21580177 724944
Dacilane Academy's
Delightful Disaster
By Matt Morris
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PUBLISHER phase of reality, leaving the students to explore Woodsedge Lodge on their own! The agents 724945
Erik Mona must find a way to communicate with the students, help them finish their assignments, learn
what’s causing so much chaos at the lodge, and find a way back.
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Dacilane Academy’s
Delightful Disaster
By Matt Morris
paizo.com, Matt Dobson <[email protected]>, Aug 15, 2022 21580179
Dacilane Academy's
Delightful Disaster
Getting Started After introductions, Thandmere Krelsun passes over several
The PCs begin the adventure in a noisy lobby carefully-written pages. “Yes, yes! Thank you for
of the Grand Lodge, in Absalom. Crowded joining us. Here are the rules for the field trip,
into the lobby are 15 pre-adolescent and a list for you of the tasks that the students
students along with their history teacher are expected to accomplish today. Please
Thandmere Krelsun (CG male dwarf remember that accomplishing these tasks is
scholar) and former Pathfinder J Dacilane the point of this trip! If you need to know
(CG male human Eagle Knight). Krelsun anything, please ask me now. We hope to
is a friendly old lecturer who frequently leave in a few moments.”
alludes to ancient events and far-flung “You shouldn’t need any special equipment,”
places. J, the primary benefactor of Dacilane adds J, “But feel free to bring what you normally
Academy, arranged for the PCs to chaperone would on an assignment. It will be interesting for
the students as they use the Grand Lodge’s the students to see fully equipped Pathfinders.
portal to travel to Woodsedge I hope that you enjoy getting a chance to
Lodge for their field trip. J speaks influence the next generation.” J lowers
with the PCs while the students his voice and leans so the students
chat with each other and Krelsun will not overhear, “Also, do be on your
frets impatiently. J Dacilane best behavior. They are children and
they’re as likely to pick up bad habits
The gaggle of young people crowded from you as good.”
into the lobby of the Grand Lodge parts to step out of the
way for a man in an Eagle Knight’s uniform. “Pathfinders! The PCs receive Handout #1: Chaperone Information
So good to see you today. Thank you so much for taking and have the opportunity to ask questions of Thandmere
the time out of your busy schedules to assist Krelsun. Answers to some questions the PCs may ask
with our little educational venture. Allow me to are below.
present the students of Dacilane Academy!” What should we know about this group
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J Dacilane raises his voice and sweeps his of students? “These students are children
gaze over the students, who all fall silent or wards of Pathfinders, whose missions require
and give friendly nods or shy half bows. frequent travel and other obligations. Despite
“And this is their history teacher, their dangerous lifestyles, Pathfinder agents
Professor Thandmere Krelsun.” J gestures have more children than Grand Prince
to a gray-bearded dwarf with spectacles Goscelyn II, and they need to go to
perched on the end of his nose. The school somewhere!”
teacher struggles with a stack of papers as Can we help the students with their
J continues. “As you’ve been told, the class tasks? “If you aren’t helping them,
is traveling to Woodsedge Lodge today to why do you think you are here?
explore life in the Pathfinder Society and to Just don’t do things for them. They’ll
cooperate in a series of small tasks at the never learn that way. You could build
Lodge. They’ll report back to me at the end the Bridge of the Gods, but they need
of the day.” J casts a glance at the students as to walk over it.” A PC who succeeds
he puts a subtle emphasis on each word of the at a DC 20 Society check to Recall
Pathfinder’s motto. Knowledge knows that the Bridge
“Why don’t you introduce yourselves to the of the Gods is a masterfully crafted,
students, and tell them a little bit about your mile-long bridge in the Grand Duchy
adventures in the Society so far?” of Alkenstar.
What can you tell us about
As the PCs introduce themselves, Vim Woodsedge Lodge? “How much
Moneymaker scratches notes in a small time do you have? It’s more than
notebook that she pulls out of her 400 years old. The Lodge’s chief
sleeve. The other students listen feature is the Maze of the Open
politely, and Krelsun shifts from Thandmere Krelsun Road, of course. A gift from Forest
foot to foot in impatience. King Narven Feathereyes, a druidic
paizo.com, Matt Dobson <[email protected]>, Aug 15, 2022 21580180
Dacilane Academy's
Delightful Disaster
ruler who controlled the area, albeit briefly. It played an a Chronicle Sheet for Pathfinder Society Scenario #2‑09:
important role during the Red Revolution as well, but The Seven Secrets of Dacilane Academy with any of their
that’s a lesson for another day.” characters automatically succeeds at this check. If they
If a PC succeeds at a DC 16 Perception check to Sense earned that Chronicle Sheet with their current PC, the PC
Motive (DC 19 for levels 3–4) while talking with Krelsun, automatically critically succeeds at this check.
they realize that the teacher is anxious and agitated. If Critical Success Pathfinder agents recently investigated a
questioned about this, he truthfully admits that he has reported haunting inside the Academy. Though the school
never taken a class on a field trip before and he is nervous had dealt with rumors of ghosts for years, the agents
about potential complications. determined that the uncanny events in question were
caused by an akizendri—a chaotic extraplanar being of the
Meeting the Students sort known as proteans.
Before they leave, PCs also have the opportunity to Success The Pathfinder Society purchased the manor housing
impress and question the students. In addition to asking the Academy decades ago. In recent years, J Dacilane has
them for information, each PC can attempt one check become the school’s benefactor, financing a high-quality
to Make an Impression on a student of their choice, education for the students.
if they wish. See “Notable Students” on page 6 for a Critical Failure The Dacilane Academy has been investigated
description of these students, their starting attitudes, and several times for placing its students in danger. Several
the additional skills beyond Diplomacy that can be used parents have complained to Abrus Valsin about the running
to Make an Impression on them. of the school.
Each notable student has a Will DC of 15 (or 18 for
levels 3–4), and changes in their attitude last until the Pathfinder Society Lore or Society
end of the adventure. PCs cannot lower the students’ (Recall Knowledge)
attitudes below unfriendly. Answers to some questions A PC who succeeds at a DC 13 Pathfinder Society Lore or
the PCs may ask are below, and all students give similar DC 15 Society check to Recall Knowledge knows more
answers. If PCs are reluctant to begin speaking to the about Woodsedge Lodge. A failure grants no information,
students, Hari initiates conversation by asking the PCs and a critical success grants the additional information in
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what unique skills or qualifications they have. the critical success entry. These checks should be rolled
What do you think of school? “I like going to Dacilane secretly. Any player at the table who has earned a Chronicle
Academy. The other students know what it’s like to move Sheet for Pathfinder Society Scenario #3-99: Fate in the
around a lot, and the teachers know us well enough to Future with any of their characters automatically succeed
make sure our classes are tailored to our strengths and at this check. If they earned that Chronicle Sheet with
weaknesses.” their current PC, the PC automatically critically succeeds
What do you think of your teacher? “Professor Krelsun at this check. Vim Moneymaker can also provide the
is a fine teacher. He tries to really help us understand information in the success entry if asked.
the history we’re studying by imagining we’re diplomats Critical Success The Maze of the Open Road had been
from Kyonin negotiating a treaty or ancient Jiskan demonstrating extremely erratic behavior until recently,
councilors planning battle strategy. His lectures are dull when Pathfinder agents took steps to stabilize the magic
as dirt, though!” If the student being questioned is at that sustained the maze.
least friendly, they add, “That is they were dull, until a Success The Woodsedge Lodge is run by Venture-Captain
couple weeks ago. He’s really been spicing it up lately! Armeline Jirneau, a half-elf woman who has worked with
Much more flair that he used to have.” the Pathfinder Society in Galt for more than a decade. The
What are you looking forward to on the field trip? “I lodge serves as an important hub for travel due to the Maze
hear they have great food there! I can’t wait for lunch.” of the Open Road—a magical hedge maze containing portals
to locations across Golarion and beyond.
Absalom Lore or Society (Recall Critical Failure All of the staff at the Woodsedge Lodge wear
Knowledge) masks because they are disgraced members of noble
A PC who succeeds at a DC 14 Absalom Lore or DC 16 houses that sought anonymous exile with the Pathfinder
Society check to Recall Knowledge knows more about Society. You might be served your soup there by a duke
Dacilane Academy. A failure grants no information, or earl!
and a critical success grants the additional information
in the critical success entry. These checks should be After these conversations, the PCs head to the Grand
rolled secretly. Any player at the table who has earned Lodge portal—J thinks that “how to prepare for a
paizo.com, Matt Dobson <[email protected]>, Aug 15, 2022 21580181
Dacilane Academy's
Delightful Disaster
mission” would be a great lesson for the students, following the school rules. They focus on completing the
but Krelsun urges the group on, “You’re going to a assignment above all else, and they pepper the PCs with
Pathfinder Lodge, not the Pit of Gormuz!”—and then questions when the opportunity arises.
set out through the portal. A PC who succeeds at a DC Attitude: Hari starts with an attitude of friendly
15 Religion check to Recall Knowledge knows that the toward the PCs, whom they see as subject-matter experts.
Pit of Gormuz is a chasm in the eastern reaches of the PCs can Make an Impression on Hari using Diplomacy
continent of Casmaron. The spawn of Rovagug, the god or Academia Lore.
of destruction bound in the center of the world, emerge
from the chasm to spread devastation. Tels Olsen
Tels Olsen (LG male changeling human athlete) is a
NOTABLE STUDENTS sturdy Ulfen redhead with one blue and one green eye.
These are some of the notable students that PCs can Tels is the captain of the ruk team and a quiet leader.
interact with, along with their starting attitudes. Art He watches out for the younger students in class and
for these characters appears in the Game Aids appendix warns anyone he thinks is doing something dangerous.
beginning on page 27, and GM Reference: Student His Pathfinder father rescued him from his hag mother
Communication includes a table to track the students’ soon after he was born, and Tels sees the organization as
attitudes on page 32. heroic. He assures everyone that nothing major could go
wrong with Pathfinder agents around.
Alec Gracekin Attitude: Tels starts with an attitude of friendly
Alec Gracekin (CN male human brown-noser) is a tall, toward the PCs. PCs can Make an Impression on Tels
dark-haired boy from Ustalav. Alec seems well-behaved using Diplomacy or Games Lore.
and friendly to adults and likes to remind people of rules.
When alone, or with other students, he’s always on the Vim Moneymaker
lookout for trouble to get into, and he often pulls pranks Vim Moneymaker (CG female goblin Pathfinder
on the younger students. Generally, Alec thinks rules aspirant) is a talkative Katapeshi goblin. Vim has longed
are things that only apply to other people, while finding to be a Pathfinder since her “uncle,” Yig, told her about
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convenient loopholes to apply to his own actions. the organization. She’s bold and always the first one in
Attitude: Alec starts with an attitude of indifferent to the class to try new things.
the PCs, but he offers them compliments and answers Attitude: Vim starts with an attitude of friendly
their questions as if he were friendly. PCs can Make an toward the PCs. PCs can Make an Impression on Vim
Impression on Alec using Diplomacy or Legal Lore. using Diplomacy or Pathfinder Society Lore.
paizo.com, Matt Dobson <[email protected]>, Aug 15, 2022 21580182
Dacilane Academy's
Delightful Disaster
Suddenly, Hari darts a look across the group and asks, in Plane. Professor Krelsun agreed to this strange plan in
an alarmed tone, “Where’s Professor Krelsun? Where are the order to give his students a unique experience, but the
chaperones?” The other students fall quiet, then burst out process of sharing thoughts with the pelagastr while it
arguing about what to do. splinters reality has left him completely exhausted, and
Professor Krelsun is nowhere to be seen. he is unconscious upstairs in Venture-Captain Jirneau’s
quarters. Meanwhile, the pelagastr watches events
It soon becomes clear that the students can neither hear proceed with amusement, hoping for entertainment from
nor see the PCs. If PCs attempt to touch a student, their the unsupervised students.
hands pass through them with little resistance. In fact, While the PCs are in this “out of phase” state, they
the PCs find that they have little effect on the Material cannot be seen or heard on the Material Plane. They can
Plane, though they feel a faint resistance when they touch pass through thin barriers, like doors and windows, but
things—they might be able to move a blade of grass, but cannot pass through walls. They can move very light
they can’t move a tree branch or a rock. Once the PCs objects, allowing them to slide items of negligible Bulk
realize realized the students cannot see or communicate along surfaces, though they cannot pick them up. Lack
with them, read or paraphrase the following. of fine control means that PCs are unable to wield a pen
or piece of chalk effectively enough to create lengthy
“Maybe they’re stuck in the Maze. We should look for them!” written messages. While the PCs are out of phase,
Vim suggests. creatures on the Material Plane can occupy the same
Hari puts up a hand to halt her. “Absolutely not. Going in space as them, unless otherwise noted. The PCs’ spells,
the Maze is strictly forbidden!” abilities, and equipment cannot affect the Material Plane
“Let’s go inside for help,” Tels gestures toward Woodsedge while they are out of phase unless otherwise indicated in
Lodge. “They’ll know what to do.” the adventure.
The students mutter assent and head to the Lodge, a The challenge for PCs in this adventure is
two‑story manor house that sports rounded turrets on the unconventional: They need to establish communication
front of the building. The students walk up the staircase to the with the students, help with their academic tasks, and
front doors, decorated with a painting of a stylized wayfinder. work to repair the planar splintering while remaining
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Tels knocks, and when no one answers, he opens the doors largely unable to interact with the youths and the Material
and leads the class inside. Plane. GMs should encourage creative solutions for
communication with the students, offering hints if players
If the PCs attempt to venture back into the Maze for become frustrated. For instance, if players are having
help, they find an invisible and impenetrable barrier trouble, point out to them that they leave footprints in a
across the entrance. The same effect prevents the PCs forgotten bit of dust or that their passage makes a game
from walking beyond the grounds of Woodsedge Lodge. piece shift on the board as they bump it. If players still
PCs who succeed at a DC 20 Occultism check (DC 23 have trouble, consider making certain objects glow or
for levels 3–4) realize that they are slightly “out of phase” resonate with them, suggesting a connection with their
with reality. They are not quite on the Material Plane “phase” of reality—possibly the pelagastr itself is bored
any longer, though they are not incorporeal or ethereal. enough to give the PCs hints by “illuminating” objects in
When PCs attempt to follow the students, they find that, this way. Most groups will find more satisfaction if they
while they cannot open the lodge doors, they can pass solve these problems on their own, so try to give subtle
through them, which feels like pushing through water hints at first, and reserve the heavier-handed hints for
with a strong current. those who need them. Players can likely devise their own
strategies to answer yes or no questions posed by the
OUT OF PHASE students. If players want to communicate more complex
The PCs are experiencing a chaotic extraplanar effect messages, have them attempt the Communicate from
created by the pelagastr currently collaborating with Beyond activity.
Thandmere Krelsun. For its amusement, the pelagastr
has used the lingering magic of the Maze of the Open COMMUNICATE FROM BEYOND [two-actions]
Road to shunt a number of creatures in the area into CONCENTRATE LINGUISTIC MANIPULATE MENTAL VISUAL
slightly different phases of reality. The residents of the Requirements Students are present to witness your
lodge, including Venture-Captain Armeline Jirneau, are attempt to communicate. There are appropriate means
in one “phase,” while the PCs (and Thandmere Krelsun) of communication, such as items of negligible Bulk to
are in another, and the students remain on the Material manipulate, powder to write in, or lights to make a pattern.
paizo.com, Matt Dobson <[email protected]>, Aug 15, 2022 21580183
Dacilane Academy's
Delightful Disaster
You try to communicate a simple message to the students Sports and Games
from your phase of reality. Attempt a DC 15 Athletics, This scenario mentions some sports and games popular
Diplomacy, Occultism, or Thievery check (DC 18 for levels among members of the Pathfinder Society. Tels Olsen
3–4) with the following results. is the captain of the school’s ruk team. In a ruk match,
Critical Success You communicate a phrase of up to 10-person teams attempt to knock a sand‑filled ball
10 words. through rings. Originally from Katapesh, this rowdy
Success You clearly communicate one word to the students. game is popular in Absalom.
Failure The students cannot understand your The staff of the Woodsedge Lodge were interrupted
communications. in the midst of playing drouge, a cutthroat strategy
Critical Failure The students misinterpret your message, game involving the careful placement of tiles on a
gaining incorrect information determined by the GM. board. The wooden tiles or plaques in a drouge set
are painted with symbols that represent creatures
A PC who attempts to Communicate from Beyond such as the elephant, the crocodile, and the wyvern.
with a helpful student gains a +2 circumstance bonus to More expensive sets might feature pieces carved
the check, while communicating with a friendly student from ivory or obsidian, and expert players sometimes
grants a +1 circumstance bonus. Communicating with customize their game by adding unusual tiles such as
an unfriendly student imposes a –1 penalty to the check. dragons or devils.
Even when the PCs establish communication with the For more information on these games, see
students, the notable members of the class still want to Pathfinder Lost Omens: Absalom, City of Lost Omens.
explore Woodsedge Lodge on their own, and there is
little the PCs can do to stop them. These are Pathfinders’
children, after all!
When to Require Checks: You should always require
checks for attempts to Communicate from Beyond
during encounter mode (such as during the final
encounter in area B8). To avoid slowing down the
21580184 724951
A. Woodsedge Lodge
Lower Floor
While Woodsedge Lodge is usually bustling
with Pathfinders, it’s currently deserted as far as the
students are concerned. The windows are shuttered to
keep out prying eyes, though the doors are unlocked
unless otherwise noted. Fluted lanterns enchanted with
continual flames hang at regular intervals in most halls
and rooms, providing bright illumination throughout the
lodge except where noted. The lower floor connects to
the upper floor (area B) via the stairs in the main hall
(area A1).
Encounters in this area use the map on page 9. Geltra
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Dacilane Academy's
Delightful Disaster
A. Woodsedge Lodge Lower Floor
A4 A6
A3 724952
A2 A1
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Dacilane Academy's
Delightful Disaster
A1. MAIN HALL Geltra seems more upset at the prospect of not finishing
The lodge’s main hall is a two-story great room her assignment than by the disappearance of the residents
overlooked by balconies and lit by an ornate crystal of the lodge.
chandelier that hangs from the high ceiling. Along the
walls, shelves hold a wide array of curios, art objects, Helping with Homework: The chaotic magic unleashed
and artifacts, many labeled with small brass plates. by the pelagastr protean has scrambled the text on the
Taxidermied hunting trophies of several species also plaques (See Handout #2: Scrambled Plaques). The once-
hang on the wall, and a large stuffed owlbear poses in simple labels have transformed into riddles. The solutions
the southeast corner. to the riddles, and the objects they label, are as follows:
Plaque 1: Lump of Skymetal from Skyfall, Numeria.
The lodge’s great room appears abandoned. Books lie open PCs can recognize the object with a successful DC 15
on reading tables and a fire is burns cheerily in the room’s Crafting check to Recall Knowledge.
massive hearth. A set of animal-shaped drouge tiles stands Plaque 2: Spyglass from Skywatch, a mysterious
spread across a table as if interrupted mid-game, and an observatory in Brevoy.
account book rests next to an abacus on the table in the Plaque 3: Beaky III, the stuffed owlbear companion
southwestern corner. Hushed exchanges between students of Grand Prince Stavian I. PCs who succeed at a DC 18
are the only sounds. Society check to Recall Knowledge recognize Beaky III and
A few students begin settling into the cozy chairs as Alec know that Grand Prince Stavian I was a ruler of Taldor.
Gracekin calls out, “Hello? Anyone there?” When no answer Plaque 4: Narwhal horn decorated with gems from
comes, he shrugs and says, “I suppose we can do whatever we Whitethrone, in Irrisen. PCs can recognize the object with
like,” before collapsing sideways into a chair and throwing his a successful DC 15 Nature check to Recall Knowledge.
feet up on a fine mahogany table. Once the PCs have deciphered the plaques, they can
“I’m going to get my assignment done,” Geltra counters. use the Communicate from Beyond activity to pass
“There is supposed to be an interesting Taldan artifact in this information to Geltra. Remember that the PCs should
room. It shouldn’t be hard to find.” She begins examining the automatically succeed at their checks to Communicate
metal plaques around the room, looking slightly abashed from Beyond within the same context, so you don’t need
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at having spoken up in front of everyone. Her pigeon, to require separate checks for every plaque once the
Ruffles, coos contentedly on her shoulder while the rest of PCs have established a means of communication. Geltra
the students groan at the suggestion that they should do knows that Stavian I is a former Grand Prince of Taldor,
schoolwork under these circumstances. so once she learns Beaky is connected to the Grand
Prince, she is able to complete the assignment.
There are several items light enough for the PCs to Development: If the students and chaperones are unable
manipulate if they try to Communicate from Beyond in to complete the assignment, Geltra is frustrated, but the
this room: the drouge tiles, the abacus, pages of the open other students encourage her to forget about it. With the
books, or even the flames of the lanterns. The students, first part of the assignment attempted, but the mystery of
except for Geltra, sit around bored and nervous, so they how to reunite with the chaperones remaining, the reliable
easily notice anything unusual. Have students engage students decide to split up to explore the lodge, hoping to
with the efforts of the PCs to communicate, asking find other adults, or at least complete their work. Geltra
useful yes or no questions to get communication rolling. and Hari head to the kitchen (A3) after peaking into the
If PCs critically fail their attempts to Communicate conference room (A2). Tels and Vim venture further into
from Beyond, students should respond in ridiculous, the lodge, stopping in the battleground (A4). Alec heads to
humorous, and unhelpful ways. the library by himself (A7). The rest of the students decide
Once communication is established, the students feel to stay put until they are rescued.
reassured that the chaperones are present and looking The PCs can explore the lodge and help students as
for a solution to the problem. they like, though without the students’ help, they’ll find
it impossible to access the rooms on the upper level (area
Geltra, who has been examining the plaques around the room, B) , due to the Strange Doors (page 14) barring their way.
interjects, “I’m glad you’re here. I can’t make any sense of
these plaques! They’ve been separated from their displays, A2. CONFERENCE ROOM
and the labels are very strange. Could you give us a hand, Like the rest of the building, the conference room is
since we all seem to be stuck here?” She lays the four plaques deserted. Sheets of notes on the table detail efforts by the
on the table and steps back. staff at the Woodsedge Lodge to stabilize the Maze of the
paizo.com, Matt Dobson <[email protected]>, Aug 15, 2022 21580186
Dacilane Academy's
Delightful Disaster
Open Road after recent incidents during which the Maze Each time the hazard critically succeeds at an attack,
unexpectedly connected to strange destinations. food also splashes on a cookbook, ruining it. If this
After deliberation and research, the staff asked happens at least 3 times before the hazard is disabled,
arcanists from the Grand Lodge to concoct a complex the recipe for Woodsedge Tart is destroyed, and the
ritual that would reconnect the lodge and its surroundings students cannot learn the secret ingredient to complete
to the Material Plane in case of emergency. To trigger their assignment.
the Material Failsafe ritual, staff members would simply
need to activate three focus items near the site of the Levels 1–2
disturbance: a jug of pure water, a steel shield, and a
large lodestone. According to the notes, Venture‑Captain COOKING DISASTER HAZARD 1
Armeline Jirneau trained all staff members in the Page 18
activation procedure and gave them Handout #3: In Case
of Planar Emergency to refer to in an emergency. An Levels 3–4
extra copy of the note remains on the table, and the PCs
discover it if they Search this room. COOKING CATASTROPHE HAZARD 3
The final steps to complete the Material Failsafe ritual Page 22
are straightforward, but under pressure, the students
require assistance to properly time it—during the final
encounter (area B8), the PCs must Communicate from
Beyond to help the students perform the proper steps.
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Dacilane Academy's
Delightful Disaster
Rewards: Once the hazard is disabled, the PCs can For levels 3–4, the voidworms may be joined by one
collect the finished dishes. They’re small appetizers that or more akizendris depending upon the encounter’s
serve as 2 minor healing potions (lesser healing potions scaling adjustments as presented in Appendix 2. The
for levels 3–4) and an oil of weightlessness. azikendris behave in a similar fashion to the voidworms
Development: After the cooking is done, Geltra and Hari and retreat if they have 11 or fewer Hit Points at the
can find the recipe for the Woodsedge Tart and note the start of their turn.
secret ingredient (cinnamon from Minata, in Tian Xia),
unless the recipe book was destroyed. The students decide Levels 1–2
to report back to the main hall to share their experiences
with their classmates. VOIDWORMS (2) CREATURE 1
The kitchen is a possible source of water for the Material Page 19
failsafe. If the PCs ask the students to fetch a pitcher of
water from the kitchen, they pick one up and carry it with Levels 3–4
them to the main lobby. PCs who succeed at a secret DC
20 Perception check (DC 23 for levels 3–4) notice that one VOIDWORMS (4) CREATURE 1
of the dirty pots is lifted through the ceiling as they exit Page 23
the room. Though this is merely a random bit of chaos
created by the protean’s meddling, it accurately suggests Rewards: After the battle, Tels tries to hand the PCs
that something significant is going on upstairs. some equipment while he looks at them in the mirror,
and thanks to the chaotic influence of the voidworms,
A4. BATTLEGROUND MODERATE it works! For levels 1–2, the PCs receive a short sword
Target dummies and racks of blunted weapons line three with a jeweled pommel, worth 11 gp. For levels 3–4, they
of the walls in this sparring space. On the western wall, receive a low-grade cold iron short sword instead. The
a large mirror hangs from floor to ceiling. permeability of the mirror is momentary; any further
Creatures: Tels and Vim are examining the room’s attempts to pass items between phases fail as the chaotic
equipment in the room with interest as the PCs enter. They energy dissipates.
21580188 724955
look up and exclaim that they can see the PCs in the mirror, Development: After the battle is over, the students
though their forms are indistinct and shadowy. Vim asks decide to report back to the main hall to share the
the PCs if they can show off some typical Pathfinder techniques with their classmates and report on the
fighting moves, since this might be their only condition of the chaperones. If, based on the
chance to see them. PCs can demonstrate Material Failsafe instructions, the PCs ask
Pathfinder combat techniques by attempting them to bring a shield, they pick one up and
DC 13 Athletics checks, Strikes, or spell carry it with them to the main lobby.
attack rolls (DC 16 for levels 3–4). As long
as at least half of the PCs, rounded up, are A5. COURTYARD
successful, or if any PC critically succeeds, the
group succeeds at their demonstration, and Vim This quiet courtyard is open to the sky above. A
makes notes and drawings to share with the rest cobblestone pathway winds its way between
of the class. carefully tended topiaries and past a
The commotion of the display sends burbling fountain.
ripples across the phase of reality that
the PCs inhabit. The disturbance The fountain here is a
attracts the attention of a group of possible source of water for
voidworms, who think the PCs are the Material Failsafe.
hungry for a battle. The voidworms
attack the PCs, and the students can A6. ARMORY
do nothing but watch the indistinct
forms in the mirror, locked in battle. Weapon racks and suits of armor on
The voidworms attack whichever display stands line the walls of this
PC is most convenient, and a given well-stocked armory. Several weapons
voidworm retreats if it has 4 or fewer Tels Olsen are laid out on the table, along with
Hit Points at the start of its turn. whetstones and oil clothes.
paizo.com, Matt Dobson <[email protected]>, Aug 15, 2022 21580188
Dacilane Academy's
Delightful Disaster
This room is quiet, with only the weapons left in Activating the Failsafe
disorder after the staff members who were maintaining To restore normalcy in the lodge, the students need
them disappeared into another phase of reality. Steel to activate the Material Failsafe in Armeline Jirneau’s
shields (which can be used for the Material Failsafe) rest chamber. At least three students must be present to
in a rack near the eastern wall. activate the failsafe. If the PCs have trouble deciding
whom to ask to assist them, then Hari, Tels, and Vim
A7. LIBRARY LOW volunteer.
Each student can activate one of the focus objects
Creased old maps, bound collections of reports, and yellowing at a time. Timing of the three-part activation is
historical records fill the shelves inside this quiet library. A delicate; to activate the failsafe, all three students
surprisingly large number of romance novels with titles like must activate the objects within a single round. A
Lord Rumplefield’s Bride, Yearnings of Autumn, and Abandoned given focus type can be activated only once per
by the Arclord also crowd the shelves. round, so extra shields or pitchers of water aren’t
One bookshelf on the north wall stands out from the wall, useful, as there is only one lodestone.
revealing a door marked “Restricted: Sensitive.” A small alarm The students wait for a PC to Communicate from
bell is attached to the wall above the door, but the wire Beyond and give them a signal. If the PC succeeds,
connecting it to the doorway has been disconnected. one student immediately activates their focus (for
groups of four PCs, two students immediately activate
Creatures: In front of the hidden door, Alec Gracekin their focus on the first success each round). If the PC
kneels down, hard at work with a set of thieves’ tools. The critically succeeds, all three students activate their
young man mutters, “The good stuff must be in here,” as focus (if they haven’t done so already that round).
he works. The archive holds sensitive information about In order to communicate with the students, the PCs
several staff members who could be in danger if their must be adjacent to the medium that they are using
identities are revealed and is strictly off limits. In addition to communicate. Talcum powder and a mirror are on
to disconnecting the alarm bell, the pelegastr has altered the dresser, lamps are on the east wall on either side
the lock, making it vastly easier than normal to pick. The of the door, and papers are spread on the desk in the
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PCs need to distract Alec from his task, or remind him of northeast corner.
the field trip rules, by attempting to Communicate from The failsafe must be activated three times to
Beyond. As long as at least half of the PCs rounded up prepare realities to reconnect.
are successful, or if any PC critically succeeds, the group
succeeds in stopping him from opening the door.
Whether or not Alec opens the door, the student triggers
a summoning rune that calls fey guardians to protect
the restricted section of the library. Luckily for Alec, the
creatures appear in the out of phase reality instead of on
the Material Plane, and they attack the PCs with reckless
abandon. Half of them immediately close in to fight in
melee while the other half use magic to hinder the PCs as
long as they can stay out of reach, then engage in melee.
The fey fight until defeated or until 7 rounds have passed,
then vanish. They can use 3 actions each round and can
use reactions, unlike most summoned creatures.
Levels 1–2
Page 20
Levels 3–4
NUGLUBS (2) CREATURE 2 Alec Gracekin
Page 25
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Delightful Disaster
Rewards: After the PCs defeat the last of the fey, a few B1–B7. BEDROOMS
objects suddenly enter their phase of reality, accompanied The PCs can only access these rooms if a student opens
by a loud whooshing sound: a nondescript romance the room’s door (see “Strange Doors”). Rooms B1
novel, two potency crystals, and four minor healing through B6 are simple living quarters for the staff of
potions (or two potency crystals, four lesser healing the lodge, with little unusual about them. The larger
potions, plus a hand of the mage for levels 3–4). chamber in the northeast corner of the second floor (B7)
The pages of the romance novel flip back and forth is set up to house visitors. Its wardrobe, footlocker, and
a few times. PCs who succeed at a DC 13 Occultism side tables are empty.
or Perception check (DC 16 for levels 3–4) realize that
someone in another phase of reality—neither the PCs’ B8. ARMELINE’S CHAMBER
phase nor the students’—is trying to send the PCs a MODERATE
message by Communicating from Beyond! Each PC The PCs can only access this room if a student opens the
who succeeds at the check is able to discern one of door (see “Strange Doors”).
the following words: “Failsafe, bring, focus, chamber,
restore.” A PC who critically succeeds understands the A large bed covered in fine linens is the centerpiece of this
full 10-word message: “Activate failsafe! Bring each focus well-furnished room, and a sturdy table surrounded by
to Armeline’s chamber. Restore reality!” The message is three chairs sits in its northeast corner. Several eye-catching
from one of the lodge’s staff members. Unfortunately, curios rest on top of the room’s chest of draws, including a
after each PC has attempted a check to decipher the mirror with a gilded frame, a mother-of-pearl box holding
message, the pelagastr pushes chaotic energy into the talcum powder, and a polished lodestone more than a foot
area and shifts the book out of phase, rendering further in diameter. Two lamps in wall sconces light the room and a
communication impossible. thick carpet woven with a wayfinder pattern lays on the floor.
Development: Disturbed by the strange phenomena in
the library, Alec hurries back to the main hall, commenting Looking at the room for long is disorienting:
to himself that the restricted section is, “Probably just Shimmering images of the bed dance across the floor,
full of more romance novels, anyway!” He relays the loose papers float through the air in slow processions,
21580190 724957
information about the most common books to the rest of and the walls ripple like a pond’s surface each time
the students when he returns. someone in the room takes a step. The pile of the carpet
grows six inches deep in the course of a second, and then
A8. RESTRICTED SECTION subsides back to normal.
This locked room holds sensitive personnel records.
paizo.com, Matt Dobson <[email protected]>, Aug 15, 2022 21580190
Dacilane Academy's
Delightful Disaster
B. Woodsedge Lodge Upper Floor
B8 B7
B3 B6
B2 B5
21580191 724958
B1 B4
paizo.com, Matt Dobson <[email protected]>, Aug 15, 2022 21580191
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Delightful Disaster
PCs who succeed at a DC 15 Occultism check Levels 3–4
determine that this room is the center of the chaotic
forces that have plagued this field trip. They also realize THICK PELAGASTR TAIL CREATURE 5
that they’ll be unable to interact with whatever is inside Page 26, art on page 28
the room unless they enter the room themselves, due to
these powerful reality-warping effects. PCs who critically Development: After the PCs defeat the pelagastr tail,
succeed at this check recognize the reality warping as a it recedes through the “ripple” and relinquishes its hold
characteristic of protean interference with reality. over Thandmere. Once the students have activated the
Creatures: Thandmere Krelsun lies on the bed, Material Failsafe and the pelagastr tail has been defeated,
unconscious. Both the PCs and the students can see the pelagastr retreats to its home plane. The PCs return
the professor, as well as a ghostly, serpentine creature to the same “phase” as the students, who are happy to see
wrapped tightly around his body. Disturbingly, them. Thandmere wakes up a few moments later, a bit
the creature’s head appears plunged into Krelsun’s groggy but otherwise in good health, and asks everyone
temple. A PC who succeeds at a DC 24 Religion to accompany him to the main hall.
check to Recall Knowledge identifies the creature as a
pelagastr protean. Conclusion
The pelagastr’s long tail hangs down over the side of Upon returning to the main hall, the students and
the bed. The end of its tail is entirely on the same phase as PCs discover that the lodge’s staff have reappeared.
the PCs, appearing to emerge from a “ripple” in reality. It Venture-Captain Armeline Jirneau informs the PCs
sways back and forth in the general direction of the PCs. and the visiting students that she was able to observe
If students brought the shield and pitcher of water with them the whole time from the phase of reality that
them into the room, the pelagastr immediately senses the she was trapped in. She commends the students and
components of the Material Failsafe and stirs to action. PCs for resolving the issue and gives extra kudos to
A great deal of its power is bound up in maintaining the Geltra, Hari, Tels, and Vim. She gives Alec a stern look.
separate phases of reality in this area, but its tail is able Thandmere abashedly explains that he had made a deal
to act against the PCs and try to prevent the failsafe from with the pelagastr to try to liven up his teaching, but
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Dacilane Academy's
Delightful Disaster
If the PCs do not successfully resolve the situation at
Woodsedge Lodge, J Dacilane quickly notes the tardiness
of the class’s return and leads a small team of Pathfinders
to the lodge to retrieve the students.
Rewards: As a thank you gift, Thandmere pulls several
signed copies of one of the Pathfinder Chronicles from
his bag and presses them on the PCs before departing for
the academy. The chronicle deals with Pathfinder Society
expeditions in the Five Kings Mountains. Thandmere
wrote a short appendix for it.
Two days later, the PCs also receive thank you gift
baskets containing notes and small presents from the
The PCs fulfill their primary objective and earn 2
Reputation for their chosen faction if the students activate
the Material Failsafe and normal reality is restored.
The PCs fulfill their secondary objective and earn 2
Reputation for their chosen faction if the students
complete all four parts of their assignment from
Handout #1 (satisfying the students and their parents),
or if they stop Alec Gracekin from breaking into the
restricted section of the library (helping Armeline
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paizo.com, Matt Dobson <[email protected]>, Aug 15, 2022 21580193
Dacilane Academy's
Delightful Disaster
Appendix 1: Level 1–2 Scaling EncounterA3
Encounters To adjust for the PCs’ overall strength, use the
The statistics presented in this appendix include full following Challenge Point adjustments.
stat blocks for creatures and hazards appearing in this 12+ Challenge Points: For every 4 Challenge Points
scenario. These encounters are written for four 1st-level above 8, add one action to the trap’s routine and one
PCs. If your group has a different composition or size, additional success required to disarm the trap.
refer to GM Basics section of the Guide to Organized
Play: Pathfinder Society for instructions on how to use
the scaling sidebars to adjust the encounters for your
group. Some scaling sidebars reference the elite or weak
adjustments. Rules for these adjustments appear on
page 6 of the Pathfinder Bestiary. If a creature is marked
“(0)”, don’t include it in the encounter unless otherwise
specified (likely from the scaling sidebars).
paizo.com, Matt Dobson <[email protected]>, Aug 15, 2022 21580194
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ENCOUNTER A4 (LEVELS 1–2) Scaling Encounter A4
To adjust for the PCs’ overall strength, use the
VOIDWORMS (2) CREATURE 1 following Challenge Point adjustments. These
CN TINY MONITOR PROTEAN adjustments are not cumulative.
Pathfinder Bestiary 266 10–11 Challenge Points: Apply the elite adjustment
Perception +4; entropy sense (imprecise) 30 feet, darkvision to one of the voidworms.
Languages Abyssal, Protean 12–13 Challenge Points: Add one voidworm to the
Skills Acrobatics +7, Deception +6, Religion +4, Stealth +7 encounter.
Str –1, Dex +4, Con +0, Int –1, Wis –1, Cha +1 14–15 Challenge Points: Add one elite voidworm to
Entropy Sense (divination, divine, prediction) A voidworm can the encounter.
anticipate the most likely presence of a creature through a 16–18 Challenge Points (5+ players): Add two
supernatural insight into chaotic probabilities and chance. voidworms to the encounter.
This grants it the ability to sense creatures within the listed
range. A creature under the effects of nondetection or that
is otherwise shielded from divinations and predictions
cannot be noticed via entropy sense.
AC 17; Fort +5, Ref +9, Will +6
HP 16, fast healing 1; Resistances precision 3, protean
anatomy 5
Protean Anatomy (divine, transmutation) A voidworm’s vital
organs shift and change shape and position constantly.
Immediately after the voidworm takes acid, electricity, or
sonic damage, it gains the listed amount of resistance to
that damage type. This lasts for 1 hour or until the next
time the protean takes damage of one of the other types
(in which case its resistance changes to match that type),
21580195 724962
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Dacilane Academy's
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ENCOUNTER A7 (LEVELS 1–2) Scaling Encounter A7
To adjust for the PCs’ overall strength, use the
GRIMPLES (3) CREATURE –1 following Challenge Point adjustments. These
CE TINY FEY GREMLIN adjustments are not cumulative.
Pathfinder Bestiary 3 120 10–11 Challenge Points: Apply the elite adjustment
Perception +6; low-light vision to one grimple.
Languages Undercommon 12–13 Challenge Points: Apply the elite adjustment
Skills Crafting +5 (+7 traps), Deception +2, Nature +4, Stealth to all three grimples.
+5, Thievery +5 14–15 Challenge Points: Add two grimples to the
Str +1, Dex +3, Con +3, Int +1, Wis +2, Cha –2 encounter.
Items satchel with 5 rocks 16–18 Challenge Points (5+ players): Add one
AC 15; Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +4 grimple to the encounter and apply the elite
HP 16; Weaknesses cold iron 2 adjustment to all of the grimples.
Gremlin Lice Whenever a living creature touches or is touched
by a grimple (including via a successful unarmed melee
Strike), it must succeed at a DC 13 Reflex save or become
infested by gremlin lice. While infested, the targeted
creature is distracted by the itching sensation and is
stupefied 1, though it can use an Interact action to scratch
at the itching lice to suppress the stupefied condition from
the lice for 1d4 rounds. The infestation ends after 24 hours
or until the creature is submerged in water or exposed to a
severe cold environment, whichever comes first.
Speed 10 feet, climb 20 feet, fly 20 feet
Melee [one-action] bite +7 (agile, finesse), Damage 1d4+1 piercing
Ranged [one-action] rock +7 (agile, range increment 20 feet), Damage
21580196 724963
1d4+1 bludgeoning
Primal Innate Spells DC 16; 1st grease; Cantrips (1st) mage
hand, prestidigitation
Putrid Vomit [one-action] The grimple spews a 30-foot line of vomit.
Each creature in the line must succeed at a DC 16 Fortitude
save or become sickened 1 (sickened 2 on a critical failure).
The grimple can’t use Putrid Vomit again for 1d4 rounds.
paizo.com, Matt Dobson <[email protected]>, Aug 15, 2022 21580196
Dacilane Academy's
Delightful Disaster
ENCOUNTER B8 (LEVELS 1–2) Scaling Encounter B8
To adjust for the PCs’ overall strength, use the
PELAGASTR TAIL CREATURE 3 following Challenge Point adjustments. These
UNIQUE CN MEDIUM MONITOR PROTEAN adjustments are not cumulative.
Perception +10; darkvision, entropy sense (imprecise) 30 feet 10–11 Challenge Points: Give the pelagastr tail an
Languages Abyssal, Celestial, Common, Protean additional 15 Hit Points.
Skills Athletics +10, Deception +10, Diplomacy +8, Religion 12–13 Challenge Points: Give the pelagastr tail an
+6, Stealth +11, Thievery +9 additional 15 Hit Points and increase the DCs of its
Str +3, Dex +4, Con +2, Int +3, Wis +1, Cha +3 spells and abilities by 2.
Out of Phase The pelagastr tail weakens as the Lodge’s 14–15 Challenge Points: Apply the elite adjustment
connection to reality is reestablished by the Material Failsafe. to the pelagastr tail.
The first time the failsafe is activated, the pelagastr tail loses 16–18 Challenge Points (5+ players): Apply the elite
the Discordant Diversion reaction. The second time the adjustment to the pelagastr tail and increase its fast
failsafe is activated, it loses the Constrict ability. The third healing to fast healing 3.
time the failsafe is activated, the pelagastr tail loses fast
healing, takes 3d6 damage, and becomes slowed 1 until it
leaves the Woodsedge Lodge and returns to the Maelstrom. Constrict [one-action] 1d6+3 bludgeoning, DC 17
Entropy Sense (divination, divine, prediction) The pelagastr Inflict Lesser Warpwave [one-action] (divine, transmutation) The
tail can anticipate the most likely location of a creature pelagastr tail inflicts a lesser warpwave on a creature within
through their supernatural insight into the forces of 30 feet (see Lesser Warpwave below; DC 20 Fortitude save
chaotic probabilities and chance. This grants the pelagastr to resist).
tail the ability to sense creatures within the listed range. Warping Squeeze (divine, transmutation) Any creature
A creature under the effects of nondetection or that is damaged by the pelagastr tail’s Constrict ability must
otherwise shielded from divinations and predictions cannot succeed at a DC 20 Fortitude save or be subject to a lesser
be noticed via entropy sense. warpwave.
AC 18; Fort +9, Ref +11, Will +8; +1 status to all saves vs. magic
21580197 724964
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Delightful Disaster
Appendix 2: Level 3–4 Scaling Encounter A3
Encounters To adjust for the PCs’ overall strength, use the
The statistics presented in this appendix include full following Challenge Point adjustments.
stat blocks for creatures and hazards appearing in this 24+ Challenge Points: For every 4 Challenge Points
scenario. These encounters are written for four 3rd-level above 20, add one action to the trap’s routine and one
PCs. If your group has a different composition or size, additional success required to disarm the trap.
refer to GM Basics section of the Guide to Organized
Play: Pathfinder Society for instructions on how to use
the scaling sidebars to adjust the encounters for your
group. Some scaling sidebars reference the elite or weak
adjustments. Rules for these adjustments appear on
page 6 of the Pathfinder Bestiary. If a creature is marked
“(0)”, don’t include it in the encounter unless otherwise
specified (likely from the scaling sidebars).
paizo.com, Matt Dobson <[email protected]>, Aug 15, 2022 21580198
Dacilane Academy's
Delightful Disaster
ENCOUNTER A4 (LEVELS 3–4) Scaling Encounter A4
To adjust for the PCs’ overall strength, use the
VOIDWORMS (4) CREATURE 1 following Challenge Point adjustments. These
CN TINY MONITOR PROTEAN adjustments are not cumulative.
Pathfinder Bestiary 266 19–22 Challenge Points: Remove 1 voidworm and
Perception +4; entropy sense (imprecise) 30 feet, darkvision add 1 akizendri to the encounter.
Languages Abyssal, Protean 23–27 Challenge Points: Remove 2 voidworms and
Skills Acrobatics +7, Deception +6, Religion +4, Stealth +7 add 2 akizendris to the encounter.
Str –1, Dex +4, Con +0, Int –1, Wis –1, Cha +1 28–32 Challenge Points: Remove 3 voidworms and
Entropy Sense (divination, divine, prediction) A voidworm can add 3 akizendris to the encounter.
anticipate the most likely presence of a creature through a 33+ Challenge Points: Remove all 4 voidworms and
supernatural insight into chaotic probabilities and chance. add 4 akizendris to the encounter.
This grants it the ability to sense creatures within the listed
range. A creature under the effects of nondetection or that
is otherwise shielded from divinations and predictions
cannot be noticed via entropy sense.
AC 17; Fort +5, Ref +9, Will +6
HP 16, fast healing 1; Resistances precision 3, protean
anatomy 5
Protean Anatomy (divine, transmutation) A voidworm’s vital
organs shift and change shape and position constantly.
Immediately after the voidworm takes acid, electricity, or
sonic damage, it gains the listed amount of resistance to
that damage type. This lasts for 1 hour or until the next
time the protean takes damage of one of the other types
(in which case its resistance changes to match that type),
21580199 724966
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AKIZENDRI (0) CREATURE 3 Text Immersion (divine, transmutation) When the akizendri
CN SMALL MONITOR PROTEAN casts secret page, it can physically immerse itself in the
Pathfinder Bestiary 2 204 text, changing the message of the text in the process. It
Perception +8; darkvision, entropy sense (imprecise) 30 feet can exit the book at any point by Dismissing secret page,
Languages Abyssal, Celestial, Protean; telepathy (touch) at which point it appears in a space adjacent to the text. If
Skills Acrobatics +9, Deception +10, Occultism +11, Society it does so to begin combat, it rolls a Deception check for
+10, Stealth +9, Thievery +9 initiative. As long as it remains immersed in the text, the
Str +3, Dex +4, Con +1, Int +4, Wis +3, Cha +1 akizendri has no body. It can communicate telepathically
Entropy Sense (divination, divine, prediction) An akizendri can with a creature as long as the creature touches the book
anticipate the most likely location of a creature through their or scroll that contains the secret page. It can sense nearby
supernatural insight into the forces of chaotic probabilities creatures using its entropy sense, but not in any other way,
and chance. This grants the akizendri the ability to sense nor can it use any attack, manipulate, or move actions or
creatures within the listed range. A creature under the effects speak aloud. If the object it is immersed in is destroyed, the
of nondetection or that is otherwise shielded from divinations akizendri reappears in an adjacent square and is stunned 1.
and predictions cannot be noticed via entropy sense.
AC 19; Fort +6, Ref +11, Will +10
HP 42, fast healing 1; Resistances precision 3, protean
anatomy 6; Weaknesses lawful 3
Protean Anatomy (divine, transmutation) An akizendri’s vital
organs shift and change shape and position constantly.
Immediately after the akizendri takes acid, electricity, or
sonic damage, it gains the listed amount of resistance to
that damage type. This lasts for 1 hour or until the next
time the protean takes damage of one of the other types
(in which case its resistance changes to match that type),
whichever comes first.
21580200 724967
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ENCOUNTER A7 (LEVELS 3–4) Scaling Encounter A7
To adjust for the PCs’ overall strength, use the
NUGLUBS (2) CREATURE 2 following Challenge Point adjustments. These
CE SMALL FEY GREMLIN adjustments are not cumulative.
Pathfinder Bestiary 2 135 19–22 Challenge Points: Add one grimple to the
Perception +5; darkvision encounter.
Languages Undercommon 23–27 Challenge Points: Add one nuglub to the
Skills Acrobatics +8, Crafting +5 (+7 traps), Intimidation +7, encounter.
Stealth +8 28–32 Challenge Points: Add one grimple and one
Str +1, Dex +4, Con +3, Int –1, Wis –1, Cha +1 nuglub to the encounter.
AC 18; Fort +9, Ref +10, Will +5 33+ Challenge Points: Add two nuglubs to the
HP 34; Weaknesses cold iron 2 encounter.
Kneecapper [reaction] Trigger A Medium creature within the nuglub’s
reach leaves a square during its move action; Effect The
nuglub lashes out at the triggering creature’s knees and GRIMPLES (0) CREATURE –1
tries to knock them prone. The nuglub makes an Acrobatics CE TINY FEY GREMLIN
check against the creature’s Reflex DC. On a success, the Pathfinder Bestiary 3 120
target falls and lands prone. Perception +6; low-light vision
Speed 30 feet, climb 20 feet Languages Undercommon
Melee [one-action] bite +11 (finesse), Damage 1d8+1 piercing plus Grab Skills Crafting +5 (+7 traps), Deception +2, Nature +4, Stealth
Melee [one-action] claw +11 (agile, finesse), Damage 1d6+1 slashing +5, Thievery +5
Primal Innate Spells DC 18, attack +8; 2nd shatter; 1st grease, Str +1, Dex +3, Con +3, Int +1, Wis +2, Cha –2
shocking grasp; Cantrips (1st) prestidigitation Items satchel with 5 rocks
Sneak Attack A nuglub’s Strikes deal an additional 1d6 AC 15; Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +4
precision damage to flat-footed targets, or 1d10 if the target HP 16; Weaknesses cold iron 2
is prone. Gremlin Lice Whenever a living creature touches or is touched
21580201 724968
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Delightful Disaster
ENCOUNTER B8 (LEVELS 3–4) Scaling Encounter B8
To adjust for the PCs’ overall strength, use the
THICK PELAGASTR TAIL CREATURE 5 following Challenge Point adjustments. These
UNIQUE CN MEDIUM MONITOR PROTEAN adjustments are not cumulative.
Perception +12; darkvision, entropy sense (imprecise) 30 feet 19–22 Challenge Points: Give the thick pelagastr
Languages Abyssal, Celestial Common, Protean tail an additional 20 Hit Points.
Skills Athletics +13, Deception +11, Diplomacy +11, Religion +9, 23–27 Challenge Points: Give the thick pelagastr
Stealth +13, Thievery +13 tail an additional 20 Hit Points and increase the DCs
Str +4, Dex +4, Con +2, Int +3, Wis +1, Cha +3 of its spells and abilities by 2.
Out of Phase The pelagastr tail weakens as the Lodge’s 28–32 Challenge Points: Apply the elite adjustment
connection to reality is reestablished by the Material to the thick pelagastr tail.
Failsafe. The first time the failsafe is activated, the pelagastr 33+ Challenge Points: Apply the elite adjustment
tail loses the Discordant Diversion reaction. The second time to the thick pelagastr tail and increase its fast healing
the failsafe is activated, it loses the Constrict ability. The to fast healing 4.
third time the failsafe is activated, the pelagastr tail loses
fast healing, takes 3d8 damage, and becomes slowed 1.
Entropy Sense (divination, divine, prediction) The pelagastr Constrict [one-action] 1d6+6 bludgeoning, DC 19
tail can anticipate the most likely location of a creature Inflict Lesser Warpwave [one-action] (divine, transmutation) The
through their supernatural insight into the forces of pelagastr tail inflicts a lesser warpwave on a creature within
chaotic probabilities and chance. This grants the pelagastr 30 feet (see Lesser Warpwave below; DC 22 Fortitude save
tail the ability to sense creatures within the listed range. to resist).
A creature under the effects of nondetection or that is Warping Squeeze (divine, transmutation) Any creature
otherwise shielded from divinations and predictions cannot damaged by the pelagastr tail’s Constrict ability must
be noticed via entropy sense. succeed at a DC 22 Fortitude save or be subject to a lesser
AC 20; Fort +11, Ref +13, Will +10; +1 status to all saves vs. warpwave.
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Appendix 3: Game Aids
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Appendix 3: Game Aids
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Dacilane Academy's
Delightful Disaster
Handout #1: Chaperone Information
Thank you for agreeing to accompany our class to the Woodsedge Lodge! Students have been preparing for this trip
for several weeks, so they should be very familiar with this information.
Class Assignment
Students are to complete the following tasks as a group to show that they have gotten something educational out
of the trip:
• In the Main Hall: Identify an artifact with a significant tie to Taldan history.
• In the Kitchen: Speak with the chef to learn the secret ingredient in Woodsedge Pie.
• In the Battleground: Document three combat techniques frequently used by Pathfinder agents in the field.
• In the Library: Make note of the most common type of document in the Galtan library.
Reliable Students
While any student in the class should be happy to assist you, the following are particularly responsible:
• Alec Gracekin (he/him): A tall, dark-haired human from Ustalav. Alec is helpful and friendly. He often volunteers
to run errands for me!
21580205 724972
• Geltra (she/her): A kobold from the Sewer Dragon tribe. Geltra is quiet, but dependable. She has permission for
her pigeon familiar, Ruffles, to accompany her on the trip.
• Hari (they/them): A studious half-elf from Osirion. I’m sure they’ll be full of questions about the trip and about
you! Hari is very focused on their academics and is usually the first to volunteer during class discussions.
• Tels Olsen (he/him): A sturdy redheaded changeling human. Tels is the captain of our ruk team and a quiet leader.
He watches out for the younger students and often gives them good advice.
• Vim Moneymaker (she/her): A talkative Katapeshi goblin. Vim probably knows as much about the Pathfinder
Society as you or I! She writes letters to Ambrus Valsin once a week asking to start her training.
paizo.com, Matt Dobson <[email protected]>, Aug 15, 2022 21580205
Dacilane Academy's
Delightful Disaster
Handout #2: Scrambled Plaques
The following plaques are meant to label artifacts on display in the Main Hall, but they have been separated from
the artifacts.
Plaque 1:
I twinkle and gleam
Gentle light I supply
You’ll make a wish when
I streak down from the sky.
Starfall, 4350 ar
Plaque 2:
What could be lurking
Across the neighbor’s field?
Put me to your eye
It will soon be revealed
Skywatch, 4698 ar
Plaque 3:
I can’t make you honey
Or unlock a chest,
But I share the same name
As two from my nest.
Companion to Stavian I
Oppara, 4580 ar
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Plaque 4:
I have never galloped
Through glades or past trees
If I swish my white tail
I move through the seas
Whitethrone, 4713 ar
The following artifacts in the Main Hall have places on their display stands for plaques:
A. A yard-long spiral horn embellished with emeralds and rubies
B. A taxidermied owlbear posed threateningly by the door of the lodge
C. A polished bronze spyglass
D. A fist-sized lump of pitted metal
paizo.com, Matt Dobson <[email protected]>, Aug 15, 2022 21580206
Dacilane Academy's
Delightful Disaster
Handout #3: In Case of Planar Emergency
Reminder! Arcanists from the Grand Lodge have warded the entire grounds with a Material Failsafe ritual in order
to contain possible damage from extraplanar anomalies related to the Maze of the Open Road. Triggering the
protections of the ritual is a straightforward process, but requires the following focus items:
• A pitcher of water
• A steel shield
• A large lodestone
To achieve maximum ritual potency, bring the focus items as close as possible to the center of any extraplanar
disturbance. Grasping the focus item firmly, speak the activation word, “Narven.” To avoid accidental triggering
of the ritual, simultaneous activation of all three focus items is required, so please coordinate carefully with fellow
staff members. Focus items may need to be activated as many as three times to firmly re-anchor the area to the
Material Plane.
A handwritten scrawl in the margin notes: “I have stored the lodestone in my quarters so it will not be misplaced.
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paizo.com, Matt Dobson <[email protected]>, Aug 15, 2022 21580207
Dacilane Academy's
Delightful Disaster
GM Reference: Student Communication
This handout includes the information necessary to track the students’ attitudes toward the PCs.
Alec Gracekin (CN male human brown-noser) starts with an attitude of indifferent to the PCs, but offers
them compliments and answers their questions as if he were friendly. PCs can Make an Impression on Alec using
Diplomacy or Legal Lore.
Geltra (NG female kobold bookworm) starts with an attitude of indifferent to the PCs. PCs can Make an
Impression on Geltra using Diplomacy or Library Lore.
Hari (LN non-binary half-elf overachiever) Hari starts with an attitude of friendly toward the PCs, whom they
see as subject-matter experts. PCs can Make an Impression on Hari using Diplomacy or Academia Lore.
Tels Olsen (LG male changeling human athlete) starts with an attitude of friendly toward the PCs. PCs can Make
an Impression on Tels using Diplomacy or Games Lore.
Vim Moneymaker (CG female goblin Pathfinder aspirant) starts with an attitude of friendly toward the PCs. PCs
can Make an Impression on Vim using Diplomacy or Pathfinder Society Lore.
A PC who attempts to Communicate from Beyond with a helpful student gains a +2 circumstance bonus to the
check, while communicating with a friendly student grants a +1 circumstance bonus. Communicating with an
unfriendly student imposes a –1 penalty to the check.
21580208 724975
paizo.com, Matt Dobson <[email protected]>, Aug 15, 2022 21580208
Dacilane Academy's
Delightful Disaster
Organized Play
Treasure Table Treasure Bundles
LEVEL TREASURE BUNDLE □□ Area A3, page 11: 2 Treasure Bundles for disarming
the hazard.
1 1.4 gp
□□ Area A4, page 12: 2 Treasure Bundles for defeating
2 2.2 gp the proteans.
3 3.8 gp □□ Area A7, page 13: 2 Treasure Bundles for defeating
4 6.4 gp the fey.
□□ Area B8, page 14: 2 Treasure Bundle for defeating
the pelagastr tail and reviving Thandmere.
□□ Conclusion, page 16: 2 Treasure Bundles for
completing the adventure and receiving thank-you gifts
from the students.
21580209 724976
paizo.com, Matt Dobson <[email protected]>, Aug 15, 2022 21580209
Dacilane Academy's
Delightful Disaster
Event Reporting Form
Date Event Code:
□ Grand Archive □ Envoy’s Alliance □ Slow Track
Character Name:
□ Radiant Oath □ Horizon Hunters
□ Dead
□ Vigilant Seal □ Verdant Wheel
Org Play #: -2 Level □ Infamy
□ Grand Archive □ Envoy’s Alliance □ Slow Track
Character Name:
□ Radiant Oath □ Horizon Hunters
□ Dead
□ Vigilant Seal □ Verdant Wheel
Org Play #: -2 Level □ Infamy
□ Grand Archive □ Envoy’s Alliance □ Slow Track
Character Name:
□ Radiant Oath □ Horizon Hunters
□ Dead
□ Vigilant Seal □ Verdant Wheel
Org Play #: -2 Level □ Infamy
Faction: 724977
□ Grand Archive □ Envoy’s Alliance □ Slow Track
Character Name:
□ Radiant Oath □ Horizon Hunters
□ Dead
□ Vigilant Seal □ Verdant Wheel
Org Play #: -2 Level □ Infamy
□ Grand Archive □ Envoy’s Alliance □ Slow Track
Character Name:
□ Radiant Oath □ Horizon Hunters
□ Dead
□ Vigilant Seal □ Verdant Wheel
Org Play #: -2 Level □ Infamy
paizo.com, Matt Dobson <[email protected]>, Aug 15, 2022 21580210
Dacilane Academy's
Delightful Disaster
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21580211 724978
paizo.com, Matt Dobson <[email protected]>, Aug 15, 2022 21580211
Scenario #3-18:
Dacilane Academy’s Delightful Disaster
Character Name Organized Play # Character #
Adventure Summary
What began as a normal field trip for the students of Dacilane Academy almost ended in disaster when you and their other Pathfinder
agent chaperones discovered that you’d vanished to another phase of reality, leaving the students to explore Woodsedge Lodge on their
own! You found a way to communicate with the students, helped them finish their assignments, learned that the chaos at Woodsedge
Lodge was the result of a protean’s meddling, and found a way back to reality.
Boons Rewards
Congratulations on completing the adventure! You’ve earned Pathfinder Society (second edition) Starting XP
Achievement Points, a currency that be redeemed on our website at paizo.com for special character boons,
such as access to rare or uncommon ancestries, feats, and more! To redeem your Achievement Points, go to XP Gained
paizo.com/organizedPlay/myAccount and click on the Boons tab. Note that you must have created a paizo.
com account and registered a character before you can begin making Achievement Point transactions. Total XP
This scenario qualifies you for the following unique Achievement Point boon: Dacilane Academy
Chaperone. Starting GP
Total GP
Items Purchases
Thandmere’s Pathfinder Chronicle (+1 item bonus to Recall Knowledge Items Sold / Conditions Gained
checks related to current and prior Pathfinder Society expeditions in
the Five Kings Mountains) (item 3, discounted to 3 gp; Lost Omens
Character Guide 110)
Chronicle Code: PFNU
For more information about the Pathfinder Society Organized Play program, including how to use this Chronicle Sheet, visit pathfindersociety.club