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Linguistic Issues in Language Technology – LiLT

Submitted July 2008

Computational Inflection of Multi-Word

A contrastive study of lexical approaches

Agata Savary

Published by CSLI Publications

LiLT volume 1, issue 2 July 2008

Computational Inflection of Multi-Word Units

A contrastive study of lexical approaches

AGATA S AVARY, Université François-Rabelais de Tours, France

Similarly to simple words, compounds and other multi-word units (MWUs)
are subject to inflection. A correct and exhaustive treatment of this issue has
an important impact on natural language applications. However it raises some
nontrivial questions such as: the role of separators in MWUs, morphological
non-compositionality of MWUs, their syntactic and semantic variation, huge
sizes of inflection paradigms in highly inflected languages, etc. Due to such
problems, the inflectional description of MWUs must be, at least partly, lexi-
calized. We present a comparative review of eleven lexical approaches to this
issue, with respect to linguistic properties of those units. The review is based
on case studies of several natural languages. It allows us to put forward some
recommendations for a cross-language standard morphological description of

LiLT Volume 1, Issue 2, July 2008.

Computational Inflection of Multi-Word Units.
Copyright c 2008, CSLI Publications.

2 / L I LT VOLUME 1, ISSUE 2 J ULY 2008

1 Introduction
As shown by Habert and Jacquemin (1993), multi-word units encompass a
number of hard-to-define and controversial linguistic objects: compounds,
complex terms, multi-word named entities, multi-word lexemes and ex-
pressions, collocations, frozen expressions, etc. They may be contiguous
or non-contiguous, compositional or non-compositional sequences of words,
and may admit graphical, morphological, syntactic and semantic variation.
Numerous linguistic and pragmatic definitions of compounds and other
MWUs (Benveniste (1974), Downing (1977), Levi (1978), Bauer (1983),
Gross (1990), Anscombre (1990), Corbin (1992), Cadiot (1992), Silberztein
(1993b), Gross (1996), Sag et al. (2002), etc.) invoke three major points:
. they are composed of two or more graphical words
. they show some degree of morphological, syntactic, distributional or se-
. mantic non-compositionality
they have unique and constant references
However, the basic notions (a word, a reference, the non-compositionality)
and measures (degree of non-compositionality), used in those definitions are
themselves controversial. For instance, as shown below, the notion of a graph-
ical word may be application-dependent and/or language-dependent. Thus
(in accordance with the approaches whose comparative study we present be-
low), we consider a MWU as a sequence of graphical units which, for some
application-dependent reasons, has to be listed, described and processed as
a unit. In most cases the graphical units composing a MWU are themselves
morphologically analyzable. A broader discussion on how to define a MWU
is out of this paper’s scope.
The quantitative and qualitative importance of multi-word units in natural lan-
guages is now widely acknowledged. They are placed on the frontier between
morphology and syntax because of their hybrid nature: some of their proper-
ties are idiosyncratic (which suggests a lexicalized description), while some
others are productive (which is more easily reflected by a grammar). In this
study we are particularly interested in the inflectional properties of MWUs,
which are however often connected to phenomena on the graphical, syntactic
and semantic level.
Obviously, a reliable inflection processing of single words is a necessary
condition for the inflection processing of MWUs. However, this condition
is rarely a sufficient one. For example, in order to obtain the plural form of
chief justice and lord justice in English not only do we need to know how to
generate the plural of chief, lord and justice but also to know how different in-
flected forms of these constituents combine. For instance the following plural
forms are correct:

(1) chief justices

(2) lord justices, lords justice, lords justices

but not *chiefs justice and *chiefs justices. There are however few automat-
ically accessible hints indicating that the former compound is morphologi-
cally a standard English Noun-Noun phrase taking an s at its last constituent
in plural, while the plural of the latter one has three variants. Obviously, some
lexicalized description is needed in order to account for this idiosyncratic be-
A correct and exhaustive inflectional analysis and generation of MWUs is one
of the conditions for a high-quality natural language application. Studies con-
cerning automatic treatment of MWUs have been performed for two decades.
Some in-depth linguistic and computational approaches to word composition,
aiming at general language modeling, have co-existed with numerous robust
statistical methods, sometimes augmented with some linguistic knowledge.
Nowadays, there is a growing conviction in the NLP community that large
linguistic lexicons and grammars of MWUs are needed, due to their two char-
acteristics: (i) they represent a high percentage of items in natural language
corpora, (ii) most of them, taken separately, appear very rarely in corpora.
For instance, Gross and Senellart (1998) showed that more than 40% of all
tokens in a one-year corpus of the French journal Le monde belong to multi-
word units or expressions, and should not be analysed individually. Savary
(2000) proved that 85% of all graphically distinct compound noun forms ap-
pear less than twenty times in a one-year corpus of the Herald Tribune. Bald-
win and Villavicencio (2002) experimented with a random sample of two
hundred English verb-particle constructions and showed that as many as two
thirds of them appear at most three times in the Wall Street Journal corpus.
Sag et al. (2002) cite some studies considering the number of multi-word ex-
pressions as high as the one of single words, and argue that these figures are
an underestimate, especially in terminological sublanguages.
The main aim of our study is analyzing the state of the art in the lexicon-
oriented computational treatment of the (largely understood) inflectional mor-
phology of MWUs. This paper is organized as follows. In section 2 we per-
form a study of linguistic properties of MWUs, with a particular focus on
inflection, which we illustrate with examples in English (EN), French (FR),
Polish (PL), Serbian (SR), German (DE) and Turkish (TU). In section 3 we
study eleven existing lexical approaches to MWUs inflection in several nat-
ural languages. In section 4 we compare these approaches with respect to
how well they account for the linguistic properties shown. In section 5 we
conclude with some recommendations concerning cross-language universal
lexicalized description of MWUs.
4 / L I LT VOLUME 1, ISSUE 2 J ULY 2008

2 Linguistic study of MWUs’ inflection

2.1 Graphical aspects
As mentioned above, the formal definition of a multi-word unit is a controver-
sial issue. One of the points that remain unclear is how to distinguish MWUs
from simple words on the one hand, and from the so-called “free sequences”
on the other hand, on the purely graphical level. This distinction is particularly
important in computational applications, where text tokenization (cf. Grefen-
stette and Tapanainen, 1994), i.e. its division into graphical tokens, is most
ofter the prerequisite for further automatic processing. The role of separators
is crucial for this problem. In some approaches, such as Silberztein (1993a), a
lexical unit is a contiguous sequence of alphabet characters, while a MWU is,
from the graphical point of view, a sequence of at least two graphical units,
separated by non-alphabet characters. Thus, the sequence (FR) aujourd’hui
(‘today’) is seen as a MWU consisting of two graphical units, aujourd and
hui, separated by an apostrophe, while in the English contraction don’t the
last character is seen as a token on its own. In other approaches, some punc-
tuation marks, such as apostrophe and hyphen, are allowed to be inherent
members of simple words. Thus, aujourd’hui and don’t are considered as
simple words.
Separators as constituents
The role of non-alphabet characters is however not limited to separating two
components. If an alphabet is defined as a language-dependent closed list of
letters, e.g. the twenty-six Latin letters in English, then characters not belong-
ing to this list may still be inherent members of compounds with a genuine
semantic content, as in the following examples:
(3) (EN) λ-calculus
(4) (FR) rayon γ (‘gamma ray’)
(5) (PL) Windowsy 3.11, Windowsów 3.11, etc. (‘name and version of an operat-
ing system’, in nominative, genitive, etc.)

Moreover, separators may be either disambiguating elements or source of

orthographic variants. For instance, the occurrence of (6) in a text is clearly a
compound, while (7) is probably a sequence on the frontier of two different
phrases, as in put the hanger on the floor. Conversely, the presence and the
absence of separators is allowed, often in unpredictable manner, within some
lexicalized compounds, such as (8):
(6) (EN) hanger-on
(7) (EN) *hanger on
(8) (SR) radio aparat, radio-aparat, radioaparat (‘radio-set’)

Finally, separators may be relevant to inflection, as in:

(9) (PL) PZPR (nomin.), PZPR-u (gen.), PZPR-owi (dat.), etc.
(10) (PL) Sartre (nomin.), Sartre’a (gen.), Sartre’owi (dat.), etc.

Squeezed MWUs
On the other hand, the obligatory presence of separators within MWUs is
questionable because some contiguous sequences of letters behave morpho-
logically as compounds:
(11) (EN) passerby, passersby
(12) (DE) Schul|kind, Schul|jahr, Schul|lehrer, . . . (‘pupil, school year, teacher’)
(13) (FR) bon|homme, bons|hommes (‘fellow’)
(14) (PL) chciał|bym, chciała|bym (‘I would like, in masculine and feminine’)

2.2 Morphosyntactic compositionality

The compositionality of a compound means that its various (morphological,
distributional, syntactic and/or semantic, etc.) properties can be fully deduced
from the respective properties of its constituents. In the scope of our study
the inflectional compositionality of compounds is of the main interest. It is
closely connected to the linguistic notion of the head word, i.e. the constituent
whose morphological properties determine those of the whole compound. For
instance, the phrase:
(15) (PL) Polska Akademia Nauk, Polskiej Akademii Nauk, etc. (‘Polish Academy
of Sciences’ in nominative, genitive, etc.)

is a noun in feminine singular nominative and genitive, as its underlined head

word Akademia/Akademii is. Moreover, in such Adjective Noun Noungenitive
structures, typical for Polish compounds, the non-head components may be
affected by agreement and government rules imposed by the head word. Here,
Polska has to agree in gender, number and case with Akademia, while Nauk
remains always in feminine genitive plural.
If all compound phrases to be recognized were perfectly compositional in this
sense, the description of their inflection could be done by: (1) a simple words’
lexicon describing the properties of constituents, and (2) a general phrase
grammar allowing to derive the properties of compounds from those of their
constituents. Many such phrase grammars have been created for different
languages. Their major advantage is to factorize the description of general in-
flectional phenomena and thus to avoid systematic entry-per-entry treatment.
Their important drawback is that they may incorrectly treat exceptional in-
flection (cf. section 2.3) or compound structures that are morphosyntactically
ambiguous as in:
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(16) (EN) man servant, men servants

(17) (EN) man eater, man eaters

Thus, in a fully correct and exhaustive approach, a MWU’s inflection should

be accounted for, at least partly, at the lexical rather than grammatical level.
2.3 Morphosyntactic non-compositionality
It is well known that in most cases compounds are, at least partly, non-
compositional. This fact is considered as a defining criterion of compounds
with respect to free structures in Gross (1988). The inflectional non-composi-
tionality may be observed in several cases discussed below. A more detailed
study of this phenomenon in French, Polish and Serbian has been performed
by Savary et al. (2007).
Exocentric MWUs
A phrase is exocentric if it has no headword, i.e. it contains no word from
which its inflectional properties might be deduced, as in the following struc-
(18) (FR) un perce-neige, des perce-neige (literally: ‘pierce-snow’ = ‘snowdrop’)
(19) (FR) un perce-oreille, des perce-oreilles (literally: ‘pierce-ear’ = ‘earwig’)
(20) (EN) a drive-in, drive-ins
(21) (EN) a four-in-hand, fours-in-hand, four-in-hands (‘coach pulled by four
horses and driven by one person’)
(22) (EN) attorney general, attorney generals, attorneys general

In the two former examples, perce is a genderless verb form, neige and or-
eille are feminine, while the compounds themselves are masculine. In the two
latter ones in and four cannot be considered as regular headwords because, as
individual words, they don’t admit plural. In the last example, if any of the
two nouns were the headword, it would always have to agree in number with
the whole compound, which is not the case.
Agreement Irregularities
As said before, in perfectly compositional MWUs the morphosyntactic struc-
ture of the multi-word lemma determines the agreement and government rules
imposed by the headword. These rules may be defied in three kind of situa-
. An agreement does not occur when it normally should. For instance, the
compound noun:
(23) (FR) grand-mère, grand-mères, grands-mères (‘grandmother’)

is of a typical Adjective-Noun structure, in which the two constituents agree

in number and gender. However grand is always masculine while mère is
feminine. Moreover, grand may or may not respect the number agreement.
. An agreement occurs when it normally shouldn’t.
(24) (FR) toile d’araignée - toiles d’araignée, toiles d’araignées (‘a spider’s

This compound is of a standard Noun de Noun construction, in which typi-

cally only the first noun inflects. Here however, two plural variants are ad-
mitted in which the second noun may or may not carry the inflection mark.
Analogous examples in English are (2) and (16).
. An agreement should or shouldn’t occur, and it occurs partially.
(25) (FR) bateau mouche, bateaux mouches (literally ‘a fly boat’ = ‘a Paris-style
river boat’)

(26) (PL) majster klepka, majstra klepki, etc. (literally ‘master floorboard’ = ‘an

Both compounds are appositions, i.e. Noun Noun constructions, in which

the necessity of agreement between the two nouns is unclear. Supposing
that both nouns should typically agree, the two above examples are irregular
because the head noun bateau and majster are masculine while the two
other nouns, mouche and klepka remain always feminine. If, conversely,
the agreement within appositions is not required, these compounds are also
irregular because their constituents do agree in number, and number and
case, respectively. Yet another hypothesis saying that nouns in appositions
typically agree in number and case (if relevant) but not in gender, is defied
by examples like (27) in which both nouns fully agree.

(27) (FR) assistant approvisionneur, assistants approvisionneurs,

assistante approvisionneuse, assistantes approvisionneuses
(‘assistant provisioner’ in masc. sing., masc. pl., fem. sing. and fem. pl.)

Such irregularities can only be solved either by lexicalized description, or

by redefining the inflection categories according to the inflectional behavior
of words, as in Przepiórkowski and Woliński (2003). Thus, the traditional
category of nouns should be divided into two subcategories: (i) nouns hav-
ing a fixed gender, such as mouche, (ii) nouns inflecting in gender, such as
approvisionneur. With this distinction, general, i.e. non-lexicalized, gram-
mar rules could capture the agreement particularity of (25) with respect to
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Defective Inflection Paradigms

In some MWUs at least one inflected form that is usually expected for the
structure concerned is inexistent. For instance, the compounds:
(28) (EN) bits and pieces, *a bit and a piece
(29) (PL) zimne nogi, zimnych nóg, . . . , *zimna noga (literally ‘cold legs’=‘a dish
consisting of meat and jelly’, in nominative plural, genitive plural, etc.)

do not admit singular forms, even if a bit and a piece, as well as zimna noga,
zimnej nogi, etc., are syntactically correct sequences (in singular these phrases
loose their particular sense). Note that the above examples differ from the
ones whose inflection is fixed but not defective, such as cross-roads:
(30) (EN) The bits and pieces he usually kept in his pocket were now on the table.
(31) (EN) *The bits and pieces he usually kept in his pocket is now on the table.
(32) (EN) All cross-roads in the main street were blocked by the police.
(33) (EN) The cross-roads in front of my house was blocked due to an accident.

Note also that the non-existence of a particular inflected form is not always
a proof of the inflectional non-compositionality of a compound, as it may
simply result from the inflection restrictions of the headword. For instance,
the following compounds:
(34) (EN) security police
(35) (FR) funerailles nationales (‘national funeral’)
(36) (PL) krótkie spodnie (‘shorts’)
do not admit a singular form due to the fact that their head nouns police,
funerailles and spodnie are themselves plural-only nouns.
2.4 Inflection and variation
According to Savary and Jacquemin (2003), inflected forms of compounds
belong to a more general phenomenon of terminological variation. In particu-
lar, variants may result from separator alternation, as in (8), as well as a large
range of other linguistic transformations:
. Insertions:
(37) (FR) moniteur temps réel, moniteur en temps réel (‘real-time monitor’)
. Omissions:
(38) (SR) profesor engleskog jezika, profesor engleskog (‘teacher of the English
. Order change:

(39) (PL) bezwzgl˛edna wi˛ekszość, wi˛ekszość bezwzgl˛edna (‘absolute majority’)

. Duplications:
(40) (TU) ev (‘house’, in Turkish), ev ev (‘house by house’)
. Derivational transformations:
(41) (FR) tension des artères, tension artérielle (‘blood pressure’)
. Semantically motivated replacements:
(42) (FR) maladie héréditaire, maladie génétique (‘hereditary/genetic disease’)
. Abbreviations:
(43) (EN) physical education, phys-ed
(44) (EN) United Nations, UN

Orthographic, inflectional, syntactic and semantic variants may exist side by

side, as in:
(45) (EN) student union, students union, students’ union
(46) (EN) birth date, date of birth
(47) (SR) ministar za unutrašnje poslove, ministar unutrašnjih poslova (‘minister
of internal affairs’)

2.5 Inflectional paradigm and base form

The inflectional paradigm of a MWU is the list of its inflected forms together
with their inflectional description. The size and contents of this list depend
clearly on the nature of the language studied (e.g. French adjectives usually
have four inflected forms while Polish ones have several dozens of them).
However, they also depend on the morphological model chosen for the given
language. Firstly, it is not always obvious how to tell the inflectional from the
derivational morphology. For instance, the past participle form of a French
verb (e.g. voir → vu), is usually seen as its inflected form, but this form ad-
mits itself an adjectival inflection. Thus, the question is if the inflected forms
of the past participle (vu, vus, vue and vues) should or should not belong to
the inflection paradigm of the verb. Secondly, it is sometimes unclear how to
determine the precise list of the possible inflection values (singular, plural,
feminine, etc.). For instance different approaches estimate the number of Pol-
ish genders at five, six, eight, or eleven, respectively. Thus, the corresponding
inflection paradigms of adjectives (that inflect in gender, number and case)
may contain up to 70, 84, 110, or 154 forms (many of them syncretic).
The large size of an inflection paradigm in highly inflected languages, such
as Slavic or concatenative languages, is a problem as such in a formal lexical
10 / L I LT VOLUME 1, ISSUE 2 J ULY 2008

approach. For the sake of human efficiency large numbers of forms should be
describable by compact rules. At the same time the formalism should be pre-
cise enough to avoid overgeneralization and overlooking of exceptions. See
appendix 2.4 to appreciate the size of an inflectional paradigm of a Serbian
compound noun.
The notion of a base form is essential in the morphological analysis and gen-
eration of inflected forms. It may be seen either as the canonical representative
of the inflection paradigm, or just its identifier. In the first case the base form
belongs itself to the paradigm (i.e. it is a linguistically correct form, called a
lemma). In the second case it may well be an abstract (linguistically incorrect)
form. Consider for instance:
(48) (EN) customs barrier, customs barriers
(49) (FR) mémoire vive, mémoires vives (literally ‘live memory’=‘random access

where mémoire is a feminine noun and vive is the feminine form of the ad-
jective vif. These sets of compound forms may be represented either by their
first elements or by “abstract” forms custom barrier and mémoire vif. For
an efficient usage and treatment of MWUs by humans (e.g. consulting MWU
lexicons, or validation of automatically extracted candidate terms), the former
solution is more appropriate.
2.6 Noncontiguous MWUs
Multi-word expressions (MWEs), particularly those containing verbs, are
MWUs which may appear in the corpus as noncontiguous sequences of items,
as in:
(50) (EN) He has finally made up his bloody mind. (the MWE’s components are

An exhaustive description of such expressions remains a challenge. Their pre-

cise analysis is out of the scope of this paper but we will pay attention to how
the approaches presented below provide, at least partly, a framework for this

3 Lexical approaches to the inflection of MWUs

Due to the morphosyntactic non-compositionality of many MWUs, as well
as their semantic opacity, studies on their lexicalized description have been
performed for two decades. The variety of linguistic and computational ap-
proaches in this domain is comparable to the number of those proposed for
the morphology of simple words. In this section we present a review of some
of these lexicalized approaches to the inflection MWUs, in view of their com-
parative analysis, and best-practice recommendations.

3.1 DELA dictionaries

In the Paris school of DELA electronic dictionaries (see Courtois and Sil-
berztein, 1990) simple and compound words are systematically listed and
their inflectional description is done on the entry-per-entry basis. In a so-
called DELAS1 lexicon the inflectional paradigm of each simple word is de-
scribed by an inflectional code representing a set of sequences of operators
applied to the word’s lemma (such as ‘cut the last symbol’, ‘add a new sym-
bol’, ‘move one symbol to the left’, etc.), together with the corresponding
inflectional features attached to each form produced (such as ‘feminine plu-
ral’, etc.). For instance, example (51) represents one DELAS entry, cousin
attached to the inflection code N32, depicted in (52). The code states that the
masculine singular form of a word is equivalent to its lemma (the ‘-’ sign
means no operator), the feminine singular is produced by adding suffix e to
the lemma, etc., which results in the set of four inflected forms of cousin
shown in (53). The application of inflection codes to all entries in the DELAS
allows for an automatic construction of a DELAF2 , which can be compressed
into a finite-state tool before being applied in the process of morphological
(51) cousin ⇒ code: N32
(52) N32: (-/hmasc,singi,s/hmasc,pli,e/hfem,singi,es/hfem,pli)3

lemma: cousin
(53) cousin ⇒ gender: masc
number: sing

lemma: cousin
cousins ⇒ gender: masc
number: pl

lemma: cousin
cousine ⇒ gender: fem
number: sing

lemma: cousin
cousines ⇒ gender: fem
number: pl

The inflectional description of compounds has found several solutions in this

school, some of which we present below. In each case, only contiguous com-
pounds have been described. Their lemmas have been listed and described in
1 DELAS stands for the LADL’s electronic dictionary for simple words, where the LADL is

the central laboratory having proposed the methodology.

2 LADL’s electronic dictionary for inflected forms of simple words
3 The precise formalism is somewhat different but equivalent to what is shown in this example.
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a controlled way within DELAC4 dictionaries, which, similarly to the DE-

LAS, can be automatically inflected into DELACF5 dictionaries, and com-
pressed before being applied to texts. Syntactic properties of simple and com-
pound units and expressions are further described by lexicon grammars. In
sections 3.1, 3.1, 3.1 and 3.1 we propose an abstract graphical representa-
tion of DELAC and DELACF entries. See the appendix for detailed formats
admitted in each approach.
The DELA methodology addresses the morphological analysis of compounds
in an extensive manner, i.e. by matching word sequences in text against a
full (compressed) list of compound inflected forms (a DELACF) obtained
automatically from compound annotated lemmas (a DELAC).
French DELAC
The French DELAC was the first to be created. It contains 126,000 com-
pound lemmas which yield 271,000 inflected forms. In Silberztein (1993a),
the inflectional paradigms for compounds, unlike those for simple words, are
not designated by autonomous inflectional codes. They are created instead by
ad hoc language-dependent filters with a manual post-filtering of ambiguities
and exceptions. For instance, in the DELAC entry (54), N32 and A32 are the
inflectional codes of cousin and germain, respectively, the whole compound
is masculine singular, and it admits gender and number inflection.

gender: masc
cousin germain number: sing
(54) ⇒
code: N32 code: A32 gender inflection: yes
number inflection: yes

The automatic inflection of a lemma consists in inflecting all constituents to

which a code has been attributed (here: cousin and germain), in all inflec-
tion categories admitted (here: gender and number), and imposing that these
constituents agree. Here, the corresponding DELACF entries obtained are 55.
Each form is attached to its lemma and its morphological description.

lemma: cousin germain

(55) cousin germain ⇒ gender: masc
number: sing

lemma: cousin germain

cousins germains ⇒ gender: masc
number: pl

4 LADL’s electronic dictionary for compounds

5 LADL’s electronic dictionary for inflected forms of compounds

lemma: cousin germain

cousine germaine ⇒ gender: fem
number: sing

lemma: cousin germain

cousines germaines ⇒ gender: fem
number: pl

Inflection variants, such as in (22) through (24) and (37) through (47), require
separate lexicon entries, for instance:
gender: fem
toile d’araignée number: sing
(56) ⇒
code: N21 gender inflection: no
number inflection: yes

gender: fem
number: pl
toiles d’araignées ⇒
gender inflection: no
number inflection: no

The first entry yields two DELACF forms:

lemma: toile d’araignée
(57) toile d’araignée ⇒ gender: fem
number: sing

lemma: toile d’araignée

toiles d’araignée ⇒ gender: fem
number: pl

while the second one produces the plural variant attached to a different
lemma: toiles d’araignées
(58) toiles d’araignées ⇒ gender: fem
number: pl

Since the inflection codes for simple words may only apply to their lemmas
and do not allow to transform any inflected form directly into another in-
flected form, it is unclear how abstract base forms would be treated in this
approach. For instance in example (49) the lemma of the second constituent
is the masculine form vif. If the compound lemma is:
gender: fem
mémoire vif number: sing
(59) ⇒
code: N21 code: A38 gender inflection: no
number inflection: yes
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then it is unclear how the rule of making both constituents agree is applied if
no gender inflection is allowed. If however the lemma is:

gender: fem
mémoire vive number: sing
(60) ⇒
code: N21 code: A21 gender inflection: no
number inflection: yes

then the adjective vive implies an artificial adjectival lemma having only the
feminine forms vive and vives. Similar doubts apply to exocentric compounds
in which default agreement of the inflected constituents is impossible.
The inflection tool accompanying this formalism needs adaptation to the mor-
phological model of each new language if only new inflection categories (e.g.
case) or values (e.g. neuter gender) are needed.
English DELAC
In Savary (2000) the English DELAC of 60,000 compounds lemmas and the
corresponding DELACF of 110,000 inflected forms are constructed. The pre-
vious model is enlarged in that: (i) simple constituents in a compound lemma
are annotated by their DELAF-entries, (ii) characteristic constituents, i.e. the
headword and the words agreeing with it, are pointed out, (iii) exceptional
forms are explicitly described.
Examples (16) and (17) are represented by the following samples:

man servant
1 2 class: noun
number: sing
(61) lemma: man lemma: servant ⇒
inflection: {number}
code: N8 code: N1
char. const.: {1, 2}
number: sing number: sing

man eater
1 2 class: noun
number: sing
(62) lemma: eater ⇒
inflection: {number}
code: N1
char. const.: {2}
number: sing

Each individual constituent obtains an ordinal number indicating its position

in the compound, as well as its DELAF label, as in (53), and its inflection
code. Here both compounds are nouns in singular admitting the number in-
flection. However, in (61) both constituents are characteristic (they agree in
both numbers), while in (62) only the second one (eater) is. The inflection
of the compounds is done by default, i.e. by inflecting all characteristic con-
stituents and making them agree (which is trivial in English as only the plural

form is concerned). This process yields man servant and man eater in singu-
lar, as well as men servants and man eaters in plural.
The formalism adapts to a different language via a morphology configuration
file specifying the possible inflection classes (number, gender, case, etc.) and
their possible values (singular, feminine, nominative, etc.).
Thus, the French DELAC-entries (54) and (60) can be described as follows:

cousin germain class: noun

1 2 gender: masc
lemma: cousin lemma: germain number: sing
(63) ⇒
code: N32 code: A32 inflection: {number,
gender: masc gender: masc gender}
number: sing number: sing char. const.: {1, 2}

mémoire vive
1 2 class: noun
gender: fem
lemma: mémoire lemma: vif
⇒ number: sing
code: N21 code: A38
inflection: {number}
gender: fem gender: fem
char. const.: {1, 2}
number: sing number: sing

Note that annotating the inflected components with their DELAF-entries al-
lows to avoid both abstract base forms for compounds and artificial lem-
mas for simple words (cf. examples (59) and (60)). Here, the plural form
vives is not obtained directly from vive but from the attached lemma vif. The
DELACF entries obtained from this description contain the same non-abstract
lemma mémore vive:

lemma: mémoire vive

class: noun
(64) mémoire vive ⇒
gender: fem
number: sing

lemma: mémoire vive

class: noun
mémoires vives ⇒
gender: fem
number: pl

Non-compositional and irregular examples, as (18) through (26), are describ-

able, as in the following sample:
16 / L I LT VOLUME 1, ISSUE 2 J ULY 2008

attorney general class: noun

1 2 number: sing
inflection: {number}
(65) lemma: attorney lemma: general ⇒
char. const.: {}
code: N1 code: N1
exception: pl ← h1:pli 2
number: sing number: sing
exception: pl ← 1 h2:pli

Here, the entry inflects in number, and has no characteristic constituent (it
is exocentric). Thus its plural formation is not done by default (i.e. not by
inflecting the characteristic constituents), but follows two exception rules:
one needs to inflect the first constituent into plural and leave the second con-
stituent unchanged (attorneys general), or conversely (attorney generals).
A unification formalism allows to compactly express large paradigms con-
cerned by agreement rules. Thus, example (26) may be represented as fol-
majster klepka
1 2
lemma: majster lemma: klepka
(66) code: N1-er code: N4-ka
case: nomin case: nomin
gender: masc-hum gender: fem
number: sing number: sing

class: noun
case: nomin
gender: masc-hum
number: sing
inflection: {number, case}
char-const: {1}
exception: $Number ← h1:$Numberi h2:$Numberi
exception: $Case ← h1:$Casei h2:$Casei

The exception rules use unification variables $Number and $Case to indicate
that any number and any case of a compound is obtained by inflecting and
unifying both constituents, despite the fact that only the first one is character-
As seen in the appendix, section 1.2, one drawback of this formalism is the
distribution of the morphological description between the compound entry
and the preamble (i.e. lines beginning with % in appendix 1.2 and describing
the characteristic constituents and the exception rules). An entry may not be
regarded independently from the sublist it appears in. In particular sorting the
textual lexicon is not allowed.

The formalism also suffers from the lack of expressive power allowing the
attachment of orthographic, syntactic and semantic variants to a common
lemma. Thus, examples (37) through (47) need separate entries for each vari-
In Kyriacopoulou et al. (2002), the set of all inflected forms of a Greek com-
pound may be obtained by the application of restriction filters to the set of
all possible combinations of the inflected forms of the particular constituents.
For instance in (67), N33403, DET and N125 are inflection codes for the
three constituents. The third component always remains in genitive singular
(see the restriction filter), while the two others may inflect freely.
‘a key to paradise’
1 2 3 class: noun
(67) ⇒
restriction: h3:genit,
code: N33403 code: DET code: N125

In this model, there is a lack of flexibility as to the possible combinations

of inflection features admitted by the filters. For instance, cases such as e.g.
(22) would be hard to express and would probably require two separate en-
tries. Thirdly, the rules for determination of inflection features of a compound
are heterogeneous and non-generic, which makes the formalism hardly adapt-
able to a different language. For instance, exocentric compounds such as (18)
require a graph-based description, in which all inflected forms have to be
cited explicitly. Finally, the presence or absence of constituents, or their order
changes, cannot be expressed by restriction filters.
In Silberztein (2005) a uniform formalism for the inflection of both com-
pounds and simple words is suggested. The previous DELA operators, apply-
ing to simple word lemmas, are completed by compound-oriented operators
like ‘go to the end of the next word’ or ‘go to the end of the first constituent’.
Thus, any inflected form of a compound results from a sequence of actions
performed on the suffixes of particular graphical constituents of an entry. For
instance, the following inflection code:
(68) ACTOFGOD = <E>/singular + <PW>s/plural
represents a set of two forms: the singular is created by recopying the lemma
without any change (“<E>” represents an empty sequence of operators), while
the plural is obtained by going to the end of the first constituent (“<PW>”
operator) and adding an s. Such a code may apply to the English compounds
of different lengths, where the first constituent inflects, such as act of God,
balance of payment deficit, member of the opposite sex, etc.
18 / L I LT VOLUME 1, ISSUE 2 J ULY 2008

In this formalism non-abstract base forms as well as non-compositional and

irregular compounds are describable, because the compositionality is not an
issue. A compound is seen as a sequence of characters, including blanks, and
no underlying morphological description of simple words is needed. Inflec-
tion variants can be described by simply aligning as many operator sequences
as needed for a particular form. For instance, compound (22) can be described
by the following code (adding an empty suffix produces the singular, going
to the end of the first word and adding an s produces the plural, adding suffix
s at the end of the whole compound produces another plural variant):
(69) ATTORNEYGENERAL = <E>/sing + <PW>s/pl + s/pl

This non-compositional approach to inflection of compounds is however also

its main problem. The morphology of a simple word has to be described as
many times as this word appears in a compound at a position subject to in-
flection. For example, the description of a compound containing battle cannot
rely on a unique (thus, easily maintainable) description of battle as a simple
word but must be repeated for all numerous compounds of types battle royal,
battle of nerves, running battle, etc. This problem becomes important in case
of highly inflected, e.g. Slavic, languages.
In Savary (2005) a formalism for inflection of compounds, implemented in
the Multiflex system, allows to gather all the inflectional description of a com-
pound within a graph. Each path in the graph describes one or more inflected
forms. A unification mechanism allows to account for agreements within con-
stituents, and to represent huge inflection paradigms compactly. For instance

<$1:Gen=$g;Nb=$n> <$2> <$3:Gen=$g;Nb=$n>


FIGURE 1 Multiflex inflection graph NC_NXAmf for cousin germain

figure 1 describes the regular French compounds inflecting like cousin ger-
main (cf. example (54)). Morphological categories Gen and Nb, as well as
their corresponding morphological values ({sing, pl}, {masc, fem}, etc.), are
language-dependent. The first constituent ($1), here cousin, inflects in gender
(Gen) and number (Nb). The unification variables assigned to each of these
categories ($g and $n) may take any value of the respective category domains
({masc,fem} and {sing,pl}, respectively). The second constituent ($2), here
the blank space, remains unchanged (no operator present in this box). The
third constituent, here germain, inflects similarly to the first one. The unifi-
cation variables are common in the first and the third box, which means that

those constituents agree both in gender and in number. The category-value

equations present below the third box describe the morphological values of
the whole compound. Here the gender and the number of the compound are
the same as those of the first and the third constituent.
With this graph, the DELAC entry in (54) and (63) takes the following form:

cousin hblanki germain

$1 $2 $3
lemma: cousin lemma: germain
(70) ⇒ code: NC_NXAmf
code: N32 code: A32
gender: masc number: masc
number: sing number: sing

and the total exploration of the graph NC_NXAmf results in a list of DELACF
entries similar to (55).
Note that if the unification mechanism were not available, each of the four
inflected forms of lemmas like (70) would have to be described by a separate
path in the graph in fig. 1 (the first path imposing the singular masculine form
for the first and the third constituent, the second one imposing the mascu-
line plural, etc.). In Slavic languages such method would rapidly turn into a
nightmare, with paradigms containing several dozens of forms, each of which
would need a separate path in the corresponding graph.
A value inheritance operator allows to assign the same inflection graph to
lemmas inflecting similarly but having different inflection values. For in-
stance the graph on figure 2 applies to both entries below:

mémoire hblanki vive

$1 $2 $3
lemma: mémoire lemma: vif
(71) ⇒ code: NC_NXA
code: N21 code: A38
gender: fem gender: fem
number: sing number: sing

cordon hblanki bleu

$1 $2 $3
lemma: cordon lemma: bleu
⇒ code: NC_NXA
code: N1 code: A32
gender: masc gender: masc
number: sing number: sing

despite their different gender. Note that figure 2 differs from 1 only by the
double assignment (‘==’) of variable $g to Gen in the first box. This operator
means that variable $g may take only one gender value - the value that the
20 / L I LT VOLUME 1, ISSUE 2 J ULY 2008

corresponding constituent has in the compound’s lemma. For instance, in the

lemma mémoire vive shown in (71), the first constituent mémoire is in fem-
inine gender. Variable $g inherits this gender value and remains unchanged
during the whole inflection process. Similarly, in lemma cordon bleu, the first
constituent cordon is in masculine, so when the graph is applied to this com-
pound, variable $g inherits this gender value and, again, remains unchanged.
The correctly annotated DELACF entries for these examples can be seen in
the appendix, section 2.2).

<$1:Gen==$g;Nb=$n> <$2> <$3:Gen=$g;Nb=$n>


FIGURE 2 Multiflex inflection graph NC_NXA for mémoire vive and cordon bleu

Any combination of morphological values can be expressed in this formal-

ism, thus all non-compositional and irregular examples, such as (18) through
(26) can be described. For instance, figure 3 shows the inflection graph for
compound (72).

toile hblanki d ’ araignée

$1 $2 $3 $4 $5
lemma: toile lemma: araignée
(72) ⇒ code: NC_NDN1
code: N21 code: N21
gender: fem gender: fem
number: sing number: sing

The gender of the compound is inherited from its first constituent ($1:Gen==$g).
The fifth constituent may be either left intact (upper path) or it may agree in
number with the first constituent ($5:Nb=$n). The lack of the category-value
equation for the gender of the fifth constituent means that its gender never
changes, and does not influence the gender of any other components.

<$1:Gen==$g;Nb=$n> <$2> <$3> <$4>
<Gen=$g;Nb=$n> <$5:Nb=$n>

FIGURE 3 Multiflex inflection graph NC_NDN1 for toile d’araignée

Since individual components of the lemma are referred to via ordinal vari-
ables $1, $2, etc., deletions, insertions, duplications, and order changes of
components may be expressed, as in variants (37) through (40), and (45)
through (47). For instance, entry (73) and figure 4 describe example (45).
The first constituent may be either unchanged, or inflected into plural and

followed by an optional apostrophe. In the resulting DELACF entries (74) all

variants are attached to the same lemma.

student hblanki union

$1 $2 $3
(73) lemma: student lemma: union ⇒ code: NC_NXN1
code: N1 code: N1
number: sing number: sing

lemma: student union

(74) student union ⇒ class: noun
number: sing

lemma: student union

students union ⇒ class: noun
number: sing

lemma: student union

students’ union ⇒ class: noun
number: sing

lemma: student union

student unions ⇒ class: noun
number: pl

lemma: student union

students unions ⇒ class: noun
number: pl

lemma: student union

students’ unions ⇒ class: noun
number: pl

<$1> <$2> <$3:Nb=$n>

<$1:Nb=p> <Nb=$n>

FIGURE 4 Multiflex inflection graph NC_NXN1 for student union

The system is designed so as to remain relatively independent from the un-

derlying morphological description of simple words, as long as its model can
be described by a list of inflectional categories (gender, number, case, etc.)
together with their possible values (singular, plural, masculine, etc.). In par-
ticular, non-alphabetic characters can be considered as constituents, and word
22 / L I LT VOLUME 1, ISSUE 2 J ULY 2008

boundaries can be freely defined, and are not limited to blanks and punctua-
tion marks, as in examples (3)-(14).
In Krstev et al. (2006a) the system has been tested for about 1,100 Serbian
compound nouns6, and in Savary et al. (2007) it is used to describe samples of
inflectionally non-compositional and irregular compounds in French, Polish
and Serbian. In Krstev et al. (2006b) it has been integrated into a platform al-
lowing efficient creation, interconnection and maintenance of heterogeneous
linguistic resources, such as simple and compound word lexicons, wordnets,
etc. Thus, the annotation of simple constituents within compounds can be
automated via real-time access to the underlying DELAF dictionaries.
3.2 Cascaded finite-state approaches
The two-level morphology implemented in the finite-state lexicon compiler,
lexc, accompanied by the regular-expression compiler, xfst, by Beesley and
Karttunen (2003), has provided a framework for several approaches to multi-
word processing.
Karttunen et al. (1992) and Karttunen (1993) contain a case study of French
compositional and non-compositional compounds. Their morphological de-
scription is considered as a typical application for composition of two-level
Firstly, simple words are listed in regular-grammar lexicons, such as the one
in example (75). Here a sample noun lexicon contains two words, démocrate
and social, together with their continuation classes, Nmf and Adj. The contin-
uation classes themselves are related to sets of sequences of terminal symbols
(+N, +Adj, +Sg, etc.) and other continuation classes (Gender, Number, Masc,
(75) Multichar_Symbols +N +Adj +Masc +Fem +Sg +Pl
LEXICON Root Nouns ;
LEXICON Nouns démocrate Nmf ; social Adj ;
LEXICON Nm +N Masc ;
LEXICON Nmf +N Gender ;
LEXICON Adj +Adj Gender ;
LEXICON Gender Masc ; Fem ;
LEXICON Masc +Masc Number ;
LEXICON Fem +Fem Number ;
LEXICON Number +Sg # ; +Pl # ;

One possible derivation in this grammar, shown in example (76), allows to

obtain the lexical form social+Adj+Masc+Pl.
6 According to a personal communication with Cv. Krstev in May 2008 the number of de-

scribed Serbian compound lemmas is now 2,822.


(76) Root −→ Nouns −→ social Adj −→ social +Adj Gender −→

social +Adj Masc −→ social +Adj +Masc Number −→
social +Adj +Masc +Pl #

Further, the lexicon may be composed with a set of lexical alternation rules
such as: ‘an l is replaced by a u if it appears after an a and before cate-
gory and gender labels, except +Adj+Fem’. This rule allows e.g. to trans-
form the lexical entry social+Adj+Masc+Pl into an intermediate form so-
ciau+Adj+Masc+Pl. Another possible rule is: ‘the +Pl label is replaced
by an x if it appears after an a or an e, followed by a u, followed by cat-
egory and gender labels, except +Adj+Fem’. This second rule applied to
sociau+Adj+Masc+Pl yields sociau+Adj+Mascx. Finally, two other rules
‘delete +Adj’ and ‘delete +Masc’ allow to obtain the surface form sociaux.
All such alternation rules may be composed into one transducer which maps
any lexical form with the corresponding surface form as in example (77).
(77) démocrate+N+Fem+Sg démocrate
démocrate+N+Fem+Pl démocrates
démocrate+N+Masc+Sg démocrate
démocrate+N+Masc+Pl démocrates
social+N+Fem+Sg sociale
social+N+Fem+Pl sociales
social+N+Masc+Sg social
social+N+Masc+Pl sociaux

Compounds may be treated in a similar lexicalized way, provided that their

simple constituents have already been described. Consider the sample lex-
icon (78), which completes the one in example (75). Each compound ap-
pears with its continuation class (here: AN2mf ). One possible derivation in
this lexicon would be as in example (79). The resulting sequence social-
démocrate(0:ˆan)+N+Masc+Pl, where zero represents an empty string, de-
scribes a relation between the first (lexical) and the second (intermediate)
form form in (80).
(78) Multichar_Symbols ˆn ˆan
LEXICON Nouns social-démocrate AN2mf ;
LEXICON AN2mf 0:ˆan Nm ; 0:ˆan Nf ;

(79) Root −→ Nouns −→ social-démocrate AN2mf −→

social-démocrate 0:ˆan Nm −→
social-démocrate 0:ˆan +N Masc −→
social-démocrate 0:ˆan +N +Masc Number −→
social-démocrate 0:ˆan +N +Masc +Pl #

After having added compounds to the lexicon we also enlarge the alterna-
tion system by adding new rules allowing feature insertions or propagations
24 / L I LT VOLUME 1, ISSUE 2 J ULY 2008

from the whole compound to the individual constituents if the ˆan occurs.
Examples of such rules are: (i) ‘insert +Adj at the end of the first constituent
(after this operation the ˆan marker disappears)’, (ii) ‘recopy the gender of the
whole sequence at the end of the first constituent’, (iii) ‘recopy the number
of the whole sequence at the end of the first constituent’. By applying such
rules to the second form in (80) we obtain the third form, which is further
transformed into the fourth (surface) form. Similarly, the three other possible
derivations within lexicon (78), composed with alternation rules, complete
the inflectional paradigm of the compound by describing the surface forms
social-démocrate, sociale-démocrate, and sociales-démocrates.
(80) social-démocrate+N+Masc+Pl



The underlying formalism, a lexical transducer, is a mathematically well de-
fined and elegant tool, which allows the whole cascade of rules to be per-
formed in one processing step only. Moreover, the bi-directionality of the
transducer allows it to perform both the morphological analysis and genera-
tion, i.e. assigning the last (surface) form to the first (lexical) form in (80),
and conversely.
Exocentric compounds and inflectional irregularities, as in examples (18)-
(26), may be expressed by attributing appropriate continuation classes to
compounds in the lexicon, and by designing adequate alternation rules as-
signed to these classes. For instance, example (23) can be added to the above
lexicon via the entries in (81) and two alternation rules: (i) ‘insert +Adj+Masc
at the end of the first constituent if the ˆamnff marker appears; after this oper-
ation the marker disappears’, (ii) ‘recopy the number of the whole sequence
at the end of the first constituent if the ˆamnff marker appears’. The two pos-
sible lexicon derivations in this lexicon are (82) and (83). The former relates
the first and the second form in (84), the application of the alternation rules
above yields the third form in the same example, and the application of al-
ternation rules for simple words results in the fourth form. Derivation (83)
introduces no compound-oriented morphological annotation (such as ˆan or
ˆamnff ), thus only the alternation rules for the final constituent apply, yielding
the second form in (85).
(81) Multichar_Symbols ˆamnff
LEXICON Nouns grand-mère AmN2f ;
LEXICON AmN2f 0:ˆamnff Nf ; Nf ;

(82) grand-mère 0:ˆamnff +N +Fem +Pl #

(83) grand-mère +N +Fem +Pl #
(84) grand-mère+N+Fem+Pl



(85) grand-mère+N+Fem+Pl

One drawback in this approach is that the cascade of morphophonological
and morphosyntactic alternation rules is hard to maintain. Addition, deletion
or order change of rules are error-prone as they may modify the conditions
in which the previous rule cascade operated. Moreover, it is unclear how one
may lexically represent compound lemmas, whose components are not lem-
mas themselves. For instance, if we wish to attach the first to the last form
in (86) then we obtain the second intermediate form in which vive is not a
lemma. Thus, the simple-word lexicon, which knows how to handle the lexi-
cal form vif+Adj+Fem+Pl might not cope with vive+Adj+Fem+Pl correctly.
One solution to this problem is choosing a compound lemma in which all
constituents are lemmas themselves, i.e. mémoire-vif+N+Fem+Pl, however
this is inconvenient for human readers. Another solution is to annotate the
constituents in the lexical form with their own lemmas, pretty much as in the
DELAC dictionaries (see sections 3.1 and 3.1).
(86) mémoire vive+N+Fem+Pl

mémoire+N+Fem+Pl vive+Adj+Fem+Pl

mémoires vives
Note that the continuation classes attributed to compound lexical entries, such
as AN2mf, play a similar role in this formalism as the inflection codes for
compounds do in section 3.1. They allow, within each compound lexical form,
to trigger the adequate operators producing the desired inflected forms.
The lexc formalism includes flag diacritics allowing to perform various oper-
ations on user-defined variables within the lexicon or alternation rules. Thus,
a variable may be set to a particular value, negated or unset, its value may
be verified or unified. That allows to express long-distance morphological
constraints in order to handle non-concatenative morphosyntactic phenom-
ena. Supposedly, that mechanism can be used for an efficient description of
26 / L I LT VOLUME 1, ISSUE 2 J ULY 2008

compound inflection, however few examples are given on this subject in the
reference bibliography.
IDAREX Breidt et al. (1996) uses an additional regular expression layer over
lexc for the description of German multi-word expressions (MWEs), in par-
ticular verbal ones, and their variation. Inflected forms are represented by
regular expressions which may refer either to base forms or to surface forms
of simple components. Morphological features of each component may be
restrained. Optional components and insertions may be indicated. Syntactic
transformations may be listed within one paradigm. For instance, in the fol-
lowing expression:
(87) [ :den (:schönen) :Schein (:zu) wahren |
wahren Vfin: (ADV* NPnom) ADV* :den (:schönen) :Schein ]

the first line accounts for the infinitive expression den (schönen) Schein (zu)
wahren (‘keep up appearances’), in which the verb wahren may take any
inflected form, while all other components are limited to their literal forms
appearing after the ‘:’ character. The second line describes variants of the
same expression in which the verb comes first and is limited to any of its
finite forms (Vfin:), and adverbs and personal pronouns may be inserted be-
tween the verb and the rest of the components, as in dabei wahrt er immer
den Schein.
Numerical variables $1, $2, etc. may be assigned to the components of the
base form, which allows to generically express omissions, duplications and
order changes of components. For instance the following macro can be used
instead of numerous complex rules such as (87):
(88) [ $2 Vfin: (ADV* NPron) ADV* $1
| $1 (:zu) $2 V: ]

It expresses the fact that many Verb Object idioms in German, such as den
(schönen) Schein wahren or die Ohren spitzen (‘prick up one’s ears’), may ap-
pear either in a finite or an infinite form, with optional adverbial and pronom-
inal insertion. Variables $1 and $2 get instantiated to the verb (e.g. wahren
or spitzen) and to the object (e.g. den (schönen) Schein or die Ohren) of the
MWE in question. That instantiation yields a rule similar to (87) for any ade-
quate idiom it is applied to.
Non-compositional and irregular nominal compounds and most of their vari-
ants are describable by this formalism. For instance, examples (22) and (46)
can be represented either by the specific rules (89) and (90) or by the generic
ones (91) and (92).
(89) [ :attorney general N: | attorney N: :general ]

(90) [ :birth date N: | date N: :of :birth ]

(91) [ :$1 $2 N: | $1 N: :$2 ]
(92) [ :$1 $2 N: | $2 N: :of :$1 ]

The main problem in this formalism seems the fact that no inflectional fea-
tures may be assigned to MWEs’ inflected forms. Thus, one may identify
sequences in a corpus but not perform their morphological analysis or gener-
Another important drawback is that even if a unification mechanism has been
envisaged it has not been implemented up to our knowledge. Thus, each time
a feature agreement takes place in a compound, all the inflected forms have to
be enumerated explicitly, which is particularly inefficient for large inflection
paradigms, e.g. in Slavic languages. For instance example (39) would need a
rule containing several dozens of alternatives if the description were supposed
not to admit ungrammatical forms.
Multi-word processor of Turkish
Oflazer et al. (2004) describe a multi-word processor for Turkish, which is
a highly-inflective and concatenative language. That tool takes the so-called
lexicalized (invariable), semi-lexicalized (morphologically variable) and non-
lexicalized (duplication- and contrasting-based) collocations and named enti-
ties into account. All those units are contiguous sequences of tokens. Inflec-
tional issues are addressed in all those types of MWUs except the first one.
The MWU processor first runs a text tokenizer, a morphological analyzer and
a guesser, all three based on the Xerox finite-state lexicon compiler (Beesley
and Karttunen, 2003). Then the MWUs are recognized by a three-stage cas-
cade of Perl rules: first the lexicalized collocations are identified, then the
non-lexicalized ones, and finally the semi-lexicalized ones. The rules allow
to transform sequences of simple words with their morphological interpreta-
tions into compounds with their own morphological features. For instance the
sequence in example (94), corresponding to the surface string (93), is trans-
formed into the compound interpretation in example (95)7.
(93) uyur uyumaz (literally, ‘(he) sleeps (he) does not sleep’)
(94) uyu+Verb+Pos+Aor+A3sg uyu+Verb+Neg+Aor+A3sg
(95) uyu+Verb+Pos+ˆDB+Adverb+AsSoonAs (‘as soon as he sleeps’)

Unfortunately, no example of such a Perl rule used in this approach in given

in the reference paper but we suppose that those rules are of two types: (i)
lexicalized rules, which allow to replace sequences of precise lexical units
7 The morphological codes used are: +Pos: positive polarity, +Neg: negative polarity, +Aor:

aorist aspect +A3sg: third person singular, ˆDB: derivation boundary

28 / L I LT VOLUME 1, ISSUE 2 J ULY 2008

by compounds containing the same units, if only some morphological con-

straints are respected for these units; thus, they are roughly equivalent to in-
flection codes for compounds described in section 3.1, (ii) non-lexicalized
rules, which match duplications of any lexical item, sometimes accompanied
by extra elements such as contrasting or clitics.
Although this approach uses the same lexicon compiler as in section 3.2, the
important difference seems to be the fact that the relation between sequences
of tokens and compounds containing those tokens is implemented by Perl
rules instead of a lexical transducer, which probably does not allow the re-
versibility of those rules.
3.3 Relational database approaches
Naturally enough, the behavior of simple words both as individual units, and
as members of compounds, may be represented by a relational database.
HABIL (Alegria et al., 2004) is a multi-word expression processor for Basque.
It deals with both contiguous and split MWEs, either totally fixed and opaque,
or decomposable. Lexicalized compounds are included in this set. For each
MWE it admits reorderings of its simple components, and checks their in-
flectional constraints. It also generates morphosyntactic interpretations for
the MWEs so that ambiguous structures can get multiple representations.
It is based on a relational database containing morphological descriptions of
80,000 simple words and 2,270 MWEs. On the one hand, each MWE is re-
lated to its simple components, each of which is described in particular with
respect to: (i) its position and the inflected form that it takes in the MWE’s
lemma, (ii) its inflectional paradigm, (iii) if it is or not the headword of the
MWE. Each component, via its lemma and its homograph number, is related
to its inflectional paradigm. For instance table 1 describes the three compo-
nents of the MWE begi bistan egon (’to be evident’), the second of which is
the inflected form bistan of the lemma bista and the homograph number 1.
That description resembles the morphological tags that simple constituents
get in the Multiflex DELAC entry (see section 3.1).
On the other hand a MWE is related to all its possible surface realizations
(i.e. inflected forms), where the order of the components and possible inser-
tions of extra elements are described, together with inflectional restrictions
imposed on all possibly inflected components. For instance, the upper part
of table 2 describes three unambiguous8 surface realizations of the MWE,
whose lemma is begi bistan egon. In the last realization the order of compo-
nents (3?12) is different than in the lemma (the 3rd constituent comes first)
and one insertion between components 3 and 1 is allowed. Its first compo-
8 Their occurrences in a corpus may never be analyzed as sequences of “free” words.
Component Component Component Component
Entry Homograph ID Headword
position inflected form lemma homograph ID
begi bistan egon 0 1 begi no begi 2
begi bistan egon 0 2 bistan no bista 1
begi bistan egon 0 3 egon yes egon 1

TABLE 1 HABIL table describing the components of the MWE begi bistan egon


Order & Inflection
Entry Homograph ID Unambiguous
contiguousness restrictions
((CAS=ABS) and (DEF=-)) or
component 1 :
((CAS=GEN) and (NUM=PL))
begi bistan egon 0 123 yes
component 2 : fixed
component 3 : any form
((CAS=ABS) and (DEF=-)) or
component 1 :
((CAS=GEN) and (NUM=PL))
begi bistan egon 0 312 yes
component 2 : fixed
component 3 : any form
component 1 : ((CAS=ABS) and (DEF=-))
begi bistan egon 0 3?12 yes component 2 : fixed
component 3 : any form
component 1 : any form
toile d’araignée 0 123 no component 2 : fixed
component 3 : fixed
component 1 : NUM=PL
toile d’araignée 0 123 no component 2 : fixed
component 3 : NUM=PL

TABLE 2 HABIL table describing the surface realizations of the Basque MWE begi bistan egon and of the French MWU toile d’araignée
30 / L I LT VOLUME 1, ISSUE 2 J ULY 2008

nent (begi) is inflected into absolutive non-definite form, while its second one
(bistan) remains uninflected, and its third one (egon) may be inflected to any
of its existing forms. These constraints may correspond for instance to the
following corpus occurrence: ez dago horren begi bistan (‘it is so evident’).
This approach allows for an exhaustive description of inflected forms of a
MWE, together with some of its variants resulting from omissions, dupli-
cations, and order changes of constituents. Thus, examples like (23) through
(29), (38) through (40), and (47) through (49) seem describable in this model.
For instance, the lower part of table 2 shows a possible description of exam-
ple (24), in which two rules are necessary to express the plural variant, but
the corresponding lemma is unique (unlike examples (56)-(58)).
The formalism also allows for non-abstract base forms (cf. examples (48)
and (49)), as well as for insertions, however the inserted elements may not be
specified, which is needed in examples like (37), (45) and (46). It is unclear
how the inflection features are determined for exocentric compounds (exam-
ples (18) through (22)). One drawback, for languages with large inflectional
paradigms (see section 2.5), is that if agreement constraints occur within a
MWE then each of its inflected forms needs a separate entry in the database
(e.g. several dozens of entries for most compound nouns in Slavic languages).
An additional unification mechanism could solve this inconvenience. Another
disadvantage results from the fact that separators are not considered as com-
ponents, thus it seems impossible to account for their insertions, deletions or
replacements (cf. examples (8) and (45)).

3.4 Unification grammar approaches

As mentioned above, one of the reasons why MWUs are placed on the frontier
between morphology and syntax, is that dependencies of different kinds occur
among MWU constituents, such as agreement and government rules. Thus,
naturally enough, the description of MWUs has been addressed within several
frameworks based on unification grammars.
LinGO project
In Sag et al. (2002), Copestake et al. (2002) and Villavicencio et al. (2004), a
large project of syntactic and semantic description of English multi-word ex-
pressions is discussed. Their syntax is described with typed feature structure
(TFS) grammars implemented within a constraint-based HPSG formalism,
while their semantics is addressed within the Minimal Recursion Semantics
formalism. General grammar rules describe general language phenomena,
while lexicalized rules, implemented as a relational database, are introduced
to account for idiosyncrasy. This database approach differs from the one in
section 3.3 in that the database model is not supposed to reflect the language
model, but only to provide an internal representation of the TFS rules.

The MWEs are divided into several classes with respect to their semantic
compositionality and their syntactic variability.
Fixed expressions (e.g. by and large, every which way, ad hoc) are seen as
‘words with spaces’ as they defy conventions of grammar and admit no mor-
phological or lexical variability. For instance, example (96) describes ad hoc
as a simple concatenation of two tokens, functioning as an intransitive adjec-
tive (intr_adj_l) and allowing no syntactic variation.

(96) ad_hoc_1 := intr_adj_l &

[STEM <“ad”,“hoc”>,
SEMANTICS [KEY ad-hoc_rel]]

Semi-fixed expressions admit inflection, or selection of determiners or re-

flexive forms. They are further divided into three classes: (i) non-decompo-
sable idioms (e.g. kick the bucket, wet oneself, shoot the breeze) characterized
by the semantic non-decomposability, lack of syntactic and lexical variation
(*kick the great bucket in the sky9 , *the breeze was shot), but allowing in-
flection (kicked the bucket) and variation in reflexive form (wet myself ), (ii)
compound nominals (e.g. car park, attorney general) which do not admit syn-
tactic variants but inflect in number, (iii) proper names (e.g. the San Francisco
49ers), which are highly idiosyncratic (*the Oakland 49ers), may require a
definite article (the, those) and allow for omission and insertion variants (the
49ers, the league-leading San Francisco 49ers).
Syntactically-flexible expressions split into three classes: (i) verb-particle
constructions are either semantically idiosyncratic (brush up on) or composi-
tional (call up, eat up, fall off ), may admit insertions (call Kim up but *fall
a truck off ), and usually show syntactic idiosyncrasy (call/ring/telephone,
call up/ring up vs. *telephone up), (ii) decomposable idioms (spill the beans)
reveal a quite compositional semantics (spill ≈ reveal, the beans ≈ a secret)
and are syntactically partially flexible but this flexibility is unpredictable, (iii)
light verbs (make in make a mistake) are used in an unpredictable way (*do
a mistake), their sense is bleached but their complement noun phrases are
used in the normal sense, and the whole constructions admit full syntactic
variability (a mistake was made, make a big mistake). Syntactically-flexible
expressions are treated by inheritance hierarchies and lexical selection.
Institutionalized phrases (traffic light) are semantically and syntactically
compositional but statistically idiosyncratic (*intersection regulator). The
technique used for their treatment is not specified in the reference papers.
The inflection of MWEs is clearly not a major issue in the reference papers.
It is possible to point out the internal component that allows inflection. For
9 The authors don’t mention the exceptional variations such as kick the proverbial bucket

attested in corpora.
32 / L I LT VOLUME 1, ISSUE 2 J ULY 2008

instance, example (97) describes the nominal compound part of speech in

which only the first component inflects.
(97) part_of_speech_1 := intr_noun_l &
[STEM <“part”,“of”,“speech”>,
SEMANTICS [KEY part_of_speech_rel]]

As the LinGO rules are expressed in what seems a full-fledged grammatical

formalism, component agreements should be describable (e.g. he dined and
wined Susan), however no example of such a rule is given in the reference
papers. Embedding, inheritance and optionality mechanisms allow modular
description, pointing out headwords, and describing omissions like in exam-
ple (38).
It is unclear if it is possible to express limiting the inflection to some forms
only (as in examples (28) and (29)), inflection variants (as in examples (21)
through (24)), inversions, insertions and duplications (as (37), (39), (40), (45)
and (46)), as well as the exocentricity of compounds (as (18) through (22)).
FASTR (Jacquemin, 2001) is a shallow parser dedicated to the recogni-
tion, normalization and acquisition of compound terms, developed within
a unification-based framework. Its design was based on an in-depth study of
inflectional, syntactic and semantic variation of terms in English and French
in various specialized domains. FASTR’s input is a corpus and an initial set of
controlled complex terms that are analyzed morphologically and transformed
into feature structure rules. Its output is a set of links between initial terms
and occurrences of these terms and their variants in the corpus.
For instance rule (98) is a ‘flat’ representation of the feature structure (99)
resulting from the term umbilical artery. The rule is fully lexicalized: the
lemmas of both components are explicitly indicated. Their inflection features
are inspired by the inflection codes for simple words in the DELA method-
ology (cf. section 3.1). The lexicalization feature allows to link the rule to
the lexical item arter called the lexical anchor. The agreement features allow
to express how morphological features are constrained or propagated : here,
the number of the lexical anchor (N3 ) is propagated to the whole compound
(N1 ). Thus, the rule matches both the singular and the plural occurrences of
the term: umbilical artery and umbilical arteries.
(98) Rule N1 → A2 N3 :
hN1 lexicalizationi =
˙ N3
hA2 lemmai = ˙ ‘umbilical’; hA2 inflectioni =
˙ 1
hN3 lemmai = ˙ ‘arter’; hN3 inflectioni =
˙ 2
hN1 agreementi = ˙ hN3 agreementi.

 
arity : 2
   
 lemma : 
‘N ′
 
 cat :
   
  lexicalization : 1  
  
   in f lection : 2   
 0:   
agreement : 2
   
   
 cat : ‘N ′
   
  
 
 agreement : 2
 
‘umbilical ′
  
 lemma : 
 
 1:  cat :  
 
 in f lection : 1 
2: 1
Terminological variants are expressed in FASTR via transformations repre-
sented by metarules (a concept introduced in a number of unification-based
formalisms in order to reduce the grammar size). For instance, metarule (100),
when unified with rule (98), produces the new rule (101) which matches co-
ordination variants such as umbilical or carotid artery.
(100) Metarule Coord(N1 → A2 N3 ) ≡ N1 → A2 C4 A5 N3 :.
(101) Rule N1 → A2 C4 A5 N3 :
hN1 lexicalizationi =
˙ N3
hA2 lemmai = ˙ ‘umbilical’; hA2 inflectioni =
˙ 1
hN3 lemmai = ˙ ‘arter’; hN3 inflectioni =
˙ 2
hN1 agreementi = ˙ hN3 agreementi.
Metarules also allow to express derivational variants, provided that the deriva-
tional morphology of the simple components is described. For instance, the
sequence tension artérielle in example (41) may be expressed by the com-
pound term rule (104), while the variant tension des artères is obtained by
unifying metarule (105) with rule (104) and with the word descriptions (102)
and (103)10. The key element here is the first constraint of rule (105) impos-
ing that the second noun of the variant (here: artères) has the same root as the
adjective of the base term (here: artérielle).
(102) Word ‘artère’:
hcati =
˙ ‘N’; hsecondary rooti =
˙ ‘artér’; hinflectioni =
˙ 21.
(103) Word ‘artériel’:
hcati =˙ ‘A’; hinflectioni =
˙ 2; hroot cati =
˙ ‘N’;
hroot lemmai = ˙ ‘artère’; hhistoryi =
˙ ‘?ielle’.
(104) Rule N1 → N2 A3 :
hN1 lexicalizationi =
˙ N2
10 The ‘?’ sign in the derivation suffix ‘?ielle’ refers to the secondary lemma artér of the word

whose the main lemma is artèr

34 / L I LT VOLUME 1, ISSUE 2 J ULY 2008

hN2 lemmai =
˙ ‘tension’; hN2 inflectioni =˙ 1
hA3 lemmai =
˙ ‘artériel’; hA3 inflectioni =
˙ 2
hN1 agreementi =
˙ hN2 agreementi = ˙ hA3 agreementi.
(105) Metarule AdjToNoun(N1 → N2 A3 ) ≡ N1 → N2 D4 N5 :
hA3 rooti =
˙ hN5 rooti
hD4 lemmai = ˙ ‘de’; hD4 inflectioni =
˙ 1
hD4 agreement numberi = ˙ hN5 agreement numberi
Since in exocentric compounds, such as (18) through (22), the feature propa-
gation cannot be performed, the morphology of the resulting compound must
be indicated explicitly, as in rule (106).
(106) Rule N1 → V2 N3 :
hV2 lemmai =
˙ ‘perce’; hV2 inflectioni =˙ 1;
hV2 agreement tensei =
˙ ‘present’; hV2 agreement personi =
˙ 3
hV2 agreement moodi =˙ ‘indicative’
hN3 lemmai =
˙ ‘neige’; hN3 inflectioni =˙ 1;
hN3 agreement numberi = ˙ ‘singular’
hN1 agreement genderi =˙ ‘masculine’
hN1 agreement numberi = ˙ ‘singular’ | ‘plural’.
Compounds admitting variants of inflected forms, as in examples (21) through
(24), may also be described via metarules, which however need to be lexi-
calized in order to avoid spurious variants for regular constructions. For
instance, rule (107) matching attorney general and attorney generals, when
unified with metarule (108), matches the plural variant attorneys general. The
5th constraint in rule (107) does not allow to interpret attorneys general as a
singular form.
(107) Rule N1 → N2 N3 :
hN1 lexicalizationi =
˙ N2
hN2 lemmai = ˙ ‘attorney’; hN3 lemmai = ˙ ‘general’
hN2 inflectioni =
˙ hN3 inflectioni =
˙ 1
hN2 agreement numberi = ˙ ‘singular’;
hN1 agreementi = ˙ hN3 agreementi.
(108) Metarule DoublePlural(N1 → N2 N3 ) ≡ N1 → N4 N5 :
hN2 lemmai =
˙ hN4 lemmai =˙ ‘attorney’
hN3 lemmai =
˙ hN5 lemmai =˙ ‘general’
hN3 agreement numberi =
˙ hN4 agreement numberi =
˙ ‘plural’
hN5 agreement numberi =
˙ ‘singular’.
Variation schemes which appear systematically up to some exceptions may
be expressed by general (i.e. non-lexicalized) metarules accompanied by ne-
gative metarules. For instance, the sequence bezwzgl˛edna wi˛ekszość in ex-
ample (39) may be represented by rule (109), while its variant wi˛ekszość
bezwzgl˛edna results from unifying this rule with metarule (110). However, a

number of Adjective Noun compounds in Polish, such as dobre imi˛e (‘a good
reputation’), do not admit inversion of their constituents. Such exceptions
may be described by negative metarules. For instance, the negative metarule
(111), when unified with a rule describing dobre imi˛e, analogous to rule (109),
matches the invalid variant *imi˛e dobre. During corpus processing FASTR re-
jects all sequences that have been matched by negative metarules, thus *imi˛e
dobre will not be admitted as a variant of dobre imi˛e.
(109) Rule N1 → A2 N3 :
hN1 lexicalizationi =
˙ N3
hA2 lemmai = ˙ ‘bezwzgl˛edny’; hA2 inflectioni = ˙ 1
hN3 lemmai = ˙ ‘wi˛ekszość’; hN3 inflectioni =
˙ 45
hN1 agreementi = ˙ hA2 agreementi = ˙ hN3 agreementi.
(110) Metarule InvPlural(N1 → A2 N3 ) ≡ N1 → N3 A2 :.
(111) Metarule NInvPlural(N1 → A2 N3 ) ≡ N1 → N3 A2 :
hA2 lemmai =˙ ‘dobre’; hN3 lemmai =
˙ ‘imi˛e’.

In conclusion, FASTR is a highly specialized corpus processor for the recog-

nition of inflectional, syntactic and semantic variants of complex terms. It is
based on terminological vocabulary transformed in an automated way into a
set of linguistically annotated rules, and can be tuned to each new application
and sublanguage. Its unification-based formalism offers a great expressive
power for the description of various linguistic constraints.
The main drawback of this approach is that it is not very modular. The mod-
eling of term variation relies on a large set of interfering rules, which is not
always easy to maintain. Firstly, a modification of one rule may influent the
correctness of other rules11 . Secondly, checking if a particular term is cor-
rectly described requires, unlike in the DELA methodology (cf. section 3.1),
controlling several rules simultaneously which is not optimal for a human

4 Comparative study
Tables 3 and 4 present a comparative summary of the approaches presented
in section 3. The features appearing in the first column correspond to the lin-
guistic properties of MWUs discussed in section 2. The meaning of a ‘X’
character, a ‘×’ character, and a ‘?’ character is, respectively, that the corre-
sponding approach accounts for the given property, it does not account for the
property, or it is unclear if it does. In particular, we suppose that:
. Separators are allowed to have a status of MWU’s constituents, if examples
like (3) through (5) can be described, and if the sequences in example (8)
11 The same criticism was leveled against the cascaded finite-state morphology models (cf.

section 3.2), however in FASTR the degree of the dependency between rules is much lower.
36 / L I LT VOLUME 1, ISSUE 2 J ULY 2008

. can be distinguished but attached to the same lemma.

Squeezed compounds are those in which a boundary between constituents is
not marked by a separator, as in examples (11) through (14). They should be
morphologically described as sequences of possibly inflected simple words.
. Exocentric compounds are describable, if examples like (18) through (22)
can be properly treated.
. Irregular agreement is properly treated if all forms in examples like (23)
through (26), as well as (2) and (16), can be described, and if no introduc-
tion of artificial lemmas is needed (cf. (56) for a counterexample).
. Defective paradigms can be described if examples like (28) and (29) don’t
suffer from overgeneralization, i.e. their inexistent singular forms are not

. accepted.
Insertions and omissions are accounted for, if variants containing extra el-
ements, as en in example (37), can be attached to a lemma which does not
contain this element, and if variants missing some constituent, can be at-
tached to the lemma in which this constituent appears, as in (38).
. Order change is taken into account, if variants like (39) can be attached to
the same lemma.
. Forms resulting from component duplication should be attached to a lemma
where this component is not duplicated, as in example (40).
. Derivational and semantic variants should be related to their base forms
containing no derived form and no semantic replacement, as in (41) and
. Abbreviations should be attached to their full forms, as in (43) and (44).
. Unification is necessary for a compact representation of huge inflection
paradigms of MWUs, especially those in which agreement rules apply
within constituents (cf. example (15) and section 2.5).
. The lemma of a MWU is non-abstract, if it is a linguistically correct form
(cf. examples (48) and (49)).
. Non-contiguous MWUs are treated, if extra elements, not belonging to an
inflected form, are admitted within this form in a corpus, as in example
. The morphological description of MWUs is non-redundant if there is a
unique representation of the inflectional behavior of simple words appear-
ing in MWUs (cf. section 3.1 for a counterexample).
. Inflectional analysis and generation are two computational applications for
which a MWU description module should be accessible.
. An automated MWU lexicon creation is a facility of a computational plat-
form allowing to avoid as much manual lexicographic work as possible. It
may rely for instance on exploitation of the existing resources for simple
words in order to annotate the components of MWUs.

. The sense computation is the capacity of representing the meaning of a

MWU, if possible, as a function of the meanings of its components (cf.

. section 3.4).
The formal tool is a theoretical framework used either for the description of
MWUs, or for their internal representation and treatment.
. The number of MWUs described refers to the MWUs’ base forms, and not
. their inflected forms.
The language indicated is the one concerned by the experiments described
in the bibliography.
The data presented in tables 3 and 4 confirm the importance of compositional
phenomena in natural languages. Different NLP schools have been studying
these phenomena to a varying extent, and those presented here propose lexi-
calized approaches, i.e. multi-word units are explicitly listed and their linguis-
tic behavior is described either by explicit shared paradigms (e.g. inflectional
codes in the DELA school), or by lexicalized grammars in which separate
rules may interfere (e.g. alternation rules in lexc, or rules and metarules in
FASTR). One interesting type of MWUs, duplications (cf. section 3.2), has
been treated by non-lexicalized patterns.
The results presented are quantitatively very different. Some approaches rely
only on samples of less than several hundred entries, some others judge one or
two thousand entries as sufficiently representative, while the remaining ones
have achieved a large-scale description of tens of thousands of MWUs. In
particular, most features appearing in table 4 for lexc imply the pertinence of
this approach to the morphological treatment of MWUs, however, they need
an experimental confirmation in real-size MWU lexicons.
The linguistic properties discussed in section 2 are only partly addressed in
the references papers. The appreciation of these phenomena is not necessarily
better with a growing number of the entries described.
Some particularly discriminating features are:
. Separators, whose role in MWUs is underestimated by the majority of the
. approaches.
Some idiosyncratic aspects of the inflection of MWUs (exocentricity and
agreement irregularities), which are not addressed by some approaches, al-
though they belong to the fundamental properties of these units.
. Defective paradigms whose importance has been identified by virtually all
. Derivational and semantic variants of MWUs, which are explicitly treated
only by FASTR (we suppose though lexc’s and LinGO’s pertinence for

. derivational and semantic variants, respectively).

Abbreviations which are explicitly addressed by none of the approaches
studied, expect possibly NooJ, which however may handle them by a rather
38 / L I LT VOLUME 1, ISSUE 2 J ULY 2008

brute-force method only. Integrating abbreviations into the morphology of

simple words (e.g. by saying that phys is a possible realization of physical)
is a possible indication that they have been taken into account.
. Non-contiguous MWUs (or multi-word expressions) which are increasingly
taken into account.
. A non-redundant component description admitted by all but one approach.
Thus, the morphology of simple words is described first, and then MWUs
are seen as combinations of particular forms of simple words.
. The fact of allowing for morphological analysis and generation of MWUs.
Most approaches take both these applications into account.
. The automated lexicon creation. Surprisingly enough, it has been proposed
by only two approaches presented, although it seems inevitable if lexical-
ized approaches to compounding are to efficiently reach large-scale dimen-
. The sense computation of multi-word units which seems distant from
the morphological description of those units. Although judged as non-
operational by Downing (1977), it has been addressed by several semantic
studies (e.g. Fabre and Sébillot, 1996). However, up to our knowledge, no
existing approach focuses equally on both morphosyntactic and seman-
tic phenomena in MWUs within a unique framework. LinGO, the only
approach presented here which aims at sense computation, leaves many
morphological questions unanswered.
Our comparative study does not allow for a clear-cut ranking of the ap-
proaches presented. None of them takes all of the linguistic properties and
applications discussed into account, or it is unclear if they do. Those that seem
particularly attentive to morphosyntactic flexibility of MWUs are Multiflex,
lexc and FASTR, as well as HABIL, which needs an additional unification
mechanism. However few hints exist with respect to how these four models
could be extended to cover a full range of non-contiguous multi-word units.
An interesting question, that was hardly addressed in the reference papers, is
how to represent MWUs whose individual components may enter into depen-
dency relations with external elements. Intuitively, LinGO and FASTR should
be most adapted to such cases due to the use of feature structures.
Note that our comparative study does not show how the different approaches
deal with deciding what should and what shouldn’t be considered as a multi-
word unit. As mentioned in section 1, avoiding these considerations is delib-
erate due to the existence of numerous and highly controversial views. More-
over, only some of the approaches presented here (the DELA approaches and
Sag et al., 2002) refer to in-depth linguistic theories proposing defining crite-
ria of compounds and other MWUs, and these could hardly be resumed by a
checklist. Nevertheless, an operational definition of a MWU is clearly a lin-

guistically crucial question, in particular in the context of lexical approaches,

for which the first step is to decide if a unit should or shouldn’t be included
in the lexicon.

5 Recommendations and perspectives

Our comparative study shows a large variety of formal models and compu-
tational tools proposed to account for morphological, morphosyntactic and
semantic variation of multi-word units in corpora. At the same time, the on-
going work on standards, such as Calzolari et al. (2002) and ISO/TC 37/SC
4 (2007), aims at establishing a common exchange framework for lexical re-
sources. Multi-word units and expressions are increasingly accounted for in
these proposals, however their morphology is not as extensively handled as
that of simple words. We hope that the following recommendations resulting
from our study may contribute to this discussion:
. A variety of natural languages should be taken into account during
elaboration of standards. The predominating position of the English lan-
guage has prevented the NLP research from a full appreciation of the im-
portance of morphological phenomena in multi-word units. Taking into ac-
count lesser studied, often inflectionally rich, languages, such as Slavic or
concatenative languages, should lead to more universal models, platforms
and standards.
. For instance, the study of these languages argues for the necessity of a uni-
fication mechanism for a compact description of agreement rules between
components, as well as of huge inflectional paradigms (cf. example (70)).
. If we wish to provide a reusable and universal morphological resource of
MWUs, it is important to take at least the two most general linguistic ap-
plications into account: the morphological analysis and generation. In
particular, it should be possible not only to identify a MWU in a corpus but
also to annotate it with morphological features necessary for further pro-
cessing stages. Approaches like IDAREX, that don’t allow for annotation,
seem satisfactory only for a limited number of applications (e.g. concor-
. On the very basic graphical level, the NLP community is still far from
reaching a consensus on what should be considered as an elementary indi-
visible unit. Morphological analyzers of simple words differ on this point,
even with respect to the same natural language. However, defining the
graphical frontier between lexical units is necessary, as it influences the
way how multi-word units are defined and processed. We think that the
definition of a lexical unit should be flexible, and adaptable to each
new language or application. In particular, it should be possible to de-
scribe squeezed compounds as sequences of simple words. Conversely,
French DELAC English DELAC Greek DELAC NooJ DELAC Multiflex
(1993) (2000) (2002) (2005) (2005)
J ULY 2008

Separators as
1 × × × X X
2 Squeezed MWUs × × × × X
3 Exocentric MWUs X X × X X
4 Irregular agreement × X × X X
5 Defective paradigms X X X X X
6 × × × X X
and omissions
7 Order change × × × × X
8 Duplications × × × × X
9 Derivational variants × × × × ×
10 Semantic variants × × × × ×
11 Abbreviations × × × X ×
12 Unification × X × × X
13 Non-abstract lemmas × X × X X
14 Non-contiguous MWUs × × × × ×
15 Non-redundancy X X X × X

16 Infl. analysis X X X X X
17 Infl. generation X X X X X
Automated MWU
18 × × × × X
lexicon creation
19 Sense computation × × × × ×
text filters, sublists, restriction cut-and-paste graphs,
20 Formal tool
FSTs FSTs filters, FSTs rules, FSTs FSTs
Number of
21 126,000 60,000 27,000 ? 2,822
MWUs described
22 Language French English Greek English Serbian

TABLE 3 Comparative features of tools for MWU inflectional description. DELA dictionaries.
lexc IDAREX Oflazer et al. HABIL LinGO FASTR
(1992) (1996) (2004) (2004) (2004) (2001)
Separators as
1 X X ? × × X
2 Squeezed MWUs X ? ? × × ×
3 Exocentric MWUs X X ? ? ? X
4 Irregular agreement X X ? X ? X
5 Defective paradigms X X ? X ? X
6 X X ? X ? X
and omissions


7 Order change X X ? X ? X
8 Duplications X X X X ? X
9 Derivational variants X ? ? ? ? X
10 Semantic variants × × × × ? X
11 Abbreviations × × × × × ×
12 Unification X × ? × X X
13 Non-abstract lemmas ? ? ? X ? X
14 Non-contiguous MWUs × X ? X X ×
15 Non-redundancy X X X X X X
16 Infl. analysis X × X X X X
17 Infl. generation X × ? X X ×
Automated MWU
18 × × × × × X
lexicon creation
19 Sense computation × × × × X ×
FSTs, regular FSTs relational HPSG
20 Formal tool FSTs structures,
expressions Perl rules database rules
Number of
21 10 ? 1,110 2,270 125 72,000
MWUs described
22 Language French German Turkish Basque English English

TABLE 4 Comparative features of tools for MWU inflectional description. Other approaches.
42 / L I LT VOLUME 1, ISSUE 2 J ULY 2008

sequences containing blanks (e.g. a priori) should be describable as

indivisible tokens. Moreover, it should be possible to view separators,
punctuation marks, digits, etc. as full members of MWUs and allow to
describe their absence, presence and variation.
. For an efficient human usage and treatment, non-abstract lemmas of MWUs
should be offered to lexicographers. As seen in section 2.5, a lemma of a
MWU may contain simple words that are not lemmas themselves. Thus,
avoiding abstract multi-word base forms requires the annotation of
simple components with their own base forms and features, as in the
English DELAC, Multiflex and HABIL.
. The extensiveness of orthographic, morphological, syntactic and se-
mantic variation calls for a common descriptive framework in which
all those types of variations could be taken into account. Here again, lesser
studied languages, such as Turkish, reveal new types of morphosyntactic
variants such as duplications.
. In order to express omissions, insertions and order changes, it is necessary
to refer to the position of a single component in a compound. In the
existing approaches that may be done either by numbering lexical items (as
in IDAREX, Multiflex, HABIL and FASTR), or by regular expressions that
identify token frontiers (as in lexc).
. Most often, morphological forms that simple words take within MWUs, are
subsets of the inflectional paradigms of these words. Thus, it seems most
natural to admit a ‘two-layer’ approach12:
.. Describing the morphology of simple words as individual units.
Describing multi-word units as morphologically and syntactically con-
ditioned compositions of simple words and other lexical items, such as
separators, digits, etc.
Approaches, such as NooJ, in which this postulate is not assumed, suffer
from a too high degree of redundancy in component morphology descrip-
. Studies on the morphological treatment of simple words have been devel-
oped for decades and resulted in a large number of formalisms and tools
in various languages. Rather than impose a uniform framework both for
simple words and MWUs, it seems reasonable to encourage modularity
and interoperability. Thus, a morphological module for MWUs should be
able to interact with any such module for simple words, provided that some
interface constraints have been properly defined and respected.
. In order to reach large-scale dimensions in MWU resources, tools for au-
tomated lexicon enrichment should be integrated into the descriptive
12 Not to be confused with Koskenniemi’s two-level morphology.

. Non-contiguous MWUs, as well as their sense computation, remain a chal-

lenge. Studies dedicated to multi-word expressions should focus as much
on their morphological constraints as on their semantic complexity.
A substantial effort has been made in ISO/TC 37/SC 4 (2007) in order to
propose the Lexical Markup Framework (LMF), an abstract metamodel for
computational lexicons. In this normative proposal the so-called core pack-
age allows to define senses and definitions of lexical entries. It is accompa-
nied by specialized extensions, three of which are of main interest for us:
the morphology extension, the NLP paradigm pattern extension, and the NLP
multi-word expression patterns extension. While the morphology of simple
words is documented there with numerous examples, in which different lan-
guages and varying formalisms are expressed, no examples are given of how
inflected forms of MWUs can be expressed in terms of inflected forms of
their components. Investigating how different lexical approaches to MWU
morphology can be mapped onto to this proposal, and an extension of the
norm if necessary, are necessary tasks.

The author is grateful to Jean-Yves Antoine, as well as to three anonymous
reviewers, for their critical remarks on a previous version of this study.

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1 Extracts of DELAC files

1.1 French DELAC, Silberztein (1993a)

1.2 English, French and Polish DELAC, Savary (2000)

gentleman(gentleman.N8:s) farmer(farmer.N1:s),N:s/+N
man(man.N8:s) servant(servant.N1:s),N:s/+N
birth date(date.N1:s),N:s/+N
man eater(eater.N1:s),N:s/+N
students’ union(union.N1:s),N:s/+N
date(date.N1:s) of birth,N:s/+N
attorney(attorney.N1:s) general(general.N1:s),N:s/+N
battle(battle.N1:s) royal(royal.N1:s),N:s/+N
student(student.N1:s) union(union.N1:s),N:s/+N

cordon(cordon.N1:ms) bleu(bleu.A32:ms),N:ms/+N
cousin(cousin.N32:ms) germain(germain.A32:ms),N:ms/+N+G
mémoire(mémoire.N21:fs) vive(vif.A38:fs),N:fs/+N
toile(toile.N21:fs) d’araignée(araignée.N21:fs),N:fs/+N

zimne(zimny.A-ny:Mfp) nogi(noga.N4-ga:Mfp),N+AN:Mfp/+C

1.3 English, French, Polish and Serbian DELAC in Multiflex

attorney(attorney.N1:s) general(general.N1:s),NC_NXN1
battle(battle.N1:s) royal(royal.N1:s),NC_NXN1
birth date(date.N1:s),NC_NN_NofN
gentleman(gentleman.N8:s) farmer(farmer.N1:s),NC_NXN
man eater(eater.N1:s),NC_XXN
man(man.N8:s) servant(servant.N1:s),NC_NXN
student(student.N1:s) union(union.N1:s),NC_NXN1s

cordon(cordon.N1:ms) bleu(bleu.A32:ms),NC_NXA
cousin(cousin.N32:ms) germain(germain.A32.N:ms),NC_NXAmf
mémoire(mémoire.N21:fs) vive(vif.A38:fs),NC_NXA
toile(toile.N21:fs) d’araignée(araignée.N21:fs),NC_NDN1

majster(majster.N1-er:Mos) klepka(klepka.N4-ka:Mfs),NC_NXN1
zimne(zimny.A-ny:Mfp) nogi(noga.N4-ga:Mfp),NC_AXNninv

A PPENDIX : / 49

2 Extracts of DELACF files

2.1 English
attorney general,attorney general.N:s
attorneys general,attorney general.N:p
attorney generals,attorney general.N:p
battle royal,battle royal.N:s
battles royal,battle royal.N:p
battle royals,battle royal.N:p
birth date,birth date,N:s
birth dates,birth date,N:p
date of birth,birth date,N:s # Multiflex
date of birth,date of birth,N:s # Savary (2000)
dates of birth,birth date,N:p # Multiflex
dates of birth,date of birth,N:p # Savary (2000)
gentleman farmer,gentleman farmer.N:s
gentlemen farmers,gentleman farmer.N:p
man eater,man eater.N:s
man eaters,man eater.N:p
man servant,man servant.N:s
men servants,man servant.N:p
student union,student union,N:s
students union,student union,N:s
students’ union,student union,N:s # Multiflex
students’ union,students’ union,N:s # Savary (2000)
student unions,student union,N:p
students unions,student union,N:p
students’ unions,student union,N:p # Multiflex
students’ unions,students’ union,N:p # Savary (2000)

2.2 French
cordon bleu,cordon bleu.N:ms
cordons bleus,cordon bleu.N:mp
cousin germain,cousin germain.N:ms
cousins germains,cousin germain.N:mp
cousine germaine,cousin germain.N:fs
cousines germaines,cousin germain.N:fp
mémoire vive,mémoire vive.N:fs
mémoires vives,mémoire vive.N:fp
toile de araignée,toile de araignée.N:fs

toiles de araignée,toile de araignée.N:fp

toiles de araignées,toiles de araignées.N:fp #Silberztein (1993a)
toiles de araignées,toiles de araignée.N:fp #Savary (2000), Multiflex

2.3 Polish
majster klepka,majster klepka.N:Mos
majstra klepki,majster klepka.N:Dos
majstrowi klepce,majster klepka.N:Cos
majstra klepk˛e,majster klepka.N:Bos
majstrem klepka,majster
˛ klepka.N:Ios
majstrze klepce,majster klepka.N:Los
majstrze klepko,majster klepka.N:Vos
majstrzy klepki,majster klepka.N:Mop
majstrów klepek,majster klepka.N:Dop
majstrom klepkom,majster klepka.N:Cop
majstrów klepki,majster klepka.N:Bop
majstrami klepkami,majster klepka.N:Iop
majstrach klepkach,majster klepka.N:Lop
majstrzy klepki,majster klepka.N:Vop
zimne nogi,zimne nogi.N:Mfp
zimnych nóg,zimne nogi.N:Dfp
zimnym nogom,zimne nogi.N:Cfp
zimne nogi,zimne nogi.N:Bfp
zimnymi nogami,zimne nogi.N:Ifp
zimnych nogach,zimne nogi.N:Lfp
zimne nogi,zimne nogi.N:Vfp

2.4 Serbian
radio aparat,radio-aparat.N:s1qm
radio aparata,radio-aparat.N:s2qm
radio aparatu,radio-aparat.N:s3qm
radio aparat,radio-aparat.N:s4qm
radio aparate,radio-aparat.N:s5qm
radio aparatom,radio-aparat.N:s6qm
radio aparatu,radio-aparat.N:s7qm
radio aparati,radio-aparat.N:p1qm
radio aparata,radio-aparat.N:p2qm
radio aparatima,radio-aparat.N:p3qm
radio aparate,radio-aparat.N:p4qm
radio aparati,radio-aparat.N:p5qm
radio aparatima,radio-aparat.N:p6qm
radio aparatima,radio-aparat.N:p7qm
A PPENDIX : / 51

radio aparata,radio-aparat.N:w2qm
radio aparata,radio-aparat.N:w4qm

3 English, French, Polish and Serbian inflectional graphs in


<$1> <$2> <Nb=s>
<$1:Nb=p> <$2>
<$3> <Nb=p>

FIGURE 5 Multiflex inflection graph NC_NXN1 for attorney general and battle royal
in English

<$1> <$2> <$3:Nb=$n>


FIGURE 6 Multiflex inflection graph NC_XXN for bas-relief and man eater in English

<$1> <$2> <$3:Nb=$n>

<$3:Nb=$n> <$2> of <$2> <$1> <Nb=$n>

FIGURE 7 Multiflex inflection graph NC_NN_NofN for birth date in English

<$1:Nb=$n> <$2> <$3:Nb=$n>

FIGURE 8 Multiflex inflection graph NC_NXN for gentleman farmer and man servant
in English
A PPENDIX : / 53

<$1> <$2> <$3:Nb=$n>

<$1:Nb=p> <Nb=$n>

FIGURE 9 Multiflex inflection graph NC_NXN1s for student union in English

<$1:Gen==$g;Nb=$n> <$2> <$3:Gen=$g;Nb=$n>

FIGURE 10 Multiflex inflection graph NC_NXA for cordon bleu and mémoire vive in

<$1:Gen=$g;Nb=$n> <$2> <$3:Gen=$g;Nb=$n>


FIGURE 11 Multiflex inflection graph NC_NXAmf for cousin germain in French

<$1:Gen==$g;Nb=$n> <$2> <$3> <$4>
<Gen=$g;Nb=$n> <$5:Nb=$n>

FIGURE 12 Multiflex inflection graph NC_NDN1 for toile d’araignée in French

<$1:Gen==$g;Nb=$n;Case=$c> <$2> <$3:Nb=$n;Case=$c>


FIGURE 13 Multiflex inflection graph NC_NXN1 for majster klepka in Polish

<$1:Gen=$g;Nb=$n;Case=$c> <$2> <$3:Gen==$g;Nb==$n;Case=$c>


FIGURE 14 Multiflex inflection graph NC_AXNninv for zimne nogi in Polish

<$1> <$3:Nb=$n;Case=$c;Anim==$a;Gen==$g>
<$2> <Nb=$n;Case=$c;Anim=$a;Gen=$g>

FIGURE 15 Multiflex inflection graph NC_2XN6 for radio-aparat in Serbian

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