Grimdark Classes v4
Grimdark Classes v4
Grimdark Classes v4
For Shadowdark RPG
Grimdark Options for Shadowdark RPG is an independent product published under the Shadowdark RPG Third-Party License and is
not affiliated with The Arcane Library, LLC. Shadowdark RPG © 2023 The Arcane Library, LLC.
Some art and layout assets by Arcanum RPG Studio ( Used under Creative
Commons -- Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
Special Thanks to Dan DeFazzio of Dungeoncraft for his Deathbringer rules and the inspiration for this supplement
Art by Ink Potion Studios (, including Carlos Castilho, Geraldo Marinho, Yuri Perkowski,
and Ricardo Gabriel Lelles.
Fonts include Old Cupboard (© 2019 Cecil Howe—, used under OFL v1.1
Cover Art by Yuri Perkowski Design and Layout by James Melo Graphic Design by Olivia McCargar
Plague Doctor
Wearing beaked masks and long the following. Vials can either be
coats, the infamous Doctor deals in drank or thrown (Far) to cause their
life and death in a cold and uncaring effect. Potions expire after 1 Day.
world. Armed with putrid concoctions,
the Plague Doctor can Heal just as D6 Potion
well as Harm.
1 Acid Splash: 1d4 damage per round
for 1d4 rounds
Weapons: Knives, Axes, Clubs
2 Sleep: Test CON DC14 or sleep for 1d4
Armor: Leather Armor rounds
Hit Dice: d4 3 Bomb: 1d10 damage in a Burst
Potions: Each morning brew 1d4 al- 6 Fear: Disadvantage for 1d4 rounds
chemical Vials, randomly chosen from
2 Test INT DC20 to revive a DEAD creature within 1 round of their death
10-11 When you brew potions, you select half and choose the other half randomly
10-11 Adv on checks to track, gain information, or recall lore about your quarry
Level 1 2 3 4 5
1 2 - - - -
2 3 - - - -
3 3 1 - - -
4 3 2 - - -
5 3 2 1 - -
6 3 2 2 - -
7 3 3 2 1 -
8 3 3 2 2 -
9 3 3 2 2 1
10 3 3 3 2 2
2d6 Effect
2 Recover 1 lost spell on a DC15 spellcasting check (1/day, 1 additional use per reroll)
3-5 Gain Advantage on casting one spell you choose per day
10-11 Choose a spell tier. You can choose one spell of that tier when randomly determining your spells
1-2 Acolyte - -
3-4 Inquisitor - -
5-6 Sergeant - -
7-8 Captain - -
9-10 General - -
1-2 - - Initiate
3-4 - - Magister
5-6 - - Ascendant
Misfire (MF): When you attack with this weapon, if you roll to Bomb Types
hit below your Misfire Value, the weapon misfires, and the user Smoke Obscure targets in Close for 1d4 rounds. All attacks
must use an action to ready it to fire again. On a roll of Natural are made at disadvantage.
1, the weapon Catastrophically Misfires. It deals its damage
automatically to its user, and is broken and unusable until re- Fire Ignites an area Close for 1d4 rounds. Creatures in
paired by a Gunsmith. the flames take 1d4 damage each round.
Variant Loading: Variant Loading weapons are complicated to Explosive Instantaneous 1d10 damage to any creature within
load, and require attention. It takes an action to reload them. Close. Can test Dex DC14 for half damage.
Burst (B): This weapon effects ALL targets within Close to where Gas Poison gas within Close, creatures disabled (cannot
it was detonated. take actions) by coughing for 1d2 rounds.
Optional Rules
D10 Minor Mutation
Each time a spell caster roles a natural 1, or any time
1 Eyes change color
any character comes into direct contact with a strong
source of corruption (or performs a sufficiently evil 2 Lose one digit of hand or foot
deed), they gain 1 Corruption Point. When they 3 Become exceptionally gaunt
reach 10 Corruption, roll on the Chaotic Mutation 4 Animals shriek when you come near
tables (or select a thematically appropriate option). If
5 Plague-like buboes
a character reaches 6 or more mutations, they meet a
random Gruesome End. 6 Scales, concealable at first
If the GM wins initiative, the enemies act before the 8 Insatiable hunger for Human Flesh
PCs do, following the same method as above. 9 Grow d4 tentacles!
10 Devilish horns grow from your head
Fighters and Thieves can wield a Finesse weapon in D6 Gruesome End
your off hand. When you do, you roll the damage dice
1 Become a living vessel for a Chaos God
of both weapons, and use the higher result.
2 Devolve into subhuman cannibal monster