Fundamental Relationship in Circuit Theory

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1.1. Identifying and Defining the Fundamental Electrical Quantities

1.2. Electrical Systems
1.3. Fundamental Electrical Law #1: Ohm’s Law
1.4. Electrical Quantities Relationships in Ohm’s Law
1.5. Types of Electric Sources


3 hours


This initial module of the course is merely a recap and recall of the topics
learned from the prerequisite Physics 2, specifically in Electricity.

This module is intended to provide the learner the fundamental link to four of
the basic electrical quantities.

In addition, the types of electrical sources and systems is formally discussed

the learners, to which is an essential information that will be used in all major courses
in Electronics Engineering.


At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

1. Identify the fundamental electrical quantities.

2. Distinguish between the types of electrical systems.

3. Describe every type of electrical sources.

4. Apply Ohm’s Law in solving basic resistive circuits.

5. Express the fundamental relationship between any electrical quantities in

circuit theory

Unit 1: Fundamental Relationship in Circuit Theory 1


This pretest is intended to measure what you already know about basic electricity from
your personal readings and recent lectures in school. Answer honestly for your own
sake to develop technically as this will be measured again in the post test. This is a
NON-GRADED activity.

Determine whether the statement is: True or False. Shade the appropriate circle of
your answer.

1. Current is the flow of electrons within a conductor over 1 second.

Ο True Ο False

2. Electrons are one type of charges.

Ο True Ο False

3. Voltage is actually a difference in electrical potential energy between two points in

a conductor.
Ο True Ο False

4. Resistance of a conductor is directly proportional to its conductivity.

Ο True Ο False

5. Keeping the circuit voltage constant doubling resistance results in halving the
Ο True Ο False

6. Direct Current voltage supply are ideally constant.

Ο True Ο False

7. Ohm’s Law states the inverse proportionality relationship of voltage and current in
a circuit.
Ο True Ο False

8. Direct Current and Alternating Current can both be practically transmitted to very
far distances by using regenerative sub-stations along the path.
Ο True Ο False

9. A purely resistive circuit has 10 ohms as its maximum load. If a voltage source of
5V is applied to it, the maximum current is 2 A.
Ο True Ο False

10. A 12 W rated lamp was lit earlier by a supply of 5V. Then it was replaced by a
supply 10 V. The time that the lamp lit brightly was during the 5V supply.
Ο True Ο False

Unit 1: Fundamental Relationship in Circuit Theory 2


You have known about the electric charge “q” which is the very fundamental
electrical quantity there is. It is synonymous to “mass” for mechanical object.
In this lesson we shall have other electrical quantities “fundamental” to an electric
circuit and are derived from an action to or by an electrical charge.

A. (Electric) Current
Generally, defined as the flow rate of electrons in a conductor within 1 second
of time.

B. Voltage
The difference of electrical potential energy per charge between two points in
a conductor. It is the electric pressure that causes current to flow in a circuit.

C. Resistance
The measure opposition to the free flow of electric current through a conductor.
Resistance (R) is the term used in the direct current system, while in the
alternating current system it is called Impedance (Z).

The opposite or reciprocal of resistance is called Conductance (G), while the

opposite or reciprocal of impedance is called Admittance (Y).

Different materials have specific electrical resistances. Four physical factors

determines this:
1. Length
2. Cross-Sectional Area
3. Resistivity
4. Temperature

D. Electrical Power
The rate of electrical energy moving within an electric circuit.
Tabulated below are the SI units of the defined electrical quantities.

Table 1: SI Units of Basic Electrical Quantities and Electric Power

Unit Unit in terms of

Quantity Unit
Symbol Charge

Current (I) Amperes A

Voltage (V) Volts V
Resistance (R) Ohms Ω
Not Applicable
Power (P) Watts W


Standard Electrical Systems

There are two electrical systems as standards in the world. These are the Direct
Current or DC; and Alternating Current or AC.

Unit 1: Fundamental Relationship in Circuit Theory 3

Figure 1: DC and AC System Symbols

2.1. Direct Current - In this electrical system the current and voltage is at a constant
level at all time. Voltage has a fixed polarity and current flows exclusively in one
direction in this system.
Common DC sources are:
1. Batteries: dry-cells and rechargeable types
2. Rectified DC (outputs from AC adapters)
3. Solar Cells
4. Dynamos

2.2. Alternating Current - In this electrical system the current and voltage changes
through time or within a cycle. The voltage changes its polarity and current reverse its
direction every half of a cycle.
 This electrical system is the commercially used power system due to its
capability to be transmitted over large distances.
 Generated at higher levels of current and voltage.


Fill in the blanks with the correct terms.

1. Voltage is the electrical ___________ that causes __________ to flow in a circuit.

2. _______________ is the term used for opposing the electric __________ flow in
alternating current system.
3. Conductance is the ______________ of _______________.
4. In the DC system, the voltage polarity is __________ and current flows in ______
5. In the __________ current electrical system, the direction of the current changes
every ______ cycle.


 The first three quantities: Current, Voltage and Resistance; are the real basic
electrical quantities.
 Electrical Power is added there because it is the immediate and logical
application or output for these three quantities.
 Although the word “current” is used to name the two standard electrical system,
it also covers the voltage in each system, so there is no need for the terms
“Direct Voltage” or “Alternating Voltage”.
 “Current” was used because it is the flow of electrons in the conductor that
defines what electricity is.

Unit 1: Fundamental Relationship in Circuit Theory 4


Ohm’s Law
Named after the “German physicist who clarified the
fundamental relationships between electric current, voltage, and
resistance. This relationship, known as Ohm’s Law represents
the true beginning of electrical circuit analysis”. (New World
Encylopedia, 2017)

Figure 2: Georg Simon Ohm

Ohm’s Law (1827), states that “the current I flowing in a circuit
is directly proportional to the applied voltage V and inversely
proportional to the resistance R, provided the temperature remains constant”. (Bird,

Figure 3: Ohm's Law Formula Guide

Use the Ohm’s Law guide above to complete the missing items in table below:
Voltage Current Resistance
2A 50 Ω
15 V 300 Ω
100 V 50 A


Illustrative demonstration of Ohm’s Law:

a. Electric current proportionality with voltage in a circuit: I α V

Figure 4: Simulation showing (while keeping the resistance fixed) as the voltage level is increased, so does the

Unit 1: Fundamental Relationship in Circuit Theory 5

b. Electric current inverse proportionality with resistance in a circuit: I α (1/R)

Figure 5: Simulation showing (while keeping the voltage fixed) as the resistance level is increased, the current is
Simulation link:

Ohm’s Law and Electrical Power

The electrical power used by a resistor is the product of the voltage across it
and the current flowing through it.

We can prove this with physics and math:

P = Work/Time = (Force*Distance)/Time = [Energy/Distance]•[Distance/Time]

Considering that this power is done per charge

P = {[Energy/Distance]/Charge}•{[Distance/Time]/Charge};

Algebraically “Distance” cancels

P = {Energy/Charge}•{[1/Time]/charge}

P = {Energy/Charge}•{Charge/Time}

“Energy per Charge” is Voltage and “Charge per Time” is Current

So: P = VI


 The voltage and current through Ohm’s Law are related via resistance, we can
also generate equations for power with the resistance.
 To summarize all the relationships the diagram on the right, gives all the
possible mathematical relationships of the four basic electrical quantities with
due consideration of Ohm’s Law.

Figure 6: Ohm's Law and Electrical Power Relationship Wheel Diagram

Unit 1: Fundamental Relationship in Circuit Theory 6


Use the Wheel Diagram guide to complete the missing items in table below:

Voltage Current Resistance Power

3Ω 48 W
15 V 1.5 A
9V 1Ω
20 V 100 W
6A 3Ω
2A 6W


Types of Electric Sources

These electric sources (or Supply) can be either a voltage or current source.
These are sources of electrical power for a circuit.

A. Independent Sources

These are electric sources that does NOT vary or change with respect to another
voltage or current.

A.1. Independent Voltage Source – a very common example is a dry cell battery.

This delivers a constant rated voltage supply for instance: 1.5 volts.
Voltage form an electrical outlet varies in time, but what is considered the
maximum peak value like: 220 V.

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 7: (a) and (b) DC independent voltage source; (c) AC independent voltage source

A.2. Independent Current Source – This is a supply of a rated constant current for
DC, while a peak current value, if AC.

The “Van de Graaff generator” is one true physical embodiment of an

independent current source, but it is not practical due to the small and unstable current
it provides.

The closest physical independent current source you can create is by having a
battery connected in series with resistor to control the current from the battery.

Unit 1: Fundamental Relationship in Circuit Theory 7

Figure 8: Independent (DC) Current Source

In the schematics, the symbols are generally round in shape (except for plate
battery). The rated voltage or current is a fixed value or constant (i.e. 20V, 5 A)

B. Dependent Sources or Controlled Sources

These are electric sources that vary or change with respect to another voltage
or current.

(a) (b)
Figure 9: (a) DC dependent voltage source and (b) DC dependent current source

These can either be a dependent/controlled voltage or current source.

The dependency is from another voltage or current found within the circuit. This is
usually found in transistor equivalent circuits in electronics.
In the schematics, the symbols are diamond shaped. The rated voltage or
current has a combined constant (C) and reference (Vx or Ix) (i.e. 5 ∙Vx , 3∙Ix).


It is easy to conclude that the Ohm’s Law and Power Equations are always straight-
forwardly applicable, IT IS when you are designing from scratch, but if there is already
a predetermined set of ratings, it takes a bit of analysis.

Case Study 1:

You are instructed to connect a 6 V DC source to a single 100 Ω standard carbon

resistor. Inside the box there are two 100 Ω resistors:
Resistor A : 100 Ω , 0.25 W
Resistor B : 100 Ω , 0.5 W
Which resistor would be the best choice?

Current with the Resistor: I = V/R = 6V/100 Ω = 0.06 A
Power in the 100 Ω (PR): PR = I2R = (0.06A)2(100 Ω) = 0.36 W

Unit 1: Fundamental Relationship in Circuit Theory 8


Resistor A is rated at a lower power than the expected power in the 100 Ω resistor. It
cannot handle the current of 0.06A and will burn out.

Resistor B is rated at a higher power than the expected power in the 100 Ω resistor.

It can handle the current of 0.06A and will work fine.

For safety, a higher wattage rating is selected.


Case Study 2:

A two-level brightness intensity lamp circuit was made. A 12 W lamp was the load and
the supply is selectable switched to either 3V or 6V to control the brightness.

Prove mathematically that the lamp indeed receives lesser current during 3V than
during 6V, causing it to lit less bright than during 6V supply.
Hint: Keep the resistance of the lamp constant.



Unit 1: Fundamental Relationship in Circuit Theory 9


Modified True or False

Determine whether the statement is: True or False. Shade the appropriate circle of
your answer. If “False” underline the word or words in the statement that made it false
and write the correct term on the line provided (after the word “False”)

1. Current is the flow of electrons within a conductor over 1 second.

Ο True Ο False ; _____________________________

2. Electrons are one type of charges.

Ο True Ο False ; _____________________________

3. Voltage is actually a difference in electrical potential energy between two points in

a conductor.
Ο True Ο False ; _____________________________

4. Resistance of a conductor is directly proportional to its conductivity.

Ο True Ο False ; _____________________________

5. Keeping the circuit voltage constant doubling resistance results in halving the
Ο True Ο False ; _____________________________

6. Direct Current voltage supply are ideally constant.

Ο True Ο False ; _____________________________

7. Ohm’s Law states the inverse proportionality relationship of voltage and current in
a circuit.
Ο True Ο False ; _____________________________

8. Direct Current and Alternating Current can both be practically transmitted to very
far distances by using regenerative sub-stations along the path.
Ο True Ο False ; _____________________________

9. A purely resistive circuit has 10 ohms as its maximum load. If a voltage source of
5V is applied to it, the maximum current is 2 A.
Ο True Ο False ; _____________________________

10. A 12 W rated lamp was lit earlier by a supply of 5V. Then it was replaced by a
supply 10 V. The time that the lamp lit brightly was during the 5V supply.
Ο True Ο False ; _____________________________


For SOL/AOL: Online Quiz 1

For RPL: Collective Quiz by January 2021

Unit 1: Fundamental Relationship in Circuit Theory 10


Online videos for Lecture: Search for Ohms’s Laws in the Channel

1. The Engineering Mindset

2. Michel van Biezen electrical engineering

3. Math and Science

CONDUCTANCE. A measure of a material's ability to conduct electric charge.

CYCLE. One of a series of repeated changes in the magnitude of a periodically varying

quantity, such as current or voltage.

DYNAMOS. a device for converting mechanical energy into electrical energy,

especially one that produces direct current.

POLARITY. the property or characteristic that produces unequal physical effects at

different points in a body or system, as a magnet or storage battery.

SCHEMATIC. A structural or procedural diagram, especially of an electrical or

mechanical system.


Bird, J. (2017). Electrical Circuit Theory and Technology (6th ed.). NY: Routledge
Taylor & Francis Group.
New World Encylopedia. (2017). New World Encylopedia : Georg Ohm. Retrieved
from New World Encylopedia Org Web Site:

Unit 1: Fundamental Relationship in Circuit Theory 11

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