Izzaldine SYUFYAN - Circus Assessment Citeria A and B

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Statement of Inquiry

Circus performances have unique identities that celebrate

and entertain audiences with impressive acts and artistic
relationships with other performers.
What do you know about the circus?
What do you want to know?

Ai, Aii
**Upload a photo/audio/video of your KNOWLEDGE HARVEST class work here**

What are the origins of the circus?
What acts are involved in the circus?
What is your favourite act/performer and why?
Why are circus acts different from around the world?
Describe what you think the circus of the future will be
Ai, Aii
**Add your RESEARCH here**
This can be handwritten, slides, doc, canva, a video presentation - it’s up to you

For Criteria B you will need to have evidence of you learning new skills from the
theatre, dance and music lessons.

**Put the link to your

‘learning new skills’
folder here**

**Add links to any additional videos you watched either as tutorials or for information**
This is your Bibliography

Artistic Intent - Your artistic intent is simply a paragraph explaining what you intend your piece to
show and how you intend to show it.
Remember to link it back to the Statement of Inquiry: Circus performances have unique identities that
celebrate and entertain audiences with impressive acts and artistic relationships with other

Follow this plan for your artistic intent.

★ Opening sentence stating what article and issue you will use. Describe
your performance idea - what are you trying to show the audience?

★ Use PETAL paragraphs to describe how you will show your idea using;
Theatre - identify the elements you will use to convey your idea
Dance - describe how you will use dance/movement to enhance your performance
Music - explain why you chose the music and how it supports your idea

★ Describe the mood or atmosphere you want to create

★ Tell me anything else that is important to your piece.
**Upload your Artistic Intent on this slide, it can be typed or handwritten, you could also make a video.**

REFLECTIONS. You can type or hand write these, or you can keep a Vlog. Add more
slides if you need to.
Remember to link your reflections to the Statement of Inquiry: The combination of
emancipation and the aesthetics of performing arts challenges and transcends boundaries.

Prompt Questions for Reflecting on Workshops and Tutorials

What have you achieved so far?
What have you noticed about yourself? Include
the date
How successful has it been? Why?
How have your ideas changed or developed?
What are the skills you are learning?
How are you using your body and physical skills?
How could you improve?
Which ATLʼs have you needed to use? How successful have you been at using them?
Bi, Di,
REFLECTION. You can type or hand write these, or you can keep a Vlog. Add more slides if you
need to. Use the prompts on the previous slide.

Date: Date:
Reflection: Reflection:

Date: Date:
Reflection: Reflection:

Bi, Di,

Statement of Inquiry: What does it mean?(typed in slide)

Knowledge Harvest (photo of classwork)


Learning New Skills (GDrive folder of videos)

Artistic Intent

Assessment Criteria and Task Specific Clarification

Ai - Investigate a movement or Bi - Practically explore ideas to Ci - Create or perform an Di - Appraise their own
genre in performing arts, related inform development of a final artwork. performance.
to the statement of inquiry. performance.
Dii - Reflect on their
Aii - Analyse a performance from Bii - Present a clear artistic development as an artist.
the chosen movement or genre. intent for the final performance
in line with the statement of

You are investigating circus as a You will take part in workshops You will collaborate to You will produce a review of
genre to explore different elements of create and perform your your final performance.
performance and experiment final piece.
You will identify the key features with ideas as you create your You will produce a series of
of circus, samba and clowning piece. reflections to evidence your
performance. development as an artist as
You will produce an artistic you explore different
intent to explain how your performance elements and
piece will use the three create your final piece.
elements of performance
(theatre, dance, music).
Criteria A: Exploring Circus Magic with Samba, Dance, and Clowning

i. Discover the Rhythms of Samba Music, Expressions of Samba Dance, and the Laughter in Clowning
ii. Describe Circus Acts - Samba, Dance, or Clowning

1-2 I. You have provided minimal information about the origins of the circus and how it has
developed in different times and countries.
Ii. You have outlined few features/skills/acts of the circus, samba and clowning.

3-4 I. You have provided basic information about the origins of the circus and how it has developed
in different times and countries.
Ii. You have outlined the some features/skills/acts of the circus, samba and clowning.

5-6 I. You have provided mostly relevant information about the origins of the circus and how it has
developed in different times and countries.
Ii. You have outlined the features/skills/acts of the circus, samba and clowning.

7-8 I. You have provided relevant information about the origins of the circus and how it has
developed in different times and countries.
Ii. You have described the features/skills/acts of the circus, samba and clowning.
Criteria B: Exploring Circus Magic with Samba, Dance, and Clowning
I. practically explore Samba music, Samba dance and Clowning skills
Ii. present a clear artistic intention for a performance with a connection to the statement of inquiry. - Circus performances have unique
identities that celebrate and entertain audiences with impressive acts and artistic relationships with other performers.

1-2 I. You have avoided risks and stuck to the familiar.

Ii. You have a clear artistic intention that state what you are going to do, why you are doing it and how you will
know you have been successful.

3-4 I. You have struggled to come out of your comfort zone to explore ideas and skills.
Ii. You have a clear artistic intention that state what you are going to do, why you are doing it and how you will
know you have been successful.

5-6 I. You have experimented all ideas and skills with a positive mindset.
Ii. You have a clear artistic intention that state what you are going to do, why you are doing it and how you will
know you have been successful.

7-8 I. You have embraced all ideas, risks and skills with a positive mindset.
Ii. You have a clear artistic intention that state what you are going to do, why you are doing it and how you will
know you have been successful referring back to the statement of inquiry.

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