Answer Key 2022-23 DAV Board Paper

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MM: 70 CLASS-XI CHEMISTRY (THEORY) Marking Scheme/Hints to Solution Note: Any other relevant answer, not given herein but given by the candidate be suitably rewarded. S.No. Value Points/Key Points Marks Allotted| Total tocach value | Marks point/key point { Section-A E © 1 1 pe (b) i 1 3 © 1 1 4 @ 1 1 5. © 1 1 6. 0) 1 1 7. © 1 q 8 @ 1 1 9 © 1 1 10. (a) 1 1 nu. | @ 1 1 12. | @) ; 1 1 1 | @ 1 1 s/chemisiry 1 1 4. | © 1 1 ra) 1 1 1. | @ 1 1 7. | @ 1 1 1. | @ Section-B io | nn sienmase 20-95 mole A Molar mass 40 Mass of solution = mass of solute + mass of solvent = 20 g + 480 g = 5008 Mass of solution 500g uti ; Volume of solution = Se sity ofsolution 1.05 g em™ % = 476.2 cm* srotarty = NO-oe moles of solute Volume of solution in lit. = 9521000 - 1.05 mol L! i 2 476.2 ; 90* 5.6 30, | Uncertainty in speed of ball = AV= Toy “1 | \inty in speed of bal 735 = 5.04 ms a 4 «19°34 Therefore, 4* = 6,626 x10 *" Js 4% 3.14 «107 kg * 5.04 ms! % bx = 1.04 «10 m ‘ 4 OR sicher!" ; 21. 22. Ww, ae Iv, W, = 6.626 x 10“ Js x 10! 5! = 6.626 x 10°” J 8 gw Lo 3108 mst 19-7 vo 1018 so! (a) Example of cation : AP" / Mg” / Na‘ Example of anion ; N° / 0% / F- (b) Since n = 4, electronic configuration of clement = 3d? 4s? Element belongs to 4** period and 5" group [Cr(OH),} (aq) + H,0 (aq) > CrO,? (aa) + H,O() Step 1 : Assigning oxidation numbers +3 -1 +6 2 [Cr(OM)4] (aq) + H2O2 (aq) > CrO}” (aq) + #20) Step 2: Cr and O undergo change in ON Inc. in ON = 6-3 = +3 —_——— 7? 1 +6 2 43 J (aq) + H202 (aq) > C04" (aq) + H200) [Cr(OH)4, Dec. in ON per atom of 0 =-1 Total dec, in ON = 2x-1=-2 Step 3: Balancing for increase/decrease in ON 2fCr(OFD,F (aa) + 3H,0, (a4) > 2CrO,* (aq) 168,01) Step 5: Balancing for O and H atoms in basic medium Cr(OH),} (aq) + 3,0, (aa) > 2CrO,> (aq) + 8H, OC, 20H" + 2[ “Balancing by ion electron method should also be suitably awarded) OR weus we Cu (aq) + NO, (aq) > Cu?" (aq) + NO, Oxidation half reaction : Cu > Cu”* i - + Cu Balancing oxidation half reaction ; Cu > 2e- + Cu ts +4 ‘ Reduction half reaction ; NO, > NO, Balancing reduction half reaction : NO, + le" > NO, Balance the charges : 2H* + NO, + le > NO, Balance the O and H atoms: 2H" + NO, + le > NO, + H,0 Multiply with appropriate coefficient : 2QH' + NO, + le" > NO, + H,0) Add both oxidation and reduction half equation and cancel the electrons from both sides : Cu + 4H* + 2NO, ~» Cu + 2NO, + 2H,0 4 (Balancing by oxidation number method should also be suitably awarded) 3 23. | (a) Hund’s rule maximum multiplicity Pairing of electrons in the orbitals belonging to the same subshell (p, d or f) does not take place until each orbital belonging to that subshell has got one electron each, that is it is singly occupied. yoy (b) 1? 2s? ap 35? 3p 348 4s! 1 2 24. | TUPAC name of the alkene : 3,4-dimethylhept-3-ene 1 oye, om f cH, ou, q . a, meh cn, cn, ene 1 2 a oan, cu, 6is-34-dimethyinept-3-ene Wrans-3,4-dimethylhept-3-ene 4 isIChemistry ms 4 — wesw i 25, (a) sp hybridized carbon atom in ethyne have highest clectronegativity hence these attract the shared electron Pair of C-H bond to a greater extent and hydrogen atoms| can be easily liberated as protons. 1 (b) Presence of delocalized x electrons / Benzene is a hybrid of various resonating structures, i 2 Seetion-C 26. % % % 1 18 f i] ~ a] = 2.18 «10 -= , 2 cya % np one AE = -3.03 x 107 Tv 1 3 27. | (a) P0->0 q © Cl>F>Br>T 1 OR (a) The attraction between the outer (or valence) electrons and the nucleus increases as the atomic radius decreases i in a period, hence electronegativity increases actoss the period. (0) As we go down a group the outer most electron being increasingly farther from the nucleus there is an increase shielding of the nuclear charge by the electrons in the inner levels. In this case increase in shielding outweights| the increasing nuclear charge and the removal of the outer most electron requires less energy down a graup 1 (© Half shell stability in Nitrogen / increased electran -electron repulsion in the 2p orbitals of oxygen, 1 3 sichemistry S i eer se 28. | (a) AG=AH—Tas AG = 40.8 « 10° J — (300 K x 110 5 K+! molt) AG = 7800 J Since, AG > 0, reaction is non-spontaneous, (b) AG is always negative at all temperatures, 29, (a) Ch, -O-CH~ cH, CHy oR Position isomerism (©) Electrophiles : BF, and CH,CH,’ Nucleophiles : (CH,),NH and -OH © ¢ wm @ 9 9 O ont cl CHy+ cf 8 in CHC one Gi 30. | (@) If phosphorous is estimated as Mg,P,0, -) _ G2% Mm *100, Then % of P= 7 62x 0.444 x 100 th of p= 92 SOAS 100 _ 49 60% tet 222 x 0.25 (b) CHy cu, de < ot B hy 1 cl MS/Chemistry 10 ii) () 1) hemistry S038 +ZnO lsopropylbenzene Planar ring containing Complete delocalisation syste.™ that is, each ato P-orbital, where n= 1 Cueket’s rute) (ny two points) conjugated x bonds " wey wu ewe s—

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