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The present study is focused on the development and formulation of organic
glass cleaner based upon the literature survey of various chemicals possessing
cleaning activity. The proposed product plays a significant role in cleaning the
surface of glass, versatile and effective cleaning product. Nowadays, many
commercial products are available in the market, but sometimes it needs to
satisfy certain requirements like efficiency, non-hazardous and cost-efficient.
Hence by considering the fact, the organic glass cleaner spray is synthesized
from water, glaxicol paste, dry vinegar, thinners, and surface-active
compounds. This product removes stains and dust effectively and keeps the
glass surface clean.
the above proposed product is presented The product also contains the presence of
here. sodium stearate as a surfactant as it has
both hydrophilic and hydrophobic parts,
The above glass cleaner spray is basically carboxylate and long hydrocarbon chain
synthesized by using glaxicol powder and and can actively participate in micelle
vinegar powder. Vinegar is generally formation. Sodium stearate is also known
stocked domestic product and is most to use as a lipid to form inclusion
frequently used as a cleaning agent1. complexes and to reduce the sensitivity of
Vinegar also provides an effective means complex film to environmental moisture5.
of disinfecting surfaces of virus2. The use The use of thinner and to have pleasant
of surfactant also plays an essential role as smell essential oil, which is grapefruit base
detergency is a very complex is also added, which makes the product
phenomenon. The use of surfactant practically more usable and pleasant.
aggregates above critical concentration
and can separate the deposits by creating It is also important not to neglect the long-
nano-sized dynamic compartments3. As term use, or contact of chemically-based
per the current scenario, thousands of cleaner may be harmful to the person.
cleaning agents are available and the Most of the research studies have revealed
ecological and industrial hygiene benefits the several health effects affecting the
are obvious but are ergonomic and need to lungs. Environment experts also have
clear safety implications as an outcome reported that most household cleaning
price may be privileged4. agents consist of most of the harmful
toxins, which can show their results after a
Several cleaning products available in the long time. It is impractical to estimate
market can cause irritation to the eyes, precisely the risk, but precautions can be
throat, headache and other health issues. taken to avoid the adverse effects on
Few of them may be the source of the health.
generation of harmful compounds of
gasses. But the above product is MATERIAL AND METHODS
synthesized, taking into consideration its First of all, 60gm of glaxicol powder is
harmful effects and the stability under added in one litre of water and 1 gm of
working conditions. natural disinfectant vinegar is added and
slowly mixed and stirred; a tablespoon of
blue colour is added; as a result, the blue colour. The products start to form and
mixture turns to green colour initially, then can observe the formation of a thick paste,
100 gm of surface-active compound is ultimately 5 ml of thinner is added.
added due to which the mixture turns to
Table 1
S/N Name of plant species Parts used
1 Glaxicol powder 60gm
2 Vinegar Powder 1 gm
3 Water 1000 ml
4 Blue Colour As per the requirement
5 Surfactant-Sodium Stearate 100 gm
6 Thinner-acetone 5 ml
7 Fragrance-grapefruit essential oil 20-25 drops
Table 2
Places where product is Observations
Used for cleaning different Removal Removal of Removal Provide
glass surfaces at of stain dirt/impurities/dust of glossy
moisture surface
School Window’s
Glass surface/table wares 70-80% 70-80% 100% 100%
College Window’s
Glass surface/ table wares 60-80% 60-80% 100% 100%
Hospital window’s glass
surface/table wares 60-70% 60-70% 100% 100%
Automobile’s glass
surface/table wares 80-90% 80-90% 100% 100%
Average Percentage
74% 74% 100% 100%
Figure 1
Figure 2
mirrors or all types of glasses. It contains J.App Poly, Sci, 124(5), 3782-
I. J.S.Greatorex, P.Digard, J.E.Enstone,
T.Wreghitt, P.P.Powell, D.W.Sexton,
R.Vivincos, J.S.Nguyen-Van-Tam,
Plosone, 5(2), e8987, 2010.