Final Examination FOUN I-2001

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BAHIRDAR University

Engineering Faculty
Department of Civil Engineering Q No. Mark
1 (a) 10
Final Examination 1 (b) 20
Foundation I : CEng- 334 2 10
Exam Code : CEng/334/06 3 10
Date : Thursday, May 35, 2009 4 20
Time allowed : 4:00 Hrs 5 20
Total # of Questions :5 Total 90pts
Net 40%

Academic year: 2008/09 A.Y. (2001 E.C.), 2nd Semester -Regular program
Instruction to the candidates
• Attempt all questions.
• Examination is OPEN book.
• Mobil phones & electronic gadgets, such as laptops and programmable calculators
are not allowed in to the examination Hall.
Candidates should attempt all problems briefly and clearly.

1. Answer (solve) the following:

a) For the geometry & loading condition shown in Fig.1, proportion safe & an economical
isolated square footing and provide your answer to the nearest multiple of 5 after decimal
point. Use Meyerhof’s bearing capacity equation to proportion the footing for a factor of
safety of 2.

b) For the loading condition shown in Fig.1 and the dimension obtained above, design the
footing structurally according to limit state design philosophy. Consider a uniform contact
pressure distribution.
Concrete and steel data’s with fck = 20 MPa, fyk = 300 Mpa.
Only φ16mm & φ14mm deformed bars in longitudinal and transverse direction respectively.
Clear cover of 7cm
Full answers are required: such as
Effective depth & total thickness of footing
Total Area of Reinforcement required in both direction including the total number of rebar
and the spacing required based on the diameter of rebar given.
Checking weather bending of the bars is required or not for adequate anchorage.
Full structural detailing and proper leveling of design out puts.

2. Proportion an economical rectangular combined footing for the loading condition and for the
alignment given in Fig. 2. Use σall =100 kPa.

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3. For the same geometry and loading condition in problem #2 above, proportion an economical
size of strap footing to sustain the given loads safely. Use the ratio of a1/b1 as 1.2 and b1 = b2.
Compare the results of problem #2 & #3 and suggest which one is the best proposal.

4. The column lay out of a building is given below in Fig 3. Design a rectangular combined footing
for the columns C1 and C2. Use σall = 350 kPa and consider a uniform contact pressure
distribution. Use LSD method with fck = 25 MPa, fyk = 300 Mpa. Use only φ16mm & φ14mm
deformed rebar’s in longitudinal and transverse direction respectively. Use clear cover of 7cm.
Start first checking bearing capacity requirement,

Full answers are required: such as

Effective depth & total thickness of footing
Total Area of Reinforcement required in both direction including the total number of
rebar and the spacing required based on the diameter of rebar given for the corresponding
directions and critical sections.
Checking weather bending of the bars is required or not for adequate anchorage.
Full structural detailing and proper leveling of design out puts.

5. A gravity retaining wall founded on reinforced continuous footing is shown in Fig.4. Additional
data’s are given below:-
Use Rankine’s lateral earth pressure theory,
k1= k2 = 2/3 and unit weight of concrete = 24.5 kN/m3.
The backfill and the base soil is the same.
The minimum factor of safety required for all the following cases is 2.0
Based on the given information:
a) Determine the thickness of the footing ‘D’ for the external stability of the structure
against overturning limit state.
b) Using D obtained in (a) above, check the stability of the structure against sliding
limit state
c) Check the stability of the structure against bearing capacity, use σall = 200 kPa.
d) Recommend possible measures if the wall is Unstable in part (b) & part (c).

End of Exam, No Further Questions!!

Sunday, May 31, 2009– Prepared
Examiner; Addiszemen Teklay (Ato)

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Loading of footing

Size in cm. P (kN) H (kN) My (kN-m) at point A Mx (kN-m) at point A

40 x 40 2000 200 200 100

Point A Sand
2m 30
18 /

l Mx

Fig.1 [For problem #1]

0.6m 4.8m 0.6m

C1 C2
Property line
Property line

Column Size in cm. P (kN.) My (kN.-m) Mx (kN.-m)

C1 40 x 40 700 20 10
C2 40 x 40 700 20 10

Fig.2 [For problem #2 & #3]

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1.0m 4.0 m 1.0m
C1 x C2

Column Size in cm. P (kN.) My (kN.-m) Mx (kN.-m)

C1 40 x 40 2000 20 0
C2 40 x 40 2000 15 0

Fig.3 [For problem #4]

Surcharge = 15 kPa
0.5 m

1.5 m

Back fill sand

C’ = 0 kPa
φ' = 350
γ = 18 kN/m3 5.0 m



1.0 m 0.75m 1.25m

Fig.4 [For problem #5]

No Further Drawing

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