Reviewer Itec
Reviewer Itec
Reviewer Itec
• A local cables,
copper area network
fiber (LAN)
optic iscables,
usually confined
or wireless
to a
single building or group of connected buildings. Your
school computer lab may use a LAN. If you work in an LESSON 2: WEB PROTOCOLS AND
office, you probably use a computer connected to a STANDARD
• World Wide Web Consortium (,
• A wide area network (WAN) is geographically referred to as the W3C, takes a proactive role in
dispersed and usually uses some form of public or developing recommendations and prototype
commercial communications network. For example, an technologies related to the Web.
organization with offices on both the East and West
Coasts of the United States probably uses a WAN to • Topics that the W3C addresses include web
provide a link between the LANs at each of the offices. architecture, standards for web design, and
accessibility. In an effort to standardize web
• A backbone is a high -capacity communication link technologies, the W3C produces specifications called
that carries data gathered from smaller links that recommendations.
interconnect with it. On the Internet, a backbone is a
set of paths that local or regional networks connect to • The W3C Recommendations are created in working
for long -distance interconnection. The Internet is a groups with input from many major corporations
group of interconnected networks with very high - involved in building web technologies. These
speed connectivity provided by the Internet backbones. recommendations are not rules; they are guidelines.
• Major software companies that build web browsers,
CLIENT SERVER ARCHITECTURE such as Microsoft, do not always follow the W3C
Recommendations. This makes life challenging for
A. WEB CLIENT web developers because not all browsers will display a
web page in exactly the same way.
• Connected to the Internet when needed
• The Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI)
• Usually runs web browser (client) software such as (, is a major area of work by
Internet Explorer or Firefox the W3C. Since the Web has become an integral part of
• Uses HTTP daily life, there is a need for all individuals to be able
to access it.
• Requests web pages from a server
• The Web can present barriers to individuals with
• Receives web pages and files from a server visual, auditory, physical, and neurological disabilities.
B. WEB SERVER An accessible website provides accommodations that
help individuals overcome these barriers. The WAI has
• Continually connected to the Internet developed recommendations for web content
developers, web authoring tool developers, web
• Runs web server software (such as Apache or Internet
browser developers, and developers of other user
Information Server)
agents to facilitate use of the Web by those with special
• Uses HTTP needs.
• is a set of rules that controls how data is sent between INTERNET PROTOCOL (IP)
computers on the Internet. IP routes a packet to the
correct destination address. Once sent, the packet gets
successively forwarded to the next closest router (a Google’s Gmail can be accessed by using the
hardware device designed to move network traffic) subdomain “gmail” in the domain name
until it reaches its destination. (