DebikaArticle 3partograph
DebikaArticle 3partograph
DebikaArticle 3partograph
1 425
2 authors, including:
Sapam Debika
Sharda University
All content following this page was uploaded by Sapam Debika on 14 May 2022.
Copyright © Anuradha Rathore and Sapam Debika Devi, 2019, this is an open-access article distributed under the terms of
the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original work is properly cited.
monitor not only the progress of labor but also the condition of Association between Demographic variable and level of
the mother and fetus during the process of labor. practice regarding partograph
RESULTS The data presented in the table 5 revealed that there was no
statistically significant association found between staff Nurses
Knowledge Regarding Partograph knowledge regarding partograph and selected demographic
variables such as staff nurse age (p=0.45), experience (p=0.76),
32(80%) source of information (p=0.86). There is significant association
80 between level of the practice regarding partograph with the
60 Education qualification(p value= 0.001*) and partograph
Pre Test practice in ward (p value = 0.02*) ,
40(16%) 8(20%)
0 0
In this present study A majority of the staff nurses 47.5% have
20 to 30 years’ age. Most of the staff nurses 57.5% had GNM
Knowledge Inadiquate educational status. Majority of staff nurses 52.5% have
Knowledge experience between 3-55 years. The majority of staff nurses 80%
have adequate knowledge. 20 % of staff nurses have average
Figure 1 revealed that Pre Test majority 20 (50%) of staff nurse knowledge. The majority of staff nurses 25% have high level
have adequate knowledge, 16 (40%) of staff nurses have practice. 75% of staff nurses have moderate level of practice.
erage knowledge and 4 (10%) have inadequate knowledge The result is that, there is significant association between the
regarding pantograph. In Post Test majority 32 (80%) of staff variables.
nurse have adequate knowledge, 8 (20%) of staff nurses had
average knowledge regarding partograph. CONCLUSION
Level of practice regarding partograph This study shown that the major
majority of staff nurses having
knowledge about partograph is 80% have adequate knowledge,
100 20% of staff nurses have average knowledge regarding
90 partograph. And there is significant association with the
80 30(75%) education and the majority of staff nurses having practice about
70 partograph is 75% have moderate levelof practice,25% of staff
60 21(52.5%)
Pre Test nurses have high level of practice regarding partograph. And
50 15(37.5%) there is significant association with the education and
40 Post Test
10(25%) partograph practice.
20 4(10%) Conflict of interest: Nil
10 0
0 Self funding.
High level of practice Modarate level of practice level of practice
Figure 2 revealed that in Pre Test, the majority 21 (52.5%) of World Health Organization, (1994). The application of the
staff nurse have Moderate level of practice, 15 (37.5%) of staff WHO Partograph in the management of labourReport of
nurses had high level of practice and 4 (10%) of staff nurses a WHO multicentre study 1990 1990-91. Maternal Health and
had a low level practice of partograph. In Post Test the majority Safe motherhood Programme; Geneva.
75 (75.0%) of staff nurse has Moderate level of practice, 25 Wall SN, Lee AC, Carlo W, Goldenberg R, Niermey Niermeyer S,
(25.0%) of staff nurses had high level of practice regarding Darmstadt GL, et al al,(2010). Reducing intrapartum-
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what works? Seminars in perinatology;
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In this present study testeded that there was no statistically the critical role of the skilled aattendant: a joint statement
significant association found between staff Nurses knowledge by WHO, ICM and FIGO, in Making pregnancy safer:
regarding partograph and selected demographic variables such the critical role of the skilled attendant: a joint statement
as staff nurse age (p=0.66), experience (p=0.93), source of by WHO, ICM and FIGO: WHO.
information (p=0.56) and partograph practice
ctice (p=0.06). There Lawn JE, Blencowe H, Pattinson R, Cousens S, Kumar R, et
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