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LESSON 79 School: Stavropolka Secondary School

Unit 8: Food and Drink

Date: Teacher name: Rogova V.V.
Grade: 8 Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the Focusing on food in Kazakhstan
Learning C10 - - use talk or writing as a means of reflecting on and
objectives exploring a range of perspectives on the world
S7 - - use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to
talk about a range of general topics, and some curricular topics

Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:

use some target vocabulary successfully in opinion tasks and show
some gist understanding of the appropriate situation
Most learners will be able to:
use most target vocabulary successfully inn opinion tasks and show
some gist understanding of the appropriate situation
Some learners will be able to:
use most target vocabulary successfully in opinion tasks, read
effectively for gist and identify all specific information
Previous learning Unit revision

Planned timings Planned activities (replace the notes below with Resources
your planned activities)
5 min
What’s in this module?
Read the title of the module Food & Drink and ask Ss
to suggest what they think it means. Go through the
topic list and stimulate a discussion to prompt Ss’
interest in the module.

Find the page numbers for

Explain/Elicit the meaning of any unknown words,
then Ss find the page numbers for the items listed. Ask
questions to check Ss’ understanding.
Answer Key a food calendar (p. 88) Have you ever
seen/used a food calendar? Do you know any of these
festivals/special dishes? Would you like to try them?
Why (not)?
a menu (p. 94) Where can you see a menu? What
would you like to eat/drink from this menu?
measurements (p. 97) Which of these measurements
do you use? What do they measure?
Middle Vocabulary
30 min 1 To present foods and drinks
Direct Ss to the pictures. • Play the recording. Ss listen
and repeat chorally and/or individually.

2 To talk about foods and drinks

Read the question and the example aloud and then ask
various Ss to offer answers.

Suggested Answer Key

I’d eat pizza/roast chicken with potatoes and carrots/
grilled fish and rice for dinner.
I’d eat salad/a burger for lunch.
I’d eat cereal with milk/yoghurt for breakfast.
I’d eat chocolate cake/yoghurt/fresh fruit for dessert.
I’d drink orange juice for breakfast.
I’d drink a milkshake for a snack.

3 To talk about foods and drinks

Read the question and the example aloud and then
elicit answers from various Ss from around the class.

Suggested Answer Key

I like eating chocolate cake because it is delicious.
I like eating yoghurt because it is light.
I like eating roast chicken with potatoes and carrots
because it is filling.
I like eating cereal because it is light.
I like drinking orange juice because it is tasty.
I like eating burgers because they are delicious.
I like eating pizza because it is tasty.
I like eating grilled fish and rice because it is
I like eating salad because it is healthy.
I like drinking milkshakes because they are tasty.

5 min (An activity to consolidate the language of the lesson.)
Ask the pupils to speak about food and drinks they like
with possible reasons for it.

Home task: Ex: 3 at page 56 Complete the sentences

with the verbs below in the correct form.
Saying goodbye
LESSON 80 School: Stavropolka Secondary School
Unit 8: Food and Drink
Date: Teacher name: Rogova V.V.
Grade: 8 Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the Focusing on food in Kazakhstan
Learning – deduce meaning from context with little or no support in
objectives extended talk on a growing range of general and curricular topics – understand specific information and detail in texts on a
growing range of familiar general and curricular topics, including
some extended texts - recognise typical features at word, sentence and text level
in a range of written genres – use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to
talk about a range of general topics, and some curricular topics – develop intercultural awareness through reading and
discussion – write with minimal support about real and imaginary past
events, activities and experiences on a range of familiar general topics
and some curricular topics
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
listen and read for gist and for specific information, prepare a calendar
of festivals
Most learners will be able to:
listen and read for gist and specific information, to learn cooking
methods, prepare a calendar of festivals
Some learners will be able to:
listen and read for gist and specific information, to cooking methods,
talk about festival food, prepare a calendar of festivals
Previous learning Focusing on food in Kazakhstan

Planned timings Planned activities (replace the notes below with your Resources
planned activities)
5 min To introduce the topic; To listen and read for gist
Ask Ss to look at the pictures and guess which festival
each food is related to. Play the recording. Ss listen and
read the text and find out.
Answer Key
haggis – Burns Night minestrone – Sagra delle Virtú
smoked fish – Midsummer hotdogs, corn on the cob

Independence Day jerk chicken – Notting Hill Carnival
parkin – Bonfire Night Dundee cake – Hogmanay
Refer Ss to the Word List to look up the words in the
Middle To read for specific information
30 min Explain the task. Allow Ss time to read the headings and
then read the text again and complete the task. Check Ss’
Answer Key
A 7 B 5 C 2 D 6 E 8 F 1 G 3
To consolidate comprehension of a text
Read out the example question and answer and then ask
Ss to ask and answer questions based on the text in
closed pairs.
Monitor the activity around the class and then ask some
Ss to ask and answer in front of the class.
Suggested Answer Key
A: What do the Swedish and Finnish celebrate between
20th and 26th June?
B: Midsummer.
A: What do people do on 4th July in the USA?
B: They watch fireworks, and have barbecues and
A: What dish do people eat at the Notting Hill Carnival?
B: They eat jerk chicken.
A: When is Guy Fawkes’ Night?
B: It is on 5th November.
A: What is the New Year’s Eve celebration called in
B: It’s called Hogmanay.
To consolidate new vocabulary
Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it referring
to the text as necessary.
Answer Key
1 dinner 3 vegetables 5 street
2 thick 4 fireworks 6 colourful
Then read out the example sentences and give Ss time to
make sentences based on the text using the collocations.
Elicit answers from Ss around the class.
Suggested Answer Key
Minestrone is a type of thick soup. It is made with fresh
vegetables. On Independence Day, there are fireworks
displays across America. Notting Hill Carnival is a street
festival in London. There is a colourful parade with
Caribbean music.
5 min At the end of the lesson, learners reflect on their learning:
Students describe three things they have learned.
Home task: to prepare a festival calendar
Explain the task: produce a festival calendar similar to
the text in Ex. 1
Saying goodbye

LESSON 81 School: Stavropolka Secondary School

Unit 8: Food and Drink
Date: Teacher name: Rogova V.V.
Grade: 8 Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the Making a class chart and looking at break-fasts around the
lesson: world
Learning Deduce meaning from context with little or no support in
objectives extended talk on a growing range of general and curricular topics Recount some extended stories and events on a range of
general and curricular topics Understand specific information and detail in texts on a
growing range of familiar general and curricular topics, including
some extended texts Write with minimal support about real and imaginary past
events, activities and experiences on a range of familiar general topics
and some curricular topics
Lesson objectives Learners will be able to:
infer meanings of unfamiliar words from context
find specific information
retell the information from the text
write a recipe
Previous learning Focusing on food in Kazakhstan

Planned timings Planned activities (replace the notes below with Resources
your planned activities)
Begining Introducing lesson objectives
5 min Warm-up
Teacher asks some questions to learners:
-How do you start your day? PPT
-What gives you energy for the first part of the day?
-What do you think people around the world have
for breakfast? Learners answer them in pairs.

Middle Activity 1
30 min Learners watch the video “What does the World eat https://
for breakfast?” www.youtube.c
and express their opinion answering this question, om/watch?
What is the healthiest one? v=ry1E1uzPSU
Activity 2
Learners brainstorm their ideas on the question,
“Why breakfast is a very important meal of the
day?” and write them on the blackboard.

Activity 3
Learners listen to the video and answer the questions
using plenty of, small number/amount of something
in your answers. Then they talk to their partners and
discuss the answers.
Why is breakfast the most important meal of the
What should you eat for breakfast?
What are the food groups?
What is balanced breakfast?
Activity 4
Learners discuss questions in a class and share ideas
and express their opinion. Then learners assess
themselves or in pairs
What is balanced breakfast and why is it important?
What would be an example of balanced breakfast in
your country?

Activity 5
Learners watch the video and try to remember as
much information as they can. After watching this
video learners should underline what ingredients are
used to make English Breakfast in the video and
answer some questions.
Learners can discuss these questions as a whole
class. And then teacher can check their written
speech and give them a task to describe the
preparation of the British Breakfast.

Activity 6
Learners read the text using Jigsaw Reading strategy
Teacher puts the learners in groups of 3 people and
gives each learner a paragraph to read. When they
finish reading they share their information with the
other group mates. Before starting reading the
paragraphs, teacher explains the learners that they
need to fill in the table while they are listening to
their group mate.
End Plenary PPT 13
5 min Teacher asks learners, “What new words did you
learn today?”
In addition, if it is enough time to play spelling
game, they play it.
Home task: make a list of ingredients and write a
recipe for the breakfast Builging healthy breakfast”
Saying goodbye

LESSON 82 School: Stavropolka Secondary School

Unit 8: Food and Drink
Date: Teacher name: Rogova V.V.
Grade: 8 Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the Making a class chart and looking at break-fasts around the
lesson: world
Learning Understand with little or no support most of the implied
objectives meaning in extended talk on a range of general and curricular topics Link comments with some flexibility to what others say at
sentence and discourse level in pair, group and whole class exchanges Use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk
about a range of general topics, and some curricular topics Use a growing variety of quantifiers for countable and
uncountable nouns including several, plenty, a large/small
number/amount on a range of familiar general and curricular topics
Lesson objectives Learners will be able to:
recognize the content of an extended conversation
revise food pyramid facts and vocabulary
compare different countries’ school lunches
present info about dishes in different countries
apply topic related vocabulary in written and oral speech
Previous learning Making a class chart and looking at break-fasts around the world
Planned timings Planned activities (replace the notes below with Resources
your planned activities)
Begining Introducing lesson objectives
10 min Warm-up PPT 2
Learners discuss what may influence on people’s
eating habits.
Activity 1
What country has a healthier diet?
Teacher focuses learners’ attention on where we live PPT 3-4
and shows next slide where learners will see
different flags. HO 1
Learners will name different dishes of countries and
their ingredients (sushi, beshparmak, pasta,) Do
you think they are nutritious?
Activity 2
Learners need to answer the following questions
about Rumiko
What is she eating?
What is ‘sushi’?
Have you ever tired it? Is it healthy?
Do you think food for her is fuel or pleasure?
Middle Activity 3
25 min Learners will listen to Rumiko from Japan.
While listening learners will answer the questions
and write them down on paper HO 1
Then they will answer the question “Do you think
food for her is fuel or pleasure?”
Activity 4 PPT 5
Teacher asks learners,
“Do you think Japanese children eat more nutritious
food in schools?” “What do you think about school
meals in Kazakhstan?”
Personalizing: Rumiko says “When I was younger I
used to eat….” What did you use to eat when you
were younger? Or in your old school?
Learners need to write 3-5 sentences about previous
school meal, answering the following questions and
using the model sentences.
Did you use to have breakfast at home or at school?
Did you like your old school lunch? Why?
Which school has a healthier diet?
I used to have …….for breakfast
I used to have ………….for lunch
I used to eat more/less…….. in my old school
My present school meals are (healthier, unhealthier)
because they are high/low in……..
Teacher monitors learners writing. Then learners in
pairs share their sentences. Open class feedback PPT 6-16
Activity 5
Do you think that your school lunch is healthier than
other countries? E.g. the USA, Japan, India. Why?
Do other countries follow the food pyramid rules? In
what country food can be fuel and pleasure?

Class discussion HO 1 or 2
After they have written down foods in pyramid, they
need to compare in groups which countries have a
healthier diet.
They need to answer the questions:
What country has the healthiest food?
Do schools in Kazakhstan have a healthy diet?
What can be consequences of unhealthy eating?
End Plenary
5 min Learners write on the stickers what they liked the
most on the lesson and stick to the white board,
discuss it with classmates.
Home task: How would you promote a “healthy
eating” campaign in your school? Work in pairs to
make a list of ideas.
Saying goodbye

LESSON 83 School: Stavropolka Secondary School

Unit 8: Food and Drink
Date: Teacher name: Rogova V.V.
Grade: 8 Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the Healthy food (this relates to maths and biology)
Learning Use speaking and listening skills to provide sensitive feedback
objectives to peers Use talk or writing as a means of reflecting on and exploring a
range of perspectives on the world Interact with peers to negotiate, agree and organise priorities
and plans for completing classroom tasks Link comments with some flexibility to what others say at
sentence and discourse level in pair, group and whole class exchanges Write with minimal support about real and imaginary past
events, activities and experiences on a range of familiar general topics
and some curricular topics
Lesson objectives Learners will be able to:
put the ingredients in the appropriate food group;
answer the questions about balanced lunch box;
try to use topical vocabulary and terms to express his/her awareness of
the presented topic;
be able to reflect on their presentation by pointing out the key elements
of the presentation;
describe the process of preparation and identifies the problem she/he
faced with.
Previous learning Making a class chart and looking at break-fasts around the world
Planned timings Planned activities (replace the notes below with Resources
your planned activities)
Begining Introducing lesson objectives PPT Slides 1-14
5 min Warm up
Learners review new words and expressions from
the previous lesson playing a vocabulary game
“Bluff”. Teacher divides learners into two groups
and asks learners to give the definitions to the
words. The learners who think they know the
answer can stand up. Also, learners who are bluffing
that they know the answer can also stand. The
teacher calls on a learner at random to define the
word. If the learner gets it, their team gets points for
every team member that is standing. If the learner
does not get it, the team loses points for every team
member standing. The team with the most points at
the end wins. (Teacher can read about the rules of
the game in Methodological Instructions).
As a variation, instead of asking the learners to
define a word, teacher could ask a question, or get
the learners to use the target vocabulary in a
sentence, ask them to spell a word, elicit vocabulary
from flashcards.
Middle Activity 1
30 min Teacher begins the lesson by asking learners to
pretend they have to pack a lunch for an elementary https://
aged child. Teacher asks them to write down what www.youtube.c
they would put inside the lunch box. om/watch?
Activity 2 v=Lovw5uohkC
Teacher asks learners to identify the food groups A
that are in their boxes and then classify as to what
foods are nutrient dense.
Activity 3
Teacher introduces the concept of Bento Boxes via
this You Tube video “What is a Bento Box?”
Learners need to write down an important
information from the video. Learners present the
information from the video drawing Mind maps or
retelling it.
Activity 4
Teacher shows them some creative examples of
Bento Bowes with some websites and he/she selects
a couple of examples and asks learners to identify
the foods used to create the lunches. Learner need to
add some product to make it complete according to
MyPlate video.
Teacher asks learners:
What do they need to add to make it complete?
Would they want to eat it?
What would they rather eat if they were a little child
and why?
Learners’ turn to partner up and create a creative
Bento Box style lunch for an elementary aged child.
Teacher encourages them to use a theme and kid
friendly foods.
Learners will complete this project at home, but
teacher gives them a little planning time to discuss
ideas, plan work times and to figure out the
End Plenary Teacher spends some time on the
5 min explanations of the 5 basic rules of an everyday
Bento lunch. Teacher asks learners what else they
would like to add to these rules.
Home task: to finish the work
Saying goodbye
LESSON 84 School: Stavropolka Secondary School
Unit 8: Food and Drink
Date: Teacher name: Rogova V.V.
Grade: 8 Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the Healthy food (this relates to maths and biology)
Learning differing points of view
objectives with peers to negotiate, agree and organise priorities
and plans for completing classroom tasks appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk
about a range of general topics, and some curricular topics specific information and detail in texts on a
growing range of familiar general and curricular topics, including
some extended texts; typical features at word, sentence and text level in a
range of written genres
Lesson objectives Learners will be able to:
-learn about useful nutrients;
-list the five main nutrients the human body needs and explain their
role in the diet;
-realize particular facts and parts in the reading passage;
-discuss some questions on the topic.
Previous learning Healthy food (this relates to maths and biology)
Planned timings Planned activities (replace the notes below with Resources
your planned activities)
Begining Introducing lesson objectives Power point
5 min presentation
Warm up PPT Slides 1-5
Teacher focuses learner’s attention on the title of the
Teacher shows the slide with a list of food. Learners
should decide what food is healthy.
Middle Activity 1
30 min Express your opinion
Teacher asks learners to express their opinions about
salt, sugar, oil, meat, bread and butter. Learners
practice their speaking skills using phrases for PPT Slide 6
expressing opinions.
Activity 2
Teacher tells the learners that they are going to read Handout 1
short texts about different nutrients in small groups. PPT Slides 7-12
Teacher divides the class into groups of three.
Learners should find unknown words, write them Resources were
down into their vocabularies, and then complete this taken from the
table with a description of the importance of each text book
food group. “Science” by
David and
Differentiation Penny Glover
Some of the words could be difficult for
understanding oflearners so it is suggested to show
the definitions of these words and give the
PPT Slide 13
Formative Assessment: Learners should assess
themselves checking the task together as a whole
group. Teacher monitors the process and makes
corrections if it is necessary.

If learners prefer to read the text and complete the
table individually, teacher should support less-able PPT Slides 14-
learners. 15

Activity 3
Discuss the following question:
What picture shows carbohydrates, fat,
proteins and mineral-rich products?
PPT Slide 16-18
Learners should discuss it and match the pictures Handout 2
and nutrients. Then they read some
recommendations about food groups, which will be
useful in their future life.

Activity 4
Learners fill in the gaps in the text with new
vocabulary and check what they have already learnt
about the healthy food.
End Plenary PPT Slide 19
5 min Learners check their progress and should answer
these questions:
What is a nutrient? List five nutrients we need from
our food.
Explain why fibre is important in the diet.
Name the nutrients that:
an athlete eats for energy
help build and maintain the body
are special substances the body needs in small
amounts but cannot make itself.
Home task: to write essay “Healthy food “
Saying goodbye

LESSON 85 School: Stavropolka Secondary School

Unit 8: Food and Drink
Date: Teacher name: Rogova V.V.
Grade: 8 Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the Drama: role-playing a fictitious family meal and/or a
lesson: scene in a restaurant

Learning Plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with little
objectives support on a growing range of general and curricular topics; Write with moderate grammatical accuracy on a growing range
of familiar general and curricular topics.

Lesson objectives Learners will be able to:

identify the parts of an essay and generate ideas in their own graphic
use basic topic-related vocabulary while brainstorming ideas and
writing an essay
complete sentences using some grammatical structures

Previous learning Healthy food (this relates to maths and biology)

Planned timings Planned activities (replace the notes below with Resources
your planned activities)
Begining Introducing lesson objectives PPT Slides 1-3
5 min
Teacher organizes a word dictation for learners.
They have a chance to review topic related
vocabulary, which they learnt during previous

Middle Activity 1
30 min Brainstorming ideas
Learners brainstorm key elements of a Successful
Restaurant. Their task is to explain why these ideas PPT Slide 4
are important for a good restaurant.

Activity 2
Teacher explains how to write an opinion essay with PPT Slides 5-9
a help of appropriate structure. Learners should Opinion essay:
write the information into their copybooks in order Idea Map
to review it.
Differentiation www.education.
Teacher can use some resources for academic com/
writing if her/his learners are more able and if it is worksheet/
not interesting for them to work on the suggested article/opinion-
samples of graphic organizers in the presentation. essay-idea-map/
How to Write
Activity 3 an Opinion
Teacher introduces the topic of the essay “If I were a Essay
restaurant owner…” and explains the assessment http://
criteria. www.murphyce
Activity 4 English3201/
Teacher monitors their writings and helps less-able HandoutWriting
learners plan, organize the ideas and make up theOpinionEssa
sentences. y.htm
Handout 1
Activity 5
Peer-editing PPT Slide 10
Learners work in pairs and check their classmates’
essays using the given criteria.

End Plenary PPT Slide 11

5 min Reflection
Teacher asks learners to write their answer to the
What was easy /difficult in the writing of the opinion
How is the structure of an opinion essay different
from the structure of a narrative/story?
Home task: to finish writing the topic of the essay
“If I were a restaurant owner…”
Saying goodbye
LESSON 86 School: Stavropolka Secondary School
Unit 8: Food and Drink
Date: Teacher name: Rogova V.V.
Grade: 8 Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the Looking at “Food for thought” and the role of Oxfam
Learning Understand with little or no support most of the detail of an
objectives argument in extended talk on a wide range of general and curricular
topics appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk
about a range of general topics, and some curricular topics Use a growing variety of quantifiers for countable and
uncountable nouns including several, plenty, a large/small
number/amount on a range of familiar general and curricular topics
Lesson objectives Learners will be able to:
improve vocabulary connected with food
complete the listening task correctly
differentiate countable and uncountable nouns
use quantifiers for countable and uncountable nouns
Previous learning Drama: role-playing a fictitious family meal and/or a
scene in a restaurant
Planned timings Planned activities (replace the notes below with Resources
your planned activities)
Begining Introducing lesson objectives PPT Slides1-3
5 min Warm - up
Teacher tells learners that they are going to PPT Slide 4
participate in Cook Contest next lesson. In order to
take part in that they should be able to explain how
their favourite food is prepared.
Then teacher shows learners a plan for this lesson.
Teacher gives learners the first handout where food
related words and explanation is given they need to Handout 1
review it and write down some new words with PPT Slide 5
definitions into their vocabularies. Handout 2
Teacher cuts the pictures and words and asks
learners to match them.
Middle Activity 1
30 min Vocabulary Quiz
Learners participate in the Vocabulary Quiz in order Vocabulary
to build up their vocabulary. They should give Quiz
correct answers. Presentation
Differentiation PPT Slides 1-20
Teacher asks to do this Vocabulary Quiz at the end
of the lesson for checking their knowledge.

Activity 2 PPT Slide 6

Learners should predict the food ingredients
according to the picture and then they watch Handout 3
KadhaiPaneer cooking video the first time. Learners PPT Slides 7,8
can check their predictions after watching it.
Learners are given handout and they should
familiarize with questions, then watch the video
again, answer to questions. Teacher gives some time https://
to finish two exercises and then learners are ready to www.linguahou
check their answers. se.com
Activity 3 food
Grammar review - Countable vs. Uncountable Lesson code:
Learners review the rule about countable and SS6M-41IE-
uncountable nouns. Their task is to complete the AXRV)
table on the handout 2. Handout 4
PPT Slides 9-14
Teacher should remind learners that when we refer
to the meat from a particular animal, the word is
usually uncountable, e.g. ‘some chicken’, even
though the word for the animal can be plural (`some

Learners cross out the wrong answers to complete

the sentences in the second exercise.
This next activity serves as a revision exercise for
learners who have studied the basic differences
countable and uncountable nouns.

For less-able learners, teacher can present the rules
first with a few examples, and then the learners do
the exercise. Learners complete the sentences
individually and check them in pairs. Alternatively,
teacher can set the exercise for homework.

End Plenary PPT Slide 15

5 min “The Exit Ticket”
In order to leave the class learners should say five
new words.
At first, they try to remember them, and then
learners ask each other in pairs. Finally, teacher asks
every learner individually.
Home task: to learn the new vocabulary
Saying goodbye

LESSON 87 School: Stavropolka Secondary School

Unit 8: Food and Drink
Date: Teacher name: Rogova V.V.
Grade: 8 Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the Learning how to make a leaflet using a word processor, digital
lesson: camera, esktop or other hardware etc
Learning Deduce meaning from context in short texts and some extended
objectives texts on a growing range of familiar general and curricular topics Plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with little
support on a growing range of general and curricular topics Write with minimal support about real and imaginary past
events, activities and experiences on a range of familiar general topics
and some curricular topics
Lesson objectives Learners will be able to:
practice doing comprehension tasks of reading correctly
learn and use new vocabulary connected with menu
practice planning and writing a menu effectively and without support
Previous learning Looking at “Food for thought” and the role of Oxfam
Planned timings Planned activities (replace the notes below with Resources
your planned activities)
Begining Introducing lesson objectives PPT Slides 1-4
5 min Warm-up Handout 1
Teacher gives out handout 1 for matching exercise.
Learners should match the items with the sections
and keep their answers as they are going to do the
same at the end of the lesson.
Middle Optional: Learners may present their videos with
30 min explanation from previous lesson in case they did
not have enough time to do that last lesson.
Handout 2
Activity 1 PPT Slide 5
Teacher gives out handout 2 and asks them to do
After each exercise teacher checks answers with the PPT Slide 6
whole class.
If there are many less-able learners in the class, then
teacher can organize this work in pairs.
Answer keys:
Check your understanding: true or false
1. True 2. False 3. True 4. False 5. False 6. True

Gap fill
1. French 2.German 3.Thai 4.English 5.Irish

Matching exercise
1. Tomato salad 2. Vegetable pasta
3. Grilled fish and potatoes
4. Cheese and biscuits
5. Chicken sandwich 6. Mineral water

Activity 2 PPT Slide 7

Teacher divides learners in a group of three or four
and explains them that they are going to create The
Menu of their restaurant.
Learners should consider that their menu should
consist of two parts that are list the food items and
They also should not forget to do the following
things: Assessment
Include the name of the restaurant. criteria
Describe each dish. Handouts 3,4
Add photos of food(optional).
Select the final layout. Handout 5
Choose the best dish and describe in a paragraph.
Teacher gives out handouts 3, 4 for each pair or Handout 6
group. Learners should use words from both table, PPT Slide 7
as there are items of menu and words for
description. Teacher gives them out assessment
criteria to make learners be aware of it.

Activity 3
When learners finish their task teacher makes them
hang their menus on the wall and gives them out Handout 1
enough stars to assess menu of other groups PPT Slide 9
according to criteria. One pair or group should
assess one pair or group.
When learners finish their assessment, they will give
their feedback to that group or pair which they
assessed. Teacher express his/her own opinion.

Activity 4
Learners should do the same matching test as they
have done at the beginning of the lesson and check
their answers.
End Plenary PPT Slide 10
5 min Learners should write their reflection.
The most interesting thing on the lesson was
I should work on my … as I noticed from the lesson
that …
Home task: to finish making the leaflet
Saying goodbye

LESSON 88 School: Stavropolka Secondary School

Unit 8: Food and Drink
Date: Teacher name: Rogova V.V.
Grade: 8 Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the Learning how to make a leaflet using a word processor, digital
lesson: camera, esktop or other hardware etc

Learning Ask more complex questions to get information about a

objectives growing range of general topics and some curricular topics Respond with some flexibility at both sentence and discourse
level to unexpected comments on a range of general and curricular

Lesson objectives Learners will be able to:

create a variety of complex questions
answer the questions without preparation and hesitation
Previous learning Learning how to make a leaflet using a word processor, digital
camera, esktop or other hardware etc
Planned timings Planned activities (replace the notes below with Resources
your planned activities)
Begining Introducing lesson objectives PPT 1-3
5 min
Learners should discuss these questions in groups.
What will happen if there is not teamwork in
Is it easy to work in restaurants?
Who else works in restaurants?
Can you name crewmembers?
Activity 1
After learners discuss the questions teacher shows
learning objectives, goes back to the questions and
asks learners which question is complex. Teacher
should give time to come up with answers and ask
them explain why. (Learners can say that complex
questions are hard to answer. They require opinion.)
Middle Activity 2 PPT Slides 4-5
30 min Learners guess question types. PPT Slides 6-7
Teacher shows the slides or prints out two slides for
learners to read about the definitions of open and
closed questions.
But he/she explains to learners that not all Wh
questions can be complex or even Yes/No questions
can be complex because sometimes they are not
easy to answer. Teacher shows the examples on
Slide 8.
Teacher elicits the restaurant crew and shows pics
of bartender and barista to guess.

Activity 3
Learners in pairs will choose one job from the list.
Teacher asks them to prepare complex questions
about one job.
Learners have to create 5-7 questions on the points
given in the card. HO1
Teacher monitors and helps weak learners.
Learners will find the answer to their questions in
the text
1. Bartender
2. Waiter
3. Restaurant manager
4. Chef/cook
5. Barista

Activity 4
Group discussions:
What are the pros and cons of working in
Teacher divides learners into 2 groups by separating
Teacher puts in one group all 5 jobs.
Learners will have to come up with advantages and
disadvantage of working in restaurants from
different job perspectives
Teacher monitors learners discussions and makes
sure that everyone is responding to the question
End Plenary
5 min What I have learned
I have still difficulties in….
I would like to learn more about……..
Home task: to write about advantages and
disadvantage of working in restaurants from
different job perspectives
Saying goodbye

LESSON 89 School: Stavropolka Secondary School

Unit 8: Food and Drink
Date: Teacher name: Rogova V.V.
Grade: 8 Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the Planning a birthday or celebration party
SA 1
Learning Deduce meaning from context in short texts and some
objectives extended texts on a growing range of familiar general and curricular
topics Ask more complex questions to get information about a
growing range of general topics and some curricular topics Respond with some flexibility at both sentence and
discourse level to unexpected comments on a range of general and
curricular topics Use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax
to talk about a range of general topics, and some curricular topics
Lesson objectives Identify the meaning and details of the reading texts on familiar topics
Formulate and ask questions that are more complex to get information
about the topic
Provide unprepared speech to answer a variety of questions at sentence
level and in conversations with some flexibility
Talk about given topics using appropriate syntax and topic related
vocabulary arranging words and phrases into well- formed sentences
Previous learning Learning how to make a leaflet using a word processor, digital
camera, esktop or other hardware etc
Planned timings Planned activities (replace the notes below with Resources
your planned activities)
Begining Introducing lesson objectives
5 min Teacher greets learners and introduces objectives.
Learners discuss and review five elements of the
Middle Activity 1 PPT
10 min Learners read the story and analyze it as a whole
Activity 2
Teacher explains how to write summary. Learners
practice in groups or in pairs how to do it.
Less-able learners can write question for the story. It
helps them to understand it better.
20 min Task 1. Read the text and answer the questions.

Are you looking for somewhere special to go this
weekend? Do you want to try something new?
Check out one of these hot new restaurants.
This week’s top recommendations
A) Last Days of the Raj
B) Taste of Tuscany
C) Your Local Caff
D) The Lemon Tree
E) Fast Best
F) The Chocolate Box
G) Musical Chairs

Write the correct letter. One restaurant is extra.

You don’t need to use.
Which Restaurant serves hot and spicy food?
Which restaurant only has desserts and sweets?
In which two restaurants can you listen to some
great music?
Which restaurant is good for people who do not eat
Which restaurant employs staff trained in Europe?
Which restaurant serves an all-day breakfast?

Task 2. Discuss the questions in a class.
Which restaurant would you choose to go and why?
Have you ever tried foreign foods? Describe your
Do you ever go on diets? Do you think diets work?
Is dieting dangerous, in your opinion?
Do you think that we eat better now than we did in
the past? Explain your answer.
Do you agree with genetically modifying the food
we eat? What are the advantages of genetically
modified food? What are the disadvantages?
Do you think the following sayings are true?
Why/Why not? ‘An apple a day keeps the doctor
away’, ‘Carrots help you see in the dark’.
End Plenary
5 min Learners answer the questions.
What difficulties did you have today while you were
doing the tasks?
What tasks were easiest for you? Why?
What have you learned today?
Home task: to revise grammar themes
Saying goodbye

LESSON 90 School: Stavropolka Secondary School

Unit 8: Food and Drink
Date: Teacher name: Rogova V.V.
Grade: 8 Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the Unit revision
Learning - use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk
objectives about a range of general topics, and some curricular topics - understand specific information and detail in texts on a
growing range of familiar general and curricular topics, including
some extended texts; - interact with peers to negotiate, agree and organise priorities
and plans for completing classroom tasks; - use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk
about a range of general topics, and some curricular topics - recognize the opinion of the speaker(s) with little or no
support in extended talk on a wide range of general and curricular
topics - link, independently, sentences into coherent paragraphs using
variety of basic connectors on a range of familiar general topics and
some curricular topics - interact with peers to negotiate, agree and organise priorities
and plans for completing classroom tasks; - use speaking and listening skills to solve problems creatively
and cooperatively in groups;
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
use some language from the module to express views and pose some
relevant activity accurately
Most learners will be able to:
use a range of language from the module to express views and pose a
range of relevant activityaccurately
Some learners will be able to:
use a wide range of language from the module to express views and
pose a range of relevant activity accurately
Previous learning Planning a birthday or celebration party
SA 1
Planned timings Planned activities (replace the notes below with Resources
your planned activities)
5 min 1.Read the title of the text. How can it be related
to the pictures? Read and check.
Suggested Answer
The title refers to keeping in shape and the
environment and it is related to the pictures of
people exercising and doing outdoor activities.
Middle 2.Read the text again. Fill in the gaps with the Answer Keys
30 min appropriate word. Compare with a partner. 3 1 at
Match the words in bold (1-8) in the text to their 2 or/and
meanings (a-h). 3 When
4 than
3.Match the words in bold (1-8) in the text to 5 be
their 6 makes
meanings (a-h). 7 less
Answer Key: 1 f 2 d 3 a 4 h 8 too
5 b 6 g 7 c 8 e 9 This
10 when
4. Read the text again and say how you can get fit 11 if
and help the environment at the same time. What 12 to
else can you do?
Suggested Answer
We can get fit and help the environment at the
same time by walking and cycling instead of
driving to places. We can also do outdoor
activities, like gardening, that help the
environment and are good exercise. Another idea
is to get involved in clean-up days and help clean
up the environment while exercising.

5.Is your ‘fitness programme’ green? Tell your

Suggested Answer
I play a lot of outdoor sports like football and
basketball that don’t use electricity. I also like to
ride my bike in the park and I never go to gyms.
In groups, try to think of other ways to help the
environment while working out. Then prepare a
poster presenting your findings to the class.
Follow your Green Fitness Programme for two
weeks. Has it helped you look and feel great? Tell
the class.
5 min “The Bullet Point” technique
-Learners get the sticky papers, write their names on
them, go to the board and stick the paper on one of
the four areas:
-Participated actively;
-It was interesting;
-Everything was clear;
-I have learned something new.
Home task: to revise grammar and vocabulary
Saying goodbye

LESSON 91 School: Stavropolka Secondary School

Unit 9: The World of Work
Date: Teacher name: Rogova V.V.
Grade: 8 Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the Learning about different jobs and careers; attending talks on
lesson: careers by visitors to the school
Learning - use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk
objectives about a range of general topics, and some curricular topics; - use imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and
feelings; - understand specific information and detail in texts on a
growing range of familiar general and curricular topics, including
some extended texts;
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information,
Most learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information, get an overview
of a module
Some learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information, talk about forms
of entertainment
Previous learning Unit revision
Planned timings Planned activities (replace the notes Resources
below with your planned activities)
Begining Introducing lesson objectives
5 min Warm-up
Teacher organizes activity for the start of
the lesson.
Learners find out where they might find
other people working. The places are
hidden in the boxes’
For example,“Today the policeman is
working in the street.”

Look at the pictures (1-12). Listen and

To generate topic-related vocabulary
Write the title ‘entertainment’ on the board
and the examples ‘actor’ and ‘singer’.
Explain the task to Ss. Allow them one
minute to complete the task.
Ask Ss to share their answers with their
partner and then with the rest of the class.
Middle 1. What does each person do at work? Use Suggested Answer Key
30 min the phrases to tell the class. dancer, comedian,
Write the title ‘entertainment’ on the board musician, clown,
and the examples ‘actor’ and ‘singer’. director, composer,
Explain the task to Ss. Allow them one magician, ballerina,
minute to complete the task. • Ask Ss to circus performer, etc
share their answers with their partner and
then with the rest of the class.

2. Find the page numbers for ……… Suggested Answer Key

Direct Ss’ attention to the pictures. • Elicit a The pictures show
variety of answers to the questions in the people who have strange
rubric. jobs. There is someone
dressed as a cartoon
To introduce the topic and predict the character and a woman
content of the text who looks like a statue. I
Direct Ss’ attention to the pictures. think the cartoon
Elicit a variety of answers to the questions character works at a
in the theme park and the
rubric. statue woman might be
an actress.
3. In a minute, write as many jobs as you
can related to entertainment (actor, singer, Answer Key 1 A 2 B 3
etc). Compare with your partner. B 4 A 5 A • Direct Ss to
Allow Ss some time to read the text again the Word List to look up
and answer the questions. • Check Ss’ the meanings of the
answers words in the Check these
words box. • Play the
4. Look at the pictures. Where do these video and elicit Ss’
people work? What do they do for a living? comments.
Listen and read to find out. Then match the
pictures to the texts
End Reflection Student’s Book:
5 min Learners provide feedback on what they Language Review 9a
have learned at the lesson.
I think the lesson was productive, because

I think I was not as active as it should be,
Home task: Read the texts and answer the
questions. Which of the entertainers (A or
B). ... Workbook: 9a
Saying goodbye

LESSON 92 School: Stavropolka Secondary School

Unit 9: The World of Work
Date: Teacher name: Rogova V.V.
Grade: 8 Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the Learning about different jobs and careers; attending talks on
lesson: careers by visitors to the school
Learning respect differing points of view;
objectives - give an opinion at discourse level on a wide range of general
and curricular topics; - understand with little or no support most specific information
in extended talk on a wide range of general and curricular topics; - link comments with some flexibility to what others say at
sentence and discourse level in pair, group and whole class exchanges;

Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:

Listen and read for gist, read for specific information, learn about
compound nouns and compound adjectives
Most learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information, learn about
compound nouns and compound adjectives, talk about water
Some learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information, learn about
compound nouns and compound adjectives, talk about water
attractions, recommend and write a blog entry

Previous learning Learning about different jobs and careers; attending talks on
careers by visitors to the school
Planned timings Planned activities (replace the notes Resources
below with your planned activities)
Begining Complete with the words: costume, Recording
5 min statue, Video
humor, still, room, mask, slowly,
clothes, job, paint. Use the phrases to
present Christina and Joe to the class.
Tell the class three things you
remember from the texts in Ex. 2
Middle 1. Which of the jobs in the texts Ask various Ss around the
30 min would/ wouldn’t you like to do? Why? class to say three things they
In three minutes write a few sentences. remember from the text.
Read your sentences to your partner .
Ex 6b

2. Fill in: artist, presenter, trainer, Draw Ss’ attention to the

guard, worker, driver, agent, surgeon, Study Skills box and read
designer, programmer, pilot, assistant through the examples. •
to form compound nouns. Listen and Explain the task and any
check. Listen again and repeat. Mind unknown words. • Allow Ss
the stressed syllables. Ex 7a some time to complete
the task. • Play the
recording. Ss listen and
check their answers

3. Listen to Petra talking about her job Explain the task. Go through
and work routine and complete the the table and make sure that
table in your notebook. Talk about Ss understand the vocabulary.
Petra’s job and work routine Ex 8a,b • Encourage
Ss to suggest possible
answers. • Play the
recording. Ss listen and
complete the table. Play
the recording again if
necessary. • Check Ss’
answers around the class.
Think of an unusual job. Make notes
under the headings in Ex. 8a. Write a
short text. Present your job to the class.
Explain the task and ask Ss to work in
small groups and think of an unusual
job. • Then ask Ss to copy the table
from Ex. 8a into their notebooks and
complete it. • Allow Ss some time to
complete the task. • Ss share their jobs
with the rest of the class.
End Plenary
5 min What I have learned
I have still difficulties in….
I would like to learn more about……..
Home task: Student’s Book:
Language review 3a Workbook: 3a
Saying goodbye

LESSON 93 School: Stavropolka Secondary School

Unit 9: The World of Work
Date: Teacher name: Rogova V.V.
Grade: 8 Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the Discussing the advantages and disadvantages of taking a gap
lesson: year
Learning - give an opinion at discourse level on a wide range of general
objectives and curricular topics; - use some reported speech forms for statements, questions
and commands: say, ask, tell including reported requests on a range of
familiar general and curricular topics - understand with little or no support most specific information
in extended talk on a wide range of general and curricular topics; - write with moderate grammatical accuracy on a growing
range of familiar general and curricular topics Plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with little
support on a growing range of general and curricular topics Write with moderate grammatical accuracy on a growing range
of familiar general and curricular topics
Lesson objectives Learners will be able to:
have organized and developed ideas with supporting sentences
use basic topic-related vocabulary
use variety of sentence structures appropriately
Previous learning Learning about different jobs and careers; attending talks on
careers by visitors to the school
Planned timings Planned activities (replace the notes below with Resources
your planned activities)
Begining Introducing lesson objectives
5 min Warm-up
Learners brainstorm ideas on the topic “Advantages
and disadvantages of taking a gap year”.
Middle Reported speech HO for writing
30 min 1 Read the theory and answer the questions
Say then write on the board: “I’m very tired,” John
said. Explain that direct speech is the exact words
someone says and it is written in quotation marks.
Say then write on the board: John said (that) he was
tired. Explain that reported speech is the exact
meaning of what someone says but not the exact
words and we do not use quotation marks. Explain
that we can use the word that to introduce the
reported speech or we can omit it.

1. Read the sentences. When do we use the verbs

Ask Ss to read the table and then elicit when we use
the verbs said/told
Answer Key We use said in direct and reported
speech without to when it is not followed by the
person being spoken to and with to when it is
followed by the person being spoken to. We use told
in direct and reported speech with to + personal
2. Read the sentences. When do we use the verbs
Explain the task and then give Ss time to complete
it. • Check Ss’ answers
Explain the task and then give Ss time to complete
task. • Check Ss’ answers
Teacher tells that learners are going to write an
advantages/disadvantages essay
Teacher discusses the structure of writing with
Then he/she introduces the topic of their essay: “In
some countries, young people are encouraged to
work or travel for a year between finishing high
school and starting university studies.”
Learners read assessment criteria. If they do not
understand the task, teacher should explain
Teacher writes her/his own model answer and they
read and analyze it together with learners before
their writing.
Activity 3
Teacher helps learners to plan, organize the ideas
and correct their grammar mistakes explaining them
if it is necessary.
For less-able learners teacher prepares a gap-filling
essay. Learners can practice their vocabulary and
structure and then write their own one.
End Plenary
5 min Learners write reflection in their copybooks. Choose
one statement and finish it.
I did write excellent letter because …
My letter is ok because…
I did write not bad letter because …
Home task: to write about the advantages and
disadvantages of taking a gap year
Saying goodbye

LESSON 94 School: Stavropolka Secondary School

Unit 9: The World of Work
Date: Teacher name: Rogova V.V.
Grade: 8 Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the Discussing the advantages and disadvantages of taking a gap
lesson: year
Learning - use a variety of pronouns including indefinite pronouns
objectives anybody, anyone, anything and quantitative pronouns everyone,
everything, none, more, less, a few on a range of familiar general and
curricular topics; - use speaking and listening skills to solve problems creatively
and cooperatively in groups; - use some reported speech forms for statements, questions
and commands: say, ask, tell including reported requests on a range of
familiar general and curricular topics - ask more complex questions to get information about a
growing range of general topics and some curricular topics; - organise and present information clearly to others;
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
Learn about past simple and past continuous
Most learners will be able to:
Learn about past simple and past continuous, learn word formation (-
ing/-ed participles), learn comparatives
Some learners will be able to:
Learn about past simple and past continuous, learn word formation (-
ing/-ed participles), learn comparatives, learn used to/would, talk about
types of media
Previous learning Discussing the advantages and disadvantages of taking a gap year
Planned Planned activities (replace the notes below Resources
timings with your planned activities)
1. Report the questions and commands. Ex 5 1 He asked where the
5 min
manager’s office was.
2 He asked me if Fatiha was at
To practise reported questions/ commands the meeting.
Explain the task and give Ss time to complete 3 Inkar said to/told Azat not to
it. forget his papers.
Then, check Ss’ answers. 4 He told me to check if the file
was on his computer.
5 Lucy asked Ben if he had
read the report.
2. Read the theory and report the sentences. 6 Mum said to/told Nurlan to
Use the special introductory verbs in brackets. wake up.
Ex 6

Middle To present/practise reporting verbs Answer Key 1

Ask Ss to read the table and then give them He ordered me to go to my
30 min
room. 2 She asked him to give
time to complete the task.
her the book. 3 Ulan apologized
for shouting at me. 4 He
Check Ss’ answers and then refer Ss to the refused to go to the shop. 5
Grammar Reference section for more Sholpan offered to show Nurgul
information. how to use the cash register.

Answer Key
1 writer 4 artist,
3.Read the theory box. Then, complete each mathematician 2 actor 5
sentence with the correct noun formed from president
the words in brackets. Ex 7

To present/practise word formation

(people nouns from verbs/nouns) • Read out
the theory box and the examples. • Then give
Ss time to complete the sentences by forming a
noun from the words in brackets. • Check Ss’
answers around the class.

4. Phrasal verbs (take) 8 Read the box, then

complete the sentences. Ex 8

To present/practise phrasal verbs with take

Read out the box and explain the task.
Give Ss time to complete the task. • Check Ss’

5. Work in groups of three. Two of you act out

a short dialogue about what jobs you want to
do when you’re older. The third reports the
dialogue to another group. Ex 9

To act out a dialogue and practisereported

Explain the task and divide the class into
groups of three. • Ask two of the students to
act out a short dialogue of two exchanges. •
Ask the third student to make notes and then
report what was said to another group. •
Monitor the activity around the class and swap
the roles of the Ss so every takes a turn at
reporting. • Encourage Ss to include
statements, questions and commands and to
use reporting verbs wherever

End Ask various Ss around the class to read their

5 min emails aloud to the class.
(Other Ss listen carefully and ask questions if
Home task: Workbook: 3b & Use of English 3
Saying goodbye

LESSON 95 School: Stavropolka Secondary School

Unit 9: The World of Work
Date: Teacher name: Rogova V.V.
Grade: 8 Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the Looking at part-time jobs for young people
Learning - understand specific information and detail in texts on a
objectives growing range of familiar general and curricular topics, including
some extended texts; - recognize typical features at word, sentence and text level of a
growing range of spoken genres; - use speaking and listening skills to solve problems creatively
and cooperatively in groups; - link comments with some flexibility to what others say at
sentence and discourse level in pair, group and whole class exchanges; - ask more complex questions to get information about a
growing range of general topics and some curricular topics; - understand extended narratives on a wide range of general
and curricular topics
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information, learn phrasal
verbs with keep
Most learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information, learn phrasal
verbs with keep, decide what to watch on TV
Some learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information, learn phrasal
verbs with keep, decide what to watch on TV, create and present a TV
Previous learning Discussing the advantages and disadvantages of taking a gap year
Planned timings Planned activities (replace the notes below with Resources
your planned activities)
5 min Read the title and look at the picture. What does
Dylan do for a living? Think of three questions
you would like to ask him. Read the text and see
if you can answer them. Ex 1
To predict the topic of the text
to read for specific information • Read the title of
the text aloud and direct Ss’ attention to the
picture. • Elicit Ss’ guesses as to what Dylan does
for a living and elicit three questions from the
Give Ss time to read the text and see if they can
answer the questions.
Middle 1. Read the text and complete the gaps (A- F) Answer Key
30 min with the parts of the sentences (1-7). A5B3C7D1
There is one extra part. Then explain the words in E4F2
bold. Listen, read and check. Ex 2
To read for cohesion and coherence Suggested Answer
Ask Ss to read the parts of sentences 1-7 and then Key
allow Ss time to read the text again and complete A: What kind of
the task. job would you like
2. Which of the following would you consider to do for a living?
when choosing a career? Discuss in pairs. Ex 3 B: I’d like to be a
To present and practise topic-related pilot.
vocabulary; to discuss choosing a career A: Really? Why?
Go through the list of phrases and explain or elicit B: Well, I don’t
the meanings of any unknown words and ask Ss mind working
to read out the example dialogue. • Ask Ss to long hours or
discuss in pairs what is important to them when shifts
choosing a career following the example. •
Monitor the activity around the class and then ask
various Ss to tell the rest of the class what they
3. Listening
4 a) Look at the CV below.
What type of information is missing? Ex 4
To present a CV; to prepare for a listening
Ask Ss to look at the CV and elicit what type of
information is missing (e.g. a name, a phone
number, etc). Check answers around the class.
Listen and complete the gaps. Write in
your note book, Imagine you want to apply for a
part-time job as a shop assistant. Write your CV
in your notebook
Listen to the text in Ex. 2 again. Work in pairs.
Interview Dylan. Prepare your questions based on
the text. Ask: what his job is; how he started;
where he works; how much he earns; how he feels
about his job. Then take roles and act out your
interview. Record yourselves. Ex 5
To compose and act out an interview
Ss listen to the text. • Give Ss time to think of
questions to ask Dylan and find the answers in the
text. • Then ask pairs to take roles and act out
their interviews for the class. Record the
End Plenary
5 min What I have learned
I have still difficulties in….
I would like to learn more about……..
Home task: Record the interview and then write a
short article about them for the school magazine
Saying goodbye

LESSON 96 School: Stavropolka Secondary School

Unit 9: The World of Work
Date: Teacher name: Rogova V.V.
Grade: 8 Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the Looking at part-time jobs for young people
Learning - understand specific information and detail in texts on a
objectives growing range of familiar general and curricular topics, including
some extended texts; - recognize typical features at word, sentence and text level of a
growing range of spoken genres; - recognise the attitude or opinion of the writer on a growing
range of unfamiliar general and curricular topics, including some
extended texts; - recognise inconsistencies in argument in short texts on a
limited range of general and curricular subjects - understand extended narratives on a wide range of general
and curricular topics
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information, learn intonation
when expressing feelings
Most learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information, learn intonation
when expressing feelings, roleplay a dialogue
Some learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information, learn intonation
when expressing feelings, roleplay a dialogue, make up own dialogue
Previous learning Looking at part-time jobs for young people
Planned Planned activities (replace the notes below with your Resources
timings planned activities)
5 min A job interview 1 Read the advert. What is it about? Ex 1
To read for gist
Ask Ss to read the advert and then elicit what it is about.
1. Listen and repeat.
• Come in and sit down. • Why do you want to work for
us? • I am hardworking, honest and patient. • There are a
number of other candidates. • Thank you for your time. •
I’m looking forward to hearing from you. Ex 2
Middle To present language related to a job interview
30 min Play the recording with pauses for Ss to repeat either
chorally or individually.
Pay attention to Ss’ pronunciation and correct as

2. The sentences above are from the dialogue below.

What is the dialogue about? Is the dialogue formal
or informal? Listen and check. Ex 3

To predict the content of a dialogue

Ask Ss to read the sentences in Ex. 2 again and
elicit Ss’ guesses as to what it may be about and
what style it is. Play the audio for Ss to listen and
read and check if their guesses were correct
3. Find sentences in the dialogue which mean: ex 4

To learn synonymous phrases

Read out the phrases in the list and give Ss time to
find the synonymous ones in the dialogue and then
check Ss’ answers around the class.
4. Listen to the dialogue again. In pairs, take roles and
read it aloud. Ex 5

To act out a dialogue

Play the recording. Ss listen and then take roles
and read out the dialogue in pairs.
Remind Ss topay attention to the rhythm of the
Monitor the activity around the class and then ask
some pairs to read out the dialogue in front of the
5. In pairs, write a similar interview and/or act it out
in front of the class. Use the dialogue in Ex. 3 as a
model. Ex 6

To practise role-playing
Ask Ss to work in pairs and act out a similar dialogue
using the dialogue in Ex. 3 as a model. • To help Ss draw
the following diagram on the board and elicit appropriate
phrases Ss should use.
Write them on the board. Ss can refer to thediagram while
doing the task.
Listen and repeat.
• part time • sales assistant • hardworking • footsteps •
video games . ex 7

End Plenary
5 min Learners answer the questions.
What difficulties did you have today while you were
doing the tasks?
What tasks were easiest for you? Why?
What have you learned today?
Home task: to prepare similar dialogues
Saying goodbye

LESSON 97 School: Stavropolka Secondary School

Unit 9: The World of Work
Date: Teacher name: Rogova V.V.
Grade: 8 Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the Listening to an interview, role-playing an interview then
lesson: reporting back on it

Learning - understand specific information and detail in texts on a

objectives growing range of familiar general and curricular topics, including
some extended texts; - use questions which include a variety of different tense and
modal forms on a range of familiar general and curricular topics; - write with minimal support about real and imaginary past
events, activities and experiences on a range of familiar general topics
and some curricular topics; - recognize typical features at word, sentence and text level of a
growing range of spoken genres; - organise and present information clearly to others; - use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk
about a range of general topics, and some curricular topics; - recount some extended stories and events on a range of
general and curricular topics
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information
Most learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information, present two
Some learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information, present two
festivals, write about cultural festival
Previous learning Looking at part-time jobs for young people
Planned Planned activities (replace the notes below with your Resources
timings planned activities)
5 min Suggested
Look at the pictures and read the titles of the texts. What Answer Key
do people celebrate on these days? Read through to find People celebrate
out. Ex 1 May Day in the
UK and
To introduce the topic; to read for gist Women’s Day
Direct Ss’ attention to the titles of the text and the in Kazakhstan.
pictures and elicit what Ss think people celebrate on
these days. Allow Ss time to read through the texts and
find out

Middle 1. Read the texts and complete the gaps with words
30 min derived from the words in brackets. Listen and Video
check. Ex 2

To read for cohesion and coherence; to practise word

formation Ask Ss to use
Explain the task. Allow Ss time to read the texts their
and complete the gaps with derivatives of the dictionaries to
words in brackets. • Remind Ss to read the look up the
completed texts for cohesion and coherence and meanings of the
then check Ss’ answers. words in the
2. Listen to and read the texts again. Make notes Check these
under the headings: name of festival/holiday – words box. •
date – why is it a special day – celebrations. Use Play the video
your notes to present the festivals to the class ex 3 for Ss and elicit
their comments.
To read and listen for key information; to
compare festivals in two countries
Ask Ss to copy the headings into their notebooks
and then ask Ss to read the texts again and make
notes under the headings. • Then ask individual Ss
to come up in front of the class and give a short
presentation on the festivals to the class using
their notes.

3. Think of a public holiday in your country. Make

notes under the headings in Ex. 3. Use your notes
to write a short text for the school English
magazine. Ex 4

To write a text about a public holiday in your

Explain the task and ask Ss to make notes in
their notebooks under the headings in Ex. 3 for a
public holiday in their country. • Then allow Ss
time to use their notes to write a short text. Ask
various Ss to read out the texts to the class.

5 min At the end of the lesson, learners reflect on their
Students describe three things they have learned.
Home task: to finish the writing a text about a public
holiday in your country
Saying goodbye

LESSON 98 School: Stavropolka Secondary School

Unit 9: The World of Work
Date: Teacher name: Rogova V.V.
Grade: 8 Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the Listening to an interview, role-playing an interview then
lesson: reporting back on it
SA 2
Learning Understand extended narratives on a wide range of
objectives general and curricular topics Write with minimal support about real and imaginary
past events, activities and experiences on a range of familiar general
topics and some curricular topics Write with moderate grammatical accuracy on a
growing range of familiar general and curricular topics Use present continuous forms for present and future
meaning and past continuous, including some passive forms, on a
range of familiar general and curricular topics
Lesson objectives Find out the meaning of the extended stories
Write sentences about real and imaginary past events, activities and
Demonstrate the ability to write grammatically correct sentences on
familiar topics
Show the ability to use present continuous forms for present and future
Use past continuous, including passive forms
Previous learning Listening to an interview, role-playing an interview then
reporting back on it
Planned timings Planned activities (replace the notes below with Resources
your planned activities)
5 min What is the story A Christmas Carol about? Read is about a miser
the biography to find out. Ex 1 called Ebenezer
Scrooge who
To read for gist mistreats his
Ask Ss to read the short biography to find out what employee, but
‘A Christmas Carol’ is about. Elicit answers his life changes
after some
unusual visitors
Middle 1. Listen to and read the text. For questions 1-3, Ask Ss to use
30 min choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D). Then, their
explain the words in bold. Ex 2 dictionaries to
look up the
To read for specific information meanings of the
Ask Ss to read the questions 1-3 and the answer words in the
choices. Then give them time to read the main text Check these
and choose the correct answers for the questions. words box. •
Play the video
2. Which adjectives best describe Scrooge? The for Ss and elicit
clerk? Ex 3 their comments.

To make inferences and describe characters in a

Read out the list of adjectives and explain or elicit
the meaning if any unknown words. • Then allow Ss
time to consider which ones apply to which
characters in the story by making inferences. • Ask
various Ss to tell the class giving reasons for their
20 min Task 1. Listen to the description of the jobs and
complete the chart. Write what the job is and the key
words that help you to guess what it is.
CD2. Tapescript 4. And transcript for listening task
can be found after the rubrics.

Job Key words


Task 2. Think about ONE job. Write the description
of the job without naming what the job is. Describe
the place where the person works, qualities or skills
that are required for the job.

You should:
use present continuous forms to express future;
link sentences into paragraphs logically using
appropriate connectors;
write with grammar accuracy;
use appropriate topical vocabulary.
End Reflection
5 min Learners provide feedback on what they have
learned at the lesson. Learners will continue the
following sentences:
In this lesson I was a little bit surprised
I got interested in…
The most difficult point for me was….
Home task: to revise grammar themes
Saying goodbye

LESSON 99 School: Stavropolka Secondary School

Unit 9: The World of Work
Date: Teacher name: Rogova V.V.
Grade: 8 Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the Revisiting our dreams for the future (from Term 1), looking at
lesson: our hopes and fears and predictions
Learning Understand with little or no support most specific information
objectives in extended talk on a wide range of general and curricular topics Use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk
about a range of general topics, and some curricular topics Understand specific information and detail in texts on a
growing range of familiar general and curricular topics, including
some extended texts Use questions which include a variety of different tense and
modal forms on a range of familiar general and curricular topics
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
seamlessly weave their newly acquired vocabulary into eloquent
questions and answers on the topic
identify and recall specific information and beyond through listening
effortlessly match a job description with a title
use future form will/would like to make predictions on a topic
Previous learning Listening to an interview, role-playing an interview then
reporting back on it SA 2
Planned Planned activities (replace the notes below with your Resources
timings planned activities)
5 min Introducing lesson objectives 3
Teacher reads the “somebody/ anybody/ nobody/ everybody” PPT Slides 4-
anecdote with learners as a broad introduction to “Whose job 10
is it?” Learners should identify and tell the teacher if these
statements are “True or False”.
Middle Activity 1
30 min In copybooks: Learners try to guess kids’ “top 15 dream jobs”
from the pictures provided .
Teacher checks their answers to see how many they guessed PPT
right and to see if they are familiar with all vocabulary. Slides11-13
Activity 2 Additional
Learners listen to 18 people talk about their dream jobs PPT 1-18
including children and adults. They try to write down all the
jobs they can identify through close listening
NOTE: Youtube link provided. If a shortened version of the PPTSlides
video is not available, use the Youtube link and stop the video 14-16
at 2:04min after the man in the green T-shirt says "that would https://
be so much fun”. What follows after is not applicable to the www.youtube
lesson. .com/watch?
Check how many of the jobs learners could identify and check v=msrunUFb
for vocabulary comprehension, e.g. ‘paleontologist’ eLM
Make up the Mind Map “My dream job” in your copy-books.
Use this information in it. Review future simple will and would
I would like to be a… (e.g. teacher, designer)
I would like to work in (e.g. fashion, IT) PPT Slide 17
My working hours will be… (e.g. from 9-5)
I will be responsible for… (e.g. designing, cooking)
I hope to earn… (e.g. $500 per month)
I will have … days of holiday per year
I have chosen this profession because…
Activity 3 PPT Slide 18
In pairs: interview their peers to determine each other’s dream Handout
jobs. In pairs, Learners interview (Q&A) their partner about
their dream job, using the information from their mind maps.
Learners should use the vocabulary provided in the previous
1. What would you like to be?
2. Where would you like to work?
3. How long will your working hours be?
4. What will your responsibilities be?
5. How much will you earn?
6. How many days of holidays would you like to have?
7. Why have you chosen this profession?
After the interviews, learners could be given the chance to
report on their partner’s dream job, based on what they have
learnt during the interview.
They can write this report briefly about each other, make a ball
from this paper and play the snowball fight. Learner gets a
ball, read the information and guess the person who was
described on this paper. Answer keys:
Activity 4 1-F 2-D
Learners read the following job descriptions. Match them with 3-E 4-B
a job title. Individual learners could complete the task much 5-A 6-C
quicker than others depending on their reading comprehension. 7-H 8-G
In that case they could assist their peers.
End Plenary For example,
5 min Learners recap of the lesson’s learning and a preview of the 1. three jobs
next lesson. where people
Teacher explains learners how to play “Write three” game. wear
Learners should write three answers in a category which uniform.
teacher tells them and stand up. The first learner who stands up 2. three
wins the point. outdoor jobs.
Home task: to write an assay What is your dream job 3. three
Saying goodbye creative jobs

LESSON 100 School: Stavropolka Secondary School

Unit 9: The World of Work
Date: Teacher name: Rogova V.V.
Grade: 8 Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the Optional Secret Agents! Project
Learning Use imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and
objectives feelings; Use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk
about a range of general topics, and some curricular topics; Give an opinion at discourse level on a wide range of general
and curricular topics;
Lesson objectives Learners will be able to:
fill in their career plan
use 3-5 rhetorical devices in their speeches
use appropriate style for their speech
speak fluently
Previous learning Revisiting our dreams for the future (from Term 1), looking at
our hopes and fears and predictions
Planned timings Planned activities (replace the notes below with Resources
your planned activities)
Begining Leading-in stage
5 min Teacher wants to know the mood of her/his learners
and asks them, “What color are you today?” -
Everyone has to tell teacher, which color best,
represents him or her and take turns describing why.
Middle 2. Main part
30 min Activity 1
Learners should fill in their Career Plan.
Activity 2
Learners should imagine that they work as an
employee in some field of work. They love what they
are doing. One day their boss invites them to a talk.
Oh…oh… They have been chosen to meet a group of
learners who specialize in your job. Learners are
responsible to present their speech or PPT to
encourage the young people to want to work in their
sphere. Learners should advertise their job in an
inspirational way.

While learners are doing their project, they should

answer these questions:
What qualification and training (years)does a person
need to work in this profession?Where did you get
your qualification/training? Describe your education,
qualification, years of study and difficulties.
What personal qualities should a person have to work
in this profession? Describe your qualities.
How many hours a day do you work? When do have
vacation? What is your salary? (be creative but
What does your work place look like? Do you work
inside or outside? Do you do shift work? Do you work
full-time or part time? Describe your work place.
What are the best and the worst things about your job?
Try to be honest and optimistic when speaking about
minuses. Try to show how the company is trying to
What are your colleagues and boss like? Use some
humor or comparisons here.

While they are advertising their job learners should

- Begin their speech in an interesting way/ they
can give numbers, statistics, tell an anecdote…
- They should be creative
- Motivate their listeners
- Intrigue their listeners (capture their attention/
persuade them)
- Tell interesting facts about their job
- Use rhetorical devices (but polite; do not use
- Style appropriate to their target audience
(university learners about to graduate)
- Finish their presentation do not forget to give
their name and position

Learners are going to present and be assessed:

1. A writing worksheet. It is their speech
describing their job. Number of words no less than
150. (Times New Roman, 12 font, 1,5 for line spaces,
margins are common)
2. PPT or speech for 2-3 minutes where they
advertise their job. 6-8 slides without words for
3. Time available for the task – 3 lessons.

End At the end of the lesson, students reflect on:

5 min Feedback
- What have you learnt today?
What would you like to learn?
What would you like to work on?
Homework: to revise grammar and vocabulary
Saying goodbye

LESSON 101 School: Stavropolka Secondary School

Unit 9: The World of Work
Date: Teacher name: Rogova V.V.
Grade: 8 Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the Summative control work for the 4 term
Learning (8.L5) Recognise the opinion of the speaker(s) with little or no
objectives support in extended talk on a wide range of general and curricular
topics. Understand with little or no support most of the detail of
an argument in extended talk on a wide range of general and curricular
topics. Recognise the attitude or opinion of the writer on a
growing range of unfamiliar general and curricular topics, including
some extended texts. Plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with
little support on a growing range of general and curricular topics. Use with some support style and register appropriate to
a variety of written genres on general and curricular topics Interact with peers to negotiate, agree and organise
priorities and plans for completing classroom tasks. Link comments with some flexibility to what others say
at sentence and discourse level in pair, group and whole class

Lesson objectives Learners should identify whether the statements are True or False
according to the interview
enables learners to identify whether the given statements are true or
false according to the context.
should choose one topic to write an essay using appropriate style and
pair up and have a two-way conversation discussing the given
Previous learning Optional Secret Agents! Project
Planned timings Planned activities (replace the notes below with Resources
your planned activities)
2 min Learners are introduced LO.
SA Listening
35 min Task. You will hear a radio interview with a famous cardiologist.
Decide whether the statements are TRUE or FALSE.
Transcript for listening task can be found after the mark scheme.
The main reason for increasing problems with heart is modern
Dr. Shaw says most people would eat a healthier diet if they had more
If you have a healthy diet, you don’t have to exercise.

Listen and complete the sentences with NO MORE THAN TWO

People tend to eat when they are too busy.
If people do physical activities at a regular basis, they strengthen their
muscles and increase their
Dr. Shaw says men in their 50s do not eat

Task. Read the text about Kenneth. Mark the sentences TRUE or
FALSE according to the context.
My dream job

Kenneth would like to be a baseball player because he was always the

best in the team.
He enjoyed himself while playing baseball.
He has continuously played basketball since he was a child.
He enjoys being a part of a baseball team.
He believes that money is one of the main reasons to become a
baseball player.
Kenneth would like to be in Alex Rodriguez’s place because of the

Task. Choose ONE of the topics to write.

Topic 1. Write an essay about the following topic:

Nowadays food has become easier to prepare. Has this change
improved the way people live?
Give reasons for your answer using your own ideas.

Topic 2. Write an essay about the following topic:

Doctors, nurses and teachers make a great contribution to society and
should be paid more than entertainment and sports celebrities. Do you
agree or disagree?
Give reasons for your answer using your own ideas.

Task. Work in pairs. Choose one of the cards and answer the
questions. You have 1 minute to prepare and 3 minutes to speak.

3 min There smiley faces are on the board. (happy and sad)
T. suggests choosing any smiley face. Ss will choose
one and put on their desks.
Well what did we do in our lesson?
Home task: revise vocabulary
Saying goodbye
LESSON 102 School: Stavropolka Secondary School
Unit 9: The World of Work
Date: Teacher name: Rogova V.V.
Grade: 8 Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the Unit revision
Learning use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk
objectives about a range of general topics, and some curricular topics - understand specific information and detail in texts on a
growing range of familiar general and curricular topics, including
some extended texts; interact with peers to negotiate, agree and organise priorities
and plans for completing classroom tasks; use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk
about a range of general topics, and some curricular topics recognize the opinion of the speaker(s) with little or no
support in extended talk on a wide range of general and curricular
topics link, independently, sentences into coherent paragraphs using
a variety of basic connectors on a range of familiar general topics and
some curricular topics interact with peers to negotiate, agree and organise priorities
and plans for completing classroom tasks; use speaking and listening skills to solve problems creatively
and cooperatively in groups;
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
use some language from the module to express views and pose some
relevant activity accurately
Most learners will be able to:
use a range of language from the module to express views and pose a
range of relevant activityaccurately
Some learners will be able to:
use a wide range of language from the module to express views and
pose a range of relevant activity accurately
Previous learning Summative control work for the 4th term

Planned timings Planned activities (replace the notes below with Resources
your planned activities)
Learners are introduced LO. help the
5 min
Describe the picture. What is a green roof? Discuss. reduce heating
Ex 1 and cooling
A green roof is a roof of a building that is needs of
partly or totally covered in vegetation: buildings.
grass, flowers or any other kind of plant. Also, they give
Under the soil in which the vegetation grows wildlife a natural
are several layers which prevent water and habitat to live in
roots from damaging the original roof. How do you
think green roofs help the environment? Ex 2

Middle Read the text and mark the sentences as T (true) 1F2F3T4T
or F (false). 5T6F
30 min
Ex 3 1 d 4 l 7 a 10 m
13 h
Match the words in bold (1-13) in the text to their 2 i 5 b 8 k 11 e
g 6 j 9 c 12 f
meanings (a-m). Ex 4

Say two things that impressed you from the text.

Give reasons. Ex 5
Suggested Answer
I was impressed with the fact that green roofs
can be built in the middle of the city.
I liked the idea that roof gardens can save you
money in heating costs, which means they are
better for the environment.

In pairs, read the text again and discuss the

advantages of having a green roof. Ex 6 Suggested

Green roofs look very nice and are a colorful
change if you live in a drab and grey city. If
you have a green roof you can save money on
heating costs. Also, they encourage insects
and birds to set up home.

Use the Internet and/or other available resources

to find out more about ‘green roofs’.
Write about: ex 7
(Ss’ own answers)
These are some of the many websites that Ss
can collect resources from.

End Use the Internet and/or other available

5 min resources to find a similar story. Then present it to
the class
Conclusion of the lesson.

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