Installation Checklist

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The manuals contained in this booklet were prepared by

CPI Satcom & Antenna Technologies Inc.

2600 N. Longview St
Kilgore TX 75662


Revision A
January 3, 2020

SATCOM Technologies
2600 N. Longview St., Kilgore, TX USA 75662-6842
Phone (903) 984-0555  FAX (903) 984-1826

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All computer software, technical data or other information pertaining to the equipment covered
by this document is considered proprietary by SATCOM Technologies. Such information
transmitted in this document or related documents is for the benefit of SATCOM Technologies
customers and is not to be disclosed to other parties verbally or in writing without prior written
approval of SATCOM Technologies. Additionally, this document may not be reproduced in
whole or in part without written consent from SATCOM Technologies.

A Original Release 1/3/2020 SPK RCH LEB


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1.0 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................1

2.0 INSTRUCTIONS.................................................................................................................1
3.0 PROJECT INFORMATION ................................................................................................3
4.0 INSTALLATION TEAM ......................................................................................................4
5.0 INSTALLATION CHECKLIST ...........................................................................................5
6.0 APPENDIX A – WORKSHEETS......................................................................................22
7.0 APPENDIX B – CUSTOMER PROVISIONAL APPROVAL ...........................................25
8.0 APPENDIX C – DISCREPANCIES AND FIELD PROBLEMS .......................................28
9.0 APPENDIX D – SURVEYS ..............................................................................................33

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General Dynamics Satcom Technologies (GDST) strives to supply high quality
and high performance antenna products at an excellent value. Consequently,
GDST has embraced the ISO 9001 quality system and is committed to focusing
on customer success and meeting the high quality standards associated with ISO
standards. Through the ISO 9001 quality system, quality controls are in place
regarding the development of the antenna and accessories all the way through
deployment. As a result, GDST is required to validate every antenna was
installed and functions as intended and, therefore, GDST will not guarantee
performance without evidence the antenna was correctly installed and setup.
The installation of the antenna and its accessories is just as critical to meeting
performance and quality requirements as is the design and fabrication of the
antenna components themselves, therefore, documentation of the antenna
installation is required. The installation checklist documents the installation of the
antenna and also functions as validation that products and services meet the
requirements for the specified application or intended use. GDST requires the
checklist to be filled out by the installation supervisor/lead and submitted to the
GDST project manager before warranty against performance defects will occur.
GDST is dependent on feedback from the field installation in order to validate
new product, monitor and improve existing product, and warranty against future
performance defects.

The installation supervisor shall fill out all sections of the document during the
installation process then submit the completed checklist to the customer’s site
representative at the conclusion of the field operation. The customer shall return
the completed document to the GDST project manager.

Section 3.0 – Project Information: Filled out by the installation supervisor.

1. The project name, customer, antenna size & frequency, model number,
GDST project number, the GDST Project Manager, and the GDST PM email
is on the cover sheet of the print pack.
2. The site location, address, site contact, site telephone number, contact email
address can be obtained from the site’s customer representative.
3. Fill in the installation date with the date the installation team arrives on site to
start the operation.
4. Submit section 3.0 to the GDST Project Manager at the email address
indicated in Section 3.0 or the title page of the print pack.

Section 4.0 – Installation Team: Filled out as indicated below.

1. Installation Supervisor – Fill in the name of the installation supervisor, the
name of the installation supervisor’s company, and title of the installation
2. Installation Supervisor – Fill in all the names of the individuals supporting the
installation process, the names of the companies they work for, and the

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function or role they provide during the installation process.
3. RF Tester – Fill in the name of the RF tester, the name of the RF tester’s
company, the brand and model number of the spectrum analyzer, and the
analyzer’s calibration date.

Section 5.0 – Installation Checklist: Filled out by the installation supervisor.

The installation checklist is to be a running document and be continually updated
during the installation. Prior to any technician-leaving site, this form must be
updated, to include Customer, Technician, End Customer, or Customer
Engineering sign-offs to document progress and punch list items. Additions to
the punch list do not require Customer sign-off, but must be documented and
submitted to the GDST Project Manager.

1. Installation Supervisor – Prior to departing site at the conclusion of

installation, the Installation Supervisor must complete the checklist, sign the
end of the checklist, get customer approval at the end of the checklist, then
submit to the GDST Project Manager. Any open items must be documented
at the end of the checklist, issues or problems must be documented in section
6.0, and Field Problem Reports for the items in section 6.0 must be submitted
to GDST.

2. RF Tester - Attach a copy of RF patterns, gain measurements, and etc. to the

end of the checklist, sign-off at end of the checklist, then submit the
completed checklist GD Satcom Technologies Project Manager. Submittal
information is in Section 3.0 of this document.

3. Customer Site Manager – At the conclusion of the site installation, complete

the Customer Site Manager Survey that is attached at the end of this
document, then submit to the GD Satcom Technologies Project Manager. At
the conclusion of the Installation and testing, ensure the completed
Installation Checklist, Test Data, and surveys have been submitted to the GD
Satcom Technologies Project Manager.

4. General Dynamics Satcom Technologies Project Manager (Kilgore, TX

Facility) – will log the completed checklist in the project file, and this checklist
will be evaluated against future warranty claims. A copy of the completed
checklist will also be submitted to GDST engineering for validation purposes
against the ISO 9001 Quality Standards.

Section 6.0 – Installation Worksheets: Installation Supervisor.

Forms will be submitted with the completed installation checklist.

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Project Name:____________________________Customer:_________________________

Antenna Size / Frequency:___________________ Model:____________________

Installation Site Location:____________________

Customer Site Manager:____________________

Email Address:____________________________ Telephone:____________________

GDST Project Number*:_______________________________

GDST Project Manager*:______________________________

Email Address:____________________________ Telephone:____________________

Installation Start Date:______________________

Completion Date:____________________

*Note: GDST Project Number and Project Manager are found on the title page of the print pack.

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Installation Supervisor / Lead:__________________________________________________



List team members who supported installation:

Name of Person Name of Company Function

RF Tester:_____________________________________________________________

Company: _____________________________________________________________

Spectrum Analyzer Brand / Model:__________________________________________

Calibration Date:____________________

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General Dynamics SATCOM Technologies on-site representative, please initial in the
blank by each appropriate item when checked as completed. (Field Personnel write
N/A in the sign-off blank if not applicable.)


1. Before starting the installation of the antenna, perform or verify the following:
a. Verify the site has enough space for assembly.
b. Verify availability of either permanent or temporary power for assembly.
c. Verify the anchor bolt locations, height above surface, and draft of
foundation matches the foundation drawing in the print pack.
d. Verify foundation conduits are located according to the foundation conduit
e. All customer and GDST supplied tools are on site and are ready to
support the installation. (report any shortages to the GDST Project

Signature:______________________________ Date:__________

2. Inventory all antenna components, assemblies, hardware, etc. against the GDST
shipping list. If shortages or damage exist, contact the General Dynamics
SATCOM Project Manager with the information. Parts should be organized to
support the installation and should be adequately stored to prevent loss and/or
weather damage.

Signature:_______________________________ Date:__________

3. Verify fit of the elevation axis and jack rod end pins fit in their corresponding
connections. Notify any issues to the GDST Project Manager.

Signature:______________________________ Date:__________

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4. Mount the pedestal and pedestal legs, if applicable, to the foundation and verify
the following:
a. Pedestal and leg baseplate flanges fit on the foundation anchor bolts.
b. Nominal grout spacing as shown in the pedestal or antenna installation
c. The correct number of hex nuts are used to secure the pedestal to the
foundation. Jacking bolts are used when required by the pedestal or
antenna installation drawing.

Signature:______________________________ Date:__________

5. Verify proper installation of the azimuth jack assembly (if applicable) and its
a. Bushing and bearing placement.
b. Anti-rotation set screws and washers are set.
c. Jack rod-end pin installs with a tight tolerance bore. No backlash is
d. Jack boot is installed with the zipper positioned under the jack screw if
applicable. The zippers on the large antenna boots are spiraled around
the boot, so they cannot be placed on the underside.
e. The jack screw and jack housing is lubricated as described in the antenna
Operations and Maintenance Manual.
f. Lubricant requirement label is in place on the jack.

Signature:______________________________ Date:__________

6. Verify that all pedestal / antenna installation hardware has been tightened
according to the system specifications. Refer to the installation drawing in the
print pack.

Signature:______________________________ Date:__________

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7. Verify pedestal azimuth travel and record travel data below:

Azimuth__________degrees to __________degrees.

Signature:______________________________ Date:__________

8. Verify the foundation centerline heading and record below:

Foundation Centerline Heading__________ degrees

Signature:______________________________ Date:__________

9. Verify that all platforms, ladders, handrails, and bracing are installed correctly in
accordance to the access installation drawing contained in the print pack.

Signature:______________________________ Date:__________

10. Assemble the reflector as shown in the Reflector Assembly drawing in the print
pack. On antennas 3.8M to 7.3M, refer to the Reflector Assembly drawing in the
print pack and in the sequence outlined in the Installation Manual.
a. Verify radial beam tip heights (if applicable) have been properly set.
b. Verify all lacing is installed.
c. The sequence of operations outlined in the installation manual was
followed since the bolt-together product lines are sensitive to the assembly

Signature:______________________________ Date:__________

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11. Mount the hub to the pedestal and verify elevation axis pins are installed as
shown in the corresponding reflector and pedestal drawings.
a. Verify bushing placement is in accordance to the drawings.
b. Washers are correctly installed.
c. Elevation axis lugs are positioned within the clevis as depicted in the
d. Elevation axis pins are adequately secured.

Signature:______________________________ Date:__________

12. Verify proper installation of the elevation jack assembly (if applicable) and its
a. Bushing and bearing placement.
b. Anti-rotation set screws and washers are set.
c. Jack rod-end pin installs with a tight tolerance bore. No backlash is
d. Jack boot is installed with the zipper positioned under the jack screw if
applicable. The zippers on the large antenna boots are spiraled around
the boot, so they cannot be placed on the underside.
e. The jack screw and jack housing is lubricated as described in the antenna
Operations and Maintenance Manual.
f. Lubricant requirement label is in place on the jack.

Signature:______________________________ Date:__________

13. Verify installations of all grease fittings and that all points are greased. (Ref. O&M
Manual for locations and types of lubricants.)

Signature:______________________________ Date:__________

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14. Verify azimuth verticality (level) was set according to document 400-0429 for
kingpost style antennas or 500-0288 for turning head styles:
a. Record verticality values below.
b. Record measurement equipment manufacture, model number, and
calibration data, below:
c. Verify that all pedestal/foundation interfaces have been grouted and
anchor bolts have been tightened.
d. Attach the verticality worksheet from the appropriate verticality procedure
(400-0429 for KP antennas or 500-0288 for TH antennas)

Verticality:__________degrees Max.allowed:__________degrees

During verticality testing, reflector was at elevation angle __________ degrees.

Instrument Model Number:______________________________

Instrument Manufacturer:______________________________

Calibration Date:____________________

Signature:______________________________ Date:__________

15. Remove leveling bolts from support legs, Az. drive assembly, and pintle after

Verify final anchor bolt per General Dynamics SATCOM Technologies

Specification 300-2436. Fill leveling bolt holes with silicone.

Signature:______________________________ Date:__________

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16. Verify proper installation of the azimuth drive motor and its components.
a. Verify proper spacing of gearbox to jack coupling.
b. Check coupling setscrews for tightness.
c. Check that the mounting flanges are mated correctly.
d. Fill gearbox with proper oil to required level.
e. Check for oil leaks and repair if necessary.
f. Verify that the exposed motor shafts are coated with a rust/corrosion
protective compound.
g. Check that the gearbox breather is installed in the upper plughole.
h. If gearmotors are field installed, verify the coupling haves have been
secured to the jack and gearbox shaft according to procedure 300-2492.
i. Verify that possible water traps have means for drainage.
j. Verify that couplings are coated with rust/corrosion protective compound.

Signature:______________________________ Date:__________

17. Verify proper installation of the elevation drive motor and its components.
a. Verify proper spacing of gearbox to jack coupling.
b. Check coupling setscrews for tightness.
c. Check that the mounting flanges are mated correctly.
d. Fill gearbox with proper oil to required level.
e. Check for oil leaks and repair if necessary.
f. Verify that the exposed motor shafts are coated with a rust/corrosion
protective compound.
g. Check that the gearbox breather is installed in the upper plughole.
h. If gearmotors are field installed, verify the coupling haves have been
secured to the jack and gearbox shaft according to procedure 300-2492.
i. Verify that possible water traps have means for drainage.
j. Verify couplings are coated with rust/corrosion protective compounds

Signature:______________________________ Date:__________

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18. Install and align the azimuth transducer (resolver or encoder) installation.
a. Verify the fixed pin is aligned as required by the azimuth transducer
installation drawing and document 500-0231, and record the total pin
runout below:
b. Verify the transducer pin is aligned to the fixed pin.

Fixed Pin Runout:__________ Maximum Allowed Runout:__________

Signature:______________________________ Date:__________

19. Install and align the elevation transducer (resolver or encoder) installation.
a. Verify the fixed pin is aligned as required by the azimuth transducer
installation drawing and document 500-0231, and record the total pin
runout below:
b. Verify the transducer pin has been aligned to the fixed pin.

Fixed Pin Runout:__________ Maximum Allowed Runout:__________

Signature:______________________________ Date:__________

20. Verify proper installation of feed:

a. Verify feed rollers (if applicable) are free to rotate.
b. Feed flange fits snug within feed rollers. There is no perceivable play in
connection of feed flange to rollers or feed ring.

Signature:______________________________ Date:__________

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21. Verify installation front hub closeout and proper sealing of the feed rain closeout.
The hub closeout and rainshield closeout should be sealed against water

Signature:______________________________ Date:__________

22. Verify installation of lightning rods as required per system. Ensure the rod is
securely mated to the non-painted surface. Remove paint if necessary and
apply touch-up paint after installation.

Signature:______________________________ Date:__________

23. Verify installation of all ground straps on the antenna structure. Install with star
washers; remove all paint at point of contact on both sides. Apply touch-up
paint after installation. Verify that site representative (or customer) is aware of the
customer ground field connections required at the antenna base (lower pintle,
legs, azimuth drive.)

Signature:______________________________ Date:__________

24. Verify tension of feed polarization drive chain (if applicable). Tighten the chain
for approximately 50 percent compression of the Belleville washers.

Signature:______________________________ Date:__________

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25. Cassegrain antennas only – After the reflector and subreflector alignment is
complete, verify accuracy by reading and recording each target location and
subreflector position. Return a signed copy to General Dynamics SATCOM
Technologies. After reflector and subreflector is final aligned, verify dimensions
per OPTICAL GEOMETRY DRAWING _______________. Installed dimensions
should be recorded on “RF Geometry Worksheet”, included in this checklist.

Signature:______________________________ Date:__________

26. Cassegrain antennas only--Verify that the distance from the inboard edge of the
panels to the feed window surface is ____________.

Signature:______________________________ Date:__________

27. Cassegrain antennas only--Verify that the distance from the feed window to the
very center of the subreflector is ____________.

Signature:______________________________ Date:__________

28. Verify installation of the azimuth, elevation, and polarization resolver boots (if

Signature:______________________________ Date:__________

29. Verify that all resolver / encoder couplings are properly tightened (if applicable).

Signature:______________________________ Date:__________

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30. Verify that all flexible conduits have been installed with proper service loops for
system full movement.

Signature:______________________________ Date:__________

31. Verify that all wiring has been installed and terminated properly per the
appropriate wiring diagram noted below and has sufficient service loops.
Antenna Control System Wiring Diagram(s).
Antenna Deice System Wiring Diagram(s).
Antenna Utility System Wiring Diagram(s).
LNA System Controller/Power Supply Wiring Connections.
Other, specify________________________.

Signature:______________________________ Date:__________

32. Verify that the antenna structure has been cleaned and painted, as needed, to
like new condition.

Signature:______________________________ Date:__________

33. Verify that all junction boxes and control cabinets are clean and free of metal
shavings, wiring is neatly routed and laced, and that all covers and doors are
tightly secured.

Signature:______________________________ Date:__________

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34. Verify that the permanent power is the proper voltage and phase arrangement:

Expected site power: __________volts / _____phase / _____Hz

____________ wire with ground, and ____________ connect (Y or Delta).

Measured site:
a. Voltage reading A phase to B phase is __________.

b. Voltage reading A phase to C phase is __________.

c. Voltage reading B phase to C phase is __________.

d. Voltage reading A phase to Neutral is __________.

e. Voltage reading B phase to Neutral is __________.

f. Voltage reading C phase to Neutral is __________.

g. Voltage reading Neutral to Ground __________.

Signature:______________________________ Date:__________

35. Verify the proper installation and operation by drawings or written procedures of
the following components when applicable.

a. Main reflector / subreflector, deicing equipment model number inside unit

_________, Serial Number __________, Outside unit model number
____________, Model Number ____________, Installation drawings /
procedures (include revision level) _______. Deice System O&M manual
(include revision level). Deice system Checkout per section _______ of the
O&M is completed. Sign-off of completion of closeout installation. Verify all
hardware installed by drawing installation and adequately tightened.

b. Feed Rain Blower controller model number ____________, serial number

_______________. Installation drawings/procedures include revision level)
____________. Rain blower O&M manual (include revision level)
_____________. System checkout per section ______ of the O&M manual is
completed. (Check that rain blower nozzle is installed and positioned
exactly as specified on the installation drawing.)

c. Antenna Control System model number inside unit ____________,

Outside unit model number _______________________________,

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Serial number _________________________________________,
Installation drawings / procedure numbers (include revision level)

Antenna Controller O&M manual (include revision level)


System checkout per section _______ of the O&M manual is completed.

d. Tracking equipment model number ____________, serial number

_____________. Installation drawing/procedure number (include revision
level) ____________, Tracking equipment O&M manual (include revision
level) _________________. System checkout per section______ of the O&M
manual is completed.
e. LNA System equipment vendor and model number(s)
serial number(s)_____________________________________.
Installation drawings/ procedure numbers (include revision level)
LNA System O&M manual (include revision level)
__________________________________________________. System
checkout per section _____ of the O&M manual.
f. Other equipment not listed: model number(s)

serial number(s) _____________________________________,

Installation drawing/procedure number(s) __________________,

O&M manual(s) ______________________________________.

Signature:______________________________ Date:__________

36. Verify that all terminal boards, wiring, cables and connectors are properly marked
and match the as-built drawings. Verify that all cables are labeled as shown on
the drawings at both ends with permanent cable markers.

Signature:______________________________ Date:__________

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37. Verify that all required equipment and supplies have been identified and left with
the site manager.
a. Touch-up paint (if applicable).
b. Hand crank equipment.
c. Grease gun with hose.
d. Spares (identify any missing spares).

e. ___________________________________________________________

f. ___________________________________________________________

g. ___________________________________________________________

Signature:______________________________ Date:__________

38. Verify proper installation of the following items when required per system.
a. Over-the-axis receive coax or waveguide.
b. Over-the-axis transmit waveguide.
c. Receive IFL.
d. Transmit IFL.
e. Cable tray installation.

f. ___________________________________________________________

g. ___________________________________________________________

Signature:______________________________ Date:__________

39. Verify proper operation of Hub/LNA enclosure blowers and thermostat (if
applicable). Ventilation thermostat is set at .

Signature:______________________________ Date:__________

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40. Verify proper operation of Hub/LNA enclosure heaters and thermostat (if
applicable). Heater thermostat is set at .

Signature:______________________________ Date:__________

41. Verify proper operation of Hub/LNA enclosure high/low temperature alarms.

Signature:______________________________ Date:__________

42. Verify proper function and operation of all E-stops.

Signature:______________________________ Date:__________

43. If applicable verify proper function and operation of all associated interlocks
(reflector hatch, stow pin, cable wrap, etc.).

Signature:______________________________ Date:__________

44. If applicable, verify proper function and operation of radiation inhibit/low elevation
limit switch. Switch is set to operate at deg. elevation.

Signature:______________________________ Date:__________

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45. Verify that the site has been cleaned and all trash removed.

Signature:______________________________ Date:__________

46. Verify that the Customer/Site manager has been given as-built drawings, wiring
schematics, and wiring lists. (One complete set is to be forwarded to the GDST
Project Manager for the project file.

Signature:______________________________ Date:__________

47. Verify panel installation by serial number as required by job.

Signature:______________________________ Date:__________

48. Verify limit switch settings (as applicable).

Insert values in blanks provided below.

Az El Pol ____________

Signature:______________________________ Date:__________

49. On the sign-off sheet, make a list of any problems that occurred during
installation which require correction by Engineering, Manufacturing, Quality
Assurance, Program Management, etc.

Signature:______________________________ Date:__________

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50. Notify the Project Manager and give complete status details. Request the
customer complete the “CUSTOMER SITE MANAGER SURVEY” and email the

Signature:______________________________ Date:__________

51. RF geometry complete (see appendix for Reflector Geometry Sheet).

Signature:______________________________ Date:__________

52. RMS Data Work Sheet Complete (see appendix for RMS Data Work Sheet).

Signature:______________________________ Date:__________

53. Subreflector Alignment is documented on the RF Geometry Worksheet (see

appendix for Reflector Geometry Worksheet).

Signature:______________________________ Date:__________

54. Verify that all field discrepancies have been documented and Field Problem
Reports (see Appendix C) have been filed with the GD Satcom Technologies
Project Manager and/or the GDST Quality Management.

Signature:______________________________ Date:__________

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55. Fill out the Installation Supervisor Survey and email a copy to the GDST Project

Signature:______________________________ Date:__________

56. Verify Installation is complete and correct:

I hearby certify that the items initialed in the checklist have been installed or
assembled correctly as indicated in the finalized checklist. I understand failure to
assemble or install as required by the documents supplied with the antenna or
falsifying the installation checklist document may result in manufacturer’s
warranty being null and void. I also understand that failure to submit the finalized
installation checklist may result in the manufacturer’s warranty being nullified.

Signature:______________________________ Date:__________



57. Provisional Customer Acceptance (see Appendix B) has been received and a
copy has been filed with the GD Satcom Technologies Project Manager.

Signature:______________________________ Date:__________

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Date: _______________ General Dynamics SATCOM Technologies RMS DATA WORKSHEET

Job No.: _____________ Type Antenna: _______________ Customer: _________________

General Dynamics SATCOM Technologies Supervisor: _____________________________

TGT# R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 R11 R12 R13 R14 R15

6 2. T EMP__________________
8 3. WIND__________________
10 4. DRILL T APE_____________
12 5. INST . HT ________________
14 6. EL ANGLE______________
16 7. RMS___________________
18 8. RMD Date_______________

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The antenna system installation is complete except for the discrepancies as noted
below. Control of the antenna system is now transferred to the customer. This
discrepancy list is considered to be final.

Customer: Location:
Antenna Size: Date:
Job # _______________________
(Customer Representative)
Supervisor Release # ______________

(General Dynamics SATCOM Technologies

Representative or Installation Supervisor)

Discrepancy List

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The antenna system installation is complete except for the discrepancies as noted
below. Control of the antenna system is now transferred to the customer. This
discrepancy list is considered to be final.

Customer: Location:
Antenna Size: Date:
Job # _______________________
(Customer Representative)
Supervisor Release # ______________

(General Dynamics SATCOM Technologies

Representative or Installation Supervisor)

Discrepancy List

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Log each discrepancy or field problem in the list below, fill out a Field Problem
Report (FPR), and submit a copy of the FPR (found at the end of Section 8.0) to
the GDST Project Manager. Attach a copy of the log, below, to the end of the
checklist when it is submitted to GD at the close of the antenna installation.

Discrepancy Log:

1. Problem Summary:_______________________________________________________



Was a Field Problem Report Submitted? YES / NO (circle one)

FPR Number:__________ (logged by GDST QA)

Corrective Action Request:__________ (logged by GDST QA)

2. Problem Summary:_______________________________________________________



Was a Field Problem Report Submitted? YES / NO (circle one)

FPR Number:__________ (logged by GDST QA)

Corrective Action Request:__________ (logged by GDST QA)

3. Problem Summary:_______________________________________________________



Was a Field Problem Report Submitted? YES / NO (circle one)

FPR Number:__________ (logged by GDST QA)

Corrective Action Request:__________ (logged by GDST QA)

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4. Problem Summary:_______________________________________________________



Was a Field Problem Report Submitted? YES / NO (circle one)

FPR Number:__________ (logged by GDST QA)

Corrective Action Request:__________ (logged by GDST QA)

5. Problem Summary:_______________________________________________________



Was a Field Problem Report Submitted? YES / NO (circle one)

FPR Number:__________ (logged by GDST QA)

Corrective Action Request:__________ (logged by GDST QA)

6. Problem Summary:_______________________________________________________



Was a Field Problem Report Submitted? YES / NO (circle one)

FPR Number:__________ (logged by GDST QA)

Corrective Action Request:__________ (logged by GDST QA)

7. Problem Summary:_______________________________________________________



Was a Field Problem Report Submitted? YES / NO (circle one)

FPR Number:__________ (logged by GDST QA)

Corrective Action Request:__________ (logged by GDST QA)

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8. Problem Summary:_______________________________________________________



Was a Field Problem Report Submitted? YES / NO (circle one)

FPR Number:__________ (logged by GDST QA)

Corrective Action Request:__________ (logged by GDST QA)

9. Problem Summary:_______________________________________________________



Was a Field Problem Report Submitted? YES / NO (circle one)

FPR Number:__________ (logged by GDST QA)

Corrective Action Request:__________ (logged by GDST QA)

10. Problem Summary:_______________________________________________________



Was a Field Problem Report Submitted? YES / NO (circle one)

FPR Number:__________ (logged by GDST QA)

Corrective Action Request:__________ (logged by GDST QA)

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2600 N. Longview Street
Kilgore, Texas 75662 USA REPORT FORM
Fax 903.984.1826

Date Written Problem List#:

Job Number: Customer :

Location: Customer Complaint: (YES/NO)?

Antenna Size: Supervisor:

Customer Representative on Site:

(Full Name)

Est. Lost Man Hrs: Est. Material Cost:

Drawing Numbers to Reference:

Drawing Numbers Attached:



# work order # B.O.M. # Part # Description Qty

955-0684 Rev. A

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Troubleshooting/ Investigation on site to try and determine the problem.

Possible Causes
1. Loose Hardware on Pol Drive Assembly, (couplings, cleat screws etc.)
2. Incorrect Sprock et Size
3. Pol Sprock et size specified incorrectly for the specific feed Tube diameter
4. Incorrect Wiring from resolver to ACU
5. A/D Converter problem in the ACU
6. Bad Resolver
7. Incorrect Gear Reducer on the Pol Drive Assy.

1. Check ed all couplings, cleat screws and hardware - OK
2. Check ed Sprock et for proper sizing – Check ed OK (35 teeth) as per spec.
3. Check ed with engineering to double check the sprock et against the Feed Tube diameter –
4. Double Check ed Wiring from Resolver to ACU – Visually look s ok . Re-terminated the cable
on both ends. Problem still exists.
5. Swapped cables from Az Axis to Pol Axis, Pol Axis reports correct readout with the rotation.
This test tells us the A/D converter in the ACU is OK.
6. Removed Resolver from Pol Drive Assy. Using a Sharpie Pen, the resolver shaft was
mark ed and then was rotated as closely as possible by hand. Rotation check ed at 90 deg,
180 deg, 270 deg and 360 deg. The ACU readout is correct in relation to the shaft rotation of
the resolver. There Resolver is ok and this test also confirms that the cable is wired properly
and confirms #4.
7. Check ed the name plate on the Pol Drive assy. The nameplate specifies the correct P/N and
1600:1 Gear Ratio. – name Plate on the pol assy. check s out OK.

The problem is not in the hardware, ACU, Cabling or Resolver, Sprock et size etc.
The only item that could not be verified on site was the Pol Drive – P/N P12997-1.
The name plate was verified to be correct, but could not verify the actual output of the components.

A new pol drive was shipped to the site. Upon arrival, it was installed in place of the original pol drive.
The ACU now reports the correct angular rotation of the feed.

Suspected Problem,
It is suspected that the gear reducer installed into the Pol Drive Assy is actually not a 1600:1 gear
reducer. There was no means of actually verifying the Gear Ration on site.

The Pol Drive Assy in question has been returned to GDST for further investigat ion.

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The Installation Supervisor and Customer Site Manager are both requested to
complete the appropriate surveys in Appendix D and submit the GD Satcom
Technologies Project Manager.

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Name: Project Number_______ Date __________

Installation Supervisor Survey

Customer Service wants to provide you with the highest level of service. Please tell us how we can
do that better by completing the following survey.
Please fill in the circle that best represents your answer to the following questions. We appreciate your

1. How would you rate the technical skills of:

a. the General Dynamics SATCOM Technologies installation crew?
poor  excellent
b. the customer supplied installation crew?
poor  excellent
2. Was the documentation provided by the factory thorough and correct? _____yes _____no
If no, please explain: ______________________________________________________
3. How do you rate the quality of installation components?
poor  excellent
4. How do you rate the support you received from the field implementation support person?
poor  excellent
5. How do you rate the administrative support you received from customer service?
poor  excellent
6. Was your crew properly equipped (tools, dress, safety equipment, etc.)?
not equipped  properly equipped
7. How do you rate the General Dynamics SATCOM Technologies crew’s attention to safety?
not attentive  attentive
8. How do you rate the General Dynamics SATCOM Technologies crew’s relationship with the
poor  excellent
9. How would you rate your communication with the customer?
poor  excellent
If you experienced communication problems with the customer, please describe below:

10. Were there any delays due to site preparation? _____ yes _____no
If yes, please explain: ______________________________________________________


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11. What is one thing GD Satcom Technologies could do to make your job as installation
supervisor easier?

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Name: Project Number _______ Date __________

Customer Site Manager Survey

Thank you for being a General Dynamics SATCOM Technologies customer. In order to be a better
supplier and provide our customers with the highest level of products and services, we are asking
you complete the survey below. Your answers will help us to continually improve the way we do
business with our customers. This form is part of the sign off process.

Please fill in the circle that best represents your answer to the following questions. We appreciate your feedback.
1. How would you rate the technical skills of the General Dynamics SATCOM Technologies
supplied installation crew?
poor  excellent
2. How effective was the General Dynamics SATCOM Technologies crew when communicating
with you about installation status, problems encountered and other relevant information?
unskilled  exceptionally skilled

3. How satisfied are you that we met the following commitment dates:

 Delivery of parts and installation materials.

very dissatisfied  very satisfied
 Installation start date.
very dissatisfied  very satisfied
 Installation completion date.
very dissatisfied  very satisfied
 Testing (if applicable).
very dissatisfied  very satisfied
4. Was the General Dynamics SATCOM Technologies supplied installation crew properly equipped
(tools, dress, safety equipment, etc.)?
not equipped  properly equipped
5. How would you rate the General Dynamics SATCOM Technologies supplied installation crew’s
attention to safety?
not attentive  attentive
6. Overall, how satisfied are you with the final product?
very dissatisfied  very satisfied
Why did you select that rating? _____________________________________________
7. Overall, how satisfied are you with the quality of our installation?
Dissatisfied  very satisfied
Why did you select that rating? _____________________________________________

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8. What is one thing GD Satcom Technologies can do to improve as a supplier—to make it easier to

do business with us?



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