4.2 Photosynthesis RP Booklet - Triple

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Task 1 – Answer the questions

Task 2 – Use a different colour pen to mark your answers and to add any in any points from the
Task 3 – Fill in your mark below

My total mark for these exam questions is: Out of 23

Q1. A group of pupils investigated the way in which the colour of light affects photosynthesis.

The pupils:

• put a piece of pondweed into a test tube of water

• shone light from a lamp with a red light bulb onto the pondweed

• counted the bubbles of gas produced by the pondweed every minute for three minutes.

The diagram shows the experiment.

The pupils repeated their experiment using a yellow light bulb, a green light bulb and a blue light

(a) (i) What was the independent variable in the investigation?

_______________________________________________________________ (1)

(ii) To make the investigation fair the pupils needed to control some variables.

Suggest one variable that the pupils should have controlled during their

______________________________________________________________ (1)

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(iii) It is better to count the bubbles every minute for three minutes than to count all the
bubbles in three minutes.




(b) The table shows the pupils’ results.

Number of bubbles produced in one minute

Colour of bulb
1st minute 2nd minute 3rd minute Mean

Red 24 19 21 21

Yellow 18 14 15 16

Green 6 4 3 4

Blue 32 34 32 33

Algae are tiny organisms that photosynthesise.

In natural light algae grow very quickly on the sides of a fish tank.
The algae make it difficult to see the fish.

(i) What would be the best colour of light bulb to illuminate the fish tank to reduce the
growth of algae?

Use the results in the table to help you to decide.

Draw a ring around one answer.

red yellow green blue


(ii) Explain why the colour you have chosen is the best.




(Total 6 marks)

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Q2. (a) Complete the equation for photosynthesis. Draw a ring around each correct answer.

hydrogen alcohol

light energy
Carbon dioxide + nitrogen glucose + oxygen

water methane

Some students investigated the effect of light intensity on the rate of photosynthesis in

The diagram shows the apparatus the students used.

The closer the lamp is to the pondweed, the more light the pondweed receives.

The students placed the lamp at different distances, d, from the pondweed.

They counted the number of bubbles of gas released from the pondweed in 1 minute for
each distance.

(b) A thermometer was placed in the glass beaker.

Why was it important to use a thermometer in this investigation?







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(c) The students counted the bubbles four times at each distance and calculated the correct
mean value of their results. The table shows the students’ results.

Number of bubbles per minute

d in cm
1 2 3 4 Mean

10 52 52 54 54 53

20 49 51 48 52 50

30 32 30 27 31 30

40 30 10 9 11

(i) Calculate the mean number of bubbles released per minute when the lamp was 40
cm from the pondweed.



Mean number of bubbles at 40 cm = ______________________ (2)

(ii) On the graph paper below, draw a graph to show the students’ results:

• add a label to the vertical axis

• plot the mean values of the number of bubbles
• draw a line of best fit.

Distance d in cm (4)

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(iii) One student concluded that the rate of photosynthesis was inversely proportional to the distance
of the lamp from the plant.

Does the data support this conclusion?

Explain your answer.







(d) Light intensity, temperature and concentration of carbon dioxide are factors that affect the
rate of photosynthesis.

Scientists investigated the effects of these three factors on the rate of photosynthesis in
tomato plants growing in a greenhouse.

The graph below shows the scientists’ results.

Light intensity in lux

A farmer in the UK wants to grow tomatoes commercially in a greenhouse.

The farmer read about the scientists’ investigation.

During the growing season for tomatoes in the UK, natural daylight has an intensity higher
than 30 000 lux.

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The farmer therefore decided to use the following conditions in his greenhouse during the

• 20°C

• 0.1% CO2

• no extra lighting.

Suggest why the farmer decided to use these conditions for growing the tomatoes.

You should use information from the scientists’ graph in your answer.












(Total 17 marks)

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Mark schemes

Q1. (a) (i) colour of light / bulb / lamp

allow wavelength for colour
allow bulb alone
do not accept light / colour unqualified 1

(ii) any one from eg

• temperature allow heat

• light intensity or distance between lamp and plant / tube

allow amount / brightness of light
ignore light unqualified

• carbon dioxide allow symbols

• other light in room allow use a dark room

• mass / size / amount / age / type of pondweed

allow same piece of pondweed
ignore pondweed unqualified

• volume / amount of water ignore reference to time 1

(iii) improved reliability allow for reliability or less likely to lose count

Or can spot anomalies / changes allow reference to calculating a mean /

ignore reference to accuracy / precision / fair 1

(b) (i) green 1

(ii) any two from:

ignore references to colour

• least / less bubbles / gas / oxygen / mean

reference to least / less needed only once, in context, for 2

• least / less photosynthesis

• least / less glucose / sugar / carbohydrate / food made

only penalise no once, ie
no bubbles = 0 mark
no bubbles so no photosynthesis = 1 mark
allow most / more green light reflected (by chloroplasts) 2

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Q2. (a) LHS = water 1

RHS = glucose 1

(b) any three from:

• (measure) temperature
ignore reference to fair test
• to check that the temperature isn’t changing
• rate of reaction changes with temperature
• temperature is a variable that needs to be controlled
allow lamp gives out heat 3

(c) (i) 10
correct answer = 2 marks

allow 1 mark for:

allow 1 mark for correct calculation without removal of

anomalous result ie 15

(ii) graph: allow ecf from (c)(i)

label on y-axis as ‘number of bubbles per minute’


three points correct = 1 mark

allow ± 1 mm

four points correct = 2 marks


line of best fit = smooth curve


(iii) as distance increases, rate decreases – pro

allow yes between 20 – 40

but should be a straight line / but line curves – con / not quite pro
allow not between 10 – 20
if line of best fit is straight line, allow idea of poor fit

(d) any four from:

• make more profit / cost effective

• raising temp. to 25 °C makes very little difference at 0.03% CO2
• (at 20 °C) with CO2 at 0.1%, raises rate
• (at 20 °C with CO2 at 0.1%) → >3x rate / rises from 5 to 17
• although 25 °C → higher rate, cost of heating not economical
• extra light does not increase rate / already max. rate with daylight
accept ref to profits c.f. costs must be favourable

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