Interpreting Numerical Expressions Math Presentation in Light Blue Math Doodles

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Boolean algebra

Novem & Alchie

What is boolean algebra George boole
in 1847

Boolean algebra is a mathematical system dealing

with logical propositions using variables that have
only two values: true (1) and false (0).

It is the set of rules used to simplify the given logic

expression without changing its functionality.
Binary digits
Zero(0) One(1)
0 1
low value high value
off on
false true
no voltage 5 voltage

Boolean addition & multiplication

Addition Multiplication
0+0= 0 0.0 = 0
0+1 = 1 0.1 = 0
1 +0= 1 1.0 = 0
1 +1 = 1 1.1 = 1
Logic gates

The digital devices which perform Boolean function by

taking two inputs and giving one output.

We use logic gates to allow electrical signals or block

electrical signals to enter into a circuit.
truth tables

Truth tables show all possible combinations of inputs and

their corresponding outputs for a given function.
Boolean concepts
i. Inverse or Complement - A or A’ or (not A)
0' = 1
1' = 0
(A’)’ = A
Boolean concepts
ii. AND - the output will only when be 1 if both
a and b are 1.

A.A = A
A.0 = 0
A.1 = A
A.A’ = 0
Boolean concepts
iii. OR - the output will only be 1 if any of the
input is 1.

A+A =A
A+0 =A
A+1 =1
A + A’ = 1
Boolean concepts

iv. XOR (Exclusive or) - XOR operation returns true

(1) if the number of true inputs is odd, and false (0)
otherwise. It's true if the inputs are different.
Boolean concepts

v. NAND (NOT-AND) - NAND operation returns false

(0) only when all inputs are true; otherwise, it
returns true (1).
Boolean concepts

vi. NOR (NOT-OR) - NOR operation returns true (1)

only when all inputs are false; otherwise, it returns
false (0).
Boolean concepts

vii. XNOR (Exclusive NOR) - XNOR operation

returns true (1) if both inputs are the same (both
true or both false), and false (0) otherwise. It's true
if the inputs are equal.
Boolean Algebra laws
i. Distributive Law:
A.(B + C) = A.B + A.C
A + (B.C) = (A+B).(A+C)

A + A’B = (A + A’).(A+B)
1.X A+AB = A+B
A+B A’+AB = A’+B
Boolean Algebra laws
ii. Commutative Law: Priority:
iii. Associative
(A.B). C = A.(B.C)
Boolean Algebra laws
iv. De Murgan Law
(A+B)’ = A’.B’
(A.B)’ = A’ + B’
Boolean expression example
Methods of simplifying
boolean expressions
i. Karnaugh Map
Special form of a truth table which enables
easier pattern recognition.
Pictorial method of simplifying Boolean
Good for circuit designs with up to 4 variables.
Karnaugh map
Methods of simplifying boolean expressions
ii. NAND Realizations
NAND simplifies Boolean expressions
through its unique properties and
universality. Here's how

1.Universality: NAND gates are universal in digital logic,

meaning any logical function can be implemented using
only NAND gates. This universality is due to De Morgan's
theorem, which states that any logical operation (AND,
OR, NOT) can be expressed in terms of NAND operations.
2.NAND as a Basic Building Block: Since NAND gates can
perform all fundamental logic operations, they serve as the
basic building blocks for digital circuits.

3.NAND Decomposition: Complex expressions can be

broken down into simpler forms using NAND decomposition

4.Efficient Implementation: NAND gates have a simple

structure and can be implemented using fewer transistors
compared to other gate types. This simplicity leads to more
efficient circuit designs and reduces the overall hardware
Suppose we have the Boolean expression:
To simplify this expression using NAND gates, we'll follow
these steps:

Use De Morgan's theorem to express OR operations in

terms of NAND gates.

Apply NAND gate substitution to replace AND

operations with NAND gates.

Utilize the distributive law to simplify the expression

further if necessary.
NAND realization techniques offer a powerful method for achieving this
simplification, leveraging the universality and efficiency of NAND gates.
By understanding and applying these methods, engineers can design
more efficient and cost-effective digital systems.

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