Present Truth in The Real World
Present Truth in The Real World
Present Truth in The Real World
by Jon Paulien
INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
all live and move and have our being. Many today have lost
found that most Adventists are hungry for truth and hungry for
of this book. I offer this book with the prayer that it will help
really so.
hardly have time for evangelism because they are so busy screening
spiritual meetings!
handed you a basketball for the first time and eight of your first
ten shots went in, you would say to yourself, "This isn't difficult
is that SDAs are really much more comfortable in their own cultural
setting than they are out in world. When we are among ourselves we
know how to talk and we know how to walk. For most Christians,
hear filthy language and dirty jokes. We smell tobacco smoke and
encourage even one person to step out in faith and reach out to
secular neighbors, friends, and family it will have been worth the
local church, it can put that church at the center of its commu-
inevitably there are half a dozen secular people there. They are
usually the ones who are the most enthusiastic and say, "If this is
that don't work with secular people. If you can come to understand
some of the ways that do work, your "hits" will increase and your
in this book are intentionally left out so that the primary focus
is not lost on the reader. One major omission is in the area of
the living God. And when God has become real to them, their
in our own homes and attend our own churches. Readers attempting
to reach youth will find much in this book that will be of use, but
little attempt has been made to spell out the relevance of this
issues, however, will note that Part Two does set out a biblical
it aims to set out the big picture rather than a detailed "how-to"
approach. The general principles concerning how Adventist faith
Europe, the onset of the New Age movement and the increasing
apostasy. But for now the secular mindset remains one of the major
A World in Change
of the old rules don't seem to work the way they used to. Many
Adventists are trying things we never used to try. The people that
does say that you will be given Sabbath off whenever possible!
the way you do. Although they might live right next door,
it's just too bad? Life might seem easier that way, but inspira-
tion suggests that the Gospel is not heard until it comes to people
a language with which they are familiar. The gospel must come to
is exactly what those people are looking for. But in other places
gigantic stuffed animal of some sort. Halfway down the stairs the
carriage tips, the animal falls out, tumbles down, and lies there
in a heap on the ground. She takes care of the carriage, goes down
helped him out." To which she replied, "Oh no, he fell out all by
himself!" Now what was happening here? We were speaking the same
at all. And that happens more often than we realize when we're
missionary couple went upriver into the interior of New Guinea and
contact with the outside world. The couple built a little dwelling
the story of Jesus. And he did it well. But the people showed
little interest in the story of Jesus. They didn't much care what
"the greatest Spirit" had done for some far-off tribe (the Jews) in
them in any way that they could understand until the missionary
came to the story of how Judas betrayed Jesus. Suddenly their full
and appreciation. It became clear that the hero of the story for
Did the missionary tell the story wrong? No. The problem was
reserved for the person who had the intestinal fortitude to betray
his best friend. When the tree people heard the Gospel story, they
were impressed with a man who could keep close company with a
powerful figure like Jesus for three years, sharing his food,
exceeded all the examples they had honored through the years.
How does one present the Gospel to people like that? The
gospel had been clear, powerful and convincing from the couple's
broke out between two of the tribes they had been working with.
would have to leave and go to other tribes who would not betray and
kill each other. Because the people did not want to lose the
glorified treachery?
and effective peace ceremony. Warriors from the two tribes faced
baby boys and brought him to the most trusted man on the other
side. Both babies and names were exchanged. Each member of the
tribe that was willing to make peace came and laid their hands on
the baby. Each baby became the "peace child." The tribe loved and
guarded their peace child for as long as that child lived, they
knew that they were safe from attack by the other tribe. Why?
Because the other tribe would be afraid to harm one of their own.
And after all, any man who would give his own son to his enemies
was a man who could be trusted. As long as the peace child lived,
the two tribes would be at peace with one another. Following the
gifts and names so that each person was considered a full member of
The couple observed all that had happened, and asked many
questions. Here was the redemptive analogy they had been looking
for. Now they could try to present the gospel once more. This
time they told about how there was war between heaven and earth.
But God so loved the world that He sent a "peace child." He gave
His Son to the human "tribe". He lived among us. And because He
died, was raised again, and lives forever, God has declared "peace"
with the human race and every tribe and every nation that is
peace with God too. And while peace among the Sawi people lasted
sense, the horizon of each person in a room is the four walls and
the ceiling, with a bit of a view out the windows. That person's
one can see even further. But if you can get on a mountain peak,
education you receive, the broader your horizon, and the greater
forms and expressions. What counts is not the form you choose to
role to bridge the gap between people? Doesn't the Bible say that
golden plates that came down out of Heaven? Word for word? No,
Quoted in Donald Bloesch, The Christian Witness in a Secu-
lar Age (Minneapolis: Augsburg, 1968), p.45.
childlike Greek. On the other hand, the author of Hebrews has the
most complex and literary Greek in all the New Testament with the
the life of Jesus fulfills the Old Testament Scriptures with which
on the other hand, reaches out to the Gentile mind. Jewish terms
Mark 14:12 with Matt 26:17). The Bible writers constantly keep
that God expects us, and is even Himself willing, to reach out to
on the other hand, the nations of the world were like vicious,
ravenous beasts who were hurting his people (see chapter 7). God
classical Greek of Plato and Aristotle and the Greek spoken today.
Some scholars thought that the New Testament had been given in some
many, these papyrus fragments were written in the same language and
style as the books of the New Testament! The New Testament was not
God meets people where they are! The Sacred Word was conditioned
people where they are. When God Himself came down in human flesh,
and culture, who got dirty, hungry, and tired, who even at times
became frustrated, angry, and sad (see Mark 1:40,41; 3:4,5; 6:6;
speak to people where they are. And the bonus is that if we are
chance that many more people will come to Christ than would
otherwise do so!
purpose to be obscure, but in many cases it was the only way to get
may also be the key to finishing the work. In the book Desire of
the Time". In that chapter the author explains that God spent
was working in the Greek world, in the Roman world, and in the
coming of Christ.
all of known human history the era of the most radical religious
heathen religions (where religion was associated with the land and
are familiar with today. All the great religions of today either
this great shift in human relation to God: "At this time the
systems of heathenism were losing their hold upon the people. Men
were weary of pageant and fable. They longed for a religion that
could satisfy the heart" (DA 32). Ellen White was so impressed
with the importance of this great shift in human religion that she
discovers that those who study religion today are finding in the
which there was one basic language; Greek, and one overriding
coming? We are told to expect that before Jesus comes the gospel
the world through the visual and print media. One of the few
Iran. And there are already signs that Iran's resistance may not
last long.
Encouragement". I put into that file the kinds of letters you want
to read over and over again when you're feeling down. He wrote,
has taken us 200 years may take only 20 years. My recent trip to
time to blink. Could this be part of God's plan to finish the work
can learn how to reach secular people, we'll soon be able to reach
just about anybody if things continue the way they are now. This
An Adventist Problem
Diminishing Returns
Given all that has been said in the first chapter one might
never heard the gospel. The very strategies that may help to grow
the church may cause us to neglect people groups that are resistant
to the gospel because they seem to require much effort with little
evident result.
America. But we are making very little impact on the vast majority
countries like New Guinea, the Philippines, and Jamaica, there are
people in the world who have never heard the story of salvation,
them. There are 2300 groups of more than a million people each
that do not have a single Adventist among them, much less an active
example, during one year that I pastored in New York City, I held
meetings 3-4 nights a week for virtually the whole year. I was
about twelve with God's help. Then I got on the phone with a
jokingly said, "What's wrong with you?" Was something wrong with
me? Perhaps not. After all, I had helped him with his tent effort
as well. I began to share with him how groups of people are not
church. The Church was baptizing only immigrants and the children
one of these 47 labels on you, they can tell you what kind of car
you drive, what kind of toothpaste you use, even the foods that you
how much we are like sheep. But the most interesting discovery for
twelve fit into one of those four or five groups. Eight out of
Americans used to respond. There are people for whom what we have
secular people is the way we present our message. For example, the
the close of the very first week. That strategy has been effective
secular person? "These people are into issues that are totally
is the right day to go to church. They aren't even sure why anyone
year 1844 AD. But secular people very much live in the here and
where these people are. The message that we're used to giving
given time and place. The reason I have written this book is
messages are. (In the first chapter of Part Three I will make some
secular people that they are not welcome among us, that our message
with new approaches that will welcome those who are not appealed to
very efficient in terms of time and energy and has served us well
for many years. But secular people are rarely reached in groups,
cant role in less than one out of four cases. Secular people in
and ask troubling questions. They aren't the kind of people that
come to you and say, "What does your church believe? Give me a
list of beliefs and I'll sign the line at the bottom." When
way into the faith. They may say, "Well, all right, this is what
they may say, "Is it OK if I don't see this item as all that
City. Just before their scheduled baptism they looked nervous and
said, "You know, you've been really great in working with us and
I said, "Well, what is it? Come on, you can tell me."
all these things, but, you gotta understand, all of our relatives
are going to be there and if you read these things just the way
relating to God, I talked about what Christ had done for us and
consider it a fun way to respond to what God has done for us.
eye on some dear old German ladies that had been members for sixty
years, anticipating the worst. And after the service was over, I
saw this one lady coming right toward me, just the one I was
in this church 60 years and I've never heard vows like that before.
That's the first time in my whole life that I've really understood
Now I'm not suggesting that you should redo the vows for every
occasion. And if you do, be careful that you get them right! My
point is that when secular people come in, they want to have a part
people are more responsive when someone takes the time to listen.
and new neighbors move in. They seem to be decent people. Your
Some time later your neighbor comes over and says, "You know,
you guys are really great neighbors. We've never had neighbors
central in our lives and that is our faith. And we were just
say, "Well, sure, sure, I'll be happy to." But your spouse's
with it. What is going on in your mind as you drive to the temple?
No doubt you would express your anxieties to each other. "I wonder
what it's going to be like? Do you think they might make us chant,
you know, get up and dance around going 'awh-wah-wah.' Wow, that
ing?" And you add, "What if they have a card at the door to sign,
and go home, right? But that would destroy your good relationship
with your neighbors so that is not an option. What is the best you
in a far corner, look around, see what happens, and when the
service is over, make a quick and quiet getaway? And hope that
nobody noticed you, right? But suppose it doesn't work that way.
Right in the middle of the service someone says, "Would all the
are in the Buddhist temple, looking like new converts just ripe for
As soon as they come in the door, they are expected to sign the
guest book or a guest card. One of the big things secular people
be cornered into signing something that they might regret later on.
even heard of the song. There are few things more embarrassing
than being in a group that is united in doing one thing and you are
unable to participate.
offering plate when they would really prefer not to. Their settled
view of churches is, "All they want is my money." Before they know
it the plate is coming by, and they feel that all eyes are on them.
Not long ago I asked my wife, an Adventist for almost twenty years,
why she always put a dollar from her personal "mad-money" in every
the family's budget. Her response was that she feared the
of much interest to a secular person the first time they walk in?
into their hands. If they see a bumper sticker that says, "Honk if
you love Jesus" they don't feel like praying or repenting. They
just say, "There goes another nut with bumper stickers!" They
them, you realize they are not at home with these things. I am not
reach out to secular people. But we might as well realize that the
But don't take my word for it. If you want to know why
secular people are not comfortable in most churches, just ask a few
to tell you the truth, their answers will usually fall into one or
general topics and find that there aren't very many that I can
have our own in-house language. We have our own special way of
walking in and sitting down in the church would drive the average
about finishing the work. But if we are serious about it, we will
theologian Langdon Gilkey in his book Naming the Whirlwind, and was
the sun is the center of the solar system, rather than the earth.
He felt that the new astronomy was out of harmony with Scripture.
would argue as Luther did. Science has clearly opened our eyes to
science have their dark side for faith. When a person's view of
must take charge of their own lives. The second major aspect of
longer sense any need for God's direction. They retain for
they once assigned to God. Meaning does not come down from heaven,
to have.
they found the right kind of job, or married the right kind of
The typical secular person also does not look to God or anyone else
and truth depend on the situation. What is right for one person
-whatever the group can agree on becomes the basis for judging all
are no absolutes. All values are relative and any moral system is
viable only for the group that creates it. Rather than speaking
about "truth" or right and wrong, secular people like to talk about
everyday life and who has the right to tell us what to do in even
the most personal and intimate areas of our lives. But once a
Temporality expresses the concept that this life is all that there
who cannot face the fears and anxieties related to death and dying.
death, but the secular person mourns the lack of any solid
scientific evidence for it. Since this life is all that such a
person can be sure of, it is advisable in this life to "get all the
hope so. But ultimately, the only part of ourselves that we can be
sure will still be left behind after we're gone is our children."
at that moment about some of the doubts and fears that assail us
to life.
secular people face the issues of life, the average person on the
street rarely thinks about these things, and certainly doesn't use
these terms to describe them, any more than you do. These
ultimate sense. The secular person may believe in God, yet is not
everyday experience.
I should probably avoid leaving the impression that all
there are some common patterns in the way they think. That
being equal, men are more likely to be secular than women. Observe
the typical SDA church located away from one of our institutions.
hundred members that include only one or two fully committed men.
The rest were there because of their families or for some other
discovered that women make up more than 75% of the entire member-
woman who has responded to the call of God. But somehow in the way
even though she lived with her son fifty miles away. The son had
resisted all attempts at his soul for thirty years, and was
and set up a special chair for "his pastor." We enjoyed the game,
then I visited his mother and went home, not realizing what had
could spend a little time with him after I had visited his mother
fears for the future, and especially his fear of where he would end
up in the afterlife. Somehow the man who had driven fifty miles to
watch a football game with him could now be trusted with his true
wonder how many men I have turned off because I was to busy to
live in cities are more likely to be secular than those who live in
The rich are far more likely to be secular than the poor.
to take care of their own needs to a large degree and may not feel
a need for God. But wealth also provides access to options and
secular influences.
California the next, and teach in Michigan the rest of the time--
single locality. Why is this the case? Because travel, much like
are stupid, don't they know how to make a doorknob?" Then after a
while you discover that latches are very useful. If your arms are
filled with packages, you can open the door with your elbow. Try
sure that the American way of opening doors is all that great
anymore. This is an everyday illustration of how it becomes
eye are far more likely to be secular than are people who live
ideas! We will notice that one of the best ways to maintain faith
can get recharged for the battle of life. Public people need this
measures are taken to prevent it, a mobile, public person who works
Secular Religious
male 5 female
young 5 old
urban 5 rural
well-educated 5 poorly educated
rich 5 poor
mobile 5 stationary
public 5 secluded
industrial 5 agricultural
information 5 manufacturing
this profile exactly. There are many godly pastors on the secular
side of the profile. On the other hand, many secular people fit
the last chapter's profile are more exposed to the forces that
secularize people than are those on the right side, all other
You may formulate an explanation for what you see and try to
In the end you put all the information together and you make a
decision. Whether you knew it or not, the process that you went
scientific way of reasoning affects everything we do and everything
we believe.
the "think tank" together, and interviewing other wise men to see
what kind of information might help them satisfy the king, they
Now this is not to put down the tremendous benefits that have
problem is, however, that science cannot deal with the supernatu-
ral, it can only operate within the realm of what can be observed
with our natural senses. It, therefore, has a natural bias toward
setting one would expect a Lutheran church on one side of the town
town thinking the next day? "Looks like God put His word in and
top of that Methodist church would have deflected the wrath of God
and prevented the church from burning down? Because science often
tions less convincing than they used to be. What was once ascribed
world, secular people see no difference between the two. Truth and
is what the five senses can perceive: what you can see, what you
can hear, what you can taste, smell, and touch. That is reality.
smell, and taste, there are other realities that transcend the five
Christian one. When a cosmonaut circles the earth and says, "I
didn't see God or angels up there," he is denying truth on the
sciences, but also the psychological and social sciences), the more
reason has had and continues to have in the Western world and
basically believes the same things. When you meet someone on the
road you say "Happy Sabbath" and the other person replies, "Praise
the Lord, it's a beautiful day isn't it? Beautiful Sabbath." What
Contrast the campmeeting experience with what happens to faith
out in the secular world. The first twelve people you meet may
able to reach different classes of people. The pastor who has been
people both inside and outside the church than one who hasn't, all
told me that unless he gets into the dorms and contacts Adventist
students within the first three weeks after they arrive, he can
usually do little for them after that. In a mere three weeks they
before been exposed to. In three weeks their faith has already
religious uncertainty. The more ideas you are exposed to the more
other people and their ideas. Mobile people are constantly running
into new ways of thinking and of doing things. Urban people are
sions. Young people, of course, are more open to new ideas than
are the elderly. The more that our life experiences expose us to
for people who are already religious. People may watch and listen
ences. A familiar saying comes to mind here, "There are two things
pastor slept with the wrong person, or stole something out of the
offering plate. But religion as such is considered a private
ago. The Philadelphia 76s won the series and the television media
as "Dr. J." As he was still dripping sweat from the game, they
center of my life and deserves the credit for every good thing I
The church no longer dominates society. It is not a major
serve secular goals rather than religious ones. And this privat-
ization, this moving faith into the closet, is a factor that makes
of the past and hope for the future) is escape into the present.
person's life.
Another response to secularization is escape into a group that
protects itself by separation from the world. Such groups run the
dangerous cults that turn normal people into social and religious
The most typical response to secular drift is to plunge into
the world as it is. If this world is all there is, its tasks and
worship seem like escapes which waste time that could be put to
their own values, sets their own goals, and look to God for neither
church from the center of life in most places, the church often
fails to get the attention of the very secular people who are
actively seeking spiritual solutions to life's problems.
have been held in nearly every Seventh-day Adventist home. I am
that it is necessary to move out into the country to get away from
into a little town of 300 people, seven miles from the next town.
setting and the kids grow up with all the latest ideas, fashions,
But there is a major difference between the Bible and TV. The sex
opposing God or living contrary to His laws. The real problem with
television is that it glorifies life apart from God. When was the
with images of lives in which God does not play a part. Problems
are not solved by prayer and the study of the Scriptures but by
eight Arab terrorists armed to the teeth with machine guns, armored
creates explosive and poisonous weapons out of plants and wipes out
Hollywood conspiracy to pervert our morals. Television simply
attention gets YOU. If you spend more time with the television set
than you do in worship and Bible study, you are in great danger of
get up one day and walk out of the church. Most Adventists DRIFT
secular drift.
first thing to go, and even pastors are not immune to secular
drift. To be candid, I have had pastor's wives tell me, "My
some struggles in this area. Don't think that an uphill battle for
say that in our private lives, when no one else is looking, we walk
The next area affected is usually the study life, although for
some, especially pastors, Bible study can continue for a long time
become absent from a person's life for years and yet no one else
knows, except maybe a spouse. The pastor may well be the last one
slip. I realize that standards are a big issue right now in the
will for them personally. I have learned from experience that when
a person has believed for years that they should not wear a wedding
You wake up one Sabbath and say, "Oh, it's such a beautiful day,
drift, slippage in church attendance becomes a very public
indication that the earlier steps in the process have become quite
you miss once a month, then it's twice a month, and then you start
coming only every other month and then finally, it is just seems to
miss it.
head is saying, "What are you reading this for, it's just ink on a
leads us away from God and a believing relationship with His Word.
church. "No one can tell me what to believe. Nobody can tell me
Christians are usually either less aware of it or less willing to
admit it. Since I brought the subject up, I might as well say that
I believe every church needs two wings to fly--a left wing and a
wing Adventist groups betray that they are far from immune to the
influence of secularization.
one side of the group. I made the comment, "I'll bet that your
President doesn't feel like he gets half the respect from you that
air and said, "You listen to this guy! You listen to this guy! He
knows what he's talking about! You wouldn't believe what I have to
the name of truth. Satan has subtly spun his web of secularism in
preferences. The scary thing is, the less you are aware of secular
drift, the more spiritually dangerous it becomes. Disrespect for
Now secular drift does not always take place in the exact
such a brief time that the very levels of secular drift can hardly
secular people sounds a great deal like most Adventists today, not
If so, secularism has wounded us more than once, it has not only
made it more difficult for us to communicate with those who are not
In the previous century Adventists saw themselves as a reform
the arguments but were losing touch with a personal God. And in
are crying out more and more for a living walk with God, for a
touch the heart. In Part Two I will try to offer some helpful
secular world.
We may summarize the first part of the book by noting that the
our way with God. And third, it has resulted in great frustration
against itself.
world. You cannot share what you do not have. Part Three goes on
secular world.
Biblical Examples
ship with God when your neighbors, yours friends, and your family
mountains and the other half in the valleys and cities. What was
batteries so that he could come out and deal effectively with the
noticed in Part One that people who travel a lot and live public
lives are far more likely to be secular than those who live
vision. Enoch moved back and forth between two ages. He was a
person who was able to live in two different horizons at the same
secular ministry.
Radical Conservatism
parts of the equation are true and necessary. For example, Christ
from works, yet we're not saved without works. For centuries
Christ has done for you. Life is filled with constant battles of
this kind.
seek to reach out to secular people. The only way that a committed
that is the key Biblical text for our topic. Paul was an example
trouble from time to time (cf. Acts 21:17-21; 2 Cor 1,2; 2 Pet
sake of the Gospel," "to win all the more," as many souls as
wish Paul were here so I could ask him in modern terms, "Paul, what
did you mean about 'being all things to everybody?' How does a
contemporary world?"
raised his hand. His name was Clifton Davis, a converted Hollywood
When I acknowledged his signal, he said, "I just went to visit one
much of Hollywood society, drugs function in much the same way that
to join him in the back room behind his operation. Like so many
is clear: "I do all these things for the sake of the Gospel." 1 Cor
9:19-23. The gospel is the message that Jesus Christ did not
us, reached out to us in our own world, a world that was hostile to
have done for ourselves. When Paul acts "for the sake of the
"radical" ways.
It is inevitable that the person seeking to minister to
people where they are. In so doing, however, Faith for Today often
with you on this point, and I intend to level with you throughout
world. Many Adventists had better stay "in house" for their soul's
sake and leave it at that. Why bother to write this book then?
neighbors, and family. And because the Bible makes clear that it
needs to be done.
in the secular world you are faced with unpleasant choices. And
they are rarely easy choices. I absolutely hate coffee; the few
with me in each case for a long time. So, I don't touch the stuff
ship that I was never fully able to overcome. I have met people
that it doesn't seem to cause any trouble, but even they confess
Life is simplest when we can choose between good and evil. But in
the secular world we are more often faced with choices between two
had to read the book of Esther in the Hebrew before I realized that
Hebrew clearly says that on her contest date she left the house of
the virgins to see the king. The next morning instead of going
back to the house of the virgins, she goes to the house of the
than anybody else in bed. She was probably beautiful also, but the
had commanded her not to reveal her faith to anyone in the court.
And the king is surprised to learn many years later that she was a
Jew. You could not practice the Jewish lifestyle in the court of
Persia without being known any more than Daniel could. You would
would keep the Sabbath. Esther wasn't keeping Sabbaths, she wasn't
faith. But perhaps the most troubling thing about it is that there
is not a word in the book of Esther that condemns her for doing so.
her to be when the time was right. I don't know how this affects
you, but it was some pretty heavy stuff the first time I noticed
these things.
stand me. The opposite is the case. The point I am making here is
bigger than we are, and more tolerant than we are. And God can
sometimes use methods that we couldn't use to reach people that we
even let my daughters play with Barbie dolls although all their
anything that makes us rebel against the way God made us.
in the house, we haven't had one for the nearly twenty years my
need to understand that God is BIGGER than our narrow horizon. And
that God can use people, and use methods, that we would not even
of his counsel. But Part Three of this book offers some tested
"Don't you know that those who run in the stadium all run,
but only one gets the prize.
So, run, that you might attain.
But, everyone who strives athletically,
exercises self-control.
Athletes do it to receive a perishable crown
but we are striving for a crown that will never fade."
Now the perishable crown Paul was talking about was the laurel
wreath that was placed over the heads of the winners at the
gold medal. That is all they will get. But the Christian is
striving for a medal that will never tarnish--a medal that will
should we, who are looking for an eternal crown, be doing to make
I run,
but not uncertainly.
I box,
but not as one who is beating the air.
So I give my body a black-eye
and make it my slave,
lest having preached to others
I myself should become disqualified
for the prize."
Paul must have enjoyed sports, for they often illustrated his
way street. You not only share, but you also learn. When you are
dealing with secular people, there is a lot of give and take and
you will be changed by it. Though you may never drink a cup of
said it was essential that those who go out to minister in this way
see to their own house, their own body, and their own soul. They
whose soul is at too great a risk to try it. If you are one of
what's going on, but do not feel obligated to go out and do exactly
ministry with which Adventists are most familiar: "You are the
attracting factor.
are inside from the dangers outside. Every so often, the inhabit-
ants of such a city may send out the army to conduct a "crusade."
They open the gates quickly, rush out to snatch up a few captives,
bring them back in through the gate and slam the door. That is the
than one model of ministry. The other model opens up new dimen-
"You are the salt of the earth." What kind of ministry model
is this? How does salt do its ministry? It mingles with the food
anything by infiltration.
means being scattered out there, mingling with the people where
they are. Adventists are not like that by nature. We prefer the
other model of ministry that Jesus talks about in verse 14. There
both of them are needed. I'd like to suggest that "finishing the
only as the church grows that it can develop the work force
necessary to go out and reach the unreached. The SDA Church has
combined military of both the United States and the former Soviet
enough simply to grow a big church, the gospel must go to all the
What adds complexity to the issue is the fact that the two
sure you welcome them publicly, then make sure you visit them
Sunday night right after their first visit to the church service.
That is church growth theory. And it works well, for example, for
may help grow a church can turn off the secular people who might
I remember a quiet, sweet lady in New York City who came out
case of ministerial guilt for not visiting her in her home. It was
time to do what I had been taught was right, even though I retained
the nagging suspicion that in this case it was not right. I parked
my car near the neat duplex where she lived. Although every light
God's first signals to me that there was more than one right way to
do ministry.
the other hand, stayed in Jerusalem and kept the fortress together.
were observing the law instead of doing all the radical things that
Paul seemed to advocate. "You know, Paul, people around here are
first and only visit to Hawaii recently, "One thing is for sure,
that people have when they go there. It gets cold there occasion-
ally and the surf isn't always great. And sometimes the fish bite
you (at least it happened to me) and you get scratched by the coral
language it becomes clear that when Paul paid his last visit to
16 and Gal 2 we find that even among the apostles there were
need me to pray for you; I will encourage you and you can encourage
Jesus and John the Baptist. John the Baptist lived out in the
most familiar to SDAs. But if God has truly called us to reach all
include people who had not heard the Millerite message, then we
the fifth step--to take the Gospel to the world on its own terms,
in 1 Cor 9.
had the impression that Ellen White was interested in only one kind
statement was made (1891), she was not talking about Adventist
our youth to enter the secular colleges of our land." Four years
"Those who have the Spirit of God, who have the truth wrought
into their very beings, should be encouraged to enter colleges and
live the truth as Daniel and Paul did."
3SM 233
I think that our schools are the best place for most Adventist
young people. There are selected young people, however, those who
But that does not mean that selected ones should not be encouraged
I want is for every reader of this book to run out and lose their
for the ordeal. "There is danger that those who have no connection
work must be done and it will be done by those who are led and
were compelled to do it, and many who read this book will be
compelled to do it. But before the radical must come the conserva-
fail. And you may lose your own way in the process. Effective
is the devotional life that provides the derived seclusion from the
It involves coming apart from the world every day for some time
lives running from one thing to another, from one idea to another;
secular people. If you are as secular as the person you are trying
to reach, you are on the same spiritual level. Like cannot elevate
like. You cannot help a secular person to find God if you do not
know Him for yourself. Now it may be that in helping someone else
search for God, you might find Him for yourself. So don't turn
God even when they are not aware of the best methods available.
When I was pastoring in New York City in the late seventies and
supporting institution that may have had little idea of the kinds
of concepts discussed in this book, but they loved the Lord and
drift. These suggestions are not primarily gained from the reading
What are the greatest concerns and needs in your life? To center
but they may not offer practical guidance for the issues of the
ally to the books in the Conflict Series (the five books that cover
the broad scope of the Biblical story, running from Patriarchs and
Jesus books I mean those which center on the life and teachings of
at one time they were all going to be part of the book Desire of
Ages but it just got too big. So Ellen White divided the material
Object Lessons and Ministry of Healing. The first hundred and last
see how many pages I can read in the next hour." In devotional
devotional life is not the time and place to rush. Take your time;
go no further or faster than you are able to understand what you've
have some kind of place where you write down the insights that God
this is that people forget what they don't write down. If you are
really into the computer age, it may even work well to have a
joy and insight that I grabbed the laptop and spent more than an
hour recording insights that I have treasured ever since. The new
think, "What am I really doing from day to day? Does it make any
were there some real flaws in the way I dealt with my children?
What are my most important needs right now? How would God want me
to meet them?"
Most of us take very little time to reflect on our lives. But
the fact of the matter is, if you don't keep score of your life you
will repeat the same errors over and over again. At times when I
not even be aware that I have been exhibiting a nasty temper around
drift into counter-productive behaviors with the same ease that you
drift into secularism. If every day we would take time to sit down
and reflect on the previous day and say, "Did I give glory to
write a book entitled All the Things You Ever Wanted to Know About
and Ellen White, kept diaries most of their lives and they are
filled with little tidbits of how God had helped them to understand
themselves and the world in which they accomplished work for God.
the brain waves slow perceptibly from the usual 10,000 RPMs down to
hours and on what God is doing in your life can really stop you in
A Life of Prayer
commune effectively with God, praise the Lord for it. And by all
prayer life is not what you would like it to be--and the general
attitude I mean whether or not you are on your knees, whether your
eyes are open or shut, whether you fold your hands or put them
things are more cultural than they are specified in terms of God's
You may not have the same difficulties in prayer that I do,
but I find that when I close my eyes and pray silently, my mind
wanders almost instantly. I have no idea what causes it, but the
minute I close my eyes and try to pray, my mind is off in all kinds
with my eyes open! To me that has made all the difference. And
frankly, if you read the Bible carefully, you'll discover that many
and direct them to God. If something else works for you, that is
fine, but I have found that when I close my eyes, it doesn't work.
In a media age, we may all need some help in developing our ability
to concentrate.
Take a notebook, and a pencil or a pen, and sit down and construct
can arrive in a place only to discover that the people who invited
for me. Everybody from the President on down was wearing the
typical robes, all except the speaker! Why? Because the contact
do for this thing to work out? Can the speaker bring his robe, or
excuse to play "hardball" with him. I said, "We have a new policy
at the University, you have to write the President and ask him for
permission to talk to me." Only then did the letter finally get
Many of the spiritual greats throughout the ages have written out
Psalms in the Bible are written prayers. Godly people sat down and
wrestled to formulate what they wanted to share with God. The most
that our inner prayer life focus on the things in life that matter
the most to us. One reason that prayer may seem irrelevant to
everyday life is that the crucial elements of everyday life are not
with God the very things that the journal has revealed are of
utmost concern to you at a given time. Share with Him the events
those events. If the only prayer you know how to pray is in behalf
of the missionaries and colporters all over the world, etc., your
prayers may border on the vain repetition that Jesus warned about
in Matt 6.
deepest needs of life. We can tell God the things that we cannot
unburden your heart to than to Someone who knows all about you
already and yet loves you just the same. Psychology has a role to
play in helping many Christians deal with life's major issues, but
psychology alone.
While you have a pad in front of you to write out your prayer,
why not let God answer the prayer? I find it amazing how rarely I
life goes something like this, "Dear Lord, I'm busy today so I'll
have to be quick. These are the things that bother me, I hope you
up the phone and I said, "Sam, this is Jon Paulien." "Oh, I'm so
glada you called! I wanna tell you abouta my new book. It's a
backa you finda these Sabbath recipes, Mama Mia, my wife she make
a lasagna like-a you wouldn't believe, you gotta have these recipes
minutes like this and then all of a sudden said, "Well, I won't
the phone again and say, "Sam, I have a question for you."
edgewise. Try this sometime. When you have finished praying, stay
on your knees. Pull the pad in front of you, pick up your pencil
and wait. You have put yourself in tune with God, you have
your devotions. You have talked to God about the things that
matter most. You have asked for His presence with you. You are
mind. Sometimes the thoughts that come may seem silly. But do not
by and visit." The exciting thing is that when I carry out these
impressions, I find that the contact came at just the right moment,
just when it was needed. God is willing and eager to guide us day
by day.
religion. We know about God, we talk about God, we talk about the
Bible, but when do we really talk to God and let God talk to us?
When do we let God speak to our personal needs? When do we let Him
that impressions can come from the devil. But I also know that a
person who has walked with God for twenty years can gradually learn
Jesus indicate that his "sheep" would know and follow His voice?
(John 10:4,5,14-16,26,27)
commanded to sacrifice his son Isaac is that God knew Abraham would
recognize who it was that was speaking to him. The command was
learned to distinguish God's voice from other voices and from the
voices of his own natural desires.
And more an more of us are saying that it just is not worth the
trouble anymore. The fact that many of our best and brightest no
appeal that it is not too late. We can learn how to get our own
will reclaim many who have dropped out, along with many others who
tional and planned time every day thanking the Lord for what He's
done for me. I learned about this from the ministry of Glenn Coon.
things that you're thankful for." The goal is to pray through this
"Thank you Lord for the color of the carpet, thank you Lord for
Ponderosa Pines (my candidate for the most beautiful tree in the
universe), thank you Lord for the raccoon that went by my window
yesterday, thank you Lord for the air." Did you ever thank God for
air? Where would you be without it? If God ever quit on the job
and didn't stock up the air supply, where would you be? And if you
loaded with gifts of God. Just open any page and you will find
them; apes, apples, apricots, and so on. When was the last time
Yes I know, this sounds like the most childish thing you have
ever heard. But I want you to know something--it works. The Bible
says, "The joy of the Lord is your strength" (Neh 8:10). The best
have problems that are related to alcoholism. You may not drink,
you may not smoke, instead you exercise the addictive tendencies in
Lord, for the air that we're breathing. Thank you, Lord, for that
changes for.
Facing Problems
than by any other means. The reason for this is that local
comes in at the last minute and is of top priority, the news hole
Our use of time is a lot like that news hole. When new
you can't add anything to life without taking something else away.
spectator sports. I have taken a lot of flak over the former one,
them (expand the news hole!), and it just does not work. Inevita-
bly, either the family or the devotional life or both are sacri-
Life is a choice. If we don't choose time will choose for us. And
life. Our time with God is often crowded out by the press of
God the headline event of the day. The great thing about will
occur. Some office workers have found that the only way they can
the office. They get there before anybody else gets there, lock
the door, put a sign out "Do Not Disturb", and spend some time with
God. For some the time saved by avoiding rush hour traffic may be
the family is awake yet. For many families, however, there are no
has decided to follow my example and spend the first part of every
family habit, where each member of the family co-operates with the
take place.
At times, however, I get up, shower, eat, dress and get to the
other options may work for you. Maybe there's a room over your
only possible to call out, and I make sure I don't use it. But
the last minute. We all need to create space and time to spend
with the Lord. And sometimes the only way to do it is to make some
hard choices regarding the way we deal with people during that
time. Such choices won't make you popular, they may even cause
time for the little people any more." Although the choices are
loose most of the time, you may need to enlist some help along the
this process.
or family member who will help you stick to your plan. Everyone
eye and say, "I'm concerned about where your life is going right
too much not to tell the truth. Someone who will call you at 7:17
planned. Someone who isn't afraid to chew you out now and then so
that you can achieve in life what matters most to you. Without
friends like that none of us would know when we were slipping.
Invite that friend to monitor your devotional life, your time spent
have little strength, and focus when we have a hard time getting
What if you spend significant time each day with God and
than the ceiling? First of all, know that every Christian has
times like that. Don't pretend that things are going well if they
are not, just keep on studying and praying. Adam Clarke, the
empty. Two years! But he stuck with it. And when he came out at
the other end, he was a much richer person for having gone through
have our act together, what's wrong with them?" Sometimes the Lord
the little ones and realize that if it is a struggle for us, it may
be ten times more difficult for them. So the Lord will let you
have dry experiences now and then. But keep with the program, the
devotional life is the bottom line, whether or not you feel good
about it. There will be days when you skip it, days when you sleep
in, days when some emergency comes up, these things happen. But if
it happens, get back with the program again the next day and go on.
tional life within a larger context. Those who have struggled long
and hard in the Christian walk are well aware that a spiritual life
regular time and place to be with God in the midst of the secular
something that happens when you have drifted away from that walk
with God and you begin to believe what your senses tell you instead
of what you have known in your experience with God. But without
with secular drift calls for more than just the devotional
Ellen White taught a hundred years ago; what a person believes may
are just less visible in the church setting. The reality is that
few pastors are permitted to see below the surface of what is going
a relatively closed society like the Adventist Church, you tend not
leaders may not be aware of how little practice may follow from
aware of it. Secular people share with relish stories about the
foibles of Christians and churches they know. The media are
Although what you believe may have little impact on how you
live, how you live has a powerful impact on what you believe. This
daily life have a massive effect on what a person believes and how
with a whole heart. She would be sitting at the dinner table and
some thing or other struck her wrong. Her whole face and body
would twist up and she would avoid all eye contact. I discovered
that I could get her out of the pout with surprising ease. All I
vanished. I would say, "What's that? You're not smiling, are you?
Don't you dare smile! Do I see the corners of your mouth turning
up?" I do not know why, but somehow that gets her every time--she
cracks up! And when she does, the pout is gone, and she cannot
smile as big and broad a smile as possible. Give them a big smile
and invite them to return it. Unless the audience is feeling some
we behave has a powerful impact not only on what we feel but on how
may be offensive. But I look at it this way, God made us the way
He made us. He has set laws into our minds and hearts. Is it a
my walk with God and resist secular drift? If we know the things
reality is that how you live has a powerful impact on what you
front that nails down a decision in a way that very few other
normally try to find other ways than altar calls to seal decision
The one time in a secular person's life when you can make that
kind of an appeal is when they attend a baptism. I am not sure how
something like, "Well, you've all seen what just happened; if you
have never been baptized you may be thinking, 'My, I'd like to do
that. I'd like to be fully devoted to God.' I'm not talking about
baptizing you tomorrow or next week. But you'd like to learn what
baptism means and what Christian life is all about. If you feel
that way this morning would you just stand for a minute?" I
remember one time I made such an appeal and nineteen people stood
up, half of whom I'd never seen before. I had sensed that it was
standing up that had just walked into the church for the first
psychologist will tell you this if you ask--is a seven day a week
We are asking ourselves questions such as, "What impact will this
time reading labels. Why? Because we do not want to put into our
bodies things that will clog up our minds and render us less fit
for the difficult task of honoring God in all we do, say or think.
and practice the lifestyle. Then there are children who either
the unity of Adventist faith; not only holding certain ideas about
also makes a claim. The great rallying cry of the first century
has the right to tell me what to do, how to live." The relation-
deny oneself the lesser things in life helps to guarantee that the
living is whatever you make plus ten percent! Most people find
whatever their income is and then wants just a little bit more.
runs out, the party is over. But when you do that your money goes
you make sure that the important things get cared for first. I
have known people who would buy twelve boxes of Valentine candy
before paying the rent and then be unable to pay it. They would
then go to family and friends and say, "If you don't help me out--
you really want a roof over your head? You had better pay the rent
first. Do you really want to eat? You better buy groceries before
rather than just precept. Secular people are not looking for a
list of rules with a dotted line on the bottom for their signature
good reason for a standard, why have it? If there are sound
Secular people will point out to you, for example, that people
who drink socially tend to live three years longer than people who
don't, all other things being equal. Well that should not be a
And a drink now and then does relax you some. But that does not
because the Bible explicitly says so. She rather argues scientifi-
cally. For one thing, no one knows who the alcoholic is. Social
drinking, all other things being equal, may have a slight relaxant
pressed. She says that if you are an elder in the church and you
one's social drinking secret from the church, but that introduces
healthy existence.
indicates that every drink destroys some brain cells. I don't know
about you, but I cannot afford to lose any brain cells. A fourth
immediately the seat of the will. But if you want to keep faith in
people are not going to buy into something because we said so; or
even at first because the Bible said so. They want to know, "Does
One thing that should be clear by now is that the same life
provide the kind of spiritual setting into which secular people can
To Share is to Keep
necessary to share it. This is not only true for today, but has
was to recite over and over the things that God had done for them
prayer. Now how would you and I pray in that situation? Wouldn't
ness. And when we got to the promised land as You promised us,
there were hostile nations all around. You told us to leave them
alone, and now they're coming against us. You took care of us
armies were taken care of by the choir. They sang a song and blew
them right out of town. The power of God that divided the Red Sea
reciting what God has done for you in the past that brings the
power of God back into your life. And if you regularly experience
over you.
excitement and joy that came with the discovery that if no one else
in the universe had sinned Christ would still have died for you
Spirit presses the claim of the cross home with power to whoever is
listening. And that same power spills back to the one who
testifies. Can you remember how the act of sharing your faith
confirmed your own faith? It was like campmeeting all over again.
when I share what He has done for me with others. The power of
the pulpit discouraged and left it on fire! Share faith and you
we reach out to others outside our faith circle often oversteps the
rule comes into effect here. "Do unto others as you would have
guilty when they witness and guilty if they don't. That is no way
to live.
principle is that before you can get a person to listen to you, you
Did you feel at ease in that person's presence? Did you feel like
listening any further to what that person had to say? Did you want
ease means relating to them in such a way that they are comfortable
difficult task than some of my friends do. The good news is that
we can all improve in the art of putting others at ease, and while
something better and when they see a person who "has her act
that most people think that the TV stars have their act together.
powerful persuader. The stars smile and look permanently happy and
charming, but the reality is that most can't wait to run home and
shoot dope or commit suicide because they cannot face their real
fantasy land.
be with others who have their act together. They like people who
listen to them and who don't put them down. Secular people are
tell others what to do, put them down, and live mean, selfish
Do not keep the little ones away from Him by your coldness and
harshness. Never give them cause to feel that heaven would not be
put children at ease, you are probably putting their parents and
time Elder Hegstad came into my home and sat down in the living
in his lap. That told me more about his Christian character than
all the articles and sermons I had appreciated through the years.
not only trust but who would be fun to be with. That's the way
Jesus was--the minute he walked into a room the kids were all
mobbing about. The disciples tried to chase them away, but Jesus
parents talk freely about their faith, and that engage the children
retaining youth if the youth feel that they have the freedom to
question the faith and the things that are going on in the church.
We not only need to learn a whole new way of expressing our faith,
because secular people need Christ, but because we also need the
in a number of places.
good place to start is to deal with secular people the same way
that Jesus dealt with people. And that is to meet them at the
point of felt need, that place in their life where they are
felt need and move them into an acknowledgement of their real need
secular people that come the closest to a direct spiritual interest
Adventism may attract or repel those who sense needs such as these.
Angeles Lakers, the Washington Redskins, or the good old USA in the
Gulf War. The fate of a sports team may seem rather trivial as the
our planet is certainly a major and worthy concern, but even there
We can present the greatest Person and the greatest issues that
gospel. This makes sharing our faith one of the most meaningful
recognize the need for release from the failure to live up to their
about the Ten Commandments, have a sense that they are not living
they often miss the most about the church is the sense of release
Until we do, we cannot meet this deep need, not only of secular
are scattered all over the country, often all over the world.
consider the role the church could play in their lives. A loving
Creator longs to use His people to reach out to a secular world
with a loving and a caring touch that the Holy Spirit can use to
activate the even deeper need for the kind of relationship that
granted. Just think what life would be like if you had no idea
where you came from, no idea how the world is going to end, no idea
one's place in that universe. The average person looks out at the
found within our faith. In fact, as regards the first and fourth
where they are allowed considerable freedom and choice in the way
"We never did it that way before," or "Ellen White says," whether
the New Age since New Age is, perhaps, the very epitome of
unorganized religion.
to this book I will briefly share some ideas that may help reduce
churches because they failed to follow the Bible, so our roots are
they've done things in the past, secular people will not stay long
because that is exactly the kind of attitude they have been trying
person with the gospel is the mistaken ideas about the Bible that
they have picked up. If you can disabuse them of these false
Bible. When secular people find out that the Bible isn't anything
like they have been told, they are often quite open to its
concern of most young people today is that they do not know what to
and meaningful.
in a way that will cause the secular person to see all the red
It would seem that the best approach for SDAs who wish to
reach secular people, would be to aim at the felt needs in the area
Adventist setting, but can also step out and be comfortable in the
secular world.
He was sensitive to where each person was coming from, and what
The two-horizon person is the person who can make people feel
both groups. You can not expect to railroad one group in order to
I had a good friend named Joe who was pastoring in the same
will never forget the time we were on the paint crew at the
from the city to help us out for a day. Around ten o'clock this
fellow was dropped off at our work-site with the message, "He's
etc. After a couple of minutes conversation Joe found out that the
young man had just come from Yugoslavia. "Oh," he says, "are you
here with your family?" "No, no. My sister's still back there."
Suddenly Joe turned to him, looked him directly in the eye and
a tear came down the fellow's cheek. Joe continued, "Why don't we
pray about her right now?" We all dropped to our knees on the
dropcloth and prayed for this guy's sister. He hadn't been in the
your mistakes. The neat thing about secular people is that they
don't know why I said that, etc." You will be amazed at how
forgiving they can be. They are usually quite willing to teach you
of the most important things that any of us can learn in this life.
out, secular ministry is not for everybody. But those who feel the
Creative Witness
a lot more than most of us are accustomed to. Fresh and creative
witness means to be able to say something that you have never said
been an Adventist for a long time. She married a man who had no
him during the courtship period. She was in her 50s and he was
area about 100 miles from my urban church. I thought, "Well, let
I reached their lakeside home, parked the car, and got out. There
on the lawn was one of these big yard umbrellas, and there was Joe,
the husband (no relation to Joe the pastor), with two of his
friends, drinking hard liquor in the rain. I thought to myself,
wife was nowhere to be seen, so I went over and sat down at the
mishandle this moment could put an end to any hope of reaching this
put words in my mouth. Although I had never met the man, I took
the bottle of brandy, looked at it, and said, "Oh, that's good
laughing so hard that it took about fifteen minutes to get him back
while later we had dinner together, along with his wife and the two
neighbors. When the dinner was over, I said, "You know, I need to
be going back but Joe, would you mind if I prayed for you before I
go?" Now I would not make such an offer in every circumstance, but
occasion. Joe said, "Sure." And I began to pray for him, for his
well admit it, I peeked. And Joe was just sobbing and sobbing.
No one had ever prayed for him. And shortly after that he began
person who had never been touched before. Fresh and creative? I
would never have dreamed that a joke about alcohol would be the way
into a person's heart. But if the Spirit is with you and your
heart is sensitive to people, you can often sense the right word at
the right time, even when you do not know the people very well.
I think that is the way Jesus would have handled it. He went
His presence. He had found a way to make them feel at home and, at
the same time, maintain those limits that were necessary to His own
Biblical Knowledge
critical. Secular people ask questions that you have never dreamed
of. They almost never ask the questions that are found in the
sticker that says "Jesus is the Answer", they respond, "What was
persuade people who already know Christ and are familiar with their
that when the off-the-wall question comes, you can reorient your
That may seem an impossible task but you must not allow the
enormity of the task to slow you down. If you have no idea how to
answer just say, "That was a great question! Hey, do you mind if
that deserves a solid answer. Give me a little time and I'll get
you to have all the answer at the tip of your fingers, in fact they
may become suspicious to the extent that you imply that you do!
They would say, "This is better than television. I would come here
challenge of open forum, of course, is that you never know what you
are going to face so you had better know your Bible and be
respond, "You don't believe it? Why not?" I would let her talk a
little bit, then I would say, "What do you think of this text
here?" It was amazing how this style built rapport with a fairly
Common Language
that is common to all who speak English, the kind of language used
"Hey, these people must be into stocks and bonds, I bet they're
loaded. Someone else then gets up and says, "You know, I'll never
forget the day I finally saw the light." Light? What light? A
Bud Lite?
The reality is that most Adventists who are educated and who
with this in mind. I would ask myself at every step, "What sense
would this language make to somebody coming in off the street? How
church and I prepared a sermon on the law "just for them." I had
not made it to the ten minute mark of the sermon before I realized
that I had totally blown it, but I did not know what to do to
redeem the situation. They never came back. It has taken years
for me to learn the use common language, and then it took a few
vocabulary. But the more we learn to use the language that all
people have in common, the wider the impact that we can make on a
involvement with the Holy Spirit and much effort and experience.
can begin reaching out to secular people. The good news is that
God to get the training and experience that will make a difference
Creative Listening
How does this work in practice? How do you actually get close
listening is hard for me--I tend to talk too much and I sometimes
too fast. Will this happen to you as you reach out to secular
people? Absolutely! You will often say the wrong thing and offend
people as you search to find what makes them tick. But failure is
3573 attempts to make the first usable light bulb. Along the way
attempts. He replied, "I now know that many ways not to make a
someone who says, "Oh, I think that was the wrong thing to say," or
the point with the Rich Young Ruler? He didn't waste time with a
The difference between Jesus and me, however, is that Jesus could
read the heart, I can't yet. To the extent that I can learn to
process. First, I must remove any barriers that may prevent His
One, God does not normally choose to bypass the human process of
co-operation with God. He has more than one purpose in this. For
the work of outreach, they would gladly do it. But God takes the
listening before writing down what God had shared with them. For
In Platonic thought "The Word" was a divine person who created and
sustained the world, and now serves as the mediator between God and
humanity. So when John 1 talks about "the Word made flesh" it was
discover that Hekate, the most popular goddess of Asia Minor in the
last, the beginning and the end. She held the keys of heaven and
places. To the Greeks of Asia Minor, John offered a Jesus that met
Quoted in James F. Engel, Contemporary Christian
Communications: Its Theory and Practice (Nashville: Thomas
Nelson, 1979), p. 60.
by listening!
the felt needs that open that person to input from others at that
point in his or her experience. What are the needs that motivate
and felt needs. Every person has needs that they are not aware of,
deny their need for the Gospel. So the starting point must be to
would all believe the last thing we were told. There are people
who do not have a very strong barrier against persuasion, you have
met some no doubt. They jump from one idea to the next and never
brick wall goes up. And the more you pound against that wall, the
A felt need is a point in that person's life where they are open to
learn how you get babies that like a warm feeling in their pants to
do what they are supposed to do in the place in which they are
say, "I had a kid just like that and here's what worked for us."
attention. And no matter how nutty the idea, my wife and I tried
on the subject.
different. When you approach them at the point of their felt needs
ministry in New York City that most Adventists are now familiar
with. Back in the 1970s people coming onto a van to get their
blood pressure checked were invited on a registration sheet to
immediately to one out of three! Some time after this the van team
to manage stress in one's life meet a felt need in New York City?
experience you will get nowhere else on earth. There are subways
within a stone's throw from where you stand 50,000 people are
Within 50 miles are more than twenty million! The energy of Mid-
comes stress. By the end of the day you are exhausted! To make it
worse, you go to bed and your mind is spinning all the more. You
are all keyed up. Stress is, therefore, the number one felt need
it did not seem to matter. People were told, "We have a free set
of Bible study guides on how to cope with stress, are you
extra ones for all their friends. One day on Wall Street there was
a major felt need. Perhaps it was one of those days with a major
downswing, but on that day 242 people came on the van in front of
the Stock Exchange and every single one accepted Bible studies.
242 out of 242. It must have been a very bad day on Wall Street.
But that is what happens when you meet felt needs, the barrier
mention that the leaders of the van ministry always insist that the
key to the successes of the program are due more than anything else
two key points of this book are clearly illustrated by the van
in the van ministry. But when prayer was combined with the
skillful personal invitation, and with lessons that met felt needs,
twenty different felt needs that you have never met in quite that
may appear hopeless. But although the attempt will have its ups
the local church or group can assess which of the felt needs they
that looks a lot like Berlin in 1945. We were taking the survey on
a block that had garbage in the street, broken glass in the empty
what the felt needs of that community were. The author of the
"Do you feel good about the condition of this block?" 100% of the
people said "no." They did not feel good about the way the
neighborhood was. The next question was "If someone would take the
to move into that block and get involved? Such a person could
could be done. Most people are afraid to take the lead. But if
someone took the lead people would follow. To meet a felt need
like this would create a great deal of interest in what else the
response, of course, but that need not be a major barrier. God has
programmed some people in a way that they don't get excited about
for people who are open to the kinds of things the church is able
to offer. And when felt needs emerge, the Spirit will move
wedding and then baptized them a year later. On the day of their
baptism the members were shocked, they thought that they were
already members of the church. They had been out Ingathering, they
came to all the work-bees, they went to all the prayer meetings--
church as anyone could be. But it was two years before they were
the way. One day the husband, who worked for IBM, came up to me
sinking fast! I just sat down with him and said, "Look, this
bother me."
into the rut of tradition. Maybe you don't think we are really
open to change, or maybe you are satisfied with where things are.
I believe, however, that God has a lot more that He wants to reveal
and brighter until it reaches the ultimate goal. And we are not
This was also the time known to some as the "Ford crisis." It
the agenda and bring all their friends. In retrospect, that was
quite stupid. When meeting time came not only were all the fifteen
row, but thirty Adventists that I had never seen before had come
as well!
The questions were not only specific, but came thick and fast
was the least bit disturbed about the issues raised at that
meeting. They said, "It's neat the way people in your church are
place I want to be." What I did not have the heart to tell them
then was that the Conference President got twelve threatening phone
calls from the unknown Adventists in that meeting. They did not
know me, and had no context for understanding what I was saying,
The conference president got the phone and said, "You had some
I said, "Yeah."
He said, "I got all kinds of phone calls, some people are
pretty upset."
"Yeah, I guess I had some people there that don't know me very
Let me suggest that you not have any more meetings like that."
experience. For one thing, there is a dark side to the open forum
I'm talking to them, not you. But if you have any problems, just
had a hybrid target that attracted a mixed audience. Since the two
Biblical "hot potatoes" it is best to take the Word and work things
Word and say only what is in the Word and neither right nor left
wing will trouble you much. Let the Word of God gradually
debate. On hot issues such as the nature of Christ and the order
terms in a way that they are not used in the Bible. Unless you
have time to lay out the full Biblical perspective, the best open
forum answer may be, "I have problems with both sides on that
learn wherever you can, but don't believe everything you hear or
see in print. When we have time, we can take a closer look at that
issue." At that time I might point out a Bible text that well
our purpose is that secular people, rather than being turned off by
the fact that the church isn't perfect, are usually excited by the
have all the answers." There was a time when Adventists thought
Many types of people are still looking for someone to tell them
exactly what they need to do. But that approach usually backfires
continuing search for truth. Those who know God's Word will not
glass darkly (1 Cor 13:12), and that our knowledge of truth will
Since the best book I have ever read on the subject, James Engel's
The preceding chapter clearly shows that one cannot reach out
the inevitable tension between the way the church does things and
the way that secular people respond. We have to struggle with the
question of how the Adventist horizon and the secular horizon can
in Part Two of this book can provide a starting point for such
our people understand that without a lot of listening and learning
Bible does not offer a single, rigid model for outreach and
fortress and the salt. Since most human beings are uncomfortable
with change, it helps a great deal when we can see that opening
Multiply Ministries
central planning but from the members discovering the unique roles
not only from the gifts of the Spirit, but also from that unique
burden or passion that God gives each person for ministry. Every
that I know have a consuming passion for New York City. Other
safe to say that I have a passion for the unchurched, and for those
out that that was also her ministry. My parents carried a lifetime
they were not and concentrated on the gift of hospitality that God
I came home from Andrews once, walked in the door and my Mom
said, "Oh, I'd like you to meet your new brother!" He was sitting
in the living room, bare to the waist with a gold chain around his
neck and a big gold medallion on his chest. This was going to be
orientation. He lived next door and he would just come over for
five young people home for lunch, twelve were church members and
thirteen were not, all shared the table out in the yard on a summer
folks had also found home, the place where they could be themselves
When my parents left that city a few years ago, there were
point to come over to me and say, "We're so sorry your parents are
powerful results when we reach out to people in the way that the
did not work well for my parents, I do have a gift for them, so the
serve best when we serve in harmony with the gifts and passions
that God has given each of us. If we are gifted in the area of
their unique ministry late in life and when they did they began
unique plan for each person's life and outreach. No pastor can
God where they don't fit, they go through life unfulfilled and with
There is no substitute for knowing that you are where God wants you
various providences over the years make it clear that I should not
comes when you know that you are where God wants you to be and that
Workplace Evangelism
moved from the Industrial Age into the Age of Communication. This
change in the way people think, work and do business has serious
a problem?"
when projects are due around here, we have to work around the clock
Well that was a real deflator to these young people who were
their program anyway. Not long after that, Andrews paid fees to
Chicago. When the program came out the teacher discovered to his
mood. Somehow he felt this was not the thing to do. So he went to
the head of that festival and said, "I'm sorry, we cannot allow
another time."
"Oh, let's not be rash about this. Let me see what I can do."
rescheduled for Sunday and they won festival awards. When the
festival was over, the organizer came up to the teacher and said,
"I want you to know something, we understand why you took the stand
Adventist. I don't work from Friday night till Saturday night, and
The personnel director looked him in the eye and said, "You're
The student said, "What do you mean I'm hired?"
secular environment.
encouragement and support that would enable them to salt this whole
country! A few years back, however, an idea was born that could
The first step was to find all the Adventists who worked in a
conferences. But these groups all had one thing in common. They
Their work often gave them more in common with each other than they
getting together once a week for lunch, they could talk about what
the needs and concerns that energize the work in that department?
and the arts because these are the occupations that influence more
was concerned that the pastorate might not be the place for his
outreach more along the lines of the salt model. I had no specific
with him.
Finally one day I saw him in the hall and said, "Clifton, I
you about."
I said, "Well, you tell me first what you wanted to tell me."
They want to revive my old show and modify it a little bit to where
"I told the producer that and he said, 'What's the Sabbath?'"
Saturday night sundown.' 'Oh,' he said, 'I had no idea you guys
He called Clifton back a day later and said, "You've got the
Clifton then said, "One more thing, I want some control over
over the script through a board of pastors who would examine each
I then said, "If you take that route, it would be kind of nice
for you to still have some kind of connection with the Adventist
half-time in Hollywood!"
much like the hand of God when you put it all together. There have
Men are needed who pray to God for wisdom, and who, under
the guidance of God, can put new life into the old methods of
labor and can invent new plans and new methods of awakening
the interest of church members and reaching the men and women
of the world.
Ellen G. White MS 117, 1907 (quoted in Ev 105)
Esther helps me to understand that God has bigger ideas and plans
than we do. Not only has Clifton been able share Christ with some
Two, I've noticed more and more actors and athletes who are willing
book. "You must listen to me, Clifton. What you're doing is going
were once an entirely different person. And frankly, the odds are
than you know yourself, who will watch you, and observe you, and
stay close to you. And you must be open and honest with this
friend. You need to make a contract with your friend that if the
day ever comes when he says, 'Clifton, you're losing it,' you'll
quit Hollywood on the spot and walk away. If you don't do this, I
influence know that you are in that job for a specific purpose and
that you will have the opportunity to exalt God in a unique way.
is the subject of worship. That must not prevent us, however, from
Adventist Church, are there ways we can make them feel more at
first two models helpfully illustrate the two major ways that
third way that involves the group as a whole. The fortress city of
for this is that the people didn't join a Saturday morning church.
They joined a church that meets five nights a week, uses lots of
few visual aids if any, and a piano or organ played with a minimum
power upon the unchurched. Those who have fallen away from church
and out of touch with their lives, are often open to giving church
fresh melodies, styles, and lyrics lies in the fact that faith must
ago our home church face a lengthy period of time without a pastor.
As part of its worship plan the church invited the youth (ages 14-
things happened almost overnight. The youth group for the first
time felt that it was a valued and accepted part of the church.
Young people got excited about the chance to contribute. Not only
did the youth group grow rapidly, but they brought parents and
friends, and soon attendance in our church more than doubled (no
their eyes and ears were entirely up front. I knew this not only
from the looks on their faces and the unused Magna-Doodles lying on
the pew, but from what happened the rest of the week. All week
long I could hear them singing the songs that they had heard and
seen on the screen during the worship service. But even more
course of the week! Somehow the use of contemporary songs, and the
worship was worth their time and energy. Please keep in mind that
store, or the credit-card company they put you on hold and guess
what comes over the phone! When you go to the grocery store or the
shopping mall to obtain items necessary for life what kind of music
world other than our own. When worship fails to speak to the world
we live in, it is easy to live a double life. One is the life that
pastors, one who pastored a "celebration" church, and the other who
television and the VCR were turned on and throughout the Sabbath
that city, "This man opposes using this kind of music at the eleven
o'clock hour, but enjoys it the rest of the week. Do you realize
what this does? It means that worship is the one hour of the week
that is totally cut off from the rest of his experience. The
to what matters most in his day to day life." I say this not to be
now a thing of the past in our little church. The attendance has
dropped back to previous levels. The youth have settled back into
people, even when the results are dramatic. We must not forget
it is working well where you are, don't throw it out! Not only do
though change may be a positive thing for many. Too many souls are
troubled, too many hearts are broken. This world has enough tears
functioned in one place for decades and "tear it away" from those
who have given their lives to it. I plead that those who have a
passion for reaching the secular mind have compassion on those who
plead with those who prefer the traditional idiom, not to burden
the lives of those who bravely strive to raise up new churches with
churches" will gain some of the best and brightest from other
decrease." (John 3:30) There is room in our church for more than
one model of worship, just as there is room for more than one model
of ministry.
secular people.
all parts of the worship service rather than the in-house lingo of
Part One. There we noticed that God has always gone out of His way
for any limitations in the power with which it can unify the
communicate with people in a way that meets them where they are, it
communicates that we care enough to understand where they are
coming from. They matter to us. When people know that they matter
can help people relate to the original setting of the language and,
Adventist sermons are worth a dime on the street? How often do our
sermons have any impact on the way we really live? Are we just
And you can do that without compromising the faith one iota.
a "new field" for us at this time. Few people have heard of us,
that when I teach people how to live I offend no one but develop
that one wonders why practical godliness does not ring from every
statement that lays open the grounds why my own preaching has often
been ineffective:
It is a sad fact that the reason why many dwell so much
on theory and so little on practical godliness is that Christ
is not abiding in their hearts. They do not have a living
connection with God.
4T 395,396
job. When we ourselves know how to walk with God every day of the
The churches that are making the greatest impact in the secular
stewardship of time.
its parks. You will never see a garbage dumpster around the corner
to his or her friends on Monday morning, "You should have seen the
sorry excuse for a church service I saw this weekend. There was a
singer there who must have had her throat removed in an operation,
it was so bad. And the pastor had no idea what he was talking
All it takes is one report like that and you have destroyed
the church's credibility with not only one, but five or six, maybe
to be the best that we can be for God. Less than the best isn't
not to discourage the many small churches that may seem devoid of
measured in relation to the Word of God and the needs of the people
the pastor. I learn much more from people who disagree with me,
lives. I felt good that God had used me to make a difference. But
I could give names and dates and places to verify every detail. He
just shook his head and said, "I'm sorry, I just can't believe it
(and for every one who confronts a dozen may keep silence) lost the
sermon would be better off without it. It was not, in any case,
crucial to my main point. I hope that I can meet this man again
little radar guns that turn all the channels on the TV? It drives
spending time on. How long do they take to decide? Five or ten
your seat-belt. The kind of people we are talking about here, many
of whom sit in your pews, have decided after ten seconds whether
becomes "do or die." Speakers these days must grab people right at
two sons really obeyed his father?" In that society, a story and
children's story. And guess who gets the most out of the
You can't fool me. I start dramatizing a Bible story for the
kids, and then peek out of the corner of my eye. All the adults
are leaning forward with their eyes as big as saucers, they don't
if the kids love it, the adults love it even more. Some of these
Then I get into the pulpit and watch the same adults settling down
sermon, the hymns, and the Scripture reading; make the whole
service one of a piece. Let the children's story set the tone for
longer and the sermon a little shorter, but build the two together
word itself should not turn us off. In this day and age, where
people have grown up with television, we certainly accomplish
does not help to go into a church with a heavy hand and say, "We're
going to start introducing drama into this church." You will have
creative and more integrated with the whole and you'll accomplish
But she could argue any Baptist under the table over the Sabbath!
that the living God is present there. Secular people are drawn to
churches where the people know God and know how to teach others to
know God.
nothing heretical about prayer and Bible study. Right now in our
church. The concepts discussed in Part Two of this book are one
evidence that God is real and that other people experience Him. A
church made up of people who know God and who know how to teach
me and said, "Jon, what do you think is the greatest need of the
"To stop living a lie!" Well that stopped the discussion right in
its tracks, but the more I thought about my casual reply, the more
play? "Well, that's out of the way, now we can have fun the rest
of the week." Secular people seem to have a sixth sense about who
is genuine and who is not. They can smell phony Christians a mile
where the inside and the outside are two different things. It was
discussion became so hot that they began shouting back and forth
evening a knock came on the door and someone entered and said,
"Don't you know what time it is? The people are here for the
prayer meeting." The fellow who had been right at the center of
the fight walked out in front of the assembly and said, "Isn't it
would have made me ill. Why did he do it? Was it to protect his
the leader have come out swearing instead? No, that would not be
Christian. I would hope that between the office and the pulpit he
"You know, we've just had a meeting backstage. And frankly, some
of us didn't behave much like Christ. I'm really not worthy to
stand up here and run this meeting. But I know that in Christ
all, we need to kneel down so that YOU can pray for US because we
would find that kind of religion much more attractive than one that
is always sicky, sweetly smiling when it's not really for real.
wrong seem so much easier to determine when you are not at the
unorthodox type of guy, he certainly did not fit the typical "mold"
news sometime later that he had indeed become one of "them." Would
committee. At break time I moved across the room to greet him with
in his three-piece suit, put out his hand formally and said in a
become one of "them!" He was now playing the role of his new
position, a role so unlike his previous demeanor. I found myself
than just an image that we project. (To tell the other half of the
story, I am glad to report that he has since relaxed into his new
This does not mean that if you feel like the Devil you should also
act like the Devil. Any secular person can be authentic in that
are" brings a Christian face to face with the reality that what we
are and what we ought to be are two different things. But for the
what you are isn't pretty, you need to go to the Lord, confess
where you are and invite His involvement in your life to transform
to be saved, but for Christ's sake, and for the sake of lost
The matter lies very close to home for me. When I started out
transparent with people if you are not transparent with God. Have
you ever lied to God in prayer? "Dear Lord, I love You so much";
when really, in the back of your mind you are thinking, "Boy, I'd
like to punch You right in the Nose." Yet God prefers that we tell
sin for us! The Lord wants to hear our deepest needs, our deepest
concerned with one's image than with reality. Do you remember that
and that is a dirty cup that goes around telling everyone how clean
But what if you don't feel repentant? What if, like me, you
were gifted with the temperament that knows and uses all the words
in every language except the two that express, "I'm sorry?" People
often arises out of the need to protect one's personal failings and
our sins and weaknesses to God and to others. I have learned that
"Lord, I want the truth, no matter what the cost." We are often
But knowing and living the truth can cost you your job, your
mean carrying a cross for the rest of your days. So don't pray
such a prayer if you don't mean it. I guarantee you, however, that
God delights to answer the prayer, "I want the truth, no matter
what the cost." He delights to give you the truth. But along with
the truth there is a price to pay.
The first time I prayed this prayer was about twelve years
would also need to leave the church I loved. Some of you will not
the time. Others of you went through the same experience that I
Luther never left the Catholic Church. Ellen White never left the
should stay in the Adventist Church until you are thrown out. But
I have a condition for you. From now on you must not act and speak
to protect your job or your social standing. You must tell the
out, let it be on the basis that you told the truth, and the truth
path from that moment on has only been in the direction of greater
and greater influence within the church. In spite of what many say
filled from top to bottom with people who are eager for truth and
have seen no reason to deviate from the counsel the Lord gave me
twelve years ago, and I have no intention of doing so, as this book
will discover that one of the best ways to find the point of
truth to a deeper level yet. I need more than just biblical truth
the depths goes something like this, "Lord, I open myself to your
truth about myself, no matter what the cost. Help me to see myself
never discover any other way. And He will not open to us more than
The closer you come to Jesus, the more faulty you will
appear in your own eyes; for your vision will be clearer, and
your imperfections will be seen in broad and distinct contrast
to his perfect nature. This is evidence that Satan's
delusions have lost their power; that the vivifying influence
of the Spirit of God is arousing you.
No deep-seated love for Jesus can dwell in the heart that
does not realize its own sinfulness. The soul that is
transformed by the grace of Christ will admire his divine
character; but if we do not see our own moral deformity, it is
unmistakable evidence that we have not had a view of the
beauty and excellence of Christ.
SC 64-65
therefore, for the checks and balances that come into our life when
we become willing to hear the truth about how others see us.
understand and love them, yet are willing to tell the truth about
play this role in my life. I know that I can call or visit any of
them any time. I know that they will tell me to my face whatever
may have had in God's cause. Others find a small group such as Al-
Anon provides the context where they can take off the mask, be
real, and get the kind of feedback they need. In ideal situations,
For those who have few friends and no group to turn to, the only
option for any Christian). Get feedback wherever you can, but get
There are souls perplexed with doubt, burdened with
infirmities, weak in faith, and unable to grasp the Unseen;
but a friend whom they can see, coming to them in Christ's
stead, can be a connecting link to fasten their trembling
faith upon Christ.
DA 297
it like it is" in the most brutal ways. To all such, I commend the
gentleness of Jesus who said, "I have many things to tell you, but
you cannot bear them now." (John 16:12) Jesus cares enough about
our feelings to wait for the right moment before sharing something
that may be hard to bear. And the next verse (John 16:13) makes
clear that the Spirit can often communicate what human beings
one excuse for not returning to church is, "They all claim to be so
holy, yet they do this and this and this." Now such excuses may at
that will draw secular people into a church it is the sense that
people who are living real lives with real struggles and real
sisters struggle with the same things I do and that I can face my
problems together with others who care about me. The greatest need
What can you do if your local church has no burden for secular
open a door into that church for secular people. If the worship
excited over the kind of people who were attending the seminar. In
resisting the church's attentions for years. But when his wife
eagerly attended. The president had been working with the man for
years and was thrilled to see him showing some interest. The next
day that husband and his wife came to see me with another couple.
He said, "I need to talk to you. I appreciate what you have been
you have at least three people here that understand you. Are there
"A what-culture?"
those who carry a burden for lost secular people need to form a
politically can get the spiritual uplift that they need. A half-
people away from churches. Such a subculture can take many forms.
place every week where you get together and feed your souls from
When I was pastoring in New York City, I had five or six sub-
the Bible. But the main purpose of these sub-cultures was getting
and social needs could be met in a way that was rarely possible in
the members who attended these groups were usually the fringe
people who had never been fully at home in the larger church. They
ate up these sub-cultures with joy. Some tried to attend them all!
unchurched people.
to the church for people who wouldn't have felt at home in the
for them. Then all of a sudden they would sidle up to me and say,
"By the way, how do you join this church, anyway?" That was my
signal that the testing truth had been passed. What is the testing
the state of the dead, and tithing as testing truths for people.
But secular people are rarely worried about such things. The great
testing truth for them is whether there is a God and whether God
they have met God in your church, they are wide open. I usually
responded to their request about joining the church with, "Got some
time Tuesday night? I'll drop by and talk to you about it." I
brought the baptismal vows, read them through and offered to study
can enter and find their unique needs met. That door could be a
seminars or discussions. But every church that does not have the
be there because you are part of the body. But the subculture may
always remain the place that the primary spiritual needs are met.
a variety of ways. Have you ever wondered why there are four
different gospels in the New Testament when there was only one
that would meet all minds and all needs. It takes a variety of
essentially the same ingredients? But they are not marketed the
toothpaste that will keep them out of the dentist's chair. Close-
Up and Ultra-Brite have the same amount of fluoride, but the people
to people who like to get "close up," romantic types who are
But the people who buy Colgate are less interested in getting close
the vain types who are concerned about their appearance and like to
have bright and shiny teeth. Madison Avenue has discovered that
the people who buy Colgate would never dream of buying Close-Up.
And the people who buy Ultra-Brite have no interest in the others.
one Gospel. There is only one Jesus Christ. But there are many
own place and in their own time. Our greatest need may be to learn
how to take this one Gospel that we all believe in and present it
church? What are the groups in our community that we are not
I must close with some good news about the role of the church
the former Soviet Bloc but also in First World areas like Western
Europe and North America, that secular people have an increasing
bizarre turns with the New Age and the influx of Eastern religions,
17, 1990; pp. 50-56 for a most interesting article on baby boomers
out" is that they moved and "never got around to" finding a church
church. And half of unchurched people admit that they think about
series of buttons before you can contact a human being has created
pastor named Bill Hybels who was driven by an experience he had had
secular person. One day the secular friend's girlfriend left him
Reformed churches were molded from the very same kind of culture
appeal to secular people. The two were not in church for five
minutes before Hybels sensed that he had made a big mistake. For
the first time he saw the church service through the eyes of
someone who was hurting and searching for God. And there was
nothing there for his friend. For three weeks after that the
friend avoided him. Finally the young Hybels cornered him and
asked, "Look, what's going on? Why are you avoiding me?"
The friend said, "You know, I've always been friends with you
and I always thought you were a pretty cool guy. But, I have to be
honest with you. What you guys do in church is just not normal."
if Bill was normal enough to be his friend. And Hybels vowed that
one day he would start a church where people like his friend would
"Yes, I do."
"No, I don't."
"Why not?" They noted all the reasons people stay away from
church. Then they asked, "What kind of church would make you
contemporary life, and that the gospel to be preached can make all
difference for Christ in your world before you can become a member
of that church. And the standard is high; the elders of the church
spend more time dealing with adultery than any other issue. Yet
find yourself in the midst of a people for whom God is a living and
powerful God. Adventists know how to talk about God, and talk
about the Bible, but when a secular person decides to join a
a living God there. To grasp the strategy of this book without the
century will move few people today because they often fail to speak
diverse world where few strategies target more than a very narrow
audience. For all its success with secular people, Willow Creek is
the basic thesis of this book will work. A church that combines
that have been seen for hundreds of years. We are moving from the
times of wrenching change people feel lost and nothing works right.
like this can be uniquely open to a word from the Lord. Rather
than drifting with the tide, let us be bold and seize the day!
cations, has been out of print for some time, this Appendix
The Complete Spiritual Decision Process Model Showing
the Stages of Spiritual Growth
General * -8 * Awareness of
Revelation * * Supreme Being
Conviction Proclamation * -7 * Some Knowledge
* * * * of Gospel
* * * *
* * * -6 * Knowledge of
* * * * Fundamentals of Gospel
* * * *
* * * -5 * Grasp of Personal
* * * * Implications of Gospel
* * * *
* * * -4 * Positive Attitude
* * * * Toward Act of Becoming
* * * * a Christian
* * * *
* Call for * -3 * Problem Recognition
* Decision * * and Intention to Act
* * * *
* * * -2 * Decision to Act
* * * *
* * * -1 * Repentance
* * * * and Faith in Christ
Sanctification Follow Up * +1 * Post Decision
* * * * Evaluation
* * * *
* * * +2 * Incorporation
* * * * Into Church
* * * *
* Cultivation * +3 * Conceptual and
* * * * Behavioral Growth
* * * * .Communion With God
* * * . * .Stewardship
* * * * .Internal Reproduction
* * * . * .External Reproduction
* * * *
* * * . *
* * * *
* * Eternity
The upper part of the chart has at least two other implica-
with people who are at the upper levels of the chart. Evangelism
are ready for the call at the level of problem recognition (-3),
Need Activation
People generally will not change unless they feel the need to
The Maslow Hierarchy of Needs
[4] +))))))))))))
[3] Esteem *
Belongingness +))))))))-
and Love *
[2] +)))))))))))))))-
Safety *
[1] +))))))))-
Physical *
lates three basic types of needs; survival needs (1 and 2); needs
sion (5).
In much of the world life is dominated by physical hardships.
next life.
The Effect of Change on Social Readjustment
1. Death of a spouse 100
2. Divorce 73
3. Marital separation from mate 65
4. Detention in jail or other institution 63
5. Death of a close family member 63
6. Major personal injury or illness 53
7. Marriage 50
8. Being fired at work 47
9. Marital reconciliation with mate 45
10. Retirement from work 45
11. Major change in the behavior of family member 44
12. Pregnancy 40
13. Sexual difficulties 39
14. Gaining a new family member (e.g., through birth,
adoption, oldster moving in, marriage, etc.) 39
15. Major business readjustment (e.g., merger,
reorganization, bankruptcy, etc.) 39
16. Major change in financial state (e.g., a lot worse
off or a lot better off than usual) 38
17. Death of a close friend 37
18. Changing to a different line of work 36
19. Major change in the number of arguments with spouse
(e.g., either a lot more or a lot less than usual
regarding child rearing, personal habits, etc.)35
20. Taking on a mortgage greater than $10,000
(e.g., purchasing a home, business, etc.) 31
21. Foreclosure on a mortgage or loan 30
22. Major change in responsibilities at work (e.g.,
promotion, demotion, lateral transfer) 29
23. Son or daughter leaving home
(e.g., marriage, college) 29
24. In-law troubles 29
25. Outstanding personal achievement 28
26. Wife beginning or ceasing work outside the home 26
27. Beginning or ceasing formal schooling 26
28. Major change in living conditions (e.g., building new
home, remodeling, deterioration of home or
neighborhood) 25
29. Revision of personal habits (dress, manners, etc.) 24
30. Troubles with the boss 23
31. Major change in working hours or conditions 20
32. Change in residence 20
33. Changing to a new school 20
34. Major change in usual type and/or amount of
recreation 19
35. Major change in church activities (e.g., lot more
or less than usual) 19
36. Major change in social activities (e.g., clubs,
movies, dances) 18
37. Taking on a mortgage or loan less than $10,000
(car, TV) 17
38. Major change in sleeping habits (e.g., a lot more
or less than usual, or change in part of day
when asleep) 16
39. Major change in number of family get-togethers
(more or less) 15
40. Major change in eating habits (more or less,
or different) 15
41. Vacation 13
42. Christmas 12
43. Minor violations of the law (e.g., traffic tickets,
jaywalking, disturbing the peace, etc.) 11
Various stages in the life cycle are also times when people
Stages in the "Passage" Through the Life Cycle
Information Search
what Engel calls the search process. They actively seek informa-
tion that will help them to meet those needs. The search process
time and money, according to Engel, unless the tracts are specif-
cally effective.
* -8 * Awareness of )
* * Supreme Being )
* * )
* -7 * Some Knowledge of Gospel } KNOWLEDGE
* * ) *
* -6 * Knowledge of Fundamentals ) *
* * of Gospel ) *
* * *
* -5 * Grasp of Personal *
* * Implications of Gospel BELIEF
* * *
* -4 * Positive Attitude *
* * Toward Act of Becoming a Christian ATTITUDE
* * *
* -3 * Problem Recognition and *
* * Intention to Act INTENTION
* * *
* -2 * Decision to Act *
* -1 * Repentance and Faith
* * in Christ
* *
* *
acted on.
at a given time.
Pet. 3:15).
Spiritual Growth
cans produce far more food than we can eat. But the industrial
age now seems to be fading out as well.1 Less than 10% of Ameri-
cans are needed to manufacture all the goods sold in the United
Alvin Toffler, The Third Wave (New York: William Morrow,
1980), p. 26.
Ibid., p. 197.
John Naisbitt, Megatrends (New York: Warner Books, 1982),
p. 14.
Ibid., p. 15.
Ibid., p. 12.
Bell, p. 198.
cess than money (witness such firms as Intel, Xerox, and Apple
workers were those who didn't think for themselves but were like
Toffler, p. 33.
the use of hospices and birthing centers, and the return of the
bottom rather than down from the top.17 People want to be part
Ibid., pp. 402, 403, 261-281; Bell, 146-148 of 198.
Bell, p. 16.
Christopher Lasch, The Culture of Narcissism (New York:
W. W. Norton, 1978), pessim; also of Yankelovitch, pp. 4, 5.
Naisbitt, p. 39.
Yankelovitch, p. 251.
Naisbitt, p. 97.
Ibid., p. 159.
Ibid., p. 189.
Toffler, p. 319.
maximum advantage can be taken of the Church's achievements in
higher education.
Global economy
the one hand, the unity of all peoples in Christ, while at the
same time affirming that the gospel is best offered to the world
Future orientation
in ten years and position oneself to take advantage of it.
Small Groups
for passing on information, ideas, and resources. The difficulty
to make wise and fair decisions. More and more people, there-
fore, are reaching outside the usual channels for the information
and help they seek. The most helpful exchanges often take place
system often does not work indicates a need for reform. Ways
of this.)
conferences may live in a ten block area. They are all driving
here and there to go to church because they like a preacher or a
hood of the church (where few members may live anymore) may not
self-limiting, the best days for the church may be just ahead!
Spiritual Tone
The fact that the church is no longer at the center of
spiritual terms alone.22 The church must depend more and more on
the servant role and away from the authority role. Secular
people have not rejected the true faith as much as the institu-
tional trappings that have come with it.23 To reach such people,
no longer acceptable.24
Lausanne No. 8, p. 19.
Faber, p. 9.
Wiencke, p. 114.
Faber, p. 20.
Lausanne No. 8, pp. 20-22.
seminars, and help for people who are struggling, physically and
Personnel management
dynamic that has developed in that church. The new pastor may be
"We still love the Lord and we still love the church, but we
don't know how much longer we can stand this." One reason the
For one thing, developing a secular ministry requires patience
that. Yet, what did the lady say? "It must be done." And it will
So, that's a real problem. And I guess the best we can hope to
are. If you're elders, it's different. You can make that church
that and realize that you have to build into these people dura-
bility. And it's not an easy task. But that they would learn to
don't work out, you see. And that's where I'll have some things
to share on that.
talent and it may be that not every pastor can do that. And it
had a talent bank to draw from when a church like that needed a
multiple-option society.
Following is a list of books and journal articles that have
been exceptionally helpful to the writer of this book in wres-
tling with the issue of secularization and its impact on
Adventist faith and practice. The list is definitely not com-
plete (I have examined nearly a thousand items related to the
subject), nor is it necessarily up to date on the latest edi-
tions. But many people have asked for a list of the sources that
helped me to sharpen my ideas. The best sources that I am
presently aware of are listed here.
Barna, George. The Frog in the Kettle. Ventura, CA: Regal Books,
See Appendix A.
Hybels, Bill. Too Busy Not to Pray: Slowing Down to Be with God.
Downer's Grove IL: InterVarsity Press, 1988.
Rasi, Humberto M., and Guy, Fritz, eds. Meeting the Secular
Mind: Some Adventist Perspectives. Berrien Springs, MI:
Andrews University Press, 1985.
Toffler, Alvin. The Third Wave. New York: William Morrow & Co,