Profit Plan and Future Plans For Investment
Profit Plan and Future Plans For Investment
Profit Plan and Future Plans For Investment
The purpose of this paper is to provide insights on the possible ways Mar Francis can invest in
businesses, services and any other form of sources that can provide income. An Initial Capital amounting
to P5,000 will be used as the basis for the quantitative data presented in this paper. Different types of
companies such as Rentals, Applications, Banks, and Manufacturing Business shall be used as part of the
profit planning scheme to be invested in by Mar Francis. These companies offer a wide variety of
investments, it can be long-term, short-term, or a one-time investment.
Investing in short-term investment with high risk and high reward is hard to invest in especially if a
person is new to investing unless you know the mechanics and have a person that can guide you through
it. Considering the advice of a friend that has already invested in a company with high risk and high
reward can be helpful for the investor as it can be used on deciding whether he should invest in the same
company his friend invested.
Starting with a capital of P5,000 to be invested, On the current month I plan to use a portion of the
amount to test in the company my friend invested their money. Then after a few months if profits begin
to show I will then proceed to invest the remaining balance of the cash in the same company. After a few
years of accumulating the accrued returns from the investment, I will then expand my investments on
other companies to increase my capital for investing whether it’s long term, short term, or a one-time
My goal currently as an accountancy student is to learn more about digital currencies and stock
market as I am fond of the flow of money and other financing related activities, it may be contractual,
businesses, services and other ways that involves financing. A part of my plan is to make my capital grow
in order to invest more on other companies, I will consider other potential ways I am able to earn a profit.
Moreover, as I’ve said I am new to this type of earning money that’s why I plan to invest in certain
companies with low risks or companies I am familiar with this can be things I personally find favorable
that I’ve studied about and witnessed great results from Investing.
The image above shows the information needed by an investor to decide on which of these
rentable energy sources he should invest in. Let the image on the left be discussed, it has an
Estimated Income of P292,365 in the maturity date of 365 days or 1 year lease for the said energy
source. The price to rent the source is shown at the bottom part of the icon showing a P4,000
price to rent, Discount sales are also available on different occasions so that Investors have the
right to choose a move favorable option to Invest. There are different prices, lease terms, and
rates of rentable sources on the application itself. The image I’ve provided is a part pf a plan I
came up with, starting with the renewable source on the left a windmill with a price of P4,000. I
plan to invest on the windmill first and let my capital grow until I reach an amount that I can
upgrade my investment to a more profitable option that I can take part in, I prioritize in growing
my capital first before withdrawing the returns I’ve accumulated.
The image shows the number of pesos a kilowatt is worth. Issuing the kilowatts I accrued over
time will provide a decent amount that can also be used to invest in other sources.
A well-known cash app used in the Philippines; it has the least risk in Investing cash it
continues to grow to this day as the leading online application for monetary transactions In the
Philippines. GCash is a mobile wallet service developed by Mynt, a subsidiary of Globe Telecom.
It is the most popular mobile wallet in the Philippines, with over 76 million registered users as of
2023, accounting for 67% of the Philippines' population.
The online application for monetary transactions “Gcash” that is used by most Filipinos
offers different type of Investments such as Investing Funds, Purchasing stocks from national or
global market and Crypto currency. The app is known for being a safe and secure place to store
excess money, it doesn’t have high return on investment, but it offers decent returns for people
who are interested in long term benefits. The risks of investing in this particular type of company
is that it has different competitors that similarly provides the same benefits and functions, the
returns may be unstable but can still provide a decent amount depending on the circumstance of
the company.
Let’s say we have an Initial capital of P5,000 to be invested in the company, the amount will
accrue for the current year with a certain rate example a 5% return on investment then the
company earns a large sum of profit then shares the profit based on your contribution, the
company will then share a percentage of your ROI that will be given to the investor. So, the first
year shows that it has a decent return, but the upcoming year could decrease the amount or even
reduce your capital. The rates can shift in an unstable way, It can earn a large sum yet also takes
back the amount it shows that this type is mostly for long terms Investors.
Bank Of the Philippine Islands (BPI)
A Nationally mandated Bank in the Philippines with a high return on investment rate according
to the Philippine Stock Exchange. BPI Capital Corp. BPI Computer Systems Corp. BPI Family
Savings Bank (Savings bank of BPI) BPI BanKo (merged BPI Direct Savings Bank and BPI
Globe BanKO Savings Bank) (Small and medium enterprise and microfinance oriented rural-
savings bank of BPI). It is safe yet slightly risky to Investment in due to the value of your
investment is based on the Net Asset Value per Share/Net Asset Value per Unit of the BPI
Investment Fund which uses a marked-to- market valuation and therefore may fluctuate daily.
A Financial Institution that lends, holds, and trades monetary units offers Investment
opportunities for potential Investors. The company itself is stable since it is mandated an operated
by the Philippine Government it is expected of it to have high returns rates on investments.
Investing in a stable yet risky company has decent benefits since it is guaranteed that returns are
always present each period.
Personally, I find Investing in this company is long term since it offers high return rate but low
interest rate which can go on for a few years before getting back the capital and actually earning
from the Investment. It great to Invest in unless you can go for bigger risks that can give you even
greater rewards.
An investment holding company, Macay aims to expand the presence and market share of
ARC, AEI and MGVI brands as well as enter the manufacturing, distribution, and sale of other
consumer-focused products worldwide. Macay Holdings, Inc. is a Philippines-based investment
holding company for ARC Refreshments Corporation (ARC), ARC Holdings, Inc., Artemisplus
Express Inc. (AEI) and Macay Global Ventures Inc. (MGVI). The Company’s brands include RC
Cola, RC Cola No Sugar, Juicy Lemon, Fruit Soda Orange, Seetrus, Arcy’s Rootbeer, Rite ‘N
Lite and Alon. ARC is engaged in the bottling, distribution, marketing and sales of RC Cola and
other carbonated drinks in the Philippines.
Famous for creating the widely known Filipino beverage company RC Cola and Zesto in the
Philippines and currently being one of the most active in the stock market according to the
Philippine Stock Exchange. Macay Corp has a history of solid financial performance, including
consistent revenue growth, healthy profit margins, and strong cash flow, it could indicate a stable
and well-managed company, making it an attractive investment opportunity for new and potential
Investors. It is good for new Investors to partake in since it has high return rate with low risk, it
can be beneficial for both short-term and long-term investing.
Personally, the most preferable for me to invest in is SOAO the one that my friend Invested in, it
showed high return rates and naturally comes with a slight risk. Investing in SOAO is much more
convenient since someone I know is already knowledgeable of the things to consider before entering in
this company. I am new to Investing, that’s why I prefer a readily explored Investing company for me to
invest in, slowly learning the mechanics of Investing then proceeding to the other companies for me to
invest to increase my income. Furthermore, I should build my capital before investing in larger amounts
from that Idea I will invest in companies I am already familiar with such as SOAO I can ask for advice on
our group that’s available in telegram and my friend who is currently investing in the company.
If luck is on my side and I earn a large sum of profit from investing I will use that money to invest
more on other companies unless the market is unfavorable on certain times because of that I would have
to withdraw my capital and look for another way to acquire passive income such as physical assets.
Regardless of the inability to invest, I will still continue to work my money in other ways and if the times
are favorable, I will invest yet again in companies. I’ve learned that investing is much like fishing,
sometimes its good to invest and there are times that you should withdraw from it because you’ll lose
more than what you earn much like fishing on a bad day or in an overly harvested area “you’ll use all
your bait yet you won’t catch anything since there are only a handful of fishes left in the area” with that
said patience should be considered in partaking this kind of activity waiting for the right moment is key to
getting a big haul of fishes that’s why withdrawing and letting the lake, pond, or whatever repopulate the
fishes can bring more opportunities to the fishermen.
Investment has been popular for quite some time and is widely discussed, especially in the program
I’m taking in college which is a business course delving into areas such as interests and investments.
Studying investments is quite interesting since it has different risks, profits, losses, and benefits in each
existing company making it exciting to partake in since income can be earned by participating with the
financial operations of companies.