Interpreting The Seven Trumpets
Interpreting The Seven Trumpets
Interpreting The Seven Trumpets
by Jon Paulien
Asst. Professor of NT Interpretation
SDA Theological Seminary
Berrien Springs, MI
February, 1986
INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
the most difficult passages in all of Scripture. They are filled with bizarre
and cryptic symbols which resist meaningful interpretation. The first six
The author explicitly begins the seven trumpets at Rev 8:2 where the
seven angels who stand before God receive seven trumpets, presumably from God
Himself.2 Many commentators have felt that the seven trumpets actually begin
with the opening of the seventh seal in verse 1.3 This is probably true in
backward at the same time.4 But verse 2 provides the explicit introduction to
chapter 11. While this cannot be decided with certainty the evidence of the
book's structure suggests that verse 19 belongs to chapter 12 rather than the
seventh trumpet.5 Thus we will end this study of the seven trumpets at Rev
trumpets and prepares the way for what is to follow in Rev 12ff. The material
in this section has been rather thoroughly interpreted by Ellen White and thus
This paper will concentrate on the most enigmatic portions, 8:7-9:21 and
11:15-18. The interlude does contain, however, one point of major interest
for our study of the trumpets. This is Rev 10:7 which relates the sounding of
Basic Observations
The seven trumpets, like the churches and seals before them, are
probably based on the fact that there were seven trumpet priests in the Old
Testament cultus (1 Chr 15:24; Josh 6; cf. also 1QM 3:1-11; 7:7ff.).6 Their
battle and forgiveness of sin (Num 10:8-10). Thus the prayers of the saints
in Rev 8:3-5 are probably cries for deliverance from the oppression visited by
with the prayers of the saints upon the golden altar which is before the
throne.7 After the smoke of the incense has ascended before the throne
combined with the prayers of the saints, the angel takes the censer, fills it
with fire from the altar and throws it to the earth. The result of that act
followed by the preparation of the seven angels for the sounding of their
trumpets. Thus the activity at the altar is connected to the judgments which
Two basic ideas are portrayed in Rev 8:3-5, mediation and judgment.
a relationship with God and to survive the plagues of the seven trumpets.
While the altar stands this mediation continues, but wherever the fire falls
the powers of the enemy take control. This passage contains a symbolic
reminder both of God's care and concern for the believer and of His active
participation in the judgments that fall on those who reject the gospel.
fire and the blowing of the temple trumpets. The blowing of the trumpets
indicated that the sacrifice was complete. For the author of Revelation the
sacrifice par excellence was the death of Jesus. Thus the events of the seven
trumpets need to be seen in the light of the cross. It is the cross that
makes mediation possible. It is rejection of the cross that brings down the
wrath of God. To the extent that the trumpets portray the author's viewpoint
The seven trumpets themselves are, like the seals, divided into a
4-3 pattern or, perhaps more accurately, a 4-2-1 pattern. Just as the four
horsemen are explicitly tied together as a unit, so are the three woes (8:13;
9:12; 11:14). The first four trumpets are set apart by Rev 8:13 and share a
much briefer format than the last three. While the four horsemen specifically
affect humanity, the first four trumpets fall on the natural world.
plagues on the natural world, the trumpets become demonic horrors which first
harm (fifth trumpet) then kill (sixth trumpet) the inhabitants of the earth.
They end in the consummation of God's wrath under the seventh trumpet.
angel sounds the trumpet, then a form appears (hailstorm, falling star), then
the effects are described (burning of greenery, defiling of the springs and
of a third of something.
the lament is raised that those who were not killed by the plagues of the
judgments on the enemies of God's people (cf. 9:4), their purpose is to lead
to repentance, even though they do not succeed in doing so with the unsealed.
This, combined with the partial character of the trumpets (affecting thirds of
the earth or humanity rather than the whole as in the seven bowls), leads to
the conclusion that they are preliminary or warning judgments which prepare
the way for the end-time judgments of the latter half of the book.
trumpets. Both begin with a scene from the heavenly sanctuary, describe a
series of plagues and then end with a portrayal of the consummation. Rev 8:5
Hebrew style and indicates that the seals and trumpets are in relationship
one thing there is much less reference to heavenly things in the trumpets than
in the seals.9 Second, the seals are on the whole normal, non-apocalyptic
plagues, while the trumpet plagues are bizarre and demonic. Third, there is
humanity with plagues on nature and heavenly bodies introduced only in the
sixth seal. In the trumpets, on the other hand, plagues on the natural world
are found in the first four while the fifth and sixth focus on humanity.
Fourth, the seals affect quarter-portions of the earth (Rev 6:8) while the
Finally, and most significant, the seals clearly concern the people
of God and their fate in a world that opposes the gospel.10 As such they form
the counterpart of the account of the Unholy Trinity (dragon, beast and false
prophet) and the remnant of the woman's seed depicted in chapters 12-14. The
through their opposition to His people and their message. Thus, the
relationship between the seals and the trumpets involves both parallels and
apparent connection between the fifth seal and the introduction to the seven
trumpets (Rev 8:3-5). In the fifth seal (Rev 6:9-11) John sees martyred souls
under "the" altar crying out "How long, O Lord, the Holy and True One, do you
not judge and avenge our blood upon those who live on the earth (tôn
katoikountôn epi tês gês)?"11 These souls are given white robes and told to
rest a short while until "the number of their fellow servants and brothers who
Since the question "how long" is not really answered in the fifth
seal, the reader anticipates that things will be clarified later on in the
book. Thus it is not surprising that there are later references to numbered
groups of God's people (chapter 7), prayer (8:3-5) and those who dwell on the
earth (8:13; 11:10; 13:8,14, etc.). Very significant is the reference in Rev
8:13, which stands at the structural center of the seven trumpets.13 This
verse indicates that the trumpet plagues fall on "those who live on the
earth," the same group which was martyring the saints, referred to in 6:9-11
as the "souls under the altar." The spiritual connection between the trumpets
and the fifth seal is made in Rev 8:3-5 where incense from the golden altar is
responds to their prayers by casting His censer to the earth, with frightful
indicates that the seven trumpets are God's response to the prayers of the
saints for vengeance on those who have persecuted and martyred them. The
martyrs were anxious for the judgment to begin but it was delayed until all
becomes the source from which judgments are poured out on the wicked in
response (cf. 9:13-15; 14:18-20 and 16:4-7). When the fire of purification
from the altar contacts the earth, it provokes disasters.16 The same fire
which purifies can also destroy. The censer of judgment and the censer of
prayer become one. Thus the seven trumpets should be understood as God's
What relation do the seven trumpets have to the rest of the book of
elements such as the "beast" and the "great city" which form a major part of
the second half of the Apocalypse. "The nations were angry" (ta ethnê
ôrgisthêsan) is elaborated in 12:17ff. where the dragon was angry with the
woman (ôrgisthê ho drakôn) and went away to make war with the remnant of her
seed by means of the sea and land beasts which he calls up in chapter 13.
The next statement in 11:18, "and your wrath came" (kai êlthen hê
orgê sou), is a reference to the seven last plagues in their context (Rev
15-18). These bowl plagues are summarized in 15:1: "And I saw another great
and wondrous sign in heaven, seven angels having the seven last plagues,
theou)."17 The two woes of Rev 9 are truly horrendous. The reader expects
the most frightening plague of all with the arrival of the third woe in
11:15ff. But the seventh trumpet is mostly rejoicing and has only a minimal
mention of negative events. Thus the third woe is the seven last plagues of
the bowls.
With "the time to judge the dead" (ho kairos tôn nekrôn krithênai)
we have an apparent reference to the judgment of the great white throne in Rev
20:11-15. This points the reader to the context of the millennium and its
mentioned again in 22:12 where Jesus rewards His faithful ones at His Second
Coming. The contrasting reward "to destroy those who are destroying the
striking in terms of the parallels and contrasts between the trumpets and the
seven bowls.18
crescendo of judgment in the seals, trumpets and plagues.20 The seals and the
trumpets are preliminary and partial in character in comparison with the bowls
final consummation, although they lead up to it. They are limited territori-
ally to thirds of the earth, they are limited to periods of time (five months)
and they are limited in their destructive capacity (9:5,6). By contrast, the
bowls are an advancement in the state of God's judgments. They are called the
seven "last" plagues. In them God's wrath is for the first time brought to
its full completion. They are poured out with reference to the beast while
there is no mention of the beast in the trumpets until just before the
seventh. The result of the plagues is that the redeemed, the product of the
Christian era, stand by the sea. Thus the author intended the reader to see
the plagues as the consummation of the end-time while the trumpets point to a
12-18. Both the seals and the crisis of chapters 12-14 are related to the
persecution. The trumpets, on the other hand, are parallel to the bowls in
their focus on the enemies of God's people who are being judged for their
rejection of the gospel and their persecution of those who proclaimed it.
are not dealing with the consummation but are leading up to it. Thus the
author wants the reader to understand that the seals and the trumpets concern
the character of the age leading from his day to the end, while the crisis of
12-14 and the bowls are concerned primarily with the end-time consummation
center close
of of
book probation
³ ³ ³
³ ³ ³
Seals ³ Trumpets ³ 12-14 ³ Bowls
³ ³ ³
Gospel ³ Judgment ³ Gospel ³ Judgment
and ³ of ³ and ³ of
Church ³ wicked ³ Church ³ wicked
related ³ world ³ related ³ world
³ ³ ³ ³
³ ³
___________________ _______________________
Historical End-Time Crisis
Although there are nine different Hebrew words that refer either to
the act of blowing a trumpet or to the instrument itself,23 there is only one
root structure for trumpeting in New Testament Greek.24 This word group is
found 134 times in the Greek Old Testament. Through a careful study of all
the passages, the various usages have been grouped into the following
Liturgy and worship involve the use of the trumpet in the context of
addition the trumpet also had a liturgical significance in battle. The battle
to battle trumpets and incidents where someone other than a priest used the
trumpet are combined under the category Other Battle Usages. The category of
Warning arises primarily from Ezek 33, although it may well play a subsidiary
role in some of the other usages as well.25 The category of Signaling has
primary reference to Num 10 which contains marching orders for the Israelite
camp.26 Trumpets were prominent also in the coronations of ancient Israel and
in the enthronement Psalms (such as Ps 47) which looked forward to the time
when God's kingdom would be established over the whole earth.27 Trumpets were
also associated with theophanies in Exodus 19 and Zech 9:14. While this
The sons of Aaron, the priests, are to blow the trumpets. This is
to be a lasting ordinance for you and the generations to come. When you go
into battle in your own land against an enemy who is oppressing you, sound a
blast on the trumpets. Then you will be remembered by the Lord your God and
feasts and New Moon festivals--you are to sound the trumpets over your burnt
offerings and fellowship offerings, and they will be a memorial for you before
significance to the blowing of the trumpet regardless of the context. Its use
was confined to the priests. Whether in battle or in worship its use by God's
deliverance from their enemies (v. 9). In worship this remembrance took the
form of forgiveness and acceptance within the parameters of the covenant (v.
10--"I am the Lord your God."). Thus, theologically, Israel did not
distinguish between battle and worship as far as the trumpet was concerned.
The sounding of the trumpet became a symbol of covenant prayer. When the
priests blew the trumpet they were reminding God of His covenant with His
people. Thus, the predominant usage of the trumpet in the OT (80 times out of
point back to such OT events as creation,30 the Exodus31 and the fall of
Jericho.32 There is also frequent reference to the book of Joel33 and "thirds"
appear in a number of places.34 Joel and the "thirds" are most closely
related to the themes of exile and return in the prophets, thus the seven
the fall of a great city (cf. Rev 11 and 18), and the entrance of God's people
into the promised land (cf. Rev 21 and 22). The trumpets, however, are also
part of what Strand has called the "Exodus from Egypt / Fall of Babylon"
motif.36 While most of the plagues are based directly on the Exodus motif, we
really have a blending of the Exodus with the Exile.37 The extent of this
blending can be seen in the fact that in Revelation Jericho has become
Babylon. It is Babylon which falls after the blowing of the trumpet. As with
the Exodus and the Return from Babylonian exile, the trumpets are a covenant
execution on the part of God. He judges the wicked for their opposition to
Him and His people, in the process delivering the righteous and preparing the
way for their inheritance of the kingdom (cf. the shout of Rev 11:15).
battle,43 and prayer,44 but these themes play a minor role in the thought of
the period as far as we can reconstruct it from the extant literature. The
emphasis with overtones of liturgical war, so common in the OT, only in the
In the NT the salpigx/salpizein word group has taken over all the
Greek and Hebrew meanings of trumpet and trumpeting which the NT writers
total of 23 times. Of these, two can be ignored for the purposes of our
study.45 Of the other 21 usages, 14 are found in Rev 8-11. Before we look at
that passage we will study the other seven usages, which appear to fall into
two groups.
Trumpets as theophany
Heb 12:19 alludes to Exod 19:13-19. The cloud, the darkness and the
storm are all theophanic phenomena. The author of Hebrews contrasts the
security of the one who accepts Christ (v. 22-24) with the terror and gloom of
the mountain of the law. Another theophanic use of the trumpet can be found
in Rev 1:10 cf. 4:1. In both passages there is a movement from theophany to
Christophany. The NT writers came to equate Jesus Christ with the Yahweh of
the OT.
passages dealing with the Parousia (Matt 24:31; 1 Cor 15:51,52; 1 Thess
4:16,17). The trumpets may have been understood as a symbol of the voice of
Christ that awakens the dead (cf. John 5:28,29). In these four passages the
resurrection of the dead. Thus the predominant usage of trumpets in the New
accurately, Christophany.
allusions to the NT in the seven trumpets but of the general impact the NT has
on the use of the OT in the book of Revelation. Unless we see how the NT
transforms the history and the symbolism of the OT we will tend to interpret
Revelation in terms of the OT background rather than seeing the unique use
In the NT, the things of Yahweh and the things of Israel tend to be
Yahweh becomes the day of Jesus Christ. As the blowing of trumpets in the OT
related to the things of Yahweh and Israel, so in the NT they are related to
The Exodus from Egypt is applied in the primary sense to the death
the trumpet plagues precede an exodus, but it is not the exodus of ancient
Israel or of the Jews of the author's day, it is the exodus of the church from
history and the imagery of the OT is freely applied to Christ in the NT, the
spiritual enemies such as spiritual Babylon which consists of all those who
actively refuse to accept Christ and thus seek to persecute those who follow
Israel in the OT, he has the church in mind. When he alludes to Yahweh, he
Edom he has the opposers of the gospel of Jesus Christ in mind. Thus, the
author of Revelation is able to update the entire OT and make it relevant for
the situations faced by followers of Jesus. The seven trumpets have a Christ-
ian message that was relevant to the churches in Asia Minor as well as to us.
original writer meant in addressing the issues he faced, and the impact that
his work might have had on the original audience. While the task of exegesis
does not deny that God may have placed a special meaning in the text for
language used in the seven trumpets as it would have been understood in the
first century. The interpretation of the passage from a 20th century perspec-
tive will be left for the next chapter. To accomplish this exegetical task,
each trumpet will be translated into English, then relevant allusions and
symbols drawn from other literature will be listed. Finally, an attempt will
be made to show the deeper meaning behind the symbols that an intelligent
The first angel sounded his trumpet; with the result that hail and
fire mixed with blood were flung to the earth. A third of the earth, a third
of the trees and all the green grass were burned up.
Rev 8:7
Parallels in Revelation
7:1-3 11:19
8:5 14:18
9:4 6:21
11:5 20:10,14,15
Reasonably Certain
Moderately Certain
Symbolic Concepts
Hail Earth
Fire Trees
Blood Grass
Contemporary Literature
Reasonably Certain
Exegetical Meaning
Egypt (Exod 9:23-26), Assyria (Isa 10:16-20), Gog (Ezek 38:22) and Jerusalem
(Ezek 5:1-4). It is clear that the language of the first trumpet describes an
act of God's judgment against a power that opposes Him. In the OT these
judgments were covenant related, thus could be turned on God's own people when
they broke the covenant (Deut 32:15-22). The later prophets, especially,
applied the hail and fire of God's judgments more and more to Israel and Judah
(Ps 80:8-16; Isa 28:2; Jer 11:16,17; 21:12-14; Ezek 15:65,7; 20:47,48).
In the OT, hail and fire symbolized weapons of God's wrath used in
judgment on His enemies (Exod 9:23-26; Job 38:22; Ps 18:13; Isa 10:16-20;
28:2; 29:1-6; Jer 21:12-14).47 Blood symbolized violently destroyed life (Gen
9:5,6; 1 Kgs 2:5; Ps 79:3; Mic 3:10). The earth symbolized the habitable
portion of the planet, and in contrast to the sea, the land of Israel itself
(Isa 28:2; Lev 26: Jer 9:10-12). Fresh grass was a symbol of God's people
while dry grass portrayed the fate of evildoers (Isa 44:3,4; Ps 37:1,2).
Yahweh (Ps 1:3; 52:8; 92:12,13; Isa 61:3) while dry or wild vegetation
symbolized the unfaithfulness of Israel (Isa 5:1-7; Jer 2:21; Ezek 15:6,7;
heavenly things and with God's judgments on His enemies (Rev 16:21;
20:10,14,15) and the enemies of His people (8:5; 11:5). Greenery is also a
symbol of God's people who are usually protected by His seal (7:1-3; 9:4).
Thus the greenery here represents followers of God who are not protected and
thus have probably forsaken the covenant. The thirds are best understood as
the prayers of the saints, which falls on a portion of Satan's kingdom that
may once have given allegiance to God's kingdom. Do we have any idea with
whom the readers of the Apocalypse would have identified this judgment? In
Matt 3:10 trees were a symbol of fruitless Jews who had rejected John the
Baptist's message and thus were exposed to the fire of Messianic judgment that
Jesus would pour out (Matt 3:12; Luke 12:49). In Luke 23:28-31 Jesus applied
man such as He can be treated as He was what will be the fate of a rebellious
and wicked nation, who crucifies its redeemer? These NT references make it
virtually certain that John intended his readers to see in the first trumpet
the fate of the Jewish nation that had rejected Jesus as its Messiah.
The second angel sounded his trumpet; and something like a great
mountain burning with fire was flung into the sea. A third of the sea became
blood, and a third of the creatures that were in the sea, who have souls,
died, and a third of the ships were destroyed.
Rev 8:8,9
Parallels in Revelation
6:12-17 17:16
12:12 18:8,9,18
16:4-6 18:17-19
17:1-3 18:21
17:9 18:24
Reasonably Certain
Moderately Certain
Symbolic Concepts
Mountain Blood
Fire Sea creatures
Sea Ships
Contemporary Literature
Exegetical Meaning
primarily on the Old Testament. Gen 1:20,21 is the source of the language
with which the author describes the fish that are destroyed in the sea. The
bloody water and the dead fish are reminiscent of the plagues on Egypt (Exod
that John may have had the theophany on Sinai in mind as he wrote here (Exod
19:16-20 Ps-J). The most significant Old Testament allusion in the second
trumpet is the reference to Jer 51. Just as the Euphrates River is the means
by which the original Babylon fell, so the sea here swallows up another
Babylon. In Isa 10:16-18 the reference is to the fall of Assyria. While the
Old Testament background of the first trumpet suggests that the plague falls
on a power that once followed God but has now broken the covenant, the Old
As with the first trumpet, there are six symbolic concepts in Rev
8:8,9. A mountain can symbolize a nation (Isa 13:4; Jer 51; Isa 10), God's
4:7-10). Of the three the first is the most relevant to the context of the
indicates that it is subject to God's judgment as was the case with the
terms of nations in opposition to God (Isa 57:20; 17:12,13; Jer 51:41,42; cf.
Rev 13:1ff.; 16:12; 17:15). Sea creatures are a symbol of people (Ezek 29:5;
evildoers (Hag 4:3; Zeph 1:3). Ships are symbolic of the sources of a
nation's wealth and its pride in being able to take care of itself (Ezek
27:26; 2 Chr 20:37; Isa 2:16). The destruction of ships leads to economic
a symbol of the end-time opposers of Christ and His people (17:1-3,9; 18:21).
This end-time Babylon is symbolically destroyed by fire as was the first (Rev
17:16; 18:8,9,18). The fact that there is only one mountain in Rev 8:8 and
seven mountains in Rev 17:9 indicates that this plague does not fall on the
lon.50 The blood in the second trumpet probably represents a reversal of the
persecution of God's people by the wicked (cf. Rev 16:4-6; 18:24). They
receive in kind for what they have done. The sea appears to be a reference to
the Euphrates, the waters of Babylon (9:14; 16:12; 17:1,15). In summary, the
judgment God burns the mountain and casts it into the sea of wicked nations,
Do we have any idea with whom the readers of the Apocalypse would
have identified this judgment? It was common in first century Judaism to use
the same? Matt 21:21 relates the moving of mountains to Christian faith. A
Luke 21:25 the unruly sea represents the wicked nations of the world in an
unsettled state. In Luke 5:1-10 and Matt 13:47-50 the fish of the sea
represent individuals to whom the gospel is preached. Thus the symbols are
The mountain facing Jesus and His disciples in Matt 21 was the
opposition of the Jewish nation to Jesus. By the time Revelation was written
a far larger mountain had erected itself in the path of Christ's kingdom,
Rome. Rome was not the end-time Babylon for John, but its persecution and
ridicule hindered the preaching of the gospel and tempted many Christians to
apostatize from the faith. Given the weight of evidence it is likely that a
first century reader would understand the second trumpet as a prediction that
the Roman Empire was soon to fall along with its entire social order.
Although the Empire was used by God as the executor of His covenant on the
Jewish nation, its hostility toward Christ and his people, and its persecution
of them called for its ultimate downfall. When that time came it would
the waves of a sea of nations. The result would be the devastation of the
The third angel sounded his trumpet; and a great star burning with
fire fell out of heaven. It landed on a third of the rivers and springs of
water. The star's name was called "Wormwood." A third of the waters became
wormwood with the result that many men died from the waters because they had
been made bitter.
Rev 8:10,11
Exegetical Meaning53
The main symbolism of the third trumpet revolves around the great
falling star and the rivers and springs which it defiles. The falling star is
activity of the little horn (Dan 8:10,11) in the Old Testament. In both texts
there is the attempt to usurp God's authority. In Isa 14 the falling of the
Rivers and fountains, when pure, are sources of life in the Old
nourishment (Ps 36:8,9; Jer 17:8,13; Prov 14:27; Ezek 47:1-12). Impure
fountains, on the other hand, would have the opposite spiritual effect (Prov
Deuteronomy wormwood represents anyone who turns away from Yahweh into
planning to mete out because of Judah's apostasy (Jer 9:15: 23:15). The Marah
experience is also a close parallel to the third trumpet (Exod 15:23). The
approached the spring-fed oasis of Marah only to find that there was no life
Other parts of the New Testament also contain parallels to the third
trumpet. In Luke 10:18 Satan is the one who fell from heaven. Similar
imagery is used in Rev 12 where the dragon's tail sweeps a third of the stars
of heaven to earth before being thrown to the earth himself (Rev 12:3,4,9).
In the Gospel of John "living" spring water is a symbol of what Jesus brings
What was John trying to say with by means of these images? The
are positive images in Scripture but here John drew on passages such as Isa 14
and Deut 29 where a good thing becomes evil due to apostasy. The little horn
Such apostasy is the first step on the road to spiritual death in that it
God. Through distorted views of God the Scriptures are made of no effect in
The early church was aware that apostasy loomed large in its future
(Acts 20:28-31; 2 Thess 2; 1 Tim 4:1ff.). It was also aware that pure
doctrine can only be maintained with diligent effort (1 Tim 4:1,2; 1 John
4:1-3; Jude 3,4). The message of the third trumpet underlines these
have seemed to open the way for the church's advancement and growth. But John
warns in apocalyptic language that such a removal only diverts Satan's attack.
He then will concentrate on destroying the church from within, knowing that if
the church's life-giving message can be subtly distorted, mankind will fail to
find the spiritual nourishment it needs, but instead will find only
The fourth angel sounded his trumpet; and a third of the sun, moon
and stars were smitten with a plague, resulting in a third of them being
darkened so that a third of the day did not shine and the night likewise.
Rev 8:12
Exegetical Meaning
a third of the sun, moon and stars with darkness, which one would expect to
of the day and a third of the night are darkened as in an eclipse. Since the
on Egypt (Exod 10:21-23) and the lamentation over Pharaoh in Ezek 32:2-8.
Darkness is one of the curses of the covenant (Deut 28:29). The sun is a
symbol of the Word of God in the Old Testament (Ps 19; 119:105). The moon
represents beauty and fertility (SS 6:10; Deut 33:14). Stars represent angels
and the people of God (Dan 8:10; 12:3). The choice of symbolism points to a
that is of a different nature than that of the third trumpet. While wormwood
represented a distortion of the Word of God the fourth trumpet results in the
people continued to drink from the springs, hoping to gain life, in the fourth
truth and the people of God in a more direct way. Perhaps the model for such
a power can be found in the Pharaoh of the Exodus, who denied the very
John would have had in mind, likely he was pointing to something completely
of God on the enemies of His people, yet the third and fourth trumpets seem to
be attacks on the gospel and those who proclaim it. But God's judgments come
Kgs 19 where 185,000 Assyrians were slain. Similar is the sending of Cyrus to
defeat Babylon in order to free Israel. On the other hand, as in Rom 1, God's
judgments often come in the form of permitting people and nations to reap the
consequences of their own actions (cf. Hos 4:17). Thus, while the direct
enemies of the church are removed in the first two trumpets, God permits an
apostasy which results in two new enemies, one from within and one from
32:4; Hab 1:8). God is moving to attack those who are spiritually dead as a
result of the apostasy. The three woes indicate that the worst is yet to
come. Now that the darkness has been unleashed, all the powers of darkness
are freed to torment humanity until the end. For John, the road to the
The fifth angel sounded his trumpet, and I saw a star that had
fallen from the sky to the earth. The star was given the key to the shaft of
the Abyss. When he opened the Abyss, smoke rose from it like the smoke from a
gigantic furnace. The sun and sky were darkened by the smoke from the Abyss.
And out of the smoke locusts came down upon the earth and were given power
like that of scorpions of the earth. They were told not to harm the grass of
the earth or any plant or tree, but only those people who did not have the
seal of God on their foreheads. They were not given power to kill them, but
only to torture them for five months. And the agony they suffered was like
that of the sting of a scorpion when it strikes a man. During those days men
will seek death, but will not find it; they will long to die, but death will
elude them.
The locusts looked like horses prepared for battle. On their heads
they wore something like crowns of gold, and their faces resembled human
faces. Their hair was like women's hair, and their teeth were like lion's
teeth. They had breastplates like breastplates of iron, and the sound of
their wings was like the thundering of many horses and chariots rushing into
battle. They had tails and stings like scorpions, and in their tails they had
power to torment people for five months. They had as king over them the angel
of the Abyss, whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon, and in Greek, Apollyon.
Rev 9:1-11 NIV
Exegetical Meaning
The fallen star of verse 1 connects this trumpet with the third
where the star actually fell. While the star, in its primary sense refers to
Satan (cf. v. 11 and Isa 14), it is connected with apostasy in the third
trumpet. Thus, in some sense, the apostasy of the third trumpet may be
That God also had a hand in the unlocking of the abyss is clear for
a number of reasons. 1) The divine passives (vv. 1,3,5). 2) The star fell
from heaven. 3) The locusts receive exousia. 4) In Exod 19:18 the "smoke of
the furnace" arises from the presence of Yahweh on Mt. Sinai. 5) Locusts in
The abyss is a symbol that has reference to the past, the present
condition (Gen 1:2). Thus it could represent those who are in opposition to
God's re-creation in Christ. On the other hand, the abyss is the abode of
demons in the present (Luke 8:28-31). It also looks forward to the fate of
the wicked (Gen 10:22 Pal Targ) and is associated with the beast of the end--
The smoke which arises out of the abyss does not dim the sun, it
eclipses it. The sun is still there but is no longer seen by the
depicted the rise of a power which sought to blot out the knowledge of God.
mankind. This heightens the terror of the description. In the ancient Near
East locusts and scorpion men were symbols of the rulers of the underworld
(cf. v. 11). The locusts here are not literal for they attack men, not
vegetation, and they have a king over them, unlike natural locusts (Rev 9:4,11
(Ps 78:46; Deut 28:42,45; 1 Kgs 8:37). These are often directed at those who
have apostatized from following Him (Joel 1:4-18; 2:1-11; Jer 4; Gen 6-9). As
such they could only be turned back through repentance at the Sanctuary (1 Kgs
The locusts of the fifth trumpet arise from the abyss, which is
devoid of vegetation (cf. targum to Gen 1:2), in order to turn the earth into
an abyss like their own. But this God does not permit (Rev 9:4). God's
people are safe from the demonic forces of Satan (Luke 10:17-20; 8:28-31)
which arise out of the abyss. God has given them a mark of protection (Gen
4:15 cf. Ezek 9:4). On the other hand, the fate of those who have rejected
Christ is horrible. The king of the abyss torments his own subjects as with
troubles." Death is sought by those in bitterness and grief, for whom life
has lost its meaning.54 This torment is to some degree self-inflicted. Their
unbelief has driven them into foolish practices which reap a harvest of
locusts. Perhaps they symbolize human beings inspired by Satan (Rev 9:7,8,11).
they can cause pain like a scorpion."55 In verse 11 Satan's names (Apollyon
and Abaddon) are personifications of death, the fate of the wicked (Job 26:6;
31:12; Ps 88:11). This fits in with the character of one who was a murderer
and a liar from the beginning (John 8:44). He exercises his lies through the
tails of the locust-men (Isa 9:15). Just as his confinement to the abyss (Rev
20:1-3 restricts his deceptions, so the opening of the abyss is the release of
his deceptions to do their deadly work. In those who reject Christ the light
trumpet would become total and worldwide, limited only by a period of time
(five months).56 With God and truth totally eclipsed, sinful mankind is left
to the demonic torment of suicidal desires. Here in graphic terms the author
God. In all this the only safety belongs to the sealed. In Christ they are
free from darkness and despair. Regardless of when John's readers thought
this plague would appear they would perceive a powerful appeal to stay true to
The first woe has passed. Behold two more woes come after this.
Rev 9:12
This transition verse, along with 11:14, makes it clear that the
three woes are to be identified with the fifth, sixth and seventh trumpets.
The sixth angel blew his trumpet, and I heard a voice coming from
the horns of the golden altar that is before God. It said to the sixth angel
who had the trumpet, "Release the four angels who are bound at the great river
Euphrates." And the four angels who had been kept ready for this very hour
and day and month and year were released to kill a third of mankind. The
number of the mounted troops was two hundred million. I heard their number.
The horses and riders I saw in my vision looked like this: Their
breastplates were fiery red, dark blue, and yellow as sulfur. The heads of
the horses resembled the heads of lions, and out of their mouths came fire,
smoke and sulfur. A third of mankind was killed by the three plagues of fire,
smoke and sulfur that came out of their mouths. The power of the horses was
in their mouths and in their tails; for their tails were like snakes, having
heads with which they inflict injury.
The rest of mankind that were not killed by these plagues still did
not repent of the work of their hands; they did not stop worshiping demons,
and idols of gold, silver, bronze, stone and wood--idols that cannot see or
hear or walk. Nor did they repent of their murders, their magic arts, their
sexual immorality or their thefts.
Rev 9:13-21 NIV
Exegetical Meaning
the golden incense altar. The commanding voice from the four horns of the
angels are bound at the great river Euphrates. Their release brings great
evil to mankind. On the other hand, in chapter 7 the angels are at the
extremities of the earth and restrain evil by holding it back. Thus these two
groups of angels are not the same. Since the winds of Rev 7 and the angels of
9:14 are both restrained and produce evil results when released, they may well
reveals a later development of the situation in Rev 7:1-3. Thus, the events
The Euphrates River was the northern border of the land promised to
Abraham (Gen 15:18; Josh 1:4, etc.). The language here is reminiscent of Isa
Euphrates River overflowing its banks and flooding Palestine. Here again the
Euphrates is the source of a great assault against God's people. This plague
appears to be a gathering of the forces of evil for the final battle (cf.
16:13-16; 20:7-9).
It is arguable whether the hour, day, month and year of 9:15 are to
the angels are released. The grammar leans in favor of the latter. In either
case the time of release should probably be associated with the decisive
hears the number. This is Satan's host in contrast to the sealed of God who
number 144,000. In verses 17-19 the horsemen are equipped with material from
the lake of fire. This plague is a composite with the fifth trumpet, for the
horsemen not only harm men with the fire, smoke and sulphur which comes out of
their mouths but with their tails, which remind one of 9:10. The flavor of
these images reminds one of the beasts of chapter 13 and the frogs which come
out of their mouths in 16:13. Thus the sixth trumpet is related to the
the Old Testament. The images of idolatry are drawn from Dan 5:4,23; a
description of Babylon just before the Euphrates River dried up! Verse 21 is
directions. There are references to Babylon in the Old Testament and its
river, the Euphrates. And there are many connections with the three-fold
Babylon of the end-time crisis. Since the closest parallels are with Rev
16:12,13 it seems reasonable to suggest that John was here portraying the
gathering of Satan's host which precedes the battle of Armageddon. With this
experience of God's people during this period in Rev 10:1-11:14. They are
seen in terms of the fulfillment of Daniel's time prophecies (Rev 10:6 cf. Dan
12:7). Their task is the proclamation of the gospel to the world so that the
The seventh angel sounded his trumpet, and there were loud voices in
heaven, which said:
"The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom
of our Lord and of his Christ,
and he will reign for ever and ever."
And the twenty-four elders, who were seated on their thrones before God,
fell on their faces and worshiped God, saying:
"We give thanks to you, Lord God Almighty,
who is and who was,
because you have taken your great power
and have begun to reign.
Exegetical Meaning
when the seventh angel is about to sound his trumpet (hotan mellê salpizein).
The mystery of God is an acronym for the gospel in the New Testament (Rom
16:25,26, cf. Col 1:25-28; Eph 6:19). Thus, the sounding of the seventh
trumpet signals the close of the great work of proclaiming the gospel to every
nation, kindred, language and people (Rev 14:6,7). It ushers in the final
The Godhead reclaims the kingdom of the world to the rejoicing of heaven. The
nations, led by the dragon, make their last attempt to prevent this. The
battle of Armageddon, between the wrath of the nations and the wrath of God,
is fought. The result is victory for Almighty God, reward for the saints and
victory of God and a summary introduction of the third woe, the climax of all
evil. The seventh trumpet has set the stage for the complete outline of final
In his Theology of the New Testament George Eldon Ladd suggests that
there are three main elements in a theology of the book of Revelation: the
problem of evil, the visitation of God's wrath and the coming of the kingdom
of God.57 While these suggestions sound a bit thin for the Apocalypse as a
whole, they seem to summarize the basic theology of the seven trumpets quite
response to the prayers of the souls under the altar in the fifth seal. The
cry "how long" has a rich background in the OT.58 It is used there to repre-
sent how God's people feel when He seems slow to fulfill His promises to
deliver them from their oppressors. "How long" summarizes in two words
humanity's age-old complaint against God, "If You are so good, why does evil
reign? How long will You permit it to continue? Are You evil Yourself, or
just powerless?"
The problem was acute enough in OT times. But the NT heightens and
intensifies the questioning. A change has come, the last days have arrived, a
"new age" has dawned. All power has been given to Christ (Matt 28:18). The
prince of this world has been cast out by the cross (John 12:31,32). Yet in
spite of all these claims, evil still seems to reign. The NT would be a farce
fundamentally changed the order of the universe. Yes, the accuser of our
alive and his sting can still be felt, even unto death (verse 11). There are
still martyrs and great tribulations. There are churches like Smyrna who are
all but crushed out for the faith. What answer does the book offer to the
The seals and the trumpets seem designed to deal with this issue.
Rev 5 sets the stage with the symbolic depiction of the cross followed by the
enthronement of the Lamb (vv. 6,9-14). The scenes described are so glorious
that one would expect them to lead to the climax of all world history, the end
of suffering and death. But it is immediately clear that this is not the
case. Chapter 6 opens with a series of horsemen who spread carnage over the
earth. That this carnage affects the Christian community is apparent from the
fifth seal. How long will this carnage go on? Why is there a delay in
The flow of the book suggests that the seven trumpets provide the
answer to the problem of evil as expressed in the fifth seal. The trumpets
open the veil of history to show that God's hand is still in control in spite
of the fact that, to human eyes, the world is out of control. Nothing is done
without His permission. The very events of history which seem to indicate
that things are out of control are seen to be under His control. The answer
of the book of Revelation to the question of the fifth seal lies in the other
God's judgments of wrath have a long history in both the Old and the
Such judgments were always in relation to God's covenant with His people, and
centered around the cross and the Parousia. In both cases judgment is in
relation to Christ and the gospel. The judgments of the seven trumpets are
also related to Christ. They are in response to the prayers of the saints;
those who are redeemed by the blood of the Lamb (5:9,10 cf. 21:11). The
dividing line between the wicked and the righteous is drawn in relation to the
cross of Christ. Judgments fall on those who have rejected Christ and His
cross, while those who have accepted his seal (cf. Eph 1:13 and 4:30) are not
righteous. Although this is not explicitly stated in the passage, we must not
forget that the trumpets are in response to a cry for deliverance. In the
judgments on His enemies God is acting to bring justice and deliverance for
His people.
Last, but not least, the judgment plagues of the seven trumpets of
Revelation are all anticipations of the great final judgment. They are moving
toward a climax. This is shown by the intimate relationship they bear to the
seven bowls, which are the consummation of the wrath of God. Each trumpet is
an answer to the problem of evil; although the saints cannot perceive it, God
is in full control of history and nothing touches His people but with the
The divine passives clearly indicate that the trumpets are from God and are
under His control. Although the saints suffer, God is still in sovereign
control over history and both suffering and judgment are limited for the sake
of His people.
The seventh angel sounded his trumpet, and there were loud
voices in heaven, which said:
`The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord
and of His Christ,
and He will reign for ever and ever.'
This depicts the enthronement of God and Christ over all the nations
of the world. The passage finds its root in Exod 15:18 where Yahweh is said
to reign forever and ever as a result of the crossing of the sea. Prior to
the events of the poem the Israelites were subjected to bitter bondage. God
could not be enthroned as the ruler of His people until the oppression of the
Egyptians had been brought to an end. Exod 15 was the celebration of that
have, therefore, been called "Enthronement Psalms." These Psalms have a "now
and not yet" feature. Although in a sense Yahweh is already the king over all
the earth, He is not yet acknowledged as such. The enthronement Psalms look
forward to a time when God will be enthroned over all the nations and receive
In the NT this "now and not yet" feature is carried a step further.
In Christ, God is enthroned over the nations and the usurper is cast out (John
12:31,32). The gospel becomes the proclamation that Jesus Christ is Lord.
All who are willing to acknowledge His rule and obey His will are accepted as
subjects of that kingdom. Yet even here it becomes clear that most
individuals have not accepted God's rule over them personally. Phil 2:9-11
The book of Revelation maintains this "now and not yet" feature
that enthronement will not be acknowledged by all until the consummation (Rev
3:21; 5:9-14). He reigns in the hearts of His people but not publicly. The
making public of the reign of God is pre-eminently the subject of the latter
portion of the book of Revelation. But already here in the seven trumpets
result in the complete subjugation of all that is evil and the permanent
exaltation of all who are righteous (Rev 11:15). Thus the process of divine
enthronement that began with a song by the Red Sea ends with the same song by
evil. It concludes with two answers to that question. The first is summed up
by the theology of judgment which indicates that, although they are unaware of
it, the prayers of the martyrs under the altar are already in the process of
being answered by the judgment wrath of God on those who have persecuted and
slain them.
The second answer to the question raised in the prayer of the saints is
seventh trumpet. The mystical victory of God became a reality in the cross of
Christ. Soon that victory will become a public event. In the glorification
of Christ the saints will also be glorified. The saints are encouraged to be
doom and warning to those who have rejected the gospel and persecuted the
people of the Lamb, thus they are also a message of comfort to all who have
little while longer. They are encouraged not to focus on the things of earth
but rather on the songs of heaven, the sound of which is ever nearer as the
outline what the book might have meant to its original audience in first
century Asia Minor. As a part of the Biblical canon the Apocalypse invites us
to search for the meaning in the book which is especially relevant today. To
discover that meaning commentators have approached Revelation from three basic
does the rest of the New Testament. Rather than being a prediction of the
in the production of the book of Revelation, he/she will usually dismiss the
book as one man's response to a crisis situation. Thus Revelation's value for
today is judged by the interpreter's own present experience. He/she may even
judge, as Adela Yarbro Collins does, that the author of Revelation exhibits a
inspired by God and thus bears authority for our situation today. For them,
between God, humanity and the forces of evil. Thus Revelation teaches truths
Matthew and Romans, the main difference being the figurative nature of
Revelation. Many readers will recognize in this brief description what some
At the opposite end of the spectrum is futurism which takes its cue
contend that the bulk of the visions in Revelation focus on the end-time and
are future from the interpreter's own perspective. Thus, in the direct sense,
the book of Revelation is primarily relevant for the last generation of the
distant future, argue that the book covers the entire history of the church
and the world from the cross until the second coming. Historicism sees
made relevant to the reader who finds his place in the flow of history.
Nevertheless, much of the book is thus made irrelevant to the reader unless he
too, like the preterist and futurist interpreter, adopts an idealist approach
with three basic approaches to the Apocalypse. The interpreter can approach
futurism or idealism. The main Adventist approach to the seven trumpets has
arisen out of our concern for our place in the flow of history. We see
because they have seen in the sixth trumpet events that are related to the
exegetical issues or historical context where the study of the trumpets was
understanding of the first six trumpets. In the last few years, however, some
have suggested that the seven trumpets have an end-time fulfillment, either in
of the pair, God Cares, indicates Maxwell's concern that every portion of
and their families. His book on Revelation thus shows an openness to idealism
of general scope were rarely fulfilled in the exact and detailed manner so
have become more and more reluctant to affirm our traditional interpretations
of prophecy and have become inclined to do the basic exegesis and leave the
the contention of critical scholarship today that the authority and canonicity
of the Bible can no longer be assumed but should be evaluated according to the
Revelation, then John could not possibly have known a detailed outline of 2000
much to say about God's involvement in human experience as long as you can't
put your finger on any details. Such theology finds offense in historicism's
summarize, it is evident from the above that SDA students of Revelation are
An Inductive Historicism
and authority. Seventh-day Adventists need to settle many of these issues for
consensus among us that the Bible is the Word of God and that, subject to the
God that transcends what human beings could learn on their own.71 Thus, while
inspired by God then the key to our approach must be based on an inductive
study of Revelation itself. The author, through the text, must be allowed to
What evidence is there in the seven trumpets that can point us to the proper
The fact that the author has portrayed the blowing of seven trumpets
successive historical periods. For one thing, the major images from the OT
are drawn from settings in which successive events in time are depicted. The
creation takes place on seven successive days with a Sabbath climax. The
Exodus is made possible by a series of ten plagues which wear down the
Egyptians so that the Israelites can escape. Seven trumpets are blown at the
battle of Jericho where the people march in silence for seven successive days,
on the seventh of which the city falls.73 The Feast of Trumpets climaxes a
series of seven new moon feasts which are celebrated at the beginning of each
month. The Jubilee trumpet sounds after seven periods of seven years each.
Thus, a series of successive time periods lies within the intention of the
judgment activity in the NT era. God's judgments in the OT were always seen
as historical acts. The wars of Joshua, for example, were understood in terms
of a covenant execution (Deut 9:4-7 cf. the plagues of Egypt--Exod 6:6; 7:4).
When God acted in judgment He often used people such as Nebuchadnezzar and the
well. The armies of Titus are God's agents to judge the leaders of the nation
for their rejection of Christ (Matt 23:29-39). Thus the writer of Revelation
evidently intended the trumpets to signify God's guiding hand leading history
As has been shown earlier, the trumpets begin with the cross and end
a series of seven judgments that are to fall on the wicked during the
Christian era. These judgments are not general in nature but follow one
have seen in the trumpets, the extension of time for some 2000 years points us
to look for the major interventions in history that God wanted His people to
recognize through the inspired vision of John. But can any historicist
to agree on the fulfillments of the trumpets, but this does not prove that
2) It is true that the book of Revelation must have had meaning for
the original readers. Thus histori-cist interpretation must arise out of the
fanciful interpretation.
were rarely fulfilled in an exact and detailed manner.74 Thus, we must beware
the trumpets. The overall flavor of each account will correspond to a major
trend in history.75
enormous length of the Christian era. The Lord certainly could have come in
the first century. But the passage of time has opened up new vistas in terms
of the Lord's patience and purpose. Having foreseen the delay, would not God
perspective of the Parousia will history speak with perfect clarity. If time
should last another 2000 years (God forbid!) the trumpets, which run from the
cross to the second coming, will be stretched out beyond anything we could
understand Revelation or risk being surprised by God's final acts (Rev 16:15
minute details and "newspaper" exegesis while ignoring the plain meaning of
historical in nature the parallel between Old Testament and New Testament
judgment is not exact. The Christ event has created fundamental changes in
the way God deals with mankind. His people are no longer a geographical,
ethnic nation but are now a world-wide spiritual church whose existence and
character are often invisible to human eyes. Thus the "historical" events for
which we are looking are not likely to deal with politics and nations and
ethnic groups as much as they deal with ideas and philosophies and great
trans-national movements throughout the New Testament era. The message of the
seven trumpets is that history is not an endless round of cause and effect, it
has a purpose. While God's hand is not necessarily visible to the secular
the New Testament, the book of Revelation reveals in broad outline the great
movement of nations and ideas over the expanse between the cross and the
second coming. These events are alluded to for the purpose of showing their
knowledge that God is in full control from beginning to end regardless of what
cant to the student of the Bible is that they are seen as God's hand acting in
essentially as the Bible records them in the local newspaper but without the
active role in history (cf. 1 Tim 2:1-4). Thus, the historicist view is, in
the trumpets would have an application, along with the seven bowls, to the
end-time crisis? This appears to be excluded by the fact that the seven bowls
are the third woe of the seventh trumpet. This clearly places the trumpets
prior to the bowls chronolo-gically . The trumpets lead up to the end, they
interpretation the last two sections of this paper will provide an analysis
Uriah Smith
Uriah Smith in Daniel and the Revelation. He saw in the first six trumpets
events related to the downfall of the Roman Empire. The first four trumpets
depicted various of the barbarian invasions which put an end to the Western
Roman Empire, while the fifth and sixth related to the fall of the eastern
half of the Empire.77 Although he says little about it, the seventh trumpet
appears to represent the period from the mid-19th century to the end. In
spite of the immense popularity of Smith's view, three major factors militate
There is no real evidence that Smith worked with the text of the
in even the broadest sense.78 More than 60% of the 42 pages of material on
Rev 8:7-9:21 is quoted from commentators such as Keith, Elliott, Barnes and
imagery of the trumpets. Thus, Uriah Smith bases his interpretation of the
trumpets entirely on the work of others.79 What was the quality of their
work? How did they come upon their elaborate historical interpretations?
the text and the historical events portrayed is merely assumed. It is George
They were based on the historical work of Edward Gibbon.81 Gibbon was a
writing out his histories he continually utilized language drawn from the
classics. The events surrounding the fall of Rome called to his mind the
the seven trumpets; not realizing, of course, that the language had merely
and understood the trumpets to cover the whole Christian era, he was forced to
us more about the mind of Edward Gibbon than the mind of John the Revelator.
A serious exegesis of the trumpets will need to move beyond Smith's method and
Edwin R. Thiele
introduction and the first three trumpets, Thiele places a great deal of
. The second portrays the barbarian nations and the downfall of the Roman
world. The third trumpet refers to the compromise between paganism and
early years of the Middle Ages. The later years of the Middle Ages are
Uriah Smith. Thus, although he puts more exegetical effort into his
sixth trumpets with the Saracens and Turks. The seventh trumpet, likewise,
Thiele's outline for the first three trumpets. The fall of Jerusalem, the
fall of Rome and the apostasy of the church are clearly compatible with the
imagery chosen by John the Revelator. Some questions arise with regard to the
last four trumpets, however. If the fourth trumpet portrays the darkness of
papal supremacy, why does the comparable darkness of the fifth trumpet
represent the Mohammedan scourge? Can the full range of images in the fifth
and sixth trumpets truly be applied to the Islamic attacks of the Middle Ages,
or is there not something far more comprehensive in view? With regard to the
seventh trumpet does it not portray the events of the final consummation,
which follow the worldwide proclamation of the gospel, rather than the age of
final proclamation itself? (cf. chapter two on Rev 10:7 and the seventh
previous efforts within Adventism. All who follow will be building on his
pioneering efforts.
C. Mervyn Maxwell
making the trumpets relevant to every situation. Thus, Maxwell's book has a
Maxwell's work essentially shares both the strengths and the weaknesses of
Thiele's approach.
Roy Naden
Islamic interpretation of the seven trumpets is Roy Naden. The main obstacle
to such a departure has been the apparent endorsement of the Litch-Smith view
White scholars, including Arthur White and Robert Olson, do not consider her
position of the SDA church is that our positions are based on exegesis of
uncomfortable rejecting her view on an issue where she stated it clearly and
unequivocally. Thus, Naden feels that the lack of endorsement offered to the
Islamic interpretation by Ellen White opens the way to other, more exegetical
parallels with other NT books and the book of Revelation itself. Though
beyond anything that has previously been written. Naden's basic thesis is
that the seven trumpets, in covering the same period as the Synoptic
Naden thus has no problem with Thiele's exposition of the first four
Naden then connects the point in time of Rev 9:15 with the day and
hour of the Parousia mentioned by Jesus in Matt 24:36. Thus he sees in the
sixth trumpet the time of the final crisis, from the mid-18th century to the
the sixth and seventh trumpets Naden stands on firmer exegetical ground than
The task is to base every aspect of our interpretation on the original intent
last section of the paper is the author's attempt to build on and complete the
progress which has been made in the Adventist understanding of the seven
the seven trumpets, utilized language and imagery that point the reader to
major historical acts of judgment carried out by God in the course of the
They fall, in response to the prayers of the saints, on those who have opposed
God and His people . The 2000 year length of Christian history further
indicates that these judgment events must be major trends in history not just
minor details.
on the first three trumpets. Lying closest to the time of the author of
Revelation, they can be easily related to John's situation.88 Since the sixth
and seventh trumpets are fairly easy to plug into the abundance of material on
attain consensus there as well. The most difficult portion of the trumpets,
then, is the fourth and fifth which come between the time of the author and
the time of the end. Here, especially, careful attention must be paid to the
With regard to the first trumpet, exegesis has shown that God's
judgment is being poured out on a power that to all appearances belongs to His
kingdom. But judgment often begins with the house of God (1 Pet 4:17; Ezek
3:2; Rom 2; John 3:18-21; James 4:17). The first trumpet sets the basic theme
the whole world before the end comes (cf. Matt 23:37,38; 24:1,2,6-8). Thus,
the Jewish nation's rejection of Christ and the gospel. It covers a period
ending with the failure of the Bar Kochba revolt in 135 AD. From then on
Judaism's influence in the Empire, and its power to persecute Christians, was
with the first two trumpets God has dealt with the two powers, one religious
and the other civil or secular, who crucified Jesus. Satan's goal in every
crisis is to unite his disparate forces against Christ and/or His people (cf.
Rev 16:13,14). Although bitter enemies, only a temporary union of Rome and
the Jewish nation could have succeeded in destroying Christ. From the
perverts the truth of God. This is rightly associated with the church's
compromise with paganism and the corresponding rise of the papacy as a scourge
on those who had moved away from the Word of God to the doctrines of men.
At this point, Thiele, Maxwell and Naden all consider the fourth
trumpet to be an extension of the third, the papal-ruled Dark Ages. Yet the
imagery of the fourth is more closely related to the fifth than the third.
The attack on God's word is of a different nature than that of the third
Could it be that the third and fourth trumpet depict the rise of two
new enemies of God's people, replacements for the religious and civil powers
that oppressed Christ and His people in the first century? Perhaps the fourth
trumpet portends the rise of a power that, like Rome and the Pharaoh of the
Exodus, opposed God's truth and His people in a more direct way. I would like
process with roots in Hellenism and the Middle Ages but which sprouted openly
in the Renaissance and the Enlightenment and blossomed into full force with
the French Revolution. While this darkness was not total at first it has
trumpet with its abundance of imagery. The abyss is unlocked by the fallen
also associates the French Revolution with the beast from the abyss of Rev 11.
Though she does not comment on the fifth trumpet these associations suggest
that it is not foreign to her way of thinking to interpret the fifth trumpet
in terms of the secularization of the world from the French Revolution on.91
consider the possibility that the fifth trumpet might be a symbolic portrayal
of the secular philosophy that dominates the world today. This interpretation
(Exod 10:1-22) and Babylon (Jer 51:14,27). The context in both was religious
liberty for God's people. The fifth trumpet falls on those who don't have the
seal of God, the sealed are not harmed. The torments of the plague are
spiritual, not physical, life has lost its meaning. The agent of the despair
doctrine that brings the anguish, not a military scourge. The blotting out of
the sun is an excellent symbol of the attempt of Satan to obscure God in the
minds of the people. Things become so bad mankind loses the will to live.
Marxism, evolution and rationalism have full control of the media with the
result that this generation has no God, no morality, no meaning and no hope.
In the words of Camus the only logical action to take is suicide. Such a
many. Ecumenism waters down the faith. Secularism and materialism feed the
hunger for God's word with ashes. The final result is spiritualism, when
But in all of this God's people need not fear (Rev 9:4) for
secularization is not an unmitigated evil. There are limits. God uses Satan
progress has shed much light on God's Word through archeology and linguistic
Christ can be preached as never before (John 3:18-21; Rom 8:35-39). God loves
correct then the third and fourth trumpets depict the rise of two new enemies
of God's people, one religious and one secular. The fifth and sixth trumpets
approaches. The sixth trumpet portrays the rise of end-time Babylon, Satan's
gathering of all his forces for the final battle with Christ and His people
(cf. 16:12-16; 17:14). As at the cross, Satan must unite his disparate forces
in order to have any hope for success at the battle of Armageddon (summarized
in Rev 11:18). The sixth trumpet portrays such a unification in that the
power of the mouth is added to the power of the tail (cf. 9:10,19).95
Jon Paulien, Decoding Revelation's Trumpets, Andrews University Seminary Doctoral
Dissertation Series, Vol. 11 (Berrien Springs, MI: Andrews University Press, 1988), pp. 155-194.
The passive verb "were given" edothêsan) is probably a "divine passive" Jews were
reluctant to pronounce the name of God in the first century for fear of blasphemy. Thus, in
addition to substitute names (such as Adonai for Yahweh), they often referred to God's activity by
means of passive verbs with God being the implied agent of that activity.
Note the grouping of verses in the 3rd Edition of the United Bible Societies Greek text.
Rev 3:21 comes at the climax of the seven churches, yet the reference to Christ's
enthronement with the Father is a foretaste of the events depicted in chapters four and five. Rev
11:18 is the climax of the seven trumpets, yet it contains a summary statement of the content of
the rest of the book (see below for a fuller treatment). Rev 17:18 connects the two accounts of
chapters 17 and 18 into one by identifying the harlot with the great city.
In the case of Rev 8:1, it is clearly the climax of the seven seals, yet there are indications that it
points forward as well. For one thing, the connection between silence in heaven and the prayers
of the saints is found in Jewish tradition which may indicate that John was drawing on a familiar
association (cf bChagigah 12b). John also follows the description of silence in heaven with a kai
(and) which usually joins two sentences rather than dividing them. When the author wishes to
make a distinct break in a vision he usually uses meta tauta: 4:1; 7:1,9; 15:5; 18:1; 19:1.
The various sections of Revelation usually begin with a view of some aspect of the
heavenly sanctuary. A view of the seven candlesticks precedes the seven churches. A view of the
heavenly throne-room is the prelude to the seven seals. The activity at the golden altar precedes
the seven trumpets and the seven bowls are poured out from the tabernacle of the testimony in
heaven. This suggests the likelihood that Rev 11:19 provides the sanctuary setting for chapters
12-14. Since 11:19 is parallel to 8:5 the verse probably has a purpose similar to 8:2-6 and,
likewise, bears a relationship to what follows.
There may also be a reference to the Jewish tradition of seven archangels referred to in 1
Enoch 20 and other places. These may have been divided into a group of four and a group of
three (cf 1QM 9:14-16).
The angel plays a high priestly role in the use of the censer. Could any mere angel give
efficacy to prayer?
Perhaps this is why there is a soft break between verses 1 and 2 of Rev 8.
Chapters 4, 5 and 7 compared with 8:2-6 and 11:15-18.
The seals are remarkably parallel to Lev 26 and the Synoptic Apocalypse. Lev 26
describes the covenant woes that fall on God's people when they forget Him and His instructions.
Mt 24 and parallels focus on the persecution God's people face as they attempt to preach the
This latter phrase is a figure of speech for "the wicked" in Revelation. cf 3:10; 8:13;
11:10; 13:8,14; 14:6; 17:8.
The last quoted sentence is drawn from the New International Version. The word
"number" is not found in this passage, rather the verb plêrôthôsin, "they were filled, completed,
made full." The NIV is correct, however, in seeing that an anticipated full number of martyrs is
Dividing the first four trumpets from the three woes.
While the cries of the martyrs are not described in those words, the same wording (hai
proseuchai tôn hagiôn) is used in 5:8, which is part of the sanctuary background that informs the
interpretation of the seals. Thus the cry of the fifth seal is portrayed as coming up before God in
8:3-5, presumably seeking action on God's part.
These prayers for vengeance have a number of parallels. Several occur in 1 Enoch (1 En
47:2,4; 99:3; 104:3). In Luke Jesus is portrayed as commending such prayers in connection with
the parable of the unjust judge (Lk 18:6-8). And in Matt 24:20-22, Jesus particularly encourages
his disciples to pray in times of affliction and persecution.
But the strongest and most helpful parallel is found in the Exodus narrative, where the
prayers of the children of Israel precipitated the plagues on Egypt (Ex 3:7,8). Thus the
connection between the fifth seal and the introduction to the seven trumpets seems related to the
Exodus motif which lies in the background of much of the book of Revelation.
This altar fire is reminiscent of Eze 10:1ff and the experience of Nadab and Abihu.
Since Rev 17:1 and 17:18 indicate that chapters 17 and 18 are related to the events of the
bowl plagues, the whole of chapters 15 through 18 are summarized in the brief statement of
11:18--"your wrath has come."
The plagues of the first four bowls and the trumpets fall, respectively, on the earth, the
sea, the rivers and springs, and heavenly bodies. The fifth of each series involves darkness, the
sixth, the Euphrates River, and the seven, the consummation. Also the terms for God used in
11:17 are repeated in the context of the bowls in 15:3; 16:5,7,14.
The four horsemen operate in quarter-portions of the earth (6:8). The trumpets, on the
other hand, fall on thirds of the earth. The bowl plagues fall on the earth as a whole.
This is further indicated by the fact that only four seals describe apocalyptic plagues while
six trumpets and all seven bowls do.
It is interesting to note that in Jewish tradition the wrath of God in the time of Enos
flooded a third of the world, but this was only a foretaste of the time of Noah when God in His
wrath flooded the whole earth. Cf. Mechilta Exod 20,3.
It is recognized that elements of chapters 12-14 are historical in nature but the main focus
of the section is the war between the dragon and the remnant which is yet to reach its final
The translators who produced the LXX saw references to trumpets and trumpeting in nine
different Hebrew words. Six of these words referred to the instrument itself: chatsôtserâh, yôbêl,
qeren, shôphâr, tâqôa` and terû`âh. Three of the words referred to the act of blowing the
trumpets: chatsôtsêr, rûa`, and tâqa`. In addition to these words there appear to be a few minor
instances of Hebrew words carrying the meaning of trumpet or trumpeting but not so understood
by the translator. Friedrich (In TDNT 7:78) cites Exod 19:13; Lev 25:9; Josh 6:5 and 1 Chr
16:42 as examples. There are also a few places where the LXX failed to see the trumpet meaning
in some of the nine basic words cited above (Judg 7:8; 2 Sam 15:10; 1Kgs 1:41 and Hos 8:1).
salpigx = the trumpet as an instrument. This word is used in the LXX to translate all six
Hebrew words for a variety of instruments. The verb form, salpizein (= the act of blowing the
trumpet), translates the three Hebrew verb forms.
Toward the end of the OT era this usage of the trumpet came to be associated more and
more with the Day of the Lord. The blowing of trumpets symbolized God's present judgments
which were a warning of greater judgments to come. A case in point is Ezek 7:14. This verse is
in the context of God's visit to the temple of Jerusalem for the purpose of judgment. In the MT it
reads as a simple call to battle, but in the LXX it reads, "Sound ye the trumpet and pass judgment
on all together." Here both the noun and verb form of salpigx are used in the context of judgment
(krinô). This is connected with the liturgical usage of trumpets since the blowing of the trumpet in
the temple courts became associated with the call for revival and reformation (Joel 2:12-17; cf. 1
Chr 15).
Signaling does not appear to have attained a theological meaning in OT times with the
possible exception of its association with the warning judgments of Eze 33.
Since the king was understood to be Yahweh's servant and representative, the coronation
trumpet became a proclamation of Yahweh's future kingdom. As with judgment, this
understanding of trumpets became increasingly important in NT times.
Since the Sinai incident of Ex 19 is the first mention of trumpets in the OT, it would tend
to infuse this category with more importance in the minds of later readers than would otherwise
be the case.
It is interesting that in more than half of the battle passages which do not mention the
involvement of priests (15 out of 28), the trumpet is blown in behalf of Israel by a character who
was often depicted as taking things into his own hands when God didn't seem to be producing as
promised (The 15 usages occur in the accounts of Gideon, Saul, Joab and Absalom).
The trumpets portray the disastrous effects on creation of the Fall (Gen 3). To some
extent each trumpet corresponds to a day of creation; 1) earth (Gen 1:1), 2) sea (Gen 1:6,7), 3)
rivers and springs (1:9), 4) sun, moon and stars (1:16), 5) locusts (1:21), 6) man (1:26-29), 7)
kingdom (2:1-3). The trumpets obscure light (9:2), foul the air (9:2), destroy vegetation (8:7),
darken sun, moon and stars (8:12), kill the creatures of the sea (8:9), kill men (8:11; 9:18) and
undo the Sabbath rest (9:5,6,20,21). While the specific order is not followed, the acts of the
creation account are reversed in an overwhelming "de-creation."
The first trumpet is especially reminiscent of the hail plague (Exod 9:22ff.). The second
and third recall when Moses turned the waters of Egypt to blood (Exod 7:14ff.). The third also
recalls the bitter waters of Marah (Exod 15:23). The fourth and fifth recall the plague of darkness
(10:21ff.). The fifth also contains reminiscences of the plague of locusts (10:12ff.). The seventh
trumpet recalls the events related to the Song of the Sea in Exod 15. Only the sixth trumpet is not
clearly based on the Exodus and even here it is possible that the author intended the death of a
third of mankind to be reminiscent of the plague on the first-born of Egypt (Exod 11; 12:29ff.).
In Josh 6 the account begins with the marching orders (6:3-5). Accompanied by the
signals of the trumpet priests and the ark of the covenant, the people march around Jericho once a
day for six days and then seven times on the seventh day. They were to march in absolute silence
(6:10) until the time when the signal was given. At the sound of the trumpet all the people
shouted and the walls fell down (6:20).
By comparison, the trumpets begin with silence in heaven (8:1) and end with a great shout
there (11:15). Each blast of the trumpet consists of a plague until the seventh which includes
within itself the full seven plagues of the bowls. In Rev 11:19 the ark of the covenant appears for
the only time in the book of Revelation. Like the battle for Jericho, the trumpets climax with
God's rulership over a specific place. Thus the account of the seige of Jericho should be seen as a
structural parallel running behind the whole passage.
Note the following list of parallels (which is by no means an attempt to be exhaustive)
between the book of Joel and Rev 8, 9 and 11:15-18:
Eze 5:1-4,12; Zech 13:8,9. The concept of thirds may also be related to groups of three
in the Old Testament, of which there are many that could be further explored.
If the seven trumpets are based on the plagues of Egypt why didn't the author portray ten
plagues instead of just seven? The answer probably lies in the fact that the first three of the
plagues on Egypt fell on the land of Goshen (where the Israelites lived), the last seven did not.
Thus seven of the Egyptian plagues fell solely on the Egyptians just as the seven plagues of the
trumpets fall only on those who oppose Christ and His followers. Perhaps seals two, three and
four are seen as combined plagues which fall on both the righteous and the wicked along the lines
of the first three plagues on Egypt.
See Kenneth A. Strand, "The Two Witnesses," Andrews University Seminary Studies 19
The second trumpet is clearly based on the account in Jere 51. Several trumpets,
especially the fifth, allude to the book of Joel which is written with the Exile and Return in mind
(esp. 3:1ff). There are also significant allusions to the book of Ezekiel, which contains a theology
of the Exile. (The concept of "thirds" is based on Eze 5:1-12 and 21:27, the fall of the censer
reflects Eze 10:2 and the battle against Gog in chapter 38 is alluded to often.) And the explicit
mention of the Euphrates River signals, according to Strand, a preoccupation with the
Exile/Babylon motif which continues through Rev 14:20. (cf "The Two Witnesses, p. 128.)
No doubt building on the Day of the Lord theme in the prophets.
Compare the LXX of Eze 7:14 and the Pseudo-Jonathan Aramaic Targum of Num 29:1
with their equivalents in the Masoretic Hebrew text. Judgment language is added in the
paraphrasing of the original.
Note, for example, The Special Laws, Book I, 187 and The Decalogue, 33.
Rosh Hashanah 1.2.
Psalms of Solomon 8:1-3; Sibylline Oracles IV, 171-190; 4 Ezra 6:18-23; and the
Apocalypse of Moses, section 22. A striking example is 4 Ezra 6:18-20,23:
(18) Behold the days come and it shall be,
When I am about to draw nigh
to visit the dwellers upon the earth,
(19) And when I require from the doers of iniquity
(the penalty of) their iniquity:
(And when the humiliation of Sion
shall be complete,)
(20) And when the Age which is about to pass away
shall be sealed
then (will I show these signs): the books shall be
opened before the face of the firmament,
and all see together.
(23) And the trumpet shall sound aloud at which all men,
when they hear it,
shall be struck with sudden fear.
Philo, The Special Laws, Book II,190; The Scroll of the War 3:1-11.
Philo, The Special Laws, Book II, 192.
1 Cor 14:8; Mt 6:2. Both passages are related to the signaling role of the trumpet. In
Cor 14:8 Paul uses the importance of clear signals in preparing for war as an illustration of the
superiority of prophecy over tongues. In Mt 6:2 there is a tongue-in-cheek comment that trumpet
calls are not in order where giving is concerned! Neither usage is imbued with theological
The reader is referred to the earlier paper "Exegesis and the Problem of Language in the
Book of Revelation" for a more comprehensive discussion of the NT's impact on Revelation.
This is also true of Wis Sol 16:16-24 and 4 Ezra 5:5-8.
The intertestamental literature is supportive of this general summary but does not add
anything of relevance to the first trumpet, so is not discussed further.
Since the seven seals concern the experience of God's people in the world it is likely that
the white horse represents Christ and/or the church in its proclamation of the gospel, while the
red, black and pale horses represent the three parts of Satan's kingdom which opposes the church
and thus comes under the judgment of God's wrath.
Why is all the green grass burned up instead of only a third? It is uncertain but the
reference may be to all the green grass in that portion of the earth where the plague occurs.
The object of the plague should probably be equated with one of the seven heads of the
beast in Rev 17.
It could be objected that the mountain in the second trumpet is the agent of judgment
rather than the recipient of it (cf the hail, fire and blood of Rev 8:7). However, not all the
trumpets have agents (cf. 8:12; 11:15-18), and the mountain is associated with Babylon as a
recipient of judgment in the Old Testament, Jewish apocalyptic literature and the book of
Revelation. I am not aware of any passage where a mountain is used as an agent of judgment.
4 Ezra 3:1,2,28-31; 2 Bar 10:1-3; 11:1; 67:7; Sib Or V:143-161.
The material presented as exegesis and interpretation of trumpets three through seven is
the product of nearly seven years of study. However, the author has recently made a number of
breakthroughs in the area of exegetical method (outlined in the earlier paper Exegetical Method
and the Problem of Language in the Book of Revelation). Trumpets three through seven have not
yet been examined in the full light of the advance in method. The author believes that the overall
flavor of the interpretation offered here will prove to be accurate, but he is not yet ready to make
a final determination on what is or is not an allusion in the respective trumpets.
Rev 9:6 is reminiscent of 6:15-17; the despair of those who know that they are lost.
Roy Naden, Studies in Revelation. Lecture Manual #3 (Arroyo Grande: Concerned
Communications, 1981), p. 36.
The fact that this period is mentioned twice is an apparent reference to the Flood account
in Gen 7:24 and 8:3. Thus the five months would be a reference to the comprehensiveness of
God's judgments even when they are limited.
George Eldon Ladd, A Theology of the New Testament (Grand Rapids, MI: William B.
Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1974), pp. 619-632.
It is used by saints who feel that God has forgotten them (Ps 13:1,2). They accuse Him
of being partial to the wicked (Ps 82:2). They fear that delay in God's acting in judgment will
bring reproach on His name ("where is their God?" Ps 79:10). They are frustrated by the fact that
their most earnest prayers are often answered by apparent silence (Hab 1:2). They are distressed
by the continuing victory of the enemies of God and His people in spite of all God's promises
(Dan 8:13 cf 10-12,24,25).
Notice that in Lk 10:18,19 the disciples of Christ are given the power to tread on snakes
and scorpions. Although Christians are seen in the book as persecuted and suffering greatly, they
do not suffer from the curses of the trumpet plagues, which are so bad that men would rather die
than live.
The enthronement of Yahweh brought in its train all the blessings of His kingdom; the
sanctuary, the promised land, protection, guidance and security. Dt 33:2-5 and Ps 114:1,2 make
it clear that in a very real sense Yahweh was first enthroned over Israel in the Exodus experience.
That enthronement was ratified on Mt. Sinai with the blowing of trumpets. Yahweh was king of
the world by creation, but He was now king over Israel by redemption.
A good example is Ps 47. At the beginning of the Psalm Yahweh is depicted as the "great
king" or emperor over the nations. But Israel is still His special people, distinct from the outer
circle of nations (Ps 47:2-4). But after the enthronement there are no more outsiders. All the
nations of the earth are His special people (Ps 47:9).
The writer considers the content of this chapter to be extremely tentative. It is an attempt
to wrestle with some serious issues that are rarely addressed among Seventh-day Adventists. In
doing so the author does not intend to condemn any particular person within Adventism nor is he
particularly set in the ideas he presents here. The purpose of this chapter is to utilize the forum of
this committee to refine the content so that it can make a useful contribution to the current
Adela Yarbro Collins, Crisis and Catharsis. The Power of the Apocalypse (Phil.:
Westminster Press, 1984), pp. 165-175.
The writer does not deny that it is possible to combine all three approaches to some
extent, this may, as so often, be the approach that is most true to the text. Nevertheless, these
three approaches do manifest some basic philosophical differences.
Cf the following writings of E. G. White: GC 334,335 on Rev 9; 2 SM 107,108 on Rev
10 and GC 266-288 on Rev 11. It should be mentioned at this point that another Adventist
motive for studying the trumpets is to validate the authority and inspiration of the Scriptures.
Since the seven trumpets seemed to outline certain historical events far in advance, they must
have been more than just a human product.
In evangelism there is a great need to validate both the authority of the Bible and the
divine leading in the formation of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
I have not yet seen such a position in writing but dozens of my students have been
exposed to this view in recent years, so I am convinced that it will play a major role in future
discussions on the seven trumpets in Adventism.
Quoted in 7BC 982.
For example, the prophets predicted the Exile in the language of the Exodus, but the
fulfillment was radically different from that indicated by an explicit reading of the predictions.
Cf Yarbro Collins, p. 167.
This is not an outright denial of encounter theology. It has helped us to better understand
the phenomenon of inspiration. But Adventist thought does not accept a total rejection of
propositional content in Revelation.
For example, the strong parallel between the seven seals and the Synoptic Apocalypse
may indicate a more idealist approach for the seals while the historicist approach is clearly
indicated as the proper approach to Daniel 2.
Note that the Israelites marched around the city seven times on the seventh day before it
fell. Just as the seventh seal unfolds in seven trumpets, so the seventh trumpet contains the seven
bowl plagues.
Who could have predicted in advance the exact course of Christ's life from the multitude
of types and Messianic prophecies?
Historians will readily point out that the fall of Rome cannot be fixed to a single date but
began in the late second century and was fully and finally completed with the fall of
Constantinople in 1453. In the west, however, the process was essentially complete by the
mid-5th Century.
How then shall we assess Ellen White's statement in 7BC 982? The statement is very
general and uses the term trumpet as part of a collection of statements concerning the terrors of
the end. There is no indication in her language that her statement is intended to offer a guide to
the interpretation of the seven trumpets.
Since the eastern half of the Empire was brought down by the forces of Islam it is not
surprising that the Saracens and Turks are equated with the imagery of the fifth and sixth trumpets
The brief comment on Rev 8:13 on p. 491 of the revised edition (Nashville: Southern
Publishing Association, 1944).
Cf pp. 475, 493, 505 where Smith notes his reliance on the work of others.
George McCready Price, A New Commentary on Daniel and the Revelation (Pre-
Publication MS. Loma Linda, CA, 1951), pp. 92,93.
Notice Uriah Smith's approving quotation of the following from Keith on pp. 475, 476:
“None could elucidate the texts more clearly, or expound them more fully, than the task
has been accomplished by Gibbon. The chapters of the skeptical philosopher that treat directly of
the matter, need but a text to be prefixed and a few unholy words to be blotted out, to form a
series of expository lectures on the eighth and ninth chapters of the Revelation of Jesus Christ.”
Note the following quotation:
“The arms of the Republic, sometimes vanquished in battle, always victorious in war, advanced
with rapid steps to the Euphrates, the Danube, the Rhine, and the ocean; and the images of gold, or
silver, or brass, that might serve to represent the nations and their kings, were successively broken by
the iron monarchy of Rome.”
Straight-line historicists believed that Revelation was a continuous outline of the Christian
era, running from chapter one through chapter 22. The reason they saw an outline of the fall of
Rome in the trumpets is that there interpretation of prior chapters had reached that point in
One who sees successive outlines of the Christian era running from the cross to the
second coming in the churches, seals, trumpets and crisis of 12-14, for example.
Edwin R. Thiele, Outline Studies in Revelation (Class Syllabus, Pacific Union College,
Angwin, CA 94508), pp. 159-184. All criticism of Uriah Smith's work must be tempered with a
recognition of the scholarly limitations of both Smith and the age in which he lived. For his time
he did a noble and monumental work. In 100 years, if time should last, the scholarship of our
time will probably deserve to be judged far more harshly.
She uses such neutral terms as "according to his calculations," and "the event exactly
fulfilled the prediction." This leads many to suspect that she was uncertain as to the true meaning
of the passage and reported Litch's view because of its historical significance. She points out that
as a result of the fulfillment of Litch's prediction multitudes were convinced of the correctness of
the Millerite principles of prophetic interpretation, and many men of learning and position united
with Miller.
In a recent conversation, Naden felt that this analysis was accurate and expressed no
discomfort with this writer's interpretation as outlined in the last section of this paper.
The fall of Judaism and Rome and the apostasy of the church are all foreseen to a greater
or lesser degree in less-apocalyptic portions of the NT.
The judgment on the Jewish nation is not of the direct variety. From the first century
Christian perspective, God gave the nation over into the hands of the Romans. This is not
incompatible with the hostility toward Rome that most scholars see in the last half of the book of
Revelation. In the OT era God often used Gentile nations to chastise His people and then turned
on them when His people repented. Rome is an enemy
of God's true people in Revelation, but is nevertheless under God's control and can be used by Him to accomplish
His purposes.
GC 265-269.
Perhaps most significant is the statement in Education p. 228:
"Anarchy is seeking to sweep away all law, not only divine, but human. The
centralizing of wealth and power; the vast combinations for the enriching of the few at the
expense of the many; the combinations of the poorer classes for the defense of their interests and
claims; the spirit of unrest, of riot and bloodshed; the world-wide dissemination of the same
teachings that led to the French Revolution--all are tending to involve the whole world in a
struggle similar to that which convulsed France."
Although not explicit, the language of this reference is reminiscent of the communist ferment
in Russia at the time. Clearly she saw the philosophy of the French Revolution playing a major
role in the final crisis. If this is so, would not God have placed a hint of this somewhere in the
book of Revelation?
Unjhem, p. 106; Rissi, p. 101; Ellul, p. 76; Schick, pp. 88-91; Kent, pp. 62-65.
The Soviet Union is the world's leader in the study of parapsychology.
The greatest missionary movements of all time have taken place during this period of
secular domination. If our church can learn to reach the secular mind, we will have an inroad into
virtually every nation and culture.
There may be a remarkable parallel to the fifth and sixth trumpets in Dan 11:40-45. There
the king of the south (Egypt--a symbol of secular-atheism? Ellen White uses it in this way to refer
to France during the revolution) attacks the king of the north (perhaps the period of domination
referred to in the fifth trumpet) successfully for a time. But then the king of the north (Babylon--a
symbol of false religion in the end-time) strikes back with a vengeance conquering the entire then-
known world (sixth trumpet?). All that is left to conquer is the city of Jerusalem (symbol of God's
people in the end-time) when Michael intervenes by standing up (close of probation--seventh
If the fifth and sixth trumpets are being correctly interpreted, the fifth refers to the period of
secular dominance in which we are now living. The sixth points to a great religious backlash
(deadly wound healed?) that is yet to come which will overcome all opposition to religion and
unite the world on the basis of some common religious denominator. Could recent events in
Poland and Iran be a first fruits of that great end-time backlash?
How could secular-capitalism, communism, Islam and the third world ever be united with any
form of Christianity? The answer given in both Revelation and Great Controversy is the miracle
working power of demons. Rev 13:13,14; 16:13. cf GC 588,589. Even an atheist will believe
when confronted with irrefutable proof of the supernatural.