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136 112 V13.0.1 (2016



Location Measurementt U Unit (LMU) conformance spe
Network based positiitioning systems in Evolved Universal
Terrestrial Radi
dio Access Network (E-UTRA AN)
(3GPP TS 36.1.112 version 13.0.1 Release 13)
3GPP TS 36.112 version 13.0.1 Release 13 1 ETSI TS 136 112 V13.0.1 (2016-01)




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3GPP TS 36.112 version 13.0.1 Release 13 2 ETSI TS 136 112 V13.0.1 (2016-01)

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3GPP TS 36.112 version 13.0.1 Release 13 3 ETSI TS 136 112 V13.0.1 (2016-01)

Intellectual Property Rights ................................................................................................................................2
Modal verbs terminology....................................................................................................................................2
1 Scope ........................................................................................................................................................8
2 References ................................................................................................................................................8
3 Definitions, symbols and abbreviations ...................................................................................................8
3.1 Definitions .......................................................................................................................................................... 8
3.2 Symbols .............................................................................................................................................................. 8
3.3 Abbreviations ..................................................................................................................................................... 9
4 General Test Conditions and Declarations ...............................................................................................9
4.1 Measurement uncertainties and test requirements .............................................................................................. 9
4.1.1 General.......................................................................................................................................................... 9
4.1.2 Acceptable uncertainty of Test System......................................................................................................... 9 Measurement of receiver ......................................................................................................................... 9 Measurement time requirement ............................................................................................................. 14 Measurement of performance requirement ........................................................................................... 14
4.2 LMU classes ..................................................................................................................................................... 14
4.3 Regional requirements ...................................................................................................................................... 14
4.4 Selection of configurations for testing.............................................................................................................. 14
4.5 LMU configurations ......................................................................................................................................... 14
4.6 Manufacturer"s declarations of regional requirements ..................................................................................... 16
4.6.1 Operating band and frequency range .......................................................................................................... 16
4.6.2 Channel bandwidth ..................................................................................................................................... 16
4.6.3 Co-location with base stations in other bands ............................................................................................. 16
4.6.4 Manufacturer's declarations of supported RF configurations ..................................................................... 17
4.7 Specified frequency range and supported channel bandwidth.......................................................................... 17
4.7.1 RF bandwidth position for non-single carrier testing ................................................................................. 17
4.7.2 Aggregated channel bandwidth position for CA specific testing ................................................................ 18
4.8 Format and interpretation of tests ..................................................................................................................... 18
5 Operating Bands and Channel Arrangement ..........................................................................................19
5.1 General ............................................................................................................................................................. 19
5.2 Operating bands................................................................................................................................................ 19
5.3 Channel bandwidth ........................................................................................................................................... 21
5.4 Channel arrangement ........................................................................................................................................ 22
5.4.1 Channel spacing .......................................................................................................................................... 22
5.4.2 CA Channel spacing ................................................................................................................................... 22
5.4.3 Channel raster ............................................................................................................................................. 22
5.4.4 Carrier frequency and EARFCN ................................................................................................................. 23
5.5 Requirements for contiguous spectrum ............................................................................................................ 24
6 Conformance Tests for LMU RF Requirements ....................................................................................25
6.1 General ............................................................................................................................................................. 25
6.2 Reference sensitivity level ................................................................................................................................ 25
6.2.1 Definition and applicability ........................................................................................................................ 25
6.2.2 Minimum requirement ................................................................................................................................ 25
6.2.3 Test Purpose................................................................................................................................................ 25
6.2.4 Method of testing ........................................................................................................................................ 25 Initial conditions ................................................................................................................................... 25 Procedure .............................................................................................................................................. 25
6.2.5 Test requirement ......................................................................................................................................... 25
6.3 Dynamic range ................................................................................................................................................. 26

3GPP TS 36.112 version 13.0.1 Release 13 4 ETSI TS 136 112 V13.0.1 (2016-01)

6.3.1 Definition and applicability ........................................................................................................................ 26

6.3.2 Minimum Requirement ............................................................................................................................... 26
6.3.3 Test purpose ................................................................................................................................................ 26
6.3.4 Method of testing ........................................................................................................................................ 26 Initial conditions ................................................................................................................................... 26 Procedure .............................................................................................................................................. 26
6.3.5 Test Requirements ...................................................................................................................................... 27
6.4 In-channel selectivity ....................................................................................................................................... 27
6.4.1 Definition and applicability ........................................................................................................................ 27
6.4.2 Minimum Requirement ............................................................................................................................... 27
6.4.3 Test purpose ................................................................................................................................................ 27
6.4.4 Method of testing ........................................................................................................................................ 27 Initial conditions ................................................................................................................................... 27 Procedure .............................................................................................................................................. 28
6.4.5 Test Requirements ...................................................................................................................................... 28
6.5 Adjacent channel selectivity (ACS) and narrow-band blocking....................................................................... 28
6.5.1 Definition and applicability ........................................................................................................................ 28
6.5.2 Minimum Requirement ............................................................................................................................... 28
6.5.3 Test purpose ................................................................................................................................................ 29
6.5.4 Method of test ............................................................................................................................................. 29 Initial conditions ................................................................................................................................... 29 Procedure .............................................................................................................................................. 29 Procedure for narrow-band blocking..................................................................................................... 29
6.5.5 Test Requirements ...................................................................................................................................... 29
6.6 Blocking ........................................................................................................................................................... 30
6.6.1 Definition and applicability ........................................................................................................................ 30
6.6.2 Minimum Requirements ............................................................................................................................. 30
6.6.3 Test purpose ................................................................................................................................................ 31
6.6.4 Method of test ............................................................................................................................................. 31 Initial conditions ................................................................................................................................... 31 Procedure .............................................................................................................................................. 31
6.6.5 Test Requirements ...................................................................................................................................... 31
6.7 Receiver spurious emissions............................................................................................................................. 32
6.7.1 Definition and applicability ........................................................................................................................ 32
6.7.2 Minimum Requirements ............................................................................................................................. 33
6.7.3 Test purpose ................................................................................................................................................ 33
6.7.4 Method of test ............................................................................................................................................. 33 Initial conditions ................................................................................................................................... 33 Procedure .............................................................................................................................................. 33
6.7.5 Test requirements ........................................................................................................................................ 33
6.8 Receiver intermodulation ................................................................................................................................. 34
6.8.1 Definition and applicability ........................................................................................................................ 34
6.8.2 Minimum Requirement ............................................................................................................................... 34
6.8.3 Test purpose ................................................................................................................................................ 34
6.8.4 Method of test ............................................................................................................................................. 34 Initial conditions ................................................................................................................................... 34 Procedures ............................................................................................................................................. 34
6.8.5 Test requirements ........................................................................................................................................ 34
7 Conformance Tests for UL RTOA Measurement Time Requirements ..................................................35
7.1 General ............................................................................................................................................................. 35
7.2 Requirements for FDD without DRX ............................................................................................................... 35
7.2.1 Definition and applicability ........................................................................................................................ 35
7.2.2 Minimum requirement ................................................................................................................................ 35
7.2.3 Test Purpose................................................................................................................................................ 35
7.2.4 Method of testing ........................................................................................................................................ 35 Initial conditions ................................................................................................................................... 35 Procedure .............................................................................................................................................. 36
7.2.5 Test requirement ......................................................................................................................................... 36
7.3 Requirements for TDD without DRX .............................................................................................................. 36
7.3.1 Definition and applicability ........................................................................................................................ 36
7.3.2 Minimum requirement ................................................................................................................................ 37

3GPP TS 36.112 version 13.0.1 Release 13 5 ETSI TS 136 112 V13.0.1 (2016-01)

7.3.3 Test Purpose................................................................................................................................................ 37

7.3.4 Method of testing ........................................................................................................................................ 37 Initial conditions ................................................................................................................................... 37 Procedure .............................................................................................................................................. 37
7.3.5 Test requirement ......................................................................................................................................... 37
7.4 UL RTOA Measurements upon Receiving SRS Configuration Update ........................................................... 38
7.4.1 Definition and applicability ........................................................................................................................ 38
7.4.2 Minimum requirement ................................................................................................................................ 38
7.4.3 Test Purpose................................................................................................................................................ 38
7.4.4 Method of testing ........................................................................................................................................ 38 Initial conditions ................................................................................................................................... 38 Procedure .............................................................................................................................................. 38
7.4.5 Test requirement ......................................................................................................................................... 38
8 Conformance Tests for UL RTOA Measurement Accuracy Requirements ...........................................41
8.1 General ............................................................................................................................................................. 41
8.2 UL RTOA measurement accuracy for a UE not configured with CA .............................................................. 41
8.2.1 Definition and applicability ........................................................................................................................ 41
8.2.2 Minimum requirement ................................................................................................................................ 41
8.2.3 Test Purpose................................................................................................................................................ 41
8.2.4 Method of testing ........................................................................................................................................ 42 Initial conditions ................................................................................................................................... 42 Procedure .............................................................................................................................................. 42
8.2.5 Test requirement ......................................................................................................................................... 42
8.3 UL RTOA measurement accuracy for a UE configured with CA .................................................................... 42
8.3.1 Definition and applicability ........................................................................................................................ 42
8.3.2 Minimum requirement ................................................................................................................................ 43
8.3.3 Test Purpose................................................................................................................................................ 43
8.3.4 Method of testing ........................................................................................................................................ 43 Initial conditions ................................................................................................................................... 43 Procedure .............................................................................................................................................. 43
8.3.5 Test requirement ......................................................................................................................................... 43
8.4 Parallel UL RTOA measurements on the same carrier frequency .................................................................... 44
8.4.1 Definition and applicability ........................................................................................................................ 44
8.4.2 Minimum requirement ................................................................................................................................ 44
8.4.3 Test Purpose................................................................................................................................................ 44
8.4.4 Method of testing ........................................................................................................................................ 44 Initial conditions ................................................................................................................................... 44 Procedure .............................................................................................................................................. 45
8.4.5 Test requirement ......................................................................................................................................... 45
8.5 Parallel UL RTOA measurements on two carrier frequencies ......................................................................... 45
8.5.1 Definition and applicability ........................................................................................................................ 45
8.5.2 Minimum requirement ................................................................................................................................ 45
8.5.3 Test Purpose................................................................................................................................................ 45
8.5.4 Method of testing ........................................................................................................................................ 46 Initial conditions ................................................................................................................................... 46 Procedure .............................................................................................................................................. 46
8.5.5 Test requirement ......................................................................................................................................... 46

Annex A (informative): Reference measurement channel ..................................................................47

A.1 Reference measurement channel ............................................................................................................47
Annex B (informative): Propagation conditions ..................................................................................52
B.1 Static Propagation condition ..................................................................................................................52
B.2 Multi-path fading propagation conditions ..............................................................................................52
Annex C (informative): Characteristics of the interfering signals .....................................................53
C.1 Interfering signals in LMU RF tests ..........................................................................................................53
C.2 Interfering signals in LMU performance tests ...........................................................................................53

3GPP TS 36.112 version 13.0.1 Release 13 6 ETSI TS 136 112 V13.0.1 (2016-01)

Annex D (informative): Environmental requirements for the LMU equipment ..............................54

D.1 General ...................................................................................................................................................54
D.2 Normal test environment ........................................................................................................................54
D.3 Extreme test environment.......................................................................................................................54
D.3.1 Extreme temperature ........................................................................................................................................ 54
D.4 Vibration.................................................................................................................................................55
D.5 Power supply ..........................................................................................................................................55
D.6 Measurement of test environments.........................................................................................................55
Annex E (informative): General Rules for statistical testing..............................................................56
E.1 Error Definition ......................................................................................................................................56
E.2 Test Method............................................................................................................................................56
Annex F (informative): Test tolerances and derivation of test requirements ...................................57
F.1 Test tolerances and derivation of test requirements ...............................................................................57
Annex G (informative): Measurement system setup ...........................................................................59
G.1 Receiver RF Requirements Testing ........................................................................................................59
G.1.1 Receiver sensitivity level .................................................................................................................................. 59
G.1.2 Dynamic range ................................................................................................................................................. 59
G.1.3 In-channel selectivity ....................................................................................................................................... 60
G.1.4 Adjacent channel selectivity (ACS) and narrow-band blocking....................................................................... 60
G.1.5 Blocking ........................................................................................................................................................... 61
G.1.6 Receiver spurious emissions............................................................................................................................. 61
G.1.7 Receiver intermodulation ................................................................................................................................. 62
G.2 UL RTOA measurement time requirements Testing..............................................................................62
G.2.1 UL RTOA measurement time, FDD without DRX .......................................................................................... 62
G.2.2 UL RTOA measurement time, TDD without DRX .......................................................................................... 63
G.3 UL RTOA measurement accuracy requirements Testing ......................................................................63
G.3.1 UL RTOA measurement accuracy for a UE not configured with CA .............................................................. 63
G.3.2 UL RTOA measurement accuracy for a UE configured with CA .................................................................... 63
G.3.3 UL RTOA measurement accuracy when LMU is performing multiple UL RTOA measurements in
parallel .............................................................................................................................................................. 64

Annex H (informative): Change history ...............................................................................................65

History ..............................................................................................................................................................66

3GPP TS 36.112 version 13.0.1 Release 13 7 ETSI TS 136 112 V13.0.1 (2016-01)

This Technical Specification has been produced by the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP).

The contents of the present document are subject to continuing work within the TSG and may change following formal
TSG approval. Should the TSG modify the contents of the present document, it will be re-released by the TSG with an
identifying change of release date and an increase in version number as follows:

Version x.y.z


x the first digit:

1 presented to TSG for information;

2 presented to TSG for approval;

3 or greater indicates TSG approved document under change control.

y the second digit is incremented for all changes of substance, i.e. technical enhancements, corrections,
updates, etc.

z the third digit is incremented when editorial only changes have been incorporated in the document.

3GPP TS 36.112 version 13.0.1 Release 13 8 ETSI TS 136 112 V13.0.1 (2016-01)

1 Scope
The present document establishes the conformance requirements for E-UTRAN Location Measurement Units (LMU)
operating in the FDD or TDD mode.

2 References
The following documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of the present

- References are either specific (identified by date of publication, edition number, version number, etc.) or

- For a specific reference, subsequent revisions do not apply.

- For a non-specific reference, the latest version applies. In the case of a reference to a 3GPP document (including
a GSM document), a non-specific reference implicitly refers to the latest version of that document in the same
Release as the present document.

[1] 3GPP TR 21.905: "Vocabulary for 3GPP Specifications".

[2] 3GPP TS 36.111: "Location Measurement Unit (LMU) performance specification".

[3] 3GPP TS 36.211: "Physical channels and modulation".

[4] IEC 60721-3-3 (2002): "Classification of environmental conditions - Part 3: Classification of

groups of environmental parameters and their severities - Section 3: Stationary use at weather
protected locations".

[5] IEC 60721-3-4 (1995): "Classification of environmental conditions - Part 3: Classification of

groups of environmental parameters and their severities - Section 4: Stationary use at non-weather
protected locations".

[6] IEC 60068-2-1 (2007): "Environmental testing - Part 2: Tests. Tests A: Cold".

[7] IEC 60068-2-2 (2007): "Environmental testing - Part 2: Tests. Tests B: Dry heat".

[8] IEC 60068-2-6 (2007): "Environmental testing - Part 2: Tests - Test Fc: Vibration (sinusoidal)".

3 Definitions, symbols and abbreviations

3.1 Definitions
For the purposes of the present document, the terms and definitions given in TR 21.905 [1] and the following apply. A
term defined in the present document takes precedence over the definition of the same term, if any, in TR 21.905 [1].

3.2 Symbols
For the purposes of the present document, the following symbols apply:

BWChannel Channel bandwidth

BWChannel_CA Aggregated Channel bandwidth
Ês Received energy per RE (power normalized to the subcarrier spacing) during the useful part of the
symbol, i.e. excluding the cyclic prefix, at the LMU antenna connector
Fedge_high Upper edge of the Aggregated Channel Bandwidth
Fedge_low Lower edge of the Aggregated Channel Bandwidth

3GPP TS 36.112 version 13.0.1 Release 13 9 ETSI TS 136 112 V13.0.1 (2016-01)

Io The total received power density, including signal and interference, as measured at the UE antenna
Iot The received power spectral density of the total noise and interference for a certain RE (power
integrated over the RE and normalized to the subcarrier spacing) as measured at the LMU antenna
Ts The basic unit of time defined in TS 36.211 clause 4

3.3 Abbreviations
For the purposes of the present document, the abbreviations given in TR 21.905 [1] and the following apply. An
abbreviation defined in the present document takes precedence over the definition of the same abbreviation, if any, in
TR 21.905 [1].

ACS Adjacent Channel Selectivity

DRX Discontinuous Reception
E-UTRAN Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access Network
E-SMLC Enhanced Serving Mobile Location Center
EARFCN E-UTRAN Absolute Radio Frequency Channel Number
eNodeB evolved Node B
LMU Location Measurement Unit
RTOA Relative Time of Arrival
SRS Sounding Reference Signal
UE User Equipment
UL Uplink
UTDOA Uplink Time Difference Of Arrival

4 General Test Conditions and Declarations

4.1 Measurement uncertainties and test requirements

4.1.1 General
The requirements of this clause apply to all applicable tests in this specification.

The Minimum Requirements are given in 36.111 [2] and test requirements are given in this specification. Test
Tolerances are defined in Annex F of this specification. Test Tolerances are individually calculated for each test. The
Test Tolerances are used to relax the Minimum Requirements in 36.111 [2] to create Test Requirements.

4.1.2 Acceptable uncertainty of Test System

The maximum acceptable uncertainty of the Test System is specified below for each test, where appropriate. The Test
System shall enable the stimulus signals in the test case to be adjusted to within the specified tolerance and the
equipment under test to be measured with an uncertainty not exceeding the specified values. All tolerances and
uncertainties are absolute values, and are valid for a confidence level of 95 %, unless otherwise stated.

A confidence level of 95% is the measurement uncertainty tolerance interval for a specific measurement that contains
95% of the performance of a population of test equipment.

For RF tests in Section 6, it should be noted that the uncertainties in subclause 4.1.2 apply to the Test System operating
into a nominal 50 ohm load and do not include system effects due to mismatch between the LMU and the Test System. Measurement of receiver

Table 4.1.2-1: Maximum Test System Uncertainty for receiver tests
Subclause Maximum Test System Uncertainty Derivation of Test System

3GPP TS 36.112 version 13.0.1 Release 13 10 ETSI TS 136 112 V13.0.1 (2016-01)

6.2 Reference sensitivity ±0.7 dB, f ≤ 3.0GHz

level ±1.0 dB, 3.0GHz < f ≤ 4.2GHz
6.3 Dynamic range ±0.3 dB Overall system uncertainty for
static conditions is equal to
signal-to-noise ratio
Signal-to-noise ratio
uncertainty ±0.3 dB
Definitions of signal-to-noise
ratio, AWGN and related
constraints are given in Table

6.4 In-channel selectivity ±1.4 dB, f ≤ 3.0GHz Overall system uncertainty

±1.8 dB, 3.0GHz < f ≤ 4.2GHz comprises three quantities:
1. Wanted signal level error
2. Interferer signal level error
3. Additional impact of
interferer leakage
Items 1 and 2 are assumed to
be uncorrelated so can be
root sum squared to provide
the ratio error of the two
signals. The interferer leakage
effect is systematic, and is
added arithmetically.
Test System uncertainty =
[SQRT (wanted_level_error +
interferer_level_error )] +
leakage effect.
f ≤ 3.0GHz
Wanted signal level ± 0.7dB
Interferer signal level ± 0.7dB
3.0GHz < f ≤ 4.2GHz
Wanted signal level ± 1.0dB
Interferer signal level ± 1.0dB

f ≤ 4.2GHz
Impact of interferer leakage

3GPP TS 36.112 version 13.0.1 Release 13 11 ETSI TS 136 112 V13.0.1 (2016-01)

6.5 Adjacent Channel ±1.4 dB, f ≤ 3.0GHz Overall system uncertainty

Selectivity (ACS) and ±1.8 dB, 3.0GHz < f ≤ 4.2GHz comprises three quantities:
narrow-band blocking 1. Wanted signal level error
2. Interferer signal level error
3. Additional impact of
interferer ACLR
Items 1 and 2 are assumed to
be uncorrelated so can be
root sum squared to provide
the ratio error of the two
signals. The interferer ACLR
effect is systematic, and is
added aritmetically.
Test System uncertainty =
[SQRT (wanted_level_error +
interferer_level_error )] +
ACLR effect.
f ≤ 3.0GHz
Wanted signal level ± 0.7dB
Interferer signal level ± 0.7dB
3.0GHz < f ≤ 4.2GHz
Wanted signal level ± 1.0dB
Interferer signal level ± 1.0dB

f ≤ 4.2GHz
Impact of interferer ACLR
0.4dB. See Note 2.

3GPP TS 36.112 version 13.0.1 Release 13 12 ETSI TS 136 112 V13.0.1 (2016-01)

6.6 Blocking (General In-band blocking, using modulated interferer: Overall system uncertainty
requirements) ±1.6 dB, f ≤ 3.0GHz can have these contributions:
±2.0 dB, 3.0GHz < f ≤ 4.2GHz 1. Wanted signal level error
2. Interferer signal level error
Out of band blocking, using CW interferer: 3. Interferer ACLR
1MHz < finterferer ≤ 3 GHz: ±1.3 dB 4. Interferer broadband noise
3.0GHz < finterferer ≤ 4.2 GHz: ±1.6 dB Items 1 and 2 are assumed to
4.2GHz < finterferer ≤ 12.75 GHz: ±3.2 dB be uncorrelated so can be
root sum squared to provide
the ratio error of the two
signals. The Interferer ACLR
or Broadband noise effect is
systematic, and is added
Test System uncertainty =
[SQRT (wanted_level_error +
interferer_level_error )] +
ACLR effect + Broadband
noise effect.
In-band blocking, using
modulated interferer:
f ≤ 3.0GHz
Wanted signal level ± 0.7dB
Interferer signal level ± 1.0dB
3.0GHz < f ≤ 4.2GHz
Wanted signal level ± 1.0dB
Interferer signal level ± 1.2dB

f ≤ 4.2GHz
Interferer ACLR 0.4dB
Broadband noise not
Out of band blocking, using
CW interferer:
Wanted signal level:
± 0.7dB f ≤ 3.0GHz
± 1.0dB 3.0GHz < f ≤ 4.2GHz
Interferer signal level:
± 1.0dB up to 3GHz
± 1.2dB 3.0GHz < f ≤ 4.2GHz
± 3.0dB up to 12.75GHz
Interferer ACLR not applicable
Impact of interferer
Broadband noise 0.1dB
6.7 Receiver spurious 30 MHz ≤ f ≤ 4 GHz:±2.0 dB
emissions 4 GHz < f ≤ 19 GHz: ±4.0 dB

3GPP TS 36.112 version 13.0.1 Release 13 13 ETSI TS 136 112 V13.0.1 (2016-01)

6.8 Receiver ±1.8 dB, f ≤ 3.0GHz Overall system uncertainty

intermodulation ±2.4 dB, 3.0GHz < f ≤ 4.2GHz comprises four quantities:
1. Wanted signal level error
2. CW Interferer level error
3. Modulated Interferer level
4. Impact of interferer ACLR

The effect of the closer CW

signal has twice the effect.
Items 1, 2 and 3 are assumed
to be uncorrelated so can be
root sum squared to provide
the combined effect of the
three signals. The interferer
ACLR effect is systematic,
and is added aritmetically.
Test System uncertainty =
SQRT [(2 x CW_level_error)
+(mod interferer_level_error)
+(wanted signal_level_error) ]
+ ACLR effect.
f ≤ 3.0GHz
Wanted signal level ± 0.7dB
CW Interferer level ± 0.5dB
Mod Interferer level ± 0.7dB
3.0GHz < f ≤ 4.2GHz
Wanted signal level ± 1.0dB
CW Interferer level ± 0.7dB
Mod Interferer level ± 1.0dB

f ≤ 4.2GHz
Impact of interferer ACLR
Note 1: Unless otherwise noted, only the Test System stimulus error is considered here. The effect of errors in
the throughput measurements due to finite test duration is not considered.
Note 2: The Test equipment ACLR requirement for a specified uncertainty contribution is calculated as below:
a) The wanted signal to noise ratio for Reference sensitivity is calculated based on a 5dB noise figure

b) The same wanted signal to (noise + interference) ratio is then assumed at the desensitisation level
according to the ACS test conditions

c) The noise is subtracted from the total (noise + interference) to compute the allowable LMU adjacent
channel interference. From this an equivalent LMU ACS figure can be obtained

d) The contribution from the Test equipment ACLR is calculated to give a 0.4dB additional rise in
interference. This corresponds to a Test equipment ACLR which is 10.2 dB better than the LMU

e) This leads to the following Test equipment ACLR requirements for the interfering signal:

Adjacent channel Selectivity

E-UTRA 1.4MHz channel bandwidth: 56dB
E-UTRA 3MHz channel bandwidth: 56dB
E-UTRA 5MHz channel bandwidth and above: 56dB

Narrow band blocking

E-UTRA 1.4MHz channel bandwidth: 65dB
E-UTRA 3MHz channel bandwidth: 61dB
E-UTRA 5MHz channel bandwidth and above: 59dB

3GPP TS 36.112 version 13.0.1 Release 13 14 ETSI TS 136 112 V13.0.1 (2016-01) Measurement time requirement

Table UL RTOA Measurement time uncertainty

Test parameter Uncertainty Notes

Measurement time, Te 0s Requires the time stamp clock accuracy ≤ 1ppm Measurement of performance requirement

Table UL RTOA Measurement accuracy uncertainty

Test parameter Uncertainty Notes

UL RTOA measurement accuracy 0s Requires calibration of the signal path delay to be ±10 ns
Wanted Signal input SINR ±0.3 dB Signal generators with integral AWGN sources. Interferer
modeled as AWGN

4.2 LMU classes

The UTDOA architecture is described in TS 36.305 [2].

An LMU may be deployed in three ways:

● LMU class 1: LMU integrated into base station

● LMU class 2: LMU co-sited with base station and sharing antenna with the base station
● LMU class 3: standalone LMU with own receive antenna

4.3 Regional requirements

Some requirements in the present document may only apply in certain regions either as optional requirements or set by
local and regional regulation as mandatory requirements. It is normally not stated in the 3GPP specifications under what
exact circumstances that the requirements apply, since this is defined by local or regional regulation.

Table 4.3-1 lists all requirements that may be applied differently in different regions.

Table 4.3-1: List of regional requirements

Clause Requirement Comments

5.5 Operating bands Some bands may be applied
5.6 Channel bandwidth Some channel bandwidths may be
applied regionally.
5.7 Channel arrangement The requirement is applied
according to what operating bands
in Clause 5.5 that are supported
by the LMU.

4.4 Selection of configurations for testing

The tests in this specification do not cover all possible configurations.

4.5 LMU configurations

Receiver test ports for LMU class 1 are illustrated in Figure 4.5-1. Receiver test ports for LMU class 2 are illustrated in
Figure 4.5-2. Receiver test ports for LMU class 3 are illustrated in Figure 4.5-3. If any external apparatus, e.g., a RX

3GPP TS 36.112 version 13.0.1 Release 13 15 ETSI TS 136 112 V13.0.1 (2016-01)

amplifier, a filter or the combination of such devices is used, LMU RF requirements specified in this specification apply
at the far end antenna connector (port B); otherwise, the requirements apply at port A.

Requirements applicability for different LMU classes is summarized in Table 4.5-1.

Figure 4.5-1: Two examples of receiver test ports for LMU class 1.

Figure 4.5-2: Receiver test ports for LMU class 2.

3GPP TS 36.112 version 13.0.1 Release 13 16 ETSI TS 136 112 V13.0.1 (2016-01)

External External antenna connector
LNA device ⇐
LMU e.g.
RX filter
(if any) (if any)

Test port A Test port B

Figure 4.5-3: Receiver test ports for LMU class 3.

Table 4.5-1: Test ports and RF requirements applicability

Physical Node Test Port Comments
class Requirements
Test port determined per
1 BS TS 36.104 A or B
TS 36.104
Degradation of the
base station DL
performance and
base station UL
Test port determined per
BS performance may B
TS 36.104
2 occur when LMU
class 2 is co-sited
with the base
Test port determined per
LMU clauses 5.2-5.8 A or B
Figure 4.5-2
Test port determined per
3 LMU clauses 5.2-5.8 A or B
Figure 4.5-3

4.6 Manufacturer"s declarations of regional requirements

4.6.1 Operating band and frequency range
The manufacturer shall declare which operating band(s) specified in clause 5.5 that is supported by the LMU under test
and if applicable, which frequency ranges within the operating band(s) that the LMU can operate in. Requirements for
other operating bands and frequency ranges need not be tested.

The manufacturer shall declare which operating band(s) specified in clause 5.5 are supported by the LMU under test for
UEs configured with carrier aggregation.

4.6.2 Channel bandwidth

The manufacturer shall declare which of the channel bandwidths specified in TS36.111 [2], Section 5.1.3 are supported
by the LMU under test. Requirements for other channel bandwidths need not be tested. Within the supported channel
bandwidth, an LMU shall support all SRS bandwidth configurations.

4.6.3 Co-location with base stations in other bands

The manufacturer shall declare whether the LMU under test is intended to operate co-located with base stations of one
or more of the systems GSM850, GSM900, DCS1800, PCS1900, UTRA FDD, UTRA TDD and/or E-UTRA operating
in another band. If this is the case, at least

- LMU receiver spurious emissions need to be tested, and

3GPP TS 36.112 version 13.0.1 Release 13 17 ETSI TS 136 112 V13.0.1 (2016-01)

- compliance with the applicable test requirements for base station receiver blocking in TS 36.141 shall be tested.

Additionally, for LMU Class 2, due to the expected base station performance degradation (see Table 4.5-1), the base
station performance needs to be ensured for UL and DL.

4.6.4 Manufacturer's declarations of supported RF configurations

The manufacturer shall declare which operational configurations the LMU supports by declaring the following

- The supported operating bands defined in subclause 5.5;

- The frequency range within the above operating band(s) supported by the LMU;

- The maximum RF bandwidth supported by a LMU within each operating band;

• for contiguous spectrum operation

- The supported operating configurations (multi-carrier, carrier aggregation, and/or single carrier) within each
operating band.

- The supported component carrier combinations at nominal channel spacing within each operating band and sub-

- Maximum number of supported carriers within each band;

• for contiguous spectrum operation

4.7 Specified frequency range and supported channel

Unless otherwise stated, the test shall be performed with a lowest and the highest bandwidth supported by the BS. The
manufacturer shall declare that the requirements are fulfilled for all other bandwidths supported by the BS which are not

The manufacturer shall declare:

- which of the operating bands defined in subclause 5.5 are supported by the LMU.

- the frequency range within the above frequency band(s) supported by the LMU.

- the channel bandwidths supported by the LMU

- channel bandwidth combinations supported by the LMU for testing with UEs configured with CA.

For the single carrier testing many tests in this TS are performed with appropriate frequencies in the bottom, middle and
top channels of the supported frequency range of the BS. These are denoted as RF channels B (bottom), M (middle) and
T (top).

Unless otherwise stated, the test shall be performed with a single carrier at each of the RF channels B, M and T.

When a test is performed by a test laboratory, the EARFCNs to be used for RF channels B, M and T shall be specified
by the laboratory. The laboratory may consult with operators, the manufacturer or other bodies.

When a test is performed by a manufacturer, the EARFCNs to be used for RF channels B, M and T may be specified by
an operator.

4.7.1 RF bandwidth position for non-single carrier testing

Many tests in this TS are performed with the maximum RF bandwidth located at the bottom, middle and top of the
supported frequency range in each operating band. These are denoted as BRFBW(bottom), MRFBW (middle) and TRFBW

3GPP TS 36.112 version 13.0.1 Release 13 18 ETSI TS 136 112 V13.0.1 (2016-01)

Unless otherwise stated, the test shall be performed at BRFBW, MRFBW and TRFBW defined as following:

- BRFBW: maximum RF bandwidth located at the bottom of the supported frequency range in each operating band;

- MRFBW: maximum RF bandwidth located in the middle of the supported frequency range in each operating band;

- TRFBW: maximum RF bandwidth located at the top of the supported frequency range in each operating band.

When a test is performed by a test laboratory, the position of BRFBW, MRFBW and TRFBW in the operating band shall be
specified by the laboratory. The laboratory may consult with operators, the manufacturer or other bodies.

4.7.2 Aggregated channel bandwidth position for CA specific testing

Occupied bandwidth test in this TS is performed with the aggregated channel bandwidth and sub-block bandwidths
located at the bottom, middle and top of the supported frequency range in the operating band. These are denoted as BBW
Channel CA(bottom), MBW Channel CA (middle) and TBW Channel CA (top) for contiguous spectrum operation.

Unless otherwise stated, the test for contiguous spectrum operation shall be performed at BBW Channel CA, MBW Channel CA
and TBW Channel CA defined as following:

- BBW Channel CA: aggregated channel bandwidth located at the bottom of the supported frequency range in each
operating band;

- MBW Channel CA: aggregated channel bandwidth located close in the middle of the supported frequency range in
each operating band, with the center frequency of each component carrier aligned to the channel raster;

- TBW Channel CA: aggregated channel bandwidth located at the top of the supported frequency range in each
operating band.

When a test is performed by a test laboratory, the position of BBW Channel CA, MBW Channel CA and TBW Channel CA for
contiguous spectrum operation in the operating band shall be specified by the laboratory. The laboratory may consult
with operators, the manufacturer or other bodies.

4.8 Format and interpretation of tests

Each test in the following clauses has a standard format:

X Title

All tests are applicable to all equipment within the scope of the present document, unless otherwise stated.

X.1 Definition and applicability

This subclause gives the general definition of the parameter under consideration and specifies whether the test is
applicable to all equipment or only to a certain subset. Required manufacturer declarations may be included here.

X.2 Minimum Requirement

This subclause contains the reference to the subclause to the 3GPP reference (or core) specification which defines the
Minimum Requirement.

X.3 Test Purpose

This subclause defines the purpose of the test.

X.4 Method of test

X.4.1 Initial conditions

This subclause defines the initial conditions for each test, including the test environment, the RF channels to be tested
and the basic measurement set-up.

X.4.2 Procedure

3GPP TS 36.112 version 13.0.1 Release 13 19 ETSI TS 136 112 V13.0.1 (2016-01)

This subclause describes the steps necessary to perform the test and provides further details of the test definition like
point of access (e.g. test port), domain (e.g. frequency-span), range, weighting (e.g. bandwidth), and algorithms (e.g.

X.5 Test Requirement

This subclause defines the pass/fail criteria for the equipment under test. See subclause, Interpretation of
measurement results.

5 Operating Bands and Channel Arrangement

5.1 General
The channel arrangements presented in this clause are based on the operating bands and channel bandwidths defined in
the present release of specifications. LMUs can be declared to support the operating channels and channel bandwidths
as defined in this specification. LMU can also be declared to support UL RTOA measurements for UEs configured with
contiguous UL CA.

NOTE: Other operating bands and channel bandwidths may be considered in future releases.

5.2 Operating bands

E-UTRA is designed to operate in the operating bands defined in Table 5.2-1.

3GPP TS 36.112 version 13.0.1 Release 13 20 ETSI TS 136 112 V13.0.1 (2016-01)

Table 5.2-1 E-UTRA operating bands

Uplink (UL) operating band Downlink (DL) operating band

BS receive BS transmit Duplex
UE transmit UE receive Mode
FUL_low – FUL_high FDL_low – FDL_high
1 1920 MHz – 1980 MHz 2110 MHz – 2170 MHz FDD
2 1850 MHz – 1910 MHz 1930 MHz – 1990 MHz FDD
3 1710 MHz – 1785 MHz 1805 MHz – 1880 MHz FDD
4 1710 MHz – 1755 MHz 2110 MHz – 2155 MHz FDD
5 824 MHz – 849 MHz 869 MHz – 894MHz FDD
6 830 MHz – 840 MHz 875 MHz – 885 MHz FDD
7 2500 MHz – 2570 MHz 2620 MHz – 2690 MHz FDD
8 880 MHz – 915 MHz 925 MHz – 960 MHz FDD
9 1749.9 MHz – 1784.9 MHz 1844.9 MHz – 1879.9 MHz FDD
10 1710 MHz – 1770 MHz 2110 MHz – 2170 MHz FDD
11 1427.9 MHz – 1447.9 MHz 1475.9 MHz – 1495.9 MHz FDD
12 699 MHz – 716 MHz 729 MHz – 746 MHz FDD
13 777 MHz – 787 MHz 746 MHz – 756 MHz FDD
14 788 MHz – 798 MHz 758 MHz – 768 MHz FDD
15 Reserved Reserved FDD
16 Reserved Reserved FDD
17 704 MHz 716 MHz 734 MHz 746 MHz FDD
18 815 MHz – 830 MHz 860 MHz – 875 MHz FDD
19 830 MHz – 845 MHz 875 MHz – 890 MHz FDD
20 832 MHz – 862 MHz 791 MHz – 821 MHz FDD
21 1447.9 MHz – 1462.9 MHz 1495.9 MHz – 1510.9 MHz FDD
22 3410 MHz – 3490 MHz 3510 MHz – 3590 MHz FDD
23 2000 MHz – 2020 MHz 2180 MHz – 2200 MHz FDD
24 1626.5 MHz – 1660.5 MHz 1525 MHz – 1559 MHz FDD
25 1850 MHz – 1915 MHz 1930 MHz – 1995 MHz FDD
26 814 MHz – 849 MHz 859 MHz – 894 MHz FDD
27 807 MHz – 824 MHz 852 MHz – 869 MHz FDD
28 703 MHz – 748 MHz 758 MHz – 803 MHz FDD
29 N/A 717 MHz – 728 MHz FDD

33 1900 MHz – 1920 MHz 1900 MHz – 1920 MHz TDD
34 2010 MHz – 2025 MHz 2010 MHz – 2025 MHz TDD
35 1850 MHz – 1910 MHz 1850 MHz – 1910 MHz TDD
36 1930 MHz – 1990 MHz 1930 MHz – 1990 MHz TDD
37 1910 MHz – 1930 MHz 1910 MHz – 1930 MHz TDD
38 2570 MHz – 2620 MHz 2570 MHz – 2620 MHz TDD
39 1880 MHz – 1920 MHz 1880 MHz – 1920 MHz TDD
40 2300 MHz – 2400 MHz 2300 MHz – 2400 MHz TDD
41 2496 MHz – 2690 MHz 2496 MHz – 2690 MHz TDD
42 3400 MHz – 3600 MHz 3400 MHz – 3600 MHz TDD
43 3600 MHz – 3800 MHz 3600 MHz – 3800 MHz TDD
44 703 MHz – 803 MHz 703 MHz – 803 MHz TDD
Note 1: Band 6 is not applicable.
Note 2: Restricted to E-UTRA operation when carrier aggregation is configured. The downlink
operating band is paired with the uplink operating band (external) of the carrier
aggregation configuration that is supporting the configured Pcell.

E-UTRA is designed to operate for the carrier aggregation bands defined in Table 5.2-2.

Table 5.2-2. Intra-band contiguous carrier aggregation bands

CA Band E-UTRA operating band

3GPP TS 36.112 version 13.0.1 Release 13 21 ETSI TS 136 112 V13.0.1 (2016-01)

CA_1 1
CA_7 7
CA_38 38
CA_40 40
CA_41 41

5.3 Channel bandwidth

LMU requirements are for the channel bandwidths listed in Table 5.3-1.

Table 5.3-1: Transmission bandwidth configuration NRB in E-UTRA channel bandwidths

Channel bandwidth
1.4 3 5 10 15 20
BWChannel [MHz]

Transmission bandwidth
6 15 25 50 75 100
configuration NRB

Figure 5.3-1 shows the relation between the Channel bandwidth (BWChannel) and the Transmission bandwidth
configuration (NRB). The channel edges are defined as the lowest and highest frequencies of the carrier separated by the
channel bandwidth, i.e. at FC +/- BWChannel /2.

Channel Bandwidth [MHz]

Transmission Bandwidth Configuration [RB]

Bandwidth [RB]
Channel edge

Channel edge
Resource block

Active Resource Blocks Center subcarrier (corresponds to DC in

baseband) is not transmitted in downlink

Figure 5.3-1: Definition of Channel Bandwidth and Transmission Bandwidth Configuration

for one E-UTRA carrier.

Figure 5.3-2 illustrates the aggregated channel bandwidth for intra-band carrier aggregation.

3GPP TS 36.112 version 13.0.1 Release 13 22 ETSI TS 136 112 V13.0.1 (2016-01)

Figure 5.3-2: Definition of Aggregated Channel Bandwidth for intra-band carrier aggregation

The lower edge of the Aggregated Channel Bandwidth (BWChannel_CA) is defined as Fedge_low = FC_low - Foffset. The upper
edge of the aggregated channel bandwidth is defined as Fedge_high = FC_high + Foffset. The Aggregated Channel Bandwidth,
BWChannel_CA, is defined as follows:

BWChannel_CA = Fedge_high - Fedge_low [MHz]

5.4 Channel arrangement

5.4.1 Channel spacing
The spacing between carriers will depend on the deployment scenario, the size of the frequency block available and the
channel bandwidths. The nominal channel spacing between two adjacent E-UTRA carriers is defined as following:

Nominal Channel spacing = (BWChannel(1) + BWChannel(2))/2

where BWChannel(1) and BWChannel(2) are the channel bandwidths of the two respective E-UTRA carriers. The channel
spacing can be adjusted to optimize performance in a particular deployment scenario.

5.4.2 CA Channel spacing

For intra-band contiguously aggregated carriers the channel spacing between adjacent component carriers shall be
multiple of 300 kHz.

The nominal channel spacing between two adjacent aggregated E-UTRA carriers is defined as follows:

⎢ BWChannel (1) + BWChannel ( 2 ) − 0.1 BWChannel (1) − BWChannel ( 2 ) ⎥

Nominal channel spacing = ⎢ ⎥ 0.3
⎢ 0.6 ⎥
⎣ ⎦

where BWChannel(1) and BWChannel(2) are the channel bandwidths of the two respective E-UTRA component carriers
according to Table 5.4-1 with values in MHz. The channel spacing for intra-band contiguous carrier aggregation can be
adjusted to any multiple of 300 kHz less than the nominal channel spacing to optimize performance in a particular
deployment scenario.

5.4.3 Channel raster

The channel raster is 100 kHz for all bands, which means that the carrier centre frequency must be an integer multiple
of 100 kHz.

3GPP TS 36.112 version 13.0.1 Release 13 23 ETSI TS 136 112 V13.0.1 (2016-01)

5.4.4 Carrier frequency and EARFCN

The carrier frequency in the uplink and downlink is designated by the E-UTRA Absolute Radio Frequency Channel
Number (EARFCN) in the range 0 - 65535. The relation between EARFCN and the carrier frequency in MHz for the
downlink is given by the following equation, where FDL_low and NOffs-DL are given in table 5.4.4-1 and NDL is the
downlink EARFCN.

FDL = FDL_low + 0.1(NDL – NOffs-DL)

The relation between EARFCN and the carrier frequency in MHz for the uplink is given by the following equation
where FUL_low and NOffs-UL are given in table 5.4.4-1 and NUL is the uplink EARFCN.

FUL = FUL_low + 0.1(NUL – NOffs-UL)

3GPP TS 36.112 version 13.0.1 Release 13 24 ETSI TS 136 112 V13.0.1 (2016-01)

Table 5.4.4-1: E-UTRA channel numbers

E-UTRA Downlink Uplink

Operating FDL_low [MHz] NOffs-DL Range of NDL FUL_low [MHz] NOffs-UL Range of NUL
1 2110 0 0 – 599 1920 18000 18000 – 18599
2 1930 600 600 − 1199 1850 18600 18600 – 19199
3 1805 1200 1200 – 1949 1710 19200 19200 – 19949
4 2110 1950 1950 – 2399 1710 19950 19950 – 20399
5 869 2400 2400 – 2649 824 20400 20400 – 20649
6 875 2650 2650 – 2749 830 20650 20650 – 20749
7 2620 2750 2750 – 3449 2500 20750 20750 – 21449
8 925 3450 3450 – 3799 880 21450 21450 – 21799
9 1844.9 3800 3800 – 4149 1749.9 21800 21800 – 22149
10 2110 4150 4150 – 4749 1710 22150 22150 – 22749
11 1475.9 4750 4750 – 4949 1427.9 22750 22750 – 22949
12 729 5010 5010 – 5179 699 23010 23010 – 23179
13 746 5180 5180 – 5279 777 23180 23180 – 23279
14 758 5280 5280 – 5379 788 23280 23280 – 23379

17 734 5730 5730 – 5849 704 23730 23730 – 23849
18 860 5850 5850 – 5999 815 23850 23850 – 23999
19 875 6000 6000 – 6149 830 24000 24000 – 24149
20 791 6150 6150 - 6449 832 24150 24150 - 24449
21 1495.9 6450 6450 – 6599 1447.9 24450 24450 – 24599
22 3510 6600 6600-7399 3410 24600 24600-25399
23 2180 7500 7500 – 7699 2000 25500 25500 – 25699
24 1525 7700 7700 – 8039 1626.5 25700 25700 – 26039
25 1930 8040 8040 – 8689 1850 26040 26040 – 26689
26 859 8690 8690 – 9039 814 26690 26690 - 27039
27 852 9040 9040 – 9209 807 27040 27040 – 27209
28 758 9210 9210 – 9659 703 27210 27210 – 27659
29 717 9660 9660 – 9769 N/A

33 1900 36000 36000 – 36199 1900 36000 36000 – 36199
34 2010 36200 36200 – 36349 2010 36200 36200 – 36349
35 1850 36350 36350 – 36949 1850 36350 36350 – 36949
36 1930 36950 36950 – 37549 1930 36950 36950 – 37549
37 1910 37550 37550 – 37749 1910 37550 37550 – 37749
38 2570 37750 37750 – 38249 2570 37750 37750 – 38249
39 1880 38250 38250 – 38649 1880 38250 38250 – 38649
40 2300 38650 38650 – 39649 2300 38650 38650 – 39649
41 2496 39650 39650 – 41589 2496 39650 39650 – 41589
42 3400 41590 41590 – 43589 3400 41590 41590 – 43589
43 3600 43590 43590 – 45589 3600 43590 43590 – 45589
44 703 45590 45590 – 46589 703 45590 45590 – 46589
NOTE 1: The channel numbers that designate carrier frequencies so close to the operating band edges that the
carrier extends beyond the operating band edge shall not be used. This implies that the first 7, 15, 25, 50,
75 and 100 channel numbers at the lower operating band edge and the last 6, 14, 24, 49, 74 and 99
channel numbers at the upper operating band edge shall not be used for channel bandwidths of 1.4, 3, 5,
10, 15 and 20 MHz respectively.
NOTE 2: Restricted to E-UTRA operation when carrier aggregation is configured.

5.5 Requirements for contiguous spectrum

A spectrum allocation where the LMU operates is contiguous. Unless otherwise stated, the tests in the present
specification apply for LMUs configured for contiguous spectrum operation.

3GPP TS 36.112 version 13.0.1 Release 13 25 ETSI TS 136 112 V13.0.1 (2016-01)

6 Conformance Tests for LMU RF Requirements

6.1 General
The performance metrics used in RF requirements are detection probability and false alarm. The requirements for the
detection probability and false alarm are specified in TS 36.111, subclause 5.1.1.

False alarm is measured according to an SRS configuration provided to LMU by the E-SMLC.

6.2 Reference sensitivity level

6.2.1 Definition and applicability
The reference sensitivity power level PREFSENS is the minimum mean power received at the antenna connector at which a
detection probability requirement and a false alarm requirement shall be met for a specified reference measurement

Test ports and the RF requirements applicability is as specified in [2], Table 5.1-1.

6.2.2 Minimum requirement

The minimum requirement is in TS 36.111 [2] subclause 5.2.1.

6.2.3 Test Purpose

To verify that at the LMU reference sensitivity level the probability of detection requirement and a false alarm
requirement shall be met for a specified reference measurement channel.

6.2.4 Method of testing Initial conditions

Test environment: normal; see subclause D.X

RF channels to be tested: B, M and T; see subclause 4.7.

The following additional tests shall be performed:

On each of B, M and T, the test shall be performed under extreme power supply as defined in subclause D.X

NOTE: Tests under extreme power supply also test extreme temperature.

Connect the test equipment as shown in Annex G.1.1. Procedure
1) Set the test signal mean power as specified in table 6.2.5-1.

2) Measure the detection probability and false alarm rate according to Annex E.

6.2.5 Test requirement

The LMU shall receive the reference measurement channel while meeting the detection probability and false alarm rate
requirements specified in TS 36.111, subclause 5.1.1. The reference measurement channel is described in Table 6.2.5-1
with parameters specified in Table A.1-1.

3GPP TS 36.112 version 13.0.1 Release 13 26 ETSI TS 136 112 V13.0.1 (2016-01)

Table 6.2.5-1: LMU reference sensitivity levels

E-UTRA Reference Reference sensitivity power level,

channel bandwidth measurement PREFSENS
[MHz] channel [dBm]
f ≤ 3.0GHz 3.0GHz < f ≤ 4.2GHz
1.4 Annex A -130.1 -129.8
3 Annex A -130.1 -129.8
5 Annex A -130.1 -129.8
10 Annex A -130.1 -129.8
15 Annex A -130.1 -129.8
20 Annex A -130.1 -129.8
NOTE: The reference sensitivity levels are adjusted from the requirements in TS
36.111 clause 5.2.1 according to the measurement uncertainty described in
Annex F.

6.3 Dynamic range

6.3.1 Definition and applicability
The dynamic range is specified as a measure of the capability of the receiver to receive a wanted signal in the presence
of an interfering signal inside the received channel bandwidth. In this condition a detection probability requirement and
a false alarm requirements as specified in 36.111, Section X, shall be met for a specified reference measurement

The interfering signal for the dynamic range requirement is an AWGN signal.

False alarm is measured according to an SRS configuration provided to LMU by E-SMLC.

Test ports and the RF requirements applicability is as specified in [2], Table 5.1-1.

6.3.2 Minimum Requirement

The minimum requirement is in TS 36.111 [2] subclause 5.3.1.

6.3.3 Test purpose

To verify that at the LMU dynamic range the probability of detection requirement and a false alarm requirement shall
be met for a specified reference measurement channel.

6.3.4 Method of testing Initial conditions

Test environment: normal; see subclause D.2

RF channels to be tested: B, M and T; see subclause 4.7.

The following additional tests shall be performed:

On each of B, M and T, the test shall be performed under extreme power supply as defined in subclause D.5

NOTE: Tests under extreme power supply also test extreme temperature.

Connect the test equipment as shown in Annex G.1.2 Procedure
1) Set the test signal mean power as specified in table 6.3.5-1.

3GPP TS 36.112 version 13.0.1 Release 13 27 ETSI TS 136 112 V13.0.1 (2016-01)

2) Measure the detection probability and false alarm rate according to Annex E.

6.3.5 Test Requirements

The LMU shall receive the reference measurement channel while meeting the detection probability and the false alarm
rate requirements specified in 36.111, subclause 5.1.1. The reference measurement channel is specified in Table A.1-1.

Table 6.3.5-1: LMU dynamic range

E-UTRA Interfering
Reference Wanted signal Type of
channel signal mean
measurement mean power interfering
bandwidth power [dBm] /
channel [dBm] signal
[MHz] BWConfig
1.4 Annex A -108.2 -88.7 AWGN
3 Annex A -104.3 -84.7 AWGN
5 Annex A -102.1 -82.5 AWGN
10 Annex A -99.1 -79.5 AWGN
15 Annex A -97.3 -77.7 AWGN
20 Annex A -96.0 -76.4 AWGN
NOTE: The wanted signal power levels are adjusted from the requirements in TS
36.111 clause 5.3.1 according to the measurement uncertainty described
in clause

6.4 In-channel selectivity

6.4.1 Definition and applicability
In-channel selectivity (ICS) is a measure of the receiver ability to receive a wanted signal at its assigned resource block
locations in the presence of an interfering signal received at a larger power spectral density. In this condition a detection
probability requirement and a false alarm requirements shall be met for a specified reference measurement channel.

The interfering signal shall be an E-UTRA signal as specified in Annex C and shall be time aligned with the wanted

Test ports and the RF requirements applicability is as specified in 3GPP TS 36.111 [2], Table 5.1-1.

6.4.2 Minimum Requirement

The minimum requirement is in 3GPP TS 36.111 [2] subclause 5.4.1.

6.4.3 Test purpose

The purpose of this test is to verify the LMU receiver ability to suppress the IQ leakage the probability of so the
probability of detection requirement and a false alarm requirement shall be met for a specified reference measurement

6.4.4 Method of testing Initial conditions

Test environment: normal; see subclause D.2

RF channels to be tested: B, M and T; see subclause 4.7.

The following additional tests shall be performed:

On each of B, M and T, the test shall be performed under extreme power supply as defined in subclause D.5

NOTE: Tests under extreme power supply also test extreme temperature.

3GPP TS 36.112 version 13.0.1 Release 13 28 ETSI TS 136 112 V13.0.1 (2016-01)

Connect the test equipment as shown in Annex G.1.3 Procedure
1) Set the test signal mean power as specified in table 6.4.5-1.

2) Set the interfering signal mean power as specified in table 6.4.5-1.

3) Measure the detection probability and false alarm rate according to Annex E.

False alarm is measured according to an SRS configuration provided to LMU by E-SMLC.

6.4.5 Test Requirements

The LMU shall receive the reference measurement channel while meeting the detection probability and the false alarm
rate requirements specified in 36.111, subclause 5.1.1. The reference measurement channel is described in Table 6.4.5-1
with parameters specified in Table A.1-1.

Table 6.4.5-1 LMU in-channel selectivity

Reference Interfering
channel Wanted signal mean
measurement signal mean Type of interfering signal
bandwidth power [dBm]
channel power [dBm]
3.0GHz <
f ≤ 3.0GHz
f ≤ 4.2GHz
1.4 MHz E-UTRA PUCCH signal,
1.4 Annex A -126.4 -126.0 -91
2 RBs (see note)
3 MHz E-UTRA PUSCH signal, 4
3 Annex A -126.4 -126.0 -85
RBs (see note)
5 MHz E-UTRA PUSCH signal, 4
5 Annex A -126.4 -126.0 -85
RBs (see note)
10 MHz E-UTRA PUSCH signal, 4
10 Annex A -126.4 -126.0 -85
RBs (see note)
15 MHz E-UTRA PUSCH signal, 4
15 Annex A -126.4 -126.0 -85
RBs (see note)
20 MHz E-UTRA PUSCH signal, 4
20 Annex A -126.4 -126.0 -85
RBs (see note)
NOTE: NOTE: The wanted signal power levels are adjusted from the requirements in TS 36.111 clause
5.2.4 according to the measurement uncertainty described in clause 4.1.2.

6.5 Adjacent channel selectivity (ACS) and narrow-band

6.5.1 Definition and applicability
Adjacent channel selectivity (ACS) is a measure of the receiver ability to receive a wanted signal at its assigned channel
frequency in the presence of an adjacent channel signal with a specified centre frequency offset of the interfering signal
to the band edge of a victim system. In this condition a detection probability requirement and a false alarm requirements
shall be met for a specified reference measurement channel.

The interfering signal shall be an E-UTRA signal as specified in Annex C.

Test ports and the RF requirements applicability is as specified in [2], Table 5.1-1.

6.5.2 Minimum Requirement

The minimum requirement is in TS 36.111 [2] subclause 5.5.1.

3GPP TS 36.112 version 13.0.1 Release 13 29 ETSI TS 136 112 V13.0.1 (2016-01)

6.5.3 Test purpose

The test purpose is to verify the ability of the LMU receiver filter to suppress interfering signals in the channels
adjacent to the wanted channel so the probability of detection requirement and a false alarm requirement shall be met
for a specified reference measurement channel.

6.5.4 Method of test Initial conditions

Test environment: normal; see subclause D.2

RF channels to be tested: B, M and T; see subclause 4.7.

The following additional tests shall be performed:

On each of B, M and T, the test shall be performed under extreme power supply as defined in subclause D.5

NOTE: Tests under extreme power supply also test extreme temperature.

Connect the test equipment as shown in Annex G.1.4 Procedure
1) Set the test signal mean power as specified in table 6.5.5-3.

2) Set the interfering mean signal power and center frequency as specified in table 6.5.5-3.

3) Measure the detection probability and false alarm rate according to Annex E.

False alarm is measured according to an SRS configuration provided to LMU by E-SMLC. Procedure for narrow-band blocking

1) Set the test signal mean power as specified in table 6.5.5-1.

2) Set the interfering mean signal power as specified in table 6.5.5-1.

3) Set the interfering signal center frequency as specified in table 6.5.5-2.

4) Measure the detection probability and false alarm rate according to Annex E.

False alarm is measured according to an SRS configuration provided to LMU by E-SMLC.

6.5.5 Test Requirements

The LMU shall receive the reference measurement channel while meeting the detection probability and the false alarm
rate requirements specified in 36.111, subclause 5.1.1. The reference measurement channel is specified in Table A.1-1.

Table 6.5.5-1: Narrowband blocking requirement

Interfering signal
Wanted signal
mean power Type of interfering signal
mean power [dBm]
PREFSENS + 13 dB -49 See Table 6.5-2

3GPP TS 36.112 version 13.0.1 Release 13 30 ETSI TS 136 112 V13.0.1 (2016-01)

Table 6.5.5-2: Interfering signal for Narrowband blocking requirement

channel BW
of the lowest Interfering RB centre frequency
(highest) offset to the lower (higher) edge Type of interfering signal
carrier [kHz]
±(252.5+m*180), 1.4 MHz E-UTRA signal, 1 RB
m =0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (see note)
±(247.5+m*180), 3 MHz E-UTRA signal, 1 RB
m=0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 10, 13 (see note)
±(342.5+m*180), 5 MHz E-UTRA signal, 1 RB
m=0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 14, 19, 24 (see note)
±(347.5+m*180), 5 MHz E-UTRA signal, 1 RB
m=0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 14, 19, 24 (see note)
±(352.5+m*180), 5 MHz E-UTRA signal, 1 RB
m=0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 14, 19, 24 (see note)
±(342.5+m*180), 5 MHz E-UTRA signal, 1 RB
m=0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 14, 19, 24 (see note)
NOTE: Interfering signal consisting of one resource block is positioned at the stated
offset; the channel bandwidth of the interfering signal is located adjacently to the
lower (upper) edge.

Table 6.5.5-3: LMU Adjacent channel selectivity

Interfering signal
Interfering centre frequency
bandwidth of the Wanted signal
signal mean offset from the Type of interfering signal
lowest (highest) mean power [dBm]
power [dBm] lower (higher) edge
carrier received
1.4 PREFSENS + 13 dB -52 ±0.7025 1.4 MHz E-UTRA signal 4 RBs
3 PREFSENS + 13 dB -52 ±1.5075 3 MHz E-UTRA signal 4 RBs
5 PREFSENS + 13 dB -52 ±2.5025 5 MHz E-UTRA signal 4 RBs
10 PREFSENS + 13 dB -52 ±2.5075 5 MHz E-UTRA signal 4 RBs
15 PREFSENS + 13 dB -52 ±2.5125 5 MHz E-UTRA signal 4 RBs
20 PREFSENS + 13 dB -52 ±2.5025 5 MHz E-UTRA signal 4 RBs

6.6 Blocking
6.6.1 Definition and applicability
The blocking characteristics is a measure of the receiver ability to receive a wanted signal at its assigned channel in the
presence of an unwanted interferer, which are either a 1.4 MHz, 3 MHz or 5 MHz E-UTRA signal for in-band blocking
or a CW signal for out-of-band blocking. In this condition a detection probability requirement and a false alarm
requirements shall be met for a specified reference measurement channel.

The interfering signal shall be an E-UTRA signal as specified in Annex C.

Test ports and the RF requirements applicability is as specified in [2], Table 5.1-1.

6.6.2 Minimum Requirements

The minimum requirement is in TS 36.111 [2] subclause 5.6.1.

3GPP TS 36.112 version 13.0.1 Release 13 31 ETSI TS 136 112 V13.0.1 (2016-01)

6.6.3 Test purpose

The test stresses the ability of the LMU receiver to withstand high-level interference from unwanted signals at specified
frequency offsets without undue degradation of its sensitivity so the probability of detection requirement and a false
alarm requirement shall be met for a specified reference measurement channel.

6.6.4 Method of test Initial conditions

Test environment: normal; see subclause D.2

RF channels to be tested: B, M and T; see subclause 4.7.

The following additional tests shall be performed:

On each of B, M and T, the test shall be performed under extreme power supply as defined in subclause D.5

NOTE: Tests under extreme power supply also test extreme temperature.

Connect the test equipment as shown in Annex G.1.5 Procedure
1) Set the test signal mean power as specified in table 6.6.5-1.

2) Set the interfering signal mean power and center frequency as specified in table 6.6.5-1.

3) Measure the detection probability and false alarm rate according to Annex E.

False alarm is measured according to an SRS configuration provided to LMU by E-SMLC.

6.6.5 Test Requirements

The LMU shall receive the reference measurement channel while meeting the detection probability and the false alarm
rate requirements specified in 36.111, subclause 5.1.1. The reference measurement channel is specified in Table A.1-1.

3GPP TS 36.112 version 13.0.1 Release 13 32 ETSI TS 136 112 V13.0.1 (2016-01)

Table 6.6.5-1: LMU Blocking performance requirement

Operating Centre Frequency of Interfering Interfering Wanted Interfering signal Type of

Band Signal [MHz] Signal mean Signal mean centre frequency Interfering
power [dBm] power [dBm] minimum frequency Signal
offset from the
lower (higher) edge
1-7, 9-11, (FUL_low -20) to (FUL_high +20) -43 PREFSENS +13 See table 6.6.5-2 See table
13, 14, dB
18,19, 21- 1 to (FUL_low -20) -15 PREFSENS +13 ⎯ CW carrier
23, 24, 27, (FUL_high +20) to 12750 dB
33-43, 44
8, 26, 28 (FUL_low -20) to (FUL_high +10) -43 PREFSENS +13 See table 6.6.5-2 See table
1 to (FUL_low -20) -15 PREFSENS +13 ⎯ CW carrier
(FUL_high +10) to 12750 dB
12 (FUL_low -20) to (FUL_high +13) -43 PREFSENS +13 See table 6.6.5-2 See table
1 to (FUL_low -20) -15 PREFSENS +13 ⎯ CW carrier
(FUL_high +13) to 12750 dB
17 (FUL_low -20) to (FUL_high +18) -43 PREFSENS +13 See table 6.6.5-2 See table
1 to (FUL_low -20) -15 PREFSENS +13 ⎯ CW carrier
(FUL_high +18) to 12750 dB
20 (FUL_low -11) to (FUL_high +20) -43 PREFSENS +13 See table 6.6.5-2 See table
1 to (FUL_low -11) -15 PREFSENS +13 ⎯ CW carrier
(FUL_high +20) to 12750 dB
25 (FUL_low -20) to (FUL_high +15) -43 PREFSENS +13 See table 6.6.5-2 See table
1 to (FUL_low -20) -15 PREFSENS +13 ⎯ CW carrier
(FUL_high +15) to 12750 dB

NOTE: Table 6.6.5-1 assumes that two operating bands, where the downlink operating band (see Table 5.5-1 of
TS 36.104) of one band would be within the in-band blocking region of the other band, are not deployed
in the same geographical area.

Table 6.6.5-2: Interfering signals for blocking performance requirement

Interfering signal centre
channel BW of the lowest
frequency minimum offset to Type of interfering signal
(highest) carrier received
the lower (higher) edge [MHz]
1.4 ±2.1 1.4 MHz E-UTRA signal 4 RBs
3 ±4.5 3 MHz E-UTRA signal 4 RBs
5 ±7.5 5 MHz E-UTRA signal 4 RBs
10 ±7.5 5 MHz E-UTRA signal 4 RBs
15 ±7.5 5 MHz E-UTRA signal 4 RBs
20 ±7.5 5 MHz E-UTRA signal 4 RBs

6.7 Receiver spurious emissions

6.7.1 Definition and applicability
The spurious emissions power is the power of emissions generated or amplified in a receiver that appear at the LMU
receiver antenna connector. The requirement specified in this clause, is to reduce the impact on a co-sited BS, a
different BS, or a different LMU.

Test ports and the RF requirements applicability is as specified in [2], Table 5.1-1.

3GPP TS 36.112 version 13.0.1 Release 13 33 ETSI TS 136 112 V13.0.1 (2016-01)

6.7.2 Minimum Requirements

The minimum requirement is in TS 36.111 [2] subclause 5.7.1.

6.7.3 Test purpose

The test purpose is to verify the ability of the LMU to limit the interference caused by receiver spurious emissions to
other systems.

6.7.4 Method of test Initial conditions

Test environment: normal; see subclause D.2.

RF channels to be tested: M, see subclause 4.7.

RF bandwidth position to be tested: MRFBW, see subclause 4.7.1.

1) Connect a measurement receiver to the LMU antenna connector as shown in Annex G1.6.

2) Measure the spurious emissions power at a relevant receiver, according to test ports and the RF requirements
applicability specified in [2], Table 5.1-1. Procedure
1) Measure the spurious emissions over each frequency range described in subclause 6.7.5, for each receive

6.7.5 Test requirements

The power of any spurious emission shall not exceed the levels in Table 6.7.5-1.

Table 6.7.5-1: General spurious emission test requirement

Frequency range Maximum Measurement Note

level Bandwidth
30MHz - 1 GHz -57 dBm 100 kHz
1 GHz - 12.75 GHz -47 dBm 1 MHz
12.75 GHz - 5 harmonic -47 dBm 1 MHz Applies only for Bands 22, 42 and 43.
of the upper frequency
edge of the UL operating
band in GHz
NOTE: The frequency range between 2.5 * BW Channel below the first carrier frequency and
2.5 * BW Channel above the last carrier frequency transmitted by the BS, where BW Channel is the
channel bandwidth according to Table 5.6-1, may be excluded from the requirement.
However, frequencies that are more than 10 MHz below the lowest frequency of the BS
downlink operating band or more than 10 MHz above the highest frequency of the BS
downlink operating band (see Table 5.5-1) shall not be excluded from the requirement.

NOTE: If the above Test Requirement differs from the Minimum Requirement then the Test Tolerance applied
for this test is non-zero. The relationship between Minimum Requirements and Test Requirements is
defined in subclause 4.1 and the explanation of how the Minimum Requirement has been relaxed by the
Test Tolerance is given in Annex G.

3GPP TS 36.112 version 13.0.1 Release 13 34 ETSI TS 136 112 V13.0.1 (2016-01)

6.8 Receiver intermodulation

6.8.1 Definition and applicability
Third and higher order mixing of the two interfering RF signals can produce an interfering signal in the band of the
desired channel. Intermodulation response rejection is a measure of the capability of the receiver to receive a wanted
signal on its assigned channel frequency in the presence of two interfering signals which have a specific frequency
relationship to the wanted signal. In this condition a detection probability requirement and a false alarm requirements
shall be met for a specified reference measurement channel.

Interfering signals shall be a continuous wave signal and an E-UTRA signal as specified in Annex C.

Test ports and the RF requirements applicability is as specified in [2], Table 5.1-1.

6.8.2 Minimum Requirement

The minimum requirement is in TS 36.111[2] subclause 5.8.1.

6.8.3 Test purpose

The test purpose is to verify the ability of the LMU receiver to inhibit the generation of intermodulation products in its
non-linear elements caused by the presence of two high-level interfering signals at frequencies with a specific
relationship to the frequency of the wanted signal so the probability of detection requirement and a false alarm
requirement shall be met for a specified reference measurement channel.

6.8.4 Method of test Initial conditions

Test environment: normal; see subclause D.2.

RF channels to be tested: B, M and T; see subclause 4.7.

RF bandwidth position to be tested: BRFBW and TRFBW, see subclause 4.7.1.

1) Set-up the measurement system as shown in Annex G.1.7. Procedures
1) Set the test wanted signal mean power as specified in table 6.8.5-1.

2) Set the interfering signal mean power as specified in table 6.8.5-1.

3) Set the interfering signals center frequencies as specified in table 6.8.5-2.

4) Measure the detection probability and false alarm rate according to Annex E.

False alarm is measured according to an SRS configuration provided to LMU by E-SMLC

6.8.5 Test requirements

The LMU shall receive the reference measurement channel while meeting the detection probability and the false alarm
rate requirements specified in 36.111, subclause 5.1.1. The reference measurement channel is specified in Table A.1-1.

Table 6.8.5-1: Intermodulation performance requirement

Wanted signal mean Interfering signal

Type of interfering signal
power [dBm] mean power [dBm]
PREFSENS + 13dB -52 See Table 5.8.1-2

3GPP TS 36.112 version 13.0.1 Release 13 35 ETSI TS 136 112 V13.0.1 (2016-01)

Table 6.8.5-2: Interfering signal for Intermodulation performance requirement

Interfering signal
channel bandwidth
centre frequency
of the lowest Type of interfering signal
offset from the lower
(highest) carrier
(higher) edge [MHz]
received [MHz]
±2.1 CW
±4.9 1.4 MHz E-UTRA signal, 4 RBs
±4.5 CW
±10.5 3 MHz E-UTRA signal, 12 RBs
±7.5 CW
±17.5 5 MHz E-UTRA signal, 20 RBs
±7. 375 CW
±17. 5 5 MHz E-UTRA signal, 20 RBs
±7. 25 CW
±17.5 5 MHz E-UTRA signal, 20 RBs
±7. 125 CW
±17.5 5 MHz E-UTRA signal, 20 RBs

7 Conformance Tests for UL RTOA Measurement

Time Requirements

7.1 General
The purpose of tests specified in Section 7 is to verify the LMU requirements in Section 6 of TS 36.111.

7.2 Requirements for FDD without DRX

7.2.1 Definition and applicability
This test is to verify LMU requirements in Section 6.2.1 of TS 36.111 and applies for LMU Class 1, Class 2, and Class

The test is configured for 16 parallel measurements on the same carrier, i.e., n=16 and N=16 in the requirement
specified in Section 6.2.1 of TS 36.111.

The RTOA measurement time is the time interval between when the LMU receives a SLmAP MEASUREMENT

7.2.2 Minimum requirement

The minimum requirement is in TS 36.111 [2] subclause 6.2.1.

7.2.3 Test Purpose

To verify that at the LMU can meet the UL RTOA measurement requirements for the UL RTOA measurements
performed in parallel for multiple target UEs transmitting in FDD mode and not configured for DRX.

7.2.4 Method of testing Initial conditions

Test environment: normal; see subclause D.2

3GPP TS 36.112 version 13.0.1 Release 13 36 ETSI TS 136 112 V13.0.1 (2016-01)

RF channels to be tested: M; see subclause 4.7.

The following additional tests shall be performed:

On channel M, the test shall be performed under extreme power supply as defined in subclause D.3

NOTE: Tests under extreme power supply also test extreme temperature.

Connect the test equipment as shown in Annex G.2.1. Procedure
1) Set the test signal input SNR as specified in table 7.2.5-1.

2) Receiver measurements during the time TRTOA, E - UTRAN FDD, nonDRX ms calculated for n=16 and N=16.

7.2.5 Test requirement

The LMU shall be able to perform and report 16 UL RTOA measurements for 16 UEs at the 90th percentile within
TRTOA, E - UTRAN FDD, nonDRX ms for n=16 and N=16. The 16 parallel reference measurement channels are defined in
Annex A, Tables A.1-5, A.1-6, A.1-7, A.1-8 and A.1-9.

Table 7.2.5-1: LMU UL RTOA measurement accuracy without CA


SRS Input Minimum Minimum Minimum
90% 90% 90%
Bandwidth Ês/Iot number of number of number of
(Ts) (Ts) (Ts)
transmissions transmissions transmissions
4 -16.6 233 10 250 10 421 16
8 -16.6 71 8 77 10 127 14
12 -16.6 37 8 42 8 90 14
16 -16.6 24 8 29 10 63 12
20 -16.6 17 8 22 8 52 12
24 -16.6 14 8 18 8 44 12
32 -16.6 9 8 13 8 35 12
36 -16.6 8 6 12 8 32 12
40 -16.6 7 6 10 8 29 12
48 -16.6 5 6 9 8 25 12
60 -16.6 5 6 7 8 20 14
64 -16.6 4 6 7 8 18 14
72 -16.6 4 6 6 8 17 14
80 -16.6 3 6 6 8 15 14
96 -16.6 3 6 5 8 13 14

7.3 Requirements for TDD without DRX

7.3.1 Definition and applicability
This test is to verify LMU requirements in Section 6.2.2 of TS 36.111 and applies for LMU Class 1, Class 2, and Class

The test is configured for 16 parallel measurements on the same carrier, i.e., n=16 and N=16 in the requirement
specified in Section 6.2.2 of TS 36.111.

The RTOA measurement time is the time interval between when the LMU receives a SLmAP MEASUREMENT

3GPP TS 36.112 version 13.0.1 Release 13 37 ETSI TS 136 112 V13.0.1 (2016-01)

7.3.2 Minimum requirement

The minimum requirement is in TS 36.111 [2] subclause 6.2.2.

7.3.3 Test Purpose

To verify that at the LMU can meet the UL RTOA measurement requirements for the UL RTOA measurements
performed in parallel for multiple target UEs transmitting in TDD mode and not configured for DRX.

7.3.4 Method of testing Initial conditions

Test environment: normal; see subclause D.2

RF channels to be tested: M; see subclause 4.7.

The following additional tests shall be performed:

On channel M, the test shall be performed under extreme power supply as defined in subclause D.3

NOTE: Tests under extreme power supply also test extreme temperature.

Connect the test equipment as shown in Annex G.2.2. Procedure
1) Set the test signal input SNR as specified in table 7.3.5-1.

2) Receiver measurements during the time TRTOA, E - UTRAN TDD, nonDRX ms calculated for n=16 and N=16.

7.3.5 Test requirement

The LMU shall be able to perform and report 16 UL RTOA measurements for 16 UEs at the 90th percentile within
TRTOA, E - UTRAN TDD, nonDRX ms for n=16 and N=16. The 16 parallel reference measurement channels are defined in
Annex A, Tabless A.1-5, A.1-6, A.1-7, A.1-8 and A.1-9.

Table 7.3.5-1: LMU UL RTOA measurement accuracy without CA


SRS Input Minimum Minimum Minimum
90% 90% 90%
Bandwidth Ês/Iot number of number of number of
(Ts) (Ts) (Ts)
transmissions transmissions transmissions
4 -16.6 233 10 250 10 421 16
8 -16.6 71 8 77 10 127 14
12 -16.6 37 8 42 8 90 14
16 -16.6 24 8 29 10 63 12
20 -16.6 17 8 22 8 52 12
24 -16.6 14 8 18 8 44 12
32 -16.6 9 8 13 8 35 12
36 -16.6 8 6 12 8 32 12
40 -16.6 7 6 10 8 29 12
48 -16.6 5 6 9 8 25 12
60 -16.6 5 6 7 8 20 14
64 -16.6 4 6 7 8 18 14
72 -16.6 4 6 6 8 17 14
80 -16.6 3 6 6 8 15 14
96 -16.6 3 6 5 8 13 14

3GPP TS 36.112 version 13.0.1 Release 13 38 ETSI TS 136 112 V13.0.1 (2016-01)

7.4 UL RTOA Measurements upon Receiving SRS

Configuration Update
7.4.1 Definition and applicability
The RTOA measurement time is the time interval between when the LMU receives a SLmAP MEASUREMENT

7.4.2 Minimum requirement

The minimum requirement is in TS 36.111 [2] subclause 6.2.3.

7.4.3 Test Purpose

To verify that at the LMU can perform parallel UL RTOA measurements of multiple target UEs within the specified
measurement time when the LMU receives a SRS configuration update for the target UEs. The UEs are not configured
with DRX.

7.4.4 Method of testing Initial conditions

Test environment: normal; see subclause D.2

RF channels to be tested: M; see subclause 4.7.

The following additional tests shall be performed:

On channel M, the test shall be performed under extreme power supply as defined in subclause D.3

NOTE: Tests under extreme power supply also test extreme temperature.

Connect the test equipment as shown in Annex G.2.1. Procedure
1) Set the test signal input SNR as specified in table 7.4.5-3 for the non-CA case and table 7.4.5-4 for the CA case .

2) Update the SRS configuration for each target UE during the UL RTOA measurement.

3) Receive the UL RTOA measurements in parallel during TRTOA,E-UTRAN FDD, nonDRX .

7.4.5 Test requirement

The LMU shall be able to perform and report UL RTOA measurements for 16 UEs at the 90th percentile, based on their
SRS transmissions, within TRTOA, E - UTRAN FDD, nonDRX and TRTOA,E- UTRAN TDD, nonDRX ms for FDD and TDD
respectively, as defined in section 6.2.3 of 36.111 [2]. For each channel bandwidth in which the test is performed the
initial and updated configurations are defined for the non-CA case in Table 7.4.5-1 and for the CA case in Table 7.4.5-
2. The updated configuration is configured to be always a superset of the initial configuration, i.e., the updated SRS
configuration prvided to the LMU during the SRS measurement period satisfies all of the following conditions:

- SRS bandwidth in the updated SRS configuration for the carrier frequency measured by the LMU is not smaller
than in the initial configuration,

- SRS density in the updated SRS configuration for the carrier frequency measured by the LMU is not smaller
than in the intial configuration,

3GPP TS 36.112 version 13.0.1 Release 13 39 ETSI TS 136 112 V13.0.1 (2016-01)

- the set of carrier frequencies configured with SRS in the updated SRS configuration contains at least the same
set of carrier frequencies configured with SRS as in the initial configuration,

- at least one of the three conditions above is met with the corresponding configuration parameter (SRS
bandwidth, SRS density, or set of carrier frequencies with SRS) being strictly larger in the updated SRS
configuration compared to the initial configuration.

Table 7.4.5-1: Initial and updated SRS configurations without CA

UE Tables from Annex A for the initial Tables from Annex A for the updated SRS
number SRS configuration configuration
1 A.1-5, A.1-6, A.1-7, A.1-8 and A.1-9 A.1-10, A.1-11, A.1-12, A.1-13 and A.1-14
2 A.1-5, A.1-6, A.1-7, A.1-8 and A.1-9 A.1-10, A.1-11, A.1-12, A.1-13 and A.1-14
3 A.1-5, A.1-6, A.1-7, A.1-8 and A.1-9 A.1-10, A.1-11, A.1-12, A.1-13 and A.1-14
4 A.1-5, A.1-6, A.1-7, A.1-8 and A.1-9 A.1-10, A.1-11, A.1-12, A.1-13 and A.1-14
5 A.1-5, A.1-6, A.1-7, A.1-8 and A.1-9 A.1-10, A.1-11, A.1-12, A.1-13 and A.1-14
6 A.1-5, A.1-6, A.1-7, A.1-8 and A.1-9 A.1-10, A.1-11, A.1-12, A.1-13 and A.1-14
7 A.1-5, A.1-6, A.1-7, A.1-8 and A.1-9 A.1-10, A.1-11, A.1-12, A.1-13 and A.1-14
8 A.1-5, A.1-6, A.1-7, A.1-8 and A.1-9 A.1-10, A.1-11, A.1-12, A.1-13 and A.1-14
9 A.1-5, A.1-6, A.1-7, A.1-8 and A.1-9 A.1-10, A.1-11, A.1-12, A.1-13 and A.1-14
10 A.1-5, A.1-6, A.1-7, A.1-8 and A.1-9 A.1-10, A.1-11, A.1-12, A.1-13 and A.1-14
11 A.1-5, A.1-6, A.1-7, A.1-8 and A.1-9 A.1-10, A.1-11, A.1-12, A.1-13 and A.1-14
12 A.1-5, A.1-6, A.1-7, A.1-8 and A.1-9 A.1-10, A.1-11, A.1-12, A.1-13 and A.1-14
13 A.1-5, A.1-6, A.1-7, A.1-8 and A.1-9 A.1-10, A.1-11, A.1-12, A.1-13 and A.1-14
14 A.1-5, A.1-6, A.1-7, A.1-8 and A.1-9 A.1-10, A.1-11, A.1-12, A.1-13 and A.1-14
15 A.1-5, A.1-6, A.1-7, A.1-8 and A.1-9 A.1-10, A.1-11, A.1-12, A.1-13 and A.1-14
16 A.1-5, A.1-6, A.1-7, A.1-8 and A.1-9 A.1-10, A.1-11, A.1-12, A.1-13 and A.1-14

3GPP TS 36.112 version 13.0.1 Release 13 40 ETSI TS 136 112 V13.0.1 (2016-01)

Table 7.4.5-2: Initial and updated SRS configurations with CA

UE Tables from Annex A for the Initial Tables from Annex A for the Updated SRS
number SRS Configuration Configuration
1 A.1-5, A.1-6, A.1-7, A.1-8 and A.1-9 A.1-5, A.1-6, A.1-7, A.1-8 and A.1-9
2 A.1-5, A.1-6, A.1-7, A.1-8 and A.1-9 A.1-5, A.1-6, A.1-7, A.1-8 and A.1-9
3 A.1-5, A.1-6, A.1-7, A.1-8 and A.1-9 A.1-5, A.1-6, A.1-7, A.1-8 and A.1-9
4 A.1-5, A.1-6, A.1-7, A.1-8 and A.1-9 A.1-5, A.1-6, A.1-7, A.1-8 and A.1-9
5 A.1-5, A.1-6, A.1-7, A.1-8 and A.1-9 A.1-5, A.1-6, A.1-7, A.1-8 and A.1-9
6 A.1-5, A.1-6, A.1-7, A.1-8 and A.1-9 A.1-5, A.1-6, A.1-7, A.1-8 and A.1-9
7 A.1-5, A.1-6, A.1-7, A.1-8 and A.1-9 A.1-5, A.1-6, A.1-7, A.1-8 and A.1-9
8 A.1-5, A.1-6, A.1-7, A.1-8 and A.1-9 A.1-5, A.1-6, A.1-7, A.1-8 and A.1-9
9 A.1-5, A.1-6, A.1-7, A.1-8 and A.1-9 A.1-5, A.1-6, A.1-7, A.1-8 and A.1-9
10 A.1-5, A.1-6, A.1-7, A.1-8 and A.1-9 A.1-5, A.1-6, A.1-7, A.1-8 and A.1-9
11 A.1-5, A.1-6, A.1-7, A.1-8 and A.1-9 A.1-5, A.1-6, A.1-7, A.1-8 and A.1-9
12 A.1-5, A.1-6, A.1-7, A.1-8 and A.1-9 A.1-5, A.1-6, A.1-7, A.1-8 and A.1-9
13 A.1-5, A.1-6, A.1-7, A.1-8 and A.1-9 A.1-5, A.1-6, A.1-7, A.1-8 and A.1-9
14 A.1-5, A.1-6, A.1-7, A.1-8 and A.1-9 A.1-5, A.1-6, A.1-7, A.1-8 and A.1-9
15 A.1-5, A.1-6, A.1-7, A.1-8 and A.1-9 A.1-5, A.1-6, A.1-7, A.1-8 and A.1-9
16 A.1-5, A.1-6, A.1-7, A.1-8 and A.1-9 A.1-5, A.1-6, A.1-7, A.1-8 and A.1-9
17 - A.1-5, A.1-6, A.1-8, A.1-9 and A.1-15
18 - A.1-5, A.1-6, A.1-8, A.1-9 and A.1-15
19 - A.1-5, A.1-6, A.1-8, A.1-9 and A.1-15
20 - A.1-5, A.1-6, A.1-8, A.1-9 and A.1-15
21 - A.1-5, A.1-6, A.1-8, A.1-9 and A.1-15
22 - A.1-5, A.1-6, A.1-8, A.1-9 and A.1-15
23 - A.1-5, A.1-6, A.1-8, A.1-9 and A.1-15
24 - A.1-5, A.1-6, A.1-8, A.1-9 and A.1-15
25 - A.1-5, A.1-6, A.1-8, A.1-9 and A.1-15
26 - A.1-5, A.1-6, A.1-8, A.1-9 and A.1-15
27 - A.1-5, A.1-6, A.1-8, A.1-9 and A.1-15
28 - A.1-5, A.1-6, A.1-8, A.1-9 and A.1-15
29 - A.1-5, A.1-6, A.1-8, A.1-9 and A.1-15
30 - A.1-5, A.1-6, A.1-8, A.1-9 and A.1-15
31 - A.1-5, A.1-6, A.1-8, A.1-9 and A.1-15
32 - A.1-5, A.1-6, A.1-8, A.1-9 and A.1-15
Note: UE's 1-16 are assigned to the first CA carrier and UEs 17-32 are assigned to the second CA

Table 7.4.5-3: LMU UL RTOA measurement accuracy without CA


SRS Input Minimum Minimum Minimum
90% 90% 90%
Bandwidth Ês/Iot number of number of number of
(Ts) (Ts) (Ts)
transmissions transmissions transmissions
4 -16.6 233 10 250 10 421 16
8 -16.6 71 8 77 10 127 14
12 -16.6 37 8 42 8 90 14
16 -16.6 24 8 29 10 63 12
20 -16.6 17 8 22 8 52 12
24 -16.6 14 8 18 8 44 12
32 -16.6 9 8 13 8 35 12
36 -16.6 8 6 12 8 32 12
40 -16.6 7 6 10 8 29 12
48 -16.6 5 6 9 8 25 12
60 -16.6 5 6 7 8 20 14
64 -16.6 4 6 7 8 18 14
72 -16.6 4 6 6 8 17 14
80 -16.6 3 6 6 8 15 14
96 -16.6 3 6 5 8 13 14

3GPP TS 36.112 version 13.0.1 Release 13 41 ETSI TS 136 112 V13.0.1 (2016-01)

Table 7.4.5-4: LMU UL RTOA measurement accuracy with CA


SRS Input Minimum Minimum Minimum
90% 90% 90%
Bandwidth Ês/Iot number of number of number of
(Ts) (Ts) (Ts)
transmissions transmissions transmissions
4 -16.6 233 10 250 10 421 16
8 -16.6 71 8 77 10 127 14
12 -16.6 37 8 42 8 90 14
16 -16.6 24 8 29 10 63 12
20 -16.6 17 8 22 8 52 12
24 -16.6 14 8 18 8 44 12
32 -16.6 9 8 13 8 35 12
36 -16.6 8 6 12 8 32 12
40 -16.6 7 6 10 8 29 12
48 -16.6 5 6 9 8 25 12
60 -16.6 5 6 7 8 20 14
64 -16.6 4 6 7 8 18 14
72 -16.6 4 6 6 8 17 14
80 -16.6 3 6 6 8 15 14
96 -16.6 3 6 5 8 13 14

8 Conformance Tests for UL RTOA Measurement

Accuracy Requirements

8.1 General
The purpose of tests specified in Section 8 is to verify the LMU requirements in Section 7 of TS 36.111.

8.2 UL RTOA measurement accuracy for a UE not configured

with CA
8.2.1 Definition and applicability
This test is to verify LMU requirements in Section 7.2.1 of TS 36.111 and applies for LMU Class 1, Class 2, and Class

The performance requirement of UL RTOA is determined by a minimum required accuracy for a given SNR, SRS
bandwidth, and measurement period. The required accuracy is expressed as a multiple of Ts.

8.2.2 Minimum requirement

The minimum requirement is in TS 36.111 [2] subclause 7.2.1.

8.2.3 Test Purpose

To verify that the LMU can meet UL RTOA measurement accuracy requirements in different channel conditions for a
target UE transmitting SRS and not configured with CA, provided that the SRS are configured over at least a certain
bandwidth and measured over a certain time period according to Table 8.2.5-1.

3GPP TS 36.112 version 13.0.1 Release 13 42 ETSI TS 136 112 V13.0.1 (2016-01)

8.2.4 Method of testing Initial conditions

Test environment: normal; see subclause D.2

RF channels to be tested: M; see subclause 4.7.

The following additional tests shall be performed:

On channel M, the test shall be performed under extreme power supply as defined in subclause D.3

NOTE: Tests under extreme power supply also test extreme temperature.

Connect the test equipment as shown in Annex G.3.1. Procedure
1) Set the test signal input Ês/Iot according to Table 8.2.5-1. The minimum Io is -125.1 dBm/15 kHz and the
maximum Io is -50 dBm/BWchannel.

2) Measure the UL RTOA according to Annex E.

8.2.5 Test requirement

The LMU shall measure the UL RTOA with the accuracy at the 90th percentile as defined in table 8.2.5-1. The reference
measurement channel is specified in Annex A Tables A-3 and A-4.

Table 8.2.5-1: LMU UL RTOA measurement accuracy without CA


SRS Input Minimum Minimum Minimum
90% 90% 90%
Bandwidth Ês/Iot number of number of number of
(Ts) (Ts) (Ts)
transmissions transmissions transmissions
4 -16.6 233 10 250 10 421 16
8 -16.6 71 8 77 10 127 14
12 -16.6 37 8 42 8 90 14
16 -16.6 24 8 29 10 63 12
20 -16.6 17 8 22 8 52 12
24 -16.6 14 8 18 8 44 12
32 -16.6 9 8 13 8 35 12
36 -16.6 8 6 12 8 32 12
40 -16.6 7 6 10 8 29 12
48 -16.6 5 6 9 8 25 12
60 -16.6 5 6 7 8 20 14
64 -16.6 4 6 7 8 18 14
72 -16.6 4 6 6 8 17 14
80 -16.6 3 6 6 8 15 14
96 -16.6 3 6 5 8 13 14

8.3 UL RTOA measurement accuracy for a UE configured with

8.3.1 Definition and applicability
This test is to verify LMU requirements in Section 7.2.2 of TS 36.111 and applies for LMU Class 1, Class 2, and Class

3GPP TS 36.112 version 13.0.1 Release 13 43 ETSI TS 136 112 V13.0.1 (2016-01)

The performance requirement of UL RTOA is determined by a minimum required accuracy for a given SNR, SRS
bandwidth, and measurement period. The required accuracy is expressed as a multiple of Ts.

UL CA configuration is FFS.

8.3.2 Minimum requirement

The minimum requirement is in TS 36.111 [2] subclause 7.2.2.

8.3.3 Test Purpose

To verify that the LMU can meet UL RTOA measurement accuracy requirements in different channel conditions for a
target UE transmitting SRS and configured with UL CA, provided that the SRS are configured over at least a certain
bandwidth and measured over a certain time period according to Table 8.3.5-1.

8.3.4 Method of testing Initial conditions

Test environment: normal; see subclause D.2

RF channels to be tested: M; see subclause 4.7.

The following additional tests shall be performed:

On channel M, the test shall be performed under extreme power supply as defined in subclause D.3

NOTE: Tests under extreme power supply also test extreme temperature.

Connect the test equipment as shown in Annex G.3.2. Procedure
1) Set the test signal input Ês/Iot according to Table 8.3.5-1. The minimum Io is -125.1 dBm/15 kHz and the
maximum Io is -50 dBm/BWchannel.

2) Measure the UL RTOA according to Annex E.

8.3.5 Test requirement

The LMU shall measure the UL RTOA with the accuracy at the 90th percentile as defined in table 8.3.5-1. The reference
measurement channel is specified in Annex A, Tables A-3 and A-4.

3GPP TS 36.112 version 13.0.1 Release 13 44 ETSI TS 136 112 V13.0.1 (2016-01)

Table 8.3.5-1: LMU UL RTOA measurement accuracy with CA


SRS Input Minimum Minimum Minimum
90% 90% 90%
Bandwidth Ês/Iot number of number of number of
(Ts) (Ts) (Ts)
transmissions transmissions transmissions
4 -16.6 233 10 250 10 421 16
8 -16.6 71 8 77 10 127 14
12 -16.6 37 8 42 8 90 14
16 -16.6 24 8 29 10 63 12
20 -16.6 17 8 22 8 52 12
24 -16.6 14 8 18 8 44 12
32 -16.6 9 8 13 8 35 12
36 -16.6 8 6 12 8 32 12
40 -16.6 7 6 10 8 29 12
48 -16.6 5 6 9 8 25 12
60 -16.6 5 6 7 8 20 14
64 -16.6 4 6 7 8 18 14
72 -16.6 4 6 6 8 17 14
80 -16.6 3 6 6 8 15 14
96 -16.6 3 6 5 8 13 14

8.4 Parallel UL RTOA measurements on the same carrier

8.4.1 Definition and applicability
This test is to verify LMU requirements in Section of TS 36.111 and applies for LMU Class 1, Class 2, and
Class 3.

The performance requirement of UL RTOA is determined by a minimum required accuracy for a given SNR, SRS
bandwidth, and measurement period. The required accuracy is expressed as a multiple of Ts.

8.4.2 Minimum requirement

The minimum requirement is in TS 36.111 [2] subclause

8.4.3 Test Purpose

To verify that the LMU can meet UL RTOA measurement accuracy requirements in different channel conditions for 16
target UE simultaneously transmitting SRS on the same carrier frequency, provided that the SRS are configured over at
least a certain bandwidth for each target UE and all the 16 LMU measurements are performed in parallel over the same
time period according to Table 8.4.5-1.

8.4.4 Method of testing Initial conditions

Test environment: normal; see subclause D.2

RF channels to be tested: M; see subclause 4.7.

The following additional tests shall be performed:

On channel M, the test shall be performed under extreme power supply as defined in subclause D.3

NOTE: Tests under extreme power supply also test extreme temperature.

3GPP TS 36.112 version 13.0.1 Release 13 45 ETSI TS 136 112 V13.0.1 (2016-01)

Connect the test equipment as shown in Annex G.3.3. Procedure
1) For each UE test signal set the input Ês/Iot according to Table 8.3.5-1. The minimum Io is -125.1 dBm/15 kHz
and the maximum Io is -50 dBm/BWchannel.

2) Measure the UL RTOA for 16 UEs in parallel according to Annex E.

8.4.5 Test requirement

The LMU shall measure the UL RTOA with the accuracy at the 90th percentile as defined in table 8.3.5-1. The 16
parallel reference measurement channels are defined in Annex A, Tables A-5, A-6, A-7, A-8 and A-9.

Table 8.4.5-1: LMU UL RTOA measurement accuracy for parallel measurements on one frequency


SRS Input Minimum Minimum Minimum
90% 90% 90%
Bandwidth Ês/Iot number of number of number of
(Ts) (Ts) (Ts)
transmissions transmissions transmissions
4 -16.6 233 10 250 10 421 16
8 -16.6 71 8 77 10 127 14
12 -16.6 37 8 42 8 90 14
16 -16.6 24 8 29 10 63 12
20 -16.6 17 8 22 8 52 12
24 -16.6 14 8 18 8 44 12
32 -16.6 9 8 13 8 35 12
36 -16.6 8 6 12 8 32 12
40 -16.6 7 6 10 8 29 12
48 -16.6 5 6 9 8 25 12
60 -16.6 5 6 7 8 20 14
64 -16.6 4 6 7 8 18 14
72 -16.6 4 6 6 8 17 14
80 -16.6 3 6 6 8 15 14
96 -16.6 3 6 5 8 13 14

8.5 Parallel UL RTOA measurements on two carrier

8.5.1 Definition and applicability
This test is to verify LMU requirements in Section of TS 36.111 and applies for LMU Class 1, Class 2, and
Class 3.

The performance requirement of UL RTOA is determined by a minimum required accuracy for a given SNR, SRS
bandwidth, and measurement period. The required accuracy is expressed as a multiple of Ts.

8.5.2 Minimum requirement

The minimum requirement is in TS 36.111 [2] subclause

8.5.3 Test Purpose

To verify that the LMU can meet UL RTOA measurement accuracy requirements in different channel conditions for 16
target UE simultaneously transmitting SRS on a first carrier frequency and 16 target UEs simultaneously transmitting
SRS on a second carrier frequency, provided that the SRS are configured over at least a certain bandwidth for each

3GPP TS 36.112 version 13.0.1 Release 13 46 ETSI TS 136 112 V13.0.1 (2016-01)

target UE and all the 32 LMU measurements are performed in parallel over the same time period according to Table

8.5.4 Method of testing Initial conditions

Test environment: normal; see subclause D.2

RF channels to be tested: M; see subclause 4.7.

The following additional tests shall be performed:

On channel M, the test shall be performed under extreme power supply as defined in subclause D.3

NOTE: Tests under extreme power supply also test extreme temperature.

Connect the test equipment as shown in Annex G.3.3. Procedure
1) For each UE test signal set the input Ês/Iot according to Table 8.3.5-1. The minimum Io is -125.1 dBm/15 kHz
and the maximum Io is -50 dBm/BWchannel.

2) Measure the UL RTOA for 32 UEs in parallel according to Annex E.

8.5.5 Test requirement

The LMU shall measure the UL RTOA with the accuracy at the 90th percentile as defined in table 8.3.5-1. The 32
parallel reference measurement channels are configured across two carrier frequencies with each carrier frequency
configured with 16 channels as defined in Annex A, Tables A-5, A-6, A-7, A-8 and A-9.

Table 8.5.5-1: LMU UL RTOA measurement accuracy for parallel measurements over two frequency


SRS Input Minimum Minimum Minimum
90% 90% 90%
Bandwidth Ês/Iot number of number of number of
(Ts) (Ts) (Ts)
transmissions transmissions transmissions
4 -16.6 233 10 250 10 421 16
8 -16.6 71 8 77 10 127 14
12 -16.6 37 8 42 8 90 14
16 -16.6 24 8 29 10 63 12
20 -16.6 17 8 22 8 52 12
24 -16.6 14 8 18 8 44 12
32 -16.6 9 8 13 8 35 12
36 -16.6 8 6 12 8 32 12
40 -16.6 7 6 10 8 29 12
48 -16.6 5 6 9 8 25 12
60 -16.6 5 6 7 8 20 14
64 -16.6 4 6 7 8 18 14
72 -16.6 4 6 6 8 17 14
80 -16.6 3 6 6 8 15 14
96 -16.6 3 6 5 8 13 14

3GPP TS 36.112 version 13.0.1 Release 13 47 ETSI TS 136 112 V13.0.1 (2016-01)

Annex A (informative):
Reference measurement channel

A.1 Reference measurement channel

Table A.1-1: SRS Configuration for receiver requirements except in-channel selectivity

Channel bandwidth 1.4 MHz 3 MHz 5 MHz 10 MHz 15 MHz 20 MHz

UL bandwidth n6 n15 n25 n50 n75 n100
srsBandwidthConfiguration bw7 bw5 bw3 bw5 bw6 bw5
srsBandwidth bw0 bw0 bw0 bw1 bw2 bw2
srsHoppingBandwidth Note 2 hbw0 hbw0 hbw0 hbw1 hbw2 hbw2
frequencyDomainPosition 0 0 0 2 8 13
srs-ConfigIndex 5 5 5 5 5 5
transmissionComb 0 0 0 0 0 0
cyclicShift cs0 cs0 cs0 cs0 cs0 cs0
srsAntennaPort an1 an1 an1 an1 an1 an1
Number of SRS resource blocks 4 4 4 4 4 4
≥500 ≥500 ≥500 ≥500 ≥500 ≥500
Number of configured SRS
(see note (see note (see note (see note (see note (see note
transmissions, as indicated by E-SMLC
1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1)
NOTE 1: The number of SRS transmissions may also be configured as Inf.
NOTE 2: No SRS sequence hopping, no SRS group hopping

Table A.1-2: SRS Configuration for in-channel selectivity

Channel bandwidth 1.4 MHz 3 MHz 5 MHz 10 MHz 15 MHz 20 MHz

UL bandwidth n6 n15 n25 n50 n75 n100
srsBandwidthConfiguration bw7 bw5 bw5 bw5 bw6 bw5
srsBandwidth bw0 bw1 bw1 bw1 bw2 bw2
srsHoppingBandwidth hbw0 hbw1 hbw1 hbw1 hbw2 hbw2
frequencyDomainPosition 0 0 0 2 5 13
srs-ConfigIndex 5 5 5 5 5 5
transmissionComb 0 0 0 0 0 0
cyclicShift cs0 cs0 cs0 cs0 cs0 cs0
srsAntennaPort an1 an1 an1 an1 an1 an1
Number of SRS resource blocks 4 4 4 4 4 4
≥500 ≥500 ≥500 ≥500 ≥500 ≥500
Number of configured SRS
(see note (see note (see note (see note (see note (see note
transmissions, as indicated by E-SMLC
1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1)
NOTE 1: The number of SRS transmissions may also be configured as Inf.
NOTE 2: No SRS sequence hopping, no SRS group hopping

3GPP TS 36.112 version 13.0.1 Release 13 48 ETSI TS 136 112 V13.0.1 (2016-01)

Table A.1-3: SRS Configuration for accuracy and measurement time requirements, 4 ≤ SRS RBs ≤ 36,
single UE

Number of SRS resource blocks 4 8 12 16 20 24 32 36

Channel bandwidth 1.4 MHz 3 MHz 3 MHz 5 MHz 5 MHz 10 MHz 10 MHz 10 MHz
UL bandwidth n6 n15 n15 n25 n25 n50 n50 n50
Physical cell ID 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
srsBandwidthConfiguration bw7 bw6 bw5 bw4 bw3 bw5 bw4 bw3
srsBandwidth bw0 bw0 bw0 bw0 bw0 bw0 bw0 bw0
srsHoppingBandwidth hbw0 hbw0 hbw0 hbw0 hbw0 hbw0 hbw0 hbw0
frequencyDomainPosition 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
srs-ConfigIndex 325 325 325 325 325 325 325 325
transmissionComb 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
cyclicShift cs0 cs0 cs0 cs0 cs0 cs0 cs0 cs0
srsAntennaPort an1 an1 an1 an1 an1 an1 an1 an1
Note 1: No SRS sequence hopping, no SRS group hopping

Table A.1-4: SRS Configuration for accuracy and measurement time requirements, 40 ≤ SRS RBs ≤
96, single UE

Number of SRS resource blocks 40 48 60 64 72 80 96

Channel bandwidth 10 MHz 10 MHz 15 MHz 15 MHz 15 MHz 20 MHz 20 MHz
UL bandwidth n50 n50 n75 n75 n75 n100 n100
Physical cell ID 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
srsBandwidthConfiguration bw2 bw1 bw2 bw1 bw0 bw2 bw1
srsBandwidth bw0 bw0 bw0 bw0 bw0 bw0 bw0
srsHoppingBandwidth hbw0 hbw0 hbw0 hbw0 hbw0 hbw0 hbw0
frequencyDomainPosition 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
srs-ConfigIndex 325 325 325 325 325 325 325
transmissionComb 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
cyclicShift cs0 cs0 cs0 cs0 cs0 cs0 cs0
srsAntennaPort an1 an1 an1 an1 an1 an1 an1
Note 1: No SRS sequence hopping, no SRS group hopping

Table A.1-5: SRS Configuration for accuracy and measurement time requirements, 4 ≤ SRS RBs ≤ 36,
parallel UL RTOA measurements

Number of SRS resource blocks 4 8 12 16 20 24 32 36

Channel bandwidth 1.4 MHz 3 MHz 3 MHz 5 MHz 5 MHz 10 MHz 10 MHz 10 MHz
UL bandwidth n6 n15 n15 n25 n25 n50 n50 n50
srsBandwidthConfiguration bw7 bw6 bw5 bw4 bw3 bw5 bw4 bw3
srsBandwidth bw0 bw0 bw0 bw0 bw0 bw0 bw0 bw0
srsHoppingBandwidth hbw0 hbw0 hbw0 hbw0 hbw0 hbw0 hbw0 hbw0
frequencyDomainPosition 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
srs-ConfigIndex 325 325 325 325 325 325 325 325
srsAntennaPort an1 an1 an1 an1 an1 an1 an1 an1
Note 1: No SRS sequence hopping, no SRS group hopping

Table A.1-6: SRS Configuration for accuracy and measurement time requirements, 40 ≤ SRS RBs ≤
96, parallel UL RTOA measurements

Number of SRS resource blocks 40 48 60 64 72 80 96

Channel bandwidth 10 MHz 10 MHz 15 MHz 15 MHz 15 MHz 20 MHz 20 MHz
UL bandwidth n50 n50 n75 n75 n75 n100 n100
srsBandwidthConfiguration bw2 bw1 bw2 bw1 bw0 bw2 bw1
srsBandwidth bw0 bw0 bw0 bw0 bw0 bw0 bw0
srsHoppingBandwidth hbw0 hbw0 hbw0 hbw0 hbw0 hbw0 hbw0
frequencyDomainPosition 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
srs-ConfigIndex 325 325 325 325 325 325 325
srsAntennaPort an1 an1 an1 an1 an1 an1 an1
Note 1: No SRS sequence hopping, no SRS group hopping

3GPP TS 36.112 version 13.0.1 Release 13 49 ETSI TS 136 112 V13.0.1 (2016-01)

Table A.1-7: SRS Physical cell ID for parallel UL RTOA measurements

1.4 MHz 3 MHz 5 MHz 10 MHz 15 MHz 20 MHz
UE number
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2 1 1 1 1 1 1
3 1 1 1 1 1 1
4 1 1 1 1 1 1
5 2 1 1 1 1 1
6 2 1 1 1 1 1
7 2 1 1 1 1 1
8 2 1 1 1 1 1
9 3 2 1 1 1 1
10 3 2 1 1 1 1
11 3 2 1 1 1 1
12 3 2 1 1 1 1
13 4 2 1 1 1 1
14 4 2 1 1 1 1
15 4 2 1 1 1 1
16 4 2 1 1 1 1

Table A.1-8: SRS cyclic shift for parallel UL RTOA measurements

Channel 1.4
3 MHz 5 MHz 10 MHz 15 MHz 20 MHz
bandwidth MHz
UE number
1 cs0 cs0 cs0 cs0 cs0 cs0
2 cs4 cs2 cs1 cs1 cs1 cs1
3 cs0 cs4 cs2 cs2 cs2 cs2
4 cs4 cs6 cs3 cs3 cs3 cs3
5 cs0 cs0 cs4 cs4 cs4 cs4
6 cs4 cs2 cs5 cs5 cs5 cs5
7 cs0 cs4 cs6 cs6 cs6 cs6
8 cs4 cs6 cs7 cs7 cs7 cs7
9 cs0 cs0 cs0 cs0 cs0 cs0
10 cs4 cs2 cs1 cs1 cs1 cs1
11 cs0 cs4 cs2 cs2 cs2 cs2
12 cs4 cs6 cs3 cs3 cs3 cs3
13 cs0 cs0 cs4 cs4 cs4 cs4
14 cs4 cs2 cs5 cs5 cs5 cs5
15 cs0 cs4 cs6 cs6 cs6 cs6
16 cs4 cs6 cs7 cs7 cs7 cs7

3GPP TS 36.112 version 13.0.1 Release 13 50 ETSI TS 136 112 V13.0.1 (2016-01)

Table A.1-9: SRS transmission comb for parallel UL RTOA measurements

1.4 MHz 3 MHz 5 MHz 10 MHz 15 MHz 20 MHz
UE number
1 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 1 0 0 0 0 0
4 1 0 0 0 0 0
5 0 1 0 0 0 0
6 0 1 0 0 0 0
7 1 1 0 0 0 0
8 1 1 0 0 0 0
9 0 0 1 1 1 1
10 0 0 1 1 1 1
11 1 0 1 1 1 1
12 1 0 1 1 1 1
13 0 1 1 1 1 1
14 0 1 1 1 1 1
15 1 1 1 1 1 1
16 1 1 1 1 1 1

Table A.1-10: SRS Configuration Update for measurement time requirements, 4 ≤ SRS RBs ≤ 36

Number of SRS resource blocks 4 8 12 16 20 24 32 36

Channel bandwidth 1.4 MHz 3 MHz 3 MHz 5 MHz 5 MHz 10 MHz 10 MHz 10 MHz
UL bandwidth n6 n15 n15 n25 n25 n50 n50 n50
srsBandwidthConfiguration bw7 bw6 bw5 bw4 bw3 bw5 bw4 bw3
srsBandwidth bw0 bw0 bw0 bw0 bw0 bw0 bw0 bw0
srsHoppingBandwidth hbw0 hbw0 hbw0 hbw0 hbw0 hbw0 hbw0 hbw0
frequencyDomainPosition 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
srs-ConfigIndex 165 165 165 165 165 165 165 165
srsAntennaPort an1 an1 an1 an1 an1 an1 an1 an1
Note 1: No SRS sequence hopping, no SRS group hopping

Table A.1-11: SRS Configuration Update for measurement time requirements, 40 ≤ SRS RBs ≤ 96

Number of SRS resource blocks 40 48 60 64 72 80 96

Channel bandwidth 10 MHz 10 MHz 15 MHz 15 MHz 15 MHz 20 MHz 20 MHz
UL bandwidth n50 n50 n75 n75 n75 n100 n100
srsBandwidthConfiguration bw2 bw1 bw2 bw1 bw0 bw2 bw1
srsBandwidth bw0 bw0 bw0 bw0 bw0 bw0 bw0
srsHoppingBandwidth hbw0 hbw0 hbw0 hbw0 hbw0 hbw0 hbw0
frequencyDomainPosition 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
srs-ConfigIndex 165 165 165 165 165 165 165
srsAntennaPort an1 an1 an1 an1 an1 an1 an1
Note 1: No SRS sequence hopping, no SRS group hopping

3GPP TS 36.112 version 13.0.1 Release 13 51 ETSI TS 136 112 V13.0.1 (2016-01)

Table A.1-12: SRS configuration update for measurement time requirements, Physical cell ID

1.4 MHz 3 MHz 5 MHz 10 MHz 15 MHz 20 MHz
UE number
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2 1 1 1 1 1 1
3 1 1 1 1 1 1
4 1 1 1 1 1 1
5 2 1 1 1 1 1
6 2 1 1 1 1 1
7 2 1 1 1 1 1
8 2 1 1 1 1 1
9 3 2 1 1 1 1
10 3 2 1 1 1 1
11 3 2 1 1 1 1
12 3 2 1 1 1 1
13 4 2 1 1 1 1
14 4 2 1 1 1 1
15 4 2 1 1 1 1
16 4 2 1 1 1 1

Table A.1-13: SRS configuration update for measurement time requirements, SRS cyclic

Channel 1.4
3 MHz 5 MHz 10 MHz 15 MHz 20 MHz
bandwidth MHz
UE number
1 cs0 cs0 cs0 cs0 cs0 cs0
2 cs4 cs2 cs1 cs1 cs1 cs1
3 cs0 cs4 cs2 cs2 cs2 cs2
4 cs4 cs6 cs3 cs3 cs3 cs3
5 cs0 cs0 cs4 cs4 cs4 cs4
6 cs4 cs2 cs5 cs5 cs5 cs5
7 cs0 cs4 cs6 cs6 cs6 cs6
8 cs4 cs6 cs7 cs7 cs7 cs7
9 cs0 cs0 cs0 cs0 cs0 cs0
10 cs4 cs2 cs1 cs1 cs1 cs1
11 cs0 cs4 cs2 cs2 cs2 cs2
12 cs4 cs6 cs3 cs3 cs3 cs3
13 cs0 cs0 cs4 cs4 cs4 cs4
14 cs4 cs2 cs5 cs5 cs5 cs5
15 cs0 cs4 cs6 cs6 cs6 cs6
16 cs4 cs6 cs7 cs7 cs7 cs7

Table A.1-14: SRS configuration update for measurement time requirements, transmission comb

1.4 MHz 3 MHz 5 MHz 10 MHz 15 MHz 20 MHz
UE number
1 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 1 0 0 0 0 0
4 1 0 0 0 0 0
5 0 1 0 0 0 0
6 0 1 0 0 0 0
7 1 1 0 0 0 0
8 1 1 0 0 0 0
9 0 0 1 1 1 1
10 0 0 1 1 1 1
11 1 0 1 1 1 1
12 1 0 1 1 1 1

3GPP TS 36.112 version 13.0.1 Release 13 52 ETSI TS 136 112 V13.0.1 (2016-01)

Annex B (informative):
Propagation conditions

B.1 Static Propagation condition

The propagation for the static performance measurement is an Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN) environment.
No fading or multi-paths exist for this propagation model.

B.2 Multi-path fading propagation conditions

Tables B.2-1 – B.2.3 show multi-path delay profiles that are used for the performance measurements in multi-path
fading environment. All taps have classical Doppler spectrum, defined as:

(CLASS)  ∝ 1/1 −  / ஽ ଶ ଴ ହ

for  ∈ −஽ , ஽ .

Table B.2-1 Extended Pedestrian A model (EPA)

Excess tap delay Relative power

[ns] [dB]
0 0.0
30 -1.0
70 -2.0
90 -3.0
110 -8.0
190 -17.2
410 -20.8

Table B.2-2 Extended Typical Urban model (ETU)

Excess tap delay Relative power

[ns] [dB]
0 -1.0
50 -1.0
120 -1.0
200 0.0
230 0.0
500 0.2
1600 -3.0
2300 -5.0
5000 -7.0

3GPP TS 36.112 version 13.0.1 Release 13 53 ETSI TS 136 112 V13.0.1 (2016-01)

Annex C (informative):
Characteristics of the interfering signals

C.1 Interfering signals in LMU RF tests

The interfering signal for the 1.4 MHz in-channel requirement shall be a PUCCH. For the other requirements the
interferer shall be a PUSCH containing data and reference symbols. Normal cyclic prefix is used. The data content shall
be uncorrelated to the wanted signal and modulated according to clause 5 of TS 36.211 [3]. Mapping of the PUCCH
and PUSCH modulation to receiver requirement are specified in table C-1.1.

Table C-1.1: Modulation of the interfering signal

Receiver requirement Signal/Modulation
In-channel selectivity (1.4 MHz channel) PUCCH/QPSK
In-channel selectivity (3, 5,10, 15 and 20 MHz channel) PUSCH/16QAM
Adjacent channel selectivity and narrow-band blocking PUSCH/QPSK
Receiver intermodulation PUSCH/QPSK

C.2 Interfering signals in LMU performance tests

The interfering signal from UEs not modelled explicitely in the test, e.g., other than 16 UE in tests with parallel
measurements, shall be AWGN.

3GPP TS 36.112 version 13.0.1 Release 13 54 ETSI TS 136 112 V13.0.1 (2016-01)

Annex D (informative):
Environmental requirements for the LMU equipment

D.1 General
For each test in the present document, the environmental conditions under which the LMU is to be tested are defined.

D.2 Normal test environment

When a normal test environment is specified for a test, the test should be performed within the minimum and maximum
limits of the conditions stated in Table D.1.

Table D.1: Limits of conditions for Normal Test Environment

Condition Minimum Maximum

Barometric pressure 86 kPa 106 kPa
Temperature 15°C 30°C
Relative Humidity 20 % 85 %
Power supply Nominal, as declared by the manufacturer
Vibration Negligible

The ranges of barometric pressure, temperature and humidity represent the maximum variation expected in the
uncontrolled environment of a test laboratory. If it is not possible to maintain these parameters within the specified
limits, the actual values shall be recorded in the test report.

NOTE: This may, for instance, be the case for measurements of radiated emissions performed on an open field
test site.

D.3 Extreme test environment

The manufacturer shall declare one of the following:

1) the equipment class for the equipment under test, as defined in the IEC 60 721-3-3 [4];

2) the equipment class for the equipment under test, as defined in the IEC 60 721-3-4 [5];

3) the equipment that does not comply to the mentioned classes, the relevant classes from IEC 60 721
documentation for Temperature, Humidity and Vibration shall be declared.

NOTE: Reduced functionality for conditions that fall outside of the standard operational conditions are not tested
in the present document. These may be stated and tested separately.

D.3.1 Extreme temperature

When an extreme temperature test environment is specified for a test, the test shall be performed at the standard
minimum and maximum operating temperatures defined by the manufacturer's declaration for the equipment under test.

Minimum temperature:

The test shall be performed with the environment test equipment and methods including the required environmental
phenomena into the equipment, conforming to the test procedure of IEC 60 068-2-1 [6].

Maximum temperature:

3GPP TS 36.112 version 13.0.1 Release 13 55 ETSI TS 136 112 V13.0.1 (2016-01)

The test shall be performed with the environmental test equipment and methods including the required environmental
phenomena into the equipment, conforming to the test procedure of IEC 60 068-2-2 [7].

NOTE: It is recommended that the equipment is made fully operational prior to the equipment being taken to its
lower operating temperature.

D.4 Vibration
When vibration conditions are specified for a test, the test shall be performed while the equipment is subjected to a
vibration sequence as defined by the manufacturer"s declaration for the equipment under test. This shall use the
environmental test equipment and methods of inducing the required environmental phenomena in to the equipment,
conforming to the test procedure of IEC 60 068-2-6 [8]. Other environmental conditions shall be within the ranges
specified in clause D.2.

NOTE: The higher levels of vibration may induce undue physical stress in to equipment after a prolonged series
of tests. The testing body should only vibrate the equipment during the RF measurement process.

D.5 Power supply

When extreme power supply conditions are specified for a test, the test shall be performed at the standard upper and
lower limits of operating voltage defined by manufacturer's declaration for the equipment under test.

Upper voltage limit:

The equipment shall be supplied with a voltage equal to the upper limit declared by the manufacturer (as measured at
the input terminals to the equipment). The tests shall be carried out at the steady state minimum and maximum
temperature limits declared by the manufacturer for the equipment, to the methods described in IEC 60 068-2-1 [6] Test
Ab/Ad and IEC 60 068-2-2 [7] Test Bb/Bd: Dry Heat.

Lower voltage limit:

The equipment shall be supplied with a voltage equal to the lower limit declared by the manufacturer (as measured at
the input terminals to the equipment). The tests shall be carried out at the steady state minimum and maximum
temperature limits declared by the manufacturer for the equipment, to the methods described in IEC 60 068-2-1 [6] Test
Ab/Ad and IEC 60 068-2-2 [7] Test Bb/Bd: Dry Heat.

D.6 Measurement of test environments

The measurement accuracy of the LMU test environments defined in Annex D, Test environments shall be.

Pressure: ±5 kPa.
Temperature: ±2 degrees.
Relative Humidity: ±5 %.
DC Voltage: ±1,0 %.
AC Voltage: ±1,5 %.
Vibration: 10 %.
Vibration frequency: 0,1 Hz.

The above values shall apply unless the test environment is otherwise controlled and the specification for the control of
the test environment specifies the uncertainty for the parameter.

3GPP TS 36.112 version 13.0.1 Release 13 56 ETSI TS 136 112 V13.0.1 (2016-01)

Annex E (informative):
General Rules for statistical testing

E.1 Error Definition

For the RF requirements testing, a correct event is when the LMU detects the wanted signal with the false alarm rate as
specified in TS 36.111 clause 5.1.1. To pass a RF requirements test, the detection probability has to be at least 99% and
the false alarm rate below 0.1%.

For the UL RTOA measurement testing, a correct event is when the LMU returns a measurement response with a
correct UL RTOA measurement within the time as specified in clauses 7.2.5, 7.3.5 and 7.4.5, whichever applies. To
pass a UL RTOA measurement test, at least 90% of the events have to be correct.

For the UL RTOA measurement accuracy testing, a correct event is when the LMU returns a measurement response
with a correct UL RTOA measurement that has a value less than or equal to the corresponding required value in Tables
8.2.5-1, 8.3.5-1, 8.4.5-1 and 8.5.5-1, whichever applies. To pass a UL RTOA measurement accuracy test, at least 90%
of the events have to be correct.

E.2 Test Method

Each test is performed in the following manner:

a) Setup the required test conditions.

b) Record the number of samples tested and the number of correct events.

c) Stop the test when the number of correct events is sufficient to pass the test or after a given time.

d) Once the test is stopped decide whether the test has been passed or not.

3GPP TS 36.112 version 13.0.1 Release 13 57 ETSI TS 136 112 V13.0.1 (2016-01)

Annex F (informative):
Test tolerances and derivation of test requirements

F.1 Test tolerances and derivation of test requirements

The Test Requirements in this specification have been calculated by relaxing the Minimum Requirements of the core
specification using the Test Tolerances defined in clause 4. When the Test Tolerance is zero, the Test Requirement will
be the same as the Minimum Requirement. When the Test Tolerance is non-zero, the Test Requirements will differ
from the Minimum Requirements, and the formula used for this relaxation is given in tables F.1, F.2 and F.3.

Note that a formula for applying Test Tolerances is provided for all tests, even those with a test tolerance of zero. This
is necessary in the case that the Test System uncertainty is greater than that allowed in clause 4. In this event, the excess
error shall be subtracted from the defined test tolerance in order to generate the correct tightened Test Requirements as
defined in clause 4.

For example, a Test System having 0.9 dB accuracy for test 6.2.1 LMU Reference sensitivity (which is 0.2 dB above
the limit specified in clause 4.) would subtract 0.2 dB from the Test Tolerance of 0.7 dB defined in clause 4. This new
test tolerance of 0.5 dB would then be applied to the Minimum Requirement using the formula defined in Table F.1-1 to
give a new wanted signal power of -130.3 dBm for the reference sensitivity.

Using this same approach for the case where a test had a test tolerance of 0 dB, an excess error of 0.2 dB would result in
a modified test tolerance of -0.2 dB.

3GPP TS 36.112 version 13.0.1 Release 13 58 ETSI TS 136 112 V13.0.1 (2016-01)

Table F.1-1: Derivation of RF Test Requirements

Test Test Tolerance Test Requirement in TS

(TT) 36.112
6.2 Reference sensitivity 0.7 dB, f ≤ 3.0 GHz Formula: Reference
sensitivity level + TT
1.0 dB, 3.0 GHz < f ≤ 4.2 GHz
6.3 Dynamic range 0.3 dB Formula: Wanted signal
level + TT
AWGN level

6.4 In-channel selectivity 1.4 dB, f ≤ 3.0 GHz Formula: Wanted signal
level + TT
1.8 dB, 3.0 GHz < f ≤ 4.2 GHz W-CDMA interferer
level unchanged

6.5 Adjacent channel 1.4 dB, f ≤ 3.0 GHz Formula: Wanted signal
selectivity (ACS) and level + TT
narrowband blocking 1.8 dB, 3.0 GHz < f ≤ 4.2 GHz Interferer level

6.6 Blocking In-band blocking, using modulated Formula: Wanted signal

interferer: level + TT
1.6 dB, f ≤ 3.0GHz Interferer level
2.0 dB, 3.0GHz < f ≤ 4.2GHz unchanged

Out of band blocking, using CW

1.3 dB, 1MHz < finterferer ≤ 3 GHz
1.6 dB, 3.0GHz < finterferer ≤ 4.2 GHz
3.2 dB, 4.2GHz < finterferer ≤ 12.75 GHz
6.7 Receiver spurious 2.0 dB, 30 MHz ≤ f ≤ 4 GHz Add TT to Maximum level
emissions 4.0 dB, 4 GHz < f ≤ 19 GHz in table 6.7.5-1
6.7 Receiver ±1.8 dB, f ≤ 3.0GHz Formula: Wanted signal
intermodulation level + TT
±2.4 dB, 3.0GHz < f ≤ 4.2GHz Interferer1 level
Interferer2 level

Table F.1-2: Derivation of UL RTOA Measurement Time Requirements

Test Test Test Requirement in TS 36.112

7.2, Requirements for FDD 0.3 dB Minimum requirement + TT
without DRX
7.3, Requirements for TDD 0.3 dB Minimum requirement + TT
without DRX

Table F.1-3: Derivation of UL RTOA Accuracy Requirements

Test Test Test Requirement in TS 36.112

8.2, UL RTOA measurement 0.3 dB Minimum requirement + TT
accuracy for a UE not
configured with CA
8.3, UL RTOA measurement 0.3 dB Minimum requirement + TT
accuracy for a UE configured
with CA
8.4 UL RTOA measurement 0.3 dB Minimum requirement + TT
accuracy when LMU is
performing multiple UL RTOA
measurements in parallel

3GPP TS 36.112 version 13.0.1 Release 13 59 ETSI TS 136 112 V13.0.1 (2016-01)

Annex G (informative):
Measurement system setup

G.1 Receiver RF Requirements Testing

The measurement set-ups in this clause are for the LMU RF requirements for class 2 and class 3 LMUs specified in
Section 5 of TS 36.111. The test ports and the RF requirements applicability are as specified in Section 5.1 of TS
36.111. If any external apparatus, e.g., a RX amplifier, a filter or the combination of such devices is used, LMU RF
requirements apply and are tested at the far end antenna connector (port B); otherwise, the requirements apply at port A.
No additional testing is necessary for class 1 LMUs, in addition to base station conformance tests specified in TS

Degradation of the base station DL performance and base station UL performance may occur when LMU class 2 is co-
sited with the base station; therefore the impact on BS shall also be tested in conjunction with the LMU Receiver RF
conformance tests of this specification.

G.1.1 Receiver sensitivity level

Figure G.1.1-1 Measuring system setup for class 2 and class 3 LMU receiver sensitivity level

G.1.2 Dynamic range

3GPP TS 36.112 version 13.0.1 Release 13 60 ETSI TS 136 112 V13.0.1 (2016-01)

Figure G.1.2-1 Measuring system setup for class 2 and class 3 LMU dynamic range

G.1.3 In-channel selectivity

Figure G.1.3-1 Measuring system setup for class 2 and class 3 LMU In-channel selectivity

G.1.4 Adjacent channel selectivity (ACS) and narrow-band


3GPP TS 36.112 version 13.0.1 Release 13 61 ETSI TS 136 112 V13.0.1 (2016-01)

Figure G.1.4-1 Measuring system setup for LMU Adjacent channel selectivity and narrow-band

G.1.5 Blocking

Figure G.1.5-1 Measuring system setup for class 2 and class 3 LMU Blocking

G.1.6 Receiver spurious emissions

Figure G.1.6-1 Measuring system setup for class 2 and class 3 LMU Receiver spurious emissions

3GPP TS 36.112 version 13.0.1 Release 13 62 ETSI TS 136 112 V13.0.1 (2016-01)

G.1.7 Receiver intermodulation

Figure G.1.7-1 Measuring system setup for class 2 and class 3 LMU Receiver intermodulation

G.2 UL RTOA measurement time requirements Testing

The measurement set-ups for the UL RTOA measurement time are common to class 1, class 2 and class 3 LMUs. The
test ports are as specified in Section 5.1 of TS 36.111. If any external apparatus, e.g., a RX amplifier, a filter or the
combination of such devices is used, the LMU requirements are tested at the far end antenna connector (port B);
otherwise, the requirements apply at port A.

G.2.1 UL RTOA measurement time, FDD without DRX

Figure G.2.1-1 Measuring system setup for LMU UL RTOA measurement time, FDD without DRX

3GPP TS 36.112 version 13.0.1 Release 13 63 ETSI TS 136 112 V13.0.1 (2016-01)

G.2.2 UL RTOA measurement time, TDD without DRX

Figure G.2.2-1 Measuring system setup for LMU UL RTOA measurement time, TDD without DRX

G.3 UL RTOA measurement accuracy requirements

The measurement set-ups for the UL RTOA measurement accuracy are common to class 1, class 2 and class 3 LMUs.
The test ports are as specified in Section 5.1 of TS 36.111. If any external apparatus, e.g., a RX amplifier, a filter or the
combination of such devices is used, the LMU requirements are tested at the far end antenna connector (port B);
otherwise, the requirements apply at port A.

G.3.1 UL RTOA measurement accuracy for a UE not configured

with CA

Figure G.1.3-1 Measuring system setup for UL RTOA measurement accuracy for LMU without CA

G.3.2 UL RTOA measurement accuracy for a UE configured with


3GPP TS 36.112 version 13.0.1 Release 13 64 ETSI TS 136 112 V13.0.1 (2016-01)

Figure G.3.2-1 Measuring system setup for UL RTOA measurement accuracy for LMU with CA

G.3.3 UL RTOA measurement accuracy when LMU is performing

multiple UL RTOA measurements in parallel

Figure G.3.3-1 Measuring system setup for UL RTOA measurement accuracy with multiple parallel

3GPP TS 36.112 version 13.0.1 Release 13 65 ETSI TS 136 112 V13.0.1 (2016-01)

Annex H (informative):
Change history
Change history
Date TSG # TSG Doc. CR Rev Subject/Comment Old New
2013-11 Submission to RAN4#69. 0.1.0 0.2.0
2014-03 adding modifications in R4-141161 from RAN4#70, and 0.2.0 0.3.0
modifications from R4-142333, R4-142334, R4-142425,
R4-142426 and agreed text following discussion of R4-
141395 from RAN4#70bis.
2014-05 Formatting and editorial cleanup. 0.3.0 0.4.0
2014-05 Incorporated R4-143898, R4-143899, R4-143938. 0.4.0 0.5.0
2014-06 RP#6 Version 1.0.0, presented to RAN#64 for approval 0.5.0 1.0.0
2014-06 RP#6 TR approved by the RAN plenary 1.0.0 11.0.0
2014-09 SP-65 - - - Update to Rel-12 version (MCC) 11.0.0 12.0.0
12-2014 RP-66 RP-142147 003 1 CR to Update annex references, add missing tables and 12.0.0 12.1.0
do editorial cleanup
03-2015 RP-67 RP-150384 004 1 Update annex C.2 to match Release 11. 12.1.0 12.2.0
2016-01 SP-70 - - - Update to Rel-13 version (MCC) 12.2.0 13.0.0
2016-01 Editorial Change to the cover page 13.0.0 13.0.1

3GPP TS 36.112 version 13.0.1 Release 13 66 ETSI TS 136 112 V13.0.1 (2016-01)

Document history
V13.0.1 January 2016 Publication


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