Maths 3
Maths 3
Maths 3
244 - 252)
In this regard, it is important to acknowledge and adopt The present study contributes in improving students’
the use of practical activities in science and biology performance and biology teaching- learning via laboratory
particularly and design them in such a way that practical activities also known as ‟explore and explain”.
demonstrates a specific concept appropriate to Some studies have been carried out but in the context of
curriculum (Almroth, 2015). The present study focused this study, there is no enough founds on the effect of
on the concept of ‟ enzymes” It is a unit adopted from laboratory practical activities on students’ academic
Rwandan Senior Four secondary schools’ biology achievement and attitude towards biology in secondary
curriculum. It was selected for this study due to its schools. Particularly, in Rwanda there is no evidence of
abstract nature and with a hope that, practical activities published data found. Hence, the study came to fill this
should concretise learning such a concept. research gap. The findings offer a detailed account on the
effect of laboratory practical activities on learners’
Indeed, teachers who have taught the topic of enzyme academic achievement and attitude towards biology. It
found that learners have misunderstanding of the informs the policymakers and teachers to take informed
enzymes reaction; this has been discriminated by the decision in selecting effective teaching methods. It also
fact that, the ways of determining enzymes activities are provides opportunities for future research.
complex (Laloknam & Phornphisutthimas, 2010).
Likewise, Leksmono et al.(2018) reported that the Objective of the study
properties of enzyme reactions are best understood This study was set out to investigate the effects of
through the use of hands-on practical experiences. laboratory practical activities on students’ academic
Lack of practical activities could be one of the reasons achievement and attitudes towards biology. In this study
that learners do not perform well and develop less data from pre-post-test biology achievement test and
interest when they are taught with traditional method biology attitude questions test were collected and
(Motlhabane, 2013). The poor science teaching methods analysed to answer the following research questions:
have negative effects on students’ performance and 1. What is the students’ achievement mean- scores
attitude towards science (Juweto, 2015). Moreover, the differences before and after the use of laboratory practical
current researches show that teachers still use traditional activities in learning enzymes?
teacher centred instructions which lead to students’ poor
performance. 2. What are the impacts of laboratory practical
activities on students’ attitude towards biology subject?
In Rwanda for example, Uwizeyimana et al.(2018)
revealed that teacher centered methods is the most used
to teach science. Nsengimana et al.(2017 added that in 2. Literature Review
science, questions- answers method is dominated at the Practical work refers to any teaching and learning activity
rate 75% , group discussion and experiment are used at which encompasses the students in observing,
25% for each. Likewise Mukamwambali (2012) found manipulating objects and materials they are learning
(Millar, 2004). Grounded on the goals of practical the students exposed on alternative to practical and
activities or work and how it is organized, there are three gender has no significance effect on students’
types of practical work. First one is, equipment based performance (Olutola, 2016).
practical work, the goals of this practical activities is to
help learners to be aware on how to use various scientific In Turkey, Çimer (2012) revealed the teaching style,
equipment. Second types are concept based practical, it is lack of materials, students feeling, and negative attitude
concerned with helping students to learn and appreciate as the causes of biology difficulty and recommended
new concepts. practical work for effective biology learning. The above
Çimer’s recommendation was also one of the motives
The third one is the inquiry based practical activities that to undertake this study in order to boost students
is concerned with learning processing skills like performance in biology. Kambaila et al.(2019) reported
experimentation, defining problem, observing, that, practical activities positively enhance students’
measuring, processing data, tabularizing, graphing, performance in biology than traditional teaching method.
categorizing and taking deduction (UR-CE, 2019).
Morais and Ferreira (2014) reflect practical work as any In Tanzania, Nyanda (2017) states that, learning and
teaching activities that range from paper and pen teaching science without laboratory practical work
activities to the activities that need the use of laboratory hinders teachers from empowering inquiry learning and
activities and field trip. Their studies consider various accessing specific objectives; learners claim that without
practical works including laboratory activities, field trip, practical activities they cannot master science concepts.
and application of knowledge to new situation and Even though some researches have been carried out; there
guided discussion. is no enough that can be found. Specifically in the context
of Rwanda there was no evidence of published research
According to UR-CE (2019) the goals of practical work found on the effect of laboratory practical activities on
suggest the types of practical work to use. The goal of students’ academic achievement and attitude towards
laboratory practical activities in this study is to help the biology in secondary schools. Hence, needs of this study
learners to learn and understand biology concepts in to fill the gap.
order to improve biology achievement and attitude. For
the purpose of this study, the focus is on concept based 2.3. The practical activities and
practical work also known as‟ explore and explain”. In
concept based practical, the lesson is initiated by students’ attitude towards biology
practical activities and theory can be clarified by teacher The main emphasis of science and biology teaching in
after words. This is because teaching theories first and particular is to aid learners to be active, feel confident,
doing practical activities to evidence the theoretical committed, develop scientific literacy and positive
lesson is discouraging and offer slight added value on attitude towards science. Negative attitude lead to dislike,
students learning (UR-CE, 2019). positive attitude lead to interest and interest lead to
assurance that result to well academic achievement (Jolif,
2.1. Role of practical activities 2016). The students’ exposed to a well-equipped
laboratory gain high mean- scores and have positive
The practical activities enhance students’ proprietorship attitude towards biology than those exposed to
in science learning. It helps students to boost inadequate laboratory activities (Katcha & Wushishi,
manipulation skills, logical skills and thought scientific 2015).
concept (Dikmenli, 2009). It figures learner capacity
and kindness towards science, equip learners with In England, Sharpe (2012) revealed that students favor
suitable competences and empower them to attest practical lesson than non-practical lesson as the latter is
scientific phenomena , boost collaborative learning and enjoyable than writing and afford the senses of
problem solving skills (Etiubon & Udoh, 2017). In the selfautonomy for learning. Students’ attitude stimulate
same line, Kulshretta (2013) revealed that, practical their self-assurance in biology, mostly in terms of feeling
activities enhance students manipulating skills, about getting good grades, undertaking tasks and wish to
observation, investigation, evaluation and experiential pursues biology related courses (Fareo, 2019). Therefore,
learning. it is significant to take students’ attitude towards biology
into consideration if we need to invest in learners
2.2. Practical activities and students’ equipped with scientific capacities.
Different literatures appreciate the frontline and crucial
3. Methodology
intervention of practical activities in improving students’
academic achievement. In Nigeria, the students exposed
3.1. Design, method and
to practical activities gain higher average scores than ethical consideration
The main objective of the present study was to was cleared by the ethical clearance committee in
investigate the effect of practical activities on students’ research and innovation unit at University of Rwanda
academic achievement and attitude towards biology. College of Education. The mayor of the selected district
Quasiexperimental in pre-posttest design under and head masters of the selected schools granted
quantitative method was adopted. Fernando et al. (2017) permission to carry out the study. All participants were
and Creswell (2014) revealed that, quantitative method above 16 years old and they signed the consent form and
seeks to obtain accurate data and reliable measurement participated in the study voluntarily. The names of the
that allows statistical analysis, use of statistical software schools as well as the students were not mentioned.
and hypothesis testing. Two boarding public secondary
schools with 272 Senior Four students from Nyamagabe Prior to the intervention both control and experimental
district were purposively selected based on the availability groups were pretested to determine students’ prior
of biology laboratories, chemicals, equipment and knowledge on the concept of “Enzyme”. Pretest also
combination including biology as core subject. helped researcher to know whether the control and
experimental groups were academically comparable
The intact classes from the selected schools were before the intervention. During the intervention, the
randomly taken for experimental and control groups experimental group was taught under laboratory practical
with 141 and 131 students respectively. This is because activities while the control group was taught with
it is not possible to carry out pure experimentation on traditional teacher centered activities ‟chalk and talk
students as it is unethical in the usual school system. The method” and biology text books. After intervention the
selected schools and classes also followed different time researcher administered a post-test to both experimental
tables and it was not possible to disrupt the school and control groups to check if the intervention or
setting system. Prior to data collection the researcher treatment had an effect on students’ biology academic
followed all the research ethical procedures. This study performance and attitude.
The lock stands for the enzymes and key represents
Table 1 above show the lessons, materials, chemicals and
equipment used in this study, where the enzyme amylase
was used to hydrolyze the starch to maltose, lipase 3.2. Instrument used for data collection
which is responsible for digesting lipids to glycerol and Biology achievement test was designed by the researcher
fatty acid, protease (pepsin) to digest protein to amino based on the learning objectives highlighted in the Senior
acid and catalase enzymes to breakdown harmful Four Rwandan biology curriculum. It was constructed
hydrogen peroxide to harm less substances which are with open and multiple-choice questions for triangulation
water and oxygen. purpose. Prior to data collection the instruments were
validated and piloted for reliability purpose. Biology
The padlock and key were used to help students achievement test was validated by four Senior Four
understand the lock and key hypothesis. In lock and key biology secondary schools’ teachers whose teaching
hypothesis, the key fits into their respective pad lock as experiences are above five years and the biology expert
the substrate fits into the enzyme active site (REB, and senior lecturer at University of Rwanda College of
2019). Education.
Table 1: Details on used lessons and teaching and learning materials used in experimental group taught
through laboratory practical activities
Table 2: Mean score and standard deviation results in pre-post-test in biology achievement test before and after
Groups N M Sd
Pre-test control group 131 20.916 7.680
Pre-test 141
experimental group 21.411 5.389
Post-test control group 131 35.626 8.292
141 6.714
Post-tests 51.021
experimental group
After scoring each item, the average mean-scores, control group in pretest is greater than the standard
standard deviation and t- test among experimental and deviation of the experimental group that means there was
control groups were computed before and after variability in scores among students in control group.
intervention. Biology achievement test was also scored
The post-test results indicated that, experimental group
and average mean-score, standard deviation and t-test
doing practical activities on enzymes or received
among groups was computed and compared, the results
treatment gained higher mean scores than the control
are presented in tables.
group that did not received any practical activities. The
independent sample t-test was computed to check if the
4. Results and Discussion mean scores difference is statistical significant and the
inferential statistical results are summarized in table3.
In the Table 3 below, the independent sample t-test and talk method”. The experimental group taught the
results revealed no significant difference in pretest and concepts of enzymes via laboratory practical activities
confirmed a significant difference in post-test results (df = outperformed the control group taught the same concepts
(270) t =16.881, p =0.00<0.05), hence providing answer under teacher centred activities. The finding was not
to the first research question and rejecting the null particular because it similar to that of Kambaila et al.
hypothesis. Based on the finding, laboratory practical (2019) from Zambia who found out that practical
activities improve students’ academic achievement than activities positively improve students’ performance in
teacher centred activities commonly referred to as “chalk biology more than the traditional teaching method.
Table 3: Independent sample t-test result in pre-posttest from biology achievement test
The findings of this study are also in the same line with laboratory practical activities improve students’ biology
that of Olutola (2016) in Nigeria who investigated the performance in comparison to the teacher centred
effect of practical and alternative to practical method on activities, the‟ chalk and talk method”
students’ academic achievement in biology and revealed
that practical method has significant effect on secondary 4.2. The impact of laboratory practical
students’ performance in biology. Similarly, Elias
( 2017) reported that, pupils who were taught the activities on students’ attitude towards
genetic via hands-on approach out performed those biology
taught the same concept under the conventional
teaching method. The positive effect of practical The second research question looked on the impacts of
activities has been observed in other science subject laboratory practical activities on students’ attitude
taught in schools. For instance, a study on the effect of towards biology subject. To provide answer to this
practical work on academic performance in physics question the pre and post biology attitude questions test
among learners at the selected secondary schools in was administered to both experimental and control
Rwanda, revealed that practical work is more effective groups. The summarized descriptive statistical results are
in improving students’ performance (Twahirwa & presented in table 4 below. Where N: stands for a number
Twizeyimana, 2020). Therefore, based on the finding of of participants, M: mean-score and Sd: for standard
this study and supported by the literatures above, deviation.
In Table 4 above, the pre-test results indicate that, and control groups stay the same. This implies no attitude
experimental and control groups average mean -scores variation among experimental and control groups after
are approximately equal. The similar standard deviation intervention. The independent sample t -test was
among control and experimental groups implies the computed to check whether there is any significant
similar biology attitude among groups (experimental and difference in mean- scores among the experimental group
control groups) before doing practical activities on
experimental group.
The post-test results revealed that, the average
meanscores and standard deviation among experimental
Table 4: Mean, standard deviation results in pre and posttest in biology attitude test before and after intervention
Groups N M Sd
Pre-test control group 131 45.908 5.006
Table 5: Independent sample t-test results in pre and post biology attitude test before and after intervention
Groups df t Sig (two tailed)
Pre-test control group 270
Pre-test 270 .680 .497
experimental group
Post-test control group 270
Post-test experimental -.163 .871
students’ academic achievement and attitude towards
biology. This was achieved by comparing the
achievement mean-scores and biology attitude scores of
In Table 5 above the t- test result of pre and post-test Senior Four students who were taught the concept of
confirm that there was no statistical significant difference enzymes under laboratory practical activities and those
at 0.05 significance level. This means that, laboratory taught the same concept through teacher centred
practical activities have no significant effect on students’ activities, the ‟chalk and talk method”. The pre and post
attitude towards biology. Hence, providing answer to biology achievement and biology attitude question tests
second research question and not rejecting null were used for data collection via quasi-experimental
hypothesis. Based on the finding from this study, research design. The findings revealed that laboratory
laboratory practical activities improve students’ biology practical activities significantly improve students’ biology
academic achievement but did no exert any significant academic achievement more than traditional teacher
effect on students’ attitude towards biology. centred activities, the ‟chalk and talk method”. However,
laboratory activities did no exert significant effect on
The finding is not particular because it was in the same students’ attitude towards biology. Based on the findings,
line with Sadi & Cakiroglu (2011) who investigated the this study recommends the teachers to strive for using
effect of hands-on activity enriched instruction on laboratory practical activities in biology teaching in order
students achievement and attitude towards science and to improve students’ biology academic achievement.
reported that, hands- on activities enriched instruction Laboratory practical activities should also be a frontline
were more effective than traditional method but and fundamental instructional method for biology
statistical result did not revealed a significant difference teaching, and other science subjects like physics and
between experimental and control group concerning chemistry should also adopt it. Students should take
attitude towards science. laboratory activities as a vital method for learning biology
in particular. Further investigations on the effect of
However, the findings are different from those of Katcha laboratory practical activities on students’ attitude
and Wushishi (2015) who reported that, students towards biology are needed. Moreover, future studies
exposed on equipped laboratory gain high mean- score should extrapolate the studies to the broad sample
and have positive attitude towards biology more than the representing categories of all Rwandan students’
students exposed to inadequate laboratory. The possible population. Furthermore, teacher’s attitude towards
reasonable explanation of the present study finding on the teaching biology was not investigated due to different
students’ attitude towards biology should be the factors measures against covid-19, the future researchers should
that, the study focussed on one unit and it should not be also take it as ongoing hint.
enough to measure students’ attitude changes on one unit
only. Second, the study adopted quantitative method only
which is not enough for triangulation purpose. Acknowledgements
The third reason is that, intervention was done in four We frankly acknowledged the financial support provided
weeks that should be a short period to measure the by the University of Rwanda - College of Education,
changes in students’ attitude towards biology. specifically the African Centre of Excellence for
Innovative teaching and Learning Mathematics and
Science (UR- CE, ACEITLMS). We also acknowledge
5. Conclusion and Recommendations the academic critics of Joseph Njiku from ACEITLMS.
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