Lesson Plan Kind of Lines (Elem)
Lesson Plan Kind of Lines (Elem)
Lesson Plan Kind of Lines (Elem)
Lesson Plan
I. Learning Objectives:
II. Materials:
Chart paper
Index cards
Drawing paper
Various objects with different line orientations (e.g., books, rulers,
straws, etc.)
IV. Procedure:
A. Direct Instruction:
B. Guided Practice:
1. Distribute index cards to each student and have them write the names
of the four kinds of lines on separate cards.
2. Divide the students into small groups and ask them to sort the index
cards into the correct categories.
3. Monitor the groups and provide guidance as needed.
D. Application:
1. Divide the students into pairs and provide them with various objects
with different line orientations.
2. Instruct students to observe the objects and identify the kinds of lines
3. Have the pairs take turns describing the lines to their partners.
4. As a challenge, ask students to create a real-life scenario where the
identified lines are used.
VI. Assessment: