8 класс 4 четверть
8 класс 4 четверть
8 класс 4 четверть
Planned timings Planned activities (replace the notes below with Resources
your planned activities)
5 min
What’s in this module?
Read the title of the module Food & Drink and ask Ss
to suggest what they think it means. Go through the
topic list and stimulate a discussion to prompt Ss’
interest in the module.
5 min (An activity to consolidate the language of the lesson.)
Ask the pupils to speak about food and drinks they like
with possible reasons for it.
Planned timings Planned activities (replace the notes below with your Resources
planned activities)
5 min To introduce the topic; To listen and read for gist
Ask Ss to look at the pictures and guess which festival
each food is related to. Play the recording. Ss listen and
read the text and find out.
Answer Key
haggis – Burns Night minestrone – Sagra delle Virtú
smoked fish – Midsummer hotdogs, corn on the cob
Independence Day jerk chicken – Notting Hill Carnival
parkin – Bonfire Night Dundee cake – Hogmanay
Refer Ss to the Word List to look up the words in the
Middle To read for specific information
30 min Explain the task. Allow Ss time to read the headings and
then read the text again and complete the task. Check Ss’
Answer Key
A 7 B 5 C 2 D 6 E 8 F 1 G 3
To consolidate comprehension of a text
Read out the example question and answer and then ask
Ss to ask and answer questions based on the text in
closed pairs.
Monitor the activity around the class and then ask some
Ss to ask and answer in front of the class.
Suggested Answer Key
A: What do the Swedish and Finnish celebrate between
20th and 26th June?
B: Midsummer.
A: What do people do on 4th July in the USA?
B: They watch fireworks, and have barbecues and
A: What dish do people eat at the Notting Hill Carnival?
B: They eat jerk chicken.
A: When is Guy Fawkes’ Night?
B: It is on 5th November.
A: What is the New Year’s Eve celebration called in
B: It’s called Hogmanay.
To consolidate new vocabulary
Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it referring
to the text as necessary.
Answer Key
1 dinner 3 vegetables 5 street
2 thick 4 fireworks 6 colourful
Then read out the example sentences and give Ss time to
make sentences based on the text using the collocations.
Elicit answers from Ss around the class.
Suggested Answer Key
Minestrone is a type of thick soup. It is made with fresh
vegetables. On Independence Day, there are fireworks
displays across America. Notting Hill Carnival is a street
festival in London. There is a colourful parade with
Caribbean music.
5 min At the end of the lesson, learners reflect on their learning:
Students describe three things they have learned.
Home task: to prepare a festival calendar
Explain the task: produce a festival calendar similar to
the text in Ex. 1
Saying goodbye
Planned timings Planned activities (replace the notes below with Resources
your planned activities)
Begining Introducing lesson objectives
5 min Warm-up
Teacher asks some questions to learners:
-How do you start your day? PPT
-What gives you energy for the first part of the day?
-What do you think people around the world have
for breakfast? Learners answer them in pairs.
Middle Activity 1
30 min Learners watch the video “What does the World eat https://
for breakfast?” www.youtube.c
and express their opinion answering this question, om/watch?
What is the healthiest one? v=ry1E1uzPSU
Activity 2
Learners brainstorm their ideas on the question,
“Why breakfast is a very important meal of the
day?” and write them on the blackboard.
Activity 3
Learners listen to the video and answer the questions
using plenty of, small number/amount of something
in your answers. Then they talk to their partners and
discuss the answers.
Why is breakfast the most important meal of the
What should you eat for breakfast?
What are the food groups?
What is balanced breakfast?
Activity 4
Learners discuss questions in a class and share ideas
and express their opinion. Then learners assess
themselves or in pairs
What is balanced breakfast and why is it important?
What would be an example of balanced breakfast in
your country?
Activity 5
Learners watch the video and try to remember as
much information as they can. After watching this
video learners should underline what ingredients are
used to make English Breakfast in the video and
answer some questions.
Learners can discuss these questions as a whole
class. And then teacher can check their written
speech and give them a task to describe the
preparation of the British Breakfast.
Activity 6
Learners read the text using Jigsaw Reading strategy
Teacher puts the learners in groups of 3 people and
gives each learner a paragraph to read. When they
finish reading they share their information with the
other group mates. Before starting reading the
paragraphs, teacher explains the learners that they
need to fill in the table while they are listening to
their group mate.
End Plenary PPT 13
5 min Teacher asks learners, “What new words did you
learn today?”
In addition, if it is enough time to play spelling
game, they play it.
Home task: make a list of ingredients and write a
recipe for the breakfast Builging healthy breakfast”
Saying goodbye
Class discussion HO 1 or 2
After they have written down foods in pyramid, they
need to compare in groups which countries have a
healthier diet.
They need to answer the questions:
What country has the healthiest food?
Do schools in Kazakhstan have a healthy diet?
What can be consequences of unhealthy eating?
End Plenary
5 min Learners write on the stickers what they liked the
most on the lesson and stick to the white board,
discuss it with classmates.
Home task: How would you promote a “healthy
eating” campaign in your school? Work in pairs to
make a list of ideas.
Saying goodbye
If learners prefer to read the text and complete the
table individually, teacher should support less-able PPT Slides 14-
learners. 15
Activity 3
Discuss the following question:
What picture shows carbohydrates, fat,
proteins and mineral-rich products?
PPT Slide 16-18
Learners should discuss it and match the pictures Handout 2
and nutrients. Then they read some
recommendations about food groups, which will be
useful in their future life.
Activity 4
Learners fill in the gaps in the text with new
vocabulary and check what they have already learnt
about the healthy food.
End Plenary PPT Slide 19
5 min Learners check their progress and should answer
these questions:
What is a nutrient? List five nutrients we need from
our food.
Explain why fibre is important in the diet.
Name the nutrients that:
an athlete eats for energy
help build and maintain the body
are special substances the body needs in small
amounts but cannot make itself.
Home task: to write essay “Healthy food “
Saying goodbye
Learning Plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with little
objectives support on a growing range of general and curricular topics; Write with moderate grammatical accuracy on a growing range
of familiar general and curricular topics.
Middle Activity 1
30 min Brainstorming ideas
Learners brainstorm key elements of a Successful
Restaurant. Their task is to explain why these ideas PPT Slide 4
are important for a good restaurant.
Activity 2
Teacher explains how to write an opinion essay with PPT Slides 5-9
a help of appropriate structure. Learners should Opinion essay:
write the information into their copybooks in order Idea Map
to review it.
Differentiation www.education.
Teacher can use some resources for academic com/
writing if her/his learners are more able and if it is worksheet/
not interesting for them to work on the suggested article/opinion-
samples of graphic organizers in the presentation. essay-idea-map/
How to Write
Activity 3 an Opinion
Teacher introduces the topic of the essay “If I were a Essay
restaurant owner…” and explains the assessment http://
criteria. www.murphyce
Activity 4 English3201/
Teacher monitors their writings and helps less-able HandoutWriting
learners plan, organize the ideas and make up theOpinionEssa
sentences. y.htm
Handout 1
Activity 5
Peer-editing PPT Slide 10
Learners work in pairs and check their classmates’
essays using the given criteria.
For less-able learners, teacher can present the rules
first with a few examples, and then the learners do
the exercise. Learners complete the sentences
individually and check them in pairs. Alternatively,
teacher can set the exercise for homework.
Gap fill
1. French 2.German 3.Thai 4.English 5.Irish
Matching exercise
1. Tomato salad 2. Vegetable pasta
3. Grilled fish and potatoes
4. Cheese and biscuits
5. Chicken sandwich 6. Mineral water
Activity 3
When learners finish their task teacher makes them
hang their menus on the wall and gives them out Handout 1
enough stars to assess menu of other groups PPT Slide 9
according to criteria. One pair or group should
assess one pair or group.
When learners finish their assessment, they will give
their feedback to that group or pair which they
assessed. Teacher express his/her own opinion.
Activity 4
Learners should do the same matching test as they
have done at the beginning of the lesson and check
their answers.
End Plenary PPT Slide 10
5 min Learners should write their reflection.
The most interesting thing on the lesson was
I should work on my … as I noticed from the lesson
that …
Home task: to finish making the leaflet
Saying goodbye
Activity 3
Learners in pairs will choose one job from the list.
Teacher asks them to prepare complex questions
about one job.
Learners have to create 5-7 questions on the points
given in the card. HO1
Teacher monitors and helps weak learners.
Learners will find the answer to their questions in
the text
1. Bartender
2. Waiter
3. Restaurant manager
4. Chef/cook
5. Barista
Activity 4
Group discussions:
What are the pros and cons of working in
Teacher divides learners into 2 groups by separating
Teacher puts in one group all 5 jobs.
Learners will have to come up with advantages and
disadvantage of working in restaurants from
different job perspectives
Teacher monitors learners discussions and makes
sure that everyone is responding to the question
End Plenary
5 min What I have learned
I have still difficulties in….
I would like to learn more about……..
Home task: to write about advantages and
disadvantage of working in restaurants from
different job perspectives
Saying goodbye
Are you looking for somewhere special to go this
weekend? Do you want to try something new?
Check out one of these hot new restaurants.
This week’s top recommendations
A) Last Days of the Raj
B) Taste of Tuscany
C) Your Local Caff
D) The Lemon Tree
E) Fast Best
F) The Chocolate Box
G) Musical Chairs
Task 2. Discuss the questions in a class.
Which restaurant would you choose to go and why?
Have you ever tried foreign foods? Describe your
Do you ever go on diets? Do you think diets work?
Is dieting dangerous, in your opinion?
Do you think that we eat better now than we did in
the past? Explain your answer.
Do you agree with genetically modifying the food
we eat? What are the advantages of genetically
modified food? What are the disadvantages?
Do you think the following sayings are true?
Why/Why not? ‘An apple a day keeps the doctor
away’, ‘Carrots help you see in the dark’.
End Plenary
5 min Learners answer the questions.
What difficulties did you have today while you were
doing the tasks?
What tasks were easiest for you? Why?
What have you learned today?
Home task: to revise grammar themes
Saying goodbye
Previous learning Learning about different jobs and careers; attending talks on
careers by visitors to the school
Planned timings Planned activities (replace the notes Resources
below with your planned activities)
Begining Complete with the words: costume, Recording
5 min statue, Video
humor, still, room, mask, slowly,
clothes, job, paint. Use the phrases to
present Christina and Joe to the class.
Tell the class three things you
remember from the texts in Ex. 2
Middle 1. Which of the jobs in the texts Ask various Ss around the
30 min would/ wouldn’t you like to do? Why? class to say three things they
In three minutes write a few sentences. remember from the text.
Read your sentences to your partner .
Ex 6b
3. Listen to Petra talking about her job Explain the task. Go through
and work routine and complete the the table and make sure that
table in your notebook. Talk about Ss understand the vocabulary.
Petra’s job and work routine Ex 8a,b • Encourage
Ss to suggest possible
answers. • Play the
recording. Ss listen and
complete the table. Play
the recording again if
necessary. • Check Ss’
answers around the class.
Think of an unusual job. Make notes
under the headings in Ex. 8a. Write a
short text. Present your job to the class.
Explain the task and ask Ss to work in
small groups and think of an unusual
job. • Then ask Ss to copy the table
from Ex. 8a into their notebooks and
complete it. • Allow Ss some time to
complete the task. • Ss share their jobs
with the rest of the class.
End Plenary
5 min What I have learned
I have still difficulties in….
I would like to learn more about……..
Home task: Student’s Book:
Language review 3a Workbook: 3a
Saying goodbye
Answer Key
1 writer 4 artist,
3.Read the theory box. Then, complete each mathematician 2 actor 5
sentence with the correct noun formed from president
the words in brackets. Ex 7
To practise role-playing
Ask Ss to work in pairs and act out a similar dialogue
using the dialogue in Ex. 3 as a model. • To help Ss draw
the following diagram on the board and elicit appropriate
phrases Ss should use.
Write them on the board. Ss can refer to thediagram while
doing the task.
Listen and repeat.
• part time • sales assistant • hardworking • footsteps •
video games . ex 7
End Plenary
5 min Learners answer the questions.
What difficulties did you have today while you were
doing the tasks?
What tasks were easiest for you? Why?
What have you learned today?
Home task: to prepare similar dialogues
Saying goodbye
Middle 1. Read the texts and complete the gaps with words
30 min derived from the words in brackets. Listen and Video
check. Ex 2
5 min At the end of the lesson, learners reflect on their
Students describe three things they have learned.
Home task: to finish the writing a text about a public
holiday in your country
Saying goodbye
Task 2. Think about ONE job. Write the description
of the job without naming what the job is. Describe
the place where the person works, qualities or skills
that are required for the job.
You should:
use present continuous forms to express future;
link sentences into paragraphs logically using
appropriate connectors;
write with grammar accuracy;
use appropriate topical vocabulary.
End Reflection
5 min Learners provide feedback on what they have
learned at the lesson. Learners will continue the
following sentences:
In this lesson I was a little bit surprised
I got interested in…
The most difficult point for me was….
Home task: to revise grammar themes
Saying goodbye
Lesson objectives Learners should identify whether the statements are True or False
according to the interview
enables learners to identify whether the given statements are true or
false according to the context.
should choose one topic to write an essay using appropriate style and
pair up and have a two-way conversation discussing the given
Previous learning Optional Secret Agents! Project
Planned timings Planned activities (replace the notes below with Resources
your planned activities)
2 min Learners are introduced LO.
SA Listening
35 min Task. You will hear a radio interview with a famous cardiologist.
Decide whether the statements are TRUE or FALSE.
Transcript for listening task can be found after the mark scheme.
The main reason for increasing problems with heart is modern
Dr. Shaw says most people would eat a healthier diet if they had more
If you have a healthy diet, you don’t have to exercise.
Task. Read the text about Kenneth. Mark the sentences TRUE or
FALSE according to the context.
My dream job
Task. Choose ONE of the topics to write.
Task. Work in pairs. Choose one of the cards and answer the
questions. You have 1 minute to prepare and 3 minutes to speak.
3 min There smiley faces are on the board. (happy and sad)
T. suggests choosing any smiley face. Ss will choose
one and put on their desks.
Well what did we do in our lesson?
Home task: revise vocabulary
Saying goodbye
LESSON 102 School: Stavropolka Secondary School
Unit 9: The World of Work
Date: Teacher name: Rogova V.V.
Grade: 8 Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the Unit revision
Learning use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk
objectives about a range of general topics, and some curricular topics - understand specific information and detail in texts on a
growing range of familiar general and curricular topics, including
some extended texts; interact with peers to negotiate, agree and organise priorities
and plans for completing classroom tasks; use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk
about a range of general topics, and some curricular topics recognize the opinion of the speaker(s) with little or no
support in extended talk on a wide range of general and curricular
topics link, independently, sentences into coherent paragraphs using
a variety of basic connectors on a range of familiar general topics and
some curricular topics interact with peers to negotiate, agree and organise priorities
and plans for completing classroom tasks; use speaking and listening skills to solve problems creatively
and cooperatively in groups;
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
use some language from the module to express views and pose some
relevant activity accurately
Most learners will be able to:
use a range of language from the module to express views and pose a
range of relevant activityaccurately
Some learners will be able to:
use a wide range of language from the module to express views and
pose a range of relevant activity accurately
Previous learning Summative control work for the 4th term
Planned timings Planned activities (replace the notes below with Resources
your planned activities)
Learners are introduced LO. help the
5 min
Describe the picture. What is a green roof? Discuss. reduce heating
Ex 1 and cooling
A green roof is a roof of a building that is needs of
partly or totally covered in vegetation: buildings.
grass, flowers or any other kind of plant. Also, they give
Under the soil in which the vegetation grows wildlife a natural
are several layers which prevent water and habitat to live in
roots from damaging the original roof. How do you
think green roofs help the environment? Ex 2
Middle Read the text and mark the sentences as T (true) 1F2F3T4T
or F (false). 5T6F
30 min
Ex 3 1 d 4 l 7 a 10 m
13 h
Match the words in bold (1-13) in the text to their 2 i 5 b 8 k 11 e
g 6 j 9 c 12 f
meanings (a-m). Ex 4
Green roofs look very nice and are a colorful
change if you live in a drab and grey city. If
you have a green roof you can save money on
heating costs. Also, they encourage insects
and birds to set up home.