Ca1 Institutional Corrections
Ca1 Institutional Corrections
Ca1 Institutional Corrections
It is the establishment of the usefulness and Long, low, narrow, single decked ships propelled
responsibility of the offender. Society’s interest can by sails, usually rowed by criminals.
be better served by helping the prisoner to become Ships used to transport criminals in the 16th
law abiding citizen and productive upon his return to century.
Superintendent of the Penal Colony of Norfolk Island
The Panopticon is a prison design concept created by in Australia in 1849, Maconochie introduced the
English philosopher Jeremy Bentham. It features a "Mark system." This system required prisoners to
circular building with a central watchtower allowing a earn marks through proper labor and behavior to
single guard to observe all inmates, who cannot tell if qualify for conditional release, similar to parole.
they're being watched. This design promotes constant
self-regulation due to perceived surveillance. While never 4. SIR WALTER CROFTON: As the Director of the Irish
built exactly as Bentham proposed, it influenced modern Prison in 1854, Crofton introduced the Irish system,
prisons and discussions about surveillance and social later known as the Progressive Stage System. This
control. system included compulsory education, the casework
method, and extensive use of parole based on
WALNUT STREET PRISON: indeterminate sentences.
America's first state prison, the Walnut Street Jail in 5. ZEBULON BROCKWAY: Brockway, as the
Philadelphia, was established in 1773. It was Superintendent of the Elmira Reformatory in New
transformative and turned into a penitentiary system York in 1876, implemented a new institutional
mainstay, focusing on inmate rehabilitation.
program for young offenders. Elmira Reformatory is
regarded as the forerunner of modern penology,
incorporating elements such as compulsory
One of England's oldest prisons, Newgate Prison in education, casework, and the use of parole based on
London, operated from the 12th century to 1902. It is indeterminate sentences.
abandoned cooper mine located at Simsbury,
Connecticut, the inmates are confined underground and 6. SIR EVELYN RUGGLES BRISE: Brise, the Director
were in considered as black hole of horrors, which really of English Prisons, opened the Borstal Institution in
belongs to the Barbaric past. 1897 after visiting Elmira Reformatory. Borstal
Institutions became renowned as reformation centers
for young offenders, focusing on individual treatment.