23S054 230509 MG AF Fee Proposal
23S054 230509 MG AF Fee Proposal
23S054 230509 MG AF Fee Proposal
Further to your email on the 4th May 2023, we are pleased to present our scope of services and costs
to provide civil and structural engineering consultancy services for the project.
The purpose of this letter is to provide a clear description of the scope of professional services to be
provided to you by Kiloh Associates and is based on our previous discussions.
We understand that you require us to provide engineering consultancy services in connection with
the construction of a new, freestanding drum storage facility to be located to the east of the existing
Clavulante Building. The dimensions of the new building will be as per your email and circa 17m x
14.5m x4m (lxbxh) with a plan area of approximately 246.5m2.
There is an existing topographical survey for the area. Our engineers will review this and comment on
its suitability for use prior to undertaking any works. A new or updated topographical survey may be
required and an allowance should be made for this.
Our proposed scope of works is to prepare planning, tender, warrant, fire strategy and construction
drawings, design calculations and SER certification for the new storage facility. Our remit is to include
the submission and management of the planning and building warrant applications as well as
providing support to the contractor during the construction period. We would anticipate a two-staged
We would propose that Martin MacNulty adopts the role of Project Manager and who would be the
first point of contact.
We would look to be consistent with your own timetable and would welcome discussion on project
programme following award.
Kiloh Associates Local Engineering for Local Clients
Our fees (excluding VAT) are outlined below. The fee has been based on the information available
and we reserve the right to review this fee upon confirmation of any significant change to the scope
of works.
Should any further work be required, this would be the subject of an additional fee proposal. In the
absence of any other agreement between us, fees for additional work and/or variations will be paid
for on a time charged basis at the framework rates.
Kiloh Associates Local Engineering for Local Clients
The existing slab is assumed to be fit for purpose however, we will carry out a design check to ensure
its suitability. Should modifications to the existing slab be required, additional fees may be required.
It is assumed all drainage connections can be made by gravity to the existing sewerage network.
Should any alternative types of solutions be required additional design fees may apply.
Should any modifications to the scheme be required following a design freeze, additional fees may
Third party fees are excluded (e.g. building warrant, planning application, SER) and will be charged as
a disbursement plus 10%.
Yours sincerely,
Mark Gippert
Operations Director
Kiloh Associates