Model Question Paper-1/2 with effect from 2022-23 (CBCS 2022 Scheme)
Note: 01 Answer any FIVE full questions, choosing at least ONE question from each
*Bloom’s COs
Module -1 Taxonomy Marks
Q.01 a Derive the expression for extension of rectangular tapering bar L3 1 07
subjected to an axial load P
b Explain the terms: L1 1 03
(i) Modulus of Elasticity (ii) Modulus of rigidity
(iii) Poisson’s ratio
c A round bar with stepped portion is subjected to the forces as shown in L3 1 10
Fig. Q1(c). Determine the magnitude of force P, such that the net
deformation in the bar does not exceed 1 mm. E for steel is 200 GPa, E
for Aluminum is 70 GPa. Large end diameter and small end diameter
of the tapering bar are 40 mm and 12.5 mm respectively.
Q.02 a Derive an expression for circular tapering bar L3 1 10
b A 18 mm diameter steel rod passes centrally through a copper tube of L2 1 10
26 mm diameter (internal) and 38 mm external diameter. The rod is 2.6
m long and is closed at each end by rigid plates of negligible thickness.
The nuts are tightened lightly on the protecting parts of the rod. If the
temperature of assembly is raised by 800C, calculate thermal stresses
induced in copper and steel. Take αcu= 17.5X10-6/0C, αs= 12X10-6/0C,
Est= 210 GPa, Ecu= 1.05X105 N/mm2.
Q. 03 a What are the different types of loads and supports? Explain with a neat L1 2 08
b Draw BMD and SFD for the beam shown in Fig 3(b). L2 2 12
Q.04 a Derive the relationship between load, shear force and bending moment L2 2 06
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b Draw BMD and SFD for the beam shown in Fig. 4(b). Indicate the L2 2 14
maximum bending moment and its location. Also show the point of
contra flexure.
Q. 05 a What are the assumptions of simple bending? L1 3 05
Q. 06 a Derive an expression for shear stress? L2 3 10
Q. 07 a Derive the relationship between slope, deflection and radius of L2 4 10
Q. 08 a Differentiate between short and long column L1 4 4
Q. 09 a Show that the planes of maximum shear stresses are inclined at 450 L2 5 06
with the principal planes
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Fig. Q9(b).
Q. 10 a Show that in a thin cylinder the hoop stress is twice the longitudinal L3 5 08
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