Earth Science
Earth Science
Earth Science
1.You will learn about the methods used to Relative Dating is determining which fossil or event
determine the age of rocks: came first, second, third, etc.
The Relative Method Absolute Dating is determining the actual age of rocks
The Absolute Dating Method using radioactive decay.
States that an igneous intrusion is always In Absolute Dating, the most common way of
younger than the rock it cuts across. determining the absolute age of rocks is through
radioactive dating or radioactive isotopes found in
A lava that cooled and hardened in the surface is called
fossils or rocks are used.
Carbon-14 is used to determine the age of fossils. While
The strata beneath the extrusion are always older.
uranium-238 for rocks.
While the magma that cooled and hardened beneath
For example, uranium 238 will take 4.5 billion years for
the surface is called an INTRUSION.
half the amount of it to decay into a daughter isotope
An igneous intrusion is always younger than the rock it Lead-206 (Pb-206)
has intruded.
Radioactive Decay
This is also true to faults.
The process by which an atomic nucleus of an
Fault, a break on the Earth’s crust is always younger unstable atom loses energy.
than the stratified rocks that it cuts.
Half- Life
3.Law of Inclusion
Refers to the period of time it takes for a
The rocks that mixed up in the formation of substance undergoing decay to decrease by half.
sediments are called INCLUSIONS>
Radioactive isotope, called parent isotope are unstable
These rocks are always older than the layer of and gradually decays in a fixed rate into a daughter
sediments it is embedded. isotope which is more stable.
The pebbles in this conglomerate are older than the In the illustration, is another isotope of Uranium, the U-
conglomerate itself. 235 which has a half life of 700 million years and decays
into a stable isotope Lead-208(Pb 208).
4.Faunal Succession
Since the rates of decay of radioactive isotope are
Fossils of plants and animals are grouped known, it can be used to determining the age of rocks
according to the period of geologic time they appeared. by measuring the proportion of parent and daughter
Strata containing those group of fossils are also formed isotopes present in rocks.
in that particular period of time. For example, if a rock is found to contain the same
This becomes the bases of geologists in creating the proportion of U-238 and Lead-206, geologists can tell
geologic time scheme. that the age of rocks is about 4.5 billion years old.