiversidad Acuatica, Universidad
Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Circuito Exterior S/N Col., Coyoacan, Mexico
1. Introduction
Human giardiasis is an infectious disease caused by the flagellate protozoan Giardia
lamblia, affecting close to 1 billion persons each year, of which around 200 million
develop symptoms (Riches et al. 2020).
Nowadays, it is possible to find this parasitosis disease throughout either developed
or developing countries, but its prevalence is 10-fold higher in the last ones.
Unfortunately, the inhabitants of underprivileged socioeconomic areas of those coun-
tries bear most of the burden (Al-Jawabreh et al. 2019).
Non-bloody foul-smelling diarrhoea, burping, bloating, epigastric pain, cramps, nau-
sea, vomiting, and weight loss are the typical symptoms of an infection by G. lamblia.
Most acute giardiasis cases last 4–6 weeks, but others can become chronic (Escobedo
et al. 2010). The chronic stage of giardiasis leads to malabsorption syndrome causing
a malnutrition state and delaying the physical growth and cognitive-intellectual devel-
opment of small children (Halliez and Buret 2013).
Currently, the first-line treatment of human giardiasis relies on 5-nitroimidazoles, as
well as on benzimidazoles or nitazoxanide. Nevertheless, in not a few cases, it is neces-
sary to use secondary agents such as furazolidone, chloroquine, quinacrine, or paro-
momycin (Riches et al. 2020).
Regrettably, all antigiardial drugs have important limitations. One of these limita-
tions is the variety of adverse effects these drugs provoke in patients. Some of
these effects can be transient, like gastrointestinal discomfort, headache, vertigo,
irritability or nausea. In contrast, others, such as leukopenia, hepatitis,
pancreatitis, neurotoxicity, and teratogenic and mutagenic effects, are severe (Riches
et al. 2020).
Increasing drug resistance is another limitation of antigiardial drugs. Indeed, this is
a critical issue for anti-Giardia treatment because, during the last decade, the rates of
treatment failure associated with parasite resistance increased significantly (Mørch and
Hanevik 2020).
This scenario makes it necessary to keep a continuous search for sources of new
effective and safe antigiardial drugs. In this context, it is well-known that natural
In contrast to the low-polarity extracts, the ethyl acetate extract was three-fold less
active against G. lamblia, besides exerting significant effects (Suffness and Pezzuto
1991) on normal mammalian cells (CC50 ¼ 25.6 lg/mL). Conversely, the methanolic
extract did not affect protozoan and Vero cells.
The ethyl acetate and methanol extracts of C. alloclada, and methanol extract of S.
aurantiaca showed moderate antigiardial activity (CI50’s 6.42–9.74 mg/mL) and, curi-
ously, their cytotoxic was low; while the extracts of H. magniconulosa and O. nodosa
were non active (Supplementary Table S1).
Polyacetylenes have been the only class of compounds with antigiardiasic proper-
ties isolated from marine sponges (Quin ~oa and Crews 1988; Sala et al. 2019).
Interestingly, Haliclona genus has been recognized to be a source of compounds
derived from the polyketide pathway, including polyacetylenes (Zhou et al. 2015) and
sphingoids (Biegelmeyer et al. 2015).
Based on those facts, the dichloromethane extract of H. tubifera was selected for
exploratory chemical analysis. Then, this extract (1.5 g) was eluted on a column of sil-
ica gel with gradient mixtures of hexanes/CH2Cl2 and CH2Cl2/EtOAc to afford, after
TLC analysis, six main fractions (A-F). After successive chromatographic separations
were obtained cholesterol (1) from fraction B, 4-hydroxybenzaldehyde (2) and 3-
hydroxy-4-methoxybenzaldehyde (3) from fraction C, benzoic (4), 2-phenylacetic (5),
and 4-hydroxybenzoic (6) acids from fraction E, thymine (7) from fraction F, and cyto-
sine (8) from fraction G. The structures of isolated compounds were confirmed by 1H
and 13C NMR spectroscopy.
Regrettably, it was not possible the isolation of polyacetylenes; nevertheless, the
finding of aromatic compounds suggests that H. tubifera is a potential source of com-
pounds derived from the polyketide pathway.
3. Experimental
See Supplementary material.
4. Conclusions
To the best of our knowledge, for the first time, extracts from marine sponge species
growing in shallows of Yucatan, a state belonging to Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico, were
screened for their in vitro activity against G. lamblia trophozoites. The dichloromethane
extract of H. tubifera meets the criteria for an antiprotozoal compound to be consid-
ered a hit. The presence of benzaldehyde and benzoic acid derivatives in H. tubifera
dichloromethane extract strongly suggests that this species is a potential source of
polyketides. Finally, a further major study of this extract, and the hexane extracts of
the same species and of Clathria foliacea, should be performed to isolate the com-
pounds responsible for their antigiardial activity.
mez is grateful to CONACYT for the master fellowship No. 615041.
S. Medina-Go
Disclosure statement
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.
This work was funded by grant FQUI-2016-008 provided by Facultad de Quımica, Universidad
Auto noma de Yucatan.
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