Research Papers in Journals and Books

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Applebaum, M., Freiman, V. & Leikin R. (2011). Prospective teachers' conceptions

about teaching mathematically talented students: comparative examples
from Canada and Israel. Montana Mathematical Enthusiast Journal, 8, 255-
Abstract: In this paper we analyze prospective mathematics teachers' conceptions
about teaching mathematically talented students. Forty-two Israeli
participants learning at mathematics education courses for getting their
teaching certificates, and fifty-four Canadian pre-service (K-8) teachers
participating in mathematics didactics course were asked to solve a
challenging mathematical task. We performed comparative analysis of
problem-solving strategies, solution results and participants' success. Based
on the discussion with 25 Israeli participants we composed an attitude
questionnaire, in which prospective teachers were asked to express their
degree of agreement with statements expressing different beliefs about
education of mathematically talented students. The questionnaire was
presented to 56 Canadian and 28 Israeli prospective elementary and middle
school teachers. We describe similarities and differences between the attitudes
of the two populations and suggest their possible explanations. Based on the
results of this study we make several suggestions for teacher education

Babaeva, J. D. (1999). A dynamic approach to giftedness: Theory and practice. High

Ability Studies, 10 (1), 51-68.

Abstract: The aims of this research were to investigate the possibilities of developing
the cognitive and creative abilities of recognised gifted children, and also of
raising the development of “ordinary” children up to a level of giftedness.
This experimental work, based on Vygot‐sky's D ynam ic Theory of
Giftedness, involved special procedures and an experimental curriculum
designed to overcome children's psychological barriers to learning. Five school
classes were involved: three experimental classes, two of these gifted and one
of average‐ability child ren. Tw o further control classes w ere taught by
conventional methods. Comparative assessments were made for 6 years
between all the children, regarding cognitive development, creativity and
social giftedness, revealing considerable undeveloped potential of “ordinary”
children. Major factor influencing IQ changes included the differences in
psychological mechanisms to overcome barriers to learning. Due to the
experimental psychological curriculum, not only did all the children's
cognitive abilities increase, but also their creativity. Hence, these new
diagnostic and developmental procedures were found to be effective,
demonstrating the high practical value of the Dynamic Theory of Giftedness.

Cahan S. & Linchevski, L. (1996). The cumulative effect of ability grouping on

mathematical achievement: A longitudinal perspective. Studies in
Educational Evaluation, 22 (1), 29-40.
Abstract: The regression-discontinuity design was used to study the cumulative
effect of ability grouping in mathematics in Israeli junior high schools. Results
from a final sample of 1,169 seventh graders show that placement in ability
groups increases the gap between students at different grade levels.

Chamberlin, S. A., & Moon, S. (2005). Model-eliciting activities: An introduction to

gifted education. Journal of Secondary Gifted Education, 17, 37-47.
Abstract: This article addresses the use of Model-Eliciting Activities (MEAs) as a
(curricular) tool to develop mathematical creativity and identify students who
are creatively gifted in mathematics. The thesis of this article is that by using
MEAs, gifted educators can: (a) provide students with opportunities to
develop creative and applied mathematical thinking; and (b) analyze students’
mathematical thinking when engaged in creative mathematical tasks, aiding
in the identification of those students who are especially talented in domain-
specific, mathematical creativity. The authors’ conclude that MEAs have
potential for both developing and identifying creatively gifted mathematicians
in the middle grades.

Chiu, M-S. (2009). Approaches to the teaching of creative and non-creative

mathematical problems. International Journal of Science and Mathematics
Education, 7 (1), 55-79.
Abstract: This study investigated the approaches to teaching by three fifth-grade
teachers’ of creative and non-creative mathematical problems for fractions.
The teachers’ personal constructs of the two kinds of problems were elicited
by interviews through the use of the repertory grid technique. All the teaching
was observed and video-recorded. Results revealed that the teachers had
slightly distinctive constructs of creative and non-creative problems, and
professed a greater preference for creative problems. Based on the teachers’
creations of problems in classrooms and related features, the study identified
three types of teaching approaches: liberal, reasoning, and skill approaches.
The liberal approach appeared to indicate the most appropriate teaching
methods for creative problems.

Davidson, J. E. & Sternberg, R. J. (1984). The role of Insight in Intellectual

Giftedness. Gifted child Quarterly, 28 (2), 58-64.
Abstract: Proposes a subtheory of intellectual giftedness based upon the centrality of
insight skills in giftedness. It is argued that insight involves not 1, but 3
separate but related psychological processes—selective encoding, selective
combination, and selective comparison. The products of these operations are
referred to as "insights" when the basic clues are encoded, combined, or
compared in nonstandard, and even highly novel, ways. The theory was
tested with 4th-, 5th-, and 6th-grade normal and gifted Ss. In Exp I, gifted and
nongifted Ss were either precued as to what information in each of a set of
insight problems was relevant for problem solution, or not so precued in a test
of selective encoding. In Exp II, selective combination in insightful problem
solving was tested in 74 gifted and nongifted Ss, who received mathematical
insight problems presented either in the standard format, or with cuing
intended to facilitate selective combination processes. In Exp III, the role of
selective comparison in insightful problem solving was assessed, with Ss
receiving 2 different example problems prior to receiving the insight
problems. Results of all 3 experiments support the subtheory of intellectual
giftedness. The development of a training program for 4th-, 5th-, and 6th-
graders based upon the tenets of the subtheory is described. The program
consisted of direct instruction, group-problem solving, individual problem
solving, and games. The results suggest that insight skills are at least
somewhat trainable.

Davis, G. A. & Rimm, S. B. (2004). Education of the gifted and talented (5th ed.).
Boston, MA: Pearson Education Press.
Abstract: This comprehensive text by leaders in the field presents the best practices in
gifted education. After a brief overview of current issues in the field,
Education of the Gifted and Talented discusses the characteristics of gifted
students as well as challenges of parenting and the understanding and
counseling of gifted children. The authors address crucial topics in the field,
including strategies for identifying gifted students, considerations in planning
a sound gifted and talented program, contemporary program models,
problems of minority, disabled and female students, and the evaluation of
gifted programs.
Ervynck, G. (1991). Mathematical Creativity. In D. Tall (Ed.), Advanced Mathematical
Thinking (pp. 42-53). Dordrecht, Netherlands: Kluwer.

Feldhusen, J. F. (2002). Creativity: The knowledge base and children. High Ability
Studies, 13 (2), 179-183.
Abstract: Creative or divergent thinking is not done in a vacuum. It depends on and
uses a knowledge base. There is too much emphasis on trying to understand
the process purely from a procedural point of view and not from the point of
view of the necessary knowledge base. Close observation of the creative
thinking processes of children illustrates clearly the critical role of the
knowledge base.

Gavin, M. K.; Casa, T. M.; Adelson, J. L.; Carroll, S. R.; Sheffield, L. J. (2009). The
impact of advanced curriculum on the achievement of mathematically
promising elementary students, Gifted Child Quarterly, 53 (3), 188-20.
Abstract: The primary aim of Project M3: Mentoring Mathematical Minds was to
develop and field test advanced units for mathematically promising
elementary students based on exemplary practices in gifted and mathematics
education. This article describes the development of the units and reports on
mathematics achievement results for students in Grades 3 to 5 from 11 urban
and suburban schools after exposure to the curriculum. Data analyses indicate
statistically significant differences favoring each of the experimental groups
over the comparison group on the ITBS (Iowa Tests of Basic Skills) Concepts
and Estimation Test and on Open-Response Assessments at all three grade
levels. Furthermore, the effect sizes range from 0.29 to 0.59 on the ITBS
Concepts and Estimation Scale and 0.69 to 0.97 on the Open-Response
Assessments. These results indicate that these units, designed to address the
needs of mathematically promising students, positively affected their

Gavin, M. K.; Casa, T. M.; Adelson, J. L.; Carroll, S. R.; Sheffield, L. J.; Spinelli, A.
M. (2007). Project M3: Mentoring Mathematical Minds: A research-based
curriculum for talented elementary students, Journal of Advanced
Academics, 18(4), 566-585.
Abstract: To date, there has been very little research-based mathematics curriculum
available for talented elementary students. Yet the gifted education and
mathematics literature suggest support for curriculum that is both enriched
and accelerated with a focus on developing conceptual understanding and
mathematical thinking. Project M3: Mentoring Mathematical Minds is a 5-year
Javits research grant project designed to create curriculum units with these
essential elements for talented elementary students. These units combine
exemplary teaching practices of gifted education with the content and process
standards promoted by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. The
content at each level is at least one to two grade levels above the regular
curriculum and includes number and operations, algebra, geometry and
measurement, and data analysis and probability. The focus of the pedagogy is
encouraging students to act as practicing professionals by emphasizing verbal
and written communication. Research was conducted on the implementation
of 12 units in 11 different schools, 9 in Connecticut and 2 in Kentucky. The
sample consisted of approximately 200 mathematically talented students
entering third grade, most of whom remained in the project through fifth
grade. More than 40% of students were eligible for meal subsidies, and the
sample was composed of students from diverse racial and ethnic groups.
Paired t-tests were conducted on the total scores for each unit pre- and
posttest. Changes in the total scores for each unit indicate statistically
significant gains from pretest mean to posttest mean at the p < .01 level of
statistical significance. In addition, the effect sizes were all large and ranged
from 1.55 to 3.49. These results indicate significant increases in understanding
across all mathematical concepts in each unit from pre- to posttesting. Thus,
Project M3 materials may help fill a curriculum void by providing appropriate
accelerated and enriched units to meet the needs of talented elementary

Gorodetsky, M. & Klavir, R. (2003). What can we learn from how gifted/average
pupils describe their process of problem solving? Learning and instruction, 13,
Abstract: Research on the cognitive sub-processes involved in the excellent problem
solving of the gifted, as compared to the problem solving of the average
person, has attributed the difference between these two populations to
selectivity in their Encoding, Comparison and Combination sub-processes.
This paper extends this list by adding two sub-processes that are imported
from the literature on experts and novices: namely, Retrieval and Goal
Directness. Based on these five sub-processes in conjunction with the concept
of selectivity as an ordinal (rather than dichotomous) dimension, we have
constructed a model that is being used for the analysis of the solution
processes of gifted and average students, as reflected in their post solution
protocols. Middle high school students (gifted and average) solved insight
problems, without and with analogical learning, and were asked to report on
the solution process they undertook. The suggested model was found to be an
effective instrument for analyzing the sub-processes employed during
problem solving. Though both the gifted and the average were able to arrive
at correct solutions, the study shows that they employed different sub-
processes in doing so. The model can serve as a fine-grade analysis of solution
processes among various populations (gifted/average and possibly
experts/novices) that will be helpful in research and teaching.
Hong, E. & Aqui, Y. (2004). Cognitive and motivational characteristics of
adolescents gifted in mathematics: Comparison among students with
different types of giftedness. The Gifted Child Quarterly, 48 (3), 191-201.
Abstract: Although numerous studies have compared cognitive and motivational
characteristics of gifted and nongifted students, research comparing those
characteristics among different types of gifted students has not kept up with
the theoretical development that saw a transition from uni-dimensional to
multi-dimensional conceptualizations of giftedness. This study compares
cognitive and motivational characteristics of high school students who are
academically gifted in math, creatively talented in math, and nongifted.
Whereas no differences were found among the three groups in their beliefs
about ability, most of the other characteristics examined in the study
distinguished the three groups. Academically gifted female students reported
expending more effort than did academically gifted male students. Creatively
talented males put forth more effort than academically gifted males, and the
creatively talented in general used more cognitive strategies than the
academically gifted. Overall, students who were either academically gifted or
creatively talented in mathematics perceived that they were self-efficacious in
general, used cognitive strategies, perceived their math ability and math self-
efficacy to be high, and valued learning math more so than their nongifted age

Housman, D. & Porter, M. (2003). Proof schemes and learning strategies of above-
average mathematics students. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 53 (2),
Abstract: What patterns can be observed among the mathematical arguments above-
average students find convincing and the strategies these students use to learn
new mathematical concepts? To investigate this question, we gave task-based
interviews to eleven female students who had performed well in their college-
level mathematics courses, but who differed in the number of proof-oriented
courses each had taken. One interview was designed to elicit expressions of
what students find convincing. These expressions were categorized according
to the proof schemes defined by Harel and Sowder (1998). A second interview
was designed to elicit expressions of what strategies students use to learn a
mathematical concept from its definition, and these expressions were
classified according to the learning strategies described by Dahlberg and
Housman (1997). A qualitative analysis of the data uncovered the existence of
a variety of phenomena, including the following: All of the students
successfully generated examples when asked to do so, but they differed in
whether they generated examples without prompting and whether they
successfully generated examples when it was necessary to disprove
conjectures. All but one of the students exhibited two or more proof schemes,
with one student exhibiting four different proof schemes. The students who
were most convinced by external factors were unsuccessful in generating
examples, using examples, and reformulating concepts. The only student who
found an examples-based argument convincing generated examples far more
than the other students. The students who wrote and were convinced by
deductive arguments were successful in reformulating concepts and using
examples, and they were the same set of students who did not generate
examples spontaneously but did successfully generate examples when asked
to do so or when it was necessary to disprove a conjecture.

Huckstep, P. and Rowland, T (2000) ‘Creative mathematics’ – Real or Rhetoric? --

Review of R., Phillips, E. and Higginson, W. (1997). Creative Mathematics:
Exploring Children’s Understanding. Educational Studies in Mathematics,
42 (1), 81–100.
Abstract: The notion of creativity has its natural home in the fine arts, where the
artist literally creates something that can be perceived by the senses. The
products of mathematical activity are clearly not of this kind, yet some
distinguished mathematicians have claimed that mathematics offers
considerable scope for creativity. The title of the book under review, and some
claims to be found in it, suggest that creativity can indeed be associated with
mathematics, and that young children may experience it in the classroom. We
suggest that the word 'creative' is being used in rather different senses in these
different contexts, yet the meanings associated with the arts, say, are in danger
of being applied to mathematical situations for rhetorical purposes.

Johnson, M. L. (1983). Identifying and Teaching Mathematically Gifted

Elementary School Children. Arithmetic Teacher, 30, 25-26, 55-56.
Abstract: Alternative identification and instructional procedures are discussed.
Instructors are warned against assuming an equivalence between the quantity
of mathematical work a child demonstrates and the quality of that child's
thinking. A need to integrate qualitative information is seen. Two types of
activities for gifted pupils are detailed.

Kissane, B. V. (1986). Selection of mathematically talented students. Educational

Studies in Mathematics, 17 (3), 221-241.
Abstract: This paper reports a study concerned with the selection of mathematically
talented students at the beginning of secondary school in Australia using a
version of the College Board's Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT). Some young
students achieved scores comparable with older mathematically able students
and with college-bound students in USA. Teacher nomination of students as
talented resulted in the selection of considerably different groups of students
to those selected using the SAT. Marked sex differences, in favour of boys, are
noted and discussed. Three different procedures for comparing item
responses of younger and older groups are employed, leading to the
conclusion that younger and older students respond to SAT items in
qualitatively different ways. Comparison procedures based on the Rasch
model for measurement are favoured.

Koichu, B. & Berman, A. (2005). When do gifted high school students use geometry
to solve geometry problems? The Journal of Secondary Gifted Education,
16(4), 168-179.
Abstract: This article describes the following phenomenon: Gifted high school
students trained in solving Olympiad-style mathematics problems
experienced conflict between their conceptions of "effectiveness" and
"elegance" (the EEC). This phenomenon was observed while analyzing clinical
task-based interviews that were conducted with three members of the Israeli
team participating in the International Mathematics Olympiad. We illustrate
how the conflict between the students' conceptions of effectiveness and
elegance is reflected in their geometrical problem solving, and analyze
didactical and epistemological roots of the phenomenon.

Koichu, B., Berman, A. & Moore, M. (2006). Patterns of middle school students’
heuristic behaviors in solving seemingly familiar problems. In J. Novotna,
H. Moraova, M. Kratka, and N. Stehlikova (Eds.), Proceedings of the 30th
Conference of the International Group for the psychology of Mathematics
Education, 3, 457-464, Prague, Charles University.
Abstract: The goal of this paper is to present patterns of problem solving behaviors
that emerged from three rounds of clinical interviews with middle school
students of different mathematical aptitudes. In the interviews the students
were given algebra and geometry problems that looked like tasks recently
solved in class, but, in fact, were much more challenging. We call such tasks
seemingly familiar problems. Building on past research, we argue that
heuristics are useful organizational units in modeling problem solving and
present an empirical definition of heuristic behavior. That multi-attribute
definition enables us to make inferences regarding similarities in some
solutions, and, in turn, to distinguish four patterns of the students’ heuristic
behaviors that cut across algebra and geometry problem solving domains.

Leikin, R. (2010). Teaching mathematically gifted. Gifted Education International,

27, 161-175.
Abstract: In this paper I describe aspects that seem to be exclusive for teaching
mathematically gifted/promising students. First, I discuss the qualities of the
mathematically gifted mind and suggest to use the construct of mathematical
potential for that of mathematical giftedness with reference to school students.
Second, I assume that high quality teaching of mathematics in any classroom
should be directed at the construction of deep and robust mathematical
knowledge, development of conceptual understanding, and the promotion of
a positive attitude toward the subject.
I argue that relatively to a regular classroom, teaching mathematically gifted
students (a) involves a higher (than regular) level of mathematical challenge,
(b) requires from students a higher level of creative and critical thinking, (c)
requires minor scaffolding, and (d) requires teacher sensitivity to the special
needs of students, as well as greater attentiveness, flexibility, and reflectivity.
To support these arguments, I present here the voices of students and describe
one mathematics lesson with mathematically promising students.

Leikin, R. (2011). The education of mathematically gifted students: On some

complexities and questions. Montana Mathematical Enthusiast Journal, 8,
167- 188.
Abstract: In this paper I analyze some complexities in the education of
mathematically gifted students. The list of issues presented in this paper is not
inclusive; however, all of them seem to be typical on the international scope.
Among these issues are: (1) the gap between research in mathematics
education and the research in gifted education; (2) the role of creativity in the
education of the gifted and the theoretical perspective on the relationship
between creativity and giftedness, and (3) teaching the gifted and the teachers
of gifted, including relationships between the equity principle in mathematics
education and views on the education of gifted. In the paper I outline some
actual research questions in the field of education of mathematically gifted.

Liljedahl, P. & Sriraman, B. (2006). Musings on mathematical creativity. For The

Learning of Mathematics, 26(1), 20-23.
Comment from the editor: This conversation began when I introduced the two authors in a
hotel lobby in Cap Roig (Spain) after the close of CERME4 [I]. The conversation continued
by e-mail well after the evening had ended. (ed.)

Lithner, J. (2008). A research framework for creative and imitative reasoning.

Educational Studies in Mathematics, 67 (3), 255–276.
Abstract: This conceptual research framework addresses the problem of rote learning
by characterizing key aspects of the dominating imitative reasoning and the
lack of creative mathematical reasoning found in empirical data. By relating
reasoning to thinking processes, student competencies, and the learning
milieu it explains origins and consequences of different reasoning types.

Livne, N. L, Livne, O. E. & Milgram, R. M. (1999). Assessing academic and creative

abilities in mathematics at four levels of understanding. Journal of
Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 30(2), 227-242.
Abstract: A mapping sentence is developed and used to construct test items
measuring academic and creative abilities in mathematics at four levels. The
three stages of the process of developing the mapping sentence are described
and examples of test items representing each ability/level combination are
presented. The mapping sentence technique can be used to produce a
psychometric tool designed to contribute to identifying and fostering a wide
range of types and levels of mathematical abilities in students.

Mann, E.L., (2006). Creativity: The essence of mathematics. Journal for the
Education of the Gifted, 30 (2), 236-262.
Abstract: For the gifted mathematics student, early mastery of concepts and skills in
the mathematics curriculum usually results in getting more of the same work
and/or moving through the curriculum at a faster pace. Testing, grades, and
pacing overshadow the essential role of creativity involved in doing
mathematics. Talent development requires creative applications in the
exploration of mathematics problems. Traditional teaching methods involving
demonstration and practice using closed problems with predetermined
answers insufficiently prepare students in mathematics. Students leave school
with adequate computational skills but lack the ability to apply these skills in
meaningful ways. Teaching mathematics without providing for creativity
denies all students, especially gifted and talented students, the opportunity to
appreciate the beauty of mathematics and fails to provide the gifted student
an opportunity to fully develop his or her talents. In this article, a review of
literature defines mathematical creativity, develops an understanding of the
creative student of mathematics, and discusses the issues and implications for
the teaching of mathematics.

Presmeg, N. (2003). Creativity, mathematizing, and didactizing: Leen Streefland’s

work continues. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 54 (1), 127–137.
Abstract: This reaction to the papers in this PME Special Issue of Educational Studies
in Mathematics draws a wider perspective on the issues addressed and some of
the constructs used in research in Realistic Mathematics Education (RME). In
particular, it tries to show that while the problems addressed existed within
the world-wide arena of mathematics education and were not unique to the
Dutch educational system, the methods used at the Freudenthal Institute to
address them were uniquely adapted to that system yet foreshadowed
developments in the wider field of mathematics education. The predictive
aspects of mathematizing, didactizing, and guided reinvention, in which
models-of become models-for on various levels, resonate with trends in
mathematics education in recent years, including those promoted by the
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics in the USA. Research
methodologies, too, have broadened to include more humanistic qualitative
methods. Developmental research as epitomized in the RME tradition makes
the distinction between quantitative and qualitative research obsolete, because
there is no restriction on research methods that may be useful in investigating
how to improve the teaching and learning of mathematics, and in the
designing of mathematics curricula. Thus some aspects of this research
resonate with what have come to be known as multitiered teaching
experiments. However, in RME there is also a special content-oriented
didactical approach that harmonizes with an emphasis on didactics (rather
than pedagogy)in several other European countries. Some implications are
drawn for future research directions.

Silver, E. A. (1997). Fostering creativity through instruction rich in mathematical

problem solving and problem posing. ZDM, 3, 75-80.
Abstract: Although creativity is often viewed as being associated with the notions of
“genius” or exceptional ability, it can be productive for mathematics educators
to view creativity instead as an orientation or disposition toward
mathematical activity that can be fostered broadly in the general school
population. In this article, it is argued that inquiry-oriented mathematics
instruction which includes problem-solving and problem-posing tasks and
activities can assist students to develop more creative approaches to
mathematics. Through the use of such tasks and activities, teachers can
increase their students’ capacity with respect to the core dimensions of
creativity, namely, fluency, flexibility, and novelty. Because the instructional
techniques discussed in this article have been used successfully with students
all over the world, there is little reason to believe that creativity-enriched
mathematics instruction cannot be used with a broad range of students in
order to increase their representational and strategic fluency and flexibility,
and their appreciation for novel problems, solution methods, or solutions.

Sriraman, B (2003). Mathematical giftedness, problem solving, and the ability to

formulate generalizations . In Sriraman, A. (ed.), Creativity, Giftedness, and
Talent Development in Mathematics (pp. 33-60). Missoula, MT: University of
Abstract: Nine freshmen in a ninth-grade accelerated algebra class were asked to
solve five non-routine combinatorial problems. The four mathematically
gifted students were successful in discovering and verbalizing the generality
that characterized the solutions to the five problems, whereas the five non-
gifted students were unable to discover the hidden generality.

Sriraman, B. (2005). Are giftedness & creativity synonyms in mathematics? An

analysis of constructs within the professional and school realms. The
Journal of Secondary Gifted Education, 17, 20–36.
Abstract: At the K-12 level one assumes that mathematically gifted students
identified by out-of-level testing are also creative in their work. In professional
mathematics, "creative" mathematicians constitute a very small subset within
the field. At this level, mathematical giftedness does not necessarily imply
mathematical creativity but the converse is certainly true. In the domain of
mathematics, are the words creativity and giftedness synonyms? In this
article, the constructs of mathematical creativity and mathematical giftedness
are developed via a synthesis and analysis of the general literature on
creativity and giftedness. The notions of creativity and giftedness at the K-12
and professional levels are compared and contrasted to develop principles
and models that theoretically "maximize" the compatibility of these constructs.
The relevance of these models is discussed with practical considerations for
the classroom. The paper also significantly extends ideas presented by Usiskin

Wagner, H. & Zimmermann, B. (1986). Identification and fostering of

mathematically gifted students. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 17 (3),
Abstract: In a three year research project, annual mathematics talent searches for
highly able and motivated twelve year old students were conducted. Of these,
150 took part in a long term Saturday enrichment program to train their
mathematical abilities in problem finding and problem solving. The article
first discusses the educational and organizational constraints of programs for
gifted children. Mathematical giftedness is defined by high achievement in
two tests: The Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT-M) and the HTMB, a set of seven
problems specially devised for the talent search. The philosophy of the
teaching program is explained and illustrated by examples. Preliminary
results indicate the considerable success of the program. Possible
consequences for normal classroom teaching are indicated.
Ziegler, A. & Raul Th. (2000). Myth and reality: A review of empirical studies on
giftedness. High Ability Studies, 11 (2), 113-136.
Abstract: In this review all empirically based articles published in the years 1997 and
1998 in five acclaimed journals in the field of research of high ability and
talent are compared. For this purpose several questions are taken into
consideration, including the problems of the identification procedures used,
the predominating research questions and the quality of the methodological
standards. The results show that it is difficult to compare the studies due to
the various procedures used to identify giftedness. In contrast, regarding the
thematic orientation of the research studies themselves, the existence of a
virulent problem in gifted research could be confirmed. The methodological
standards adhered to in the studies give rise to troubling thoughts, possibly
the most worrisome outcome being that the integration of a control group
occurred in less than one-quarter of the studies. A definitive result of the
study is the confirmation that gifted research is conducted within the
framework of a fragmented research community where studies are performed
under various methodological viewpoints, which are often unsatisfactory. The
appearance of approximately one new publication per day is accompanied by
the dangers of a metamorphosis of quality into pure quantity and the loss of
any sort of conceptual overview. The aim of this article is, therefore, to
determine whether these suspicions can be substantiated specifically
regarding theoretical and methodological aspects of empirical studies in
giftedness research.

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