Turning Points in Modern Psychoanalysis
Turning Points in Modern Psychoanalysis
Turning Points in Modern Psychoanalysis
modern psychoanalysis'
Sara Sheftel
There are many theories about the human personality and its |-
development—all of which may or may not be correct. What mod- i§
ern psychoanalysis tries to develop are theories that, when ap- §
plied to the patient, help to cure him. Any theory that enables the ^
analyst to understand the patient but becomes a detriment to cur- ^
ing him is discarded. In other words, modern psychoanalysis de- E.
pends on and accepts only pragmatic concepts. It does not limit 3
itself to psychodynamic treatment alone. Althotigh the modern 'S
analyst cooperates with physicians who use physical and chemical 3-
methods with patients, he relies on psychodynamic communica- §
tion to resolve transference resistances that interfere with healthy ^
functioning, (p. 13) ^
Modern Psychoanalysis
volume 36 number one 2011
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