SGP Assignment 1to 5
SGP Assignment 1to 5
SGP Assignment 1to 5
Q. No. Question CO
Q.1 Classify the types of relays with respect to different categories. CO1
Q.2 Explain the construction and working principle of induction cup-type electromagnetic relays. CO1
With a neat diagram explain the working of a shaded pole-type electromagnetic induction disc
Q.3 CO1
Q.4 Derive an expression for torque produced by induction type relay. CO1
Q.5 Derive the expression of torque for directional relay with a vector diagram. CO1
Q.6 Define the reach, underreach, and overreach of the relay. CO1
What do you understand by a zone of protection? Discuss various zones of protection. for a
Q.7 modern power system. Why do adjacent protective zones overlap? Explain primary and CO1
backup protection.
Q.8 Describe the plug setting multiplier and time multiplier setting with a suitable example. CO1
Q.9 Explain the concept of current discrimination for the protection of radial feeders. CO1
With a neat sketch explain the constructional features and the working principle of an IDMT CO1
Q.11 Give differences between protective CT and measuring CT. CO1
Q.12 Explain the working of the numerical relay with a neat and clean block diagram. CO1
Q. No. Question CO
Explain how a thermal overload relay is used for the protection of equipment against an
Q.2 overloading condition. Is it possible to use an overcurrent relay in place of the overload relay? CO2
Justify your answer.
Explain with a neat diagram, the overcurrent protection of a 3-phase feeder against phase
Q.3 CO2
faults and earth faults. How many phase fault and earth fault relays are used?
Q.4 Write and explain the drawback of over current relay. CO2
Draw the phasor diagram for the 30° and 60° connection of a directional overcurrent relay. CO2
Explain Limitations of O.C. Relays.
Show the characteristics of the following distance relays on R-X diagram. CO3
(i) Reactance relay (ii) Mho relay (iii) Impedance relay
What are the limitations of three-stepped distance protection? How are they overcome by CO3
carrier current protection?
Compare the performance of distance relay in respect of its sensitivity to the following:
(a) Effect of arc resistance CO3
(b) Effect of power swing
(c) Directional property
Q.11 What is the need for Carrier Aided Protection of transmission lines? CO3
Q.12 List various possible options of the carriers for the carrier-aided relaying purpose. CO3
Explain the working of carrier aided under reach transfer tripping scheme using time-distance CO3
characteristic and control circuit.
Q. No. Question CO
Explain the construction, working, and operating characteristics of the percentage differential
Q.1 CO3
Explain the behaviour of Merz–Price protection during normal load, external fault and internal
Q.2 CO3
fault condition.
Q.3 Explain the restricted earth fault protection of three phase transformer. CO2
In what manner the CTs are connected for biased differential protection of transformer having
Q.4 (i) Delta-star connection and (ii) Star-star connection. Give reason for the CT Connections CO3
Q.5 Explain harmonic restrain relay. CO2
What are the faults and abnormal operating conditions for an alternator (synchronous
Q.7 CO2
Q.10 With a neat sketch, describe the percentage differential protection of an alternator. CO3
Explain a protection scheme for stator inter-turn (transverse differential protection) faults of a CO2
Q.12 Explain the scheme for the detection of turn-to-turn faults. CO3
Q.13 State various faults and abnormal operating conditions of an induction motor. CO2
Q.14 Explain the application of reverse phasing protection to an induction motor. CO2
Q.15 Draw and explain the ground fault of an induction motor. CO3
Q. No. Question CO
Q.1 What is a circuit breaker (CB)? Explain its operation in brief. CO4
Q.8 Describe various types of ratings for circuit breakers (covering important terms of CB). CO4
Q.9 Write a short note on the selection of the circuit breaker. CO4
Q.10 Explain the classification of circuit breakers based on various factors. CO4
Q.11 Explain the construction and working of an air brake circuit breaker. CO4
Explain the construction and working of an air blast circuit breaker (both axial blast and cross CO4
Q.13 With a neat figure, explain the construction and working of a minimum oil circuit breaker. CO4
With a neat figure, explain the construction and working of an SF6 circuit breaker covering its CO4
advantages and disadvantages.
Q.15 Explain with a suitable example the phenomena of auto reclosing. CO4
Question CO
Q.1 An IDMT relay is used to protect a section of the line, for a fault current of 4000 Amp, plug setting CO3
(PS) of 125 %, time dial setting (TDS) / time multiplier setting (TMS) of 0.6 sec and CT ratio of 400/1.
Find out the time of operation of the relay. Make use of the following characteristic.
Q.2 An IDMT overcurrent relay is used to protect a feeder through a 500/1 A CT. The relay has a plug CO3
setting of 125% and TMS=0.3. Find the time of operation of the said relay if a fault current of 5000
A flows through the feeder. Make use of the following characteristic:
Q.3 As shown in Fig. 1.1 and Table 1.3 for fault current 2000 A, the plug setting (PS) for relays R1 and CO3
R2 are 100% and 125%, respectively. The time dial setting (TDS) for R1 is 0.2 seconds. Determine
the time of operation of both relays. Consider the coordination time interval (CTI) as 0.5 seconds
and the type of relay is IDMT.
Fig. 1.1 Single line diagram of a part of the power system network.
Q.4 Relay R in Fig. 1.2 is one of the IDMT phase overcurrent relays of three overcurrent and one earth CO3
fault scheme having the normal inverse characteristic. It is connected to a 132 kV transmission line
with its normal plug setting range of 50–200% of 1 A in a step of 25%. The time dial setting (TDS)
range of relay R is 0.1 to 1 s in steps of 0.05 s. The CT ratio is 500/1 A. If the load on the 132 kV
line is 100 MW with 0.98 power factor then determine the plug setting (PS) of the relay R. Further,
if a phase-to-phase fault occurs at 50 km from the relay with a magnitude of 4000 A, determine its
time of operation using standard relay formula. Assume the set value of TDS of relay R is 0.5.
Fig. 1.2 Single line diagram of a part of the power system network.
Q.5 A radial feeder ABC is sectionalized into parts AB and BC. Part AB near the source has a relay R2 CO3
and part BC at the far end has a relay R1. R1 is set to 125 % and R2 is set to 150 % plug setting.
CT ratios for both relays are 500/1. For discrimination, a time gradient margin of 0.5 sec is taken.
Determine the time of operation of both relays when a fault occurs at the end of the feeder section
BC. The fault current is 5000 A.TMS of R1 is 0.2. Determine the TMS of R2. Both relays follow the
characteristics given below.
Q.6 Select CT ratios and determine the TMS, and Plug setting of the IDMT relays at locations O and A, CO3
for the over-current protection of the radial feeder shown in Fig. 1.3. The characteristic of the IDMT
relay is given in Table 1.5. Minimum fault currents at each point are given in Table 1.6. The maximum
load current from each bus is indicated in Fig. 1.3.
Fig. 1.3 Single line diagram of a part of the power system network.
Q.7 Two relays R1 and R2 are connected in two sections of a feeder with CT ratios of 1000/5 A as shown CO3
in Fig. 1.4. The plug settings of relay R1 and R2 are 150% and 200%, respectively. The operating
time characteristic of both relays at TMS=1 is given in Table 1.7.
Fig. 1.4 Single line diagram of a part of the power system network.
The time multiplier setting of relay R1 is 0.3. The time grading scheme has a discriminative time
margin of 0.5 seconds between the relays. A three-phase short circuit at F results in a fault current
as shown in Fig. 1.4. Find the actual operating times of R1 and R2. What is the time multiplier setting
of R2?
Q.8 Calculate the relay setting of the single line diagram of a radial feeder shown in Fig. 1.5. The relays CO3
used are standard IDMT phase overcurrent relays, having a rated current of 1 A. The normal range
of PS is 50 – 200% of 1 A in seven equal steps, whereas the TDS range is 0.1 to 1 in steps of 0.05.
The PS of the relay R2 is given as 50% of the CT secondary rating, and the TDS is given as 0.2.
Fig. 1.5 Single line diagram of a part of the power system network.
Q.9 Fig. 1.6 shows the single-line diagram of a portion of a radial distribution system. The PS of R3 = CO3
75% of CT secondary. The TDS of R3 = 0.1. Determine the settings of the relays R1 and R2. The
normal range of PS is 50–200% of 1 A in seven equal steps, whereas the TDS setting range is 0.1
to 1 in steps of 0.05.
Fig. 1.6 Single line diagram of a part of the power system network.
Q.10 Fig. 1.7 shows the single-line diagram of a portion of a radial distribution system. The TDS of R5 is CO3
given as 0.1. Assume suitable discrimination time and determine the settings of relays R1, R2, R3,
and R4. The normal range of PS is 50–200% of 1 A in seven equal steps, whereas the TDS setting
range is 0.1 to 1 in steps of 0.05.
Fig. 1.7 Single line diagram of a part of the power system network.
Q.11 The relays shown in Fig. 1.8 are directional and non-directional relays. Identify the directional relays. CO3
The breaking capacities of the breakers are given in Table 1.8. The PS of relays are given in Fig.
1.8; the TDS value of the relays R2 and R5 is set at 0.1. Determine the TDS of other relays.
Fig. 1.8 Single line diagram of a part of the power system network.
Q.12 Fig. 1.9 shows the single-line diagram of a power system. The relays are directional and non- CO3
directional. The PS and TDS of relay R5 are given as 75% and 0.15, respectively. Determine the
PS and TDS of the other relays by considering suitable discrimination time.
Fig. 1.9 Single line diagram of a part of the power system network.
Q. No. Question CO
Fig. 2.1 Single line diagram of a part of the power system network.
Q.2 Obtain 3 zone settings for (i) a reactance relay and (ii) a mho relay of 60° MTA from the following CO3
CT: 400/1 A and PT: 132 kV/110 V
Impedance for the first section is 2.5 + j5.0 ohms (primary) and that for the second section is 3.5
+ j7.0 ohms (primary). The first zone covers 80% of the first section, the second zone covers the
first section plus 30% of the second section and the third zone covers the first section plus 120%
of the second section.
Q.3 A 220 kV long transmission line has an impedance of 2 + j8 ohms. Suggest suitable distance CO3
relays for its protection and determine the settings of the relays for all three zones given that
i) Zone 1 covers 80% of the line length
ii) Zone 2 covers 150% of the line length
iii) Zone 3 covers 225% of the line length
a) fault resistance of 2 ohms while deciding settings, and
b) the suitable characteristic angle of the distance relay suggested by you.
Relevant data:
CT ratio = 1000/1 A
PT ratio = 220 kV/110 V
Q.4 Decide the three-zone settings of mho distance relay R, as shown in Fig. 2.2, having a CO3
characteristic angle of 60°.
Fig. 2.2 Single line diagram of a part of the power system network.
220 kV lines L3 and L4: Impedance: 0.02 + j × 0.1 Ω/km/phase, Line length: L3 is 100 km long,
whereas L4 is 125 km long.
Q.5 Fig. 2.3 shows the single-line diagram of a portion of the power system network. The line CO3
parameters of L1, L2, and L3 are shown in Table 2.1. The relay R is a mho relay with a
characteristic angle of 65°. The CT ratio is 1000/1 A and PT ratio is 220 kV/110 V. Three-zone
settings of relay R is K1 = 5.2, K2 = 17.32, and K3 = 22.72, respectively.
(a) zone 1 reach of relay R from bus 1 for the line L1 in km,
(b) zone 2 reach of relay R from bus 2 for line L2 in km,
(c) zone 3 reach of relay R from bus 2 for line L2.
Fig. 2.3 Single line diagram of a part of the power system network.
Transformer Protection
Q.7 A 3-phase 33 / 6.6 KV Star/Delta connected transformer is protected by differential protection. CO3
The CT on the LT side has a ratio of 300/5. Find the CT ratio on the HT side.
Q.8 Draw a detailed protection scheme for biased differential Protection of an 11/132 kV, 150 MVA, CO3
DY-1 power transformer. Suggest suitable CT ratios.
Q.9 A 3-phase transformer having a line voltage ratio of 400 V/33,000 V is connected in a star-delta. CO3
The CTs on the 400 V side have a current ratio of 1000/5. What must be the ratio of CTs on the
33,000 V side?
Q.10 Determine the plug setting and % bias setting to permit 25% overload for 50 MVA, 132 kV/66 kV, CO3
delta-star transformer. The CT ratios on the delta and star sides are 300/5 and 1200/5
Q.11 A 3-phase transformer having a line voltage ratio of 15KV/220KV is connected in a star-delta and CO3
a protective transformer on the 220 kV side has a current ratio of 50A/5A. What must be the ratios
of the protective transformer on the 15 kV side?
Q.12 Draw a detailed protection scheme for biased differential protection of a 66/132 KV, 250 MVA, CO3
DY1 power transformer. Suggest suitable CT ratios. In addition, suggest the proper ICT for the
Q.13 A 33/6.6 kV, three-phase, 50 Hz, Y/∆1 connected transformer is protected by a differential CO3
scheme. Draw the detailed connection diagram for the differential protection of the transformer.
If the CTs employed on the high tension (HT) side have a ratio of 6.93:1 A, determine the CT
ratio on the low tension (LT) side. Let the current on LT lines be 300 A.
Q.14 Find the ratio of the star/delta ICTs to achieve ideal matching of CT secondaries in case of CO3
differential protection of a 500 kV/138 kV/13.45 kV, 120 MVA/90 MVA/30 MVA, star/star/delta
transformer as shown in Fig. 2.4.
Fig. 2.4 Differential protection applied to a three-winding transformer.
Question CO
Generator Protection
Q.1 A three-phase, 11 kV, 120 MW, 0.85 lagging power factor generator is protected by a circulating CO3
current differential protection scheme. The CT ratio is 7500/5 A. The CT secondary resistance is
1.5 Ω and the lead resistance is 1 Ω. The relay-rated current is 5 A and its setting range is 5 –
20% of 5 A. The burden of the relay is 1 VA. Calculate the value of stabilizing resistance (Rstab)
for an external fault having a magnitude of 10 pu. Also, suggest the KPV required for CTs. The
relay is set at 10% of 5 A.
Q.2 Fig. 3.1 shows the single-line diagram of a generator winding which is protected by a percentage CO3
differential protection scheme. The relay settings for the said scheme are as under.
i) Pick-up current = 0.05 A
ii) Slope = 10 %
A high resistance single line-to-ground fault occurs when the generator is supplying the power to
the load. The magnitude of current through CT1 and CT2 is 405 A and 370 A, respectively.
Determine whether the CB will trip by the relay in case of the given situation. Also, find out whether
the relay will operate at the given value of fault current if the generator were carrying no load with
the CB open.
Fig. 3.1 Single line diagram of a part of the power system network.
Q.3 The neutral point of a 10,000 V alternator is earthed through a resistance of 10 Ω. The relay is set CO3
to operate when there is an out-of-balance current of 1 A. The CTs have a ratio of 1000/5 A. What
percentage of the winding is protected against earth fault and what must be the minimum value of
earthing resistance in order to give 90% protection to each phase winding?
Q.4 A three-phase, two-pole, 11 kV, 10,000 KVA alternator has neutral earthed through a resistance CO3
of 7 Ω. The machine has current balance protection which operates upon out-of-balance current
that exceeds 20% of the full load. Determine the percentage of winding protected against earth
Q.5 Fig. 3.2 shows the single-line diagram of a system where the generator is protected by a biased CO3
differential relay. The settings are as follows:
a) Pickup setting: 20% of relay-rated current (5 A)
b) Bias setting: 30%
c) CT ratio: 7500/5 A
Show with relevant calculations that the relay will operate for an internal fault (Fint). All reactances
are in per unit and on common 100 MVA, 11 kV base
Fig. 3.2 Single line diagram of a part of the power system network.
Q.6 The neutral point of a three-phase, 20 MVA, 11 kV alternator is earthed through a resistance of 5 CO3
Ω. The relay is set to operate when there is an out-of-balance current of 1.5 A. The CTs have a
ratio of 1000/5. What percentage of the winding is protected against an earth fault? What should
be the minimum value of the earthing resistance to protect 90 % of the winding?
Q.7 A 200 MW, 13.8 kV, 0.9 PF, 50 Hz, 3-phase, Y-connected generator is protected by an earth-fault CO3
relay. The relay is set to operate at 10%. The CT ratio is 10,000/1 A. A resistor is used in the
neutral circuit of the generator to limit the earth-fault current to 50% of the normal load current.
Determine the value of the resistor and the percentage of stator winding protected.
Q.8 An 11 kV, 3-phase turbo alternator has a maximum continuous rating of 3000KW at 0.8 p.f. and CO3
its reactance is 12%. It is equipped with differential protection which is set to operate at a fault
current of a minimum of 200 A. Find the value of neutral resistance required to protect 90% of the
Q.9 A 10 MVA, 13.2 kV generator is protected by restricted earth fault protection. The relay is set to CO3
operate on a 20% out-of-balance current. If 85% of the generator winding is supposed to be
protected by the relay, find out the value of resistance to be added in the neutral circuit.
Q.2 Calculate the RRRV of 132 kV circuit breaker with neutral earthed S.C. data as given below: CO4
The broken current is symmetrical, restriking voltage has a frequency of 20 kHz, p.f. 0.15. Assume
fault is also earthed.
Q.3 A 50 Hz, 3-phase 13.5 kV, alternator is connected to a circuit breaker that has an inductive CO4
reactance of 4 Ω/phase and capacitance of 2 µF. Determine maximum RRRV, peak restriking
voltage, and frequency oscillations.
Q.4 A circuit breaker (CB) is meant for the discontinuation of a 220/132 kV, 250 MVA, 50 Hz power CO4
transformer during the no-load condition. Find out the worst condition of overvoltage induced
across the contacts of the CB. The no-load current of the transformer is 1% of the full load current
of the transformer. The capacitance of the system is 10,000 pF/p.
Q.5 A 50 Hz, 13.8 kV, three-phase generator with grounded neutral has an inductance of 15 mH/phase CO4
and is connected to a busbar through a CB. The capacitance to earth between the generator and
the CB is 0.05 µF/phase. Determine the following:
a) Maximum restriking voltage
b) Time for maximum restriking voltage
c) Average RRRV up to the first peak
d) Frequency of oscillations
Neglect the resistance of generator winding.
Q.6 A 50 cycles, 3-phase alternator with grounded neutral has an inductance of 1.6 mH per phase and CO4
is connected to a busbar through a circuit breaker. The capacitance to earth between the alternator
and circuit breaker is 0.003 µF/phase. The circuit breaker opens then the rms value of the current
is 7500 A. Determine the following:
a) The maximum rate of rise of restriking voltage.
b) Time for maximum rate of rise of restriking voltage.
c) Frequency of oscillations.
Neglect the first pole to clear factor.
Q.7 A 50 Hz, 11 kV, three-phase alternator with earthed neutral has a reactance of 6 W/phase and is CO4
connected to a busbar through a CB. The distributed capacitance up to the CB between phase
and neutral is 0.01 µF. Determine the following:
a) Peak restriking voltage across the CB
b) Frequency of oscillations
c) The average RRRV up to the first peak.
Q.8 The rating of an oil CB is 2000 A, 2500 MVA, 66 kV, 3 s, three-phase. Determine the rated breaking CO4
current, rated making current, and short-time rating.
Q.9 A 3-phase alternator has a line voltage of 11 kV. The generator is connected to a circuit breaker. CO4
The inductive reactance up to the circuit breaker is 5 Ω/phase. The distributed capacitance up to
the circuit breaker between phase and neutral is 0.001 µF. Determine peak restriking voltage
across the CB, frequency of restriking voltage transients, the average rate of restriking voltage up
to peak restriking voltage, and maximum RRRV.
Q.10 A CB is tested for its make–break test. The values obtained during the testing are as follows: CO4
a) Under a faulty condition, the CB is closed and the peak of the first envelope of current is
recorded as 50 kA.
b) The peak-to-peak system voltage is 36 kV.
c) During the break test, the AC component of the breaking current is 25 kA, and the DC
component of the breaking current is 10 kA.