Introduction To HighTone Therapy 2018-01

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Power Therapy
An Introduction
gbo: Your Partner
for Physical Therapy

gbo Medizintechnik AG can look back on a long experience in the field of

medical engineering as a qualified manufacturer for well-known companies
like Siemens. Due to the know-how acquired during the years and our focus
on R&D, gbo has an important role in new development in the division of
Physical Therapy. Since the beginning, Siemens was the main partner of gbo
and shaped our comprehension of quality. Until today, R&D and quality
management are strongly represented. Due to our extraordinary development,
Siemens in 1994 transferred the entire business branch of Physical Therapy to
gbo. With the customer in view, a Siemens tradition of more than one hundred
years was incorporated into gbo and the business was successfully continued.
Based on this know-how and decades of experience, it is only natural that the
company rigorously breaks new ground.

In collaboration with Dr. med. H.-U. May gbo developed the HiToP-Therapy,
the new generation of electro therapy. In addition to the classical indications,
this therapy opens up completely new possibilities to the therapist.

HiToP-Therapy has also been established in the areas of cosmetics and

sport, with, for example, programs especially developed for lipolysis, cellulitis,
muscle building, body shaping and sport.

Hence, much of the know-how gained from medicine was adopted in the areas
of wellness/sport – for the well-being of users, customers and patients.

Driven by the ambitious goals persecuted by the people and products of gbo, it
is only natural that gbo Medizintechnik AG established a certified quality
management system in accordance with EN ISO 13485.

Intention and content

The aim of this introduction to HighTone Power Therapy is to explain in

simple words the fantastic therapeutic success of the many devices that
are in operation today.

Answers to basic questions are given that shall inspire further

investigations in this field. The complete range of possibilities of HighTone
power therapy is far from being completely explored.

This introduction is not meant to be a scientific document. It is meant to

be read by a broad range of readers and, thus, as far as possible does
without technical terms and simplifies complex processes for better

Presently the ‘father’ of HighTone power therapy, Dr. Hans-Ulrich May,

medical specialist in neurology and psychiatry, is writing a basic
scientific book on HighTone power therapy, which will then lead to a
broad academic discussion.

As to the content, essentially the following three questions will be

What is the origin of HighTone power therapy?
What are the basic mechanisms of this method?
What are the main areas of practical use?

HighTone power therapy
is a very efficient therapy

 70% to 80% of all patients experience a pain relief after the first
treatment or are even free of pain altogether.

 The first treatment of almost 600 patients resulted in the following


Overall Result of 120 registered

practice tests with HiToP 184

Number of
Patients Pain free Pain relief No Change

 The result is even better with the indication ‚knee arthrosis’:

Individual result of practice tests with HiToP 184

Clinical picture: Knee Arthrosis

Number of
Patients Pain free Pain relief No Change

Origin of the HighTone power therapy

 HighTone power therapy is a new quantum leap in the field of electro therapy.

 Conventional electro therapy stimulates nerves and muscles. The primary

aim of HighTone power therapy is a direct effect on the metabolism of the
The differences can be seen in effect, technology and practical use.

 The differences in effect relate to two main mechanisms of HighTone power

therapy: First, it introduces energy into the body to increase the cell energy
potential. Second, it makes the cell structures oscillate to normalize the

 From the technical point of view the classical electro therapy is a modulation
of amplitude: The current intensity is modulated, but the frequency remains
constant. Electro therapy uses modulation frequencies between 0 and 200
Hertz in the low frequency range, and mostly 4.000 Hertz in the medium fre-
quency range.

In HighTone power therapy the amplitude and the frequency are modulated
simultaneously. The higher the frequency, the more energy can be intro-
duced corresponding to the individual threshold curve of the patient's
electro sensitivity.

Thus, it is a SIMULtaneous Frequency and Amplitude Modulation. In

the following it will always be called SimulFAM i .

The letter i stands for intensity, which increases simultaneously with rising

In the HighTone power therapy device HiToP® HighTone frequencies between

4.096 and 32.768 Hertz are applied.

 HighTone power therapy differs in two further practical points:

1. Classical electro therapy is applied for 5 to 10 minutes, but HighTone

power therapy for up to 60 minutes.

2. In classical electro therapy, as a rule, one channel and two electrodes are
used. In HighTone power therapy up to 4 channels are in parallel operation,
with at least 10 electrodes.

What are the two main effects
of HighTone power therapy?

Mitochondria -
of the cells

Picture from
Molecular Cell Biology

 Introduction of energy into the body in order to activate the cells and to
vitalize the body.

 Creation of resonances in order to make the cells and the tissue

structures oscillate, with the aim to improve metabolic processes and to
relieve pain.
Bibliography (excerpt):
1. NIKOLOVA-TROEVA, L.: Physiotherapie der chirurgischen Erkrankungen. München, Berlin, Wien: Urban & Schwarzenberg 1970
2. BRIGHTON, C. T., & P. F. TOWNSEND: Increased cAMP production after short term capacitively coupled stimulation of bovine
growth plate chondrocytes. Transactions of the 6 annual meeting of the Bioelectrical Repair and Growth Society (BRAGS), vol.VI,
p.43, Oct. 19th – 22th 1986
3. KORENSTEIN, R., D. SOMJEN, H. FISCHLER & 1. BINDERMAN: Capacitively pulsed electric stimulation of bone cells. Induction
of cyclic-AMP changes and DANN synthesis. Biochimica et Biocphysica Acta 803, 302 - 307 (1984), Eisevier Science Publishers
4. LAABS, W. A., E. MAY, K. D. RICHTER, H. J. HÖHLING, J. ALTHOFF, P. QUINT & A. HANSJÜRGENS: Knochenheilung und
dynamischer Interferenzstrom (DIC) - Erste vergleichende tierexperimentelle Studie an Schafen. Teil 1: Experimentelles Vorgehen
und histologische Ergebnisse. Teil 11: Physikalische und chemische Ergebnisse. Langenbecks Arch. Chir. 356, 219 - 229 u.
231 - 241 (1982)
5. VERAGUTH, 0., & R. SEYDERHELM: Über raschwirkende Beeinflussung abnormer Leukozytenbilder durch ein neues Verfahren.
1. und 11. Mitteilung. Münch. Med. Wochenschr., 2211 - 2214 (1913) und 301 - 304 (1914)
6. FIEDLER, H.: Die Interferenzstrombehandlung in Klinik und Praxis. Elektromedizin 5, 1 - 19 (1960)
7. MAY, H. U., F. J. NIPPEL, A. HANSJÜRGENS & K. MEYER-WAARDEN: Acceleration of ossification by means of interferential
current. In: DIXON, A. D., & B. G. SARNAT (editors): Normal and abnormal bone growth: Basic and clinical research, pages
469 - 478 (1985). Progress in Clinical and Biological Research, Vol. 187, New York: Alan R. Liss, Inc. 1985
8. NIKOLOVA, L., & M. DAVIDOV: Fermentaktivitäten in traumatisierenden Nerven und ihre Beeinflussung durch Interferenzströme
(Experimentelle Untersuchungen). Voprosy Kurortol., Fisiotherap. i lecebn. Fisic. Kultury 43, 54 - 57 (1978)
9. NIKOLOVA-TROEVA, L.: Treatment with interferential current. Edingurgh, London, Melbourne, New York: Churchill Livingstone
10. GILDEMEISTER, M.: Untersuchungen über die Wirkung von Mittelfrequenzströmen auf den Menschen. Pflügers Arch. 247,
366 -404 (1944)
11. GREEN; R. T.: The absolute threshold of electric shock. Brit. J. Psychol. 53, 107 - 115 (1962)
12. SCHWARZ F: Über die Reizung sensibler Fasern des Menschen durch mittelfrequente Wechselströme. Pflügers Arch. 247,
405 - 440 (1944)

Question 1:
How is the energy introduced into the cells?

Threshold curve of the electric current sensation

Shaded area
corresponds to the


Department of
Electrical Engeneering
and Computer Sciences,
University of California,
Berkley, California DALZIEL

 The threshold curve of the electro sensitivity defines how much

power can be introduced into the body. The higher the frequency of
the power entered, the more power the human body is able to

 The goal is to transfer as much energy as possible to the body. This

can be achieved with high frequencies. The HighTone power therapy
operates in the range between 4.096 and 32.768 Hertz. Up to 5.000
mWatt are introduced directly into the body.

 HighTone power therapy increases the mitochondria, the so-called

energy ,,power stations",. in amount and size.

 After the therapy, the patient feels refreshed, just like after a long

 This energy input is twofold: once locally in the treated area and
simultaneously on the whole body.

 The whole-body vitalisation is important, for a disease is rarely limited

to one area. The resistance to disease of the whole body is

Question 2:
What makes the cell
and tissue structures oscillate?

Resting state

Charged particles
of different sizes
without an electric field
(original position)

 The electric alternating field makes the charged particles oscillate.

 The frequencies of the oscillations introduced create resonances in

the molecules and cell structures.

Resonance: Rising Frequenzy

particles get in

Resonance phenomenons

Resonance: Sinking Frequency Larger particles

get in

 Different frequencies activate structures of different size.

 For this reason it is important to offer a broad spectrum of


 The oscillations cause the normalization of the cell metabolism.

 Waste products are transported away and nutritive substances are


 Cell processes as well as the communication between the cells are

normalized again.

It is a therapy of normalization.

SimulFAM i
A new kind of electrotherapy without muscle and
nerve stimulation

Achieved resonance with the frequency scan

 The applied frequencies range from 4.096 to 32.768 Hertz over 3 octaves
in 72 quartertone steps of 1 second each.

 It is particularly important that all frequencies are passed through one after
the other, in order to make all cell and tissue structures oscillate.

 In classical vertical stimulation only one frequency is used. There is no

frequency scan.

 The oscillations of the different particles in the tissue lead to many effects.
One of them is a strongly increased distribution of pain and inflammation
mediators as well as a positive effect on the transport of nutritive and
waste products.

 Thus, the result is an improvement of metabolic processes, purification

and pain relief.

 The diffusion, i.e. the movement of particles from locations of high

concentration to low concentration, is greatly enhanced. Important: No
unnatural procedures are forced onto the patient but the body's own
processes are alleviated.

 Due to the strong diffusion effect the HighTone Therapy is very well
suited to transfect medication that is made for iontophoresis into the

 Compared with classical iontophoresis this new HighTone Iontophoresis

yields better results while avoiding the typical and well known

SimulFAM X
Classical stimulation frequencies
with innovative technique

 Scan of fmin = 4096 Hz up to fmax = 32768 Hz

 3 octaves from C to C
 Intensity significantly over the threshold

 With this function also nerves and muscles can be stimulated (yellow
effect). The letter 'X' stands for the crossing with the threshold curve.

 The effects on the metabolic processes of SimulFAM® i (green effect)

are always present, as the HighTone frequency alternating electrical
fields are also always present.

 The below shown HighTone stimulation frequencies indicate, how

often in one second the process passes through from upper
frequency of 32.768 Hertz to lower frequency of 4.096 and
back again.
That means it is not a classical method of current stimulation therapy.

0,1 - 1,5 Hz slow muscle movement for muscle relaxation

activation of the muscle pump
3 Hz activation of lipolysis (reduction of fat)
10 HZ vasoconstriction, treatment of edema, reduce swelling
20 Hz muscle stimulation with pauses
100 Hz analgesia according to the principle of counter-irritation

 The frequency of 100 Hertz is of particular therapeutic importance.

This is used to create an analgesic effect on the patient. Only by this
an active therapy of movement is made possible and the patient can
be motivated.

SimulFAM X
The Paradox Stimulation

„Normal“ Stimulation Paradox Stimulation

Each SimulFAM® X line is defined be the starting point I4kHz and the
ending point I32kHz. From these two points a slope is derived that can
take on values between 10% and 200%.

The higher the slope the smaller is the angle with which the
frequency scan crosses the threshold curve. With slopes greater
than 100% we get the paradox situation that smaller intensity levels
at 4 kHz generate the stimulation (action potentials) while the higher
intensities at 32 kHz yield no stimulation.

This especially slow and soft crossing of the threshold curve results
in very important characteristics of HighTone Therapy:

 The softer (high slope) the threshold curve is crossed the more
comfortable the sensation is for the patient

 The higher the slope the higher is the energy that can be
introduced to the body using SimulFAM® X.

 The metabolic effects known from SimulFAM® i are more present

with SimulFAM® X when using higher slopes.

These particular advantages also become evident in the treatment of

diabetic polyneuropathies with the application of medical muscle
stimulation with SimulFAM® X.

HighTone power therapy in the practice:
Basic therapeutic procedure

 Due to the above described effect the HighTone power therapy

comprises the following three forms of application:

Application 1

Local electrode application on the treatment spot for

local cell activation with SimulFAM® .i

Application 2

Local or central electrode application for pain relief with

SimulFAM®X 100 Hertz.

Application 3

Whole-body electrode application for whole-body cell

activation with SimulFAM® .i

 The electrodes are applied in the above indicated order. The

intensity of the corresponding channels are also adjusted in the
same order. That means, the whole-body treatment is always
adjusted at the end.

 All three therapies are conducted simultaneously. The duration of

therapy is 60 minutes each. Every channel can be used for every

 The treatment with SimulFAM® i is a causal treatment which is

conducted locally on the spot and also always simultaneously on
the whole body. As a rule, 10 sessions are necessary to achieve
a long-lasting treatment success.

 The treatment with SimulFAM® X 100 Hertz is a symptomatic

treatment to achieve an immediate partial or total pain relief. The
treatment is conducted locally on the spot or centrally at the
upper end of the spine (pain relief of cervical spine), in order to
reduce all the pain in the body according to the principle of

HighTone power therapy in the practice:
Conditions and accessories

 For the HighTone therapy a separate cabin is preferable. The bench

for the patient should be at least 80 cm wide. To the left of the bed
there must be sufficient space to place a device trolley of 70 cm

A cushion to support the leg is needed as well as a neck cushion to

rest the head. After adjustment of the current intensities, the patient
should be covered with a blanket.

In case of treatment of the back the patients should wear an elastic

undershirt. The ladies should not wear panty hoses, as electrodes
must be placed also on the feet.

 Treatment lasts approximately 60 minutes. Therefore, 80 to 90

minutes should be allowed from one patient's appointment to the
next, to allow sufficient time for the patients to get prepared.

Attention: Before starting the treatment the patients should empty

their bladder, as often the diuresis is stimulated.

 After adjustment of the intensities many patients sleep during

therapy, the full 60 minutes. Some patients listen to relaxing music
with earphones. After 60 minutes the patient is woken up by the
gong of the device or gently by the medical assistant.

 On average a total of ten treatments is necessary, ideally with at

least 3 sessions per week. Best results are achieved with daily

In some cases worsening of the medical problem can occur in the

beginning. This is a sign that the therapy takes effect. In this case
the consecutive treatment must always be undergone the next day
in order to stop the primary worsening.

 Most important, however, is the correct diagnosis. This, and the

exact localization of the pain spot, is very important for an effective

Main indications
of HighTone power therapy

 Knee arthrosis

 Hip arthrosis

 Lumbar spine syndrome

 Cervical spine syndrome

 Thoracic spine syndrome

 Shoulder-arm syndrome

 Polyneuropathies

 Tennis elbow

 Pain following injuries and operations

 Open wounds (Ulcus cruris)

 Edema treatment

 Physical and psychic stress and exhaustion

 Refreshment treatment for an overall vitalization

Also patients with varicose veins, metallic implants and

endoprotheses may be treated.

Contraindications of HighTone power therapy

 Patients with feverish systemic infections, local bacterial

infections, cardiac pacemakers and pregnant women must not
undergo HighTone power therapy.

Comprehensive description
of the whole-body treatment

Since the whole-body treatment is always used, it is described here in


 Five large flexible electrodes are moistened with Aloe Vera contact
spray. Thus the electrodes have optimum contact to the skin. The
advantage of the Aloe Vera spray is that it does not evaporate too
quickly, as it is a natural product made of the juice of a palm tree.

Under each sole, on the outside of both forearms and on the neck
a flexible rubber electrode will be fixed with an elastic band.

 The rubber electrodes are connected with one of the four channels.
It is unimportant, which channel is used for it. It is only preferable
that the black plugs are fixed on the rubber electrodes of the soles
and the white plugs on the rubber electrodes of the forearms.

One distribution
Whole-body There are four cable is
Distribution connected to up
treatment cables to four white
SimulFAM i I = red and two black
60 minutes II = green connectors
III = yellow
IV = blue

((In this
application the
fourth white
connector is not

 Now with this setup energy can flow through the body.
From the forearms to the soles.
The body cells are activated.

 We choose SimulFAM i .
At first the intensity at the lower frequency of 4.096 Hertz is
adjusted until the patient feels a slight prickle which is very
After that, the intensity is adjusted also at the medium frequency of
16.384 Hertz, until the patient experiences also a pleasant prickle.

 Now the frequency spectrum is passed automatically from 16.384

Hertz up to 32.768 Hertz in quartertone steps. Back again to
32.768 Hertz, down to 4.096 Hertz and up again to 32.768 Hertz.
Each frequency run lasts 144 seconds.
With rising frequency also the introduced power increases up to the
maximum value of 5.000 mWatt.

As a consequence, from a certain frequency on - which differs from

patient to patient - the intensity indicated in mWatt remains

 After 60 minutes the power is automatically reduced to zero. It is

also possible to reduce the power manually. This has the advantage
that the patient will not be woken up by the device gong. The point
of time can be varied individually by the medical assistant.

The whole-body application is always the last to be adjusted,
only after the other applications were adjusted.

Central and local pain relief
according to the principle of counter-irritation
SimulFAM X 100 Hertz

 The pain relief with SimulFAM® X 100 Hertz is an important part of

the therapy.

This analgesia is taking effect, until the healing effect of SimulFAM® i

takes place.

The pain information is transferred over the nerves to the brain.

Using the principle of counter-irritation SimulFAM® X 100 Hertz adds
100 stimulation impulses to the pain information on the nerves. The
brain is confused by this large amount of data and thus cannot
localize anymore the pain information.

 This analgesia is performed locally at the treatment spot or centrally

at the upper end of the spine (cervical pain relief).

Depending on the indication either local or central pain relief is


 The advantage of analgesia at the upper end of the spine is that all
pain information below this application does not penetrate into the

For patients with lumbar spine syndrome a central pain relief is

advisable, as the pain situation can be very considerable locally. The
energy flows from one side of the spine to the other.

 For patients with knee arthrosis local pain relief with SimulFAM® X
100 Hertz is advisable. Energy is adjusted up to a stimulation that
can just be tolerated, from the rubber electrode on the upper thigh
to the rubber electrode at the inner part of the calf.

HiToP® 191
The Medical Muscle Stimulation

The HiToP® 191 is a

HighTone Therapy unit
for muscle stimulation
that has been especially
designed to treat

The polyneuropathy causes symptoms like numbness, burning, pain,

paraesthesia or muscle weakness in legs and feet that reduces the patients
quality of life significantly. Especially encumbering is the painful diabetic
polyneuropathy that is found in 11% of the patients with diabetes type 1 and
32% with type 2.

Specific medication for this type of disease does not exist. Typically used are
psychotropic drugs or drugs from the field of epilepsy. Unfortunately these
drugs are not very effective (for diabetic PNP), have many side effects and
are very expensive.

That is why it is good to know that these patients can be helped much better
by applying the medical muscle stimulation with the HiToP ® 191. A study at
the DDZ (German Diabetes Center, the Leibnitz Institute at the Heinrich-
Heine-University Düsseldorf) has not only shown that the HiToP® is very
successful with a 80% positive responder rate but also that it is much more
effective than the conventional electrotherapy with a 33%. success rate.

This study was published in the leading European Diabetes Journal

DIABEOLOGIA in May 2005 ("Effective treatment of symptomatic diabetic
polyneuropathy by high-frequency external muscle stimulation"; Reichstein
L., Nickell S., Ziegler D., Scherbaum W.A., Martin S.).

The scientists at the German Diabetes Center have continued their research
into the positive effects of HighTone Therapy and found out that the insulin
sensitivity is increased and a significant reduction in weight was achieved.
This study is due to be published soon.

For further information see

Knee arthrosis

Due to a relieving posture, often with an existing knee

arthrosis there occur sensations of pain in the knee which
is actually unaffected. Therefore it is recommended to
treat also the healthy knee.

Application technique:
1 channel whole body (SimulFAM i)
2 channel medially (inside) and laterally
(outside) to the knee joint,
one electrode each
(SimulFAM i), affected knee
3 channel one electrode ventrally on
the mid thigh, one electrode
on the mid calf
(SimulFAM X 100 Hz),
affected leg.
4 channel one electrode each medially
and laterally to the knee,
unaffected leg (SimulFAM i)

Hip arthrosis

Since for patients with hip arthrosis not only the hip, but
due to a relieving posture and the changed body statics
also the spine is affected, it is recommended to treat also
the lumbar spine if this is given.

Application technique:
1 channel whole body (SimulFAM i)
2 channel one electrode, each on both
sides of the femoral head
(SimulFAM i)
3 channel one electrode dorsally on the
opposite side of the spine,
height L3-L5, one electrode
ventrally on the mid thigh
(SimulFAM X 100 Hz)

HiToP-device overview

Lumbar spine syndrome

For lumbar spine syndrome pain often occurs not only in
the lumbar spine area, but it radiates additionally to the

Application technique:
1 channel whole body (SimulFAM i)
2 channel 2 electrodes on the stomach,
one electrode transversally on
the lower part of the lumbar
spine (SimuIFAM i)
3 channel one electrode each on both sides
of the pelvis
(SimulFAM X 100 Hz)
4 channel one electrode on the opposite
side of the spine, height L1-L3,
one electrode dorsally on the
thigh of the affected leg
(i.e. along the pain)
(SimulFAM X 100 Hz)

Shoulder-arm syndrome
Due to the limited mobility as well as the fear of sudden
pain after certain combined movements the patient with
shoulder-arm syndrome acquires a posture with which he
tries to avoid pain. This is characterized as follows: slightly
upturned shoulder, head bent to the affected side, arm
often flexed. This posture leads to tensions of the
trapezius muscle and the rhomboid muscles as well as to
an abnormal posture of the cervical spine.

Application technique:
1 channel whole body (SimulFAM i)
2 channel one adhesive electrode
ventrally on the shoulder joint
and one adhesive electrode
dorsally on the shoulder joint
(SimulFAM i)
3 channel two electrodes ventrally
on the upper arm
(SimulFAM X 100 Hz),

HiToP 4touch

Electrotherapy of the next generation

A four-channel pain therapy device for a holistic

treatment of the patient.
With its innovative and unique device HiToP 4 touch
gbo Medizintechnik AG presents to the user local and
holistic therapies for different indications. Yet the user
 4 independent channels for the interface gives a maximum level of usability: With one
treatment in four areas. single touch you can select a therapy from your personal
 Individual display for each channel list of favorites. Simply turning the intensity regulator
allows a real quick start.
 Easy operation by touch screen
The modern high-tech design with brushed aluminum
 15” Graphic display: pictures with surface and the TFT LCD full color touch screen monitor
applications demonstrate the offer to the health care professional an indispensable
placement of the electrodes feature.
 Safety circuit to avoid voltage
sensations caused by bad electrode Medical programs: Wellness programs:
placement  SimulFAM i  Vitalisation
 No side effects  Reha  Sport
 Mobilization  Electro massage
 Musclepump  Shaking massage
 Trauma  Lipolysis
 Lymphdrainage  Fatburning
 Edema  Bodyshaping
 Pain  Cellulite
 Nerveblock
 Universal
 Polyneuropathy
HiToP 2touch

Electrotherapy of the next generation

A two-channel pain therapy device

New two-channel-version of the innovative HiToP -
device series(description see HiToP 4 touch above).
 2 independent channels for the
treatment in different areas
 Individual display for each channel
 Easy operation by touch screen
 15” Graphic display: pictures with
applications demonstrate the
placement of the electrodes
 Safety circuit to avoid voltage
sensations caused by bad electrode
 No side effects

HiToP 1touch

Electrotherapy of the next generation

A one-channel pain therapy device

New one-channel-version of the innovative HiToP -
device series (description see HiToP 4 touch).

 One channel
 Easy operation by touch screen
 10” Graphic display
 Whole body treatment for vitalisation
 Safety circuit to avoid voltage
sensations caused by bad electrode
 No side effects.

The device is portable and can be transported easily with

the special transport bag for HiToP 1touch.

HiToP 191
The special unit for the treatment of polyneuropathic
pain at home
The HiToP 191 is a HighTone Therapy unit for muscle
stimulation that has been especially designed to treat
diabetic polyneuropathy.

 One channel The positive effect of the HighTone therapy achieve a

 Easy operation very effective contraction of the musculature without
 Safety circuit to avoid voltage unpleasant feeling.
sensations caused by bad electrode
 No side effects.

The device is portable and can be transported easily with

the special transport bag for HiToP 191.


gbo Medizintechnik AG Tel.: +49(0)6253/808-0  gbo Medizintechnik AG

Kleiststrasse 6 Fax: +49(0)6253/808-245
D-64668 Rimbach e-mail: [email protected]
Germany internet:


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