Week 009 Calculus I - Optimization
Week 009 Calculus I - Optimization
Week 009 Calculus I - Optimization
I apologize for the outage on the site yesterday and today. Lamar University is in Beaumont
Texas and Hurricane Laura came through here and caused a brief power outage at Lamar.
Things should be up and running at this point and (hopefully) will stay that way, at least until
the next hurricane comes through here which seems to happen about once every 10-15
years. Note that I wouldn't be too suprised if there are brief outages over the next couple of
days as they work to get everything back up and running properly. I apologize for the
August 27, 2020
In this section we are going to look at another type of optimization problem. Here we will be
looking for the largest or smallest value of a function subject to some kind of constraint. The
constraint will be some condition (that can usually be described by some equation) that must
absolutely, positively be true no matter what our solution is. On occasion, the constraint will not
be easily described by an equation, but in these problems it will be easy to deal with as we’ll see.
This section is generally one of the more difficult for students taking a Calculus course. One of
the main reasons for this is that a subtle change of wording can completely change the problem.
There is also the problem of identifying the quantity that we’ll be optimizing and the quantity that
is the constraint and writing down equations for each.
The first step in all of these problems should be to very carefully read the problem. Once you’ve
done that the next step is to identify the quantity to be optimized and the constraint.
In identifying the constraint remember that the constraint is the quantity that must be true
regardless of the solution. In almost every one of the problems we’ll be looking at here one
quantity will be clearly indicated as having a fixed value and so must be the constraint. Once
you’ve got that identified the quantity to be optimized should be fairly simple to get. It is however
easy to confuse the two if you just skim the problem so make sure you carefully read the problem
Let’s start the section off with a simple problem to illustrate the kinds of issues we will be dealing
with here.
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9/4/2020 Calculus I - Optimization
Example 1 We need to enclose a rectangular field with a fence. We have 500 feet of fencing
material and a building is on one side of the field and so won’t need any fencing. Determine the
dimensions of the field that will enclose the largest area.
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In the previous problem we used the method from the Finding Absolute Extrema section to find
the maximum value of the function we wanted to optimize. However, as we’ll see in later
examples it will not always be easy to find endpoints. Also, even if we can find the endpoints we
will see that sometimes dealing with the endpoints may not be easy either. Not only that, but this
method requires that the function we’re optimizing be continuous on the interval we’re looking at,
including the endpoints, and that may not always be the case.
So, before proceeding with any more examples let’s spend a little time discussing some methods
for determining if our solution is in fact the absolute minimum/maximum value that we’re looking
for. In some examples all of these will work while in others one or more won’t be all that useful.
However, we will always need to use some method for making sure that our answer is in fact that
optimal value that we’re after.
This is the method used in the first example above. Recall that in order to use this method the
interval of possible values of the independent variable in the function we are optimizing, let’s call
it I , must have finite endpoints. Also, the function we’re optimizing (once it’s down to a single
variable) must be continuous on I , including the endpoints. If these conditions are met then we
know that the optimal value, either the maximum or minimum depending on the problem, will
occur at either the endpoints of the range or at a critical point that is inside the range of possible
There are two main issues that will often prevent this method from being used however. First, not
every problem will actually have a range of possible solutions that have finite endpoints at both
ends. We’ll see at least one example of this as we work through the remaining examples. Also,
many of the functions we’ll be optimizing will not be continuous once we reduce them down to a
single variable and this will prevent us from using this method.
In this method we also will need an interval of possible values of the independent variable in the
function we are optimizing, I . However, in this case, unlike the previous method the endpoints do
not need to be finite. Also, we will need to require that the function be continuous on the interior
of the interval I and we will only need the function to be continuous at the end points if the
endpoint is finite and the function actually exists at the endpoint. We’ll see several problems
where the function we’re optimizing doesn’t actually exist at one of the endpoints. This will not
prevent this method from being used.
Let’s suppose that x = c is a critical point of the function we’re trying to optimize, f (x). We
already know from the First Derivative Test that if f ′ (x) > 0 immediately to the left of x = c (i.e.
the function is increasing immediately to the left) and if f ′ (x) < 0 immediately to the right of
x = c(i.e. the function is decreasing immediately to the right) then x = c will be a relative
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Now, this does not mean that the absolute maximum of f (x) will occur at x = c. However,
suppose that we knew a little bit more information. Suppose that in fact we knew that f ′ (x) > 0
for all x in I such that x < c. Likewise, suppose that we knew that f ′ (x) < 0 for all x in I such
that x > c. In this case we know that to the left of x = c, provided we stay in I of course, the
function is always increasing and to the right of x = c, again staying in I , we are always
decreasing. In this case we can say that the absolute maximum of f (x) in I will occur at x = c.
Similarly, if we know that to the left of x = c the function is always decreasing and to the right of
x = c the function is always increasing then the absolute minimum of f (x) in I will occur at
x = c.
Before we give a summary of this method let’s discuss the continuity requirement a little.
Nowhere in the above discussion did the continuity requirement apparently come into play. We
require that the function we’re optimizing to be continuous in I to prevent the following situation.
In this case, a relative maximum of the function clearly occurs at x = c. Also, the function is
always decreasing to the right and is always increasing to the left. However, because of the
discontinuity at x = d, we can clearly see that f (d) > f (c) and so the absolute maximum of
the function does not occur at x = c. Had the discontinuity at x = d not been there this would
not have happened and the absolute maximum would have occurred at x = c.
Let I be the interval of all possible values of x in f (x), the function we want to optimize, and
further suppose that f (x) is continuous on I , except possibly at the endpoints. Finally suppose
that x = c is a critical point of f (x) and that c is in the interval I . If we restrict x to values from I
(i.e. we only consider possible optimal values of the function) then,
1. If f ′ (x) > 0 for all x < c and if f ′ (x) < 0 for all x > c then f (c) will be the absolute
maximum value of f (x) on the interval I .
2. If f ′ (x) < 0 for all x < c and if f ′ (x) > 0 for all x > c then f (c) will be the absolute
minimum value of f (x) on the interval I .
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There are actually two ways to use the second derivative to help us identify the optimal value of a
function and both use the Second Derivative Test to one extent or another.
The first way to use the second derivative doesn’t actually help us to identify the optimal value.
What it does do is allow us to potentially exclude values and knowing this can simplify our work
somewhat and so is not a bad thing to do.
Suppose that we are looking for the absolute maximum of a function and after finding the critical
points we find that we have multiple critical points. Let’s also suppose that we run all of them
through the second derivative test and determine that some of them are in fact relative minimums
of the function. Since we are after the absolute maximum we know that a maximum (of any kind)
can’t occur at relative minimums and so we immediately know that we can exclude these points
from further consideration. We could do a similar check if we were looking for the absolute
minimum. Doing this may not seem like all that great of a thing to do, but it can, on occasion, lead
to a nice reduction in the amount of work that we need to do in later steps.
The second way of using the second derivative to identify the optimal value of a function is in fact
very similar to the second method above. In fact, we will have the same requirements for this
method as we did in that method. We need an interval of possible values of the independent
variable in function we are optimizing, call it I as before, and the endpoint(s) may or may not be
finite. We’ll also need to require that the function, f (x) be continuous everywhere in I except
possibly at the endpoints as above.
Now, suppose that x = c is a critical point and that f ′′ (c) > 0. The second derivative test tells
us that x = c must be a relative minimum of the function. Suppose however that we also knew
that f ′′ (x) > 0 for all x in I . In this case we would know that the function was concave up in all
of I and that would in turn mean that the absolute minimum of f (x) in I would in fact have to be
at x = c.
Likewise, if x = c is a critical point and f ′′ (x) < 0 for all x in I then we would know that the
function was concave down in I and that the absolute maximum of f (x) in I would have to be at
x = c.
Let I be the interval of all possible values of x in f (x), the function we want to optimize, and
suppose that f (x) is continuous on I , except possibly at the endpoints. Finally suppose that
x = c is a critical point of f (x) and that c is in the interval I . Then,
1. If f ′′ (x) > 0 for all x in I then f (c) will be the absolute minimum value of f (x) on the
interval I .
2. If f ′′ (x) < 0 for all x in I then f (c) will be the absolute maximum value of f (x) on the
interval I .
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9/4/2020 Calculus I - Optimization
As we work examples over the next two sections we will use each of these methods as needed in
the examples. In some cases, the method we use will be the only method we could use, in others
it will be the easiest method to use and in others it will simply be the method we chose to use for
that example. It is important to realize that we won’t be able to use each of the methods for every
example. With some examples one method will be easiest to use or may be the only method that
can be used, however, each of the methods described above will be used at least a couple of
times through out all of the examples.
It is also important to be aware that some problems don’t allow any of the methods discussed
above to be used exactly as outlined above. We may need to modify one of them or use a
combination of them to fully work the problem. There is an example in the next section where
none of the methods above work easily, although we do also present an alternative solution
method in which we can use at least one of the methods discussed above.
Next, the vast majority of the examples worked over the course of the next section will only have
a single critical point. Problems with more than one critical point are often difficult to know which
critical point(s) give the optimal value. There are a couple of examples in the next two sections
with more than one critical point including one in the next section mentioned above in which none
of the methods discussed above easily work. In that example you can see some of the ideas you
might need to do in order to find the optimal value.
Finally, in all of the methods above we referenced an interval I . This was done to make the
discussion a little easier. However, in all of the examples over the next two sections we will never
explicitly say “this is the interval I ”. Just remember that the interval I is just the largest interval of
possible values of the independent variable in the function we are optimizing.
Example 2 We want to construct a box whose base length is 3 times the base width. The
material used to build the top and bottom cost $10/ft2 and the material used to build the sides
cost $6/ft2. If the box must have a volume of 50ft3 determine the dimensions that will minimize
the cost to build the box.
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Example 3 We want to construct a box with a square base and we only have 10 m2 of material to
use in construction of the box. Assuming that all the material is used in the construction process
determine the maximum volume that the box can have.
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In the last two examples we’ve seen that many of these optimization problems can be done in
both directions so to speak. In both examples we have essentially the same two equations:
volume and surface area. However, in Example 2 the volume was the constraint and the cost
(which is directly related to the surface area) was the function we were trying to optimize. In
Example 3, on the other hand, we were trying to optimize the volume and the surface area was
the constraint.
It is important to not get so locked into one way of doing these problems that we can’t do it in the
opposite direction as needed as well. This is one of the more common mistakes that students
make with these kinds of problems. They see one problem and then try to make every other
problem that seems to be the same conform to that one solution even if the problem needs to be
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worked differently. Keep an open mind with these problems and make sure that you understand
what is being optimized and what the constraint is before you jump into the solution.
Also, as seen in the last example we used two different methods of verifying that we did get the
optimal value. Do not get too locked into one method of doing this verification that you forget
about the other methods.
Let’s work some another example that this time doesn’t involve a rectangle or box.
Example 4 A manufacturer needs to make a cylindrical can that will hold 1.5 liters of liquid.
Determine the dimensions of the can that will minimize the amount of material used in its
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As an interesting side problem and extension to the above example you might want to show that
for a given volume, L, the minimum material will be used if h = 2r regardless of the volume of
the can.
In the examples to this point we’ve put in quite a bit of discussion in the solution. In the remaining
problems we won’t be putting in quite as much discussion and leave it to you to fill in any missing
Example 5 We have a piece of cardboard that is 14 inches by 10 inches and we’re going to cut
out the corners as shown below and fold up the sides to form a box, also shown below.
Determine the height of the box that will give a maximum volume.
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Example 6 A printer need to make a poster that will have a total area of 200 in2 and will have 1
inch margins on the sides, a 2 inch margin on the top and a 1.5 inch margin on the bottom as
shown below. What dimensions will give the largest printed area?
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We’ve worked quite a few examples to this point and we have quite a few more to work.
However, this section has gotten quite lengthy so let’s continue our examples in the next section.
This is being done mostly because these notes are also being presented on the web and this will
help to keep the load times on the pages down somewhat.
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