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DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18203/2320-1770.ijrcog20232279
Original Research Article
Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Hassan Institute of Medical Sciences, Hassan, Karnataka, India
Dr. Nayanashree V.,
E-mail: [email protected]
Copyright: © the author(s), publisher and licensee Medip Academy. This is an open-access article distributed under
the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License, which permits unrestricted non-commercial
use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Background: The Aim of this study was to assess whether labour monitoring using new WHO LCG will result in
reducing intra partum caesarean sections.
Methods: A analytical study was conducted from the month of September 2022 to January 2023 among 1735 pregnant
women admitted at Hassan institute of Medical Sciences, in active phase of labour (5cm cervical dilatation and above)
after obtaining informed consent.
Results: In the present study, the New WHO Labour Care guide was plotted for 1735 pregnant women among which
1668 (96%) of the total patients had vaginal delivery, while 67 (4%) of the patients underwent Cesarean Section. Among
the patients who underwent Cesarean Section it was found that1082 (94%) of the total Cesarean Sections were in latent
phase of labour before plotting of the new WHO Labour care guide whereas only about 67 (6%) of Cesarean Section
were conducted in active phase of labour.
Among the patients who underwent LSCS in the active phase of labour majority were due to fetal distress 29(43%),
21(31%) due to Cephalopelvic disproportion, 13(20%) due to Non progression of labour and about 4(6%) due to Deep
Transverse Arrest
Conclusions: Majority of the caesarean sections were conducted in the latent phase of labour. The New WHO Labour
Care guide has reduced the occurrence of intrapartum caesarean sections in the active phase of labour. However the
overall rate of caesarean section must be controlled by reducing the number of Cesarean Sections conducted in latent
phase of labour, that is before plotting the New WHO labour care guide.
Keywords: Labour care guide, Active phase of labour, Caesarean section rate
Study type, place and duration
Previous LSCS cases and Non cephalic presentation were Figure 2: Distribution of Cesarean Section in active
excluded. and latent phase of labour.
Procedure Out of 1735 patients for which the New WHO labour care
guide was plotted, 1668 (96%) patients had vaginal
All pregnant women in active phase of labour (>5cm delivery, while 67(4%) of the patients underwent Cesarean
cervical dilatation) were considered as study subjects. Section (Figure 1). On comparing the rates of Cesarean
Labour progress was monitored and plotted on the New Section, it was found that 1082 (94%) of the total Cesarean
WHO labour care guide. Outcomes of labour, incidence of Section were done before the plotting of New WHO
intra partum caesarean section rates and the reasons for Labour Care guide i.e. before the onset of active phase of
caesarean section after the onset of active phase were labour and only about 67 (6%) of Cesarean Section were
studied and analysed. done following the plotting of New WHO labour care
guide i.e after the onset of active phase of labour (Figure
International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology Volume 12 · Issue 8 Page 2400
Poornima HN et al. Int J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol. 2023 Aug;12(8):2399-2402
2). Among the patients who underwent Cesarean Section monitored by the new WHO Labour Care guide.9 The
in the active phase of labour, 29 (43%) were due to fetal incidence of caesarean section in active phase of labour
distress, 21 (31%) due to Cephalopelvic disproportion, 13 due to arrest of labour was about 20% in our study
(20%) due to Non progression of labour and about 4 (6%) compared to 1.7% in a study by Anna et al.10 This could be
due to deep transverse arrest (Figure 3). due to a smaller size in our study compared to the study by
Anna et al, Vogel et al in his study concluded that women
who were admitted for antepartum caesarean section do
FETAL DISTRESS not experience labour, and therefore do not require a LCG
NON PROGRESION OF LABOUR as part of their care and hence anticipation of effectiveness
CPD of labour care guide in reducing antepartum caesarean
DTA 6% rates was not possible.11 This was similar to our study
where we observed that a maximum (94%) of caesarean
sections occurred in latent phase of labour before plotting
31% 43%
of the new WHO Labour care guide, necessitating to
reduce the number of caesarean sections conducted before
the onset of active phase of labour, and thereby decreasing
the caesarean section rates. However, there are hardly any
20% studies determining the rates of intrapartum caesarean
section after monitoring using the new WHO Labour Care
Guide for comparison with our present study which
Figure 3: Indications for cesarean section following necessitates further need for studies. As said by Ghulaxe
LCG. et al Labour Care guide has evolved to motivate best
practices with proof-based, compassionate care during
Table 1: Indications for cesarean section following delivery, which add advancement of excellent, considerate
LCG. care for all women, new mothers, and their families.12,13
Indication N %
Fetal distress 29 43
Non progresion of labour 13 20
Limitations of current study were that this study was
CPD 21 31
conducted to study the effectiveness of the new WHO
DTA 4 6
Labour Care guide in reducing the intrapartum caesarean
rates. However, we did not compare the results with that
of the conventional simplified WHO partogram. This
comparison would have helped us in weighing the benefits
Over 140 million women give birth each year worldwide
and disadvantages of the new WHO Labour care guide and
and the proportion of births attended by skilled health
simplified partogram.
personnel is steadily increasing.6 To facilitate effective
implementation of the WHO recommendations on
intrapartum care, the new WHO Labour care guide was
designed. The LCG was designed for health personnel to
monitor the well-being of women and babies during labour In the present-day obstetric practice, caesarean sections are
through regular assessments to identify any deviation from on a higher trend. It is necessary for proper monitoring of
normality. The new WHO Labour Care Guide seems to be normal labour using the New WHO Labour care guide to
a more robust tool that covers the first stage active phase know the progress of labour. In our study it was found that
and second stage of labor in a multifaceted way. The LCG the number of caesarean sections in the latent phase of
is intended as a resource to ensure quality evidence-based labour were more compared to the caesarean section
care, with a special emphasis on ensuring safety, avoiding conducted in active phase of labour. It is the need of the
unnecessary interventions, and providing supportive care.5 hour to analyse the indication for caesarean section in
Special attention is given to monitor and avoid prolonged latent phase of labour so that caesarean section rate can be
labor, unnecessary oxytocin augmentation and caesarean brought down.
deliveries. The LCG mainly focuses on clinical parameters
rather than parameters obtained from USG.7 As published Funding: No funding sources
by Vogel et al this LCG might possibly revolutionize labor Conflict of interest: None declared
monitoring in a woman-centered manner with shared Ethical approval: The study was approved by the
decision making.8 Institutional Ethics Committee
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